HOME MATTERS. WE~NSDAMAY, 1 18 . New A.a.v er ti Bement a Aesiguee's Salez—Taylore BarikrUpts. Notice in Discharge—:.o. - 1:. Thompson, cis 11. Wood,,'Tolor lirotbete. Lath, Shingles; Lumber—G. IV. Fosler. Notice—Delmar Directors. 4 • Orphan'e Court Sale Mary Borst. D. S. 'Revenue Tax—A. Bunt, Collector. Borough Drdivance-41alusburg. , -, - 100,000 pounds Wool muted--lugbans & Sops. Notice—J. H. Kendall: Boots arid • Shoes at Wholosale—NottbruP & Sherman,, •" Adtaielitiators Asti4oBO'irgotree--=C. EL Seymour; Assignee's Notico—Johu I. Mitchell. ' To' Lovers Or Good .Horses—P: Queries—P. B. Williams &Ro. ' , 1.. REporous. _The Third. Quartefly Meeting of the Tioga., Baptist - 4saociation and Seriday School COnvention, , :arill be held with the West Jackson Cknrch , on•Wodnesday, May:2oth; ' at 10 o'clock, a. na. Coniribution's for laissicti4ry. Union. 'BENTLEY, _ Mns. M. .13xrvpri will give lessons in Drawing and Painting, water and nil polors, at Mrs. How - and's. WOlsboro.'. . _ • DONATION.— The friends- of Ewer/ Reinheart are invited to offend's Donation party, for his henefit, at 'cotes' Hotel, gton'y Tinirsday evening, Bfay - 21, 1808. BUSINE9E3.--7:Dr. Howard is fltting rooms for Dentist work nverlbe Book Store, soil will mako - ri wirer format, annodzicement to, the public neat week.. _ •• • - - _ • _ Fos nin WEST.—Xi. Calvin - Royce, of Delmar, .eft forltte'West -last Thttrolgy. He gods to Michigan.' Wo regret to lope Mr. Hey'oe:, bat Michigan gain what we lose,'a :qood: citizen: - To HOLDERS , 'Poor. 'ORDERS, --We aro requested to state that "holders 61 Orders tkpOn the Poor Fund of this borough should 'hand 'in the amount thereof to C. L. Siemens, Clerk of the Council, prior to the last day of this month. " , . A4DEMY.—The first half of the Spring Tenn ended last Week. .The , school is doing well,.tis to numbers, and the progress of the etudents,ie gratifying. Students. •ctin enter for the half term unexpired at - any -time, but , they should do so 'with as little delay as possible. It is the hope of the friends•of education gen orally that Prof:. /lodgson may, find encourage ment to persevoreCin•his work of establishing the school upon a stab'hi and permanent foundation. SITDiDEN i DEATH: --With = unaffected regret we chrpmiel,4, thedenth,of Rev: 8. A. Leon ard, of Westfield, which occurred suddenly • and unexpectedly on Monday, May 4.; Mr. teonard was atWark in the field hairowink, when ho was seen to fall. His son, who was at woik at a little distance; 'htistened to him, and: foundlife 'exam% Mr. Leonard formerly preathed in Charleston, and was about 70 years of age; Ho was a mostexem plary oitimen,•one of the substantial • men . of :the county, and his loss will' be deeply felt. Mis death was supposed to bo caused by disease ofthe heart. A GOOD DAY'S V.ORK.—We have some statistics of work done at Fester's AIM, Niles Valley, which make a: good exhibit.: Mr. Ira Newhall cut with a singl4 saw, on the 27th of April, 21:027 feet of pine lumher, in. ten hours, 21)00 feet of wbibh , wns.two-inch . Plank" and the below inch boards. -The , samo • - Mill cut- 5000 Lith the same day, from the slab.' This is about as good an exhibit of work with a,single saw as is likely to be made here, or elsewhere. DEATIIOI.• A T.TOGA COUNTY Mr. C. M. Stratton writes us from Douglas City, Cal., under date of April 9, that George C.S. Vail, a native of Tioga county, died suddenly in Sacra mento, March 27, 1868. lie had had morphine . injected under the skin ef the thigh for rheuma lism, and was found dead in his bed next morn ing. The jury found a verdict of death from, congestion, caused by- excessive drinking. Mr. 1 Vail was 53 years old. CONCERT.—The Guernsey Brothers, ocalists, will give U. concert in this 'tillage Tuesday evening, May probably in the court House. These Vocalistti bear a high rep htati,•ll and draw large audiences wherever they p. We observe. that the newspapers speak of their performance in terms of high praise, and we feel justified in soliciting for them a full house. Music is one of those influences which make wen Vetter. Give - them a handsome' welcome. 13trnovEnEras.—We hav - e been kho . wn the plan of a new dwelling soon - to be erected by Mr. L. C. Bennett, on the Nichols plac; in this village. The building will -have 'a fo;nt of 33 feet and a depth of 41 feet. .It is to bo of two stories, with a central' front tower of three stories, and observatory. The style of the building is tastyi - und the building itself will be an ornament to the village. Mr. Stevens has fitted up his bakery in good style, and will Probably commence operation?. in a week. This enterpriie deserves every encour agement from. our. citizens. It will assist ns to endure the dePiivation of Railroad facilities .if fresh crackers can be had every morning. Dr. ac er has done a good job on Pearl-st., by setting out maples aloug the side-walk in • the rear °this premises.' Ten years hence, Pearl-et. will bo one of the prettiest streets, in the borough. Mr. P. R. Williams is building a neat .picket Imes in front'of hid premises on State-st. Mr, B. T. Van Horn is also building a neat knee in front of his premised on State-st. A Goon LAW.—Under the provisions o A htv approved April 13, j ultimo,* relating • to tie collection of taxes in the Borough of Wells.: bore, the old system of collecting borough and I.el/ 06i rates is abolished. Hereafter the Treasurer of the borough ,is constituted the Receiver of Tarts, to whom all moneys are to be directly paid over by the tax. Payer. Wo • bare not ex.: - etnaled the law in detail, but believe the impor tant ftatures of the law are:—The Treasurer to 'be It Receiver of Taxes: ,notico ofthe amount of tax assessed to every taxable to bo given as soon as the duplicates are raado out,and days of appeal stated therein ; 'all appeals and claims for abate ment to be submitted' in writing, and 'no •appli eitions for abatement received after the last ap. peal :lay named in the - notice; all persons paying their taxes within thirty - days from the last day of appeal, Neill be entitled to \ t‘ deduction of. five per eent. Persons neglecting to pay over to the Receiver of Taxes -within a time fixed, ,notice of which is to be given, must pay mists of collecting I • • +. in additiontne tax. These are some Of the chi, f ie.:tures of the jaw. Wo propose to publish it oi fall as soon afi a copy of it can be furnished. TM, kw seems to us to he a step, in the right direction, and it would be well if Emory town s aud l torough In the county would ,adopt it. The nexrstep forward would be to extend the the collection otleaunty rates „and t041.;i1.: the Treasurer the Receiver of Taxes. Of cutup. the County Receiver would halite to ap plit times _when he svould' . attend • in .1 terrymoaship, at the most' central place as i , d„l...l. , ,put;itiou, and rpectro the taxes of that, I p. A great saving would thin he made ta the eu. uty and to the taxpayer. The whole • colivaing valeta would , ,thui; bo simplified and thiai/ened, and the payment of taxes mad? much tvvic Cor'nin that, present, . - G.. AFIELD ITEMIS:=Ont CoreeSpohd- trt " Mt. Tlumni..4 Bailey - Is building a new house 4'ao , r,-.dotee of Dr. J. P. Slorrie, Itprom t., a credit to..tho piace. " .3... , nnic" Bodine has oTepeti u Se s lect it,aLd Njitem,, ort. AoatiemrSt: iire hope it pofitable to teacher and pupils, 31 r ,4 r-. ptiott .4 Clark are about to increase ;to awerin their factory to - twice its o;”1 , /e. .This is gratifying as - an , pr ,, tperity from , the growth ,of Mr. Alart King has made some"oicelient im prorements on his premises near the Depot. 