TWO ROSEBUDS. Tha leaves of this old book enclose The remnants of a withered rose That once was whiter than the! snows It noNt/ed in a maiden's bait, The choicest gem that shcl could wear, So youn3, so happy, and so fair. I, in a-loving, childish Way Did cherish it, and fondly lay It %chore it still is sweet tb-day; That it should sanctify the place, In memory brightened by thesgraeo That lingered on, my playsiate's face; And kindle in my beryl a glory That years to come should seldom know At memory of the long ago! But dreamed not that:the future year Should BCO another rosebud near. lho ono that loag bad slumberod.bere Yet-now I place them side by' side ; One with the stain of tears is dyed; From ono the dew is scarcely dried. She wore ono in her childhood's mirth ; And ono to-day, when from het. hearth They bore her to the silent earth. Folly does not know when to hold its tongue: Wisdom does, and this shows the difference between them, A Connecticut bridegroom refused to assentto that part of the marriage vow __which pledges the husband to cherish the wife "in sickness and in health," alleging that she might be sick all te time. :, . A era'. 1301".—The . pastor of one of our churches was' catechising the pupils of his Sabbath school,. and remarked : ." Rein,ember, dear children, that God is everywhere." The words had hardly escaped his lips, when a roguish little fellow up and - said to the pastor: " Please, sir, did you .say that GOd was everywhere?" " Yes, my son ; everywhere." " Is he in illy pocket?" , " Yes, hpis In your pocket." " Well, gliess I've got you there," was the triumphant retort ; "cause I ain't got any pocket." • TILE NEW BONNET.—After t.iovernor Gilmer,'of Georgia, retired from office, he went to his old 'Mine in Lexington. He had a penchant for old irons, such as plough-shares, old carriage irons, grindstone cranks, old shovels, and the odds and ends of plantotion tools. At tending the .ales of estates, he accumu lated an ox cartload or two ofsuch stuff, which he dumped down into the corner of his yard near his dweling, very much to theannoyance of his wife. The pile kept increasing. She determined to make way with it, and one day (Sher iff's sale day) sent it to the court yard (with the knowledge of the Sheriff, who loved a joke) to be' sold to the highest bidder. Governor Gilmer that morn ing rode out of towtta mile or two, and was returning as the Sheriff was pro ceeding with his sales. Catching the eye of the Governor, who was looking on, he pointed out to him the lot . of old iron, and requested him to make a bid for them. "Good," said Governor Gilmer, "I will I have some pieces home that will match exactly. I bid ten dollars for'them." "Ten"dollarAen dollars !" repeated theSheriff—(nobody bids more)—"They are yours, Governor." Delighted with the purebase,"he paid ton dollars, and left them in j the yard for-future movement. The Sheriffpaid the ten dollars to Mrs. Gilm er. lii a few days she bought a InunisOme bon net, aml - the Governor, admiring it Very much, said : "My dear, where did you ge ty bonnet? It is beautiful an you." "Don't it, husband, don't it! it with the ten dollars you pal , Own old iron trash l" The Governor wilted—he was Told by his own wife. But time cured the chagrin, and the good Governor had frequently to join in the laugh at his expense over this little incident, WONDERFULLY MADE.---1 - 1 arPO Weekly has a curious compilation of facts relating to-the effects of differeitt objects upon the taste, feeling, and oth er sense of the body in different persons, A cat or a rablt, and especially the fur. of these animals, distresses those who are so peculiarly, constituted as to be susceptible to such influences. Veal produces nettleraSh, orange-peel, per vousexcitement. Vigsinsome stomachs, produce a sensatiota like that of swarm ing with ants. Rice nets like poison on some people, and they can detect the presence of even a few grains of it, no matter how well disguised. A cause of a man's being sick unto death from eating inuttonchop is recorded; a ease of fatality; as pronounced, as if ho had eafed toad-stools. The touch of honey causes swelling of the tongue, frothing at the mouth, blueness of the fingers, in some people;. in others, the applica tion of mustard to the skin produCes violent twitching of face, arms and legs. Sonic can not remain in the same room with a cheese, and the surface of a rus set apple, or the bristles of a brush ex cite an exquisite nervous distress. In corroboration of the phenomena,' in our own experience, we have met or known of personsto whom the eating of woodcock was the invariable cause of violent and dangerous sickness. Cap tain Ward, killed early in the war on a gunboat, in the Potomac, could not see or smell, much less eat an egg, T Without terrible revuldo .s in - his stomach. A gentleman we know can not endure the presence of an apple anywhere near Lim. His son brought home on in his satchel, and carelessly and unit' own to the family left in the closet up stairs. The gentleman on entering the house detected the scent, and was obliged to %remain out of doors until the obnoxious fruit was discovered anti removed. lionm,of us, at 'least, are fearfully and wonderfully made. ODIUM SMOKING IN LONDON.