The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, April 08, 1868, Image 1

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tt gingi tont
published every 'Wednesday Mourning et t 2
per year, invariably in advance.
x. a. on%) [p, o.vAN GELDER:
.A.FiNT.IEIXITIESTI•Ta. Ital.-'1"/El. ..
N - 0:131 1 Xri B. illn. 13Inelkine.3 Mos.lo hios.ll;Y,ar
"OI $2,60 $r
$2,00 rOr
2,00 3,00 4,00 8,00
10,00, 1;400, 17,001 22,00
18,00 1 26.00 an,ool au,ool
t Square,.
2 Squares
Half C 01...
Special Notices 15 dente per line; Editor's! or
Local 20 Gents per line. . •
- "
W. O. TERBELL' ar. CO., •
1911 - 13 SALE DRUGGISTS, ,anaydealors in
Wattlyiper, Kerosene Lamps, Winnow Glass,
Pertifigery, Paints and Oils,'"&o.; &o. •
Corning, N. Y., Jan, 1, 180$.-Iy.
Insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main
Streot Wollabor°, Pa., Jan. 1,1865.
4 (First door from Bigoney!s, on the Avenuo)—.
Will attend to business entrusted to their cure
in the counties of Tioga and Potter. •
Wellaboro, .Tan. 1, .rB6B.
WESTFIELD Borough, Tiogn ;Co. Fa., E . .
Hill; Proprietor. A. new and comniedione
built - Wig- with all the modern improvements.
Within easy drives of the hest hunting and fish
ing grounds in northern Penzia. Conveyances
furnibbed. Terms moderato.
Feb. 5,1868-Iy,
CAILOII. Shop tirst door north of L. A. Scam's
Shoo Shop.
_;ar' `Cutting„ Fitting, and Repair
ing, done promptly and well.
Wellshoro, Pa., Jan. 1, IS6S.—ly.
DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over John B.
Itowen'e Store. Cutting, Fitting,:. anti
Repairing done promptly and in best• style.
Wellsboro, Pa.. Jan. 1,18138-1 y
ATTORwra. Gartaursorx,
Notary Publio and Insurance Agont, Bios-
bur:, Pa., over Caldwell'a Store.
Wollsboro, Tioga Co.s, Pa.
.claita A g ent, Notary Public, and Insurance
Agent. He will attend promptly to collection of
Pensions; Back Pay and Bounty. As Notary
Public takes acknowledgements of deeds, ad
ministers orths, and will apt ns Commissioner to
take testunony. „li2T - 011ice over Eny's.Drug Store,
alloining Agitator 011ice.—Oct. 30..1307
! Tohn W• Guornsoil,
Having retu ned to this county with a
yeiv of
permanent it li t e pernent residence, eel Citg a
share of pti public patronage. All businCss en
trusted to his care will be attended -to livith
promptness and fidelity. Office 2d door south
of U. S. Farr's hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co., Pa.
sept. 26.'86.—tf.
nonAcg C. VEB.MILYEA, Pnoi"n. This is
a - new hotel located-within ort'sy access of the
bast fishing and hunting grounds in North.
ern Pennsylvanial. No pains will ho spared
for the accommodation of pleasure seekers and
the traveling public. [Jan. 1, 1868.]
rwrnoLEura HOUSE,
etor. A new Hotel eondtleted on the principle
of live ckatl let live, for the accommodation of
the public.—Nov. 14,1 SBB.-Iy. •
, ElO. W. RYON,
ronceviller, Tioga Co.; Pa: Bounty, Pensinn,
andulnsunce Agent. Collections promptly
attended 40 . Office 2d door below Ford house.
Doc. 12 18137—1 y
.it PLA.T.I. D WARR, Spectacles, Violin Strings,
,to., ac., lansfield, Po. Watches and Jew
airy neat! rep:tired. Engraving duo in plain
English a, d German: ! Ile pt6l,ly.
. I I e‘i
Thos. EL t*Tden.
DRAPTSAIAN.—OttIers left at
TONYILEOII4.I Hotel, Wutlhlwro,. \vitt
prompt attontion.
61.5,r0wn,, 1
L.eot with
Jan. 18. J,;
F411,11'8 HOTEL,
I'LOt7A, IT 1 0 C+ A 0 011 N P A ~
head etabling, attached, and ati -attenlivu
i al situ' in attendance.
S. FARR, . . . Proprietor:
Hairdressing & Shaving.
° s,Lloun tutor Willcox 4, ll l3arker'B Store, Wellt , -, Pa. Partienlar attention paid to Dialios .
.ir-outting, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. Maids,
vualt, coils, and swiches on hand and made to or
1 BACON, M. D., I.ttu ar the 2d VA. Cavalry, hitt , '
li, hearlS' four years of army service, witli a large
• ..p.O istwe In 'Ovid and hospital practice, bus opened an
Aire for the iiractwe of medieine and surgery, in all
• si4nelfes.l Persons from a distance can find goisa
tr the Pennsylvania. Hotel when desired.— nit tki.l3: , part of ttis State In consult.itien, or to
surgicul operations. No 4, Union Iflock, up
-• it s . Wellsboro. Pa., May 2,1560.—1. y.
ban the pleasure to inf6rua the eiti%ens of Tiogo
o WtAty that ho hays completed his
hand to take all kinds of 6uti i'ieture
-,.,•11 as Ambrotypes, Ferrotypes, , Vignettes, Carte
, 10 the Surprise and Eureka Pictures; als
~ ,. riieular attention paid to copying and onlarg—
.., Pictures. Instructions given in the Art un
~ mablo terms. Elmira St., Alaffsfield, Oct. 1,
Wm. 13. Smith,
ii.NuxvILL,E, Pa. Pension, Iteu9ty, ut,tl„ In
:Mance A„teut. Comtmmieations - sent to the
oh,ce adcltees will receive prompt atlentitm.
I onus moderate. [Jan 8, 1868-13]
U. S. aI.,A±M. AG,ENCY,
For tho Collectloli of
Army and Navy Claims and Pensions
r pliE NEW BOUNTY LAW passed Jui:% 2S,ISGfi , 6ivre
tno and three yeare aeldiers extra bounty. tired
)our dlschari;es.
Three monthe extra pay proper to volunteer officers
rr iwser i L vlea March 3, Mutt.
To ,II 010 havellost u limb Itud who Immo ',evil pertaa
ioently and totally dhabled.
All other Government claims proeeented.
Welb.boro October 10, 1566-t1
E. sjirrl t,. M. 1 .
UATES succes?ffilly, fur Cataract, titra
Hems, (cresq eye) Removal 4.t"filtnors,
ttm-e Lip, Varicose Veins, Cinh Feet, .le.
Pdrticular attention paid to diseas.cs of the Eye
and (leneral Snrgery.
at office free.
References g Yen to opurntiens' recently per
f,irei ed.
hourstrein 12 M. to 3
ithiee at his residence, Mansfield, Tio*i County,
Murob 27, I S67—l y.O
qI , .NT for lb° National Sol ha at Stan.hinl Schaal
Ihmks: publisher by A. S. Herne, d Co. 111 X 11::
11' ilirtm, earner a John street. N. V.. keep.. rnnylnnlly
tnlrltipply. Al order§ promptly 1111r.l. CHU on nr
Ur,.. kly mull, N. SI'IUAII.
Tht Jtino 10, TBl7-1Y•
, C. B. xELLV,
, V 011: 60r , ), E+ptetnber 25. 1857.
VILI, WRlGlil—Agent for all the best
Ca. Stewart's Oseillhtin. :Movement ((Jr 13ang, and
Tiogs. Pa„ Aug. 7, 1867, ly.
(VINO recelit
th{.4xtra 1,06
• 2s. lgtAt. and
y s.