4 . The ode Fellows Celebration, on - Monday` Apr, 27, bold in this place, patina. - oir - plensantly. cPwanoulutaArei. n zl i t 4elOgatiqPliiifOOL=SfeCtc . legion !lodge, and Adelpfd -(liosovfile) - • . Lodge;, met in ,Webster'n.,TPOl - Marelindin'preeeision to tlin;!ilepot fo delegations Ruin Arlinalodge (Illoiglicirii) COM' jag 4 6 agel iala - lint*tia o) dg e J from : theTneaminpontt i attAllossinirgimm,Efunrai . D: D..0.' Raster O. M., Antler, itppointed'i:Pl Otis Jerould of Covington:l' Ledge,-Giand Mar.' _ghat. ' +A " Upon, the arrival of thetibove'rttued delega 7 throa,.the AL-W. Grand , tiorahoi .proceeded' - to Arm the Lodges tirproceirotott,aeduritingJO,„ the iute,i'of the order, trOded ,by.• the ..Tioga Brass -BUnd,•ruld marched through the s priheirif to'the",l4ermal Behool Gyranititum, • f . By :the -unanimous ~ v oice of /the , - Lodge& Piet Hiand Brciam,,ef . Newtown Lodgo,.:*as. ;i:Oilled,to the • 17pon taking the chait ) , - Prist ealt -ed-the'Noble Grande, of the", eiVertif the speakers to theplatform. AfterthoLopening 'exercises, Rev, M. 1 4 , l;';ern, of Arbon ; Lodge, de-. 'livered an able and eloquent address to the LOdgcl and's large addionce . 4;if . tidies and 'citizens.'' , Ito' spoke of the unnecessary , prodjudice "of ' matey people against, the secrets of Odtr-FellowehiN showing that State, commercial, and family peace, prosperity and safety, required secrecy;' that all - the sbereey to be ,fo,und in . Odd',VcifewatiP was neccessary slare' harmony of Action, and *aid.the institution against imposition;nntlthe designs'of. bad •men. • la - • • Rev; Mr. Kern was followed' by: P.R. Ander= son; KR., • 'of_ Morris', ROD; Who spoke "of' .The principles -of the Order at length, - telling seme"tif thatiocrets of Order, among which was thin, ;Our command is . to visit the widow,-relieve the` 'die:. -fressed, educate the orphans, and bury the dead." , Although Mr. - .Andersoit "disolainis • being public, speaker, and reggited; tie he 'said/when' ho commenced speakirigMhat'ho had been ¢dViir: -. ' tißea as one, he showed 'himself able not onfy,` , tb excite the-audience to laughter, hitt also to' mere then-to tears.— The. exercises' were :•elosed,'hy prayer by the Bev. liro. , ilyines •of Bloselnirg, and the fraternity-marched the'llnitect -.States and Hunt Hotels for dinueri Altogether.ttie . day' Was not 'only pleasantly and 'profdably.spent, but , one long to be reniembereChythoeopartudpating' In its exiirolscia.- - ;• - • ' • - ' ' ThO Tioga Brass- Rand', sualained" . tbeir: , `woll ,earned.reptitation by :'feblerting!' -most-excel/mit Tp9::LAFE.:-Lthe tYfii::l3- retarY.of this ‘Coiiiity Institute reached -,us - .after tho first slide of the paper was printed, -_Mid Must therefore'go over to May'2o. A ' , history of the Invent'le,-Reform Society, of ',Mansfield, - also reaches us too late for the local columns. We will state again, for the information of the pith- - lio, that the outeido pages of thepaper are at , ways struck-Friday mo ening, and the,inside pages go, to press every_ Tuesdayintorning- ,, :..;;I:, -WICKUA3.I Fin*, at Tioga, received ft !;uperior lot of:Spring -styles.of , goods at their, Store, 'an- extended • advertisement: of; wbiai reached us• too late' for insertion this week, the forms containing thir advertisement . being• worked off before the new Ono reitehed us. • They notify farmers that,they can furnish Vatter tubs, pails, and firkins to ‘order. They. , pay cash- for butter. :11.C. Hex'. JOHN MAGEE.—We see i "the Elmira Advertiser that the will of this gentlepia has hien admitted to vilibatili" , The gre'at iiutl of his property is given in trust to seven trustees for the benefit of hii‘four . ehildieU T7 the profits equally shared aroongstheux—daring the continn— anco of tiro specified livesin being at his decease, The:bulk of his estate is iwTiogn county, er4ra eing the most valuable neitiing,fraachises iu th!i . county, or, indeed,, in the State, The tacting Trustees are Duncan , S. • Magee, - Gee J. Magee,' and Daniel Beach,' ofWatkint9 B. Ellsirorth of Penn Yen; D.,C. lioivell, t of, Batt: 'rho .a l visory trustees 'aro 11oratio Seymour Of, Utica, and John Lang, 'of Wntkins. Mr. Magee 'left ample 'directions for -the management of• his property it his will. _The trusiees'arq. the `,.exee,_ qthrs also,:__The following siccial bequests ,are, mentioned: . , • • • To,the American Bible Society $30,0001•To tho N. Y. American Tract Society' $30.000:' • To; , ,tho Presbyterian SecietyOf Wahine .1.50,i100i 1. to a lady, for the, poor of.. Watkins Beside these are some legacies to-relatives and 'friends. That portion of his estate left in trust' carinot be alienated during the continuance of the Oust. Mr. Magee'e wisdom in this matter may be safely and wisely imitated. • • •• BRADFORD Co.—The Troy 'actzette ecays that. htes9rs. itfeNangtit, of Atha,' have organized a.Tbreshing Maching Coutpapy z at Alliance Ohio. They started with n working capital of 440,000. Gen. Patton is lecturing on teruperaneo„, and organizing Lodges of Gobd Tetnpinis in Bradford county: • . . The Shingle Mill of James Mosley, A mile east of Weet Burlington, 7as burned on the 22d ult. THE REVOLUTION, ,a neatly printed UWilyigeronaly conducted weeklyjournal of teen pages quarto, has reached us• at last.. Its motto is; "Principle, riet...kolicy: Justice, 'Atli favors.-Men, their righti - rind. nothing .morel women, their rights, and nothing less." The editors are Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Parhot Pillsbury, and Mrs. Susan Antlidny. The object of this paper as stated in its wit i tito, is , above .critieista, but is, we WOtice, shi lug mark for' ridicule However, a_perusal of .the JeAling articles and correspondence convinces us . that ; tho ewterpri se cannot be laughed ClOWn. The 'writers are too much in earnest; they-ar i e too titde,: they aro too well accustomed to ildicuje'toci suirender to such a foe. Wo believe in the object of theltevolution. Published in New York atria per year. ?= • The Printers' Circular, by lt S. i{fenamin, Philadelphia, is one of the neatest MUga7lnels which reaches us. It has been.; enlarged,, and improved if the latter'be , Mr. Menamin has removed his Printers' Furnishing warehouse to .95 Minor-st., Philadelphia.• -ifols ban of olio mast conscientious dealers in the'countq.:— . - • • 4 ,`,4 Social Areceserity,"-The rorenolf. odical Journal for May contains the ,Partralts and Biographical ,Sketches of •Ilev. - • Saind'el May; Dr. Lindley, the Botanist; Rev. Jaliez Burns, of London; Mrs. H. A. Manville, Poet;' Ring Theodore, the Al)Asinian . Handel ; Haydn ; Mozart; Beethoven; Bach; as oh n ; Rossini; Auber; besides papers - :on : 'Mental Action; Duty, the Popular Idea; Unity - -in . .. D ivision; Raid Times—Cause and cure; What is the Motive? The Origin' of. Man; DiversitieS' Gifts; Moral of a Cash Account, etc. with 'en graved illustrations. 