The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, February 19, 1868, Image 2

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SENATE, Feb. 0.4-Several ; financial
schemes were brought forward, among
them the Finance C mmittee's substi
tute for Mr. Sherma 's bill, . It author
izes the issue of five der cent forty year
gold bonds (redeemable, however, in
ten years) to an amount covering all
Government obligations except the five
- r cents, and to be exchanged for such
..,, .
01 , igations at, not less than par. The
new bonds, and the interest and in
come therefrom, are to be exempt from
taxation, save the ordinary income tax.
HousE, Feb..o.- , ,The first busine.E.
.was the bill for the protection of Ameri
can citizens abroad, which, was discuss
ed by Messrs. ghanter, foyer, and
Woodward until expiration of the
morning hour.
The Army Appropriation bill was re
ported. It foots up $33,000,000, and pro
vides for such reduction as to bring the
army to 25 tegiments of infantry, 7 cav
alry and 5 artillery.- It was stated that
the'old army of 10 regiments under Bu
chanan cost about $1,000,000 in gold for
'each regiment annually, while the pres
ent bill puts the expense at about one
half the figure in currency. The bill
was made the'special order for tho 13th
-In Committee, the House took up the
Military Academy Appropriation bill.—
Mr. Eldridge moved that only white
cadets shoultd share in the benefits of
the Acadenhy, but his resolution was de
feated—Yeas, 28; Nays, 70.6 The bill
was briefly discussed and adopted. •
Then came up the Legislhive, Exe
cutive, anil Judicial Appropriation bill,
which arignally asked for narly $24,
000,000, but has been cut (Joun to Sl7;-
217,480. There was a long discussion,
but no real action upon the bill.
SENATE, Feb. 7.—A bill in addition
to the present Batikruptc - law was re
ferred. "
The new Tenure-of-Office bill W'
taken up, and a long discusSion fqow
ed 'upon the employuient of secret
agents in the civil service. After scant
ainendment.4, the bill (so we understand
the repbrt) way adopted. It authorizes
25 special agents,each to be appointed
by the Secretary if the Treasury and
PoStinaster-General, and 23 additional
in the Treasury DepartiVent, with fire
by the Secretary of State.
HoCsr, Feb. 7.—A bill was adopted
restoring to intutet public lands along
the lines of the Pacific Railrdad and it'i•
A bill granting certain pension - a b.
the widows; and orphans of c;iltliers
The Pensign Appropriation bill Wil‘
reported and referred to the Committee
of the Whole.
Petitions were offered for the repeal
of the income tax, and then the House
13ENATE, Feb, 10.- 7 -A petition was
offered asking for the admission of Col
orado as a State.
A bill was introduced to make a new
Territory, to be called Novato.
HOUSE, Feb. 10.—Among the resolu
tions and bills introduced were these :
To aid the Eastern Division of the Pa
cific Railroad ; to investigate claims for
Itulian depredations ; to allow respon
dents in criminal cases to testify in
their own behalf-; to provide for tho
exportation of distilled spirits in bond.
Mr. Cplield proposed a bill fof a grad
ual return to specie payments. It is a
sliding s ale, the Treasury to exchange
on the Is of December next $1 in gold
for $1 30 burreney, and reduce the rate
one cent 0 month until he reaches par,
and after Ally, 1871, gold - Shall be paid
foy all legal-tender notes, dollar for dol
`Mr. .
- Another bill wits offered for tearing
circulating notes of the Government,
and to favor free banking.
There was some talk about referring
certain evidence In relation Offinpeach
tOnt to the reconstruction Committee.
it being s a question of printing, the
matter was referred to the Printing
Another (resolution) that it is inex
pedientlo elm it,,c - e the banking system.
Regulating ditties on lumber, wood,
and manufacturers of wood, abolishing.
specific duties.
A bill to tkmend the Rink mist solar .
as to compel involuntary ' bankruptcy.
Resolution referred to print 10,000 ex
tra copies of the Johneon-Urant cor
respondence, ,
A resolution to remove the scat of
Government was offered, but a motion
to refer was rejected, 71 to 02.
The lion , :e went into Committee on
the Legislative Appropriation bill, and
a few amendments were made.
SE - gATE, Feb. f.2.—A bill for the im
mediate admidsion of Alabama to the
Union was oll'Oed and referred to the
Judiciary Committee.