—A writer in All The Year Round says : " There is a •colouy of Orientals in the Center of Bluegate Felds, and in the center of-this colony is the opium divan. We reach it by a narrow passagei lead ing up a narrow court, and •easily gain admission on presenting ourselves at the door. Yahee is of great age, i s , nev er free from the influence of opium, but sings; tells stories, eats, drinks, cooks, quarrels, and goes through the 'routiqo of his simple life without even arousing from the semicornatose you see him in" now. ' The curious, dry, burning odor which is making your eyelids quiver painfully, which is giv ing your temples the throbbing which so often predicts a severe headache, and which is tickling your ,gullet as with a feather and fine dust is - opium. Its fumes are curling overhead, the "air is laden with them, and the bedclothes and the rags hanging on the strings above are all steeped through "with the facinating drug. The livid, cadaverous, corpse like visage of Yahee, the wild, excited glare of the young 'Lasear whO opens the door, tine stolid, sheep-like rumina tions oil-Lazarus and the other China men coiled together on the floor, the incoherent anecdotes of the Bengalee i.quatted, on the bed, the fiery gestula tions of the mulatto eind the Manila muir who are in conversation by the fire, the semi-idiotic .jabber of the ne groes huddled up behind Yahoo, arel all ft due to the fumes. As soon as we re sufficiently acclimatized to peer through the smoke, and after the bearded Orien tal who makes faces and passes jibes' at and for the company has lighted a small candle in our honor; we see a sorry little apartment, which is almost 'fiJled by the French bedstead, on which half-a-dozen colored -men aro coiled lo itgw ihe tic roes its breadth, arid in the qeii terof which is aceinmon Japan tray and Opium lamp. - Turn which way yogi will, you i3ce or touch opium enaok ers.ll NEW HARDWARE STEiRE! GONYERS-St IjSGOOII TNaddition to their old businces in Dry Goods, 1341 r e -cries, .tc., bare established rt. STOVE, TIN; AND ti.ENEItAL , . , WARE STORE, two doors below-the ohLiannd; :where they man ufactUre • . TIN-WARE HUMANITY -ITINCIPLE, • that id, in the nl6Bt §nbr•lnntial •manner. In the matter of rov we`hve enough to do all Ilioi;,;oking and warm lag ip Tioga County. • In:ftiot, we.ltave Stoves enpugh to MAKE A SUMMER in . , IVALI?USSIA. o r IVo are the only ngcnt3 for ihn,s:lie 'of tho AMBRICAN COOT 'Weilitintn; and filid Stje is tho• ' AUTOCRAT O 1 STOVES. We keep all. kinds of Hardware, Iron, Nails, Steel, Horse Shoes, and a complete variety of If yon don't belioye it .DROP CONVEHS .t 0.5000] . ) Wollsborn; Sept. 4, 1867, ly. H OOP SKIRTS, or Do LAN() Lt CO'S Stoves: Stoves :: it N D ar . tt it D %V Aat E Wt. WiLLIANI ROBEAITS - -17 - announce to the CiIi2OTIB Tivga Cvnt that in his excollonbNstock of Stove 4 Tin-Warn, Brittania, and Shect-Iron Wnro, 11 , has, at a great outlay, stocked his store on ➢FAIN STREET, W.ELLSBORO, with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware of which we enumerate the followirig articles: NAILS; SPIKES, CROWBARS; X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, , 'BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, the pret .l becomes I bought d for your BITT•STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SIADES, VORKS SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC PRINGS, HORSE SIIOES HOOP, BAR, 1 & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, (TORN POPPE RS, SAYSACE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED, Aim), PISTOLS . , PISTOL CAATRIppps, POWDER AND CAPS. ItATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and mado for 11E43. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardware. We invito the public to call and examine •for themselves.. 'We aim to keep the best quality of goods in our line; and all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS. Wellsboro, Sept. 1,1586—tr. Stoves & Tin Ware Good people ail, botVgi•eidntid small,—ii you want to keep PEACE- IN TIIE FAMILY you must have enough to oat, dry wood, a good wife, vvell-bohnved children, and to crown all, a TIP •TOP COORING,STOYE! Thiklast:and Crowning god, I have ut nly Tin and Stove establishment , pposito Roy's 'Block, Welisbore, and its name is the ;HOME COMPANION'; on hands admitted to bo equal to any in the World. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly,and warranted to give antisfnetioe 11 executed in the best manne'r And with dispatch. CALL AND SEE ME D. P. ROBERTS.) Wollsborough, Nov. 21, 1842. ON lIIE SITE LF HARDWARE. Felt THE MILLION ~~~'n ' . -•-•••-• C:r;l10 REPAIRING ~-,-...