El 11 OME BATTERS WV.E.SIE.BDAY-i- MAY, 20;180. IYttVY : Look ` at Tile 1-L-54fiekbato &- • ! Strawberry and Tomato PlanyWG:Ny: "Math:: LimainsEtala-4. V. Mark. ' • ' ,---Cfairdon Plante, Orapevinap,Ace:—Mnri c y, Mix. Vard---o.ls.,Wilteoz Dlesolotton - :=4.' War - linos &Co. ,?Xonnir Bertrand - • ' Wool Cardipg ` lliota &IYhttneY. - , yssodi in = drawing TIOGA: It. IL—The new time 'table' of ,4 the Tioga ba , foinid in the' . ~iast„cintt limp 411 i Fiagii;in4oi heads 'Of of Travel WE,_txv . A. biain Charleston has loft when'tiogivat this oflido' which is a rouser. :It iniiientia,6,l:hii':o::in'ehes. , ' Any hen heatinit4..is '4initille4 to set twice this . season. • •= • • . DONATIOI4.4=th Hart, exiiipyitiA te. his benefit i at-Colo Hotel, BioniForkplistitiY (to-ino,ipzpvqii,i-044,15.(041;, 060, , • .-; ',A.Y.T;-I!iliti Chas shown us ,a po, dilhiflown handiwork, which ehows'an encouraging progress cornpared with: his previonsefforp, , finished ‘siveral , photography waki soma of them ve4 f!no: • AGENCY;.--340.A..4,,:ikinfiey1 - '3a agent" for the Virilleei• . & OiS part of the county. - She has one of these Ma. chines at her Millinery Shop, where any inquir oral:tie'', see' it in operation. • 'BowitiGA.34.i._T.. 8.. .Brydeli ha's Ma(la a tine; large map 'of Wellsbcivi 'and vicinity .11ay,iag :,had, it, :phOtO-lithogiaphe4 can supply it to all who - may waat . so indispensa ble a executed with , "great ireefsion main hrst'rato!style, antlthe'priee is so ration' ablo that potie,need. to I?Ei without it in hon'se or place of -business: :6 . ,.p0p - y'inayt , tio 800 at - :this office. " To TA.,9;1 o_,eonstautly on hank it, 1,1, slice 'l3lll-Ifead paper whiohno:piint to.nrder n,as :oed,stYle, and at t l ho prices for widcii : stich . jobbing ,is done in El miraYand elsewhere: . - Our stook of 'card ticip,r4l is complete for business purposes, and i4o cut to any sign ordered and print at greatly minced 'prioai. Our Card Cptting Mtiohirto, enables ifs to furnish cards of tha Siies as low as they can . he sold redBy oui,anysibore:; . ': ," SUNDAY SCHOOL: CONVENTION:.- 7 -The FoUrth Anneal Conyetition s of the Sunday Scheele in , PenneylYania,,Viill bit; bold in the Second Prvi by terhln r etiurch,.l'ltt'slinreXuee t tley,Wednesilay, and. Thursde.y,;June 2d, 3diand 4th,1868. Each SUhday, bahool in tho - State is'eqrneStlirequested to sezid Ai:leant:else delegate., Delegates Inuit re- Teri Oliver McClintock; Esq., Pittsburg, by May 26,..y! . 0,crdir. to 9831y.9.aessmmulutions. •PREtrri'oo6l3. , i:-.Messrt3.:Tole & Bar ker last week Out doisri tO•co pine trees on their lot; Avenue; which butt, sixteen inches in diameter at the butt, and Out: , each - a' . of Wei - re - feet:: - The trees Were, OtiritOd for s r hade, , and.were forty-years old by count. They had been injured beyotid;h,Olii3ri,by fi e ri - i; . " We - learn, that .Biessrs.. -wilt use - the lumber which may be Out from the logs in the construction . soma part of the . dwolling.they iiirposo to 'Otect on the Avoinie. :•• • : FI 'WORK.—Mr. G. W.- Foster of Niles valley, writes 'as; ender data of May , 9, nil follows: "Mr. Ira Newhall sittve4 Tor utnthis4 a;i , , 3,4 d „ feet of 1,2, & Uneb'ash platik , lti 65tninutos,tvith a single saw. • Tbo above sawing is at the rate of over 47,000 feet per day of 12 bOurri: Who. can beat it?" That is not liable to be beaten by anybotli. Ttio' work indicates a;:goolP mill tuid-agobtfdriver. . GOSSlP..llilonoe'brie'of the inventive geniuses of the tige.yrill sot hiniself to discover a Sovereign remedy for cats, we can promise him s," foliose, We:notice that young men and boys slaughter pigeons, and other harmless , creatures,• without remorse; . , but Smellier' there.is 0, aisper elition abroad that bad luck comes of cai.killing. NearlyeverY Othei":Miiri - we "Meet :COMplains of cats. Either ho has too many, or his neighbOre huve L vildela Ettneutits 'to: Ific same thing.' We uertr. hunt, or indulge ,- in trout -fishing, , to. the 11qtnage of game, or - trout, 'at' leOst. • But otbdr peeplelo'bOtli I'l:Ma witness tht) :dying - agonies of deer, rablts, pheasant's, et cetera, without a plaints of:compunction. We have.nci complaints to make of the cats OfotheipeoPlp: If Our, ',Ova flock 31 felines will letne alone. we'll bear Witt! the neighboring gooks. It is o f the in'consistencY_ ilf the sporting gentry that we chiefly - Campion!. To say to 4sepgidnaryjotitt!,. 7 ."Voung man,. I don't want yoUteshoot chili On., znY ' preinisetl; butif,yon,eholild persuade half-a-dozen. of • tbesh kittens to go away, aid stay away, I should' tkia gjaa to give yeuh: delar;"-=and he 'fail to' take I ,t the hint, is beyond oa comprehension l < - 1 1 - N. Easy 'ff±it•il ft 4k i •"Colq Ton Inform we el' a good plaza 'to do butminers; not too far away frem eivilisatierir Wi him. '-' Ihere•is a eidendid leestlMUbont fifty miles duo west from the tutridistu.on which you at present reside. If you wish to farm s it there, you have only , to, rqickle the earth with a ifoe, lark it; will liiiigli•' : iiitii a hartek." Corn grows indigenous, bread is found, I ;del to a turn, oil the trees. The cows driVh thew -Awes to' kia'sture; 'come home at 0 o'clotat P.. 4 , and milk themsenes; . Yort haVe to take 40 the, hoter 'next •. Morning - 'with , a' scoop,_rrehdY trtited and Propare'd for : the 'Markel. ,:sheidd 15. tt. I - ;trzy prefer a change after ho has tried .this Area. i;a a hilt menthe, wa areAlati to' be able to stale that there is another place just fifty miles farther west, where settlers are'presented'withi fortune of $50,000 on their, arrival., It .is said !hit th'ere is" ft'ehain of such locations extending frollt Cape Ced . t.o.4losita; but,we cannot .vouch fur the truth of that say-eo. „ ' ' • -•- • - : , —Mr. ,C,onstitutittnal,l3rumbler wants to know whet , l<i a remedy foinikhtmaro. Mitt , symptoms are not. peculiar. The ineublisiln hie . 'ease; ap peara ih the shape of 'taxation. ,It bai sobers Leads and ton hdrits, and' as :for tails, ho had nt vcr tried tti count them. Tho remedy is this"; 1' I be,' first pittce'eantit itui''tailS. Then reckon p t( t u . afprij!... , of„prepaipros: pay for the to;.