The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 20, 1868, Image 2

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    - , If . Y'- - ~ 1::::--- - -;i ., --....-.a., , ' - - 14,:', , :if'ii - zi'.;:: -- .4.; , ? , ,
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)• 1
; Blocks isi.a :fOrtaigit;-sitaitillys vit4i
hetmed—chtitchee anc(ldtaitilitt§t'•44
• f'-stegtiouset;
11 :
- VlGlneq I. frOltnev.43iktpctici r ltb
•: , ,brings*orinWer ' , .tairible .'ivolearde
•`:erelEtibn W/datitia - -Loa - , .=which:;bOgaif
'...lolllol3ssl4striittitkOato,ii...Marah '27: , 'On
the t8tb;f100 ' etirthquaiir ehocka -Were
felt,ldid,duringthe tire
ing to,A.prillB 4 ,2,oooearthquakeihocks
,netinrreitz the 'earth .4-
. l eAtain Many pyto4 , s ) and a tidal,: wave
BO feet high rose .'tops, -, q f' the
6zt tr - * Ligiiktet - or .14510,441,40:
uman - .1361003;114)*08;,,Und:
e.v,erythingruovableibeforelt:. terra ,
.Idelibeek prostrated chnrchea.and'hens
` inanY
.01ff hundred liVes/wl,o'ete :beside ' a
'thousand horses - 4; cattw.,' The , . "era;
- tars `vufaited firei l o r eli f fand lava;.aild *a'
'riVer or lea - hot IVA,"tly'e or''- at - x`_ tittles
iloWed to' thoe47at` the rate of ten
-4.xialles per hotli,. defitroying p), , rything
before it;ruititerthing an island in the
sea, ; A .new crater two miles W . lde ppen-I
ed; and thretvrobite iind:iitreaMS` of /1113
alliOnsand.fiet into the' . air;,'"arld ' from
' 'Streams of lava foiled to the sea;" . ; 'At
illtiminatiOn' Was ',Viand°
,at 50 Miles istant - _The laVahiiii
- poet' ea butifronitheshere' One '
':At -- "_Walsoliiiiii; three "miles frOni the
'Shore' a 'ten feel. and' Toss emi t t ing eO him ti cif steal* andsmoice;
-While the-Keno . packet ‘.Waa - plasing;
spattering d; on
greatest shook oceurred'A,pril great
shOwerufaihetr arid RtittileelDuring
the-grattilicick the awittetig motion of
'Abe:earth was dreadful; so . violent "that
/10 tietion: could ,stand, - In the - midst Of
- _,l4lstreiriendonioliiiekUn' ,eruption 'of
red earth 'Petite& diiwn'.the,iroomitairq
- .rushing aerosalhe plain . three miles': in
three minutes, , and then
__,beased - .."'Tlien
camethe""great' tidal- w ave , and' 'then
- iitrettn3s of lava. The vi I higes 'on
the shore we re , all destroyed by' AITIS
wave: • The earth OVelledurideithe sea;
alid‘redilened• the ,'water.' 'The earth
"eruptiorriwalloWed , e 3;) perions, and :the ,
aea anY more.' Dr 4faraufferitig and
terroi-prevatied in the . distriet;•And' the
whole region , was _affected. -The , - eibop
'lNAi?•wYafalsee bICIS' been' dis patched -:With
provialonsidr:ol, , to Tescueand relieve. - i
'rani Livisayrri3
v; • •*arvad bt. a ;1;log. , ::•,- , : ' •'` :
, .
.•-• ;- On• . - -Wedrietday ; ••t•wii• boys. --named
-;.Lyneli::andNicholSon, aged- respective.;
- ly•nikiediedten years 'wentlothe woods
- --iveStOf the City, to'ist a piece' of -hick=
• Ory to make a -
._'bow. - ' They wandered
. • out =so far that they.• get - :lost.'ll4 their
- -' bewildered state-they' .; Searched ' ' about
-some -landmark ' That would lead
- theirt•to their homes.- tile thus --én4
gaged, they - espied a blacklamb Iriskt
i u g-abont- n ettr_ theret,- and . Lyndit'• told
• --Nichcilson that he - was - going. to • catch
.it, and:accordingly :gave: , chase. - In• •li
mom - entahe and tho lamOhad both
- dlsappeared in the thick underbrush. --j
• Nicholson, after waiting some time •,fet.
-14Ynett to return, set about to :Find. the
..--Way • brick to-the ol ty: h i msel f; -- w hi ci' lie
-succeeded -in doing- and arrived at hem e
• late- - in the • evening.' --Young I.4yrieh;
' hoWeVeri :.was - : net ',..436 - ' fortunate.- -- lie
- :wandered about,iwterwoods till late - at .
night, when he lost all hope of - •finding
his way out of : the forest,'and laid-doWii
beside a log land Slept till the nextiaOril f
i•ing. - ..:Being refreshed by- his
•• sleep; he
- - again went forth - With.' more . buoyant
. lhopes to find his.- _ way home. •But lie .
- i.. ; ;Was again 'doomed • to • disappoin Wien t;
7-and after.strolling ' through the wt Ruts•was again; compelled to malt()
-his bed,w'ontbneold ground. with _to)
..cover butthe blue sky.• -He haul. but
' just laid himself down When an ; _uneX
-iiieeeed but Welcome" visitor - arrived -tai
" share his bed and keep him company.--,
•_This strange visitor was a- large New
- sfoundlanduilog; which - staid - with the
• little:fellow. 'till' -. Friday morning, -A'
. - short time after daybreak the dog shoW
•e-d signs Of great• anxiety and 4111eaSi•7
nesSi•and started to leave young-LyiaTh,
' but he had enough foresight to ; follow_
the dog, and, was -concludeea -- 'if:- the
"--faithful animal to the , road,. where.: -he
-saw a Mari :upon a,,.. yagen. Ate: hailed
the man, and after. telling his haven:-
- -• titre,L was .put into' , the wagon, and
' . brought to.his homei The - joy- off-his
• imagined,
uponlis_return can he - better
• zimagined than described: i After search
?. ing for. their boy -in , every' -imaginable
_place where it-was thought he could be,
without avail, they had-about given up
. all-hopes of finding him ; and there is a
probah lity If it had not been for that
' -faithful Newfoun,diand dog, the - . eh ild
' would have starved to death or died of
—grief-in The , lonesome forest.-,. During
. the o 'days and nights . that "he- was
los 1;v
e was without-a mouthful to: eat,'
and 4 is countenance showed' plainly
that-he had ,Indulged` extensively in
Fon Ditarocupers TO THI,NIC ON.—The
New York . . Tribune very justly%says :
- 41 . Our Demoeratic friends are much
alarmed at the expenses of reconstruct
ing the Union, and are anxious for re
trenchment: •
"If they had never rebelled, these
expenses would never have been - possi
ble. If, having rebelled at the South,
they had not encouraged the Rebellion
- __at the:North, the expenses would never
haie reached half their present figure.
- Having made expenses inevitable,
- if they will abandon their 'croak to
ward repudiation, we'may eo4 lessen
the rate of interest; on the national debt
from six to four per, cent., and save the
country. $50,000,000 a year, and, if they
will cease thr efforts to' continue:the
slaverypolitical of four millions lyt the
'• Southern people, and place no- further
• obstruction in the way of the Recon
stniction of Abe South, the Union will
bb restored, and all .expenses of Recon
struction stoppW
SUDDEN DEaTn.—Gerorge C. S. Vail,
•for many years a resident of Shasta,
- and formerly one'of the • proprietorsof
the Empire Hotel there; died • suddenly
Sacramento on the night'of the' 27th
ult. He had lust arrived in 'the city
'from Petaluma, "where he • has resided
-for Borne months. Late in the evening
he allowed a friend' to inject morphene
under the skin of the thigh to relieve
intense "rheumatic pains from which he
was suffering; and soon retired: In the
morning he was found dead In his bed.
The -jury found that his death: was cana
-1 ed by congestion of -the lungs and brain ,•
induced 'by..excessive' drink and the in
jcetion of motphene into his thigh,—
,was a - native of Tioga:county,
Penn.,: and 'aged about p" years.—Sae
, rarnento (Cal), --,•-• ,, -•- • •
.4 z , Has any reader ,of a Copperhead
journal yet seen iti his ,faVorito Paper
an aeCoUnt of the cenvlction. of certain
• •niernbers tho Baltiniore' Comrimoln
- Mundt of - grasss, bribery ? We gueis
not. Does any reader- fart° „'rerrienriber
that not only in the Pity a :Baltimore,
but in all the State of " My Maryland,"
there; b 3 not'an elected Officer who is hot
a fru e-bl ue dyed-iu-the-wool toomderatP
• 'ever bribed 7 Oh, no I -Do ,Deniocrata
ever' steal ? Oh, no I Shade of Sam
SwartWotik"who would believe it ! If,
the man .who tirolco the Baltimore Ring
will come up this way, we will promise
him'a tough job.—The - _
The convicts the,- Clinton prbion
,Atrheo were at,svork in the - Iron...mine (1110
leet.betew ground s nttneked their. keep.
~(R. Yirednesil;, and:resehing/hesur
-face escaped : to the ' Nine, of
,theralukve been recaptulied." Among
- '.tkosestill'at,larkels ,Gco. - tioirdon, Who
wagsentenced - toOrisci 'for - life- for " the
murder of a drover , in Alba ny:
" I3titto)2l*43' ILttrOBATEP
width* has Axe, si trees being *re
Gazette VIA/0D; t# th e' Pas/lion Oftbe poputar ,
' , l , lsiticientegstettee:‘ I;stsitee*lto . talse think "the
world= sitit,"ea 11seRAiltretio and :unt. otes
Wet the* ;wait noktatilifiag withiAst -
lifoieVtert itskpattottutatone atC Worth; dcnible •
-the vont of the.megasine. A large and enutoally
interesting autountett muting-matter is promised
-lei July; for 'country enjoyment. Three dollars
- yearly. Published by W. J. Demoted, 478
- 'E`rctorlinw, N. Y.
