The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, July 08, 1868, Image 1

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    oqt gioga fitauttg .-(3,,.44t0r
Is published every Wednesday Moorning at s2_
per year, invariably in advance.
..,,.corm.} • (v. O.VAN GELDER.
- - 1111 — :411.11=1111 - 1 -- .1.-1111K — .111
ADVERT I 812NTei- 13..A.T.1E8.
i7 - 0.7)f cz,--Tr-s• - 1
In. s Ins. 41ns. ;Mos. 6,5105. 1 Year
---=--- 'pia $2,00 $2,60 $6,00 $7,00 $12, 00
li i k : di l l i l i a n r r c :,', .........
10 2: 00 00 ' 1 : 0 1,:3 00 1 3 1
1 4 7: 0 0 0 0
2 8 2: 0 00 0
0 1 0 2, 3 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 0 0
o ll , n w ir c e o l
.... I p;:ook 9.0,001 00,90 40,001 00,001 moo
------- ..—..
Special Notices 15 cents per lino; Editorial or
Local 20 cents per line. . •
WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers- in
Wall Paper, kerosene Lamps, Window Glass,
Perfumery, Paints and Oils, Arc., &c.
Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1868.-Iy.
Insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main
Street Wolleboro, Pa., Jan. 3,186 S.
S. F. WlLson. J. B. NILES.
(First door from.Bigoney's, on the Avenue)—
Will attend to business entrusted to their care
in the oonnties of Tioga °ad Potter.
Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 18617
WESTFIELD Borough, Tioga Co. Pa., E. G.
Rill, Proprietor. A new and commodious
building with all the modern improvements.
Within easy drives of thebost hunting and Ilsh
ing grounds in Northern' Penn's. Conveyances
- furnished. Terms moderate.
Feb. 5,1886-Iy. •
TAILOR. Shop first door north of L. A. Sears's
Shoe Shop. 1,• - •Cutting, Fitting, arid Repair
ing done promptly and well.
Wellaboro, - Pa., Jan. 1, 1888.—ly.
DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over John R.
Boaren's Store. ygif" Cutting, Fitting, and
Repairing done promptly and in best style.
Wollaboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868—ly
Notary Public and Insurance Agent, Bless
bur:, Pa., over Caldwell's Store.,
Wellsboro, Tioaa Co., Pa.
claim Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance
Agent. Ho will attend promptly to collection of
Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty , . As Notary
Public) ho takes acknowledgements of deeds, ad
ministers ortbs, and will act as Commissioner to
take testimony. gr - Office over Roy's Drug Storo,
adjoining Agitator Otrice.--- . -Oct. 30. 1367
Sohn W• GuornseV,
Having returned to this county with a view of
making it his permanent residence, solicits a
share of public patronage. All business en
trusted to his care will be attended to with
promptness and fidelity. Office 2d door south
of E. S. Farr's hotel. Tioga, Tioga Cq., Pa.
sept. , ,
Gaines, Tioga Canntsr, Pa.
HORACE C. VERMILYEA, Prtor'n., This is
a now hotel located within easy access of the
best dshing and hunting grounds in North
ern Pennsylvania. No pains will be spared
for the accommodation of pleasure seekers and
the traveling public. [Jan. 1, 1868.]
etor. A now Hotel conducted on the principlo
of live and lot live, for the accommodation of
the public.—Nov. 14, 1866.-Iy.
GEO. W. meow,
renceville, Tioga Co., Pa. ' Bounty, Pension,
acid Insurance Agent. Collections promptly
attended to. Office 2d door below Ford Ilona°.
t PLATED WARE, Spoctacloo, Violin Strings,
, Siwuutiald, Pa. Watol.., n Jew
dry neatly repaired. tEnge.ving done in plain
English and Gorman," 1150pt.67-Iy.
Thos. B. Brydon
.16 DRAFTSMAN.—Orders loft at
his room, Townsend Hotel, It onshore, will
meet-with prompt attention.
Jan. 13. 1867.—ti.
Good stabling, attached, and an attentive hog
kr always in attendance. ,
E. S. FARR '--
Hairdressing &iShaving,
Saloon over Willcox S, Bailer's Store, Wenc
her°, Pa. Particular attention paid to Ladies'
Rau-cutting, Shampooing, gyeing, etc. Braids,
Puffs, coils, and /3 wichos on Lipid and mado to or
der. t 4.
DBACON,. D., late of thd 2(1 Pa. Cavalry, atm'
nearly four years of arinS,' service, with a large'
typerience is field and hospital itacticedias opened an
office for the practice of.medirind and surgery, in all
its branches. Persons from a Wane° can find good
boarding at the Pennsylvania Rotel when desired.—
Will visit any part of the State la consultat, or to
perform surgical operations. Nco t 4, Union f lock, up
,fairs. Wollebo o, Pa., May 2,
has the pleasure to inform thticitlzens of Tioga
county that he has%completectOsis
and is on hand to take all kinds of Sun Pictures,
such as A mbrotypes, Ferrotypes, Vignettes, Cartes
do Visite, the Surprise and Eureka Pictures; also
particular attention paid to copying and enlarg—
ing Pictures. Instructions given in the Art on
reasonable terms. Elmira St., Mansfield, Oct. 1,
Wsn. H. Smith,
KNOXVILLE, Ps. Pension, Bounty, and In.
suranco Agent. ' Communications sent to the
above address will receive prompt attention.
Terme moderate. ' [jan 8, 1868-Iy] 1
For the Collection of
Army and Navy Claims . and Pensions
THE NEIV BOUNTY LAW passed July 28,1866, gives
1 tiro and three years' soldiers extra bounty. Send
in your discharges.
Three months' extra pay proper to volunteer officers
who were in service Starch 3,1865.
Teal! who have lost a limb and who have been perms
neatly nud totally disabled.
All other Government claim prosecuted.
li Ilsboro,October
ABENT for the National Scriom of Standard School
Books; published by A. S. Barnes it Co. 111 It 113
'William, corner of John Strout, N. Y., keeps constantly
a toll supply. All orders promptly filled. Call on or
address by mail,' j • N. STRAIT,
Osceola, Pa y ;Noe 15, ISG7-Iy.
THE undersigned having rolurned to Wells
horo and opened his shop, on Water street
tolicits a share of patronage. Ile proposes to d
theing, horeee $3,50 and other w ork in _proper
April 2ti, 18(33.--6tn
VrILL WRlOliT—Agent all. the heft
Stowart's Oscillating Movoinenc for (lung and
Malay Saws.
TFoga. Pa., Aug. 7, 184.17, 1 y.
llomity and Pension Agency.
RA vi INU4eceived definite in at ruc tionn in regard to
, tile extr bounty allowed by the act approved
' , II /S,l.bc,a,t nd having on band a large supply of all
n - -ttli y Mal 1:8,1 am prepared to prosectite all pen
.,aa an.) bounty claims ntleli may bo placed In no'
Lm", Percoollving at a dietanca can counntualcato
`"11,111.‘ by letter, and their contionnicatlonn trill be
ii , an idly answered. WM. If. SMITH.
Wt iliburo.Octotter 24,11301. ',
Dealer in DRY GOODS of all kinds, Hardware
and Yankee Notions. Our assortment is large
Atvl . pritea low. Store in Union_ Block. Call
0 gentleumn.--may 20 1868-Iy.
8 Baldwin Street;::
Of every description, in all styles of Binding,
and as low, • for quality of Stock, as any Bindery
in the State. Volumes of every description
Bound in the best manner and in any style or
Executecl_ in the best manner. Old:Boolca re
bound andin . nde good as new.
NerksZIZUN I E142)1121A
as prepared Co furnish back numbers of till
Reviews or Magazines published in' the Milted
States or Groat Britain, at a low prim,
Of all sizes and qualities, on hand, ruled or plain
Of Any quality or size, on hand and cut up randy
for printing. Also, BILL PAPER, arid CARD
BOARD of all colors and quality, in boards or
cutlo any 8170.
Cap, Letter, Note>P,aper, Eirvelopes,
Pens, Pe9eitg - ',---&e. '
Which I will warrant equal to Gold Pens 4 The
best in use and no mistake.
The above stock I will sell at the Lowest Bates
at nll times, at a small advance - op Now Yoilt
prices, and in quantities to snit purehaiers. All
work and Bieck warranted as represented.
I respectfully solicit a share of public patron
age. Orders by mail; promptly attended to.—
Address, LOUIS DIES,
Advertiser Building,
Elmira, N. Y.
Sept 28, 1.867.-1 y
WOULD announce to tho citizens of Wellabo
ro and surrounding country, that ho ha,
opened a shop on the corner of Water and Craf.
ton streets, for tho purpose of manufacturingf r all
kinds of
to order. ' COFFINS of all kinds furnistied on
short notice. All work done promptly and war
ranted, INC'ellsboro, Juno 27, 1866,
MINER 'WATKINS, Pnornivron
HA VI Nd fitted up a new betel building on the giti
of the old Union lintel, lately deetroyed by tire
lam now ready to receive and entertain guests. Ile.
Union Lintel ryas Intended for n Temperance !louse,
and the Proprietor believes it ran he sustained without
grog. An attentive hostler in attendance.
Weilsboro, June 26, MT,
TAILOR ANL) CUTTER., has opened a chop
on Craton street, roar of Sears & Derby's shoe
sr where ho is prepared to manufacture gam
n is to order in the most substantial manner,
alal with dispatch. Particular attention paid
to Cutting and" Fitting. March 26, 1868-1 y
On strictly *nporanco princAptel,. INiftrris Run,
it. c. Tr
, int.—March b, 15f5.—iy.
Ono door above the Mont Market,
rip ESPEOPFULLY annouticos to - the t tiding
It, public that ho has a desirable stook of Gro
ceries, comprising, Teas, Coffees, Spices, I , lugars,
bit:lt:Lases, Syrups; and all*that constitutesWi' rst
class stock. Oysters in (ivory,. q!398 . _ ... at al/ sea
sonable hours. "'',-a-Wellsboro, Jan. 2, ISP,7-tf.
Proprietor. i
Great Excitement) Johnson impeached, add Eno
hree's Rooms and Shoes triumphant! The aubecriher
would say to the people of Westfield end vicinity that
Ito is manufacturing in Patent foot . which he believes to
possess the following advantage over nil others; Ist.
there is no crimping; id, no wrinkling, save en they breah
to the feet; :Id, no ripping.. In short, they are just
the thing for everybody. Samples on band and orders
sOlicitoti. Sole right of Westfield township 'and Bore'
secured. Ile has also just received a splppdid set of
bannerol patterns, latest Styles. Condo Ode, come Pali
We are bound to sell cheat, for cash or ready pay. Ehop
ono door south of Sander's& Colegrove.
Westfield Boro', Feb. 13' 1668. J. R. EtilnllEE.
'3'.' JOHNSON.
C. IL GOLDSMITH, Proprietor.—Having leas
ed this popular Hotel, the proprietor respect
fully solicits a fair share of patronage. Every
attention given to guests. The best hostler in
the county always in attendance.
April 29, 1868.—1 y.
Iwould respectfully inform the citizens of Ti
oga and vicinity, - that I have built a new
in the Borough of Tioga, and having a - gbod
Photographic Artist in my employ, I am now
prepared to furnish - all kinds of Pictures known
to the Photographic Art. Also having in my
employ a number of first class Painters, I am
prepared to answer all calls for houseS sign, car.
riage, ornamental and scenery painting. Ad
dress A. B. MEADE.
May 6,1868-6 m. Tioga, Pa.
AT tho Lawrenceville Drug. Store, wheris:Ylits
will find every thing properly belonging to
the Drug Trade
and of the best quality for Caeh. Alto, Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Lampe, Fancy: Notions, Violin
Strings, Fishing Tackle, Window-Glass, kr..
' Cash paid for Flax Seed,
Lawrenceville, May 8, 18t17.
Glen's rails Insurance OommanY)
GLEN'S 'FALLS, - N: Y. -'
Capital and Surplus $373,637,66.
- 0 - -
FARM RISKS, only, taken.
No Premium Notes required.
It is LIBERAL. It pays damages by Light
sing, whether Fire ensues or not.
It pays for lire stock killed by Lightning', in
barns or in tho
Its rates are lower than other Cotnpanie• of
equal responsibility. I. C. PRICE, Agent,
Farmington, Centro, Tioga Co. Pa t -
May 29, 1.867-Iy* '•
Carriage and Harness! Trirnminga,
Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1867-Iy.
ki cheap! at WRIGHT Sr. BAILEVH
Wetlabor°, Juno 5,1857:
CALEN DE It, . Fre tie b; Maine 'anti
Clocks, at [doel9] , POLES'S.,
_ - - •
• N.
t. ThA.
. 1
„4•: 01.01 r
ccri.?, m.a.ct a , ' l' 0.:
I am solo agent for
ocat•Eil tint 10.12:€:)4Disl.
FkOM GERMAN-, in 83 5.
The greatest known remedies for •
Liver Complaint,
Nervous Debility,
j4 I 7NPIPE,
, •
Diseases of the kidneys,
and all Diseiseg arising from a Do.
ordered Liver, Stomach, or
, past ths following symptoms, apstof you,,finft Mgt
your system is affected my any of Thep, you may rest
assured that disease has commenced its attack on the
most important organs of your body, and unless soon
checked by the use of potoerfut remedies; a miserable
life, soon terminating in death; will be the result,
Constipation, ,Flatulence, Inward Piles,
Fulness of Blood - t4the Head, Acidity
of the Stomach. , Nausea, Heart- ,'
burn, Disgust for Food. Fulness
or Weight inlthe Stomach,
Sour Eructations. Sink
or Fliittering at the Pit
of the Stomach, Syvinuningof
the Head: 'Hurried or Difficult
Breathing, Fluttering at_
the Heart,
Choking or.Suffccating Sensations when
in a liying,Posture, Dimness of Vision, . „'
Dots or Webs before the Sight,
Dull. Pain in the Hoag, Deft- ."•••
eiency of Perspiration, ' '
• lowness of the Skin and
Eyes, Pain in the Side,
I3aclr, Chest, Limbs, eta., Bud
den:glushea of Heat, Burning in
the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of
Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits.
An these indicate disease of the Liver or Digestive
Organs, combined wills. impure blood.
figpflapb:a reenwl ,t3ittcro,
is entirely vegetable, and captains Ito
liquor. It Is acompound of Fluid Ex
tracts. The Roots, Herbs, and Barks
from which these extracts nre made
are gathered Germany. All -the
medicinal •rlrtites nTe extracted frotri
them by a scientific chemist. These
extracts are then forwarded to this be used expressly for 'tilt
manufacture of these liitters. "'l`here
Is no alcoholic substance of any kind
used In compounding the Bitters,
hence Kip the only Bitter's that can
be usedlrixtctuceia where' alcoholic stim
ulants are not advisable: •
Ocrutatt, (goal('
is a combination of all the ingredients of the Bitters,
with PURE Santa Cruz Rum, Orange, etc. It is used for
the same diseases as the Ltiftere, ca cases where some
pure alcoholic stimulus is required. Inu will bear in
mind that these remedies are entirely difierent from
any others advertised for fife cure qf, the diseased
named, these being;scient(fic prepantlimo s - nf medieftial
extracts, while the others ace nirr4 decoctions of rum
in sonic form. The TONIC is decidedly one of the mod
pleasant and agreeable remedie , l ever offered to the
public. Its taste iv exquisite. It is a plea: ere to tuke
it, while er , taaratiag, and lardiCiaai
qualities have caused rI to he knonla n,r the g,•eam s t o f
all tonics. •
Thousands of cases, when, the pa.
tient supposed lie w i ts nfflictied Ivastr
this terrible Wisenseihteve hemu cured
by the use of these remedies. IL' xt refine
emaciation, debility, and cough: are
the usual attendants tipon severe
eases of dyspepsia or disease of the
digestive organs. h.'ven in ellbefi of
genuine COll4 timpt iOll, these remedies
will be found of the greatest bmtetit,
strengthening and invig9rat in,,:. ,
i;:‘ \ r D B 1
,6,-, • i
- ? I, i r
Y.i :., .. '
Ti,..r i an medreim, (vital to lionfland's Ger»111)1
/Mier; go? nide I» eIISTS of Debility. They impart a
e••••-•••• Ihe Ala , le .1 l • it
itimuith digryt 11, en the op
zoud, he.athq erwilan.Na d t:,!. na bl e the.
/rum the eye, impact a 1 , 1,, , An to the dicks arvicha4E
the putivit _roan d shoPt-breathe,d, enlaczated, peak,
and nil -pans' iathilid, to a fnll:f.eced, stone, and riyar.
• nus person.
Weak, and Delicate
le strong by lasing the Marrs
or Tonic. In tart, they are Prevail* 1
Medicines. They can be administered
with perfect safety to a child (litre
monts old, the most delicate female,
or t i tan of ninety.
'Tile Remedies aretlie best
33100ci Purifiers
. .
ever knr6,l, and will cure all diseases resulting from
bad bliifi. ,
-Keep oar blond pure; keep lode Liver •in order;
keels 7fildr digestive organs in a sound, healthy condi ,
lion, by the use of thev,trofdies, and no thscase will
ever assail you.
, . .
Ladles • - w1 n' wish at fair skh.i and
good complexion, (rep from ix yeilloi
, 1 hat tinge and oil other disfigurement,
should use these remedies Occasion
ally. The Liver in perfect order, and
the 'blood pare, will result. in spark
ling and blooming cheek's. ,
CA,V‘rxia M.
.17bofiand's German Remedies are coutiterfeihe
.The genuine have the signature of p. Ar, Jackson.
on the, front of the outside wraliprr of each bottle, and
the name q% the article blown in eachballe All otht , rs
are counterfeit . • • .
Thousands of letters have heeu
celved, testifying to the virtue orates ,
remedies. • -
ChiPfJustito of the Suori;mp Ooin - t.of Ponneyiinuta.
I'un.A.brotrizii;l6 two 16th, 1867.
Ifind "Honfland's German Bitters" is not an intox
icating beverage, but, is a- good tonic issefla in disor
ders of the digestive orgaue,,-:crod, of great bent in
eaves •of tiebitity , , and r want df nervous action. tn,the
systfm. Yours truly: z
GEO. wooDireißD. •
Judge of the Bnpz eme Court of reermylvabifi. ' •
PRILMIELPITIk, Arnit'2Bth, 1860.
I consider " IloollFtrad's German Bit-.
tors' , a valuable merlieine in Case Of at•
tachs of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I
can certify this frtim,rity experience
of it. Yours, with respect,
Pastor of the Tenth.llaplist Church, Philadelphia.
DR.JACKSON—nt kit :-- hur,i;Pea feequent7 y re
quested to connect my name with recommendations (If
&prim, kinds of medicioee, lad regar‘iiuy the practice
as out of my appropolule sphere, I kamin all cases de
clined; but with a clear proof in rarimai instances, and
particularly in my mon family, of the usefulness of Dr.
lfoofiand's German hitters, I depart for once from $719
usual course , to express my full COntieilian that for
general debility of the syetem and especially for, Liver
Complaint, ft in a sato nod v aluable preparation. In
some cases it may fail ; but usually, I doubt not, ft will
be very beneficial to those who suffer. from the abore
cause. Yours. very respectfully,
B.iyhth, below Coates St.
Pried of the `Bitters, $l,OO per bottle ;
" Or, a half ,dozon for 151)0.
Price of the ToniO, 81:50 - "per bottle,;
Or, a half dozen for 87.50.
%Ito Tonle is pnt up in quart bottle.
Recollect that it is Dr. frog!land's German Remedies
that are so universally used and so highly recommend
ed; and do not allow the Druggist to induce you to
take any thing else that he may say is just as good, br
rause he make, dlarger•prqfit on it. .These Remedies
will be sent by express la any locality upon application
lo the
N. 13,31 A .12 CH TREiT,
• CHAS.' M. EVANS. Fropribtpr,
„I"9Traoqy 4AoBeozi & co.
'Thum Remedies- are for sale by
Druggiete, : Storelceepere, and Medi.
eine Dealers everywhere. ;
Do not forget to examine it'd, the article you buy,
order to pd the grnutne-
. • • .1 •
The above Remedies ore for sale by rugkits,
Storekeepers, and Medicine denierci, everpatere
tlireughout the
,Uaited States, Canadas, Spoil
America, find the;Weat
4 ..! Vb.°
. , is; Vac, 130aviutaxi3asz of lill7"igescic.saa.."
WELL§BORO, PA., JULY 8., 1868.
gotto' Olviorstcr.
What glower is this that greets the morn,
Its lines from heaven so freshly born !
With burning star and flaming,brand •
It 'kindled all•the sunset WWI • •
0 tell us what its name may-he,-
Is this the flower of Liberty?
It is the hahner ,Of the free,
The starry FloWer of Liberty.
In,savage Nature's fair abode..,. . . • -
Its tender seed. our, father's sowed
The storm-winds rooked,its ewclling bud,
Ity o POilif 2 l3,/coves , were streaked with -blood
Till to ! earth's tyrants shook to see _
The fill•hiown Flower of Liberty !
Then hail the banner of the free,. •
Tbq starry Flower of iiitertyl- -
Behind its streaming rays unite,
Ono mingled flood of braided
The red that fires the Southern rose, „
Willt ; spetlesi,Whito from Northern snows,
Add, spangled o'er its azure, see
The sister Stars of Liberty!
Then bail the banner of the free,
Flower!of Lihertk! - •
The blades of heroes fence it round '
Wherifer it springs ls holy ground ;
From tower and dome its glories spread ;
It waves where no lone sentries tread;
It makes tho land as ocean free,
And plants an empire on the.sea
, Then hail the banner of the free:
The starry Flower of Liberty.
Thy snored leaves fair Freedom's flower
Shall ever Boat on dome and tower,
To all the heavenly colors true,
In blackening frost ar crimson dew,
And God loves us as ire love thee, ,
Thrice holy Flower of Liberty l
Then hail the banner of the free, •
The starry Flower of Liberty.
Vtiorellaittous irdinq•.
-- I -
• One cold winter morning, the last
Sunday of December, 1849, a halfnaked
man knoeked timidly at the basement
door of a tine substantial mansion in the
city of Brooklyn. Though the weather
was bitter ' even for that season, the
young man had no clothing hut a ragged
pair of cloth pants, and the remains of
a flannel shirt, which, exposed his
muscular chest in, many large rents.
But in spite of his tattered apparel and
evident fatigue, as he leaned heavily
updn the railing of the, basement stairs,
a critical observer could not fail to no-
hoe a conscious air of dignity, and the
marked traces of cultivation, and' re
finement in his pale haggard counte-
-The door was speedily opened, and
disclosed a large comfortably. furnished
room, with its glowing grate of anthra
cite, before which was placed a luxuri
ously furnished breakfast table. A
fashionably attired young; Man, , a
broca!l e dressing gown and - velvet slip
pers, was reclining on a sofa, busily
reading the inclining papers. The
beautiful young wife had lingered at
the table, giving the servant -in wait
ing her orders for the household matters
of the day,: when tifq timid rap fit the
door attracted her attention. She coin
mantled it to be opened, but the young
,master of the mansion replined • that it
was quite useless—bcinw,it o _door wan,
some thieving beggar but the , ..—'
"Chine in to the fire,":said the Young
wife, iMptrlsfvelY,'"befere yeti Perish!"
The metlieant l , without exhibiting,.
any surprise at such usual treatment •ot
ii street beggar, slowly entered the
room, manifesting a painful weakness
at every step. On his entrance, Dr.
Afaywood with a displeased air, gath
ered up his papers and left the apart
ment. The compasasonate lady unwise
ly placed the half-frozen man near the,
itre,nyhile obe prepared a boWl 'of fin
, grant coffee, Nvhidli with abundant food,
was placed before him. But noticing
the abrupt departure of her husband,
Mrs. Maywood, with a clouded counte
nance, telt the.roem, whippering„ to the
Servant td retriain until the stranger
should leave.
She ran hastily upthe richly ; nionn
ted'stairease, and paused before the en
trance of a small laboratory and medi
cal library, and occupied solely by her
husband, who was a physician and
practical chemist, She opened the door
and enterett the JO . Orn: ; Maywood
was sitting' fit a small table with his
head resting on his hand, apparently
in deep thought.
,"Edward,' said the young wife gent
ly touching his arm, "I fear I had dis
pleased you, but the man looked so
wretched I could not bear to drive him
away," and her sweet voice trembled
as she added—" You know I take sacra
ment to-day." '
'Dear Mary," replied the ,fond hus
band, "I appreciate your motives. I
know it is pure goodness of heart which
leads you to disobey me, but stilllmust
command that no beggar shall ever be
permitted to enter the house. It is for
your own safety that I insist upon it.
How deeply you might be imposed
upon in my frequent absences from home
I shudder to, think. The man that is
now below may bea burglar in disguise,
already, in your , absence, taking im
presSions in wax of the different key
holes in the room, so as to enter some
night at his leisure. Your limited ex
4erience of city life makes it difficult
for youln credit so mud) depravity.
It is no charity to give to street beggars,
it•only encourages vice, dearest.":
"It may be so," responded Mrs: May
-1 wood, "but it ceems wicked not to re
lieve suffering and want even if the
person • hal behaved badly—and we
know it. But I promise you not to
ask another beggar into the house."
At this moment the servant rapped
violently at the door, crying that the
.beggar was dying.
"Come,".Edward, your skill can save
him,l know," said his wife, hastening
from the room.
The'doctor did not refuse this appeal
to his professional vanity, for he imme
diately followed his wife's flying foot
steps as she descended to the basement.
They found the mendicant, lying pale
and' unconscious upon the carpet, where
he had slipped from weakness from his
chair, where Mrs: MaywOod had, seated
"He is a handsome fellow," murmur
:od the doctor, ns he bent over him to
ascertain the state of his pulse.
• And well he might ' say so. The
glossy looks of - raven 'hair had fallen
from the broad white forehead; his
closed eyelids were bordered by long
raven lashes, which lay like a silken
fringe, upon Ids pale bronzed cheeks,
while a delicate nose and a square
Massive chin displayed, a model of
manly beauty.
•- -"Is asked the - young, Wife
• -
"Oh, no, it's only a fainting fit /ll
du'eo,,by the midden change -of tem
peraiaire and perhaps the first stage of
alarvation,"i replied the doctor, sym
liathizing,ly. Ho had forgotten for the
• moment his cold maxims of prudence,
affil added, "he must be carried - to
room withoUtilre, and plated in acorn
fprtable bed
The coachwan.was called in to assist
in lifting the athletic stranger, who
was carried to a roon, in a--chamber,
where the doctor administered 'with
his own hands strong does of port Wine
sangaree. The young man soon became
partly conscious, but all conversation
was forbade him, and he -sank quietly
to sleep. 7
"He is doing well ; let him rest as
long i as lie call ; should he wake in my
absence, give him beef tea and toast
ad libitum," said the doctor profession
ally, as lie left the room.. .
leas than an hour afterwards, Dr.
Maywood and his lovely wife entered
the gorgeous church of the "Most Holy
, And qi the ; hundreds of, fair ,4amem
that'entered its broad pertal`s,,',dreSsed
with all the taste and magnificence
that abundant wealth could procure,
not one, riyaltnr ,in grace and beauty,
the orphati'bride of the rich phyeleian.
Her tall graceful figure waarobed ,in a
violet Silk, that' Only heightened by
contrast her azure eyes, bright with
the lustre 'of yotithful happiness, yet
there was a touch of tender pity in l
their drooping lids, that won the confi
dence of every beholder. The snowy
ermine mantilla which protected her
from 'the piercing wind* rivaled but
could not surpass the delicate purity' cjf
her complexion, •
Many admiring eyes followed the fault
less figure of Mrs. - Maywood as she
moved with unconscious grace up the
aisle of the church, but none with more
heartfelt devotion than the young,
wayward,,,but generous man who had
recently wed her iu spite Other poverty
and the sneers of his, aristocratic ac. 7
The stately organ had pealed ,its last
rich notes, which were still faintly ech
oing in the arches, when a stranger of
venerable aspect, who had previously
taken no part in the services of the
altar, rose and announced for his' text
the oft quoted but seldom applied words
of the Apostle—"Be not forgetfUl to
entertain strangers, for thereby. some
have entertained angels unawares."
Dr. Maywood felt his forehead flush
painfully ; it appeared to him for the
moment that the preacher must have
known of his want of
,charity towards
strangers, and wished to give him a
public lesson ; but he soon saw from
the tenor of his discourse that his own
guilty conscience had alone
.made the
application in his particular case.
It had, not the space; nor indeed the
power s to give any synopsis of the ser
mon , but thatssit, combined with the
incident of the morning, effected a
happy revolution in 'the mind of at
least one of its hearers. So much so
that on the return of Dr. Maywood how
church he repaired at once to the room
of the mendicant to offer such attention
as he might stand in need of. But the
young man seemed to be much refreshed
by rest and nutritious j food, and com
menced gracefully thanking his host
for the kind attention he had received,
which without doubt, saved his life.
"I will recompense you well, for thank
God, I am not the beggar that I seem.
I was shipwrecked on Friday night in
the Ocean Wave, on my return from
India. My name was doubtless among
the list of the lost—for I escaped from
the waves by a miracle. I attempted
to make my way to New York, where
I had ample fundg in bank awaiting
my orders .but must have perished
front:&ld and Manger Vac" -it bet, been
for - your Wife'S' provident Charity-, I
was repulsed from ,every . door as an im-'
vasSor,_abd could-get neither food nor
land tell Y ett l, l l 4 .'
hunger ,.o nf christian city,
I felt to be - truly, a atter fate."
"My name is Arthur Willett," added
the stranger.
"Why, that is my wife'sfamilyname.
She will be doubly pleased at her agen
cy in your recovery."
"Of what State is she a native ?" ask
ed Arthur Willett, eagerly.
. "I married her in the town of B—,
where she was born."
At this moment Mrs. Maywood en
tered,the room, surprised at the long
absence of her husband.
Arthur Willett gnzed at her with a
ook of the wildest surprise, murmured :
`lt cannot be—it cannot be, I am de
irious to think so!"
Mrs. Maywood gazed with little less '
astonishment, motionless as a statue.
"What painful mystery is this?"
Cried Dr. Maywood, excitedly address
ing his wife. who then became con
scious of the singularity of her conduct.
"Oh, no - mystery," she replied,. sigh
ing deeply, "only this , stranger is the
image of my long lost brother Arthur."
And Mrs. Maywood; overcome with
emotion, turned to leave the room.
"Stay one moment," pleaded the
stranger drawing a small ring from his
finger, and holding it up, asked if she
recognized that relic.
"It is my father's gray hair, and you
"His son, Arthur Willett, and your
Mary Willett Maywood fell upon the
mendicant's breast, weeping tears ofthe
sweetest joy and,l,thanksgiving.
Doctor Maywood retired from . the
room and left his sister and brother
alone dn that sacred hour of reunion,
saying to himself:
"Be not forgetful to entertain strang
ers, for thereby some have entertained
angels unawares."
following singular gbituary appears in
an lowa paper in relation to a boy kill
ed by a railroad accident:
He was asleep in the car; it run off
the track, struck a tree, threw his head
against the ear with such force as to
produce insensibility. He was-. taken
to the hospital, where he died the next
morning, sensbility never returning.
He ,was seventeen years old last Sep
tember, six feet high and weighed 175
pounds. He was the most higly organ
ized boy I ever knew—the best educa
ted, because he mastered what he stud
ied.. He was a linguist, Latin,' Greek,
English. Mr. Walker, who was partial
to him, volunteered to teach him,
evenings, all the Latin learned in col
lege. He was a mathematician, for
which he had a passion, a surveyor,
draughtsman, artist; carpenter—the best
biographer I ever knew.
. Ho had a woman's loving heart—
a man's inflexible purpose. He also
worshiped hiss mother's' memory--his'
eyes were just like hers. Cats, dogs,
horses, birds, children, were his pets.
'He had an intense curiosity in relation
to all the contrivances of the creation.
He watched a bird with the deVotion
of an ornithologist—was struck with the
gallantry of the male canary, when a
lump of sugar was put in the cage, it
waiting till the female ate as much as
it wanted, He had an intense desire to
see the ocean—whey taken to it, he was
a'sved-pelt-bound—niaile a spontane
ous collection of' shells along its rest
less shore—there they are, in his little
teal - dna, just as, he himself placed them.
:Wben at thelnines, he collected min
eralsin the'same way. He begged .his
uncle,' over and Over again, to let him
go into this war, who thought ho was
too young to be exposed to all the temp
' tations bf the camp.' He read Abbott's
Life kit Napoleon when ho was so little
- 7 -the hook Sb big that he looked like a
tumble bug at a cart wheel ; he latend
ed,.at the time, to do all that Napoleon
did, even to marrying Josephine. He
--- 1
had great purposes", all unexeeutqd—he
seemed a case of incipient greatness—
his only fault; contempt of danger. Jn
,a moment of unconeiousness, i 'death
`came Upon him, like a thief in the
night. Ms uncle, his cousins, hip poor
father—all his kin—feel as if a poisoned
arrow had hit:them.
His uncle will have likenesses made
of him to give to all who loved him.
[Vet the Agitator.]
Some of your readers may be interest
ed in a brief sketch of a recent visit- to!
Gettysburg, which I enjoyed, inr com
mon with many others, during the
Meeting of the General Assembly;of the
'Presbyterian church, in Harrisburg:.
Through the courtesy of the officers
of the Itailroadsleading thither, about
three hundred of us, delegates and in
vited guests, were furniShed with freo
tickets,- and a train of elegant cars bor
rowed from the several roads for' this
Governor Geary and his lady, with
Whom, as Members of the church in
which the Assembly met, we had al
ready enjoyed several pleasant inter
views, cordially consented to aecom-
Pally us, and act as'our guides over that
memorable field. $
Our journey lay through some of the
most cultivated and delightful Milan()
valley scenery of the State. S venal
towns, whose names became fa iiliar
during the invasion of General Lee,
Were passed ,in our route;—York, \ ‘ r hose
terrified in habitautssuffered thetns -lees
to be blackmailed by General Ewell to
the tune of $`28,000; -Hanover, and Han
over Junction, where that redoubtable
chief, J. E. 13. Stuart, tapped the Rail
road, and cut the wires; with other
points of like interest.
Four hours brought us to Gettysburg,
where we were met by a Committee,
and conducted to the public square.—
There the ladies and 'venerable were
provided with carriages; while the Gov.
from the center of the Square, announc
ed the programme for the day.
• As no time was to be lost, the whole
company Proceeded at once to the head
quarters °el Gen. Lee, about three-quar= ,
ters of a mile up the Chambersborg
road. This was a small - whitewashed
block-house, at the corner of a grow .:. by
the roadside. Here the excursionists,
mounted upon the wagons and fences,
with their maps - .:outspread, surveyed
the scene. Rev. 13r, Hodges, a witness
of the first day's battle, stood upon a
wagon seat, and pointed out the posi
tions and movements of the troops.—
The assault, the repulse, and final re
treat of our forces through the town to
their strongly intrenehed position on
Cemetery hill, were graphically ,de Piet
ed. •
While the company were returning
to a bountiful collation, prepared by
the Indies of Gettysburg, in the hall of
the fair ground, two of us visited' the
spot where the gallant Reynolds fell.
The way lay across a plowed field,,over
which the scattered hones of unburied
men lay bleaching in all .directions.
Here and there fragments of clothing,
knapsacks, canteens, &c., were encoun
tered. At a corner of the fence enelos
ing a small piece of woods, the intrepid
soldier met his fate, at the hands of
sharpshooters, while reconnoitering the
enemy's position. The scattered trees
:still bear.upon,their trunks the traces
of. their deadly aill).',' Froin:, this. :point
we crossed a meatic;v;,:on our *ay', to
,the Theological Seminary, passing by
tblib - i - sdaretayPs_where the dead were
Here sand there bones migni he--4,—.
' protruding from mingled heaps of earth,
stones, canteens, and kuapaseks, with
which they had been hastily covered.
For, with the utmost dilligence of the
citizens, but a part only df the rebel
dead could receive a decent burial, and
many it is said, for lack of a friendly
hand to cover them, were actually con
sumed by birds and beasts of prey, or
left to rot on the field.
Passing through a little grove covered
with the marks of the battle, we en ter
the Seminary from the rear, and ascend
ed to the Cupola, whence Gen. Led had
reconnoitered our position on 'thel sec
ond day. Here with glass in hand we•
had a fine survey of the field. It ex
tends several miles in each direction,
over a succession of low ridges, green
valleys, and wooded hills, bounded in
the distance by mountains, through the
passes of which the army of Lee so
mysteriously melted away, before their
tardy purSurers.
As we passed through the halls of the
building, our attention was called to
the marks of blood on the pine floor,
where the wounded had lain, whiqh no
scouring has availed to remove. These
traces were especially noticeable in the
library, where many of the wounded
of both armies bled and groaned' and
died together.
After the collation' at the Hall, we
proceeded up the Baltimore pike, to the
corner-stone of the monument, whieh
the Martyred President laid at th 'ded
ication of the National Cemetery. Here
the Assembly, with uncovered I ends,
united in a fervent prayer, led b the
venefablo Dr. Skinner, of R. Y. 'Then
by request, Gov. Geary read', the Ad
dress of the immortal Lincol, 4tand
ing on the very spot from which It was
delivered nearly tour years ago'. '
The plan of tie National Cemetery
next engaged our attention. it, occu
pies the slope oil the hill, facing the
town, and is disosed like a fan spread
out, or rather like an inverted amphi
theater, with thi monument for its fo
cal center. Nearest the monument, are
large square blocks of granite on which
are engraved the names of the 'several
States represented. Beyond these, in
'ever widening arcs, are, the tablets of
the dead, marked with name, company
allul division, in such order that visitors
may readily trace their dead without a
From the most available point, the
in .
Governor directed our attention OVe.,
that memorable field, and delineated the
progress of the battle. Turning our
backs upon the town, with the I.illage
cemetery on our left, we could command
ant extended view of the positions of
the left wing of our army from the
hikh pinnacle of Round Top down to
the center, where we stood. 10 the
right, on the long parallel ridges, lay
the right 'wing of the enemy. Here,
near a large peach orchard, a hal -mile
distant, was the scene of the principal
conflict of the second day, in Which
Gen. Sickles bore lo conspicuous apart .
At the foot of the slope in Mitt, It.tooil
the modest cottage, which ser-ved ..`‘, tit I.!
bead-quarters of Gen. yead.e
From the high, rocky cones of Round
Top, and little Round Top, from which,
on his first arrival Gov. Geary dislodged
the enemy; our guns commanded sev
eral roads, and poured a galling fire urtiA
on the fiank of the enemy. Upon these
distant heights at a point called Devil's
Dell; several whole 'skeleton's 'mayl still'
he seen. From a point on the owosite
ridges the lines of the enemy extended
five or six miles, sweeping down, past.
Cemetery' Hill, and bending thr,ough
,the town, and a mile and a half beyond
like an immense fishhook with its' barb
resting. on Culp's 11111. , This latter
point was one of special interest to . 3ev.
Geary, and Accordingly we proceeded'
thither; passing in our course, tin ra
vine up which the Louisiana Tigers
wade their desperate but fatal aesaUlt
Culp's Hill lies about a mile east of
the Cemetery. t lt is covered by the
primeval forest 4nd huge boulders of
granite. On the! farther slope •of the
hill Gen. Geary with three brigades
confronted Ewell with a superior force
on the ridge opposite and held him at
bay for two fearfulday sometimes at
the point of the bayonet. The timber
in the valley bears witness to the teiri-•
ble conflict. Much of it has fallen and
the dead trunks , still standing though
hacked and sawed are still Atli of grape
and minnie balls; some of which we
secured. But alteady ho* changed the
scene. As the Governor remarked the
hand of time has nearly erased all
trabes of the horrid attire... The trenches'
have mostly been filled, and the breast
works broken down, or overrun with
grass. And it was difficult as we stood,
upon the,high places ofthe field, with
tike above us, and the green
and peaceful landscape around us, to
realize that on the third ,day of July,
1863; an embattled host of j 120,000 men,
:advancing along their whole line, in
one mighty desperate char e, were reli
ed back in broken, thine , and disor
dered masses beneath the e oudy conepy
of battle.
But though these art ficial traces
may disappear, yet as the yeare roll on,
the field of Gettysburg will take rank
with the great battle-fields 1 of history.
And the gatitude of all' succeeding gen
erations, shall embalm the memory of
that heroic army, which, by its valor
and devotion, was the means, under
God, of turning the evenly balanced
scales of victory to the side of freedom,
righteousness and peace, in the utrilost
crisis of tile war.
With a certain lord, any centuries
since, resided a little girl, who was an
orphan and his niece. The child he used
with extreme cruelty. - She was frequen
tly heard by the servants, while suflbr
ing from his violence, to cry out : "Good
uncle, kill me not!" Eventually she,
disappeared. Itwas at once assumed
that she , had been murdered by her
uncle. He 'vehemently denied the
charge; but public opinion ran so
strongly against him that he was ar
raigned, convicted and executed. Ten
years, afterward, the child, now grown
to be a tine young woman, turned up
to claim some land which had been de
vised to ber'before her disappearance.
She had taken refuge from• the barbar
ity of her' uncle with a kindhearted
lady, and by her had been conveyed
"beyond sea." Ambrose Gynnett brings
us nearer to our own times. This man.
it will be remembered, vas tried, found
guilty, and hanged for the murder of
his Uncle. The uncle had been sleeping
iii Gynnett's house, which was on the
coast of Kent, the back garden running
down to the seashore. He disappeared.
No body was found ; but a trail of blood
was discovered from 'the house to the
garden end, and there, too, was found
a clasp knife, known to belong to
Gyunett, covered with gore. Gynnett,
protested his innocence, but he was
sentenced to death, and absolutely hung
in chains, or rather in that iron cage
in which the corpses of Malefactors
were suspended from the gibbet until
the birds of the air had picked the flesh
from their bones. By what seemed an
interposition of • Providence Ambrose
,Gynnett did not die. The hangman
; had:dune his work
Won - but - been suspended,-and the
[poor fellow recovered consciousness to
find hiMself imprivned in the gibbet
the. rermira mime Asfreii raseileit&VP‘,.."Wfia
preservation, he was pardoned. Many
years afterward, the uncle for whose
supposed assassination Ambrose had
been hanged reappeared. It turned
out that on the night of the alleged
murder, he bad risen from bed with• a
violent attack of bleeding from the nose - .
He bad endeavored to allay this -with
the cold steel- of the clasp knife. He
had gone into the garden in the hope
that the freidi air might stop the bleed
ing. , At the garden 'end ho had been
seized by a press gang, carried at once
on board ship, and conveyed to the
West Indies.
The topic of wrongful executions -oat
orally suggests the case of the Maid
and the Magpie to which Scribe gave a
happy ending, While Rossini removed
the record from the dusty archives of
Justice to•the ever-shining Temple of
Fame. The story is no fanciful myth.
Tho magpie and l the maid both lived,
though not at Palaiscaux, but in Paris ;
and the one suffered 'for the crime of
the other, whose seal delinquency was
only found out long after infallible Jus
tice bad solemnly strangled the inno
cent servant' girl. There. is mention
made in Mer ier's Tableau de Paris of
an annual n ass which was regularly
celebrated fc4 the repose of the soul of
this unhappy victim at the church of
:St. Jean en Greve, the service being
popularly known as masse de la pie.
In those days Justice with its bandaged
eyes seemed to have , played a sort of
game of blind-man' -buff. When a
crime was committe, , it was " Turn
round three times anyl catch 'whom you
The same author elates a ease iu
which another servant girl had been
brougl4 to the gallowS equally innocent
of the crime imputed to her. Her
master had endeavored to seduce her,
and failing wreaked his vengeance by
placing valuables in her box, and then
denouncing her as a thief. he scoun
drel was powerful, the facts seemingly,
daninatory; and the only defence
tears and asseverations of ihnocence.
411 e was banded over to the hangman,
or rather to his bungling apprentice,
wlii)ne unavoidable nervousness—the
natural consequence to a first appear
anc(—left the girl inanimate, but not
dead. A surgeon's dissecting knife set
the tide of life in motion again, and his
care soon effected her complete resuscia
tion. In doubt as to hoiv he should act
under these strange circumstances, he
sent for a priest in whose discretion he
placed implicit trust. The priest, a
venerable and solemn looking person
age, arrived just as the girl was awak
ening to the outward world, which she
mistook for that which is promised in
the future, and, perceiving the priest,
s i e clasped her trembling hands, and
e.Sel a i aluil : " Perq Eternel f vous save:
mon i»nocenee, cz3rn petie de moi !"
(Eternal Father, you know my inno
cenee, have compassion on me!) It was
difiienit to remove this impression,
Nt liiii:ll, however, had furnished the
cleArest. po ) ;sible proof of her innocence
to 1 .11,0-e who heard the touching rip
pel 1 it,) one whom _ she regarded as her
Ku acute and All-SeeingJudge. No at
tell pt was made in this ease to prove
I la' girl's innocence before a court of
justico. Sim hid herself in a distant
village, not tlaridg to face iltUllall jUS-
I ii. agaiii ; and, considering all things,
ii must he owned she was right. Mer
tier says he knew thQ priest, .and had
the story' from his own lips; so he be
ing: by all testimony, an upright, truth
ful- Mau, there can be no doubt the tale
is ant lien tie. '(
a young lady - who said she
didn't like turtle soup. Affectionately
rebuking her, 1 1 was answered, piteous
ly, that she didn't much object to. the
taste, but that she thought it so crud
and wicked to kill the turtle doves,
NO. 27.
Tho proprietors have stooked the establishment
with a new a varied assortment of ' •
and are prepared to exento neatly and promp*,
Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and a full assorimnet;
of Constables' and Justices' Blanks on band.
People living at a distance can depend on hav
ing their work done promptly and sent back in
return mail.
A Disappointed Youth.
We shall call him Brown, because if
he was not Brown at first he has been
done brown since. He is a susceptible
young bachelor, is Brown, and admires
female loveliness in ail its forms. His
friends call him Butterfly Brown on ac
count of his flitting from flower:to flow
er. Brown Is a resident of this City ;
rich but respectable, as such things go.
His " dearest" resides here 'also. Al
though Brown Is devoted to his There
sea, the fact does not prevent his keep
ing one eye open for other beauties. -
Brown was stiinding on the corner of
Fourth avenue and Fourteenth street,
conversing with some of the - mad wags
who irthabit that locality. A vision of
beauty passed ; - she was a young lady
of Brooklyn, one of the most beautiful
and fascinating of the, belles across the
river. The transcendant beauty of this
loypl . y maiden struck Brown's heart
s4uAte between the eyes, and set that
susceptible organ to bobbing like a pat
ent churn-dasher.
By diligent enquiries he learned her
name and lineage and habitation. Then
his wits were at fault. He consulted
his friends aforesaid. They advised
him to write to her an, ardent letter,
portraying his love, his riches, and his
eagerness for an interview.
"By Jove I'll do it," quoth Brown,
and forthwith, by the help of Claud ,
Melnotte and• Romeo, he compounded a
love letter, which must have. touched
the heart of any one but - a Brooklyn
girl, and sent it over the river. •
Days of restless anxiety ! Nights of
feverish unrest ! No answer ! Who
that has not been along there can tell
the agony of suspense chat rended the
fond heart of the susceptible Brown.—
In his despair he consulted his friends.
They advised another letter. It was
In the mean time, the wags aboVe
mentioned, feeling interested in Brown's
welfare, concocted a letter which cover
ed the entire ease, and - one which, from
their knowledge of the despairing lover,
they judged would prove a very balm.
in Gilead to bib wounded spirit. It
was dated at Brooklyn, copied,,m,aneat
ladies' hand-writing, and sent over the
river, to be mailed..
In duo time Brown came bounding
into the store, where his friends preihi
ed, radiant with joy, and dancing like
a bubble.on'a summer morning's wave.
• " By. Jove, boys, I've . got it ? And
such a letter. Just the thing, by Jove.
She wants to see me. lam going- over
there this evening. Listen."
Brown then read the letter to tits
wicked authors. llo.theri cut as much
of a pigeon-wing as his tight pants
would permit.
" Was there ever anything sweeter ?
By Jove, I'll have her picture and a
kiss, or I'll never leave lirooklyA alive.
Joe, you may have Theresea, and, next
to Minnie, she is the divinest creature
that breathes, by Jove
Scene changes to Brooklyn. Time, 8
p. m. Brown in parlor, solos. Enter
young lady, who says :
" Mr. Brown, I believe ?"
"Yes, mann (rising and pitching hid
shoulders toward - her), I received your
kind note in response to my own, arid
am most happy to present myself ac
cording to your request."
" Sir ,
—(surprised and indignant).
" Yes, Minnie, I feel vtry, very hap
` 4 Sir, I wrote you no letter ; you are
laboring under a great mistake." -
,my poCliet77ls4kirwcrnit"irrajt---hareArt
. " Mr. Brown (glancing at the letterj
—I perceive what. - you have not the
- pres p r i fb,l4.4o jou are the victim 'of
r 43 the
two ridiculous letters." .
"DDidn't yea write this letter though?
—By Jove, it is too bad. But I hope
when we get better acquainted—".
"Mr. Brown (indignantly)—l know
nothing about you, neither dial desire
to ; and if you write me any more, Billy
letters, I shall refer them to my bretho.
Good night, sir."
" Good night, Miss I—." - • -
"Good night, Sir, good night."
Brown departed with an inordinate
sized ilea in his ear, in lieu of a picture
and a kiss. TO add to his woe, the
next hest girl having heard of the .
transfer of his affections, reiltises to see . _
him. He is now trying to prolong his
miserable existence by taking whisky
juleps at irregular intervals.-He says
that love is A dizziness; . and perhaps , it
may be when mixed with whisky and
What is ."pne-Horae Power."
The use of the term " horse. power,"
is very common ; yet few, except good
mechanics arid pugineers , attach a defin
ite meaning to it , but regard it as indi
cating, loosely, '. about the power which
a single horse,could exert. It is, how
ever, when used in the sense under con
sideration, as definite as possible, and
means the power required to
.lift 33,000
pounds avoirdupois, one foot high in
one minute. •
A horse hitched to the end of 43, rope
over a pulley one foiit in diameter- plac
ed over a dee well, traveling' at the
rate of two anti a half miles per hour,
or 220 feet per minute, will draw up 150
pounds thesame distance he travels.--_
The force this exerted is called in
chtmiA • ": horse-power," it being tua.
approximation to the average amount'
of continuous power it is fair to demand,
of a strong horse. If we multiply the ,
weight -raised (150) by the number of
feet it was, moved per minute (220,) the
producb will, be the number of pounds
which the sane power would raise one
foot high in the same length of time,
(33,000 pounds.)
The dynamometer is an instrument
made for measuring power, particularly
that .exertedin drawing. Those used
for testpg: ; the draft of agricultural in
struineula,lire- simply very strong bal
ances, or spring steelyards, graduated
to indicate the power required to raise
any weight, within reasonable limit at
the rate of two and a half miles per.
hour. When we apply thodynamome - ,4
ter in ascertaining the draft of machines
if the index indicates 150 pounds, it
shows that the horse is required to draw
just as hard as he would, do if raising
150 pounds out of a well, with a - rope
over a putty one foot in diameter, at the
rate of two and a half miles an hour,
and so for other,weights.
The velocity at which 'a team mimes
is to be considered, as well as the weight
to be raised or the load to be drawn.. If
the horse travels faster than two and a
htilf mileS per hour, while raising 160
pounds out -of a well, he exerts more
than one horse power, if he walks slower
than this, he does not exerts force equal
to one horse power.
In ascertaining the draught of a plow,
or mower and reaper, by drawing taster
than two and a half miles perhour,tte
dynamotneter Would indicate more than
the correct draught ; and by ,driving
SloWer, th O draught would appear to be
less than h. really is. In testing . the
draught of . machines ,la team, should
always nievnat the rate of two and a
half miles per hour, 220 feet perminute,
sviiich is the universally accepted rate
with referenCe to which. dynarticaneters
are graduated, and an easy one to ap
proximate in driving With ahnost any_
kind of team.
A Baker should 'feel complimented if
called a big loafer.