And 6finnty
Fith zno try letter. 41.1
angwat .411
nd Pension Agency.
ed daluitoinatructiotia ill regard to
Ii allowed by the act approved
at •ing on hand a large I.upply of all
m prepared to )I.oheente all pen.
!alma which mny he ',Need in my
lug at a diskince i can corntatinlcatC
tut their comenapientlonn v,.111 be
'SV%I. 11. SMITH.
r 24,1860
r 2 4 r, L 14- r
;1 7 SVP i; qi i, `" '"" •S'
$7,00 $12,00
12 ; 00 'lB,OO
30,301 80,00
60,00 1 99,00.
8 Daldaria Street,
J. :BA .131LEs
Of every description, in all styles pi Binding,
and as low, for quality of Stook, as any Biiidery
in the - Stale". 'Volumes of every description
Bound in the beet manner and in any style or
Executed in the heat wanner. 'Old books tie
bound and made good a- new. '
EAaLaTtg l
_ L l ZMekta i l l a
COMPLETE 1, 01.i1t SETS'!"
I ato prepared to furnish back numbers of all
Review ettlugatinea tiort,; United
States or Great Britain, at a low price. .
Of ell sizes and quaHt es, VA hand, ruled of plain
Otany quality or size, on ,hand and out up toady
for printing. Also, BILL PAPER, Lind CARL)
150-‘111.) of all colors and quality, in board's or
cut to any size.
Cap, Letter, Note Paper, tilvelopes,
Pens, Pencils, 'Ake.
I acn solo agent for
IVhieli I w'll warrant equal to Gold Pens. •:`lhu
lie:st in use and no mistake,
The above fttOCif I will sell at the Lowest Rates
a,t all times, at a small advitnee on'' t‘Zot , Yank
prices, and in quantities to suit purchasers. All
worl4aud stock warranted as represented.
'1 Aspectfully solicit a share of public patron
age. Orders by mail promptly attended to.—
...Addi ess, LOULS KII,LS,
Advertiser Building,
Sept. 28, 1867.—1 y. Eillairn, N.Y.
J OSEPH INGHAM ,t, SONS, two miles east
of Knoxvile, Tioga County, Pa: are pro.
pared manialteture wool by the yi rd or on
shares, as may ho desired. They make
and enn promise to stilisr
. r - eni.tomere.• They pay
partieuinr attention to
Twenty years experience in the business war
rants them in expecting a .generous patronage
No shoddy cloths tondo. . ,
Deerfield, June 12, 1867—ti.
WOULD announce to the citizens of Wellsho
ro and surrounding country, that be has
opened a shop on'the corner of Water and eraf•
ton streets, for the purp . ose of manufacturing all
kinds of
to (inter. • COFFINS of nil kinds furnished on
short notice. All work done promptly and war-'
Welhdmiro, June 27, 1866.
MINER wATKINS, PRoprt i trait.
LT!, VING fitted up nee; hotel building on the eite%
1 1 of the old Union Hotel, lately destroyell by tiro,
I ant IWW ready to receive and entertain guests. The
liniwt Valid woo intended fur a l'empernnce
And the Proprietor believe,' it can be neeßtnined without
grog. An attentive- luontler In Id iP11111111)CO.
Wellhlnet et, Juno 20 3 1867.
HAVlNG,leascd foratetin of years the popular and
'6 , 01 1 '1110V: 1 1 hotel siamd lately otcupital by A. M.
Illiziett I am prepared to furnish the tri , velitig nud
local publicylth the best accommodations to ho pro
cuio,l in the Lhunti-y. A good hostler always In at
t ewiance: T 040116 foriiklad to fishing pail CO.i •
Wellsboro, Juno 26,1867.
ITALLOR AND Oln lEtt, has opened a shop
un Cralton street, rear of SMirs Derby's abee
Amp, where he is prepared to manufacture gar
ments to order in the west substantial wanner,
and with di,pateli. Particular attention paid
to Cutting and Fitting. March 2G, 1868-ly
On strictly Temperance principles, Morris Run,
Pa. It. C. BAILEY, Proprietor. Horses and
Carriages to Jet.—Alatch 8, ISBS.—ly.
PHYSICIAN 4: StHIGEON. Graduate of the
University of Buffalo; N. Y., Class of 1881.-
11:Ring located in Wellsburu, offers his rvi o
to the sick :aid aftlitited. Having had much
,e.xperienec in ,Surgery, he will perform all op
eration:, entrusted to his skill in a satisfaie
mry tauituiir. Utile,: at, his residence on Pearl
street, two doors helow tho residence of Will
iam Bache. Cun be funild by enquiring. at,ei
tiler Drug r ore. . [jan. 8, 18158-3 m)
On 3 door above the Meat Market, .
RESPECTFULLY announces to the trading
publie.that he has a desirable stock bf Gro
ceries, comprising, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars,
"Slolasses, SyruPs, and all that constitutes a first
elass btoblt. Oystels in every style at all sea
skiable hours.
Wellsboro, Jan. 2, ISo7—tf.
A T the Lawrenceville Drug Store, where you
/1_ will find every thing properly belonging to
the Drug Trade
and of the best quality for Cash. Also, Paints,
otl4, Varnishes, Lawns, Fancy Notions. Violin
Strings, Fishing Tackle, Window Glass, &c.
Cash paid fur Flax Seed.
Lawreneevilie,,May 8,1867.
Glen's Falls, Insurance Company,
Capital and Surplus $373,637,66.
, M RISKS, only, token,
IsSss Premium Notes required. •
it is hi ItElt AL. It pays damages by Light
nine, Whether en,tie or not.
It pays for live stuck killed by LI
limos or lo
rut's ato lower than nlber C
ei t oel responsibility . 1. C. PRICE,
Farmington Centre, Tiogs
Muy 29..18117=-1:v
Carriage and TA'arness Tri Wings,
Cornirig. N. Y., fan. 2, 1867-Iy.
CAHOICE Lot O 1 GRAIN BAG, for pale
WeLlsboro,Junfa 5, 1867.
4 f . , ..
: ~
Ih' ', ._,, :i • ' : _
) / 1 :_. ,•••""."ft.......-*' I # l
; - 1..1.;
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.?,...3.....,",,,,.. 1 „.... \
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-'. ---\...._---- -
~.. \.....
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1100F11. ,
tici‘'r - ta - :i
• 1...., • • .• ,
Prop=led by Dr. C. 111. Jae Mom,
p 1 t ) 911GErrlV i ri d4;G.11V.7.
is co:t*rwi,n•i , ti Ow z.1:1 , . •., c., rnr .L.
lii. • :1( . 111.1
_„ I‘ , • •
I:10 gl l•.. I • 1
.; 11141, , ; Ifs' ‘ , a •
;•t tt t :1 1 1 Ay. I VI, IP fl)'*"`l
Tm n emu? I.l4oimi of ni 11, /
41•. . .•
t.r, } 11.10 7 etc , 1.1 Ile ; I III!
•Ir ^
TIII • rblt... • • M V.1.-In.. L. • Il• .% it a
;la ~ ... It 1,111:e
Ho hand's German Bittnrs.
In ( nrivnpx,3 <!y :42451 at, y.ltua onmn
nVolloaq st 'flecof ejat y;
l'Ffle ilitterd or tito ll'i)idc' are' ba(li 'ecd)hilV
L-Jo.f. ,e,) rowairl the siupe tnedlc:4(o 0:711..,
Ti.e ~ , tomr,el), irotri it variety of ea11...5, -,t; It .14
i •!:1`.. 4, 1411, 4) • l ' Fi
.. .,....-- - t. s. pelega, Neivt,i,
ii Lt .1, . vie., 1..3 ' , 7, 4 eel)• apt to I.; e
Os I aii , ttie.s de S 9! rant:N!. The .:••
.nit of '•.:,,,1L ,i,t,' 0 •
that the patteat
, 0d0r.,,; t oat la•vt•fal or IllOtc ; of . qio i fodov.:11:.;
' . ll)gillititi : .1
; i iii jl . kJt / 1 1
C'or.s.tipition. Flattiletee, Inward. Piles
Falsk_SS of• Biood , to the Itone,
A , ! , 11ty of the stomach, Nausea, -.