,--. ~ .- - •- : - : .., —,: .A .F.t;i. — .l:'''''-t-r,lt 't•
~. , . 4
' , T.; '‘'. t- ..,.,%.-, ''-' 4 '.'' f4 l '''y: i)tl-i. i )‘•
'' • ' l ' .'- - ' . - -- 4 , -\ , - ' ..' e ,' ,e• ' ' s
. 1V: -.?, '.-.(,,s i- -, ...:.,0" ...,. —. 1...5 ,
. ,
WEDNESDAY', *AY,-2'0;186.L1,7,
'lRublietta Staii NOminatiOis
, •
-'OF _ „ ,
,` 7,110N174:101M1 1 ,1' 'cocrNl7. , •
LA: J. ! • • •;
• ' trzr.vitiliz
.4M - TißbLii
• COL;; JAOOI )A 4
; revoith, - ,,cotrreir;.;', -
* ' "Do you - Hain; is- then'WO Saypiiit - God was
just in4endingjobs Wilkes llooth'on that idatk
Good Friday iiight,Ttbreci:yeara ago; tho r ,darkest
andlooraiest in dirnerion Jilstory, 40 s t r ik e ithe
traitor down, and 14terate,the white Trortnen or
America from thoxolro opt dcAtiot t .'!„, 77 Copperh ead
PaPer- ... i . I • •
.\ * l, I.
___-: ••. •• i"• •-•:- .11t • , • :
niame;yen - 1-jsin4 - ,3 - Welt..kioon,blame
a hog . forlwalleiVing`:iii ., 4..he-t mire; -or a
iiiekrieckef fiii - felting f 4 i)4ket - .
, Tlie
,Verd '. JAri:tp
,-- - • •• , t.r.•-•
et . , - ImpeachMent tn..-
'42 was not 'YeDderPlir Til4Kiay,Pf. ,1481 ,
iVeek,".proiloaed.i • - ;;lThren-Senater,
Fere etch; and'bnable tO lie in their Blur
cea ; and -tpcii,ities6e.l.o4'.(l'oreEgoil.' of :§e P atorA,' P'eo:e . .n4 63 ,- 1 I tkiln4liki-; ;1 Atnl•
others, ohowiljgttliftt":the yoti,:would le
I close; the final Note , - was VIA ever- , tO
'Saturday. -..:*9 news 1) 2 0 ;_x:,146,110 us
. 4.
ihfi,W4 l 4tig , : `,.'':l; ''• , ;.:,,_ ''-. .. '
~- T , 44 1 .-ei:: - ; -.. Ttle,-.!senate : 17 ,_Qte4, lin, :t l . l
XlthA.rtiele 4M,,Saturdayi:refusingilp
convict -.brat vote' of- 85 tctl9.-uoiiAi irate
- 16,i'thein'tvio-tiiii'dB 'Tit6' Senate'' aci
lobilia ox 4 25th. , .w.tiO, the`result *illb, n e.siti - tiei•cin4 6 4 l l:g; 0* A1v.,0,6
1 , we, Canot say.-N, , FOr: /the- edification .Of
the Ttiplzistples 'easduder,'T, *f innabun' , ,i;,
'Co:, its Cali ii tlAi tli6 ribliior'citlii§4l
,tkeisittpil,4iredt i gOWtile - ; I Seoplei
i i 4 he
xigvirs of, o,lltilou„def,e4t did Airing 1 016
var—joy.theaming . on. the faces of 41 - 4
sympathizers 'NV ith; ;treaecin 1 ,. in ow', , ; 'ne
Hop: A, 11 tpc 116 0,viy'soy;lif "t4r , E4
eciitoriin-chief of ; 0441:1.75t
tory, retires, from , 'that , , paliet With , its
last weli's" 'Under -1114 'nfiiiitig4-
liint the,: paper has '.reaeh po4itiOn
for rinflueuee notosurpassedlby any otli
:ldurnaltif its circulation id the Ncirtli.'
oteri than 111 f,
are be found, aitYwhere, MessrA..
Cook & Hays succeeded to: tile -than age
men They 'are '
by the retiring,editor.
THE ,AP.9 sTATP. 4.0 E
„ •
Fe4sendea , -Prtirebtll: 7 -; runes—sav
ing and excepting-•the latter, heretofore
presuMed to liave.:rigid . spinal"coleinna,,
and inifficient, nfOral honesty; to • shin
ereetan d walk undeviatiTig, ,The Wash ;
ingtori:neWscredits then , ' with declaring
for the acquittal cif `Andrew,`.`Johnsont,
and the shock of their, i - - "aPaStatizittg
most. paral leis , the - earthquakes which
'have Upset the •I
No, tiPoState:,Oirice hitt3
-givenaipleakiant odor to history. jolian
himself; wi; may bo 'Considered the
Odd of i'4 l ''fiiStery
.virtue of his positiou 110 a; Roman Ern
perm., position- buoying him
aboVe the surface ,o l ethe Slerigh of 'irita•-•
( -1.-
• • Of all the men named,. sthe .rfailurex) . i f,
SenatoicFesliendeif to meet:.public
Pc.; 61;• to - r.O :14:., , , , -- 1 :1 4 .01 - rertere!:, --- ,:,;.t no .
apostasy of --.Benatent „and
G ri rn es csurPrises nobody: h 6 '
the Mon! intimateli.. l '."lfesSetidennS;
man:-,Of ditrerent :reakei'boweypi;-,beinF
,neither the -leaSt ~ b it'ofia,dennigogisp.
nor venal
tiate s . and,deeided faith. ithe Other
hand he IS',intolerant of 'opposition
freknPartif . oefidii,-liiaPeriOnS r . eerbealf--
ing, and to timohjecf.s.of. lila pique yin--
dis3tivek: and unfOrgiVing. - ..Pyripepsia
has rendered I,erni'altrigiliVr.;,.44lOittible
;is . than
sion freezeS, rather than lirnwhiss...-ene
mime. Als . ferlp.Opelarity;'''he deSpiseli it
heartilY,Unleis itbe a tribute frOm
peers... For the people, iteearesnothing;
nor does! she :ilpmathisel*ith' , thern.
His adVeeacYofanti-SlaVerY
was avowedly a matteref gOVataMental
poliey... He Aleviii) . assumeo Yo regard
the philantliropie.'sidOefibe; queation,.
nor'.: conic]. he : ,Coritprelreuii, ; ,h6W ;that
view could influence any'other Senator..
Hence hiS bitter and impiacahlOittreet
of Sumner; *Demi-4; 4 i hatred. ; a'hiell
ke,st him half hia.,influence Lk both.
sides Of the' Chamber'; the ! . farct being;
strange as it may see, T410.6' Senator
Stiten,er,iii more respected by tho„tienio-; ,
crate than SenatorFessendem --Nobody
respecta-veiy . Jighly half-way : Man.
Such a Mari VeSsenden" .
• AS for ens r ;.I;fiu#4l4ll, ohe has
sinned against 1118're:cord and the-wishes
of his Constituents,: just as - - his ' , relative
of a former 'generation 't
art'and:correct' aite• „when painted'
ilie,histerie broadaid ea, which ilisfigure t
the:Rotunda of .-theeapitol. , Rut-. 'no,
man questions the' tenttolis of
'the eldef,Trithiball: 'We,cattiiiit:ilki
'Meek, fc4; • fiV,
knows him-ought to be much eurprised;'
,-has - ben knoWn as 'tho• Little
bernagiagne". • The ten' .- Yekto , .'
thiS respe'et;'he,is;"
FeSeeriden.. ;Ileretotere.,Mr. ;Trunaliu4l
has put a ltig,iv value upon ;popular init. ! ,
Platise; .the iMluceinetit'whieh luta Pre
diked hisl.ripostasiy been of an
never hope to-rise higher:. 0,4ib0. - ,t , tiSie is
no higher place thanthe Serrate. - -Et
it may be that his apostasy ,It.
of, the contingent: notninittiOti Judge
Chase for
ease, if Mr. Johnson *should he
tedi Mr. Trumbull *Mild.deubtleSti step:
into:the altoekef 'the PhiefljeStiee:'
!And as ,fer` . Senater,, GOtrieti-Lbe died
under the Whip of" Jelin, Hate it
His apoltasy ought not -to stir,;
prise to the time of; .his
defeat swan app,ticank, fOr• tile" position
Qf Chairman of the'connutitteeim•NaVal
-Affairs he was;- -indifferently r decent. 47
Rut -that was, - darling amid
When it pawed' him, by fitt . fell the
lot of ,Senater H le, Grimes its 111e°n'''
solable;„ The,A sappom,truent;:couvert 7
.ert,whatever milk, Of •,..huMan
be fibril is-hjs ' ]mart aqua-fortis;
'and then he einiitied green
aridfinites ' of.
. SenatorT.'Hale.,' :Ter=
"Monthtf thk latter „Loire . Grime:N . - ,,per.!
tonatitbUSO,,i ) vitilthat higlirgoeti -nature'
• fer,•whiph lie Wei *AO. -,:But` the - day
;reekerilne 'Catia.e'-=-a Atty . ?. net Seen to
'be' fogiitteii- tisioky. Man wile, WitneSsed
the "elistiga'tibirof thericiditlated Grimes,
and a day whieb the latter will 'never
be able to forget, here, or hereafter.-:--
d M i r d h n en ot fle ge n t p a u tor ; lfale oat down' -Grimes
and then the „ saying;
sie'l:'n =:snru:w yi ~i'gM...~.r:~~7=g~i~•`.'.'•~-;,
• ';;;..4 -
'AO* reyptig*,.,.-AstripeA Ja.llerol ,
ffi011:01.1.04:fs 'breY ,
.!,TkttAitinM.!Y9P , 4l l 7lA
•.'iiiktfiiirootogettOy:Vtat, apieo): 4 ":'Als
upt di 6 etilt talteeottiK i I' ltiv , oOfT IS 4RY
or- 13eriator qrloiee'.. 4 .l`ll priiiirblicof,:
position wliiild'earry'lJity,syrOY ;any'
it rimy have Var#F .,away
aow. „And- ,one of the
millions - proposed to , be irldsed by, the
Whisky Ring; !MS bee;'. accepted by
bim a'sort,.of comperi Ation 'for the
f4condition .