30 cents a number, or - 's3 year. Address, S. It.. Wells; Publisher, - 389 Broadway, New York. , ; Fisher it Bunnol havejust received a Sao lot of fresh Groceries from the City. They. have also prepared• themselves to - . furnish warm meals -to oustomers;at'all - reisbnable hours..' . • Every . Saturda?) con tirfiles to: furnishthe cream of foreign periodical liteiatuie ul4 fairly•stipplorits its coMpetitors in that line: The Pale of this popular 'weekly Magazine is enormous. Ticknor & Boston, Mass. $5 per year. John L Mitchell having the agency of this Continental Insurance Company of Now York,' among °them ' has authority to , writo'polinies ou dwellings and farm property, and solicits a Chace of local patronagd. 'See advertisement.--filinow. OM - medical World, Ilittere are all the rage. form'or another, under one name or another, they and star ing advertisements are everywhere to ho found, professing to cure all the ills flesh is heir to, from a bump en tlio - headlo the small pox. Of their efficacy in general we — Tarow..-.ttutlxing; tVe.tliere is one variety concerning which= we hear prdise from all. We refer to Ildofland'S tees: This is not a Mil) preparation Of soine'sort of liquor and bitter herbs and barks, but a' Medi:. cino 'designed for'Discases - of the St - monde:lnd Bowels, and of great power and usefulness. We have not made these assertirms.withent 'Consult ing those who know. - and are competent tctjadge, and they all fully enders° whet ive Fay:- Poirgh a , kcermie,Eagle. 'lloppt,txp's Icu s. Tonc s 4 . 8 a combination of alt the ingredients of the Bitters with pure Santa Bum, Orange, anise, is i nsed for the same disease as the Bitters, - in easeiV liter° some AiCohOliC Stituulant is , nee-t - = and ::ntakeS a preparation delightfully pleasant:lnd agreeable.— Principal 0ff1ec,,631 Arch St.,Phitettle/Phiir, Sold everypdere." - 4ARRIAGES. 1 1 7tESTER—ENGILLS11.—In WeilsbarO"4o: 6, 1868; by Rey-. J: 1 0 . Calkins, Mr. 0. S. WebstOr, and•Mlis Lucinda 'E.'English, all of Well:there. .(The Agitator printers acknowledge ,a box nf cake,' believed to have come from the Wedding feast aforesaid. , At all eients the calm irats . good enough to date •from printer's -2 /redding; and only.neetlea tbe• traditional pi to; render it' Cti.: tirely satisfactory: A , , pleasant journey to the' pair.] ,-X.3 - c)api/63, X37lna7Lzacogia‘ . . , N41,404.11,14004,,§vgny,-Y,,p4001141 . 00,1".Ai. liiCbreiZi,7rei "tral*, * tS. 7 intiatgi , `" , "Vhilr;-936idtgif i&d,ll z hiladelfildit.:lV valilre4y and Motttldleiri fit e ttio % 1 3 ulattani'it: ilrine*, , Anti; ~t u lvti p tit g b:, tnjtoitig. et - 10411a from '.170 :usif- is, -you isin ' ilik-e -ern'. for a day, *eehi , : or iaiontb, and' stop' theni t any limn: - I.lank,,numbers always: Auppqed.--4 411 and see CothCat'adhiteldicliitiderithr.p . .reserv T d lg papers, magAzinci,,and Innale.,.. .'-.,: ' - . ' [Wallstidr?,"llliji.4B;,.l/438 4, t61`-;-:,: -'-' - ' 1 ( , ~ MEM ,-..._ . i THE TE.A.EEIANO'''PF ' ,l l XP l#l9ff F " .l - 1 Mtdklin4s.iteriedititWitiOl'olihariVwjie w ititki, ud 'a etvgfel.f4aotiat,ionr. - pf**tdrolliEti . fott4,A itrerent intintii riCs r lia.Otni'd'aett. s i ti Lb zo Italy - 1 ve ; di fere tit_ k i rul sonak ing_the 'look," ','fol ouldo l 69;7 ‘,*: 014lortethil" aril„ . WlstO 4 l-14on't 41kt:1144,1 eitiat Ali 'n'en . i'ly tear Yai.j, thb Mid flits.'" heady plye,talik,OO ,0 tins, tor:neartrei.xl 7 l,,,desll.949 ort-'o4to.YOF,.l'etlilorq.lh , i - ..eciphing. ! ,;4 ~..y..1 $4 7 . 4 rierianke; "viz.: 7 .-Tyncet . i,r,#F9/trap i yinii4 ; nf L ootytog' inObibis _thlitgare,il9f,:tiOrtl4ll p I'ol'm,, tileY, ctFf,_uti py--a leAl.tliat . ,dof , gta . od, Berrie° iliri4tme,4lreti9,4 OH r. 6 tlieabtlity to °manage and iteep:thetrilln.,or,, der; anti but nee tha,t. i$ abtaya, in 9pp:fir, / al*uyp. tidy for ferviee; atidrtlat alliays giiie . s stilts (llion ' Tiii3; - ' intieliftie — iiii'ess' ''a..:iingio licreati; nketAltu lyi,to+l;loctiiitlitOli, fun" rover iliiis ran' eking it. It_ is called the wileo.x. : k ilit4?s Bor., i teldueltine; anti' is,Ontifi'i t ieritt.lailitidieity,i'tinta.2,, , ilily4 ,, ,ifiiPt.• "171 , 4ainigeinenf, - .. eui;t4ii?ty,..nf ap:er9:., - , t 6, fl 1,111 , 141* b'etiltty- of ittLiverltik a ny. Other. that have,..iieen... , The work dont Orthiintachine , bsid $ lawn., greater strength , and durability thattiliat' ane iy; ni4.hines'ndiking an'ys - o their 4 iiv'd 'cif tiqtpi;: .: , ' ,.V. , 2, 7 :1 1 iir0.P;:q1:, ,4 ?,e 4 r . ? 6 ),q 1 hi15q re - liiiiiiL ---,..-, 'and ofter'tiiiditlxte, w ait Juno st,l 4.13 . ; Curd Phottig.',cp.pt , '1 i§l kei tr,l; s2;ao 16,r, Y,ig)Otto , per oz., Ei: - 8: 1868:• , ! . ••• • • • =I ~ . . : A - Cs.'an.-:-Frinn'thi.4 cialt.(tinfilffiiii i elstd,S6B, nil I;lkt3 l'lnkingraphs iyill,.4 . 4fili anA ;Vignette,. 1;0 0 '..1) . (4'i1er , . „After ;Into Ist, I.:.O.speot..,,toL;:azui 111 - 41.1 - 11iX, li,t it:VA San higher.:! f '.. - , :*.; ! .4.• i:'• - t . FRANJC Sk'ENCER. MallSll ? l onP, l ,Ati li !if . 'll 8. :',';'-ii (l!'' ::4 Zii'` ii -•- - - C. 0 • P.OO)SIPSC/N , - • A Alit.o .freet,-.lYelisliarei,Vai,c finisites.:-plkoto=, 9P, 1 .4.1j1jr 1 4 1 4:iril ,kj . 0.ii, , _,'1 N t ater,colorp;Sot; 1 , ,o t,r4de or k 401 vi s i..l. or4 c . c , . qc.,piei,el4 pie, res .. , large,,nc;.,lnpall„fniAjinisheil -.lnanfier.: 1.•:: 4,11,,kini1i.a.f. , 9 vp,lnanflfNiorpX,rAties on-Aillid, iYai ils4exi inieessas,eivii,be;4•und.eisnivbere...:,, niii-ta4alkin.ex - ellatige . far all, 'hinds ;.of work. ' ..s oo4 ii. -- 741). -8 p 0,41tE, ,•I.* ... - ;-. - •;-.::1 .-- .': „ :, BIBLE.-1f youl .- want till ""Harding gamily Biblerivorth•frein $3 to $5l) call at Y,9ailet3 ,1 'oak Store. n.niVelcalaine • his- stock.' 41.emember , int pretenticil agents always add their - traveling punr-el tl the pfipo,-ia4d make; oil t ipalii:,ft•; c .p: 41 de.Pti 6flSli`ersipYietg: .•. 81.:''...P , _‘ April 2 1. i li ' ' 1101188 CLgANlNG.—lluati Yount;:bus just ro_ thved Two iV;k* Paper for ;Spring Stuck, in Eighty different Stiles, wns„LcatherCalurh, I~'llitea~ Satin ,and Satin Wilt; fvir ititch'onii;4 ) orfori, flails. Dining- Bed-Rooms, at prices 20 per cent. lower tl an last • •year r wi flit ,Btirdois •.' . if, • • !--J•f fixtures, (4 VP:4 8 1) W.intion , pk : r (17 st) los) Cloth gilt shades (10 styles,) Cur- AA cord. {abseil?, picturknaits,--hpok?, and ew cyk. , r :, r`t, v - At.4o, Picture?, Picture anies, and Manna ercrytbing accessary "to wittily your homes. _ Remember to call : first at WELLSI3OIIO".IIO'E. STOP.B. , SPECIA,L NOTICES. <;; .4 it • . illeox & Gibbs t ang Machine. Wily . seam ; is.strouger 'arid 1,53,,,:p rtr,,tint ntn' tAaTi',.ib.ll.)t,bek:Adj k y." : p, the "( f raud'7,4.4" Send for the and scruples of Work, containing Loth kinds of f4illeilOS, un tholiime pjeco of goods. • . • CEO. U. BOWEN, AGENT, *I Air 2'4, for pagir co, h:poyilje,.Pa. 4 ./ =I OLGAI2It,' :gf".,Cti. , 'S . !, ukRAIA.N . :,, , tramvs , c ' .