HOME RIATTE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1 New A.d.veftitsepinatb In Bankruptcy—Wm. Bostwick. Executor's Notice—Estate ofJohnatilai Hear yet hear yet—W. T. Mather:a. Timber )anon for 44001 e—T. D. Lee. Betray Mare—John 11. Newman. Betray Cattle Ellis, High Constable Cub for Wool—right & Bailey - . , Nee Goode —J• Parsons & Co. s;rieg, `A. GOOD Jon—The• tang on the Bakery nlndosy.lbltis by tho hand of Van Iforree 'abater. • , , , - . KEEP CLEAR OF alltravaingquackß, whether of pills or patent rights; unless 4yon would repent at leisure. FOUND—£I: 'll , prt9n Gold Pen, quill nib, gotta pereha boidei and gold trimmed. The owner can have the same on paying for thii ad vertisement. Call at this office. Now Is Youß TlME.—Foley has got all the qu'aint and pretty styles of hanging baskets for grasses, fl veers, and mosses; and sells them very cheap. No houSo should be without somo of these appliances for linking together out doors and indoors. PERSONAL. --Midshipman Nathan Niles, of ‘ the graduating class in the Naval Acad emy, for 1808, arrived in townlionday week, on leav'e to attend the funeral of his brother. Ile is Inking first rate, and - exemplifies the advantages of :evert training.. le returned to Annapolis en Tits:,! SEASON.—This region had a • splendid white frost mantle on the night of . Juno 2,•doing no damage, however. Sineo that' time. copious rains baljp fallen. Grass and early sown grain, is sotnething tremendous in growth, and we see no reason . for worrying over tht lateness of the season. BAPTIST S. B. COIVENTION.—The Baptist will hold a Sunday 'Behod Convention at the Ilolidaytown Church ) on the Bth day of July next, commencing at 10 o'clock, forenoon, and continuing through the day and evening. A full attendance is expected and desired. ' , . THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.—We aro glad to see a movement on foot to remove the buildings of the Society to a more convenient lo cation—one to reach which will not forcibly rea wind people of the frontispiece in Webster's Spell-. lug book. L'ot us all take hold and push, and the thing can be done. • , FOURTH OP AMY DANCES.—There will be an Indepondonco Danoo at Colos's•Hotel, Stony Fork -Friday evening. July 3. 1868. A general invitation to the plcasuro loving public i 3 extended. , There will bo a party at the Keystone Hotel, Sabinsvillec 0:I. Bristol proprietor. Thursday evening, July 2. ACCIDENT.—As the funeral procession of Willie Niles was moving down Main-st., Tuesday . aftornoon of last week, an unexpected halt was made by the leading carriages, causing temporary confusion, during whicb the horse attached to ricarriago in which Mr. J. F. Robin: son, Mrs. J. L. Ttobinson, and Mrs. J. Emery were seated became fractious, and suddenly back ing, precipitated Mrs. Robinson to tho ground between the wheels. The ' carriage passed over Tier hod, inflicting painful but not, wo are glad to say, serious injuries. she was at once taken home, where her binises were dressed by Dr. Paek - er.' She is slowly recovering. THUNDER STORM.—A terrific storm of rain, accompanied by extraordinary electrical phenomena, passed over this region on tho after noon of Saturday. The day had been unusually sultry and oppressive. The long roll of the storm sounded at about 4 o'clock, afternoon, and the rain descended in torrents. The thunder and lightning rather exceeded anything wo ever wit nessed in this region. Some of the discharges liked the heavens with fire, and in volume, the thunder exceeded tho report of a hundred can- The fall of rain was extraordinary even in this village ; but i-outh of and around us it proved very deatinefive to bridges, fences, and newly We have no particulars, Tin , lightning struck a pine near the house of Mr. Vantielder, ono of the proprietors of thi: paper, and after splintering the side-walk, and a bench which was under the tree, passed in to the ground without further damage. Tqb: COUNTY OffiCES.—We are glad to les"rn that the subject of providing more, de center, and safer accommodations for the offices or the, Prothonotary and Recorder, was broached the late term Of Court. The present building "•-•sl for the purpose, is too small, badly arranged, sod net fire proof. Many of the files and records are injured by mould, and many more have to be, lift out of their places because there is no room for them. The county has grown somewhat du , rid./ the last thirty years. Men do not wear 15,j 0 ., clothes, tuna counties should not. force them ire:, into offices too small to securely and con • vellieetly accomodate their business. • The Court has some fine rooms for the purpose, they high, airy and secure. The cost of fitting Qom up would be very little. And by the Ivey, a tittle mortar, whitewash, and paint, judiciously applied, would much improve the uppearauee of the Court House. We may be poor, but we need i.ot be dirty and shabby. With the county PILL gl; reyioyed t4l, the Court bourn:, and the brink It ertion where they npw swelter removed, the %aloe of the public property would riso 2(1 per G.):4sip.—LOsT—d u ring eigh tee . n ) ,, t , of active bosipess life, an average of twenty afintfles. per working day in waiting, upon the niothfe of careless, dilatory persons, who 'failed to their engagements at the hour by themselves fixed. In eighteen years there are 5634 working , 1.1) . 1.; and the loss of twenty minutes each day, :off kes an aggregate of 112,680 minutes, or 1878 making 78 daps of 24 hours each. A ;ecard for the arrest : reolatuatiOn, apd return of there precious days, lost, not by our neglience, out. by the neglienco and thoughtlessness !of others, could be offered were it of any practical uze to offcr it. But those days arc lost out of a q fpl um. t. 9 1)9 reclaimed. Worse than this, eel,p.ly ha./ follPd them lt l l4 41'00 thorn to It', Did coo say "lost"? That is a mild. word, too mild We amend it, and say that these 78 days were stolon from us and wantonly destroyed. W. du oot agree with Dr. Franklin that 'lrime ie Money." fteeauso synonyms of substance must be interehangealdp, - Money is not time, and there fl. time is net Money. Time is a simple without an equivalent. Mon say—"my time is worth so Much to'ine;" but that is only, a form of °sprees me a value by comparison. Every minute of lima is worth a dollar to a busy.man; and thus reckoning. we deelarp that rations persons have robbed us of $112.630 in thecourse pf eighttion years.. They have taken away the principal and I.lt to no less than the legal Interest for a' tenth of the "I will meet you at 12 o'clock," t.fv4 .1 min. We're:Leh the rendezvous at z il:ss. 1t a w.ic until' '12:30 oftener than leis. And whut out friend comes he puts in a paltry excuse at 'l l/1:Cle , (11, " or "a friend dropped in," or some iff:f.-ense, and . .considers himself excused. fificever, is the personal and narrow view; ;41).4 it:atter. The 'crime becomes formidable aloe f.,, , of:punctual 'maw keeps ten other men inutti; in which case tuff less than , f f awe aro; nithie6sly deatiOyed 2 'think ',I il.. iuseleuee of a man who habitually : arrives Lit, at an appointment t Is it-thoughtlessness in tin.i? Not a bit of it. It, ill something =Oh i it a habitual disregard of , the rights -Cli n ts4 t al' of other people, born of unmitigated gelitleman is hqbilnally dilatory, Ziir, b'e' 11.1.:e no Moro right to break your word bit.. at an appointment, than you " lOC an hour Into nt the bank " Il ia - yoar paper =totes ; and as in the later 1• tiler gOes to protest, so, in the former i; lowor goes to protest among punctual l 'iiineog loco. Possibly you may ho privileged lo waste your Own time when it dons not involve waste Or the'tlinb of btliere. illisiVgi•etklin. pardonable egotism, in,, any .man to sinilto the ' business of boy dozen men wait Upon his con- 01 vonienco . eoeurs_to_us"that the people 'of - )Vel)sbarit aro entitled to mucli — credit for Minting - shade trees along the :streetS. Our really ombowerod_in shade. 'The • stringer Who orders Main stieet fret& either,direetion seV . .ora'faiis." ; to remark the pleasing. effect,,oi maples and elms. The people. :Who hitch their' .horses to these beautiful trees tenet admit that : 91101;foller7inthis burgh aro . extremely, liberpl to furnish . livo hitching posts for • vieltors. *ha( a splendid commentary it is, ,to see a team of . peyspiring horses hitched 'under. an umbrageous _zaaple,leisurdy switchiug,tke files, and 'regaling': thetaseliuts upon - the fresh and juicy b . arlt of 'thi3 tree! It is a, splendhland speaking commentary' upon the liberality and pnblic.sPirit. of the` good folk of the village. The tree 'may net thrive with its•bark stripped oil; to be sore; but theri the shade is free, and Wko hadws irlother be Will live to drive to town next year? Is- it not a seizing upon blessings as they fly ~It always pains the humane man iO.BOO horses hitched 'to a hemlock slab, or to a post. It is a hungry, sorry way of doing business. To suppose- that 'soma people aro ill natured enough tii'grumblo at these things, and to inquire if it be not against the law to make hitching-posts of shade trees.. However, nobody complains to ther - peace 'officers; and wk, aro at liberty to suppose that "everything 'is lovely and the goose hangs high." Stoke': THE ACADEMY.—The Spring Term 01013C8 today : we wish we could announce that the rt4l , Term old coMmence in August,. under the direction of Pryf.-Bodgson. To the few who have'made his aegnaintance • ho has endeared hintielf as a map of liberal culture, an.earnestnnd successful educator,'and a man of ppre,antl, pn- ‘ stant impulses for good , The encouragement af forded him has not been sufficient to warrant his remaining among us, unless a new arrangement can be made by which a certain income can be , assured. The attendance during his administra: Lion' was fully tip to the average for seieralycars. But the school has not been' renumerntive for half a dozen years. There are two methods Of establishing the Academy upon a paying and permanent basis. If interest enough is'felt to endow it with the sum of $lO,OOO, the use of which to be applied to payment of salaries in addition to the earnings of the school, the school can go on, and regain its old reputation and standing. Or,'if the Trus tees will take charge of the school, and 1)4 a stated salary to um Teachers, collecting and re taining the earnings( of the School as a 'fund to pay the salaries out of, the School may, in a year or twa bo firmly established. The latter plan ) would only be feasible through the vigorous efforts of the Trustees to increase the patronage so as to cover the salaries ; a very uncertain mat ter at best. We therefore urge the former . plan upon the attention of every man who feels it to be neces sary to sustain the School. Ten thousand dollars may seem a pretty big sum to raise in WellabOre, but it can be raisedin a week, and every dollar of it paid ip. Of course the contributors to -the endOwment would demand the privilege of con trolling it always; and the clearly expressed Con dition of the gift should be that the use, alone, be appropriated to the support of the School. It is the duty of every man to come up to the help of the Academy, with patronage and with Money, if ho be able. We often receive letters , from strangers, asking what., sort .of School wo hrive in Welisboro. No man of family will come here and locate until we make our Academy what it ought to be. If we can endow the school, and induce Prof. Ilotigson to remain in charge, we shall have secured the services of ono of the best educators in the country. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MANSFIELD. —The final Examination of the Senior Class *ill commence Tuesday P. M. June 9, at 2 o'clock. The Examining, Commit too consists of State Superintestlent, and Principals of the State Nor mal Sohools, together with the county Superin tendents of this Normal District. The Senior Class numbers 31-15 Gentlemen and 16, La dies—the largest class, I think, ever presented for graduation in any of the Pcnn'a State Normal Schools. The Examination of the Junior Class will be held Thursday and Friday, Juno 18th and 19th. The Sub4finior Class will 1,0 examined Monday June 22, The Junior and Sub-Junior Classes aro examined by tho Faculty of the School on the'Studies of the year. Friends of tho Institution and of Education me invited to attend these Examinations, The fourth annual Catalogue of the Institution is in press, and will be out in about two weeks. The Exercises for Commencement Week are as follows : June 21, Sunday, P. M . , Annual Sermon by Rev. N. L. Reynolds, of Blossburg. Juno 24, 'Wednesday evening, tho Normal. Lit trary Society will celebrate its 3d Anniversary. lierbert T. Ames (Class 1867) will give tbo Ora tion, and Miss Sue E Conan! (Class 1866) will give the Poem. Juno -25, Thursday. Commencement Day Exereis 'of the aratitlatin,g Class. Presentation o(Diplomas. `Vile Music len' (3 - conducted during the.,Exer eises by Prof. lloyt, assisted by members of his Music Class during the. year. The Public aro cordially -and earnestly invited to 'attend these Exorcises. • BASE-1 ALL.—A niat•ch game of Base was played by the Sepicir nnd Junior Classes of the Mansfield Slate Mn'y 30, with the following reßny : • • Senior. 0. It. Junior. 1 0. R. Smith, c '3 3 Elliott, o • 5 '3 Ames, p 2 3 Vermi)yca, p ~.,2 4 Stone, s s ....... —3 2 Myer, s s ....... ~..2 3 Doane, I b 3 :3 Stiles, 1 . b... ......2 4 Meetly, 2b. ...... .2 0 Bullard, 2'h. ...... .5 2 Ellsworth, 3 h.,...4 I _ Pltrke, 3 b,;., ''t 4 Pratt, 1 f 3 3 • Osborne; If , 2 4 Tote, e f •' 3 Owen, ,c f 2 3 Young, rf 4 1 Gummy, rf 4 2 Total 27 19 Innings, 1 2 3 4 50ui0r,.... .2 1 3 Junior, .8 7 Number of• foul boumls, Junior, 2. Noinber of foir Ilic3 eftugl flies 1. Number of fair flies (mug' flies 2. Utteluu- - -J. W. Mathsrs, SCORORS—J. 11. Pomeroy, Time of Game 2 hours 30 Camp-Meaiings. EDITOR Or Tut! AGITATOR °amp-Meeting, or Protracted Meeting in the Woods, having been appointed to begin on the 24th inst.; at East Charleston, and believing ninny of your readers would be interested in a few statements concern=- ing it, I offer such statements for publication: The Meeting was appointed by the ' Preachers' and Daymatt's Assoaiotion,' connected with the Methodist Episcopal 'Church of Troy District. Camp-Meetings'wero first introduced in TennOs me, in the year 1799, under the united efforts'of two brothers, of .the natuo of McGee; one a Pres byterian, the Qtlkor a Methodist. They. wore co operating in conducting religious meetings.' Un der their preaching in the congregation of Rev. Mr. Ale Grady, a Presbyterian, a great religious interest was awakened. A historian or those fai times says : • This great, unusual work, so exci ted the attention of the people that they eamein crowds from the surrounding country to inquire what these things meant; and this• 'writhe be ginning Of that great revival of religion'. it the western conptry which introduced camp-meetings. The people came with horses and wagons, bring ing provisions and bedding, and others built buts, )or tents ; while' all, Presbyterians, Baptists, and Methodists, united together ih prayer and eXhor ation, and preaching, exerting all their energies to forward the work, Camp-meetings from the first have been a class of agencies intended for the promotion orplety. They are ifttra religious services—like 'Four Days' meetings,' Protracted meetings,' ' or other special meetings et:cosi:mak* employed to arrest the attention of the people anti interest them or; the sphieet of , While other evangelical' churches have continued to employ some .0 188 " of these occasional religious meetings to promote christianity, Methodists, in the United States, have continued to hold eamii-meetings from time to time. : They aro regarded by, us astnnel of the means by which the Gospel may be . brought to reach tha people: , . • . „ . - Such malinger are commtudahle in view of : their object.. - Who will professedly oppose efforts to in duce people to be good, to becontO .real Christ iape ? This is the object, of the catilp-trieeoOg• _lvtlea people camp out for a week with st i vipw, te. hunting, fishiog, or other civil pursuits , icing as they are civil. in their demeanor, attending to the business for which they are ; encamped, they are at least respected. Religious people soofit to' camp n few days in the woods with a religions object. They seek, there to worship God; and; by preaching the gospel and accompanying, efforts, they rpm to promote,eabb other's profit and to induce sinners to become good Christi;aus;—,cer.,., giit,n).:theObjlitit;-Of .000/ .tu aoll n glt is-a genii t;,' finef I and worthy being It Tt - iii mind hiever v i visitor. on 09 trpp94 , .4t.4.4 ) , og another, ob t i net ? 1 , 13,9 IV: t titsic he iininoper i- der nly,all objeciattiorel p 1.4 -- tained - should be lii'la' "liiiinyWitlithe' iritiiii"onl3 - named; If all attend nts will cheerfully not ma eording to this view, t my still . greatly help, the i 'usefulness' of the mee t g. , ,-t,, - .7 .... gil s g.tlin, Such meetiyge arc cOtimientfable,"in that ithtcy h p «veroved to tieliim honored means of toefiii.• ,mess. As such moans the B. Gene - See Conference qregartis them, as shoWn by recommending that, one be-held in each istrict annually: as such 'many of the best Chr stians of the ago - regard ;them. _Tho.eireonnta suf their being held in the fiddler nriuids, is 4nly such circumstances as ,iamonneeted tifteyi cs,.l ,_..,-, titer. ; large gatherings 'for 'various obje c ts.. frocesional g o .therios4iii suchlocalities were early practiced.. The Jow' held one on their armal feasts in booths seven l a days.. Our Savior pr cited on the Juana, and fed the multitude in t e fields. If more people can` be reached wltli:g ) spel truths that way ; tlmn otherwise, it ip welt! ji at. as it was for Whitefield to preach in the fields, is:it lit Slew/fat ' r different -,- . of afferent tienoteinati: lie squares of our large where they eau reach tl verde we must them. It is.hopeil Ilia horn their attention or ester] on the subject, of of this meeting, than r. mute Snell results Ong: im iteil to come mill v, pemile' are em on/ great o/tject name 4. Vlnim, Preachers' al .Sllll A K 1 titiB, 1.,y key. IL La and Aire ' A hos; A D A Nll-1--. 1 41N' 1868, Ily ll,t, .111111 , 1 /41 Vltivelit. alI ta 8M1:111 Cli A thiv.iirick's tattier sup 2, 18113, by It .r, .T. J. fa. D., tif.rtiyi 14: oF toe w o);sev Pit. VAN ALLEN-110 church, Scranton, Jun !Warple, the 'telt. 1). 1)4 en. N. V., and Miss Fa', of Mr. %Vni Holland, eidkus hiitlal 1863, Clarence, oldest ageri,allout 20 3roars. LEFT.-In Ilfidd lo Lent, in the 78th year 4 There is a home for Hy sin and serum 'll tVlitm 10141 . (1 on life ' s hero storms arise And all is droar but h llitrdOg's-Albunis-A at P. It. Williams (re, C. at' Agent' A DIFFICULTY OVEIt experienced in thQ, us. sowing machines, is fo adjusting the needle. result of Alcfeetive con • is not limited to any machines—but whioh•i one—the Wilcox k Gi difficulty is entirely or, the following decision : "The needle is scour device; which renders ' neither skill not caper it."—Dccieion of tha .1) Park Trial2l. • . Would P:l3' to his I'. nmiern improvements Below will be foLind a may be +en at hio ofli satisfaction in the use laughing (las: Cunningham, "Bot,ton Brown Bread, Grainun Bread, Hot French Rolls,: Coburg ,lot}veig,. Card -tilingerhread, Corit:ieg; flinger . Snaps, Tea Cakes, -- -Spiingc Cake Pies. Tart:, alwaye to he had fresh and good, -at the WELLSBORO BAKERY. largest,, beH ment:(ll fratiws ever I) with )nrg pictures in photograpint a $1,50 Frank :-zinnu:er'l, Art ( Dec. 25-41. Tim AMERICA i , „, Eltin• ly crr MAn i mit up tit' li.r . pv .1 20, , 1 10. • Messrs. A it, PAciti nn - Ai; C 0..: • K%t.• $ s : i (tientletacn ; The Au erican hot Air Conking Seovi.e that t, bought ef you Oct.,Vith have ar rived d all in goo ordei and ttll sold. I svish, to say to :ion that the 4tuericau Cooking Stoves which ,l. lnai:mod of' Poo give perfeet and entire satiSfaetion. I coniii4r it the best in the World, and too mush rannotA e said in its favor. As a cook stove it cannot b snrpaased, as a heater it cannot I.n. twat. It wi Ido the Most .Work• with the least fuel at ally st iv° I ever saw in use. It will burn green wood better than any stove WO hato'here; we have the Stcwair, ‘t, Ifonie Com fort, and a 'mintier of others, but they don't com pare with the American. Y01,R113 at .liberty ta, nso my naug to any testimony in its favor, as it cannot be too highly praisod. Yours troly, Z. Aucunn. • For f - s,alo hyletnivEns v. ,tospoop ; lyt:4llshoroPn. Mar' 1 11.-3 - • . -'”'' '' '' - ' A:1. YouNti`s Boom the Now York Dailies; and Philadelphia , Wee! Pnbliiiher's • priefis. periodicals from Yon, them fur a tiny, week,. at any time. Back »u Call and ece Conant's 1 ing papers, magazines, [WeUsher°, May 13,' Total ''• ,1 27 29 567 8 9 • 2 0 4 4 2-19 0 - , 2 2 3 2-29 °might—Senior, 2; by . Senior 4, foul t by Juutor,';fB.., foul f lAwreneoville Shappeo. • ninutes. Stato Street, Wellsbi graphs in India Ittk, the trade or to individui tures, large or small Ali Ni,Rtlmf,9_vitt;' , 4n I and at as low prices as Cash taken in*exchan' or goods.- 7 ,A.p. 8. GS tr. BIBLE.—If you Family Bible worth ffoll Book Store and examin that pretended agents al expenees,to the pyiff ces. . •.etut • ! /10118 K eLEANING.-1 1.1011 YOUNG has just re ceived Two Thousand R•Hs of Wall Paper for Spring Stoek, in Eighty different Styles, incluFl 7 ingSrownspiloallkerGoi >to, h ,Fatina s and Satiri Gilt, for lafeh.isn's; Parlors, Duni.; Dining. Rooms, Bed. Roordsi:otlrAr.O.C2o per cont. lowisr than last year; With' Vortleis of all kinds to match. Asap,, Windbo - , lixiurbs, (4 kinds,) Window P:a pcir (1/ifyies) Cloth 'gilt - Shades (lo styles,) -C4r tain cord, tnssells, picture-naiis, hooks, anti screw-eyes. ,; • ALSO, Linking glasses Pictures, Pictutte- Frames, and nlmost everything necessary to beautify your Limes,' Remember to call first 'at the E LISBORO' BOOR - STORE. Willcox 6 Gibbs-qewing irctolkine. • • "Its tuein is stronger end less liable to rip in nee is/bai than • the . haelcit3titalt."-;-"Judgca' Report," ut the Trial."' -Bond ;for the "Rilibrt,"•andisntapileii of Work, doratlining Zuptic kinds of alitobos, Oh the fiam o piece ofiigooils. OJECt. O.cBOWEN, AGENT, Apr, 98,'.68-Iy, - fdriTiogth Co. 4nozvillei Pa. ins to preach on the pub- Oilies and in lithei places lie most people. To save it attention and interest many more people will •ested and become inter "pm is religien ) ''i because lould without it. To pro . Hans', of e.vory name; are orship with us : and all me and help ptontoto the Mansfield Juno a 1868. 'WESLEY COCHRAN. id Laymen's Association. lAGES wVAn 111 . 741andiel(7, May 21, Mr.Abraca Shuart, II of M itifiald. Mansflold,llay 27, Jahn Adams, and 'Nibs ManAleld. IV.—At the residence of el ~Chnpown, 113 tc)„., Atop ITtirton, Mr. J. 1". Smith, T.. C. Chapman, SL Luke's t 2, MN, by Rev. A. A. Van Allan, of Livingston 'nny J, Holland, daughter f Scranton. - DM! THS. I.iurg, Nebraska, Mny)l6; - 'Olt or below Claus, Esq., ury, April 28, Thomas 1 his ago. eary souls tornpostitous shoals, 0001111 onv43n.' 4 • .i . uf~i~.+d~fr~;=~~ r 1-scien,l I o Vest in iiiarka oh Oslo Post Offico, Wollaboro; 1•, • .ouzl.:—One'great di all : of nearly all. kinds of nd in setting and properly Tho difficulty is tho traction ' • a defect which :no machine of class of : common to all, excepting bs. In this machine, that 1 rcome—as will be seen by Ld in its place by a patented ,t self-adjusting, - so 'that once is necessary in setting dye at the "Orent Inland • JEASTMAN r i ends, that he has all the or the Extracting of teeth. Ifew of the names which o who express their entire f the Nitrous _Oxide, or Dr." A. 'Mary L. Johnson e C. Roland, Mil 4 , .An.lrewg, W. E. Kelley. Anna E. Christian 1/eargy 11rnen, Mary Ailthon, Irene 1:. Merrick, i:. C. A. Ilaeftit. ' N. I. P. !'la.".. D. Aron ‘, Loma A 1:3111e. John Sykes t apd cheapest assort raught, into 'pogo, County every way to suit, nol one( sec :floz 4 all going fast n i allory, Mato lied, Pa. COOKING STOVE horn:.—You will find . : All the New York, . Boston, dies, anti Bienthlies, at ttte )c advantligo in taking ti , is, that you oan take I, orrnonth, and •stop them nbers always suppliod.= latent Binders formreserv ma music.—, .. ' BtB-41 , OMPSON, C. O.•T ro, Pa., finishes photo- Oil, or water colors, for 1 order. Copies old pip aiinislied planner. Square Frames on hand, an he found elsewhere.i o for all kinds of work ' want 'n Harding. $3 to $5O call at Young's his stook. Remember vays add their traveling, &nll:no: s ou pay it. 'I?. - tr.' SPEOIi\Li : N.QTIOES. ; -0- 11l . - - - • : 001 V 49 ..G r OgriT.48*. The', key: EDWARD A. WILSON. will loud (free Of: harge)do ell who desire it. the preseilPtion 'itittr the dl- sections foisnitkinwand using the tilinplalientirfj by Which be was cured of a lung affection and that dread disease Consumption. onlyobject la tb benefit the' affikettibtinil babopeettiltftestfcriir mint Veb - ,: lictiption, as it Will cost - Minn nothing, and may prove' a blessing-. Ileaseaddres, , , RV. -tDWIA.V WILiSON, - 22mayCff • Willtescusbust - Icings Co., N. Y. • A Oentiontan 'ty k e, Suffoied ter years ftem Nervous Phoinattiraltittity. and all Cie:effiCts 6( 4eittlk: 'ful ind lac reilon,,will. ter the sake of suffering ;human ity, send free Jo all who tio/rd 14 the-recipe , - and' dire*• liens for makittilbiOddiilq F stnedjr by, which he wen cured. Su ff erers wishing to profit by the advertiser'e experience, can do so by addressing, to perfect. conltr , dente, '" 7011 N 22raai6l ='i • '42 Ctidaii B,tstiet:tiowAroVV. • ,• ,' • ••••• • .'YES YES'!" - :Y 1 - '"_!'• • , 1..; It. WILLIA4IS , k CO.,liave got the best, P largest and Cheapest stook of Drugs, wed , Mints.% Patent Medicines, Paints,,Cils,Dye Stuff, Brushes, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Yankee No tions,; perfumery, ToilctActsp,,,pishing Tftekle, over. brought , iititaithi (Mant '. tkihy wilt positively sell everything in their line cheap or than Can be bought elsewheree' Thoy their goods in' large quantities' and for nett chili; and can will sell chestier ihim any other es- Whitetail - ant in this coupty., 0111 C -rind lixamine stock and p'ri'ses. P. It. WILLIAMS - fr. CO. m a y 0, 1868,. ;4, Union Block. a pueries., HERE canr r oso bnythis find' z Purei English W V V White Lead and Linseed Oil, Varnishes; Litekcr, ffurpontine, the • cheapest, at ...• - , P: R—WILMAMS, A 'ed. Who sells tha purest•atniV liebffDings, Patent Medicines, and Dye, Stuff,: P. IL WeLTAIABIS, tt CO: ~T Who keeps the largest stook of ,Paint pOwders, ToOth, , llair; - Clbth and Nall.iliushos, lurid Bolls tho clkapest, P. E. IVILLIAIIIB, & CO, Wherci can you go‘to And dho bost.and nlu3apn,st Toilet add Saying a ' scup, Pocket Knives Perfum ery, Nair Oil, Pomades, Writing Paper, Pens and -Ink, toi •: •Pali. WILLIABIS, & CO: E. B. CASE MY Xing. JJ Mrs. M. W. Staples, Sarah 'Francis, Fannih M. Wilkinson G. W. Bowen, C. S. Vanhdrn, Martha Moore, Mary Dickinson, Mary Williams. Richard Broughton, Sallie Redingcon, Flora B. Field, Eugene Robinson, Mary Green, Maggie Mullen, Mrs. 3. Sticklin. MIS ~~ ~ J , , THomPsote l — ' ; junisqtel,D.l .• •• • BLACKSMITH, has two fires, and is prepar ed . 'it to de all kinds o/work in his line with proMpt . *Awes, and iu a Workmanlike manner. I.le aims .;at excellence in 'his trade.. • . - Mansfield June 8, 1868-Iy. .' _ • NEW. SPRING GOODS AT „ „ . J.,: A. Parsons & Co's CHIP CASH STORE! 1 1: • SUBSCRIBERS ARE OFFERING Great:t inducements ii '' t 1 .'i,`, 'i j , 1 to ell buyers of Pry-Goods, Boots .cc Shoes. Our stimtris'all now, 'and cannot bo surpassed FOR VARIETY AND CHEAPNESS. f Ito following is but t small portion of our BARGAINS: GOOD PRINTS, 10ers. BEST " 15 " GOOD Y'D WIDE SHEETING'S 12i, .`, ,";• 14US.LINS,15oye. vi EkTItA - , ''''' SOFT t' IiiiS114;;;. SUMIIII4R RANT S ' l, FS 20 ma 50cms, TICKI NOS Is 6D To s6D FOR BE ST. ALL WOOL SII'AWLS $3 ALL WOOL CASSIMERES 75cTs TO $1 lIEAVY GINGIIAMS HMS. PINE ALPACAS 31 TO 50 errs. ALPACA .POPLINS 50 01'S. PARASOLS 75 To $3. SUN UMBERELLAS $1,25 To $2,50. ,1100 P -SKIRTS 71 - ?, To OA:— ;.- • I * - 141i1E8' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 10 CTS LINEN lIOSE, GOOD 25 MS. . It will•fay to And . 6xamine out stock as we are buying now Goods almost daily and sell: ing them very cheap. ' ' t ; J. A.,,PARSONS 90., . 4.• , - June 10, 1808. Corning, N. Y Lath 1 Stlingles ! Lumber A WAYS on hdnd at Foster's Mill, Niles 1 - 1 ; Valley. Pine and Hemlock, letb, shingles, and lumber, tie well as all kinds of hard world plank and boards. Lumber delivered to order. G. W. FOSTER.. Niles Valley, May 13. 1868-3m.0, Administrator's Notice. ETTDRS of adminibtration 'flaying been LA granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Simeon Butler, late of Delmar Tuip, dPeettectis personi!owingliaid °Sate; iOr leaving °bites against the same, will settle with SIMON V. BUTLER, boluiar, May 13, 1868* Adm'r Coal fox• Sale. „ . COARSE BITUMINOUS COAL foil Cheapety Sept. 28, 1867., , , D. P. ROBERTS. LIME FOR SALE. ~ 3 , 000' r El d.a U n S i l o - T d Lg ta o t f i otnltlkil season. b 0 as eon to per bushel, nr sl,2fp,per Barrel, , p.-r. IatIARIt, Station Agent. ' , . Mansfield, May 20, 1868.