The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, July 15, 1868, Image 1
6t ginga.taiiitlgtater Is published every Wednesday Moorning at $2 per year, invariably in adi.nnpe, , COBB & VAN ‘GELDtR:" 11...0.1471dnran. - - - A.TYSTIEIV:DISIDTG RATf7£3. , TEN Ligcs OP )11E1ON, OE LESS, MAKE ONE SQUARE. No. of Sfro , 11 to. rt n o. 3 Moo. 6 Mos. IYoar 2,00 $2,50 $5,00 30 4,00 8,00 5,00 17,00 22,00 'G,00130,00 1 40,00 $l,OO .2,00 1(1,001 18,00' 1 s q uare, ..... Squa roof:: .. xlf OA— •:•( Ono C 01.,.. ...) Special Notices 4 ocutol per line; Editorial or. Local : 7 ,0 cents per line. BUSIDIPSS DIRECTORY. • iv. D. TERBELL it / wnob EsAbE DRII4IIIIEIS,I and &tilers' 111dI Paper, Kcrosono Lamps, Window Wass, Perfumery, Paints and Oils, ho.; Ace.' Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 18€8,-15. WILLIAM IL SITIITIL ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR A,T, - ! LAW Iniarauce, Bounty and r Ponsion'Agon6y, Main Street %Collet:lay), Pa., Jan. 1, 1868. s, F. IVrtsoN. J. B. WILSON ar.: ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW, First door froof Digonoy's, on the Avonua)— will attend to business entrusted to their °aro jo the counties of Tioga and Pottotr, I t Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1868. HILL'S HOTEL, WESTFIELD Borough, Tioga Co. Pa., E. G. Proprietor. A now and commodious building with all the modern itoprowimento. Within easy drives of the best hunting and flab ieg grounds in Northern Penn'a. Conveyances furnished. Terms moderato. • 1888-Iy, GEORGE WAGNER, , &MOB,. Shop first door north' of L. 'A. &ari's Shoo Shop. ...7,m1 -Cutting, Fitting, and Repair ing done promptly and well. Wolleboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1888.—ly. :lOIIN B. SUALKSPEARE, DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over John R. Bogen% Store. r• Cutting, Fitting, and Ropaiting.done promptly and in best style. Welliboro, Pa.. Jan. 1, 1868—ly WM, GARRETSON, TTORNEY AND :COUNSELOR AT 'LAW, N o tary Public and Insurance Agent, 81082- bur!, Pa., over On.ltisvell's Store. JOHN I. MITCHELL [FORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LACY, Wellsboro, Tioga!Co., Pa.* .1 Chas; Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance pent, He will attend promptly_to collection of 'ensions, Back Pay : and. BountYi As Notary_ ho takes acknowledgements of deeds, ad ..inisters edits, and will act as Commissioner to ale testimony. ARY - Office over Roy's Drug Store, Ipining Agitator Office.—Oct. 30. 1367 John.W•, quornsovi !-1 TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR LAW: &Mot; returned to this county with a view of making it his permanent residence, solicits a sluice of public patronage. All business en trustod to his care will be attended to with promptness and fidelity. Offico 2rl door Routh of E. S. Farerrhotol. Tioga, Tioga Co.,,Pa. sept. IZAAA WALTON *OUSE, Gaines, Tioga County, Pa. OUCE C. VERMILITA, Ptrop'a. This is a new hotel Wooled within easy access of the bait fishing andl hunting grounds in North era Peonsylvani&a.• No pains will bo - sparCd for the accommodation of pleasure seekers and the traveling public. ; 1;18680 PETROLEUM ROUSE, F.STFIELD, PA., (IEORGE•GLOSE, , Propria etor, A new Hotel conducted on the principle' of [iv° and let live, for tho accommodation of the public.---Nov. 14, 1366.-Iy. "- - - GEO. W. RION, ITOP.NEY Se COUNSELOR AT LAW, Law rencnville, Tiuga Co., Pa.' Bounty, Pension, lnd Insurance Agent. Collections promptly alien cd to. Olfico,2d door below Ford "louse. D4c.12 0 1867- t ily , . . ii J .S 7 1. R. „E. _ OLNEirs EALk in COCKS & JEWELRY, SILVER ,t PLATED WikRE, Spectacles, Violin Strings, ke , Mansfield, Pn.. .arul _Jetv elry neatly repaired. Engraving done in plain - English and German. - 1190pt67-Iy. Thou. 8. Dryden. URITYOR 4.t DitkfTSMAl‘l.—Orders left at his room, Tor:mud Uotel, Wellsboro,, will met with prompt attention. Jon. 13. 1887.—tf. FARR'S ,1-10 TEL, TtoGA COONTy, PA., cod stabling, attached, and an. attentive hoe always in attendance. E. S. FARR, . . . Proprietor.__ Hairdi•essui . & Shaving. ' loon ovor Willcox 35 Barker's Store, Wells .s. Pa. Particular attention paid to Ladies' ir.cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. Braids, .!!, coils, and etviches on band and made to or- W. DORSEY I BACON, 51. D., latopf the 2(1 Pa ; Cavalry, attar nearly four years of mini service, With a large -n,nce in field and hospital practice, has opened an ± far tho practice of medicine and aurgory, in all =chat. Parsons from a distance can find good tacr at tho Pennsylvania 'iota when desired.— kan any part of the State. in coneultation, or to l'aci surgical operations. No 4, Union Moot:, up Weilsboro, Pa., May 2; 1866.—1 y. TEW PICTURE GALLERY.- FRANK SPENCER the pleasure to inform the citizens of Tioga sty that he Lltis completed his NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, lis on hand to take all kinds of Sun . Pieturds, .'a as Ambrotypes, Ferrotypes, Vignettes, Cartes Visite, the Surprise and Eureka Pictures; also ;tinier attention paid to copying and enlarg-: Pictures. Instructions given in the Art on qdiable tortes. Elmira St., Mansfield, Oct. 1, Wm. B. Smith, "OXV ILIA , Pa, • •Pcoslon, Bounty, nod In. Niance Agent. Communications govt to the those address will receive prompt attention. Tulsa tender:ice. bnu 8,1 8 6 8-1 Y) ': — , T . S::OLAIM AGEN cy, JFor the Collection of Pkrmy and Navy Claims autl Pensions. It 'NEB' BOUNTY LW, passed July 28,1666, gives two find three years' soldiers extra bounty. Bend zr dieibarges. OFFICERS' EXTRA PA y.r.. months' extra pay proper to volunteer officers ~r e in sorrico March 3,1565, PENSIONS INCREASED Qwho have lost a limb s and Who have been perma -4 tail totally disabled. 'tither Government claims prosecuted. JEROME' B. NILES. , Astero, October 10; 11306-tt • NORMAN STRAIT, q ENT for tho National Series of Stormont School .i 16 018; published by A. S 13arnes & Co. In & 113 -Lm, corner of John Street, N. Y., keeps constantly Irapply. All orders promptly filled. .041 on or ets by mail, N. STRAIT. VE , I3, Pa., Jnno 19,1867-Iy. BLACI(SMITII ING QE undersigned Intving returned to Wells ir,r3 and opened his shop, on Water street, tti 3 lhare of patronage. Ile proposes to do WORK CIIEA 4 P FOR dASII. ' bones $3,50 and other work in propor- Ili 2V, ISGS.—arn J. 1:1 PUTNAM, WRIGIIT—Agent for all the best TURIIINE WATER WHEELS. Ah.o `trat's Oscillating Movement for Gang and aws. Re Pa., Aug. 7, 15(57, ly. Allay and Pension Ageney(Y Avis() rte eiveildefinitolustructicius in tepid to ~ittra bounty allowed by tho act approved V!;t3, and having on hand a large supply of all "ri 14 41,1 fl 111 prepared to rosecuto ll pew. botlaty claims which may p be Placed a ll' my ?quail' ilvioa at a ilistanCo cap communion° Inter and their communications will be ' WM. 11. SMITH. - '4O-October 24,15116. C. L. hr in DRY GOODS MIMI kinds, Hardware ti Yankee Ntions. Our assorn3ent is Cali y lw. Store in 'Uniont l Block. Cali r+ itztletaan.