4 3 j • -7 - " • 'dlr . a 74.114, 10 414 T iiblAl . o 46 o 4 4 l l o "W r 4.02 g uk ve 1,..1 1, - '', ;Ate : - .44 0 -146 1-4 1/E § sr f ; r w 1 .4 1 F,. e • -2.-834.,fi ;Audotiquitt And ; 'bac trizi? prov"ed 0 4 , ,9,1 r ,A 4 die .Yrt ll „,e'tt all' 3 l l tP * PAnYal,'•aet,?,; ( ,', • ;, 'Ailct [said it sisai.er • ' fotistil,,tf itertrietinnte; i n4 ' " -* • l, :trgy'fronkuliorti rail/ Anal' - 2,4 fortithe's fixist as ate; Till tontrstru,UtliirYto - 1 . 1,1 ; T life; ; ; Mt Oft lii', 8 1 0 1 4 4 0 ' 15 e 2 i . !?r , 'O UL, vrtion;ap.ireforwr 4t.t s t:pidonj-et.l,V: Q ou di sot_ ,ineht r'3""P " " oiltscssed. fortun ? ,014,y.0r, found'at 1. , toiet'ronnd ft Unto, tnY gtgly Atiay frt.= siteoraad ' „, f•tiquA . e'5 11.4 •. / ., 61 ? , kll t. e `t 1r, 441 !4 ,41 4 a k-a 9 . no Two titian': .Ina r far-off , 44(011' pal ntex I.leund a beaiitifalefard - A4fim.hx the wapiti:lo ;, its • hair waelniangles, and it was be-, trittied with% He'tdokit tett biOok, and washed away the dirt, and 'then' looked upon jt r as one, qt,ti:ke moat-beau tiful objects he bad ' ever ; ' hactlongbeen wish.log to paint, • 44: PlS''. • tureto be 'Called innocence ; had travelledtfar ands Visited the • ,hiimes 'of - the rich and,poor facelorla the wayside he saw: What be- thought, themmit - perfect form , l that' Could , be given to' represent innocence. He painted itrwitti the love 'an. artist alias for n favorite subject; he lingered over the . pleture with many gentle touohes ; it waajoyous w lowly childhoed : giyinga 1132 4 / 1 91Y;, - .4I!PY : , "The picture yi-48 ti.ting t , 114 1 1 1 014 - studio; a.u,d,visiters,frotn.lfar - > and.s:near - came to gaze upon ,was..cflinore, 'value than gold tothe painter ; -lia•pro. duce it he haddriveirl'earth , • ,frotnli ! his mindand . filled it w , ithheOen-- , Eard - made him famous.f ; e ,4 • "The mother of the child A stranger gave l s pao4e7,-,for the_ p,rivil _ ege of ipottfg'g t c hirq and talking r , and PlaYtlliK:NYitb4a, cailiglEtang, letms go away' finny these tieighborao,vho have tteein opt, b§yinod do -not .'care :to bolt t` iTheanty ; ,:perhapa7;iather strangers 'Will - give him' Money and then.werieed'hotwork - so' hard. ifor a t , TheYJS,Ceordizigly'.inicked up all they had,'.whiChwas but :little, and tratiiped;to. ,nsighbering , They beaglat, fine,olothes fpr little ,-Xarl; end carried'or led' him ahout• . beople' • to admire. Occasionally some one would stop and say, What a. beautiful boy,' and give,. him fruit or. candy or, lithe "Hans and. Miarthalsoon. found • them- seiVes wittiolit' the- - •means •of An idle life proved to be 'a bitter one, atidinore.to dreaded thairhard work; Little Kailbe&me ; - peevish ' he 'was not happy being carried about in, tine - r.l , ' Ite'yished to play again in the ash roll on the sand heap ,his face, became thin , and faded. Plans and gaitha were finally glad to do even the niehheet'woi•lt in - the city, to earn their foo(4-andRarl was pleased to .he •''' • • ' J`,Yeara paSeed, and'the comPany• the • boy, found in the. ; gutter, in the dark cellara and filthy alleys of the city, fill ed his .mind , with thoughts 134 din* and filthy, andtilled his mouth with words to speak those thoughts. . - And his fade--:-that beautiful face was taking its shape and' expression from those ugly thoughts and words •, for thc.. mind stamps its character on the face as clearly. as the• printer's types stamp the words on fair White paper.- He picked pockets, and stole into houses, and was guilty of all the, wickedness that a boy of his years 'could find' and ' do ; ho was punished in various wayS, and'on his hardened face his wicked story left its marks. Aayeara . paiied he, grew, in vipe ; he was imprisoned again and again---, but he only grew worse. At length, having committed a horrible murder, he•was sentenced to be hung. A brutal and,degraded face was that in the doom ed man'scell. The jailer said it was the most Virie,ked fate he had ever seen: Curb6sltY sent Many to gaze upon the worst,facethat the • keeper ,of a large prison ' had ever behell. An artist, who was visiting the city where the prison Was, Went to look upon the crim inal ;he looked at him long and earn, estly - ; 'through the gratimiohe studied • p his face as.' he would' - the work of a great mister. Tho prisoner turned, and loe4ed'at hifai.with glaring eyes. 44 4 May . I paint - a ,picture .of You !' asked the. artist.. , • ' 1 ,91a ! am I. such. a beauty then ? picture of 'me ? That was donez once before I Yes, you may make a picture of- me if you will pay well. You would hardly think a matt had ever been inf to,loek at me because rwaS beanti-- The artist 'smiled's kind and pity -1 frig farewell to .the poor wretch, as he left with a promise to come the next day: He had long been looking for a face that he might copy to represent vice. For this purpose he had visited noted criminals in their cells ; ho had visited the lowest scenes of misery and wiekedness and looked upon the : vilest criminals ; blit'ne7ier `until now had he seen a face so entirely bad as to suit his purpose. He visited the prisoner's cell until he had subceededin making epic ture so hideous that 'those who gazed shuddered. • . "The criminal was 'sullenly silent, refusing all conversation untillhepain ter had finishedshis work. -; '"Now my. friend,' 'said the artist, 'what shall I pay you fog the trouble I have given you ?' " 'Nothing for the trouble' said the _ poor man, 'but fifty dollars for the priv - liege of looking upon my beauty ; that'awhat you or some one else paid once before for the same." ' What do t you mean V asked the artist. - " mean that when I was a Child you took me off the sand heap, washed my face and paid my parents fifty dol . lars for permission to do Just what you have now been doing—taking a copy of ' my beauty.' „ " What is your name ?' .asked" the astonished artist. ' • " ' I had almost"forg.otten the name they called me by in those far-offhap- PY - daY? when I rolled on the sand neaps, said the miserable Man, with a,- ' shaking voice, I have-been called by so many names since :, but then I was Karl Braun.'