ROME ' MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19,.1868 MASONIC 0 . 4 , 211 A LODGE, No. 317, A, Y. M., meets at their Mil, over Di. Roy's drug store, on Tuesday evening, on or before tho Full Moon, at 6 o'clock I'. M. CLIAPTEP., NO. A. M., invote; ou Thur Any eveutok, ou 0 1' bcfuria tho Itouu, :It 6 u . tiocli P. M. • TiutlA tie. 81, ie. & N. MASTER'S, ruoN-t•d ut tio: 1101, ot, tho ttilta Friday of rush' enloudor ILIUM it, at lock. P. M. • TYAOAGIITON COMMA.); PERI% No. IN, of lc:N . 1011TR TEMPLAR, and the appendant orders, meets at the tl!e. flrot Frith°, of each calendar month, at 0 o'clock P. M. New Advertisements. Trusteeo' Notice—S. I. Power, et al. In Bankruptcy—Silas Now Meat Market—A. J. Tipple. hoots ‘1 , .. Skint—J. R. Embeec. To owners - of Iforseg and enttle—Dr. Tobias Attigneo's Notico—C. II Seymour. CHANGE.—The temperance meeting advertised for Middlebury Center Thursday eve., Feb. 20., is changed to Niles Valley. 4 Doki - Arroii.—The friends of Rev. o.' L. Gibson, are invitato attend a Donation Par ty, at the House of W. Bathers. Thursday evening, 20th inst. A full attendance is request ed. DONATION.—The friends of Rev. S. M. Brookman, are requested to attend a Donation party at the ,house of Chas. Houghton, Stony Fork, Tuosday evening, Feb., 25. DONATION. W* are requested to announce that the friends of Rev. M. L. Kern, of Blossburg, will give him a Don lion party at the Masonic Lodge room, over Nst Auerbach's ! store, Blocsburg, Wednesday' afternoon and evening, March 4. Mr. Kern is Rectal. of St. Luke's Episcopal Church. • QIJABTERLY MEETING.—Ware re quested to give notice that the Freewill - Baptists will hold a quarterly meeting in their Church in Eeit SulliNsm,koniumnuing Saturday, Feb. 29th inst., and listing,trvo:days. DEDICATI(I.I.—We are requested to state that the new M. E. Church at Cocola will - bo dedicated to divine service on Tuesday, Fob. 25, at 1O A. M.- Ituv. Mr. Searles, of lA.uburn, will preach tho dedicatory sermon. I.EAT MARNET.—M r. A. 1 1J. Tipple has opened a meat market in the b lately occupied by Dr. Webb as an office, on Crafton St. We hope a generous patronage will be accorded him. Ho promises to deliver meat! , anywhere in the village to order. COUNTER Sc,u,Es.- 7 -Our ftlend Roberts, has been appointed the agent for the sale of Bufo Platform Scales, of all sizes. He has sample lt on hnnd, and can fuinish any size not on hand to order best Scalea in the world. BON SHOT.—A 1 of SheritY Putter's last Friday fore] resolver from a stand drawer, and wink. :h it it was dis charged.' The ball entered the right leg above the knee and. passed don nward to the knee joint, in which locality it ttill remairw. Dr. Packer was called in to examine and dress the wound.-- Ho informs usl tint the wound though Severe, not dangerous. Probably that revolver will nev er be left lying around loose again. \AN ESCAPE.—Sheriff Potter reached Philadelphia with but five of the six convicts he bet out With. Mott, sentenced forlte larceny of a coat, went into the Irator closet of the ear be tween Troy and Williamsport, and jumped from the window while phe cars were running tit the rate of fifteen miles atthour. 'Phu train was !top,- ped at once, and ii....farge force went in search of the daring fellow, but nut a trace of him could be discovered. The search was continued fur two day: without avail. It is supposed by sonic flint be was thing into a heavy drift el snow, and &waned. If to, ha is doubtless dead, as thu :'I.IW drifted badly during the night of his escape. II took Ins shackles with him. — No blame is at t,whed erd charge, .'Hulluit MATTEns.--ilev. frenry J. W. Allen, Rector of St. Paula Church in this vil lage for more than n rear past has received and teteepted a call to the Recturahip of a flourishing peneh near PrbUrg. chronicle iii d - tare with tegr t that is shared by u large num -1,,q. vt friends.) :His talents entitle him to, and calmot !di/ to triqi for him, titst-elites teputo tr a preitcher. while his uttainmenty place hint in the Met tank of scholars, It is not probable that St. Paul'a parish will replace hint very soon. Such awn are not waitir:g for places. We opine that he deserves credit for refusing five calls to mine profitable fields 'uf labor, and only accepted the oath, with a salary treble that he received here, titer much hesitation. We congratulate the par ish to which hu gobs alma securing the pastoral services of a high-toneg, practical ehristiun gen tleman. Wellsboro will miss both him and his accomplished lady. FIRE IN lIROOKFIELD..—Ff ODA Mr. r. D. Leonard, wfslearu that a heavy loss by tiro occurred iu Brookfield, on the 12th :inst., to-day week. The now dwelling of Mr. Otis Carpenter, a model farm house, was discovered to be on -fire Letween eleven and twelve, forenoon, fout too late to rescue much of the furniture. The family was absent and the house locked-up. A tire was ktit in Loth Izitchen and sitting room, and is sup posed to have comißttpistcd plike,kuilding.frout ono or die other of the stoves. The loss is , .heavy, raid almost irreparable at this inclement •season' the year. There was some iniuranee on the +dwelling. - GOssi?.--For this week, at least, our gossip shall he practical, and for the benefit of the %ringers and their wives and daughters. Work is a good thing—involving the salvation or ruin of bodies and souls, according tts it is done, with Judgment or against it. As a rulegarmers work too many hours, too continuously, and tort hard. It is assumed that fanning, is the healthiest omit-, pation'in which men can engage. That depends. Just now we guess a census of the health of the world would show more ashes and pains, more elnunio ailments among fanners and their tban,among any other two classes counted together. In looking over the annual Report ut Curwen, Suwilltenitentuf, the .itiuttlifospitalii for the Insane ut Harrisburg the other clay, we note..l the usual fact That a very large proportion vt the inmates of that hospital were farmers oineupation. The *use of this is assigned, and truly, to the arduous labor and lack of diversion among the agrieultural population. And then, again, the habit of eating which prevails among this class of eitizln . s breeds !pepsin, itg more acute and dangerous Cu its, rheamati,m.-- It is astonishing what an amount of ` dyspepsia : prevails among the presumed-to-Leraggedest workers in the world. When a man of sedentary habits gets dyspepsia he is recommended to go upon a farra; and if be goes, he is lien'efited, and often cured. Why, then, should the farmer have dyspepsia? Because ho overfeeds, when the sys tem is exhausted by too severe labor. A heavy mord should. never be taken when one feel? tired . Think of it : Do you feed your horses immediate i3: after a hard drive? Nut if you are wise. Ii a man mole hardy of dige.tion than a horse' We do not think so. It is well early, Lut is evi SVC•A to work before breal.fusr. You Jo not trite your lames before feeding 'in the r morning. L a man of less account than a horse' Violent .t . ct.reis., , upon a full stomach is not Ida.. You Pranr to give your horses twenty minutes rest of :Er feeding. Is a man more hardy than a poi se? IA: us go into the kitchen : Mother work; hard nstli, iron, and cook, and' is ash dishes all day. taglit die takeli her sewing and works until o'ds,k, If she arose ut five, elf: works nigh en Lours pd. dil l y. So Ale grows fast, !,rty arioug ailments, awl linallf dies "till of .5.11.1 en." Nobody ic to blame. The doctor, :mil, suggests heart disease, and the ehildrrn put mi mourning._ Nobody learns anything from ` 1 " , a1t4195t compulsory suicide. Tho boys shit - 41e. up, have lute of pains and aches, and the old folks lay it to groyth : , at alk, Aches and pains do not cotne from legal operations. They are penalt L laws. A boy should bo trhined to never suffered to do a mall's work. that ‘th s ' and lose'your boy. It i nor is it j human. Keep the boys tu MAI work ended to tender bone !I repeat—work is good-- - -very good nonce, but let it be in Win tnoders is not all we tue born and live to o an incident, not an object. Lrit don't uroloe t tl, don't work beforo don't work ndore than ten hours a So shall you be healthy, and wise, as clod intended you to be. —The following beautiful tribut I of one known to many, of ()ir r trot& the fur west: "When a great man dies, the voi. end the pen of literature-eulogize c.otuul his praise, anti pieturo to an, lie the virtues of him who has fa! with one whose brow is not.deekeli ! lof Fame. Ile dies; a few loving) tears of sorrow over his grave, and fish world moves on without a sigh had not been. I ' eV,_ Belonging to the latter class, thete up eared in your columns a few weeks since, th nu oof one who was dear to the writer of thes r t liries. Our acquaintance beganamong strange i s. From that time to the day of his death, the liter ilaw much to respect, love, and admire, in th character of his young friend. Lilco all mortal ho had his faults and weakness. But, his pieldy, literary nt tainments, and cheerfulness under affliction (he had been an invalid for years) won the esteem of all who knew him. He was a true Christian'. - Sineci zealous, and pure in his motives, the religion of the Bible froth t.'rin from irupulso. 4 lle was a gentle= vices as a teacher, integrity as a of disposition, and cordiality as a co friend are known to all who formeti tance. The many pleasant momen together will never be. forgotten, lasts. Fond recolleetiOn will ever as green spots In the desert of lite. the freshness of youth. His sun h merged in the clouds of Immortalit reaching the meridian of its allotted believe it will rise again to shed fairer, better land than this. Ho it cannot call him wo ca memory, profit by hie example, an lug hearts-and loving hands piste flower on.the spot that mai - ks the atom A. i3 , AL-N..„,_ _ __ Tit ACADEMY.—The-feral Winter Term has just closed, and say that just that kind and degree meat necessary to maintain the se' porous condition, has not teen oxt public. Mr. Hodgson lacks Be 1 1 characteristics which assist to ren this region a paying business. H ho will not blow, and ho cannot liN At the same time he appears to us awn quiet, unostentatious gentle rigidly conscientious in giving th and mind to the work of teach' graduating under i his training wil _solid, rather that a showy educe friends of the Aca!demy will come the patronage, and keep their -child steadily, we can ptladict for the schb! ire future, and fur Prof. Hodgson i'i l thin. Tho names of two of the stu Parker and Franklin Scars—have 11 . 3 us deserving of special mention f ficiency and punctuality. Neither I I tent during the term. "HORSE PORTRAITURE ; Cairn Simpson; Townsend k Adam! New. York." 410 pages, 12 mo. This hook might base been style mance of Practical Horse Breeding ai l without - flattery to the author, who 1 practically and technically a therou is thoroughly in love with his subjec' is written in an easy, eonversationa porting to he a series Of conecreat preceptor and pupil. No attempt diAgUrtl3 progresAve teaching. with the stable," the anthco reader :Hot ;4., with him consecutively, to impress Ilk ideas upon the mind exactness. The leader sill recogni. thee n man of method and duminati sense, and find Col3fidenet; in him gr reads. We have never seen it wo snbject so free from horse-talk, ca, matism. The author In his brief pi that thin the work of a beginner i lug; but few beginner's have begun is it brother of R. C. Simpson loge. onrruAity.—The Troy ()aid s •'We chronicle with regret the death of weed citizen, Stephen Pierce, Esq-, 'who I late been a I (Adeut of Wellsbure, hat in (pence of failing health has for some time) under the care of Dr. Rockwell, in this Mr. Pierce was born in Smithfield Bradfor.l and was übout 51 years old nt the time death, which took place on Wednesday in at the house cf G. F. Redington." EARLY GOODRICH P ATOES.— Win. Hudson, Port Plain, N. Y., in to Conabil ( - 1 ""I'"? says, "alter cultivating the Early Goodi tell for three seasons, planting it side by side %%MI the June, Buckeye, Sebee, Cottage, •Dyckman: Unreel, Peacbblow, Harrison, Calico and Gleason. takillg yield, quality, earliness and entire freedom hem disease into consideration, it is all we cad rea sonably expect in a•potato:' The American Agriculturalist says, "We here good reports of this seedling from all qua teri, it is very peoductive, not liable to rot,,an4 of good quality." For sale - by M.D. Prince at his Flour end Fred Store, Wellshoro. - TEMPERANCE LECTURES. —V. I 'l'.- Roberts, of Delaware, will address the - people 01 Tioga County at the following times and places: ,Upland-, Friday evening, February 14. Occola; Saturday evening " 15. • . Knoxville, Monday even 'g " 17. Farmington Hill, Church Wednesday eve Fe -119 Wellsboro r Friday evening February . " Whitneyville,.Monday evening February" 24 Mansfield, Tuesday evening \February 25 Covington, Wednesday evening February" 26. _ . . Roseville, Friday evening February Morris Run, Saturday evening February'" Mr. Roberts is doing a grand work in co ga ing Good Templar Lodge; in all plaee there are no similar organizations to do the ni is an eloquent advocate, and we bespeak 1 full houses and, unlimited. success. Friend: the several localities will oblige by extend these notices so that all may have . an opporial to attend the meetings. iNIMIRIAGES PLANK—DUNHAM.—In Knoxville. Fel' MS, by Rev. Mr. Hard, Mr. Dan W. Plank. Brookfield, Tioga Co. Pa., and Miss Libbie ham, of Howard, Steuben Co. N. Y. -FR Ann—SHUMWAY.—In Drool:1101J, 1 9, 1863, by John 0. Holmes, Esq. ; Mr. Mm. zer, and Mies Sarah M. Shumway, all of Pro --- ----)EATIIS Rt) T'Adytown, — Ftiteg Cp. Y. Jan. 9. 1863, R. 40.-. Jolin Robinson, aged shoal year,. BUCK Li:N.—Delmar, Jan., 10, 1868, n uekl"Y, f , vP(l 25 yrs. 10 mos. anti 12 ds. A dear brother has passed away; afely he crossed the river of life, thiPp around him lay, Ile warded off by manly strife. To Owner's of Horses ':and Cat (le •rOlit I.F,' DP.ERY CONDITION ' POWDERS AR I L nail - anted superior to any others, or no p..y. 1 ,1 0 the (11 , ~f Pfsh•iniu•r. Woring, Rots, C 0115 1 .13, !111 1,0(11111. 0,11.. fie.. irbiforses: and Coldn, Comps. 1.... s of Milk, lihtek Tongue. /torn Dintemper, de.. ii. U ,,- tie Tim:, are perfectly nide and innocent; rbAlli IA ..r . , flopping the werkine l lef your nrilinaln. They' itnere....• flieniperilo. etc.. n Roo cont. nit e 31150 Ilia stomach 'um urinal yorgnes: nlim Increase the malt of cows 'rite them. arid you still never be withoutithem, Dull, Woodruff, the celebrated trainer of trotti n g horses. 11... need them for yearn, and recommends them to Id., friends. Col. Philp. D. Misfi t of the Jerome Ifni e Co nice, Forilluan , N. Y , would not use them until he was tom of what they are composed, since which. I I o [ in never without them. lie hits over twenty mu m% herself In his charge, and for the last three yeare I, I used no other medicine for them. Do lini lanai., Pill milted Me tv refer uny one to hint. • Over 1,000 orbit references eau he area at the depot. Sold by i ln 111111 :4.1.1 , 11PrP. price , 2.5 wits pt.r box. Depot. ;1G Cottlandt iitrent, Njw York. /FM/. IVj T7ISPRAY.—Fume lute the enclosure of th 17,4 subscriber in Delmar, about the 12th iii u light rod STEER, star in forehead. The onto is requested to pay charges and reclaim. Jan. 29, 188S-3t. LURA LOCKE. go .d' people, .ny .f nature's les ior violated . industry, but, Save a dollar . not economy, work. but let 4 tnusele.,Wo THE AMERICAN COOKINti STOVE No an ielo of larniture requires more care in liolecting than a emitting Stove. Among the great variety in the market and the strong rec ommendation of curb, by interested parties, those not G ii li,t with tho operation of Stoves are liable to mato - , poor suiections ; while each may hnt c sumo good points, nearly all hove some serious dtoCts. The improved American Hot Air Cooking Stove, manufactured by Shear, Pack ard it Cu., of - Albany, N. Y., is the moat complete mean its arrangements of airy stove 3 et produced. The manufacturers have spared ho pains or ex- . reuse to mahe this stove perfection itself, and they have succeeded admirably. It meets the approbation ot• the people throughout the coun try, hr both coal anti wood, and is universally spoken of in terms of the highest praise, and no one should make a selection without giving the Improved A Orerican a careful ILIA thorough ex amination, 1111 d after doing 60, they cannot foil b e ing eon ( - ince(' of it% t-tiperiorily over all 01110TP. _Corn ilqf - a easing onli titin.\ Money in. It i 3 only OE\ erwiirk, El§ Diet, and ay, as a rule, id As wealthy to tho worth enders, Comes .a of eloquence ithe departed, admiring pub lon.ll Not Fo by t o wreath friotds drop the old, sel as toughh ho The largest, best and cheapest assort ment-of frames ever broughtinto Tioga County, WO large pictures in every way to suit, and wadi, p • Ototaaplis at $l,OO per doz., all going fast at Frate,peneer's Art Gallery, Mansfied, Pa. 23-tf. 3 -t SPECIAL NOTICES. DMZ Ei.*B TO TUE NEIIVOIJS AND DEBILITATED Whosesit &rings have been protracted from hidden eausea, and ;those ca'es require prompt treatment to render a ximtvnee desirable. If you nresuffering or have etuffered from involuntary discharges, what effect does it pro.luct , upon your general health? - Do you feel weak, debilitated, ea-diy tiled ? Dues a little extra ext.' Coe preduce palpitation of the heart? Does your iher. or ni inqrs organs, or your kidneys, fre quently got out of order 1 Is your urine sometimes thick. milky, or Micky, Or is it ropy or settling? Or doe. a thief, scam rise to the top? 'Jr is a sediment at the bottom alter it has stood nubile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bow els constipated! Do you have epeos of thinting or 111611- es of blood to the head? 10 your memory itupaired ? Is your mind constantly dwelling upon this subject?— Du yeu feel dull, listless, moping. tiled of company, of life? Do you wish to be lett alone. to get away from everybody / Dees oily little thing make you start or Jump% layout sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye as bt 'Mani? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society 00 Welt?— 11,, pur,ue )our business with the sante ettergyr— Lho you feel as much confidence in yourself? Are your gir t,*(t s dull anti flagging. gi% en to fits of melancholy? If so, (10 nut lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you tiliditts? Your hack wcuk; your knees weal; and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver complaint ? un, rei 1., ulet.self abuse, venereal discus. a „Aly , tired, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing it wt•akness °filo , generative organs. The organs of gen t:ratan.. a hen id pet feet health, make the man. Did you lima: that lbw° bold, deflaat, energetic, per severing, rItICCC3nIII 1.:1114110/9 111011 ^ nre always those 3 3 o ttetative organs aro in perfect health? You never bear catch men complain of being melancholy, of l i c re,,asa e —, of palpitation of the heart. Theyaro ne•- cr 411,m1 they v.inuot succeed 11 business; they don't bereme esd turd discouraged j they are always polite and pied:MlA in the company of ladies, cud look you and theta right ig the face—cone of your downcast looks or ahy other mean items about them. I do not mean these who keep the organs enflamed by running to ex• tress 'thus will nut only ruin the coustitutione. but also those they tio business with or for. is; ardent, and ho embraced leiplu and not an. His *scr- Ozen e amiable impapion and bis I acquain ts tie passed vhile, memory recur to them mi died in s set. It was r, long before course. We beams on a dead. We cherish hie with ifOrroNV- !. this simple ome of SEY tEDEN. half of the cce reg.;:t to of encourage ool fn a pro?... nded L. the oral essential cr teaching in. 6 cannot beg, o on nothing. Ito he one of ien, witu are whole heart carry awns a ion.) ilia brwi rd with Lren at sch Gal progress 'Or C011111C,111.11- Hoy ninny men from badly•cured diseases, fiom the rift-et; of selfalmse and excesses, have brought about that tot:ar of weal:Heti in thogeorgatm that lute Teduced the gcllol,ll system Su tamh as to Induce almost every ether dig, as e—idiudy. lunacy, patalyste, spinal affect- Hm, ouicale, and almost every other form of disease humanity is heir to, it ad 'lto real cause of the tt °idle .tr , ely over suspected. and have doctored for all but the tight !how oiKallisegil'ird the lice of a diututin. 11C1.4110tarll F1,1511l EX'r9tAo'l' 11UCLIl1 6 tlio At tat /:,a1.•11.,..,,..11-1 a 4.'0, Mill vitro fur , Ilsiatstes of tin, der, Kola, Droniy, Organic ‘Vealrliess, iu rid and all , 11.4ca4en of Ito inat3 , 41:11. , bethur ext.lting iii !data ur ounce originating and nu matter 1 • •t•m..llllg. ente—, Cell nftiued It) 3r u• , I; ...11111...t L, v 011111,11,1 to, rtilltUlliptii.OlUt t•fisat.. hn IL.rlt and blood itac duppurted i 11.111 lbt',t• •i , rllllt'Y, Mill }O'Ritli ti,d hal , Pinehg, and Thai of th up•dim milpt n4r of n rollablo 112. I= (i, .t; 111:1.‘1...11.10 1'1:.11"1 . .hbibilebietl up ..1 )v.a , . 1u,...1 by 11. 'V IIELNI BOLO, • MEM "I. t , 1 , .111,1 t., ...'L)/1116) Gal Di liggisl3 eVI I . s WIWIC -1' Tra;ning," elide- 12(Alig 1101 Still Sin. . i I book COLGATE & CO.'S • ERASIVE SOAP , reql from Ult E r .! ' . 1 1 A I,S . , and may ba eon. l'A N DA It DOPEX ! nal° by 22mayli7-1 p. l st't 1% put , on: Iwt men fim , I% 1 it ing eaTl nit) wd ni l lnag4,3 with w uch TIE= 11,101 ohu nuffervel for years 11010 tiers oun 1.• letilli I I,lirif W Dc•cn7.nnd all lha oit , t'll; or youth ful i 101 cm, o ill. for rho ' , ace of sulfoi log human it )q-'d tree to ati NrtINO 'Well it, till., riTillt! 111111 frat.e -tl.lll lot in..; the ,itouto rtquoly by ahirh ho W/ISI rill : .1112,' LI/ pl'lliit ht I ht. adver(igers el/01 fence, r.w du :‘ be 3. , ..111‘81,111g. ill perfect confj ,lobv.• .501iN 9.211,:1y 1 •7 -I;. -12 Ce•Ltr tl ~et. Ng iv York, MEM 1+,11,g :t.: he uf. L. it fe,.•l pg et..„ • ,t,t.• Lout, ihai. o n 11 th . SIMILIA SIMILIBUS OURANTUR, lIOPIICEOPATHIC SPECIFICS, FT A v t .; 1 , 10 )% Et). NMI TUE Mi)ST A 11-PIA: A: f. no.. 1•11 t II 4. Sllllllll,--1 . 1 . 011111t E.,.1111,10 111,1 are 'tidy Mtdicitivn pours tl :1 I Wt. , / '1 , 1 1 1:r ,Iratplo that nah 1.31;, z , rnunut Isl. mad, 111 thou!; r.o harruies4 it I 0 blf ce cr,km dnnecl. ;ma oncietit as to bu a1w;134 le . /1,1,10. li • r r,i14f.,1 lbo higlko.t conmotidation Lvm..ll •.11 I :t•lttler tat bon ItB ii LC , II hii IIIil]; I Cents. , 041,g Fevers. C , ) 11•Z. , Intl, n lhni mat ion ...... ‘25 .!, du W okins wog 10-voor, Woroi•colio - 21) .1., Crying li.•, 'l . ..thing of infatit,.. 4, do Di arr h coa .f > 'iodicn or lotoit,, 5 , ` 1 ” DySolltdril, 6 , do Cholera-Morbus. vomiting 25 7. do Coughs Itrotichitin v... 25 8 , , do Neuralgia. TouUmcbe, Vac.mclie 25 9, ilo Headaches, Liek•lleatiaclie, Vertigo... 2. _.(0118 ,JITIaCh fr Dyspepsia. VW t 25 11, du Suppressed or painful Period! , 25 12, thi proluic, °roll!). Breathing 25 14,' Salt Rheum. L ulpelui, Eruptions... 25 15, dii rtheian a ti s rn, Ll,,Jum,itic Pains 25 'll 'II , Fever and Ague, Chill Fever. Agnes 50 GI, do Files, I,lnot illet'd !IP! 50 14 du Ophthalray,uud sore or %look Eyes.... 50 do catarrh. chrome iiithulati 50 do whooping-Cough, violent Coughs... 50 21 Asthra;i, theathiug 50 22,, do Bar Discharges, iinpuited nesting.. 50 tio Scrofiali, enlarged Glands, Swellings.. 50 _A "ed.llo/39. 50 2 4; Goneral Deb 11 1 -? l .rys la_l 11 1i 25, do Dropsy, scanty Secretions 50 do Sea.Sicknoss, sickners from riding... 50 ,27, do Kidney-Disease, Gravel 50 2.'3, d, Nervous Debility, SulDinal Dioelialgeg 1 00 20, do Sore Mouth, Culrken• 60 3 0, Jo Urinary Weakness. wt•ltlug bed... 5 0 31 . du Z'ainful Periods, with . 5 1- 01 . 401 1 50 hitn 511fferinga AtAllge of fife 100 33, do Epilepsy. spasuis, St. Vitt& Dance 100 34, do Diphtheria. ulcerated Sore .Thront SU Y OASES. , OF f;fi LkIICIC VI U.. 7. 510A1UCCO CASE, CuNTAINIZ.O 1M I CIFIC lull LVIRY ORDINARY DIePLASE A FAMILY nuoTiCT To, - AND A 11606 OF DIRECTIONB $lO 00 Ftualivr FAMLLY awl tvituso cueed, with I.'o to MEI NI di 0 to 0 Spedikz , Ift , l tiIIt.APES both for Curt- IN° alio lot PniVf.NTIVL treittniClit, and 11- :th and poo6.•1 /• t• to $5 I.;:iy- The-, by the case or single box, arc 6eIlL to ally l.ut of the couittry, by or Express, free or khaL l .:. • teLetpt at the pike. Addri, liumphreys' Specific Lioineoputhie Medicine Company. Vlbc• amt li , por, 6a7.2 EnoIDW6Y, NEir iit—S:/ conntiltol dally lit his 01114 e, per; sonailly'ut by letUl Lit hii 1011118 or diseike, FUR 8.1 L 1: iii A L le CU 0 IST& 21. \A7 ITII ITS GL. , 0311' i - LOlN'—Loir SPIRITS, DEPIIE , qON, INVOLUNTARY L‘•sv ot , SINEN,I SPERM.VTORRIIOO. 0 ,, P“WER, DIZZY ITEAII, LOSS OF MEM- Llil" ANIS TORRATRNED IMPOTENCE ANT) 11k1- 111,1211.1 TV. ./i/ol U SGVERFLON CURT; /it HUAI NI HEYS' lIO3IEOPATIIIC SPECIFIC 4N'o TIV ENTY•EIG fl T. 0011111w:0i ./1 11111.0,4 valunido mild end potent 1.1:11 ell nt one. the toot of the matter, tone up tln ~vNieul. arrer4 the discharges, end Impart vigor on.l eon c?,itfr n,.d vihdity to the ettlre 1111111. They ~,,.,i'otookeloh, of eased. Pi ice $3 per package of rim Lows. and %hi. or.i••1 per Pingle box. :?old by drag u.•l on ieceipt of price. Address 111.1M1•0111:1"..1' 61`)X.1 Fit; ISOM EOPATIDC MEDI CI CI?.. UL: BIWADIVAS, MLR - YORK. 2lnegGi—ly. The hrc 1..11',‘ A 1,11 WILSON,I43I r. 1.1141 Wet; ,At t.. ,01 • 1,, , it. t ‘s fib the di• rcet.otts b.r I.,.ttzttt2 Ra.l tI, the Aitttplv , retnetly by ulurh 11, 1.1111,1 tsi at 11.144 iliki`tillll nod that dread imly object in to Lenelit tiic ~al,,(ol:tia,l II to I) Nitlforer e,fll II) tbf, 1.1. ~•,t 0.4,11‘ all.ty ptote ti 1 , 1( Jidda - 2....inay 67 li TN LANK I:I;PTCY I)iEtriet or Pa., T.. ,huts it w.iy ew.runt ; Ilillior_ t igned horei.N gk but we vi t.i o.ppc.ititmuill 113 it is IlleN Fiogi I'..snura; : wll,. has 1,0(.1 adjudged a baokrupt upon ovo petition by Ibu lhiztriet Court Diptrict. M. P. 13141,10,11`, Delmar, Feb. 5, 1868-t As.sigine .7C.8c,i0n,1 Tra,cl.4o. For sale by CoN V Rnsi h 0.5006, 11:41mirt, Pah, Jun 15th, 3sr =:= •'.vl Viii h.. and ••• with liAlt :itrt•vt. Iphin. Pa 1.'1? Y(111771 L'EVOUS D4EIILITY. ---- Ti) 'r iNS triIIPTIVES., dl:\ 1:1)W.‘111) Co., N.l 1 DOMIVIET PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN WELLSBORO, O TILE PUBLIC NOVI OPEN ift Ar E.' SSRS . KING & EASTMAN would In jj..l, form thsir friends und the public generally that they have fitted up 'a 'now Photograph' Gal lery in the best possible style. Having ono of best SKY=LIGHTS in the St 'to, wo aro prepared to take all styes and sizes of I PHOTOGR PHS, AMBROTYPES & ME in the best artistic manner, fo large or small. Largo PHO I from small Cards or old Dag ceased friends. No trouble t; CHILDRENS' P Brieg them alon Sample proofs always give Come and try um. .pa-Oullery over Eastm. Filth Door below Roy'e Drug Jan. 15, 1868—ly NOW IS. YOU 3, TIME for GRIIIINII PLASTER. at T. L. BALDWIN & CO'S, ...Tioga, • Jai). 15,1868-2 w 3EIC)X.iX) Go to KELLEY'S and see thol FALL GO Consisting of a F eucral ash w 0 ui A 2 ' :It 51) d. 0 p M I lg P' P 4 0 t ej o 1 U ~r 4 -c) cf o x, ca t z g 0 g H So 0 c.) MRS. FRY'S COIjSET AND , SKIMP SUPPORTERS, AT S..2laPla In 911(1,4 Jaw] ow 03i pull Ituu NEW DRESS GOODS AT KELLEY'S 5'A'.4 . 19a.11 . 0 , SIAIVIIS aaluhit GENTS' FURS AT KELLEY'S N“ charge f, a SHOWING GOODS ut C. B, KELLEY'S, It'all..burn. Our. 31.1, 1467 Stoves & Tin Ware FOR THE MILLION Good poople ail, bothjgreat and small,—if you want to keep • PEACE IN THE FAMILY you must have enough to oat, dry wood, a good wife, well-behaved children, and to crown all, a TIP TOP COOKING STUB! This litet;and crowning good, I have at my Tin mid Stove establishment, opposite Roy's Block, Welldboro, and Its nauae is the )• HOME COMPANION ; on all hands utimitted to be equal to any in the ivorid. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly, and warranted to giro satisfaction REPAIRING exec ed in the best manner and with dispatch CALL AND SEE ME IVellsborougb, Noy. 21, 1367 NEW FIRM, NEW 60011 S AND NEW PRICES, .\T TIOGA, PA. WICKHAM & PARR, having taken advan tage of the late decline in the market, have received their stook and are prepared to furnish those in want of Goods At the loweht cash rates. The stock cOnsists of a general assortment of DRY GOODS, q AND YANKEE NOTION r-"` Both vtap)o and fancy. Hats Sc Caps Boots cfc, Shoes, Together with PORK, FLOUR, SUGAR, TEAS, And many other articles too numeroga to men tion. Wu wtmltl say to Aierehanta, Farmers, and nll ()theta in want of l'Olth". oc CIDER. 'MR 11E1.8, BUTTER Fl/tACINS AND. TUBS, that they Call tied them in any quantity, wholesale or retail at our storo. This work is iitt net and tra it ins 4 tnaunfAcitired here at the Factory. WIOKDAM' FARR. Tiqui. Duo, 11, 1887. .ANEOTYI:PES . F Lockets or Cases, I OeRAPHS copied aerreotypes of de . take ICTURES, when orderod•— I n's Dental Oilleo, Store. & EASTMAN KING 1E Latest Arrival of ODS! ortmont of KELLEY'S D. P. ROBERTS Great Bargains ry - 0-oods. Every one in need of Dry Goods, who desires" to secure tho FULL WORTH OF THEIR MONEY, and to buy Goods cheaper on an .averago of pri ces than at any time dating the past 5 years, can do so b 3 calling on the subserlbsra, 3 CONCERT BLOONi CORNING, Our stock is nearly all new and'all put in at tho NEW SCALE OF LOW PRIDES. Read the following list and.oompl it with the prices of the past• g r 3 years:and decide for yourselves if o-ooris aro not cheap, , . Ccimmon Prints, ` ' ' 8 cts Good ' , 10 " Warranted fast colored Prints . 1.27 ." Heavy Sheetings yard wide ' ' , il2i.i" Fine Brown . Sheetlngli . 123 " Fine Bleached "123, " Red Flannels twilled or plain, 25, 311:, 3'ri, 44, 50 Grey Flannels twilled, 31k, 373, 44, 50 a reduction of from 123 to 20 eenttryer yd. Fancy Shirtinga, 81k, 44,16,"Verycheap Tickings, Stripes, Denims, !Coteau Jeans, Cot .. tonades, arc reduced - full as much. •. . STILL GREATER BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. 36 in. wide handsome fine French Morinees, • ,75 38 ./ a n I, i, “ 1,00 40 6 " extra qualities " if 1,25 in all colors in each lot. They are full 30 per cent less than the prices of 30 days ago, and are the best bargains in the County. Empress Cloths, Alpacas and Paramettas are equally cheap.— Any one in need of Winter Dress Goods will do well to call on us, SHAWLS, CLOAKS AND CLOAK CLOTHS ARE VERY CHEAP. Wo havo made the following roluctions from the priceiwol3o des ago. $6,00 Double Shawls, good colors, now $ 4 , 50 $7,00 Double Shawls, good colors, now 5,50 87,60 Double Shawls, extra qualities, now 0,00 89,00 Double Shawls, extra qualities, now 7,00 83,00 Beaver Cloth, yards wide, now . 2,60 84,00 Beaver Cloth, yards wide, now 3,60 $4,60 Beaver Clot ; 17i yds wide, Black, now 3,50 . 8 0 ) 0 0 to $7OO Boas* White Back Chinchilla, best quality in market, now 5,00 These goc+ wore all considered cheap at our first prices one month ago. FURS are reduced full 30 per cent. Our 'BOOT AND SHOE STOUR is full of bargains, We sell Women's AlorrOceo Balnuaels, $1,50 We sell Women's Kip Shoes, 1,50 Also largo lots of Fine Work, such ad Button, Polish, BalLporal, and Congress, in Kid, Morroneo and Serge, for Lndies, Misses and Children nt Me Lowest Prices•the Market will afford. We buy Goods almost daily, and sell everything Cheap J.IA. YATIMISIS k Co., V Conning, N. Y Deo. 4, 1867 CLOTHING! CLOTHING : : CLOTHING!! De LAND. & a Co., • ' . I 'RAVE added to the ) ir stook a complete ea eortment of li l • ri_eigmdlw-AtEsacle. CLOTHING, Which they offor at 25 per cent less than such Goods were ever sold for in WELLSBORO BEFORLE • Good suits for. Overcoats, ... &c:, &c., BUSILDE LANO. 1 M L. DAE. Wollsboro, Nov. 20, 1867.—1 y LADIES' Veati and Drawers, at Do LANO dt CO'S CARPETS at New Yorl. Prim!, at Do LAND & CO'S. C OTTON YARN, at A LARGE Stook of Boots and Shoes, at Do LANG /ft CO'S. • FRENCH CORSETS, at Do LANO 3; CO'S. FAxay CLOAKMOS, at . • Do LANO CO'S. MRS, E. P. MITCHELL, is now selling MILLINERY GOODS, AT COST. A . CQRDIAL invitation o all. Como and s.t .1 - 1. Moo. - You will jet find fine aattortmont of all articles pertaining to the illinory. .lire. E.ID, NITQXMLL. Jan. 22, 1.888-tf., • Iltoe,N Street, • Tioga, Pa. .slo' 00 7,60 Elil DE LANO & CO, Do iANO Sc CO'S 10-Ir.oel.esicorb DUG AND BOOK STORE! BRICK BLOCK, M A.N6FIELD, C.. V. ELLIOTT, M. D., Ilasjust return , d from Now York with a full as sortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, YANKEE NOTIONS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, WALL PAPER CHINA & BOHEMIAN. WARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT S, TOYS, and all other articles found in 1 FIRST CLASS, DRUG AND BOOK STORE I Which he offers at prices D PYING 1 COMPETITION. CALL AND EE ! i , Remember, in the BRICK LOCK, Main Street, 2 doors bolow Wellsboto Street, MANSFIELD, PA Nov. 13,1867.-3 m i ' I Te. - 1;747 J. R. Bowen & Co., NAVE just received from the city a large and varied assortment of WINTER GOODS, Bought since the decline in prices, and will! bo sold accordingly. We rospootfully invite atten tion to our stock of OASSIIVIERES, BEAVER . CLOTHS, -TWEEDS, LANNELS, also, a large line of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, AL APACAS, and other DRESS GOODS' and DRESS TRIMMINGS, ' Also, a largeband new assortment of READY\ MAIDE CLOTHING, fat greatly reduced prices. LADIES' FURS—a nice assortment, new and cheap. BON—TON,;, 'and oilier kinds of HOOP SKIRTS, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, HA R DWARE CROCKERY, GROCERIES, HANDMADE BOOTS AND SHOES, ,And man other things which we will be pleased to show to all who will call and examine our Stock of Goods Dolor° purchasing elsewhere, as wo believe it will pay you for your time and trouble. SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES, & READY PAY IS OUR MOTTO. Don't forget to call nt the -, 1 Empire Stoke, No. - 1 Union Block Wolleboro, No'y. 13, 1867. Old sixty-sren—new sixty-eight— Vhe old Jeeps with its fathers; The new • - rids-knocking at the gate Of every ortal ; And MATHERS Un , THE the bees and the bears, I . finds his life enowed by the clear, cool, bracing atmosphere of Winter, and his determination to MAKE T XERYBODY RICH, • 1 ~, 3 I - PENN'A BEE-H Aud who give is, too) that if FLO and so forth, h CHEAT HiNBELF stealing a poo , SENT lIP, his re. I suppose thi n solo themselves "There's :i were ever ea' they don't allude to ..y —MAXIMM.' ♦nd when people complain•6f a bad cough, they don't al lude to my COIII4IIIC. But when they speak of the GREAT AMERICAN TEA CIMPANY, I suppose they clo moan my stock of Teas ;Lich are, as the Elder Weller said of advice "Wannr GOOD AND "%TERRY CHEAP." I am further able to say that people will eat much or little, iU proportion to their appetite, and .Will pay or much or littk, according to their money. I sell Tea by the qtarter pound, of course, but p ofer to wholesale it in packages of not less than and, by persaa. chest of a dozen At such rates as cociteLas I T. L. 11 LKIN & CO., ARE RECEIVING their stuck of FALL and WINTER G- 0 LADIES' DR. 1 GLOVES, SI HOOP S' SK TI Ladies' Cloak' mere; RE ADY-M Under Clothin 11 kee Notions, Paper H: Flour Hams, Sugars,Coffees, Fish, Extracts, Brooms Hard Ware, C Stationery, Sto, In fact, a general stock as you will fin the city. All kinds taken in exchange goods and will sell us "BasillVE EXCHANGE!" Still, like BI OTHERI Y LOVE CONTINUES. I lave Yon hoard anything of the !STEALS 1118 GROCERIES at the By tho way chap who ,YE EXCHANGE ? s a reason, (and a good reason it a fellow gets caught ar stealing a tiptop article of • it, PORK, ER E & WHITE FISH, MACK offee, Molasses, Syrup, Sugar, 'o can't be accused of TRYING TO ; but if a fellow is caught at r article, and is CONVICTED AND moue must be terrible. when the old maids maids codl ith the saying— good fish in the sea as ght out of it," EEN OUNCES, Mi ion, can be induced to EOl a 'pounds; to ono customer. THE R S 11 buy and" sell EC PRODUCE! FAR i hall enable buyef and roller to Sound o' nights, Sleep sciences void of offence Laving co❑ 8,'68. W. T. MATHERS Wollaboro, Jan 01S, a general assortment of 1 consisting o DRY GOODS, . - SS OODS, HOSIERY, AW S, KNIT GOODS, lIRTS, BALAIOREL SILKS, DOMES- S, FLANNELS, age, Cloths and Cassi oyes and Alittens, nd Shoes, Boots DE CLOTHING, , Hats and Caps, Yan- Carpets Oil Cloths, gings,Groceries, Feed, Pork, eas, Molasses, Syrups, Paints, Spices, Wooden Ware, Pails, Tubs, askets, oeliely, Glass Ware, Salt, Nails, Iron e Ware. assortment and as, largo a, to select from o utsido of COUNTR r Goode. We buy good cUonp :19 anybody. Croun tly on band oonsta l , . BALDWIN dr.' CO 1867. Tioga; Pa., Oat. 9, We have no ambition to get rich faster-than our neighbors who aro equally industrious; nor nte we desirous of running all'creation that we may hare more to eat, drink, wear, and • To Lay By for. a Rainy Day. • As an evidenco that we deal fairly and square ly with our customers, we point th„, the fact that our run of custom 'has steadily in eased from the first, and promises to, grow oprisiderably lar ger, i*lt ,, - AMONG the useful improvements of the day, there are few that gil'o more promiie of goud, few 80 well adapted to relieve human suf fering, few so well approved by the public, as that new and powerful remedy called Salutifer (or es the. Gorman people call it Ilcalthbringer). It,.gives ease* and comfort to the poor sufferer from Neuralgia and Rheumatism, and brings speedy relief to that largo,class of diseases that aroation cured and always benefited by an out ward application. For sale by. all. Druggists. Wholesale Depot DAY', FIOAGLAND & STY= GER, No 54 Courtlandt St. New York. TIENTISTRY.—DR. D. B. WHIPPLE IS j . .) permanently located at KNOXVILLE, Ti. oga county, Pd., for the purpose of. doing all kinds of Dentistry, in a style that 011 suit the patient. Otherwise no charges made; Teeth ex tracted without pain. Rooms at the:Hotel, All operations warranted. and charges light. Knoxville, Doe. 25,1867-3 m New Harness Shop. rt L. KIMBALL desires to aanounee to hie k..) • friends, and all those canting Harness, that they can be accommodated at his new shop, over E. It: Kimball's Grocery, ' Wells born, Pa. [des. 25, 1867.] SURVEYOR & DRAFTSMAN.—Orders left, at his room, Townsend Hotel, Welleboro, , will meet with prompt attention.' Jan. 13.1567.—tf. LICENSED AUCTIONEEII.-11. S. WAGE, an experienced Auctioneer from California, respectfully notifies the people of Wollsboro and vicinity, that ho is prepared to respond to order's - to officiate at Vendues, promptly. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Residence over the Meat Market. [jan S IS6S—tf] PRODUCE Plaster, FARMEAS', EXCHANGE. C. G, VAN VALKENBURG '4.13R0. T4IXEEANGE-for Farm produce and Cash, on' tho principle tbat "oven emnbango is no rnhbery." PORI, lIAIkIS, SHOULDERS, WHITE FISH_ MACICEREL, CODFISH, - SMOKED HALIBUT, FLOUR,' CORN MEAL, BUCKWHEAT 9.otht, FEED, &C., &C. lARD TIMES Olt NO lIARD TIMES We pay CASH for PRODUCE, end keep up ith the market prices. Itc:aeinber the place, TOWNSEND'S OLD STAND, STIFEET, li'lLES110)10, PENN'A Sept. 11, 1867—tr. Public Benefit, Thos. B. Brydon Execuror's Notice. TT j ETTERS Testamentry hating been granted to the undersigned upun, th last will and testament of Jacob Ilymes, late of Middlobuty, dee'd, all persons hat iris claims against, or ow ing said testator. aro requested to present, and pay to C.Id.A.Fr. 11. SEYMOUR, TiOga, Jan. 22, 1868-6 w Exeentor. Executor's Notice. T j ETTEßS . Tetamentary having beefi granted I to the undersigned upon the last will and teAartiont of Jonathan Seamans late of Westfield dee'd, all persons indebted to the estate, sad all having claims again:t the sante, will settle with J. M. SEAMANS, - 1 1 1,restfiield, Jan. 22, 18G7—Qt-s> - Administrator's :Notice, rpnE subscriber will make a final distribution of the prdceeds of the estate of tbd late J. Afilrphy. The creditors of said estate au( re. quested to call at his office in Well•horo.1 BACIIE, Jan. 22, ISGB.-4t PUMPS 1 PUMPS! PUS. ~ TIIE SAIBSCRILIEB, having engage in the wooden Pump bu.inesstc,peetfuliy H,licits a Aare of public patronage. All work wa ranted. Orders left with D. P. Roberts ut Well..bc.rd. or with It. Aldrich at the lower gate, will be vol,,Pt ly attended to. J. D. STONE. Tinga, Jan. 22, I SOS.-Inr" • FARM FOR, SALE ILA ELltAboti t half a mite from Whitncy':: and five and a halt nide from WeiPsiMro ; eontail,ing IG4 ilketCS and u,tmi allowance; 90 acres under iroprovcment: n.cme fortahlo bone, and good barn. and apple orchard thereon. This is n tirsUclass dairy farm, halt a mho front a Chec%o factory. The stuck and farming implements can be bought with the ham if de,ired. I will ako sell a three ) ...Ir old grey colt. $.7 0 6.1 and acre icenble" be.ut. ELIAS TIPPLE East Charleston, Jan. 22, 166 S—iv Admini, - itrator's .I\rotice LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION haring been granted to the undersigned on tho tnto of More:, S. ltaldiviji, late of Laureneq, dr ceuned, all persons iodated to, or having elairn:= against raid estate, \sill call and vetelo with MELICENT 11. BALDWIN, Lawrence, . BALDWIN, Tioga. Jan. 8. 18liS-tit A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALidl- M I Etoe lc of FLOUR; PEED, KRAL, PORK, SALT, AND PROVISIONS, is being constantly replcniEhed, which I am ever ready to exchungo for Greenbacks, Grait,t, Butter, Eggs, Poultry Dried Fruit, Lard, Tallow & Sheep Pelts, or anything-that wilt bring tho WIIEREWITII to pay debts and keep business going. - Times are tight, but Te all must live. So comp along. The place you' I, find in Nozart Bloon=, next door to Conver / k ,S; Osgood. ' January 1;1868. II I M. IL PRINCE. Farm! 1101' A FARM of 168 ' ores situated about 3 miles 1 - 1_ southwest of 11 I ellsborb, Tiogmleounty, Pa., in Delmar. -Within .2 of a mile of a lallgo Cheese and Butter Factory, 102 acres improved and nearly free front stumps and under good cultiva tion. Ono of the best dairy farms in-the county. Well watered with never tailing t•prings; School noun within a few reds. The unimproved portion is hec,ivily timbered, with considerable pine. Upon this farm there arc ti•large, fram . c house, well finished, a shop, a ;;(st- ...Oragclalyta t ue, a w large grain barn, co barn, r•bikir i'4ii - erj,anci oth er necessary outbuildingF, andjin on:Vont:of up ward of 3110 trece. The property can be had cheap, tertne . easy. Inquire _ . H. D. EASTMAN ICellsboro, Pa., Jan. 15, I.sllB—tf, (FURNVINUE.E! FURNITURE ! JARTIIERTON woulfl inform his friends . and the public generally, that 1.0 has open- 11113 Furniture Ste:6, in Oceola, Tipga Ciiunly, where he conetantly on ' hatut nll hinds. of Puruitere--::d1 of which he -0G1'8.41314v fur c.. 1,1 u> ian ins bought ut any, other t. , tubliehment iti thu County Nov. ::7, 1567 -tf Dim - 11 it - AV t; to l f l t 1 i:) lr . .f t t3 the first in Market. To bo :.4o1(1 at reduced Ni oo&. • 14augli7. FLA X-S111:11)—qea , 11 paid for Flaxseed by P. It. WILLIAMS & Cu. 1 1 0 LA.WI"E It S - BANK•RUI,'Tcy BLANKS: in fn , ll:,ett , , at- Yt117);(:%; BoONi3"TOP.E. _floor SKIRT : 4 , at. 101111 .1. 'ATHERTON Do LANO S CO'S_