-4- I. IMIMPOLIVININM•••••••••• NE*'l)ll.Y'G'o . olig'''§lld itt '. TOLES & BARKEh, (NO. 5, UNI,ON BLOCK.) WE'have just received our ,new and very large stock of DRY GOODS, MEETINGS, SHIRTING& PRINTS, CLO,THS, CASSIMERES, VEST . INGS, ,READY MADE CLO: - THING, HATS' it.; CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, aliio a large and well selected stock of I CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, KERO SENE .011 i; PAINTS 'Zic 'OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC;.'D2'C., ITC. We are Ode to offer our customers the banal of the' ' LAST DECLINE OF PRICES in the New York Market, our Stock haring been purchased since the great decline in' Goods. Wellsborn, July '3, 1867 SAYINGS BA.,K. GAft'DN 11' '8 GROCERY AND PROVISION' STORE ' ding that ti penny t•aved is a penny O, earned, justifies GAR DYER in naming hie estahlishinent a Savings Minh. .I:.:conotny 18 %Wealth, Said sonic old chop whole Dame I hare forgotten; and ft is economy to trade where the SLAUGhrtE R of high pt icett iS iteing prosecuted with vigor and rvittrout repri6ve. I can sell Sugars, Teas, Mo lasses, •Fish, 'Pork, Flour, .Corn Meal, ColTeirap Canned Fruits, Siliees, anal everything intended ;for family, use, giving the buyer the benefit • • OF - THE fall of the markets, an . advantage duly- appre ciated by everybody, excepting only those verdant INNOCENTS who prefer P 120.1175150 TO, PAY one bun,, ilred per Cent. profit's to the 'seller ' to PAYING twenty-five per rent. mull on dolivery of the goods. .131inK tillfir my iitiick of..gfiodi_ at fair pricesl; F •!4 • , EVERY MONDAY, • • EVERY TUESDAY, EVERY IV,EDNESDA Y, EVERY THURSDAY, •E'VERY FRIDAY, AND ) EVERY SATURDAY, - ' and 1111 up as east ' L., A. GARDNER. Wellsbaro, Juno 12, 1887. , NSW PUOTOOMPH GALLERY IN WELLSBORO,' NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC VI - ESSItS. h:ING EASTMAN would ln- Ili. 'form their itiedin and'tho public gonerally' that they have littcd up a now Photograph Qal tery,in the best poeeiblo style. 'Having one of Peat SKYAIO IkTS in thoStato, wo are prepared to take oil iqylte ova 1t,i2.0.9 of PHOTOGRAPHS, A hIBRQ T Y,PES, .14it,LANt °TYPES in the beat artistic manner, for Lockets or Cases, large or small. Large 411,0T0G11 APIIS copied from small Cards or old Daguerreotypes of de ceased friends. No trouble to take OHILDRENS' PICTURES, ample pr4401:1 always gi von ,iylien ordered•— me and try 11F. j'37-1.1 -- Grallery• over Eastman's' Dentl Office, Filth Door below Roy's Drug Store. an. 15, 1863,-13 HARDNESS & , RILEY, OT AN,D. SHOE, MAKERS, -r Wilson &' 'Wnn Vallee burg's More, in the room lately occupied y Boy, Seeley. a • 1 OOTS AND SHOES of all kinds made to II order and in tbo boat manner. li:PA THING of all kinds done,promptly and I d. Give us a call. JOEIN . HARKNUSS, WM. RILEY. ." yellskoro, Jan. 2; 1867 ly. • El ISM -4" J. STICKLIN, • i Chairmakei l Turner, and 1 • • Furniture Dealer, . • ALE ROOM, opposite Dartt's Wagon ,Shop, fain Street. FACTORY in Seats & Foundry, sceond story. Or l ierepromptly, filled 'and satisfaction guaran teed. Ffificy Turning done to order. Weilaborri, Juno 12, 1867. 'J. STICICLIN. NEW GROCERY , ~ At DArtt Settlement. • E SUBSCRIBER has opened a new OIGE . . RY & PROVISION STORE• - t . I 11) ov u named place, where ho proposes to Goods in his line cheap. . t, rket prices paid fur Farm Produce, either ii or trndeg• The patronage of the publics is ffully solicited. ALIIRRT TIPPLE. 'Heston, Doc. 11, 1.867—tf. - T GI At tb ‘ ftirnis, Anil lureas \ rasp:te l l Chat Planing Machine. .AT KEENEYVILLE, PA. • liktrE put in a firet•class PLANER, and am prepared to plane flooring, aiding, etc. to ortiet.. GEO. D. KEENEY. Sept. 18,18117-Iy, • ' • • Flour and Feed ALL kinds of Flour and • Feed, and In any quantity to suit eustotners. nt my Mill in Mninsburg. N. lil, CALKINS. lilttinsburg, Jan. 22; 13118-3 m T O LAWYERS- BANKRUPTCY. BLANKS, in full gate, at YOUNG'S ..1:1001ZEITOB:E ouch as TOLES & BARKER 0 THEE. WISE T fi E Bring theni.nlpng KING dc EASTMAN P. It. WIiktIAMS I SL co. SEMPER IDEM, ...~i ; DRUGS, MEDICINFiS; PATENT MED 'DINES, PAINTS, OILS, WIN- DOW GLASS, & PUTTY, Have come down to'Old Prices atlast WE do nottesitite to Bay that we have the Largest Stook of P ÜBE ENGLISH DI? UGS i f . MEDICINES, PATENT'MEDICINES YANKEE NOTIONS, PERFUJIERY, FANCY ARTICLES, TOILET SOAP, CLOTH, HAIR; TOOTHNAIL BRI:ISR RS ES, MIRRO RS, WINES & LIQUORS, &C., EVER, BRQUOHT INTO ,TlllB MARKET. Mill We bave also the Largest Stock of PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, Such as Pure White Lead, Putt Whito Zinc, Linseed Oil, Coach Varnish, Furniture Varnish, Fel low Ochre, Venetian Red, Chrome Yel low,•Chrome Green, Prussian Blue, • • Patent 'Rryer, Laoker, Japan. Spanish Whiting, Paris White, KIIISCIMiDO, Resin, Tar, Log Wood, Fustlo,. Brazil . Wood, Cam wood,:ReAwboi," Potash„ Hefty, , Alto ' eohol, Benzoic,. Spirits Turpentine, and Keroiiino Oil, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Which we will sell 2.s'per cont. cheaper than any other establishment in the county! , In short, wo have every thing ever kept in.a t class • DRUG STORE, and all we ask is for you to cull and examine our Stock and prices before buying elsewhere. Re member we can't•be undersold. All goods warrnnted u'r no sslo. P. It. WILLI/Ins, t P. R WILLIAMS do Co J. L. WILLIAUS. J N0..3 Union Block. Wellabbito t -Juno 28„1,86f. I\iTeeiimr Cvr-cocoaftlei ! J. B. Bowen & Co., HAVE ved just asa rec t oic c o n d t from on the city a large an d WINTER 600DSJ , Bought 'ince the decline \ln priOev, , and will he sold accordingly. We rospoctfully invite atten tit° to our stock of CASSEMERES, BEA V E R CLOTHS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, also, a