THE lIEFIN/SHEE. PEA "Now I lay me " 7 0 Say it, darling;" "Lay me," lisped.the tiny lips'. Of my daughter, kneeling, bending" O'er her folded finger-tips: Dorn to -sleep,"--"To'sleep,"- ahe murmured, And the curly head drooped low; "I•pray the Lord," I gently added, on can eay it all, I know." "Pray the Lord"—:-thO words came faintlY; Painter stin—" My soul to keep;" Thenihe tired head fairly nodded, And the,ohild was fast asleep. Ent the dewny . eyes half opened, When I clasped her to my breast, , Anclthe dear voice softly whispered, "Mamma, God knows all the rest." 0, the trusting,-sweet confiding, . Of the child-heart! Would that I, Thus might trust my Heavenly Father, Me who hears my, feeblest cry. E. H. M Worms.. Dr. BENJAMIN Rush, about one hun dred years ago, made a series of experi ments upon 'earth worms, which he con sidered more nearly allied in many charaeteristiesto those which common _ ly.inhabit the alimentary canal of 'chil dren. than any ogler, with a view to test their power .to resist the influence of thosesidistances which might be urd as worm medicine. The table contain ing the number of hours and •minutes the worms lived when immersed in different substances fills several pages, and we have no space to print it entire, but the lesson it teaches is one not very well learned by those who have the care ' - and treatment of children. It is this : That these worms lived often quite as long in substanes which are known• as poison and fate to , animal life, as in substancesj)erf ctly inocuous 'and fit il for food. For instance', in watery in fuSion of opium they lived 11 minutes ; in infusion of Carolina pink ' root, 33 minute's ; in an infusion of tobacco, 14 minutes ; 'and in claret wine, 10 min utes ; while in a watery infusion of ii7hite arsenic they lived, two hours.z--- . 4Tow, all of these substances : are 'more n. less poisonous and produce injurious directs when taken into the stomach.— Now, the fresh juices of ripe fruit , are not poisonous, but wholesome, and yet, as the following figure's will show, they prove even more fatal to worms than the substances mentigned above. For instance, in juice of red cherries, worms died in 6 minutes ; black cherries, in a minutes ; red .currants, in 3 minutes ; gooseberries, in 4 minutes ; whortle berries, in 7 minutes ; raspberries, in E minutes. From these experiments Dr. 'Bush argued that fresh ripe fruit, of which children are very fond, "are the ,/ most speedy and effectual poisons fel worms." .In practice, this theory lee . - prpved correct. Those children . who ,eat freely of good fruit have generally a much more vigorous and clean eondi tion of the digestive canal, and wertns' rarelY trouble Ahem; The practice of poise in worms by an t hel mint le med icines, while it may kill the creatures, also weakens the digestive apparatus, and thus invites further attacks. The best treatment is one that ' invigorates and cleanses. Air, exercise, and whole some food are the best worm Medicines. . While on this subject we may appro priately notice a new remedy for tape worms mentioned by 1)r. G. (l. Cum- , sTocx,-in i the St. Louis _Medical Inves tigator, which goes to prove that worms - of various kinds may be removed with out recourse to substances which pro duce poisonous and injurious effects up on the body." - Dr. C. says : " Some tWo, years since, a new remedy for tape worms -was brought to the notice of a physician in Bavaria. A peasant men tioned to him having . passed a tape worm after eating cocoanut rind and • the contents of the shell, and spoke of . it as a certain remedy for tapeworms.— Of course the medical man was sitepti pal, and naturally thought the enjoy ment of such a pleasant tropical fruit as cocoa would rather tend to promote 'the growth of trenia, instead of expell ing them. He, however, tried it., and found that it was really effectual in ex pelling these parasites. A notice of this fact I read in the Criminal Zeitunm ._—......-N,-.1.,..-...1.0. , waccrailtiti - In similar cues. In one ease,,a lady, aged fifty-two year's; had been out of health for years, when at last the existence of a tapeworm was susected. The cocoanut was prescrib an i eaten freely for two days, to the ex clu f ion of all other food. The result was the expulsion of a tapeworm fifty four feet long. The lady enjoyed good health after this. Three other instances came to my knowledge of friends of this lady, who, hearing of the effects of the cocoanut, took the same remedy, and each one voided ri, tapeworm." ' - i Gllms.—A COMPOSITION BY A SMALL 3301(.—1 don't like girls. Glirls is very different from what boys is. ' Girls don't play marbles, and also girls don't play hookey. I played hookey once and got. whipped for it. Girls sometimes get whipped, but not so Much as boys, their clothes ain't so well suited for it, that is the reason I suppose. I never see girls play base ball, but they say they do in Boston. I never was in Boston. There is plenty of_ girls in Boston and big or guns. Last year when I was young the teacher made me set with the girls be cause I was naughty. I cried. Big boys like girls.