110111 E MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26, 180 MASONIC. 0:. 7, 511A LODGE, No. 317, A, Y. M., meets nt their Hail. over Vr.Oy'a drag store, on Tuesday evening - , On or betere the Full Moon, at 6 o'clock V. M. TI'OGA CITAPTEII, No. 164, N. A. M., alect`f nt thn Ilall, on Thursday owning, on or before the Foil :Ic,oti; at 6 o'clock P. M. TYOOA COUNCIL; No. 11, IS. MASTERS, nie*,ta'ad. the Hall, on tho third Friday qf PZiell calendar nt 6 o'clock E. M. TYAGAGIITON COMIAN DERN, No. 23, of vsrotlTS TEMPLAR, and the npperniant orders, meets at the 11;111, on the first Friday of each colundar month. at 6 O'clock P. M. Now , .A.dvortisernl . nts , Insurance Agency—Jobn I. Michell. In Bankruptcy—William and J. A. Rose. Wood Wanted—Delmar School Board. Tioga Moro Ordinances- 7 .7. W. Guernsey. Farm foi Sale—lra Graves. :Volk° to Builders—G. W. Avery. Knoxville Driving Park Association. Notice in discharge of Dank d ruptg: George A shor:Janses Campbell, I'. G. Walker, Joseph Palmer. DONATION.—The friends of the Rev. 0. L. Gibson are invited to attend a Donation party at the house of Willis Peake, Charleston, Thursday evening, Feb. 27, ISC,S, CORRECTION. —The prisoner, Mott, jumped from the ears just heforo reachiug•North utnberland, awl not between Troy and William sport, as we _stated last week. No_ trace 'of him has been discovered up to this writing. MrrEE.F.uucxxs.—Mr. 0. F. Ellis is making a fine lot of butter firkins and tubs at his shop on Water-st., and dairymen will do \Val to call upon him and leave their orders. We saw a j i - a d of' these articles from his shop the other day, and for neatness or fluith and solidity of make, nicer saw their-superior. _ PHOTOGRAPHS lti OIL, &C.—Frank 3f. Spencer and Charlie Thompson paid us a visit last week, bringing specimens of ph6tography retouched with oil, unt.n. colors and India ink.— The work does them. credit, sad gives veal prom ise fur tho future. HARDING'S BIDLES.—Mr. E. B. Case is the agent for the sale of Ifarding's bibles, nll editions, for Susquehanna and Lycoming counties. Melo aro the finest editions of the Libio pub lished in this country. Mr. Cain has.sold n great number of Chun bees and elseu-liere, 1t ha's bur / , e4 willies for Cuifeess. . BUSINES .—To• several of our friends and patrons who have asked us how The Agitator Ras- getting along, wo reply, that the paper never let out at the beginning of the year with so largo a list of subscribers .as is now borne on our books. Tho fast of the year is the period when a large propoi lion of subscriptions expire. The renewals this year were to general titat wo have not fallen be3ow, soventy quires in bny edition since' the -ear opened. As to our busincs: in 1567, it tias !argot than - ever before; and taking the Oro months of 1865 as a. criterion fur the ye,iir, it promises to increase hanlsolaiely over 1867. 'W e cannot send a personal reply to each of our friends, and so take this metltod to ailiswer their itrvivAL.—The inteiest in the meetings at the Court Rouse and at @ho Presby terian Church does not seem to flag. ' , • Fourteen persons were received into the .Methodist Church Sunday, the 18th inst. A very - extensive revival is going otiat Crooked Creek under the auspices of Rer.'N.L. Reynolds. upward of thirty conversions are reported, and the work is still going on with nnabutecl,interest. i 3 also tho steno: of an extensive revival of religious interest. There is everywhere, as wo see by our ';c:v.chan- F,es, a marked awakening of the public conscience. The spirit of the times reasons cogently of "tem perance, righteousness and judgment to come." STEAM SAW MlLL.—Messrs. Stephen, William, Daniel, and Samuel Evans, of Charles tonaavo erected a new Steam Saw mid Shingle Jiill in Welsh Settlement. It went into op eration on'the 17th inst., under the charge of Mr. Leo 1 Pebbles, an accomplished millwright. The Shin 0- Mill is a first-class machine, - and is now working. The Saw-mill will start in a few clays. This mill has a good engine with a O berst!, power boiler. The proprietors deserve sue- MEE SIIIPPING INTELLIGENCE.—Arrived, Fcb. 19,1808, by M. U. Express., 31. luilard, agent, consignee, the celebrated CUT- Dar-Cat i Queen of Kingdotn,of Much -I:luck. Her majesty nirived in excellent health ipirits,l having achieved n journey of 30,000 1 10105 she reached 14idishoro. She bore the And tags of many Express Companies at liar and gave indubitable evidence of foul play a the hands of Express-Aguas. That her i,iisty is no chicken scorns to he admitted ; but fbe,r a bird of padsnge, and whenever she aiiglitis, he is a standing joke. As Bullard is liberal, ljg -, ill permit coma cue of the utiiiiitateil agents to invest lire dollars in the jol:e tit en curly day. • Goss:v.—A friend laughs at\o , ur war sing against overwork in last !vet! 's gossip. And, in 200:10 points of view, he is entitled to the tough. We had no reference to the very large tifQ3 of young soon who do not work enough to lay the patches needed to close the rents in the •kats of their trousers, and who do not keep- out Alini:Feliief.l On the contrary, kt• alluded to the lq.d, the ruinous,practhib which used to . pre/ ~t.prig farmers when wo wore sheeP's grey en> ak tr.cl.4.artrLhercled4ise,oowa.on the boosia'Coun t) as: thatiis to ray—the practice of • to do tse work of a full groWn iuorals and evit-in'result. rare a dollar by hiring, or employi i., th e work requiring the stringt' Jed muscle. - If any father sav this way, ho risks the Lea , Often, a toy who has work beyond his st raa:cular capital in ad sad when ho attains :f he lire so long, , not perform - • d:d six yortia' Iheat, and Lasture. • the path. r the b- r . man's stuturo and years, is mortified to find tbat be much labor as ,ho could .and (Cfure. We giro the grass, ;Lad ..or groin, time and opportunity 'to by ehould• wo deny to a human being opportunity? Long-lirod men ore gen- / ongest in maturing; just as thirpino and fah..a7l9,72'er lived than .1 !mood, end the lime. Nat* requires, by thy ie.:: of grow l th, that the vital foi•cce of the humo4 system be qatingly expended at all times, but , npecially during the period of the expansion of the ticutos which make tip the frame. Tho evil :I - overworking a growing boy or' girl .inay .be ten very blcarly when one takes• into account the fact ontrature ie call&I uien to repair the extraordinary waste cf muscle as well as to build .ap the frame; and as the . w.iste is violent and taipor.cus, she expends her major cored upon its glair, and the meager residue only gees to per ictt the physical man It is as if ; 'man should saderta%e to build a house, wing the timbers and t'.l.iai; to kindle and maintain the tiro the. 'bii.l. Just how fast he would get on in tiniah :tog th 3 dwelling would &pond leper. the antßunt ftmis he had to back t , o absurd a ~:sty. 'lL'ut k - zt end girls should be "brought up "to ..7-611:, Thoresistance .Erert% clroaratqances Is to be- overcome by proper : 31 .t.:ulai- training. You plant a bean, it comet Pith a chip, or lump of dirt on its licalL. In we see that the plant is forced to do rather tSN work than is involved.in growth. However, fts bean overcomes the resistance, anti is only ltlaca briefly in coming to maturity. But itat.li Ton replace the chip as Often as it is flung )!r• how long well it take mature the bean 7 V. )ttilnit the pro lem to the fathere and tnotl. ; Tioga emanty, and await the solution. suppose that all who are tired of winter, who that huts not a job of hauling is not 7) 4 "0 !narked the toning down of the clouds end t''te ekiet by the coming Spring. You must anew before , the sun and mark the gray of dawn out before yon get positive evidence that the Le ek of Winter is broken. And then as tho sun /ring a 6. it is =I g a Loy to . of =lure bnuo tri 81.50 'Ver year and life of lin enough of ambit ion _ngth will cxhautt his Ince of its accumulation ; goes down you may see vernal theiioith and sautli i ..h4d a gold Wing fife West; Ali 'of 'ads our own eyes On half-a-dozen do night, but have hesitated to sayl lest old Berens should' arouse lair and freeze up with a snap sun is "getting high," and it is that there can be another long " I until next December. DnuP SNOW.—Hooker cp.n.lle says that the snow in a, miles from Sylvania is screnty4 being, up to the top of some of tin is a man of truth, otherwise tht like a Rocky mountain whopper. The same paper says that a' I Lodge has been organized at lx auspices of Rev„ John Shaw. hers forty member,. . A daring attempt at burglary wai made upon the Railroad Depot and three stoie at Troy ,on the night of the 14th inst. The scamps forced t their ray into the depot wtth a ji`mmy and skel eton keys, and endeavored to ope the safe, but failed. They next made a &seen upon Jewell & Pomeroy's Clothing Store but cou d net effect an entrance. They next went to pitburylc. Pedl:'..- dry goods store, and got nothing At Mitelndl's Drug store they awakened Mr. 1%1 e garland, !he clerk by trying to , get in. Do a osc and at...a Ai pistol in hand near the Anor ; 'and ten they had pried i . open, be fired,'but missed the fellow I.) a coeple `inches. Thi a 'fri gh tone( he operator:: away. I New Man's Jewelry Etoro ttt thin the same night and some valuab No clue to the operators has been IN MEMORIAM On the 14th of February inst., IL Esq., announced in open Court th. riles FmncE, Esq., a member of county, whereupon the Court adjoi medintely after a meeting was lieh hers of the bar thou present, and', Emery, Esq., was elected chairril Niles, Esq., Secretary. Upon motion, the chairinan app mittee of fire to draft resolutionsexi sense of the bar at the hiss of t brother,_ consisting of 11. Sherwoot. White,,lfon. 11. W. Williams, Wm. Morgadllart. ThOithiaing'adjo on Monday; Feb. 17, when and wl c'ommittee through their • Sherwood, E,q., reported the fo)loi Wheceot , , our respected towns= tonal brother, Stephen Pierce, has from among us by death, therefore 11 rem! ced 1 - -That in the.deathei ciate and friend., Stephen Pierer, the hand of an overruling Prot , ' ways are inscrutable, but "(tooth al licaolecd, 2—That wo deplore th, by this bereavement upon his afflict. on the community in which he MI favorably known and upon the profe, ho was devotedly attached, and in achieved marked success. Pc,,,trra, 2—That ns members of oga County, we feel that we have common loss in the death of ono his profession, so truthful and. co intercourse with his professional whose qualities of head and heart, endear him to the members of the 1:1 lle.olved, 4—That the Secretary to furnish copies of these resolution ly of our deceased brother, and to • our hearty sympathy ; also to fur publication in the newspapers of th those of Troy, Pa. Upon the adoption of these re 01. priato addresses woo delivered by White and 11. W. Williams, end lie , and M. P. Elliott, after which the' journed. ' J. Est'' J. B. - 1.;11.r5., See'y. TEMPERANCE LECTURES. 1u v. T.. Robertt, of Delaware, will address the ilcopie et Tioga County at the following times, am places Covington. Wednesday evening Fcbru. Roseville, Friday evening February Morris Run, Saturday evening Februa Mr. Roberts is doing grand WOO in; Good Templar Lodges in all p there areite-similar organizations tol is an eloquent advocate, and we b full houses and unlimited success . . tho sereral localities «ill oblige b those notices so that all may hare an to attend the meeting=. W. R. Smith's sons of Addison b l ceived 30Q Bushel•, large, small, and Branch clover seed; Also 350 - Bt Ohio Hay seed; also 5000 rolls of new style and low prices; also new laines, and Sheeting:3, all for spring, ces that Nvill remind you of old times be convinced.-Iw. 1 iss Marti• li:. Miller, both of CRITTENDEN-7CItOWELL.--,At the , hon (Z of the bride's father, Feb. 20, by Elder Liteitni Ames, Mr. Levi Y, Cvittendeu t . Tioga Co. 'Pa; and Miss-Emelino- 't Springfield, Bradford Co, Fn. DEATHS. GOODRICH-4o Tiogs, mt Shad Jdn'': 4 2ll, 1868, Deborah A,, wife of Janis TO ycsrs, 5 rn'opthr, and 11 day.• ' The ki.:Celthl2(l Was born ois the Ca:ol. r ire.- 1,, nt Geneva, Ang ' 76, 7797, Iler hole.; e He bean, a Scetch•lrishmais, who emito kti)esn tli tiim,A.ntrins County, Ireland, the yras pi. the Pechirat ism of Indepeudeuce ' and sett Ito at phia. , :abe thgee yea re a Itevolutionei y's Infer, e Inc ; i died a pensioner. Ills WHO Sll/11 Sdrall Ai 1u•ti..11,4. • , I Lai/MS.l6r, Pa. Tim subJect,of this notice e.ma rt te.l". Jail. 21,1815, and aeon alter settled with h,er. en' th e Cher:l.mp g titer, below Conlin, aud'e,,sil., ,in, oi ly removed. in the month of Juno, I /I Ltt Vs hoe she continued to reslde up to 11., isle; of het depth, a period of neaxly forty•nine pass. ,t the witness of man} changes at 'Vows . , net in the nos- ; tullei suspect at the place, put Ip. the ccnossh.n• w foe.: Les. Not Of ihe intimate Wendel uf hex cut j4:l,4ays 1 then bud Kissed away hefore,hsr, „ l ., :sr_svesg,, v ill . to Obh.7 . taKete. Life, fifty years ago at 'nog», .n. 31,t» not ithat it is yreilay. Ifs comforts apdganbetuel, 4 , 1 1 . 0 then• not ed plenty. as nou:, and Itahardeliipc,.et, aLath 4 at:ill:what hake greeter 51a11 we, the', tout, v 1 tht, present geueiatiOn, and children of those pat ewe 1 ,1 .0 endnred so;lnaity Stints for us, be nuanntant t , t t hut memories, nor seek to ctst around !Lett bante.4 the sentlity of n veneration laticii clay outle hen , life itzell la no longer-senat ed us? Tha dCCOt(iCtl was liaptised•in infancy icto:tho bytes 1111.1 Ch u rch—the rellgiciia-order of her In her lute years she was- again tr - t:PliftntlTl ii i .ran church, arm Lecioneareguier cornirtuniCaut„ I. in the f,tit 12 pf hiestell lonaortelity;relyfL k o-1 0 9 . ; promt•ca, sell not de4ringilin cup of Millet, then id Pass irom In most those eneentialJ • k •-•,1 tho/1:, COUSI. ute the trat,:cbriettan s ehe ' UN. •' n is was a constant trader of tile and rev, T 9.11 a itliout many, or the ontiv,t; I‘,»:h3 of ' piety; waa hind, chafitable add obliginr, In born ; hoe , ttablo ski her friende; -in all bee t:dthfnl. diligent lend" unsvelitied; ri.S A.. the • weltu el happiness of het fatally, sell: s,crttictog, Zurti ing S5/3;11 the had dont!, or could 60 tor ti.< Lt. 'She loehed to'the ways ci het I.cat,er• 11,,id and ate not the breed • D,•ar tlother in the ticcr•rontid home, thy 14,11 , 1: attic le : tbon,aoeret•rr+tt,thy%cunt, thino earciv ill nor thy children }Tutu and potitt 'fill they on Ilk's etc run' t Lore Mile? same place tvhete the celeb radian Chief ; %%us horn, Tb Owners of Horses and Cattle. • - •olinnS' DERRY CONDITION POWDfift3 , 3 warranted , mperlor to nay others, or ‘ ne p)"e, the cure of Distemper, Worms, i.MO, Coimbst" bound. &c., in It orses ; and Colds, COofile3, -fie.ts of Milk, Mel: Tongue, Horn Distemper, ,fig., ;it Cat. tie They are perfectly safe and innocent; no of dapping the working of your animals.. Tim', the apput ite, give a fine coat, cleanse the stem toil and. urinary °ivies ; ohm lucre:l , i° the Milk of, cos;n,,rty them-. nhd you will never be witliOnt them. liiinto WoodrulT. the celeinnted trainer of trotting bin .te . e. 111 4 used them for years, and recommends them to hit frientlq. Col. Philo. P. Bush, of the Jerome Inlet , Couise, Fordham, Y,, would not use them Mutil be Woe told Of what they 'are connpoded, since wilisit'Cliv fs never without them. Ile has over twentyun»ii.:.; hones in cZ,argo, and fur the RI" t three yeai 'h,lS 0 " 4 no Oilier medicine for titetn. tIo has per. mlttcd me to refer any ono to him. Over 1,000 other references can be Rain at the depot. Sold by Druggin i t4 and Saddlers.' Price 25, cents per box. Depot, f 3 Certlnuat Street, New York. - [rah. 111 TifE iloolilNtil SitiVE to overspread atirorlitlpip ii3O 'aelM with 's within a fort uoh about it ti 3 elf from his However, the lutrdly possible Toll of wontber" , No irliele of, furniture requirea tur;ee •cnro- in selecting than a Cooking Stove. Among the great variety in,thl-nitirlcet and the strong -rec. of trifeh; : by ' , lnteresteii- parties, titiefe not, I. 4utiliar with the operation of Stoves 'atEe I , a analt;! . pier Fploctions;. while arch way hare totno good point:4, nearly id have some iteitousileteets. The improved American flat Ai r Colktir4St o t: r yi , u(ntflactOtetliiliki.o,,Pnek: and Te . 0 ; ;:AiloCriY, F. Ne Mostdtimploto in all its arrangoinonu: of any E•tovo yet produced. Thetaanufactureru have Fpnred veins or ex pense to make this :Jet . ° perfection itself, end they have suvt•eeded admirably. It meets the approbation of the people throughout the coun try, for - both coal ;tad 1110(11 and is universally s p o ken of in terms of the highest praise, and no ono should make a selection without giving the Imprtived Americana careful and thorough ex amination, :ma atter doing t-o, they cannot fail heitig convinced or its.ettperistylly over all others. ; fig itriud to the Troy sine nbori% two vo feet deepj— treeti. Hooker t woul mond • t - o t od T triplot's lon a MAC e • the Lodge MUM- The' la rgest; hot and cheapest assort ment of fra m- elver brought into Tioga County, with large pictures in every way, to suit, anti card photographs at :-:'.1,110 per doz., all going 111E4 at Frank 1-:pviwer . ..s Art tiailcry, Mansticd, Pa. • , S PEG EA Li NOTICES'. --o-- Dl ESS 'fit 'Pill; NERVOUS AND DEITH.ITATED hose ptotpicoal ('root tAildep ,rat{,v's.•,s“ l l quilvl 11 , ,1ti tiltlistitry" diteluirgdo;'wliat'effect'ffoca it moth.o upon your t.tenertt! intalLit you feel tie it:. dellilitaleti, enmity Ikea ? Does it little extra eNertiort prolince palpitation of lito heart Does' you) liter, ttr urinary tr11;1111H, OV !,0111' iiithleyd, fro twt of 19 , 7..1 . t la 3 our utitto :ttottietititt. iloclitd, or iq It ropy ott settling? r a Mit h critic t lite to the (up? Or is it RellittWlit itt the h-ti tool :titet it litt9 Attics! awhile? Do you hare td slot, I bit :tilting or dshitepsia ? Arc your bow el., if 1, Thorqy 11.11Wsplih 01 fat/I[lllg or ml e, of i t t o tt.l it. the Ite.ttri 1., your illiemory ittipaireti ? 14 'out mind t duelling tipytt thiq it e , e1 , 1.01.7 - 11'.1 tiiiic , to Dio..of etilapany; of lo,.? 11,0 ill • «tole to bet lett hloile, to get aVay from ? ally _little 0u1u..., tattho you +start, or jtlllrp Is f 0 U devila,itivist o cif ",cptir i•ytt'a-iltriiihiterisztche ht - Ikt,‘ ItUjon.yiprtitill u ten34*Att ‘ql Tr tht yob pits ' Marne ein , rgy pp 'l.ll lilliCit )M3l'l'l.ll ' ; Are your spit tru i:iit t anti tevatilu..o. ris'rn tO tat iti"Melatttlittly If Lit: :10 itot ItiCy it to y-ttur:li%.t.r eVtlyttfitipoin.' three titit it Oll%, 13111 r knees teak, nod hat tort , owl yiiii.lttritmte hp , io,llp•l'^pAtt ~ vonereal VaSt 1)3114 , 6 , 1111, tool ;it'll all hp:title — of prb.liitJUg It t.f up•i.. , rative Ortcallet: The 'fig!! W.,. %Owl! 111 pt . 11 1 ,11 Moho the Thatf: ' 1)1.1 th..l thole b 131.1, defiant, viltegetic. ,„•‘ ,•i in % •-;lnn 1P11,1114 , . 1110/ roe. IIIIVtlyel• 1111(10 .11 , i.llll. ore iu piftil , et II( , 31111? 4r1,4`,..1,011 - 111•`Wt4tlItilittilrflt"iMingintlITI1 rim) yrdr ji.il4,,iiition of Ow 1:11(..v tilt net . - ct othat.t they t tuttot.: , ,iit'Foett Irilwittetiat they don't onue t.,01 affil tli-rouragol ; they are itittay., polite ph.a.•tht to tint COlllolls' 01 you 'MA -14411 t MAIN ratiu-rtiolie of your tlowitett4t Nobs ~1l Qla , lC%ltlr`duuofa ahont t hoot- rI tlb 'ruilloteitti I, t it,.; ij , l Iceeli the org,arieywiiiiiied tiy;Etinniligftiy ill not ottly.ruiti.. tlu_ .4.fit'ttittit lotto. but 0,4" tin tin ittulille34 with or for. 41Ls•etitercil carried id. :nd: Shermoo I Id nth of r:',.r.- lb • bar or; thin ~ n I d, and Um bbx the invoi srn motion, J. fm, \ 3 cud J. B. iin ed II e r,n ) pre Si VC2.f I 1,, mill iitno•nt ( ~ 1 L, /on. li. (IL ii . . ISMI t li :Lit,l I trnd fa it . tret erel the :,' •,, ,r ell al 1111.1;1. iI . inli.s I:17,':--+ ii) 4I 1k!,..r.7,:i -,eeil r. 11101 4.(1 INIMEM 196 ri•co r ruize onOc, olose thing; will. - ' loss in tlich - 1 4.1.611111. v. so', lcoig nod I:sion bleb i e .11.i,1 Ifow mans melt trom Imcapcnrod, diacnstie, from the fkets ni• 15 , 11 10111 M. il»11 br t ooglll, - , tibout b a t !Anti' of ‘vesil.ao.iiq in Il oeeorganh•tbarhna't+gdoeud tUog,•m•ral,y-tt•itip inn( lt ft% t0,1104111p, tallidjt, every littvet• nuts, r•atoide, an L. a/most er.e1207141n , r form;. : Of tinkeaso inimann, is , ben to, t nti Tio real Cnnso of tlin ruin / 1w rcarri•ly evvr SnOpectint tnta ItavO actoreil for rill but 0.0 I . 101 t raw. the LAT' r,t 'l'l - 80 ellkinmit in urteitiiv in ille• ren t 4 . 11/.1 r. Dit , ..,t00 of th , ..e. ot Aitt,•3 feccuire the ute., era illaretle. i/E.:L11110L1r;•.• FLUID EXTRACT TIDCIIT.I is the Kreat Ds tir , t itsvi• ,t ret taiu cure for diseases of the mad- Jet:Kith - I,ls, t, Dropsy, Organic IS'ettivnesx, ! l ink Comp! uW •. General 1.1(4414,, soil all flig e ose'L o t :he VI it, ,ty t hether existing. 11/ !tittle or. Fe. 1t.,.,, (vi,•t• ettuse originating . tnd.no twitter ht,,, I 11, •• •• • . If ti,, Eli' &I'll ji . slloAult ed to, Cortsumptlou or hi ...ail.; eta:. eirmo.-ctitir-; flesh s e ct blood arosoiVOtfeti tt ho'se-' soilrees, am' thtt health and luippineis. arid t,hit atpendo urn n prompt title cf A reliable ronetrY-•- • It EL ‘IIIOIAPS lan ACT 111.5C111i. Pstabli4lted tip r.,,r.l •f 13 ye:it - S. pt, pat...l by It. T. fICI.VIROLD, waiway. :New Volk, and be itstin,,t(,i to kV I ct C)r nt- and EMI :ma •-• (t. zits.•,, nod tiro. .td (-n. tion no ' WM " lIIME ME r %In , tic him 1311. , nriv in ME= MO. -Inh j t (I lu W( r‘ is. ct elf an ‘‘' a ileir r, nide. at pii• Come and HOIVILEOPIITHIC SPECIFICS, irEA‘E 1 . :0 1 1 'lllll Mi..Y.:;"17 A.41'1.1; 1:X -1-T1_ 1 01 t i. ..111;; e. ; tfilvlo—Prompt— I.lli,:it 11,.aq.1 p , •l IC I ti s .I , Lipt, I 11111 , 1 t I' , II..? 1101,1 1:k.) .11 1;1.1 I. r , ••••• re 1 . . 10 Dia ! :‘• , to 'Dysntol;ii;ii.ii , 4-,'lfilioli< cony LT - sl , . Cho cra;lyiorhpThyokuitinA,,,,..,,.. .... ~ '2;j t . i ... $$ . ' ' ,ls'T ' ‘C0•120:11g, i '5 , 14 , , iii(ht r eliiiji .... ~. '...`1',...i.r.., - 21 ~,, pq'qpvaigi a ,:i..,,,,,otiol(oBo,.vneP,liilo.. V .,.:.. , • , : 25 - '0: i.lcs „Ilariaacheg, tic Ir• llviihrl...yiVortW:..l, 25 , r. ' 1 " . ' 1 " DYSPOP.Si,a... 1iA1i.,11...;..t.rtm.:14.. - ` =• • 0 - , 11,.., : ..19; , , Suppresged 44 patting :Periodd;' -, .. , 26 11: ,i.., kk.' Elites, to , 1,1,,1it, reriol.li - I ~ ii, : Cioliti. Ci,it A l / 4 1 . 11iitiiibilreaii4h4. .:' .. 1.'.... ..2t: ~ L 'l/. ' , la ;salt ...."h0f...—..'16 - ,0 , 41:41 , 4; Et 0p04.i.4.-.. 2t' 11, 5 .1,, Rhennlß.tiS2ll. i',l,lminair:yiiiiil . -,,' 2.:', 11 1(.. ' - , 10 - reVar and ligno, Chill P.ovei, Apps • , tt 1 • .I 17, ~. Pile,,s • .Mho]hk ot ed/ug .....:•:•4 2 .:- 1 9 ) . 1 4 . ‘1;, Ophthnli t yy,,,n4l sari, .r Weak EYe. , ,.... ;.',b i In , . ~. Catarrh. nLio eO, C1in , 111,... I 1111l1(.11;:k . .... ...0 II ::.,). ,1.. Whooping-dollifi• + li ' let ' lk .-1 Y0tt 2 . 11.9 ••• 50 1 . ..q. 0.. Astbuit.-Avitnn,,,,,,lilticathin.,T l '. ' L. GU : 2 .• '!" Mar Pigeharke, irr4 , llTvoil iliftill.. 30 21. $l7 - '46i.efuld, niiln 1 s2s,lstl 011itifla, f•=kkelf Inr.„ Z s o 21. q,I. p l or,jorak : J.h...iiity,, s ll:3-sivi 'Woaknert.,, , ,,,f.o '2:s, slss D ro p s y, ,t 1,41 ~...-,ti,ty :-1-crt C.,,1,,,, 51.1 ..:,,. , 10 Sea , Sicknes,'Ni,L l,4 l;' , l ) ll'6l4 Aft!! g - :.". - !,t) - , 11., a rig eidney.Di s e, ltnivi.l. - T - - " ';,t, !'' ' l O ' NerVous Debility, ! ,, tail , t„ toil, - ' . • -i.,,,i, jiifo'dilitiliv D• .1 • - - - 4- 1 0,; iu .itiv.e: 4 .r. , l% .. I'7 -, 2.. i: .l.: SoTe 'Phontll:: t!aulier .. Li.) io, .`y e • etTrirlary„\sl,cl4knosts,;lt2itilig ,i)I-4.1,..,50 31 ''.. I'illfttl PCkißds, n i!! 1 l'I./ 1 d 1,1 ;, , :,U I.:: ~ i;, ':,,Sc(ffcrfntroi"ltt ch:11,,t, , i , t 4 neo-' . ,-. I crqd 1 .:.' _of , ' ZOilepsyr.sringr}4,,s!. Vial =' Vaiio.,,,:,4, tip . ' 14, ih. Dipti,:pie l ;:jai lily. c:.!1!•,1 ... - -..z0l q t'll 04 f . , •.. '- ' bc;. 1 71 - 511 - 1: l e -1 - 0A t A sert , tr-roarryrY-v