-tit time or ,youF property from hiss by „Iftro. Tilt Ai retied. that, .if "4n" -insuration :Company is owiti.l to soiuttiah premium for guarantying you r•guiltr 144 :14 fin° in th j o, uniyor 'of property, 9:11) t;or , .oluentip enticled to"piiie "for, s ttic to your real estate; and life, iiiperty/f an? r; ,, ,i4ti:v of yebr . peitton, slid the persOriS'e.fzyOur If, after that, you' Wive , the nightmare; 1141 , 1.: he'grainbling front;a partiasib piiirtt" : of" utid. th i oe' cit re • for you that STO, ktiotir or. Also to ;recollect, that 'RH 1 6 1 . 1 !5A ti,,,,, a lea payitto leitirtieettidirtg, to 'tizeli:'PT"P /tort tho niattiliiro'-:. of tv,:itio,A. Nu charge for this prescription. i4Tti,tiAvttP.ltity ILthaway,,,,4oBeadvoitigiim ent. 4 tried.,tcto, late .. for a tavo.Lblo insertion Test -hut , : DIA - marl elsewhere in this nuMbet, fait year piciiett fijlyt tom. LtA,hels ef — istrawbeyries from' • bis half-here iiimnattn at Tfrigx. .14 says tlit4 last year wits Pot a gr . . , trairberry year, yet his,sales,amaina 7 4e4 tor titraWb?rries, and beside ho i.is winter supply of ' - rbot 'crops:Land ea. 1.1.31, Ilathafray is , demonstrating 11110 ..r.:totirating less and enitiyating w. ‘l,n}• i 'nen tin Tinges Coanty, tried to firm Ll:a yearend had less, to BAow , for,lE 'otk cio.in g h =.tuuual,aecountthan.Mr. had from I lit' 11 , dflivtc.• should'%a farntei me* gq:Bi!E tPhil . Qf bqy when - hit can 'get tr. 11,: .me .:ere byoultiration tosa ;.1.11 got 206 bushels uhen he CAI3-get frO,MIOI/431. hiif a,:. , ? crenee to Mr. Hathaway's advehiSement it Will be seen that be has a fine lot of Tomato 2121 -. ~ .~ .: K =I ME= =ll To As,sEssoßs.--Th& .COMMiSSIOII4II3 have issued tbo "ollowing instructions a.s to ple assessors, an the' TCCinir i tunelitil tif *he registry act: tio . First—Name Occupanof every, , roter,..„ . Stf cowl—Ascertain whether he.ke housekccri-' or or notz,_Stiliel:whero'ho iesidek-ohd in villagT l on that tr.3:0 .: 4 7 0n.1 No. if amp,. If in tho ouv!tr of any one, give, name of employer, nint„irrito oppoaite ; his name the t, Ti rd—When naturalization, ptiperii- are pr slime write opposite the tiatise - •the' , lettai When it is known to the assessor:tbatilio erebn assessed has voted rit,the five preceding 'gen'oral elections, the assessor, ~write .opposi namo.the. word , ¶'voteC :without producti n of naturalization papers. Fiirth—When the - person assesticd has;dOclar his,intention tb loseorne Citizen 'and intend' being ilat i uralized,hefore,n,ext • .eittction,,,make op posito hilt name the letters L" Fifth=When the'porsori is the ages of 21 and 22, wriie oppopitoniunatage." l • Sixth—When the person as' 'moved into ,thb District since last general election, write °ppd.,- site his, name the:letter "rte.! Seventh—Every person must be assessed with t a tax, not already.assesscd. ••• • ' Tm. -,There,, appears to be some hesitation owth,e3ait'Ot:faiinors'as to the Fes best: Produet 1t Butte; rules high anil is q,grecit teinitation. A,glange at i .the maark4 reports of Saturday might to'relieve the niiiitfircif, dairymen of 'all dotibt: factory, rules at oepa,',:cl44„,supposo that butter is worth 50 cents per pound/ and wi I hold up the ieason thiougli,;`, If the,milkith yields one pounds of butter will yield three ponn a Of cheese—and we regard that rOher.urider lhab over--the cheese svill net the most•in • market. 4-- But butter will not rule de dud( ti dollar." In a few weeke, at present rates of decline, it. will rest at 25' ebeese will holdup Mr4h'betlet. But we regard it as a thing settled that our formers will comet° Ace that a creamery is an in dispensable tidjtinet gf, the Cheese .favtory. The cheese made in Tioga bounticannekbiexported ps.at present ultldce,', Thomake,trihat to he fit for exportation. We,renew, eitir*coui mei:id:llion of last year, that the nightl - ,Mille - ?he set, and skimmed, and put is with the fresh morn ing's milk. Even cheese so made does -, not+bear -exportation'without risk. • But itielteilthieta, and more palatable, and cures easier thaiia,llnew . ...ni j illt cheese. ,our dairymen „ivetild_ agree; among thernsehtes.npon some •conearted, , plan of .'action all would thegainers. t • ; •• ton, Delmar? Sullivan, Chatham, and Farmington,arm OM as tbe,Powanespe kqogid,ea,cl}.•lic ganise and sustain, a Farmers' Club, , tneeting every month, ancidigetisaing all ghestions relating ti t i agriculture. In the best sense of the term "whtit, is the or ono is the interest of all." i There , ' ean - be. ro contlict;of interest "anlorm Men in, the same general iyr ositition, • gspeoially itt' this true ot agriculture, the pmducts of which are -mei ti''y brought in Comp,otition except upon merits are decided upon - by the senses. Yam ea' °bib in i everY'teirnshipol'pe coun ty tole - ea emit tk auenth'ilth:edl'aisenii-annual .C'onytntion ectruposcd, of,: t .delegtitca , front Club, would• soon put Tioga"chanty Ahead otinf county in the State an the : matter ofititelligeut tannin • • IST OB LitißßS reinalning itpctali 60 lh ttiWP I . May: 180468 ; ' ''• 11beniixer Adams, J A Andervo, - 11 A usoria.Darfilith BrOWlti, James Bodine:Afro:A Behanon,lilairil Boding, 4.llOrnWit i W Dely rear, ;MAT/Ann D Malan, Nathan lel Brawn ,J C Be n nett, Sarah • It., M S Bennett, oaorge, Bolles; Win eabytibire, Ira ft elarli, Runic!), havis, Lucy, Duvall, Annie tlinhEslihturfre'D h oiv , W ft Bunt. diltity,4"l.londinri, B M Jitarley; Sally .1 -Kelley; Daniel Ktianp, JainereOltiley.dltra A aubatt Aelaey;Snaltt mt. n I n, illarah, Susannah lklarvin, lideCarter, 0 Jawed Morse, N 11.. Nelms, Samuel Newtemb, Kohl& r Jennings} Al r 7 Spalding S atmellatlatte Spald ing, Outlaw:4llldr, 1411)3earhi; Rate ulify an, May Webster, Theodore Wilson, C L Wrlcott, Maria Ward. James linseel, Joseph Smith, VYaneis CrOfffird. Call fur advertised letterer BART, P. M. } THE , AkEEiCAIi- COOKING STOVE 2 nay MAIITINSOOKti Fe, Co • .. •.; Oentleinen Tho American 'll'Of Air" 'enokiiii Stoves, that I poug4i ofynu r. 04,, 4th , have or: rived 411" lit goof order, and all's'old. I wish to say 0 low - tit/al - Me MiieVican (hi - eking Stove& - which-' , purchased of yOU.give perfect: and' datiii satisfaction.' I consider it the beit'in•tho'liorld, and too much cannot be said initito ;As a cook stovo it cannot be surpassed, as a- heater it ,eqpnpt be U.atl tboloist,fuelptcipy 50v0.4 070; grOir4n,lause. 