largo line cf MERINOS, o pirtgW , I•Calt§ , APACO: other ;DRESS '(31001:0,9 and DRESS TRIMMINGS, Also, a large and.ziew assortment of READY MADE CLOTHIXG, at greatly reduced prices. LADIES' FURS—a nice assortment, new and cheap • • BON—TON, and other kinds of 1100 P - SKIRTS, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS 4pit , -04 PS; HARDWARE CROCKERY, GROCERIES, _ . HAND iIIADE BOOTS • AND SII4ES, And/many other things Which we will•be Pliased to show to all wli s o will call and examine mi.' • Stock of Goode Before purchasing elsewhere, as we believe b Ail pay you for your time and trouble. SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES, & READY PAY IS OUR MOTTO. Dora forget to call at the Empire Store, No.. 1-Union Block Wellsboro, Nov. 13,,1867. Grocery and Provision Store, CORNING, N.' N. lEEM C:J. X:). i5117....X.i, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all kinds of GROCERMS, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC,' GREEN & DRIED FRUITS, CANNED FRUITS AND V.E,GETABLES, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & CROCKERY. WARE, i CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, s TABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &c , &c A full and complete assortment of the above mentiOned goods ortho best {quality always . on band. Particular attention : paid to Fine Groceries. Dealers and Conant:Ku% will dud it to their ins terest to examine hie Stock before buying. Corning, N. r:, March ii, 1888. CASII . P4ID VOW* 1511Rit 4.T Ea BAILEY'S NEMI FIRM: 7:0, ASITY, ',SELL IS .0178 BUqINESS WE will buy at the highest market price, the following articles. • 2 , SHEEP' PELTS, DEACON SKINS, DEER SKINS, FURS, RIDES, • for which we will pay cash. We will manufacture to order, French or home farmed PALE or RIP ROOTS, in tho beat man nor and al fait fatty; and pity especial attention to REPAIRING. ALSO, • We have a trrat-rato stock of READY.'ItADE WORK, on which we will not ho undersold, nod from this time we shall make tt a point to keep up the beet 'stook of . to bo found in the' . 'q a lower profit thane offered in this regioni We shall likewise of LADIES'• BALM • RAL'S, LEATHER pOOTEES, CHILDREN'S AND MISSES WORK op VA , RIOU I S STYLES, and alt stylei of lifEl , l l B . WORK. r ‘; • LEATHER it , ..FINDINGS caa be bought of u Its cheap Ili any where this side of Now York, and we shall keep a full stook of FRENCH CALF FRENCH KIP; UP PER, SOLE, LININGS, AND BINDING. Our stoek of PEGS, AILS, THREAD, AWLS, RASPS, OLOVERiT .2ITEEDLES, LASTS, TREES, CR Idl PIS, with SHOEHAZER'S TOOLS and PINDVGS, will be found the tor ged in the etninty, and _tosislf for ..mall pro fi ts. We talk baldness acid we moan bnage. We have been in this region long enough to be well known—let those. wlir know us try us. Corner of Main and Qrafton streets, opposite Win. Rob ode Hardware Store,' C. W. SEARS, • . i GEO. Q. DERBY. Wollsboro, April 24, 1867—tf. .41 - 4981 'lll Alpir `plouvuow Hsqa v ama .a I•t) 110M00 -inoS Jo; oNpnc puo i oup:auxo putt Imo °ovoid •aopoodsor avol lum sooud pot! spoof) An° •soupaettb nom ul antatruerf Suitloos; emu putt glum:imp; spoof) ACJa JOAO miltrumApo osoq OA ‘Sioointorossouisug otu a 2 Samoa gml 'Mu Sup n nom y .0130 eumq aoj don]; eu qoppa I , . parolimoo eq; of aloonvg Jo aolrow oq; lino woe+ oht `SILNEVIIId 09 - (Pu Et I fgi f4O . 91, 01 , fli %anoint "312 1 311VM-Nl.l. '3IIVMISIII9 "a 11 V. anod fitaidaq Sq grupeoied ellni Q islua putt netting znoA uci eta ut, ens 1868 c WRIGHT & BAILEY. I 18613. ME ly2l ethtienr r exolualvily o 72z baei ill WHEAT 1 , OASU PAID FO OATS I _~`_ A LARGE STOCK OF FLOUR FOR A LARGE STOCK OF FEED FOR A LARGE STOCK OF PORK FOR Call and see us. WRIGHT dc BAILEY. Wollsboro, Jan. 9, 1867.^1y. All persona indebted to as ,4 noto or book account mutt call and tattle or pay costs; Jan. 3, 1.883: WRIO : T et BAILEY. Wellsboro Cloth-Dressmg Works. •• H , • AviNG engaged Mr. JAM.O.B SMITH to superintend out .Clothing. :Works we are now ready to - do;a11 kind of eol!ring apd dress. idglin good style'and 1;1)&4 • otiee. 4 " ,' • Sept. 18, lE,467—tf. AND VEAL SAINS, LADIE GAIT_E - RS, 6ounty, which we will 8011 at eh artfelea have ever bean cop up a good aeaorttuept coin una dog Suit souiqoun 4100 g cooli 'avid two ,inoqulClD7llll l lOata 'OlllO Piltia . H . A . q Poifunua lois 1(1 NllO3 I atillillEd vi glee lit 40sly Jo 400 la oila. n log) 'sans, 11HIzati 'Nisi la C[oll 1 - "11011.t aOll9 1811011 'sum *legs mos `P.JPunq Jail SWIM 'atry 19A11770 rd - snrvir Ird 'cr7 'palm opociewo no aooq pzigy i 4,401 I 4'3 6 sa 0,145, aZIVH CASH PAID FO''.CORN I OAF FOR EVE ' YTHING 11 CASH I CASH I CASH . I B. A 0. B 1868. FOR SAL ' AT HIS NURSERY OP FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAI. TREE3;IIN TIOGA,:- 60,000 App e'frees. 