The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, April 15, 1868, Image 2
Thaddeus Stevens 'for Grant and Wade. Lancaster, March 29.-The following letter from the Hon. Thaddeus Stevens has been received by one.of his person al friends in this city. It speaks for itself. . 9 WASHINGTON iIiA43&L 26,4868. ' Mr PEAH aim: I received yea letter of the 24th hist Morning, and aid very glad you intend to be at Chicago - per sonally. If your constituents aid mine. have indicated a preference for Vice President, as I rather.think: the have from their vote, I should deem t your duty as-a matter of personal fidelity to begin by voting for that person,lwheth erlie be a friend of mine or not o as no mau,seems to me Stratified in 'violating the wishes of his constituents to please any other person. • But, if the' person thus irfdiented as their !Intl choice should fail of [a probability of cilectiO, or gradually :,deeline,-then t if I INtre tile re,,. or My :Wishes were to be consult ed;l Should use all of my efforts. in . fa vor of B. F. Wade. Heys a true man in whom you -and 1;W/id every 1 radical Ilion can confide • and you 'will find that the country, kw well asour'particu lac friend will profit by his success. I wish you would show this letter to your colleagues, as I sillily be kept froth- the Convention, and desire to see an honest man placed in that position - jof great contingent responsibility. , As' to the candidate - for the Presidency I Presume you all agree that none other than C4eu. Grant is to' be thought of. Honest, firm, Ad well indoctrinated in princi ple, without - ostentation, and without pride, I do.riot see how a better selec tion can be made. His judgment of men is so sound 'that I have ftdi faith that.ho will call around him te ablest and purest men of the nation. With Grant and Wade to guide an«lefend us, this nation in four years , will have at:piked a prosperity which will lre the wonder of the world. Univer4al Free dom maintained by Universal I . Suffrage nn this continent cannot fail to have that effect. Very rfspeetfu'lly, - -. Tli ADD EUS STEv ENS. 'To R. J.- Housras esq., Lancaster, Penn. . Tim' Pokirdsir PRESS 0 isi :P.1“::SID ENT JoiLNSON . The London Morning Slat: says, editorially : _ President Johnson seems determined to bring the contest between himself and the Legislature to an issue. Malting failed to entrap Gen. Grarit into an attitude of hostility to Congress, lie bas at length issued an or der, remqving Mr. Stanton from the Ministryo . of War, and appointing Ad 4utant. General Thomas in his— ,; Mr, Stanton; has referred the matter to ' Congress, and, mean time, refuses to give . up 'PosSession.'• The Senate has ptesed a resolutiontdeciaring the order of Mr. Jolmtfon illegal, and l'rth the Senate and House of Itepresntatives have requested the Reconstruction Com mittee-to consider what forth* action should be taken. One telegram even states that the House ot - Ilepres,entatives • has passed by a majoritY, a resolution to impeach the President for this net of illegality:, It is hard to see how they 'ean avoidoith a course ' and were it not that the deyious ways,of American pol iticians on :the •eve of a Presidential fi,ectiOn arelinserutable, we cannot di-. ;ine what Presidentifohnson expects ft ! /ain bY'his‘wilful and defiant course, xcept to plunge the country into ex t itement and e t entention. In a mon _., _. ,•: chial State „a contention of this na- I p!e.would aThaostinecessarily lead to cavil war. - There' is no fear of such i a result in Amekica, simply because Mr. .loptis,on cannot, command a man, mus , , k et, or $1,000.-' 7 'iThere may be excile - nulnt, there may be a great impeach in'ent case, there-may be a State* trial before the Stipreific.Court, but the ar, peal will, be to law, not to \ violence.-- Johnson evidently expects that it he can drive his adversaries iAI6 the ex treme positioirof impeaching ii In, the more moderate people throughout the Union will come cver to! his tide. In his we believe lid will he mi.i l taken.— tn the American community, ) . hen the question fairly comes to th'e front, wliether the view of the jaw aken by the Houses of Legislature, or 'that - talc— en by Mr Andrew Johnson is .0' be up held, the people will side wi r h tloar repreent'ttives, and send Mr. John- in back to Tennessee. It is a pity for the great Republic that in place of the firmness, combined wi t h wisdom, 'which dystinguished Mr. Lincoln, she should now have in a Chief Magistrate. . au obstinacy which keeps the whole nation in turmoil. The contrast at once sho,Ws the strength and treaikness of a republiCan form of governaen t.--- The people may be mistaken in their choice, but they can alsoget rid of their President if he sets himself itb;ove the law. If Mr. Johnson had bee . ii\ a king in a limited monarohy, he wound have run a great chance of losing hi head in a le,s metaphorical fashion han lie seems already to have (lotto. IIooFLAND's GEumAis: Birrftus.—ln calling the attention of our readers to this valuable preparation, we do so with a full conviction that it is a high ly scientific remedy for I)yspepsia, and all diseases arising from a disordered stateof the Liver or Stomach. In mak ing this assertion, we are, sustained 'by the testimony of many of the eminent professional men 9f the country. Law yers, physicians, and • clergymen, all bear wittres§ to its great usefulness. It contains no c alcoholic . stimulant., hut is { purely .medicinal, being (tom tounded from the prescription of on of the most celebrated`physicians of iis day, and is well known and used by , the fac ulty of the present time. It huts been before the public in its present shape ~ ler over twenty years, and during that time has become "]mown all ver the world."' To thesdin need of a remedy •‘f this character, we would say procure it at once, and do not waste your time and money on the many worthless coin pounds.thal now flood the market ; and those who are not in immediate' want ,)1 it, we would advise to he prepared to lathe with disease by • keeping it al ways in the house..—Mreland, Leadcr. 