i I MILE AND. .It.III COZMINATID; - 'The W4lll, grows old, altd men grow. cold, 1 . ~.4the.tt.eh, w lsllo,seeklas tiase.re, ~ e .O - • ' AFt.,,,a•-# 1 , 1 4 .111 0A YriAtt. and care And toil, -• -'• I Y, Plic,arAit. 1 , 130 7 0 4. 1 X1V Ortpleasure; . .. . , "paver ming,. that is,a , loss , f ' ' , ••• 4-'110413-„t.9.4,14t108.11teA;:, '•: ,- • • .. '1.," q,ro#B, 0aga1,13",tr,1401 4111 . -- linc;imile and ,bo cOnteoftdi , :. , , ..- 1 f ;93, /4° .1 100 r, 0 04 w0,0.1d . 4 rich, • .., 1 !1 03 1 1 126 . 0 bY,:illnirg 1 . .. , . . 11'43, 4 i i hesitio and hopofni minds, • -Are i dVre , is bilAtitilverlining. Theie s rieNii'aerain 4at_. dared to hope, - natt O s /Ili .0 1 1 .4ei) - , re pented;; Theliappietstiools ea . earth are those . Who smilo and are contented. Wiuen grief Both come to rack the head, ,- ' ' 'Attd foittoe.hidrits sorrow; • • • 1.. Ttlnic-ITe.IRY -1 1.4iging rocri), ! , nd oonsehiticni borrow. 1 #. , .:t ,•...„, . 00 14 e aY . 1 79 0 _ wbeirckrchres bl° ol ar It ;Mill:04 boprovetitett;, ' . . . ;.11•Voahe the bind'et.lifh • you,os,p c , _ , ; • " ' .44VolkIrtita;44, 1 4 0 , 0 , 00 teRt 6 4: ~„ : - 'lffitidern Roinitioes: —.- . . . ~ London Ptinch ilk taikin4the - "Ahrora Oftd,ltl , D,To'No*.l , 7Togied,lB;ceine' etc: pc,bßid - orlAterafu,reigeryamusingly. lathe poileati94,„ A weekly, .1 3 _.artsf . 9 1. a "tale of - the , timesel__,Talled :`Moitean •na; •gn.,.theMbite:Witriess," .It' is illus trated -Jim the ':Pre-Raphael style, so 'much affected Just rrci* by the' 'London 4 - weeklies,: by , ' Way 1 of 'ertehanelog the Wterd inteteSt of ' the Sir gaftliiig,. tillf3, and; of ediftge; , the ' grea t . 7:o4ufette, :a bigamyJS . liniv, Wanting ' to, 'olake the eatire%gomplete. ,' )ere Ja ,4 „specimen: • '•' Sit lifdtiq's ef.i# lll .Vii • 1.6. 4. the, (look. '..".Pfireiieh,,,. ono: ',Bettina," he said, pressitigfilis .w.ffo, to his' heart. "1 . shall comel mik ,when:Lrettiria-," :., • - - ' "I doubt thee.not, Lionel," was his weeping lady's reisily, and the coach man, having embraced- the calm - blit emotional butler, ascended to his 'spat in the runable.; - and the Vehicle was soon lost to view. . .. . Two girlish figuk.s approached. ' "gamma," they cried, "will you not • trust us now r ~ '"I will," replied lady Bettina. "Ag nesia; come Evelina." They(l entered the ."Brown Stild.y." • 7.-.-" Listen," said:Lady Bettina, "to my 'f eiVel. Before I married Sir Lionel I was young and bOvely. l ! 1 The lid of Agnesia's lovely eye trem bled as she looked ',towards her, sister. Evelina, a proficient in the French tongue murmured 'gammon'.. IWibliout wedded one t illiam - noticing their emotiori the - mother proceeded : 74. i • ' .Barlow, a _ v 'Min beneath my station in life. Seized • wlth an original idea that my rich brdther did - not need his money, CI in duced Barlow: to—to"---she ' faltered. Agnesia quickly pressed her delicate hand from one lobe of her exquisitely moulded ear to the other, "Yes," continued Lady Bettina, re • assured by her offspring's sympathy. "The property became mine. Williath •••:Barlow, however, was obliged to fly the country. Atwarrant was out against him, and in his absence he was arraign ed,rosecuted, and found guilty—" • • "Sentenced?" inquired Eveliva, lean ing 'forward. "Aye, and such is the vaunted jus tice of Engli.h law, executed!" A groan of horror burst from their pale lips, and Lady Bettina hid her face in a variegated bandanna. "Some time after this," Lady Bettina . went on, "I married Sir Lionel, who yesterday informed me that his wife was still living, He has gore away to seek her. I hope soon to have tidings, of her decease." , "Mamma," said Agnesia, `'We, 'too, have somewhat to confide in you.- Are you strong enough to bear it? Lady Bettina tilled up a silver goblet *ith sparkling eau de vie and l drank it •utf at a draught. lam ready." • 1 "Vie,” began Agnesia, "are" "Break it gently," remonstrated La dy Evelina. l 'l will,"•,returned her sister. "Mam ma, we, are not your daughters!" < • ."..E suspected as much," murm 'red the countess. - Russian. SetiaLMaxmars. The tollowing highly colored picture of Russian; social life we Gut from one of . our guilish exchanges. There is proh ' ' ably a grain of truth in it, but Amer-- ,cans will hardly credit the account as it reads. We are told that— " Perhaps the worst characteristic of Russian society, when it does not care to . put on holiday foreign manners, is its extreme coarseness. Eyery one is rude'and loud. All the conlipany who have anything to say talk together at the top of their voiles. No one listens. The contradict each other flatly; they are abusive ; they quarrel; they make it up over the tea-table. They absolute ly take constitutional exercise' In talk ing, and their deportment is so violent, that they-often appear like people pos sessed. This probably arises from their extreme aversion to all other physical exertion, many. of them living to an old age without ever having got on horseback" or -taken a healthy walk. They possess no sense of poetry, and seem to have a contempt for the beau ties of nature, despising the pleasures , of.country life. They had no love fdr sport; shooting, fishing, hunting ra cing, are almost unknown among them, and there is not a single yacht in the Black Sea, where it is summer off the south coast all the year round. Their houses, when most splendid, al - c but decorated with gilding and looking glass. They rarely boast a picture, a Statue or a flower. Their reckless ex penditures