It t - .Vq b -
settled ,o . e, . : r, y pro a o
160:eit - tie E ,F,O - 4eo,ll, , f ,ol:tiollbavb
been glit with ,
‘ i '.- , e— .. , . •,—. ,i,--iit : i - ' i . ,
,' •.NO. better inciirati6n 'or ' tbO• absorbing
'' ''t ~' -- t - roi eio: i)ii: tilii.:e l iiii' 'rernotial - Of
tbki"i'esbient,l4, Aie',l4tinblicil l l Aiiiar
ses eould,be4isited'for, , tb an Abe fevertet,
exeit.errient,Nyttb yebie1413.4 , - Nyniteit'er
Ch , ; ilfisYEi, 'OOT I P' 0 . ; 1 4,-,cPut)4ll . lo
iTumtay4.i We ,recollegt , of- :s tra it at;
, i4,o(:4 , cti!kinh , ;fllti:*dr, e,speebill o ji . 'wbOO
Fbin?ii'o,k . A 4 ;tltteit.( PAi . t.l ,li r V : 0,9; 01 ,
, 1 parth ts 'li t,)d... Cr I elide 4,l,4l,losolitiqrs Ventkr
ed tbe streets , hi sitspense. , !'; Sue-4, , tna-',
ticiente'eijOing-e.#o,3'-',llot tbe - it tt4
ilieYer•W_ltii P'P eastitt!.ri ... ; elk, eefk, /7 3
=fatter on the ttirepliold Vii grentliublie ,
0_,... 6 6 7 1 1 i 1. - 6 -1M4 1 :0 2 ' .. 4 ' 61 'A'..till'Ot,t;liiM
F nay-1 1 .vxciped_for e. :. , bitijig i, ? Aga* ~ c l i f
.ip-ipatidile:.:;lt- , requi ..=frittlier , more
) tli4n till'' 'I
lii'itPd°: ? o ll ! 1 40,4 ' -Co ": . '"it
PltimlYstO rendition of a verdict' *hih
involves the Nindicatici i i f „law in. tne
higheSt.plaC6S , , :arid to 'l : o,6riter or less
ext6iitY.tlietriiiiiiph: o - ripiisentiiii:ve
'government., cern men p., jt,,xinity a ,wo 'be., rid-,
'witted now, before the ! •s' ,- erditit4!lri` reti
' ' ()e,_i : e . d4ii4t , a. - ,:t00.,"yt, Oi( f i- AP.Ore*
'Johnson willl • mark ,Lb ••,.. i tleetiOenee: ..of:
free - institutions ; -, ,lieeritt .6 the ,reat thing
fo be `decided : 11i; "
,"-' rill 'l' lie'..4rVdlit
,ofi,oy f hymatitter,,or, emit - ‘,4oittiNger,,,obe2/
the 86/..tiant,'.'" *r. - :,Tol nioo is the set-,
iiiio. ' ' , lf .he 'he. acciiiltt ; ii,: i ttittiiigh to
. All pO. ,4419 . .P 1 ',99,t19.4:!. 9 . 6 •raci9P 44 ;, 1 4 11 Y,
.lit,'Wl of i Giongre.l will b : -established • as .
withiii' ".t4o , ,.fi ; retcigat:itr. .4 ,of .: thil:,,lce
litiv-"ei-j,",Tii'at'OriCg- esiiili 'Wed'. 'arid. the
:e nd,Cannethe: -, far aciiii ,;, ; That.isto,e -
-.tablish delipetisrii f :':NOtiii 60 ess: ~ :-.L t'l 1
; °I •Y:9, ta:o l ivitixig • ttif;feiiio ' (! iis , 74. • , , * l o sr,
„to, the ,44.1 7. ./ 3 4 ; t9r4 1 :10 . : 104 1 .iie1i,•;.,e :.tile
verd kit by !the Benritc,-.1 and iii.•view . si3t ;
'the : Viiti.64tcY''.'Cf • • •• 4 c .i. 7 e) : I ,#e t i U blieriliS
"iv449).i.hi. - icilit.w4byei imApo,: , ,T,t,:o-
'ever, #et'3,oipect a verdi t :for ,law,: . ap'd,
adverse 3 to • ~ildijeti'i,.. Johnson • A.; pro-'
. 11 A°t: 9 0 rgeif 39 o o 9•4 6 .'!:' o q l l ; b4Pi,A l A , r4 - :
.111OrgrpOlitieill, Mends 0:3 , ,,. 0,. give .. reports;
of what Se n ato rgi • say tri f secret;, - scssiou•
'all dal ii'iii 'gill t,theki'ire 'Cp . tit I ed . te; 'Which
, (•,., i , :. , • 1
ts nolteilt Ail. • . :Incidents ,'of debriteA ! ,ii,,
secret sestikon: sonietpnes find limit'. , way
outside, but sCi'diSt6it6d !that, any' man
• * 116 Y. 118 PrcTiii.4 3 ;pr9v, 6l{ o milatlitet.
Beri,aters: cau net:reveal the • proceedings
withouperititing:' ;their] !el - 06s. •', ' Cietliii,
'dare riot if,:th y,..,W,0u1d,. unless ,they ;lid
bribed:: 'their, oaths oil °nice , are:iron
elitd:r ciio:-ikeli . o,tibtiVi. One iir the 'Seri,
`..40'it ,1, k 1 ,5'. , 1 5 ::1 : , 1 4, ; 1 P0,.° 4 0 1 : , (4 ' , 71Piiikle
4iS'Patik of Pir/PC`,:2,! We shai I : se what
loi c i.o / fin 8 6. e•-,,! k :1: 'i : ;',ll = r 4 lAr''. ;. •'?.i :it ~ i.
. - .
A:C:PePOP?O,t P.ub
jeets. or ohjecta.:,,,lts•latekt thrust was at
the Women of the • NNT4r—orlill:,thoSie
iv tip: Wert4ie'd r ibit;' !Made sbi,rt
_a150k..krum.1.,.:aud...1.....mif , 4 •z-z-tes.. - .71!. f ;
i()11-: Artn i during the ,War.'• lii 'at=
AV . .4 03 1'
en's t gTlA wpm/e,kg". .1104 ;
the late, e,oullivt;l-indeet),;, patriotic , wbra-
Met fOr tidt,"6 . nd WC this; bas
11 ?or0,i'Es.
_War. ,r ; ‘•:.- •
'Of euurfie l*Vold 0-1
stiejt a'aedgike,tis i th'ax';`Add
that; Sire liayd,,nevei• made the acquain-!.
tanee:of - ank Man so-low ''dOWn;' in the'
Ot . ° B s,4!ikbef
t'ke, eii,40147 , or, rAmeri can oulid
;in earnest; adinmS-- - bf,the libel is ,
I pit%
o?iiPA6e4: • belittle
achievements Of , ithe'Nortlr, .during , the
ate 4'd dedreei to britidita'
in iiie't)tttei,
hatied of. leaders- for every ;mrui,'
worilati', l "`addi•efillit Whit; ' . ll6siSted' the
oNer e o .destroy;eminently
4n4•lnlFA l 3',l4.3ll,Wratie: austitution—.-the
'Southern: , eimfederhey-
. IA •
' SP.* ' "t!T.e i .:_ -L l -se \ ,thikiiithe at
le'ai4 7 -Alie eneiyde . of 61 porneyf,t),ec .
retary of the.l4 A.,Senata;circulated a'
repoit -that a l dertleft of $01:000 had' been
fo9V(l.;'li:',ll,4', l ne'Oßklb:i.'„'.Wo Jlipiiillt ,
but little otttieTinnor , at,:the time; .and
Igo denial was mhde-by ihe Colonel; 'Or
. hOnO•tiititi V - ,Eo,lVi.' . „Nk;tifeiig'sinee' the
Senate Ordered ..,at, , InVe'stiiation into
the charge, and the ..Committee .have
-piade - Jtheit :',teptift riciltW ' Comfirittee
report tiiikoae,Oi'itit6iii - the;Aeclietary.
4re.plly,adjileted,,,and the, settlement ah - ow'a-a!lialaime:lttilieft N'O ' r. i'' TO justliie:
to aii , iihi , il6a'.*o „ : aticii
.kaii;"thai 'a:
plc*, eonfep...sekte l itt44l g, $ 12:000, limn - -
the,fun de' to. • , tiseiliras.4 ' - cOation,,‘ ILO
'ciiii yleitAiitii4 . :;'. l "g i lliii'il Aunt Col. Vet , :
l Y''' ,1 1' 1 91 tl.,q it l-
_ ,l il . th
0 '
x Though-,
: we ii,e've? . 'reefdi i ltli#illlilicor;-"`Vi) eon
;(i,e1V0:100,,be.:'111O,, #Orei , tbah A - 04, to
iinbilah tho,facte,-in,tinalcalie. ; 4 '
'' I il
giiiieiPlailtg :'-Ofsf)6lrHiiiegH
-..T,'r -:
- 110 ' 1igi4210 6 1722i00
Pft Ili
OM,IIA, 11;''s i...!5.
~.- .g iclAii,
ei h otq 14:1 ' '' 744.
!i s iEltklsi 1.I:ii:9" ,
~ ; - , PRTUN,IIAS;
f,usen Dail
'UAL -
, A Ak—olr - t -
yrlO plentliL,O.:
• ,ico,,lroui; 410 to 80.
Q 1
too nunicru
N.ES---A; LL 1 - 'C i
.ill) .;Viiittwil
- d, li;4iiiiiii:'i , iiii,ii
• :,-.„; , ~ 4:‘;
_ , . ~,,.-;',, , ,
•, • ;._ Rtvel nod ''.s' . ., 1 / atotlso: f, .1 ', . ':- lid
,'.. •:-. ~ 11311,t. llt - d ~ i liar* • " - 11 oz.
cents per, l' biln.':.dredi ;
• 1' 1 - 4 , tn. -. - 14-11.: good
—. ~ • 1 4 - . c, ilt,s ,_i . ,_' - --.Por_ dpi, ~
,- • iii:, ver id - "., hitidS,
- '‘tal t urelve,'; - el.S.:_
" 'ooooll l B4ms
,: i1 ,1• ~p,
, _,i i:
each: 'Mae a, C . 4refully pack
:sly ipped= to any distance and
'order. Orders left-with
ELVES, Wel sboro, during this'
ed promptly : '
. ~.
_,:- „.- ,-, .--;•:t.,.--,',.:-...i,:,-.,„.,,:::.,,,,0::.:
' '''
-'‘ -''''.'' - ' - ---•-,'-',=-i-',.---.:',q,',—,:t,--kt,:,-":.-z'.::::.--,-,-,
':!:,::-"1.7,:':...1.,':;.:'.::,Y•;citi:0;-.,:g.::"'-';?I':',''-': ••••:',.. :''''' 4 ---
- -'''
DENS, T01VAN.144,.
'till liv loran t 11116`
.!3 . 1 ctrlktl, .$
8.11 f. V 11il p,
l !gli , BE.4ltlTll. - :,_ , :
rAs ii, ir,t R. ,:,:
..To' IiRDNIL' '
:1 MI:SING; r
41 , 1;1 APPROV,
2F;ets to s;k: etiob
tit. - .Eurfq
sitaia; 10 t(i
T to in Ai tn •
"ggo o°.
15 Oi4.ip
:Nits "
tll 1414 E, w llt be
deliinied in good
week, will be fill
[May 20, 1808.
• .• r :‘ Z:"4 .V; I Vet •• " rz•_,,.V.o.t-;,;•41-,i4r
•l - - W .-A
.I,4Nl:l;.ili7h:Z t`i
Ati:' ' ' '! I' ,- . li i' 4 o:l{3ol ' l: Z' I ':,A:
~ ...1, ,:A;Z i•-V,..:•Z. P ii:, O r— ' ‘'' ' ;'J
'' l, ''l ' -:1T - -1 '''" s — '4o , -,... ,, v,- C. c,:- 4 1 . , s 5- - -'
_;... 4 - .1-4 )'.
, .
, • „
4-'l3 lot - lhtiV'tiifetieiti tbv,.
eial,Otlye-tinor t .. , kid.A+lllti....lit*lilti
to baltovo iiieto,`oo two Obit ifilVielibotO4 POO.
will take iftliningotiillovit;4thrl'hitairlitle;,iind,3*K
r u fil k the bublio lu, , .geociol.,lkiat
stock iiitlcitOd,'• 7 . .; ;
r .;# •
`O. 44:
14,he . eokk 41. skicorik et)Od%illt r
da noneiderekeuetodierniput44.ol4
'be verieit IV tie .
the tioniegande at ne
end the sitien.prti* ',We• mightbegin 'and, pies
ilea some of the vuribue t►rtie)otr-ond ' atyle® that
kelp to'ninite iip'otir stock ;1••
r.L _
Miti I.;
,421 • SOOMS ,
Doile § ,ti,c 4 ; : )'Yaiikett.4 Nations i : G
arid C46,goOttAl
.! 4
even the beginning, yon
to call, nek,for nolintl,on want:, yv"!1 yoti
"tile4'woigb,Ont'or me4opec off oo
cordiritito7O-roler, "
tiiiitbret g roat neoeg9erlae ,; alwaye ' nu band:
Raiotiraboi . Farmers, =that we canjiuiply you
', • ~:- = • ,
3tryr.o TUBS;. OR PAILS,
_ ,
and genutOe Aebtpn by tbki sack i:or pound.=
liro' pay pft!lt fur, Butter, -
: ;WICK I4A 'A: FARR. I .
20, AB6B. "A, ;
''Striiifrvi3Oirtaa4d Tomato'lards; 1
2 , 000 T 0 at° OPuirscif 1 1 o:inst ya
-5i ~; r,iiins, '-, sorraisH4 „n'f, early
rarkcothu Tag i l Lripan'i 4Uly) , ini . Tl4 f'artatt ' gra.
psd, large..amost' • P :Ole, l'Sejse - la 'ti s m ooth
rektaid'yegirsv. ' +; ' ' 1 ' • - -- ''• ' ' •', '' '
~' ' l'hints•readitor'setting Mini niurie ten Inches
hi4h - . "1000'nf thesii:havelairir traOisplantraliandl
•nie grovilnesSn'glel'r • ' - - ii -, :. .. .•-:.,: - - !;.- •
4`"-/ESPRarly'qabbago , Plants. ',. , -,.:,,. !- • . .. , - i
-- STRAWtHRHIRS.- - Yfilsotes'Alliany' Reedlings.
Baigasa Setrdlitig,'Triuroph_DeGandi Russell's
Prolille, Searlet Runners: Price4dper hundred,
, at , ~.,1 • ...,1! , ~, t• ~ 0.1 A% HATHAWAY'S, -,
fr ,j j:' Garden aud Hot, Beds,
• TlSga; Rp.
• ~ *ay .21),,/13 . 58,4t;",, - . ;
~ „ i i ••,- ili
HIS well knownlo,s" wil he found thepres..
1 4 .ent season as follows, vie!.
~,Pdenday afterncion and 'l7uesday Morels% at
W,hltney'e, ,C4irnerN, Tuitiday ; afterhoim and
VitedneidaY morning he the 'atal:q6"Ora lilts Dade,
,Dartes` Seaton:tent,' 'Wednesday afternoon and
-Thursday morning' at Cli,erry'‘Flattf;; Thnreday
a Mira:l6°n afithe stable 'of. Thomas • Graves . In
Covington novel Friday bind-Saturday at the
ataliler of the r oubeoriberin Mainstmretiore,-; All
owneis parting with mares before foaling-will li6
hold responsible.; To insure $lO.
- Mainsharg, May 20, 1868. E. A.
, Carding.
subseribere have purchnied the Oard
`l2 • MaChloe and fixtures atillhitneyiville;East
'Ohar!eaten; and hal/Mg 'added an , Imiirovement
which enables them to card fine Wool, now ; an
nounce tdlhe publie that they commenced
noes on Monday, May 18. ; ; L. ;
gustom ,rork 'lope promptly arid,entlefaetarily.
WO have engliged Alr.OporgeNeSabtt an' Carder.
• litOrrA
• r •', • •
last uharliston,lliik „ 1888-Bw.'” " '
BUSHELS - of LIME.' for 'gni& at
Mani3field' Station this seasta.V: Bo
cents' per inishel,i or $1,75 per Barrel. s
' -„+• CLAIM Station Agent..
, ;- C. L. WILCOX; . „. •
Dialei. in:DRY GOODS of kinde, hardware
and Yankee; iiotiOns." Our assortment is large
• and prices loci: •: Sioririn :Union Block: Call
in gunlleman.—may.2o.lBci9-4, - . ;.;,
" 7 :!' -.• • •• -• Dissohiti6,.., , , ,
IM; Oopti;tnorahly.;
. 61 1.',,W; Wayr,ipot 4 . Co.
hi thi dOy dibsolvad 't ! - , ,- iuntiial ':cotisont,.—
Thi, l / 4 4inosir will' be' continued" by' 1 1 .11. War
' iirlir: .' 1- ':: '',.; ''‘., -': '.- T. M. WARRINER.
- I :May 150889 -L-3w:- , p . ,1 1 11. WARKINER: ..
.To ,over „
,Good: - t
t, e; tsomes 1 •
THE 'iubsOilbor deeireS to tall the:attontion of
fanners and others to Inifirove
tho'breed of 'Horses, to 'his thoron,thbrodl3allions
. • • ~;
-They. are Justly celetrated for their speed as well
as their;symmetry , of,,forpt and power of .endar
arks,. i rt'hey.ean‘be seen ;It „aky etables; in,;llllc
land, where I will:tie,happy to
,exhiblt thmn to
all admireritef splendid . horses. :Ar,rangtenenti
for tle i `4f al eve nal:dad horees aim:: he* made by
dalling 'at ray' Iloiel in lki and: Pastime
ed when:desired.' 't • If: D. 131MNBL, Agent.
" Elklaridi Miy 13;1868-4w. "• ' • •
VrY wife Hannah left-my bed andluiard Viith
e otitjust catnap or provocation,' on the 15th
or March , WA' anal hereby fOrbid• all persona
harboring - or', Meting; •her; ton 'my account
<Will pay no debts of her lonntracting.A'._ - , •
Clymer; .Aprii 6;1868; `• R. IV; SKINNER.
- Notieo,.
nnlIE iiLIRCIESS4 COUNCIL Of, •Wellebbio meet
tit the En'gino ,, floneo en.tho' , lBth had 25thi !nets.,
. 7•.% o'clock P.M.', to consider applications for come.
!lon or abatement .of the boronglt After ftte .21411
Inet., no snob opplketlone will ho received; By order.
• Slay 6.1808 . 41! SIEMENS; Clerk.
nrill4 Sottool Diiebt9r,a iitil,,nioot at Oa office of
W. IT: smith;Est,: et.; 74;
o'olOok; to 'dOrit h 1 iafiptiokitiOna for coin
ixbrktotheeit• of the school- ?After
which ditto' nir :be 'received.—
By 'oider; 'O . . I BIftiPSOIT, /key.
1tay:4,•18'684:, .t_
AVll.lo : soPl'ltiy loostio*itid . good Rill In
..ttio, praotioo.Of poiato try pi br. 0. !Ih obits,.
I" (Mil tospootrulli , 41"oommenit tilm to my:pir
trona no .I havo,tnatio,arrangemOtiti) with Lim' to
13orforiik,61) Otierittifitti foy ythiolt IttiVe qopitact
od, ' Is ock itodidtrfotid liiirif RS' agetittoinai of
'skin and itblliky ti) thocrderital art. ,', - ; '
- ) ,:, .:01'"! • ~.: ' i'' ; i' s ' ' t:Vilt RAINDALie ,
- Tiogti Pit.illlt4.l3, 1868:tft -Sitrgeon Dentist.
Lath` I‘lbex.
P.npint:s• ?dip,. - .Niles
;Pi,ne,ao lieailook, shlng!eo,
and la welt as ' kip doi., bt bard, wood
plank ar d ' beirds. ..I.olini46i,i)elivered - io, order;
• - _ ' ••": " FOSTER:.
'`"*Tifoli Vailii3;; ; May 1:1; i= •
T ipz Scheel` BireetiirCee,Bebrir ;trill- let 'the
'gettink of *Tried for twe.Bohoeli;aild sell the
Butler School house /4' p4blie artetion'eii the first
Monday in Jurist next at•trip:p'cleeir T. M. By
orderof the 'Board. ; ;
• „ •
. .
. Of. s tOrtkitalitiritibn . ' hoving been
°Xj - greioffid tif the uodkiriigned'uivii . the estate
of tnitmon Bu t ler; Tate of Dolma* Twro.; deefetiati,
oll•fietoono-Owing Bald , cistafe, , -or .-ha ving
against the . tiiimoimiljlitile withi ,- • •
' ' .-Y, BUTtif ft, •
Yaint for Sale.'
A arm o f• hires tin re ,nerea,,tm two bun=
dred ' lllld
_tarentptiya icrae iniprOied: "Sit,
anted two milas north of
~illage, on tho
'Ttogit Rivar'and Ratitit&l. lire ! wattteied, no
dui aloOd stath'of• cultivation, and . - odd build-
10ge. , . dtlettittat liotitiea and lota fatale in Tiaga
village.: .; 1 •; 1 •••• - - t•
Fob:- 12/ . 31368-ttl: ; • 1;
- and esti taina . .cor: 7 794TselveA .I)9tato.parehlui.
lag elsawbare. ' TOMS' BARKER.' -
Welleboro, April 15,1588-2 w. '
irle LANG & pO., Agents for the Busquehan
us Woolen Mills.
v d
x Viiitteto a lindry writs of "VA , pin lo r,
1 'liait-10'04.47,' and 'Paiiifitiout, Pp6ninailliZ - -
~, IC int. 'of thoOurt',Offipothri,.' 1.4,-- ` of ;
'oitii cOuntykri.`ito ini.biSected,: 1) iiii, - .01466 1 .:
49:publlo soli - -/n'the etinit Moure, lw,Wollihorn 4 i
rt:•MONDATil . .ther,26th•Of<lMayAlltil3,-=;ftki,'oni.
-, :o 9 AtltiojklifAikliflinst'lluk: .follo#4lg -,dotcilhatk,
f!' ) .1 4 .# 1 1,/I•:? ; ,t o , i T':,:'.. ~
'"•-, A:lnt, ceriandii; lifanSfield;litideiOithii
- 11fitaireild-SeinaileVP : l4.olarkiiit IP Morris,
Math .byhighway, west bl..tald Morris, and 0 V
, 11,11104.4441fiert; Ohotriond+26oft • front 'and
:tin ft 'ileeii.`,•• - oritalitilig nibre of less,' train° house .
pante liarni..anglApPleorcharktbereont.t - ,:---' , .
. At.sti;Lanother , lot itillienstield; hounded north'
by.,Wellstiorii-at. malt by Williamsbn road, smitli
ly Mirdingh. Pitts A 'Bro. westakYlot abcuploil
by Bream? Phelps-401t-front and BOtt deep ;
Aisci—another lot in Mansfield, fir-possession
of BrastOST,helpn' s bannastdino,rth by . , Wallsbaro
se:, Sion 'by lot , hi ' possession - Of I*'' Caillinitigs,
-liturdany,l4 7 Pitta. 7 *43ros - okothr:lnfA',Bunt k west •
by lot in piassesolois'orß;. : ll Olociy:,:--;22ft front ft
-IQOII 'deep, a 2.stnry - Mini° building occupied' as
W7gi• bOry anObillie t tdillotal.;thereonoc..oo,' . ~
4,kf sOL-Atinthhrlicen, - Mainsilnla; Wpdwatislon
i l
of • B 'Olney, hound 4 , north :by Wellaboro-st4
ell ;by.'..lot ip pVilizpi on. of",H ,W,Pliolps,, putt*
hi* ,U 4 140 Did elk ,V. a'Alsif A Ptiti , 4l4tw6
Ho train° tbiblifie; sea, 08 ti jp6lfy e'h iti and
der' hild,tratiio- - ina ' therenn. , 4 22ft • front"
an loon; deep r• -, • :-. j• -f-,:•:' -, c • . • i
.• •
, : si,,•ionother lot-. 1 - . - 31aliti101di - e - _ IPII at
aniron post on West' hits Of milli' coo yood:at
the intersection of th . 116,rili 6' f Welliharo.s).
the Os* northirastaily. tOitglina - *3 Bola street 70.
feette,tha,,O.X.VO'c'f% )9k,cattvaiid to Henry At.
len,l,thouce, wosteilf a oug etiutb" line Of said lot
flOg s ra-Settibeast corn ref mime, thence north 12
.deg poet alontilitin o ;s aid lot A 0 V Elliott kit'
.424 , J.D,W,ebsterfs swithline r thence - westerlY
' alon 'Said tot akin 'XiaffasitilOY, thence south
12b- alattataa = al 87 118 f t, td` -st4
then alongitorth"ll' n't inlaid - stieetlefltt -to:
place) ofkliegintillig ' Mitsiining ' $ ''' - of an 104 -
;more'or, lest-„,.a two.s ry frame bitildlog thereon.
Being lot - 10 and ,pir of lot 17.0 u the town.phit
'of Mitnifield borough' -. • 1- . 11., ,-i•. - r. i :
- ' AlsO4ariattisi lot $ -, Matistield;'hoanded.aorth -
by Wollebero4t4,eaist, Y 11.14 clarli nid A Aunt,
south by A Hunt, we t by. Mrs. Ain Divis--5311
l a
frontond,,l9 ft *loop: ,To :be sold r as the,p,ropr '
Ort.Y.of.:fiCif niingliA nit Ot, , ,,Aib9tlg, 8 b;liikiod., L •
A 1.84144. lit of but 'bOginolog -at die •813 cor.,
of lot IWorthe allot Mit of 43inghaui hinds in
Charleston f.Tliigti:.;e'sitilir,', - Penti:, 'eouveyed •-tO
Mrs. 111)Sah4 hinxtirlilkOnn4e"illong 'east lint)
of said' lotCxtaribrlig,,,elkik.'24B'.o;,.rods, thence
along- - sotitti - line i of. lot `11.28: conVeyed; to ' ' W T
Blida •8 39 :roda,,thence along welt
Ittii,jiorfditatminiiO4:l.lo,Yerai•-*it'i,t - South 40
silt, $.2: rode, Roc loOth,4l°:ifOlt,lfit.d rode;
and•thente tiyline of:said;loa id and:north line
of lot ...165;leonveyod-to:s4rs•Hlisaboth • Maxwell
was4 - ,84..t -iodli,;,taplitee'etbegirining--contairi
ing 68,8;figiceli i vritk.i0vinto t tif .Opo,for roads,
ao. i tioreor lesisr..i,t i einelot . .l42rorthe allot.
nientof:Pingbare hinds' in..ofiarlesion aforesaid,i
'llia' iiiretif liatrarit1113;:180flo about *ifrcieraii
iniPr vad;wiorel ni, - leo; keine Bonne and barn,
app] °Aber& and Other'fitilt'tielia , thercon. To
be s Id as the property of Ahearn Bart. *
A ' tiiO4 . , .lat lit.:10.1 1 ( 1112 WheiliOldt - pi bounded
Aftri • bil lands.- of, Binghtunestato,, east ; by 0 141
Aldrieln.sonth hi Atßerry A nd yiestlliy,,klio.lioo
of . Ow(' land-, Potter -leounticsontaining- lop
edict" Biok o Re-lassl ; about IkaiSiei iniprOved; tau
",fii it',lLpiteeti,`,l.`log'A'ouio i , 3.`,.franialmrns,"and , 2
app iroreliardS.thereau*"* ;Me he SAL OAP latata
of fephen Potter, suit of: : G 1 H Ryon.::: -
'A S,O-=-5' 161 of land in Charletteriillounded ,
ig l -t: kizbi;j 4 ijo l ',l:FiAly;east ; hellAnStia; Mil h
,by.- Vto' Wohnorf, most hyi,/olliaa'Attiertan I
Jo •Lettt---coutaining AO acres '
all, improved, a
- frame httuse, frame born. and 51 akin? • orchards
thereon ; ' - a:•;•'-,= i 4 '•••• ' , r:i < •,. -. ,: -
- Also, another l*tt, of land itiCharleaton, boun
ded no r th by' Gillis Dartt no • 12.4 b 'Austin, east
'by CYriut Dartt; south 14 tho - ,Wilcoo lot, west by
LesteiWetmore:--ionlaining '5O note's; 25 -acres
improved, frame barn and apple orchard,thercen
.Also-- 7 another lot of land in Charleston, boon
"'led north by. the Wilson tot; - east by the 'George
Marvin estate; south' by Wm . Bliss, west 14 At.
tames .Borden and Lester 'Wetmore—containing
-80-acres,'-more or less. To•be sold , ns the prop
'erlyof• Geo T Wilson; suit of 0 L Willcox.
n ALt3O-qt lot,of land in OlYinef, baunded north
hy Bingham lands, east by Lynne Shelley, , south
by highway and Brndly.l.lnner, west by .1 N Ha
zier (called thelcinao Sehbouoveirlot), containing
- ahput 4104 acres; about ,2,5-, , iroproved,•% log bows°
1 ;4`:0 'feyt,frutt i :trdeitlier,ooli.'"To be-004,A8 the
proppity of t . l A. kt! M , 5h011434.' suit :.,o1 ::Aarob
-Schoonover. ~,.. q , ~, 1 t..,.; ,f 1 .r..... . 1 4: 4 ,44r, 4• .
`.`-- ALSO - .'.:alot of land . in - Wellzboro,lonnded -
NE lir rani - -it':Sß,byliTabint-it."Sonthwest by
,trafttdi:et: north'iloit hi', Nark. et.; tin d'lrtti Van
Horn.. Containing one,aere.-ntere4r less, all tai-':
preyed, a 2:story fronts dwelling,a 1-storyfrasie
dwelling, blackernithAlop, other outbuilding's,
and fruit trees therMin:' To bo sold as the prop:
er*,of 0 G Gnensoy, use:of D P Roberts. • '
• ALSO..:-.C. lot of-land in Middlebur ;bounded
...___:„• , ....-,..jettlillit/L1,7 , 71....81F^
by John - EvartiS and-James Steiens,irest by R.