11. ~ , :l.:tir ), D) , ,,, - ust for 'til s cod.
' , , , . , .. , ..1, fts ar Wei.:krt .17.1 the
' 1.. — . - ,raa.i. h.' S",, , ltr lilrho
. t'.....,..n0, Smliin ; 01' riSt
t.criThe.: at Lli.i ...It of th.), SWir, ainif - 0; V.:O
!Tend, .I.Lut.r.ioti. or .I.,,zticult Tiro,.( h
-1.1.4;, Pluttoring tit. t 1 , flo.,rt, Clhokinq
or Stzffeentin Se oati nu when ie.
it Lying Postut ),_ Limo: so of
Viston, Dots o ohs ,r.,,, faro
the Si, Mead,
.Itt 1 Palo In
( v.
the Head .D, - .,11 ,, i0ncy
1...P,414i., - ita'ti.,,e YLevir
i .
.% t, , , . - F „ , ... ~„
, -. 2 4nOti.3 or tle ,c. 7h p... ! , ianal 13 fia t ~,, i
• ~, a•••tin'til ttto I, - -. .13,iti , ilaokil :3'
Ch :.t., Lim , , hs, otr. 811d
-4,)))1,111.311e3 of ‘tV 41 . : • Hoot, Burn
-4 i.i..; Lfa I hi: - .ft......i r..... 34, 'COP,-
Fit /1• Irriap:initr.,s at 'Evil; :Intl'
• C.P.lfit Oeoression hit' Sp rite.
tom, dice W ill .ATottnally our,. Liver ,
, • , • t;,,, , , 11-lict, Dp•TN,IYmn, ( ) 1111lie Of I 1••• 414, thirollie 1 uu 1/IScaSt2 til
Ni , • Dleentses qthing 1r4:1
I..1". , 1", Stomach, or Totoitiof...s•
QV /
iZt -r I 1 , 1 , 1 .Is;C (7,krz4k
1: WY OF TH.O SX'6TILI.I., •,
• v, N. %FAO.; I.tcm, 11t•o.ltip,
• ,
riiert% la ao73,l%.•thoms.,,ev.tntl• etrtAk the,*
cernedter in end) lone
• j
parted to the whn , ,• •,!,!, • , A ,
rnrengthened, fond • .•
stomach digest h •t• t V 1
• ..6100 ?IP:pun:lo4 ' te•AP .' A.74.
sin' ainpund4,4 ,•• • ••*, ,
• Clive,. .1 t • I • , a:
.1..1 i• itt,• tinw. Iteaviir
upon •.!I its atte•ndallt will finil in
ok '.L l'i• 1:oi, or itie.:l3..)bile, an •
~ 4:i CI tiro tritu t :tliol
t k
kr.j Orgy
•I.sye, hula! up their El
health :wit happiueas to their
r. I. •I C.
1 , • - 110 •
1r r• II I r r. :r• rr:a
\• rl r ir \ Et,
lot t: p BITTERS, or thet
I t 2.
„-00. , •
!. ~w •).! by the use of either of these
I 1%4 , Ii curd every mife of !JA
VAr 4 ,1 , ..•11e,Lt fair. - ' •
.1' vitilcat,, have accumulated
I'. r th.• roprktur, but :Taro will allow
'it.• qf tut \a Spy.", Those, ft Will
of hole and of such stand
invp,oiont ho believed.
Car • 0 11...0 .of ,;..• fiaprtune Court of Pa., writes ~
'N.., ' l'ltiludelphio, !third) iq, 1567.
•• 1 :h‘,l ' Ihy,t-
/I latere (lermen
Iret,, - ' i.... 1 t•.. i / ' toni,, unefhl in
di - 4 '" 'oi 11,,, -'•1 ... '.-
,:' :frntive organs, '
n:,,i../1 .:1..,41. LIIII tf , j ' erit d in eases of de
-1,..,, .‘, . •‘,.p.c of 111.1W0116 nedun In the system.
.- i ~.te P , I.lllly,
"u 1.0. V... WOODWARD."
inflga Suprand cool gr Pcnnsyhanitt.
flat , e7pltill; April 98jISG6.
• ":1 ean.=l German !fitters! a
-t.., r , t s Of t 11,04 3.6-
1,13. 1 can certify tlild from my
e:piii4 • , i% it ,
• '
v. illl revvet,
All .IL6 TII 074P60.N."
.1 7 ";;T.71 - Joseph, H. Kennard,
J.,- • :IS.; lirptist Church, Phibulelphia.
.1 . - . . . * ..1 ......)d of 1 / 1 0CriC1111124, but, 1 . 0-
r . A . ~.. f ...."' • r - ' IrCe al .flit of my
a ; . • • ... ,- ;- A 74 -41.1ivit.. 1 have In
.. . . • . 4 ; 1 '''-' hot with a clear
I'. , . .., ,t.;- 1.... ii : riNtAiv.4•l:ol,l jus
t , ; ~...., tett.ll3, to 1111: 11S 1 411.1.ehS Of
i. ..• I t o„:i {a l er t. ., t th•inwt. tor ohee
h. • .. • • .tto ..,,Iti evrre..ts ll* Lin; COMIC
; A . ~ ,....f: (. A
.; t.t,y qc Ih,, sy. , frra and
r. r.: is a loft arid
~,„ 0, 0 000•,. ,ome Wtwi+ it may -Mil;
. I It will he von. 14a:01cl:a
, • • . 110111 rile :a1”. C'e.taKes.
• .. ,
J. 11. IC Pr),
Wow Coates St
I. cv. E. D. Pendall,
2,•-• is ^ . .'ion C.'irnraT, Philade2-
• 11. • ••••t lr^l 1t l I,en:tit from the use of
11 • . •i •. i .;1 ritruro, feel it my prtvi
t. . r,bent as 0 tnot.t valtialtte tonic.
• . I. ....wit:A , (runt general delittity or
•:. aiwn doMngenie4 of the
- • FEND.ALL.•
g . h thing, in
',lnpanies of
, Co. Po,.
1! ••• :', German I:einedleß aro counterfeit•
signature of C. M.
1. iI. • ,I; the wrapper pf
I othera are coon
' Wirt• factory at the der
e ..• • • .-., ARC II Street, Phil
Lit.l4..i EvArrp,
• , I 51 U1;45.5, PrOlrielOr,
5_ .ovriy C. 31. piAOICSOH do CO.
, i• .:Ile Ikt!',.l4iali ,Delaielt in Meal":
• -
f; , ,• ! ,*tu f l ez t en bit o t z le ' I I g o o
ovth.l , Pl4 GV110 , 1 • Tollia, 11{3 up in quart
I, r hAli Jo; Fl i fey ~. 7Op
er':?;•• 110 . 1)01 : , to ex ininn well flair article
• ,VOu buy, In ur7l.7x t.,t-g - ei. '371 -genuine. ••
Thu 771.0 re lietne.ii7.74 17t , for sale by Druggists,
St orekcepors, nt..l Ilodicinc dealt-is. eve , pi , hero
t' , l* 41014 Alt 1114. (1..7r...1 Brutes, Catn:l.llls. 8011117
America. end the %%feat Luthes.—Mar. It, 'llB-Iy.
} c if
ijrnpApsy,r9tiA, t+A.,
Yhe Great rierniedies
Ifooflapd'F3 . Gerllian Bitters,_
floollaniP6 CT rinan Tonic,
Hooftand's Gorman tonio
'.t that filly one-half
Lion of our point.
It the enjoyment
to use their own
feel well." They
W. Woo4wicrd,
FLOu. Jame Thompson;
I ),..r I have Leen freq;iently
•, my name with rv , motnett-
- !.fir'; /. .;--1
tasaticazi. of 1 1 1 .13.1004010 , , fa .121e.gliza.zi3.aa.a 104 -
„ L.: 1 • • •
! X r >g , TA I S TIEL C 41) 1%
'rho tidtl is ilcepvond the tvtires fain swift,
with a ceaseless ebb anti flowing;': 1 •
. guido amt. our bark's adrift,
'And n ructilcss guie4ltloiring,
,strire to pierce with a troubled gaze
The dusk of litti heaving o'cettn';
The i.1:11. is its'fraitkless wncc s'
Are hod is the NV it d commotion.
;Our hva,rt§ - . 0re,J11),;311 with rkt.hopsittniTcaro,' •
SAitioSo si3h ri•IS tt s ‘? ; A 'sidio.A, 4
.4 ';'•••
OOr - eyis nro dinV Irithltho = !
For wo soe no gle3l.ln of gladness.`
• Yet 'se ntelvirie on tlio farther ilho're;'
• 3 Wu know ltnit
Here hoVers;'tlie-wsiteV3 'tier;
3' l'ho'elotolivith 1111-3ili3cr
- When tint wares ran high,:and , the storm !comes
- !.rearty - with the'etested hilluiv ;I'. .'1 ,
, When the ,nntids aro bola at its,dreadful frown, .
• i•lock,o , thelhows.a. , thelithSonto willow; ,
,3:hen we glize•ofar through ,tho,mistirtud spray,t,
Witte hear g hat ase,sad•tind• fearing,.. , , . •
.Te.each. a•g a in, through the dartnessgrey,•
tOf therfarkli , nahoitu appearing., ,
, :,,i :::, • :, : •• •
, • , .-. .
Tii 4he farffiy.'shoro we are drifting fast,
•Bacii dgy ‘ref i niet•tirliwing nearer';'
We hope to enter its port at. last,
Aral see,itt light, shirty eleprer.
.I'oo kilow that'on•unseen t h'and will guide, • it
'That azi eye is i;ittehing ewer,
And Arc feel in our hearts, let, what will betide,
• 'WO lis.i.i3 help that slionlall,ntineeer. •
WiqfP/MtrottA geadtnil,
" " " •
: 'l, I, ' ~ 1. .:!_......_,- • , ~. : .
. -Peebles . had just asked Mr., Merril
~ ,,I r
weather'Sllitught if .alte'•would..,give
him •ttc' it ft out of aelielordiam;' and she
had. said. " y.,es.' .It therefore Became
absolutelyhemesgary to
e t the old man's
pernikdon, so, as Peebles said,,fhat ar-"
_r_tmgerxi.e_tits might' be Made forhopping
the conja,gal twig
eehesiadatil hiliDirailiCei.tlied the iit -
t err ' rA oi , al ory ,t0,,a1l 41 old Illerrity,eat4r's
;cl4l,lglitey., andtits§isterSi an (Lb is temale
,eensitiS, and,
_loe aunt Jiattnahlna 'the
,country, mid the ~ whole.of: ._ his • female
relations, than ask old Merriweather.•
But it hatrit'o bd. dlatte,l titd sb he sat
down and studied out a; peech. which
:he - w 0
.to disgorge:l6 61c1., - ,lNfertiW,eather
the, very'tirst'ehaiice he got to shy it at
'him. So Peebles, dropped in .on.hint
one Sunday evening, witeit all the fam
ily had meandere,d. l around to meeting,'
and found' ltitn, doing, a sum in __beer
ipeitsu re, }try iitg: te •eal cu late' the, "e.aet
number . hi .tparfs 'big: Interior 'conid
hold Withont'llplotting the head Ofr of
b kin: '' , , , . . .
. , "',Flow alp you, Peeb?", said f3IEL Mer-;
.4weatber, : : as- Peebles*. walked in , as.
wbiteias a piece of chalk, , andtreMbling
as' If he- 'had:isWallbwed a condensed.
earthquake. Pe'ebleS Was afraid to art
swer, because he wasn't sure about that.
sPeech, :i ate: kliniv:lbEi , hadi : to keep his.
f it IYIlq q 1?)9, T 4 4 4)4 'Tt4er,?T KW9IIIIiIP-4,ivc.y;4l4to;lp4'3fiPrtvon•
At , l'oilek
Pe( eh r9ug4,1 1 4. affigiArliQie.;i" 80 .
,tte hlu,kted- , r.iiiit t -P. 1 4 44 ,r , , ~..., ~1.- i',„i.,, -'
.';flit, 114,e mi wx-mtb;‘,s ) , air . .1. :Peril aps It
may:Trot belutiltnewn to. you, sir,. that
during an e•Atende& period of some fiv,e;
-years- i ---1-bave- been-busily engaged in'
prosecutinti e yk - a ic,l! . ..ktonnoic . ittl enterprise
• - " st 4 keeplii' " it *bpi cti", all
Cott time; While I thOtil`llit,yoU was tend
in' i . tOte ? • ,Well,, you're one
of 't, , n - i,"i03‘41; alu , t 4 yp.l.l?' I -
T'ql 4 Lad- 131e to eraO,ltin, to
get. the rap ; .
, . . ,
"M. Merriweather, sir,: .Pitrint.Ps it
_way not_he Jlll known to you- that dur
ing the extended, pgriod of live years, l
have beet, 40Fag6t1 'in the prosecuti o
ot":a eoinnittit'oriterprise,:With- a,,t. -
term i Et ation to u proilt re a Sit 111(404 na
.Iti 1-,
.tenaiki-----." ' - '''' ' - '''. • , ;'-..
" lii,t ilo \vii, lieeti," 'itlic . l help; y4urSc44:
tO'll6iir.-„' TiOult . I.itittl' .t.bero ;holding
you k:hat lik i e'ti. blliVi bekgor ,with the
paralysi4. 1, 'ile\r, seen 'you behave
yourself so in all liV born days.'?. , '
_ Peebles was knocked out- again, and
had tpllander tiltSlCflind -1 , 011te,a fresh
start.' - .
y, extromely fun
`, Ur. Ifferriwelittler, gir,; It:nzia.Y4iOt
be unknown t(4 you that during an ex
tended period f somelive years, I have
been; engaged In the prosedution of. a
commercial enterprise,
iiiinaiion to prOctire a sufficient ,main
Which-mice !" asted old Iterri
.I. K att on the 'last
word as if it was his only , chance, and
went on.
--- .",..In the hope that :; I might
enter wedlock, and bestow my earthly
possessions. upon one.l could call my
own. I have been a lonely , Man, sir,
and have felt•that it is - not good for man
to be 'alone; tlierefore—'' -
' " Neither is it, Peebles; and I'M all
flied glad yott dropped in. How's the
old la?" ,
" . Merriweather, sir," said Peeb
les, ? despairing confusion, raising his
voice to a, ycll, "it may,mot he tinAiroWn
' to4•oltl.tht4. dit ki lig :a n extended , period
of li lonely man, L have been engaged
to enter wedlock, and bestowed, all my
commercial enterprise on one' whom I
could procure a determination to' be
good for a sufficient possessions—no, I
wean—that is—that Mr. Merriweather,
sir, it may not be unknown-L-" ,
- " And then again it may. Look 'here,
Peebles; you'd better lay dawn and
take something warm ; you ain't well."
Peebles, sweating lie. 6 four-year-old
colt, went in again.
"Mr. Merriweather, sir; It may not
be lonely to you to prosecute me whom
you can_ call a friend for commercial
maintenance, •but—but—eh, Bang it—
Mr. Merriweather; sir—it—."
"Oh, PeebleS, you talk'as wildly as a
iackass. I never seen a more first-class
idiot in the . whole course of my life. 4--
What's the matter with yoti, anyhow !"
" Mr. Merriweather, sir," said Peeb
les, in an agony of bewilderment, "it.
may not bounknown that you prosecut
ed a lonely man who is not good for a
commercial period of wedlock for some
five years, but—": . •
" Bce here, Mr. Peebles, You're drunk,
and it
- yoe, can't behave better than
that you'd 'better leave ; if, you don't
chuck you out, or I'm adotelunan."
" Mr. Merrliveather, sir," said Peeb
les, frantic with dispair, "it may not
be unknown to you that my earthly
possessions are engaged to enter wed
lock five years with' a sufficiently lonely
man who is not good for a commercial
main tenni) ce—"
. ,
_ .
" ThO very•deuce. be isn't. Now you
just git up and git, old boss or I'll knock
what little brains out of
.you you've got
With that old , Merriweather .took
Peebles by theshirt collar and that part
of 'his pants that wears out Ilrst if he
sits down, much, and shot him into the
street a4-if he had just ran against a lo
comotive going at
,the rate of forty miles
an hour. '.Pefore,old . MerriWea_therliad
time to shntThe kontdoor Peebles col
lected his legs and one thing andanOth
er that were i lyikig iirtrand; on ilie'pa&-
ment, and arranged himself in a -verti
cal position, and yelled out;
"Mr. M.erriWeather, sir :. ft may be
unknown to you--" %vhich made the
old num so wretched mad that he went
0.1. - !:1 ii
, 1 't
, I if‘Hiakig
go PA elll.-, •
• . .
APIA 1 8 1 68 -
;: •
; , 1 , • • ,
. i 0
-,. b-. - '. ~, . ,
„ .,-... 5 i ...,
—i.. :,..i, , :, , .........:-.7....
, ' 4
, . - t . ' -: !
brit and set a bull terrier on 'Peeble4 bp
fore he had a,. chance' to/in:11 bregan,
!Ind there , lyas,a • setentiQp,,Aog. tlghx.i ,
W,itli odds, in favor of, the dog, , ,uptil
they r iot to the fence; and't hen
..1 3 .eebles,
Would have carried' bull-terrierliehle,'
gripped' like a',:clamp , on his i•leg, if' • it
40d'ilt, been tliat,tike meat:was too.teu-,.
der, awl the dog,, feeling ,certEdn , that-
Selnetlling or other 'lrma evelittially'
giveaWay,held on 'until liddotailS t.l . dP
Wl' of Peebles' calf,• and• went •Iftime,a
,lialf,a pound lighter, while lierriweatt
ernsserts, to thisda,y, tlisq they bad, to
flea* 'ail tlie Ylogf4 'tee tli ' tO ,get the,
'Out - 4 his nienth;' `" fOi bd had Ail flikruk
;bold for suulf.a. small anikaal,!!.. ,z, • - 1 ,
,Of course I Merrlweather's . ,daughter
'head abc;utlt, and she was so pad t,1,4t
'alio never gave 'the old 'man iiiiY - peace:
until he went around . the vie 't' day ,to
sec Peebles . about, it. A: ipeblvfi ,looked
pale as a 11;Bost troll), loss of , blood acid
• beef; and-he had a ivlibl6'pieee of hi hs
lin wrapped around his off' leggy Merri- •
,weather, said ; ;,.,, :, , •• .
"Peet), ['n spryy, ab qt. that muss lag
,light, but if 'Yon didi 't " behavolike a
raving maniac, 'l'fia' lo'afer. .' 'l' n'Oer .
, see ti , glireli a •de I ibertif :ass 13 i n bo' I- Was
'born. Whatls the meaning of; it, any-
Way?? • ,
. .; ~ „,
you - .
It' •
'"I was trying to aSlc to, let e
'marry Your datighter,''' groaned Peeb
les. • •' • • • • • "
`J` Great—what ??' Yeti didn't. mean
to say--,-well, I. hope I imay be shot.,
Well, if you, ain't a.regglar old wooden
headedit idiot—l thought our mind was
wandering. - Why didn' you say it
right out? Why of 'co rse you can
have her. lam glad to et rid of ..her.
Take her, my,boy ;, go .11 4 ..g0 it; and I'll
throw in at. lot of first-class blessings in
to,the bargain." '
• And Peebles looked ruefully at his tie
feetive leg, and wished that he had not
,been.such a fool, but he went out and
married the girl, and lived happily with
her abut two months and•at the end of
'that time he told a confidential friend
that he . would willingly take more
trouble and undergo a million more dog
bites to get rid of her.
In 1852; a physician' by the name of
Blumenau conceived the'idea of found
ing a German ; colony on. the hanks of
th 9 Itaguahi river, in Brain. dis
'trict selected was in the province of
'St: Catherine; 'a province 'which' pos
sesses as fertile a soil as any in Brazil,
and a climate resembling that of Spain
awl Italy. A Rio de Janelro newspa
. Per,tells us the result of Dr. Blumenau's
- experiment: - •
The growth of the colony has been
very rapid. In 1861 there were 1,631
,dlvided into 348 families; in
1865 the namberhad increased to 2,626.
Nearly every tinnily has a coMfortable
house.. The land . thoroughly tilled.
,The chief crops are tobaedo, sugar cane,
,cassava„ . sweet and
,Trish potatoes, corn and kidney beans.
'Several' arma are given up to cotton,
'and it has been ascertained that grapes
'and hops Can•be profitably cultivated.
Th,us far the tobacco crop has proved the
mest.,luerative, but the farmers .who
hatie Cliesen to plant, coffee have no mit
ten to ctimplain. Besides feeding them
selves, the colonists exported produce in
; 865 Jo! the value of :90,000- • francs, 'or
ia,eoc, - Ploy were also represented In
- be Paris ExhibitiOn.
~ , „ t
" i fhe colony Is not, hOwever, '
'given up to agriculture. 'ln 1866'it 'con
tained within its bounds tlfty-three su
igaF ref4neries, sixty-one, stills, forty
three grist mills, besides eider, vinegar
and oil mills, and se}' - oral breweries.—
To a German colony these last are in
The success of this colony is not en
tirely explained by the richness of the
Boil or the proverbial thrift of German
emigrants. A part of the credit is due
to Dr. Illumentur and his coadjutorS.
Their management of the colony "has
been marred from the first by sterling
,good sense. They, have not paid any
emigrant's passage-money unless he
WaS'plainly unable to pay it for
.111 such cases the money is ad
vanced, to be repaid at a later time to
the funds of the colony. They have
inns at Rio do Janelyo, and at the vill
age of the colony, Where immigrants
arlodged and fed 'until they have se
eted, their farms, or plots of ground,
and built temporary houses. 'the land
IA never given away, but it is sold at
very low rates. It was surveyed, .so that
the purohaser, need have no fears about
the soundness . of his title. He has five
years for the payment of the purchase
'After the colonist has cleared his
ground and dug drains, some little time
elapses before it becomes fit for cultya
tion. During this interval he is
ployed by the colony, at good wages,
on the roadS,'ok, at other works of gen
eral utillity. When his ground becomes
dry, the colony supplies him with seeds
and t'arming, implements, . for which he
is, expected to pay when he has money
()this own. ' •
' During the first six months of his res
idehee in the colony he is entitled to
the - gratitiotis service of a :physician
speaking his own language. This gen
tleman is the Board of Health of the
colony, and discharges his duties in so
efficient a Manner that the' general
health is invariably preserved.
Under this system the colonist is
helped at every step, and yet left to de
pend upon himself. He receives no
rams. Loans are made to hiln out of
the common fund, which he is to repay
whenever, he becomes able. His suc
cess depends upon, his diligence and
ecOnomy. - Nearly all who have joined
the colony have possessed these proper
ties, and are now thrifty farmers own
ing their own land. A few have proved
lazy or vicious. These exceptional
drones have nothing to expect fromAhe
celOny. ' They sell their, titles, •live
awhile on day wages, and leave Some
fine morning for Rio de Janciro.—New
York Post. i . . .
.., y
-gers, or Persons with rural ideas,py
1/2/ i
longer contend that ladies shall al t , ays
be given the inside of the pav meat
in passing. The rule adopted I all cit
ies is to turn to the right, whether the
right leads to ,the wall or the letter, and
an observance of this coin ion' senge
y ?
-rule, would obviate' nippl ' unpleasant
" scrouging" by over 6. " llant gentle
men who persistently cr wd for the out
side of the walk. Ai other common
custom, not required even by fashiona
ble etiquette, and one which is nearly
as inexplainable and absUrd is the prac
tice of a whole string of men filing out
of a church pew, making themselves as
ridiculous as an "awkward squad,"
-practicing at "catch step," in order to.
.give - a woman the wrong end of ‘ the
pews—ls thit of a man when at prome
nade or. walk with a lady, to keep him
self on the outside of the pavement.—
A little exercise of judgment will con
vince any person of the utter useless
ness of this bobbing back and forth at
every corner. The common ' ule islbis:
1 " If men and Women, are valking to
gether, she should alway ' beat, his
right arm, whether it -betoWard the in
side or the outside of the walk, then
the NO:Mnau will 'not be Shoved' against
the passers. - Those 'who giggle at per
sons who follow this rule are themselves
the " greeneys," and should ,rend the
" book of manners " befbre they in
dulge in the laugh of fashionable fools.
j'a ici•i . ` ,- 1.1;; 3.1
A German Colony in Brazil.
'lc.i tf 1
I v 3o)cic:ozza..7.o
, DAVID WILMOT died at his residence
in this borough, Monday, ;March 16,
.1868, after a short Illness, aged 54 Veins,
.1 month and 26 days. ' The deelased
was born in Bethany, Wayne ,county,
Ppfinsylvaniti, where lie spent ino:A 01
his boyhood 'and' yduth. I,le "was edu
cated at.the Bethany acadeay, and at
Aurora, N. Y. At the age of eighteen
he commenced the study jof . law at
Wilkes Barre, where he remained du
• lug the proseeutionnf his studies and
util his admission to the Luzerne bar.
-eon after 41s admission, Le removed to
oWanda, and' engaged in the praCtiO
, if his profession. '
Immediately upon his Advent here.
fr. - Wilmot took a prominent position
is a politician. Ile speedily became
dentitied hl the local divisions of the
'arty in the County, taking the side of
lie lactiou opposed to the leadership of
i4en..llPKean. His ' commanding and
.iersuasive eloqUence, and his boldness
.t ud persistency, quickly gained him
he position of a leader, and soon- broke
t own the regime which for many years
lad controlled the polities of the Coon
. For several years he occupied a
°amunting' position in the political
i tfitirs of the County, and made a repo
t ttion as an able and effective speaker,
i of confined to this locality.
In 1844, Mr. Wilmot received the 'm
ai imous nomination of the Democracy
o 'the 12th Congressional district, com
p sed of the counties of Bradford, Tiog,a
a id Susquehanna, and thereafter known
a. the "Wilmot distriet, l ! Hewes chos
ei, by a large majority over his (ippo
n nt,'Col. 1). M. Bull, and took his seat
al th 6 opening of the 29th Congress, in
D-ceruber, 1845. The annexation of
1' 'xas, which Mr. - Wilmot, in unison
W tit the Democratic party of the North
h. d supported, was consum mated in
t 8 5, and was speedily followed by war
,v th Mexico. On 'the 4th of August,
.8 0, the President sent to the Senate a
. itidential message, Informing that
1 dy that he had resolved on making
r posals for opening a negotiation with
I xico, and asking of Congress an ap
ropriation of money to aid him in 11C-
D ititing a peace. The object of the
I ney was to purchase of Mexico ter
ry if the same should be expedient,
i it
y l s si
firie t .oes : r i .:a s bil e pli ci lie3N: u :ioo e iboesi t i t )celi t pc.liolt e l,iv v iti:
ja e a:n.cso t t i g(si t iire i l
itlst p li.. : ol .. le o loltici v giuid e firne d ieeisided t il
N:l h Nr:ibe a ni t itiltesi t rt 1 ;00. ' 1i : ft.
t r was caused and the aoney desired
he object of the measure had now
ome so apparent, that a consultation
! held, at Mr. Wilmot's suggestion,
few of the Northern Represent:l
- who were opposed to , the exten
, of. l- , layery. There were present,
._, srs. Hamlin, of Maine, Martin Gro
and Preston King, of New York,
'Oland, of Michigan, and Others.
result of the consultation, was the
'in g by Mr. Wilmot of the celebrated
'iso, which has been so generally
wn as th e "Wilmot Proviso,"
Ai provided, that in any territory
sired from Mexico, "neither Slavery
involuntary servitude shall ever
, in any part of the Territory, ex
for crime, &c." This proviso
adopted in committee by 80 ayes to
•es—only three members from the
States (Democrats) voting against
id the two million bill, containing
roviso, sent to the Senate, where
is killed by 'Mr. John Davis, of
gaelitisetts, 'speaking against time"
preventing its passage in that
Th I
w li i
64 n
it w
o Slavery question did not enter
L inently into the
_canvass in this
kressionatdistriet, in 1846, at the
4 of Mr Wihnot's second election.
•ceived, as usual, the unanimous
I nation of this party. His vote
the Tariff, and his well-know-n
He il
upot l
whi I
I• of the Democracy, with but few
ptions, and was re-elected.
1313 E
the meantime the slavery question
bectime the great and leading, clues
of thecoun try. The purposes of the
-holders were palpable; in fact,
were boldly enunciated. We have
:pace to refer to the many heavy
s deal pthe slave oligarchy and to
ystem of human bondage, by Mr.
mot in the discussions which fol
,d. Proscribed by the adwinistra
of President Polk,! deserted by
i y of hose who had ih the outset
ort i the cause of ttereedom, he
.r f r a moment faltered, but by his
'defiance of the SlavelPower, by his
lifig words of eloquent denunciation
e "relic of barbarism," by his ear
less and consistency made himself
iutation world-wide, and endeared
'nine to the friends of hunianity
1848,' the pro-slavery leaders ,Iliad
ontrol of the Democratic organiza
and nominated forTresidept,illon.
s Cass, whos,e mind had " nder
. a great change" on the subj et of
y, and whose Nicholson fetter,
:lilting the principle of squatter-
Agnty, gained him tho nomina-
A large body of Northern Demo
refused to support him, and as
rill.- th nominee, Gen. Taylor, was
:ceiltable; Martin Van.Buren was
Gated by thence Soil Convention,
Ado, reeeiving throughout the
ss the earnest support of Mr. Wil-
Mr. W., however, received the
pious nomination of the party for
ess/and although an attempt was
()draw of Democratic votes for
son of his support of Mr. Van
, he was sustained by the people
•elected by a large majority—Hen-
Tracy, of this County, and Jonah
ter of Tioga, being his competi-
in a
of tl
u ref
Lis 4
the `I
not al
noThi 1
at BI
can \ll
1110 t. I
.N • , • ,
(Pram t 1 Bradford Reporfr.)
trade views, were made the no
for a violent opposith?n, in
h joined a few members of his own
z Hon. R. G. White, of Tioga, an
and prominent Democrat, was his
[lent, but Mr. Wilmot received the,
ng received the nomination at
, ids of the, Democratic party of
strict, in 1850, the pro-slavery
of the organization, at the die
f the slave oligare4, set a )out
'ig his return to Congress. Mr.
t, who disclaimed any pers nal
.enary motive, at-one offer d to
iy for any person who would •ep
ho, principle for which he was
in ,r o,-
Hon. Galusha A. Cirow
ned by Mr. Wilmot as , :ii ae
-1 , person, and accepted and dea
-1 e cause of freedom never sutler
e hands of Mr. Wilmot's sueces
c the people of the district re
ihn at every suceeedingelection,
1 other apportionment. separated
1 ities of the "Wilmot District."
the provisions of the amend
the Constitution - making the
Iv of the State elective, Mr.
chosen President Judge of the
district composed of the Conn
radford, Sullivan and Susque
nlB 1. Hotpresided until 'ftis7,
resigned, and became the Cali
f the Republican party for “ov
ndwas.beaten by Win. P. Pai.k•
igh the treachery of the Cow:el:-
kid Know-nothing leaders. Ho
wed to his place upon the
nt inept, (Judge Bullock having
the position,) and was again
40 1111 the Place at the next
Republican National Cony( n
in Philadelphia, in 1856, Mr.
as proposed as the candidate
f , F ,.t9
for k Vice President On the ticket with
14'rmont. . He could have gommanded
an m imimous nomination, but he, was
to it, and counselled theselection
ofsm ie other man. , Upon an Informal
hallo', however, he received 43 votes.
Re w is Chairman of the Committee on
itesol vtions, and drew up the ,platform
adopt e d by that Convention. During
that memorable critivass,'. his feelings
were greatly aroused for the success Of
the Pathfinder,. und his .eloquent voice
was often heard on the side of Freedom.
The Gubernatorial contest of , 18.57,
was not:entered into With any hope of
slice rss , but to fix the radical, anti-sla
very sentitnent of the State. The Re
publican party of the State had made a
gallant fight for Fremont, and disclosed
a wonderful degree ofsound public gen
tinient, and it was that it might , not
relapse back into conservatism, that Mr.
tyli - not made the canvass for Governor.
T 16. result justified his expectations,
and, his labors thatT year did much to
establish the Corrinionwealth on the
side of Freedom. .
?In 1860 the North was thoroughly
aroused by the pro-slavery outrages of
the preceding years to Meet the aggres
sors at the ballot-box. Mr. Wilmot's
preferences were early expressed for
Abraham Lincoln, as the most avail
able candidate of thellepublican party
for the Presidency.
The State Convention declared for
Gen. Cameron,- and Mt. Wilmot was
selected by him as a Vdlegate at large,
to the Chicago Convention. He was
chosen temporary chairman of that or
ganization, and when G6n. Cameron's
name was withdrawn, had much influ
ence in controlling the Pennsylvania
delegation for Mr. Lincoln, thus •con
tributing largpky, to his nomination.
He enjoyed in a gpecial degree the
confidence and regard of the. lamented
Lincoln, during his Administration.
Mr. Wilmot wigs appointed a delegate
from Pennsylvania to the celebrated
Peace Congress held at Washington in
February, 1861, to devise sonic ,plan to"
restore the quiet of the country, and
save the Union. In the deliberation ,ot
this body he was tin active participant.
The selection of .Gen Cameron as
.Secretary of War, by President Lincoln,
created a vacancy in the U. S. Senate,
to 1111 which, Mr. Wilmot was elected
and took his-seat in that body March
18, 1861. A field of usefulness and honor
was now opened before. hint, in which
his friends confidently expected him to
win for himself a ; still loftier mune,
while engaged in advancing the cause
of litumut rights. In thepritne of man
hood, in the full vigor of his mental
powers, revered everywhere as the
champion of Freedom, the friends of
humanity took new courage from . his
presentee in the Seing 4 te. But at the
outset of his Sena f terflife insidious
disease laid its prostra 4-.1 ,. d upon
him. His health g adua failed,
until it was almost impossible_ for him
to attend to the routine of hiS Senato
rial duties. He served two years fn the
Senate, on the Committees oni,.Foreign
Aflitirs, Claims had Pensions, find was
succeeded in 1863, by Mr. Buckalew.
At the conclusion of his Senatorial
term ho was appointed by President
Lincoln a Judge of the Court of Claims.
which office he held up to his death.
But few public men have achieved
uch an enviable and wide,-spread rep-,
Cation at so early an ago and with so
little effort as Mr. Wilato.r. This was
due, in a measure, perhaps, to eircum
,stances, but more to the man himself.—
'Possessed of n commanding' exterior, a
•pollsbed address, and an eloquence and
earnestness which never failed to corn-
Mand attention and strike conviction to
every hearer, was ebnibined abilities 'nl
the very highest Order. Mr. Wflanyi
was a profound thinker—his mind was
exact and comprehensive. Be may lie
said to haVe grasped a subject-intuitive
ly. What other men acquire by pains
, tapig, and studentilife came to him
wfthout, labor, and apparently without
effort. His peculiar formation of Mind
enabledhlw at once to grasp a subject
in all its, branches and details. He de•
teAed instantly, all that was false and
illogical :%in a proposition. The ease
with which he Mastered subjects pre
sented for his consideration, made him
perhaps: unwilling- to' encounter that
severe teil• which is necessary .in all
great Men, who wish to reachTthe pin
nacle or human fame..
It may seem paradoxical thus to say
that Mrf,.W.Ltzto'r was not a 'politician
in the ordinary and Vulgar' acceptation
of the term. We know that such is not
the general reputation he bore, hot
those who knew him intimately, wilt
bear I*f: 4 :Witness when we sifzy that of al!
the ordinary intrigues of party- leaders,
and tire movements of party machine-
Ty, he had a great contempt, and wit,
profoundly 'ignorant. In the principle:-
underlyin% political organiFations, -he
was greatly interested, but 1.1.'m detail::
even of his own campaigns his friends
were affeustomed to manage and co t
trol. He despised the tricks of oral y
political schemers,
and instead of fon l
ing combinations he relied upon the
honesty add intelligence of the people.
This was really the great secret of h 4
power with, the 'people. Honest :it'd
sincere hinfself,, he. believed that e
masses were equally so,•and 'when a -
tacked, he went boldly and confidently
to the people, in school-houses and
churches, and plead - hig own cause, and
the cause of equa ~, ts. His trust in
the voters was rc, Rad by the.confidence
and regard they had for him, as evinc
ed by many a hard fought battle. IZ - 0
man was ever so firmly entrenched - in
the hearts of our people as DAVID WIL
MOT. •
As a lawyer and judge, Mr. Wm:qui
achieved considerable reputation. All
his tastes and'habits were opposed to
the labor and. dry details of the practice
of his professiolii, and his mind was
much absorbed hi the more fayorite con
sideration of political questions. But
to the discussion) of legal quwtions, he
brought that greht, intuitive acumen
which at once,, probeda subject to the
very depths. 'Mitny of his appeals to
the juries of thebounty were unsurpass
ed for eloquence and earnestness, whilst
his argunientspon questions of law
were able and'} ti exhaustive. - Upon the
bench, he disarined the enmity of his
foes by his,lt a partiality and
'Flie peculiar qualities o f his mind
found full pia •, in deckling einestions
Which arose, nd his decisions were
greatly resrieet - d, and very seldom over
ruled by the S ipreine Court:
„A loan of troug, convictions, posi
tive, abrupt, pt tspOken, he was an ad
versary net t()' )e lightly encountered.—
The love of Tri th was with hint a pre
dominant :Char.• eteristic. He despised
a sham, and ha ed falsehood and op
pression in ever shape. HIS sympa
thies were kind y and generous, his de-
Ineanomodest • tina'ssuiniiig.
manner won tli confidence and gamed
the friendship of all who came in eon
-met:with him. le combined in att
ut: degree, all he elements thatgo to
wiit popular - adm'ration and • applausA.
liatl health beet spared to Mr. \Art 0-
toT, he would ha 'e taken a prontinent
part in the trying scenes 'of the ' past
sext)it rears. Tlu mute of humanity
and th'e country, I ost , the power and
•intluettee of his el( quence, but his sym
ie. %core withsthe loyal, and all that
i'ocitie frame would withstand was
steely lie would undoubtedly,
under more favorable circumstances,
have held a high rank amongst thetrue
Wien .
en of the nation. But his g
,~ F ~.~
NO. 14. ,
Tho pro'prietor ; e 5t0p1449 estgbliiifußent
liith anew a voila oasortniint:tif "; .7
and are ireparnd tp vxecuteiteat4yaiactricrfAly,
Deeds - , Mortgages, teases, ti full aiiortnynet
of •ConstaWes' and Justices' .131aakif 9tt
People living at a distance can .depand 'on hay
"in their work tlonft promptly and trent _back la
return mail; I • . . "•-; •
health and strength prove to him
from active participatiemin the del?ates
of the Senate; and his Senatorial career
added , no new lustre ,to,. „'narne; ex
cept such as attaches,' comet , votes.