A bill to adiiiit Colorado as a State
was offered, with notice that it will
soon be called up for action.
The bill to regulate the promulgation
of thelaWs by the public printer was
adopted. .
House, Feb. 12.—A 1)111 was intro
duced enacting that no person who
may have been duly convicted and ad
judged guilty of murder, piracy, assass
ination, arson, robbery, or forgery, and
where conviction has n t been revers
ed, shall ,be allowed to liter or remain
in the United State, and authorizes the
President, upon the vrqdtietion of eatis
factory prom that a 4)er.son so convicted
of either of such crimes has entered, or
is about to enter, the United Statse, to
Cause him to be sent back to the coun
try whence he came, or in which he
may have been so convicted.
The morning hour was spent in dis
cussing, the subject of the protection of
naturalized effizens abroad.
The Legislative Appropriatip l n bill
was discused, in Legislative,
until the
hour of adjournment.
GOOD STORIES.—PART 3; just issued
by Ticknor & Fields, furnishes a collec
tion of capital stories specially suited
for reading on Winter evenings. The.
contents are as follows : Christmas with
the' Baron ; Stephen Yitrrol._,v —by the
Author'of "Waiting for the Verdict ;"
"A Family Christmas in' Germany ;"
The Christmas Banquet). by NATHAN
IEL HAWTHORN I •Thri.ce . of a Trade, or
Bed Little Kriss Krintre- by FITZ
JAMES 0 1 .1.3111ENA AdveuX.Wsof FlNew
With four admirable illustrious.
They are dxcellent for Old fanilly, or
for reading In ears or on steamboats.—
The price is only Fifty cents a. number.
All booksellers and newedealers ,have
them, or they can be procured postpaid
directly from the Publishers, Ticknor
4 Fields, Boston.
Quite a "scene" occurred in a hotel
not a thousand Miles from Athens the
other day. While the proprietor of the
aforesaid hotel was enjotting n ocial
chat with some of his neighbors in his
bar-room, a lady carrying a little girl of
about three years of age, came upito the
bar and putting the child down, inform
ed 1)011U:tee, that he was the father of
the child, and that hr must settle the
matter at once by giving her one hun
dred and fifty dollars or she would take
satisfaction in another way: at the same,
Lillie displaying a well loaded shooter.'
Before the matter was arranged cair
informant lett, so that we are unable to
'dothe denouement. "The evils we
do in this litk are brought home to us."
—Bradford lecportcr.
We were reluctantly compelled to
omit our regular issue last week con
sequence of having been summoned to
attend Court, and being detained that
longer than we expected. We could
wish that peiTle might settle their diill - -
k'ulties 'themselves without dragging
0t14.1%4 into the serape, hut this cannot
he for some time yet. When lawyer's
fees an'il judges' satarif s are reduced to
the same as that paid to' witucsscx and
jurors, less lawing will be done.—.Ter.c.e,y
"S'hOre Vidette.
The chief secret, of comfort lies lit not
suffering to vex one, and in prudently
cultivating an undergrowth. Of small
pleasures, since very few great ones are
/ot on long leases. -
She- I.9ttintsl.
We are obliged to t F•enator Cameron
for various d'oeumenis, and speeehel , ,
anti CongiTssit.):ll Cllobc.:.
To 14 - 011. S. F. A.Viitqln tkJI• (:orie.; of
the GNU., and othcr
To AlesE , rs.:itt:til,-, r , l:tm), and COW
of the Legislature,. for rtimitat Reports,
and Reeord.,3.
We beg to assure ailvertising agCnits,
everywhere, that NVO-(10 not publish ad
vertisements for foreign advertisers at
less than the rates as given on the first
page of this paper. TI we have an 2; fa
‘ors to gr:int they will be granted t( W ,
eat patrons. The practiecof publishing
foreign advertisements fymn !me -Mir&
to one-half cheaper than is paid for the
same.Hpaee by home patrons obtains
-only among papers of small circulation
and little patronage. lint it,is an un
just and illiberal custom, by whomsoev,
er observed. Our rates are lower than
auy paper of equal circulation in Pennl
sylvania, and have been lower from the
beginning. If this notice shall operate
to save postage and time to agents our
object will be attained,
When Republicans began to doubt
Gen. Grant's fidelity because he accept
ed the War Office after the suspension,
of Stanton we said In t hese eol umns that
Grant accepted the place to prevent.