. • "The painter, bting,the IWo I pietures side by side'studio,--Ahe _begin _ Ltik and the end ttf, Oho . life,—lNll4- oEINon.A.NIS : • A SIIARP RETORT.-On the . evening of election day, the• Republicans of Hornellsville, N. Y. held,an impromptu jollification in the village_ park which was:: addreised by. the . Hon. - Horse() Beads,and others. In 'the course of hii remarks Mr` Ilemis allude 4 , to. the magnanitnity .:Of, the, Democracy, ,and c t , stated that he n e ver knew so generous' a set of men. , ' Why," said he, '3/al though we hav - whipped theM out and out, therbear„u no .111-will. I have learned this' evening that several of them have been presenting our men with sacki of ilbur, and other provis ions, new hats, etc., and lots of money, and—" .. , • "flo to h-- in 1I" tielairaed an furi ; -4 ft9-04;betnoerat, whO 'had by chaneb 4„lstra v yiatinto the crowd. ‘l. And you have all heard,” continued "Ate:B„ • that one of ouroppmenta has - this moment invited •rae down -to ho,*e . • • . .•- • • A writer onpoetry' of slang," "in thii.Round Taa l, sli,ggests that a sim pleton is call)a- , "Spozoti" ; and a . 4 muff," because a spoon touelms a la dre lips without kisging them, and a 'muff holds her:hand without pressing it. '.‘ ,: ~I.' ; , .•:11-ki A girl that has lost her beau - may aS well hang up her fiddle. ~~.. . ~ r _'s:,'.. a ~ x ::Y' i~ i~r.. »~.'.c~:~~'~- ' k~ } ~S;G~ i~:Nr i %; e 4 f 371; 'OIII.E -trr COUNTRY ANACIIANTS S :'; he - A c,—. - 11 t —•• • • el r,.; 11 7. . • CONSIGN Youn ' f " ASErEb,isUblow-aw,IDIGAINS.O Buwi'may• CHEESE .EGOS 11411 AND A r i,, , , 1 f MEAL, -FLAX, COTTON; FURS AND S„EINS, DRIED' AND I GRE'EN 'FRUIT& ORKIN, MINE Amu POULTRY ;.- . kt NAVAL STORE S, HOPS, FEATHERS, " !lEMP,..,•PFL,OVOIONS ; ;•• • 108 A9u .. 0; SPitGIMI4; ,- •; • Sao ! SOS lAH CAR: PENTE, Girneig dommissioultfachahts 1 442, 444 and 446 Washisiittini St., Nemur,""Jr.c)x-*. 4: l l4lb?''. ;) And receive tie weekly :Price Current of Pro dßee•rt . rd cirpeerie the,nvisA ee4lp,tepriee.Car SEND- FOR. A PRICE CURRENT., 4L1.14." , Marking Plates & Cards furnished Free. .Ztiberat%44:ioance,ifinixd, nn Consignmlta, Establigh6d May 15t,.1860. First Class References given when Required. , AP9 1 . 1 i2;1 18 .0 8 .7 'll NEW HARDWARE STORE ..CONlTEiglnggoollr N tiNiito'n . ttiol,k, busif! - Opb'ry Quote; J.,"firoberies,''&o4 lyttyo " STOVE; TIN. AND GENERAL HARD 1 -- two doors below the old stand; whore they man tdieture `) i 7:1 1 3 , l e :! '! 't fi; HUMANITY PRINCIPLE, that is. initis:most substantial- manner. !ii In - tho thattor of !. • ' • _." , 1 • ,•} 1 it srrovEti.ls, we have pnongl) to do all tho cooking and warm. ing in Tioga Cooky. , flier; wo l vo , Stoves enough to' _MAKE A 'SUMME.Ie We aro-Annnly ngont3 for tile.4lp of, lIMERICa MOH. ST,OVH in WeHebert); anti this Stove is the AUTOCRAT Olt §l`o VEa We keep all! kinds 'off Steel,';lorao Shods, and a coalpleta veridty of ' SHELF HARDWARE. If you don't behove it DROP IN. COI 4 IVERS Jr, OS e OOD Vlelldboro, Sept. 4,1867,1 y. Stoves o Stoves :: AND HA.RDWA.RE2 MR.. WILLIAM ROBERTS .; to : announce to ttui Citizens of Zoga County, th in addition ; to -his excellent stook , of qtpya k Tin-Ware, iiiittanfa - , and 'Sheet;frOri Ware', he hae, at a groat outlay, stocked hie storo pn MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which wo enumerate the following articlea : NAILS, SPIKEk CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP ,lIIINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, • PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, • ' :-.c„r BITT-STOCKS, HATCHET'S, CHISELS, - SHOVELS; SPADES,. FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, , : ! , WOOD SCREWS,' CARRIAGE BOLTS, "liIIRRS;' SKEINS, WASItkRS; PIPE BOXES, AXLE- . T.REEB; ELLIIS - PIO SPRINGS, •HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND, IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, ' SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND SNIFFERS ' COMBINED;_ :Also,: PISTOLS, R PISTOL. CARTRIDGES, .POWDER AND \ CAPS. LATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS t new thing, and made for use. These are but a few of the many article's composing our stook Of, Hardware. . . ~„. • • : I.' . ; 'We, invite ile public to call, and examine for themselves. We aim to - kneratie beet quality of good. in_ our line ; -and all work to Order •'done promptly and well. - WILLIAM:ROBERTS. Wellsllo:9,:thipt r, l',lpail;.th H OOP SKIRTS, at ..viii. ~r}^ ,r, 'Y'iIN r SEN?~', ` T3l - I'- ,; tV'.'tE - TVALRIUSSIA'.. 