- "• . :IC SPECIWICS, il TIM MOST . 4 0111 C Et. 4,,. elaccess;, , Eirntfie—r ounit— _, ,tipeiv.„ .11py are tyre ot4 ediciuce tierfectly,lid.inted Vi Popular 11EA5...-SO sinirre that mis• takes cannot he made in using them; ao liarmliesa as to bo free, from danger, and so efficient as to ho iftpays re. liable. j They have rained the highest commOdation from all, and will always render satisfaction. Nei"; l i t'i .-.. -i' : '1 I '• ; • • i•' , tie'llti . q. 1 i C uu r, ricyors.s.vg , riPn, ! . V l .o ll V4 l C i t i • - • - ••i 25 2, do Worinm, } dorm-FqTer,.NVortu.Cp_lle 25 3, (ha Crying C •r opc,oi Teething , or infants-. 25 i , i, do Diarriuna Of r chtidreo or adults 23 k 5, do ti yßeitterV:"Griping. Bilious Colic 25 6, do Chotera-MoFbtis, Yorditing 25 7, do Coughs. Coida, IlroUelatis r... 25 lil, „ lit) !Neuralgia, IL . ,,,Aboolo,,Voccricho , q ,o,_, b„ -1I uciadactica,*lle, 4 , 4 1, i;frgt i iP ti''s , '4 5 10, ,),.; byapepsia, Bilious Siothacif Periods.-.... ui i pa. ...er_od_s.....• 1 1 , ' l,, Suppressed-or r i 12, ',do" Whited, too kofto,o Perloitd`... 13, do 14, 16, do -16, Flo 17, do 18, do 19, do Croup. Cough, diflicult 'trenching Salt Rhoun k ,, Erysipelas, Eyriptipus... , 25. 'Fever and Elena, emu baser, Agnes flo Piles, hint," or bleeding.tin ophtifiltriy, rind ethi 4ir•!crefik Nyes.: , .:- GO Catarrh, acute or ehrefita-Infltiersili:i..:'-'5O 20, do 21, at 22, do . 9' 41. 16, do 26, do 27, do i.Wjictopkng.cormli,, , vjulet4 nconglta i g 50 oppretn.ed 1114 at h tag . - 50 I . E PA' Piqc l l4Al'ics. Y y earitig7t SOLift4l6, ai m :w ai l Debility, Pliptien 'Weak:nese. 50 Dropsy, and scanty Seerot:ons 50 Soa..4lcknessiBJcSettifio,rp Eicpp*; - .. $ ..50 rianey.gbisesiso, () NorVega.sornionl' Ends. Awl 4, in volaco tary Discharges 1 00 ore Mouth, Cahhes ii.... 60 i t rioory ,Weekpees, wetting bed... 60 ainful Periode.-yith 5pa5m5.....:...50 niferine chino of 100 pilepsy.SpaWns, t: '1 iphtheria, ulcerated Sara Throat 60 I; 6',44.1,14,4r 'OA 4.74' GE VIALS, IltnoCCO CASE, CONTAIiMia A 28, do 29, do 30, do . 31, do 32, do 33, do 34- - do OP 35 1 OIPIC •oft I.VERY ORDINARY DIREASE A FAMILY In Ain ECT To, AND A agog. as DIRECT/ORA $lO 00 Stnallt-r F int.r anti Tirirctratt'cainsotith 20 to 28 ri a gs,tosB Specifics PRIVAIR Dln DAIWA both for Cm :a INS uof for PRDVENYIVR trerilmO.nt, and Ms an I pocket crows $2 to l s4 ?MTh 61!11 , 84) , ); Abo case or single ho.s„. are sent to no,r iecit,or 014; cnnirtry,PS,,hro Or,gx„prihlit, free of thargailni receipt of tI,o price. Address Humphreys' Specific • Homeopathic Medicine Company. 4101nCCabd Dipbt;No."662 Dr. LluiteuncY4 Is consulted &Mita per? !tonally oil by letter, as above, for all forms of disease. FO 2' SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Auvst 'i s 1607-11. - - - ' -, • - - . ...--... ...--- -- ' IMF9F 1.1P 33133 417: 4 1 1.!. , Wr ii 1 . 1 1 15 : Z OLOolli' AT I i * ENT/kNT ' s3, , ==l, l 3W PIRITS, DEPREBBION, INVOLUNTARY i NSW 8, Li• 88 Of SEMEN, SPERItATORRIBBA; L g ot: .fivrEll,,, -1:1IZZY •lIRAII i i LUSE. lilli',4llßlll , ;•-• 4,,, «141'1., - ;•• , ~.., ‘.. 0 ii" . ' ,.4'. 1 ' ; TIIREATENEW - ABL I OTRI , ICE AND III— ? • , _BECILITY find a „SOVEI4 . IOI, ' . O/11RE in HUM ',PLIREYS' 110MEOPATHIO SPECIFIC No. Vi"NTY-ElG_llt. j 6 :coinpth, [vie OM mosrvalnabla' - irdid 'and inottift Cti retires, ti, y strike sit once the root or the matter, tone up ilk° vyscerli, nrrevt, fho 4.lorhargva, end, impart vigor 14111 energy;, life atol vitality' Os the 'Mitfre` man. They have curoLl Amp:ands of cries- Price $ 5 per pactiiige of six boxes,: mi vial, or i per single box. Soul by drilii i age. and cal by 'Heil WI receipt of Mee. Addrrsa EitIMPItititYcI'•S3pECIFICAIILMEOfATITIO . VER/-' CINE co.', , 012, thlostoete,Nkir l'`inex. - 21a467-1y: " ''() I •6 7 ItNSUMPTI'VES: -Tho charge) to al rectioips for wlllch by wp cllseitst.'etna atilicte+l and scriptiall. 113 is blessing. CD‘V MID A. ‘ViI.:IO,N, will ',send (free ad oho it. the prestriplion with the al niskiiiiig and nsitig the sk u pie remedy by is' cut eft pfiri r ltrog Irectioo s ond, flint great' Ilmi tide. till only Object . iii to benefit tbil he boims a uy sufferer will try this pro it will coil ora,,lmtlOpM imp, may prove talt lcK. EDWARD A. WILSON, g T Art liamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. f - Np1?(,)14.,5" 2.0E4 Camayo7-1 • nacho eutferra _for years from Nervene nature Decay mot all the agree! s or, youth. i fit will; 'tor tite . e4hA of suftefing ha Mum: to all %rho nee...lit, the racim) ttud dtree ing the tample;_rmnetly by which ho was ttrtt wishiaLto profit by the ativerthser's a de 'eti• bradOeittotrilti porfect eotar. ' 1- ''•-•-- •••' • •.' ' - JOl#N , .11; OGDEN - ,••!' ,, 42 Cotlar Street. New York.' A autitleml Debllity,Pre iuthicercti ity 3 ; 09titl rt r. flops frr ma qua. Snffe; oneetleriee; C doelee, 22m!iy137-1 ;..;~~__ MEM RASIVE SOAP n' ;nfastorr4 front. TE.1:1.4 bo eon; sreatlietiyANDAlt D OF EN -1.1.11N0g. • For toile I.y all /CC Irl '22inay 117 y BUS CU, ANTUR, 1 YESI YESt 'YES' tZko4itatlX.,4,./4ids4.47#but itutme,, l i t k rantdAt and elodpett ataok - of mma bost, gatatt.l44lclu,dcactnti;"pl,le,•9l)2, il; Brusttee, - Vatic Po!ftuYdultea-No- Oahe, Perfumery,' Todd!, Seap,':Tishing Tackle, gd,,4l4,oftribrought, Autu this eokinty,,,s v They vililtpuxitivtlY 'cell everYthltiolri l their liaeoleaP et thlri cmcli`a bolloomaiiborti.:;'lboy bought - 4aiir.`gdodiin largo,Ointitiee and for nett oath, and eau and will roll plumper - that) goy, other:ft • 41)1lchTept - ,401,1e ,re'otitity•lt' 041 , 7,1iild';Vtatuitie. Lattck; and pried»; P SAVIT,ILL4III3 410;4.1 bilisy 8;1868. ;, Vpjot) Btock. I .lt HERE English I IVY ; W hits- Lead and Litisead: - OIL VslitfiabO c 1.1u0('1•;-TUrpUntine, ,WlFlLtetlif4F:As t le' ; :41 :WI 14 N . 1 iysr h a:o l4 ih o ._p,n,ra k i,,,• -aft d Arad Oyu Stuff; " • ' ' • . P. P. WII,L;LAISIS, et CO. Who kceee the lariest_siock paipt_Powdors, Tenth,, find. Fells' the c hqsplet.lCH). it t• fej" WhaTv. vti tolvtatfiii"b ztt Sac c eapeet Toilan.d,§aviagpap,,-Ppeket,.;KatycsiztherfaFa_. gr.. 15 6 . - !r.,9,;_voifadast! - Wiltigg;t4iperifi l earnad atik,l4i r ' &, Uniied Siates' Xr9l'l% is hereby, 'giyau;that. tbo ‘ftinualt list Li, ,:faif, ia, Nektor',lBo3,ol;ll.llWiduop all -•pe, resous OW - ing tlie'Clnited Sqtas for taxeMnAingarnefinty . : r.M.V.t a t Pr °Mee in , Atallgold -ion ; or , , befo re ant , ' ny'llie 23ddaY "bf May, 'BB, and. pay thole'• ndebtedness, or cost will barnacle, ~ For,tll ,i;px veil i eildif le asiiniiorti• 4111 Ibil lit ICUtAtrillo Phil:- . ip_3 ilatab,.aa::sY..44neaditillOth c0t:114 4 4i; at Avellsbe're, Thursday T..