Stevenv.:-Containing'so acres more or lees, about
20 improved, a log-house thereon; .... ,
'-' "Also;:tintitlier lot of laid in Middlebury,bouri
ded nortlitY Mrs Horace Loney and Geo-I:fall,
east by Geo Rill and Ntith'l Dickerson, south by
Jacob Briggs and west by 11 Locey..;containin . g
168 acres more or loss, about 60 acres improved,
frame house, frame barn, frame cornhouse, and
apple orchar d ' thereon. Toibe sold as the prop
erty of Hathaway Locey, use of Guiles. ,
ALSO...a lot of land in the village of Blosi.-
.burg'.: lot,' kid block 9, lYingva the east
side o TWilljaniso'n road _in Blosaburg...a frame
. i t
honso bx.3o,arid birn thereon ; -Icit;6ofaront 0
100 ft. cep: , To be sold-as estate of P. Nwt db
L M; Anerbach, snit 'orDansingers...
• ' ALSO...a lOC of laird ' in'. LaVtreftMi," bounded
north by lot 81 of itio' ' allotment of Bingham
lands in Lawrence, Tioga county, Penn's, in pos
seision of Thomas a Thompson; east by lot 10,
.conveyed to Seyinonr Ford and ; , Parkhurst. and
lot 73 Farmington and Liwrendo, , :conveyed to
Albert -0 Morgan, south by lot 72, Farmington
and Lawrence ! oonvbyed to John S Norris,'webt
by lot 71, 'Farmington and Lawrence; conveyed
to J Tremaine do B Simmons, and lot 324,Parni
ingtori & Lawrence; conveyed torßetseY , , Peek—
,contalulng 6 ) (.o.heres ! indlitiingTot 2,4,6f:the a i l ,
Aolatent of Bingham ; Iloilo In. Jativrenii, gfore. -
-said, and. part of warrants 2041, - 2042, , 4296,..80
-Oros improved, - 2 lof-housetr,-a log barn and ap-
Lp_lif orehaViitheieorii-,_,
_To be sOld.atrpo es tate of
'John 'W. Sed;,Suit Sof. Merit. ,:,';,'., " '.- '... 1 i;
• ALSO-Lolotie land in' Farmington, i heginnittg
at the 'gm corner 0f,,10t 100 of Bingham lands In
said twp. south line of, den - farm west 105.6 rods
_tell° n ty corner, thereof, thence north 38 rods
to a stake it' stones; thence :'east', 105.6 rods,lo
east line of lot 100, thane() .alongsaidlinersouth
to place of beginning-containing 26' acres` more
,or, lost! and beipg part of said .lot 100 in warrant
4294; .. I T'o,heiSold tie;.the esiatikef „.lebu B. 4 Sa
rah A Mann, suit of Humphrey. -, : ~,,, .: . ;
ALSO—a lot of land in Charleston; bounded
north and eliSt'by Geo P'-- Oerdr, sentli'ly Elisha
Keeney,..west by. Robert Trull—containing 63:7
acres ,morn or less, about 80 Improved,. frame
house and apple orchardithoreon. To bo sold as
the estate' of Jesse B Doane, suit of R,Whi;ney
- ALSO:.a lot of- land bounded north. and. east
by lines of warrant NO. 1067, south • by lands of
Plin'ghtim Estate, West by said lands and lot 98 of
the, allotment of' lands of Margaret' 0 Barber in
Brookfield, towriehip; : - . containing 103.8 acres be
tho same mdretiless, with usual:allowance, &b.
being lOts fa& 111 •-of -said allotment, and part
of warrant-1067.-26 acreslmproved, frame house
trame?liarn, and . apple. orchard-Ammon.. To be
•:Soldcalrthe estate of- DR , llnnt,ishirof7Margeret"
''' ALSO-it lot"L'Oritind lh.,,Tirocilifiillif, tiMindad
north'byßObli-Pride;',east.l4 Levi Skinner,
south by Sarah' Tubb* and Daniel Andrue, wept
by Pairkhufst db 067..mintitining..182.ttcros more or
leas t abodt 170 improteed; frame hoimie, barn, and
oornhonsoi and. an apple :orchard - thereon: To'
be-sold Mlthe estate of - J ViLOwle,snit'Of Tabhs.
' . ittlti-ii lot of land in. Delmar, ;bounded north'
by David Belehei, emit by John Dlakinsert-south
bylVilliams it Sears, andwest by hightiay..—oon-;
`taining" , k acre, more O f-less, a , 'frame',o 7 *ellint
• horn* antl'ather ',oiltbuildingpr, iheretia. ;:,;,To .be
sold* the, ,preiieity,erLowts Wet More, pelt of
John Dickinson: —,, ~, --,-; :-.-. ,-...-. • , -.,-,.
-.ALSO.L-a lot of laid is ,Oceola; beginug at: the 0;2
corner of Robert Tubbs, thence nort hwesterly about
10 rods to , &Make; thence north 259 M pi relies ton peat
4ieing the it .w turner of Denson Tabbs -dec'd, thence
oast 31 rods to a Owl, thenee north 18(.. perches to !a
poet in *be New,Terk State liwthenra east along 5110
State line 85M perches, thence south 144 'perches by
lands of J Parkhdrseto a ptat; tbilneti' *eat 84% rode
to - a POtt;, thence 'eatable - rods ton:post, thence west
12 rods to a post, thence south by, land sfJ. : karklintst:
about 260 perches •to ' tho Dowel:moque - river, thence
along the several -Courses of the - tame westtirly - . abOlie
48 porches toplace of beginningontainingabotit 142
acres more or less, about. BQ, acres .Iraproved,;2.- frame
dwellinge,trame bar Mother outbiandinge;; apple - or.
•chards,and,other fruit trees tbareot4, - -„e.To, be sold as -
OM property Of Edward A, Corer, enitor, David Coates.
ALSO—a lot of land In-; Delmar, bounded north by
Alvin Webster, east en& south by Edwin .Mattison.
west by Petrickl3citnlonoutaining 48M acres; ab't
8 acres improved, log barn, tog house and - apple orch
ard 'thereon.' -,---To.'be Bold Jar Me' ProPertf of Abram
Johnson, snithf 0 L Willobx.,_. ,-_,-
4140-4 i lot of land-1n Middiebary.bOnntled north
by` iv p Nilsen; east; bylicitas,Rettney.: south by higt t
way ; west by Elise Carl--containing 2% acres more or
less, a two-story frame Venue and , appie orchard there.'
I 0n...e1l improyed. .To_tulaoldaslbe,propectrof Jesse
-„Keelle,to l 49r,jr, ! V#ol - 1 1 1 1 i 11 .0:,:- ? ~ ..: - .3'-..,t, t '
1 , ALSO—a lotof land bounded> uoithhilandnonvey-
Oro 'Arthdr,Tremaine, east by find conveyed, to Al
bert-Clark and land contracted .to pci : sold to,Alphens
T Stith, smith - by land Contracted' to Smith and land
conveyed to John Pearsall, end west b y land- convoyed -
- to' Ethan Taft—containing 54 acres- akd menet allow
ance for roads, 40., more or less;. l,t Zeing lot - 357 of
the allotment of Bingham lands in chathate.and 'part,
of warrant No. 1828; about 25 acres improved. TO be
sold as the property of William Lattitner, suit of .1. R.'
Ingersoll;'Wustee. '-- :- ' ' ,,-' ••
lot of land In 'Sullivan, beginning at this
.1111 corner - tiflot , No - . 4 Ottha , itHottnent - - bfliingiuMs
'arida in - Sullivan, Tioga tatthltpa.,-,thence . 11011 k; r-,
east 40.3 „ - perches„ to &JOAN peace,laude of .
;Win a r'yan k 88%° east 12:0,peWies, to, -a, iitakc thence
north 34':' eakt 60 poreheir to lidtakO,theticti northlt9lP
east 109.8 perches to a stake, thence, south' 10°-. east - 29
perches too stake, thence south 4W.east 21 perches to
a stake, thence south 22 0 west 484 perches to a stake,
thence west 118.8 perches .to t place 5 beginning—con
taining GO acres and - 10 perthes,mo or less, 50 acres
improved, frame dwelling, trait s op, frame barn,
--- 1' ,1
- , •
;-`l' '
--,,,-.;-... , 1 , ..":" . •'•-• - •'•: •' - lei , ifi , ..';•-• , ...: • - ,„•, , ,
,fesmitionspre.:4A tilipltilemdifterentii- , = • ' - ,•••• - J's''
AI tii.s. qtd ll l.o4kW- 07' 43krdllyan '-arorenild, , W
- 10 11 011$ u4: - 04 0 rfilS•illie;: i )0 1!10 106(144 these* ,
‘4lll,liTt paitUji: it - MI 1 3 1 3 ,`4 4011 111,ter1y IS, tints to - ,-;
*lilt 11; 4etlye, di ,y 4 - tettkAp a Start lit emit It4s - ,,
or to • batd.tleet'fribed. theneitAtirtlierly 74 redtt to the,
' - pltiegi 07 beadttlilnii- - --Onlibibill 4 . Strati - , attire, or last;
tilt ituOrqr_olfr .To be,./01t1 SO Au eves kr pf tyriis 14..
101u1011,40, Stdt (41111 GSM •-• . 'H - - .• ,_..;---
••, % AMO—itlot.of land to lUelimMul, hounded north LI
'l.7eliii'lltibletcedit, - 14,2ettieti II Oliilt, south .; 1. - ty"Asti. Be 1-
10ck..„:4 - 114.1steetiglriptr - 4 ; tvest by cheeks Ferry and - Jun'.
Clitletidesi"-,,ikiitil gibing ;100 acres: more: .or - ; less, about
70 erre& luiprorifil, is house dwelling, freuis luirn,othtr .
Onibolidings, Hinge oriteirit - ifid Mbar fruit trove tlitir
ou'i ' To be 'sold 'settle property of L. U. liobbies; sulk
of R;Potneroy,i - . ' '- '- '• -'' -; :' ' : - -
: : AL20 7 4 let of.loind In Choileaten, Mutinied. north,
,seuth; end west by Mud* of 0 Is Packard, east brAldon
Poisfatid'Elijalr'ketke;-being•naAhmtteiree st - l'isher
-trerrant 1.104579., containing 4Vierett more nr less:,!fu
bo sold .14 the proptirly of Alden' iiptrliwfstb&r,lielt of
•:11/rl'Aloberts.:, •-.•- = -; , - . •,_ , , , • . :
Apt - Y- - aloi, of iik‘iii '', in; Demar , begti;iiiliebtiliti
north .llne tdr • tint -stunpion‘ ilebb lot, noir owned .4
co pr...,Ahe nee north 7.oo,reils; then ce, ear t ;'l'. rods, thence
sontl - 1 - 100 rods,lbenee west 'rods along line of Bubb
'lot to pleto . of begimilpg„-nrontalutng 50 aerie more or
lets, and being satire let contrueted by 11ttu; plebe:to
Inilreir 'Miller, 5-er 0 acres lidipretreil, house and: bin ,.
buildings thereon. ':'to bo Odd ACC the property,'of Na.