10,000 Pea Trees. A good supply of PI,UAI, and ORNAMENTAL 17tEk. Tho Fruit Irees ore eoutp varieties, good, healthy, son in bearing. Any ono wishit will do well to cell and se chasing elsewhere. ,z4l- t tree of charge. Tioga, Fob. 28,18611-Iy* t, To OVners of ilor: and Cattle. i frlonlAs , DERRY CONDIT 0:i l'i)1VD1:11;4 ARE, avarrantail superior to ii,py tithe's, or ini pay, fer the cure of Distemper, Worm , , Bold, Coughs, II ide• bound. Colds, Sc.. in llorses ; of a cht,k,e,„1.0.,,, Less of Milk, hark 'tongue. MO 1141t-all,Vl, S:e., In est. tlo They nre perfectly oafe am Milocent i no mot of stopping the iverkl tog ()rpmr am final i s They I iici.ease thonlipetitu, give a alio coat, cle wow the sinmseli ,11111 urinary organs: elan hicrisa,u t io I.lllk 1,1 COW ti. Try them, mid you will neaer lio , I cithout them, illratii Woodriiff, the celebrated trainer 'if trotting horses, has used them for p'll.l'6, Ulla recolninonds them to •lils friends. Col. Hine. D. Bush, 'lit Dm defiant , ',Owe Conir+lei Voldhlim, N. V . nimbi 'lot use them until lio was told of what they lire eiiiiir-ssl el no, %void. lio Is never without them, ' Ile Into lo ver twenty I mining horses In Ills charge, and ter thy last ilii iv oars has ILIKII no other medicine ler tlielo l . Ile 1,13 kindly per tattled Me to refer any onu,to I, in. Over 1,000 I.lllol* rt•forenees eau be seen rat the de ot. Sold by Druggists and Saddlers. ]Price 25 cent per box. Depot, 50 Cortlandt Streef, :New York. [Yob. 11/1 ----- t _ Public B . nefit, AMONG th 2 useful imps.. vements of the day, these are few that gi o inure promise of good, few so well adapted to relieve trutuan suf fering, few so well approved iy the public as that new and powerful remedy en led.Saintifer (or as the German people call it ft altbbringer).. it gives ease and comfort to the poor sufferer from Neuralgia and Rhea 'utism I nrid brings 'speedy relief to _ that large cl Ss of t discases that are often cured and always 'etfclitcd by nn out. ward application. I ' For sale by all Druggists 1 . IVholosale Dopot DAY, I OAGL4ND & STL GER,No 54 Cuurtlandt St. New York. Elmira Saw Mai Cast and Extra Cast St 'Circular MILL, MULEY, GAN CLEARING. SOOl7ll SAWS. Mr. J. BCH lEFFELIN. Jr sell at Factory Prices In 'fin ! . Orders for repairing, Jce.,--1 felin will be attended aS pr tiro Manufactosry. ANDREW' Sept. 18, 1867.-tr. NEW FIRM, N ( WICKHAM & FARR, kd Cage of the late deoli have received their stock an' furnish Chose in want of At the lowest cash rates. Th general assortment of Both ' , top].) and Hats tt Caps 800 PORK, FLOUR, SUCI ' And many other articles too n, n. We woold say to Moran all others in want of PORK RELS, BUTTER FIRKINS • they can find them in any qua retail arour store. This work. tra in quality, Just manufach Factory. • Tioga. 800. 11, 1867 WELLSBORO FOU MACHINE- S THE subscribers baying pr; machinery are now ready : all sorts of PLOWS, CULTIVAT ROLLERS, MILL SLEIGH-SHOES, WI SAWING MAORI &c., &c., &c. wimprOßTH for custom and job work, We n to do SLITTING & SCROL Raving a first-elass screw-cutting Lathe, we are prepared to make CHEESE PRESS ,SCREWS, to order. Builders Of . Meese 1 4 .otories are re quested to examine our work. 'e manufacture the Champion . ono of the finest implements in th Cash paid for OLD IRON. CRARLES • P. L. SEARS Vira}labor°, May 15, 1867—tf. Mrs. A. J. Sof now receiving the Fall styllis e.. MI Ti, direct from the city, and will ?he Pl' her old friends and customers, with ones as may choose to favor her wit nonage. I have engaged a first.e, : her, and am prepared to carry on DRESS-MAKING • , in all its branches. in a satisfactory raanner. Orders taken for Hair Jewelry. Good prices paid for human hair. Store over anValken. burg's Grocery, Wellaboro, , Sept. 25, 1867—tf Tioga Zarble Fior T& undersigned is now proper .1. - - - cute all orders_ for Tomb Stones i meats, of either A ITALIAN- OR BOLAND M) of the latest style and approved wor l i and with diapateh. 14 keep constantly on hand both Marble andwilt &Waldo to suit all wh vor biro with'their orders, on as reason as can bo obtained iu,tbo country. Stones discolored with, rust and dire and made to look 'as good as new. PORTERMI Tioga, Nov. 1, HIL TBOLD, AIR. B. C. WICK JAM; 'EACH, CHERRY, & SHRUBBERY. 1 ,,,e41 the vholeett l o of them large nod g to get si supply by stuck before pur livered at the tlopot iiufactory. , e 1 Patent Taper - Ground Saws. CROSS-CUT, ND OTHER eft with Mr. Schiof mptly as if loft la Sr. 111311-4-WGE. W GOMIS AND NEW P ICES, ~ PA. AT TIOGA i lying taken advan '. e in 'the market, are!, prepared to Goo stock con l istsof it II R 'l' G 0 AND YANKEE N TIONS, IN/ I. I, -•,,' , e „. l , _ L! Alki, NiceS4 Together wit morons to men nts, Farmers, and r CIDER BAR • ND TUBS, that 'city, wholesale or a all new and ex red hero at the WEE IAM A FARR cured additional o furnish to order CASTIN amcia3 We have also a to order. Prool'S of the Superior Quality 1868, 4ME11,1 O',N \T k WIT) • 7 'Tito ettneri r c:in IVateit Compa ay. of Waltham, ' tiara , reqpecinply 1.1.1i)11/11 that their aro cheaper, mere iiecitrAt4.l, coltiVlL X. mom darn_ bettor adapted for general u-e and inure ea sily kept in order and reimirrAlloitt at.y of 3er wut9ite:4 in the marktt. They arts :..impler in strut:mile, and th et More r•lri.i.per, am/ le, likely to he injured then the majot it y foreign watch es, Which are compost - 3,10t' tow I 1,, :',111) plO - while li, ail owlet, Ihelo are Iriore than 7011 pat le Linty ; they t ut, under the hardeet Irllil With 1:;.11. , krn by . 1110 following leller: OFOlen OF Tilt: 4 31:N . 