3 ' i ;J lIE Mil De LANO 00'8 ;,, 4.11 .3" t‘ fr;'., • A." NEW DRY GOODS - S , r a fit 17 4 lt r TOLES ST. BARKER, (NO: 5, UNION:I3-LOp:K.) ~ ;' • - ' WE b t avo just received, our now and very 18it0 stook of ~, DRYS ~0-00 , "4.lrti 'tad 1:1 4 suet' as SHEBTINGS, , CLOTHS, •OASSIMERES, itRADY"MADE 11111; 8'' & ". O A' BOOTS AND SHOVSI als7 - ingt;4l:y?ll.sflf?.4oa-i CROCKERY, ItARDWARE - , -- VOODEN , WARE,'; - SlONgelvArtE, 7 - SENT: '01`;'PA1108.:;&.':,0. 1 0,.': ' , BVOAES, TEAS, COFFEES, MOOS PS, hiOLASSES, . _ .TO,. DTC., ETO. We are able to offer our ouatemers, the beubli of the 11,113 LAST DECLINE' - 'OF LP in the New York 14Iarkot, our Stook inrob,sl4-elynm tbegivat dpylin is TOLES July )3, 1867 VTN G S " VA i 'bTS~R T~'ISE 'i-g . t"'..-X -- -it'ii::l'l'li' GROCERY AND PR.9Vk§IC,°, Lir! TH.E ic)t, ififyiitgf thid. I rib* ftiaitid earned ) jutitpicatilAditphiLlt. ostabliabinthit'a_,.Stiving`i Wealth, said soints'clid- °haft' vifitise . corgotton; and it is economy to . trad ST IL tL.X high prices is being prosecuted w without reprieve. I can sell Saga lasses, Fist4i orh; Flour, Coiti 'b Canned Proits, Spices, unit overyth for family use, 'ving.the buyer the OF THE fall of o markets, an advantage elated by eve rybody,iffeep tltfg only 0 INNOCENT • who prefer PRODI4:ING TO PA dred.per,cent,profitelo, the el Ie r ' tvdtaily4, - 1 perlb4ntir del. gcupiisi ebialliiffir til'3o.stookt bf prices - EVERY +MONDAY, I , iri w VO:i rt , SI LPYSt-LAY, EVERY EDN.r,sl) EVERY THURSDA 'AYERYTYPIDAY; EVERY - SATURDA and A "pli fai, r , ~t ,l•T'iS.! 4 C..;rf1z.1,11.6A. , Wellaboro, Juno,l,2xlActi. ~'F.W PHOTOGRAPH - iGAL!JERY IN WELLSBORO, . 'NOW OPEN i'00; TIIE PI ~~~ ~ , - AffESSRg. RING k EA,§lll4l. ,131_ form their friends, and_tbe pu that theY Havelfittedi up' chow Ph tery,in best :•poisible...sfyle. off beet SKY - - m 0 911 1 1 toll ,w 0. - 610 iiittitiletratia sited o i 3 .;) 0,11, , ~,, . ~..:1 ~Iji lf., 0 :1'ii3 ,. :! ,, ," I" . i . ', 'i —' —.•' 1 ' '" _..''. ' l.) 'oU 4.'1 , ..—. l. E ~ I , :—'• AMBROTYPEII &:-MEIANEOTYPES 1:•• 1 A at.; „ in tiisj boot; artistic nner, for 1:oOkota or (lases, largo or atnall. I.ttrgeßll,4:3oTOciltetElfEl'copled from Pmall Cards pp.o)(1 - de. , pagnerreotypos of cea 9 9dfrien.fia!,TNPitrri)4le„to,tale , , , CHlLDKPNwrlqtruit - Fs„ •-. ;If : 1 " - .1 • ' Bring•tboni;along. - • 1 Sampie,proors'ileraye giVen when_ ordered COMO and try ue., '7±4l#•:(iiilloty-,Over,,Eistmati!el NI") 41 Office, Pith Dm:4 Pelor it r oya Ding SOT°. Jan. 15; : • - 11ARIKNESS4'-itiliEV '''. I , ' soor:ANII,,,SHOE -M,AX E 1 , . ...-_.,.. ~..„ ~....„ ~.. R .. Ottr ;Wilsoni h.: Yoy! . Valkepbury's Stpre, in the „....roorn,, lately..-1 BO.OTS AND .6 11 0 ES, of All hinds mad* to order iiiiits ktie boitpantio, ~ , , • ' REPAIRING 'cifiiiiVrideAcn • promptly and good. qivil uk,:a call. '-' r'” ~ .. . „ ; ; • , ri ' i v. , 'J. .. , . , f .'.. 16014 l i t krucp 6 c , or . i z , 09 .. ' W, M:'.RILEY" WellabOtOaft4:2;ilB . B7.4i: ._ ~, . . . , i E..lEt. CASE, • ;- H.AIODING,'S:•_EDITIONS OF FAMILY , PULPIT: 84 111101`0 :GRAPII:I3IBLES. Wholesale Dealers will tin&the liat to,,erabrace the largasi .lissartitli4ttOf.'.pißea , ;inNhacontitry,, The,pablieher, ita..nic,beaitation in: pronounc ing - them mwo saleable than,any Bibles publiehl ed. Tbl.varieue editions embrace all the vari ous atylea.of. , bindiikk and• sizes of typo, varying in price from $2 to $3(); for .Family Bible, large quarto size. , , - ,;., - - 11A_RDINO'S PATENT; FLEXIBLE • CHAIN-BAH: PROTOqRAPLI' ALBU M , " .1 • The superiority,tif,f'diarding'siPatent Flexible Chain-Tusk Album,'', over all others heretofore manufactured, will, upon OR slirtest examina tion, be apparent to ,alO . • Purchasers are assured that the abOvn books are all.of the:best Philadelphia Manufacture. E.-S. CASE,' 4 1 ! Troy, Pa. Jan. 8, iB6B2—im. WelleberoMeat Market -• I , MiriTcor ! Tir, subscriber opened'a Bierit-lifarko in . , the building lately' occupied by Dr. Webb,:4i Crofton-kraal, Monday 'ruining; Feb. i 7, where be will keep a full aseortment,of , .FRESH MEd TS • Hams and ShOuldere. If the people will give me encouragement I will keep.up a good Market.; Itob. 10,4888-3 m. - A. J.-TIPPLE. ' ACKINo for hops, boat quality 25 eta periled at ^ , DE LANO h CO'S. 0ct.12. SMEMME MEE ~~~ ;r v,.Jy ORE. BIM S, PRINTS, VEST- ii= ooic of ICES ' I having been 'Goble: .ce v. ti ARKER. Nil. Li ..n f P ' 84 STORE, owing him jEconomy ie i namo I have where the 7, th vigor and s, Tons, Mo- Seal, Coffees, •ng intended onefit duly appre ,hoso vordun ► ono bun -0 Pat YING yeti : of 1/4 oodi at lair NM I3=lllll MU It s DNF:R MAI BLIC . ,would lic generally togroph Gal- Iving,:ono 'nf 'are prnpao4 ,r 1 KIItG dr:IIEASTMAN 3E .i .-- : 1 - , ' ‘ , . ,. 7 . %; , 4 i4 , ,'-,\ .', '/ : . 1 'A . - i'. ',;,1 MiMIMS _ AsT - i7l , 4 " c;.• • : S.,V;UPER • . .. 1 : `l, • \ -1\ L. 'f. DRUGS, 31EDIOINES4 PATANT,IVIED* ICINES S PAINTS, OILS, WIN - DOW GLASP, tl Have come down to 1(1 Pnees at last. rii4o,llo,l3ebitato tofity , thlit vi,: 4 lu4voAl4 . barest, Stook of:- ; • - • • s - P ÜBE ',',IENGEI - 211 pRUGS e r • MED_IONEs,!....' r FITHIVt:1111 ., - • :1 4 ' YANKME,I NOTIONS, ) P..t.IIFUMERY; FANCY, 4ATKILES,. fOotn4 ;1•411v , linusags, BILARORS,,; WINES. 44_ itQUiliS, 84c.,: EVER' BRa 4 f/ . 