I then Broughton, suit of, li.Y ',
.Coue.. ~ .- -• , - ; 1
, - A LSO--ellot of - , Mud lu ltlostherg,:b9upde,o norik k by
,Jauttliltridll, emit by John,AVilsou;sonib by anal 4
Auerbsch, west ,• by' Willjamtoil
• iond-51.111 , front' - niid
- .loolTtleep - .'tvilb a•twii iteryAitime beilditioketipled idi
a dvtrlllug and Iriiirery, thereoh; ' -Tu=be 60 , 1. us the
property of Joseph. P, Stencil, uso 'of. gigue Parr.
Wellsboru;-Mey 0, - 1854. - - il. 11., POIT4It, Sheriff.. ;
CLOSING ',O:IJT, ',::S-.81_,E1
, ,
BO: DINE & .CO.,
1101etlee - ,thii Ae r ials ot'tbeit . eittiro Stoch
' orGoodi at Cost; Or, leas Oitti COSI, lit •
to — contiputi - fold, - out. 00i , stock,' corn
" prides n:irerfer,l asimittmeit"Of
1: 10 1 1 W " CA"C"? 41;) C 11%;
, . .
SALE POs.iy..l--VE;
G4, - Ket,,Ar. p:4:1,.0,*1,,,Ns
Wellabpro; May 13, 1868.
Groceries and Provisions,
Great Amer'nTeas;
May 6, 1868-tf.
Will lieeit constantly on band Oierything in the
line of Family Groceries, as well 'as Provisions,
Fruits, Confectionery, Yankee Netlonsi Toys, .10.
An of which will be sold at reasonable prices:
May If, 18681 y. ,
.Applications for Licence. • ,
Noirion IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol
lowing named portions ` have Petitioned the
Honorable Court of Quarter Sessions for licenses
to keep and -maintain taverns, and eating houses
forthe current year, and that said Cimrtwill hoar
the petitioners on Monday the 25th day of May,
1868, at Wellsboro:
tames Kelly, Hotel, Bloss.
• :*'Rufus , Farr " . " , :
* C. H. Goldsmith, " Wellsboro.
•D. D. Holiday, " ' "
F. D. Bunnell, Hotel, Elkland.
* Beny. Irwin " Liberty.
*Jaseph L.Childs, di i " , . .
I .H. H. Sheffer,. . " 1"' ' . I . i
, ,
• Ira Wagnor," Deerfield. '4 . I
* LibbeasPhilips, " Pall Brook. j
* E. L.lloynten, - " - Jackson. - '.
*Fetter ft Barrow," Liberty.
*, D. W.,,Hibbard,. " Rutland. ..
• Thoti. X.' Sonar, " , "
* R. K. Brundage," Mainsburg. 1
• Minor Watkins, A‘ Wellsboro.
• (Me._ C. Phillips' ":Knoxville. i ' ' ' _. i
*Joseph Reed, " Liberty. i
*H. T. Graves; - " Covington. '.
*C. B. Goodrich, Nelson. •
Gaylord J. Bristol " Clymer.
,•A; W. Potter, Middlebury: '', , - .
*W. R. Coke, Delmar. ' ' .
, .E. 8 Farr, Tioga.
- - • : '- 1
EATING nocrsc.
*Van Enron Holliday; Eating House, Middlebury'
* , .Wellabora
*Elijah Plumer, f` Bloss. '
*James Morgan, Eatifig House, Bloss.
*Shields .1c Dior; Moss, , •
SP: L. Clark, Covington Borough
May 0,
' • spEctiA", 'NOTICE '
_ - - :7- ~ Tip beet, assortment of Teeth, and
mill a a Plates ati well as 'Vie best • ope-.,
tions of Filling end • Extracting Teeth' :may he
Had at the new.Oentel Office: ; tNitrons Oxide as
given for extracting, which gives pleasant dreams
thstead 44 'pain.-' Alit); Narcotic Sprii.',' Ether
and Chloroform administered when desirett-t--
Naiing the tiftetts6lllCO, of an able and experienced
operator;A:trompt L attenpou .will be givetk- to all
calls. Produce taken in,exelienge , for • work.—
,Caltatid see epeeliceike, and:price list. Rome z4.
bet'. the piece. - ,A. B. EASTMAN,,.. ,
' May 6'1866. '' '-• -' No' 13 - Brain SY
TN Z1TE,'.6141 . T10...7! CQUR,T .
JL' ted . Siates
motets - 11: WooD. a bankrupt nude): the act
of Congress of March 2, 1807, baying applied for
a,disohorge froth all his debts ; . and, other elaitas
pr4iole'utsdatitald 'eh 'l4 other Of:We:Court,
noticelilierobiAlitin to, all 'creditor) . * whiti haye
proved their debts, and other persons interested,
to uppeor,on tbal2oil) day of AlaYi 1808, at 10
o'clock, A. M., before B, B.Smith, Bsq„ Register,
at his olllceln Tioga, Pa 4 to show cause, if *Or
they 'have. why a discharge should hot bettaiited.
;to - the' said bankrupt. And further, notice Is
hereby given that the second and third meetings
of creditors of the said bankrupt, required by
the 27 th•and 28th sections of Said act, will be had
before said,Register, at the same tithe and place.
- •r: C.'M'CANDLBSS, Clerk
of 11. S. District : Courtfer said District. _
'T May 13; 1888-2 t *
ht s{ankrnptcy.
Western.Diatriet,of Pehtutylvaniet, ae: . • .* )
W llOl O lll it may coneern: The undersigned
. 1 hereby gives notice of his amioinitueatlas
absignee 0 ! Vrte. D. Keyes, of the township of Ti
nge, in''theenuilty , er-Tiogiii nn State of Penn
sylvania within said District, who has boon ad
judgedd's Duhkrupt . on his own- petition 11-" the
`District:Court Of said - District:" =
'0: M. SEYMOUR, Assigned: •
I , ==ti
Public , Side
T She stora.e ay o a n '
,11,14;19 Priday , the' 4iti day ,of,June .nest.:
wail offefpor sale, at emotion. the offecte, of the
late - Srm; of .1`.;.!1.). ,Titylor :(Lnietisi - D.
TitYlor'etar bilakraiiti;
Biotin of Notes, Jadgments,-Book Accounts, ho.,
and alio a men quantity of Mere Merchandise.
Sale to begin at oneo'clook. P. M. Terme Cash.
Diossburg, May 18,1868.4 w. Assignee. '
'Main St., Wellabor°
! 2 Prothonotory
Printing,- PrOa In
4il t , ► tab 'it, CArtlic !finlike dfce
• '„,
'iv 11 a Niro Pa
Pc t-1:1 w., ..*.;:, r.z: . '.
• -- - - - . 1 1 1 . i i?.. ' ~.. N:e. ~. ;..,-. -3
' ----71 t q."- 4 0 1 . ~..:-..) r-1 4r, 7: •; . 1.
1 4 i e.:
~, --3 -
::. :3 .0... - ~ A
„..... „:„. .„.:,,.-.......-rf- g ' „.t..• ; 4 - •- - .‘...... --•
111..'t '-- - , 4 , ,`'. 1 . ' : 1 :3",• °- l'ef
I 1
....1:r. rii : , f• ". •, . '', 1 .;' `..i,"1 :1' ,0 :
E-be •c? = tet P-4.3 s t t!?
- ti• -- a. ,:.5. g' - ' ri = -P -4 "' pil
P 4, ..-F- 1 ~.
. i
= G•. ' ' p-- Pi CO
N s 7...- i bV 1;4 ,__.,' Pi .-1
0 q APR i .e i lll
,- prt:s; ‘ ' . t4,-( - -• , ;- , ; 0 , - ' .
14PI as 1"2 . 4 " . r M. A :
---a pil •••,
- --ir„,o 4 '"lr -- •' ' i''' ." 4. '''‘l -1 / 1 ,
• 0. Rutou t
1 1 0„ IP ',al .4!; „ I , 1 . •
• _ L ,,11 .
,i i i i t_. ;•-, •• t• •• , ,tt„. i , : ; 01 -
CT •••• —0 - • , i t • , *1
, . ,' • •-"' ,;:r? . ..q - 7 . ---).. -,,.. , - 0 -
(b .
03:... , -1,.. •,- ,' -. - 1 ---
'l. - Ci> PS .- • ' ' . s t - - i. 51
CD ID -7 --• • '• .- w -t i t,
t`b;•,l3, .4%. , „ !, , : , •r 1 . ...4•-.
A }1 4, „ , =4.. ,:,--: •:,' - 7, 74 r ' l , V II
0 0 ,I
~ ~ .. ..
-. ~.:, .1 . ts : .• c. ,,, T .: 0
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' citcd)c>'cb - cr-; ------
'''-'-'.--'-- ':--1,',..01 .
_ • iti .:, -, - .:j C>,•C2f ••• 1 • ICZAt, K -
- At '-' 2 - PP.5. 0 1 - ' . „ 1 : 1 ,q
Po ''Z' c:) -- .: , ,ct , •- t , co c,-1
F., crc)
= - ,_
- 7 - . 5::) . ~...,.c.::, --1.--, c. - . , :. -
" P P tt'':••` ) cf-' P
-,m - . , .
s - ,e;:0J,0 , 10 , ":_,00 , 61:4!
,;,DaLlani),4l• Co'
111101rAVID.(} just tocieved a:ricli
sortthe4t of
and Stuziniti-wear
all of tbo latest patteiOs
ClOthi; Cassirneres' t Vestings; also a
large stock of
Wo haii3 nlso some lino
and astiood ,sio.(11(of
as can be fonsiik.in_ : ,liYalisboro: •Wo have a good
stock of
and tt large stook of -'; •
Cull and examine our Goods and Prices
'' S • Pok4Nto d
Welleiiimo; Alwyn 20, 113 . 68.
rieiIiEWSTRICT'6 I O . IiRt of 711.8 WAVE
States, for the_ IVestern District Penn.