and unthrift)are equal to their covetousness. Nowhere is dress. so costly or so soon spoiled. A Boyard will give eight hundred guineas for a black foxskin cloak-lining, and when he takes it off in the ante-chamber of a - ballroom, his footman twill roll himself up in it till'ordered to give it back. - The most costly ladles' dresses made in Paris go to Russia ; but a young Mus covite belle will think nothing of get ting into a narrow, open drosky, and rushing about with her train spread ov er the wheels through the winter slush - until it is spoilt. - There is a British be rat that Russian dinners are of delicate fare, and, made gay by fruits and flow - ers. Nothing of the kind: The viands are coarse and 111-assorted, the cookery is abominable. Raw flesh, raw ham, mushrooms in oil, strong cheese, fer mented cabbage eaten with sour cream, boiled corn, boiled sucking-pig, small beer, soup, cold fish, salt cucumbers, ice and fennel in it,—this, with baked , fowls, is the staple food among opulent . Sentry; and it is - washed down with raw spirits and a beverage called quass, more nauseous, than any known in the West." . i CARELESS BUSINESS MEN.—It is inn possible for a man to be, careless in his business affairs, or unmindful of his business obligations, without being weak or rotten in his personal charac -• ten Show tue a man who never pays his notes when they are due, and who shuns the payment of his bills when - it is possible. and does both things as a habit, and I will show you a man whose morals are beyond all question dad.— 's We have had illustrious examples Of - •= - Ihis lack of business exactness. We have had great men- whose business habits were simply scandalous—who . never paid their bills unless urged_aud worried, and who expended for their personal .gratifiqation eveo cent of money ,they could lay their hands upon. These delinquencies have been apolo gized for as among the eccentricities of genius, or as the umnindfulness of. small affairs which naturally attends a l all greatness of intellect an ' intellectu al effort ;. but the world - -h been too _ easy with them altogethe ; I could • name great men--and the names =of some of them arise before e readers of this letter—who are attwipusly dis • honest. I care not howig,dtnira-' ble traits they possess. _I am ready to believe , anything' bad of a man who abituallymeglects to fulfill his busi 's- nese obligations.' Such a'• man is cer tainly rotten at heart. He is not to be trusted with the public responsibilities, a rune bottle, or a woman.--Holland. , . • • 4 . 3 • El AND U It D.W ARE! j ,- ; or) - mittoWILLIANi ROBE 1138: ; . 4de e ,013 to announpc to the - 40260s of, l'logs County, that, in oddiAlott, ty hiS e4,e4llent iituck of Stoves, Ttn-Ware, Etrittanin,:litCd heol-tron Ward, ho has, at a great outlay, stocked his store on ME 4itN ; with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, RAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP lII 4 NOES, q)A,II,PENTEiIISITOOLS,- PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, • nrrrs, t % , - HITT- STOCKS; HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, 'SPADES, FORKS, • BE NC 11-SCREWS, WOOD SCB,EWS,,,VARRIAOE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE 'FREES, ELLIP TIC - ' . - • ' SPRINGS, 11011 SE SHOES. 11001', BAR & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPIIRS,, - , SAUSAGE CUTTERS- AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also; PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, _ POWDER AND CAPS.; , ; • PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS 1 • a new tbiug,,,unti made for use. ,These are, but a ft:m4l'l m 1M any "articles comilosin'g r bur 4tock of Hardware. Wo invite the public to call and examine for chemselves. , Wo aim to keep the boat quality of ;nods in oui line ; and all work to order done promptly and well. ;WILLIAM ROBERTS• . Wellbon., Sept. I,lS66—tf. NtoiresL/ii 1 1 61 Virare FOR TIM MILLION Good people all, both.groot,and emall,—if you , vast to koop - _ PEACE IN THE FAMILY you must have enough to' oat, dry wood, a good wife, well-behaved children, and to crown all, a fIP TOP COOKING STOVE! Phis last and crowning gbod, I have at my Tin and Stove establishmat•nt', oppositeltoy'o Wellstiefo, and its name is the' HOME COMPANION .; on 311 hands 'admitted to Lo ognal to any in the world. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly, and warranted to give satisfaotion REPAIRING executed in the best wanner and with dispatch CALL AND SEE ME . D. P. ROBERTS Wolisborough, Nov. 21, 1347. NEW HARDWARE STORE 1 CO 1//181 & OSGOOD TN addition to their old business in Dry Goods, 1. Grocerioa, Sc., have established a STOVE, TIN; AND GENERAL - • WARE STORE, two doors below the old stand; where they man ufacture TN-WARE I..tIMANITY PRINCIPLE, bat is, in ilia most substantial tnanner. In the natter of i - srrov we havo enough to do all tie cooking and warm ing in Ti4ga County. In fact, we have Stoves enough to; MAXCE A SUMMER in 4 IVALRUSSIA. We aro the only agents for the sale of the AMERICAN COOK STOVU in Wollsboro; and this Stove is the AUTOCRAT OF STOVES. keop all kinds of Ilardaraiti, Iron, Nails, Steel, nom Shoes, and a camptote variety of SHELF . HARDWARE. If you don't beliern it DROP IN; CONVERS OSGOV). Wellsbord, Sept. 4, 1867, ly. nASII PAID FOR ASII LOOS, at Bodine's ij Mill, by C. S. KIMBALL. IVeHeber°, Doo. 25, 1555—tt I St., ~~~ i .:~... ;r , • CMErI `4ki f I\T EW ,P,tt . Yi. - ,C410)N5.-1 4 ..T0 lai. I• ' To') & BA'RKER, (A t O: 5 1 :61Oiti 11 W %have rget ju . ,,t received m.r new k m.l veyy Mil * ti~_.~ DRY' 'GOODS, • . •; SI Kull No s, ki-Tllo.s. „P,RINTS, CtOttiB:' • cAssi VEST dLo- THlNG,i"fri4 , l'S' - #5. - CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ITalsu a likiger.iil4 well ioteeiid stuCli 'of • CAOCKINtt, lIAItDWAId, - WOODEN 1V A RE,p, STONE 'VW/111g' IC ERO , SPINE PAINTS;, OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES,- SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,, DTC., ETC. i.r.i Vo aro able to. Obi, our, costumers the benefi of h1;o' LAST DECLINE OF PRICES - . in the'Now York Market, our Stuck having been purchased sinci the great decline in Goods. Weikboro, S A V t 7 • , • isk ER 1 07 W A 11. ftt Ni N ' S GROCERin AND ;PROVISION STORE 01,11 enying that a Penny ' rtved to "a; penny en nedjuittifiee. GARDNER. in naming kis ostabliel mont a •qavings Rank. 7 Econelny is We 3 ildo 3 o4 siirketoltl elinp• wbot-ti; nanle I bnve forgotto ; ,and it is ecynytny,t9-trede where the ' . -‘` 1 ' *'SLAUGHTER -- • of hi g h prices is tieing prosecute L d with vigor and tilthell , rejirive, I enn sell Sugnie, Teas, Mb lnsees, VOW, ,Dorlt,, Incur, Corn Meal,. Coffees, Cannot FAtito ; Apioes, and overything ,intandild for lain ly thte, givilgthe buyer the, benefit t -- OF - THE • fall of iho. markets, an atlveutagoi duly appro einted,by ev o nly,f3hible2icepting only those verdep " .I'N'N'idoCENTS , whopONTO 4.7e9,:mat_A:9 Ir• ono bun -004 pa.Fei,o4, to , the itilltir; LS, 'PA YINO twenty.five per rent. cash on delivery of the goudi. ,1 shall•offer,my .stock of goods at fair priees . , EVE ivy .`TU E SDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, .: K u,p, y 'I'.II,URSDAY, ,EVEI3Y;..PAIDAy, • I, ;Air; • ' j " EVERY ISAT URDAY, and till n ip p04,a8 I sell out. • %Wellsboro, •Juno 1,2; 1867 IMII Plpi Ira IVIES .1.‘1.1 far that lery in ,th, , best SK to take MI !RS. RING Sc EASTMAN would In -1.4 their friends and .the public gentirally have fitted up a new Photograph Gal. o best possible style. -having one of -LIGHTS-in the State, we , ore prepared l'etylet and siaes:6f ~~ t(PIfOTBGRAPHt,- - • AMBItOTYPES MELANEOTYPES in tile besi akistio manner, for or Cases, large or small. Large PHOTOGRAPHS copied from small thirds or old Daguerreotypes of do. ceased friends. No trouble to take CHILI) LIENS' PICTURES, Bridg , theth along. proofs always kJven when ordered• ,try us., Sample Come and, G Fifth Door; Jan. 15, ITA,RICNE'SS' & RILEY, BOOT :AND SHOE MAKERS Quer Wilton & Van Vaiken burg's Store, its the room lately-occupied by Benj. Seeley. BOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds made to order and in the boat manner. REPAIHINa of all kinds done promptly and good. Give us a call. JOHN HARKNESS, WM. RILEY. WeHabo;o, Jan. 2,1,867. ly. SALE R Main S liamsroun. OM, opposite Dartt's Wagon Shop, root. FACTORY in Soars do Wil ry, second story. .pptlyfilled.and Satisfaction guaran • Turning done to order. Jnno 12, 1861% J. STICICLIN. NtW GROCERY Orders pr toed.' ,Fane Wellabor° TTUE GROCE At lb o nbo • furnish Goot Market p in cash or respectfully) Chnrlesto L AT - : TATAVE p prepare order. ME Sept. 18, 1 ALL kind quantit Mainsburg. Mainsburg T° BANKR in full sotto, it :1)J such na TOLES & BARKER ly 3, 1367 B A :\ K. NUS THE MEM L. A. GARDNER 1T M I NAT L' 01 a _ IMPRATIERY •iNnVgL - x,sl3oito, .„, s • Jr, OPEN _To_ THE PUBLIC. ==nl lery ovqr Eastman's Dental Office belowitoy's Drug Store. • KING & EASTMAN 18,8-17 J. STICKLIN, Chairmaker, Turner, and Furniture Dealer. At Draft Settlement SCRIBER has opened a new Y & PROVISION STORE named placo, whore he proposes to in his Eno cheap. i es paid- for 'Farm Produco, either e. The patronage of the public is olicited. ALBERT TIPPLE. j Doo. 11, 1867—tf. Machine. EENEYVILLE, t in a flrrt•class PLANER, and am to piano flooring, siding, ate. to GEO. D. ICEENEY. 117-Iy. lour and Feed. of Flour and Feed, and in nny to shit customre; 'at my Mill in N. E. CALKINS. Jan. 22, 13132-3ta WYERS- UTTCY BLANKS, t YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE . MUM=I P. R. 'WILLIANISi SEMPER IDEM, 111 L, l . 1 , ,, DRildk l . -1 4 -21, ...?, OIVIEDIOiNES, 0 IVIEDIOiNES, PATEIsiT ;Bp.:- lOINES, SAINTS ; OILS, WI - ; DOW GLASS, ec, PUTTY, Have come down to Old Prices altlas wE do not hesitate to say that we have all, v Largest Stook of PURE ENGLISH DRUG?, M4DICIIVES 01 , 1,1 hff :( :',(ifYurp I'ATINT ill ERIC I NES YANKEE NOTIONS, PERFUMER); • „, FANCY ARTICLES, TOILET soA.F; CLOTII,')IIAIR;)JTOOTII I t NAIL ' FRENCII CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP BRUSHES,' MIRRO RS, ''; ,PER, LININGS N' z:' , SiNDING. _ WINES & LIQUORS, &C., pour stock of PEGS, NAILS, THREAD,' AWLI?., tR 4 4Bp4, , GLAVRAS I . NE DDSs, I'arP REIDEMAkER'S [ TOOLS and FINDINGS, wit be found the tar- EVER BROUGHT INTO THIS AfARKET. mat in the county, and we r 11 for email profits. ct • We talk business and we, can business. We are been in this region lon enough to be well nown—letthose• tr 4- knOW'ns try us. Corner f Main and' Giafiotritreete, apposite Wm. Rob. rts 9 Hardware Store, 'C. W. SEARS, , . GEO. 0. DERBY. Wellsbore, April. 24, 1207-tf. - • MI El 1r -. ~111,1 have ale% tbe ,Largest Stookof • PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, Pure White Lead, Pure White Zino, Linseed oil., Coach Varnish, Furnitßro Varnish, Yol-' . • , 161:4 Woo, Venetian -tied; Chronie Yet. Chrome Green, Prussian Dine, • , Drier; 'Linker,' Japan, Spanish Whiting; Paris White, Kalsomine, Resin, Tar, Log Wood, Fustio, Brazil Wood, Gam wood, Redwood, Potash, Putty, Alert- Benzolo, Spirits Turpentine, and Kerosene Oil, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Which wo will sell 25 per cont. cheaper than any other establishment in the county. Xn short, we have every thing over kepi in a first class DRUG STORE, and all we ask is for you to call and examine our stock and prices before buying elsewhere. Re member we can't ,he undersold..•; All goods warranted or no sale.• P. R. WILLIAus, 1 P. R WILLIAMS it Co. J. L. WILLIAMS. j No. 3 Union Block. , Wellsboro, Jun? 2Q, 1867 IVoNnr Grcoiacles •• 11 , f ?•':,-• • .0 BUretuar, eas, TTA VE)ust t t r f oiti a largo awl 'wiNztiv 7Goj.ol)s; Bought since the decline in, prices, and will be sold aocordinglY: Wo respoctfully invite ptten tibn to our stock of CASSIMERES," BEA YE it CLOTHS, TWEEDS, (FLANNELS; ' largoliber _.• 'MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, A APAOAS, and other DRESS GOODS and DRESS TRIMMINGS, Alco, a large and now assortment of • - CJ OttlING _ greatly refinc64 LADIES FURS—a 7rice aisolln!ent, nei u • and chehp: BON—TON; and other kinds of HO,O/' - - • , 1 \i YANIKEFfiNO_T_IMAJ 9 11.A.TS ' ItiARDWARE ,•eIicCE.EIq,.O.BOOERIBS. HAND , MADE- BOOTS AND , SHOES • And many other things which we will be plebaseclinfa I RIVM.NII to show, to all who will'call and examine our . Stock .:of ~GoodO Barer° purchasing elsewherey as 'we believe it sri pay, yds for your time and trouble. SMALL -PROFIT S; 'QUICK' SALES, 'READY IS:PPR *MOTTO. ; • ; :Pon't:fotge4 to call at the Empire i /#00f: 49.,4.T.:1010n Bloc : Nov: 18,1867. • Grocery. and , Provildo4:t . tore, cp. D. w .t!olsat 1.11 , D RETAIL: DEALS GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors an Cigars, FOREIGN do DOME GREEN CANNED FRUITS AN WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS Fc PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &c. kfull an'd,aomplete aseorement of thp 'shove mentionedloode of, the be quality always on hand. . Particular attention paid to Fine, Orocaries Dealers and Consumers will tind' It to their in torest to'exatnine his Stockbeforo Corning, N..Y., March 11;1888. • t- CASH PAID FOR HOTTER AT ~ WRIQHT it BAILEY'S. It M , FIE Such us i • 1 , I CORNING, N. Y • I , ~t MEM DRIED FRUITS, VEGBTABLFS, CROCKRAY . kEZMM NFAW FIRM! & C • T0, ,,- BUY :601 SELL - OUR •sl :237.71,44+.2viii0 " 7 .1:1 • H ; UZI , AI 1 'UTE will buy at the highest market price, !LI" f f i li W P,Fl ar Tz e ?' ! SHEEN' PELTS', DEACON SKINS, DEER SKINS, FURS, RIDES, AND VEAL SKINS, for Which; 444111 tati blab. • ' " ' • We will manufacture to order, Preach or home tanned Oa& or. KIP. ROOTS, in the best man ner and at Air rates, aid pay especial attention to REPAIRING. We have a Sret-rate•etook of REABYIIABE WORK, on which we vfiti,not be . godereohli-Ned from this time vrelhallitiakelt - irpoint - to keep - op the beat etock of • - LAMA'S' GAITERS; to be found In the county, which we will sell at a lower profit than such articles, have over been 'ogbridin_this_reiti4n- ' We shall likewise keep up a good 'assortment of 44,014§' ' - ,B4OIO,RALS. ,LEATHER ROOTEES,, OKILDREWS AND MISSES WORK op VA , RKALS I STAIRS vs, ~), and all ityloid MEN'S WORK. LEATLIER4 ,- FINDINGS, , • can be bongbt of us as cheap as any Where this. ,t side of New York, and we shall keep fall stock ?0C ;i. ii. ~if. • 33 - 4891 '8 Ley 'PleiggagN *) /1 1 1 - , &TM . a, . ,•P 4132. itS - aoj elfpnrpaS eapasie pas , ilo Gansu . aono co de I sutaittlii gooßa pus &ipso° no llama al cuempauff Buldean egoto pus tritqoiapi spoof) ha JOAO sainavera snug OA gLmantota Ssoupuat siorepaiag %invent •11 son ass Loq Las , euiqospi SP qua 1 ;s• nl sotote gof ip moat laspi avo at 'y *bad 'setyq knotia loimusg Lasea Nam Icalea3l cus Roma ‘pippamg •0 pemaprd t NllO9 .poougotoo notaatta jo nontiong oq) ttflo mom ()Ai 91,1111111fil Jo Nools eazei SAGA, 'oeiv (pug iimq) 'emu 2j La nS ttaixas 'Roux aou "lINK .. . .... "KO.l ROHS minion ROHR xusitug moo Pin Pang Joil sum( •va VrISIZSANUIT liallifllitUV,l,i4l)l 211:B `SgAOLILS lIV.M.CIIIVH snoS Ilaufnq Sq eliquecaud colUsi u eau zuu • souping mina no %fa °ova 1868. WRIGHT & BAILEY. 1868. WE commence this year with an exclusively CAW business. CASH PAID FOR WHEAT 1 CASH PAID FOR OATS 1 CASH PAID FOR CORN 1 CAM' FOR EVERYTHING I A LARGE STOCK OF FLOUR EOR ~, LARGE STOCK OF FEED. FOR CASH 1 ' AILARGE STOCK OF PORE. FOR 1 CASH 1 ' I 1 and sae ns. WRIGHT & BAILEY. llsboro, Jan. 9, 1867-Iy. - / .i. fl persona indebted to us by note or book art moot call and settle or pay costs. . 3, 1868. WRIGHT & BAILEY. . ~ OfibOrd.goth.:l;tiess' ju Works. , AVING engaged Mr. JA MB SMITH to , superintend Our ClothinglVoiki - iva's aro 1 nryeady to do all kind of coloring and dress idn good style and on short notice. ,I S. A. HILTBOLD, itt,,lB, 1887—tf. 0. BLAIR. 3 . . BE MEE 0N17735' sty ..9.A1 ono& no loori pawl, ~` L .. ~~ e .10 . 1 IHvM-SSra CASH 1 1868. FOR' MLE. • ,BY •', B. 0. WIOK II A T HIS NURSE — Mt - OR tkr, NA, NEN 'T A, la TR88.3; : I • 60;600 A . • ptol ; *0;000 Pest • A good supply of PlillItt; P andORNAMRyTAI, TREE S. The Fruit trees are conapos varietir, good, healthy, some In bear ng.' Any one swishing will do ;well to call and sea m obalelsewbore. Or. Deli free of barge. Tiog 1 Fob. 28,1888-1 y 1 To Owners of Horses TOBIAB' DERBY CONDITIO warranted superior to any otl the cure of Distemper,' Worms, bound, colds, ap., in, 'Horses; and of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn Mee tlo They are perfectly safe and It I stopping Met working of your oohs lbeappetite; giro a tine coat;cleat. urinary organs; also- increase the them, and- you wilt , never ho wit Woodruff, the celebrated trainer of used. silent fur. Aare; and recess friends. Col. Philo. P. 1311811, of I Course, Fordharn,.N.,ll..,‘ would-owl woe told of what they are compe.), is never without them., Ho has ov horses in his charge, and for the It rued no.otber medicine for them. rained me to refer any one to him references can be seen at the depot and B.sddlers. ~ Pries 2.) cents p Cortlaudt Street., Now York. . Public Be, AMONG the useful icuprofe there, are few that give good, few 80 ♦roll adapted to re feriog, few so well approved by now and powerful remedy culle the German' people Call it Heal 1 and,Utufort to (rem, Neuralgia and Hhoutuat speedy relief to that largo clan aro often cured and al7itys ben ward application. For sale by all Druggists. Wholesale Depot DAY, HO GER, No 54 Courtlandt pt. No T:lmira Saw M Cat an ci •Extra cast Steel around ' Circular*:, MILL, MULEY, GANG ; CLEARING, SOOTII A SA* S, , , Mr. J:SCRIEFFE:LIN,_Jr., Bell at FaeteryAhicnitpin Mega. Order's - lei 4e., left felln svlll be .attended' ns .prom the Manufactory. 41:140B;EWS . Sopt.lB, 18117.—tf. =I NEW FIRM; NE AND NEW PRI AT TIO(3,I-S, WrICKHAM dc FARR, havi tage of the late &elitist have received their stook and furnish those in want of - Goo At the lowest cash ratcs. 'A'ho et! general assortment of DRY GOO] AND YANKEE NOT Both staple and fiun Hats Jc, Caps &Os". PORK, FLOUR; SUGA And many other articles too nu tion. We woold say to Morchant all others in want of PORK or RIMS, BUTTER FIRKINS Al' they cap find diem in any quanti retail at our store. This work is tra in quality, just manufacture Factory. _ Tioga. Doe. 11,1367. WELLSBORO FOU I MACHINE SH TIIE subsoribera baying proo machinery are now ready to all aorta of CASTIN PLOWS, CULTIVATO ROLLERS, MILLGD SLEIOH•SIIOES, W 0 SAWING 111AOHIN &c., &c. We have also a WOODWORTH P for custom and Job work, We are to do SLITTING & SCROLL Having a first-class aorew-cu are preparod to make CHEESE PRESS S to order. Builders of Meese FaCtories are re quested to examine our work. We' manufacture the Champion P ono of the finest implements in the Cash paid for OLD IRON. CHARLES •' F. L. SEARS Wellaboro, May 16,188726. Mrs., A. J. Soft I S•now receiving the Fall styles MILLINER direct from the city, and will fbe her old friends and customers, with ones as may choose to favor her w ronage. I have engaged a first•cl ker, and am prepared to carry on DRESS-MA in all its branches. in a satisfactor Orders taken for Hair Jewelry. paid for hunuin hair. Store ove burg's Grocery, Main-at. Wellsboro, Sept. 25, 18874 f Tioga Marble W , THE undersigned is now pre cute all orders for Tomb Ston: manta of either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND I of the !stoat atylo and approved and with dispatch. • He keep constantly on hand Marble and will be able to suit all vorhitit with their orders; on as 1.. as can'be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and and made to look as good aknew. PORTER Tioga, Nov. 1, 1867—tf. 1868. AND ON. iT,IOI3A:- Tres. reel AOII, CIIRRRY, SHRIJpIIRRY. !a of the eholoest f th•ew large and to get a supply stock before per : ered at the depot and Cattle. IPOWDERS ARE erb, or no pay, for lots, Conghs, Hide olds, Coughs, hass input, &c., In Cat , oot:mat ; no need of lls. They increase o the stotrutch mud milk of cows. Try tout them. Moms rotting hordes, hue , tends them to bid the Jerome Race use then. until he d. sine(' winch lio r tenuity rittniltig stiltreu years has o line kindly pot , Over 1,000 oilicir Bold by Druggists r box.. Depot, . 56 Wv14. 1.9 J ' II eft 4 . . .. cots of th'e day, 'mute promise of ievn human suf. thu public:au alai Salutifer (or as bbripger). ' Oho poor sufferer , and brings of diseases that .tited by an out:. GLAND & STI York. ufactory, Patent Paper MN'S, C ROSS-CUT, D OTHER s authorised to with Mi.. Rehief aly as if left at BURBAGE. GOODS EMI ) PA. g taken a'dvan n the market, TO prepared to 1. ok consists of a Ell ONS, Shoes, Together with , TEAS, 1 1 , erous to moil 1., Farmers, and OLDER BAR- D TUBS, that 7, wholesale or II new and ex ,d here at the WICKTIA 1. 65 FARR. fly P. rod additional urniali to order s, SUCH AS S, FIELD 'ARING, D,- ANER, lao prepared SAWING L to order. g Lathe, we iItEWS, OW, !market. ILLIAMS, eld, leased to see as many new ts their pat as Dreasma- ING manner. Good Micas VanValken- II• . rks. • l if tarod to exo, :s" and Nona. ARBLE, • orknianship oth kinds of who may fa onside terms dirt cleaned w dcox 111111 Prllors bP 'the Attperier Qualtty IIP ' r : • ,' AMER i - Gil xlmi AT i - ; I MEI .WAX;Tg4?4,, MASS:: =MEN ' Thb American Compitny, of&hum, Muss., respectfully Subinit their' 'Nat then :Ire cheaper, Moro acctiritte,lM•s conipiot, more intra ble,-better utiteptcl for genera', use and inure ea sily kept in ardor and rt:Li:l4ra 'than a ny ' crotches iii ih 'Ufarkkt. - They 'ore 14:oplcr in 1 , till anihthrrefore strmiger, and 'likely to"bO injured-than 'the wajniity'nf-foragt, wptch. ea, uiblelviiire etlinp — osed of from in to 300 pie ces, while in an old English watch the:4i aro tatire'than TOO pails. flow they run und‘.4 the hardest trial rratchcs can bare. is shown by the following letter: , PENN, RAILROAD COMPANY '“OFFICE OP PL SYEItINTENDENT, ALTOONA, I , 15 Dec., 1866. j GENTLEUES The Aches manufactured by you have baeu in use on Ibis railroad tor several years by our engtneetem to whom we furnish watches its part equipthem. •there are 00w bufile three hundred of them earl iutl'4.ri our line, and • we eibtioliter lima good null reliable time-keepers; • Idnive great :a tiititetbon in saying your watches give us lose trouble. mid 'have worn, aiid du wear much longer willinut re pairs that} any o-e Mine evnr bud ltruse on Otis read, - you• are a wiii u, at, formerly tpu.•led to I hoso of - if.nglirat manufacture, of tic• knowledge') g'4uf.l . rtdiutittion het an 11 cbi•rn they never keep time as correctly, nor have lity dam' .as good•serviee, as yours. • • yyln thuou; statvinums I. um sUctuinctl, by my Anoclecuour, Mr. Luwie, wboru expuri.i, ex toiadoSil over a aerie of yearr. itcapeolnlly, EDWAUD 11. WILLIAMS,. ' • ' •-• • • • General Superinteni -. . American Writch Co., Watch:inf. We (nuke now tire different grates of watcher, named reopectively ab follows : Trucy d C?., )1“., :Walnut:a Jruich Company, IVull.hum., Jluas P. 5.:114d Lit, Jfuea 1:11cry, • nuetou, Muse. Howe 'Watch , Company, • All of these, with• the exception of the Home Watch CoMpany, itro n tvarrarited by the Autcrietto Wittch Coinpany to be of the best in:1106411, on 'the most approved prhteiplo , and to peeress every requisite' for a reliable Ihnekeeper. Every denier selling these Watches is iirovided with the Coin p4ny's printed card of guarantee, which should accompany each Watch sold, so that buyers may fool 'sure they are' purchasing the genuine article. Th'ere are numerous counterfeits and imitations of our W,itchea sold throughout the country, and we woad caution purchasers to lie on their guard against imposition. - Any gra i des of Waltham Watches may be pur- Chased of Watch Dealers throughout the countr.Y• BOBBINS & APPLVTON, Sept. 4, 1867-Bm. 182 Broadway,' N. Y. - The American Cooking Stove. AFTER twenty years experience In the man ufacture of stoves, wo became convinced, some six, years' since, that a vast amount of money was being expended by the people of this country; in Laying cheap and worthless stoves; a largo portion of which was wasted; and that true economy consisted in buying the best stoves thaS could be made, notwithstanding the price was higher. With this view we proceeded to construct the American Cookingl Stye, and spared no pains or expense to make it the best and most perfect stove that could beltnade. And we have experimented with it, and carefully watched its operation for the last six years, and when 'an improvement suggested itself, we hare at once adopted it, and we have several of there improvements scoured by letters patent. in this,manner we do not hesitate to say, we have brought it, to a higher state of perfection than has heretofore been attained in cooking stoves. -The recent improvements in this stove has added largely to its convenience and effeetve floss. In all the varieties of stoves wo manu facture, we study usefulness, durability, conve nience and economy in operation, rather than cheapness in price, - and in so doing wo are antis. fled we study the interest of those purchasing our stoves. SHEAR, PACKARD, ctc CO., Albany, N. Y. For sale by CONVERSE Sr, OSGOOD, Wells bore, Pa. 1 Ssept.67-3m. To the Farmers of Tioga County ASI now building nt my nianuilietory. in !Awl-unse x vino. n superior FANNING, MILL, • which possesses the following advantages over allothor mills: 1. It separates oats, rat litter. and font seeds, and chess and cockliS, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and all °the& deeds, perfectly. • 3, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It docile!l other separating required of a mill. This mill is built of the beet and most durable tim ber, in good style, and is sold cheap lior cash, or pro duce. I wfil fit a patent sieve, for separating oats from Wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms. J. H MATHER. Lawroncovllle,October 10, 18613-tf UNION ACADEMY. KNOXVILLE, TIOGA CO., PA. FACULTY: ALIAS HORTON, Principal. 31a8. ADA W. HORTON, Preeeptress. 31108 3HRA HORTON. Assistant. Mtss AMANDA DRAKE, Teacher of Music. CALENDAR FOR 1867-8. Full Term commences Sept. 3d, Winter Term Nur 20th, Spring Term Feb. 18th, 1868. I EXPENSES PER TERM. Primary-Department 4..5 00 0011111/ on English 13 00 Higher English 7 00 Languages and Higher Mathematics S 00 Instrumental Music, extra 10 00 Vocal Music, extra. 1 • 1 00 Drawing, extra j . ' •''' 300 Room Rent 2 50 Board per week.... l; 50 noxville, 'August 14,1867—ti. REXINGTONS' 11T11. ;110115C. , . Artily Revolver, Nitvy Revolver, Belt Revolver, ... ... .. Police Revolver, Nat 4 size Calibre Now•Pooket Revolver, 31 100 in. Calibre Pocket Revolver, eider's pt.) 31-100 in. Calibre Repbating Pistol, ( . Elliott pt.) No 22 & 32 Cart'gn Vest Pocket Plstol,'No 22, 30, 32 & 41 Cartridge Gun Cane No 22 &,32 Cartridge Breech Loading Ritle,(l3eals') No 32 & 38 ." Revolving Rifle, 30. & 44-100 in Calibre E. REMINOTOM & SONS. . PRINCIP4I. AGENTS. • Moore kNichols. Now York; Nl:Road & Son, Mon; Jo Grubb & Co, Philadelphia; Foul tney & Trimble, Baltimore; lionry Folsom & Cu; New Orleans; Johnson, poneer & Co, Chicago, L M Rumsoy & Co, St. Louis; Albert E Crane, San Francisco. Cet. 9,1967.-9 m. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MANS FIELD, l'po . 9A COUNTY, PA. FAaL3L'~X_ P. A. Allen ' Principal, Professor of Natural and Mental Science. J. T. STREIT, A. M., Professor: of Languages. CHARLES 11. VERBILL, A. 'lit., Professor of Mathematics. Mns. L. M. PETERSELIA, Modern Languages and Drawing. ' Miss MARY E. HUGHES, B. E., En. Branches: Bliss.. S. IL PRESTON, B. E.. Principal of the Model School. I. G. HOYT, Professor of Vocal and Instrumen tal Music. EVAN MFREDITII, Instructor of Vocal Mu. ' sic SCHOOL YEAR 1867-8 First Term begins September 1, 1867, Second term begins Decemb'r 9 Third term begins March 23, 1868. EXPENSES •PElt TERMiOF 14 'DIRKS. ,‘) Fall and Spring Termiljelp i ding board, room rent, tuition, 1 - 1361 v rent, fuel, oil, and washing, MI 00 Winter 'berm, Q 64 00 . Day students, tuition and book rent 10 00 Total expenses, for school year $lB4 00, Nq ,extra .ehargeo., Moms furnb•hod Skye!, chairs, tables, stands, Pails, beiihttwts." mattresses, itillows, and ono comfortable, For further information read for Catalogue Aug. 7, 1367, 6w. Addicee, Prlneipe I ' HE largest assortment of Watche's, (loam • Jewelry and Plated Ware in Tioga county at [l9dec6o] FOLEY'S. kin and attar 11utlay.i Nut , . 2.501, .144.4. tiatti' r' . ii•a%. , 7"i Haag at rout the fullon lag hour.: i EtrttgAiin noIIND. .. .. • ',.; "-,• 12Af.,.i. In., 1... x .1 prir 1:ill : usithipi-exciipluil tot it,,r, :.. 1,,,, 831,turianca, atm fintiliirl., can neetinp. a iti, t . .... for the West. 'sit, xi 0:40a In' t Ight t:XprepS, ;9111d3t)S, Xellard, WI nqt,,i, , 6413rnad/C.f,,4/14.4)11/1114111, making iiiiuid, ~,,,,,....1 , ~ ' ;' , Wltli tralio,uf rite,Atltirific it Great I Vezderii , t, t : :t.liore'oinit tit alai Trutili hallway, tot ail ;mint,. n, i ..• 7:03 a. in.,Niglit t f xpr i kso, Daily, (in HOll,l, ...,,1,,',, ~,, •w thi..lU ;lad tin.-IVi•ht, ct..onetting an ltao, t... ' f.. 7:111 a. an., Night Expres.,.,Siunday, nit, 1,1..1, NI ttti.. tl.ter ltuti !Waldo. i•la'Atvuia: 10:32 a . 1111,'Xini i 1 n 1.: T1A.n....t1kit....YK . CX6bpted, for tut!, , f -1 and Durikitlt. " .. • . , .. 1:45 p ni Baltimore fixpredo, litinady.• .., i1 ,,, d i . L '- ' , liuchuster and ItulTalti, via Avon. .. 7:03 p. at.. Day Express,..linnilnyit excupteit for Ili a d It Salamanca, Dunkirk. mid Alm We.t. , i_ainceth,t; ... R.. at :ialamstiica with: ttia !tint is iinil (Lem 1ve, t ,,,,: li: Railway ; nt 'Buttsoo with tbn katleti Ehoro a i„i o m. , 1, Tim uk Italltrayti;tral at Thiltikirkivith t lin lathe 81.,,, Railway, for all. pointi went And sun th. 7:IU put I lay Exprona.Ann , ({3jexeilm-41, tut L. i„,,,, a. 12.60 pin 11 - ay Freight. SuMliiyit extiptetl. t . • 6:48 p.m., kinaigratit i Vain fniti,y;ffir the Yest. 1 I,' t - EaB2'W,AAD notntn. I k 12:Iti a. tn., 141,40 .K.cproati i pally, Sunday! excepted, 11. connecting at OrnycOurt for Varwiti:, und at 14. Turk vi Itli afternoon:trains' tint!' ittuameis for limi t , - and ;New Idt;f,„ll9al. &Wits. r• ~, „, , 4:18., S.. CI ncinnal i/I xp ra-... Diondnyx-na.,,pit ~ ~,, . arena at Vainira lot Jiatyinhnig, l'fill:; 01 II )11,. and ' Ili , :I „,,th ; at ihy..vi fur ,Itlinep.; at ittati ,india, • . for :.., raunsc; a tOreti R Bona for ettantot., l• Nl t i, . ph ia, aii d ',6 elitOl r i; r iki 1.9.r.1ca14 arc ri tor ni 4ll loy, dna a '. • I i iayeOnr; fur Newburg anti ,Wartricl: . 10.15 a c. A. cot/0110a doll Tr.iiii,Val). onili,,ti n at , *: at Kitaita for canninialicllo.. , 4 , •% • : 10:48 a. ai., Lay Exprciti..7.: mtayrtresrepti i; . cyanic ill.t • at Elmira far Caftan - Mt in, ttultfugi t aup,‘, , f at k , 3 ,., misc.:it' 0 riiitt ha Mr Scrn iiion at I.a, liam Bleb a t . itatrlay. al, • dpriay 010 *int hifilnfAht Expail Tittitt of uw Jertey Ji4ilroad for l'hiladttipliia,Balti. r y o • tud Wanhington. , , ', .. - p. 111:; IL E titimorr xPr4•ris, Stinitayßexcer.dial. 4:55 p. ra., New Yank .1.11/ BailirdOre .Midi,t•Ellytiliy, Ca , explt d 7.07 p it Lichtultig Itrpre.s. Sunday. excepted, Lott lo•ctin:...: at Elmira fur If wiiit,,,,,-, Phil.ficielpina ant • . ilia Cuttla :. nt•Jesay City 'with' morning exprany train or Noy .Nr.cy itailroad fur Baltimoru AO 11'.v.iiia t , ,,t..n, and at Saw YOrk with morning en. pts , .. train. tor Bo.ton a rat i tho Eat. 12:30 IN tn. Way Freight, Still ays exempted. - .., ; • W3l li. HAIM, 11. ItlDial.F... • 0 uu'l l'itiss. Agent. ' " • Ourel Bup't. • Lionto)l, jJj' Slossburg. & Corning, 4 .Tioga R. R. will rnu n, fallowsuutil fin tiler notice: - Accomiumlutlon—Leaves 79& 4..m., Maw. field lit 7,65. Tloga: ut„ 8.33 I.awri movlllo at o,l:i_ arriving at Corning at X 0,25 a. in. Mall4-Lent•ellllossbung at 1,60 v. tot Manlifleld at 2,3 e, Tioga. at 3.08, Liiiwrencvpla -at 3,so—arriving ki Cofning at 5 p. m. 3lail—Lc:4l - ra Corning 'at - .8,15 ni in , Lawriincoville nl 0,18, Tioga atlo.oo, 31aiusfiold at 18,38—arrIving at flloandiurg, at 11,15 a. m. Accommodntion—Leavas Coining nt 3,46 p. DI Law. reneevil to at 4,62. Tioga at 6.60, ,blansfield at tt1,35- urriving Illoadiurg at 1,20 p. m. L. 11. SHATTUCK, Supt. •-- - - • • I.I:ATINS FOIL TILE NORTE'. Trains for Cananilagulaleavo - Elmlra fOHOWS : ; Accomodation at 700 a hl Expre4s [fastest train on road] ...... ..... 11 45 au, lllali 6 15 p Way Freight, [puoionger Fo!leliattuol.q] 7 10 a tu On and after Nov. 24, 4807, trains will arilveatr depart from Troy, as follows; • LEAVE 'NORTHWARD. 10 55 A: M.-Daily (iiicept - Srinduys) for El ruin, Dar. 10, Canandaigua, Roc'ooter, 9uap. Bridge and the Caundao. 945 P. 31. Roily (eucept Etidayta) for. Illtnira.ki Buffalo, via Elie Railway s frptia "LEAVE SOTITHIVARD. 009 A. 51.—Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore Washington, Philadelphia, &c. 9 05 P. '3L—Daily (except Sundays) for Baltimev, Washington . and Philadelphia. J. N. DuIIARRY, . .ED. , S.. YOUNG (.Icol Supt. Illessieburg, Uert'l Pars. AO .o , .‘ l ll2Pore, Al,l Philadelphia dc' Erie R. R. On and atter .tONDAEfrOetelKor 14th, .1S(11, rums OD the Philadelphia Erie Rail Road will rue es lcia9 Philadelphia - Williamsport arr. at Erie Erie Express loaves Philadelphia—. •• " Williamsport arr. at Erie Elmira Hail leaves Philadelphia.— a Williamsport..., " arr. at Leek Davao EASTWARD. Mall Train leaves Erie ' 40.404 m " .. " iVilliarrisport 11.40 pJa " " arr. at Philadelphia 8.6 S azu Erie Express leaves Erie 425 p m " " " , Williamsport 1 350 ais " arr. at Philadelphia . ,•• /.00 pis Elmira Mall leaves Lock /Javan7.lo a a; .. .. " " Williamsport 8.35 aal " _arr. at Philadelphia. 0.10 p m Mail and Exprimi connect with all I ruins on Warm Eranklin Railway. l'itabenger4 leaving rhiladelpin, at 10.00 AL arrivu at Irvluatown=att 6.40 a. in. anti tat City at 9.60 a. pt. Lt.:tying Philadqpltin. at S.OO P. M., active at Oil Clti at 4:30 p m. SA lis -- t t:.:';',3..t frA71.611. 1 WETTWAIID Do' D. r.nSTWAIII , MUSD, Mall 0.30 I Expieba..: ....5.11. Accommodation 6,25 I Mall Express 12.10 I Accoqiniodatinn, 11.0 Express 11.00 i Express • •ii h. At Cori there is a junction with the Phlindelphia s. Erie, and Cil Creek Rail 'toads. At Itleadvllle .pith the Franklin and Oil City and Pitliele Branch. At Leavittfiburgo the lqahoniny Branch zanhen rect route to Cleveland. At' itarthatt conueeto t Itis Cleveland nod rlttabutglt Railroad. Thu Bond pabses - tbrougb Alsron. Auldaud. thhou, Marion, Urbana Rua Dayton, Iclet:..eting roads, and ter! alnateb nt Cinch nuts. MILE Subscriber will sell or runt the follee iue vuluablu properly, to wit: One taimsrn stand in Lawrenceville. - - Ono farm, on which• ho cow readdeb, otte•h,di lnilu from three churches, CV:tl School two grog shops, tend one railroad, and about 11/1: dibtaneo from tho lino of 'he 'Well,-bort, aid Lawroneovillo Thu tarn' eol.L.1u01(.0 cures of good laud, ito acres tioubored, well we tored, arid very productive. It requires tLat tut sceil t ttt ttt .owed and planted. howevel, to onsuro a harvest. _ . Ono farm iu Jaelbup towuolulp, 115 avret ; a lir:A-rata place) fur a choett, tatatay, Alto—furl mule*, 75 sheep, and attar stuck, cheap ou rua.scattablo terms. M. S. 11A1,1, IN. I..4rainice, Apr. 17, IS67—tf. Planing & Tnriming. TTAVING gut his new Factory in operatst.n. II II is now - prepared to fill orders for Cubino Ware promptly and in the best style of workban , ship, linvitig procured n. 44-10 W in. Calibre ..36-Itio in. Calibre Nevi size Calibre I . l'a is ready to 'tress boards Or plank with dispatch SCROLLWORK & BRACKETS,: furnished to order. His machines are of the DOST est :and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Poard and Waln Sob WELLS BORO, PA.,. Oct. 31, 1866-tf. B. T. VAN HORN. DEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE, universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America ; devoted to Original ries, Poems, Sketches, Architecture and Model Cottages, Household Matters, Gems of Thought, 'Personal and ,. Literary Gossip (irieluding =pedal (11. par MICH iS n Fashions), Instructions on Ilealtb, GYinnustic, Equestrian Exercises, Music, Mame , meats, etc.: all by the best authors, and profuse ly and artistically illustrated with costly Engre• vings (full size), usolul and reliable Patterns, Embroideries, Jewelry, and a constant succes sion of artistic novelties, with other useful and enterhining literature. No person of retineineta, economical house wife, or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies, 30 cents; back numbers, as specimens, 10 cents: either mailed free: Yearly, $3, with a valuable premium; two copies, $5 Mt; three copies, $7 50; five copies, $l2, and splendid premiums for clubs at $:.l each, with the first irerniums to each subscriber. Ad• dress, W. JENNINGS bEMOREST, No. 47.3 Broadway, Now York. Demo:Ors Montliiy and Young America, to gether $4, with the premien* , for each. March 20, '67—em. TIAINT'R FOIL PA115.11 , 1113 AND 071.1E11S.—The Graf j ton Mineral Point Co. two now niantifacturtng the 11 , A.elie.ipast and most Durable Paint In use; two coats mill put on, mixed with pure Linseed OIL will last 10 or 15 )ears; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolaty color, and can be 011:1111ged to green. drab, olive or cream to suit the titstoo(•tlio consumer. It I+ valuable for Houses, Perna, Fences, Caretago and Csr nriker4i 'Ptil 12 and Wooden•ware, Agrioultural Towle melds, Canal Boats, Vessels and Ship.' Pottoms, Cam vas, Metal and Sbingle,ltoofs, tit being Fire and Water Proof), 'Floor Oil .Cloths, (ono Manufacturer havlnd tiara f‘ooo blue: the pest year.) and no 'paint for any ptirpcisois%ipsurpitesed for body. do/ability, clasticttY, and iidhcsiven'ess. Price SC, I)6r bbl. Of 300 lbs., which wiilrtiopply a farther for yesfrs to come. Send fora worillar..whiell gives full pat tinulura. None groom tverude mark Oration 51inerel faint Adth., DANIEL DIDKET.L. - Sept. 11. 1807-om. 2tit Nor' Street. New yoi TOOV6R,K, IN THE BEST STYLE, and with despatch, at THE AGITATOR Offien. 4.f• =I Enp3 RAILVVLIV. Northern Central R. U. WESTWARD atklntic!hnd Groat Western R. W L. D. RUCEEIG. Gen. mipt , Meadville, l'a Real Estate Sale. B. T. VAN HORN, WOODWORTH PLANEIt, .n. 15 p .8 .tin . 845 p 12,00 1101. 845 p tu . 9.45 u • 8.00 I, in . 6.28 p . T.4spii