a rebel or reel sympathizer from being
appointed to the position. Mr. John
son has just found it out, and is unutter
ably iudfsnant thereat. He scolds like a
fishwonAn. In his last letter to Grant
he asks how the General proposes tore
ileve himself from the President's or
ders, the latter being the Constitutional
Commander-in-chief of the army and
navy. As Gen. Grant has not proposed
to disobey any legal order of the Presi
den& and as he replies that all legal or
ders will be obeyed now and hereafter,
as heretofore, we suggest to his Excell
ency the propriety. of c(inE3idering• the
probability of his king relieved by
Congress of 'the Constitutional head
ship of the Army and Navy, at an early
day. The people propoeu to substitute
Gen. brunt in his place next Novem
ber. The President should kee,p caul;
not all the political grannies in the
Cabinet can save him from public con
- ,
Gen. Grant will, without much doubt,
ho the Republican nominee for Ptesi
dent. There V ac a time when the Ile
publico press regarded him with sus
picion. He was reticent, and consum
ed his cigar in ominously provoking si
lence. Politicians, who measure Men
bN the length of 'their tongues, could
not solve the riddle of the Sphinx 111
the Win' Office. A public man, and
cmfessedly the greatest captain of the
age, manifesting so remarkable an in
tention to keep his own counsel puzzled'
the world of 'Unmeaning Blab. So the
dogs barked at his heels, anti the snakes
hissed around his path ; but the Genet.-
al did not stop to kick the,degs o r scotch
41 0 maaJrik,<Tba r•as t,ICRI t It. 111”, .-rrr
einl duty as ealtnlY as if there were no
curious political gossips dogging him in
the public prints.
Silence, however, is 'often more ex
presssive than words. Deeds are more
effective than :buncombe spc/a.lies.—
Whe,n Grant. surrendered the portfolio
of the War Office to Secretary Stanton,
.the whole country was electrified. In
this surrender the obedience of, the sol
dier to his superior was well exempli
fied. The Senate reinstated Mr. Stan
ton. This was a plain tiuuhbiug of An
drew=-JohnsOn. Gen. G rant had to elect
which was tO hint, and all other subor
dinates the higher authority. In obe
dience to the ( act of Congress he surren
dered the War alike to the reinstated
The President and his supple Cabi
net, together with all the Copperhead
axe g,TiVers in the country, were as- .
toundea. They had Mistaken , Orant's
silence for Imbeeltity, whereas it was
their own wretched idiocy which blind
ed them to his lofty integrity.' For a
day the enemies of order t were*as'silent
as Grant had been, but not from this
same motive. Theirisilenee was con
strained by the downfall of their plans.
It was the silence of surprise. But their
wrath found longue in semi-official
mutterings of the Washington press
gang; and the country was assured that
Gen. Grant had conspired' with John
son and his Cabinet t l o reriq an act of
Congress; that 'be had prgmised to bold
the place until relieved by the Presi
dent. It was said that the President
would qualify to the arrangement, and
that several, if not all, of the Cabinet
would corroborate the President. These
mutterings continued for Fever& days,
and until appeared that the violent
articles in the New Tonk papers were
inspired by the President 'ins..elf. The
object of this 1 - arfare,—the rfare of
sneaks the world over—was to force
Gen.tGrant to a public denial or expla
nation.- But Grant wa4 master of the
situation ; and in place of authorizing
s 0111 e Bedouin of the Washington
press-gang to deny the charges, 11e utl
dressed a note to the President, assuring
that functionary that as there -was no
foundation for the charges, they ought
to be withdrawn. This led to ft spicy
correspondence, not intended for the
papers by the President, at least. But
suddenly a resolution of ioquiry was
served upon Secrenuy Stanton by the
House of BepresentativeF, calling for
all the correspoildenen which had tak
en place upon the . subjeet. this,man
ner the Grant-Johnson corresponden ce
canto to the light of day, and was en
tered upon the record of the Ilotcze of
Representatives. Never did two men
furnish a pettey index to I /wir charac
ters than is furnished in this corre4on
denee..Johnson pVeVillivate-4, and slides
around the question at issue, NJ , bile
Grant meets the eharges with a plump
denial whiCh iF as direet and ivipres
sive us his Wilderness Campaign.
The question of voracity raised be
tween tho President and the General
by this correspondence is already set
tled'` in public estimat,ion. Andrew_
Johnson, the habitual falsiller,lun.l bc-
~r=~-:.-r ~J, ~,~R,y,.
trayer of p blie trusts, is not competent
to testify' against s a
man of I; nOwn truth
and. honor like General Grant. The
charge in (rant's elosing letter to the
President, in which he says in his -sen
tentious w by t hat he regarded the whole
matter, from beginning to end, as an
attempt to t - volve hint in resistance to
law for wh eh the President hesitated
to a!,:-_ , tinte tti(s responsibility in orders,
and thits . destroy his character before
the* eountry—the General drives the
nail, io the head. 'Pint is the truth of
the wpole tira»t eclipsed
Andrew ,Idlinson in publie esteem.—
That was ni t i otlenee not to be forgiven
by stich an rrant demagogue as An
drew Joints n.
it is rigid, for life people to under
stand thst't its difficulty is the work of
rebel President-makers. No man in
the initial i§ so l distasteful a the entire
• 1-,, , t-k,Z
crew ut i : 4p,ktl ,
rebel sympathizers
as Gen..." - Griint. *-Literally, about him
there gam humbug. Politicians can
not use him, pettifoggers cannot befog
his clear, sound common sense. There
fore, gowsi People, politicians ; do not
like Genera Grant. So long as his oc
cupancy of the War Office and his
studied silence led these Washington
plotters to believe that they could barn
boozleehim, they petted and praised
him ; and a,l the little echoes about the
country took up the strain 'of qualified
adulation. 11u t the time for action came;
and as no man ever knew Geri. Grant
to be silent when that hour approached,
ho obeyed the voice of the highest au
thority in the republic with a Soldier's
alacrity, and the people may now know
how nearly the liberties of the nation
were endangered by the base ambitions
of the Prsident and his rebel advisers.
General rant will be the standard
bearer of , th . Republican party in the
coming campaign, and his second cam
paign, against the rebels and their
sympath4ers, will be as brilliant and
decisive as that which opened upon
the Rappahannock hi 1864, and closed
with the surrender of Lee in 1866.-
11is nomination Will dishearten. the reb
els of 1868 as that of Lincoln disheart
ened the r
bels of 1(364
wp that Mr. Penahnan,
L lot - the Pittsburg Gazette,
1 11),
We obse
eeted to the censure of the
► Senate for writing naugh
nt Senators. Mr, Penni
lough to . know that that
!er the truth the greater
e know ' i►othing about
Pen nsylva
ty things aJ
man is old
sort of thit
and the gr
the libel.
the facts
the ease, and by no
the abuse of Senators
are Senators. But , If
will fire into that body
1 - 11 Vlll3 fro,
because 11
Mr. Penni'
at random,
w will guaranty his hitting
o ne pigeon every shot.—
e is about it would it nOt
four erosv
But while)
be well to t
end of the
game there
l i his piece upon the other
litol ? There is plenty of
d we fear that none of
of the Penal Code exact
case. However, if Mr.
d stomach Mr. Davis,
In why Senator Connell
iausea. How is it Is
()red ?
the provisio l
ly touch a
Pen n i ni an
we see no 1'(
shoffid ereaf
the other 0.1
it tins succeeded in defeat
ma Con
- rt T O2lC4rnall ger
e Reconstruction of that,
The Pres,
tiiig• the Al
game dela3
;Mate for m
whites, ley
etioite, period. The rebel
he advice of their leading
away from the polls, and in
lict a majority of the voters
President takes the ground
gill he no reconstruction of
• the loyal voters thereof,
rre 'en it. His plan is to
rk of reconstruction into
t h e ex-rebels. Congress,
insists that loyal
401 the destiny of the
Johnson is minded to be
Iptedict that Congress will.
papers tier I
voted. 1
. I
that there s
the• South I)
if he con
give the we
the hands o
on the other
men shall et,
South. Mr. I
ugly, but we
.LATURE.-Thig hotly n
ml I .ll on the 10th of Mar 1 .
eli,alize the School tax in
Ishii.) has pass td the - House
ben ate. '
agreed to add
The act to
Jackson tow
and gone to t
1 Railroad bi I is said to be
iy said that i 1a mile of
b built and .r its provis-
The Genet.,
defective. I
Railroad can
1 -.-,
11 13EECHER is at work
r " l iri . ;t," a book which will
!louse sale. :Messrs. J. B. Ford,
rk rill publish the book sometime
it rear. This is a new firm, and
at Iwith SUCCOBS in hand. The
i - the firm has long been , connect.