6e17 , INTO have•aleo 'the Largest Steak of !i ! , 1 :14,;'131,,A5' AND i',III`TY ! ; Pare White Lead, Pare White Zino, Linseed ,OiL'CoaolvVarnish, Purnittire Varnish; lel low Ochre, Venetian Red, Chrome Y*l - low, Chrome Green, Prussian Blne, Pale pt DO'et Liek r ei 4aPasi t; r , , • •• . ~; Spailish'Whitln'g;Pails Wiiitd, i Kalablntne , Rosin; Tar, Log Wood, Pitstia;eltrisil Wood, Cain , wood, Redwood, Potash, Putty, Alas- • ooltol, Benzole, , , Rpiritip Turpentine, and Reroiene Oil, Ptiint and • Varnish Brushes, t 1 , . • Which we; 25 per dent. cheaper the alvi other establishment in the conety.-‘ In short, we have every. thing'everkept in 'a first class' , DittrG STORE, and all we ask is for you to call and examine Mir stook, and prices before buying elsewhere. Re. member we, , ean't undersold.. , t f , All goOdel warranted or no sale. P. E. WlLLiems, 1 - , • i„:11. w,iLLlAbtsAio WiLiants:;'j " Nci.'3`l;l6iiin Weltaboro, Juno 26, 1887. IVeilmr Gircoc'342.o likoweii Ai CO. t , a HAVE just received train - the. city a large a nd , iyartaasortuforitog i%::.tcir . . a'`. . ,WINTER GOODS Bought since tho &Olin* in prices; and will be told accordinly, 17•,3 repppetfupy : invite - atten,- , ton fa our Itdok of • '• • CASSIMERES, , R- CLOTHS, • TWEEDS;" 17.;1iN.KELS; alsoi3O, largoline , or MERINOS, 1 - gIAPRESS: CLOTHS, APAOAS,: tind,other , DRESS-GOODS ' and DRESS TRIMMINGS, Also, a large,and - near assortment of RBADY NAM. ICLOTHING, : • at/grently-reddoed Dame, 4ADINo r FIIRS-a-a,,7iled assortment, >ileio al; cheap, , i _ ItON—TON, and , . othe'r kinaa - ' of HOOP ;, RE ILTAN UNE - NOVIMNS, I OAIS, HARDWAAE • CROCKERY, - ,GROCERIES.'' :HOD ;.MADE, ;BOOTS AND SHOES, And bang othiiethingii *blob vkiwill'be.plosepi to allow .0 all who CI! 411 and examine oar Stock f ,O 1 -Goods Before perebasiroglibeirtterW; „ iii believe it will pay yon'foro.ey tront,le. • ;§MALt PROFITS,' QUICK SALES, Rp.grg : OUR. MOTTO. • i Doret torgivt:to* call at 41 , • • Store, VirellibptcYtt,6i;')''l96-;:,:':.,::_ =I **oo*4::k.lo*BltiLir , Good 011101_4km:id lima f yon 'want fo heap.' • s -" ' .;.: PEAOE IN THR- FAMILY"' =• • you must: bgvo etionglvte elit, dry wood, a good wife, well-behaved children, And to drown all, a .t• ':TIP : TOP =COOKING STOVE! This j astiand crowning good, 11. e riii Stoveestablishment, oppdsite?ltoy'S Wellibdro and Its name is the ' • •i,11031E -, ''COMPANtoN:'' ,on';all,hancis admitted, to be equal to any in' the world. ; • , : ' TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER,. , . promptly, and warranted to give - satisfaction. REPAIRING executed beet manner and With diepatali. OALL AND SEE • D. P. ROBERTS.' . Wellaborongb, Nov,. 111, I,Bfil. , T O LAWY - RRS'— _,,„, BANKRUPTOY BLANKS, in full sotto, at YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE. • ' ' ..; , .t - X 1B W -- V I R DI 1 •• i ‘ 1 -,, ..IIIJSINESSI/ -,. ':'- ' 1 ,r- • „ , - \ \ Vir7 '., virik irll4,buyost, the 44igliost.ittarket -pips,: TT., et tolictwing arthillict , 4 , q . ,' , I 4 ' , , tinztp .P E .I,l` 8 , ELOON SKINS, DEER REINA= 3 RS, -,,,,. RIDES, J I. ~-, forth[ -' . - . ...,,, t.";. ,, , t., , t T , '.; . ' Ws:C* 4 ; ,- 4;ii iiiii,e4.o). . , i' ‘ . 1%. • ....; t,', A We, Wia,l6lllolAtitail to osdet,litenel! or Mimi tamed CAIN or•KIP BOOTS, in the best ram. net:od at far, rates, and pap especial = attectiosi to lIBPAUtING. , , , , ( -' , ? •_ ItEADY-111ADI WOR on not bo ututeirofiVitiid &Otis this Hum Ite *hill Mike It a piiAnt biketeis up ' the belt ktookrot •*- I•t,t S •• - $ ZA -D itE4- -Z TARA" io found: in' the ; iounty, Wbieb a lower profit than motrartiolii tier be offered4mtble.region.' ''" ' ' lire likowlee ketti, ‘llz - t '...tQOIIIII% , :IpiIiLDREN'EV Atitr',? ;,- ---- . 1111511 .Mq, 1 4:Y:0543 „ MEE IgE UWE s , We biy ? 01*TO stpok of ME itylarotia3l4 l l34ofat: • E i 4 1 7 1 14.1i *, f t , .kIiATAT T YOTOS ban bi imt!ight:of as as 400 ate arlivbete this t ide of. New tark, and- wa'shall keep - alalkatocir FRANOII; OALri FRENCH: KIP; . VP? •• • -- ME (ir it ' OokOt ' PEg4; $474; tttaatip.4WtS) St h9 VERS ' , I * INODLES, 11 A STA EPPF6 I " , C 41 : 41 P 8 smozmAiters woarov and , .r.EvDnveglillt be timid, tl il Pit Inc MO Ohnikty a idid 3 wooisß `.-Wo moan business: Aire f ll Ol - n ihloiogion long wnotigh , to be well: known. those , who :know unv on: • Clinker Of Mehl end .GraftOn streoo, apposito Rob, aria' Hardireare Stop," O. W. SHABA • • 'G O.: 0. DERBY., , WodlotiorOpilprll2d r lll . 67—tf. . • ' Milt& '' ..-, ' gi ; ~ , ,•• or , ‘ . .n - hati .4 6 xvn spiougum ' - t i Oath , ail sta - ,1a;• • -6; ,'• ~,.. - * * PeAl.. 3 Tznot. ~x9.- • oHpn paw , Atime*Ogif Alin ; unflit'd - - 'ulio_atictl,_ p i c atiOraii, gin 4 ooo l Ni s;inintlnura 'lll ll ll pi *lt*PAii 'Sul osteicni) Puy irin'ticilayir .9ooe, Lta, ago seHromtple emsq,e qiitapnijoto ili!supPnq anrap.wg'oo nOultne:aL - ,,-' i , , -- -- 71V§pir.'¢9,(txtoe!'4 - 411 0 %'- olq) pitta' l'pte, !,.til:,104401, tnic l l T4 :f tgOililti%•slllD 0 0 , 'i'',' :- . 4 1 F9 ',MN - ttinollo, 403 n47 1 ,0 4 0AR Inn .14.'4en:st ,nis, tiolqa , , , pipming,.o 'j iq per .VO4l EMI =NM laitt4Vl(t'',lolo‘ . 1111 am o pintßopo sia`mivg 3a e • ixoliavne eq; nvo , PM 4IJ ~ `ss~~ia7aw~ ~ui~~o~ MI jo vins oats' Llc9ts IN =MN IMO ''' ' ( PER Vieq) Vans It v.*" tegmari itax,lng fzi,, , blow aim' lIIVX. 