&etter than little boys.— I went on a sleigh-ride one night with my sister Nancy and Tom Sykes. We were going to New'llartford, and when WO got up by Pegg's tavern, Torn asked me to look in the bottom of the sleigh for his whip, and while I was looking he fired off a torpedo. I asked him if ho had any more torpedoes and he said no, but he fired off another when I wasn't looking. Girls don't like to have men kiss theta. They always say "don't." If they wasn't fools they would turn their heads the other way, butthey never do that; I saw Tom kiss Nancy once and I went and told my mother. Then my mother put me tO bed. When a girl takes out her handkerchief in the street to wipe her nose the young men who earn their liv ing by standing in front (of the Pine Block always wipes their noses at the same time, if they see her. Girls gets married sometimes, but not always.— Those that don't get married don't want to. When they get married they have wedding cake. I like Wedding cake, but I do not see any fun in getting mar ried—especially to a girl. VIE ElsiD. RESIST THE BEGINNING.--The Arabs have a fable of a miller, who was one day startled by a camel's nose thrust in the window of a room where he was sleeping. "It. is very cold outside," said the camel; "I only want to get my nose in." The nose'was let in, then the neck, and finally the whole body. Presently the miller began to be ex tremely inconvenienced by the ungain ly companion he had obtained, in a room certainly not large enough for both. • "If,you are inconvenienced, you may leae,' said the camel ; "as for myself, hid' stay where I am." The.morai of the fable concerns all. When temptation occurs, we must not yield to it. We must notallow so much as its "nose" to• come in. Everything like sin is to be turned away loin. 'He' who yields even in the smalle t degree will soon be entirely overedFe ; and the last state of this man is wo e than the first. The late Bishop of Litchfield was ,once traveling in a railway carriage in England, when a blustering man ex claimed. "I should like to meet that Bishop of Litchfield ; ,I'd put a ques lion to him that would puzzle him." " Very well," said a voice in another corner, "rimy is your time, for I am the Bishop." The man was rather startled but Tresently recovered and said, " Well, my Lord, can yo tell we the way to heaven?" "Nothing easier," answered the Bishop ;' 0 you have only to turn to the right, and go straight for ward." COUNTRY MERCHANTS ER. • y • t t • ' ' Dttlryinen; J Farmers and 04hertii. Corralax Yovx ASHES, BEESWAX, BEANS, BUTTER CHEESE, EGGS; ELUDE AND MEAL, FLAX, COTTON, FURS AND SKINS, DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS, GRAIN, WOOL,; GAME, POULTRY, NAVAL STORES, HOPS, FEA I THERS, HEMP, PROVISIOW OILS, LARD, TALLOW, SEEDS, TOBACCO, SORGHUM, MOLASSES, &C., &C- - JOSIAH CARPENTER, General Commission Merchant, 442, 444 and 446 Washington St., Nervcr 'lrcorar.. spityr. And,receire.ills weekly. Price Current of Pro duce and Groceries the most coniplete Price Cur rent Published in the United States. SEND FOR - A Marking Plates & Liberal Advances in Consignats. Established. May Ist, 186 Q. First Class References given when Required, April 22, 1868,-Iy. NEW HARDWARE STORE 1 CONY) RS & OSGOOD IN addition to their old business in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., have established a STOVE, TIN, AND GENERAL - lIARD WARE STORE, two doors below the old stand wherethey man ufacture ,TIN-WARE II UMAN IT Y PRINCIPLE, that is. in the most sub.•tantial tnannor. In tho matter of srro - v - we have enough to do all the cooking and warm ing in 'nowt ',County. • In fact, we have Stoves enough to MAKE A SUMMER in Wo aro the only agents for tho snlo of the ,AMBRICAN COOK STOVE in:Wollsboro; and this Stoi-a is the AUTOCRAT' OF STOVES, We keep all kinds of Ilardware, Iron, Nails, Steel, Horse Shoes, and a eoinpleto rariety'of SHELF HARDWARE If you don't believe it DROP IN. CONVERS be OSGOOD Wellsboro, Sept, 4, 1887, ly. , AND . 14 A re nw 4 R Air R. WILLIAM ' ROBERTS begs" 'to -MIL announce to the citizens of Tioga County, that 16 addition to his excellent stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Shoot-iron Warl3, he has, at a great outlay, stocked his store on - MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with a couipleto assortment ofShelf gardware of which tyo enumerate the following artiolca NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, iMILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, -- AUGERS, BITTSJ RITT-STOOKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS; SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, , WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, • PIPE BOXES, AXLE- • TREES, ELLIP TIC ,• SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN , POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and paade for use. These are but a few of the many 'articles composing our stock of Hardware. . _ Wo invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the hest duality of goods in our line; and ail work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM li.oll - 13,133.' Wellsboro,Sept. 1,1865—tf. HOOP SKIRTS, at Do LAN° 41G CO'S. GINSENG, CURRENT) rnisbed Free CEEB] TVALRUSSVA X NEW D 1 Y. Gooliks rfoll;Et i ,_~ ` TOLES & BARKEIt, =1 (NO. 5, UNION BLOCK.) I WEjuive just received our new and very large stack of DRY, q.Qqp, such a s SOWINGS,: in • 10 , f PRIN TS, 1 - * CLOTHS; CASSIMERES, 'VEST.' INGS, READY MADE , OWL THING, HA PS & CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, 'oleo a large and wail/electo r () stuck of I' CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, STONE, WARE, KERO- 'sPNE' OIL, VAil . rs & OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, I . - synuPS,, 1110LASS} S, • ATC,. DTC., ETC: IMI We are able to offer our customer the 'benefl of the : DECLINE OF PRICES in the Now York Mierket, our §tgek, baying been purchased since the Omit decline in Goods. Wellabor°, July 3, 1867 'SAYIN'G'B' 13A K. OTHERWISE GARDNER'S GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE THE OLD I saying that a penny Bared is a penny earned, justifies GARDNER in naming his establishment a Savings Bunk. Economy its Wealth, said some old chap whose name I haie forgotten; and it is coonotny,to.trado ,where the SLAUGHTER • of - high prices is being, prosecuted with vigor and without reprieve. I can sell Sugars, Teas, Mo lasses, Fish, Pork, Flour,Corn Meal, Coffees, Capped, FruitS,Spieesy a' everything intended fuid, giving this buyer the benefit OF ,THE fall of tho markets, an advantage duly appro= elated lly everybody,excepting only those verdant INNOCENTS who - prefer _PRO.IIIBI.VG TO PA Y ono hun dred per cent. profits to the seller, to PAYING. twenty-five per cont. cash on delivery of the goods. 10a11 offer my stock of goods at fair prices" EVERY MONDAY, EVERY TUESDAY,. EVERY WEDNESDAY, EVERY TRURSDAY, EVERY FRIDAY, AND EVERY SATURDAY, and fill up as fast as I droll out. L. A. GARDNER Wellsboro, Juno 12, 1867. - •'Public - lEtenefit, AMONG the useful improvements of the day, thorn are few that give 'more t prornise of eor-1,,,,c-, ,, - ,,, wt. t approvett,l4llo pailtc as that new and powcrfu remedy,eaßed Salutifer (or as Gorman rman poop e call it Ifealthbringer). . - 1 It gives ease aid comfort to the poor sufferer from • Neuralgia and . Rheumatism, and brings speedy relief to that large class of diseases that are cured and always benefited by an out. ward application. . For sale by all Druggists.- ' , Wholesale Depot DAY, HOAGLAND i STI GER, No 54 Courtlandt St. New York. A Patent Right that Is No Humbug. T" sOBSCBIBER having purchased the right of D. B. Sturdovant's Milk Shelves Ar, Provision Rnek for Tioga County, is prepared to sell Township or individual rights at fair rates. This Rack is portable and so arranged that it can be taken apart and put together again in five minutes. It occupies less than four feet, square of a room, and can be placed in tbo kitchen in cold weather;and in the collar in warm weather, and wi'l hold:Fron k 7; to 81 pans of Milk. The shelves are raade,in skeleton form so as to allow the free circulation or air all around- theipans: It has been -proved that milk will ntim)) more cream, and keep from four to six hi urs nger than on ordinary shelves. Each shelf turns, by . independent o the other, so that the Cream of 'the forme,i milking is not dieturbed by the removal or putting on of -rises: The frame is such that it can be,readi ly covered with a cloth or gauze, effectually pr eluding insects or dust. It is a complete arrange ment to dry fruit upon. The subscriber will soon visit different parts of the County with a model of this rack, or he can be addressed at Wellsboro, by these 'desiring to Purchase" Township or indi vidual rights. Specimens can also be soon at the Foundry building of Sears Ar, Williams in this Borough nt any time after the middle of March. , j • ; GEORGE THOMPSON. Wellsboro, March, 11, 1868-om. JIAI NESS 4-, BOOT _ AND, SHOE MAKERS, Over iVileon 4- Van Valkenbureet Store, in the room lately occupied by Beuj. Seeley. BOOTS AND SHOES of all kindi made to order and in ti)o best manner. REP of kinds, itre trip tl y and good. 'Gild us a call. JOHN HARKNESS, • • I NM. RILRY. :Wellsbuto,Jan. 2, 1868 ty.' • % C .A.IGENT FOIL' 11 4 . 4PINO: 7 S,•'EDITIONS ' FAMILY, 'PULPIT, & P,IIGTO GRAPH BIBLES. Wholesale Doalors will find the list to embrace the largest assortment of _Bibles in the country, The publisher has no hositltion in pronoun lug' thera'more saleable then ,any publie Pio varicipi itriktiolis'§Mbracii.ply, the veri. ops:80s-of hindiyig :00' 'Sties of tyykOvarying in price from 0 to 00,. for Family Bible, large quarto Biro. . • ' • • ' HARDING'S PATENT 'FLEXIBLE CHAIN-BACK • PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM,` • • The superiority of " Patent Flexible Chain-Baek Album," over nil others heretofore tudnufaetured, will, upon the slightest examina tion, be apparent to all. ' Purch:umrs are assured that the above books are all of the best Philadelphia manufacture. • E. 13.. CASE, Tan, 8,1888.-3 m. Troy, Pa. Wellsboro Meat Market! BEET ! Porat ! MUTTON ! • THE subsc'riber•opened fl Meat Market in the 1 building lately occupied, by Dr. Webb, on Craftou-street, .Monday morning, Feb. 17, where he will keep a full assortment of FREW MEATS Barns and Shoulders. If ttie people will give me orMouragementl. will keep up a good Market. Feb.l9, 1868-3 m. .A. J. TIPPLE. FOR SALE elegant.- new open Dtiggy. 1 second, band I open buggy. 1 second band top 'buggy.-- I inlkey. I two horse lunbor wagon. • WRIGHT dfc BAILEY.' TOLES 16 BARKER. 4 ) `; - & CO. i t~ ~i ; SEMI ER DIEM DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MED 4. I . en t g' s, gAPIR , 91, 1, ,S; DOW ODA'S , &PUTTY, Hav'e CoMedOWn to Old Prices,atlaat; --• ; . Wkl do not hesitate to snjr that wel t have the Largest Stook of P. V:.R,.E ENGLISH , _DRUGS IfIEP r ICIATOS, • • 11•11 ' 6,• ?AIR Nit MEDICINES, ~.; ) = N9T I ONS, ;AWFUMEiIy, FANCY' I ARTICLES, TOILET SOAP, CLOTH, HAIR, TOOTH & NAIL BRUSHES, MIRRORS,' A' LIQUORS; &C., 'EVER . BROUGHT INTO MIR MARKET. We have also the Largest !took of PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, Such as I Pure 'White 'Load, Pure White Zinc Linseed Oil. Coach Varnish, Furniture Varnish, Yel low Ochre, Venetian Red , Chrome Yel ' IoW, Chrome Green, Prussian Blue, Patent Dryer, Lacher, Japan, ,'• SpanishMhiting; Paris White, Kalsomino, R • Tai, 14g Wood, Ftistio,'" - Brazil Wood, Ca , wood, Redwood, Potash, Putty, Moo. cohol, Benzoic, Spirits Turpentine, and Kerosene Oil;; Paint and Varnish Briishes, Which we will sell 25 per cont. cheaper than any other establishment in the county. In short, we have everything ever kept in a first class DRUG STORE, Er and all we ask is for you to call and examine our stock and prices before buying elsewhere. Re member we can't bo undersold, All gciods warranted or no sale. P.R. WILLIAMS, } P. R WILLIAMS &Co J.L. IVibuems. N0. , 3 Union Block. Welleboro, June 28, 1867. k&.k..LAA PIIOTOMPIi GiLLERY IN WELLSBgRo, Di ow - OPEN TO TIDE PUBLIC. MESSRS. KING do EASTMAN would lu form their friends and tho public generally ithat they have fitted up 'a „netvAlhoto'graph Gal lory in the best possible style. Having one of best SKY-LIGHTS in the State, we are prepared to take all styles and sizes of PH, rrOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES & MELANEOTYPES in the beat artistic manner, for Lockets or Cases, large orfamall. Largo PHOTOGRAPHS copied from small Cards or old Daguerreotypes of de ceased friends. No trouble to take CHILDRENS' PICTURES, Bring tbem along Sample proofs always given When ordered. Come and A T !us.. - Pr.H ‘:,' t. . ~:34 -G allery over Rastroaes Dental Office, Fifth Door below Roy's Drug Store. Jan. 15, 1868-ly Stoves' r& 'Tint *are FOR THE MILLION Good pooplo ail, bothlgreat:and small,—if you Want to keep MOE IN THE FAMILY you must have enough to -eoti dry t wood, a good wife, well-behaved children, and to crown all, a Tll';‘. TOPIAOKING STOVE! • ThislastNnd pawning:good, I "have at my Tin and *ova establiehthen;, opposite:Roy'e Itleek, Welleboio and fie name 41 . the ' - -HOME: A COMPANION • on - all.banda admitted to be equal to any in the I TIN WARE promptly, an d 'warranted to give, Inhalation. REPAIRING • executed in the best manner and with dispatch. CALL AND SEE ME. D. P. ROBERTS. Wollaboroogh, Nov. 21, 1882. • T O LAWYER•EI- BANKRUPTOY BLANKS, in full . aetts,at YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE. s rN G for hops,.besti at v ic at/5 0 ols peryard cs Q0t.71. In :•{ BIM KING Sc EASTMAN IF IR It 23UY, • . WE win buy ' MO' to -Wiwi SHEEP -P E L ,ACON, SKINS, .;,, ' - DEER' KIL ..,, __IS, HIDES, ! AND "VEAI4 . 'AIN , 1 • foi blobiro will par oath. will manufacture to ordor, French or home tanned CALF or KIP BOOTS, in the beet marl. liar tiled at fair rater, and pay especial attention to REPAIRING. A L.S 0, We have a first-rate'etoek or I= ' , BEADY.IIADE' On ivhipti we will not be undersold, and from tide thin) we alkali make It a point to keep hp the b , ,st of; , • , LADIES' GAITERS, n to be found in tie county, which we will sell at uslower Wilt than Such articles bare ever boon offered in this We shad likewise keep up a good assortment of LADIES' BALMORALS, L,E A THER ' BOOTEES, , OHILDRENiS AND . MISSES WORK OF VA. • ' , MOUS STYLES, . and alt styles of MEWS WORK. . . LEATHER t t FINAINGS c4n be bought of us as.eheap as any whore this. side of New York, and we shall keep a fall stook of . • • - , FRENCH CALF, FRENCH PP, UP PER, SOLE, LININGS,] AND ' - BINDING. : ' . . Our stook of PEGS, NAILS, THREAD,•AWES, RASPS, GLOVERS' NEEDLES, if. A S TS, TREES, O R dif PS, with SHOE4fAILER'S TOOLS and FINDINGS, will bo found the lar gest in'the county, and toe sell for small 'profile. We talk baslness and -we mean business. We have ,hoon in this region long enough Ito be well known-.-let those who know ns try us. Corner of Main and Grafton streets, opposite Wm. /ab orts' #ardware Store, C. W. SEARS, , . e ED. 0. DERBY. Wolist•oro; April 24,1867 tf. 31 - 4981 1 8 ATE )1 01 3 911 ,1 / 4 'ollt{ '4' strni 11 'o'9oA[o3 -anot.S.,,K; oxiionf put; Dalton a put; too opeurd i,:itorioedsuf mem Tura soup,' puu Up6oo an° isiiiinenb want ul euumpiug .Vuidooyi / 6soqi puu ginetioion spoof) Sac( Aoeo so.Veinnepe IMini GAi cAlomunitore ssouienq °Jumping oqi iii 2uiluoa -, .ii eon um° ,Coq / Sue `uniquely 0 1 1 11 4114 ruP e e I ROJOit Q of VitUCUJ held ant near y .ono Devil pinoqu aompag Sauna ..oiel ao; dotal oft quitikt liqiqu.iluii .0 .11 kq peplum' ' . , I . ~ *II3INIPIII NllO3 powicrateio cup etemaua uopuopti oto lino pinom ola `SIiIIIIwIIIIII ONIAIIV~ JO 3loola Om LIDA V ‘OSIV 09 (PuPllleq) `scrax uaanran gs.auram gazing 'NOM TOU 'IIVX HOH9 aSIIOII ‘szoir Nuggs mos 'Poitning Joa .g'ivg SI I fzi tzo Op OS Gittl773B .741 V a& - va 'ff7s:rJsivvir ‘;ooaly wocienom, uo Jooa papu, `IIXIIIIIIIH I N' *446 'ff "3 EMI "31? 111VM-Nil 13HVICSSV19 "SHAO,ILS sauvAtauvll inoS Baling Sq glqueoiod am v emu puv lIMI • eselgfla 41A0A 11'0 OX l ff Trp GATIR 1868. WIGHT & BAILEY. 1868. .. Willaommonve this year.with an exclusively CASH business, CASH PAID FOR WHEAT 1 CASH PAID FOR • OATS 1 CASH PAID FOR CORN 1 oASII c FOR EVETeYTHING 1 1 A LARGE STOOK. OF FLOUR FOR CASH 1 MI A LARGE STOCK OF FEED FOR CASH 1 A LARGE STOCK OF PORK FOR CASII 1 Call and see us. WRIGHT & BAILEY Weltsbinv, Tan. 9, 1867-Iy. All persons Indebted to us by note or' book account must call and settle or pay costs. Jan. 8,1868. WRIGUT .1s BAILEY. Wellabor° Cloth-Dressing Works. • 11101TAVING engaged Mr. JAMES SMITH to JUL• superintend our Clothing 'Works We aro now ready to do all kind of coloring and dress 'mg in good' style and on Short notice. , A. BILTBOLD, 0. . i Sept.lB, 1867—if. L O,UR i ! , t eat inatkO, price, 30 WHOLBSA,LE DUG ,TOU. CORNING-, N. Y. D , RUGS AND MEDICINES, pAipris AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEIyU'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, , IREDELL'S 'FLUID, EX TRACTS, BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS; KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROC4- ESTER PERFUMERY' AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW/GLASS; WHITEWASH' LIME & AND DYE /COLORS • AGENTS FOR/MARVIN & i:O S S RE FINED OIL. • Sold at Who eeale Niece. Bayous lire reque to call and/get quotaiione before going fn . • Eaat. , Owning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1868--Iy W. D. TERRELL & C 4868. FOR SALE. 186 8. - C. WICKHAM, AT IRS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR. NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA :- 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A gcod supply of. PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES .t SHRUBBERY. Tho'Fruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any ono wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. p l Delivered at the depot free of - charge. Tiogii, Feb. 28, 1886-Iy* .. To Owners of Horses and Cattle. TOBIAS , DERBY CONDITION POWDERS ARE warranted superior to any others, Jor no pay,lfor the curt, of Distemper, Worms, Bets, Coughs, Ilhle l bound: Colds, &c., in Heroes; and Colds, Coughs, Loss of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn Distemper, &c., Int, a tie. They are perfectly safe and innocent; ,no nee of stopping the working ofyour animals. They incr ass the appetite, give a line coat, cleanse the stomach, and urinary organs; also increase the milk of cows. Try them, and you will' never be without them. Hiram Woodruff, the celebrated tralnor.of trotti l kg horses, has used them for years, and recommends them to his friends. Col. Philo. P. Bush,' l of the Jerome Race Course, Fordlintn, IT. Y., would not use them until be was told of what they are composed, since' which be is never without them. Ile has over twenty running horses in his charge, and for the last three years hes used no other medicine for thorn. Ile has kindly Der. mitted me to refer any one to him. Over 1,000 other references can be seen at the depot. Sold by Druggists and Saddlers. Price 25 cents per box. Depot, 60 Cortlandt Street, New York. - Vett. 10] WELLSI3ORO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. ' subscribersllE . having pro(' Boni ItrAii-wkatina CASTINGS, SUCII AS PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, FIELD ROLLERS, MILL GEARING, SLEIGH-SHOES, WOO D- . SAWING MACHINES, ' &c., &c., &c. We have also a WOODWORTH PLANER, for custom and job work, Wo aro also prepared to do SLITTING( & SCROLL SA WING to order Haying a first-class screw-cutting Lathe, we are prepared to make CHEESE PRESS SCRE • WS, . . to order. Builders of Cheese Factories are re quested to examine our work. We manufacture the Champion Plow, one of tho finest implements in the market. Cash paid for OLD IRON CHARLES WILLIAMS, F. L. SEARS. We!labor°, May 15, 1867—tf. Grocery E and Proviei In Store, CORNING, N. la D. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all kinds of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & DRIED FRUITS, CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & CROCKERY WARE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES,. CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &c., &c A full and complete assortment of the above mentioned goods of the best qfiality always on hand. ' Particular attention paid to Pine Groceries. Dealers and Conimmers will dud it to their in terest to examine his Stock before keying. ' Corning, N.Y., Diarch',ll, 1888. ' lIT largest assortment of Watches, Clocks - :Jewelry and Plated Ware in ' Tloga•.'oonnty at ,7 [06666] . )QLtY'S. Proo6l or-the, Superior, Quality.: Tng. AAIER I W .t l'Cli At A ll l 3 AT ' wAt.THA M, MASS The American Witch Company, of %Yukio:in, mo m , respectfullyaubmit that their Watches aro cheaper, more accurate, less complex, 10010 Jncit his, hetteratt,ptcol for general use, awl more oti r ilifylttipt in irrtlei- acid tepaiiml ;lulu any other Wittches,in tim market. They Etrudniii; thereNtO etn!ltitCr, Witt to be illjttred than ttiti initi"rity ttl . foreign watch es, which ore Min:posedof ftow 121 to ;MO in Hogli,sli Watch ihr,ltt are , more than 700 parts.. flow they run 'miler the haidest trial watt:be:l i 9anllayo, is shown. by the following letter: , . • PENN. EAI.I,4IOAD COMPANY. OFFICE OP TDB Ohs'.. SPERINTEN.DeMT, 'Auraox.t, PA. , 15 Dec., 1866. GENTLEUUM : .Tlic watches taunutitetured'by. you frame been iii use on this railroad for several years' unginetuon, to whom wo furnish' watches as visa of our uquiptuenl. There are now scone Race linndred ,of them carried on our lino, and we eonsider them 'good and reliable time-keepers, indeed, I have g s eat tAtiai'action' in saying your watches git 3 us less trouble. and have worn, and do wear much longer without re. pairs than any watches: we have over had in use on this road. A's you are aware, wo.furmerly 'vested to 111,410 of' English imfoufae ; itro, of fie knowledged good I epu ta km; but an class they paver keep lime us correctly, uor.haeo they done as good service, as yours. In these statements I am slistained by my predecessor, Mr, Lewis, whose experience ex totided over u series of years.' Respectfully, EDWARD R. WILLIAMS, General'Superintendent. American" Watch Co , Vulthatn. We make flow live different grades of watches, named respectively as follows Appleton, 'tray J Co., Wolihuot, , 1 / a l4. - 'Waltham Watch Company. Waltham. Maws. P. S. Bartlett, Walsh rrvt. Slo es. Wm. Ellcry, Menton, Nov,. Houle Watch Compao,u, Boston, All of these, with the exception of the Homo Watch Company, ate warranted by the American Watch emnpany to he of the be et rmatetial, on the mast approyed principle, end In posscsa every requisite for a reliable timeheoper., Eeco dealer selling these 111si 1 tAtheb its ',rt. , : iatA isti the Cmn pany's printed Card of guarantee,! which -heal./ accompany each Watch sold, so that buyers may feel sure they are purchasing the genuine article. There are numerous tondo-felts and imitations of our Watches sold throughout the country, and we would caution purchasers to be on their guard against imposition. Any grn4eB of Wultinau Walelies in , ly be pur Chaded of Watch Dealers thrpugbout the e ,entry ROBBINS & APPLETON, Sept. 4, 1867L0m. 182 Broadway, N. Y The American Cooking Stove. AFTER twenty years eXperinimo in the man ufacture of stoves, tto became convinced, some six years since, that a vast amount of money was being expended by the people of this country, in buying cheap and worthless stoves, a largo portion of which was wasted; and that true economy consisted in buying the best stoves that could be made, nkwithstanding the price was higher. - With this view we proceeded to construct the American Cooking Stove and spared no pains or eXpense to make it the best and most perfect stove that could he made. ,And we have experimented with it, and carefully watched its operation for the last six years. and when an improvement suggested itself. we have at once adopted it, and we have several of these improvements secured, by letters,pateni. In this manner we do not hesitate to ,ay, we have brought it to a higher , .tale of perfection than has heretofore been attained in cooking stoves. The recent hiwrovemeate in this stove has added largely to its cOnveniencu and effective ness. In all the varieties of stoves we manu facture, we study usefulness, durability; ennve nieneo.and economy in operation, rather 'than cheapness in price, and in ho doing we are satis fied we study the interest of those purchasing our stoves. SHEAR, PACKARD, ,t CO., Albany, N. Y. For sale by CONVERSE & 0S(i0OD, Wells bore, Pa.• May 13, 18. To the Farmers of Tioga County. lAM n'tliV Unflding at my manufactory, iu Lawrence villo. a emporlor _ _ 1+ IiZVI rJ ~Z JJ'J L; which iiOIIII3CBSCS the following nilvantageh over another mills: 1. It ooparatos oats, rat litter. alia foul Bootle, and chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and al other seeds, perfectly. 3, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all othor separating required of a mill. This mill is built of the beet and most durable tim her, In good otyle, and ia, told cheap lqr each, or pro duce. 11011 flt n wont Awe°, for beparatlng oat from wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms. J. 11 MAULER Lawrencoville,October 10, 1866-tf UNION ACADEMY. KNOXVILLE, TIOGA CO., PA FACULTY: ELLAS NORTON, Principal. • Nits. ADA W. HORTON, Precoptress. Mum MIRA HORTON.' Assistant. 1/liss AMANDA DRAKE, Teacher of Music. CALENDAR FOR 18117-8. Fail Term commences Sept: &l, Winter Term Nov 20th, Spring Term Feb..lBth, 1808. E2ePRNBE'S PER TEIt3I. PHl:harp Department $5 00 , Common English 0 00 Higher English 7 00 • Languages and Higher Mathematics 8 00 Instrumental Blume, extra 10 00 Vocal Music, extraextrai I 00 Drawing, extra 13 00 ' Room Rent 2 50 Board per week:., ' 380 Knoxville, Alignet 11,1867—ti. ' ' REMIIVG-TO.NS' FIRE AILIIIS 200,000 FIIENISGED TUE U. S.GOVER26IENT. Army Revolver, • .a.lOO in. Calibre Navy Revolver, 36-100 in. Calibre Belt Revolver, Navy size Calibre Police Revolver, ' Navy size Calibre New Pocket Revolver, 31 100 in. Calibre Pocket Revolver, (Rider's pt,) 3000 in. Calibre Repeating Pistol, (Elliott pt,) Nd 22 & 32 Cart'ge Vest Pocket Pistol, No 22, 30, 32j & 41 Cartridge Gun Cane _ No 2 &32 Cartridge Breech Loading Rifle,(Beals') No 32 &38 " Revolving Rifle,...J.. 36 & 44-100 in Calibre " E. REMINGTON 'Jfc. SONS. PNINGIPAL AGENTS. 1 , Moore & Nichols. Now York; Wm Road & Son, Boston; Jos C Grubb & Co, Philadelphia; Pont. tney & Trimble, Baltimore; Ilenry Folsom & Co; New Griming; Johnson, poncor & Co, Chicago, L M Ramsey & Co, St. Louis; Albert E Crane, San Francisco. Oct. 9,1867.-9 m. Flowers, Grape• Vines, and Garden Plants. • "TARRY MIX, OF TOIVANDA ,OFFERS J]- FOR SALE— FLOW .R PLANTS, Roses. Climbing; tind other, an endless variety ; Verbenas, Salvias, Bignonitie, Geraniums. Pel argoniums-, Petunia Heliotropes, Lao tames, ke. GRA E VINES. All the approved varieties—Some two years old, in pots. All true to name. GARDEN PLANTS. Totnatoes,—every ',variety, Cabbages, Cauli flowers. Peppers, Celery, &a. Cucumbers, and Egg Plants, in Pots. Plante carefully, packed, sent safely to airdost any distance. Persons in the Eastern. part of the County, may send their orderh by mail and receive the . plants by stage. Orders left with WILLIAM ROBERTS, at. his Hardware. Store in Wellsboro, will have , prompt attention. All 'may depend upon getting talents exactly as or dered, and in good condition. HARRY Towanda, Pa, March 25, 1868-tf. DR. FITCH'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT . SRS, far,saltt at Roy'a Drag Store. CARD PRINTING—at Now York prices, in Colors or plain, and out to suit orders, at Tut AGITATOR OFFICE. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AT WRIGHT A BAILEY S TOR-WORK, IN THE BEST STYLE, and tl with despatch, at THE ACkiTATOR Moe. E.rNrs <>ll:4rtt-4iiirl 4 MEM trtlU /1/11LWAY: li • u hu..t .at••• Moy -MIA 1, 3 3 ' 3, 1, ..• 10 aValAitalake. nt,uut t h e kJ/10%1111g 11014 b riItiTWARD BOUND. ;, . tr,t ., 8:03 a da Night fixpv ,,, a...'inalayt, • xcept.4o. lar Liikra 4, 4 ,4441anip1:44 10d PaLit it 1. , 4•••46 the. Hai .4 4.4,k, H Ur OM A Ilaaf ic k (heal 41„ 1,,,.. 5 •zilara;aiii/ ft.IT! it tvajt-• 1/4 al/ 8.21 it. in.,Nislit fixpi baily, 14.4. 01014.1,z-40. , Liniskirk awl Ow Wunt:c. claim Jilia us alakco. 4.3:35 .4 nt . Sigitt I • ll .4 , l.‘,43,,,tiqtaili,peA ti •o f I latier 4101 1 , 1144,1144, • IA h\llll. .. 10:16 a-13U., Te.lia ,49J03.)x excepted ; fat (NIL ,) awl Duld..ttli. 1135 p. }:1444.1.41,, ept.l I n0400,104:4 aii,l data, 4174,4v01t '13:83 p. Lay Exiiia•as,fiuudaYA occepl (Ur 1111 h, 1 811141.1.1141161, Look ITU Sod' the 3 1VrAt, ~.„,„,„„ at Litainaael whit 1.1.3 M.l.vativ nod 3:1.14 5t cr lirtil(ruy; al Balkh, Witls 114.1 Lal.o ,i4io 44 4 , Trunk Hallway., alai 51 bind:irk with nit alo :4' Ritilsvay, I I puiliti. \east. ttial 6;40 pBI 1?..3 4, , j„ 12:3548.741', Nxpresx 3lail.t 4 nuthLy. cz,.cypttd far.l4 t • • •;; to, Selareauca, lied Dunkirk, eetruecthig with for the West. 1.80 p m Way FraiAllt, Sundays except. rI I 4 '31 5:40 p. tn., Etelgra'ut train, Daily, Ini the • I SAIITIVAUb HOUND. 12:40 a. in., Night. Expt c,,0, Unily. • - 1 connecting at Urayconri Tor Watwi,,k.and b iar lyq York with afternoon trains anti steanici. and Now England Cities. 4:20 a. tn., Oinci lanai Exiimas, Nlin,ilay‘tiitAtepti.4 • iscoting at Chaim for liarriabarg, the SWILIi; at Owego for Ithaca; at hiei,kL-ii for Syr:truce ;at (3 rota Band for Scranton, 4,,,, plait and Trenton:at Lackawaxen for BIM ley , ti : tirayconit for und Warwick k 9 ; 05 a w ., pay t.xproh,, Lattodays excepted at Elmira - tor CaMindaigua, at Ilingiunn.,, cue°, at Great Bond for Scranton, at Lai ku‘Aiia,Ul.` Hanley. and at Joney City with niidnigin Train of :Cow ,fcritry Railroad for Philaqi im r ,„ , none and Washington.' • 1.0.2' , TII Accommodation Train daily, tool, 0 r ,, , 1 • 1 1 at Elmira for Canandatsmi, • 2:20 p. in., Baltimore Express; Sundays exc.r.o.,i 4:35 p. tn., liew York and lialtimuro naildiundays,, coptial • 8.03 p m Ltgliffitug Express, Sundays excepie.i, t y l fleeting at Eimiru for Ffarrishurg, Plaladelpta the South ; at Ji•rsoy City With morning train of .Now Jersey Rath-Vail for Baltitne , :. tEi Wagliington, and at New York. with toormcg preen trains for Boston and the East. 12:30 p. m. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. 'Wit. it. BA it it, IIID013; GOIVI Pare. Agent'. " • (4a.'1,1.1 Blossibnrg & Corning; & Tio,ga 11, Jr.isins will . 11111 as followirantil farther A.ecimpraollation—les...aves Dlosabarg at 6,15 a. L, g., field at 7,05. Tioga at 7,41, LawrencevaiA nt s , art/viu t ; at Corning at 9,85 a. tn. Siail—Leaves Blousbutg at 2,00 p, m., litansfiqH Tjoga at 3.18, Lawrenceville ;',at 400—attivc, Cm ning at p. n.. • Mail—Leaves Corning •at 8,00 a. m., 903, Tioga at 11, at 9,4500 , a. In nalleld at /0 ''' -- arriviL k ss-burg . Accommodation—Leaves Corning, at 2,40 P. •La reaceville pt 4,00, Tioga at 4.5(,, ?Jacek; I At arriving a 8 Blossburg at 6,15 p. m. L. if. SIIATTLCE AA ' Northern Central U. it, TRAINS //OR TILE NORTH. Tratun fur Cavandaguia leave i f lplira as folloki, ACCOMOIIIitiOn at Expreng [lastest train on road] Mall Way Freight, [passenger coach attached]. _ On and after Nov. 24, ISfIT, trains v elritte depart Ilion, Troy, as follows; •1 LEAVE NORTHWARD. in 55 A. M.—D.llly (except Sunday for rhans.t.l.- 10, Canandaigua, Rochester. f , up.14•14-, stoi Ca nadas. 9 45 I'. M.—Daily (except Sunday~) for Elmin tii 4luitalo, via Erio Railway front Ilion., LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 800 A. M.—Daily (except Sundays) for Nam a Washington, Philadelphia, fic. 9 05 P. U.—Daily (except Sunda.) Washington and Philadelphia. .1. Y. lA/BARRY, Eli S VoE:st, Gcn'l Supt. Ilarrisbarg, Gt. n I l'a,tt. Ag't lialtknwrt. Philadelphia & Erie R. R On and actor MONDAY,. May 11th, on the Ph iladolphia & Erie Rail Road till i I,n WESTWARD. Mail Train Imres " illiamsporL.. `' mica Erie - • Erie Express lenveSThitadclphia... arr. nt Erie Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia.— " •• " Williamsport .. " •• arr. nt Leek Haven..:., Jinil Traiti4vares Erie - '• Williamsport " " arr. at Philadelphia. Erie leaves Erie •• " Williamsport " arr. at Philadelphia. ' . - 4, I. ti aid Express connect with 0i) Creek and Wily Hirer Rail Road. Baggage checked ALFRED L. TYLER, oel.lzzut , l ",;,^ .• • Atlantic and Gra = SAT.AMANO WYTTWARD BOUND. EASTWARD 80. kk, Mail 6.20 Express . I , lv Accommodation 6,35 i Mail •F , t: Express 12.19 Accommodation, .. ~11.1: 'Express 11.00 Express At Cory there is a inaction with the Plilluthlpm i Erie, and Cil Crook Ruillmids. At Meadville with the Franklin and Oil CI) 4,: ,Pitholo Branch. LAt Leavittshnrgo Ma Malioniny Branch ma's,. k rem route 'to Cluvelancl. At Ravenna" coma, t, 01. leveland and Pittsbuigh Railroad. I m Phu, Rand passes through Akron, Ashland, Gslt,i arion, Urbana and Dayton, iutereceting varmui ii, oads, and terminates; at Cincinnati. L. D. RUCKER, Gen, Supt., Itioadvtile, Ps . Real Estate Sale. IIE SubS • oriber will sell or rent the folloaiu valuable property, to wit: One tavern stand in Lawrenceville. One farm, on which he now resides, ona•Lali lie from three churches, two School House:, A Po grog shops, and one railrestd,,and about the same distance from the line of the Wellsboro and Lawrenceville Railroad. The farm contains ]Cu acres of good land, 50 acres • timbered, well as tered, and very productive. It requires that the seed should be sowed and planted. however, is ensure a harvest. One farm in Jackson township, 115 ncrei, tirst-rtite placO for a cheese factory. Also.—for sale-4 mnles, 75 shoop, and oda stock, cheap on reasonable terms. M. S. BALDWIN Lawrence, Apr. 17, 1867—tf. Planing & Turning I. T. VAN HORN, - ffAVING got his now Factory in oporatit , c .11L.I is now prepared to fill orders for Cabitat Ware promptly and in the best style of worktna'/D -ship. Haling procured a IVOOPWORTH PLANER, be is ready to dress boards or plank with dilmdeb SCROLL-WORK & BRACKETS, furnished to order. Ilia machines are ofibe new est and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wain Sts,WELL` 80110, Pl., Oct. 31, 868—tf. • NEW GROCERY, At Dartt Settlement. T HE SUBSCRIBER has open - ed a new GROCERY & PROVISION MBE At the above named place, where he proposes furnish Gotids in his line cheap. Market pOces paid for Farm Produce, either iu cash or ttado. The patronage of the public is respectfully, solicited. ALBERT TIPPLE Charleston, Doe. H, 1867—tf. too Chairmaker, Turner, and ' Furniture Dealer.. J. STICICLIN, SALE ROOM, opposito Dartt's Wagon Shop Main Street. FACTORY in Scars t Wil liams Foundry, second story. Orders promptly filled and ! satisfaction gnaw , teed. ,Fancy Turning done to order. Wollsboro, Joao ]2,1667. J. STICICLIN. Tiosa Narble Works, TIIE tndorsigned "is now preitsrod le IeXV cute all orders for Tomb Stone and Moro moats, of either _ ITALIAN OR RUTLANP MARBLE, of the latest style and approved werkmanabil and withldispatch. lie keep' constantly on band both kinds 'Marble and will bo able to suit all who may fa• vor him with their orders, on aslreasonable toms as can bo obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as gbod as new. PORTER WILCON• 'flop, Nov. I, 1867.4 f. Do•LA1,IO & CO,, _Agents for tho Susquchav jJ na Woolen Mille. i~ ~ g a a i s BI F' 1611 7t k , Ilc, t I 11 IMM 11, 1 . -00 t,•• pt t 101" lo i; A Ai tWestoin It• W A STATION B. T. VAN HORN