Conimissioner Rollins' Letter 'of Rosig- WASHINUTON, .1.), U., Jl.lllO S. SIR : i have the honor herewith to transmit through you to the President the resignation ,of my office, to take effect upon the qualification of my suc cessor, nominated by him and confirm ed by, the Senate. Justice to myself and respect forlyou require thatlshould give you briefly my measures for so do ing. Immediately after the Philadel phia Convention, in 186(1, there were numerous removals of Assessors and Collectors throughout the country.— Tliey were i ild need by political consid- , , tions, and pro lured a sad blow to the adtition and el leieney of the revenue 'vice. They were made during a re is,of Col ig Fess, al al in all eases regard ess of my wishes as Commissioner.- 1 tihonl,l have resigned my office ' long ago, had I not yielded to the judgment of friends who believed the public good would be.prometed by my remaining in it. During the session .of Congress next after the Convention referred to, man y nominations Of revenue, officers were made to the senate by the Presi dent, as there since have been, all of them without reference to any opinion I had of their fitness, while my numer ous recommendations for removals of Assessors imtl Collectors, even for the grosse,st mkt:011(1mA, have been almost universally d isrega riled. In accordance war the long continued practice of the Department, the appointment by the t-;eerefary of the Treir,,ury of Assistant Assessors, Inspector, and other subor i inate officers, ill t le several districts Dire made upon the nomination of the Assessors and Collectors. This practice is justice to those otlieers when faithful, insures , harmony and co-operation, and locates responsibility for success of the Ite,venue Jaws. .1 do not object to this practice, and refer to it only to illustrate, the importance of the offices of Asses sor and Collector, and my inability, un der existin< , circumstances, to elevate and control he service of whieh I have the , ostensible eharge. The ittLyentie laws arc enforced in the Courts through thengeney of the , District Attorneys and Marshals. Of these, numerous changes of- the char:R.l,er referred to in what I have said of revenue officers, have been made, and in many localities with like results. Over their appoint ment and continuance in office, it is heedless to say that. I have no control whatever, and have no ii.ssuranee that alto services they will render in the fu ture will be more thorough and efiective than thePhave been in the past.. In lirief, Mr. Secretary, the revenue laws, even, in the nmA important localities, are badly adminiAcred by officers, eith er dishonest or incompelcut,, appointed without my approval, anti • whose re moval I see no hope of securing. \V 'lilt: I continue in office, Lam sought lo lie made responsible for their • liolurc::, al though I :tin bSOI ti I t•ly m Pr) uhs to prevent them. For theFe reasons, as well as to seek the re,t thch ii m•anh (lent:lnd:4 i :old lily ctfort, to iliso l iarge my piddle duties hay,• hitherto dutited 11W, 1111)1 (.011511011 0 od i 0 Jill e from the ihireau in whielt, d nee near the date of t ot!..anizat with a full nppreennion of the kind ness you latvc extended to lac in all yourper,fonal and official lan ions, I :tin, Sir, very respeel • Your oliedica.servant, r . E. A. por,LIN-:, 'oninlissioner. ,To the lion. IA: McCulloch, of the Treasury. Gen. Chaun; Statesnizumbip Some of our colunrj,orstric-; are in 'n 'onion]) statv of :t(linviien:slon a d d alarm ahilitivs U -•,t.atestnail shout:111ot Novi , N ita' (0 the duties of the Pri•ideoted oiliee.-- '• Other Presidents," :ay they, " hove, in their inessag - e, toloow , ress, taken the initiative in leg - P..1:04m 'hy i)ropos ing and recommending . lili':1!:lIFQ , ; , h ut ;Om, (.!rant b e gins hy declaring that. he has ti.o policy."' This i-. a mistake.— I.Ht.:A-Grant has not declared Opt he wilt-have no policy, or that hi' will not perform his constitutional ditty of ye voinmending to Congress such measures :is be shall deem proper for their con ;,idel'ation. lie ha:; declared, on the contrary, that he has a policy, and that his policy is nut to enforce :tiny policy against the will of . the people; We cordially indorse this declaration as evincing . , in the first and most vital point, a sound view of the functions of a President under our Constitution.— We further rommeild it as 'truer states manship than many of our Presidents shave displayed. In stating that be has Ino policy to enforce "against the will ()1.• the people," tlun. (Irant implies that.his whole energies. will he devoted to enforcing such policies re-4 the the people, , through their representatiVeS in Con gress, shall have enthodied into law:— The maintenance of ponce . and order, 'the protection of the ) ights of all class 7 ts to invest and labor and to reap the truits of their capital and; industry, are Lonna which,through more 1111111 half the area of our you try have never been enjoyed. 0 , it. Orant l itik‘euring these to thet•iouili will add hundreds of millions of dollars per ,annum to the wealth'and prolierity of that section.— The njaintenance of peace upot our Indian frontier, and the milistallti 11 of the reign of law for violence and oute foree in our inini»g and border distrkt i ts, cvould Immensely aid I tie developmeirt of the mineral Tcrritorivs into t7.4tateti, and the out ward flow of wea Rh which Ihe Government and people. would de rive from the previous metals toward Ihe redemption) of the National debt,— The - vigorous enforvoine»t our reve- uue lavt . s would al once grekly cheapen the objects pf reviitme to.t he consumer, increase the income of I heClOVerliMen t, lessen the burdens of honest tax-payers, and turn out of °dice the lax thieves who now stand between all imported and nuthuraetured articles and their consumers, •and gorge themselves by plundering alike producers, consumers, and the tiovernment. I n achieving these great results, (.;en. ( ;rant will win a success far more difficult and glorious than could arise from any influence he might exert, over Ile legislative and po litical policies of Congress. Nay; his succes,s in these] his pi oiler fields of du ly, will add a power nail force to such .1 recomendation, n' lae holy feel called npon to make, t'imgres:. which they could not i a)t.s.inni & L(•. bill. :IS we have i.i•illter limo nor !iiiLeu to, fittiril ct t•ii llie wll inert ly ott to lor %dia.& you Willi', do will toll you Ow price, wr);:l. not i r tith.,,,0% 0 (1 . lu I PORK, FLOURANI 'SALT, the three gie4t'zieeessaries, ul ways en ba».l Itilinoiliht:r P . :trifler, 11111 is t. 1:111I opl,ly yo with PI lUi I NS, TO Its, olt PA I LS, and genuine 014 ilw rac.l; or poiiii(l 11'4 , pny Alay 20, 181;4 loUNt; BERTRAND rain is %%ell kiinwu k0r,03 wil be tia,nd the prae eut :WM:IM ay rallows, Monday afternoon and Tuesday mol /lit. Whiiney's Conierg; TiteA:iy allarlapan an. \redlit - 2.1,113 in,nhil.g at the id Milk I.l,tit Xl.l It'othiel-ohy 11/101 ti i Darti' • itt,,ruitig at Clwro I ;II I lor• tri at;11 . 4,' ill Ulm rmt 4 •tllr•rn„o Friday and ; 4 aiitid:ty al II 1...0t 111;• ,1 sub:.•r}lwr Alliiml.tirg All Thing will' iwites lu•l'nra 1'.;.1411g I,u 1.11.1 c. unnrn; Toi w,ula $lO Ala y 211, helot ie. titt• Ho HASTINGS, Dl L Mt- IN Groc.erios an d provisions, C ROCKER Y, LAS-3-W ARE Y,ANKEE OTIONS, SENVII'si“ 11•11'LUE Great Amer'n Teas, At \V holuale price E. II ISTINtIti, May Alain St., Weil-Awry FISHER & RUNNEL Fir.t Duor :duffle Drug Sto r e. Wt.ll,boro / DEALER S IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Ilri)1 eon. hand Pver phing in the line ell awily lireeeries, as well as l'rvi,inps, Fruits, Colireetieneri , Vanliee Netiein, All hit+ will I,t• F,1,1 roan/ etlile prioes. JAME:-; Al.ty li, lt+li•; 4 * - -• If • `447.1111r 1 E • \ LawroDceville E. VAN }IF:MINE, lato %rith 8., de, n Bro't , ( L f Mimi/ton ~n,/ iV, w Yo City, lies opened new Dental Rooms nt the For House, Lawrenceville, l'n., whore fill is prepaEcd to do work In all the deportinentg of his profess ion in the most scientific manner. All work warranted and satisfaction guaran toed. Call and examine specimens, work. H. E. VAN HQRNE. Lawrenceville, Juno. 21, 1868-tf. SPECIAL NOTIti:E. • THE he.4t assortment, ofiTeoth, and ITu,. largest. variety of different kinds of • M Plates as well as the hest opera tions of Filling and Extrneting Teeth may be had at tho neiv Dental Office. Nitron4 Oxide Gas given for extruding, phieh gives plea:mot dreams instead of pain., Atka, '7;:treotie Spray. Ether and Chloroform administered when desired.— Jinxing the asbistanec of anlible and experienced operator, prompt attention will be given to all tails. Product) taken in 0,v -change for work.— Call and sue specimens and price list. Remem- ber the place. „May 6,186 S soMETiliNci . NEW i(ll4:tr, Af. IN9 T I 0 Ililt. TARS. TIROj A S S; WAliu EN have openo . new Dental rooms over Jt. It. Borden's Drug Store in '110! , :t. We have introduced all OW liiodl.lll improvements in tho dental art, and are prepared li. put lorm all operations upon the teeth in the most approved and scientific manner. When desired wo extract teeth without pain by the use of Narcotic Spray, Ether, Chia' °limn and the Nitrous Oxide gas. We have a large assort ment of artificial teeth and put them up in a superior manner either upon rubber or metalie base. Wo warrant nll our work and guarantee perfect satisfaction to reasonable parties or we will not require pay for our services. Wo 'pay particular attention to filling and preserving the natural teeth, and to treating all irregularities of children's' teeth. Our prices shall correspond wit the kind of 'work done, in nll eases doing the ante kind of work Hs cheap as our neighbors. We ill visit Lawrenceville the 3d, Bless the 17th, and Roseville the 23licif every month positively, at which times we shall be prepared to perform Hll operations open the i i i turn I teeth and contract with . pai tics desiring"thliticial ones. Our (Alive at 'nog:v11.11111ot lie elosed during our visits to Ihe above atoned place. Wt. 11, THOMAS. • T. li. W A 1111 EN M. Ti. Tioga June 17, ItiliS. I . CantiOn A r /FY wife Julia E. has left my bed and board williontjust cause or provoratt on, r hereby forbid all persons trusting or barboting her on toy areount as 3 will pay no debts of her Cone trnetinfr, after this date. Juno. 29, 181;8.-3 JOHN SPAULDING Administrator's Notice Ii:TTEIIS of Aduxiuistration having been j granted to the undersigned upon the estate of C. P. Brown, late Paid Lawrenceville, dec'cl, all persons indebted to Paid them, and all per sons claiming against the same aro required to settle with .JOIIN 11. BROWN. Lan reflect. Hie, June. 21, 1811L;.-nw Admr. 1 - IR. FITCH'S 'ARDOM INA I, SUPPORT ju ERS, for sale At Roy'g Drug Store. CA.511 PAID FOR WOOL, 1:111'11:11. CUEVAS, by C 14. wiLixox Juno 17. 13115. ' FLOUR. ,S; MEAL, ahvays on hand at Juno 17. 1868. 'FISHER ,t, BUNNEIIB 11' I VI( A. PA lilt 1: A. 1:NII U 11:-44W11 Dentistry k. E. EASTMAN, N. 13, Moin St A BAitklAL 1 4 1 1 1 1: li,le a mtiaii Chtrap PII Id us,. .ntlablo ii., Enquire of JOll N A.I Itoy. may .1, /063—tf. 11'01,1),,ro, • ' • b - J . rZ r.ll t:,:' `,•••:: ;-- • - t; c- ,o cr C ..-.'• .F - . 4 t. i 1 % c-. g :..). rt: p. ,•-• .;,.... •-- FD - Ikl ii--4 % .V. C.: r,: -. • a ti a - cr. t/ En 9 ,F: '4 ._ : :, ~.... t... , t 4 c. , t'. ' ll c - : ~., .., ... ... ... 0 ~.,0 - Vi .' 0 'l. '' '. ',v 7• 74, :1' - - ',,. t- Vti • E -4 ',l or s ~ 0 0 e+ sti g›.-mm=tl-4:qpi . 0 . 4 8 -.. .A 5; 4 0 ,-... .s. , ft, ~,, .. '1,... - t, v 1, 0 t." WI ;1 O sel P n tz t4P.i,-vicirl i • et , ~:..: Ott 5 . 1 ta w c•I• 0, a; 2 ... , i_ 4 .4 5 .. -- ..7 oil .s. 1 e c.::. , co t... . I L , 5. .• ‘ . I•A I 1 i v. 0 'W 1,•-, I tri CF fll °V — i. ~_ . p A ri- , - V . ~-,. li - ~. 0 i 7 N. ;,, .. .. ~ I'dits . 1 .. gi gt t 9 . : a 8 2 c ,.,, id 6 t: O4- O o o 1...... cr, c., ‘-yc-... c.r., ti o o - ::,- c> c. c., c:-.-- , c..., .c.z. 1 14 1 . 0 © ;:..):,' •-4 -4 0:, NI P P ~- : 4 ) ix' (c A NEW STOCK .OF SPRING GOODS! 1 DeLlano & Go. HAVING just reeieved a rich and varied as sortment of LADIES' DREtS GOODS far Spring and Summer wear SHAWLS AND - CLOAKINGS, •tll,uf the latest pattern GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestiugs; also -a, large stock of LADIES' AND CHILDRENS SHOES MEN'S AND BOYS' tins AND CAPS. Wo have also some fine CARPETS AND MATTING, and as good a stook of STAPLE GROCERIES n: enn bo found in Wollsburo. \Vo haven good COTTON YARN, CARPET WARP, HOOP SKIRTS, LATEST STYLE, SIIA KER BONNETS, I and a large stock df LINEN CLOTHING: Call and examine our Goods and Prices WollAorn, April ;9, 1868 MORE NEW GOODS J. B. Bowen Co.,ilir, i t RE now receiving a large and complete as A sortment of Go9ds, bought since the late .decline in prices in Now York, consisting of Dry Goodin, Groceries, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes YANKEE NOTIONS, &c., &e Particular attention is invited to our Stock of ILAZEM 152ing (.6 DOZA AND TRIMMINOO, Gaiters and Hoot Skirts ; also a nice line of TEA New Crop, very tine at reduced prices, all of which will ho sold at the very lowest mar ket prices. Wo respectfully invite all to call and examine our qook before purchasing Llsewhere. Iternembir, Empire Store, No. 1 Union Block WolMoro, Juno 3, 1888. 1- '1 t:4 I 1 1 1 EMI MMEEIMI2I stock of I)eLANO ,k, CO insurance, Agency. WHIMINt INNUR Mk CO. WIL;KES-BARRE, PA. It. C. Slum, Sec'st., AV.S. Rosa, Pm?. W. T. RaAD, Gtn'l Agri. L. D.SHOOLIAKKR, P. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $lOO,OO. hy for The nkre urol pfili6y bold tlicir tueuraitco ate M. tp th( subscriber. • /TAMS iA did ll:Wield woe orb who tvi:sti to