5'40 • `.1410111 1 a0119 519110 H Ch ; 5 , • 'ago!' vigils linos OP 05 gp . o,v_anq sad griprx • 777 g EUY SAL ' `ITIVISVATVW '7OOJ/S alocioneAt no Jooa Niqz IIaILLOIIII V •111 x ■ I!ME "S? '31111M4111 131iVM-SSIII9 ` iig 3.-A 0 JE4-,$ I= 5.a.:11 :v, .M. 4.:(1' - '‘a r Y 0: ano4 Sating Lq aupieciied off* 8' el/ pug znoA no eia uB 1868. WRIGHT & BAILEY: -1.868. EN MU ' " • Bi odurmenoi this year with an exclusively CrA.47lc Weimer., „. , CASH PAdD FOR iVIIEAT I OASII PAID FOR OATS 1 c.. CASH PAID FOR CORN 1 CASH FOR EVRR I VFRING 1 I A ,LARGE STOCK OF FLOOR ; FOR CASH 1 A LARGE .TOOE OF , FEED FOR 0.48ri A LARGE STOCK. OF 1;0M FOR CASH 1 Call'and s'es` A BAILEY. Wolhboro, Jan. 9;1867=1y. .All persona indebted to ins by note or book aboount taut call and liettle`or pay cbata.l 'Jan, 0, 1868. WRIGHT & BATIAEY. Wellabor° Cloth-Dressing W . _ AVING 'engaged Mr . lAMBS SNOB to H superintend - our (nothing Works we,.atv now ready to do all kind of aoloring anti dinn ing in good style and on abort notice. 8. A. BILTRBLD, 0. BLAIR. Boit. 18, 1887—tf. 4. '2.. mum QQ }.,. . . .. ; • . iiiip.o/1; NA,IIS.II,NTA _TR111313,...1N TIO : 1; '• •-• 60;0041 , „ Apple l9 l o#lo-reair Trees •[- • • -. • • ,Thslitioiiuogy i.v.A:OO; entit s . ridOItRAMIINT/Yll - '.PEES 41811AUBBIlitY. Vraletreea. aro reoulPosegi''oe'the ohotook' earieties;-.goed, healthy, flame - Of them - large' and , in bearing. : Atly one Asishing ' to got 'a- supply will do"well to. Stall and see my' stock before put. .:''A:gr`lWlv , ellid at the depot five oPelnu 4 o. I Tibga, , IME N dO • 1i OAVH ERE N !I ME ITo :Owners , of !:Horses, , and Cattle.: I • Ont As., .'nknux ooNDITIQN P,OWDEItH , ARS , twarrselodinperiOr to May ,, others, or no pap, for le Mira' of 'Disteraiwr,' Worths, • Dote,' Coughs, II ide. and; Cold's; &c.; I • .tiorses; and Colds, - Dough*, Amen of - ,111i1t,-Illitch Totigilli, tiara Distemper, &0., itt Vat • t10,.- - Alley era-perfectly ante is nil I luneeent ;', nu need of -stopping the wor,king•ef your animals. - They ,incroase theappetite,'glie ii tine coat, cleanse the stomach and tirinaryorganal also Increase .the Milk - of Cows. try them,und yon will never, he without them, Hiram WrOodruitt he crlepratAil trainer of trotting horse*, - has Used' them ter. fear; and {.:commends them to his Illindi. ' - Col. 'l'hilo?-0.- Hush,,uf, the dertinie item Cotiree, go:deem Fardlutm, N; Y.,' Would`not Mei 'there until' lie Iritii told °fluidal* they- aim composed. since which ho Gs never withoig them. Ile has over- twenty running horses In his'Charge, and for the -last three yours bus Used, no other medicine for them,' ; . Ire hap kindly-per. Milted me it) refer niiy:one to lin, 'Over 1,000 other refereticeercee - beseen et the - depdt. Hold by Druggists end ; Huddler*. -Price- 2b cents per -: box.: Depot, 60 • 9ortlendt Street, New York. ~1 • - -',Y - --- [Pub. 191 1 - 'Pub e Benefit. . . MONG the useful- improvements - of the day, 43,,, there are ten+ That give more promise of toed,few4e - waft adopted to'relleve - human suf. eringilew•so *oil approved* On public ea that' new andliotierfal rentedy - on - Hed,Balatifor (cik aA the German peopie'eall it - Heattlibilsiger). ' , ' gives else' unAeoinfort: to the poor sufferer rem Neuralgia' end •Itheumativin,' and btin - gs Speedy teller -tol that l oge oleos of diseases tbnt Ate often cured and axe benefited by ari out lard application. - %Retsnie. :by nil Druggists'. i • • ;Wholesale,,Depot DAY, -HOAGLAND A, STI SAH, No &4 Courtlandt St: Now York. 1 W„PiIIAL:NEW.O{IOIS. A.t , iii NEW ;PRICES, • AT :TIOGA PA.. WIOIEIIO4 &FAB% having,takon advan ; cage of• the late ••deolino in' the market, tiny° received their !stock and, are prepared to 'fat•rdsh'thosti in Whit'Of r •.' 4 1 " 0 - oo s Mil i~~ _ . tko tosiest.cash rot Os. The stock consists of a general essortuninenf 'II.Y G S , AND YANKEE NOTIONS, Both staple and fancy Hats' & Caps Boots Shoes, T!:aketlier with PORIt i FLOUR, SOAR, TEAS, And many other articles too numerous to men tion. We woold say to Merchants, Farmers, and all others in want of PORK or CIDER BAR RELS, BUTTER FIRKINS AND TUBS, that flier can find them in any, quantity, wholesalo or retell at Our More. % :This work is all:new and-ex tra in quality, just manataottireit here' at :the Factory. WIOKEtA:IO 4t 'PARE, Vogt': Doo. 11, i 867 4, • :1 4 , LI WELLSBORO FOU —.lo‘ollllstEl THE subscribers having procured additional • machinery are now ready to furnish to order all sorts of CASTINGS, BUCK AS PLOWS, CULTIVATOR S, FIELD ROLLERS; ' MILL GEARING, SLEIGH-SHOES, W 0 0 D SAWING MAOHINE &0., &C. Wo have also a WOOD'WORTH PLANER, for, ettetdm rind job work, We are alto prepared to do SZITTIATO & SCROLL SAWINq to order. Having a Aral•class aorow,eutting Lathe, wo are prepared to make - . , CH.FESE..PRESS SCREWS, to - order. '''Bullders of ‘Ohnese Factories are re, quested to examine our work. We 'mannfaciture, Champion Plow; ono of the tined implements In the market. Cash paid for OLD IRON. CHARLES WILLIAMS, • . ' F. L. SEARS. ; -"ti,re'lleboro,,Stayil+s,lB67—tf. Grocery and Provision Store, CORNING; , X. Y. 0. APX.T.AX-ip WHOLESALE -AND RETAIL DEALER in Al, kinds of • . iiioaßisi . ,-znoiiioNt, ,Wines, Liquors, and • , FOREIGN DOMESTIC, GREEN & DRIED • FRUITS, CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, WOOD &, WILLOW WARE, GLASS & °ROOKERY TARE, CHILDREN'S - CARRIAGES, OARS & PERAMBULATiItS, TOYS &cc, A. fall Wi la 9oßplaW asiortmenS of the above mintion4 goods, of, the bait quality nlWayi on • - Partisuisr attention paid to Fine 9roaeries. Dealers and Consumers will find it to their in terest to examine his Stack before bnplig. Corning, N. Y., Mara 11, 1868. . ••- - , . SIM 'lB l 6B 11111 ===Engi= +••••••`'' - „ Proofs of ti - firtitte' t " W AX,TH * AM MASS. The A`we>ioAn Wateleleinnpliey;'‘ , l'sv,4ltbd)li t ititit Viiiit'abeiair#. afi,eper„ Torn4!ppuir,e,tn, dptb' c`'oajiples; toots slurp,, tile, beitin ectepi4ifi f r,Koviorui : jise, and inofe 43* 7 kerit in order , ropnirodl4hnn- , any utiles ,norket.- • l'ilry-•iire in .lirupttirti, A rok.th,e r eti ? re . 1 tik.l7 ea, ucoa : tl foreign witeh. Is t witiolitatrecototiusod -ffiwo , 12& to 'AO' watch iltorii are more than • '7oo;perte, ~; taw hay iinderjko tardost trial Who ciko , liavo, is shown by the collptring lettor;! , • , • I• '' PENN: IVAILIttiAIi COMPANY. , ''' Ot , i,ini `olittiit, o.itt. tionticrannunr,t, l . " '--- - "Atroora.',' i'e. IS ,Dee.' lii6l). , t OttetyteuN,.: . : Ttip ,watetio3, I»anufacturad- by: ., you bilV4 /loot,' in (Mom ti.i* railroad for- several' years., by,lnur, uttkiltm en,. to . when) we, .furnish rotebes as Witt. ig,:pur,,otplipapoit. , There"-nre potr Butaujitree : Ictutdred uf.,thoin carried,en our Hue. and, ,ye.. op renter , them, good ,a nd reliable iim9 = k °o -P . P"!. itiltdee,f l , I, ita ve - greitt ratisfaidion firep.7ving,. your ,waisitedgive o* lams itiouble; and: have Worn, ftLIA du ,wour. much longer without td, alre t tnan'Any,trutebee.tcebaco, over', bad In tune A-likiA,T4fiti ‘', 4 5 -Yoll Ak e-,aware, lve -6 40.-4 6 ; 1 1 ruried,tu lit!te, el llogliels,inaitufaFturo,-61"- 00. - huocrie'illecimutl reputation ; but im-it claws thug never ketp.,tium no ourr,colly, nor:have they - done . is good Peyvice, as your. ,:- `. •n • - - ,:., : 'ln -thests,.,atatements„ j-4 ut ...unstained by, my, predeeessory . , ,Mr. ,Letritp, ; ,teboae- experleneeex-:: I feuded over u . :Weries of :yeors.-,,Rospeetfully, ~ , 1 • -,," -. ; ,- I ,, , ! :.E.I:riVARD, H.' WILLIAMS, _ ~-, I, ' - ,!-,--. .: - General Superintendent., 4.: ,; !el.uterit'atn - Wtteh Co., Wolthate. , 1 We'make3lLOW 11.713 liiiroiont grades of , crotchet& firmed respecitiveixtmfellows :, , ~ Applotou,, Tracy, & Co., . ..,., ; Wit/them ! Otter. Waithciirk ` Watch. qoiirpoi:ry; Watt), ' Nam ' - ' l o 9 '- 1, - 'Bli'lirlf,' '''''' - irciithoni, .Mor;4, - ' i t Wel.‘ , E/leiy,',l•- : --. -,-;‘ ,-- , flositiot, t kurti, ':' • 1 ,Rome, Tratpfk i Cpmpany, -e, Boston, M ass.-' _. 1 , All or theitaiiteith , the: eiiaiption ol d Home ;Watch .Compariyotre - crUrrantedAtnerican: Willett. company: to .be or the - beet- material; on he-ttattet approved principle, and Ao possess every , egnisite: for , a reliabluAiniokeeper. - , ,Every 'dealer rolling these WatChesis pieeldid-frith the co; ipany's printed card of guarantee, whielt ould iiceptutiany Watch:Sold; so .that buyers feasure,they are purehaeing the genuine article: :There are numerous :counterfeits and imitations pf our Watches sold. through Ou t, the country, and twit would cnution purchasers to.be ert their guard , • • against imposition. • - • . Any grades of;,Waltham:Watehes ruay be put-- tabooed of Watch; Dealers Atiroughout the country. ROBBINgp„, & atr4l7ll"o.N. 10V—iltp,s 182 . Proildway, N. Y , ,The !American , Cooking Stove.-‘ twohty years,e4cp,OrieriCe.iii - the man ! `tifaeture •stoves, *e - beeaulh . convinced, some: six years; since, that' a vast amount' of Money Was bei9gexpeaded tho.peoplo of this ;country, in,httying cheap and worthless stoves, a largo` portion of • rhich.vms, wasted; and, that ruts econorny',Oonsisted'in'bnying the,beit stoves ;that 'could c be made; notwithstanding the price "was higher,. With , this" view, ,we proceeded to bonsttuot the American Cooking Stove, and abated no pairts'er expense to make, it the hest and mosiperfect stove that Could birmadoi And We have eXperimented • with it, and ' carefully watched its operation for the last six years, and 'hen , :art ,intprovement suggested itself, we have at once adopted it, ond.wo have several of - these finproVoiatinte secured. by letters patent. In this manner wide not hesitate to say, we have brought it to n higher state of perfection than has heretofore been-attained in cooking stoves. liThe t recent improvements in this stove has (added largely to its convenience and effective- Hpess. 1 In all the 'varieties of Stoves we mann !facture, we study. usefulness, durability, c'onve. ience. and , economy in , operation, rather than 'cheapness in price, and in so. doing we aro satis fied 'vie study the interest or those purchasing oar stoves.- I SHEAR; 'PACKARD, 'it 00'., 1 Albany, N.Y. t'or sale by CONVERSE A OSGOOD. Wells horn, Pa. • 18sept.67-3m. To. the Fainters of Tioge. COnnty • it AM no, bulldlag at my 'manufactory, in Lawrence 1: Ville. a superior FANNING MILL, which polar:moo tho following advatitnpa over allother • - , 1. It separates oate, rat litter, and foul seeds, and Shen and aockle, from vrboat. 