1, SI.1:111ST6Il1eNT, A LTotnt,t, , 15 Dee , 1866. Gus rt.tiai to, The lik.stitifitetured ,hy you hove Imett w 44,0 "It (hi. , ru ik 14. tr soverat Nearer by mit VIMeV°, :4.1 , 1..i. •P•t ••yuiput..n• . 1 hero urn nw $llllO . baa.ll-....1 "1 !twin o%llllml 011 our no, mill wF P."'d • , 4. , 1 reliable Ve rent >urirfnetion iu v.oyirig your git'e bave nibre• air,, that, ~,,y 11 I, lota., /1.111: I'l )1;111 11l Lige) o n no, ymiti. tl. ‘ 1,4 minty tr0“.3.1 En_qi , :ll 11.111.1rinr,i, ne kn••+:10 , 1149.1 ; but,os 11 VIA , '" 1 11 1 'Y ilt3Vl:.r • a, ~,.a lurr i 6. y ns good ,orv e Le o ns 3 out e. .In thew nl3taillenti4 I ;MI sustained by my predecessor, :Ur. Lewis, whose experieneu ex tended over a series of veors. ltespecifplly, EUWAItL H. %V.ILLIAMS, General Superintendent. American IVatch Cu , Waltham, We wake now live different grades of wotebes, named respectively at , follows: . - Appleton, Vroey if: Ct., Iro!thou), Moto, Waltham lifotch (!fitoptiv. Wahiwa, Mot,. P. S. 11«rtlett, Wa!thorn, Jlovf. Wm. L'llory, llootoo, Alum Monte Walsh Conipmiy, An of Lite, , c, with the exception of the Ileum Watch Company, ate warranted by the Weteh Company to be of the best material: un the u4tupproved principle, and to le,s-vss every requisite fir a reliable timekeeper. Every dealer selling theFe Watches is prodded %%WI the Com pany's printed card of guarantee, whirls shouln accompany etip,h Watch sold, so that buyers may fe4 sure they are per,Otasing the gebuitm article. There are numerous counterfeits and imitations of our NVatebes sold throughout the country, and we would caution purchasers to be Olatir guard against iwpositioit. Any grades of Waltham Watebt s arty be pur chased of Watch Dealers throtighout the u .entry. is authorised to BOBBINS & IIPPLETON, Sept. 4, 1867—Gm. IS2 Brodthva . y, N Y The American Cooking Stove. AFTER twenty years experience in tho man ufacture of stoves, we became convinced, sumo six years since, that a va , t. amount 01 money was being expended by the 'mold, of this country, in buying cheap and worthlm.F. stoves. largo portion of which was wasted: and that .true economy consisted in buying the best slot es that could be made, notwithstanding the price was higher. With this view we proimeded to construct the American Cooking Stove and sparest no pains or expense to matte it the best and most perfect stove that could be made. And we have experimented with it, and carefully watched its opetat ion for the last six years, and when an improvement save:steel itself. we have at once adopted it, and we have several of these improvements secured by lettere patent: In this manner we do not hesitate to say, we have brought it to a higher state of perfection than bus heretofore been attained in cooking s toves. The recent improvements iu thi, stove has, added largely to its convenience and effective ness. .-Lri all the varieties of stoves we mane facture, we study usefulness, durability, eonve- DiellCO and economy in operatiop, rather than cheapness-in pries, and In so doing we Ire satis fied we study the interest of thou putehasing our stoves. SHEAR, PACKAtiI, d CO., Albany, N. V. For sale by CONVERSE A: ()sown), Wells born, Pa. IRehptfi7--;tet. S ), .1 ils, To the Farmers of Tiogn County. Itrie tio a ;: u b v u e ting at my manufaclory, in Lawrence- which possesses the following advantages over ullother mills: 1. It separates oats, rat litter, and fool seeds, anti chess and deckle, from wheat. 2. IL cleans flax seed, takes out yolhAr seed, and all other seeds, perfectly, 9, It cleans timothy aced. 4. It does all other separating /oinked of It mill. Thls mill is built of the best and mutt durable tine• her, in good style, and is sold cheap for cash, or pro. duce. R, TEAS, I will fit a patent tioce s 4or separating (late from Wheat, to other 0n reasonable tea MN. MATHER. Lawrencoville,October 10, iB6o—tr L ,------ -; - ' UNION 'ACADEAIV. KNOXVILLE, TIOCIA CO., PA • FACULTY , - ' IILI4 HORTOIST, Principal. Mus. AIDA W. MORTON, Preceptres.l. Miss MIItA. MORTON, Ausiortut. Mills AMANDA. DRAKE, 'readier of Music CALUNDAR FOR DRY AND 1 OP. Full Term commences Sept. &I, Winter Term NOV 20th, Spring Term Fob. ISO, liteS. EXPENSES yillt TERN. tr Y irnary Department ro 00 Ammon Unglish I, 00) GS, 4lgber Engl ish - , l,-, .:, 7 00 Languages and nigher Mathematics 8 00 Instrumental Music, extra^ l 0 00 Vocal Music, extra. ' 100 Drawing, extru ' 300 Room Rent. ip - 200 Board per week... . . . 353 Knoxville, Angust 14, 186741. RS, FIELD EA RING, 100D NES, REIVIIVOTOIVe FIRE ARMS lANER, 'e else prepared Army Revolver, 44-100 in. Calibre Navy Revolver, 16-100 in. Calibre Bolt Revolver, Navy size Calibre !leo Revolver, Navy size Calibre Now Pooket Revolver, 31 Min. Calibre Pocket Revolver, (Rider's pt.) 31.1001 e. Calibre Repeating Pistol, (Elliott pt.) N'is72 . tt c -82 Carege Vest Pocket Pistol, No 22, 30, i 2 & 31-Cartridge Gun Cane ......... ..... • No 22 &132'Clirividge Breech Loading Ritle,(Beals') No 32 k3B " Revolving Rifle, 96 &44-10 b-in Calibre . E. REMINGTON & SONS. SAWING Aow, Mooro & Nichols. New York; Win Bond d Son, Boston; Jos C Grubb k Co, Philadelphia; Pont ine), & Trimble, Baltimore; Henry Co; New Orleans; Johnson, pencer do Co, Chicago, •L M Rumsey S co, RS t. Louis; Albeit E Crane, San Francisco. Cat. 9, 1807.—Out. market• ILLIAMS, QTATE NORMAt SCHOOL, MANS 0,27 FIELD, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. ad, F. A. Allon, Pringipal, Professor of Natural and Mental Science. J. T. STREIT, A. M., Professor of Languages. CHARLES H. VERRILL, A. M., Professor of Mathematics. bins! L. M. PETERSELIA, Modern Languages and Drawing. Miss MART E. HUGHES, B. E., En Branehes s Miss. S. R. PRESTON, B. H. Principal of the Model School. I. 0. nor':, Professor of Vocal and ingtrunsen till Music. • EVAN MEREDITH, Instructor of Vocal need to seo many new their pat L e Dreeemn EXPENSES PER TERM OF 11 WEEKS. . Fall and Spri . ng Term, including board, room rent, tuition, hook rent, fuel, oil, and VillFiling, sCti Winter Term . 6,1 On Daj student?, tuition ant{ hook rent J u HO • ,mana bi p, Totnl expenses for school. your.., ...... ...SIS tMI d to exo nd Dionu RB LE, No extra _charges} ..I . teiaus fun, ir Led s i% ith stover, chairs. tahtee, stands, pail:, 1,,,1..tendE, mattresses, pillow e, upt.l one eotofortahla Fur further information +wad for Qatttlogt. , w, Aug. 7 ? 1867,411 v,.. . • Addretuf, Principal. kinds of o may fa- I . bin terms It cleaned MITE largest apeortment of NVatclies, Clocks Jewelry and Plated Ware in Tioga county at [l9doc66] FOLEY'S, ILcox ~ ON' TO ii 11.1.DX 4'l' WALTHAM , MAST PENN. RAILIIOAD COMPANY FANNING MILL, PRINCIPAL AaENrt.k FAC7VL.TY_ . SCHOOL YEAR 1367-8. First. Term begins September 4, MT, Second term begins Deeemb'r t) Third term begins March 23, 1363. ' 3 : 1 . 71 .7/ATE:yzy kl E_ );9I Or TtcAvEL., ERIE itII.IILWAV. .11$ au.l 410. 4 15 r Nov. I.:Ali, 11.67. t • 1..a,%. -r .r..t Ding al abotit folluN itig WESTWARD REIDND, , 1,,X1,1(••• WESTWARD i„,saNtnanc.,l ir•ol for the Wont. 1;;133, ^, ""`l •)' ‘ C I 4 " I . /01 SaldtildriileA, Awl Sitiiikirkopektitg (.1.14LC(1 with trailll ur the Atlantic Cleat tA , liore,and fira ;01 Ti Ragiwti›,• I Expte., Caily, 1.. t 4,,0t t .;,!; • 011111.1 R and the itr 7:15 it. I. bV, B 111 . 13 4' :( -9 , I 1-, Aotttr.l.6l , elter ntpl Lultitlo. via Aytin. 10:32 la. n 1 . 1'a.1111.5.111..b1311 .Icip.l ell. for ant p w 1,111,,)01, kt). ! : {lll)iin • %, Pit I(4Wile , t‘ . i •/./ 1 A, A vatn. t 7:02 p w.. MO EA 1/14!./T. Whip: TACep lo t 1 :uhtptnt .t. k land cup— i,%mih the Milautp: and c,,„, Railway: at Unthili, la Wit this Lake Elio'. . Tt utak Ititiie a P, curd et Dula:lrk with tho t 4 j 1,,, geil wily, pit .01 poitits west and dOblii ;lii pn, 1.0) f.‘lll`i . , 1 . X1 . t ti I . ~. 1•' pu.slit rtjui I.t : - 1111.1.1y• ti:4B p. tu., Etwigt not • lain. Deily, tot the IVoit. EASTWARD BOUND 11::itt -L. ui., Night * t:xpre,s, Daily. Etaiday+ tonHectin atritycourt r9r %via, at rot with ittivi tsailvAlanal Atertni.v 101 PL... h:11;:4oti , 11:111vS 4:1;4 Aintulayr. tit rpn ,l itt iu•etiu,r at I,luni I ; Liu . 4 111.0 ;"uutl.; (,I !ft./tea; tit AnwfaaufA I.a.;')r.teuid,; ut t; ...RA 11.10 ful :. 4 ertikuluu, 11, 1 1h do, aild'lLeutuu;ut I.ttulinwilXvil fur Ifilwley.lo4 y t I; os,Ouit f.; `.t.tviong unil Wi) %%10, lit Ai ‘11,111 1,4 1.11A1 , 11 dtlll3, 4.11 t. tiny 111 1•1111 /1 a 1. , / 1 . ./11/1611/./!.:IIII .1 In, DA) Vet Cutit,..l)), 1 I Liffill .L tut .C.111.11014,11/1, Tt iliiighotuton lor CIInV. at Ury nt 11:o1,1 fop S. or t irgton, at Lonnwiut,,, bt 11110,..%. owl at . 1 . rhey City with midnight Exu,,,, of No... Jersey I:nilroad for Philadelphia, Pelt, more- and Wao,lii 3.12 p Clq.kiTSl, t.S.C(TICA 4.35 p , Neu I'v2l. and ISallimory AJttil. suu Int, e , cept. 1 . . 07 v Lir,hthiag Express; Sanda3.4 excepted. tc , fa-cling at Clutha for liarrtiburg, Philadelphia et; the *utiti3 ; at Jer•wy -City, with morning expret. trial/ 4 , 1 — NOV Jt•rsey Railroad for Caltitutira P.M Wa , hingtaa. , a.l :it Now York uith moruint; Pr tinitii for 1:0.qon and Ate East. 12:ftti p. \V a> Ft vigbt, F!undayeiexcvpted WS' C. 11.11:!1, • tletil illosoburg & Corning, & 'Tiogn R. ii 'l7.tins will run us follow u nutil furtlior notice Accommodation—Leaves Blosatirg at 7.05 ti. m., Mat, field at 7,6:). Tiuga at 5,33 LIMI , nterilla at at riving at Corning at 10,25 a. m. Mail—Leaves Bloatpurg m 1,50 p. m., Mimetic 27, 'l'ioga at 3.03 ; Lawrslmmille lit C.,so—nrrivin g Cut Ong at 6 p. M. . _ Nina—Leaves Corning at 8,15 a. m , LawrecCeiiii, 0,18, Tiogit at 10,00, Mundtteiti at 10.36—arriting at iil.•ea•burg at 11,15 a. m. Accommodation—LeaTeb Corning at 3,45 p. m.Lal retweville at 4,52. 'nowt at 5.50, Mansfield at [54... arriving at Illosslaug at 7.20 Northern Central R. n TRAINS FOlt THE NORTH. Train a fur Canatiilitzuht leAve Elmira al fellows: . Accommlativa at 7 00 a t; Expi [1.1410A ti ata 011 road] 11-ifiaL Mail a 13 Way Freight, tp,oisonger coach attached?, 7 10 a e, O f i s -rfnkiifter Nov. 2s, 1567, traint will arrite depart frion Troy, as folloo " LEAVE NORTHWARD. 10 55 A. 10.,—D.tily (except Sundays) for Elmira, fie lo, Canandaigua, Roan!Ater, lzut.p. Bridge a i Co nndns. - o 45 P. M.-111111y ieACept Sundays) for Elmira stl 1111;f41. , .Nia Cron) Irlurs., LEAVE SOUTH WA RIL Ei 00 A. M.—Daily (Except Sundnyn) fur ...Baltimore. Wafliington, Philadelphia, etc. 03 P. M.—Dully (except Sundays) Washington arid Philadelphia. .1 . N. DynA !MY, rp. s. YOUNG A:col hdiurg. Elen'l Pass. Ag't Philadelphia & 4rio R. ) On alid to MONDAY, October 14th, IStYZ,Trau.i. Do the Ph a: Erie Hail Road toll) iuu a foil WESTWARD Mail Train icANC.9 Philadelphia •• , urr. at Erie ietINT.'S •• • •• %Vllllamsport... •` at r. at Erie l Imlr.t 3lall lentes •i •• •• Williamsport.. • urr. at Lock Ilavou EASTWARD. Mail Train lentos Erlo •• Williamsport " •• arr. at Philadelphia Sl5 a 111 Erib Expre,*i leare3 Erie 4 p illiamaput t ............ . 10 J ‘• " arr. at Philadelphia 1.00 p Elmii a 11 ail iC:ITCI/ Lock liarep 7.1 u u u. itllllarnsporr 8.E6 a ta •• arr. at Philadelphia 6.10 pin Jlrll iiad L'xpre•ee connect with all trains on Warren I':ranttlln Itailwßy. Passengore Icavinglaaelpliat at 12.00 M. ;Irmo ut Irvivatown at 640 a. m. rind till City at 0 i3O a. In. _ _ Leaving. Philadelphia a; 8.00 R. M.. amigo at Oil City nt 4:35 p tll; Atlantic and Great Western R. V SALAMANCA STATION LTI9V A BOUND Mall 5.30 Express' t lt , Accounnodst ion 0,35 Mull 5:,: Express .i N 1'2.19 Accommodstn.u, 11 V. , Express 11.00 Exprics o 1'; At Cory thole is a junction with the Phlintlelpins i Et le, and Cil Eitel( Rail Roads. At MCI...MIMI NN it 'llO Franklin Oil Cit Mid Pitillok Munich. 5. At Learittuborgo rho M honiuy Branch pu.6i. a kii act route to Cleveland. iAt Itatrepun cool Cct 'sib, (Nov.:laud mut Vittabutgh 4 ,llAlltund. Tho 1101111 paSSOH through Alrott, ANlli sisd. tuLIP,n, Startup, Urbana and Dayton, intrt.tctitig tip rend!, and torudnates art CI Milli/41i 1, U. 11.1.101fElt, tiro. liopt., Sto4drille, Real .Estate Bale. MHE Subscriber will sell or rapt the folloeiq valunble proporry, to wit: - Ono tavern tAnnti in Lawrenceville tine farm, on which be. now resides, mile from three churches, two &boo' house., two grog shops, and one railroad, and about the aalue distance from the lino of tbo Weilrboro and Lawrenceville Railroad. The farm Contains 10 acres of good land, 4,0 acres timbered, well wa tered, and very productive. It requires that lac seed should be sowed and 'planted, however. to ensure a harvest. Ono farm in Jackson tosvnthip, 175 acres; h tirat-ratb placo foi. a cheese factory. Alro--fur tale-4 mules, 75 tbi:ep, and other stock, cticap ou re4sonablu 17, 1867-tf Lawrence, Apr, Planing & Turning. B. T, VAN HORN, WING got his now Factory In operstivr,., 11, is uow ,prepared to fill orders for Cabinet Wino promptly and in the best style of WOO:I/1111i ship. !laving procured a WOODWORTH PLANER, he Is ready to orwka boards or plank with di:Tata, SCROLL-WORK & BRACKETS, furnished to order. His ntaehines aro of the new est and•iroprovgd patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wain "Ste, V. 1.1 13011t0, PA., 0et..31, IS6B—tf. B. T. VAN 1101 N. DED,IOIIES"I"S MON TILLY ,MA-GAZINE, universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Atagazine of America ; devoted -to -Or St, ries), Poems,,Sketches, Architecture awl .Model Cottages, Household Matters, Gems ul Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (including ,pecial departments on Fashions), Instructions on Huila., Gymnastic, Equestrian Exercises, Music, Amm.• meats, etc.: all by the best authors, and profit 1y and artistically illustrated with costly Engra vings (full' size), usetul and reliable Patterns, Embroideries, Jewelry, and a constant soccer sion of artistic novelties, with other usahl and entertaining literature. No person of refinement, oconothival house wife, or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies, 30konts; back numbers, as specimens, 10 cents; eilbcr mailed tree. Yearly, $3, with &valuable prrmium ;live copica, $5 50 ; three copies, $7 50; five copies, $l2, and splendid premiums fur clubs at $3 yea, with the first premiums to each subscriber. Ad- W, JENNIX.O4S. DEMUREST. No. 473 Broadway, New York. Domorust's Monthly and Young Auluica, to gether s4,.with the preatiwas for qacit. March 20, 'O7-6itt. • PAl,nB FOR FARMERS AND OTIIRItS —The Ora( toil Mineral Paint Co. aro now mantafactitrit; the Lest. Caespost and most Durable Pniat in use: rasp coats [tell put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil. a Ili Last lit or 15 years; it Is of a light brown or beautiful cluicolate color, and can be rbanneti to green, Mao. olive of cream to suit the taste of the consumer. 1: i. 4 vitlitablo for Houses. Darns, Fences. Cnryiago owl Car- Makers, Pails. and Wooden-ware, Agricultural Itopl.; awn to, Canal Boats. Vessels null llo; Willi. Cato van. Metal and Hoofs. (it brim; Fire and Water woof). Floor OIL Cloths. (nw+ Manufacturer baring used 6000 bbls. the past yeat done' .ns a paint ferias)" purpose is unsurpassed for body. dutability. e lastirtn. and soiliestreness. Price $6 per bbl. of ;1•nil 11.4., nLI I trill supply a forma tor 3 ears to came, Mond for circular whit); gises full particular,:. ':one get) in ntaeiS, branded in a trade mark Opit I , lineill:P 4ll .. Addrr.a 11A NIF ticht.ll.lSC.7-eni, 241 Peat I street. New • Kot 1.. 013-WORK, OW TliE BEST STYLE, an d , J with despatch, at THE AGITATOR Office, (..> II M C 1 EL RIDDLE, • Oon'l Env( 811ATT3CK, sup t taltiruzre, }ln ..1135 ri , 8.05 t ru .. .5.43 p w .V.t.V31.1 . h 45 1 En . 9.45 a 6 (1) J 6.1.Vp ui 7.4; p. 14 EaStweßh DUGNI. IST. S. BALL VIN