'Me Troy Gazettc says: The hills around Austinville, contain iron which has been tested and found' to he of ex cellent ittutlity„ It is believed to be in large muan ti ties, and yet., strange to say, the men of means have made but little or no effort to developc)t, 'rite iron of A fistipvil le ' Should . not remain 'dor mant. "The largest tree of Western Brad ford, is going to decay on O. P. Dillard's fu•ui between Troy and Albt. The tree is a chestnut, and twenty,oi e feet in circumference at the base.." I tt Congress, Gen. Butler mad hit in answering Chattier, o York, who called him the " New Orleans." Butler sharply with the remark, "4 , lslbi not N ( - cans, for to Admiral Farragut that high honor ; but Ido elm York, n•heie, in 1804, I secured people the only fair election eve there before or since.'.' rhe whole liotise, regardless of party, brok out in at. roar of laughter at the co tplete demolition.of the Five Points - m mber. Comiectic, is in proportion to its . population, the .richest State in the Cnion,; the average property, of. every inhalkknt is over nine hundked dollars which is about Ole hundred dollars higher than tilt , average in the) State ,-next highest-131We island. T ay_ efage iii Massachusetts is consi erably ic , s. • Louisville Joternal don't think \Vade a man ofsntileient polish to fill !he Presidential chair. It. aYs of him that he is "the coarsest d of the many' coarseanen whom the vicissitudes of the times have thrown intoCortress." It is therefore strongly in favoil of re taining; the remarkably sober, ipolite, poi occupant. The fare froni New York to Buffalo has been reduced to $7 and in propor tion at other competing points 'on the New York Central. Eke ' ragitßitra. WELLSBOBO, PENN'A. WEDNESDAY, AP,ItIL 15, 18e18. Republican State NOninatlons. GEN. • JOI-IN F. HARTRANFT OP AIONiOOMEP.Y. COUNTY. • sunvmron <:t:NEUAL. COL.' ) JACOB M. CAMPBELL, li= We are obliged to Hon. Simon Cam eron for copy of proceedings in the trial . • of the President. • .Also to Sernitor Cowles for the Audit or General's Report on Railroads _ are unable to . ,see' the liottom of the muddle into which the Lycoming Standard appears to have waded. Un doubtedly It is unable to comprehend any system of political ethics which re quires integrity and cleatt hands in the high plaees t of the nation. The New York Sun is in favor• of Hon. Hannibal Hamlin for Vice-Presi dent. Were the choice, with us we .would ratify it at once: - Originally a •Deinocrat,'he is the only man'of that party who e'ver, to our recollection, re signed a place of honor and profit be cause he disagreed with his patron or party. He resigned his seat in the U. S. Senate when 'his party tried ,to force Slavery upon Kansas ; but -the people of Maitie. elected Willi Governor• by 30,000 majority. He resigned the col lectorship of the port of Boston in 1860, because he could not-support Andrew Johnson's policy. We know him for an honest man, able ; a man who be lieves in the Almighty rather• than, in politicians, and who has not an ambi tion lower than the highest. common good. We are afraid that there is scarcely 'yid ue enough in the_A ineriean people to apreciate Hain lin. We have noticed a paragraph going the romnis of the Copperhead papers phrporting to he an extract from a speech' delivered by Daniel Webster in the Senate March 7, 1850.1 The extract, to which our attention has been called, is as follows : "If the infernal canati4 and abolitionists ever get power in‘their harlg,lhey will itvcrride the Constitution, set the Surremo Court at defiance, change and make laws to itleilThell es, lay vi olefiCha6ds on these s io differ witb them in their opinions or dare gOestion their and finally bankrupt tlic:zemintry, and deluge it with blood." • Thr Congressional Globe of the session o'lBso has a verbatim' report of Mr. Webster's speeches through the session. Nowhere does the'above paragraph ap pear, either in the speecli of Mardi 7, or elsewhere. We do not make this cor yection- with the expectation of any re traction from the Opperbead press. That institution still holds to the grand, central prineiplc-W modern democra " A lie well stuck to is as good aS the tri l 3th." (to-it, ye mendacious! TRIAL OP ANDREW .;JOHNSON The Seinite assembled at the hour of noon on Friday, and the trial proceed ed. The entire examination of witness es during Friday related to the reports made of the Presidents speeches on his famous swing " around the circle," and at Washington. The testimony runs through manyeolumns. and is not par tieularly interesting. It was offered to show that the often disgusting and gen erally disgraceful speeches of the presi dent since the 22d of February, 1866, were correctly reported. This fact was established beyond idispute.. The testimony for Impeachment was -more important during the sesSihnof Saturday. ~T he testimony of Robert S. Chew, 'Chief Clerk of the State'Depart ment, was important as cumulative ev idence of the fact, previously establish ed, eirebange being made in the farms of commissions issued to officers, alter the passage of the Tenure-of-Office laW. Formerly the Commissions ran " dur ing the pleasure of the President for the time being;" hut after the passage of the Tenure-of-Office law, th t ey were to read, "subject to the cmrditions }prescribed by law." Mr. Chew testified that the old form of Commissions. had not been used since the passage of the law referred to ; that ti President had signed Commissio i 1 the new form. The object of As testimony was to show that the PreArkent had recognized the.binding force of the law in all his official acts up to the removal of Secre tary Stanton-in February last. The de fence attempted to prove that the re moval of Stanton during •the session of the Senate was not unprecedented.