12, will barn . green woocrbetter ihnu arty 'atorerWo have - bere ; - iro"hare the' Stewart; ct, .Mome ' Com fort, and ainumber.Ofpthinit,sbut they don'AUl4n pare with .tho A uterioanz—! Ycut. 4 2,re itborty_Ati 4 60 . 10 Y - tiata9,4o;qoY ,testimony in its fertir ; as it cannot bo too highly praised. , Yours truly, Z. Alteirsa. For Sale by Coitvzasn t Osooon WellsboroPet, May 13.—Sw- 1 . , • - , ~ r; =`,.=;• = 4":"4,YikN - ;r,f4;4=14i, - t , , - ;,,A,, , 1,,,U1:, • 41,y1t•-. •,. g. ; ‘,l,k y. 1 0G. •A - -„ • 4 1:12; 1 14 -!"0 C . : 31. 11 •, ' ; '" - ' AA' - 1 1 , 4 , ••• - ' 'ltinniig petitift br the. best eitier# of ._Deposie%'ithetiYin," hit" epetit, the - inet in; - the innbtien'ot -1 Tlll.oVtitLlA.O.ttlf :Atrortzpw*LTo F r...4.. hare-had 9 1 ).. 11 at !Put for two' years, - ',Which •1301 , thoroughly tosfca 'everP, ilohorifitioti of plain; Sewing-41r the finest cambric to ,th 6 hoariest; tive9l-,n0t . 1 n ' overy'. case ;_with gee* tkirt4.o 4 )6j WitiOic ! 'ol repoir: ; 'For bsTfomolutnittioltY;t4estr!ol'rnoii-i Pgemen.4Ml qlfqo:lloCo.otworkk,itist!ktidsWitit4 Itly wife, ihoukti's:;l" - dolfeatO.ll6Olihk works it with porPot.'Ottsj. 'IL , Smith; "Prelj *olgbsbwrg, Gibbs *A. . . , AT . 1701,1Nift STOItEI.-;-, You' wllitnd:'Aq alit riciD re tllO,. e T4k, mia,19111pieli))110, Weeknes,:and lifoOieti,,nltltd • Pnblihlierl tli a ititav „ . periodleolp.frouf—, h5t..,,101 e4u - ' take them daY;' week; them at 311 3' . :4 3 ,5P8 91 1 P 2 , 11 91: 3 ARM:, ouPPlied• — i Call ►rid fee Conant's Patent Binders for preserv4r ing popurs, magazines,. and music.' [WelLd,oio; May 13, 1368---f.fl , . . , "'ro-,Titk: kuuL -=tp,"-leretta nuilutter.,this date; until Jitifelt.;lo6 -4 8,/_Ciltid. P11(1 . 00404 will bci $1.50 I%ir cup ON; and . $.7,(14 - ,:fiii, Vignette "pet dux. •', 't . i . ' (, , c I BViCiAlttlll l P. iIIFFORD. - 1 o= Bll dd:344Y - Ist; 1.80.,'• .. ~,, , .. • A Gent, —From this ditto until Julio Ist, 1863; full CUM Photographs-trill be $l,OO Anil yi,stnett k $2,00 purAlo'i. ;After June 44 I.•extmet to, adl• •••• , • . • .'— FRANK-SPENCER. angiuld, r'3, • ' • , O . .,TOOMP.SON, State &ea, Wollaboro,,PM, finiOtes- . 1110),of. -inky or Alttitee - eidori;'ini• tho-traile:or twindividual order. Copies Old rte= tares, largo or sinall in a. finished manner. All hinds of Oval, and Square Frames on hand, and at as hits pelt* as Min bo found elsontlien6 oi:change fiterall kinds of work or goods.—Ap. S. 6S-tf. .?„1 , 4; - ; , Y; •111nLpip—If you want a - 13,11,16 worth from $3 to ssoCallp.tl:9ugg's iloati Shiro and et:amino stoelt.iAtoinetabor that pr hooded agehts always add their h. - aiding Oxiitinces to tho price, Arid ,mako you pay. it. s.6llatprices. April 29. tf, Roust.: 'YoUNG has just re Thbueiitid 126119 - 4.4 Wall tP4per;,f; apiin Ftbikk, ing Brom/ qq, Leathow Coltrrfi AV4ite;, oatips, fr ank A 4 odiPil i . l6 r ICO4O, F,a,rlcl o 44o49i,lttiOd t It;onis, tiq out's! at PrMe* 2 R.9A4 o .o:_xioffor thutildsis 'unfelt. , . . • .... . ~ . . l'lt A1,0,` WI/I'4A fixturo§;(4"ki9oo'ltiiitioi• pa; jp r ert 67 .40i.i - s 4 ) oloiii g ni atidad MI - lit.itleii,) °Uri. fain , cord;. titesolle, pickurp-naiis,i,h ; orin,an4 'Ai'itik .7;„ .: ...' . . , A - Cgo,'"l;44ll . .4'''ilasifig i"ktarefi, - ,, feeitio' r ', :Piiiine.4, iktill ; nirritist iveryl i til'i!4,, !ii.tie4,4 - ryi,'„4.9 li4fititit);,l-i'di'r )lo* s:'' '.l{eiteizaer jc . i . 001(1t4:at.. 'tfie ' -). WELLSBORO llpdv.-„i6,14:11W:-..1' MAT EINAT: 7 ITri Charledtbif, ifaidi 3Q, 3863, ~.111rf.;,Filiiny„ yearo qud;2o '.sts'El. , l,AL ,, ', - N"ciTidEg:;' =I - .Willcox & Gibbs 136viting, . oft, senor ia'atroltge sltn t; , !oi , Ellatte;to xri•ar t We:P9ri 1 G f i Orc Seli - '4eprlitit% od pini)rilea of Work,, containing _ball mitchea; on tiro sotwo-iiieeo of ga§sll:4, : i. G EO. C. TiOWtlsr , • C. . , for Tioga _Co. KnoNville,TP•i ;; ;k .) :i•F i 3 ' ' 1 tOLGATE4I , cp.A 4), [ \ , u -- -- GERM'AN - 1 C.S' ', - - - rel VLASTOSO,A.P &CL iryQo-- ).. . S T. 1.1 = - I''' ,- S ' . l it '' .. 4 n f 1 il Bo' a V I 'I O ' U t PA NTUR t : 11;0641ArS':r f, . , ' 1101(COPAtilIC4PEOIVICS, . AvE PROVED; vuom TUE MOST AtIPLE E - perience, an entire success; SimplO—Prolopt-i -y. dent, and Ihliablo.., -Tiry Aro lo only- Mediolntis PActry lidaiddil to lloiliflarll444-litnildfi Aftatil milt. tell danAift , go finale' in alsittg‘tiffin i . .. 56 hatiriliissralf th he;free from danger ; and so efficient as to bO always ri• Hods. They have raised tho highest commendation "fr mMt, and will Always rendeesotfisfaCtion7°" -, ' I, rz .. •"totti. . . . 1 cuter revprs,9oPartion, inflationg•ti,o,Pv;:v.t 25 •.2. : A I -weishi, 'll'uriti-Fe tit., Widin4tilic - -'• "26 . . 3, do Cr3ririg.Colie or'Seething of infants.- 2,0 4, do Diarrhaso - or children or ndfilts `4" 5, .file , ; Illy.Sailterl7,. Griping, /Bilious Colic4ii- 26 6 , i do ChOlera-IVlOrbliff%vedniflng - 1 4.:- 1 •- 2 1 7,1 . to coughs. Colds, Bronchitis ' r.., sd ,;.B,litio. Preisralliia,VotlincheiTric'eielle ; 1 ' `1 21 9, do Headaches, Siclaleadaci4 Vertigo... .26 1 10,; ' do'. Ejsrstiositat, Dil ions :84ntiach -11; '''': "2 1 b 11;',' - d0 - SupliTooll6d'Ur (iatitAil"Peaddit . -1 ' '': 2 4 12,. do W hit.on, too profuse Periods . ' "2b 13;1 .... do ~Opppy, Cough, difficult. Dreuthirtf...-t 25 14i. ~4' - - t'ali EhUhleitiff*liiii,fErfilitluiiir... 2 5 10,' 1 du • Eheuthotisre, Ithentnefic.Pains , 10, dot ' reNfißP int Agiiii;coll . e.,l4; iiiise T 17,1 do rilos.bilio o o 4,, T)iyg.,,4.F:., ~ -•• e t' ) 18,,; . _,b) Oplithalai l y, and core or weak'llyes.... 60 104 ild'' i dafaii.h, ?len id f.i , i. chron io Influenza.-- 60 20,' do Whio'Cipirig..l.Jotigh, violent Coughs-. 50 21, do asthina,lonpresseiv lireithing,.i..tiv' . 6)) 22, du Ear DiticharcesOmpnired tt,uriug.. _to 23, do , Scrofula, enlarged 011111dR A :W . 0111148.- C 24: ''' dd . , !Gilioili) iii:bllitiitAflfyslitakoktiscr4B. til . 25, do Dropsy, and scanty •Secretions 5,9 28, do Sea*SiGkile.flii, tiFhapts.fr.ont riding... 45'0 27 do Kiallo3f!DiSea9o; ll l ravel - 6! . .i / 28,E do Nervous Debility, seminal Emig. si.nnt, involuntary Di schares 1.00 29; do Sera Mouth, Canker . 5b 30, do._ ceinauwiwora,hr t esooreatputd,... 5 0 sl,l4loq l aiiiifil V'eriodEroFiV4 firwur - 60' 32, do ,sulieuings at, change of life : • 100 1 33, ;. do Epilepsy, E4patims,:st. Vitus'. Dance 1 oti AC,' WolinitthtbOtial ulcerated Sore Throtig.l 69 • ; FA MIL Y; CA 51178,' `•". . 1 ; ff . 1: OP 35 Lamm (Ate. stesoceo CARE, CONTAINING • , i, CIFIC FOIL EVERT ORIbINART DIsEABE A FAMILY !IS SUBJECT To, AND A ROOK OP DIRECTIONS SIG Op' St:Miller VAIIIILT and TRAVELING CBSos, With 20 to 128 trials „.. . ..,..••„7,5, ...,,..3 sp' 41414 silt Viands Insatiliotn. r Cut; :Y , y l 4 Itibj _Oll4O. vverlytytti (poi Aild Tt:- if ' als a iiil noc - et .:akes . 1,2 t 0 $6 8014#'Mos Item...lie* by the, caso or single, box, urn I 0 any port of ' the country, by Nail or Expreatt, free' of elm ge, on receipt of the ptiee. */" rs' ri tigrAttilt i test ifi efil e ggtVo 4 6# ls. ll23' l l . - Office anci.Depolitoo34lpostitits, NEW Vonic. 1 Dr. Ilumenurrs is cun'tinifed" 'daily at ids odisti;poil SOUliy or by letter, as' above, for all forms of disease. , , ", „Fp 4 .IS'A LE 11 Y: ,ALL D. 111169 f 5278. - - 1 ~ d, gnat 21,'3.8WP-1 . ,::-.9 t '_ , 1- 1. , • r _ i 0 ~ , I I ,i t ; , rorzonvotr,4 acezzairsr. - W IT II Li sull Y A TTENDANTS, ttl'lß I TS.; DEPRESSION, INVOLUNTARY .4PEIIEIATDRII.DI;II4 LOSS OF PoWER, DIZZY DEAD, LOSS OF ILI EU „ ORYAN L) F A:l:Ett ai 11 - AVM CR AND //IT nactuTY; 79OVilikIGN . IIIIRE iii 1.11Ulki; PIIREYS' lIONIEOPAI'HI •SPECiria .1 60n4m1i41 of y;dutide mares, they mrike at once the root or the matter, tom) up Cie sysiou t privet. timlliscbargwand impart vigor and bnergyi ilrea - ndiitalitY: to - the. eitire man, They have cured thonsmaln or cases. Price $5 Per Packe;e o F six boxes nod rml, or $1 per tingle box. sold by drug'. gists, and sent by filAii 011 receipt of price. Address 11UNIP1111131: - S! I , t I PECiPIC TlO:kir.l)P.iTlllp jaytm ,orNe fiturfatak.fivelit,*LlC Tork:,',-.4:h4agc7iikt ' ,1 ~ 7 -, r (), Te () I s TSA T IOIWES• Tj c i - ' The Roy. 'COWARD A. WII.9(ES. will Rind (free of chnso) to n il eh,' dy,droit, th poyscript ion with the di rcotiyits fdy twining . nod using, tho nitopli• renteitY by whibliditi Itini 7 tisiti.if brit In fig eget:tine 'Ond that dread , di,,, t t , downiiipii,g).l - ,t114 tiulottlent, la kr benHit the faille ed and ho inineit yylly trufferer trill try this. Are,. intdp hitiookit i l ill volt thont uothitig, und„.9litftrove i i ILliteiti , fii... Plyaio toyiiyi,`o r' , . ;• f ''/' / ' . litiW,4ltri,'A:AtlLSOtt;"` , 22rtitIpat.IV. :% , ; 1 ' Vitlilitiviliti%KfAility.,44V. l i -- - -I.— itgORS,- OP-- YOUTH. . A Onntlernan ,iirbo snifered for years from. v •o r Debility:*l„,d„,.. tic , 9l3r, addo)l,tliti years _ 6 Ye eh= lartndlooreflOn will; for tbo titiltbbranffering bb ul itiltarki to all who oreditabel frecipe and (Helot, 'loos iir melting the simple remedy by which be wen, cored.' Sufferer), whaling to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confi dence,' - JOUR B. OGDEN. 22ma3137-ly. ' 42 Cedar Street. !leefTerlt. E2lll , , 1 DEATHS. 7c . 7 7. 7 7 V 7 7 7 7 . ": =ME MINIM! Ts manufnetnred from FUR 'AIATEItIA LS, mai may be colt eideiiti the STANDARD OF E* CELLLI3CR. For, axle bydtli I.orocers..l ",, 22i3067—bt. _ _lll NIVES I.l' --,'••-• E 1 , ,,.-- - 4 ;v- .8 I,- ::',,••,-ti . :L ..., , ,,,, t ~,: i. : % ‹,,,,,-.2.1 7 --,,,.,:. - • ;;,-,•,, ~' •1 -rt ! ~n...vii I'l+i A itiS4:oo:, Intva - kal thnAteitt, X . ,:ay.l#4o4tt 90 ettepPlledcktr,il!iit' 'i-airt n a ; "•Pati lit.a f edia)ne"4 ,, ,ViViiittllftw..t-tv./4) ", briisbes;' Varnipleti, Orgies; , fitly. t Aimee a „llllo4,ii,p,e_imriiii:74r P u t i: ...a ill g a i .l t 4 , B t, :) t ' i ti l l ey .l .l l lV iit , k i tt ei._ wilt tioiftitity red ti ykataif rn,tite! neeheap , et than can litti4duktt,'t alettailtferet.-:11 hey bongbt their gantlet in large guninitits andlor netteneb and lan and will tell.nite!tperdtian Anyiittlitirt .4,bilehatiratinl.ll67, aanataret - oustAktiti ibt align 4dtalk...and prions..!"- - ,K Pi ittitnilarrAtilo a CU.,. ,4 1,140.14.9;,18041. OA. .•;,`.,42.10L-11, trillikt brotkr. „ --.. .- .- -.:....... -...--, • _ ~1. !, wHERE ;can eitise'basierittlind PA - re Eigllek WillioLtialz-.ati'e Videkid - ll,Oit, Varnipieel, , LLt°! { ! 3 ? .llPlPoillb A t 4 110 ebaiie 0 ett -at - : • ';/,-,/ '',' ~' 414111 tif l li4l-.1. 111 1.14 11 4, 1 ! . 1 Y lie 841 S tilli ' i 96 ii, - ,il:P L. ;i : 1 ,48 4 . iilitig it; ;k*iiiit,'. 1641 - 00;i t ab4 Pyfrqr. i i',.'l, - ',.,;.. 1 L.,. - ci,-;1„,'„,:-A1 . -1 74= , - 1 t s)- -- ' , P:'-1(..-wriatarAms, -. t: - Wlia',keepelkieklarteitzeladle,WPAPil) imMerri,, Tobth;llfilereleth and” Nallßrushes 4 . d. eels .. - -,,a1, , , , ,,,L4 ~ .., ' , - ;%, ,-' '. 4 .,-'", ''. ' -; -- , • 4 . - t - , - - "I'.- --. '' ~1 1.flti; Ca.4t 04.4"!, ,'-? INViir'lit''ittilltl'Vll grilo".ll±idt•P,alkflo.:l,4,Pftsli Millet - and paving 801 . 1. ,p - tko .i),t,:Krti 9 i#2: - .R-rAum"' . •-iiik,litifi 011;PoinicileeWiltilig Paper, 'elle emd , r -, •, i _ i Tll l l-09 : - - , I! ! R,•89141,1A Alp ) dr op.--:t, • I.sa. 0 • t• .•-4;`t 10:0 10.00; 1 ; ' ,dantis -: ;or : Tr? 4 011 • • • Wante,i., t ; 1; . . rr HE imbioriberts will pay casb,S4l.l,glptbi AWboti—• TheikfiFP DYli/Yr.a - PF9,r.l suPlkg4ol!. • OIL!, ON\ `SHARES; Ci'j;4'S+ "r 4 39 1 tittAt zostsartersi.t. 4444 4 1 ses,onied ~They iinvita =paeticginrs_s otib l it,4, o 4tto -5 fllieir tiirsitort Proof- IC' to ss.ts' ;s l Nts . slot , Is ,ttt I 14,01 • :5.:,133 CkAgelUEM3l4lloi MMME :si-'1. , ';:k..1 . •_.: i . . 11.15. : f.. , 0w. , .31,, - ; , ; - which are warn:toted in uverp-•reepcct. Partici! • lay attention 'given to„ NM • Oi t t•tikitpiXOf , ."„ • Viiiinty,,,ypnAii„efpsrtonee, i thiti ritntl,thoet JO, qypepilag generous patronage:. " t atioility.elotha mph. , tv i , ' DeLani!, & t"Wnll ehatitf;!'ate' agdlits r ! Tor the solo of our Clothe. ' JOSEPH INGfIAM do 80N13 0163.1:3, 1868—d. ricerLiol BOOTS AMY 4 gti(jES l - : 1 AT WHOLESALE. 11111 (.1 Aiofraciti of tho Largest and Best Stocks of GoOdi ' FA 0 is f r,4Ewi, mytt i for H i i yi! 1 cA C 0..: Pl,, UgZi 1 ) ~iifrt:.tif tli. - i ME flaying bought most of tun Goods in February fur Cash; we are able and"milling to share nrith our customers part of the advance in the print) of work. We have now on hand over soo :. . Gases"of t BODY'S ,-,, &; • 8110 ES '- 1 i..1...ri;." - , 1.1, ilKs2:;;' - '" ' " —": """' s rs t WurVi;l4 l 4o4.iii;illy%4l.lo in:ickE;runt3, wlatn !took 14 ireitetentletkat. _tem:per cont.:less :Wait 'Pi' PFlFl)'l'4l67#o.'•-• ... - • " 'f•K •,-, -, . 1- ' "UM — cu/Mr more , Liberal Terms and Time" on their Por 1 1't 1#'' .1. i'01404,% ''.:; : i ' •,, i' • - ' /,` of furnishing work directly from , (Sk, OUR OWN FACTORY, ~, q;;.. and the advantages of a large and general lin of 413eads, embracing ALL KINDS STYLE AND QUALITIES. 6 kbpr liouKoue .9f, Owbertt 4 ' 14" 3.ltitArilito Skeet t 4 ' buyers for' Cash down, we agree to sell our Goods at 2 1.2 per cent. advance front p'l-Parties sending orders by letter, will al ways meet with prempiattention, and wo pledg ourselves to t.uil them in price, style and quail ty, or s no salv. . _ , NORTHRUP it SIIEARMAN, 44 Warrimi ;New York! . .:! Factory at nujga, ItLY- af t tinvl ffI i K Ia AWOH: v° ' DI vut , -- --- , • Alainsburg Borough Ordina n c es lIFREAS, not less than twenty of thefreehel W owners of lota or out lots, or other tracts of -land lying adjacent to the Borough of Mainsburg, have pre sented their petition to the Burgope end,Connell of eald Borough4sayro thafllussee OW otyand and territory hereinafter-deaeftbed4yink -a en to said Borough, he admitted' 'and become a ;part of the same and to deelaro by Ordinance the admission of the said section of land into said Borough, and it appearing that said petition is in full compliance with the requirements of the act of 'Assembly in such case made and provided. Therefore ho it ordained by the Burgess and Council )the Bormighof-Mainabari, end Ws It t ireby ordained .;.1) antbArittoT this/pv:4l at Weiler tdry embraced 4 ,1 saidtetition ordwhieW id petition e'' and* others reside, be admitted and the same is hereby admitted and become a part of said Borough, described as fol. lowa :' Beginning at the four corners, where the county road is erossed by the road leading south front Maine. burg Borough, thence east along said county road, 20 rods to the south-east corner of DardelDowd lot, thenes along the tine between eald lot and the land-of , Win= sou Bond; north 12 0 ..viest ;'BO .- rod l a'td" lends - of .hisepft Austin thonco along the line between said Anew tin and Munson Bond, and Isaac Woodburn south . 87%0 east 60, rods to said Woodburns north-east cOrner. thence along the lino between said Woodburn and Warren Dond, south 13 0 oast 13 rods to said county road, thence along the same in an easterly dirootioU 250 rods to the south-east 0 4491%4 lanef,Vpitraltn ISMIOI, thence aldirg'ithelliko AtiVeen sale , Brafelf"drl - Dexter Parkhurst late dee'll, north 2 0 east 120 rods to south line LUddingtort, thence along tho line hei tWeei' eakUlltititop pno aid , ad said t Budington l and Fliii&ftato fir.1f,..6 7 4.14'...12iWd,0t1ie, not4h too west 84 rods to the a, w. corner of said estate; then along the lino between said estate and said 13m14 north 2% 0 east' 163 , rodk to the south line of Geo/ Smith, thence along the lino between Ephraim Ebnitli and tico. Smith, south 78° Weat 60 rods to land of Chas/ Smith, thence along lino between Chas. Smith and taco' timith, north 12 0 east 08 rods to Ohne., . Orettles, noathi oastisettier, thetice ithingilkeiftnittht, WOUClkits: IhdlitH on one side and Ceo. SinitN MGM*, Ittlidll. Co:fatly on the other, north newest 147 rods to Corner of RI R. Maine, thence along the line between . said Main I 'entletaidConally, nOrtti4 o mod pilitodsi to: &het gouda ,eaareotner'OT 8. 8. Rmusey, thence along the lino of said Rummy on ono Hide and said Pdaino and A. Itnurt Boy On tho other, no,rtit 88 0 west, 110 roils to the road leading trim! Ma inslitirglto 'Mill Greek; 5 thence along said road,23° west 68 rods to the north-east corner of Mrs. Ripley'a lot, and the south-east corner of O. B. °rootlet; In4xtbencylaiOng kliqlitte bdisite'u`said lots north 86 1 4° Welt 25 rodslo land of R. Bartlett,' thencet along Hoe between said Bartlett and Grandy, north. -3 0 east, ft, rods to Berliett's north-easteprner,, thence hetWeitelitias rot Sithillaillbt tOW '4lra l udynorth 84° west 82 rods to Bartiette north-west corner, thence bed tween said parties south 2 0 west. 20 rods to the north? Mel c °rfilt , lti li land 944 e Nrleldide of IL'.)),, l ll,nmeny; "thence 'along A linebetweo4 said estate and paid Gran I sly, north 63° west 4iCrods; theOce along the line of said estate on one aldeand land of the said Grandy and Pt Parkhurst on the other, south 2 0 west 120 rods to laud ~0,.1011n ,Fr, 'thence atom-11p) i betwpon naid,fox Mid i 'PeiltharsOlorth 87 0 ' wade 641 4-10 rods to, the north-: west corner of said Foii Menai along the line belltneni said parties south-2 0 west 117 rode, thence south 86 0 0 .east 24 rods, th t en month 89 - Artoet29 pack rotits,Abeeeet i tatofig lino bbtetee Mid Fort ' I,ind Akron' Maass south 67° east 86 610.1'0 't. 0003 ...between same south 86cl cast 651.10 iodic t land of Otis Richards, thence along line between said lehartis and Rummy and Robert, Vitcholl, south 471? .tt 108j,rode, !Ponce. betweerrlakid iticlatrde hmr , 01t, OW south Viil.4 16 8.10 rode lei lend of A. J. Sruitli t aerie° nleng rdine.hatiefatin, „Mob.' andsas anti said Smith; 'eauth 43 0 east 01 rode, , thence, between same, south_B749-eaet 87 4-10 roils to the' south-west corner or Isaac Ford's lot, theneo Wong the aline bemeekenntrofil . und qiniftlfiltenllt 137 7 A: 0 .eftet.17. t°(ls tot ti °34ld "t ad i lifinine louttir"reiniCirilitebnig.. 'to Use Mail midi titencoodill along ;ltd rroini, 24:rods tbilie pace of beginning. . , t , - "And tae it farther oftlidued by' inthoriki of said Bur, geaq a tut 1114, tine Ili .Ttntyitiajj.- lel ' rim t ftbilkiktiiivert idiltdlrel i to disused; tabu; Mit ill owed 'to "Fen pail - oP said Borough, and anbject.te., the jurladlatinn,nnd.,A9V 'ertiniktiitt.tif diiktinuniolVal uittb,ol4o of had boinepi 1 .49 fully ea, it tliel vaunts lidil Been Originally-In' part +'ofF -- "Id b0t°4 11 ..,- - •t-,,.5T ;I /i4.lll.43TitaNait:t i - tfeefi: 151 A 0111' 444,1W.,,, , ';'- -_,,., ti _L•,l l ll7koilt 4.7119. 4.lll6Bcylitiltibarg; Alnft 13,16613.-61, -.. , ..... _., .. .., . ~ .„ . , -- orsnow *tiEs, REELS, ENULLE, LINES, RODS, Lim:. IMMO, apd * primal asilOrtiMent of First, elan Fishieg tasAle, for sale, by Wyllsloro t May I 4? 1844-8 i: 1 1 , A. SEARS. 041 EMI MEE MEI C li'E' O ' Cost II ."- A ITItat)ARED- VOlt . . *Ol4 .'.:,3,.. - ''-:;•-, -. :,:4til&:.:Siiiii:#,4*," _4131"'ii461 Baraptvitti & cot l!tUkc,o,4oPßor /argot daaia4l24""fift=f4"talki.ktg*Pt GOODS t;i0 1 /Tiilinii 6 3r 0 4 lb ilig."ooo o 4a Pllirs lo q§4l , ` , .' '':. • -:- -..-- '..• ~:- '-',.:,• .'''''.•'.'_ . 1 , I 144....,J;R_RIRRPApP;PA ~., - 1- edh% b'e t tkeat - intieb.' , ,'' - " ' - ALVAOAS, - POPLIN; : IOAMBAICKS i ‘, l .iltnN i Oil MO ANPAM4- ) i k,A.V.F.V I MPATO ' tUrtig44.W ' AND COLO ND . ILKS,•-- -• ' 1 . - .LSO, IRISpf.,ANP F e tt.4I4,OIIPOPLINSi §ItANY ( t , A#D-OLOAN DEPART- \ • • lONT,COMPLETk, . • , 1,0'113 NQI irt.P°NS*4IO OI .! ,, SKIRITtgo. gKritip• -41%14: tf,A.N0HLEf.4441,144-% 1-- i) iium,T , sTA S TREATY-MADE'"OtOTIIING.i . MI Glottis n`pci t;riasi area and a. Tailor S - i Cutand Fit. TTii . ' 1 800t544411. Shoes, EMI HATS ,CAI' r. s . TRmy 0°;94 - ;;I- 4,Wq9OWAW )PAN HARD, , W,AIRE, , SOLF HARD ' ; 4V4illiKi NAILS,uIRO ; N, 1 ' ~•;-•14 ! , - El SALT, DIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR / • t.-PP9 I- .4 1 49t, A 0 1/ 0 .0: 0 Y9S Om: 2 4 1 .0 t 9r.c). C ' s , • the most complete stock yen can find, sack 'ai TEAS. aresold tca drinkera and know thew to be food, - -iF 1 r , .r MESE SUGA.RS,i MOLASSES; everything in the Grocery line,Gunja Baal . ; Codtlehljayr, idalltereh Ashton, 8111,14 - tonheb tht gott4o /goOdi and j nic e ,to tklt Vin.- Also,' Patter Tabiand Pails; Baiter sod on Com= mission—no charges for handling; but mould like a small portion of the money you get in rot tuil; that is if our prlooeoult. • • . ~,i , 1 f FARMERS .TOOES full line. We aro agents for the Ghia, and Beek oje:ooribino,illtriering'Efabbitiee; general lletio foi , fiituree: find °alma for the the' aboi.e mn - chinos. All kinds of 1111111 cOUNT.RY, PROD:LICE' taken in exehanto for Goods, We pr op se tq sellpnr,Goode renta9onlily. '1,141,ve an let ivo? prioei Raoul-rids 1, ei nue title " 7 ,tc Lblvni tj• Ti a n Pa ? , Apx 1;11 1 . 9 180 8 . •., ' • , P., 71t PA(s4,„Ari =EWE = i ir 11/EBEE=EI ~:, p .; ,Tiogallia - r vare Stoie MM 1 ~;•.:: ki: . Z r , " ti _ : i1:41 7 0; t.i l c i ii :Lia r `.. l if 7 :, 41-,, ' -4 - i: , 44; .•;, ;1 , r , =..€ .' ,•. • - „ F :,•i't . I , ~ f ;;,:.t ..1-,7 +`• .;41.•.- .'-ii,;l 1 ,:i,:. in.t...v.5 !.,' Igi ; ji49ro, la ,olgoiecliivitlt a. largo assortment " I --= ;-" , -,0 'O , ...'t' :1 , - - a .r. , Ah ii -•,•.,, FICIE =OE ! :~,~• •111tARDIATAItt' ;4}i)zff . t;, , tilfi4 I .(: - . II" ,-?f-'.l.- i.,,.-1i.ii.::•,.,-.!'; of all ktOti, tplte;lold at 3.6 per cent 97 ... t h, :fillgait!r4.4lo. k' • ! '..tti.-~ ..;i't ,'tai: Agri6tiitural Implements I a , „; of all kinds; every Toer• - p,,rigatiktile-lvarrenteil i--td give aatisfeetieti . efltn.bitOtretended. •°•- The only placiteLgetthe ; ' ' . i . . t '.... • i , ; t:!1 - .,i!.;,- '....,„:.3 • 7 '..l'.' 4 . .'. . : i-. Klitl itligglUP l2 Wl : ~ Illit " Faiindre'nvar{t~ it ME MEM 'ri-, -- 1.)"1. , .17,'i 11,4 . ..,f1i : dit .. i I i‘ 'CArim da =II 1 d~~}i ; ; i . a= i= "ROCHS7 f R, HOP!." , , CHAMPION OF Tin W6RLD. IMM ifir•CALL AND SSE—We EMI 1111 z ME ' 1.: 4• , • ; MEM .PT ":1 `.lO t• r. V ,, t tr- , 'T . V. =EI , =1 El E lEEE =-''rji "~'~ ~~ Oil ~,! i j • , ME BM _ . = ME • . • - - , I -• , - ';;;‘ '4 41 ; ; P • e , ;;, ,•••• • • •f. • „;;;, • • ••; • ; S••• •••; ;;;.:$,;;;: • •‘, l; 4'll' .•'.;;4 ;;•2`.;;A•i',4,;:•.;JX;l',:;•;', ••• • '2 C . : '; ••;;; 1, I s: _ -••• • `•••--..; . • • 1. 7 4 ' 4 1 . 'Z ' 1 1 . 3 . . -ff,r; ~ • , ME . „:,..,,,2. ~, .. . 'ILX-1--':O6OING. `-i . Y.l 1 ill = r % r ,p base reeelved . a irertir;lF Wrileg.: - id .. ; ~, • • Li -,1-;„:,,'.fi'•,.1:;: RPRINGIO4DS ~•.','...tf;:),ifi:r:.; ';'.l - :I: ME _ . Neey.o loliy, :11 tl,10, ;11111 foxist.f ttiti avo fice' tr f od rable,errae.,,a, co to tl2 ui koirthe" t • , 'S`f ''Fff 1 :0 4 • - . . BE§t:B.'soittkil'‘i'T' *Rat:the:BEST, QUALITk;of-, Goods, -that are kept in the plade. ' 'Rave a store light, enough td see what you are buying, and pledge ourselves to y ~ k 4 t ;,-; z,`,l! i '': .--.'•%. k,l Uli_F.?;;;:' As :'..119W; INZI = •! - quality ecinsidered, as attariy other est4lishincut; We continue to links 60 FRII CLOTR'',TRADE s.; :'S; „. • ono of Gni' ap`Ooraitioal and when 'desired 3IABE` THEM 'iv : clip-in on short notice and "in the best manner.' WO have added to our stock a good assortment of A 11,1 E T =MEM ll= .toosisting of '.l - r-e• , BRUSSELS ; ,THREE - PLY: IN GRAIN ' COTTON WARP; HEW, AND " STAIR.. OARPETS . • , FLOOR ''OIL `'CLOTH and MATTING, and can sell theia :- • , • - HOW-. VERY :LOW. )t 1 i t' , t' Wo aro the agents for the GREAtt. S. Till enitANY and soli TEA' neNOW York pities by tho single pound. All visiting COrning c are invited, to call and examine stock and prices. .1 SMITH & WAITE. Ooraink, A - plAZ8; 5 1868:.: - PRIM 4-SINNER GOODS FOR . 1868. vcr E bog to call your attentban to our stock of Ni!liiiy'Od':Stiaw Go4“s'; for the Spring and Summer Trade, which is now dettiplete, and selected = with 'care-"to' meet ,_ t he Wants of all,•and exabraeing•full , linestef hat is - new and novel, and at the lancet possible rates'. PATTERN' FRA M ES of Madame Railing's large and exquisite assort meat, of which we will give our, friends tha Mos desirable 'stjdois4 ' t "ilia:''-t.I4":"idITZIRRIAL. • April 22, 1868-tf. Broad Street, Tioga, Pa. DUI TOE GREAT 1)11 : 1114 OP "68 WM ME Wilson VanValkenburg's PUBLIC' BENUTT 1 1' PROGRAMME : Perri'Trusr.4' In - view of the contemplated " ; Railroad soon to to be built•- te'Wollsboro. the:Lprolitictors have concluded to give the people hereabonti; entertainments - through the year, commencing the 14th of January. The first piece, entitled, 'if AND - liFiT IktirE r IN Two CEABACTg.R.S. . LiVe;• -' 1 " ' Wu.sot ita• VAN VALEENBURO Let Live, • i • TO PEOPLE _This great drama has drawn, Orowded 'houses bdyth •OW and the old 'Countries, and is ad mitted by all to bo one of the most profitable, ',a larming, and bostplocipe eat4nt , c 3 eke /5.7:68 t'ir`cre—VitEE:." • • ME Piatr -13E-OVID. We wish it distinatll7 ,npd,arstood, that ' all ;classes ettioliticiane, an& even, those: WES. feel a little Wolfish ;•landln fait none' aie; cialided BAE HR: (II? FASHION! Where we can furnish any , style, kind anal quality of Gentlemen's wearing apparel on short notice, and attikies rititonlehing idw. CUTTIN4''tiONIi AD g ERABLY: •'•i• • A A z brQtAh,q ' Oassinier,eq,Yeting3,ladies' anc&.-. a large variety- of Press,Goods., =MEI Beatkleag t zed as ebeap'as the 'obeifeet: .2,Tioket9 to thii:;Parquette--Vsinzl. PAnT In' this' gioat'Tragedy . 'foi the bone'fit'iif the public, ire would not omit saying Ladies that we also'keep,overything to replenish their 0330 _ IRE INCE . . , . • Come aim and.all Unit • ivltness the above on tortainmout. 'iYtudo'not'ilalux to be old Stars, but shad. endeavor 10-de our boat to give all the worth ell their;mortey. :•.-;• .'; • ' ; Reserved geate for the" .Eadies ~, • • • I . l4#i"Tbeetlie place, "„ 'BLOCK , N. B.—We shall give our patrons the full bed eilt _of .the -kd,eoline ,in: prlces,, and, extending dietit iiiii! thinks liiii.'lievery'lllie al patronage heretofore extended, we Aolielt, Alontinuanc ' of the guile: " • - . ' ''. i t . ; -.. ' „ WILSON .A.VAN VAL BNBUB6I.' Wellaboro,ian.ls, 1868-4 L; - . , . , • 00 ' 44 •• Clover so - 00, oboiceat kindo • ' WRIGIIT dr. BAILEY, bleiard - naw.. avail _Boggy. I `second ban.d aisoatid baud .top baggy,. --- • 'l,l4olloqt. bores In be* wagan; - • x -s - ' (1 -'‘ = `-'• WILIGHT- jSUPI3.—A new kind of imp for Kerosono— jno bioalcogoof o himneys-ra t FOLEY'S. 100 "RRELSAnieGficiTgatt:6l;llLEY'S 1: t ;iv 4T:- NM ':~'>:1 ,15 , Er =IT OZE ME 1 '!';,, OLR•ti,A . fa. _ •-•''':., ,-- , ~,,_, , „, t. j i , , ~ .• ~ - - ',. - 1 In vg .nouNGEIII' ~ ' 7, -,-;- t , ' , = :,•• ' .. vi &, ,71 - .!,-- ;' ' V(.:4 . `•vv. ,- ..,« i' , "; , ' g,,, , ,,,,,,,„,._ - . .. , ~.. . . ~ „ . SIEMM sin* Of a eerloui; thing,, ' AlteeoVoli,ntraugalat(floggtr npOn...,T7Pg4"' 've swung 'round areirelp &Cretin:id as a ring, 1,- nd while pa tho dank east, parketmy stopped at tinr city and teek`on'the ripring t _ <'J. ~ _ -4 , 5:5,.-,oP:rmiuggjugg ' l'ite (ash 1:or' , SIIGAR - 8 - 410E ," _ „ ,• _ increa,a,tp,llolD4 - 101!; t Molasseil SOtips t;, ~ ; t F,t~ kayo ri,frepr run downward, with. .funiel-eba • - • pea.tratt.- • ; thiaisaail ficraratesii4land , the atylo ie bluattpad,eilittr with atrippa. EMM will be prepared_ fro wAng, rwrPlzh9a to ovorj , cotton:ler g; who bops a tiound. ." Of the etyliie "to snit complexic* "4.,_toifyirentiot? that 'Biliio,4: - ' Tett' ' you eau liatie if - yeu.loiik for it. I cannot 'get time to look up all the'hard siOrda'svhich tho. ' GREAT AMERICAN 'TEA COMPANY, 1:1f'17 ,use to startle the innocent people about the coun, itry ; but you can depend upon finding the very best of Teas at the ; 5 , 1 • ,,t • , 7 , • BEFAIYE 'EXCHANGE? ao to I ll_ ',:, , ,'-4 -,..1,'!;;;it.:1,1?1, ~.'`'Cb'f~eB~ NMI the styles are various. You can have the' latest styles from the following', fashionable foreign ports, to wit : • ' MOCHA. JAVA., RIO; LAGIIIYA JAM • AIOA, &O. - In the matter of ROV - • Flour etillweara hoops over, all, and dispentee with trails ae unpillfitable. I Y have all aader eatable. .Ipao, PORK, DRIED BEEF AND HAMS, ogether with asorturnt of light groceries . 4 and canned delicacies.- :210, ever' MATHER'S • Pays,pash or Trade, for all MARKETABLE " - PRODUCE.. r , . , . • CALL AT, mAplEos,s. Oil Wellsboro, - Apr:l; '6B. W. T. MATBERS NEW 'SPRING GOODS =I ~_~ . " ~:~,. 3.lPaltsons' & Co7o Cllflit-:USit MORE! ~ t e " BARGAINS, N SHAWLS, BALM OE ALS, DRESS GOODS, TABLE LINENS, kI ,,TO3LIN9O, t • t ~ • • f LINEN HANDOROMEFS, HOSIERY NOTIONS, £O. = • . • 1 (113 R Stook Is large and-will give satisfaction XJ as tb prices. White Clifods-snoh as Jacko= nets, Nainsoliks, Stripes, Clieelt.C.Tfrilliants, &e. i are much lower in pritterirrnialtreat variaty. Domestic, such as IMIIM , I PRINTS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTING'S, DENIMS, TIMINGS, COT- ti NPNAPES;, - , ' , KENTOCKY JEANS; '&0.:, S :;,11 II We have a handsome stock, and are selling it nt•tbe lowest cash prim the market williifford. ...,Wcinv . ite the attention of close buyers ' ou'r stock, assuring thorn that It mill pay : them to ca ll on us. ME M4oh 250868. Coal for 10 c 91 4 ,4;/ I N : lTym iii . otia " c c at. Sept. 28, 1887. FLAX-SEED—clash paid for Plaxseed by P. R. WILLIAMS Co. MIME MIEN INIMUti i lIIM , .' = BM 111 ME • k.... r 1 EMI ME =Ell ME Corning D. P. ROBERTS. MMtMIE =El== ...., - : . :- ' ~,. - --' - triE l-1 : 1- ='"?-: -., i -," •-: - X j o lOS.V.lrotEl IJAI VlN(rt 4#IS:; ' ASQ" Will .0,,,-704,1 i tci* - ;: , - ;',•, ', . .;, r oro inimtlibitto r tv - 44- thiv -' .: 1 - 3: ''' cid colts, - • . ' 4 '. o Yealr . ' " ...•-, i_ . .. ', -J... ::-...: ; ,,,- .. ,1, 1...',-.._;-i.i.':':l . -; ' i ~. -. ....--..-7,',.:-., . rl;f *:,`,,,-' 41 ',--,,..:-:%,,-: 001,113 'FARz.b., f9R ARRVAKllliiiiicii: '4 .• Co. li. Wood en4irtid - Boaniitare s mune Lati444341 . - O. S. Wood : Bay Mare ,- - ; ' 'ir -, "ztoigi tostaia IV. 0. Wood-o. Roan Horse " ' • ' • - - All freM - 4 4 1. 1 40:144 .4 .- o !4ftriC al?Pear soon.' ' • - Ir 1 , :;) - tt D. lltinnidi• - stillt*;( vamt 1/4ritlillittoriEltam.i ' '" • - .Nanittand desori,ttlon.of eolt i qtri ,Mis• the intftinie money #9,'AP, _lief - rotary by the' let day,of may, - Premium for beet-Trotting „Colt. 0r1p ,. .1(01f,. the money, reeelved'iM Second been one.thiid of the:OttiMenOY. , Third Vest, onft:ifttch : ::or lAtto* l , , 30 4 10 * F 4e Y'' ' M. V. Tinitrimri See. - lit/urine, P*,/10100, 10,0fx:FttrI Orphan's' -Lou' r% iariiirtui'ordlir"iiidir'tif the' *hat& outt - of TiogaSountrAnutriug- date April 426, 1868, r will expps . crte.pithlie sale 'at the Court House in Nollsboro,,litatat47#4,f l PG 2 -80 683 , at 1 titclock_ tho'follewink, deseribed:. real state,:to 'A Jet ;Oftiir the Sentli.Ceit coruor ;of 'the lend heretic- dikilbedt lee.: lately . , onnad .bk - A. Xt. =Bodine' and lit Point where a - certain , - tittreetis laid ibut . open a niap of Morriilanditinl",thar Ain itp-thence:sonth, 871 Q, bast 634 t *reties = tora Public higatre39el4ll4 from Wellstturo:teShntu- - ateYalill, thence along saidshighway, nctrat *4d 20.2 perches,, 114 trth.A.r;5 3 . 111 t 22 . 9 Pet:o4ft to ‘4 611 .t add ' 41r ere 1 a intersected `byk a- ,,certain Othsecroas 84414' inaiked ma map surveyofi of, Merril lira tifore#4,4, thence pit, Street': yarallel knit' Ilife!liorein °mitt otied -38 ',pasha tolitreet ' ' named, thence - southerly along-said street 40'perobei .place of beginning—contaiitingibmit 11.16neres more or less. .: : ,Alee l —another lot, of land in Delmar,.: kogin-1 Wing Ilk the tleithrwoet ' o 9reeref4the "Edwin • L. Seam lot on searntep, itb,ejlpal tfouth 44°_east; 22 ; ; 'knishes io du; inifith•yrest copter-of Atte ,i4eßifie• Seers lek tin 'said mtii.. s kininee.southetil.t4o,rette "to thi abdye inentiOned, thence along 'Said cross sireet'ld porclies 'to' the Itrit. dotard:fad -street on said miip',-tbenee;tiloiiits said stieet47.l pintchei to One.e- orbegithitigiitailiins 'one ;acre, snore or 1080: i 1: Terms' c.aslis; - ••• • . „. • ; MARY 'BOREiTi Admx.; May 13, 181313-4 t. ,•,,:, ::-. -Register's , Notice: +- • • .': ; ' -SOTICE is hereby ' give that ihei°lloliing; • maned Executers andAdniintalratkirs have filed. their. Atiounts iti the 'Register's Office' for lloga county i Pa., and' that the: said :Accounts will be4resented to tho7dudies ,of the Orphan? Court,fOr said, county, at a, court to: ha held- at ,Wellaboro, Monday, May. - 25 ; ,1848, for cenfirma 7 Clan aad ' allovraae:, ; ;-• , 1 ,1 ~ ~ .' ", - ~-' ,•:..P.artial acct . of A G , .Ciarlieort,-Lonisa Shelve, and Jacob Shelve, AdminAratore cum test. an. estate of AA . Sheive,,,of Jackson, deed. .-. • Acct of Richard Brown,Out i r, of, the eitate;,of Oriffen Paliner',`dee'd. • " , • . Acct of Elan son „Seeley,' Eilr : Of, last will', and testament' of Manson` Seeley, Of Deerfield, illo'd. ?Ahet of S 11-Woad; adm'r of estate of, ifiezekl a Wood, tal,. l:Coss , deo'd. 't '- '' - , • ' ~ t- s:st of oBr Wells adm'r dei herds non of '4321- i t t e of Caleb D Garrison, late of. Jecksexi - , - Ilied. Acct of L ;D Shelve adm'r -of °static, id' ED Garrison, of Jackson,. deed. --: ~• • *- ,• ' Acot of -L B - Shelve, - surviving ~Ez'r .of last will and testament ,of John Shelve, of Jackson, deeeased.' ', . „ , • _. - . . Partial acct of Mary Borst. adm'a of °Oat° of Matthew Borst, late of Wellsboro, deed._ °M Acet of Polly A Pride - iidm'a of 'estixte of rfor ace Pride, late of Westfield twn deed: ':'•'*"- ' D,;41,:.' DDAIIE, . . Wellaboro, Apr. 29,•1853. - - ''- z , • Register. rod.A. CfI.OOIIRT:PROCLA.MAtION.- T, 'Ai/herons, the Hon; Robert G.-WhiteiProsi dentludgo <for the 4th judieialDistriet of Penn- . sylvania,.and-C. R. Veil and Blisha T.:Bentley, Esq.'s,Associate Judges. in" Tioga connty,Lhave is.autheir - pree4t;, hearing datit, the 15th ,day of Apr., 186 T, and "to Me directed, .for the held ing of brplian's 'Court; Court . of Common Pleas, General Quarter SeasiothOted Oyer and Tainin er; at Wellsbbro; for thiCorinty of Thiga ' on the 4tlr Monday—of 'May - -( being Oki , 'l,stit'.daY), 1868, 4nd to:continue two weals. ' • '• • '• .- Not co. is therefore hereby given, to thO-Cbro ner,Juistices of tho Peace, and Constables in and for, the ; county of Tinge. to appear in :their t i wn 4 proppr parson/1,7.4hei _Flit9.oo#ol3qUiffitiOn-dieX amiuntion rgmembraneas, to do those things which of their offices and in. theitlehalf a,pper lain to he' done; and . all witnesses and other per sons ,prosecuting inbehalf of the COMporitypalth against ftny.person persons, iequirgit to;be then and there attending; 'lnd not'to - depart at their peril' Jurbrs‘arerequested to'be „Punctual iwth di r attendance at the appointed time, agree ably to netictl, . • = „••• laivenunder my haud'And seal itt-. the Sheriff's Office. in IKellsboro, the 24th -day, oft April, in Alio . ,year, of our LordthouFand, eigh, hundred and•sixty:eight, JEROME B. POTi'ER, I , . • • Hero' Fruit j'ar. GROSS 'of itio AfEßO„Fitifii Jai 11, 500 ti) - ;:kraie7b-:. • tV. - D. rISIti3ULL k , .00;, " , 09Anng * N. Y; "To are_ prepared . AO fill Ordois fo':' the :Rero Fruit Jar as lore a.." they pan "be baUght - afg anywhere; aner Otirninit,s - Sire can give apeciat tates'onlarge t qnsintities. . It iithe best•and most , eilable- Jar in the market.' Get quotations from Willefore M'cl'oring elsewhor'e.' -; March 18,1869.-6 m • - -••• -.,Administrator's;Notice'a s - • T.,ETTEiO b'ee4 ' j - glimiail to 'thit'attbtorilletf,upeit ...estati,cif (liti*late bOaektaii tawathlp s ilee r tinied, 'ail petit i on °wine - 416W liatate ,akaittet the tame, ill tattle -;(•" • • . • ' DAVISD EVERVIViI - Ndtitli.' - Ex . ecator's!Notio: , .'-=‘ , • ": LE "ITRS TossOmontaq;hivifitikit4 - wittntid IsiatameUot 0,1148. Whilcombl late of Union' ,deociiio4o4l reisisne ftiiirg'aaid tatiiroi blai Apinit the !anidlc- tate t - wiii4tdjustrall znattlirg W4h' • • JA.S.•IIt, ?WHITCOMB • • bliAitINDA,•WIIIT0011111t D,APT.i121.5.1 1.500-6111'.;:: ;11 .1., tl '~3 i . _~~l ' 15 I .permanently , located , ;iiv Wells , ' '• , 14Orcr Pa. " • =-• rt ,, ' ' , I • :v • • qPrICE3' /0-i. STREET:, Where he: will proinptly‘ntterid in'all:vvri'llfiier:. - itaining to his trofesaion. Having procured!rill the improvlmenta of„lthof day,, `. furnish whatever ix gired asthe lowest possible Aeries, arid will - gnxrantar,i aatlaraetiew , in,- • uvery.ease.— Nitroni Oxide Omi t , which sis,superior to any thing, in nee, adinii4Xtered ..tyhesdexired—al waye giving a:pikilikmi operation . : , 'Won stibro; Akill1; 1888. 2, ME _ 7 ' 1 .• • -• 7 • - . 1 ,• ' • • 7. •.•• 1 • • - • • N 0.258 BIiOADWAYi NEW . Araiik: ANo_,, . lasi thAt net profits, of this Company,go to 1 : the,Assoted. . .'- - &stead - roof 'Policies: ' • ' " -l i Na Litnititites'ait to resideoeo of Trat'el. ), Tho llomoluttrati iospla`CeSh Capital most se curely itivatitteLl ', :.-.. :: i , :;-,-/-) ,‘.., if : ,•• :- . WALTER S. ORPSYMG ....... ..; • -- ' h - Pree.- 9NRON RieLlAr k. • „,.„,,.. : i! := Wy. I. If. • PROTITINOTIAiI j }TINS.' • WM. COFII.N, • - , AcTuAtty. MORGAN HART,' Agl; Wellebor; .brarsll•4, • 'iPtir • i/e:er to li'ent. . • • ' wAqo r `rOgnoi 3 , .arld lot cont'aining :.: 72 A square Oita,• ~"§hOp, „24x2illeet, 04, tae tsteryti 4i h.• ''Alsol--alhouie- and - sev'ea aercsOf''lol4,:tWo acres of Maher sail a fine - youngMaPle orchard tlwcon,,,tith,p fruit trees of differoat. kinds. Thii property lelocated • 'Within a feor inda' of a iaioara saw'.-11110..enidinenitkehine," School, himao and church. • I wiLi, sell, oheap, separately together; or Will rent them fora term 'of - years - 5 Thlip is, a floe ehewee for any limn with a - little East bharleslqn:Taii:Alltreh'2o,BBB4m, :':ATTENTION. FARMER:Oi SPlinio has come, and those desiOng,4ll barns On kayo them by . buying _ • ;,• • at the Mill of I. Champne3r4t:Co., , whick:*aar4 selling at $8 per tount our mill on Ink All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Plaster. Give us a oall. - I. 011A?dPNEY a CO. I Oaines; Tioga, Co., Pa., March 28,.181105-6 1 • - PI IS j \ ~~9~.'✓ l\t r EMIE NEI =ES MEI 111 IMII
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers