11 with, snid thought it best to be prepared for the 'worst." - "But you said nothing, of this, Hel - "No for the time had not. come yet for me to speak. '. Before I left home on this long and perilous journey I consid , ered'all the datigers,'and resolved that no idle fears - or suspicions of - mine should ever intrude' upon .your social ' pleaSiire ;- but since you have been the first to mention your apprehensions, I , feel free to - express mine." _We now held a consultation as to the beste course for us to pursue under the ..circumstances—whether to pall doWn the interpreter and endeavor to frighten him into,a confession, or wait for events ' - - le determine our offensive adieus. -We decidedio adopt the latter. MO, rnative, believing it safest to give no,onc an idea of - oUr suspicions. - - ' It was not till , 'perhaps a couple of hours after sunset that anything mans _nal had occurred, arid then, we suddenly - heiameawarethat the boat was in mo -tion, but propelled so quietly and silent ly that, had we not been on' the - alert for danger, , we shobld not have detect redfit. • ,We placed our dint light -where ' - its feeble rays would fall directly upon .any person entering our little cabin, :and drawing back into the deep shad ow, with our revolvers ready for-instant work; awaited:further developmenta in a suspense that was really painful.l •_ -An hour—a long, dreary hour—pass ed, with the boat all the time in motion, and - then it gently rubbed against the bank, and stopped. - We held our breath' -and listened. • All was still except the' --pattering of .the rain, and a very murmur •of voices. Then 'we to - Id 'hear feet Stealthily approaching, and;we ,' silently grasped our weapons more firm ly, and riveted our eyes upon the point of entrance. Presently we could see two or three dark-, hideousftices peering down, and endeavoring to ascertain if we were asleep. We had so disposed ourselves that they could not see us, and we held Our breath and watched., Pres ehtly they began to descend very steal-, thily, and We &add see that they were all armed With' pistols and daggers. -1 There could he ,no mistake—they in tended to murder us while we slept. A fourth . face appeared. It was • Azen's our interpreter. He whispered ..some-' thing, and made ominous signA. This was sufficient e l thought. It was time for Us to act. i . ,1 , " Ler-ii"e lifts° th e first chalice, George 1" I le - iiispered, so low that, With my mouth to his ear, he barely heard me. ." I3e ready, but do not flee a - Blat till mine are expended. Helen, when I rise do you lie', down at once, and screen yourself es'.much os pOssi ble.- Ready, now." , , I quietly reached forward my hand, and aimed my first shot at, the 1 end of our. treacherous interpreter, tired, and Apsn pitched headlong wit, a) yell , and a groan. His yell was more tha echoed-by his surprised and terrified companions, who instantly turned to fly. Three more shots were among them in as many seconds, and then my dagger was flashing in the hand of a 'temporary maniac. In less than ten seconds it was red from- point to hilt, and the three ruffians were corpses at my feet. Now faces appeared abve, and my friend's revolver began to p ay. Then came wild yells and a fight of er ror. I rushed on deck, more mad t ian sane, but every foe hadfled—some upon the bank, sonie_into the - water. Noth ing, wee_ to be seen, and therefore we could Mt pursue. I was perfectly wild with rage, and thirst for vengeance. I dared them to come back, and called them cowards, forgetting they could not understand a word we said. It was ten minutes before I became reasonable, and then found George one side of . me and Holed the other, both piteously begging me to be calm. rl'he affray was over, and we were masters of the boat. The three villians who Mid entered the cabin were dead, the interpreter was badly wounded, and all the Others, including the soldiers, • were missing. I neednot dwell upon the scene—a terrible o e to me when I came to com prehend i ; and yet, though my hands were red - w th the blood, of my i'ellows, I could not regret the coursel had taken to preserve our lives. They were mur derous wretch'es, and I feltthat they de served their fa e. We spent •a gloomy_ night, waiting for daylight an guarding against the . return of our foes, who didnot reappear. We dressed the wound of Azen, 'our Anterpreter, which though dangerous, was not necessarily - mortal ; and we drew from him a confession, by which we learned that it was the design of the crew to murder my friend and myself, divide all the money and effects, and reserve the girl for the fate I feared. The storm cleared away toward mcirn ing, and we found our boat about two miles up the creek, in a dreary spot.— We'puslaed it into the current) and Slowly floated down into the Nile. f l On reaching that river,- we continued to float down till we came to a large town, where we Went ashore and reported to . the Governor what had' occurred. Our story was subsequently confirmed by Azen • and the Governor-not only ex onerated us from all blame, but offered . to supply us with a trustworthy creiv if we wished to continue our voyage.) We thanked him, but declined his offer, and returned to Alexandria, whence we sailed to another country. • • 4 :We subsequently learned, through stir consul, that.all the pirates were ar rested, tried, Condemned and executed; and I never had reason to think that one of the wretches died unjustly. CONGRESS SENATE, FPI). 26.—A bill to 'prevent Ihe importation of convicts from for \ eigweountries was reported, and after disqosion recommitted. This Committee on the House resoln utiOn of impeachment reported a reso • ration that the Senate will take proper action thereon, whichy:as adopted. i Mr. Trumbull reported a bill with ?;--- amendments to his former bill defining the Prisdiction of the Supreme Court. The Senate substitute for the, .Supple mentarY Reconstruction bill was pass ed. \ SENAT.P• q Feb. 28.—A joint resolution to abolish.e Bureau of ;statistics was presented. The Commlttee on Impeaclup i en t, re ported 'a serlei of rules for the Iprocded ings of the High Court of Impeach ment. A bill to amend the Bankruptcy act was introduced.. The bill requiring certain notir to be given of applications for °sten, ion of patents was passed.\ The bill to cover into the Tkeas ry moneys arising from the sale of captur ed and abandoned property was taken up, the question being on Mr. Edmund's amendment to appropriate $lOO,OOO of the proceeds for the expenses of collec tion and salts. After a sharp personal contest bet Ween Messrs. Trumbull and -Fessenden the amendment was agreed J,, to and the bill passed. . - The new Senator from Kentucky, Mr. MeCreery, appeared and took his seat. Mr. Wilson called up his bill relat ing- to officers cashiered or. dismissed from the army, and a long debate dinn ed, but the vote was not reached.- , HOUSE, Feb. 28.--The Post Office Ap propriation bill was reported. A bill for the better regulation of the custody and disbursement of the public moneys was passed. i • The consideration of the Civil Ser.. vice Expense bill wasresumed, and sev eral amendments were disposed of, Mr. Schenck reported a bill for the re lief' of certain, exporters of distilled spirits, which, after discussion, was laid over. ittaper has a _very interesting illus trated article on the Minnesota Pineries; wbioh unusually acceptable to the reading pub lic. - There is i a_flne article on the nianufsestnree of Sheffield England, and neural shorter aerie!. The , "Easy %Chair," "Monthly iteoord," and "Drawer, W are all .capital, 'worth more in any month than the entire cost of the Magazine . for a , year. $4 perannuto. Slue NitatoAt. WDLLSBORO, PENI7'..9. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1868 The real quetion involved in " the trial of Andrew Johnson is )obedience to law. The lessori is obedience, or (16. - ; obedience. If there is a man above the law in this country let us Know it at once. _ _ ILI OIIMW 'The Houec Select Committee on the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson sub mitted its report of articles of impeach ment on the .. .29th pi - February. The re port present4ien articles, In the nature of spechieations, and is to) voluminous for - ourcolunins. We therefore present / herewith a brief of the report, froni which. our readers wilizather the main facts in the case, though most\of them will have reatilhe report in fulLin their city papers r4r, olo:benefit of such as have not.access to New York. or Phila delphia,papers We make this-brief: Article I. sets forth that on the 21st day of February., 1868, the President,' untnindful'of the . high duties of his office, his path of office and the require ments Oldie Constitution that he should strictly'enforce the laws, did unlawful ly and in violation of . the laws of ' the 'Elated States, issue an order in remov al of Edwin M. Stanton froth the office of Secretary of War, to which, position Mr. Stanton bri - d, "bpen appo rated by and with the consent of the Senate. :That the order was issued with intent to violate the Tertere-of-Office law, and do. Violate the prOyisions of the Con stitution, and 'that thereby Andrew- Johnsen did there and then commit a high Misdeipeanor it office. Article H. sets. orth that Andrew i Johnson did, on th". day mentioned, appoint Lorenzo i.fin rnas . Secretary of War ad interim., the Senate being in session, without its cnowledge, advice and Consent, with°, i authority of hew, and in willful VI lotion of the Ten ure-of-Office law, and of the Consti tution, and thus 'as guilty of a high misdemeanor in ftiee. Article 111. set forth anew the facts related in article 2, and the order to Lorenzo Thomas o dispossess Mr: Stan ton, specifying it its a high misdemanor , in office. . • Article IV. sets tlortl► that on the 21st day of February 1868, Andrew Johnson did unlawfully conspire with one Lor enzo ThomaS and other persons to the House of Representatives unknown, with intimidation and threata td bin der and prevent Edwin M. Stanton from discharging tho duties of Secretary of War, all of which 'was a violation of the Constitution and of the Conspiracy Act, and Wilt) thus guilty of a high crime in office. Article V. sets forth that on the day aforesaid Andrew Johnson did uhlaw fully conspire with Lorenzo Thomas and divers other persons by force to prevent the execution of the Tenure-of- Office law, and did attempt to prevent Secretary E3t4nton from exercising the powers of Secretary of War, and was thusguilty ofa high misdemeanor in of fice. Article VI. sets forth that on the day aforesaid, Andrew Johnson did con spire with Lorenzo Thomas to seize by force property of the United States in the War Department, in violation the Conspiracy Act of 1861, and of the Tenure-of-Office law of 1867, and thus was guilty of a high crime in office. Article VII. seta forth that on the day aforesaid, and on diviTs other days before-the 28th day of February 1868, he did conspire with Lorenzo Thomas to prevent the execution of the Tenure-of- Office law, and was thus guilty of a high misdemeanor in office. ' Article VIII. sets forth the facts re lated in article 6,,and declares the of fence a high misdemeanor in office. Article IX: sets forth that on the day aforesaid Andrew Johnson did issue an order to Lorenzo Thomas with the in tent to Unlawfully control the disburse ments of the War Department, all of which was in violation of the Constitu tion and the laws pursuant thereto, and was thus guilty of n high misdemeanor in office. I , Article X. sets forth that on the 22d Any of February 1868, Andrew Johnson did, in disregard of the Cobstitution. and the laws of Congress, bring before him Gen. W. H. Ecnory, actually in command of the department of Wash ington and the troops therein, and did on th tnecasion declare to, and instruct Gen. mory that the law of Congress providin that-"all ord"ell and instruc tions, ret4ing to military operations is sued by tie President or secretary of War, shall' be issued through the Gen eral of the army r, ivas unconstitution al, and in ;contravention of the Com mission of 'said •Emory, and therefore not bindhignu hiM as an officer of the United States ; and this he did with full knowledge .that this protision of the law had been duly promul#ated by general order' for the governor nt and direction of the army, and wit t intent to induce Gen Emory to violate the said law, and to take, receive and, obey such orders as he, Andrew Johnson, might make, not, issuch through the General of the Army, as the said law directs; and thus was the ,President guilty of a high misdemeanoiin office.' And-upon these Articles, and such oth ers as the House may elect to "prefer and present, the committee report a demand that the President be held to answer the high - crimes Arid misdemeanOrs therein charged against him, agreeably to law and justice. • There seers to be no question as to the facts charged in the articles, mostof them being of record, rind the facts in the tenth article being related by Gen. traory . under oath: We see no escape for Andrew Johnson under the law and the facts. He will be tried, and, we trust, removed. • The pardoning,power vested in the Exeoutive, both State and , Nationai, the worst abused of'alr the'prerogatives lodged in those offices. Perhaps it will astonish sonde people who believe in law and order to learn that a judge of the Criminal COurts of Philadelphia has for several years been reviewing the sentences of criminals , and re- /M 1 Irony the - ,l'ettitLittlAry:— ex; Is' theCaet. I.`ltiq abuse usurpat 101 l of- pietrer, -- rath.. brought to light in , Gov. teal Mesmge ; ' in Which he 4i ttverely tt On - the prae tarirficiOeit the fstssage of vent 'ihese practices". We iS situlgellis:Oia - Of Phila ii,toott -oectisioa to,,reylew s Mcssnge' upon this:Subr . r itkeise the Cioverttor rather in wisely. Ile : did. not de es Of Criminal Courts, bad _release or - erimitiarS' -With _ . ..... . . the Governor's pardon, but nd in order to brave it out, wo convicts from the Pent d dared the Gos'erntir to Tht,Govertior took it tip, i Attorney General . Brews t befOre the t.t pre tne Court lionwealth. This Court has ed its decision in' t e case, Atli titeGoverttur l n every )laciag Judge Allis n in a infortslile yri •sliitaill jilt. In s addressed\o eyi.:Ey law 'e Commonwealth have elle showing that Allison-is the in the State Who ever. re ' sentences at?d released pris here is not a clear ease! for 1•- - ' nt'where iiliallewe look for a 1 lea-sing then Such, hove of vowerti er—voizi firs Geary'l4 An animadvert ,re -a fart to pi bCliet;e it w Gel!. Gea6 - jeet, and to violently t 1 fly that jud, ordered the out Fe.;iu j i justified it, diseltarged tentlary", an take it up. and 'thro'ng ter eaitied i of the Coin jUst publi/31 fully -sukal point; Enid rather terroNtnri Judge in ti iced replies only judge viewed hid oitersy irn peach 61 Clearer j . , We'u'ocil, •Ixpect'some of the truculent eateri4l - "of; oipPerhead sheets Whb ttio,k oCeaSien 'to laud Judge Allison for his critique of Gov, Geary, to explain-hew it is that they are so jealous of the Co nstitutional rights of - AndreW Johnson, and so will ng to see a Copperhead judge usurp the prerogative of the Governor. We said `kpect;'! nut so; we ocpect l e ~ : , thest,: . refu es of lies to' keep, straight on lying and thieving, and of course ex pect them o' remain' in-the' Nvallow of their blind partisanship. We thank God that t Jere IS, so far, an honest man i in the Go 'crimes Chair. And we go for keepi4 him there as long as he re mains honest. Brains are common enough. etierYwhere. The world , Iwill never sutler for Want of brains. - Lnut sterling luinesty is a mighty ,scareid ar ticle in hilih places: Gov. Geary_ has but to kee 9 up the yelp of these-demor alized, plu idering rascals-to show that he is doin God's service. Of all men, the man who is abused by scoundrels of all degrees!is the'mant for us: We hope that Christianity is rescued from utter destruction by• the convic tion of Rev. Mr. Tyng. ,Mr. Tyng is an Episcopal clergyman iffNew York. Last summer be visited New Bruns wick in tlie State:of New Jersey, and was invited to preach in a Methodist Church.' Mr. Tyng complied with the request. He has been arraigned, tried, and convicted of this high crime.— Probably most of our readers will' ask "of what high crime?" We reply, of preaching within the parish of another Becton without permission. s If they defend by saying that Christ command= ed his ministerslo preach the gospel to every people, we must inform them that that was before' Church Canon's came into fashion. There fs a canon— not often fired off—which prohibits one shepherd from feeding the lambs in the parish-fold of another shepherd with out first getting permission of the resi dent shepherd. Rev. Mr. Tyng Is con victed-of a breach of this canon. We think it had better' be abolished ; for nothing is more certain than that th - dusands would perish utterly out of the parish flocks of the.,land, from starvation, if it were rigorously enforc ed: Messrs. Stubbs and Boggs, the in cumbents, are said to be •extremely " High Church" in their preaching and practice. They are entitled to the dis tinction of having, in the year of grace 1868, prosecuted to conviction 'an apos tle who was guilty of trying to preach , the Gospel to every creature. St. Paul was lucky in being assigned to, preach in a looser age. • • Caution. A persons aro - cautioned saw:duet purchas ±l ing any note or notes drawn by ma hi favdr of Philander Fuller, judgment confessed pad ex, - omption, waived, 08 I have received no 'con sideration therefor, and Anil not pay said notes', or any of them, unless compelled by law. • JOSEPH WHITNEY. Chatham, March, 11, 1868-3 t..,, - , ' Wheeler ItWilsoliltappyed §ciw, ing Machine. - THE BEST ) AND 310 ST ' RELIABLE MACHINE TN .XISTONCE IT IS SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, and beautiful. It is quiet,light running, and Ca pable of performing a variety of work never be fore attempted on a single machine, sewing with equal facility, the finest and coarsest materials, in the most beautiful and substantialmanner. Its attachments' for hemming, braiding, cord ing, tucking, quilting,_ felling, gathering, ,Sco., arc novegandgractical. MI Machines warrant ed for one year: Full assortment always on hand at tho sale&romu of ' G. N. BUI.KLEY, Oceola, Mar. 11. '63.:.3m. solo Age. for Tioga A Patent Right that is.No Humbug. THE SUBSCRIBER having purchased the right of D. B. Sturdevavit's Milk Shelves .t, • Provision Rack for Tiogk County, is rewired to sell Township or individual rights ut fair rates. This Rack- is portable and so arranged that it can be taken apart and put together again in five minutes. It occupies less third four feet square of a room, and e'en be placed in the kitchen in cold weather, and in the cellar in warm weathdr, and will held fron 72 to 8-4 pans of milk. , The shelves are ma l [l e in skeleton forformEsoas to allow the free eiretili t \ ion of air all around the mins. 1 It has been p lived that milk will raise more cream, and keep from four to six hours longer than on ordinary shelves. , . • Each shelf torus by itself -independent of the. other,•ro that the create of the former milking is not disturbed by the removal or putting on of pans. The frame is sack -that it can be readi ly covered with a cloth or gauze, effectually ex cluding insects or dust. It is a complete arrange ment to dry fruit upon. The subscriber will soon visit different 'mesa the CoUnty with a model of this melt, or he can be 'siddressed nt Wellsboro, by these desiring to purchase Township or indi vidual rights. , Specimens can also be seen at the Foundry building of Sesrs tic Williams in this Borough at any time after the"tuiddle of Marsh. GEORGE THOMPSON. Wellsboro, March, 11, 1868-Bm. ~ TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS IN TIOGA,OOIINTY. pnrsnance of _au act-of the ,Odueral _Assembly, passed the 12th (layer March; 1815, will be exposect to public sale, at the Conimlssionera' office in rough, on the second Slonday of June, 1808, the tracts of land described in the foliQwing fiat, un leas thu taxes due thereon are paid before that time. Jr. C. BAILEY, Treasurer of Tiogn Co. Wellsboroollarch 11, 1868. Blass Township. No. Quatt'r. WAn'is or OWNER. Taxer!. 50.5 184 George Meade era 81 5016 275 Nicklin & Griffith ' 120 48 id 5927 et 5371 0 575 -do ' • 4733 g 1 au 867%, , .. do • A 22i% ' do i " 352 1 4 . ' do . ' do . , '+,120 1 420 _, do 1 ,0 5056 400 do 0 700 . do ~ 078 430 'do . 5980 004 do 1 , 893 iirilllam Wilson 800 87%, Franklin College 5435 ' R. folerruitt' l 54145 444) Jam 4 ,44 Wool) J do. 'dry Jo do 5040 380 1 1. 6040. .' 137 1 " 137 206 u 2 5 2 6055 sew Ito 137 1 do 137 3 , do 200 , 'do do 5047 1099 do 5932 1001 , ' Nicklin & OriM 5914 1100 ' 5838 - TWO. „ R. Coleman 51140 COO — - do . 5054 899 . Tames Wilson 200 do 5053 '6lO d. 5830. 509 •FL Coleman 1 182 William Wilson 'f 132 do - se 132 * -'** do " 133 -- do . 13,3 do 809 . 25 Franklin College. . 11927 244 A— Nicklin do Griffith " .229. , do - Brookfield Township. . . T. Sr. Wl!link: 1862 173 1884 180) 109 1850 '3- 160 • do 1955 40 ' do - lox; 73 William Lloyd 1314 576 R. Riackwell 1417 . 725 ,Tubbs nod ,others 04X, ' do 1804 1865 f .246 • -T. S 2. Willing 1854 118 du • 1068 80 . William Loyd 41.) T 2S W 111 1 ,611 Charleston Township. James Wilson - do - •' do do ' hews & Thbts James Wilson 400 191 Oa 889 990 1099 1099 tB9 490 181 lbws & Fieber do do do. ' 1582 1583 4474 4172 1582 1583 1580 4473 Jpmea Wibson do , HOWB & Risher James Wilson paw; Smith 'Chatham Township. J E Lyon S Crandall - Crandall & Emery J Davenport Samuel King .7 Watrons George Harrison Robert Morris. AIC Bulb George Harrison It Blackwell do William Lloyd Covington Township. IL Gilmore 1220 4272 1221 1328 1315 1085 3392 3393 5048 5494 5495 500 MOT ' do • James Wilson Oeorge Idendo do do ' do . do .do do do do COetnan do Nicklin & Griffith B Dyer NlokUn & OrIMOI A Moss B & Emery George Meade. ' Clymer Township. W Willink do do I , do , -Georg° Harrison M'Cullough 100 103 3'37 660 "75 5835 3830 6916 &916 (1490 2289 140 2295 900 2296 500 2297 150 1227 1135 1321 1 1325 f 307 11 Blaokwoll • .belmar Township. 509 Hews .1c Fisher 372 do • 37 - 2 do , 2 75 do rQ James Wilson 1 Th•do 110 .• do 2l C Sc Emery Jaines Wilson 655d0 23 do 46 • do 14 James Kimball 5 James Wilson 5 do 5 i do 54 • do 88 do 113 do 180 "‘ da 211 ; do. 247 , Howe dr. Fisher 247 do 132 „ ' James Wilson, 120 ' do , 50 do 100,_ • do •' 163' do 75 do 400 . do 27 , 3 . do 500 do 100 do', 58 do. 65 do • 54 ' do, 117 ' • 75 'do • 500 do 451 • do 60. ' do ' ' - Deerfield Township. 15'79 1582 1583 1586 4212 4213 4216 4216 4216 4218 4214 .1544 4224 4223 422 d 4213 1414 4214 4224, 1951 4212 4427 4219 1589 5179 221' Jamei StraWiiridge 44 00 366 ' - Silas 13illidp 1 71 28 5179 617 James Strawbridge i 120 93 5180 643 'do 126 03 4368 d - o 6 83 14 ' 8 ' do 10 2 00 5177 60 do . 882 5178 113 ' do 11 06 5177 28 ' do • . 265 5181 'B2 do 16 07 137 William i _Knox 43 81 3697 143 James Strawbridge 28 03 •. .. . Elk Township. .. 2503 ' .126: i- - " , •-yli . Willinic -' -f. '.•63_- —• • do• • ' ". - 68 '• •• do " .. 57 •• . do 2509 86f i , do " 86fdo , " 86f . do " 86f • do "• 86f 'do " 173 do 2512 1002. • -do 2579 1002 do 2618 1002 ' do 2628 795 do 2629 128 do ' 2630 - 479 • do • • 2635 990 . • do 2636 990 do • 2640 990 do 2641 990 do 2642 990 , • do 2643 990 - do 2644 990 do 2645 990 ' do 2510 100 do 4227 990 James Wilson 4228 990 ' -do 4232 900 do 4233 990 do 4237 990 do 4421 990 do 4422 990 tdo 4423 980, I (Rik -4427-591) '.-„ , do dO 4428 718 • do 4438 990 ' do 4439 495 do • " 495 • do • 4440 999 ' do 4441 990 do • • 4442 990. . do 4443 990 do 4444 - ,990 ' do , 4446 679 . . ' do . • 4454 990 do 4466 990 do 4423 10 • dp - • Farmington 7bwnship, 96 Williatin'iloyd Fall •Brook. ' 5240 '6BB • - GeOrgelteade 5253 1089- - ' do 5254 1089 ' do' 1059 Gaines Township. .2299 .802 " W Willink.. • 2303 690 . do 2304 1002 do 2305 372 ' • do " 122 .. • do. "• 127 . do • • ", 107 • ,do ~ - 91.8 . do " 164 do • 2308 890 do . 2348 856 . - do . _ 2351 900 • do, 2359 500 , - . 0 , 2360 " 990 I ") 2370.1002 , .0 ,• 2484 990 do 2382 500 i do 2437 ,990d0 2427= - 271 CIO 2438 990 do ' 2479 740 do 2481 do 2601 850 '. . do 2885 602,d0 41 300.: , do - 1041 8804 . Blackwell 170 7 19 5 & Fisher ' 331 White 2356 100 W Wfllink 2358 800 do 41 100 do 2297 100 do . " 386 do 22e4 816 do ' 4l 'lB5 .do 11 Z 2 do , `2608 200 do " 200 • do 2856 160,":" . - 1o' - 2298 600 do ; 2308 500 do 2308 100 do 1040 125 R Blitekwe, 2.358 867 W 2804:.) . , .600 _ do " 800 do 2848' 28.4 - do. "' 100' do " 20, do ME 64 40 11;1 10 102 40 -60 16 60 16 90 23 110 36 IR3 01 60 14 6010 0023 110'38 400 02 810'.82 481 83 1618 40 282'80 262 48 . 68 AO 74 46 871 se se 38'6 38 28 54 m 30 61 142 64 )83 02 67 16 12 14 14 81 40 68 12 7 22 88 5 180 67 659 76 80 21 126 46 08 06 26 60 20 40 JacksonVnani 8370 40 ,• A Gilmore 8858 75 ' • '' do 8869 72 , ~ , dc), Lawrence Tow? 4292 61 4296 95 do ' . . , 1 T Willing' ; 2624, - . 2 Q0 - "'"i-LiWilliarn El 8859 1 76' R Gilmore 4300 220 TWllling " 180,. E , do , 2367 ' , . - 187' , ( 1 IV Gillufpre Liberty Town NAcylin dc' do: 1. • BE Valentine Morris tinonslis:P. ', , ( , 1 James Wiltien ' - • ' 84 70 . , . do 1. , ,69 30 ..do I • . 84 70 - ' ' , do. ' - 6 60 do ' 277 20 .do 277 20 do ', < 438 57 do 1 104 27 t , do o 84 70 I d i 34 70 • do H 14 16 do , 1 277 20 do •163 80 --• , .fro .-, • '...i, • 10 80 - do ' •5 49 George llie de 88 11 James Wi on 415 20. ,- do 69 80 do , • 182 W WillinN 81 87 James Wilson 64 40 . o .207 89 "'d do 25 83 'do 25 88 do 25 33 do • - ,7 12 do -'-`B9 88 do '• ' ' _99 66 do ' ''.. 689 do 70 66 ' - do • ' , 48 09 do ' , 31 88 ' - do „., ' 19 49 do • 29,71 do , 66 60 do ' B9 88 do • - 85 88 do ' -' - 805 • do 188 60 do - 207 89 .4 Hews &Fi her'.. ' .14 00 do - , 7 lO ' ' lBB 60 do , 107;86 I do 131'60 do ' , 92 40 ' d 'doo - 1 65 3 38 6 2 0 , ' do 138 60 do 188 60 do ' - - 68 00 do 21 03 Hevni & Fisher . 21 03 James WilSon 22 66 do i 758 'do _ 1 28 10 Hews & Fisher ~ .14 00 James-Wilton .' - 14 00 'do 1 : 860 do 126 Hew- 21 08 85 00 40 60 200 TO 96 25 06 93 80'21 134 55 188 60 114 TO 78 82 122 78 60 55 20 05 41 07 41 07 274 90 66 80 41 02 41 02 27 71 16 70 21. 71 5980 . '664 5976 1100 5978 664 5983 429 540 /8 78 199 04 191 10 295 29 135 64 191 10 91 57 91 72 84 81 72 60 10 89 15 65 24 39 40 91 901 .80 167 00 100 20 45 09 133 60 4345 4t 4384 4346 4347 4348 4349 102 53 55 51 53 67 53 67 31 09 5 47 13 26 12 '6l 00 108 47 07 33 41 06 58 32 17 14 40 15.55 - • 11 88 16' 55 • 19 :01 38 88 60 01 - 71 63 11 68 13 46 17 40 8 12 21 75 11 66 , 10 87 87 00 • 29 57 72 50 , 21 75 12 ,60 14 03 15 65 16 96 .• 10 8? I 86 65 04 94 8 54 1852 1866 4298 4488 4487 '4486 4297.1 2448 f 580. Thos WL 76 A. 0 Bush 350 _Cole & Pot 818 A 0 Bush 140 Thos 220 A C Cole 200 James Wilw 200 do 14 J T Purvis Rutland Ibion 100 R Gilinore 343 do" - 98 Ballackwe 80 Geoigs 1 . 48 Gilmore ' 85 do 4298 4486 4487 3371 IMII 1404 1217 3371 8372 3381 3382 3384 983 1950 2292 2355 235 2 2367 2368 4211 4455 1027 1949 1955 2624 1073 8373 8872 .gi 2625 5643 5243 16 60 3868 223 60 .853 92 '853 92 5645 5625 8378 1218 118 80 101 77 14780 84 87 18-00 18'72 16 78 48 42 24 19 893 82 120 28 182 70 88 87 - 78 99" 448.89 340 ":'BM ISt Fox 549 -do 165 it Giimit Union .7To 5241 200 George M ade ii 11 - 5840 500 Colerna 4603 100 John IN gPbn 2 279 yFilliam W ilson • 3 888 'do - 5 , 412 6 127 do 1 - 6 128 ' - do 7 -84 do 6644 5645 3367 292 00 73 10 -8995 182 59 109 15 '5O 87 125 87' 44.40 - 2212' 28'92, 22' 12 7' 87 29 . 50 _99 12 46 61 - 24 82 102 66 29 50 29 50 -1104 87 ' "86 87 • 22 12 it 904 ' 27 78 r - 'l3B 50 44 25 - 2 07 1 60 El hip. riffith 990 it 400 990 468 811. 618 990 450 100 auk 800 828 218 880 100 397 100 85 160. 250 290 Middkatt 76 R Bh 166 10 ' Thos Willi . g 400 James Willa 690 ' do 436 George Wood 428 A C Crandn 288 3 Losirigqrt 120 Samuel-Hi , g 100 H R Bead 12211 Itichnionci 22 William L 245 Jaraes'Wl 586 -dO 100 do 512 do ship. oyd' on orden on 572.. Morris 200' James NV 180 • J Lookha 46} Gitchell& Sullivan 2buonship. 342 R Gilmorol 334 do 31___ do 100 H Drinker) Shippen lbwr l 120 James Will 191 W Willink 140 do 990 do 310 do 990 do 931 • James Wi 128 'do 661 do 300 do 300 do 268 • do 350Blany 28i James 11 63 - a, Tioga Tow 239 W Ellis 190 William 369 R Gilmore -567 _ do ' •do 447 Willitun,E 269 ; B lStf Fox -- 565 George 4 . 281 J W Gue 146 R Gilmo 76 do 549 El M FO - X 456 William =2oo'_ R Gilmore ship on 412 03 ion 126 96 44 16 608 12 51 77 51 77 15 43 :11 50 39 soft 4 85 9 07 71 56 Si ffa I!! I MI MI UM 61.8 kieozgeTtAmiAgm W D`Wylte 100 2 '6B ' do 8 .68 do ; •,1.1...4;.. , ,, , , v., ,-_-..,--,.._ p -6,,• 68 ' - - - do 6 59 do • 2 68 k• _ d 0 . .,• 8 68 '` '- :do . -' 4 68 • Op ..- 5; 68 i • flo 64 08 .",' -do ';'. - 1. -, 68 0 . *+ .do •-. .',... 2'-• 483 '-- `,,, ', do- , a. 92 4 129 ' 'do - 5 145 do 6 127 •• • - do - .• _ "-7 - 150 -, do - i 2.187 ..,, • do 31 187 do 4 187 do 5,137 do 2 137 do • 3 187 do 4 287 ; , 5 , ,145 -.; 1 . . do s ' F• 131 ', t d 6 3 187 do 4 ; 137, ;__ , . do . . 4608' '7B ' 'John Vatighn 4610, 322 - - --do 46121 114 do , • • 4804 I 85 do 46051 20 'do ' 4607? 190 do 46091 187 ' do 4610 I 137 • do ' 4611 80do 5259, 65' ' George Meade 4010;`, - 858 John Vaughn • _Ward Twin:Alp. • P Connelly - . ' 50 R Coleman 802 . do ' ~1 - ' 4302 do , 41 •do • ,70 H Drinker 60 ' -- , Rtilltnore--- , - ' , -81 'George Meade ' ' 95 , do 1 97 do • 116 Nicklin & Griffith 217 Westfield Touniship. R Blackwell do , , 4 tA, 9 26 10 82 rzi it 14 • 26 76 75 14 2 00 6 88 76 • 88 76 *, • 926 1488 174 5837 1100 5889 ] -" 5886 .41 5888 60 984,-277 8898375 5244 827 5252 883 5265 400 5972 746 184 20 222 82 184 13 86 70 109 14 1223 400 1318 100 TREAS REWS SALES OF SEATED J D IN TWOA COUNTY. IN pursuance of t e provisions of an act of the Gen eral Assembly,passed the 29th day of 'Aprll,lB4l, will be exposed to public sale, at the C,ornialsstoners' office In Wellsborough, oil the second Monday in June, - 1868, the tracts of land described in the following Hat, unless the taxes due aro paid before that time. _ . 11. 0. 'DAUNT, , [March . 4,1868.] Treasurer of Tiogn County. QUANTITY. • WllO/1 ASSESSED. TAXES. shop and lot Bush A 0 1 • 83 05 3 houses and lots Corning Erdstus 667 10' imp'd, 88 wild 'Dyke Asa - '4 98 10 imp'd, 60 wild Evans Jenkins 1 7 6 14 [1 . house • Itacarit lot ' 'Freemen' DB, estate 19 08 dno town lot • - Ludlow Isaac" '46 house and lot -i i • Phipps Charles , . 683 house and lot' ' ' /HYliernan James 91 house and let'- • Powers Pat. 251 lb imp'd. Sb wild Reese William 924 88 & 105 town lots Rathbone,Porcr& Co. 132 31 house and lot - , Seely Merrick ', 819 house and lot Wells Anson 1 14 house and lot Knox John C 2! 83 I Interetty,2o wild Tioga RR A Coal Co. 15' 85 200 wild 4 ' - ' Dyer, Jacks ACo . 62 50 3 vacant lots Hugh Ellis " 342 20 imp'd, 160 wild Dyer, Lowrey ACo 24 00 tavern house and lot Shields John 34 00 house and lot -3.' ' .•-• ..Gaylord Homer -- ,5 70 50 wild Alvord Benjamin 3 99 66 wild Culver Enos & Co 8 65 216 wild ' Gillett k Stoddard - 10* 68 6 imp'd, 98 wild Runt David B 8 33 41124,3" d, 52 wild Lewis J 473 70 wild Osborne David , 5 48 1 hoped, 24 wild Shoefelt - John 186 2 impr'd, 48 wild Thorp!aril°, '4 45 50 irlld , • , 'i I • Owens' eerie , 24 33 65 Wild ' ' Carl T omas AV • "7 72 330 wild Harm+ G T fig 06 50 wild -King Osial 13 58 68 wild Parkhurst J 0 Zr. Co 19 81 70 wild ~ -.. „Baker Jefferson 720 104 wild ' ' Dingman Deloss 312 60 wild Ellis El B 1 80 76 wild Ladd Ira 9 83 50 wild Labar George , 055 43 wild Lovell John 5 64 4 lamed. 326' wild Pierce Jobe 87 45 sq imped, 175 wild Purple Silas - 8 04' 240 wild . , . Potter Stephen . 23 58 f • cowmen rowastitv.• 3 impr'd 100 wild Allen Zelotus 29 86 75 wild Bryant A E 26 68 80 wild Chamberlain, 8 8 19 50 I 10 wild Bunter John -1 26 16 wild Moree Merritt 2 28 84 wild Eldridge Thomas 8 84 82 wild Pope P r 6. 34 house and lot ' Clement Vriah 84 10 wild Spencer J 3 49 house and lot , Whitney Joseph 178 18 88 81 81 8 88 steam saw, mill ' Damao Lehipan 56 89 6bB wild Dancey Nathan /09 09 90 wild • 'Niles Moses 9 71 100 wild Bclilelrelin Jaeob 22 83 60 wild Hart Lyman ' •1 31 2 hoped, 52 wild Viretmore4dward l4 16 7 wiped, 87 wild Bailey Jlido 613 .., . 1f 40 4402 89 92 89 37 452 98 4208 9 20 CLTAIER TOWNSHIP. 60 wild " Burch John 100 wild,' Purgoson John 3 impr'd, 87 wild Morgen Julius 26 wild Marvin Joseph 2 impr'd, 26,wild M'Donald Benjamin 5 impr'd, 146 wild Parkhurst John 6 impr'd, 40 wild . Forman A B 50 wild , • Sykes Nathan 17 wild q Smith P M 6 impod, ; 4o wild.. ! Smith .I . 4'ehem4 15 imped, 235 wild - Cone •A ,P - ' .10 hoped, 68 wild Hanks Orris 2 impr'd, 30 wild Graham George 2 impr'd. 70 wild Wilaby Jeremiah 30 impr'd, 200 wild Benn John B 25 wild! , • * _ . Jordan, 4llas 26 wild 1 - t :*:. : JordaziEuke 4 impr'cl 26 wild Adam4lo R S ' 4 impr'd 38 wild Degrotit Almon 2 impr'd 46 wild . Deane 011 - 62 wild _ Edgeomb Ira _ 100 wild. Jordan James 4 impr'd, 71. wild Layton Thomas 66 wild , Niver Hiram 9 impr'd, 26 wild Strang B B 7 impr'd, 83 wild Shillay L N 80 wild Willoughby J 10 Impr'd, 50 wild Reynolds Reuben 4 impr'd, 60 wild Bennett Anthony ; s..imped, 89-wild Baal& Hiram COVINGTON BOROUGH. houso and lot Howe T C house and lot Rushton heirs house and lot Baker and brothers lot . . Evans Lewis store and lot Hiker George 1 4 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Culver 'Themes 195- 04 6 98 82 19 74 88 25 20 76 24 88 80 86 80 2 88 48180 158 v 1 44 58 14.04 22 12 16 88 6 98 75 68 167 76 31 80 161 27 178 97 63 60 40 69 14 31 43 60 42 58 3 91 12 76 house and lot 60 wild 50 wild 60 wild Spencer D 11 70 wild Sears Charles 100 wild , ,Runisey J E 90 wild Wetmore Edward 2 hoped, 27 wild Gillett Samuel 73 wild , _ ' - Smith 0 glass factory , Baker N 3 &brother 100 wild , . Crosby Hopkins 20 imped, CO 'wild Bodine A 1., , 67 wild - .' : Calkins' Rufui house and lot, Bliss Isaac , • 100 wild i Robbins Richard !I I - DELMAR TOWNSIIIP. 100 wild Ashley Allen l• 3 improved ' Coats Timothy I 20 70 27 47 8 07 68 91 17 81 50 wild Green Job : 3 100 wild Hildretb Charles 6 70 wild.. Johnson Luke .3 6 impr ' d, 75 wild 'Kelly Sylvester " . • ,7 58 wild Krinerls 8 50 wild , Smith James 3l 50 wild . Kenyon Lucius 3 100 wild Purvis John J 35 50 wild • Pond A 6 4 hoped, 40 wild Campbell 11 W S 4 imped, 46 wild Simpson Charles 4 10 impr'd, 60 wild Watriner Mrs E . 8 70 wild ' •' ' Bean it Bosworth 3 5 lmpr'd, 65 wild Hoffman William • 5 ,2 Wiped, 297 'wild Calvet:Collins ;- 159 7 IMpe-4, 68 wild Hall Hannah E 8 5 improved • • . Andrews Jane ' 1 8 impr'd, 5. wild Barker Mrs Ann 2 3 improved... _ Platner Mat th ias 1 50 wild ' --liniler Almon 4 30 wild ' • Catlin Cyrus 15 10 impr'd, 18 wild Gibson Otis--___ . 6 25 lmpr'd, 27 wild Jackson James I ' 29 50,wild • Kennedy Elias 7 5 lmpr'd, 85 wild • Smith W 8 16 impr'd, 35 wild Stnead David 7 house and lot Wetmore Beth 6 8 impr'd, 11. wild Wilson Stephen 0 3 impr'd, 59 wild ' Henry' Howls 8 5 impr'd, 10 Wild Guernsey Susan a 5 impel', 85 wild ' Smith G W 1 • 4 133 imp'd, 234 wild PIM Moses D. 91 5 imped, - 45 wild Bailey It /3 ••- 1 75 wild , Campbell Jeremiah . , 1 1 imp.% 1414111 • • Croft William B '1 20 hoped' 40 wild Greenliet George W 1 house and lot How David 1 5 Imps.% 70 wild • Mersiok kaki R 1 118 82 168'97 69 60 133 16 60 01 168 87 - 83-75 66 25 - 28 31 163 61 135'90 69 60 16 70 47 OS 101 82 106 19 49 17 48 80 146 00 29 20 6102 79 68 - 90 24 90 24 27 8 ' 27 18 8888 8 GLOSS TOWNSHIP tinocikrlELD 1 '. CUARLESTON TOW.IBIIIP. Untamed Henry Pollock James 25 wild 19 99 19 99 19:,99,- 19 99 15 Ot 19.99 19 99 19 16 19 19 •28.04 19 84 87 88 42 84 87 08 82 42 ' 80 08 40 14 40 14 80 08 40 14 40 14 40'14 IA iwpr'd,,3B wild Ituyet; Edwin l9a 15 hope.4 f ft8,w514 ; Itriantoni,;,l4,hin,ene.,„ .1; 50. icluiped; -, 18 wild - -” , I?iitk`4ll:s l in t j Striiiiniji - 2 25 80 wild • Vat niivi John ...". 1 80 10 lipped, 82 wild Gloodafp Charles 1 72 137 wild _ ,•:, T,._, , _ ; ',-'Allen. 'Edwin 2 10 , 8 wed, vuoita -. Roiowntbaniet ' 2, 96 ill) , valld -:1-: ,, ,Woodeoch John 0 273 •;V: . ;; i-, , ,F ' p..FLAsb..Yoivriauip. Iruso and lipi \ ; •'•XiiilliD 455 -itoneiliiiin,d,lot ',) Patin'er John 228 'housti.antl,lot • - .Cliok 4 Bonford 13 22 tavern house 4 lot Denlany John W 13 65 87 impeil; 88 wild Davinpurt Lemuel •43 81 housa,lot,§lalk Opp Chasio John . - 11 38 house and lot Den nett Betsey 8 76 hunna and lot Youtio••Archy 1 50 houso and lot 'liroks S 13 10 05 \ \ ,.. ch6 raIthIINGTOI c TOWASUIP. 10 ild Clar David A 455 q Ica d, 6 wild • Mann Jll ', - • 283 25 iui 'd, 18 wild . LemUns Henry iBB 2 1 Ors -Int - - L• ' — * -- WolisloilhitileF — -- - 71 60 . ild: : ' ; 1 , "2':. Parkhurst Joel " :' 453 50 pr ied' i .., - - tiander;PFurinan'. - , 453 500 n IslufiCoiJohn . 37 ,50 , ,42!.84 `40.14 40 14 40,14 21'80 90 86 83 22 10 22 584 41 00 64 64 40 00 17 62 18 74 108-08 . ' _ o.ll;igs loWysitir. I: - 90 wild, • petit Uil .. -. . '6 83 8 inipr'll, 42 wild Aiuttuson Larayetto GO2 130 wild Rich' D ll (widuw) 3 68 12 hoproved 1 ' .2 46 ivii wild 105 wild 000 wild lb Imped, 85 Sri d DotitningSatonOlW 802 ft improved • , 13esilii 3 utheil• - 4' 13 . 2 4} ku'd, bouzni , lot' StullPi Christian • 6 81 50 'wild •-: Adotnin widow, estate 19 44 200 wild • - - ..livall!A C - - 52 65 . 426 wild . - 'Burrowo•daron, ?elite 84 21 60 wild ' ;Dent:-1I 11 . . • • 20 75 80 wild - : 4 11udaln S N ' - 12 74 4 im'cl, twinge 4 lot; 41 . 0 rt - d*Joecpb 32 55 85 wild ''',Janks Ricbtnond 16 OS bb,wild „ •,. Rejw• IViilinur 11 ,; -. 20 95 Roberts Bitola, _estate, 11 , 58 -Healy' lttretia . • iuiusul rind lot, BP,+►ild .49d wild , 300 wild 30 wild 23 141.'11. 4441 -11e;ws - Frederiek 49 17 3.imped, 4Q.wild .. Kilmer N F 36 21 5 limped, 25 Wild Still Sdeob 21 41 155 20 38 80 boim-nnd , . , „ 54:1 ivild '— - - -- Ford - Jiiiiies; estate SO 89 200 wild , .. , Knepenbaugh D A , , 14 11 16 improvr , Al uiles Leonard 14 56 50 wipl- - ' Stevens John 228 lions° and tit ' Van Dania'. George 273 12 it,iiired; 3 wild Stanton CA, ‘; 469 100 vfild . Baker B 1?- - . 536 25 wild Butler S S -- 2 64 4 Wiped, wild Curran Lewis 3 87 55 wild Daniels it - J 3 87 3 Duped, 15 wild Pane Stewart' 'kt, 114 II wild ltitlo Hiram 81 66 wild ' 'Rosy & Snyder ` = 3 87 4 imped, 25 wild Treman Julius 182 LISESTY TOWNSHIP. ) 20 icaped,.27.wilii , Dison LI °ergo 0 10 2 laved, 50 wild Fogle FP4 228 10 imped, 70 wild 'RibbleSamuel 0 69 10l ' Shalo 48Iale ' I 96 16 impr'd, 23 wild Childs J=oliepli 7 28 70 imp'd, 120 wild = Illnck John • ' 71 94 50 wild , Wean 'John 577 8 iinped, 92'wild • M'AndY Thomas • 6 00 8 Imped, , 92 .wild ~ F orer Daniel 7 06 3 impr'd, 97 wild Campbell M 5lO 2 'roped, 93 wild Field Moses raw mill, 11 34 house and lot Wilson floury 3 42 limped, 300 wild Blackwell George 4 55 2 impr'd•l3 - wild , Emmick Nicholas - 1 ill 7 5 impr'd, 10 wild Hearer Goorge - 7 f 35 1$ bongo and lot town lot 6 imped, 3 wild 25 loved, 31 wild 10 imped, 40 wild house and lot 35 itup'd, 233 wild 50 wild 140 Wild ' house and lot 5 imped, 68 wild 1329 wild • 154 wild 10 'taped, 65 wild 80 imp'd, 120 wild 2 hoped, 99 wild house and lot 80 wild • - Smeasl James 26 lmpr'd. 42 wild Short, Newberg house and lot West Luther house 4p black% shop Gorton W 130 wild Howard E-G 100 wild , Hodges William 85 impr'd, 65 wild Moshier Aaron house and lot Lovergood J II 100 wild M'Wharter 1? M 2 Improved • Palmer Anson 2 imped, 18 wild Shutter John 70 imped, 496 jwildlWhiteomb Charles 100 Wild 1 ' Wickham B C UTLAND TOWNSHIP. 80 wild . Livingston William 35 wild • Blaney P D RICIIMOND TOWNSHIP. , 15 impr'd, 32 wild Ltoit,rd Beach 4 impedi.23 Wild Jots .'John log wild • Ross& Williams SS wild Faulkner-J E ' - 40 Wild ". ,` 2: Rodeo jonathin SHIPPHIN TOWNSHIP._ - Austin Charles Taylor Delose L -, Hammond Martin Seely Herman SULLIVAN TOWNSHIP. ro Ilulslander John 93 ithpr"d t -3.23 wild Robbins M 3— ` TiOtiA TOWNSIIIP. 14 imed;& - saw mill Miller William 50 impr'd, 90 wild Sly do Alford TIOGA' BOROUGH. Mann G E Berry T J • . iWARD e Tovrssnir. • 1 impr'd, 57 wild Austin Abner 200 improved • Aldrich Andrew 15 improved Beardsley David 9 73 12 45 6 49 50 wild 105 wild 100 wild 100 wild Et 91 6 14 16 28. 8 60 4 55 2 iO 4;55 59 VI 19, 40 8 56 houso;.3 nd lot 'SO iroprOved 1 30 20 00 2 75 2 75 2 ao 4 05 6 64 1 18 1 01 2 52 3 71 2'44 2 87 3 64 2 40 •2 34 '2 20 80 wild Beach Samuel 100 wild Bullard D C -90 improved Cowan John 41 wild Chapman D C 50 wild Conley William 107 wild CrosEi Jed, 110 wild Ford Byron 20 wild Perrith W B 94 Wild. ' Knapp Daring 122 wild Larcomb W II 50 Wild ilforioman D D 5 impro'd, 105 wild Packard Iluly 102 wild . Smith Jeff. • 25 wild Sherwood 9 D 91 wild Ville 0 C 91 wild, „ - Ville Nicholas 2 impr'd, 103 wild .Whalen AIWA 100 wild Watkins Job?' 24 wildturtis.Clovtattud 40 wild Jriffin James 100 wild Hoyt C D 7 hoped, 89 wild Kann Philip 3 imped, 44 wild Money Charlee 60 wild • , . 1 - Sullivan W , 80 wilt! ',, Vandiko F 146 wild . Vandike F 1 : ' 490 wild --- Ward C L • 20 irriproved - French iVilliam 13 62 wild - Welch Hirdm 186 wild •- -• Bigsby William 66 wild ' Denmark C 7 Wiped, 50 wild Sullivan William 499 wild Ward C L - - 1773 wild . , Ward Henry 45 wild - . , Tubbs Frederick• - 45 wild' - - ' , Smith Anthony . 63 wild Durgan Timothy 15 imprid, 107 nlld Duthi:ins, Charles E 10 imped 95 wild Purvis John 06 wild Bishop'Epbraim 800 wild .. , Smith Isaac 100 wild . Welch Samuel UNION TOWNSIIIP. i impr'd, 124 wild Anthony FA R . 902 50 wild Congland William . 3 53 73 wild Cure Francis 5 00 168 wild Decdrsey 11 M 17 77 66 wild • Darren° Charles 10 07 7 imped, 83 wild Field' George " ' 733 30 wild • Larriber Martin 3 17 5 laved, 15 wild Newell Land W 558 131 wild , Lyiotning .r & Coal Co 11 18 3 imped, 37 wild Ostrand David 11 751 4 imped, 27 wild • Rodgers Charles 3 04 50 wild Stratton William 12 20 12 loved, 112 wild Stockwell Charles 17 77 5 imps d, 25 wild Laggett George - 504 76 imprld, 643 wild Ward C L 95 72 _ ... 0 w ild , • Ensnod it Smith i 4 83 limped,l4 60 630 wild Green John , !improved , • Lennard John, Jr 3 22 21imped. 48 wild. . Jenkins John 2 94 2limped, 78 wild , Williams Charles • 3 92 tilimped, 22 wild - Dann Jackson' 2 . 0 4llmped. 15,wild , SeHard Phebo 1 18 168 will, saw mill - Stratton Harrison • 12 58 3 impr'd, ii 2 wild Olaflin Abner . :1 28 2 limped : 76 wild - - ,Staytnan Angtistue - 333 ISTALSit6ROTOII house and lot Campbell George 13 98 house and lot, Petrie Henry 11 25 house and lot , Kirkpatrick John • 15 CO old printing office Bigony J W 1 71 groeety• and lot Bryden T B 36 34 Seln;fle,vrJakvul) t 19 DEsni,let4?, 761WN9 Ili niTin Stiwantbo, cgioN Mitchell Wo 1:3 66 Updike William ?- 718 XeGinara & Burro'is 28 49 IVeetere & Bronson .-129%72 Baker 11 . G . 18 50 Lowey Rodman LAWRENCE 110ROUOR.( harrower T - 10, 05 .LAAV,RENCE TOWNSLII, MORRIS TOWNgRIP. MAINSBURO. Ellis John A NANSPIELT). • • , • Spuir IluldaL lIIDDLEDUItY -TOIVICSIiIP Hazlett Samuel 13 21 Smith John 5 74 Guile C C 12 16 Maxwell Charles 11 22 Patctieu Furman 29 47 ltice l Abram '2 73 Hodge Daniel 13 67 Mitchell William IC 9 38 L r 0 10 13ulmer John &Co 211 98 Card D and C 25 88 Whitconib4 and J A 6 '27 Ballard W W 285 34 Brooks B 17 63 Kewlra 3 42 ,raftek 'Agmney. Insu +1 ,, , IVYOII INSERANCE CO., WILKES-B/1444E, PA. ". R. C. SMITH, Sc.c'y.• W. S. Rpsfi„. Pre,. W. T, 144 D, ficrel,:.:lo. L. D, SHOEMAKER, 4r. p CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,50,00, THIS iPt ti V cooepany - , (or- Wfiith Themhr e Ilatfield.was lately' agent, sled policy hat ers who wish to renuw their Insurance are re qqwell_to apply' to the Itttbtcriber.. . Girard Fire. Insurance Coe, PHILADELPHIA. I . J. B, ALVORD. .Titouste Ottsivnts. , ereeldc,t. secretary. rA. S. (38.t.grr, V' t i t. pital.s2o4:lloooo 7 _ Ait paid,up in Caah. - S us Over $169,000. . • Both of tvlttO :have been safely invested. Oier .$1011.000,000 r..perty bus. isect/ successfully In. eared in *lsis ompany in 15 years ; - 850 losses by tiro,promptly and honorably paid.. 'This Com pany sloes not belon,e; to any : Board of under Writ ets, local or National. • ,) • . Agents are not required to join.any ergnniza tion for establishing ttrbitrary rates and rules. Its tariffs), Rates have proved stacientin the past, and will in the futurej,•ttiett ns to secure the interest of the stssured, and the prosperity of fhe .Cotopo The'ioihieriher,hakes this trtethod - t.f informing the public that he_ltits the agency Ate above Compan'ieit. and be.tound nt his s.friee,over Ito 's Briig Agitatoi• Ofnee 3 30 JNO I. -MITCIIELL Wellsboro, Pir; Feb. 26, -•— I,N ,BANKRUPTCY.--:This is to give .notice 'That on the 21rt, day of _Feb.' A. 421868; a warraiit;in Da'ottruWty "%vat „btbutd. ugairk.the Moto cif Win. & Jim. A. ltubu, of Britiund,`iii the county`ot Tioga, atol`liitttO_ of Penn'u, who - Lave been indjudg,od Bankrupt! on their own Petition ; thee, thepuyenent of any' debts &tali delivery of any-property, belonging to sues Bankrupts to them or fur their use rind the transfer-of any property by them are forbidden bylaw; that' a meeting of the creditors of said 'l3nrikruptil to prove their debt!, and to choose one or more be held at a Cniiit of Bankruptcy; to be holden at the Aloe of F. E. Smith, iu Tioga, county of Ti. oga, and State of Pennsylvania, before F. E. Smith, ltagietor, on the 22d - day of April, A. D. tB6B, at I 0 o'clock A. M. . TfIOMAS' X, ROW LEY, U. S. Murshal Woke . Dirt. PH Per DAVID CAMERON, Deputy T IOGA BOROUGH ORDINANCES:- • ORDINANCE 22. That Irnnt und•aftrr the Grit day of April oext, it shall not be lawful for tiny person to put, throw or deposit, any ashes, dirt, t.ffaror other 'elm, In any street, or_ Nue of this borough, under a penalty of $3 for each offence. — \ ., • ORDINANCE 23. That from owl alter the fit st day of April next the occupants of lots and grounds in front of which sidewalks are laid.._shall clean off snow. or Whet übatrnt • tion, within twenty four hours after the same shall have accumulated thereon, under a penalty of .1.3 for each omission : and it §hall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to see that these ordinances are enforced. BM JOHN W. GUERNSEY, Burgese Tioga, Feb. 18, IS6B-3t F. E. SMirn, Sec Orphans' Court Sate BY VIRTUE of an order of the 'Orphern' Court of Tioga County, issued February 3, 186 S, and to us directed, no will espos.e to pub lic sale at Furr's hotel, Tioga, Thursday, March 26, 1865, at 2 r. 31. the following real estate, late of Royal Rose, of Rutland, need_ to wit: A lot of land In, Rutland, being lot 146 •?f the allottnent of Bingham lands in said township, bounded north by lot 143, contracted to Roynl and Rrnatus Rose, east by lot 129 iu the name of Rose I. Gile, south by lot 1(10 in the m o no of B. Smith, and west by Bingham lands—containing 65.7 licres more or less, contracted to %Via, Rr.se, Jr•i Also—another lot of land in said towtthip_and t thb,satne eonv yed by the trustees of, the Bing bath estate by deed dated Nov. 7, 18 , 19, describ ed as follows ;; Beginning at the southwestcorner on the north lino of lot 32, thence along lot for merly in pOssossion of Leman Barnes, north 62.2 perches, thence north 25° iveit 39.5 perches. east 102.5 porches, thence south 98 perches, thence west 85.8 perches to. place of beginning—contai ninin,g 51.8 acres tnore'or lees, with - usual allow ance for rNds. ' . C., H. SEYAIOUII. E. I. STEVENS. j Adm'rs Feb. 12, 1868—.5w. 5 46 55 _ Scales_! \ Scales! IIE Buffalo, platform Stales, all ordinary _I. sizes, Tor heavy, and counter use, may be found at the Hardware - Stcro of Wm. Roberts, Wellsboro, These Scales aretho Fairbanks pat ent and have no snperior anywhere. They eta made in the best style and have taken the pretui eth et all the great exhibitions. . I have — the axle agency - Tor - than 'Sealea in ibis region. WILLIAM ROBERTS. • Wollsburo, Feb 12, INS. 25 15 7 75 39 60 • 4 76 5 33 2 28 ) 59 5 69 3 75 Wellsboro Meat Market !' B E EF I PORK! iVIDTTON ! • • 9 -1 1 1 E,telnorittelt.tipened.a NeaLMarket the uijding lately oecapie‘py Dr. Webb, on Crafton-street, Monday triornhig, Feb.' 17. where be will keel a fdll•nneurtment of FRESH MEATS flame nod Stroulderg. •It the peuple will give me encouragement I will keep up a gon4 MArk et. Fob. 19, 1858-3 m. A. J. TIPPLE. 20 47 —rcr-52 0 95 3 10 11 33 8 76 3 44 32 34 69 4 28 6 17 4 10 1 SO 3 65 9 37 6 80 . Administrattir s otice. LETTERS of Atlinintratlon -having tree granted to Ithe endersignedon the estate of John T. Ocorr, late of Haines, deed, all persons having clams against said estate, and all persons indebted to the earn° Fettle nith - SHELDON OCOltll. -Oceola, rob. 5, 180-Bt. Atitnr. _ X 3 co cat gso eta SS .151: e ea. latent Excitement! Jehneon impeached. and Etre tree's Booots nod 'elutes triumphant! The subs rifer would aty to the 15 ,, np1e of Westfield and eivinit% that he is Manufacturing a Patent Boot which he bulk vo. to pestless the following advent:um-over nil others; to thereis-no crimping; 2d.nolrrinkliug,saveesthey'breik to the feet; sal, no ripping. In short, they sic the thing- for ereryliody. to on hand and or. err solicited.. Sole rieht or Westfield township and Bodo' secured. ire has also just received a spletaill set ot lialtuoral patterns, latest styles. Come one, come all! We are bound to sell cheap for Ca/ill or ready pay Shop ono door south of Sanders k Colegrove. Woutfi t el , l Dom', Fob. 12 ISOR, . J. R Valuable Pa for •Su le, Afarm of three hundred eeree, with Iwo huh tired Hod twenty fire acres itupr”voci muted tau tulles north of Th•ge Village, ou tha Tiogai Hirer and ltailrt.ed . Wen watttercd, tier a good state of cullirntiou , ant.l (tip. Also four hausea and lots for sAle in 11 , 54 T. L. ti Lr;wrN. Tawa, 1'el)012, .48,0 - 9//ee'S AO tee:. All persons intore9ted will please.' take no . tiee; that tho eeeondanceting of the creditors of-Nast Auerbach banletupts will be held at the olliee F. E. Smith Esq., Register in the 8010, of County of Tioga Pa., on the fifth tiny of 31a1 . 411 next, 1868 atten o'clock • ti C. H. SEYMOUR, Fcbruaryip 1868-3 w. AssigueL ' THE KNOXVILLE DRIVING - PARK ASSO. CIATION, Will give an exhibition or the speed L,f 8 year old colts, • SEPTEAInVii 3, 18(38. 'Entrance $25,0 0 thNtiu“: tuiJ deßeliption o r ealt, with onmisetif or e entt a nee money lewd be handed to the 61 :" retary by the hit any of May. Premium for best Trotting Colt One half the mousy !eyelet(' on-entries. Second heat, one-thiru of the entry more.Y. Third best, one•sixth of the entrance money. M. V. PURPLE, Seu. 0. fl, WOOD, Pros'b 'Knoxville, Pa. Feb. 26, 11188-tr WOOD WANTEB—By the School Directors NV of Delmar, to il J upply the Schools f,f, the township for the elasuing ,year The Direr: tors will meet at thd graded School {louse, Stony Fotir, Saturday r blareh, 7, prozimn, at :t? o'clock, forenoon, when and where proposals bo considered and a - coneract made.' By order: JOIN WILLIANIEV. PO. 26, 11306-2 w. Prat.
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