-6 m. Hero . Friiit Jar. SKK 00 f° l6 or Iseh." .1h43 lIERO FRUIT JAR W. D. TERBELL 6c QO., • , Corning; N. ... • " lire arc prepared .te fill orders for the Hero Mutt. Jar as low 16 they can be bought anY . - anywhere ! and, shipped from Corniagi:- IV° can Ore special ratiss'on litige' 'quantities. It is the best and most salable 'Joir in the market. Clot quotations from us before ordering elsewhere.; ' March 18, )868,--641 4. ,• • , FISHING TAIIK.I#E,-11.9(111ESTER. FLIES, r REELS, SNELLS, LINES, RODS, LEA DERS, and a general assortment of First class gistaing tackle, for sales by .:- Welleboro,/11ay,,1,3,4868.-ilt. L. A. SEARSi .NR ~,4PyER, rims:Awn. 04. PARED Fort , • • Spring and Summer Trade! VIZ now on hand and s u n coming, a largo anfilwoll eoleoted stook of t "GOOD GOODS," ZAPHII , I 1D1EM,8041:3 ALPACAS, POPLINS, •CAISIBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PERVAS;V.ERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, ALSO, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL AND CLOAK. DEPART , `` 00111PLF I TE, '; TRIMMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO TIONS, HOOP SKIRTS, BAL• • MOREL SKIRTS,i OPERA • FLANNELS, CORSETS, TIOMESTIcS, ~•, at a very small • margin. l • , • READY-MADE .CI4OTHING, Clothq and Cassiakeres and a Tailnr Cut 'Ana FIL ' • NEES HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, - ,CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, OM , 1 EMS t : ; T. L. BALDWIN 8c co, TIOGA, PA. hooded.' Outetook of can't bo boat much Boots and Sh i oes, SALT, 141 E, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Don't forget to look over our stock of GROCERIES, the roost complete stook • you, can find, such as TEAS. - Wo are old tea drinkers and know them • i• ' to tie good. • • . SIidARS, MOLASS E S, everything in the Grocery lino, Gunja Bank Codfish Bayldaekerel, Ashton Salt, what makes the"Bizttim goqd, and Moe firkins to put it in.— Also,.Balter Tubs and Pails; Butter sold on cota4 mission-,no charges for handling; but would liko a small portion of the money you get in re. turn, that is if our races suit. TOOLS, full line. We aro agents for the Ohio and Buck eye combined Mowing Machines; general depo for fixtures• and extras for the the above ma 'chinos. ; All kinds of • COUNTRY PRODUCE taken .in =thong.) for Goods. Wo propose to sell our Goods reasonably. "Live and let Live" prices given at thp counter—only one price. T. L. BALDWIN A CO Tioga, Pa., April 29,1868. 25 PER CENT OFF FOR CAi3H - 1, AT THE Tioga Hardware Store plus Store is stocked with a largo sgortinent. ,j_ !or; I • El HARDWARE, of all kinds, to bo sold at 25 per-cent below the usual rates. Agricultural Implements • of all kinds, ,ovary Tool oa•Ma ' hine warranted to elm satisfaction or money rofunded. The o ly place to get the KIRBY KING OP PLOWS ;" Farmers Favorite." Grrtilia "ROCHE)§i'ili ' HORSE HOE." OHADIPioIki OP THE WORED. MI , ',IOPOALL AND SEE.-4Fe W E have received a very LARGE STOCK of : t o IRE , on the most , favOrable•torms, and will be Bold at very mil 'advapdo from 'cost: Atzi think we hazard nothing in saying that we kip the 11 EMI New Spr4lll Goods ~•f~ c ~ , ._ ~ •A ". f. = • IN CORNING. SPRING GOODS BEST ASSORTMENT and tho BEST, QUALITY of Goode that are kept in th.? place. Have a store light enough to 134 what you arkituying, and pledge ourselves to SELL AS LOW, quality considered, as at any other catablietiment. Wo continuo to make our CLOTH TRADE one of our specialties; and when desired Of MAKE THEM TO ORDER on short notice. and in the best manner. We have added to'our stook a good assortment of CARPETS, consisting of BRUSSELS, THREE - PLY. INGRAIN, COTTON WARP, HEMP, AND STAIR CARPETS. FLOOR OIL CLOTH and MATTING, and can sell them HOW VERY LOW. Wo aro the agents for tho GREAT L S. TEA COMPANY and 801 l TEA at New York prices by tbo single pound. All visiting Corning, are invited to call and examine stook and prices. SMITH & WAITE Corning, April §, 1868. , . : BOLT) ON ! Go to KELLEY'S and see the Latest Arrival o NEW. GOODS! Consisting of a general assortment of e c. 5 A t <3 4: o w 46 ;> gi • 0 t. 4, xl tT4 ) CII w id a g 0 p:), 0: C) MRS. FRY'S CORSET AND SKIRT SUPPORTERS, wr saarmax r su n a mem eql clos pat; nu° leaf NEW DRESS GOODS AT KELLEY'S •saarriall a 4 saAivir-ioluTAt GENTS' FURS AT KELLEY'S Aras:No charge for 010WING.GOODS at ..4xf C. B. KELLEY'S, Wellpboro, Oct. 30, 1867. SPRING & SIMMER GOODS FOR 1868. W E be& to ealliour attention to onr stook of Millinery and Straw Goods for the Spring and Summer Trade, which. is now complete; and selected with care to ineet the wants of all, and embracing full lines of all that is new and novel, and at the lowest possible rates. PATTERN HAT FRAMES of Madame Railing's large and exquisite assort meta, of which we will give our friends the mos desirable styles. Mrs. B. D. MITCHELL. April,22, 1868—tf. Broad Street, Tioga, Pa AGENTS WANTED.FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, Its Causes, Character, Conduct and Results. 13y HON. ALEXANDER H. STEVENS. A Book for all Sectiona and all Partiea This great work 'piesents the only complete And impartial analysis of the causes of the War yet published, and gives those interior lights and shadows of the groat conflict only known to those high officers who watched the flood-tide of revolution from its fountain springs, .and which were so accessible to Mr. Stephens from his po sition as second officer df.the Confederacy. To a public, that bas.been surfeited with AP PARENTLY SIMILAR PRODUCTIONS, wo promise a change of fare, both agreeable and sal atary, and an intellectual treat of the highest order. 