-)if . .,,,Margkund Friday, A. lil„ lifity , 2t„flplrf Ilianitiald iliturday g'ilay 3, five per eent , penhityt,'/lind'othilV charge I will e wade, ifiglit paid-tryAdr,..ofld,ayll36B.l.l, bre° ants to t ry return postage must aecompan I lan 2. atteraiV 91 1- v.iP ., anima* . ia'tvPfctiWt.Z.Otto • Ail l o atteri ed . to , pridePtlY. A. HUNT, t gans4shilikoil,Fw OEM-. ;,.;.; p.1.;D,3114t7;:pii,:.1, ) Mainsbuig Borough Ordinance. l livpnitfm , tnipip: Mo - t" tarolaiii.. & Of tii MA Vy ' owners of lo ts' or °atop. iirother tipple of land log (Wise - aft to thhillidotlgh ofhlaitilthult,llovo Pro' (tided their petition to th6littricialtud Council of said lorough, praying that the section of land and territory iereinaftor describe d lyluis„.ndJacent-to sail Bpronsh, endnittited• and•+becinnial Vartof: the ammo and to , eclat% t3y,Ordiniancli the atitnissionlaf the‘said ' septic:in f land Intoaald• poroughpand ie itppoettring that aMd elitioo is fu „full compliance mithillo..requlreniedte f the riot otAss'ernbly In each cage llKlClfiiillyl provided. gheiefokiJattit ordained by' he.' Btirgessand•Poulle)i lot , the BorOnglrof Maiffebarg, hit& it Is bertliy Ordained tiyutritharity of „the asune,: thortheloriliorY enibraced trt said petition on which, said poUtionerte and—otherti reside, bb adinittedand flip same ~ia:(herldil?" adraitted , end het:Onto a . porti;d• hiiid Borough, ..,despribed rte. fol- Iowa: lleginning at the four corners, where Cho county kOadTaikodetal by the road leading small from, Mains burg Borough, thence eatifkalong- mild "eontily road, 29 rods to the aoutlecast corner df Daniel Dowd lot, thetici along the lino between sold lot and'the land of Mun son f•ktuld, north 1,2 0 *e:44.30 rods to lands of Joseph Austichthence along the line lliultirkoft.. sea. Ai:W ile mid, illnatme „Band a :nod Isaac W oodburalsinitto. 873i ° oast 60 rode to'sald WoMlbtarnarortit.eastcorner. thedWalong thtrithe *betWeen say . Virodllent,,ang_ IVialitete'Dond,- eaulle I'd:genet "13 ,rodif lialaid"`Oolu4‘ road,.thence ;thong:the sane z , itahn'• dttsterly :dlieqilonw ;20 r,pda tp ther, ettntleettsti,corner.oftland of.' Einttalm isr.thonqe,ajolag•fite,lintAhetween said Smith and MO 'tee Parkhtmit Info.doe'd ? politt2P,cast.l29 , rods to. 'pegift littlrttiddington, thence ttlong the ' line titi,-' *teen sold Sinitli on one aide 'atiditifild Eadlngtehaind iheeetstp of ;P. Knltlin i deed on the , other; 'north 88 0 ' hveat 84 rods to the 5. w. corner of said estate, thence along the line between said estate and said Smith, north 23 2 east 153 rods to th e south lino of Geo. Smith, thence along the line between Ephraim Smith and GOO. Smith, south 78 0 west 60 iods to land of Chas. Smith, thence along line between Chas. Smith and Om Smith, north /2° east 68 rods tq Chas. Stottlea i north awl ts corner/ thidde ailing the line bowt,e*Phits. Smith ion one alio neat flee:Smith; M. Shaw; hid lif. Conally )on the other, north 85° west 147 rode to corner of B. AI. Maine, thence along the line between said Maine hnd sold Conally, north 4 0 east 58 rods to the south 'past corner of S. S. Rummy, thence along the lino of said Itumsey on ono side and said Maine and A. RUM ey on the other, norta 86 0 west 110 rods to the road leading from slainsburg to Mill Creek, thence along said rond,'2.lv' west 58 rods to the north‘eaat , corner, of. Mra.:ltipleyrs lot, and,the • South-east corner of (f. It. 0 randy'e lot, thencs along 'the lino between said lots orth 86 1 4 0 west 26 rods to land of B. Bartlett, thence long lino between said Bartlett and Grandy, north ~' sat, 40 rods to Bartlett's north.east corner, thence betwe n-inods - 6 f said Bartlett and Grandy north 84° west 80, --- 3 t artletts north-west corner, thence be tween said parties I2° ly . 243, rop 1,,0.thq. Nadi eat foitilt4idi to ' -4 01,-' ittp,''AtuMstly, then .0. ditg , ljedijufafetwien keTtthil-patcEOrtt dy, !Mit Sg iVat 48Yode,111thiiii aloft 'Wine ofaaid estate on ono side and land of the said Grandy-am_lP: Parkhurst on the other, south 2 ° west 12 6 rods to to ' ef John Fox, thence along line between said Fox and Parkhurst, nohh 87 0 treat 64 4-10 rods to the north- West corner of said Fox, thence along the line between Said parties south 2° west 117 rods, thence south 86° east 24 rods, thence south 2°west 23 2.10 rods, thence along lino between said Fox,;lnd Aaron.. Ttn.........---0 , 6 137° east.,l9 nio roas , therief — uetween same southde east CS 1-to rods to land of Otis Richard", thence along line between soil Richards and Ramsey and Botert cliteltellsnth 47° east 103 roda,: th ence between said. McMinn) , Mut , °Rebell' south 14 weal., 16 8-10rodej to, lend or A.. 1. gtdilln &lichee along_ _hue between.. Itlch arda and sal,P .Sedth ' sdefti - 43 0 east 61 rode, thence hetweptt baDDIAIIO4 137W. , Etet ' 27'4.10' rods to the soinh;west corner of Janne Ford's lot, tbencd eking the Bur totAsteigi said'Foril and -smith, south 87 1 / 4 ° etuft 11 rode toihe inid road running south front lifalnaburg to the State road, thence !south along said road, 34 rods to the place of beginning, • And be it further ordained by'ailthorlty of said Bur gess and Council, That the said 'section shall forover Hereafter he deemed, takon, and allowed to be n part of "aid Borough. and subject to the jurisdiction and gov ernment of the municipal authority of paid„borough as fully as if aloe mho had been originally a part of Bald borough. J. 11. STRONG, ; Attest : O. D. MAINE, Seev• Burgess. i [Jan. 22, 1868.] Malusburg, May 13,1568.-3 t. Orphans' Court Sale. Y virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court D of Tioga County bearing date April 25, 186 S, I will expoao to public gale at the Court Mug° in Welleboro, Saturday, Juno 13, 1868, at 1 o'clock P. %1., the following degorihed real estate, to wit: A Joi ot land in Delmar, *ginning .at thiN 60 1Mh- eV; votr;eo (if the land'64iohi ,dosptibpai lho 1.11.6 of lot lately owned by A. L. Bodine, and at a point where a certain Street is laid out upoll a map of Morris lands in that vi -6114, thence south 87.1° east 53.4 perches to a public highway leading from Wellsboro to Sham way llill, thence along said highway north 24° West 20.2 porches, north 13? cast 22,0 porches to a point in said, highway where it is intersected 1)y a certain other cross street marked on map of survey of Morris land aforesaid, thence along said cross street parallel with first line herein mentioned 38 • perches to street first named, limpet? southerly along said •stfeet„,4o,perche to . plaCti of 'legilinlite-4-tontainibfiltbatit 11.18 aCrea DAR') or Ups. " " ' Also—another lot of land in Delmar, begin ning at the north-west corner of the Edwin L. Belirs lot on raid map, thence south 44° east 22 Peilehes to tho south-west corner of the Geprge Sera lot on said ruap,.thenee southprly J two rods to the cross bil l e g iti,bdie tufintididd,tthence along tiai'd cross street Iflperebes to lhp first described street on said map, thence along said street 17.1 p(Wrbes to place of beginning—containing one acre, more or less. Terms cash. MARY BORST, Admx. May 13, 1868-41 itIiOUSILE'IIIIIIO. STollit CORNING- N Y t; :1„ • DRUGS AND MEDICINES,PAINTS 419 OILS, - • Ant THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS,' KEITH'S CONCENTRATED, MEDICINES * • •• IREDELL'S FLUID, 'TX= TRACTS, RURNETT'SICOCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LA4F,'S, PATENT IIEbIIiINES, ROCH- /01-DVLA*OkING' EktRACTS, "OILL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, , ;=‘ Wtili`FAVASit TAME AND DYWoOLORS, • , =I AGENTS FOR NARNIN & CO'S RE • ' OIL. Solii' l E Wh iluyere are requested to oall,ltt,f),got Ifuetetirt' " s !: afore fiiither , TERBELL &,,CO. , t` , ' s • ' * I Porntn,:l4:7l':,,,,Jek:4; .1868=.1i East, ADVATTZSVIENTS. 