2. It cleans flax teed, takes out yellow seed, and all Other seeds, perfectly. a; It cleans timothy Bead. , 4. It does all other separating required of a mill. This mill is built of the best and most durable thi• bee, in good style, and, is sold cheap for cash, or pro duce. 11011. fit a patent store, for separating oats from wheat, to other mills, en reasonable terms. J. II MATHER. Lawrenceville,Octoberloo_B6B-tf - UNION ACADEMY. • • • KNOXVILLE' 'TIOGA CO., PA. ~• • • • - • - , • ••,•-• ••t , Acuury : ELIAS 'IIORTON, Principal. - Ifse. ADA W. MORTON, Preeeptress. Miss MIRA HORTON, Assistant. Una AMANDA DRAKE, Tauber of Music. - " CALENDAR. YOR' 1867-8. Fall Term .commences Rept. 3d, Winter Term Nov. 20tb, Spring Term Feb. 18tb, 1868. EXPENSES PER TERM. • . . Primary, Department $5 00 Common English 000 Higher English 7 00 • TAnagaigeli and Higher Matlunnntics 8 00 Instramental•Musie, extra— • • 10 00 Vocal Mamie ' extra. „ 100 Drawing, extra • , 3 00 Reim' Rent, 2 60 i Board per .... 3 50 Knoxville, August/40867—th .2?; ;r0.41V6T010 . -FIRE ARMS 1;f f :ISt 11' I I 2 MP SOLD BY THE TRADE GENERALLY • LIBERAL:DISCOUNT TO DEALERS • 200,000 puitarsnan THE U. S. GOVERNMENT. Army Revolver; 44-100 in'. Calibre Navy Revolver, ....... . in. Calibre Belt Rev01ver,......... ............ Navy size Calibre Police Revolver; Navy size Calibre New Pocket Rovoitbr, - 31 100 in. Calibre Pocket Revolter,(Rider's pt.) 31-100 in : Calibre Repeating Platol,(Elliett pt.) No 22 ,432 Cartlge 'Vast Pocket Pistol, No 22, 30, 32 41 Cartridge 'Gun Cane ~..No 22 tt 32 Cartridge Breech' Leading Rille,(Bealle) No 32 do 38 " Revolving Ride, 3,.80 & 44.100 in Calibre, E. 'REMINGTON k SONS. • AGENTS. - • lgooro di Niohols. New York; 'Wm Re a Son; Boston' Joe 0 Grubb 00, Pbiladelpb a; Foul tney db Trimble, Ranh:not:a; ,Ilenry Foisorn & Co; Sew. ; Orleann; -Johnson, pencer Jr, Co, ohlcago, Ty M Rummy a . Co, St. /dale; Albert P. Crane, Ban Francisco. Oct. 9,1887.49 m. TATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MANS ' FIELD, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. 7`.4%.o"Crier"V. 11.4 en Principal, Professor of Natural andllentalNcience, , _ _i. 'LOPE:BIT, A. M., Professor of Languages. 1111ARLES' 17.. VNRB,ILL, A. M., Professor of _,' Mathematics. Mni.I..I!d.PETERSELIA, Modern Languages and Drawing._ • , • • . Miss MARY B. lIUGHES,,B. E., Nn. Branehes. 'Miae. 's. R. PRESTON, B. E.. Principal of the ' Model School. LA:HOYT, Profess,or of Vocal and Instrumen, _ ' tal Music. EVAN MEREpITII, Instructor of Vootil Mu 810.. • - SCHOOL YEAR 180-8. First Term begins Septembei'4ElBB7, Second term begins Decemb'i 0 " Third term begins March 23,1805. EXPENSES PER TERM-DP 14 WEEKS. . Fall and Spring Term, inoluding board, room rent, tuition, book rent, fuel, oil, and wafiking„ $OO 00 Winter Terin ' 400 Day atudente, tuition'and book rent, , 10 00 Total expenses for school , year ' $lB4 00 NO extra charges. -Reams furnished with staves, - ' abatis tables, stands, -pails, bedsteads, mittressea,,pillows, and one comfortable_ For 'fiat or Information Bind for Catalogue. • Aug. 7, 1867, 6w. Address, 14.41(441. - THE largest assortment of Wstebes, Clocks Jewelry and Plated Ware In 'hogs county at - "[lSWaged] , FOLEY'S. • - EMEMEM LANES ttA V 11 7 . L. , • on 'trot after 3l'Onduyfll:Oii. Is;th„ 'IVO; ti a r n I;l1V.10,411.11110 , t 4 ! .4 ! tir , t 4U 7r OIC! 100 11i; WHIM kit, thtzeinny needle. - • ::4s ;OLP reil ; Irreo.4 6.1 0 , g um ,. lu, Zalarrinned,iind iitiulttt k" uidtimitttng for the-West; Goa in Vi t Ice - ptk .1: ft : ,i I:nta 40. mnk: It/u itki Wei, with t lid tit' t h u AtiOhliq Wk.."it iretttu 4bore;unti sirattilTrAnk 4Etulerti.ye,foran . , • 7:03 a. 4tt.,Nigli t Exprtne,Dtaly,lor Bairn lo,t'a tam e 1... Inlnktrk nod the %Veer, connovonk as Tilt', to,, k...xprc4015 1 . 1, 140: ,, 111 1,, I sissi is : eiltVr Itll4 VIA e.tft.i "Ortitg‘Suri O tt3 4, .'rceptek tor Harrah, and Dunkirk; 1144 ta. Isattleaore. Expr,. pur 4 i , tl !tot:beater and Boffnle. Avott. [ 1:03 lntuypua it Imp in Rapr f rkosit; end theeWe We , kt 61,10 nnk , 611p:19Diit }vltli the Allnutir end till.: Wratun . Iteilyhty ; at • Buffalo 'with the Luke Shore nod ennui Trflok, ituf ttraYPi end nt Tin ntrlrk with the I.fike Railway, r t ir Jot writs west yid , 7;16' ti'iti'Dify'f4p . ritilt.liindayiexteepted for 1t0e11...et;., '12.61.1 Freiglit,'"Anialaye excepted. mji 4e abt tr, in, Did ly, for the 'Wield. ME i2:lti u . in., Night ExPress, 'Dalin funda,n vinpio, connecting nt Chrnyounrt, ITfirwink, and nt Nala York tvith aftertionicti'aititinuti , Ctrairiers for Ilottou 'and NOW Ku.hinti (Mien. 4:18 a. in Clnoluutiti rx probe, lilondars excii.tr.l neetlng itt 1',1621ra for if arrisl.nrk, tho. eolith ; At (.Jweigh for. Ithaca for Sy raC-41418 j flt Great Band foreeranii,» A Yltakitel• phia, and Trenton; Ett Lnekayia.xt for,tferle), and la Grayeeurt for New - burg arid yVarii. , l4. - t.- 10.16, ti)!Acco on n ilaEtp, coltacciltia : kt t el or Cits!kittlsigua. - . 10:48a. tii.,Uay Exprnae, n ndayee 'oepted; cony eethig ' iteElniira for Canandaigua, at 1.11 haniton for Byrn. cum at Great Bond for Scranto at .Laricatraren fcr Hawley id Jay.- ' "- ,w 1 midnight Nipstin f F (1 adelplitte, • - p. m., 51114601 d at zao, arriving a vrult _ biatl—heaves Corsi gTat 8,15-'a; m., Lawrenceville at ;- 9,18, Ttoga at 19,00,../dansiteld at 10,36;--arriving at Mods-burg at 11,16 a. m. Accommodation—LOaves Corning at 8,4 P. rts-Latt ' renoevitt9, at 4,02, Tloga at 6.50, htimalteld at 104 ' arriving. at Iflossburg at 7,20 p. A • - u.slik.T44. < • _Northern Central It: .:(•• - 'TRAINS FOB. THE NOILV. ' 1 Trains for Canandarala laavetElinlrar follows: Accarnodation at—, - ::'....':. ... . 700 am EsprOiis [fastest train on r0ad]........... ..... .1.1 . 1.1 . 11.5 a m Mail . . . 013!p In Way yrelgta, [yttegonger 9Dachattirhed] ...... ... 7 /0 a ta , . ' On and after linv. 24, 807; traina.will arm@ at? &port froni - Tro4_46 folio • 5; . ' ' • 'LEAVE .1q il RTIIWARD, . j , Dif.t.rA: M.—Daily (except Sundays) !Or Elmira, Isoffa , ,lo,;Canabdaigua, Hoe ester, Stop. Bridge and the en nadas. 1, • i . 9 41, P. 1i1.4 . -Dally (i.xcep , ' Sundays) for .Elintra l and 'Buffalo, via Brie Bailunr trot* Zlintra. r ' LEAVE-SOPT.HWA ItD. 900 A, M.—Daily (except Sundays) 'for Baltimore, ~ - Washingtou, Philadelphia, Le. pO5 P. M.—Daily '(except, Sundays) for Baltimore, Wasta g i n ton and, Mft ita elphia. , j .J. N. Doll WY. . ' BD . S. YOUNG Gong B' t. _... Harrisburg, Haul Pass. Agt ' . ..... Baltimore; Md. - - I ' P adolphia 4t Erie •R. R. On and 'tier MONDAY, October 14th, 1867, Trains on the Yldladalphla &Erie Rail Rood Will run a 5 fO l l 0 S . WESTWARD. Mail Train leavas Philadelphia " " Williamsport " err. at Erie - Erie Express leaves Phfladelpbia " Williamsport " arr. at Erie' Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia. " " ' Williamsport...... ... 44 , arr. at L0eb:....... EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie • ' •• ." Williamsport " arr. at Philadelphia Eriu Expraes leaves Erie..— ." Williamsport ' " •• arr.at Elmira Mail leaves Luck Ilaven...: • " Williamsport '• an - . at Philadelphia Mail and Express connect with nit trains on War-rda I'Eranklin Railway. Passengers leaving Philadelphia, at 11.00 M. arrive at Irvlnetown.itt GAO a. tn. an City at 0.60 a. nt.. Leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 narive at Oil City • atA.thpm. Atlantic and Groat Western It IP. • _ 6 WILTTWAAD Mall Accommodotioi Express Express At Cory then. Erie, and CECro • At Meadville pithole Branch At Loavittaburgo the idationtny Branch nudges a di root route to Clad - and. At 'Ravenna- connects aid Cleveland and , Pittebutgh Railroad. ' The Road Rama through Akrcin, Ashland., Olden, Itarlon,'llrbana and Dayton, intertucting various red• roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. D-RUCERit, Gen. liupt., bloadvillo, Pu. Real Estato Sale. - 1 1 1-. TEE Subscriber will sell or rout the following valuable property, to wit; 1 , , One tavern stand in Lawrenceville. • ' • ' One farm, on wbioh ho now resides, one-half mile from three churches, two School He, two grog Shops, and ono railroad, and aboe the itme-disteinco from the lino of the Welispor aril LarvrencovillO Railroad. The farm contain 160 acres of good Jand, 50 acres timbered, wed ,no. 'tared; and very productive. It reauirestbat um seed shoild he* sowed and planted. hoverer, to ensure a harvest. . ;- • r . ..1. One farm in Jackson township, 115 ars* $ sv:it-rate place e:tt,a cheese fliotory. 1 • Also—for sal6774tiiules, 75 ahem, and other stock, cheap on : reasonable terms. ;• I M. S. BALDWIN. Lawrence, Apr. 17, 1867-,tf. . . I Plani f ng & ErAVING got his now 'factory in op . is now 151!eparcid to fill orders for Ware promptly 'and in tbo best stYlo of w ship. , linvingproeured WOoDWORTH ho isroady tonross boards or plank with d SQROLL•WORK & BRAME! furnished to order. machinesare of est and most improved patterns. -Shop corner of Pearl and Wain Sts, WELLS 8011.0, PA., , • Oat. 3l; 1868:-tf. 'NEW GROCERY ', • At Dartt Sottlement; . rliti l llF, SUBSCRIBEIR . has opened a new ROCERY & PROVISION STORE . , At f the above natued piece, where he propoges to furbish Good" in his Him cheap. Market prices paid for Farm Produce, either iu cash or trade. ' The patronage of the public is respectfully soliCited. 'ALBERT TIPPLE. . : Charleston, Deo. Li, 1867—tf. . , . -a, - J.: STICKLIN, fthEiirrnaker t Turner, and , • Friyaiture Pettier, SALE ROOM, opposite Darted Wagon 811!) . 1' Main Street, FACTORY in Soars 01 1 liams*ourairy,_scoond story. Orders promptly filled and 'Hatisfootion guaro toed. Fancy Turning done to order. , Wellsboto, Jon° 12, 1807. J, STICICLIN Tloga Marble Works, . _ TUB undersigned is ,now preparod to 0% 0 eute aU orders for Totob Stones and Mora) Monte of eittier ITALIAN - OR RUTLAND MARBLE. of the latest style and approved workmaneld: and with dispatch. 1 He keep constantly on band both kinib Marble and will be able to suit ell who may le iter him with their orders,'on as reasonable tercet as can be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and wade to look as good as new. • PORTER”VILCOX. Tinge, Nov. 1, 1887-tf. ItA,B7lVi x t!D DDW(D. -1[ .mor .- nicapPvi.• • - i d a ail Stuidaya 0 . t , x. Jondeq-: esOpted, Colt. fbarg, Pl.Oadolphla and with morntog express >ad ear qtaltinaore and wk - with via/nine ta lus Baat.. , :- •., - . i.ya.nxeept.etl... l : 1 - , If, 1 - tiDLE, 0 WlSupl. ' -`" , & til Natter - I DAWMCAV STATION Easiwnia txprese Mail / .> 5.51 Accoyamodation, 11.45 Express 2 with tha Philnddr.bia Is. ranklin and Oil City 'and B. T. VAN' HORN, B. T. VAN HORN U B 11 ' • OtiCO: • ni, Mans bat At 9,18 .11.1 i p . 8.0 atn .S.4spm 1.2.0() noon 8.4 Tr . 4/.45 a ru . 8.00 a m . p .7.45 pi n —.10.40 a .4a 11.40 p 8.t.6 a m 4.25: p 8.60 a ID ..... 1.00, p 7.1.0 u Iu .... 8.14' n rit .... 6.16, p MI erati =CI IMIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers