HOME M.AT'rERS4, WEDNESDAY; MAR: 18, 1868. New ..11,thrertisement4. Elkland Borough Ordinances. Mansfield Borough Ordinances. Westfield Borough Ordinances, Atiditor's'Notice-4ohn I. Mitchell. Notice to Taxpayers—Commissioners.. Attention Parmers—M. B. Prince. Di Bankruptcy—A. J. Smith, W. B. Keyes. Notice- td Teadisem--Middiebury Directors.; Nero fruit Jars—W. D. 'Pahall & CO. BAPTIST MEETING. -- Rey . N. L. Rey nolds will preach in Bunnel hall, Thursday evening, 19th inst. The public le cordially in vited to attend. • _ To CortuEsroriDENTß.-rlf the 'author of strloturee upon our node° of the "Tyng mil live pt hie name, not for publication, we shall be glad to pre him audience next,wcelt. A real name should always aosompany such artioloY Ho,TE.x.4 'CgArmi.— Mr. .Wllll a TOmisend, of the Townsend House, has Bold out to Mr. D. D. Holiday, late of the Mansfield HoteL Mr. Holiday took charge Monday morning. Goim WEST.—Mr, C. A: ' Deane, the conclusion of_whose letter ,frp m , Itiohnie'nd w e publish this week. set out on hi , S return to colored() Monday' morning. Ho returns to re -5111116 his work on the Government• surveys. Ho has our best wishes for health and siccoss. BAKRaY.—INtr. Charles Stevens • is fitting up the building next door . to Sears At DerbrA shoe shop for a Bakery. We see no gOod reason why a Bakery should not . prove ETll•inveltment in "%Vanisher°. Fresh "ornekora are a great luxury. Hurry them up.. • FIRST OF THE SEASON.—Mr. Tim Spaulding, of Chatham, sent• the Agitator a few days since four cakei of, very nice Maple Sugar, and for which he hag our thanks. 2 FIRE .IN BLOSSRITRG.—Mr. - Henry Hollands writesWs that the Brewery, owned and operated by Messrs: Tayloi and Jones, was des troyed by fire Saturday night, March The fire was discovered a little before midnight by some passers-by, who rescoed the' safe and books. It is believed to belie been fired by some evils alspoied person. Loss about• . $lB,OOO, Upon which there was a partial insurance. JAMES G. CLARK. , .—TiIIs popular bal lad singer and composer will give ono of ' hie de lightful .entertainments in the Presbyterian Chard!, in `this village, Friday evening, March, 20. i It is e Id= ihat the public has an oppor tnnity to Ii ten to so sweet a singer, and to thOse Wh o have hard Mr. Clark no further commen dation will o needed to insure him a full house. No man or omen, snseeptible r of improvement, can hear him and not feel measurably bettered. Ms songs-are chiefly-of his own composition. PUBLIC SALES.—M.rs. Elizabeth Tyler, of Delmar, will sell at auction on the premises, Wednesday, 25th inst., at 10. A. /41., 21 superior cows, a spin of mares, a quantity of bay, oats, potatoes, and dairy utensils. Tho cows are said to be first quality. Two bulls of choice breed will also be sold. Mr. D. W. Osborn, of Chatham will sell on the premises, Triesday 24th inst., a largo lot of pro duce, farming . utensils, Household goods,. etc. BLOSSBMIG. —We learn_ from, the Bradford Reporter that a man named James Gutherie w 4 run over and killed by the ears botwpon Bloseburg: and Fall Brook, Saturday, nth inst. His was drunk. 1 . 130 that 4 chi ld of four years was burned to deal at Fall lirl'ok the same week..t.: A.K. that the loss by the' destruction of Jones & Taylor's Brewery was '520,000, ten which there way an insurance of $14.000. S - hundred barrehl of ale ere destroypd in its vaults. Sap CASIIA.LITYI—We are pained to reoord the sudden and terrible death of Mr. John M. Sabins, of Clymer township, .on Tuesday, 12th inst. Mr. Sabins and a younger brother were orating - logo in - the woods, Finding it necessary to cut off a windfall near the roots, ho mounted the fallen tree and commenced sawing it off. As soon as it was severed, the stump, on which he stood, fell suddenly inward, crashing .him between the roots and the trunk of the tree and killing ' hint instantly. This is aa, terrible affliction to the friends of the deceased. Mr. Sabine was 27 years of ago, and a very worthy yotm e . man . 05 ' THE liaravAL.—The series of 'meet ings under the conavot of Bev. 0. L. Gibson, in this village, still continue, and nightly attract crowds. Upward of 150, persons profess "conver sion, among whom arc a number of our best citizens. The revival at Knoxville seems to have been very thorough!, upward. of 2O .persons 'professing conversion. We are informed that nearly every man, woman, 43Lndlehild in Knoxville is gathered in as the fruitl i ef the revival. The rovivalkt Crooked Creek- pis still in pro gress. 'Upwards of sixty persona . have made a public) professiodNof religion. T - )az NORMAL ScsooL.—The Term Examination of this lnetitution will commence to-day (Wednesday) at 2 o'clock, P. and continue 21 days. Tho Exercises will consist of Rhetoric, Languages, Matblematies, Common and 'higher EngliSb, Pbysioloky, Philosophy, eto., enlivened. with vocal and instrumental Music. Prof. Hoyt will conduct the Music. The junior glass will givii an entertainment of select decla mations and music oli w t 'Ffigny evening. The publieTtfeordialli incited to attend. The .present term-has been highly prosperous, and although the number in the Normal School has not been increased on account of scarcity of room, the grade of scholarship is certainly im proiing. -..- .There are at the present tims. 32 in the Senior Class: this class hope' to graduate next Juno; they 'will have their firiatexamination in 13 weeks : the Junior elites null:Mims 28. The class, who have signed the paper required by law to secure State appropiiations numbers .70 the present Term: of thiii number 80 i*olve S 7 each : 4 receive $l4 each towards defrkiring expenses. They are simply required to declare their in tention to teach in the common schools of this Commonwealth. These 4 individuals who re ceive double appropriations come under 'a class who were wounded in the service of their country or whose father lost their lives in said service.s The.next Term will commence Maroh- ( 23, MB, (Monday) and continue 14 weeks: a few vacan cies will then occur. - • B niiii•OitipC r oiritii.—Says the Troy Gazette: Mr. E. B. Case, of Troy dressed a hog six months and 24 days oldwkieh weighed2Bl pounds—beat ing all competitors either in Bradford or Tioga. Messrs. Westbrook and Doano, of Liona,, have patented a Detaohing cheek- rein to uncheek horses without leaving thowagon. O.J. Church ill, of Canton, has patented a carriage jack. Elder Mitoh4ll, (Disciples) lately held a series of meetings at Canton resulting in the jaddition of 75 members! to hie Churoh. Ifo is now at Alba, and the work is going on; The same p4icr says that only ,twetity tickets were sold to Brick P.omeroy's lcctbro in Williams port. The Coperheads clubbed- together and raised $1,50, and made the lecture free finally. This speaks well for Williamsport morals, - The employees on the Nottherteentral road lire now uniformed. Coat, army bla. sack, with gilt Muttons, vest blue, with gilt buttons, pants gray and plain, cap, navy pattern. This is right. . REMAHICABLE WOMAN.—A corres pondent writes us from Farmington the following partioulars of the life and labors of Mrs. Lydia Mal, of Da Page Co., 111. He says: "1 got the foots , sof Rhodes W. Hall, of township, he having recently returned from a suit to tho West. Mrs. Hall was born in Rhode Island, whence 'she removed when quite young to Berkshire 4ounty, Mass. There she, lived daring girlhol, and married Reuben Hall. She raised seven eh ldren, of whom five are living, two in Illinois, one in New York, and two in Farmington. Illinois,_ years ago neat May At moved with her youngest . daughter to Tur- ner i o 501.04,00, ,yeerx,,, age., she foll'froin Aloud of hay, and so crippled, her-" self.that !Ole has walked with a cline ever since: , Always a hard worker she is still a woman of robust health and strength, and 'hes riot bleep; sick a day in a number ef'yeais, She is now 7s' years of ago; yet within the-past ten months - has tilled two and a half acres of land, doing all • the work except ploWidg, and Walking nearly a mite_ to her work..l3he raised 100 imatiebroU: corn 'in the ear, one bushel of beans, six bushels of beets twenty bushels of potatoes, and sorghum 'enough for twelve gallons of syrup.' Besides thli she `spun 34 pounds of rolls into yarn; wove i ISBV y,tirds of pleid:tlannel, yards of rag 'carpet, was h e d for a family of eight persons, live of them small children, every week, • milked 'three cows all the time night andmorning,- drove' them up most of the time from pasture, huh, six pairs of striped, mittens, tended baby' for ' • her daughter "oonsiderably,".and did many others things :"too numerous to mention." The• •tempterf,'• in, th e shape of strong drink, ; separated 'husband and We regard those faots as perfectly , authentic, though such labors appear too great pt. belief. But we hope no woman in Vega OoitutY, - Of else where will undertalie:to compote with Mrs.: Hall, Who . may be ranked- among the. noted women o pioneer times. • ' = •, 1 - - ; GOSSIP.—Who has not delighted In Burnsii - song—"Por a' that and, a' thee'? "_Prob ably no poem Of its rank. ever effected a more permanent lodgment in the minds and hearts of the people. We regard it as worthy 'a7warm. place in the affections of the "people;, and doubt if it could be displaced evon were the effort made. Burns aimed at snobbery - in high life, and hit, the mark fairly. But there is snobbery in low life;- or in common life; rather, and it was reserved for sonic keen wit to send a shaft at .it,_ in- a neat parody of the song in question, which was lately . Published in Punch. ,We print . this parody' on the first Page as a fair bjt at common: life snob , / Imry, and commend it as smooth piece ofversi fleation also.' Since we have , r•opeued ' l tiut" on . snobbery let us pursue the subject a littledurther. Tho constitution of the United States very prop ; erly prohibits titles of nobility. This prevents the growth of an hereditary . ariatoordoi, but does prevent snobbery. A - snob ,is of woman who undertakes to apoand, manners , of "the 'great. A man may undertake. 'this on a fortune' of ten thou Sand :ai" well as upon-a Airtime Ora anoh: is alsO' any man or woman' who affects . to deSpise:wealth or competency. Uontempt for - money , is either sheer hypocrisy - or irrational 'nonsense.,, Money Jail :geed thing, and its"useri are manifold. Out, uses it to maim more; ho is the miserly snob. Another uses it to galnAhe naine of a whole soulod fellow'; 'he is the assinine snob. Another uses it to make a grand display and astonish the - vulgar; lie is the ostentatious'enob. It is pure, snobbery to despise either riches 'or poverty, and there is not much to choose between them. As a rule, rich peeple,' think less' ,abont their money than men and women of moderhte estate. Tho upshot of the whole matter is 'that 'snobbery, whether it pertain.to "lord or lOon," is the_re,- . suit of ill-breeding,--only this and • nothing more." —We beg our valued' eorrespondent"A. P. H.;" to retract his apostrophe, to spring. Old winter has talten,treneh leave, and the unhappy. pedes trian plods along mid-leg deep in slush. ' The roads are punched full of 4 holes, 'strikingly si:!g iestive of a mouth just delivered its old snags. Here you Slip and therc . you splash, Your, gtims keeping your feet dry at the expense of your foothold. If a fellow could swing around the oircle,and keep just ahead or ,just behind the transition - period between winter and , spring, what aajolly good thing it would bo to be sure. And while we are about it, why not wish for an extra lump of sugar in our. coffee-imps of exis tence, and confusion to tansy,- aloes and worm wood. And speaking of wormwood we aro re minded of the thousands of mon' anil women 'who are traveling to paralysis and death by .absiitthe: What is absinthe? A liquor obtained by distil lotion from the common shrub known as wenn wood ; and may you never seek to now any thing else of it save its name. It is a French creation, much affected and affecting a class of literary men in the large cities. Its chains rust into the soul. It is only' a: little ,waree,, than, whiskeyin-that it: toles more time to kill. It is : Slow, but sure. MUSICAL .ENTERTA.INgT I SAS• G. CLARK, The celebrated poet-vocalist, Will give a sociiible in - THE PRESBYTERIAN &LURCH, Wellahore, Friday evening, larelt 20, 1808. Admittance 45 cent?. Children under 10 years 15 " We are glad fo liee - able to a,. ounce that Mr. Louts litus,the proprietor of .be Elmira• City .Bindery, is so far recovered fro.. his severe sick ness of the past few weeks as to be able to over see the work of the bindery: He'now; hopes in a few days to resume work with his town hands.— Ho desires us to apologize in his. behalf. for - the delay of work during his -sickness. He - is --new again prepaied to Tem** orders, with• the hope, of being able, with additional help, to execute theili with more than his usual promptness.— Thankful for the increasing patronage which is coining to him froin far and pear, he hopes, with renewed health, to Sully satisfy all who shay haVt; occasion for his services. • , . DEMORES I eII MODEL MONTULT.-.-Ladies !never weary of praising this• Magazine • for its beauty and usefulness. :he patterns are worth more than the price of each. number, and, with' the adidr able models furnished by, its illustrationi, are invaluable to ladieS living in the country.. We !lc not know much about • the •"Household" , and other exclusively feminine departments,' - eicil4' that housekeepers think everything of thou►, .bui we do know that thC reiding matter is varied - and unexceptionable, and that, altogether, it is as welcome a visitant Mt can be fonnd in the _par)* or family circle-. - Psite,:s3.oo per 'yr, dar, with • a handsome premium. Send-fora eirenlar.--W. Jennings Dernorest, 473. Broadway, 'N.Y. • Teethc•Extiacted lyithogt pain by the use either of goneial ar,lgoal anaesthesiao; irreg ularities of the teeth corrected, inflammation, or ulceration of the aptrtins - -rcznovedi-perieetitis (alveolar abseessi_intred, and Ulcerated teeth - Al stored to uscfnincsi, -- an,d all 'diseases of tho teeth or gums successfully tretire - ii-by,p. Novell, _Den tll Surgeon, Manspold Pa. ,' '" • • Porsons wfsifing to 'cobsult Dr: E. Smith of Mansfield, should do so at once as - the Dr. 'Stoves West the first of April. Ther e, will - be an auction sale of household property at Ma tesidenee' Sat urday, .March 28th, at 1 o'clock P. PC ' Tering reasonable, all persons indebted to ttte,Dr. arc requested to call and settle imtnediatelY and save cost. 2w. MARRIAGES. TIFFANY—TRUMBULL.—In Montrotio,Reb. 25, by the Rev. 3. G. Miller, Mr. U. N: Tiffany, of. Oakley, and Miss Jennie E: Trintikrdl, of );IyidAe.7_ water, Susq'a• Co. Pa: • • BROWN—GLENDINIAN.-- , At the hOnse of the bride's parents, in Shawmnt, Elk• Co - Pa., March 4, by the Rev. W. Little, - Mr. James Bow en' of Bloesburg, .Tioga Co., and Miss-Eizabeth Chatham; -March-'S. by Elder C. D. Kinney, Mr. Samuel T. Kipg, Miss Clara Curran; of Chatham. - • Hero __Fruit Jar. 500 GROSS of the 11E110 FRUIT J for Pnlo by • ' W. D. TERBELL ‘4, CO., •• _ • We are prepared to fill orders for the 11•ro Fruit .lar as low as • they can' be bough , nay. anywhere, and shipped from Corning. ,We can giro special rates on large qUantitiini. It is the boat and most salable Jar in the .market. ' (let quotations from us before ordering elsewhere: - March 18, 3868. —8 at • Mansfield Borough Ordnance.' , . T a meeting of the Burgess and Obutiell of A:the Borongy of Mansfield, held Mar& 7th, ;1868,.f be following ordinance was passed: - Be itordnined by the Burgess and Council of fhb - Borough of Mansfield, and it is hereby:or-' dallied by authority of the same—That from and After the first day of April neat; it" shall bdua lawfcil for any persona to put, throw, or depOsit; any ashes, dirt, offal, or other refuse; orantob stables of any .desoription in any street' in'thiti Borough, under a penalty of Three Dollars for' each offence. IT. B. MIDDAUGH, Buygees, P. W. erdaits f - they. -. THE AHERICAN •COOKING.STIPit urrAt.o ? Aopt t 13, 18M3 1 , Opasral iIBAII, PAOX'Atill ' I*- Gentlemen : Enolosed and draftier amount of yOur - bill.for the ' seven:bah Atrierican Cooking Stovei".= Thb titoire jiiiiied• all and; I am running-it with waste, shingles ' ; which I'buy, ato: shingle factory ; aka cost .' Seventy,• etlints per week , and I can run it With coal; at $9 lier; ton, for less. I used to run an eight-jnokfer four, etintiP'irwitokeeal per :toil , --and kept anitiday,7 I "'Mire • told 'hundreds of styles of stoics, but I say, witbentprejudiee (now. that am„out of the stove, business); thave never seen se ecipopin4li „convenient, Weil arranged and thimble 'a stove as the ArnericanOand its equal has not „yet beett,furnished to the Aluer-. lean market. „. 4rizi truly, , R. P. ROSE. For gal 6 byCorzytilsg.ikOsuo6ii - Wellsboro March 1.84 w. The largest, best and cheapest assort ment of .01).410 ;avar,bronglrt into l'ing4i Countio; rriritilar4o - pidt4re in everY,ivry, ta.auit, and ear* photographs at $l,OO per nil - going fait : * Frank Spoknees Art'Oalli:6; , :tlanstied, Pa. _ • Dee. 25—tr. NTICE 1O TEACIIERS.—The School Di reams of Aliddleburr will - meet at the; hodse Joia-Redington;- Saturday, April '-.1; proximo, for the purpose of hiring teachers for the rcycral Schools -in Tenet:3l'i will pleat.° nttend. By order of the Board. Marchi )8;1868.. 130RO. ORDINANCE RE'LATING ,To Iit?TiiES i .: CAIITLE xtrr,ipir?ia AT • LAIII3IE, TT is hereby ordained ir.y authority 'of the Bur -1,... Zess.and. Con nail. of the-Borough-of Westfield, I'a that it shall bo the duty of the Pound Master, High Constable.. pr.a.nyother person , of said Bor °Ugh, to take rip and deliver to the Pound Master any horses. cattle, triples, sheep, swine or geosh, found naming at large within thei limits of said Boro, aftqrthe!2fitli:day of Miiich, A. D. 1868: That any person' taking up horses,..Sic , as afore... said shall bccebtitledlti ten' dents - 4er 'each and every. animal so Ablion up athlidellicrod;,to the .'ound Master, the same to be paid by 019 .poUnd ..,...I ati tor; and thoToundMa ster , .ditil,i clititici the.. sant' of fifty. cents 4 yid. te'd . .!- een tii, added, , fp rs each: pii:oljOty.dky, ;4'..;iiiii.E , cherikeef.Tter"-;eiwit% and every animal kept by hith in the pound; Pro;,' '.Tided, that irlie . Oball -keep 'any' animal- for it longer porioci.than:ai.day-! 'at any -‘otio , 'NM°, '4o'; shall charge one dollar per day, for_ every day, after the first, which sum or sums •sliall,',.tre..paitt . ` by the owner or'oiv.heralhercof„ arid . if 441 , ti'4; the duty .of the* , .Potinti Mnstdr - to ' - a,dVeitik§ 'alt animals loft: in': iiii) pomid for , a liarigei:;period than onOdayt firr the space of ono 'Week, in three of the most public ,placea of said Ito . reMgh, - At t end or which Limo id they are' not ' - reclaime'd trnd . Ph&rgea paid - by, theowned-ormarmirs'llVtlfff, lid. is authorized to.oelL.,theni at....'pub)ic auction, for. ti which service he shall charge the f rthe,r sum of ono doll Cr. and it shall bolls dut to pay over the balance - of tho proceeds or such sale, „if 'any, into the hands of the Borough:.Tre , urer,,for, the ii 00 of the owner of - oWncra,' thereof' 'arid :11 nok elaime4 within one year - by-the owner or owners, 'aforesaid it shall be forfolted.to the i use of said Borough, and thoPciand.Mater 'shall pay over into the Borough Treasury for. tlie.''use: - .of the ,Borough one half of all rtioneyiltiiiing'iand re= - ceived by him on aecourit,,O . `f any animal, ,Or ani.d male; bMak by him impounded. L , :.•• . ..,. 7 -- AMBROSE_CLOSA Burgess., Attest :''.j. C. STRAND, ''''' .SPEC .1 A 4. NoTicE. -o-- TO TILE NERVOUS;AND DEI4,44ATED whose sufferings have liven protracted from hidden' causes, and WIJOSO,catteS require.,prontOt treatment to render sxistencodeOrable. if yott are antrothig:Orhave suffered, friitn,f4v,ohintery discharges, whittositedt,does It prMlitce, Upon your ' general health? p 6 454, feel OsWillatod, .tired 'Does's' llttla..estra- MMition - produce palpitation of the heart t". Does your liver, or urinary brgatie, or ,your kidney's, fre quently get out of order? Is your' urine - sometimes thick, milky, or flocky, or Is , ropy. or settling? Or (foes a thick scum rise to the top 1 Ur Is a sediment at - the bottufn after It has stood awhile? Do you have spells &short breathing or dyspepsia? Aro y our. bow els constipated? Doyou have spells of faintingor rush es of blood to tho bead? Is your memory impaired I Is your mind constantly dwelling upon this subject?— Do you fret dull, listless, moping. Died of company, of life? Do you wish to be lett along, to gel - atvay . from everybody? Does any little thing make you start o' jump ? is your sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Igo you enjoy yourself , in society 'as well?— Do you.porsue your business with. the same energy?— Do y o u, feel its much confidence In yourself?: Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits Of "Inelanchnly? If so, to hot lay it to-your liver •or dyspepsia. Have you rest l'eos nights? Your _back weak,. your , knees weal?, oral have but little appetite, and you , attribute this to dyspepsia or liver complaint!' - Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal distaste badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weakness of tile genet utive organs. The organs Of gen eration,,when In perfect health make the man. Did you eyeribink_thet•those bold, :Wilma, energetic, per severing, successful'-Dullness men are always those' whose generative organs aro in perfect health? You never bear snob men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation - of the heart. They are nev er afraid they cannot succeed in business; they duet become sad end discouraged ; they are always borne and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you and' them right in the face—uono of your dow est Reeks or . any other meanness about them.. 1 do not mean .tbose who keep the organs enflamed by matting to ex- These will not only ruin the constit lune. but also those they do business with or for. ;„ How many men from badly-cured diseaties, from the effects of self-abuse and exceeses, have bipught about that state Of weakness in those organs that Ithe reduced the general system so much as to induce alft est every other dismt4e—idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affect ions, suicide; umf almost every other form of disease which humanity Ss heir to, and the real cause of the troublet scarcely over suspected. an {t havo doctored for ; . all but the rrght'one. Diseases of those organs tottuJrcrtho use of it diuretic. lIELMEOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT DUCUUJe the great Diuretic, mile treertalneVre faVdis'ensai - of the 111;u1- der, liidne3s privc), ilrePsy,',Orglinki 'Weakness; Fe male Coinpittla 04101(.10 Debility, and all diseases of the Urinary ;01'gruret,'whothel• Wilting in' Maio or Fe- male, from a bitterer cause originating and no matter how long htanotilig. - - 7 .7,7 jrne treatment is Submitted to, 611Surep,4011 or In 'sanity tatty ensue. Our (kith .and bloodliresupperted from these source's, mid the hanlth.anil happiness and that of posterity, depends upon prompt usepf ayellable remedy: • ' • -111:1.11BOLD'S. EXTRACT ` DIIOIIII, eitabliebed tip word of 18 years, prepared by, T. , blck Ilruadivity.'hoirlrbilt, and • • 104 South 10th Street. Philadelphisi, Piurc4-41.,26 petliotOo, or 6 bditaa for 46,60,:de1ii ort•ti, rc,lse:' -.Bola by 1111D,rpggleta dyetyw,ttorti `-) &CO. E EIASIVE - -SOAP lifAtE; l nt ‘j itial.s, And tmay con. a Ifilloted 015 STANDARD OF EX- Pi I *,,,, -OBLUENOR:- ;For 8 W by: All O rocas. 22ihny67-Iy. SIMILIA SIMILIBUS,`OURANTUR HUMEMEIETS'', , _nomeciPzeritic SPECIFICS, AVI.I PIOyED, FROMAIIK. MOST-AMPLE RX- N rerience, en entire success; Sirnple-Prompt- Ltlielent, and .A2hey are the only lifedicinee perh;,ctly, adapted .to oopnlar uso-,-scr tints talces-cannot be made In using them t• so harmless ns to be free from danger, , and so efficient as to,he always re, liablo. They hove ;tilted the: highest 'connte.ndlat!on. firm nutl itlwayii render satisfaction. " Nl",.C..'n"'-roi;7l-1017..""".0/41i 97:14.1;t7:"; 7:11;1:71:-'4 . Co n te.2s do Worriash "Worth-Perer, 4Vnita•C6iic 25 'B, do Crying Colic, or Teething, of Infants:- 7:6 4, do Diarrhoea of childre7 or adults 26 5, do DstsOnto2l7, Griping, Billons.Colle 26 6 , do . Choioi4-.oo2l4o,,V.oluiting • -25 7, do Cough's. Colds,lfrouchitia r-, 25 8, Neuralgia, Tootinichil,tii63:o44, 25. 0, do iteffdliChitl,,Slelilindaelle,:krtige . ,... 10, 'do Dyspepsia; itilionsStinnaph k 25 11, ' - do suppressed or , 12, do Whites, too ta - ofirteit Pot - bails 26 11, .do. Croup - Ctn . 14, Saltl3llouol, '25 15, do Dlieumaii' s ra, Rheumatic Pains 25 In, do raver a u d-Agige, Chill Ref or;2lkit Di = seo 1 7 , - do • PileztAiind or Weedlike • • r : 60 18, .do . Oithealbiy, and ear° -Or'Wcakliiett, , ..., So 10, do catarrh, acute or chriallc , falltidliza .50 '2O, do Whoopifig-apyigh, •Iplent Coughs.,. 21, de A s thm a , oppr9qd ..,....,.-.,50 22,, do Ear Dksch*fes, imp4iroci froaricg.,, 80 ,do Scrofula, `oi:larged . 4:llaudi, SwellitaleL 24. :Ito General' Debility, Pliyaical SVF,Attnosa. 5.0 25, do Diosvi, and soarity.':Seit:etio9a.." ... SO 28, tlit Sea-Sickness, alckaisa from siding,.; .80 27, t ~,,,'IridfI9yrDISCASO, Grayed 50 18, do' Nervous •Debilitv, -Seminal nem. • fikrolultary ',TlPacjatrgos ' • ' - ' 2B , So Sitio:Mouth Callker ''t ttcluarli.Wooltuusg, iyotting bed.:. SO 31, do Painful Poriodoiwith spninoe , dp .Sutfo r ings it change of • ' oer 5:%, do -Epilepsy, Spasms, St. 'Vitus' DaueO 466 84; do Diphthoria, ulcerated Sore Throat 50 , • . ,FAMILY OF SB-I..Rne' VfAig. 'l/01TOCCO CONTAINING A CIVIC VOlt 1.V4/1V ORDIGART .IGIICA911• A PAITILY' ta. attaJECT"7-14, 'AND ft nuote,or nragoTiotut $lO Ou Smaller FAsivr.ftad Tit'miturl tcases;iiith 20 to 128 vials,, • • ' $5 to $8 Stiecifics.for all FnivA4r. DIeICAVES. boll, for CUR- • • INC and for Parrs:lms tr9itmont, end %g -ala and pocket canca - - ' $2 to $5 " 44- :Meek Itttecillex by the case or tangle hex, are i(ent to ally part or the country , by-Matt to Expteae s tkve of charge, on receipt of the rake. Address Hum - pi : ireYe' apeoitle Homeopathic rdediatlie•Ccinipaiisr, . .01Ucoafid Depot, No". 662 Dttoabw.ti, bistv YORE. Dr. litnretraxia is consulto'd daily . at tits lair; Tier: &molly or by._ lettiir, as abovo, for all forme of dlseaso, FOR — SALE BY "it.Ll - DITUOGCL.V,V: 4itignit 91, 1867-Iy. -, -, .: .7- , ' -.,: c: ; - • - , 4 - Kill 4101VIETii,LN,Gf WELLSBOROg I vetil,l3,y . 'ipu t sh fo:Cony.suioisnt bi::l'.:"'s.'s: -`,- -,c,--I!4t ....T.:—.: .' t ''.'.::,.. , ...•:. '.:"J;•,l,_ irtate'. 4aa. can, laud a • • .iclvoloi3 nook of• , . • • FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, PORK, FlSif, OE t 33 kle t re 1440 4 10 *Wee Bartir. March:lBoB6B. ELKLAND BOROUGH . ORDINANCE. ~ Meetin g a:regular " o , rtlio'TO*lll Council of Elkland Borough on Saturday March 7th, 1868, the following ordlnitnceCtrasp4sedi • •,,That'every.lotwOner be 'teOulred to' bendin front of his protnisee-:a `substantial plank side walklis hereinafter . deieribid Commencing at Goo. Doirances' front , giste.oll north, side:of illain(Streo4,-atui retadibig to • the,l West line'.ef .S;;11:,Breol6, fkAli ori the south side, of. said Street fro nd 'John - Ttobbins front gate to east Jibe of f , Ott Buffalo Street, ft:ma the hotel to .north line of Wm. Trim's lot on tho ens t Sidi; of said street, and on West side froin Bridine's north lititle'thi brick block. On Wuter Street , from -rlteellcorner ~ to south 'aide of, the:Robbins lot' 'and , Parkhurst lot on east side of eltiK ekreet, to, Main street, -"Said ' 'walks to `b'cimade - ofPlank.not ; less than One and:a half %chaff' iti `thickness, to be.four feet wide, and set one foot from the fence; tci ,lai anbspip tint ltritrgicson4 to'„hti, ',Of:espn • gredeil Walk lie - coinpleteci.en or before th cten 0) 1 110f:4f -May pity, dln cue of failure of any of saidint'otviwitiljto build their respect tive walks, said walks will be, built and an ad '4ificinkl:olrargo of,llrPoi. tive r ni.. )fe'rriitidi4Pitbove Colt of building, aticoididOil'iaiy toaD,Azililkqr4". and fkiettlay.et .1 " h "ti 1 3 0. 0 rut' AP./ rn d clAa t eta sheep . ° l4 ' l4'i ° 0F149 ;. 10 tbi3 imi ttAff-Bald 41,6thIgh," 9, :trniler;t f.,p .gfrteen to per head 194 each oifenso. ,„ T: 3, gOi),TES, Burgess. , oorotnry~ `: 'March I8,';18118.-31ST: • r MTS ie to t , vernotice: That on the 25th day of January A. 1). 1868 a warrant in Bank ruptcy Was issued against the.estate of William B. -Royce, Of Thiga, in the _county of Tioga, and Stato of Penreti,•who..,itait-'.been adjudged. a Bankrupt on his own petitioh; •thatthe yo3'- 4104,01,4/fly, debts - and- delivery of any. Property belonging to such Banktuot totifil.9r for bin use and' tho tifinsfer of any property by htm:nrafor. bidden by law; that a meeting of.tho creditors of said BankrUkto prove their Ael3te and to abOose ono 'orL there Atsigneee of his estate:tall 1ki1 . 4. 01 - deniatthe' /Ago- of -F.. "Tiegtt;;re!ln liyliianisi; before E. Bruith,', - .Vgieter,, oti,;..the ..t2dllnV9f 7 Afirii, A;;•D: 1868.408, . • THOM.,AO 4... - 493V.LEY,• ' Li! S: Marsh/it:o4ex'. ,;- tst r Pa i - Mar. 18,,,1868-'0%!::-,i+1#.71);''P.titeprdi1/44icrY. :irNr.BANKRIJPTOY,, ! --Thla ,i3otives That'oti: , tha ifth'atikef Morel!' A -.l)*.x 1058 .i.htdirrant , in.lianitrup,tcy was teamed against the .tU dstato of -• Sidith,- of Sullivan township, in the county of tioga7and State of Pennsylva nia, who' r has'betki adjudgad Bankrupt on hie r eam, petUrion that tile paynioneocany - dektil and itelivery.of any property.beldriging stti3li, Bank 'apt, to him or for'hismse rind the trine* , Of any ypToparty by ..`him are Sorbidden by- - law;'that meeting of , the, creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their debts ) , and- to choose one or more Assignees - will be heltrat ci'Court of Bankruptcy, to be hola den at the , olEaccof Smith;An'Tioga, county of Tinge.; and 'State of Pennsylvania; before P.S. Slith, Register, on-tho 22d day of April, A. n, 18 8, at 2 o'clock { P. M. . a THOMAS 'A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal Western Diet. Pa, i , • -Pr. DAptIM, - 111diat 18 . 68-4 w. , 9111 E p,OMMISSIQNERS •,of Tioga - eounti • 1 will inel,3tlor thie purfwie,4ltearing appoils froth-the asseitinente of 'tho moral Assessors of the County, on Wednesday, • March 18th,, lost., and at any oilier time during Moly Readout' nip' the Stb day orJosse neat. ll,' HART • VAN NpS 00F1 '',T_ , ALLpstClorki n!, .211arah' bo lB, 1868,-3t. , WHOLOILE DRUG STORE o DituooT,A.l6: •pipikoiNgs; PAINTS 'XI4I:OXLS; ; `,•r,:-. .• 0 TIIADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED, MEDICINES, 1-IIEE4ELL'S BURNITT'S COCOAiNATIAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT. MEDICINES,; ESTER .PERVii.MER*, EXTRA ) P AGENTS FOR & CO'S. RE -Sold at 'Wholesale Prices. Buyers are requested to call and get quotationfr-before going further ! 1 East. ' , Corning, N. Y., - Jan. 1,1868-1 y * i't 'II\ Dr. W. K. TAYLOR, . .1: ' 1. r; ‘i; -.,. .. - OPERATIVE ANIi MECHANICAL ) 5-4 71, 331 W . 1 3E 11 X • SEV I T I y ~. O,BOEOLA, TIOGA. COUNTY, PA., ~. 0 FlFlCE—FiretliO ie in tar of Block. Filling and Extracting, carefally and auccecattilly done. :Chloroform or Ether admipletore,d when dealredt• ~ liki"All kiddi bl.lldtolttdrk tone Id it trorkmAnliko manner and warranted.: . IT.i.• i, ' r Call and examine apeolattaiii.. * Osceola, March 4,1808-4 t. . ,CONTAINING} 55 aorea; 4.5 of whioh are rio dor good. ctultivatlon, vrith - a;franio higiaer, ,frame'baFn, atsd exeolhint, apple and poach or 'ebard in bearing, thereon. %The farm is well we toted, and lies about three miles west of the Al- , l ogo of Oovjpgton,'Tioge. Cy. pa. For toms .lit;• .4uira orieltii , pretutsed,tif ' ' IRA bRAVES.- ' - 'l:lovington, Feb. 26, 186840 •'' • ' ' ;,. Rome Life Insuiqnce Op.; No. ,2pci „limaAliwAlr, NEW YORE-. AII A . , . . Lhe ' 11et.priitlts.oriliinJ Cduitkanyko to t], the Assured. 1, • No-forfeitufeOf Polices. ~•', -, • • _: --No lirettation'tui to resldenei or ,Tiave)., The - Home'hits'in 'ainple CeSt,i Capital wont see sure!, invested'. ''"' - •• -, ' WALTER B. ORIPETTIL , ' Preip. GEORGE 0. RIPLEY, ' Sepey. ' - .I. H FROtHINGHAk , ' • , ' `RiutAs:- , .0, ~. ***** *-.!...,.:. ' 1 Wht. ',I. COFFIN, - ACTHAR. MOLGAN• HART{ 4 #iglilYrElllllbiiro : .i lAttreh 4,1858-6 m.. '''. , - t ' , -•'; , • ,-- o tAile dF Co., Agents for. tho Suissiztehati- WOolgii Milts. 1111 MINIM IMIERIMEI -3EII ''(3l i'itAtioE• ; • t‘e ,4 , Notice. I ; - 1 1 1 • i , COkNING, N. Y. ~7 ".":t TRACTS, ,1 'it et' '4`: • PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, 1 : TTE Via: 614 h '4& AND *DYE COLORS, FINEb ~ ? t; , 1 '- ... ~ ~L, t ~ l . W. D. iiiii3ELL-&.,00. — Pcirmior. , Olt*:4 ;, ;Xl - girteatits, 1- Dry Goods,. Every ono in need of Dry Goode, who deeiree ;o secure tboi • - :iy,0,11"111, MONEY, and to buy Goodichosper on an average. of ,cea than athirly` time duringlbe past 5 pets; can do so by calling on the subscribers; 3 CONCERT BLOCS; ORIVING. Our otottk le nearly all'fiew and all put in at tho NE W .sp.4E ,OP Pitlf/VO. •‘: C .< 4 •t'A 91,, 4 ,•; !) Mead the following list and compare it with the prices of the peat 2 or 3 years and decide' for youraelveaif- , ' G-00 D S Common Prlnte o 'd,. t '4. , ..4...1L '' f' 8 els Good ' . ` l .. - . . , ... ,;. - ...;.1 . -'" '- 10 " Warranted fait colored" Prints la" Heavy Sheetingslard wide 121- " Fine Brown 13tteetings ......0: . ::, . ..',W.i...12/: " Fine 131eacliodI" `:.,! t '-' ''. `- ,;,. tc In i , Red Flannels twilledor plain, 25, 311, 37k, 44 1 50 Grey Flannels twilled,, 31f, 32if 44, 50 ~. a'rednotiais of from 12110 20 aaits yer 'id.' Fancy Shirtinga, 311, 44, sd, vorycheap Tickingli, Btripeo p Denims, . Hetuelty .leatu4 Cot ''. ' todadef,'nfe'redined full as eauoh. ' STILL" GREATER DRESS .600DS. wide handiome lii ° Frani% Mar ' l*, - ;75 88 a• -• • .-- . 4 ii••••cr • •• • • 1,00 •• .eXtrit. qfialities"•• • ' ; • 1,25 . „ in all colors•in `each lot. They :nre full 30 per, cent lees than tbelrices of ao 'days ago, and are the beet bargains in the (loghty. empress Cloths, Alpacas and Paramettas are equally oheoP. Any one in need of Winter Drug Goods will do . „Well to call 'on „us, ,k , , SHAWLS,', OLOA4S 44:$1): CLOAK. OtqUIS s Altg. VERY CHEAP. Wo have made the following reductions from the prices of 30 days ago. • 16,00:Double Shawls, good toldri,s,dow $4,50' s7,ooDoeble Shawls, good• oolong, now 5,50 $7,60 Doable Shawls, extra qualities, ndw 0,90 $9,00 Double Shawls, extra qualities, n0w.....7,00 to $3,00 Beaver Cloth, 11 yards wide, now "2,60 bu $4,00 Beaver Cloth, 11 yards wide, n0w.....,;,3,50 wo $4,50-Beavercloth#ll yds 'wide; BMOC iftrk 3,50 3 t oo 0, *rho 13oavofilVhite;Thick Chtn,6l3llli, • - betitAtitility in market, now 6,00 Thesi goods were all considered cheap at ; our r first prices one month ago. FURS are reduced AWN :per, gent.: Our BOOT AND 'SHOB. STOCK, i 8 • : full of bargains. • ; Wesoll Wo m oifiMcirroooo Ba'morals, $1,50 • •We sell Wonien # S Kip Shoes, 1,50 an' Also largo lots of Fine Work, such as,Button, th Polish, Balmoral, andßongreas, in Kid, Morroeoo he and.Sergo, for .Ladies, Ellseesl and 10,hildreit at ,theilowest the Market' Will afford. "'. We buy Goods almost daily, and sell everything Cheap. Deo, _4, 1867. =NM 11111 CLOTHINGIII De LANO , & C0.,- MEM -RAVE added to their stock a complete as. sortmeatof . • . • MEI dish `they 'effo't at 26 pei Cent' itiss than nob Goods were ever sold for in Good suits for. Ove*a . DUNI DE LA4tO 14 - DA01:61. - ••• WAla,bpro,'NovJ 20, 1867.• W I41).11R1' Yeatiaad Drawers , at "'- ' • / . • De LANO CARPETS at , New York krioes, A 4 you De LANO Mg.." wif: C OTTON YAjtN, nt : LARciE 'BO o'k of Boots and Shoes, - ,at , rthi , Ao -•I - • •Do LANO d Wei FRENS/../ C O SEI73 ' a ' t Do !At° ft cos . . AHOY OLOAKINGS, at. •1. on De - LA NG ' CO' „ • t • - To,-ilia Koepoisa.: lOTICE +le - hereby givert;lbat - no lieetisea will be issued to inn-keeperi malt . We fees are paid lute the.trettattry of the County ;in ac cordance with the law providing that 'it alien not be lawful for the clerk of the Court to issue 'tiny lioin - tie until the applicant shall have flied the certificate of ttie 'Coutity'Veatiirerflit the fed has been paid."; • 11. 40:BAILEZ , Wellahoro, Jaa.22,.1868.: • ; Treasurer.: • -~Anei►klod6f lamp for Kerosene... -. lj no breakage of °Muir:keys—at Powys. =EI aro not cheap, =ll J. A. PARSONS & Corning, N. Y: - . .CLOTHINGi C~LOTHI G: s =II dM ME CL O'llll.N-OrDon't forget to eall 'at the Empi e Store, No. 1 Union:Block NOi. I_6, 1867. .• WELL SBORO BEFORE. 'slo,oo 4, • ' ••. • 10 ' • • =MG &c., 'dec., DE LANO & CO, I ' 181 De LANO .t CO'S. rip, , q4,44-T-94pAny , __.,?fis, 'lVilsoitt Yai,llT-Oketib,Og'.,§. j'n view of the contemplated Railroad ' soon to tip be built , W.ellsboro, the, Troprietois have concluded 'to give the people hereabouts, daily entertainments through the year, commencing on the 14th of January. The first piece, entitled,, ‘‘LIVE A.N.XIX! LIVE in :• IN TAit• CIiA4tACTERS. Live, * WILSON & VAN VALICENDURO. et Live, ........... PEOPLE. This great drama has drawn 'crowded hou,ses oth in this and the old Countries, and is ad itted by all to be one of the most profitable, in :resting, and best pieces extant Tickets to the Drees Oirele—FLEE, I• e wish it distinctly understood, that all , sties of politioians, and even those who feel the Wolfish—and in fact none are excluded { HALM FASHION ! hare ire ban furnish any style, kind and . lily of Gientlemen's wearing apparel on short co, and at prices gatorilphingitow. ths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Ladies' loths, and a large variety of Ladies' Dress Goods. Tickets to the Parquette—FnEE 1 • this great Tragedy for the benefittf the • ,we would not omit saying to the Ladies e also keep everything to replenish their *‘ssuciett 4 4tviire.' 1 , e one and all and witness the above ea t . .ment. We do not claim to be old Stars, . all endeavor to do our beat to give all the , . of their money. 2, UNION BLOCK ••-1 • 3.—We shall give our pations'the tailbon e the - decline in prices, and 'extending am .nr thanks for the very liberal patronage .rel.fore extended,. we solicit a trontinnanc . ,the same. ~ liEleboro,Jan.ls, 1868—tf. iff VE just receiyed,Vom the city a large and 1 - 1. •aried assortmen . trof ' 1 INTEIi, 600DS, Doug . t since the decline in Prices, and will be Bold a oordingly. iVerespoctfully invite atten tion to our stook of CAS IMERES;, 43. E A VE R • CLOTHS, TWEED,, FLANNELS, also, large line oil MER NOS, EM other CLOTHS, AL .. •AP : CAS, and ot4r DRESS 'GOODS and DRESS TRIMMINGS, • lso, a large and now assortment of RI 111=1 Dir MADE CLOTHING, _. at greatly reduced prices. :111 :EURS4a nice assortment, "ntio . an .chqa . p. IN— ON, and other kinds of HOOP - SKIRTS, NKEE NOTIONS, FIA S , frip t CAPS, HARDWARE ROCKERY, GROCERIES, IN MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, m fly other things which-we will be pleased lho to all who will call and examine our stock. OL. Goods .urohasiug, elsewhere, as wo bollevn it wi for your time and trouble. - -PRQFITS,I QUICK 'SALES, & JOY PAY IS OUR MOTTO. ives ,Tin Ware FOR THE MILLI N. - &c. MEI ood people all, botbfgreatjand small --If you t to keep • .. mu t have enough to eat, dry wood, a good w. I-behaved children, and to crown all, a P TOP COOKING STOVE! s las and - crowning good, I have at my Tin \ t Sto .0 establishment, opposite:Roy's If lock, 11 boo, arid its name Is the II h, nde admitted to bo 'equal to any in the Id. : in the beat malarial 'arid With, dispatch MEM 42` 11E111 PUBLIC BENEFIT ! PROGRAMME : PART PIRRT. PANT SECOND. CUTTING DONE ADMIRABLY. ask kinds; and as cheap ae_the,cheapest. PART.. THIRD eserved Seats for the Ladies. NRemember the 'place, WILSON & VAN VALICENBURG ,ermair C3-cocociss B. - Bowen & Co., EAOE IN THE FAMILY I 9 ME, COMPANION ; Ea WARE MADE TO ORDER, ,tind, warranted to give patisfaetien RPAIRING CALL AND SEE ME. D; P. ROBERTS orough, Nov. 21, 186 w. "10111TH i BXCIIANGE II Old kilaty-seVea-ziew sixty-40A, The old sleeps with Its.lathers; Tho luny. stands knocking at the gate -Ot ev 1 417 mortal;; 414 MATHERS INN l_Jn Liß.Etheib@esaiidtliebears, :finds his life renewed brioing atmosphereof,nyintari,and: - bia „determination to MAKE MitYIiQDY BROT ERLY LOVE CONTINUES. - 1 By th.o way have. you hoard 'anything of the chap who STEALS MS GROCERIES at the BEijIIVE gXkIIANG.E? - ! Awl„ . eds.° gives as a reason, (and a good reason it s is, too) that if a follow gets caught at stealing a' tiptop article of FLOUR, PORK, Sugar, Coffee; Molasses, Syrup, and so . forth,' he can't be accused of TRYING? TO CHEAT HIMSELF; but if a follow is caught, at stealing a poor- article, and is CONVICTED AND bis remorse must be terrible. I suppose that when the old maids maids con sole themselves with the saying— . . , "ThCre's as good fish . in.- tha," sea as were ever caught out of it,," '1 1,. 1 they don't allude to my lliacasutt. .ad whoa people complain of a had -cough, they 'don't al, lode to my flogetur. But when they ispeak of the GREAT AMERICAN;aEA CO I suppose they do mean my stock of To are, as the Elder Weller said of advice GOOD AND WERRY CTIEAP." , lum further able to say that people will eat much or little, in proportion to their appetite, and, will' pay for much or littigooloording to their money. ' I. sell Tea by thelfliarter pound, of course, but prefer to wholesale it in packages of no9 i ese than 1 • and, by persuasion, can be induced to sell a chest of; a dozen pounds to ono.eustomer. At such rates as shall enable buyer and sonar to Wo'labor°, .Tan. 8, tB. W. T. ZAATHEBS. T. L 13ALBWAN 1 4., CO., ARE REOEINING their stock of FAL,I. and WINTER eGO DS, i f emisisting of a general assortni l ent of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES; SHAWLS, KNIT GOODS, 11 . 00. i) SKIRTS, • BALMOREL: SKIRTS, SILKS, DOMES-- • TIQS, .FLANNELS; • Ladies” Cloakings; Cloths and Cassi meres, Gloves and Mittens, ", READY-MADE CLOTHING, Under Clothing, Hats and Caps, Yan kee Notions, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Paper Hangings, Groceries, Flour, Feed, Pork, 'Awns, Sugars, Teas, Molasses Syrups Coffees, Fish, Oils, Paints, Spices, Extracts, Wooden Ware, Biooms, Pails, Tubs, Baskets, ' • Hard Ware,. Crockery, Glass Ware Stationery, Stilt, Nails, Iron Stone Ware. In fact, a gederal assortment and as large a stook as you will find to select from outside of the city. All kinds of ' • COUNTRY PRODUCE. taken in exchange. •for Goode. Wo buy good goods and will sell as cheap as anybody. Ground Plaster, • T. L.' BALDWIN do CO. Voila, Pa., Oot. 9, 1887. Still, like MACKEREL &WHITE FISH; SIXTEEN OUNCES, MA THERS will buy and sell FARM PRODUCE - Sleep Bound nights, ' having consciences cold of offence. DRY p-OODS Boots and_ Shoes, ) -:-. \ constantly on !Hind. OTOGRAPII LOILLERY w'Fl - LSpD4O.;' NOW OPEN .TO THE ',PUBLIC , . MgssßelNG • - hr. EASTMAN- would in _, IC lona their Mende and the,publiegenerally that they have fitted up a' - new Phetograph Gal lery in the best possible' style. Having one of - beat SKY-LIGIITS in the State, we are prepared to take nil, styles-and PHOTOGRAPHS - , - ,_, .AMBROTYPES. & AIELANEOTYPES in the best artieti mariner; or Dockets or Cases, large or small. 'ergo PHOTOGRAPHS; Copied from - ernall Cards or old Daguerreotypes. of - de. ceased friends.' » trouble to take - CHILDRF,NW PICTURES, Bring them along. Sample proof always given when ordered•— Como and try us. „me-Gallery bier - Eastman's Degtal Office, Fifth poor below Roy's Drug Store: .- Jdn.ls, 1565-li. • Orphan's Court Sal©. • 11 Y virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Vega County dated Aug, 29, 1867, the un). dersigned, Guardian of Eugene 11. Ribble. Em. ma E. Ribble, and 'Ella E. Ribble, minor children of Jacob R. Ribble, deed, will sell at public sale upon the promises, on the 30th`daY of March, A. D. 1868, at j 2 o'clock, noon.. the following descri bed real estate, late the proprty . of said decedent, to wit All that lot-of idnei. sitnatein Liberty towaship,,Tioga county, Penn'a, bounded north by lands of the' heirs of John Schneider, dee'd; and lands of Christopher &linker, east by lands of Thomas McCracken, south'by lands of Chris topher Schuller, and ands of Samuel Louden. ; schlager, and,West by lands of Dairid Sechrist— containing 19 acres of land. ' Tatars: r one-half cash on the return of sale, and the balance In two equal annual payments, with interest from day of sale. - March,4, 186841. DOROTHY RIBBLE, Liberty, Pa. - Guardian._ IN . BANKRUPTCY.--This is to give notice : That on-the 24th day of Octt.:A.. D. 1867, 4 warrant in Bankruptcy was Issuediagainst the !L estato of Lewis J. Stone, of Clymer-twp., in the county of Tioga, and State of Pena'a, who has 'then adjudged- Bankrupts on his own Petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property' belonging to such Bankrupt, to them or for their use and the transfer of any pro perty by him-are forbidden by- law; that a meet ing of the creditors of the said' Bankrupt to prove their debts and to choose , one or more As signees at tho estate, will-he held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of P.-B. Smith, in Tioga, county of Tioga _and State. of Penn's, before P. E. Smith,Register, on the 22d day of April, A. D. 1868, at 11 o'clock A. M. THOMAS A; ROIVLEY, U. S. Marshal est'n Diet. Pa. Per DAVID CAMERON, Deputy.. March 11, 18138.—.4a, PA NY, a; wLigh "}PERRY TN BANKRUPTCY—WeStern District of Pa., jest To whom it may concern; The under.. signed beroby gives notice of his apPointment as assignee ofNorth k Knowlton of Mansfield Tioga co. Pa, 'who have been adjudged bankrupts upon their own petition by the District Court of said District. A. J. ROSS, Mansfield, March. 4,1868-3 t Assignee. NOTICE is hereby given that the Commis cionera of Ticiga Coupty will let the build ing of a bridge over Cory Creek at Maineburg, on Saturday, March 7. IS6S. at which time and place they will attend to receive proposals and exhibit a plan of the proposed bridge. E. HART, P. V. VAN NESS, Coen!. JOB REXFORD. - - T os . ALLEN, Clerk, - - 4, - NOTlC:g'is hereby giv,en, that the copartner ship heretofore existing in ;the name of G. .Hastings .3; Co., was dissolved'en the 4th - of Doc. 1867, by b mutual consent , . The business will here after be conducted by - George Hastings. Th - e books and accounts aro in the hands of O. Das tings for settlement. All persons indebted to the said firm are requestedlo -call and settle at once and save costs, as the books must - bo - elosed im- mediately. - • • G. HAST,II3GS, E. H.ltit Thanking our patrons for past favors. ,;Vivoult solicit a continnange 'of the same., - ' March 4, 1868. GEO., HASTIN It -6.'1. BOOK AGENTS-WANTED—For DR. WIL LIAM SMITIFS..DICTIONARK OF TIIE 111'DLE.--- , .. Written by 70:of the. tuostlffistinguisff ed Divinei in Europe and Ainerica. illustrated with overl2s Steel and Wood Engravings. 41 one largo Octal-!o-vohimo Price $3,50: • Tffp only edition published in America:condensed by Dr. Smith's own band. - We employ no Gen eral Agents and offer extra inducements to 4;0 , dealing with na. Send for descriptitio: circulars, and.seo our terms. • J. B. BTIRR, Publishers, .11arttord. March 4,1.863-4 t. .`t'rustee's - WE the undersigned, True , tees,appointed• by tho court of Common Pleas of Tiogo, coun ty imDomestic attachment itithe ease of Anton Colo, and Thomas Cola vs. A.t.Farnuin defend. cut hereby give notice that we require all personF indebted to the defendant A. E. Farnum, and all persons holding• property belonging toglim to ;pay and deliver hIl such sums of money and property belonging to such defendant to us as such trustees; and all persons having claims against zaid;.Varnutu,. to present their respeativo accounts or romandS, - S4 required by Law. That our residence is Lawrenceville, Tioga Co: Pa. ) where any business peitaining to said estate will be attended to. • . s. poyrvii, 0. s. MATHER. Trustees. - " BAWL RYON, Lawroncetille, Feb. 19, 1868-6 w. Caution. NOTICE is hereby; given that my wife la:dial, 0., has left my home and board - withoutjustt causo or provocation, and:l - hereby forbid all - persons koefdng or harboring her on my account, for I will not pay any amigos or debts of her contracting.! GEORGE NVELOII. Sullivan, March 4,1868-3 w. PRE OR .T & FLOURING MILL ienown ns th- ord Mill, in Lnwronneville,Abis Co. The property is unsurpassed in point of looation for custom.. and has aniple ,capacity for storing and manufaoturing" for home and foreign demand —3 pair of Burrs, with all the modern improve: menta for merchant work. Rebuilt in 1861, and now in complete order. Possession given, at any time after sixty days from date of sale. CRAG. L. FORD. • tnwronceville, Jan. 29, 1868-6 w. WIRS. E. D. MITCHVI,L, - is now selling . • • • 'MILLINERY GOODS' AT :COST. . - ACORDIAL invitation to all. Come and see. You 1011 Yet find a fine assortment of alt articles pertaining to the Millinery.. Mrs. E. D. MITCHELL. Jan. 22,:18138—tf. Broad Street, Tioga, Pa. 18 SPLENDID BUILDING LOTS, in The Borough of Wellsboro, and TIMBER TRACT of 400 notes in Delmar, three mites from this - eity—heavily timbered. Torino easy. • • • Sun. 8,18 GS. WRIGHT DAMEN.- • WRfOIIT kt, DAILEY are receiving a large lot if CIIOIOE NEW 'WHEAT - FLOUR, the drat in market :' be sold atreaqeed pri . oes. LtaugB7. MiLkX-SEED—Cn4EPaid fir ?Inxseed by' D• WILLIAMS k Co. H OOP SKIRTS, at S{lNO 16 EASTMAN Bridge Letting. Dissblution. For Sale: For Salo. Down it Comes. De LANO W 0011.