'The great American war has AT LAST found a historian worthy of its importance, and hts9bikSq : ; bolds it Will receive' that moderate, candid and impartial treatment which truth and justice - so urgently demand. The intense desire every yfhero manifested to obtain this work, its Official character and.ready safe, combined 'with an increased commissien make it the best entiscription book`eier pub—' - One Agent in Rastoni,Pa., reports 72 subscri bers iu 3 days. One in Boston, Mass., 103,sub. seribers in 4 days: One in' Memphis,, Tenn: 100 subscribers 19 5 days. Send for Cir.:attars and see oar terms, and a full desoriptinn of the work, with Press notices of advance sheets, &e. Addrope • NATIONAL 'PUBLISHINO CO. 26 South Boventh-.Bt.Plt. May 27, 1868-4 t ) BI.h.IIIn , 'EXOHINGEr T sing,l sing ors curious thing, '- Almost as strange as Boggs upon Tyng; I've swung/Found a *eke as round as a ring, And while on ;the'down east part•duly swing, I stopped at the city and took on the Spring STYLES OF CIIORRIES SUGARS ARE LOW N THE NECK, Molasses & Syrups havo n froor run 'downward,•aith a funnol-sika pod WlEssictlx.esisel bewever, are out from the neck downward, and the style is blue and silver.with stripes. TEA will be prepared from a drawing' furnished 'to every customer who buys a•pound. Of the styles to suit coMplextona,'&o., Inlay mention that -• . you can have if yen•long for' it I cannot get time to look up all the bard words which the GREAT AIikERICAN TEA COMPANY use to startle the innocent people about the coon. try; but you ban depend upon finding the very beat of Teas at the I • • ' • Mil BEE- HIVE EXCHANGE ? • tho styles aro various. Yon can have the latest styles from the following fashionahle foreign I ports, to wit: Me OHA, JAVA, RIO, LAOUYRA JAM MCA, &O. PROVISIONS: , , I Flour still wears heaps over 11, and dispenses with trails as unprofitable. L have all grades . eatable: Also, • PORK, DRIED BEEF l AND HAMS, • togotherwith-a full assortme (; ut of light groceries and canned delicacie. As ever IS A. TIIE R SI . . Pays Cash or Trade, for all MARKETABLE PRODUCE.. CALL AT MATHERS'S. lleboro, Apr.l, '6B. W. T. M.ATIIERS GOVERNMENT PROPERTYAT PRIVATE SALE OPITRIN NCO. , AN IMMENSE AMOUNTi.OFROPERTY BOUGHT AT GONERNMENT ‘ SALES. Consisting obie:Fly of :--, ... 10,000 Sets New and Second Ha . nd Harness, - Bridles and Collars, 000 Saddles; • \ 1 \ All styles; 2,000 WAGON COVERS, all 'sizes, now lc worn.\ 6000 WOOL. AND RUBBER BLANKETS, A- HORSE • COVERS, MILITARY CLOTHING, GREAT COATS, FROCK COATS, ntousEs, PANTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, Ac. • , .1 Also a largo lot of Reins, Lead lines, Buggy Ambu lance and Cart - Harness. Double Trees Load Bars, Port able Forges, dm., &o. Wheel' Team Harness, little worn, all oak tanned leather, serviceable, cleaned and oiled, $6 per horse, including Bridle Lead, do VP Am bulance or Stage Itarness.with superior leather Traces, perfectly suited for farm opreneral team work. double sots complete $25 to 30, Bridles $1 to $3, extra hair lined Artillery case, do $2,60 and $3, Double 8e1n,51,75 to 2,25, Halters $5 to $l2 per dozen, Now Officers, Mc. Ciellan Saddles, $lO do, with plated Bit Bridl e $l9, Brass Mounted Saddles , good as new $9, with Bridle $ll, Boys Sadd es $O, Wagon Covers, superior. 10 and 12 oz., Cotton 'Duck $6 to $12,1000 Hospital Tents, now and good s new, 12 oz, Duck, 14 feet square $25 to $5O, with poles and pins complete, Wall Tents $l5 to $2O. Wedgo (100 to $B, Shelter Tenta for Hay Caps $3O to $5O peroo. Grain Bags, 12 oz. Duck, 2to 3 Bushel $6 to $lO per dozen, also full assortment of Seamless Bags. Small order by Express, 0. 0. D. LIBERAL DEDUCTIONS TO WHOLESAL • DEAL- IiRS. PITKIN & CO, • (Formerly on Front St.; now) 71 Nourn SECOND Sr., JUST BELOW ARL ST., KELLEY'S PHILADELPHIA, PA Also, 6 PARK PLACE, N. Y. Descriptive p'rioo list ,sent on npplicattion. April 8,1808-3 m 100,000 Pounds 'of Woo /WE subscribers' will poi ' Cash, Full-Cloth, Cassimeres,Flannels, sc.,Joe., for Wool.— They also manuacture as usual— TO ORDER, OR ON SHARES, to @nit customers. • • All work warranted as rep resented. They invite particular attention to • their Water Proof k,gggIVOMM 4 O4I which are i arrantiSd in every I respect. Paitiou- ROLL-CARDING & CLOTH-I)RESSING. \,\ Twenty years expetience in the business war rants them •i Il expecting a generous _patronage. • :,No shoddy elothi;Luado. '\ , DeLano do Co., at Wollsboro, , \are agents for the sale of our Cloths. ' I I . IT I „. JOSEPH ING,illAl do SONS,- Deerfield, May 13, 1868—tf. \ ' • Farm for Sale. TULLE subscriber otters' for Sale alarm\in Jack son township, on Alder Rim near Mitchell's Mill, containing 100 acres-65 improved,, and 35 wood land. Said farm • has a new frame house. good barn, young ripple orchard and good taster thereon. Also 80 acres timber hind adjoining, which will bo sold with the abov,o if desired.— The above property will be sol cheap. Title good and torms„easy. Inquire a$ this 'OTioe, or of GEO. W. HUDSON, March 25,_18438.-3m. On the promisee. \ 44 e Farm for ! Sat.. `-ed aor4, with , N'es J impro village, -tt Valuable Farm for Sal' farm of dire') hundred sore hun dred L wo ms dred and ( twenty - five aeres L impro ed. Sit uated two Mace north of Tioge. Villag , on_ the Tioga River, and Railrocd.. Well watt erod, un der a good state of ..eultivatien, and, gOod build ings. Also four houses,atid lots for sale in Tioga village. T. . RAf.pwm. Timm, Fob. 12, lEiftfi r tf. ' F LAX-BtED—Cash paid' for - P. R. WI,L =I =I Tho fashions' for And inore nat onisitini atilt, 11 TEA. Black Tea As to c cxU ie, In tho mattei of Wanted. lac attention givon to THE ORM NMI OP '6B, Wilson ok, VanValkenburg's PUBLBIFBIERTI In view of the contemPlated. Railroad soon to to be built to Wclisharo,' the proprietors have concluded to give the people hereabouts, daily entertainments through the yearicommencing on the' 4th of January; Thel4st plice, entitled,. , "LYEANIIIETtfirE if, . • IN TWO -11)/WIAOTEES.• Live, ThuOzei VAN VAIXEintuRO; Jet Live, • 4 • - TnwPitopz.z. _ , This great , drams bas drawn browded !louses both in this andlbe old Countries', and , is ad mitted by all to bo one of the most profitabli, in areating, aml bostploces octant naketslo the Dress Ureic—FßEE'. • 'We wish, it distinctly understood, that • all classes of ifolitiolans, and even those who 'feel -a little Wolfish—and in fact none tireexcluded_ ii i &eta the - ' . • • • . ' , : BAZ IR -OF FASHION . U;. .Where we , can furnish any . ' style, • kind and quality of Gentlemen's wearing apparel on short notice, andwt prices astonishing leir. - .. TEA 1 . CUTTING •)50NE,ADMIRABLY 7 1.:A, Clop* .Cassimeres, Yestinge;taillee , • Cloths,. a large varietr of ; Ladies' Dress G6ods, • : Beet liirida, srid as oheap ae the ohea p o g t . . Tickets to the ,Parquette7---FAin: • In thie great Tragedy for the histefit Of, - the public, we would not omit saying toile Ladies that wo also keep;rivorything to replenish their • Wastwarcolaa.. Come one and all and witness the above en tertainment. We do not claim to bo old Stara, bnt shall endeavor to do our beet to give all the worth of their money. • Reserved Seats far the :Ladies: . Remember the place, NO. 2, UNION BLOCK. N. B.—Wo shall give our patrotis the fullbon oftt of the decline in prices, and extending them our thanks for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended we solicit a continuano of the aamo. WILSON k VAN VALIKENBUIta. Wellaboro,aan.ls, 1864:-tf. KNOXVILLE DRIVING PARK ASSO CIATION, . - Will give an exhibition of • the apeed of 3.year old colts,. Entrance.. COLTS ENTERED FOR ABOVE kaIIIBITION. 0. H. Wood entered Roan Mare, name Lady Wood 0. S. Wood " Bay Mare, " R.noxville Maid W. C. Wood " Roan Roue " All from Hamiltonian Jr. Others will appear soon. F. D. Bunnel, stallion, name Drift Minor ptar. Name and description of colt, with one-half of the entrance money must be banded to r the 4 Sea r rotary by the Ist day of May. Premium for beat Trotting Colt one-half th money received on entries. Second best, one-third of the entry money. Third best, one-sixth of the entrance's:lomq. M. kr. Portmn, Sec. 0. H. WOOD, Pres't. Knoxville, Pa. Fob. 26, 1868-tf. • BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's 'Court of Tioga County bearing date April 25, 1868, I will expose to public sale at die Court House in Welleboro, Suturday,June'l3, 1868, at 1 o'clock P. AL, the following deseribod real estate, to wit 'A lot of land in Delmar, beginning at tho south-east corner of the land herein described, in the north line of lot lately owned by A. L. Bodine, and at a point where a certain Strocit is laid out upon a map of Morris lands in that cinity, thence south 871° east 53.4 porches to a public highway leading from Weillsbord"etoßlinta-:, way Dill, thence along said highway, iliorth! 24°' west 20.2 peirches, north 13° east 22.9 perches tol a point in said highway where it is intersected by a certain other cross street marked on map' of survey of Morris land aforesaid, thence along said cross street parallel with first line herein raeptio,ned 38 perches to street first named, thence southerly along said street 40 perches to place of beginning—containing about 11.16 acres more or less. Also—another lot of land in Delmar, begin ning at the north-west corner of the Edwin L. Sears lot on said map, thence south 44° easy-22 perches to the southwest corner of the George Sears lot on said map, thence southerly two rods to the cross street above mentioned, thence along said cross street 16 perches to the first described street on said map, thence along said street 17.1 perches to place of beginning—containing ono • acre, more or lessi Terms cash. MARY BORST, Adam. May 13, 1868-41. • • Home Life Insurance Co., No. 258 j BROADWAY, NEW YORK. A , . • LL the net profits ! of this Cetailany, go to the Assured. • I. No forfeiture of Policies. ' ; No Limitation as to reeidenen or Travel. '• The Homo has an amplo . Castt Capital Most'so curoly invested. WALTER S. GRIFFITH. ONEGE 0. nIPLEY,.., I. If. FROTHINGITAISS, WM. d. COFFIN, MORGAIT Ag't, Weilabor°. March 4,1868-6 m. AWAGON SHOP, and lot containing 72 square reds. Shiip 24.'28 feet, and two storys high. Also—a houso and Apven octea of land, tiro acres of timber and a fit* young, maple orchard thereon, with 53 fruit:. trees of different kinds. This property is locatedt. within a few rods of a steam saW4aill. etirdini)paehine, schitel house and church, I will sell oluiap, separately or 'together ; or trill rent them for a term(i of years: This is a fine chance for any man with a little capital. - M. 0: SUTTON. East Charleston, ga., Marob 25,11168-3 m. ATTENTION PAIONIF 4 ItS SPRING has come, and thoso &killing full barns can have them br buying lalasuartea . at the Mill of I. Champney & Co., which we are selling at $6 per ton at our mill on Elk Run.— All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Plaster. Give as a call. L T. PHAMPNEY & CO. Gaines, Tioga, Co., Pa., March 26,1868-6m* 18 , SPLENDID BUILDING LOTS, in tho Borough of We'labor°, and;,a . TIMBER TRACT of 400 acresinDelmar,fhreemiles from this city—bonyilyi timbered. Terms easy: 8,1868. WRIGHT BAILEY. Wellsboro - Wool Carding: '. TILL propriet'or, having pat his,MaChitkes in firat-rato orolor is now ready to card td or der any grade o Wool. llis:Carde are; of the finest quality_ All wool, Ana, or coarao, ghould be well cleansed for the bon'efit of both parties.— All work done with despatch, and warranted. May. 27,1868-2 m. B. A. HILTBOLD. les`P • & al I— &cites ca • - . Buffalo PI tform Scales, . all Ordinary sizes, for hoay and counter nee; 'nay bo fund at the Earthy re Btoro of Wm.' Roberts, Welisboro. Those SealOs aro the Fairbanks pat-i edt and !lave nafenpSrier,tanyierbere. -They ar 'made in the Ilea style and ha 4 taken the prenli urn. at all the mat exhibitioneo ' have the sole agency for these Scales in; this region. "WILLIAM ROBERTS. Wollaboro, Feb. 12, 1968. - • • TT AIKV'S.—A' now kind of _lamp for Kemoseo- 4 Al no broolusgo s of obitoiloys—a t Flaireed by • lAMB it Co. PROGMAIKUE PAR? l'utst. 5,., PART PRCORD. PART THIRD. TEE SEPTEMBER 3, 1868. $613,00. Orphans' Court Sale Pres 80c 1 Y , TREAS. ACTUARY. For &air Rent. For Salo. El