As a citizen, Mr. WlLiseol l had A, host' a
of Mends. ' In the daYS of, MS, youthful
vigor, he attached his assoCiates tO.",him
b ,the strongest bonds. The.
ties of bitter political antagonism Were •
tempered down by yeatsrand ' bad
long since divested hlinself of the.pre
judices engendered by' political feuds
andstrifeS: A kind and 'loving bus-,
band and father, the stricken. family
have the earnest and heart-felt sympa,
thies of the community. While'the
relatives sorrow for orp dear to Ala , ein,
the friends of FreedoM and HUmanity
mourn for the early death of one whose
work seemed but half done. • '
Suburbs Of Damascus.
Out6de Damascus, close by the- spot
where tradition telLs_us: that St. Paul
was lowered from the wall in the bas
ket, and where the dragowens show, to'
anybody who likes to believe them, the
tomb of the identical ::St. Oeorge who
killed the dragon, there is a sight which
tew,travelers see, and fewer care to - talk
about when they have seen it. There .
is a little town outside the town—a, eort
of subprban annexeewith wails of its ,
own, and a gateway, standing • about a
bowshot from - the public road thatpass
es towards the gate.- The only thing_
- which would attract attention -to the
plage, besides its odd-isolation from the
city proper, is ,the —Wide berth which
everybody seems to give it. You do not
'see any of the brown Bedouin tents
pitched near the spot. nor anybody go
ing in or coining k out ; and it the goats
or camels graze Coo near the mud walls,.
the Syrian body in charge spits and
shrieks out an Arab anathema upon all
their collateral relations on the matern
al side, which he enforces with a ,brok
en pitcher, or-a palmstalk, on the re
soundiug ribs of the offending cattle.—
surprised' by this, you inquire, and you .
learn that the lepers of Damascus live
altogether in this little extramural en
closure. That fact contents most trav
elers ; but some, not having the fear of
death or dikes() , before their eyes, or
touched with pity for a class thus—per-
Mips unnecessarily—cut - off' from hu
man intercourse, have crept through
the little gateway into this townlet of
"Death in Lil." At first 'nothing
whatever is sect but a little open space,
-surrounded by low cottages of wattle
and palm leaves, with a fewpitchersly-!
lug about. The lepers cannot stand the :
sunlight if they have been long afflict- ,
eel—they keep ' indoors i" and thus, _
excep' a carrion-crow or two, or a yule(
tore, t t l
tere is no sign of life. EVen thei
yellow doe. of Damaseu3e-re not per-1
milted t ;titer the'place. They wiii'ild , -
creep eu, and in ; but the' illogical
Moslem fatalist says that, they ' might
carry infection. So you cry, after the
Eastern fashion. " In the namoof 'God,
,peace and compassion here! who is
there ?" Then come creeping an d -
blinking into the glare those whomake
a strong heart sick with pity and aston
'ishment, to see the ravage which the
house of the soul can bear before Death
sets it free. D6corttin forbids that .we
should here minutely describe _those
victims of the antique and awful mala
dy of the East. Suffice it that these
sad outlaws of health seem as If each of
them lived iu a dead body ; they - look,
marry of thew, exactly like corpses up
oh wholitno other phenomenon of dis-.
solution has come than putrefaction.—
There are thil far advanced, whose vis
ages are wellnigli obliterated; and their
linger-joints dropping away ; thefii are
others whese,faces present only au um=
healthy real or deadly white; and sante
dims among the throng of ° doomed
create ree, whom the unwonted voice of,
compassion_ and fearlessness calls, to::
getht r, there is a young and pretty
Syrian girl with her ifrown baby. ;Yon
mist; why *lie is there 7 6he rolls the
"cezer'' back from her anti, ells, ly
anti mvii, and points to a dull pate
1,:,,, 4 :;t site hi of the -uucleau,nlad
tier child iti.7e. •`,;lllah's,will is ,upon
lier,",slie obset yes, and nobody can say
any thing lee. or more. They are gentle
outlaws,, these liviag . dead, anxious not
to compromise you by ti_triing . ,,too close .
grateful intd astonished and softened
when you go up to them and - give your
little aline into . their poor hands, artd
look i;, if you did not hate or dread
them ;oi being so miserable. So much
,e, eeitcd, (hut when -you leave, look
ing aleued to see that nobody observesi
you, ant:-tells about, it in the city, it
-ound:; quite veltiable to have said be- - -'
!end iii the "Fa ant anzani 11/ei4".ethe,
" I" . 1 111 II! , peaec,of God i" The prayer
of , I i iet• whom Allahlias such good rea
:on li'Lemlr, scents something like an
uxoelli•nt I,ll'V,aill tdget Tor orilya pinch
or two ol'p!at-tre,t. . ..,
A Fluit TING MAN.—One of the gen
eratti of the "Lost CauSe" says that at
about, the time of the attaetk upon Fort
Willow the confederates had converted .
a Mississippi boat into a eotton-clad,
the mate of which was a big,•do,uble—
fisted sample of a river bully, "full",of
strange oaths" and always enforcing:
his orders by i:tirielting men abolth the
•head, and adds :,_: — !AsTust before we went
into the light he came swaggering tip
to me acid said :
"Waal, general,' I suppose when ono
sick or fother's you big inen'lL
'luit and :11zike hands?''
"Yes, Jim," said I, "when the light
ingis over I expect every than to go
home and attend to his business."
"That ain't me," Jim said, smiting'
l'Ais lett, palm with his fist like a sledge
hammer,-"for if I ever katch a yank ~
south of Cairo, I'm a going to mash
h i t t & I ! ,
'' "Xften-i neh shell that eamo whistling •
oxier the boat interrupted any f rther
remark just then, and shortly w were
butting away, at the federal bo
t ts in
about as hot a fire as ever I went o see.
I should 'think there were ahu idred
guns Opened on 14, and we g t,one
broadside - so near that the flash of their
guns - set out cotton bales on tire. Our
Pe . ople fought well, but the other side
were too Urong for us, and we had to
drop down thq river. During the ac,
tion, while cannon were roaring, boats .
sinking shells shrieking and, bursting
all airound, and the air filled with flame
andlsmoke, I ()mho lost sight of Jim ;
•bin after wo had dropped down the:
river, out of fire, and all hands were _
busy repairing damages that valiant
hero crept out from behind a cotton
bale, and sneaking past me with a flag
of; trace, said : • .
" General I ain't so mad as I was.—
This ain't the kind of fighting' I'm
used to.; and when them fellers get
ready to stop throwhi' them iron pots
round, I'll quit if Hwy will." -
", And, sure enough, in two - weeks be
went into the lines and took the oaths"
•'• 'Why did JOgeph's brethren' cast
him ht the pit?" itcilted aschool teacher
of his class. ' " Because," said a young!:
lady, " they thought it a good'opening
fora young man,'
" Have you, no, mistaken the pew,
sir r blandly Sall a Sunday Chester
field, to)a stranger who entered it.- "
beg pardon:". said the intruder, rising
to go out, " I fear I have, I took it fora