141,EVAR'ED POR •• k 4 • •• 4 „ , • Spritg and Summet Trade NOE LVEinow on hand and, etllicoining, a large and well selected stook of • , 4 GOOD ._GOODS,7', labepiirisit?ig oviMh'indfideaddil'entatoOk .1 1144ZADM IWitalaZZO ALV'ACAR; POPLINS,'';` 041BICIOKS, FRENCH JACONETS,'ORCIANDINS, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLO . RED BILKS; ' ALSO, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, ; SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPART . jj ~M I ENT COMpLETE, tt ,f! TRIMMINGS, LOTS YAN K EE NO. TIONS, HOOP SKIRTS, BAL. MOREL SKIRTS, OPERA_ FLANNELS, CORSETS, DOMESTICS, Mil ittiADY-ICADE - ,bl,oliffrkd, . • Cloths and Cassitneres and a Tailor to -Cutivud Fit. Boots .and Shoes, BATS AND GAPS, STRAW ; 000D§; CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, WARE, MIELE HARD 1 ; 'WARE, NAILS; IRON, `,/ SALT. LIME, PLASTER, PORIC,'IPLOUR / . Don't. fgrgv ' tao,loolc ciylr Qur .8 rock .of , A ,1 GROCERIES 9 iho moat complete stock you can find, such as TEAS. Wo are old totud,.rin,kers and know.itllem .! ; . ' • everything in the Grocery line, Gunja' Batik Codfish Bay Mackerel,. Ashton Galt, what makes the Bnttoo good, and nice firkins to put it in.— Also; Butter Tnbeand.Pails; ,Buttersoldon corn asion—no .eharges for 'handling; but would like a small portion of the money.yonlget in re. turn, that is if our prices suit. FARMERS TOOLS, t:S . full - We are agents for the Ohio and Buck eye combined Mowing Machines; general depot for fixtures and extras for the the above ma -411.in05„.. , All kinds pr Tigga - AND GENERAL . igtieultdral Implement Akeney. MILE siab,seriber would inform his friends and jj patrons that ho has just returned from New York ,with the best selected stock of iIEAVY' AND ''SIIELF' I.IAUDWAR.E ovar brought to,Tiega County. Particular at tention has beetC.paid to the :selection -of ME CHANICS SEALS;'of. which r havo the most HOUSE' TRIMMINGS, •AI • HOUSE ' • HOLD HARDWARE ' ' , • • ;- in endless variety'. • These goods have been bought for Cash. I agree to made it an'objeet for any man ,t,e,exalatne ray steok bo t fere purchasing,: , n'tfeslderatinn longlelt by the i'armers -" of this on., I have established a ~,General AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AGENCY; for the sale of Implementi of all descriptions in the farming line. I have traveled nearly 1000 Miles looking up the most improved-and reliable Tools now in use, among whichtmay be foundtho , - I'KIRBY S:IEEL;PLOW - .' wile IT.iiiiy,ia stiPerio ' rk, io i anylifpw' WV; rUsU l a i n factured for' the following reasoo : I i'lst,i , The matoria usedl ili it ClA'aii/CllOll is shpotior to any plo now made:„ltititmers made of Wm. Jessup dc cin's best.Ciast Meek and the wood Work from tb best white Oak ,butt logs: 2d, Whfi'llitiP .o , o Om niould-boatd;:ii;A: great improvement over lathers. ,Jt turns the soil with the least poisi lerosistapeo, Sand in:sitch a manner as to cover fief) all high stalks do stubble. • ad, It pulverizes the ,earth 'mere- thoroughly, than any phi* now,in nee. i L'.: 4th, The point and i3hare,'4re'iadep'endatit of each other, the latter being' made of first-class steel, and is ad constructed that any blacksmith can relay It. The point is of Carbonized Iron Ohilled,;and cats be replaced' at a trifling' cOstz-- giving the farmer a steel share mould-board and land aide without the expeaso of a Steel point.— This is a great advantage over: ALL: other Steel Plows; and IS protected by letter; patent? (,-., Mb, The draft li Very light, 'being's gain of over 40 per cent over any cast iron, plow now in use. More land ban - be•ploWedin a day with greater ease to man and, teas than toy.any other plow. . .,' : . . - Otb, The standard is Wrought Iron, made very strong and does' not harbor weeds, stubble, or other trash., In att other plows.the standard is . . 7th, All the iron on the beam le malleable ex eept the coulter strap, ishleh •le made of the best Don't fail to see the,ltirbfbefore purcihasing. The time ha's come when ,all-intelligent farm. era need ()pry , examine the comParative Merits of steel orreast iron plows, toleeeme'fully convin• cod of the decided euperlority , bf thb forropr.,: • - ME GRAIN DISTRIBUTOR! double or roveraible steal' points on the tubes.— The — best and; most and ' Grain 'MI1116; ,world. Accuracy and certainty of distributien, guarranteed with coarse or,fine grains: working , on the hill-side,or, level. ' • • Improved FERTILIZER anti Grass Seed at. tichinont. , It , sows Guano,Super•Phosphate, Bone g ust Lime,. Salt, italcs, Plaster; or any other fine fortilizer in any desired quantity per acre. ; • •„ The' arialls - Seedo : vieigtt'y hat 2 4 sews " - ireadoneL dasiatatlovel desired quantities. : i The inprovenient made In the CONTIN,UOUS DISTRIBUTOR - and other 'deeidea secured by, Letters Patent during'ilig`Tast fifteen Months, hhvo doubled the merits of this drill,apd:pleced it in advance 4:44 - cominititors. Fart:Deis Will pleaeo bear in mind • that it sows all kinds of grain' frowpeas and beans , to grass' seed, with out cracking the kernel. No other drills do this. triecenury add, this Drill is in universal use among the farmers of Genespe.valley. ; ;- i Agent also tar the Rochester CULTIVATOR and lioji.p4 110 E. , . ~ , ;-,_,; , , ,'; , -• • •-- 1 Pitta Threshing Machine. Black Tin Water Pipe. Sharp's horse Rah° , ~ . ,vniversat Wringer and Illowers and Reapers. , ,L liott , -Washer. 'Elmira SEW Factory, patent Sad irons. BOW° 2 c Blo Works. ;'• - White Wire Clothes' §enecti Falls Pomp Co. Champion Potato DV - and , Medina Wo*si ' _,_ =MEI - 'Any kind of Seals and Implements furnished oh - abort notice at manufacturers prices. • ' Communiontioni attended to promptly. • Or. -Agra solicited, and information freely given; •- J. Jr. •Tioga, April 29, ' " BALDWIN 6: OD: TIOGA, ~ „ •• can't bii be a ; BE at'a vary small margin. SUGAiItS -IVIOLASsns' COUNTRY PRODUCE Hardware ,, Store,. complete assortment tn market. Bickford Air, Huffrnan-Is;_ContiouOus .4.tho Farmers' favorite,) New Spring Goods ERIE MEE MEE W .Kbave received, a very WZIK STOCK of. ' . on the moiit favorable terms, and will be sold at Very small :ovitrice from cpst. IVe think we hazard nothing lb saying that we keep 'the and the - B ST lar4turr/of 'Otiods that, are kept in the place.. Have tystore Bab t enough to 900 what3 .43l ,j'ar, 6 ,? 1 : 1 YIng;or9i:ploggo ourselves to piqnality Oonaidered, as at any ether establishment. We continue to make our , „ • / • . MINIM / ono el oar specialties, and when desired on short notice and in ,the boat manner. We have added to our stook a good assortment of BRIMiLS,, THREE PLY. INGRAIN, • COTTON WARP, HEMP,; AND ' , STAIR CARPETS. GREAT S. TEA COMPANY, and roll TEA at New,"York prices by trio single pound. All visiting Corning. are invited to call and examine stock and prices. •' SPRING & SEMIHR GOODS W E bog to call iour tittontiOu to our stock of Millinery and Sir.