— The precedent cited was that of the re moval ofpiekering by the Elder Adams in 1800. The prosecution produced the journal of the Senate for that year, showing that President 'Adams sent in the nomination of Piekerings suc cessor on the, day of his removal of the former. Mr. Crecey, appointment Clerk in the Treasury Department was recalled and shown a letter. He testified that the handwriting of the letter was An drew Johnson's. It, was a letter to Sec retary MeCtillcip it, and reads : , SIR: In cooppliaftele with the rcquireinents of the act of Congress of , -MaTelt 21, 1557, entitled "An net to regulate the tenure of certain civil offices," you are hereby notified that on the 28th inst., the lion. Edwin M. Stanton was st?l , pended front his Mle!) as Seeretary (4" War, and Gen. Ulysses S. Grant authorized Undo empowered to act as Secretary of War wi interim. I :on, sir very respect fully yours, ANI\IMW JOHNSON. The letter is dated "August 14, 18G7. The point made is in comparing it with the President'slanswer to the House ar= titles of Impeachment, in which he says that he "suspended Mr. Stanton under the Constitution, indefinitely, and a his pleasure." The reader will see 11 at in his letter to Secretary Mc- Cullo tit the President says that he no-. titres the Senate of the suspension of Mr. Stanton, in compliance with the, re quirements of the Sth section of the Ten ure-of-o,km law. This conflict of state menlt) damages the ease of the President seriously. Consideritble documentary "evidence wr.submitted by the House Managers 'to show that. the President had recognized the validity of the law up to the,time of the attempted remov al of Stanton in February, and here the prosecution rested the case:. The Presi dent's counsel asked for three days to arrange their testimony,. which was given, and the Court of Impeachment adjourned to Thursday April 9. a good New - ler° of turned ew Or )eloogs ii ew to the held AUDITOR GeNIpItAI The 111,1 1.: I .( 4 :1:4•1! ic t - 01)Wened at P 4 burt , tiay, :Ali inst., and the Jlou c :,)i:llll4;t`DS itt tttidt eel 71' new witness, Mr. W. 11. 4,1 c 'Alabama, who testified that he called Upoll the President. in quest a.t.riocci-ninent ern ploy men t. The Presiiient it.ti tined Mr. W.)(41 (hat be could rlt. nothing for him, as lie, W4od, cast his iiiltientelor, Congress; and his apptiintecs side Mr. _Foster Bind t 2 Ult. testified that he N4 . `tl:3, appointial ;postmaster of Augusta,iGeorgia, in 1861, and received a new coninlission iii_i6(lo. I .January 1868, he Was suvpended .hy the Presi dent, and did not know win they the Senate wits notified or the iaet or not. Mr. nutter asked leaveto it in a transcript of the Senate'record to show 'that the President had not notified the senate ort' Mr. Blodgett's suspension, The Chief Justice said that could be done at any. time. This closed the tes timony for' the prosecution. - Mr. Cuill.4 /gaoled for the defense in a speech occupying bona,: boursla the de.- • livery. 14 - e: den led Ilitit there was any, violation of the 'c law in the reinool of tlecretary Stanton, and held that the Congress did not intend to take fr an the President the power to. remove Cahinet Officers at pleasure.--!- The argument wa , ; close and exhaust ive, and like Mr. Butler's is too long for our coltinins. None of the evidence for the defe'llSe bias reached us up to this Iting. CONDU: 9JCUT, WC are sorry to Ba did not d so well as Rhode Island in he i r election heir! on the sixth. The Copptrh ad State ticket, was elected by a majority of 1500, a gaiti of 500 over last . year.l But the victory is barren of festilts tol the winner, as, ftecordiag to latest returns, the Legislature is strong ly Republican, thus insuring a Radical U. S. Setl l atOr in place of Dixon, ;John son mn. 'This was the priie for which the parties fought, ant t h e Republicans won it. 1 Priketically, therefore, the State went Republican. The case is the sanie as last; year, when the Cop- Rerliead earriad the (Aovernor and the Pepublicians the legislature. It is also worthy of note that while English, (Dem.) gains 500 on a poll' of 100,000, hit; gaina are all in the cities and man ufacturitltg towns; while-Jewell, (Rep.) gains on Hawley, Republican cabdi dititelastiyear, in the rural. districts,. 'l 4 wo reasons for this exist: 1. pod made the country and man made the town. !!. The foreign vote is chiefly, in the citie:i. ' ar, the Republicans had 10 ma the }Muse and 1 in the Senate. we hale' 22 majority in the l id 3 in the Senate—again of House and 2 in the Sena e. , is practically Republic n Last y jority in This yea' ffoliqe 12 i❑ the The I Sta. therefore qs hag gone Republican by f 3,500.; • Arkans , al aj o I,y n held an election on the 6th qi the new.COnstitution. The Dfiehi 0 to decide points sti rage and section w and, but that prof publican the same najority as last year Wiscorin held an eleefion for Judge of the Suiveme (curt on the 7th, and the Republican tiel.:et was elected by belated were impa , Etial suff prohibition. The suffrage is defeated by several. thous the ; temperance men claim iibition is carried. The Re !Judicial ticket *as elected by several thousand majority. Munieipal eleetions held since, our last issue hilts rnsati 1 Loa uu f. RepubliCan : Cincinnati, Lawrence, Kansas, Indianapolis; Cleveland, Cal ais, Me., Madison, Wis., St. Paul, with gains in Cleveland of 1000, in Madison or:300, and in St. Paul a Repul 4 , , >lican li Mayor for thers t time in seven years. DemneratiO : Leavenworth, Milwau kee, Rome, N: Y., Evansville, .Ind., Sandusky, mid Columbus with gains in Evam , ville, and Milwaukee;And a loss in Columbus. We notice that the authorship of the - Wilmot proviso is becoming a subject df Comment in :the papers since the death of Judge Wilmot:, History has given the honor of its presentation in Congress . toDAvtD WI mum', and right ly-. We have heard Judge Tot say that the authorship of Fla Pritviso -euld be rightly,claimed by no man• of the period, it being taken - froin the Or dinanee of 'B7. By the same authority We can s t tate that its renewal in thedaya of annexation wits the result of a conference. among free-soil demorats, cof whom Judge Wilmot was prom inent, and that . ite took . the respon sibility of pronosing..what was felt to bean unpalatable measure to tU. South ern wing of the democratic part 47. The idea of restricting the "Spread' of Sla very originated with the Fathers. It experienced a revival itt 1819-14), and owed its second revival to the lAldness of David Wilmot in 1846. It catrieci in the l louse by a vote! of 94 to 78, only two northern 111011. voting against it.— Bei n(r near the close of the session the Senate did not, aet upon it. Judo Wil mot presented it again in 1847, the House still tood firm-and passetfit, but tlie;'Benate did not . t act upon it. It bears the nanie6l " Tlke' Wilmot Proviso," and will carry thatnarne while history is written. • The Ku-KlaX Klan is a sect:et organ ization in the rebel States, having for its object, judging from its work; the intimidation of the loyal portion of • SoutherW citizens, and the murder of all who df l »iot obey.its orders. It is said that the name is significant of the noise ii tmle. by the cocking of a rifle. This organization is probably. the same as the Knights .of the Golden Circle, which order in the interest of treason came to gilief during the war. The Ku- Klax Klan is composed of the most vir ulent and -abandoned rebels. Its real object is apparently the driving out of the•Southeyn States hit Who retain re 7 spect for the old flag. The government should outlaw its members at once, and set abut exterminating the order Wherever it exists. And there should. be no delaY. The time to destroy this band of murderers is now ; and the way to do it islby drumhead court-martial, shoy_t-shrifF, and hemp. Let all action p6taining to the law's delay be avoid ed. If thee South will not be at peace, inaugurate the sort of peace that reign ed in Warsaw. Since (36neral Grant is denounced by our oppon l ents as a common drunkard, it may be yell to take some testimony upon that ipoiut. E3on. Wm. E. Dodger welliand i la voreldr known as an' . o compromising temperance advocate it this region, in the colts's° of a speech'it New' York some days ago, said that 11 had : l _a long, ibteryOw , with .Cienerti . . _ - - Grant in Washington, and furthersaidt " I left him with the conviction that neither we, nor the, friends of temper; mice have any cause for anxiety 40,110 respect."- , Col. Halpine; :who is "Opp»,4 ed to Grant, says in hilt paper, 2'4p C,4 izen, that the charge is wholly ,Ni , ittlitt-11 foundation. Did we not know - that Gen. Grant is a sober man no power O * , earth and no inducement could per ti suede .us to advocate his nomination.;-,IWe, desire to keep it before the people, that we Shall never support for aity',Of flee bf trust and respopsibility'auY maxi enslaved by an appetite for in toxigat/ i tin; liquors. This is the resolVe of r, single man, and no mere, But we.elairri to &Intro) o»exote,and shall control it, always. , We do not suppose that burl party in this respect will be very lar i ge; to begin with. But it will grow, .and; in time will include the millions. When Mr. McClure soya that the op position to Gov. - Geary cordially, sup ported the nomination, perhaps lie oblige some of the less pretentious Re-; publicans in the rural ,districts, by ex-1 plaining how it happened that Gov. Curtin was able to hold his tongue up to a few days before, the day of election. Where was he from March to Septem ber? Was the field so well filled that he had t 6 go into the State 'of New York to Make q3peeches ? 4itti When •Gen. Cameron was nominateil for United States Senator, was it in ort pesition to a atraitforward dealing Mt; rfority, or was it in spite,of the tricks which pass for smartness with a certain school of politiciansin thislititte? Gen. Cameron was among the first to declare for Congress as against the President, but we wet of a man who was afterthe Russian Mission, and had no tongue: Were the people right, or wrong, in choosing a pronounced man 'to repre sent the State in the Senate of the . United State? One of the most doubtful compliments yet paid to the . Southern people is that implied in , the • alleged wager of one Bates, of Wisconsin, that he could car ry' the United States flag through the Sonthein States. Let us us take_the "Democracy " at their offer and see how it looks: • . The " Democracy " claim that the South is ready to resume its idlegiance and live peaceably under the \ old flag. They bet that Bates can carry the United States flag thrOugh the South ern States. To bet is to admit a risk ; otherwise i is no bet. ,Can there be any risk in marching with the national flag among a p`eople fit to be again represented in the na-, tional councils? , ,i We think not. However, it' is well enough to prick this Bates-bladder of _mephitic gas. Bates is betting against " Democratic " molicy, if at all, and is' filling his pockets from the sale of his Photograph's to the- ra , ones in the South. "Sergeant Bat ," as he is called, belonged to an a tillery reg': ment which fought, bled and playei poke in the forts •around Washington during the war. He never smelt pow der. The retirement of Judge Black as one of the original counsel employed by the President,, is accounted for. Judge Black has an interest, direct or ;',,reet, in a new Guano Thland knowic4 Alta Vela. A citizen of the United States sets up a claim to the island which is resisted by the localuthorities nearest. Judge Black wanted Mr. &Johnson to send a war vessel to take and hold the island. Mr. Johnson, not BO fond of dO7 ing foolish things of that sort as he has 'been, refused. So Judge Black ,refuses to defend Mr. Johnson. The Judge demands a too large retainer. THE LEGISLATURE.—Theo Governor has signed the supplernental act to in corporate the Welisboro and Lawrence ville Railroad . Co:{ ' The Bloss tax bill has passed the Sen ate with arnendmOnts. Gov. Geary ha+g vetoed the fivst Free, Railroad bill, the House sustained the veto and Prepared a new bill avoid ing the defects of the first, which pass ed both Houses and bas been signed, .by the Governor. • The . :Itegistry Law has been approved by the Governor. We shall publish a digest of it next week. `The Legislature adjourned yesterday, April, 14. IST of unclaimed lettere remaining in the L I'. 0. at Wellsborn, April 15, 1858. Will Beeman, Mary E Clark, W C Cognell, Mrs. Susan Converse, William C Cork, M L Fitz, John Green, T J Henderson, Helen, E Jones, Kate Johnson, Nelson Knapp, James Mathcrs, C A Afore, E M 0 Conner, Ada Mitchell, Belle MeCarttir, Win H Nichols, J M Peterson, Philancler.lleynolds, Lewis Itappell, 'Henry II Smith, Betsey Smith, Hubert Smith, Mrs. A E Smith, Jacob F Townsend, James S Tailor, Mrs. Hager Caise. SEED WHEAT 1— A fine 18t just received nt April 8, 'BB-2w. WRIGkIT dr. BAILEY'S NEW GOODS just , received. Please call and examine for yourselves before purchas ing elsewhere. TOLES 'its /BARRER. Wellsboro, April 15, 1868-2 w. Notice to Teachers, &c. riiriE School Directors of Charleiton will meet at the young School ilollBo, Saturday fore noon, April 15th, for the purpose of contracting for wood for trio Schools. In the afternoon they will attend at the same phico for the purposo of hiring teachers fur the summer schools. By or der of the Board. • April 15, l 8118.-2 w. Executor's Notice. ETZERS Testamentary baring been grent- J . 11 ed upon the last will and testament of Chas. Whitcomb; late of Union deceased, all persons owing said testator, or having claims against the said estate, will adjust all matters with JAS. M. WHITCOMB, } Extra MARINDA WITITCOrn Union, April 15,1866-$ nz In' .Bankruptcy IsixHlS 1S TO GIVE NOTICE, that on the 13th day of April, A. D. 1868, a warrant in kruptcy wee/mod against the estate of Ha thaa y Lucy, of Middlebury, county of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, whO has. been ad.. judged e t bankrupt on his own petition; that the tittymetit of any debts and delivery of any prop. erty belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for , his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of said bnukrupt, io prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of his est ate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be holden al tho office of P. E. Smith, in 'flogs bor ough, Pa., before F. E. Smith, Register, on the 20th day of May, A. D, 1868, at 1 o'elock P. M. . THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. B. Marshal West'n Dist. Pa. Apr. 15, 68. Per DAVID CAMBRON, Deputy. i iiinpeachment BY TUB ' • ' FARMERS.OF , ,TIOGA COUNTY. THE EMPIRE GRAIN DRILL proposes to prefer articles of ' • IbiPEACIBIENif •, . • against all_ other :Grain - Prins in-market, and herebY summons .a jury of the Farmers - of,Tioga County to decide upon the merits of the, case.— The articles proposed, are as follows:: '' • ilot, - It will sow .any kind ,of Grain in. Drilla from wheat to beans or peas. • 2d, It will do it on moro uneven and orty' land. 3d, It is less likely to get out of repair. 411, It has a grass l and clover seed sower at tached. - - . . .• One of these Drills can on seen on the farm of the subseribbr two miles below COvington. Ail aro invited to call and seo it. All letters of in quiry to be addreised o , .A.III,3VILLSON, April lti,lBBB-3t. i t Covington, Pa. B' *67 ' FOR TUI "MEN OFi or leading patriots'of the Day. An elegant ea tavo volume, richly illustrated with 18 beautiful Steol Engravings, and a portrait of the author, MRS,, HARRIET BEEOHER STOWE. Agents say it is the best, and sells the quickest of any book thoy over sold: Some are taking 200 orders per week. It will outsell "Uncle Toad's Cabin. Womnrploy no general agents, but pay extra commission. Old agents will appreciate this item. Send for circular giving full particu lars. Address linnisonn PUBLISHING, Co., April 15, 1868-41. . Hartford, Ct. County House Notice. TO OVERSEERS OF THE POOR, Aay.the several townships and boroughs of ?lido County : In compliance with the 6th secCien of an act entitled " An Act to anthorizeLM'erect ion of a Poor House in the county of ,Tiogn," the Commissioners hereby giv,e notice that they are now ready to receive the' floor, hying corn pleted.tho building and provided all :.necessary accommodations, as required by said 'Act. • The 6th section referred to provides : "That as soon as said building shall be erected, and all neces sary accommodationa provided for the of the poor, the Commissioners shall give notice to that effect in all the papers published in the county; and the overseers of the poor inibe sev .eral townships and boroughs arc' hereby required }to bring the poor of their Aspective districts forthwitit, unless when sichnTis may prevent; in* ',which cola the Commissioners may allow the poor person to bo supported elsewhereuntil they ,can bo safely brought to the pooAhouse." • • • By this section it will be seen that there is no ,'option in the matter, as many supposed. A prompt compliance with this provision will very 'pitch facilitate matters. By 'order of the Com :nissioners., • THOMAS - ALLEN, Wellsboto, April, 15, 1858.-4 w , Clerk. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned appointed an auditor to d q tribute the money in the hands of the Sheriff arising from a sale of the personal property of N. 0. Wells andG. W. Barker at the snit of S. 0. %Daggett, hereby gives notice that ho ut,tll attend to the dulled of his appointment at his office in IWellsboro, on Friday, May 8, 1808, at 2 o'clock tr; u., at which time and place all persoris lelaiming any part of said moneys milst attend, for be debarkird from coming in for-els are of the 13111119. JNO. I. MITCHELL, Apr. 15, 1868.-4 w Auditor. NEW 4.RRIVAL 1 MRS. E. E. KIMBALL, - AVING removed her shop to the rooms 11. over J. R. BoWen's Store, is now receiving ItILIJII4IIY GOODS fresh from New York for the ppring trade, which shp•will sell cheap. 'Call And examine styles ancePrices. Main street, Welleboro, Pa. April 8, 1868 NEW MILLINERY!. • MTO. 11. TRUMAN t havit f g purchased the shop lately ownedby Mrs. Goldsmith, op positßoy's Block, Main Street, Wellsboro,4nn noun sto the public that she is now reboiving latex pring styles of - • LAD ____ S' HATS, RIBBONS, LACES, MISSES BATS, &C., &C, which she will dispose of at reasonable prices.— She will also carry on DRESSMAKING in all Ite branches. The ladies of Wollsboro and vicinity, are invited to call and examine her stock. • Wellsboro, April, 8, 1868-tf ,_ _ 1 TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI tett Statea, for the 'Valera District of Perin ey/vania. WILLIIiIII B. BAKER, a bankrupt under the not of Congress of March . 2, 1867 , , having applied for, a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under.sald act, by order of the 'Court, I ', otioo is hereby gfven to all creditors who have proved their debts and other persons interested, to appear on the 22d day of April,lB6B, at four o,clock, P. M., bef ro P. E. Smith, Esq., Register, at his office in Tioga, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the slid bankrupt. And further, notice is here by given that the second and third meetings of ereclitore of the said bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th sections of said net, will be bad befoul said Register, at the same time and place. S. C. M'CANDLESS, Clerk of 11. S. District Court for said District. apa 8-2 t TN DIE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI -1 ted States for the Western District of Penney/. vania. Wu. B. MIDAUGII ' a bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 2,1867, having applied for f a discharge from all his debts, and ) ther claims provable under said not, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given to all eredito s who have proved their debts, abd other perso s interested, to appear on the 22d day of April, 1868, at four o'clock, P. M., before F. E. Smith, Esq., Regis ter, at ' office in Tioga, Pa., to show cause, if toy they have, why a discharge should not bo granted to e said bankrupt. And further, no tice is hereby given, that the second and third meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, re quired by the 27th and 28th socking of said act, will be had before said Register, tit-ttmsame time ;and place. , -S. C. M'CANDNSS, Clerk of U. S. District Co rt for said District. April 8,1868-2 t. In Ban TN the District Court of 17. ;a. Western Diet of Penns, in the matter of SILAS ALLIS, 'Bankrupt. To whom it may Concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his' appointment as Assignee of Silas Allis, of IVA mond, Tioga county, Pte., within attid District, who has been adjudged a bankruptupon his own petition by the District Court of said District. JOHN W. GITERNSHY, Tinge, April, 8. 1868-3 t. Assignee. Administrator's Notice T j ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having I been gran ed to the undersign ton the es tate of Willirm French, jr., late of iddlebary, deed, all persona owing or having claims against said estate, are required to call and settle with ANNETTO FRRN.Cy. Middlebury, April 8, 1868.-6w* Adm'a. Executors' Notice. LETTERS Testameritary having been grant ed to the iandersigned upon the last will and testament of Jacob Kissinger, late of Liberty, deceased, all persons owing sqld estate, and ail having demands against - the same, are required to settle With JOSEPH Il&ORRIS,1 E ' ers. JOHN SHEFFER. • Liberty, April 5,c1868-6we - NoticE. PROPOSALS will be received by the trustees of the M. E. Church of Wellaboro, for the building of their new Brick Church edifice—aize iiinehlding lecture room, about 120 a 60 until April 20th inst., or for the doing of the mason and, joiner work aeparately. The plans' and eel:Mentions may be aeon by calling on the TRUSTEES, at Wollsboro. April 8,1868-3 w Dissolution. NOTICE is hereby given that the copartner ship heretofore existing between the sub scribers under the name of Goodell A; Pierce, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. S. B. GO.ODELL, • PIERCE. Clymer Ap., 1, '6B-4t. ea VlCTiacia.teia. new HOOK UR TIMES" ptcy. New Spring IN CORNI W E have received a very LA SPRING GO on the moat favorable lunar, and very small advance from yak!. hazard nothing in suyiug abut we BEST ASSORT and the BEST QUALITY of e kapt in the place. Hove a btere see what you aro buying, and pie( SELL AS L quAity considered,jm'at any otli We continue to make our . CLOTH T 1 one of our specialties, and MAKE THEM TO uo short notico 'and II the I, have added to our 'dock a. gout CARP cow!' Al ng of BRUSSELS, THREE - PL COTTON WARP,' HE STAIR CARPE FLOOR OIL EMI and M We are the agents fo GREAT. E. S. TEA and soil TEA at New York pri pound. All visiting Corning, a and examine stock and prices. SMITH Corning, April 8, 1868. $5O REW . ! FIFTY DOLLARS will bo re.. in Ting°. Onunty; wn bettor Plow. thane . . KIRBY STEEL Or a butter Grain Drill BICKFORD - .1; lIIIFFPIAN GRAIN DISTRI -1 , All of the impFet AGRICULTURAL IMP At the Agricultural Depot I will say to. ttio Farmers of Tio! 1 am the ,stile agent for this coon most irnpriivod 1 . • ARMING TQ i And they will find it to their int my assortment before large asiortment of . HEAVY AND SHELF WOODEN. WILLOW, PANNED WA' i• -'"'' Conetantly. on ha J. CIIJE Tioga, April 8, 'B4 GOVERNM PROPERTY ATYRIV (WITKI AN IMMENSE AMOUNT CO BOUGHT AT GONRRNME Consisting ehiqly o 10,000 Sets New and Sec Harness, Bridles and Saddles, All styles, 2,000 WAGON COVERS, all size 6000 WOOL AND RUBBER BLANK COVERS, MILITARY CLOTHIb COATS, FROCK COATS, RI PANTS, SHIRTS, DRAWEII I Also a large lot of Reins, Lead Line , Buggy Ambit. lance and Cart Harness. Double Trees cad Bars, Port. able Forges, /cc., !to. Wheel Team Harness, little worn, all oak tanned leather, services le, cleaned and oiled, $5 per horse s inclUding riddle L ad, do s4' Am bulance or Stage Harness with enperl r leather Traces, perfectly suited for farm or general to m work. double sets complete $25 to 80, Bridles $l, to $3, extra hair 'lined Artillery case, do $2,50 and $3, D üble Itelb $1,75 ' to 2,25, Halters $5 to $l2 per dozen, N w Officers, Mc. Olellan Saddles, $l6 do, with plated Bit Bridle $l9, Brass Mounted Saddles. good as new $9, with Bridle 1 sll,l3oys Saddles $O, Wagon Corers, perior, 10 and , 12 oz., Cotton Duck $6 tO $l2, 1000 ()spite' Tents, new and good as new, 12 oz, Dnek;l4fe t square $25 to $5O, with poles and pins complete, wall Tents $l5 to $2O. Wedge to $B, Shelter Tents - for Hay Caps. $3O to $5O per 100. Grain Bags, 12 oz. Duck, 2 to 3 Bush° dozen, alai) full assortment of Seamless Small order by - Exprese, 0. 0. D. LIBERAL DEDUCTIONS TO wan, Erta PITKIY (Formerly on Front St., n 71 Nonnt SECOND Sr., JUST SEL:' PIIILADEL Also, b PARK PLACE, N. Y. Descriptive prico list sent on . rip April 8, 1868-am. ' • Auditor's Noticed THE undersigned having been auditor to distribute the bola . 1 in tho hands of Robert Cosboar, ad the eetate of Erastus Butts, into o doo'd, hereby giyes notice that he the duties of said appointment 'at! Wellsboro, Pa., on Friday the first' 1888, at 2 o'clock, p. m., when and eons aro required to present their. forever debarred from' coming in 1., said fund. • JNO. I. MI I Welleboro, April 8,1868-4w* oods ) IN GE STOCK of DS ' will be fold nt We think we keep the ENT °oils that aro ght enough to go ourselves to Eil !r t etablifibtnent ADE bon desired ORDER let monitor. Wo soortmeot oY el , .INGRAIN IP, AND LOTH nd eacl sell them OW MO OMPANY es by tho_single e invited' to call & WAITE RD! aid to any per will Drachma a PLOW Ithun the ONTINUOUS DHOW EIkiENTS k. I toga !ra . Oa - anth that y, for , altof the OE .rest to examine alsev;hore. ND JAP- NIIMEM NT ECM &Co. PROPERTY T SALES. i!nd Hand Oars, 3,000 , now 8; worn MOO= 'G, GREAT 01 - 1.9 E S, 1 8, Ac. $6 to $lO per Bags. SALE TEAL• 47, CO, w Alien ST., P 4. I.lication I ppointed an ice of money ;linistrator of Farmington, ill attond to hie Ace in day of May, th'oro all por- I lainis, or be a 'share of Auditor. FOR S ACE. File lut of geiiiiine eliesicrii:thiiii Pigs. Al so,marly liamlriuh, florrNii l'o totem Also onc-pair - nr Mules, ill exchange the oilariator, other I "AM A gent ' tiii` W. b. - .'clebrated Utica %Vriwons—will soon hove 6 Dow diroA from the umuufacturetwhich will ho soot able. v - ".zl. G. 131011413"17. Middlebury Center, April 1. 'FOR ,SALE . e l oggh t he ii, ! we ') I reetisal band 1 open bOggy. 1. veotaolfrliitiid itAa I oqlkey., I twobottio lunber w.igun. • WRIGHT ,S; 100 B 41L"ELS ‘ N t le o f i .; T r alle l ; I A t IL LI 200 ELL 4leis Timothy Sued. 160 ho t stitls Clover ti.l, eltotireitlind= . WRIGHT br, BAILEY. 113 iAdministrAtOr's Notice. 4 4 1"rEltS . ..1 aduifii,tiation !laving 111,011 ■.ranted utifiii•the ettotti or Sarah A. 1,110 111 Varalingteil, perw,iir urtnte or having (dolma agnifist the rain.:, will suttle with - JOILN I hit ycliE w.Akboro, April I, 1 0 :ro!lit..l!,..s.k.,wh'ell BAILEY April; 1, :1868-qt Administrator's Notice I - r 4 YrYKIIS of administration having been granted to the, subscriber nvon the e...tate I.7tephen R. Parties. Wu of Gaines', riCeNl. all, per• Sans owing said estati.•, or baying claims upon the same; will settle with JOSHUA T JACKSON. Adin'r .Wellsboro, April 1. 1888,tit0" ACKING for hops. best quality 25 ctJ perynrd oat , - LA NO k CO'S. - 0ct.12. MERCHANTILE A PPRA !SEM ENT of Ti ogit Comity for the A. D. 181;8. Br.oss Class. nix. M A Dorow • 13 SJO J S Mitchell 14 7 .1 C Evens 12 121 P Moue ll 14 7 J111110:I Trahey 14 7 L 11 Smith 14 7 J L Belden 1:s 10 Jacob Miller 12 12/ M L Bacon 14 7- IVL . 14 7 TN Thomas 11 7 F 1 Caldwell 14 7 A J Shichh3 14 7 J 11811 ' 14 7 J . Capra, billiards 40 P• Barnett • 14 7 •11itoor %V Jr, Stanbr'gh 14 7 A J Simmons 14 7 INEI W 0 Bristol 14 7 Stebbins k Bro 14 . 7 DM A J Smith 14 7 S W Love 14 7 COVINOTO S S ,Packnrd 14 7 J C Bennett , 14 7 G S Knox 14 7 ISEIM L E Rockwell 14- '7 H Morgan 14 7 D F Stone 14 7 • DEERFIF.I.D. V Purple 14 7IJ Pane I R 'Howland 'l4 IA Leo JJELMA n. M Colo tt Co 13 10 !Wzo Cale Job Wilcox 13 10 7 -14 , ELKLAIM Bono'. A JTillinan 14 7IJ M Reed Parkhurst dr, Co - 12 12i 1 E II Ruckbee FALL BROOK BOR ( 0. Fall B Coal Co 7 40 i FARMINGTON Hiram Merril 14 7IA J Deano GAINES. S X Billings 14 '7 ID K Marsh • I i JACKSON". C Lefler D B Lane A Douglaps \ .. i. IC 'Retail 14 7 14 7 14 7 14 7 KNoxvt J Goodspeed 14 7 J Dearman 14 7 W Knox 14 7 M Marlon 1.1 7 j (ilea Roberta 14 7 Adatns tt Brown 14 7 It Thornton 14 7 C S Mather &Coll 1 . 5 C P Leonard • 14 LIDE L A Comstock 14 1 S B Card 14 7 B Seelemann 14 7 Sebring Jr, Millerl2 12 , 1 fl Woolbuf 14 7 Narbei",t, Moor 12 121. lion= 1 . • 14 7 14 7 Job Doane Geo Bosto 1f AINSIII.I B Parkhurst 14 7 Doud (Cc Boyeo 14 7 MANsrit Murdaugh Pl 2 124 EW Phelps 14 . E VV Phelps,billiards :111 W Adams 14 7 Mart King 13 10 C Elliott:' 14 II MIDI 14 71 8, 5 14 7 Dr Whitd. V B holiday Benj Doanc J A Westbrook M C Potter 8 5 ]d, 7 • Net.goi4. 14 7 ILegg & Whited 14 14 7 iParkes & lire IA II A Rowell A LoFoy Afartia k IC"fke.q, It Hammond H Boole) , N Strait OCFOL 14 7IP Crandall Co 111 7 14 7 S•Crandall kt - Co 111 7 14 7 11 C llosy;orth 14 7 14 7 RUTLAND. 13 10 1 G M Vedd©r 11 13 10 Watkins ..E, Cu E it Backer EIMGM 14 7 J L Pittb 8111 13 10 0 D Lie') TIOOA WOROUGII• 11 15 J Van Ot4in 14 7, 14 7 11 11 Borden &Col-1 7 14 7 b Daggett 14 7 13 10 E 111 Smith 14 7 13 10 1.1 VnnOstin,hilliards3o 14 7 Cll lhittliitt 14 7 13 10 A Craffortl 14 7 14 7 J Schioffelin 14 7 I lb Johnson A; I. 14 7 Wielainue b F W T Broil B B Borden P S Tuldh , - Fish Sr, Cady ' P Tunar -4 Fish it E Fish (ID Son T T, Baldwin TIOGA. 4 7 James Holley 14 7 J II Blitchell DM= J Irwin 4 7 1 WESTFIELD 7 1 Etigcomb & II I W .STFIELP DORA J Burtis &Co 14 7'3 Swatzenhauell 10 5 A& N P 4 Closo 14 7 W Q Wakely 14 7 3-B &S 0 Mut'k 14 . 7 3 0 Thotupson 14 7 S Willcox 14 7 lSantlors & Coll:. 11 7 R Rrusen 12 12/ID Alcilhughton 14 7 N Gardner 14 if ISamuel Pierce 14 7 S F Scofield 14 7 I , 7ELLsnonouan Goo Hastings 14 7 Bullard & Gol'h 14 - 7- 'Webb.& Ilast 6 go4 7 " Billiard 10 C VanVal'lebg 13 10 °L A Gardiner 14 7 N Asher 1 7 Bodine &Co 14 7 C Willcox 13 0 W'T Mothers 13 10 Thoallarding 12 2/ Toles 4 Barker 13 10 EIR Kimball. . 10 C L Wilcox 13 10 Sears & Derby 14 7' P R Williams ' 13 10 1 Wm Roberta 'l4 7 Wilson d; VnnV 13 10 Hugh Young 14 7 j R Bowen &Co 12 12/ Wright & Baily 11 15 C B Kelley 13 10 D P Roberts 14 7 Converse & 0 14 7 Delano &Co 13 10 ' 6 " 12 12/ J A Roy 14 7 A Foley 14 7 C Sheffer (Br) 10 5 ,Warriner &Co 14 7 M 11 Prince 14 7 6 • Totlee is hereby given that an appeal will be held nt the Commissioners' Office in Wellsbore, on.the twenty-siith day of Alay, A. D. 1808, be tween the hours of 10 A. and 1 P. M., nt which time and place.all persons aggrieved by the foregoing appraisement • will be heard, and such abatements made as are deemed proper and just, and all persons failing to appear said time and place will ho barred from making any do fence before me. B. W. SKINNER, Mercantile Appraiser., Wellsboro, April 1,'68-4w. Westfield, Pa. einS3. Tax II %V Holden 14 7 Sll Theunpeon 14 7 J A Marlin 14 • 7 Bloim, Mining Ac it 11• Pc, 7 40 1) Ikle‘ruy 14 7 Cn:•tle 14 • 7 M Kelley 14 7 Plummer 14 3amea Morgan 14 John ‘Villson 14 7 :fumes Keller 1. 10 INlorriß 'Munut Min- ink; Rlt Cc. 7 40 J Vrinonter, recCfier 25 'Bailey kCo .14 7 Win Siannom. 14 7 B A Seeley 14 7 t (1 oodell R Tk'r 14 7 Mall pcbgn Short 'l4 7 IW 0 Stubbs 14 7 N Bono. L Barber 14 7 IP L Clark 14 7 E Dyer 13 10 ESTON. Geo P Card 14 7 Albert Tipple 14 7 14 7 J J Wilcox 14 7 Palmer Biyan I 1 7 Oliver Hamiltom 14 7 LLB Bono. L-B Reynolds 14 7 Wood & Chrktie 11 7 L Case 14 7 A Dearmen 14 7 IW no:, billiards 311 vibt.n . Rono. - Joseph Phippen 14 7 IW J Horton 14 7 C Porkhui•st 14 7 • TY. Worlipo 12 121 ISI Nownutn " 14 G It Sheffer 14 7 Cox dk Wb:ouinii 12 . 12/ IsrElder 14 7' Irwin 'l3ro & V 14 7 Blackwell t Co 14 7 RG Bort°, ICudxforilt C 14 7 .G D Mairie 14 7 li.t) Bono. DWohster 14 7 C holden 'l3 10 It N Bolden 14 7 C\V Brown 14 7 J W Willbelto 13 10 G B Riff & Bro 14 7 DIEM Silas Staples 14 7 It Keeney ? 1.1 7 Vishay. Ac. 14 7 T.Parris , 14 7 l'Chas StelTer 14 7 rim Insurance Agenew. :WYOMING ;INNIIIIANCE. Co, , %V IL K iiB-BiliAß, PA. •-• . , It C. >'.it i ti, g c ' II. ' I W. ti. It4Bs, Pro. li T. It F;Ali,zo , l/7 :Wt. L. I). SIIOI:4AKItft, VII, 1 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 159,006. eokriptiny for Th ev d,, r , ' H wait I , itoly agent, and policy h o w. 1111:1 Will, 'W it.ll in renew their Itieurnrico arc re queeteci re 1, 1 ,0 y 6, the entmoriher. Girard - The Insurance Co,`, PHILADINRIIIA. .1. D. A s.viinn: VA 9 CITA vRn: PrtAide“ ( \'pri etftry. A: 8. (1 11.1.111 T. V. •• Capital $it200,000) All pniti up in CaFh. Suri)lus Over 460,000. Continental Ins. Company, OF THE CITY LrE NEW Y,RIC Cash Capital, .5•:500,000,00 Gross Surplus, Jan. 1, 1868, 1,314,5:K1;31 Cash Assets,' do ' 1;814,590M writtenAt this,offiCe., ROROE'T. 1101'1, PreiLlent. 11.! LAM P Vico President. CYRUS PECR,' §eoretary, littiaztbf'c~ri?ii t; lass this method of informing the public that Itii - 17es the ageno,of •the nbtne Colopanieg, and will he found tit t his office over Roy's I)rtig Stole, adjoining Agiqitor Office. ' JNO. I. *JTCIIELL. Wellsboro, Pa., Fob. 26, 1868 7 1,t,: ....-.l.'•' • I A; -- N I.LIN kItUPTOY.—Tbia ie. to give notice : That on the 21tt day of Feb.: A. IF: 1865, ;; warrant in'llankruptcy was flisuelk,againtt the 1 eidate . of Win, k JIV). A. R se, of 'Rutland, in the county of Tioga, and Stitt of Nit n'tt, who hart been toljodged Bankrupts n their own Petition. that the payment of any: ebte land delivery si any foroperty belonging to s eh Bankrupts to than - r for their WO and the transfer lof any .property hy theta aro forbidden bylaw; tlkt a meeting of the creditorit of said Bankrupto to proco their debts, and to chouee one or more A.taignee: will he held at a Uourt of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of -P. B. Smith, Jo Tioga. county of li. og.k, and : 4 tatl> of Pennsylvania, before F. E Smith, Register, on the 22l day of,April, A. h. 1868, at 10 o'clock A. M. THONIAS A: ROWLEY, TJ. 8. Marobal Wedt'n Dint. J'. Per DAVID CAMERO - N, Deputy Scales! • Scales ! Scales ! THE Buffalo Platform Scales, all ordinary sizes, t.or heavy, and counter use, may he found at the Hardware Store of Wm. Rqberts, Wellsboro. These Scales are the Fairbanks pat. not and have nosnperior anywhere. They aro mall? in the }mat stylopand have taken the renal. um at all the great exhibitions. , I have the st to agency for these Scales in this region. ' WILLIAM - ROBERTS, Wollsboro, Feb. 12, 1965. , Wellsb ro Meat Market! , BEEF ! PORli ! Mjyrros ! m tIE snbseribcr opened a Moat` farket in the building lately occupied by Dr. Webb, on Crafton-street, Monday morning, Feb. 17, where ho will keep a full as.,wrtment of • FRESH MEATS Hams and Shoulders. If the people will give tee encouragement I will keep up a good Market. Feb 10, 1808 2 -3 m. A. J. TIPPLE. 4=l/ a$ Ca" . • Great Excitement! Johnson impeached, end Eir. bree's !Moots and :Aloes triumphant! Tho sub:Ara, would say to the people of Westfield and vicinity th he is manufacturing a Patent 'Boot which be belime. fa possess the following advantage over all others: ditty is no crimping; 2d, no wrinkling, save se they m e ..k to the feet ; 841, nu ripping, In short, the 3 are pie, the thing for eNerybony. Samples on hand ;Inn or&rf solicited. l 4 ole light of Westfield township and• secured. Ile Ims /1180 just received a splendid t.,1 Iminto`ral pattmns, latest styles. .Como one. come all! We are bound to sell cheap fur ca.,11 or ready pay. one doer south of Sanders Colektrove. -IVesttield Dere', Feb.l3 ~1 . R. );NI Valetable Farm for Sale. Afarm of three hundred acres, with two hun dred and twenty•five acres improved. Sa• tutted two miles north of Tioga Village, on the Tioga River and Rallrocd . Well 'untamed, uh dclu good t4itto of cultivation, and hood build ings. A 1,0 four houses and lots her sale in Tb•ge T. Y:111.11%1; IN. Tio , m,..Veb. 12, 1868-I.f. Exajnination of Teachers. XKMINATIONS OP 'I s F.A.CHERS for'sain 4 tiler schools only, will be held : Chntba In, CAOSO S..n. Monday. April fi, I p. Knoxville, s. n. Tuesday , ' " 7, 10 A, ti Blltland born' H. ii. Weilnesda3, b. 10 • Farmington, 10 Middlebury, Holiday's, Friil, , 10, 10 • horn's. 11. Monday, April lA, 11. 'Rutland, Roseville, Thursday, •• 11. , 10 A.l, Mansfield, S. n, Friday, April, 17. 10 Liberty, 131. House, Monday, Apr 211, Covington born' Tuesday, April 21,10 A U Charleston, Tiaras A. 11. WeCilst•tr3 22, Dolinar, Slimy Fork, l'lmmitly, 23, "' Wellsburo, s. a. Friday, April 21, " Fridays, May S. 15, " • • Price& ol etivvention, e , peeioll‘ rectors, and our old leaeher, %h.) iciready 11.. valid e t ertitieates ore invited to Ottotot , antioations ‘l'Len they ore closed the toll , ll.llii will inionvilintoly commence t• itali!linS in thosc , parts of the eon tit) . .. not tet 111 ite.d, and oull not I.e found at 1it411 4. 1 (Cr prtrair , examinations. Candidates 1,. 1 - 11.11 plea,..e provide a sheet of foolscap papor, ink, and envelope. IN§TITIITH FOR TILL COUNTV—ForiIe of 'I eaehers in the art of tesel.h.e. pill emitinettea Monday, April 2711), at I e. u. at some point (hereafter to he poldi.r-holi the CiliZOM , trill ittrlth.ll hospitality to learloi and the t-mpelit:tendent 1011 he haliy Ili re,eot. nomination). I.) the plac'e for holding said vention al iv:tellers. The times for Ex.:11.01)..• (ion:I-and institute havc) been fixed tciIII 1,1.11 once to the general habit of Directors in rl.): count). to ,pen their rummer sehnols no the 1 • 1 Monday in .11ay • _J. P. CA IN Aprll 1, IStIS-3,,c. RENTIsTiay. DR. A:11. PASTMAN, is pPrninne.ntly . en In V% 1,11:bore, Pa., Ort , ll`F:, 13 MAO: Where ho proinvtly attend to all Ave. k i tr mining to himprolossion. 'Taring pv,•etn the iniproveinent.s of the day, t o w ilt 111 , 0: :, whinier or is desired at the lowest 1...5..)b1e and will guarantee Entislactien in every case . — Nitrous Oxide Ca;. which is superior t” 11 , ) thing in use, udinibistered Main ways giving n painlhs Operatieti. In tegti " l " ° Y o f Wllieh hp refers to the f‘.ll/.kr ing ntiiked I ulieF tluo golltl‘.'lll/IjlJ Jas 13101hrd, b A Gardiner, Era Ifastinge. Mu, gk (leo W tlowen. E W Kelley, Eugene Rohinion ) James Irunne Mary I, Johnson, Mrs IVAI Staples, Sarrili Francis, 11 C Eoland, Fan nip Al Wilklr*on, M Soars, Mrs M Andref+ , An nie E _C a hristiail, Martha Moore, Will Gre, ~ Mary Dgel,tnewn., Mary Lindsc3, Mrs l're , r Jennie' Firwh; Coo Orpen, Willi. field. Wei•Sboro, April 1,150 S. In Bankruptcy. n Iri4rid. of Penneylranict, 80 1 mny The undersigned he,rl3by gives inotice of his appoiuturent n,siened of Ilen...jnh Wilcox of the ( - 7 ° ll°l p of . nod St-tte Ptunsylvanin. tvh I:3S bona nciatigod tt llankrapt upo n hi s „ wn p e tition t:c tie istrint eitart J NO. I M FITEEI , I ,, Vell:+la.ra, April I. 1868.-:10 . AFsig-ncee: Dissolution. %h. Copartnership Morel fora existing be inocuu M. I:tillurti & Goldsmith is Gilt day dio-salved I y intitual'esnsoot.' The Looks and as cotiots ix ill 1.6 in the ha,,tl. of 0. 11. Goldsmith - M BULLARD. ooLDsmurii. Ilia Grocery bu.siness w.ili hu condadol at tio ul4 stand by C. H. Goldsmith. Wellsboro March 26, 1989- 3w