The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, April 29, 1868, Image 1
• 13` • . - t . . . . . . . . . ...,,,,.-- , • . . .• 1 . 't " .'" s. to - - --',• . • ~ .,• ?...•:-.- t. .- ...., , .., , ..,"14.z." - -', -, t - Ytt`- - •ti: , ..--,-,•-• •: 0-...y..T...q•-*. ,,, ,t. , , , tt:;i:tt..; ,5,,,r,.'..-.0=.;',40 - it.",t44gtzir';''..:. , .;,k- -- .:' , 1,t4-b -- :' - _ - 4..• - ort•;.-..-:•-,!,•'..t•W,....,, , .'... - i-..• ..• - ;;;:.-;- - - - “- - m:'-, ,,- ,...:.,.1. - yz; ~,,,, • - t - . •,::-....”. ,•, •'• -, -. ..- , ..r •--- ~ .- .• • e•-"' c'.. " . . .....--.... ", ' • .. ~ . . ' - -.-, . . 4' , . ~.,- 'r, t i i. ~ t ? ~ ; • • ' " ...., r . ~. N.. • . - / • •. '•;- • % %. ,','!;. • . :- ::, ;.: :'1 %,. C. i, ,, e;; ' >'' f . . ~. ~. ~.... „ t'`.' , .. ! ':';,, ' . • , .- i . 7. ..3.0 :5 Cotur'''' ' '. : . ' .r. .. - ,.5; • 1 : .:, :;. . - 'i . . • 4 . s. " '" -..:- :4 .' - ‘z,, s - e .V . 11 - <-•";: • . ' . . , • , „ _ , ~. - • , - . 1 '1 ..• -. . . • . , _ ... i OBBING DEPARTDII.4I,.. . , -- . , •• .. h'sf 1,. , . ~ t ; • Ti 1,13, proprietors luavn stoelstAl thetestaltlishment . 1 er. 1 4....:,-.- - ' • , . ) , . I , , , • ith a new a varied asaorlinent. of ' ' ,;:ii ' ,-, ' - : ''; ,- - - r. „, i.; , 1 i •• 1 ---- 1 . JOB AND CARD TYPE AID VAST ITESSER, 1 o execute neatly And promptly; cs n osopreparet. 't 1' . . ; .- 4 i -.....,, _ ..,_ le . . ~,, ,!,: . . i _.. 4 - • ......._.-,i'-•,..\....._..k, --,- , , n .. ~ , • .. - ' ' ---- 1 1 ljklii: , ...„., ....,,,. _ 1"' ‘.‘".. ' ' S.• .& ~ - t• k t :- • ...,, -, (.4 ~ • Oi3TERS, JIANDBILLS,_CIII.OULARg , BILL-. 1 . f."..'1•: ^ 1 14.. ! .. .. -\-._ i 1,, • ' . HEZg:CARDS, fit: Deeds, Mortgages, Lenses, and a full assorttnnet of Constables' and JasticeV Blanks on hand. People living at a distance can depend 071 har ing their work done promptly and sent back in Kinn: mail. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, W. P. TEIiBELI. et CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in Wall upor, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass, Portlynery,lts and Oils, &0., doe. Oorntng, N. Y., Jan. 1, 18( 1 8.-1y. • ' : 1 1VILLIiTtl H. sronnrn, ATTO NEY AND- COUNSELOR AT LAW Ins ranee, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main Street Welleboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1888. S. P. Wilson. J. B. N ILES WILSON & NILES, ATTOTtNEYS t COUNSELORS AT LAW, (First door from Digoney's, on the.Arenue)— Wal attenil to business entrusted to their cure in the aousities of Tioga and Potter. Wellabiiro, Jan. 1, 1888. HOTEL, WESTBIBLD Borough, . Ties% Co-. P 4 E. G. Hill, Proprietor. A new' and comniodiolis building with all the modern improvements. 'Within easy drives of thebest hunting and Usti. lug grounds in 'Northern Penn's. Conveyances furnished. Terms moOefato. Feb. 5,1868-Iy. GEORGE WAGNER, ritILOR. Shop flret door north of L. A. Sears's Shoe Shop. XerCutting, Fitting., and Repair ing Bono promptly and well. Wencher°, Pa., Jan.. 1, 1869.-IT. JOBllli B. SHAIESPEARE, DRAPER AND TAILOR; Shop over John R. Bowen's Store. _Fr' Cutting,. Fitting. and Repairing done promptly and in best style. Welisboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868—ly IX7M. GARREITSOZI, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Notary Publio and Insurance Agent, Moss burg, Pa., over Caldwell's Store. 3°81%5. rarrQuELL ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LA W, Welleboro, Tioga Co., Pn.• claim Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance Agent. Be will attend promptly to collection of Pensions, Back Pay and. Bounty- Ns Notary Publio be takes acknowlodgements of deeds, ad ministers orths, and will act as Commissioner to tako tostinlony. Or Office over lloy's Drug Store, adjoining Agitator Office.—Oct. 30. 1367 John W. Guernsey, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Having returnod Lo this county with a view of 'making it his permanent residence, solicits a share of public patronage. All businetze en.. trusted to his oare will •be attended '11.t3 with promptness and fidelity. Office 213 dobr south of E. 5. Farr's hotel. Tiogn, Tioga Sept. IZAL.A.K. WALTON 110iUSILI, Gaines, Tioga County,. Pa. lIORACE C. , VERMILYEA, l'aov'tt. This is new hotel located within easy access of the best fishing and hunting grounds in North ern Pounsylvania. pains will be spared for the accommodation of pleasuro seekers and the traveling public. [Jan. 1, 1808.]. PETROLEUM HOUSE, WI STFIELD, PA., GEORGE CLOSE, Propri etor. A new Hotel conducted on the principle of live and let live, for the accommodation of the public.—Nov. it, 1846.—1 y GE O. W. RYON, ATTORNEY COUNSELOR AT LA MV, Law renceville, Ting Co., Pa. Bounty, Pension, awl Insurance Agent. Collections promptly attended to. Office 21 door below Ford Rouse. Poe. 12, 1887—ly R. E. OLNEY, I)IALER in CLOCKS b.. JEWELRY, SILVER A PLATED WARE, Speetaclos, Violin Strings, Mansfield, P. Watches and Jew. dry neatly repaired. Engraving done in plain English and German. Ilsoptil7-Iy. Thos. B. Uryilen 4'1;.VEY431.t. t DRAFTSMAN--brdors loft ac 'sum, Townsend . Hotel, Wellsboro, will witit proitipt attention. Jan. 14. 1867.—t1'. FARR HOTEL, l lucid , TIOMA COUNTY, ambling, attanhcal, and au attentive bus (I,r al,ways in attendance. 1 , ;;- S. FARB., hairdressing & Shaving :7tioon over Willcox do Barker's Store, Wells. .ro, Pa. Particular attention paid_ to Ladies' tl nr.cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, otc. Braids, 00110,Anci invicbes on hand and made to or- 'I. IV: DORSET I n.koolsT, iato of she :Z4 Pa. ()aviary, after „ ueatly four years of army service, with a large ~Firtence In tleicl and hospital practice, luta openet) an , ausc 1,.r the practleo of tuedirtuu and surgery, in all t- I,: ladles. Parsons from a distance coo Hod good !..udim; At the Pennsylvania liotel when ihMireii.— %(1)1 %hilt any part of ago State in consultation, or to surgical operations. No. 4, Union Block, up , ourr+. iruntatuto, Pa., May 2, 1880.-Iy. k T EIY , PIOTURE GALLERY.- 1 1P1...4tNK SPENCER. 0 pleas to to inform tha citizens of Tioga i• 1, 2 Ulu e has completed his NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, i 1 , , be hand to tisk° all.lrinils of Sun Pioturis, , m i !IQ A tribrotypos, Ferrotypes, Vignettes, Cartes le Vieito, the Surpriso and Boreka Pictures; also F.lrtienlar attention paid to copying and enlarg— ii,4 Pictures. I Instructions given in tho Art on ~ ..11 ible terms. Elmira St., Mansfield, Oct. 1, i Ntin, 1.13 th C Unit. Wm. B. Smith, (.XVILLE, Pa. Pension, Bounty, and To ,,atme Agent. Cou.ounientions I.ent to the • h... 0 addreFB will receive prompt attention. T. rii ; s moderate. (jan 8, 1868-41 U. S. CLAIM AGENCY, For the Clllection of Army and Navy Claims and Pensions pit \ lIOUNTY LAW. Parsed July 2t3,”..C6.t.tives three rCtiTS' Soldiers extra h v turts, ti t ad ), , nt .11,charged. OFFICERS' EXTRA PAY. Three toontht' extra pay proper to volunteer officers P, f, I derv/ op March 3, 1865'. PENSIO.NS miett E A S.eD i , ill who have lost a limb and who brave been perrna i."l„tiy Imo, totally ill‘abled. All other Government claims hroeccuted. J N I LES. w, !tabor°. Octolun . 10. 144-tt E. SMITH, M. D sUI? GE 01V. OPERATES successfully for -Cataract, Stra bkfinufl, (cross eye) Removal of Tumors, Wire Lip, Varicose Veins, Sc. Feet Sc.. Partiettinr attention paid to diseases of tboo at) i general Surgery. Cin,alteticn at °trite free. • I;cforencos given to operations recently por f)rtne 1 Oflic4,lintirs trout 12 M. to :i P. M. (Ifiiee'at his residence, Mansfield, Tioga County, l'a - March 27, 1867-1y.4, NORMAN STRAIT, 1.1 Inn tot' the National Seriefi of Stand.o _ , hoot B ‘ok•: pnbibilied by A. S. Burnes ic Co.lll Si 113 ll"Miam, cal nu' of John Street, N. Y.. Ire( ' ' , mid.). All orders promptly filled: Call on or SlJr.•s h) in N. STRAIT. Jone 11:). _ 0, B. KELLY I iN (TT ‘,IARVIN S CO'S FIRE AND E MOLAR PROOF, SAFRS. Septenthor 25, MT. s. G. PUTNAM, ' A I 1 7' I tl R t ", 7 12 " IrdM l t WHEELS.%)I• all the Lest St el"kri'd Oscillating Aiovottiont fur Gang and Saws. TlN't Pa Aug. 7, ‘ ISV, ly • Bounty and Pension Agency. RAVINn r.relred definite loe trtsettous rs TC‘mrd to My extra bounty allowed by the act approved IS66.and basing on hand a large supply of all blanke,i am prepnred to prosecute al/,pen cull,l,, and bounty claime which may be placed ill my P er.mastir,lng at a distance can nommunleato 11.41)y letter,,end their comumulcatlons will be m.Ptiy unsws t od • Wm. 11 . SMITII. Well.buro.Oetobe 2465. I :nu prepared to furnish back numbers of all Reviews or Magazines published in the United States or Great Britain, at a !ow price, , G i IBINET.II.tiN U AT-6,:rraNGLiVl3. 4‘ußkir.: l / 2 ' DONI to order. COFFINS of all kinds , furnished on short notice. All work-dono promptly and war rrlntetl. Wellsboro,Jtine 27, 11160.. • UNION HOTEL, • „ MINER ViT,AU.lN'S,ll.3aorititToß;', • iFT:tvtxo fitted up a new hotel building 011 WO site of the old Union Lintel, litteirdebtroyed, by tiro, I ata now ready to rect‘iro and entertain ktnciits. Thu Union lintel wan intended for a TCMPOInuell fluuno, and thi., proprietor believes it can be nwitained uithunt grog. An attentive hostler in attendance. IVell.,buro, Juno 28, 1867. . . Proprietor J 1 JOHNSON - 711 E. R. , KIAII3ALL, GROCERY AND RESTAURANT, Ono door above the Moot Market, WEI,LSBORO, PENN'A, RESPECTFULLY announces to the trading thmt he has a desirable stock of Gro ceries, comprising, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, and all that constitutes a tint class stock. Oysters in every style ocall sea sonable hours. Welleboro, Jan. 2, 1367-tf. THE PLAOE TO BUY DRUGS, A T the Dteevreneevillo Drug Store, where you ,1 - 1 - will find every thinf2soperly belonging to the Drug Trade and of thIS befit quality for.Cithh. Al,e Paints, Oils, Vanishes. Lamps, Pitney Notions. Violl Strings, Fishing TileMe, 'Window filtess, AT. Cash paid for Finis Seed. Glen's Falls Insurance Oompany, GLEN'S FALLS, N. Y. • —O--- Capital and Surplus $373,637,66. FARM RISKS, RISKS, only, taken. No Premium Notes required It is LIBERAL. It pays damages by Light nine, whether Fire ensues nr not. 11 vays I,r lire stuck killed by Lightning,in barns or in the Its ratesl,are lower, than other Companies of equal }eepoaibility: ' PRICE, Agent, Farmington Centre, Tiogn CO. Pa.-. May 29, 1.867-I.yo & LATHROP. pt L.sms HA RDWARE, I RON, STEEL, STO VEB, WARE, RELTINT SIWS CUTLFEIV , 1 WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Harness Triratniegs, HARNESSES, SADDLS, he. . Cornit;g, N. 1%; Jan. 2,1867-Iy. --v----- CHOICE LOT OF GRAIN BAGS for . talo cheap! at WRIGHT ,t BAILEY'S. Wolleboro, Tune 5,186 Z. VOL. XV. 13101 K BINDERY • Alit) BLAPIK 11 OK MANUFACTORY. 8 taldwin Street, (SIGN OF THE Bla BOOK; 20 FLOOR,) 1?,1,114.1RA, N. Y. 0 T_TR. MOTTO L. IJ anon .%s THE BEST, cAEAP AS Trip CR:RAH:ST BLANK BOOKS Of, every description, in all stylus of Binding, and al low, f,)r (platy of Stock, as any Bindery . in the State. Vntunics of every description hound in the 11,u,t wanner and in uny style or dei oil. ALL KINDS OF GILT WORK E.xoeuted':nin the best uircertex. 0)d Bootle re bound end Lunde good as new. numauxis lif,ztaza,,, COM PLETI3 YOUR SETS BLANK_ BOOK, Sr, &MEP:TAPER, Of ull sizes and qualities, on band, ruled or plain BILL HEAD PAPER', Of any qtt_ajity or size., on hand and cut up ready for printing. Aso, DIM. PAPER, and CARD ROARD of nil culi.Zrs , ...and qualty, in boards or cut to any bizc. •STATIONERY, Cap, Letter, Note Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Pendi, 4,:c. I am sole agent for Prof. SiiEPARC'S NON-CORROSIVE STEEL CONS, or VARIOUS etzKii, FOR LAMBS • itn) geNTL,i3IE.N.,.• Which I wll warrant equal td Gold Pens. The boat in use and no mistake The above stock I will sell zit the Lowest Bates at all titans, at a Finall adva6co on New York prices, and in quantities to stilt purchasers. All work and stock warranted as represented. I respectfully solicit a share of ruhlie patron:. are. Orders by mail proMptly attended to.-- Aildtess, LOUIS KIES, Advertiser Euilding, Sept. 28, ISGT.—Iy. Etinint, N. Y BE , CLOTHED • JINOLIAM t( SONS, two miles east fti of Knoxvilo, Thoz,a County, Pa., aro pre. pared to manufacture wool by the yard or on shareA, as may lie-desired. They make FLANNELS, FULL CLoTIIS, OASSI. MEIIES, DOESKINS, and can proutit , c to Fathry eurAuniers. They pay particular attention to ROLL CARDING & CLOTH-DRESSING Twenly, years, experienro in the businet.s ronto them in "Uxpectlitit P. generous jltronage. No shoddy floths mode. Deerfield, Juno 111, joii - SUI-IR; WOULD announce to the citizens of IVe.ll6bo ro and surrounding country. that. he has opened a' shop en tli3 corner of Water and Crof ton streets, for the put pose manufacturing all kinds et TOWNSEND - HOUSE. WILLIAM 'FO 11` NSF:AYE, PROPRIETOR. HACING leased fora ter to of y'en's thee popular and well known How) stand lately ot.cripied by A. SI. Ittalett I out prepares t to Cornish tho troveliort and local tuitilia.tvitlt the best acoontinoclatlonis to ti7i pro cured in tai• I Oillitry. A good hostler ulways lo at tendance. Tootos lurid:dad to fishing partioo. W,•iisi..» 0, Julie JOYEIN ETHER, TAILOR AND curcuit, hat, opened a shop on Craton street, rear of Sears & Derby's. shoe chop, where he is prepared to manufacture gill , ments to order in the most substantial manner, • ad, ot with dispatch. Particular atlantic!l paitic to Cutting and Fitting. March 20, 1.808-2 y HANULTON HOUSE, On silkily Ttltoperance principles, Morris Run, P. R. G. DAILEY, Proprietor. Hopes and Ourringcs to let.—Motelt 8,18138..—1 y. F. D. BITTED. DI D. PHY6ICIAN & SURGEON, draduate of the University . of Buffalo, N. T.', Clasa of 1861. !laving locatikt in Wellsboro, offers his cervic es to tho sick and afflicted. Having had much exp.rienco in Surgery, he will perform all op erations entrusted to his skill inl a saticfae 'tory manner. Office at his residence on Pearl street, two doors below tis4l, residence of Will iam Bache. Can be found Eby enquiring at ei ther Drug Store, (.lan, 8086 S-31311 CHEAP, CHEAPER, CHEAPEST, ------ C. P. LEONARD, Lawrencovillo, May S, 1567. ~7 ITOOPLATiI)', I, Hoofland's .German Prepared by Dr. C. 111. Jackson, LIVER, S'irialiTlA.Cll, .or Is compoilildf4l of the pure iniecqe (or its they an" rnedieloria) term - -- 4 „,1 dA It 01 s, It et fyi re• to) , I B tog arevaratinp. •i r 1, LW) ly ,1:- caiinlic gram fAtire TS a con:i.lmition of all 11:t. P11:,•.1i-ntg of Ih. hit ‘IIV ) 1:////1, I 1t.:11'2.V. (ae .."'• •.• !"" to"'• zai,t , . ~.1 t , / NI" pli:Clt• 0. ri :0 , 14:114 , .. 1.“61C ... : , V In e,i,cs of uvAvuttlq dcptc:sblott, %%lieu !wino illcoholk: stimulus)3 necesialy, The •IlittcrB or thd Tonic nrc oi,•1 colitairk the same mei" tral %irk OP.. Too ~o nmel), from a, wallet}, of cairß.,, lath ~D ye Ileimin; N 4.41 t• 4444.4, Ovi., vtc., is (ir. • vwy no hilVel iln I lt,•( moava. 'Vim le tfl 1.11:11. 1110 poti4mt -atic(n from several; or moro of tIIJ lo4lowou dißeases: •' r, Ir potse.tipntion, 3 tulenco, Inward riles F.11 , 1^„ of illocd to til43 Head. /I,q , lity or the Stomach. Nausea, 1... tr:our,i, Di4roist for iPeod. Istitm-ss or WoLzlrt in the . k'-t „tmac. h. Spur Erne td.ions, Sinlcllle; or .0.0.1 - Lerill at the. int of Stomach, Switaming of the }Tend, lint - Fled or intficult. Breath- Ln,4, Pintto.f,nce,ati He irt4CholFing or Suffocstin • Seri:mitt ns when. is a Lying' Posture Dimness or Vision, Dots or *ohs hidere • too tight, Dull Pant in the Head, .osll , . , iencY of Perseirtiti, - ,n, Yellow ness of the iktn and Eras,' P.lin in the - . Side, Lack. V1.1.,t, Lita ()tr. ate. Find .lq.t.shes Irene, Burn ia the "Pleen, Con at n: .Inetutnings or Evil, and t Devression -of r;if,rdic. , till eitbettuilly care I,iPOY • 1 . . :,.• DygpepSia, Chrot.i.• or Glirptfic Dim Nitta, 1.11,44.1nAe of t•, and all I,l4enEes nri.iltv..; from a In .i.:...,1 Fiontheb, or 10te.•ti0,... 1 • 9 i• '. I 1:.111 %XS C111:31! IV!) Tplyn ; F.C.C.)- • A 0.61 OF TifF, SYSTEM., 2' vi L41113il - 4 :'.• vi - now la- ilk, nksAloni , extant equal : iinnedlez In each A Wile Uri.: aor ((lamed to en the Sy.teni. d. • ntomach dig ents • - t • nii,lly, Mond le 11 urthed ••,•cnincto !found end i 14-I,liny 11. e tinqe la medl , t•• ~ •, , 11 , i• , .1 8. 1.• ett ,• • • • I „• i• d•i. And fee:lng the II KW ft( .1.11110 weighing •Iletwily upon thew, with all Its attendant ills, will find in the uµ• of thl , lirl"rh:12:-?, or the TONIC, un • elixli that will 1101,1 new life Into their veins. re,tore hi 0 Jae wine the energy and ardor of more youthful days, build up their shrunken forum, :ld give hetdth and happlue6B to their relaadetttq, y",ro Ii is a well-estabil.hil fact that fully one-halt at folzaz,o izor tloO Of OUC papa la: ,:,le i lent In the enjoyment 0! ~!o‘ilbe.dii.. nr, to use their own evise,ls, esever - feel %veil." They me tatvsl.l, Did of all cneruy, extremely nor. voes, .lal Lei' no appetite. - ' To i sof persons the BITTERS, or the T(' N 10" is.chtlik recommended. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Ate Dish, tong by the use of either of these remedie+. They will cure every ease of MA without Mil. Thuurahtls of certificates have accumulated in the hand,. of the proprietor, but apace will SIIOIV of tau publicutiou of but a few. Those, tt wall be ah, e ,‘ td, ate men of note and of such stand lug ttiLa they must be believed. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, C4i, ,-,,,,,tic,., or die S upront Court of Pa., writes Illiladelphia, March 16, 1867. g et , " I fled ' Ifoof- - h‘ild'ii German MI tv);-.' Is n goo I //- tonic, useful In iiii-K-n-ipm of tlav I:I _ 4 4 _- gcstive org,:tns, :!., and of :o I-co I , A•S -• F . elk in eases of tle -1,1103., awl NV:III L or I/W . IOIIK lICLIQII In the eystetn. " Y ult.. hlly, " 1ik..0. W. \VM6DWARD." Hon. James Thompson, Jiteke of U.r Sitprme Court of Pcnrisyiertnici- Phi/dile/phi/1, Apra 2 , 3,1,90. "I Cl,llPiriCr Garman Bitters' n ea too ~ lAlne in cat.° of Ititacktt of Intlig.Vll - oc Op.peitsitt. I can certify titte. from my experience! of H. Yuurp, with respect, , . " AM J.ES THOMPSON." From Key. Joseph 4. Kennard, D.D., . . • rcutt , ir ry eir Ttnih .vo r tist Church, Phildelphia, D ,. . 1 ', ' ' , I- - licar . Fir: I have been freemeritly rely, -.. .:- o•;• ~ .-t toy amity Neitil recuiranen a.,m ~.. ~, a,.. , ,rci Lindy of nu:did:tee,' but, re gyp: . .7 ;,...- pl.a; it pit r - -.. tlce as oat of my•_r a p 1 . .; ; . ••.; f .„,. ~ h ere, I have In 0.1.,t.- .-. ~ 1 ,+t; 1 .. I •4t. but lila) clear 1 ,,,„. .., , ~,,m,:tt:,....)... 7 • 1 • ARAnancesstrulpnr- C. , . 1, t , iti ,t. own larolly, , of OA: tieciittinues of lb. I. al ; i :•• Cierolan if lttere, I depart 11)1' Once fi ,, ::. , r, .S.. ~' coiii-1 , , to csiprem toy fall coovic ti ~ ;; ..;;;;".; 1., , f; ~e, al (10.4.4,y af the syeent, and ev,,,, , t1y . 10 ' Li/Ye etm•joill lid, a it a safe and mana.,, i . ~ ~,, ~,,,), In yo:iie e.:e+eti it may. fall; but it , ' I .i.a; et not, It Will by vtalf beneficial to ti,,, , . ~, .:doer treat the above catoce. . : u 0 , ,, vtry a'. eporttffile, .d ; 11. - b:EN.;•:,NRI), , . . Ei,flail lfclotv coated St . . E. 1 7 r0.11 . 1Z.C 1 V - D• - Fendtill, , , Chrisrealt ;Chronicle, Philadel . b.lyv decidiA ben.,.llt from the use of and Seel it my privl it „„ .1 them as a lima valuable tonic, . to „u •, 4 from general debility or f rom "flow (I.xangereout of the liver. Vuurtt truly, .14. 11 FENDALL. ' 1 . i1. ,- 1-mi' Gorman EemedicK are colntcrfelt.. 1 " cd. :-.:!, ~...t, c....: ~ ,-,---. signaturootO.M. 1 ' j . -I.‘ 'I:. -,.. +.:. i, ou "747 .. 1119 wrapper of 1 each 1.. , t I . AU. j-• , - ° thin) ara COUII r 7/ . 1 10.11.1'. 1 . ), i , 1..;:1 t1i" ,, ... 1,1,i Mamulactory at tho (ler ))):14 1.1. 4,.... z...1,..,r,..., No. ti:o. .ARUM throat., Phil cAtutpl,lo.. . , i i ~, cir ~, ~ i ,Es M. EVANS, • 4,;. r nad Druggist, Proprietor, • ; r.winerly C. lif: JACKSON & CO. For tiall, AI, .t . i DI .lA:iota and Palcce to Ate& riontimid`rg 11(Tenztu ratters:per bottle .141 00 " ' ' halt' dozen...-. 500 ateslatt's tiers-nail Tonte t tpuivp:ln quart tk.o.-t 1 t ar b dt6,, or a half 1107,011 fox t. , 31. - at not it....cet to onaininls44l the arts le' t' ran huy,;ln order - t- got the genuine. The ul.ove Remedies aro tdi sale biLtruggists, Storekeepers, and Medicine dealers, everywhere throughitut the lJniled States, Canadas, South America, anti the West, Indies.—Mar. 11,'88-Iy. - - - 4- 1 11 1:1•C , Jab: S i ' it 1410 XII: iirjl2.buo l ait ;Jab 33e•glarsitsibut.4 orism:lc:ma:L.!' "6.7 EEO PUILAPELCIIIA; PA r The Great !Remedies =I DIGESTIVE: 011 G • liciofland's Garman - Bittera lloolland'4 G rmaii Ton. Ho fland's German Bitters. Rooflandis German Tonle should to 11SL3 l)L 131LTTY, 1.t,, NOTICE TESTIMONIALS. CAUTION: T_'IZIO_VJG.. - -Q7'o rOtt.' We Are Growing Old Together 'lll' 74 AltY CLEMBISIE A3l ES. . ' - , , 'WO are growing old toget er ; ~, , 1 There is silver in, thy hair, : ,'' :!,• ', •t -In the 'whiteness of my temples ' ' , , Life has kit its lines of cure. t . ' We aro growing ol 11 together. , • •' ,• , Thou art heauti ill to me; We are growing old together; ';''. - - i ) Am I beautiful 6 thee? '': g'-.. • W:o ar '• e ' g':olling ol .I ioget her;,.... -- , ' When you heldliny plighted htuid i 1- ' Life wore a took Of , splendor '.,fr , . 1 . Unseen on sea or land. - ,•:;' • -- By the v ain of the lamenting ; ' - .; .' That the Summer could not bring. '-With the ripeness of its friiitaget, , -., The brightness' of •the Spring ; '' -"by the lovel,y-tlovo; we buried, .. Ily the dyptg - reltild Wet kissed,- • t , ' I love the.hest, iny - deffrest, , -., L - For what thy lifo bath missed. . , WC are growing old:together ; When we drop"the body's veil, - The vne will wait the other Within the silent pale. Into the-grand Poret'er . Together we will glide; No power in the ages Our being can divide. We shag grow young togethei., Nyhat. , ,poet, ever sang The raptuVepf,rtuntortais, - r • • Who love, forever young Wiractianteits ggiulitto. THE CARPENTER'S BALL LWASA.M.I to morrow ; and tbr eight years I had been Mark Hunt's wife, and as happy a wife as could be found in all America. My 'husband was a mechanic, Ihnid iplenty , of work, and was fond of me. `.Co ''be sure he was double my age, and very serious, fond of ehureh-going and such things • while. I was as gay as, a,. „poor c.ot.ildlle; an\l fpntr, dreSsitm in my i J est all sorts of merry makings. When the children began to come, all that ended for me, of course, but after all, 1 never fretted over It. I had never been discontented for more than a moment or two, I believe, until the day when Bess Creamer ran into my little kitchen, to show me • a neW blue' tarletab she had been buying, and to tell me all about the grand " Carpenter's Ball" they were to have at the big hall always hired for such purposes. " Dancing and itIUSIC, and such a 4up per, and everybody there we know I" cried Bess.,But you have heard all about 'it before, ebfirse." 'What "arc you going to wear?" "'Po ~wear':" I cried. , alien Bess put her tains akimbo in It way she had from a child, and cried out " Why, Ann 'Hunt, don't, say you ain't p;oing,." " I haven't• heard a word about it," said I. ;Why, limit is a etti•pcuter well,as Creatner—and it tli4 Carpenters' Lodge are bound to 0,(ot &led Bess:" Well, Bess," said I, "you know _Mark is ,not so very young, and he's trying to lay by a penny, and lie don't quite approve of m (Try-milting . , I guess." • But my lictart, &tipped likb - a lunip of lead in niy boson], and I began to feel that my life was very dull and wretch ed after all. " Bother Mark and his tidgets I" said Bess.. " Von must coax him to take you—old Jane will mind the ihildren nir leo cents - and her: supper ;' worry him enough, and he'll go ! Away she went, all animation, and I sat down on a little stool and link my face in iny hands ; forgetting the din ner baking in the stove riven. ' " That's what came of getting mar-' ried;''salti 1. " I'm only twenty-flue, and,doiot,looktwenty 7 eue and here I inn- tied down" great family and a solemn old husband. If I had bad mere sense I might have had a differ ent life. Take me—why, he wouldn't take" me anywhere but to prayer-meet ing, for a fortune." , " had meant to stew up a few apples to reli,h our pork and potatoes, but, though the fruit was on the table, the idea passed out of my mind now. Lsat there thinking , df ball; • - ' iraVelVcirfitity green silk.— Its almost new," said-1,1 Lturd'l would Alit have needed' much but gloves and shoes. Its contemptible of Mark'—a member of the Lodge, tool" ' And I cuffed the child that came roar-, ing to me with a broken kite. " A woman is a fool to get married,"i said I. " Why, I always had beaux 'enough to ask me everywhere. I might still, but noW - It's - dreSs the babies, and cook the dinner, and wash the •dishes; and clean the house. I'd better Jive out at bervice, for I'd have' my haIP holidays. I don't have an hour now." "Dada !" cried the baby in his high chair at the window, "Dada, torn - in I" ° • ff` c He saw his lather in the street,,l kneW, and I jumped up anti ;began. to set the table. AlWay4 liefOro every thing had. been ready just as Mttrk came in, but I was too sulky to care much now ; and I turned to hitn 'angrily as he cried.: " Why, w-e're' We" to-day, Ann ; none, of the enildren sick, I hope?"" They're , welll enongli, ' sit i d I. " Can't n woman be - behindband for once in 'her life." : ' • And I pilAed'oi - )en the Oven door.— sinell, Of - burning and a. .cloud of smoke rushed, out at me. , The pork Was just a crisp. As fir the potatoes in the pot, I, knew they were 11.. water soaked In already. But Mark, was good natured. It was the first tinsel had served him so, and I had noAross, words to bear, and gave a sort of apology for what had 'happen ed, by telling him - that' •Bess• Creamer had been to see me.' „ , `""Na, wonder the dinner is kipoiled, then," said - Mark.' ' "'Bess has a tongue that is hard to.stop. The,greatest gos sip about the , tOwn„atul such a gad about'. I pity Jon Creamer for - his bargain. She had a pretty face—its fading fast though,—but what else had she, 1 wonder?' - 1 " Yes, ess has a kind husband," said I. " Rind " cried: Mark. • " Why, he sPen &dollars every week at"the tavern, and if• -he were to 'die - 'to-morrew Bess would have - to beg,,•for .1 all; he'd 'leave her."' - '- ' • " ', '", " Perfinps so," said - I;,. t'but - he let 4 her enjOy herselt Nowhere ,but --she goes. - She'eruno in to sliewimeher bal - dress just now-411e dress_for 'the Cat ',enters' -bell, Mark.", -- • , , - .. ~ • - " I thought more than ja* burnt the pork," said . Mark, - "'When ' women and dry goods cotne together, .Whitt 's to part 'etM?" 1 " Oh." said I, "'I don't care so much about clothes. I'd do with as little as any woman, but. I was Interested in the ball: You're a member Of the Lodge,. Mark—why :haven't . ten a acket 7 7i.t9l' t, it thought mean ?+' : ",- ,1 - . . "" Yes, it mightlid i " said- ho;" Mr it's tor he'lvidOws , and-orplians' bene lit the thing's.g4 up, -Of Bourse I took tickets--two' of 'em. • • " Ob,•yoa dear Mark !" said I. " And you wanted to surprise me ?" " I can't say I thought of you, my - -VVELLSBORO,`,YA ~ APRIL 29, 18€18: k _,. _ , dear," said Mark. "I didn't i calculate on either of us going I" " Why not, Murk ?" said I, "you're not so strict that you think a dance a sin." tie laughed. I ain't set :( against darkling, though I never cared , for it i myself,"; said he, " I'm a ChriStian,,l hope; but, in a proper place among devont•folks it cantt be a crime to let your feet keep timo with music. Itdhirps up young folks, I reciwn." " Then,' , why not go?" said I. "It's the children'," said he. " Pour, of 'cm, Mt, babies, you may say, and it 'ain't as ifiwo had some one we could trust to 'calve 'em with: Then where's, the use of wasting so much for finery ?, Then another thing, I'm going down to P— the day before, the ball, to• see about that new frame house they want' us to build, aid I shan't be hoMe in time. So that settles it, you see, Ann." "I could g(;) with Bess and . her .hus band," I ventured, Ho looked .at, me angrily for almost the first time in his:life. " No" wad he ; "It wouldn't - be pro per for you to, go without me. I won der that yon slibuld think about it," I said nothipg, but I \las terribly angry. I kepCmy anger warm all day,. and for the tiel4 three days and nights. All my frfenchi were going to that ball, It seemed, and I felt slighted and wretch ed. When Mark went away with his carpet-bag in his :hand, I scarcely kiss ed him. MI knew all about it, and his saying nothing, but just looking at me is that cool, disapproving way, made me ang riest of all, and I had a 'plan in my mind that made me asham-ed to look .my husband in the face besides. For, 'you see, I had found the twol ball tick ets in Mark's coat, and had made up my mind to use them. Go I would, , and for once enjoy myself. So the mo ,ment the train in which .31 - ark went had rattled away out of sight, I took , 'my purse and ran down into the village to buy my little finery and to tell every one 1 also was going to the Carpenters' ball. Then I gave the children an ear ly supper, put them to bed in a litirry,• poor little things, and sat up ,all night to make my headdress and re-trim my dress—for the ball \vas 0)01 very nest evening—and I went to bed - worn out and awoke late with a head-ache. The day before I had sent a note to a cousin of mine, a ne'er-do-well,lyhO was always idle;" and asked him to ,be come my escort. And he' came after ten, dressed out ,to go, and all was rea dy but old Jane, the washer-woman, who had'engaged to mind the ehildrep. Go until she came I could not, and as it grew late I fretted and fumed and so did Cousin Will. But at last she came blundering into the kitchen, smelling of liquor, and very loquacious. She had "been to her eon Sin s baby's funer al," she said, and it was plain to -be seen she was not quite sober. "I daren't go and leave her, Will," I said. But Will cried : " Come—i-t's too late now to go back. Nothing will happen to your yo un g ones, Ann." , , And I let myself be hurried into the hacK he had hired. After that I had net emelt peace, for the vision of old Jane dropping, my poor batty wall con tinually before my eyes. Still there was seine triumph in go the ball, and once there I danced with everybody who,asked me. " You loot: ike a girl of eighteen..— Nobody would ever guess you were so ber old Mark Hunt's wife," said cousin Will. And I was foolish to feel pleas dd, for 1 was tot like myself that night, and had not Lieen since I heard of the ball. I danced away my anxiety about the baby as well as I could, and at last sup:- pet:time came. -The young fellow Co whom Will had introduced_ me took nie down. There was a crowd around._ the table, of course, and while we Ny'e - re making our way towards our seats we had to stand awhile jammed in be tween some couples, all waiting their turns is we were. J twt in front of me was a man who had cpme in a few, moments before,— He wig apologizing to the girl he , talk ed,witb, wha,emed to be his sweet heart. '"I 4•fuldn't come sooner, Em," he said. t " They,kept us late at the office, and ctning; up there was a fire in Pear street.yThat always turns a man out of his way. I Stopped to look. It was a dreadhil fire, I tell you ; all those new frame tenses put up last year—the two story otes, you know. Some lives lost they say." • I waited to hear no more. " Get me out—let Ine go," I screamed to my companion. "It's where I live," and .1 fought back through the crowd, and, with Will at my heels, in my ball dress and bake-headed, ran out into the street. yhe music, had drowned the noise wahin, but once of tside I heard the screams of fire, - and the rush of en gines, atdi say. the mad red flames against the sky. A matt I knew by sight was running past. I' caUght, his 'arm Stop, 'Mr. Baron," I cried ; mY home ?" • •_ ' • Who's this ?" he uttered. ".Who the—'--- Well goo d heavens. Mrs: Hunt ! I'm afraid i t is. *Where's Hunt?" /I But I did n t answer. I was already running tow rds the fire, and in ten minutes.l sa ' a sight that froze the blood in my veins. The fine little frame houses, all one red blaze ; mere shells of houses already. Then I was like a madwoman. " My,ehildren !" I cried, "would no one save my children !" , Andl flunk _myself - A° -the ground, for there Were neither tlolirs nor Btair- Ways left, only the hollo* " Oh, let me die," I ried. .And a hand touched my arm, aid some one said: " Ann !", I looked i jup. Mark Hunt was, bend ing over. ine. Mark Bunt, my hus band: ", Kill me, Mark," I said, " Oh, kill Ariel The babies are burned to death.— My little darlings, and have mur dered them." 'But he lifted me . and bore me out of the crowd to a little vacant spot of ground,, and there,nestling • among . a heap of blankets, saw my ,darlings,— tpy glyl and boy (bolding the baby be tween, them. Tearful and frightened, but alone and quite unhurt. I knelt down and thanked God for it, and then Mark ,told me Ile had felt uneasy, and had finished his business with all speed, and hasten homeward just in time to save his children from the flames. Old Jane had left,tliem and gone rummaging in the clOet—for liquor; I suppose—and set fire to a shelf, and but for Mark's coming when he did, no life could have Leen saved. • • As it was, the house he had toiled to earn, and the furniture and-all that we possessed in thp world, had been saeri ,fit'ed to the llalnes, and though he said -,and truly: " What did that matter, if our chil dren -%" - ere. but,4aved _ I felt tr , i''aused it; He was very kin and korgave, me, and I helped htm all I could, and now we have our home again, and are beforehand with the world °nee more; and from that day I valued home and itssweet duties, vl never grieved that my lot was not gayer one, thinking what might have tppened, and from what I had been " And that," said Ann Hunt, "is y story, and the only one I ever had I , tell, ter nothing else has ever hap ned to me to interest anybody•" A PINCH OF SNUFF. Iry A CANADIAN If ..: i . . . On a dark night in the month of Oc t9ber, I left my place of business in the city of Montreal, and started to walk hme. My house was three miles away, a d stood alone in a very desolate spot, th only approach to which was by a bl ak and lonely road. Habit, howev er had .so affected me that I. was nev er troubled in the slighteSt degree by I l f , i_ either fear or suspicions. . I generally traversed the lonely road without thinking of the length of the way or the gloom of the scenery. On the night of which I allude, I car ried with me a bundle containing a considerable sum of money. It, was this, perhaps, that made me somewhat nervous and cautious. For the OM tit , ie in my life, I began to be troubled wi li the fearS of robbery. I thought i , of the dangers of the way ; of the wi Wing road ; of the rocks that favored em cealment ; of the thick shade trees th . ' - invited ambush. Every story of bery lohat I had ever heard now wred to me, until at length the idea k complete possession of me. I could k upon ..nothing‘ el e.• In vain . I. d to expel these. tho g,hts from my t n 1; I could no More control them n the winds of heaven ; so I now ked on, looking suspiciously at every c.; and transforming every bush into thing footpad. It it had been pos e I would have turned back, but this !not to be thought of for a moment. 1 family and friends were all at home, as I was always punctual, delay I ;would have tilled theth with im -1 thimble anxiety. My only course onward, and onward I felt I must So onward, I went, bitterly lament- My folly in not taking a carriage the town, which would have taken . l e Safely home so quiel- y and so easy, spared rue all my p sent anxiety. all of these thoughts I arrived at • a :aiy house which stood abotit half . 1 on my journey.„,.. Glare of light arced from the wincitiws across the illuminating the scene. Just as I 'welled it, a dark fiure dashed 1 from behind the hose through iglit and into the gloom of the road hich it walked with great rapidity. . .. ENE as startled he el gu is ared at me, but could not diStin ► his features. I only saw that be a mulatto, but no more. His every bowed that lie had been waiting w. But why should he wait for _ _ NSA' act for t this particular place? This was t troubled me. • me NI h A trW 1 this time I was walking on. I 1 to- catch up with the man anti him. It Was impossible. I quick my pace until it became almost a jlaS Ole run ; but the more I increased my speed, so did the man increase, Ills. The result of this was to eonfirinliay worst suspic ions, and to prove most clearly that he had , sinister designs upon me. 1 At length be came to the foot ot a long hill. Up this the man went with unabated velocity ; but here I pans d ancfAackened my speed. At the top' f the hill was the loneliest place on tle whole road. Not a house was near it exc4d ,,, , the ruins of an old block house, whie i was fast going to decay. If this Mall intended to attack me here, I thou h ; this would be the place. So the o ily thing for me to do was to pre pare,ll in 'self for the worst. I wqs absolutely unarmed ; not even so in le ias a (penknife about me. I thong it to find a stick, but I could see nothi ig of the kind. I was forced to 'conte it myself with a large, sharp stone winrl lay in the road. Then 'taking off m - shoes, I deposited my precious burden in each, in equal divisions. All this consumed some time, and after I put n y shoes on again, I was forced to walk slowly. The result was that I gained my freshness., and drew near the summit of the bill as vigorous as when _ _ I left felt a was t, the inno the city. My fear, which I had first bad given place to anger. T. nraged at myself, and furious at an who thus ventured to assail an lent traveler. Ph of th form of th walk him. of these feelings I gained the top hill. I was not m?stakn. The I f the mulatto stood in the middle road ciwmediately befo me. 1 d straight onward and ose up to !op," be cried. rho are you ?" said I. "What do vont* want that money." ihat ' money ?" . , hat money you are taking home." " Away you fool! Let me pass or I'll blow your brains out!" • I cried, put ting(r i y hand in my breast pocket. "I' oh !" said the fellow with a sneer r " you've got nothing. Out with tour more now, or I'll blow your brains out !" And he leveled a pistol full at my face. • I gave an inyoluntary start.. "QUilf.!" he cried with a deep oath. I haven't time to talk ! Quick or you're a dead man !" •- S Sou UT "18 11 "tiVelli wait a minute, can't you!" said I: peevishly. "I suppose I must give yen what I have. Itis not - much." "NO humbug !" roared the fellow with another oath. "I want that package of monel you're taking home. Don't try to • humbug me with your beggarly pocketbooks." A.,11 this time the pistol had been lev eled at my head, and I had been col lecting my thotghts. I was calm and coat "Yo want he package, do you,?" 'moving slightly to one side. .e it then !" I cried. And I I the sharp stone with all my full against his bead. 03aii uttered a shriek; the pistol ;ill his hand and exploded on the IMEEI " rat hurled streng The fell fro ground - The to e. man—a with rr) obstina friends, wo.uld ratii(.T t "Yon Hoarse "Nev He w(' wrestled heavily, hand wr Ivhieh 1 use his Agaip It agni fist caught away of Then I throat. Wc;ak nt struggl text moment lie sprang upon e was a strong and - vigorous giant; in fact, in comparison . But I was nerved with the e courage of despair. Life, home—all were forgotten. I Iliave died a hundred' •deaths )Itri • money!" lie screamed, in a ioice. !" I cried. (' und his arms . around me. Vc for a moment and then fell he uppermost. But his light powerless, thanks to the glow had given it, and he could only eft, The struggle was ter' Hite, again I dashed the stone tis bead, hut at last the wi etch t, and in the struggle itdropped tof the reach of both of us. fastened his lingers on M . % I luy completely at his mercy, d utterly exhausted from Ihe -up that money. V' he said "I don't want to commit n but if 1 must, I will. Give an ey and I'll let you go." l a NV st moment of despair, lit•li it ittO courage which had hi i ii a nod me, was fainting, beside I nkined desire for life, I was "Giv murder' tit° moil th the ohs erto stis rea at its sudde n ness of the Man's face as lEEE .linhienly seized . with an- idea which proved my salvation. _ "Wait, then," I said bitterly. And I put my hand'•in my pocket. The man relaxed his hold of imy throat. I drew forth my snnff box and opened it. The man bent forward eagerly. "Take it I" I cried. And 'dashed the contents of the box full in his eyes. - The shriek of mingled pain and rage which burst from him I shall never forget. He made a frantic o,aslly at my throat, bI kept his hand away. The, inereasineagany overcame him. He, started bolds feet and ran wil ly about, not knowing in his pain and lindness, where to knowing But a few morbegts com pleted inn victory. I caught him, and succeeded in binding . his hands behind him with my cravat ' : Blind and groan- Iry with pain, ho could. makebut little resistance, so that by blows andthreata, I was able to make , him my prisoner. Scarcely had this been done than I heard the sound of -footsteps. I called eagerly ; and was answered by a famil iar voice. It was my farm servant. He had come out in search of me, as I had been longer than my usual time. With .assistance of tills man, we dragged the ',robber to my house, where he Jay in confinement until the following morn- , ing, when he was handed over' to the authorities .In the course of his trial, it turned out that 'he was •a notorious burglar from New York, who had been visiting Montreal for a few weeks, and exercising his calling. He was caught now, however, and ten -years sentence to prison gave Jilin leisure to meditate upon the virtue of Scotch snufll What is the Talmud? With this question begins a long and elaborate article in the Quarterly Re view, to which great currency has been gi ten by its insertion in Litte4o6. Living Ape. The subject, attractiVe even in the obscurity in which it haLs been so, long shrouded, is presented by the re- 1 viewer in such a shape as to enlist thq• attention of all thoughtful readers.—i Paradoxical'as it' ay seem, there never was, he • tells us, a book at once more universally neglected and more univer sally talked of than the Talmud. He expresses his firm. belief that numbers still hold with that erudite Capuchin friar, Henricus Seynensis; that the Tal mud is not a book, but a;--man.) Tie work is, in fact, the body of law (Cbr pus Juris)7. of Judaism—" an encyclo iedia, of hay, civil and penal, ecclesias tical and international, human and Di vine." Its origin dates from the return from the Babylonish captivity—" one of theAtiost mysterious and 4nomentotu, periods in the history of humanity is that brief space of the exile'," from which a previously reckless, lawless populace returned as a band of Puri tans. The Jewish people began now to press around the scanty records of their faith and history with a fierce and ' passionate love. These same documents were gradually formed into a canon,. which became the immediate centre of their lives and actions. The activity in expounding• and investigating grd ually begat science, that assumed the very widest dimensions, its technical name—" Midrash "—is already contain ed in tho Book- of Chronicles, imd in the authorized versions is rendered by the word "story." There had sprung up innumerable modes of " search; lig the Scriptures." The Talmud is the storehouse of " Midrash," in its wider sense and in all its branches. Meaning in the first instance nothing but "study and learning." ft next indicated a special method of "learning," or rath er arguin g ; and finally it became the name of the great Corpus Juris of Judaism. The Talmud is composed of two parts—the legal and the legendary —,Mishnah, and Gemara—the one the product of thought, investigation and careful comparison, and the other the creations of fancy and imagination, mixed with feeling and humor. The Pentateuch remains in all cases the background and latent source 'of the Mishnah as the) immutable, divinely given Constitution, the written law ; in contradistinction to which is. the Mishnah, togetl4?r with the Gemara, the oral or , unwritten law. The ever growing wants•Of the Jewish Common wealth requires new laws and - regula tions at every turn, and Modifications of old laws as seen in the softening down of the severe laws of the Pen ta _tench. The whole process of the de velopment of thelaw was in the ,hands of the Scribes, who, according to the New Testament, sat in the seat of „310- ses. Their time ranges from the return from Babylon down to the Greco-Syri an persecutions, (220 B. C.) Their duty above all was to preserve the sacred text, and they had also to instruct -the people, to preach in the synagogue, to teach in the schools. After the Scribes came the Learners or Repeaters, celled also Master Builders from 220 B. C., to 220 A. D. "In this period fall the Maccabean Revolution, ,the Birth of Christ, the destruction of Jerusalem, and the total expatriation of the .Tew, - 4." The legal labors that belonged to this period were never seriously interrupt ed. 1 The highest legal assembly, the House of JudgMent was known as the Sanhedrin. NVhenever the New' esta ment mentions the priests, the &litters and the scribes together, it means the great Sanhedrin. There were two les ser ones. The law in the old and es pecially in ,the new Testament has a much wider meaning than that • which is commonly given to it.. It "sends fdr all and every knowledge, since all and every knowledge was reqnsite for the understanding of it," and hence to-be come a member of the Sanhedrin re quired an extensive acquaintance with existing literature and science. The Sanhedrin formed the - crowns and highest consummation of the schools and academies, which were spread throughout the length and breadth of the land eighty years before Christ.— Education had in fa'b been made coin-. pulSory: An exalted place was alo given to work in connection with lear t iug. Worthy of all notice are the m I mcyous points of contact between the Netw Testament and Talmud.. " Stich terns as ' redemption ,I - , baptism;' grace, ' rap" ], salvation,' '.regeneration,' (situ of Man,' 'Son of God,' 'kingdom of Heaven,' were not, as we arc apt to think, invented by Christianity, but were 'household words of talmudical .Tudaism to which Christianity._ gave a higher meaning." The' general char aelei of time pal code of the Talmud is humane in' the extreme. Of the "Hag gahati;" or legendary and imaginativo part of the Millltld, we . have no wom to speak. The work of reducing the bulkof orditrances, injunctions, iiro hihiti is, precepts, was attempted at three different periods, but was only accomplished the last time by jelmita, the Saint, 200 A. D. " What's that picture on," said a countryman in our hearing the other il.ty in a print store to the proprietor, who was turning over smile engravings. 'That sir," said the dealer, is .Tolitia (.10 I 1 wan d lug the..i.sun to stand 'm tell ! Well which - is Josh and wliich is his son r sunlit strean'is ;are not able to bear or ykld great treasures, hey may, at lea.St water sonic drooping flower; if not by the Fireside or home, by the wayside in life's pathwoify. • ~~ NO. 17. Cy Cop ifinnig, *Wu is published every Wednesday Mournbig at, $2 per year, invariably In advance. COBB & VAN ULDER, c.vAN M. 11. CORD.] Tax Lnizo oY ItltaxoN, oa Lao 3, 13417/i6a. No. of Sq'rs. 11 To. 12, Ins. 4 Italia, 1 Year 4 .1,00 110 8 1 1 8 2 18 2 , 50 1 $ 5 , 0 01 2,00 3,00 4,00 8,00 10,00 1 15,60 14,00 sz,oo, j t ,,-.)01 20,00/ 30,00 1 40,001 1 Square,. 2 Sqdares.. Malt Col—. Ono C 01..... Special Notices 75 cents p r line; Editoritil of toes 3 243 cents per', line. .lupwrecked Xelanders. A STRANGE AND SOMEWHAT ROMANTIC EXPERIENCE. The ship Gen: Grant, of Boston, sail- , ed from Australia for Loridon on May 4, 1866; with a load of freight, including 2,576 oz. of gold, fifty-s 4 passengers, and a crew of twenty-seven persons, and was thought to have been lost, as nothing had been beard from her up to the 21st of November, 1607, when a por tion of her crew were discovered in a boat while, putting of from Enderby Island; the most northeastern of the.: Auckland 'lsland grotp,; lying south of 1 4 New Zealand, by the whaling brig Am herst, of I4vercarill, N. Z. c These men, wh had been living on an uninhabited i land for more than eighteen shonths, in a. style less com fortable, though no less eventfal than that of Robinson Cruse% furnished the following narrative of the - faM of the vessel, and; their sad experience: The Auckland ISlands were sighted nine days after' the vessel--sailed,--and' while nearishore the ship :was carried by a heavy; swell, - in .a . dead calm', to wards the shore, and struck upon a rock. Though it vas pitch dark, the crew be canle aware that she was settling into one of those immense, rocky caverns, which abound 911 that coast. By means of lamps hung out from the ship, they_ . disbovered nothing but rocks „towering' high above thelhasts, and surrounding them on every side. Soon the royal and topmasts and lower masts came down, successively , breaking down ' masses of rock, whichi broke the deck in nieces. At dawn the boats *ere got out. Two of them were swamped and lost, with 'nearly all in them. The . other two, after much peril, succeeded in inding a,flanding place and got safely •_ to 1,, nd, 'with a portion of theprovisions while() they had saved froM the wreck. One of their', first anxieties on securing a landing WilS to raise a fire. They bad • but one luctter match among them all; and it became almost a question of life , and death hew that match should serve 'them. The lgreatest care was taken to procure kindling stuff; and to protect the precious( flame- when first raised; Andgthey Were successful; and the fire kindled on that day was not allowed to go Out for nearly eighteen months. -IThe 'text day they discovered some old huts, which had •Idouhtless• afforded shelter 'for other sufferers,andgathered limpets, and killed four seals on the beach at Enderby Island. Their fishing food, brought on dysentery,. and greatly re duced them, and caused terrible suffer , . lug. But gradually they rallied, and began_to adapt themselves to their new position. They managed to 'eatch,seals enough to live 013,. and contrived 'to work np their skins Ant° garments and slices. They succeeded in makinsome salt. They round rabbits on one f the islands ; lacy also thgcovered wit pigs,— which bast, keen left py some pr wous 1 occupants of that islakid, and by earns of air ing,eniou:i sort ( f hook con rived to catch a number. ' They found other hilts, atid - ,oine tools, nd finally became quite comfortably but died with food. i .2iiii, their longings for deliverance were. incessant, and hey adopted va rious eNpedientst to at act the attention . of ii?iSitlll, vessels. 33ut all iu vain— though once or twice vessels passed within sight of them—until the time of their delivi‘ranee by the Amherst. Pre viously to this, one of the boats, with • fourot the shipwrecked men, put to sea , jn the hopelof reaching New Zealand; but as' noilline; had been heard from tin in, ii i., feared that they perished at sea. 'tile - Amherst was first discovered from the k=litud Nov. 10, and the signal , tire Was lighted; but this did not attract the notice of the brig, find on the 21st the sitip‘ manned their boot and pot out to intercept thb vessel, which the}' fortunately succeeded in iloirn_;. 1114 were kindly -received on board th 2 Amherst, and taken to South ZeaLtiol, :VIZ., where they were hospi. • hay et tertained. Among —the lost were the eai l , itain of the Gen. Grant, W. 11. Laughlin, of New York,•and second - otliecl , 13". F. Jones, of Massachusetts. The boat which it is feared is e lost, ' contained Bartholomew BroWliqggehiel 0111... r of the Gen. Grant. Willianfl‘iew tett . .7;cott, Andrew Morrison, and Peter MeNevin: and the date of their sailing was Jilt. '2l 1867. - --- -___ 1 -----____ , NV iii MS os LocomoTivEs.—There - are----- 'i , onie curiosities about machines which ?-:e(-iu to be'linaccounta.ble. Every user of a -oving machine knows that froin totoc. unknown reason the__ machine whi b .l'esterday performed - Its work v.-ell', r 0 almost en thuslastioallS7, to-day tel to do Vlore than half its task, and;:itoes that little in. a surly, iudiffer efit'ibanner.) So with the other ma eiti ni s. P.:veir the, steam engine is sub jeet to thusetits. Is there some occult hood of svni atthybetween the operator i and his mac due, by which the latter is ialueneed by the mental 'condition of. the former: For it is certain that these d i ti'cren cc's elm lot always he attributed to Mmospheri or other external influ ences. This, latter is quitehumbrously Lind truth ti y treated in the . subjOined xtraet : "It is icrfcletly well known to ex_per- F -' cnced, - pradtical engineers, thatif a dozen different locomotive engines 'ere made at the '!saine time, of the 's me power, for the same purpose, of - ke materials, in the same factory, eac of. I \ these locomo ive engines ,would c me out with its own peculiar' 'whims ! and ways, only ascertainable by experience. One engine will take a great deal of coal and water at once; auothet will not hear ,water such n thing, - but will insist on being coaxed by spadesful and buck etsful. One is disposed to start off; when required, at the top.of his speed; another must have a little time to warm! x_ at his work, and to g et well into it. These , POcullarities are so accurately t, Skillful drivers, that ort4Y i particular men can per4uade particular enniues to do, their best. Itwouldseem as i T f setne_of Itheie excellent monsters declared, on being brought out of the stable, 'if it's Smith who i 0 to dFiv i e me, I \OWL go. If it's my frieucl Stokes,- --, I'm agreeable to anything." - 'All loco motive engines are low-spirited in damp and foggy weather. The,t have a grilat satiqfaction iu_t heir work" iiiheri -the air . is er isp and frOs - ty.' At such a time they are very cheerful and brisk„ but they strongly object to haze and mists. These - are points of character on which they are all united. It is in their pecu liarities and . Nrarieties of character that they are most remarkable. The rail road company who should consign all their locomotives to ono uniform snip- . lard of treatment, without. any allow ance for varying shades o f character and. opinion, wom i d soon tall as lunch be hind hand in the world as those greater governments are, and ever will be, who pursue. the sante, course with the finer piece of work-i-falleu man." SiiitovsnUßY CA_Kr..—Stir together three quarters'of a pound of sugar, and half a pound of softened butter. When white, add live beaten.eggs, a teaspoon ful of . rose water, and a pound of flour. Drop 1( With aqarge spoon upon fiat tins that have been , buttered. Sift sugar over them. A uttm its Maine WEIS recently asked to subscribe for a chandelier for the church. " Now," said he, " what's the 1180 Of, a chandelier ? After you get it you can't get any one to play on it.". 87,00 80',30 00,00 i $12,00 13,00 60,00 90,00