* Goods for the Spring and Sammer.Trade, which is now complete, and selected with care' to meet the wants of all, and embracing full lines of all "that is new and novel, and at the lowestpossible / rates. .1 PATTERN HAT FRAMES of Madame Railing's large and exquisite assort [pent, of which we will give our friends the mos desirable s tyles. Mrs. E. D. MITCHELL. If. Broad Street, Tioga, Pa. rIMOGACO.C.I URIC PROCLAMATION. 1 Whereas, the lion. Robert G. White, Presi dent Judge forth. 4th JudieialDistriet of Penn sylvania) and O. F. Veil and 'Elisha T.. Bentley, Esq.'s, Associate Judges in Tioga county, have issued their priecept, bearing date the 15th day of Apr., 1868, and to me directed, for the hold ing of Orphan's - Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Termin er, at Wellsboro, for tho County of Tioga, on the 4th Monday of -May (being the 25th day), 1868, and to continuo two weeks. Notice is therefore' hereby given, to the Coro ner,Justices of the Peacey•and Constables in and for the county of Tioga. to appear in their own properpersons,withtheir records,inquisitions,ex aminations and remembrances, to do those things which of their offices and in their behalf apper tain to be done, and all witnesses and other per ,sons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth 1 :against any person or p rsons are required to be then and there attondi g, and not . to_ depart at their peril. Jurors are equested to be punctual in their attendance at t o appointed time, agree ably to notice. i ()liven -under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's Office. in Wellsboro,lthe 24th day of April, in the year of our Lnrd one thousand nigh, hundred and sixty-eight. icrpTroo is ppreby .given that the following 111 named Executors and Administrators have tiled.their Accounts in the Register's Office ,for Tioga,Corinfo,, and -that the said Accounts will be presented to the .Judges of the Orphans' Court for said oounty, at a court to be held at Wcllsboto, Monday,.May 25, 1868, for confirma tion and allowance: • Partial sect of A a Garriion, Eouisa Shelve, and JacOb Shelve, Administrators cam teat. an. esfato of KA Shelve, of Jackson, deo'd.., Acct of Riohard Brown ) edger of the estate of Griffin Palmer, dec'd:.: Acct of Elanson Seeley, Ex't of last will and testament of Elanson Seeley;of Deerfield, deed. Met of S If Wood, adm'r of estate of Ilezeki 7 ah Wood, of Blcias, deed. Acct of 0 B adm'r do bonis non of es. tato of 'Caleb fraarrison,late of Jackson, dec'd. Acet-of B' Shelve, admir of estate. of E B Garrison, of Jackson, deo'd. Acct of-L' 13 [Shelve, surviving Ex'r lest will and testament 'of John , Sheive, of Jackson, deceased. Partial acct of Mary Beret. adm'x of estate of Matthew Borst; late of Wellsboro, doc'd. ' Acct of• Polly A Pride, adm'x of estate of Eon. airs Pride, late of Westfield twp deto'd.• D. L. DEANE, Register. TN BANKRUPTCY—Western District of Pa., Ass: TO whom it may concern; The under signed hereby - giveanotiao of his appointMent as assigno, of William chlohrt A. Rose of. Tioga ,co".-Pa r o havo.been adjudgabankrupts Upon ,their own petition by the Distriet Court of said District. ' J. HARRISON, Wellsboro, April 29, 7868--at • ' Assignee. eoud, evenly and in In Bankriaptcy. ilreato'rubiiirict of Penneyivania i •.; o whom it may concern: The undersigned T horoby • giros notice of his appointment as assignee of Lewis J. Stone of the County of Tioga and State of Pennsylvania, Who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his 9wn,spetition "by th = I ittrict9oUrt 'of said District. • .• • J. RABRIBON, Wells bo ra -A prii 29,' 1808.4 t Assignee, 00 - 1341tRIATireeifilibEV's, Fri go gen. 200 Bushels - Tithothy Seed. 100 bushels Clover seed,, choicest kinds , WRIGHT A BAILEY,. mono Buokwheat'Flour: WRIGHT 4 . BAILEY. ESE IN= CORNING. • • . .s; SPRING GOODS BEST ASSORTMENT SELL/ AS LQW, `CLOTH TRADE Ei MAKE TIiEM . TO ORDER CAIiPETS, , conoipting of FLOOR OIL 'CLOTH 'and PLATTING, and can sell them HOW VERY LOW. r : '• • We are the agents for the Clovailns) Apt B, 1800.- FOR 1868. April 22, 1868- JEROME B. POTTER, Sheriff. Register's Notice. Wellaboro, Apr. 29, ,1868. April 1,1868-3 t :: :!,.$$.0111VO:, - ,,a0114Ntr;,:, ME =I , tkOirt ez : Altriosr7euretrapsti as Boggs upon Tyng; t I've DwunEround a circle as round as a ring, , And *bile on its dDirp cut part Ding 'Wing, I atoppedlitthe city, and took on the Spring STUB S Oka-CROCERIES MEI • Tha taabiane for: - • SUGARS ARE LOW IN THE , NECK, '4n4 mop asfoniebingstiti, Molaiseti &' Syrups ictiL, have a freer run downward, with a unnel-sha pad trail: ' NE 6010.1156er p howoyer, are opt from the neck downward, 'add Mil the style to blue sea silver with stripes. TEA-TEA -;---TEA . • will be prepared .from. a , -drawing, furnished to every customer' who'buys a pound.' Of the styles to suit compiexions, etc., Imay mention that Black Tea you can have If yea-long for it. I cannot ge time to look up all the hard words which the GREAT AMERICAN SEA COMPANY use to startle the Innocent people aboot the °coon try ; but you can depend upon andlni the very best of Tess at the BEEIHIVE EXCHANGE? GOrPE3® f the styles are various. You can- have the latest stylus frcim the following fashionable foreign, ports, to wit-: 100114. JAVA, RIO, LAOUYRA JAM ,AIOA, &C. PROVISIONS Flour Still wears hoops over all, and dispenses pith trails as unprofitable. I have all grades eatable, Also, PORK;DBIED BEEF AND HAMS, ogother with a fall assortment of light groceries and canned delicacies. As ever MATHER Pays Cash or Trade, for all MARKETABLE PRODUCE. CALL AT MATFLERS'S. Wellaborii, Apr.l, IL W. T. MATH EltS NEW SPRING GOODS J. A,. Parsons & Co's 011BIP CASH STORE!' BARGAINS IN ' S AWLS, 13ALMOR ALS, DRESS G 9r, TABLE LINERS, T IVELINGS, LINEN SANDKERCHIEFS,HOSIERY OUR Stook is large and will give satlsfaetien as to prices. White Goods such as Jaeko nets, Nainsooka, Stripes, Cheeks, Brilliant?), /to., are much lower in prices, and in great variety. Dynasties, such as . . PRINTS, SHEETINGS, SIII,RTINGS, DENIMS, TICE.INOS, COT- KENTUCKY, JEANS, AC. We' have a handsome stook, and are selling it at the lowest cash prices the market waist:ford. Weinvite the attention of close buyers to our stook, assuring them that It will pay thorn to tall -on UP. &lurch 25, 1868. Coal for Sale. fIOAP,SE Brmswiroub , COAL for - Balo, C Oben, by Sept, 28, 1887. D. P. ROBER TS.., F LAX -SEED-=Cash paid for Flaxseed by • ,; P. B. & Co. ; .• 1 . /,.. ...:.,,. ' ... f . • 2 ; • I ' ' ' .;.. '. 1 , •:;!..... ../. .P. ' . ' .., 3 . '."..'' P 71 As to In the matter of NAPKINS, NOTIONS,, TQNADES, J. A. PARBONI3 & CO.; Coming, N. Y. A, Patent Right that ja No - Humbug. - rtlilo of:-,D.,B.13tusleirent's bfilk;liiiieiirea 4,-; Proviiioillaiik for Tlegsc CoantY, s is prepared' te . ', Bali Tow whip drindiVtditar sighticat fair rates. This Rack is portjihici'ariS arranged that lt maybe teken,apartind pultegetber'netil*ln bee Pinutes. It occupies loss - that 'feu* feet, '.scinare of a: room, and, - eau he - pliciAtin'the 100 0 in 0 5 014 wentlibi; and will hold.frog..7l t0.13f, isuie'of = The' shelves are made skeletonform in'.aifte allow the free circulation n elf around.**pots. It has been proved ihat.,!xidilOilit:4abie: more cream, and keep freilleur.tia heura' longer • than on ordinary - shelve& Each shelf turns by Itself Indsiodeni',4 the 'other, so that the cream of the former milkhig Is not disturbed by the , ,,rerativitV or It:tutting On -of pans. The frame - is - such' 'that Moen' be ?ROl ly covered with a ileth'er 'Onto; leffeetnallyez. eluding insects or dust:" It If a c o mplete arrange meat to dry fruit 40. n. The eehecribir.l l o soon Visit different parts of the COnntY wittra *ode] : of this rack; or he Cait,beiddiessed at Prelliboro, by those desiring to purchase Ifotruship dr indi vidual rights. Speoltdens intti aloe be aceriet the foundry building of Scars & Williams, to -tills Borough sit any time after tlie`Middlebf Neigh. - OBOII.GB T,119,5P,502Y.. *ll e s oro, Afarob, 11, 1868-Bia. rli IKNOXVI "PON: 4 SO - ezidlo9 ll. 9t the 1 04 At did 90.8? • Entrance ' ' 'COLTS ENTERD Poo Azors;ExmAtrriox. 0.11. Wood.ontisroii Rciark Maio, tame Lady Wood 0.8; Wood Moirk , " Knoxvißolisia W. 0. Wood " Roan ;Homo ". ' ; Ail from Hamiltonian Jr. ' Others Will appear F. D.:Bannel,' fstallion; name Urea , Minor Stir., lgame and description of colt, with one-half of tbe.entra nee' money must be:handed to the Sec. I rotary - V.oe let day of 'May. - ' ' Premium for best Trotting Celt one-half aho money received on entries: = ; Second best, one-third of. theintry montly.• -- Third beet, ono-sixth of the entrance money... M. V. Punrnk,'llee. 0.0. WOOD, - -•- Pa. Reb.16,,1868-tf. . -;! . 1 • : bItERNMENT'' - . s PROPERTY AT PAIYATE SALE tpit * - KIN .COet _ AN IMMENSE AMOUNT - OF• PROPEETY BOUGET AT OONERNMENT SALES. • Consisting ; - 10,000.8ets New and Second Hand Harness, Bridles and . Collar's, g,OOO • Saddles, • All styles, _ 2;000 WAGON COVERS, nil slice, new At worn: wo WOOL AND; RUBBER. BLANKXTI3, & HORSE eff R M N S iY g IA T I PaITSg • CAT OB AT 1 , PANTS, BLURTS, DRAWERS ) &c. 4i t !so a large , Jot or Reims, Lead Lines; Buggy lance and Cart harness. Double Trees Lead Dars, Port able Forges, Ac.; Ac. Wheel Team Harnett, little worn, all oak tanned leather, serviceable, eleaned-and - oiled, $6 per horse, including Bridle Lead, lib $4 , Am bulance or Stage harness with superior leather Traces ' , tberfectly.stilted for farm or general team work: doubler sets complete V. 5 to 30,1Brldies $1 to .$3, extra hair, . lined Artillery case, do $2,50 ands 3, Double Rein $176 to 2.25 , - halters $5 to $l2. per dozen, New °Meet's, b lc- Cleilan Saddles, $lO do, with plated Bit Atridle sl9i , Brass Mounted Saddles. good as new 1 49, with Bridle $ll, Boys Saddles $6, Wagon Covers, superior, 10 and 12 oz., Cotton Duck $0 to $l2, 1000 hospital Tents, new and good as new, 12 oz, Dnck,l4 feet square sas to $5O, with poles and pin* complete, Wall Tents $l6 to. $2O. _Wedge do ss' to $.9, helter Tents for Hay Caps $3O to $5O per 100. • Crain Bags, 12 oz. Duck, 2to 3 Bushel $(1 to $lO per dozen; also full'assortment of Seamless liage. . - • Small order by Express, C.O. D. . ' LIBERAL DEDUCTIONS TO WHOLESALE DEAL yRItRt • - CO,& • • (Formerly on Front St.; 00W) . 71 11 . 01tTLI STSCONIS SF., JUST SZLOI4 ARCH ST., - • PHILADELPiIik PA. Also, 5 PARK ,11.ACE,' N. Y. Desriptive soot on, application. April 8,1868-3 m. -\ . •-• , __Farm f r Sale., rpin subseriber.offors for hale a fermi in Jack 1, son township, on . Alder Run near Mitchell's Mill, containing 100 act - Fes -65 improyed, and 13+5 , wood land. Said farm has a new frame+ honse, good barn, young apple, orchard and good. water .thereon.. Alen 80 acres timber land. adjoining, which will be sold with the above if , desired.— The above property will be. sold ,cheap. Tiflis good and terms easy. Inquire at tbiti Pince, Or. of GEO. W. HUDSON, March 28, 1868.-3 m, on the premises. . . .• 1 ~''cales' ! - Sea' )l es ! Scala 1 ' ..., TIIE Buffalo Platfqm Scales, all onliaary. sizes, for itavy, A d , counter use,, may be found at the - Hardware Store of Wm. Roberta, Welleboro. These Seal s are the Fairbanks pat ent and have no siverior anywhere. They lore, wedeln theflest style and have taken' the prami um at all the-great exhibitions. I have thesole agenctfor these Scales in, this region.__ ;. ' IvlLLrsui aosErds. Wellsborl7Feb. 12, 1968. Notice. T"COMMiSSIONEAS county. will meet for the purpose of heatingippeale from the assessments of the several Assessors - of the County, •o'n Wedneiday, March' 18th; iitat:, and at any other time during their asssionsttp to the Sthilay of .luno next.' E. HART , . • • •• • P.V.VANNEis" Coin Cl'. ALLEN, Clerk: JOB REX.BOIIO. . Yellsboro, March X8 t 1868.-3 t ' ; - • Ad'ministrator's Notice. Jr_jETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION "bavin;g been granted to the undersigned en the' et tate of William French, jr., late of Middlobury, deed, all persons owing or having claims against said estate, are required to call and settle with . - ANNIDTT.E-P.1113N011: Middlebury, April 8,3888.-6w* Admilaiitrator's Notice.. L.ETTERS of `administration having been granted to the tsekiber upon the estate of 0. B. Gaige, late of aokson township, deceased, all persons owing said estate or having _claims against the same, will settle witlP • • DAVID..,EVERETt, Adta'r. Jackson, April 22,1868.'R ". . ExeCht,oi's' • , , T BITTERS Testamentary having been grant -1_,4 ad upon the last will and testament of Chas. Whitcomb, .late of Union deceased; all persona owing'said testator; or having claims against the said estate, will adjust all matters:with JAS.•M. WHITCOMB, ,1 Ezra. MARINDA. WHITCOMBJ . Union, April 15, 1868-43w* 0 ' , DF o rliTlS' TRY.- DR..A. PAGTISiAN,' • - •' is permauentlY looao4 Wens - I , hero, Pa., • ...._.- • . „ QPFICE, 13 Mem • &rarer., Where ho will promptly attend to all work per taining to his profession. Having procured •all ; tha improvements of the day; be will furnish whatever is &shed at the lowest pessible terms, and will guarantee satisfaction in every case.— Nitrcius Oxide -Gas. which, is superior 'to any-, thing in use, administered - wh desired—al- ways . giving a painless operation. Wellsboro, April 1, 1868. - - 1 1 For :'Sale. 10P SPLBN6ID BUILDING BOTS,In' the OP Borough !of Wellsbore, and a TINIBBR TRACT of 400 acres in Delmar; three nailes from !. this city- - heavily timbered. Terms easy. Sari'. 8,1868. BAILBY: • - WRIGHT; Down' it :;Conies. WRIGHT 4., BAILEY. are receiving Marge lot of cHOIOE NEW WHEAT FLOUR, tbo first in market. To be sold at reduced • I4aug67. • ex.' ATOTICBcIa hereby given that D. Q,Altterivt -1.11 abOut t". 6 'apply to hie BacellotatYlohtt Cleary, dovornor of Peon'tt_for.pazdina. wife,C. L. DITTP.It. April • = -- ' - INTSW GOODS- lust: received, `:Please call I q and examine for yourselves before &relies ng elsewhere. TOLES. it-BARKER. ' WeUsher°, April 15,1868-2 w. . ,' - ... .FOR. SALE , CHEAP. - , , .„ elegant new' OpontEtiggi. looond baud 001cl:1144:v 1 Oeoand kind ttp, Inaggp— I oulkey. I two bone lonbiewagiin; • -7 WRIOWN 41r. BAILEY. 0 II IMO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers