The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, April 08, 1868, Image 2
In a recent debate in the U. Senate, the following extraordinary statement was made by Senator CAMER(N in ans wer to the declaration made by Senator Swarm's that Gen. Lnn wasnever ar rested : • Aft'. CAMERON. I will tell you *by he was not' arrested. General Lee called on a - gentleman who had my en tire 'confidence, and intimated that he would like to have the'comrnand of the Army. He assured that gentleman, 'who was a man its the confidence of the Administration, of his entire loyalty, and his devotion to the interests of the Administiation and of the country. I consulted with General Scott, and Gen. Scott approved of placing Wan at tip head of the Ariny. The place was off ered to him unofficially, with my ap probation, and with the approbation of Pen. Scott. It was accepted by him verbally, with - the promise that he -would go into Virginia and settle his business and then come back to take command. ' He never gave us an oppor tunity to arrest him ; he deserted under false pretenses I should have s arrested him in - a 'moment if, I had had a chancy at him, and I have always regretted • that I never did get that chance. I thought the Senator referred before to the case of Joseph E. John4on, who was, the quartermaster general, and it was of him I spoke first. In regard to Glen, Lee's ease, I think he behaved `worse than any of the men who acted so treacherously to the government. The Director of the Bureau of Statis tics furnishes the following official re= turn's of the immigration at all the ports oFthe United States during the quarter ending December 31, 1867: The whole number_ of passengers arrived was 75,218, of whom 12,712 were citi zens of the United States, and 1,762 foreigners, notinteneng to remain in the United States, leaving of immi grants 61,739, of. whom 35,302 were males, and 26,437 telltales. !Under 15 years of age, 12,302 ; ' 15 to 40 years of age, 41,737 ; 40 years of age and over, 7, 699. Of the whole number pf grants, 53,976 arrived at New Norlc, 2,- 018 at Boston, 7,657 at New Orleans, 1,- 724 at Baltimore, 684 at Portland, 1,018 at Galveston, 412 at San Francisco, 102 at Charleston, 14 at Oregon, 67 at Phil adelphia, and-.the - rest scattering. Of the whole number of immigraints, 23,- 512 were froth Great Britain and Ire land, 31,600 from the German States, 1,- _O6B from France, 1,908 froMOther coun tries of Europe, 321 from (,Mina and Japan; 1,084 from the British North American provinces, and the rest scat tering. There were 6,245 farmers, 10,- 641 laborers, 5.521 meebaraes, 3,075 merchants, 2,096 miners, 307 Profession al-callings, 677 tradesmen other than mechanics, and the rest scattering, or not stated. Congress has been ; accused, alike by . Democrats and Coniervative Republi cans, of usuping authority in its Re construction Policy not conferred on it by the Constitutidu. The Supreme Court has had this 'question before ii, and - has decided that Congress has cx , elusive the premise:A, only political topics being involved. What is more ; this decision conforms to tlu' doctrine held by the, Court on this elas of matters from th 6 foundation of th" governmCnt. Congress has anti is still acting strictly within the of its prerogatives ; and its.' assailants wish to make new rule:4, in conflict with all. past precedents tO suit their party ends. This decision is the more .eo tial. bec-•- the dial because it has been unders mri foi months that a majority of the Judges, in their private opinions, do not con sent to what Congress has don , and i doing. I they had the pow power would not\do as Congress is but they are constrained to adjac ge that the discretion is not with them, but . 'with the Senate and House, I N.fter it will become the Democrats i ) abate somewhat;at least, of their wi d about the usurpations of Congress. THE NEW OriLEANS Tribune gives the following capital contrast of the two Moseses, of whom Andrew is the latest specimen ; The true Moses was the meekest of men; our Moses is the most mulish. The true Moses was a man of prayer; our Moses is a man of 'Oaths. The true Moses was slow of speech, and had his brother for a mouth-piece ; our Moses unfortunately speaks for himaelf. Tlie -'le Mq§es was a great law-giver; our )ses lb a notorious laW-breaker. The !e Moses forsook Eqpt, not fearing wrath of its king , our Moses has ie down to Egypt for h6lp. The (e Moses turned his back onthe foe of country ,• our Moses has turned his k on his friends and the friends of country. The true MOses •' en dured'? be end ; our Moses has,betrayed and tridoned the cause to which he swore :glance. Tho true Moses led an op _Jssed people out of bondage; our Mo ies\vornised to do it, but left them to the( \ foes., The true Moses labored to save b e people from the bite of fiery serpen s; our Mos . es has sought to have all the ople bitten by them—Fe, .Cop perbea s. When the true Moses died, the elaildr 'n of Israel wept for him 30 days; when our Moses shall leave the White Rouge for Tennessee, all the peo ple will say\ e 7en. Tho man who reeled into °ill e ought to be ruled out. THE "Derrxoc sate in the Ohio \Leg islature have introuced a bill to dis franchise students at acadethies and colleges. They consider educittion de . trimental to the interests of the "De mocracy," and are determined to pre vent "book larnin" from interfering with their party majorkties. If they could interdict thepublication pf news papers'and shut up the schpol houses they would soon be able to Inimi over ' Ohio to the complete control' of the 1 " DemOcracy." DEMOCRATIC LOYALTY.—TheG ens burg (Ind.) Herald, in 'comment - Im, on the bill to put reconstruction in be hands of Gen. Grant, says :- - When that time does conic (when passes the Senate,) the sooner the earth is rid of him the better ; there will be a job_for another Booth. By' the ' hair of St. Michael, we would rather see him in hell than King over a single inch of Anterican and it is our opinion, if His Equestrian Mightiness were to ac cept under the reconstruction /law he would be seeking a home in the above hot region before he would ever reach the capital of his new kingdom. 7t, • By the explosion of the steamer Mag nolia, near Cincinnati on the Ith, over one hundred persons almost instantly Perished.. It is Said that of ono hun dred and sixty persons on board, pass engers and crew, only fifty-four lives are known to have, been saved. No plausible explanation of the cause of this terrible "disaster had yet, appeared, but we trust there may be a strict in vestigation made, and that 'any living parties who may prove to !jp responsi ble for such wholesale slan t ,hter will be held to the closest accountability. Donn Platt, in a letter to the V Y. Tribune, says of the'Deznocratic party— "lt is the organized ignorance and blind prejudice of the land, and is there fore immortal. At the great day, when the Almighty calls the people to judg ment, the Democratic party will come up shouting for a "white man's Gov ernment," mid a'•owing its solemn de termination to " vote the ticket, the whole ticket, and nothing but the tick et" An old lady, 77 years of, age, the mother of the wife of Jaws DorrAmun, who resides near the Catholic I Church., on' Market 'street, Elmira, was found dead in her bed Wednesda. , night. The, claims acknowledged by S. R. VAN'CASIPEN, late of Elmira, in bank ruptcy, foot up between four and five hundred thousand dollars. gold has declined to $1,371. ZitligitAttr. 17i7E.,L880R0, PENN'A WEI)IsIESDAY, APRIL 8, 18G8 Republican State Nominations. Aumr4) . R GNE . ELAL: GEN. JOHN ' F . 2S. ItTRANF` I= St) VEYRA: (7ENLIZAL. COL. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, Bare obliged to Gen. linrtranft for a copy of the Auditor General's Report. on Railroads for 1867. We valuable a sum mary of some of its,more fita.: tistieg elsewhere. VICTORY !—Rhode Island held its election for State ()Meer; on the Ist inst., and the result vas the election of the entire Republican ticket by nearly 6300 majority'. Gen Burnside was re elect Governor. The Legislattrie will stand, Republicans 111, Democrats 13. Of course there was no doubt about the 'Republicanism of Rhode bland, but the enemy made'a desperate effort to reduce our majority, and failed.- 7 , The "great reaction " has caught, a cold. Shall we hear from Rangtown, and tremendous Democratic gAins? This is a gain of 200 , 3 on last year's Majority in Rhode Island. We hope Connectieut did as well 'on Monday. The result of the trial of .`Andrew Johnson cannot br considered doubtful. It was at one time rumored that seven or eight Reinblienti; ? : would join with the democrats in the Senate in the final vote, but, later developments render it certain Oat not more than one or two occupy doubtful positions. The trial cannot last more than two weeks ksn ger, if ro lot h , ncrnrtlin r to present ap pearances. The smoke of the battle having clear ed away'we are able to state that the usurpations of the l'hiladelphia Con vention are denoniced and disavowed by nearly cyery Republic-au paper in the State. It remains to hie seen wheth er any paper but the ,SY(de Gourd will continue to insult the freemen of the party by insisting that State Conven tions can annul popular elections in the (!ongres-ional districts. If this at, tempt to forge public opinion succeeds, I it will be the irst success or that kind on record in t is courtly. The folly and puerility of the attempt to reverse thp decisions of several con stituerlies by resolution in a State Con vention, is apparent, when it is known that it was done to compliment po v. Curtin in the first place, and to pa ex tra powers into the hands of a few pol iticians who will attend the Chicagy Convention. That Mr. Curtin will re ceive the nomination no man, of even ordinal* perspicacity, believes. Han nibal • llamlin, Schuyler Colfax, or Benjamin Wade will stand first in the list to be selected from, and will possess the very decided advantage over. Mr. Curtin of not being clamorers for place. As an act of atoming justice we are in favor of Mr. Hamlin—a modest, unas suming, "troNEsT man. But Mr. Wade ,is be the nominee." is a man who never belonged to a Mutual Admiration Society in•all his life. Is true, firm, upright, anti HONEST. He is likewise a Sober man. Ile is up to no tricks, is not' a politician, and is of stainless wute. wequeii- The Free Railroad Bill, which Mr.l Speaker Davis, ou the occasion of its passage in the House, declared \ he was' elected to carry through, has Keen ve •toed by Gov. - Geary. His -objections are as-follows: 1. That the'Constitutjon declares that no bill embracing more subjects than are clearly expressed in its title shall be passed, et the bill increases the priv ileges of coFri - orations already in exis tence,- without mention ,in the title. 2. That the bill authorizes the rail road companies to increase their capital stock without limit, thus conferring powers which are inimical tta a Repot,- iea 11 government. he Governor is entitled to the thanks Of the people of Pennsylvania for this prompt arrest of a great outrnae upon plar right. We have not believed, fort moment, that a legislature - organ.- ized under the control of the Pennsyl vania Central Monopoly, would give the people a fain• Free Railroad law.— " Wait and see—said some of our friends. Well, we hast waited ; and we see that the bill proposed to give lthe control of railroads into the hands of the Black Beast of the Common wealth. It was never intended to ben eft the people, but existing corporations only. The Pennsylvania Central, by •ncreasing its capital could control the State as effectively as it does it now, and without the cost of buying up the cort4ipt men who somehow will get in to leglative bodies. The insincerity of the IlkithorB of the vetoed bill is seen in the st pression of the substantial ob ject of the ill in its title. Had the title declared it be a bill to increase the privileges of xisting railroad compan ies, a ma.jority would tilt have dared to vote for it. The people ougl t to be proud of Gov. Geary, without distiction of party. A thbroughly 'honest man in the IS tate Department refreshes Us like a shower aftir a_bot and dusty da -. Thank you Gov. Geary-. The Chambersburg I?epo*ory, one of whose editors was prominent in the late usurpation of the State Convention, \ says that a factious minority \insists that " Pennsylvania shall siniplY \ give doubtful compliments to her public men for national offices." On the el:in trary, what the Repository calls " \ a factious minority," insists that the dis- \ trict elections of 'delegates shr(fl not tie annulled in State Convention, foy the purpose of complimpnting any man --ak Chicago. The "editors of that paper know that Gov. Curtin cannot be nom inated at Chicago. As one of that "fac -I,tious minority," we protest against the I proposed trade of "a united delegation" for places of honor and pr fit under Grant's Administration. ly t ) lepeat, that Curtin stands no more Gliwice of it nomination at Chicago than—do we ; and Benjamin F*Vade is likely to - be, the man on the first ballet, = - C.l/}1:11M COY.iTY TRIAL OF AND"? It.W .10111\130N The I l'1:11 +.: tltiy 1111). I I (by poPit lob ) ei I f•t• Wrig' FC sumed at .I(tiiitsis . 2:_'ll At (lint 1 - n•iii ;Le :he Sen ate vitcat( , l the taken by Chief ~::.lit er of an hour later the eontiFel fol the Presi dent entered ti, l'han.hil, the Man'agen- , oil the Hie I. the 'louse. - 4 11 he SergeatiFtit. At tttr. t ht•tt toady proc- Initiation tifence. A few minutes later the Ilioorkeener announc ed the all the • ..Nit.2ti„t.kl• of the 1 I - lon. eat the of the House ck,o.iitt. need - I open ing. at.n. icw I•eioie,•io: o'cloqs, and cohtihind witi.ont toter; uptiun un til al uttt, lldol' a 1/10- tion of ;-.:enator theSetiate took avvvi. ; :, for len end of that time the Pettate reassenilded, and Mr. Paler pita ecticd with Gls opening speei!h, closing at a little before fotir o'clock . The speech, which was very nitic was listeded to throughout with profound attetitioto i,l r. Bin-glum - 1, of 10 - managers then announced lint the Howe was ready to Proeeeit with the testimony to make good the A itieles of linpraehnient exhiLiteir again 4 the President of the United - States, and that .I\tr. Wilson NVOIIICI rrescr.t the testimony. . Mr. NVilson (hen the oath of office of the Prerident, \vith the certifi cate or Chief Justice Chase at hitched thereto. Ile then tifi'eleit in their prop er order, the nomination of Secretary Statiton to the post or Scerettiry of War ley Ahraliant Lincoln; the confirmation therco or A n Bby the Negate; and the Message rew Johnson to the Senate in i ber 18g7. assiging his reasons for ( ding thy Secretary of War- Senate Men adjourned its session iirt, of Inineatilinient until Tues -124 o'clock. Docen k;(“.. , 1)01 EIMI as a (. (lay at We ' enitot, of course, present the ar gumeUt of i Mr. lluticr. It. occupied about three lours in its delivery, and printqd WO( Id cover Once full pages of The 41gita( )i* set. i'frsolid minion type. 1 w e lilt p r e F , e nt some points •of the speee i : That the crime of the Presi dent lis nialversalion in Office, and elearliy au c impeachable otiCtise. That the trial is rather an itiqueqt of office than a judicial in vistiga t ion; , and that the Srunte sits as a Senate and not as a Court of law. And that the President is estopped from pleading the uncon stitutionality of the Tenure-of-Office law,. by lijs c l unstnnt 'recognition of its binding fOreC up to the day•on which he 111 grantlyl violated its provisions, for i i Mlle i violation he stands impeached. TI - proceedengs of Tuesday were high y interesting. Mr. James E. Cree- rpointifient 'Clerk of the Treasury Wien t was called, and testified triter the passage of the Tenure-of law, the , fOrms l of the commis sions issued to appointees were altered so at , , to correspOul sk ith the provisions of tli Jew, and that the President sign ed these wommissions, thus acting on the * . ‘v as i ' Vidid. Upon his cross-ex amii atoll Mr. Creecy' testified that the form • Were altered a few days after the passage of the TenUre,-(;f. Office. Hon. Burt Van Horn, M. C., was called and testified as to the demand made upon Se , eraary Stanton kvleliver up the War Oftice s papers aiitP ( cUstorly by Gen. Thomas, The substance of this testi monial has been published. Ile was cor roborated by Messers. Moorhead, Bur leigl, and others. On the examination of Mr. Burieigh he was asked to relate the substance of a conversation be tweeln Adjt. Gen. Thomas and himself 1 on the evening of the day when• e attempt to elect Secretary Stantoi was made. To this the counsel for the 1.4%- ident objected and the Chief-Justice •I ... sustained the objection. Upon is a question as to the competency of the Chief -Justice to decide upon the ad missibility of evidence artise, and was ably and teniperately . debated by Mess s. \Butler, Bingham, and Bout well, of the House Managers,-and Mr. Evarts, for the President. A motion to retire for consultation was tied by a vote 2.5 to 25, when the Chief-Justice voter"yea," and daeltired the motion It deeityd affirmatively. : The Senate re- cY, Dept that OfTic at three oielnek, and after a ses of three - hours, returned to the Senate Chamber, and through the Chief Justice reported a rule leaving it option al wiith the presiding officer to rule all ti dues ions of evidence, or to submit them first to the Senate for its decision. The Mouse Managers then asked leave to retire, and the Senate, sitting as a Court, adjourned to Wednesday at 12i o'cloik. Th . Senate reassembled as a Court on I • ' Wednesday. Mr. Sumner offered a rA ) - olutf4n adverse to the suffrage of the Chief Justice, but it was lost by a vote of 21 to 27. The question of admitting the testimony of Mr. Birrleigb was then considered. His testimony related toa conversation had with Gen. Thomas the night of 21st February. The de- fense 6bjected to the testimony as irrel evant'', and a debate lasting three hours preceded a final vote, on which the testimony was admitted by 39 yeas to 11 nays. Mr. Burleigh testified that Gen. Thomas told him that he intend ed to use force to get possession of the War Office, if necessary, that he 'was required to take possession by the Presi dent., and would break down the doors if Mn. Stanton bolted them against rim. ' Mr. Samuel Wilkeson testified fbat he had a conversation with Gen. Thomas the day following his attempt to take possession%f the War Depart ment, and was told by Thomas that he (Thomas) was only carrying , out the President's orders. That he was actin in obedience to the orders of his supe rior. Mr. Wilkeson Sniffier testified that Thomas told him on the night of the 21st of February that if Mr., Stan ton did not give up the possession of the • Office he would apply to Gen. Grtft for an armed- force to assist in disposessing Stanton. A Mr. Kars ner, from Delaware, testified that Thom as told him on the night of the 24th of February' hat, he Shaul(' do his-- duty and kick Mr. Stanton out. No other witnesses were examined on Wednes- MEM . , object of, this testimony is to show that there w,as a conspiracy en tered into between Johnson and Thom as; that Thomas considers the Presi dent's order as requiring resort to force, if , necesary, to dispossess, Xl l — and that Thomas's acts as at agent were binding upon Mr. Johnson as principal. ' On Thursday the trial proceeded at the usual hour,'several Witnesses were called; 'and testified to the interview of Thomas and Stanton at the War Office on the 22d of February, in Which the former made a demand for the surren der of the custody of the 01Itee. en. Emory, in Command of the De art ment of Washington, testified th be it had a conversation with the P , ident soon after taking command, in which he suggested an increase of force in the Department. In th at conversation mention was made of the organization of tiforce in Maryland,.and Gen.. E mory told the President that he saw .no use for such a force, and did not like it. He objected to it because the men were `uniformed in Confederate gray, and ! officered by officer who had served in the Confederate\artny. ,, Ile receiveit a summons to attend upon the PreOent on the 22d of February. He oheyed.— The President asked for an informal re port as to the number of troops in the District. It was during this interview that the President denoutikeed the law requiring all..orders intended for the government of the army to emanate from the General of the army, as un constitutional and invalid. Gen. Em ory replied that the Cothmanders had not regarded the law as unconstitution al, and that the army was a unit upon that point ; also that several eminent lawyers had been consulted who declar ed that the Commanders were bound to obey the law whether constitutional or not. Two of these eminent lawyers were Robert J. Walker and 'Reverdy Johnson. \ [The section of the law re ferred to. provides that the headquarters of the General of the army of the Unit ed States shall be in Washington ; and all orders relating to Military opera tions issued by the Preident or Secre tary of 'War, shall be issued through the General of the army.' It further provides that the General of the army, shall not be relieved, suspended, or re moved from his command except at his own request, with the previotis approv al of the Senate ; any officer violating this law or any of its provisions, to: be punished by not less than two and not more than twenty years imprisonment, upon conviction.] Mr. Stan bery, tor the President, cross examined Gen. Emory, but only' elici ted the fart that the army regarded the order issued under the law given in substance above, as binding until re voked, and that the officers, _ being ex. 7 ecutive agents, could not question the validity of any law, their duty being to obey. The President's letter to Gen. Grant was then offered and read in ev idence. It.was offered to prove further that the President intended to prevent the reinstatement of Secretary Stanton in defiance of the Senate. The Presi dent's counsel demanded, theP reading of the entire correspondence between Gen. Grant, the President, and Members of the Cabinet. The House Managersi ob jected and the Chief Justice sustained the objection, and on submitting the question to the Senate, it was sustained by a vote of 20 to 29. The order remov ing Mr. Stanton was then read, and a paper endorsed by Gen. Thomas as Sec retary of War ad interim—showing,that the latter had attempted to act as Secre tary of War. Lieut. Cul. Wallace was then called. He testified that he was summoned to the Executive Mansion on the 22d of February, and that when there he was questioned by the Presi dent about the disposition of the troops in the 4 bistridt. This was in evidence of an intention of the President to use the army to attain his ends. Wm. E. Chandlepformerly Assistant Secretary of the Treasury was called to explain the routine of getting money frbrn the Treasury' for the use of the War De partment. It is alleged in the Bth ar ticle of 'lmpeachment that the Presi dent has attempted to get possession of and to Use the moneys of the War De pa trnent unlawfully. He had appoint ed its private Secretary Assistant Seb re , ry, when there was no vacancy.. This was in violation of the Tenure-of-Of fice law. The theory of the House Managers is, that the appointment was made preliminary to making requisi tion upon the Treasury for the use of the War Department, through Adjt. Gen. Thomas ( The counsel for the President obj#etecl to the evidence, and the matter was discussed at length by both parties. Gen. Butler proposed to show that Cooper, private Secretary to the. President, was illegally appointed assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and had been controlling the public moneys since. The • question of admitting the . evidence was submitted to the Senate, and was decided adversely to its admis sion. The telegraph operator in charge at the War Department was called and produced copies of despatches passing between Hon. Lewis Parsons, of Ala bama, and the President. This corres pondence took place in Jan. 1867, and relates to the action Of., the Alabama Legislature upon the Constitutional amendment. The President telegraph; ed Mr. Parsons in such terms as to dis courage the Alabamians from hoping for aid from the Congressional plan of Reconstruction, . and intimating that the South should stand firm In Its then attitude. The defense objected to the introduction of these deSPatches as irrel evant. The question.of 4: 'ndmitting the esp i es was submitted to the Senate, hich by - a vote of 27 to 'I7 admitted hem in evidence. Tile 'Senate then . djourned to Friday n00n... THE LEC.4ISLATURE.—Mr. Strang read in place a bill to provide for the elec tion of a High Constable in the Bon ough of Mansfield. The bill for the relief of the Tioga County Dank has passed both Houses and goes to the Governor. It was am ended 'in the House. The bill, to authorize the' Auditor General to open and restate the accounts of Tioga, Potter, Bradford, and Sulli van counties had passed the House. A GRAND CHARITY.—Near the city of Philadelphia there is a,hospital ofreeent °stab lishment; having been in operation scarcely one year. It is under the charge of Dr, Joseph Parrish, and is for the curd of inebriates and opiii . m.eaters. Twenty-six patients have been entered at this hospital all of whom have been successfully treated, and cured, or nearly cured, by;the Doctor ' s method of treatment. lie sepa rates his patients from their old associations and treats them as if entitled to sympathy and con sideration. The next step is to give them confi dence in the moans of cure. The result is al ways good, and generally, complete restoration. NEW ARRIVAL! KM. E. E. lUMBALL, HAvniti removed her shop to the rooms ovir,J. R. Boeven's Store„fikctow receiving MILLINERY GOODS fresh from Now 'York for tho Sprint trade, Which she will sell cLeap. Call and 'examine style' and prices. Alain Strata, We%bora, Pa April 8, 1868. - - - - * lON MILLINERf: TRUMAN, having purebased the obop lately owned by Mrs. Goldsmith, op posite Roy's Block, Main Street, Wellaboro, ati nottnees to the public that she is nu'w receiving latest Spring styles of . LIMES' 'BATS, RIBBONS, LACES, MISSES HATS, &C., ;&C, which she will dispose of at rcabonablo prioeo.— She will po carry on DRESSMAKING " in all its branches. Tho ladles of Wollsboro and vicinity aro invited to call and (moraine her stock. Wollsboro, April, 8, 1868-tf T N TAR DISTRICT COURT OF THE . CET- I. led States, for the Western District , of Penn sylvania. WILLIAM B. BAKE% a bankrupt under t tbe net of Congress of March 2, 18(17, having appPed for a discharge from all his debts, and other l claims provable under saieact, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given to all creditors .wbo have proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the 22d day of April, 1808, at four o,oloek, P. M., before F. E. Smith, Esq., Register, at his office in Tioga, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a. discharge should not ho granted to the said bankrupt. And further.notice Is here by given that the second and third meetings of creditors of tbo said bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th sections of said not, will be had before said Register, at the same time and place. S. C. M'CANDLESS, Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District. apa 8-2 t N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI I ted States for 0/4 Weafcril Maria of Penosyl Wu. B. MIDAUGII, a bankrupt under the aat of Congress of March 2, 1867, baring applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given to all creditors who have proted their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the 22d day of April, 1868, at four o'clock, •P. M., before F: E. Smith, Esq., Regis ter, at his office in Tioga, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And further, no tice is hereby given, that the second and third meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, re quired by the 27th and 28th sections of said act, will bo had before said Register, at the same time and place. S. C. M'CANDLESS, Clerk of 11. S. District Court for said District. April 8,1868-2 t. Cabinet Shop ROWLAND would announce to the WU 0. tens, of Clymer and surrounding country that ho has opened a Cabinet Shop at Sabina vine, where ho will keep a good assortment of CABINET - WARE, as will be found in any country shop, Ho will also keep a Rears° 'and ready-made coffins en hand. S. ROWLAND. Clymer, April 8, 1868-Sw. ° In Bankruptcy. N the District Court of U. S. Western Diet of I Penns,' in the matter of SILAS ALLIS, Bankrupt. To whom it may Concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Silas Allis, of Rich mond, Tioga county, Pa., within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt'upon hie own petition by the . Distriet Court of said District. JOHN W. GUERNSEY, Tioga, April, 8. 1888-3 t. Assignee. Administrator's Notice. T ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having _Li been grunted to the undersigned on lie es tate of William French, jr., late of Middlebury, deo'd, all persons owing or having claims against said estate, aro required to call and settle with ANNETTE , FRENOII. Middlebury, April 8, 1868.-6w* Adintx. EFccutors' Notice. TT j ETTERS Testamentary having been grant ed to the, undersigned upon the last will and testament of Jacob 'Kissinger, late of Liberty, deceased, all korsons owing said estate, and all having demands against the same, are required to settle with JOSEPH MORRIS,I . p er , JOHN SHEFFER.' I Liberty, April 8,1868-Bw, NOTICE. PROPOSALS will be received by the trustees of the M. E. Church of Wellsboro, for the building of their new Brick Church edifice—silo imcluding lecture room, about 120 s5O until April 20th bast., or for the doing of the mason and joiner work separately. Tho 'plans and specifications may bo seen by calling on the TRUSTEES, at Wollsboro. April 8, 1868-Sw QUARTERLY. REPORT, F i FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Welleboro, Pa. O ehowing its condition on the morning of the fire Monday of April, 1888: spurtess. U. 8. Bonds deposited assure circulation, $lOO,OOO 00 U. 8. Bonds on hand.., 60,300 00 • Notes & Bills dismal) .d 111,647 87 Duo from National Banks 15,010 65 United 8 tates Taxes 2,088 58 Rosenuo Stamps , • ,735 00 F. xpense (Notes of this Bank Cash on hand, Cash Items_ ....... ... Legal Tenders LIABILITIES Capil i Stock Citcul tang Notes, ' Surpl e Fund Due Depoeltors, ' Discount, Interest and Exchange, Due Banks & Bankers "$300,658 30 J. L. ROBINSON, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me this 6th day of Apr. 1868, R. O. SIMPSON, Notary Public. TIOGA BOROUGH STATEMENT FREDERICK E. SMITH, Troosuror of said Borough - • !To cash received on loan WO 00 To mob from all other amirces to Feb. 1801 / 13 75 1861, Feb.—To bal brought down do Reed from taxes, &e. To balance carried down, 1882, Feb.—Aral recd from taxes &c. 388 47 388 47 1803, Feb.—No bat brought down 110 14 To amt. rec'd from taxes to Feb. 'OO, 1113 10 1223 84 1800, Feb.—To bat brought down • 120 42 To amt. reed from taxes, .&c 844 22 - , To bal carried dawn 320 967 84 1807-68,--i ; TAtirtt.rec'd from taxes &o. 799 60 0799 60 42 32 1.868. Fob.—To bal. brought down By payments on proper vouchers 155 19 Bal. carried down 8 66 163 75 By payments 011 proper retiehers 458 70 458 70 1852, }b —By bal. brought down 1 10 By payments on proper vouchers 275 23 Bal. carried 'down 110 14 386 47 1863-66.—Itv payle on proper vou're,llo3 92 lly bal. carried down 120 42 1223 84 1866-67.—8 y pay'te on proper voters, 067 84 0137 84 1367.—8 y bal. brought down 3 20 By payments on proper vouchers 764 08 Balance carried do#n 42 92 F. E. SMITH; in acct. with Tioga Borough Bounty Tax:, DIV To cash eccelvadi to Feb. 1866, To bal. brought down To anat. rec'd to Feb. 1808 To baL brought down. By payments on proper vouchers 2080 60 Balance carried down 194 93 -- Z2Bl 63 By payments on propor vouchers 613 05 Balance carried down 101 02 714 07 Tho underaigned, Auditor of Tioga Borough, hOreby eortillas that ho has carefully , examined the accounts of F. E. Smith, Treasurer, and compared them with tho Touchers in his hands, and find his accounts to stand aa above stated, the balances being made as of tho close of the year, towit. January 28,1888. DAVID CAMERON. Tioga, April 8,1868-31 Auditor Tioga Boro. New Spring =I E have )eceived a very SPRING GO on the meat favorable ternu , , very small advance fret u cot. liothing in onying Ilat Mlgiil=o3 and tho EST QUALITY of kept in tto place. Have n atut soo what you are byytng, and pi tuulity oonniderod, an at cr, , r( Vu continue to make eau• CLOTH ;'F one ur uur 74w:1:Wile:a, u MAKE TEEM 'I un eliort notice and in the have added to our clock a g BRUSSELS, THREE - P 1 COTTON WARP, H STAIR CARP FLOOR OIL MATTINO, an ' il ca GREAT V. S. TEA and soil TEA nt New York pri pound. All visiting Corning, and examine stock and prices.] SMITII Corning, April 8, 1868. $5O FIFTY DOL LARS will bo aon in Tioka County, w a better Plow than the 1 KIRBY STEEL BICICFORD .c ROFFMAN GRAIN DISTR I AORICULTURAL At the Agricultural Dop I Will say to the Farmers on 1 am the solo agent for this co most improve And they will find it to their i my assortment before purahae A large assortment of i HEAVY. AND ,HELP WOODEN. WILLOW, PANNED WA 395 50 936 00 1,464 86 18,634 00 $300,068 30 $lOO,OOO 00 ... 90,000 00 ....81,010 92 73,906 23 .. 4,650 31 .... 1.190 60 I ,Tioia, April 8, '6,1 GOVERN. PROPERTY AT pfti - AN IMMENSE AMOUNT BOUGJT AT GONE,BAM Consisting Ale* 10,000 Bets New .and Se Harness, Bridles 'and C Saddles, - 183 75 850 449 04 110 458 70 An styles, 2,000 WAGON COVERS, all si 5000 WOOL AND RUBBER BLA' COVERS, MILITARY CLOT] COA.TEL FROCK COATS, PANTS, SHIRTS, DRAV Also a large lot of Itelns, Lead L lance and Cart Harness. Doable Tr able Folgoe, A 6., &c. Wheel Ton worn all oak tanned leather, eery( oiled, $5 per horse including Dalt balance or Stage H arness with sup perfectly autfed for farm or general sets complete $25 to 30, Bridles $1 lined Artillery case, do $2,60 and $ to 2,26, Halters $5 to $l2 per doze Clellan Saddles, $lO do, with plat Brass mounted:Saddles, good as n $ll, Boys Saddles $O, Wagon Cove 12 oz., Cotton Duck $0 to $l2, 10 now and good as now, 12 oz, Duck, $6O, with poles and pins complete $2O. Wedge do $5 to $B, Shelter Te $3O to $5l) por 100. Grain Flags, 12 oz. Duck, 2 to 3 Di dozen, also full assortment of Seam : Small order by Express, C. 0. D. LIBERAL DEDUCTIONS TO WI Ell& PITK (Formerly on Front St • 71 NORTH SECOND Sr., JOST Bi PRILAV • Also, 5 PARR PLACE, N. I Descriptive price list sent o April 8,1868-3 m 99 60 -.M51 63 •------ 2281 63 194 93 620 04 ---- 714 97 101 92 Auditor's No TliWundersigned having b , auditor to distribute the in the band 4 of Robert Casino the estatfkof.Erastus Butts, In deo'd, hereby gives notice aut • the duties of said appointmen. Welleboro, Pa., on Friday the 1868, at 2 o'clock, p. in., when eons are required to present t forever debarred from coming said fund. JNO. 1. Wellsboro, April 8,1883-4 w Goods IN CORNI El ROE STOCK of lips d will be iota at IPo• Shin!: wo e keep Ike MEN T Guui chat am light onbugh lo etigu ourbeives to ,OW, i SELL AS LitrubliAttient A'DE d when desirt.d be,t inntimer. Vo d agrortmout of TS, CAIIPE conoiatiug INGRAIN, MP, AND TS I 110 W VERY We are the agents• fel lpaid to any per. o will produeec Or a bettor Orain Dri CONTINUOUS 1 ,11111 TOR! All of tho ioga County, that nty, for all ore FARMING T HARDWARE AND JAP• • E, LIE Constantly on b J. 80111 nes, Buggy Ambn.. n Lead Bars, Port, 1 Harness, little ;eabl e, cleaned and Lead, do s4' Ani- Hoc leather Traces, team work. double to $3, extra hair Double Rein $1,75 „ New Officers, Mc. I Bit Bridle $lll, w $O, with Oridlo , superlor.lo and 0 hospital Tents, 4 feet mime $2.5 to [Wall Tents $lO to is for Hay Caps 1 N & CO, I now) (ce. - on appointed an . ulaneo of money ', administrator of e of Farm iugton, ho will attend to at his ()taco in first day of May, livid where all per. it cla ims,share or be foraof line ~.i LL, t ": udltor. FOR SALE. line lot of genuine ellot.ter wbtiu 1•y;>. cro..e*ftY tloydriub, Durriaun mot Coio.:! PO-, totoi)4. Also uno pair of ;11ttles,Acr wilt ay rho ago tbo-itatno for COIVB or other 4Jotilo. I Ittcl figliftt. hit' IV. D. llutalit,'A .:cletprateri Utica Wiigotik^-=wiltB43Un Iwvu i/ .0 otAdi , .I,i eri frtan the umuditetuter whip', h., ,0 .1 t0..y,,i,- ablo. t,-. BfiIiNPAY. Sittlacbary Cantor, April i, IS6B-31. FOR SALE UFIEAI'. elegant hew open lioggy. I reeol.d hum' open Lug g) . 1 Seel. Ild 11:11111 reap tos Lfgc 1 sulker. 1 two hut eu sr ago o. Wlt It; lIT k lAA I 1. 00 It It ELS w lltr u s. 5.1 . 1,3 1 ; A t L y 2ori lOU loishelß ll Clove' :(Hod, rhuicet~kit •I- IVRIMIT k I:111.4;Y. I 0 Tom. P. April I, 'Num lErcutts ,•1 in ; ; 1,, en ;: ranted iipi.i• OR) eM:itt, Sarah ti. Ntat-, 1.0.• tar Pormittirto., (1.:c 4 .1 all pertquit , -:tivitig. ,111.1 estate or plaiths - agaii,l Ih, , anti, „tittle with .101 IN I . Ml Wellt.hurt., April I. liliti-tlwt? Ad to'r. LE -nuns of tolministrar haviii . i.! burn gritilft•il In thb subscriber upon the efrAntoii of Stephen R. !babes. Into doe'j, alt per. kion.4 owing f;lia Urilite. or harito: claims oral the seine, will nettle with JOSHUA 'I ACRSON. Well:41mo, April 1, 1868-tiw" Q ACKINO for hops, Lost quality 25 ets poryord at Ji LA N 0 c 00'8. 0ct.12. MEROIIANTILE APPRA IS uga County Ga. Ow A I) ISIS C 110.4. Tax M A.Beruw• 13 $lO .1 S Mitchell 14 7 .1 C Everiv 12 121 3 1' Meuell 14 7 James Trehey 14 7 L B Smith 14 '7 J L Belden 13 10 Jacob Miller 12 12} M L Bacon 14 7 M Tech 14 7 T W Thymus 14 7 S B Caldwell 14 7 A J Shields 14 7 T 14 7 C .1 Caple, hillier& 40 P Barnett 14 7' ORDER W &Stanbegh 14 7 llirm Simmons I A J Simmons 14 7 B A Seeley, W 0 Bristol 14 7 10oodell t Tier Stebbins & Bru 14 7 Cif AVIAN.' A 3 Smith 14 7 ;John Short 13 W Love tk. Co 11 71W C Stubbs Lp Ba COVINGTON Bono. S S Packard 14 7 1 5 r Barber J C Bennett 14 7IP L Clerk 0 S Knox 14 7 Dyer Fe 11 them CIIARLE9TON. L E Rockwell 14 7 1 1 3-00 P Card II Morgan 14 7 !Albert. Tipplo D Ii" Stone 14 7 1 ow. Denumeire M V Purple 14 71J Pane ---' C R Howlan3 14 7 IA Leo ME DELlan. M Colo &Co 13 10 Win Colo Job Wilcox 13 10 1 OMPANY, BLKLAND Bono. A J 14 7 1.1 !kneed Parkhurst 24 Co 12 1210E11 Buckbco PAta„Bnoon Bono. les by tho single t•f!, invited to col! 1,1 Fall B c 7 i co 7 40 & WAITE Ilirnm Merrit 14 7:A J Doane GAINES. • S X Billings 14 7ID R Marsh RD: C Lefler - _ 14 I D D Lane 14 7 A Douglass 11 7 M K Belau 14 7 Nrico:Ni J Goodspeed 14 7 J Dearman 14 7 NV Knox 14 7 M Marian 14 7 Giles Rldierts 14 7 LiivnIENCEI Adams it:Brown 14 7 It Thornton 14 7 C S Mather Br, Co 11 1.5 _ C P Leonard 14 7 PLOW than the L A Comstock 14 7 S Card - 14 7 B Soelomonn 14 7 Sebring do Millorl2 12 Woolhnf • 14 7 Narber tt Moor 12 121 1.101111.1 R. Job Doane 14 Y 'Blackwell &co 14 Goo Bestik < s. 14 7.1 • MAINSIIIIRI3 BORO. 'LEMENTS ii. i toga B Parkhurst 14 7 Doud 4; Boyco 14 7 DIANEVI Alurtlaugh ttv P 12 1211 E W Phelps 14 7 E W Pbolini,billiards 30 W Adams 14 7 Mart King 13 10 0 V Elliott 14 7 OLS; crest to examine g a kawhora. 3IIDP,L Dr White I 14 7 V 13 Holiday B 5 Benj Doane 14' 7 .1 A Westbrook 8 5 hi C Potter /4.. 7 11 A llosvon I 14 7 iLugg A: Whited 14 A Losey ' -14 7 iParkes A; 13ro 14 Martin Ic , If.'ney 14 7IP Crandall dCa 14 R Hammond 14 7 S Crandall &Ca 14 II Sealay 14 7 7 f FI C Somorth ,14 N Strait 14 7 PFELIN, Jr ENT ItUTLANT). Watkins 4 Co 13 10 iG M Vedde n ri 14 Elt Backer 13 In I THEMI se CO. 3 L Pitts (1D Liob 13 10 F' PROPERTY NT SALES. I 7100 A B Wickham do F 11 15 T Urell 14 7 B B 13ordon 14 7 P S Tuttle 13 10 Fish k Cady 13 10 P Tuner. • 14 7 .1 FM 13 10 ti B Fish dr, Son 14 7 T L Baldwin 11 15 and Hand liars, 3,000 ee, new Jr, worn. & lIORSE ING, GREAT _ \ TIO JII Mitchell 14' 7 IBLOUSES, iERS, &c. MIME Edgeomb 6•. 11 14 J Bartle' &Co 14 7 A & N P Clo'se 14 7 J &S 0 Muek 14 7 S Willcox 14 7 R Kruson 12 12+ N Gardner • 14 7 S F Scofiel;X 14 7 NVELLSB Gen Hastings 14 7 Webb &11 ast'gs 14 7 C Vanyak'bg 13 10 N , Asher 14 7 C 13 10 Thee Harding 12 12+ R Kimball 13 10 Sears & Derby 14 7 Wm Roberts 14 7 Hugh Young 14 7 Wright & Batly 11 15 D P Roberts 14 7 Delano &Co 13 10 J A Roy •14 7 C Sheffer (Br) 10 5 M B Prince 14 7 Totice Is hereby given that an appeal will be hold at the Commissioners' Office in Wellsboro, on the twenty-sixth day of May. A. 1). 1808, be tween the hours of 10 A. M. and 4 .P. M., at which time and, place all persons aggrieved by the foregoing appraisement will be beard, and such abatements tuadosas are deemed proper and just, and all persons failing to appear nt said time and place will bo barted from making any de. fence before me. 11. W. SKINNER, Mercantile Appraiser. Wellabaro, April 1,'68-4w. Westfield, Pa. `Rho] $l3 to $lO per less Dugs. OLESALE DEAL- LOW ARCH ST., LPHIA, PA. application itch .Fleur. %VI( (0 r & nA ILEN Egninistrator's .Notice Ininistrator's Notice BLOHd. Chins. Tax 11 t' 11nld.n I 14 7 Sll Th..initi 7 J A 7 Aliuki,g, LS- It 11.6,0 7 411 Me.Vvy ' 14 7 P Citetle 14 - .7 M Kelley 14 7 Plum:Jae? 14 • 7 James Mot- trt 14 7 .1 elm WilljA/ 11 James Kcifley . 13 10 :Morrisßu;: ing RR Co 7 40 3 Vanotder, rect'fier 25 Bailey ,1: Co 14 7 BROOKFIELD CLYMER I= JACKSON J J Wilcox 14 7 Palmer Bryan 14 7 01iver Hamilton 14 . LC B0(20. L B ltoyenolds 14 7 Wood AI Christie 14 7 L Cosa i • 14 7 A Dcarinnn • 14 7 'Knox, Witliords 30 Joseph l'hippen 14 7 J lioiton 14 7 C l'arkhtirst ' 14 7 TY. Werlino k t 12 1 M. Newman 14 G K Sholtdi. Cox &Wiseman 12 IN Elder 'lrwin Bro & V 14 EED3 Cudworth & CI 14 U D Maine 34 t.n Bono. J D Webster 11 7 D C Bolden 13 10 R N Holden 14 7 C \V Brown 14 7 J W Willholm IX 10 C 4 B Riff S Bre 14 7 MI Silas Staples 19 1. 7 R Rooney 14 7 Visher k Rat4ll4 7 J T Purvis 14 Chad Staler 14 7 LC r.LsoN OCEOLA EM21112311 14 7 MIEI rEm OROIJOH J Vnn Ostia 14 7 1111 Borden CGul4 7 L Daggett 14 7 F. M Smith 14 7 iJ VanCein.billimlB3o C II 'Bartlett 14 A Crallerd /4 7 J Schieffelin 14 7 Johnson & L 14 7 James Ice Hey 14 ERIE IHIS MEE WI STFIE J Sivalzenbatieb 10 5 W 0 Wakely , 14 7 0 Thousp-on 14 7 - Sanders k. Cnig. 14 7 1) MeNnught6 14 7 S:1111 Lief Pierce 11 7 0110U011 1301114ra & ( ion) 14 7 " billiard 40 LA (lordiner 14 7 [Winn Jc Co 14 7 W T Nation 13 10 Toles Barker 13 10 Wilcox i 3 10 P R Williams' 13 10 Wilson do WO' . 13 10 R Bowen A: Co 12 127} C B Kelley 13 10 Converse it 0 14 7 " " 12 124 A Foley "" r 7 Warriner Co 131 Itisurancett VONINC 1M !L) CO' ILKES-BX E, PA. • L( • m H. ti/.• 11' T fr: '4 L.. 1).•;i1.)1.. 4 AK,„, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, g 150,000, i. 4 the company t':,; tvha.:}. II: tfieid tv,ittiatuls agod• nn'l I"AkeY duh era %alio Nish to run.w their itmurenco ;r e r , que:ted to apply to the euli.eiittvi, Girard The Insurance Co, LA 14;LPIIIA. 1. B. I I . .11 Capital $200,0001 Continental Ins. Company. Cash Capital, . *Z00,0c0 .4 irossSurplub, Jan.•l, 1848, Cash Asiiets, da , 1,81.4,55(6! gaY'Policies written at'this office. fEnram 110 PE, Preoiricrit. • IL 11. LAMPORT, Vice Preoirrout. CVltUri PECK, Scorch,: 111;:t1T of Ti ' 'rho anbrcrfl i r Lahr? thiii method of the politic that ho ime the 'agency Of the . al. ConiptinVeii, end will ho found lit his office Ro l Drug adjoining Agitator Offiee JNO I. MITCHELL Wolldbuill, Vim., Peli, 26, 1868-tr. N BANKRUPTCY.—This 'to give I . -That lot the 21st day of Feb. A. D. 18f, w run t. in Bankruptcy wan lasted against est,,tu of W rn. & Jou. A. Bose, of Rutland, county at Tiega, and State of Penn'a, who been adjudged -Boukrnput on their own Pena, : that t h e payment of any debts and delivery. any property belonging to sueb 13unkrupts to tiEt. or for their UFO and the transfer of any p ro p er , ,t,• by them - are forbidden bylaw; 'tliat a meeting: the creditors nt said rianli , r,upts to prove debts, and to Dimon, ono or zunro Apaignees he held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to he huldett:, th e office of F. E. Stnith, in Tiogn. county of T: oga, and state 'of Penuevivania. before F. r. e. rei ith, Register, on- the 2§d clay of April. A, I' 1888, at 10 o'clock A. M. 14 7 14 '7 14 7 14' 7 11 7 Scales ! Scales Scales HE Buffalo Platform Smiles, all o r di iazr . T size:, far heavy, and counter use, may I; found at the hardware' Stale of Wm. Itntu t \Veileboro. Thetwb'eales o the Fairbanksp.: at and have no snperior anywhere. Tbey made n the brit style and have taken the pm um at all the great exhibitions. I have the nolo agency fur these Scales to t. region. WILLIAM 11 OBT:RTP Wellshoro, Fob. 12, 1968. 14 7 /4 7 13 10 14 7 1 4 7 1 7 14 7 Wellsboro Meat Market! BEEF PORK. t MUTTON! THE Embscriber opencd n Meat Market in it: building lately occupied by Dr. Webb. ; eraftou.s.rreet, 3tonday tuerni,tg, Feb. 17. cd be will keep a full assortment of • FRESH MEATS Etema and Shoulders. If the people will glee encouragement I will keep up a good 'Market. Feb 19, 186 S-3 m. A. .1. TIPPLE 14 7 14 7 14 7 14 7 14. 7 • Mit coots; sib IE . Creel Excitement! Johnson impeached, a d I: brce's lloouts and Shoes triumphant! The en pi.. would Say in the people of Westfield and vieiniti he i 9 manufacturing a Patent Boot which he beliet•• posse‘, the following advantage over all other': ; there is no crimping; 2d, nu wrinkling, eave as theylae to the feet: ad, 110 ripping.. In t, buil. they are I, the,thltig for e‘eryboOy. tittaapte on nand and Sat gh li g il i o . sop, tight of Westfield township and secured. Ile hxs also just received a eplendel ['almond patterns, latest styles. Come one. come We,are bout d to sell cheap for cash or ready pay. one dunr sot Jt or :entider4 & (InlegroTei. Ice,tfiehl Fele. 13 ) ItIETPLT.P Valuable Farm for Sale. Afarm Of three hundred iteri, , F, with Ili.. Bred and twenty-five tare improved. noted two intim+ north of Th>gli Villago, on u `iiogn liver and ittilroed. Well wattteree, Lo der a goed stale of cultivation, and Also tour houses and lore feir sale in Ti village. T. I,.;IALDIVIN. Feb, 12, 1£1657-11; .. Examination, of Teacbus. _.... - 7XAM INA TIONS'OF TEAriIERS Ivr. , oL: tiler soliuoL , only, will be bold ,P-1 ,, II0g• Chatham, Closo s. 0. Alontlal. , Arril 0,1 I. Knoxville, a. U. Tuesday, " 7,10,.., Elltland I , OTO' S. ts Weduerday, • 0.10 ' Farrningtdii, Illanchard's Tharzkdp3 0,10 " MiddleburS., .HVidt4's, Fi Way, 10, 10 • 'flop], born' s. . Monday, April 1:1, 1r t Rutland, Rosevlle, Thar:Any, t• 10, 10 A.l Mansfield, .s Liberty. l/1.1-lo so, Monday, Apr. 20, 11.1 i Covington boro' Tuesday. April :1,10 A A Charle.Amr,, Burns s. R. Wedr,sd'N Del, ear, Stany Folk, ThorAttY, li% ' Wel,.boro, a. u. Friday, April ,21. •", • Fridays, 'May 8, lb, & 22, " Frio ds of education, e-peeitiiir, 5e10. ,, 1 reetor, and our old teacher:, who tilietet). I .t . valid certificate: are invited to attend Ihk r: 5 ntuinations. 1 Whpullicy are clot-0.1 the 'olllk r lontleuit will ill)11110dinklY CO{6IIIOIE3 i I, ''''l I, ' itutinua in these parts of the county not tet t. ited, and will net ho found at being tot pno, , :. exulnindtionF. CrindiddleP for extimi,linto , f , . idtilio piornio a 4 , 119 pt of f w)el' till , / O W , I .` ink, and (treetop°. INSTITUTE FOR THE COUNIN—yorOt inFtpuetion or Tetteker. in the net ot te:‘,./41., will:v."11.111°1.c° Monat,y, !pill lqill, 111 I I l s at mime point (hereafter to he poldisltedi"l''' the iliiivons trill illrhish hospitality to'n'iit and ~lie Superintendent will he happy le tot ' netnintittone ler ate &rico for holding siiiki ., l vention of tooehers. The times tor - Ex:l l sf ,, lions rind Institute hare been fixed midi rOr ence to the general habit of Directors is ti.• county to open their summer schools oil 11 , ...• i ,. Monday in May. .I: F. IIALKI N` Wellnlioro, April .1, 1368-3 w (.., :... , til : DET TISTRf. Dlt. A.B. EASTMAN, permanently' locat ed rielltbore, Pa., 0 rffi° OFFICE. 13 MAIN Srrrt' Mitre ho will promptly attend to nil w lalwing to ills prlole,.ioll. Having provllre'l ' the improvements of day, he wiU urtsa L c,hatever i, desired ut the 10.1% 1; ;[ 1 ;.,>114 , aud will guarantee -satisiactien in every Nitrous Oxide tin's, which is superior 1 ,, , !1 thief: in rise, administered v.bee wayS givid - g a painless operation.. In IC:41111011y of elieh lie refers ti the leg Battled ledirs .111 Bollard, f. A Ciarilinnr, EVIt .MJ• llar•len, Con W Bowen. W Keller, liugir• Itobitson,in,invs !tunnel!, Mary I..l6hwns. l f , z M IV Stophl., Sarah Francis. 11 C Idolaud. F+' hie M M Soars, Mrs M Andle“ , At hir E Christian, Martha Moore, Will Mary Dickinyon, Alnly I.)ntiscy, Mrs IV illiants, Jennie Fitteh, Gee Wren, Willie • Well: horn, April 1, 186. • In Bankruptcy. itre,,tern hintrict of PenAttylognia, se ; Iglu a Wpm i: mny conve: n : The undersign . . 1. ber e t.) , g ives t."rice ut his a ppointment a.suzliee ilenaj•tn ' Wilcox of the Cou'' ) I,f Tr,,ge, :earl SSt••to of Penniyluatii,l, oho beeti adiudgiati a liara.rupt upon his uo•n pellt u4 hy the District Cour t of pniki District. JIM I MITCIII .I .LI . Welkborl Asttigittq. . I Dissolution. he Coittnerslalp heretofore existing b e. It greentlf Bullard .t. Goldsmith is 1110 dllY h,Bolsed by mutual c . onsoot, The Books wine. counts will be in the hands of C. 11. COdanttb• M. BULLARD. C. H. 1 - 30LBSM 1111. The Grocery Nosiness mill he conducted nttbe old stand by C. /I. (joldsroith, '.-.. iire'labor° March-2., 1268-61 y Citn.vm,v. A !"! 1111.1.1:11. r All paid up in Crud' Surplus Over $20,000 k' TIM CITY NEW THOMAS A. ROW LET, ti. IL S. Merrchrti Vicr•Cn Dirt. P 3 Per DAVID CAMERON, Deputy. :,