'•'' ," -• • ••••
kniditti ft: TEmitesoir, a bank relit under the 'Rot
of 'Congreiii ot March '2;1887p-having applied` for
a discharge from ail' his debts, end 'other •elairtin
provable wider said act, by °Mgr of the Court;
notice is' hereby giVeil terdl . cretlithrs 'idle 'bare
proved their di3bts, - and other persons interested,
4°flit•PPeat ink 000 01 11(W !litaY• 1 8 6 %.fttilton
o'clock; A. - Pr; before h, E. Es q., R egister,
at his ofileeta Tioga;' :.Pa.,:todshhiv,cause, if any
they have, why a, discharge , should not be granted
to the said And,hankropt,. eurther s netice is here
by given that the' eiibMid' nd / third' meetings of
creditors of the Said - ,bruilsrupt,„ required' by the
27th and 28th seidiaittrof said net,' be' had
before said li.eglitior;itt the sause - tienOWnd,Place.
1' • - 11.'0:!Ill!CANDLP88,'Clerk.'
pf : V. 8. District'Citilitter'itild District.
May • - •'t ' ' •
l• fed Staif 'do the Western Di strict of Petzttftg-.
John R. Taylor & Lorenzo ID. Taylor,lankrupts,
under the net of Congress or March 2, 18117, havi n g
appliedfor, It dbit:charge front all their dehts;& other
claims provable under - said net, by order Of - the
Court, notice is hereby given to all creditors who
hive proved-their debts; and other persons inter
ested, to appear on the 20th dity,of May 1868. at 10
o'cloek;•.fii M., Ware P. R. &Mitt, Rig., Regis
ter, at his office in
,Tioga, pa., to EllArtW *vase, If
any`.theY; have, why a discharge'shotild tioribe
s al.bonk pit:. 'Aridfiirther,:,ne
tice is herehy ivgn. that .the second and .third
meetingibf eredifOrs of..the- said bankrupts. re-.
gaited by the 27th 'and 28tif , reetteinfisf :941d act,
will bo bad, before said Rogist at t h e 19010 tne
and •- ;' ;" • ' •
- .• • • .S. O":IWCANDLESS/. Clerk
S.,olstriel Court for said District
. • , . •
Map 13.'1888z-24 • - - •
• , - • /
TrestetrirDistrict if Priiiiiiyivand. ' al - '
T"o whom knUti"ouncertt t undarsigned
" ,'beriby ghtie ; . of.tii44.' of hie Appointment as
tostatittii fA. J. StOith'4l tho County of Vita,
'and State' of Pannsylvania, wbo has' been ad
judged a BankrUpt upon his own petition by the
District Court of said District.
Wilbert), May 18, 1888-31 dmignee.
+'~Fi' N-;~.~+.., , ~:y,,,~ ; ~~~,' f ~: it—~..i`l.: :,$vt:~:~. "..,d.:. :~Li"`a.:
•:!-:: v...",_; ; ', tA'3.-i.„,-1-,,;,,
1 Walt rail Agenev.
,iy.tpkts=j3mtag - fpA,!-..;p
- oe,m go 414 KA 14:-. V 1 3
earriL AM) BMW, $150,000.
"=; t . ? :"•13:' ,
11IT$ is !bp , 4-upoDy ,i4P;'whieb %Theodore
-a. n , ll-ftad. Wai/ 4t . ?!.Y'-PgrAitt b Obi -
thfili . .Trigirpitco,sre re
aliply fit labhertfier. '
= • I.'.
Gkga .Firelusurance,,Co.,
41 ~_ ALYuRU ;~~
,;' ICC~yetuay.
Capital 10200;000,
ut Ca E4.
S*4l OVOT 0160,000.
:Continental :hi‘Oppapy,
0* nii - CITy dt; NEW tprek-
Cash Capital, - ,_$500;000,00
Gross Surplus, Jan. 1, 1868,,1,814,690,31
Cash, A.-sseter,: , . dn : , -4814,590,31
. ,Xba'Policies written at this office:
... .
GEOltiln T: MOPE, President.' ' '- '•
1 - '•, II.: II; LAM - F-.9lvr. Vico :..Prealaeilt,
• •- , -',-: •'• •-' ' ' ° ' OYE.MS ',VEOIV - ,' wictetary,
. .
The; 'subiorthai.takea this alethad',of taformini
the public. thotlai boa.tlio'itgonoy of the above
C. mpuniac „_ nnd`<will tro found avhis office over
j.koyfe Drug, Store r :adjoining Agitator Dales.
• • - • ItTO. I. ItfITOEIELL.
Itrellobaro Fob. 2611868.-tf. .
Now-is' Your ;Time: to Buy?
AIif.LNG more goods thap la' accesp.ary for
:JUL this market, I mitt eOll .my entire stook of
• U. G. Clocks at 0,50.
• Gothic " ' " 3,83.
_Cottage ,
,". • . 1,70.
Auierican"Watehes in Silver Hunting Cases at
$l9. Finer Movements, in hoavieiCases,at cor
respondingly low prices. Pl'ated Ware at Man
for you self.
Wellaboro, April 22, 'BB. ' A.-FOLEY.
~ I
Important Facts.
INCE Salatifor is now being used in dons-
Ands of families the following facts are in.
portant to be knotvn.
FlR6T—Though it is - ttie most . powerful of all
popular remedies;-yet %Is so compounded, as to
beside and harmless. It isof such a nature that
May be 'handled and used,bY children, end
persons who . ore
,ignorant of Medicines.
' - Szcoen—lt i 3 found that Salutifer will relieve
severe pain in any part of tho' body "sooner than
any other application. •
Tuin'n-11, isimportantethat the bottle be well
corked, if loft*open - only itiew minutes it loses
strength. -
Fonarirl'his useful remedy can be obtained
from almostoyery'dealer in medicines. •
ITAVlllG!removed bet:_ehop to the rums
over . J. R. Boiran'it Store, is now receiving
, •
to ah from New fork.for the Sprint tra - l e, which
hew p l ie , e !. and, e?.alui styles
a nd
Muhl Sti l eat, Wellsboro, Pa.
April 8:1868
MRS. H. TRUMAN, purchased the
Shop lately owned by lip. Goldsmith, up
posit') Boyte Block; Main Streit;, Wellsboro, an
nounces to the public that she is now receiving
latest ,Spring al,"yltis of,
MIS ES lIATS, &C., &C,
which she 'win dlepose'ittal iecteciziable prieeo.—•
She will also carry on
in all itsbrailches. The ladies, of Welleboro thlki
itoinicy• , are invited
s o- call arid exile:kin / a (for
stock. • • ;
Wollsboro, April, 8, 188S—t1: • 1
ATOTICt ie'lkerebiktvon'thot Jotin I; Mitchell
11_ trustee of the eitatti . of A., - .T: d E.ll. Web
ster, Insolventdlebtors.,has filed his second and
final account as trustee .of the said Insolvents'
estate, end that the . satne will be allowed and
continued bytho'Cotirt on or before the fourth
dkiy of May next (liinyorefin of Cliurt 1608) us.
less objeeitlene shall be filed to thei allowance and
confirmation bf'the same on or Wore that day.
22; 18684w* , •roth'y.
91 1 1-14 , 1 3 76 COurt, Sale.'
DY VIRTUE 4: an th Orphan's
Court of . Tioga County, issued
,1 •liropll
1808, and to nit direeeed, iae.will , expose 'Frith
lie sato at Farr's hotel, Tiogs, Thursday, May
21, 1868,tai 3 rr it,tito , ,failawingrec4, o intv, late
of Rayal.Rose, of , Rutland, doc'd, to wit ,
A lot of land in Rutland, being lot 140 of the
allotment cif itiledinds - in -said township,'
- botindelt !teeth •by lot 142' contracted 'lto Royal
and Erastus,Rose, east Wlcit:l29 in the name of
Ruse tlile,,South by lot 100" in then One of 11.
8111111 4 larliru art , by • Pitighorri lands—containing
65.7 nores_in6rotiflese, ptqltraoted to WA- 11 053 i
Jr.; , .
' Also—another jorot latidin said townibtp awl
the finale conveyed by, the trustees of the Bing
haiu cstate,bitteed dated Nov. 7, 18 40, desorlh,
ea. es follows, c: - 11eginiting l'all.lwo bonthweat Bar
ger line'of lot ,32, thane° along lot
formoity poisesiiiin of lonian Barnes, 1 " Ith
62.2 porches, th„efic t e,north perches.
east 102.5 peathes, ease loath 08 peroltea,tliono?
wept 85.8 percheit to 'place bf beginning cup
lambing 51.8 acres more or 14a, with ugual °ll ' w
mule for roads.
E. I. STEVENS, J Altacia.
April 29, 1863.-457; '
gis r s Notice.
NOTI,Ceis hereby given that, Bath
sey, guardian of . Afar) , C.r.Breivo
child . of Chas. M.. Brewer, late of Mil
deeen:sed q hlia :Bled his account of lis
ship of,:the estate of said minor, in the I
OfWoe fiir4Ciogai . County, and that the.
be presed to. the Orphan's. Court of •
ty ter AO nuition and allowance at a
hr ti W
be hot on Monday the L
Juno 18138, at two n'erook, i"..M.
-,..111a,+ ; .64 18(4-4w. ,D. L. DUANE, II
, .
Administrator's Notice.
etmeis bareby given that letters of atheist's
hags been gineted to the Aut)sofilr
open - die :estate or= pavid ii. Smith, late of
itimea.s r ed. , Alt porpone having Ado'
Atfaiegt'sOid estate ale, requested In make thew
kfinieiti without_ delay, - h persons owing rail
estate 'will please call and settle. J.' Ithl
- .;'?Wellsbero - MaY' 0, 1868..0vr , Adm'r
me purchased a 10:blooded •dhlarney
bred by I. P. Mortis, of Philadelphia, from
Ituported - Stoek. tie will be kept forum et , ir7
place in Middlebury, fur the present.
May 6.1805-3 w. L. q, BENNETT:
it,Cf I .;
,C ytAyi; Preride”t
Lukit V. "
away Lo• '
,r, Minor
, dleburyt
atuo will
id coon•
owl to
-t daY of