--ma7 20 1888-Iy. • MN $7,00 $12,00 12,00 18,00 30,001 00,00 00,00 1 90,00 1 #__.~ VOL. XV. CITY• BOW BINDERY 'BLANK BOOK - MANUFACTORY, 8 Baldwiil Street, (SIGH'•OF THE BIG BOOK, 21) FLOOR,I ELMIR.A; Y. 1 ~ °UV. CPX"I` ,Goon A 8 771 E BEST, CAEAP As TDE ; - BLANK BOOKS • . Of every description, in 'rill styles of }Bulling; and as low, for quality of Stock, as any Bindery in the State. Volumes of every deserlpti,4, Bound in the bess manner and in any stylo , r- .- tiered. • ALL KINDS OF GILT WORK ; . ; E.:cleated in the beet manner. Old Books re: - , - bound and made good as new. • 4 • MMAZI/ZIR COMPLETE YOUR SETS! I a 63 prepared to furnish back numbers of alt Roviewebe,Magazines published in the United- States or ; ,Great Britain, at a low price. BLANK BOOK & OTHER PAPER, lean Sizes and qualities, on band, ruled or Blain. :PILL lIEAD PAPER;_ Of any quality or size, on hand and cut up :licitly for-printing. Also, BILL PAPER, and CAT!) BOARD of all colors and quality, in boardOr cut to any - Sizo. I • STATIONERY, Cap, Letter, Note Paper, EnveloP'es, Pens, Pencils,- &c. .1 am solo agent for Prof. SHEPARD'S NON-CORROSIVE STEEL -;, - ;PENS, OP v.intona sizes / Eva Zmuns AND GIENTLESDIN, Whichl will Warrant equal to Gold _Pens. The best in use and no mistako. The above stock I Hill sell at theLotrotit Rqtt;l , ., at all times, at a s Elko k ktivinace (vb. 144:1V6111f prices, and in quantities te'eult purchasers: All work and stock warranted as represented. - I r,espectfuliy solicit a share of public patron age. Orders by mail promgtly attended te.— Addros, LOUIS - RIES, Adveitiser Sept. 28, 1867.-Iy. • Elmira, N. Y RAIN auuß t.- WOULD announce to the citizens of Welle.lo ro and surrounding country, that. he ha opened a shop on the eornor of Water and Craf_ ton streets, for the purpose of manufacturing all kinds of • i; -CABINET FURNITURE, REPAIWI(I- AplD DONO to order. C i eiVitfig l of all kinds furnished cn short notice. All work done promptly and war ranted. iVellsboro, June 27, 18811. • UNION HOTEL. MINER WADIUNS, PROPRIETOR. - ETATINCI fitted, up a uexy jokel building on the pite MUIL of the old Union tiliot'sr.litely destroyed by Rio I am now ready to receive and entertain guests. 'Union thitel was intended for a Temperance Hons.., and the Proprietor believes it can be sustained with..ot grog. An attentive hostler in attendance. Wellsboro, June 20, 1867. JOHN ETNErt, TAILOR AND CUTLER, has openod (I Filo') on Crafton strM, rt3tirSepts, . 1 1D0bY' 8 1' 8114, where ho p'rephieclin manufacture g; r ntlpte to order in the most substantial manner, and with dispatch. Particular attonlion paitl to Cutting and Fitting. .1114irch 26, 7969-Ij, lIAMILTON • •lIOUSE;'' On strietiy i recoup.amnro Trinciptes. Morris Run, Pa. R. C. BAILEY, Proprietor. 'Horses :.»11 Oarriageslo let.—March S, 1868.—iy. i 1 1 I 7- 7 R. It. KIMBALL, GROCERY AND RESTAURANT, One door above tbe Meat Market, WEL LSIIORO - I! I EN,N' , IN.,, A R I ESP E CTPULLY I, annilunetk to 'the 1. - rhttkni public that he has a dosirabie stock of Urn ceries, comprising, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Stigur, Molasses, Syrups, and all that constitutes a ilrst• class stook. Oysters in every style at all ',Cal , satiable boors. 17 ellsboro, Jan. 2, 1867—tf: _ - ]Scotts - • (Wilt Excitement! Johnson impeached, and En•- kreO'S BoOOts and Shoes triumphant! :ho subset ifs would Say to the paoplii of Westfield and vielnil 3 I list ho is manufacturing n !Went Boot which ho believes t o possess the following advantage over all others; 19. there is no crimping; 2d, no wrinkling, Boycott they ble:.1: to dialect; 3d, no ripping. In short, they are just the thing for everybody. Samples on hand and orders solielttkl. Sole right of Westfield township and Herb' secured. He has f i lso i jnat,reeeickticit'aplentilt balatoral patterns } aleal qtrlpA4 !Celpne tune, conipAlf! We are -bound to se client) for cash or ready pay Shop ono door south of Sanders & Colegrovo. Westfield lloro', Yob. 13 1868. J. B. E111.13It1;1:. J. JOIINSOII • WELLSBO,IIO HOTEL.: C. U. GOLDSMITH, Proprietor,--Having leas 'od this popular Hotel, the proprietor rcspcct fully solicits a fair share of patronage. Evers attention given to guests. Tho besOtostier in, the county alrrnys in attendance., „ April 20, ' ' ' ' would respectfully inform the citizens of I oga and vicinity, that ,113,ave built a new , PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY n the Borough of Tioga, and having a good ,hotographic Artist in rny'cnploy, 'lrani no*. prepared to furnish all hinds of Pictures htionn t.u. 0,0-photographio Art. Also having in my ettiployfa umber of first class Painters, I ata prop , a/Utt;to answer all calls for house, sign. ca'r. tiagei'o'rnainental and scenery painting, Ad dress - A. B. MDAD B. May 6,1868-6 m. • Tiogn. Pa. • . . THE PLACE TO BIN DEMOS, A T the Laulr'enst4lll/I?r , ug Stow, lic ' hijre y b ul Xi. will find ever tine proper* betilngiug tb the Drug Trade and of the best quality for Cash. A 1,.,, l'Aints, Oils, Varnishes, Lltints, Strings, 'Fishing Tackle, Window Ola", Cash paid for Flax Seed, C. P. DEON11:111) Lnwrencoville, May 8,1867. Glen's - Falls Insurailea-Oorapanyi . GLEN'S FALIs! Capital and Surplus 5urp1u5537.,637,156. -0--- - - • FARM RISKS, only, token. No Premium Notes reqUired. : It is LIBERAL. ,It ning, whether Fire , CW - (1u or not: It pays for diva stock killed by Lightning, in barns or in Mullett!. • . 4 ' - - ' Ft Its" - rwt‘4,s aro lower than other Companies of equal resiumbibility. I. C. PRICE., Agent, -Carn)ingfr9. Co:" Yu. May 29, 1867-AYe J. W. RITTER HARDWARE, IRON, SUE NAILS, BRUIN, SIW, WATER Lll\l,l,'„ ACi 11 [CULT U RAL IMPJ,E f.; Carriage. and Havanna HARNESSES, SADDLEiz, Conlin, N. Y., Jim. 2, 1867-V; 1 . ./. ./7 . . d'.• ' . ' • . _, 4 e t ;',..1 ) 4., . . .......(- • 4 " . ......°` / . 'F e. ' • .e .''." ..P .0"1 / . e ...-...,,A04' • . . i A . 7 -;, , ,f *-- 4,,, , . . . ... ,• •.. _. ._..., ____,._ ..... ,!. : “ I , ;..", 4 i:4„..i ',4(51 .. 31, A ‘ ',, -. 1 , :.1 1 - .. .. 1: , i • -- 1 1 : --. • -:. -4. • 11 , .• 1 ~, , p ,.. • t ' 7'.----.'5.......-'-' • . 1 .. 4\ 6...'- • ' / 7 ..'41......-' 1 157:' •.•; ' . , t , . . .. . , s , ' 1 . •:` ,,,, ~, -•, . I ' i - i.‘ • , ',1•1 , - , 1) "1 .... i ; .i .. 11 . ' ' 1 /7"". N4 . .. ,: . ~ • . 1 ...-.: :11 Ili .. , *'ll' ' ' ' - . :: ' . •• - I \ ' 1 4i • :**%'‘ . "-;—: ',',- . ,• . '--" ''' 1 • 11l . . 1 t ... , 'i• -\,:t.N, . IL.. , - •yi , ',.) ,_.•, !-- ~:- ~. ~.i. . .:' -., -•- , - -,::N. ,, - ___ . -,........_ _ __ - . , . „ . • I. „. IMO TIOGA GALLERY OF ART CHEAP, CHEAPER, CH-EAPEST, WALEER & LATIniOr. DEALERS IN BTO VS, TM- j*(l., eA _ . •.• • r 1 - • r IIAI:s int WRIGHT - 4,--BA .I,LEY'N 1867. in c ob;;- 0 land ' C}iarch (ieol9) FOLEY'a. " 11- 1 1 1z,o Agiti*icara. c>l" r ina:cs:Tipi.ght , " "3/30giju1:361.1:2,?1,g 47GrilaciciiAl..." . • MINOR (6 , .; • , : , - IME ;. INTR9DUCED 'INTO :AMEIUCA. ; FkOM GER 11 : 1A kr; i•;;183 'GEtIMAN `BST R 3 • • : • , • HOOFLANDIS GERMAN !!TONIO' PItERARED BY. PR, ,C; The greatest kim-wit remedies fir (• - •Liver Comp l aint; - ' DYSPEPSIA . • Nervous Debility . 'i' • - ~ • 134 , 4e44e5,0f the , ,1•14114yoi ' o t , Jr, rd all Dltleasei aris in g grforrs . 011 - • rster44, _ 14y:trolStomoss'bpor - )1 , " . nrztvirrzir 14131: f React the falloMl74 you firm tint v , 4.ouy , *prim e 5 afectect- by ciiik rif, them, yatt Inay,yest. that disease, has' emameneert,:q.e etttael-an eFrs, ,-, toost important organs of your Lolly, and qmlfet• Jaen . tcheclid by the Nee at ,vomerfa! vnyilies, a mismAble , We, soon terMthating tn'araltf, tont*. the result. ; 1777 • ; ;; " ; Vmeatt, ..131ipation„Phitalence, Inwnrd.P ilea,: Fillneas of Bleed to the oadi Acidity,,, • . of the Stoniaeb s - Nailsea, l'Eleart*- burn,Dieguat forPhed:Fultiegs I ; • or Weight in the iitonianiv • Sour Eructations. Sink- .f. s. , ing o Flutterinff at:the, of the'Ettom'ach, ' . - the Head,' Hurried' 'or ' Breathing - Fluttering at the Heart, • Choking or.Suiroge.ting Benaationewhen -; in a LyingP,opture, 12),ininesa of Vision, • Dote or Wbbe - hetet.° the Sight, , Dull' Paiii•ire the Iledd; .- -Des.:". oieney of Perspiration., Yel- " lowness of the Skin and 3 3 E tt iiifo 1 3• , - tan at 1:1 1'6112 u • den Flushes Qf Heat:Burning the • Flesh,' Constant ' Irtragining. 9 ll • of .::. Evil, and- Groat Depr'dasiort of 'Spitittz!.::,, An these indicate disease of the Liver or Digestive Organs, combined withimptirc blond. •-" itb's Oberman Pitterg • Jig girt fray'veget able, aiiirChikaistina:,- ligtior.`it is a compound cif Fluid tracts: The Roots{ and Burke froM whiat these ext . rnets are inittfe,., 'are gathered in Ge'rinsiny. All, the medicinal virtues are Citritead from them byi'a scientific ehernisf. These extracts - are then forwarded to this Fottittry to be used expressly for he nufacture of these Bitters.' There • 16'110 itlCOliolic substance of' any kind used ' , ln' compounding the Bitters/ benee.itis•the only hitters that can housed In calks where alcoholic st fulttuts are not advisable. itooflanb'f3 (Serman (lonic is a c.4mbinalion Af ; alt the inlredi - ents of the. Bitters, with PURZ, &Aida &Hillard; Orange, eta. .11 is uePtkfur the saini diseases as the Meters, 14 caete‘where some. pure alcoholk stimulus is required. You will bear in mind Clint these remedies are entirely different front any (Om adeertisfdAfenlllie, enter (tithe dieflaPl, named, lfiese7being seand(l2opreparaliorls Af meeltan'tito estracts, while the others are mere ileeadiam of in some form. The TONIC is (If C1(11 , 11.11 one of the Moil p/easant and agreeable rem:tulles ever offered .to the pubfid. Its taste is c.rquisitr. II is a pleasure to loAt it, while its life-giving. exhilarating, and medicinal qualities have caused it to be Immo» as. CO grialest of all tonics.' " CONgUritPTION • . , Thoulmildo'bfloases,ilvhen •the tient ,supposed ,ZWOff 4fillet ed. Nsith • this terrible disease, have been cured • •1131-the use of these remedies. Extreme • emaciation, debility, and cough are the 'usual attendants upon severe cases of 4137141) , cl:1,00 diiiente :of jjict _digeStive ovgausi‘ infeases:Mq, ; genuine Cott these remedies • • be found of the greatest benefit, e•eetsgt livening and, invigoral Aug. ; • • ••••• inewcio 11 . 0,01 1 torn Guinan Iliaor.c or "Baiia in cases o f DMility. They impart a . t oS•• roof rigor td The whole systelfi, pfrottoth)4l ti, •a));, " frate, carer, aa enjoyment of thell food, ettable' the' elnmach 1, , digest it, purify the blood, give a gond, sound, health' comptexion,,eradieate the yellow tinge front use eve. impart a War to the eheel.... i and.cliithge - Il i ,. 2)a lira rrnm ashoti-biedfluitT, ivaeutted:. • and 71,troniiaraTid , to a .11,11,Therd, stout, and rigor nn • I: k • • ~; Weak and.DelAcale hildren ore Made - gibing 1 lie BitterA or Tonle, In tact, they are Family , Ittetlichteq. They eau he ntlinittintertltt, with :perfect fin re 1 y to a. child three I.lOllllilS old, the most 41611(.0,1e or n town of hinety• ie ,,,,, /nx o•-the 16( , ` 7` ;1 1.:•1 13lood. Purifiers etyr and lui/1 ,Zure_altdisiaita restating from had Noce . Jieep Your 1,1 (4 rare Ixrp your Lire'. 111 order; iked) your chgestire organs in a sound, heotthy condi lions by the VW of (NJ( rsinitdiet, and no disease s ever assdil you. 1 172 .001/1 5 :1=0N. Ladleg who ,wint? n.,"lr skip_ good Complexion, free from . a Yellow ish tinge and all other disfigurement, should use these remedies occasion ally. l'he Liver ltilserfeet Ordnr, and the blood pure, will result imarnpnrk. ling eyus nod blooming cheeks. ;CIV U X 0 tit ' • 110,10and's German Remedies are counterfeited. t: 7'he drum >re hare the cisamt arc rf C Jackson oo the frbni of the outside. wrapper of each bottle, and the loam,. qj Net botpfe. ;Art othei* nr e eounlcr . 4 1.,• 1%, . Tholisands of letters cciveditestify ingtothe virt nu of thee. remetliel. 1 01S - Ve been re • READ' 111E1AV, otthitNDAllo.l39, •- t FROM . HON. (CO. W. WOODWARD, orittio f i&nine dburt 0l Phnnsylvaia,/' PrI7ADF.4I4I/A, 3IARCII 10th, 1887. Mend "EWlun(l's Orrnia:: Bitters" fs ant an intoz- leafing beverage, Nil 'islfipc'l ftrOr" dere nj the et igektiv , jggpcent pie t a. b e t•Vyt CafeS of et,bilily alai Want of vervotis action in the eyele.m. i Yonne truly -gtpi I.3iIrO.ODIVA/2D - : FROM !rm.:IAMBS T1101P14.01.4, ,foklge of the Solo ewe Court of Vgolisyyfiohx. 14 y l'Jw.korcenr , t, A nna 2.861, 160% ' . 101.4i der nocpitnalivo Rfto an link A tyro" a irqatilbidiaaalteitis *Wile of ikfa tacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my experldnee of it. Vottrs, Arith. respect, JAMES THOIIPSON. t :From .8.E.V..108EP11 If. KENNARD, "" — Pastor of the Tenni flap - list Church, Philadelphia.— .1 - Acmisq:se/gsniu.,+s— h u.lbeettlregnentl l re'fi quested to connect silt,iimtf with' rechmmendatiims qt di:Prat kinds of mmlicines, but regardiv the practice, .as out f appropriate Sphere, I bave in all cases de,' dined ; but with a clear proof in various instances, and im ,li c uta r ly in my mon . fa m fMe usefulness of Dr. Hoollancl's German Bitters, I depart fp:yam/ram nsb usual course , to eslwess my full comae/ion that l b r general debiity of the system, and °nodally for Liver Complaint, it is a safe end V/1111111)10 preparation.“ 4 some cases It mayfaii;Otilli.l44ithf,not, ivi/L be, very I?eneficfal tolfry s tfl 0474 the 4otil 4 'causes. Yours, veil rhieS J. IL IikIV.WA RD, ' 'eighth, below Coates St. ;:pqcle of the Bitters, 91.00 per bottle; `"Or, a btilf dozen for $5.00, Price of ' the Tnnitt. , per.- bottle; •- Or, trbrilf dozen. for $7.50. • The, Toilic is pat np in 'quart bottles. ' ' igecoillet that it'isiPr. Midland's' German 'Rentediti 1704.121 areio untrolallyt.sed and so highly recommend /4f; and do not althbl Me • Drnggisl to induce you to take any Ming else that he may ray is just as good, be _muse he -makes a larger profit nn if. These: Rentediei will be sent by express to any-locality upon application• to the - - ' • pIitILISICIIE! AL OPPIOrti, - AT THE , GERMAN mEoicsyg STORE; • 70•10.31 srnrEr, ; CHAS; M, EVANS, Proprietor, Formerly4l Mi JACKSON & • • These Itemedlis l aro — for sale by Druggists, Storekeepers, and • othet Dealers everywhere. 1 11:2' not forget to examine well the article you'buy, iii ' order to get Me genuine. =MB u:1 1 . • • I The above Itetoci.lioa nro for - =ale by Druggiatii, ; Etorkheapera; ond Aleiiitine':dauloia evOryivlierir tbroitOkooe`the Unitetr-Status, COnadas, Sou(h AUL9T1,13114 and , the Weet Indies.—Mar. 11, 'BB.-ly', f -,, II r EL:LSBOII,4O, 'PA:, JULY ; 15 , 1868 • , _ . COLFAX, AND SALVATION ECiIiEMEM t..lalvation to the nation came When Grant—anlattiwilfiti ;Without the prestige of a name, Letl^forth the hosts to glory; • '• •• •" Unntrl' your .I.ut liners- to the IA eeze, • Tg awn wltp love (Ito itatiott, • • 1,, - Tin:eritte'thereon such naint a as thczp, Orant, Colfax, , Itemooritcy i, engle,eyed, , ' 1.11-e'overism; 31e.w . won 11k13, G les rivtifticy's they, liare.tlescr,ivil, 116 fzii laundere.; •• tore at heart, I. ] ind bale, , : ' for their ton'iQi•; ; • lmargsly sknutecl'"bitidt - I,tLit , lwitot, like ,the '• . Flo tannril tltu Reba fun ninny ftiines " " ' To incetlhoirniiprolnitidii i ,`l ' &ideppk , oa,t t lten, aro !row eri r afoi; ; '•, C'T.l.l/.aan(ppg intfookitian; • it; Polverlcep, 11/v . 114 0111 jutist Ahoy want 1. k„ , I ; ( '' ' f' t-l '.`" (1 . 'TINA vri h.; uf."Fights:oii tgtitinter. ' t .• , , Then i•Oly stantlar i p, buss• ti 'I; , •• t ; r Noveinber'Li (1.4' Iv - • 'Of %ii or3Blll toying, , • ~. fair euniit ry'f rorn ttio. Anine" , • • 'tic her di:lntegration, Pirbt nit r ytinv onini..; • ' Cyllitec and Salvation. • • .111.5ctiAattvott,.5 cat tat , , Pitt , TWO C.T,ERKS,. Lis lui Ala r 1; , 1 ,p . leasAu t city or Merrytnrtc vt. - r % 4 erneherpw4Eo, stole civet the (10:1' of aNuek hearin6 letto;kac n%lzzie of 13 e 'lf Per ~yeara ,this erii&e.rS; beett i there, With We gi'eaVpiLetteChaii4int, , , m front, for a sig'i ; — l,nde6tl., when Mr. Iltig.gatt, first . opetred:OCtoTe, some,l'Orty„y-gar* 11reviettIV'tte'Was quitl;; sbung„ nanny_ ,and ;tile o'er his door ya. 9 vey i y bright - and.'- ; hut,,' now Ins. 'hair' bad grown ,gray, and the gilt let;' tern, on the,lsi e ,irn had grown chin, nt the owner was called Old Hticlon by all, the boys n l' girlS of Hi . ° city: '1,146 windoWs of 'this store had.. gre'at attratitionS fob' all ' the Children Unit paso2d that way. There'Wereb6autify vases ; liandfionte • China Mugs, wit t, Ellen, - lean n ie, '.arid lots :or other name 34 inscribed upon hem ; 1 - tliere were also iilates,iwith Ili„&,ures On their` represeritlng',Frankliti`s`inAling:; and ,f i linuy Meeks, :shaped' like ' O gs,.thal . ,Artaild cjehtlils to ;and,: fro every; tinielhey tVeked ;. and in'tui 4 , Ab er thingEi!Orionri and' 13en hi in it tkA'in t r til rich iii - hipihnsine -- fh r h e Inideetiftek edjt all hinn-felf,,lii t ntlakfrig. 'eal'e - That, nothing , s hou Id' he - Wasted leist":lV neglect. Ile had niade mistakeS to be every man will Make some hlun ilo,-Vduring. a lifetime ; by skillfiti management he quickiy:recovered aim], them. Ntyli ve ye,ars had, begun ~to bend Over shoulders,•and rilnr the .brightties ; pf his eyes, and-he. found I.stisiness, more irksome than i ;it had fiirnierly been. .13,3U5tt have a, pat o.tetty Stild , A.lOO 11. oncel }.must have some one inter= ,e.stcd,in the business who is young ancl active, and will take,the W01:, , 14 otr my shoulders, the I i-a'unot do as L used to. No NV, in Mr. Undsort 4 s ~ were, :two yptilig men, Berhert florid , and CharleS SeyinOur:• They-had been with him ad equal length of time, and• had. pert - brined-their faithfully and well. etwoes. did his work quickly, and had a smart way. aliont"liim, that made Ow people think he . waS greatly superior to Herbert, Who had a more' quiet ilerileanor and accomplished quite as much without Making a great stir, aboutit. I , must.either have Herbert or Charles for it Partner, soliloquized Mr. Hudson ; Ivhieli One I eannot decide. They froth do very well in the store, but I ought 'to know something of them out of - the ,tore; and .1 am sorry to say that , .s ' a point,-I have not KIM 'proper attention to. My vlerkri come here in the mririt i»g, and go Ilitidy at night, I know not where ; and .. yet I ought to. __Neither of theni ha-4 parents in the . city ; they live in some of the Mithereifs boarding houses and,lfliepe are4,teady tual- Well fieht t i;cd...-.l:must •-see''them " in their homes, and then 'decide Which one Shall be my,partne,r. , ; nenext day Mr. Hudson; ascertain "ed the boarding-places of liis two clerks, without letting . then) know for What purpose:;. and after slipper, that evening his wife and daughters tvere . somewhat, .astonished to seb, With , 'go tii , the; hall, and put,on his'eoat and hat. , ... :'. • I , :Where are you going, papa? asked Lilly, -the youngest daughter, .who could hardly remember the evening whenher father had not• remained at, Ifolip - ? ! - I :.. - , . - rain goingto make a call, Lilly, on -.two young men of :my aequaintainee ; I 'Ahtili'not, begone long,'replitid Mr. Hud son. And bidding them goodnight ‘ he • B went out. • -" 7" , f, 4 zierbert's hoarding-housei was th e nearer of the two, and here' Mr. Hud son stopped first. It was a 'neat look ing house in. a pleasant „street. mriQ Buntin, the landlady opened the .door when Mr. Hudson rang:" Does a4young man. named Herbert 13stp)dlioard'here.?' ,I ~ , - . ' He does. ',Walk: i.u, sir,,and I Will call hin4ooeil tlip wax - natl.,.. [ I will go to his Koom, if you Will show ,uke w i lwro it is ; answered s Mr. Hudson, 'I presinne lie is in- it. ._ I think so ; he is seldom out in the ''.6V'eriing.: .You eairstep up there, if yOu like sir ; go up two flights, and the iirsedeor,on your right is the one, re plied Mr.i. Buntin. fir. I~tidsoit puffed up the and knocked With MS cane. at‘the designat ed' door. 'lt was opened by Herbert, inho looked very much, amazed when .s9.w his employer, and said.— Why, Mr. Hudson I Is'anything the matter at'the store ? Nothigg happn ed out of ,way, hope. _ No—nothing—nothing at all r said Mr_ H urlson , wall - Opp:4i, and taking a chair. JAW{ •it notion to call around and See hone you Were„ this evening. Bond' exPressed himself as being very glad 'to'see his employer s and while he took his i hab and cane, Mr. 1-Indsow glanced around the chamber. It was on attic room, with two' dormer Win rd6ws ; a good tire was burning in an'- open ~, r raten , filled bdok rack td with ' books fulorned one side 2 of, the .room,, Whilefik 'centre of the floor .was , occu pied by ,a ttible•on which were writing maievials., Every tit ing looked neat and ',comfortable here. - You ldolt very , cozy here, Herbert Jiiiit;_why do you have •aii :atthi,- room ? Are there none that ;Ott 'can have „hil l , low stairs ? sir ; but this room is a dollar per- week cheaper, and I have all the more money to serid,.to,, ,father, re plied Herbert. . . yo,V,fitther Welt. Q' 4M - itiired mot very, sir ; Ile used ;to be rick, - twit . bis business was disnstrou4" tort a gr9tit' deal' of money' saki Bondi; • - What, do you find. to do evenings'?' .Hoesn't time hang heavy , 0, no', sir I have books. to read and letters td'writ6. Toqiight lam writing, home ; they want me to make them, a visit ; .but, I. write father that it is a pret ty busy, time just now, but when it , .is, over I shali,ask you, fore, few 'days' ab sence, answered Herbert. you shall have it willingly, said Air. Hudson ; and - then he added, does Males ever call upon you ? No,,sir., I have asked him to do so several times, but lie bas,uever called.: Are you contented here in this board ing house'? inquired Mr:lfutiseit: It is. a very good boarding-house, and' Mrs. Btwtin treats . ,fiery. kindly,;, but I often wish I could live at home with my fatUr mother,Unsiweied Herbert. 'And Why can't,you.? How far 'is it: from here? asked his employer..; :It is twenty-tii4 'miles, sir • rather too. fanto travel every day, and then' cannot,F. afford ,tho expense, was .ifer limit's 'reply. IWhat tithe should yeti reach thestore in the morning ?" 1 :- • " • , • - JAt half-past eight ; sir. - • t ' Not very . bad bows, ,for t.lMsirleas• PorliapS it Cail be arranged soi),t , hat ; can home,'Herhert:" " • • 0, I should likeltsomuch ifq Could I dm so homeiek here . in the city I .was the ele'r lO s -Well, look into the Matter He rbert. •It seems a•pity that one: who se fond of his home, .can't live there; in these times of railways add fast travel, ing; said' Air: 'Hudson ' • and he arose'to depart, Herbert, thanked rim for the visit, and said it would please him to see Mr. Hudson again. ;i . The, pid gentleman. descended , the stairs, well satisfied with the call, and said to himself,' NoW for Charles, Sey mour's I hope I shell thid - him 'us' occupied AS Herbert Bond. • On the way to the house, which; was three or 'four streets distant, .Mr. Tlnd son 'attention was attracted' to • three yoiing men ; who were talking very londly,and acting in a rowdy 'mariner, ,Busking each paler. against the passers 'tty;'aiid ina - kingrui4e; inS'ultingremasks to s' them. It so happened " that •MV.' Hudson wore a white hat. So, when these', fellows passed him ; they looked :behind and said-0, what a hat! :Who stole the donkey? The. man with the white fiat; and similar impolite observ ations. As 'they walketbauch fast than he Aid they were seen out Of sight. .The .boarding-liouse Was'reached,•the !tell u ug; aneMe. 'Hudson' , admitted. The servant said that Mr. SeYniour was in, and ushered; his -charobn d )or, ,:Mr. Hudson knocked, 'and the dooriwas immediately flung wide open, and a voice exclaimed— 't ' IMI Well, old fellow, got along at' his:, have Sou ? We're all ready-for you ; have you got, the-- s -i-harles, * Seymour, stopped here, alid Ins frice turned dead ly pale at fleeing, instead, of one of his boon companions, his 'venerable em ployer. It was several seconds before lie recovered his speech. • I beg - youi :pardon Mr. Hudson ; yon must excuse me; I expected a-friend this evenitf.r, and in the dim' right O I f the entry, thought joa 'were ' he. Walk in, sir, and'sit, down, Mr. Hudson entered the room, and Was sonieWhat Stirprised to see there the 'Beal ,th ree._young,tnen: w h _itv: - Ls Ati•opt.s: • -*Yu:qt.:- mrUiv' s: S aking cigars, tutu mid their t-et ele vated on the mantel-piece, the •bureau and the -bedstead. Me. Hudson saw at once that ,he 'was a very unwelcome guest: The room was hi confusion, and Seymour's actions were painfully awk ward:, Nevertheless, hi s employer started a conversation,• and had been there about ten minutes, when a foot step was heard on the stairs ; and then the door opened a little way, and a hot tle of champagne came rolling- • aCrOSS the door, followed immediately by a i•ound Dutch cheese, a bunch of 'cigars, and two more bottles. Seymour looked dreadfully distressed. but could do noth ing. It was a fourth friend who had been out for refreshinents and took this facetious mode of introducing them in to the chamber. Mr. Hudson thought it was time for him to go ; so he took his leave, and returned to his home.— It is almost needless to say that Charles Seymour's enjoyment of the evening •was decidedly marred-by this unexpect ed visit. He and his friends had ar ranged for a jolly'good time. Mr. Hudson was not long in making up his Mind as to which of his clerks mould make the most faithful and . effi ,cleat partner ; and in less 'than a week it was imnounced in 'nut, papers that Herbert Bond was...a ;member of the -firm of Benjamin. Hudson . siSv Co. It was al happy day for. , Herbert, for he could; live at limim again, amid the scenes of his childhood ;'and it was not years before' he managed, the •Whole . basiness hiniself,nnd became a wealthy man. • Charles SeyMour knew very well the reason of Mr.Hudson'S choice and he has never ceased to regret having ferm ed such un wofitable acquaintances as were tissem sled in his room that,:nn 7 . ,lucky even ,ng. Importance of Presence of blind. 1. If a man faint, place him flat on his back, and let_him alone. : 2. If any poison is swallowed, drink insttintly half a glass of cool - water:with a teaspoonful of ' common salt and ;round mustard stirred into it ; this vomits as soon as it reaches, the stom ach, but for. fear some of the poison - rimy remain, swallow thewhite of one or two eggs or drink, a : cup of • strong coffee. These two being antidotes for'a greater . number of poisons than any dozen other_ articles known, with 'the advantage of their being always at hand ; .if not, a 'pint of sweet oil, or •lamp. oit, or ' " drippings," or, melted butter or lard are good substitutes, es pecitilly if they :vomit quickly. •• 3.' The best thing to stop the bleed ingot* (t'moderate cut instantly; is' to cover it profusely with cob-web or flour, and saf half and half. ' • 4. f th e blood comes from the wound by jets and spirts 'be spry, or t the nitt will die in a few minutes, be cause an artery is severed ; .tie-a hand kerchief loosely around near, the part, between the wound and the, heart, put a stick bet Ween 'the handkerchief and the skin, and twist, it till 'the blood ceases V) lloW ; - keep it; there, till the doctor t eomes'; if in .a* position where the handkerchief cannot be used, press the, thumb on a spot near the 'wound and. the heart i inerease the pressure till the bleeding ceases,. but do not lessen the pressure-for an instant until the' Physician 'arrives, ,so as to glue up the wound by the coagulation or cooling pf the hardening blood. ' ' 5: If yetirelothing catch „Ore slide the hand's down the dress, keeping them as' close to, the body as possible, at the same 'time sinking to the ' floor :by bending the knees ; this has .'smothering' effect upon the flames ; its not extinguished, or a greater headway gotten, lie down on the floor and roll, over ; or bettcy.l. .envelope yourself in, a carpet, rug, or ,bed-cloth, or any garment you can get bold a i ilway,s,preferring woolen. . 6. If the, body is' Aired, rest,; if the brain-is tired, sleep. •: ' ' ' 7. If bowels are lie down in a warm bed, and there remain until you are well. ' EDWARD'S. TEMPTATION, It WitS six o'clock in the afternoon. At this time the great wholesale-'ware house of AXessrs.,, Hubbard & Sen Ayas \vOnt to close unless the pressure of bus iness cOnipeiled the partners to keep open later. The duty of closing usually devolv ed upon Edward :tones, ahoy of fur teen, he had lately been engaged to perform' tt few. slight duties, for which he received the small sum of fifty dollars annually. .1-1 e was the "boy," .but if he hehaVed hiMself so as to win the approbation of his employers his chance of promotion was good. et there were some things that Ten deed this small salary a hard trial to hitp--ch i cittrMt4iiees`with which hisem ploy,ers were unacquainted. His moth er was a widow. The sudden death of Afr; JOnes had thrown the entire family upon, their* own resourses and, these w ere indeed slender.' - - - There was an, elder sister who assisted her Mother to sew, and this, with Ed -ward.'Y salary, constituted. the entirein come of the family: ' Yet by Means of untiring industry, they have continued thns -far to live, using,striet,.economy, of,couN e. Yet they have wanted uque or the absolute necessities of life. • .trut .Mary Jones—Edward's sister=— greW sift:. She had taken a severe cold which terminated in a fever. This net only cut otr tlie income arising frolm her own labor ; • but also preventing her napthq-frglriaecomplitining as much 11 OM would otherwise have been able to do. 'On 'the morning of the day Which our 'story commences, _Mary , had ex pressed a longing for an orange. In her, 'fever it would have been grateful to her. It islhard, indeed, when we are oblig 7 ed, to deny those we ,love that which would bea refreshment antibenet,it to them. ' ' " Firs. Jones felt this and so did Ld wakd. ouly wish I could buy you one, s.aldEdw , ird just us he :>4 for the store. "Next year I shall receive a larger; salary, ,and then - . we—shan't have to pinch so' inuch." "Never mind, Edward," said I\laiy, smiling, faintly, I ought not to have asked ror it, knowrng how hard .you and mother find it to get along without 4De.,), • - " Don't trouble yourself about that, "Mary,", said Mrs. Jones, soothingly, though her heart sank within her at the, thought of her empty larder. "Only get well; and we shall get en well enough afterwards." xtWas with the memory of thisseene that Edward went to the store in the mor inng. All around him were boxes of rich goods,' representing . thou Sands of dol lars in Money. Oh,,thonght lie, if I had only the val ue of one of these boxes, how mueli good it would do po r. ary, and Ed ward sighdd. The long day wore away at. last, and Edward was about !o' close the ware house. But as . be Bused Ilse desk Or his em ployer, his attention was drawn to a hit of paper lying on the floor beneath. He pickedlt up, and tQ his great :joy found it'to be a ten dollar - ticronol -that flashed 'open Isva --, rcE7, — — 2XUNT dO Mary. I can buy her all the oranges she wants, and she shall have ffune every day. And perhaps she , would like a chicken. But a moment later his countenance "It isn't Lurie," he sighed. "It must be Mr. II bbard's. Phis is his desk, and he mu t have dropped it." "Still,) urged the tempter `,! be will never know; an l after all what are ten dollars to him . He who is worth a hundred thousand." Still Edward was 'not satisfied.— Wh all er Mr. Hubbard could . spa re it or not was nOl:the question. It was rightfully his and must be given wok to him. , , "I'll go to his house and give it to him this very night," said Edward, 40therwise 1 might be tempted . to keep , . . 1 , ; He determined Logo to:Ur. Hubbard', before he went home. The sight of his siek,sister might • perhaps weaken hi§ resolution, : and this must never be.. He must preserve his integrity at all haz ards. . He kneW where Mr. Hubbard' iiv,ed. It wag a large, fine•looking house, on a fashionable, street. He had passed several times and wondered aman must not feel happy 'who was able to' live in such Without unnecessary, delay, therefore, he went to the house, ascending the ,steps, and rangthe hell. .A servant came to the door. . " Well ?", he said: " Is Mr. Hubbard at home?" " Yes, but he lias only just conic in, and I don't think he can see you," was the rather supercilious reply.. "I am in his employ," said Edwai Wetly ' "and have just cause from the store. I think he will see me if you Vitt - Mention this to Moist' • - "Very well, you can Come in." • Edward was standing in the hall vhile,Mr. Hubbard wad sought by the servant. "Well?" he asked in4uiringly, " has anything happened ?" •" No, sir, said Edward, " but I - picked up this bill near your desk, and supposed - yon dropped it. I thought I had better brifigitliersa directly:" " You have done well," said , Mr. Hubbard,. " and I will remember it.— Honesty is a very valuable quality in a boy just commencing a business career. Hereafter I :shall have perfect confi dence in your honesty." .„ Edward was gratified by his assur ande, yetQS the door closed behind him, and he walked out into the street, the thought of his sick sister at home again intruded upon him, and he thought re gretfully how much good could have been.done,with ten 'dollars. Not that he had regretted that he had been hon est. There was a satisfaction in doing right. Mrs.' Jones brought some toast to her daughter's - bedside, but Mary motioned' it away. ; • "I thank you for taking the trouble to make it, mother," said she, " but I don't think I can possibly eat it."' "Is there anything that you could relish, Mary?" "No," said she, hesitatingly, in'g that we 'can get." Mm. Jones sighed, a sigh which Ed ward echoed. It was with a heavy heart that Ed= ward started for• the warehouse the next morning. He had never felt the craving for ''tveallh which now took possession of him. He set about his duties as usual.— About two hours after he had arrived at the warehouse, Mr. Hubbard entered. He did not at first appear to notice .Ed r ward, but fn about half an hour sufii- . moned hini td the offite, which .‘k as partitioned off from the remainder' of the spacious rooms in which goods were stored: r ' ' He smiled pleasantly as Edward ell ' tered his presence. • " Tell me frankly," 'he said, " did you not-feel an impulse to keep the bill which-you found last night 2" " I hope you,Will not be offended with me, Mr, Hubbard," said Edward, "if r NO. 28. X_ say that I did." " Tell me all about it," said Mr. Hub bard, With interest. " What was it that withheld you ? I should never have known it." " I knewAhat,". said Edward. . , "Then what withheld you from . tak= ing it?" First, I will tell you what tempted me,"- said Edward. " mother and sister are obliged to depend upon sew ing for a living, and we live but poorly at the best, But a fortnight since Ma ry, becathe'Sick, and since then we have had a hard time. ' Mary's appetite was poor, and does not relish food, but we are , able toiget her nothing better.— When I picked up that bill I could not help thinking how,l might buy, with it for her." ' • "And yet you did not take it'?" ." No, sir, it would have been wrong, and I could not have looked you in the face after It." Edward spoke in a tone of modest confidence. Mr.. Hubbard went to the desk and 'wrote a check. " How much do I pay-you now ?" he asked. "Fifty dollars a year," said Edward. '" Henceforth your, duties will•be in creased and I will pay you two hundred. Will that please you "Two hundred dollars a year I" elahned Edward, his eyes sparkling with delight. Yes, and, at tliie end of the.year that will be increased, if as I have no doubt, you continue to merit my . confidence." " Oh, sir, how can I thank you ?" said Edward, full of , gratitude. "13y preserving your . integrity. - As I presume you are•m present need of Money I will pay you one quarter in advance: Here is a check for fifty dol lars Which you can get cashed. at the bank. And, by the way, you may have the rest of the day to yourself. ' Edward flew to the bank, and with his sudden riches hastened to the mar ket where he purchased a supply of pro visions such as h 4 knew would be wel- Come at home, and then made haste home to announce his good fortune. A weight seemdd to falloff the hearts Of mother and daugker as they heard his hurried story, tufffrAirs. Jones thank ed God for bestowirig upon her a son whose good principles had brought them this great relief. And Mr. Hubbard slept none the worse that night that at a slight pecuni ary, sacrifice he had done a kind action, confirmed a boy in his integrity, and gladdened a struggling family. if there were more employers as considerate as he, there would be fewer dishonest Clerks. [For the Agitator.] Sunshine and Shadow Another pleasant' summer evening has cone: A beautiful sunset adorns the western sky, and its soft golden rays paint each object in the most love ly manner. The rustic scenes of , the• old farm,appear in a more inviti ig and lovely form. 'While the rougl , ugly features of the woods and field seem transformed into new objects t nit up} pear almost ready. to melt away under the Mellow light of the refiring• Wing of day. .• On the other side of 'these :bjectS,, WO find them portrayed in,,-lOrig, , dark, awkward'shadoWS. .- These pictures aii rlc.o.a, a. though +.l2..ortiat laaa boon r,),.. tent on presenting each' copy in an ugly' unsymmetrical form, nothing being in a proper proportion, but each is drawn out until defects are outrageously mag nified, and beauties are entirely ruined. These two pictures are analogous to the two views in which efrery event in the life of man is susceptible of being taken. If we choose tolook upon the sunny side our vision will .be welcomed by beautiful scenes and the most charm i lig variations. ' Even the stern, ugly objects which we encounter in life's work, will have their sharp angles smoothed and softened down ; their dark, black surfaces illmninated and variegated by changing tints and hues, though they are the embodiment of all the rough unpleasant qualities that an object can contain, yet these imperfee lions are gilded by the lovely rays of a mind intent on seeing the cheerful side. I i on the other hand we confine our ob; servationa to the shadOWy side' we shall find each scene presented in a dull, cold, .uninviting aspect. While every object will appear out of its proper proportion, with cavil defect hideously magnified, and each beauty ruined, by the fault finding imagination of one who is ac customed to shut out the golden rays of cheerfulness, and form his own, imper feet and unjust image of the real ob ject, from conceptions which have been perverted, and rendered imperfect, by long groping among the shadows.. ,1 - V. ANTIQUITY OF MAN.—The ablest the ologians now agree that the "sli. days" of t•reation represent Nast peilils, 01: time, while the earth itself is:Orthcoir eci vs ble antiquity. The queStionwhi eh now eXcites attention is whether the human race is not far older than is gen erally belieVed, and whether it was not eo temporary with the great animals, re mains of which are now and. then dis covered, but which became extinct be fore,the date of history, sacred or pro fane, or even of tradition. - The inter esting discoveries, resulting from. the explorations now in progress in Kent's Caravan, Devonshire, England, show, indisputably, that man was in existence when the mammoth, three different species of the elephant, the rhinoceros, lions, and other animals were comnilon in that country, but which are new-ex tinct, for the bones of the animals have been found, and with them tools, weap ons', and other articles which Were .the unmistakable work of human hands• guided by intelligence. These remains have been found embedded in gravel and ,stalagraite, and the explorations have been conducted under eiteumstatt ces :led withVa care precluding the pos sibility of de eption. , A report ot these discoveries has been laid before the British Association for the advancer ient of Science, in session at Dundee, and an interesting' disetis sion upon the antiquity of the hunjan' race ensued. Sir Charles Lyell took the ground that the discoveries were proof positive that man was co-existent with the mammoth and other extinct animals which' 'have 'been believed, heretofore, to antedate the human' race. Other members agreed with him and in the face of these discoveries, defiant ly challenged thoSe " who had whis pered abroad objections to the theory of -the antiquity of man,. to-conie forward and state them now." To strengthen Lyell's position, these r cent discover ies are only additional to others quite us remarkable and convincing, which ,Al I% Wyatt, of I he Association, summed up as " numerous proofs of the co-exis ' tanee of man with the great extinct' mammals. "noth- During , a 'trial the other day, ,11 tow ktable,' testi fiyi ng with regard to 1 1 . lady, said:, "-I know nothing of her 'but what I hear the,,neighbors :airy ; i my opinion what WOlfiett say b one windier is n'ot worthy of belief." I, • • A desire to say things 'whieh'itO one ever said, inalkessorne people say things which nobody ought to say. • , _ Why is a certifier of deeds, etc:; 'like England ?—Becausetiels not-a-republio, OBRING . DEPART ENT, - Tho proprietors have stookfid the :stablishilsent withla new a varied assortment of - JOB AND :CARtt 'rot A 111) EAST I"4ESBES, and aro prepared to execute neatlyauti promptly, POSTERS, HANOI - MIA CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, CARDS, PAMPHLETS, 4.0., /co. , Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and a'fall assaittanet of Constables' and justices' Blanks on band: People living at a distance can depend on bay, ing their work done promptly and sent• back in return mail. An Authenticated Story of the Super . natural. A, late French paper published the following, and vouches for its truthful ness: . . A young Cie man lady recently ar rived with a pirty of friends, at one of the most renowned hotels in Paris, and' occupied an apartrrient on the first floor, furnished with unusual magnifi cence. , Here shnlay awake, long after the hotel was, wrapped, in slumber, eontemplatig, by the faint glimmer an of her night p, the costly ornaments of the room, tintil Kuddenly the 101 a.... t lug-doors op iosite - her bed, whioh the had secure 'flew opeurand the cham ber was filled with a bright light as of day. X the midst Of this, there enter ed a handsome young man in the . un dress.milform - of the French navy.---. Taking a chair from the bedside, he placed it hi the Middle of the room sat down, took from his pocket a pistol with a 'remarkable red butt and. lock, nut it to his forehead, and firing fell lack apparently dead I Simultaneously. ith the explosion, the room became 4 n rk and still, but a low soft voice ut -1 ti r t ed in ti s i e e h s s e il) w r ' e p , rd b s b — t ' i ` n S u ay fa a r word more forhls s ul." The young lady had fallen back, pain ful state, a kind of cataleptic trance, and thus remained fully conscious of all that she imagined to have occurred, but unable to move tongueor hand, uu til 7 o'clock on the following morning, at which hour her maid, in obedience to orders, knocked at the door. _ Finding no reply was given, - the maid, Went away, and returning at 8. in company with .another domestic, re peated her summons. Still no 1 an-c sorer, and again after a little consulta-1 tion, the poor young lady was dellyer ed over for another hour to-her- agoniz ed thoughts. At nine the doors - were forced, and 'id the same moment, :the power of speech and movement return ed. She shrieked out to the attendants that a man had shot iiiinself there a few hours before, and still lay upon 'the floor. Observing nothing unusual, they concluded it was the excitement conse quent upon some terrible dream. She was, therefore placed in another apart ment, and w'tli great difficulty persua ded that thecello she had so minutely described ha' 'no foundation in reality. i Half an hour later the betel' proprietor desired an interview with gentleman of the party, and declaredthat the scene so strangely enacted had actually occurred three-nights before. A young French, officer had ordered the best room in the hotel, and there terminated his life,—using for the purpose a postol answering the description mentioned. The body and the pistol still lay at the dead-house for identification, and the gentleman proceeding, thither, saw both ; the head of the unfortunate man exhibiting the wound in the forehead, 1 as in the vision. Fanny Fern is' eloquent on the sub ject of fariners' wives. She says : Next to being a minister's 'wife, I should dread being the wife of a farmer ) , Sometimes, indeed „the tegnis are synon ymous. Itaisi ng children and chicken, ucl infiniluin, making butter, cheese, bread, and the. omnipresent pie ; :cutting making,, and mending the clothes for a whOlo-honsebol4ivat-te-epeeik-of-doipg their washing and ironing; taking care of the pigs and the vegetable garden; Making cider apple sauce by the barrel, and pickling _myriads of cucumbers ; drying fruits and herbs; putting all the twins through the measles, whooping cough, mumps, scarlet fever and chick en pox ; besides. keeping a perpetual river of hot grease on the kitchen table, in whieh, 3.S to float potatoes, carrots, onions and turnips for the rtyvenous maws of the "farm hands." . Now your farmer is a round, stalwart, animal. There is no baby waiting at his pantaloons • while he ploughs or makes fences. He lies down under the nearest tree and rests, or sleeps, 'when he can no longer work with profit. He conies unto his dinner with the appe tite of a hyelia and the digestion of 'a rhinoceros, and goes forth again to the hay : field till called home to supper.— There is his wife, and too often with the same frowsy,head with which she rose in the morning, darting hither and thither for whatever is wanted, or help ing the hungry children or the farm hands. After' the supper is finished conies the dish-washing and milking, and the thought for to-morrow's bre k- fast ! and theh perhaps all night 1 he sleeps with one eye open for a bab or a sick child, and rises again to pursue the same unrelieved treadmill,wearing, round, the Text day: - . .Yl. IN' IM MING.- - --WEZ know that breiist . swi min ing; is the style commonly adopt eLi,all over the world: Beginners cora l-0610e on the breast, and in' nine cases out of ten, they .continue to move through the water on their breast all through their lives. It is in the water what walking is on land. To the be ginner it has the advantage of being easier to learn, and to the adept it has the attraction of having -" last" about it. Long distances arc mostly perform ed in this style, as being more steady, and consequently less fatiguing ; so that Here the breast frequently conquers its more dashing rival, the side. Also, when •swimming for pleasure, rather than for glory, we instinctively take to the breast. The 'chief rules are—l. Spread ; l out your ; bands (fingers dosed) . widely,;so as to. describe as large a cir cle as you possibly can. If you watch 'good breast swimmers, you will at - first be surprised to observe' what a broad sweep they thus make. :2: The seine rule holds good for the feet; you cannot de scribe too large a circle; therefore send out,yon P legs tetheirutmostle gth and breadth. - 3. Aster you have escribed this circle, in brder to emu let* the Stroke, bring the heels togethe sharply and vigorously. Remember, i is this jerk and quick meeting of the , heels which sends you forward. sit is in - this particular that Gorr especially excels, co that he can propel himself, some five or six feet, each stroke. A long stroke could not be made in any other way.- -The secret of the matter 14 this, that af ter the ' sharp contact of . your - glee's, your body instantly floats; along or nither cuts through the :water those li ve f qe t, with,out, any other - •etfort on your part. The stroke made with the hand-i or artkis really is of small service, except to tuaiutain_your balaneeon the water. Thew are some . p(!ople, in this world. who zcitt not work—who will Btand to placo:, and • not come out of the toogrogntion of drones and do nothilig; and yet, they complain of having noth ing; to eat—and nothing to wear—and nothing' to buy it, with. They want .some one to do for them, nd remind , up: of a little feltow, witty :waiting Up one cold night, and sang out: " 103 c•old inatinny!" , " welt, pull the cover on you John- ii;% . ~. , "T slin't,do it!" replied the young :ger. " dinged et [,don't freethe fast!" The Let. ail suelv freeze,,apl freeze fast e world would not be the loser. .---' Four things conies not back : the spo ken word, the'sped arrow, the past life, and the neglected opportunity.—Proph et Omer.