' shin g house of D. Appleton tt. Co.,
led for the business. Beecher's
lished by subscription. Address
Pox 4117. New Yoi k City.
upoti the "Liftuo
,• ommund an iml l
& Co., of New Yo
during the eurre
promises to sot
senior member u
ed with the Publ•
and is nell quail
Book will Ike pill
J. B. Ford &
eoe's SHE
Li:lL—Mr. James Fox, of
Canton, flradfor County, the other day called
upon us with a jt,wt I of a machine for shelling
corn. It may boleti rigid in a side pocket, and
ehells a bushel oe ears in live or six minutes, do
ing its wok as effectually as any machine in use.
A. very great advant i age of this little machine is
that it will cut the riorn -green from the cub, for
dr)ing, and dues it As completely and without
waste, as it shellsi f the dry corn. The price of the
machine in but 12,1 and being very simple and
e - ompnet is not Isitt(le to get out of order. To
0102 Q N't hu wish dry corn for market, and such
as do not requiro a urge machine, this one will
prove a very great II siv.tance. We are not aware
that there is any ige'nt in this county.
rtINE.--It Is not often
a washing machine,
AL , a rub the,y aro iMperfect
tho recommondation. But
tbut 7 e have recchnl
for otAious reaso.e.
and far fiom bpi g
we have procure a machinel now being intro
duced by Messrs. Fr l f rneh Belcher into this
emnty and can on / iderlytty commend it to all
who IN redueu woman's wore. The machine
a'mudel of simplicity, and is worked with
comparative case. The clothes are not rubbed or
;grayed but cleansed by pressure applied by lever
pou cr. The hot sui t s are forced through and
thrunghlhe fabric. pie wringer is attached to
the washer and the eh then may he 'messed along
without l slot a;,+ the c.iter over the (leer. The
price of-this maehine is very reasonable.
OODEY.—'The veteran publisher of
this popular Lady's Afagnzine seems to give his
cntiro attention to the work yr improvement.
Mr. (*ode) , has won a secure place in the affec
tions of his amity thom , and patrons, and ought to
he a rich auw. This, however. "is nut the ease.
Ile eNpends larv;ely to keep his Magazine in
advance of all others, and, we : , uppnre, trill con
tinue to devute his time and money the same
tiurpure until th , te• :hall be ue inure thpl e y. We,
pipe that lime is arm. ufil
' Tit ELA Dy's END.—The Fubi nary
haii a fine engraving of the hiding or
Mose., in th,c huhuidic, a doable 11n5Iiien plate,
ii , nd a great vaiiely of patterns, Fancy work,
,Musie, nod literary matter. i 2.50 per year with a
premium of a tine picture.
WO.OIJR„RUADEtts. - . - - - We' take plOaMire'
in calling attention to•a - convenient little "Pocket
Time Table" Of Passenger TlitiLE on the Erie
Railway that has been published and placed iu
the hands of the CoMpany's Ticket Agents for
gratuitous distribution to passengers. It indi
cates the Mopping places and leaving time of all
trains eastward nint westward—shows what trains
run daily, those that omit a Sunday or.a Monday
trip; the4o that make extra - trips, tte., givds
the time of trains on all connimiting runways eat,
west, north,a nil-south—offers •somo useful infor
mation to passengers concerning the purchase of
tickets and checking of baggage—is in fact a
complete guide to the railway traveler, awl is
published in such form that it can bu tondo a
convenient pocket companton,aii ready reference.
Fverybody should be provided with a copy. •
HARPER'S MoNTHI.N.--StAdoto do We
find a greater validy in any serial than is to be
found in the February No. of this popular Mag
azine. A grand story by the wither of "Joint
Halifax, Gentleman," is in progiess. We could
not dispense,with the Monthly RecordlA Current
Events and ill° Editor's Table. It is indts
pensitrl4e hook in our house.
Township Orneers'Elect---1868.
Supervisors—Goo. Maynard, Will. Mattison;
Bohool Direetors—Jehiel Bench, A. M. Sechrist ;
Treasurer—Juhrt Maynard ; Auditor—Christian
Bastian; Clerk—J. W. Ratlibooe; Arsessor
Frederick Behanbacher ; Judge—John Kitzmerer;
Inspector—A. M.Seehrist,John Anderson ; Con
stable—James C. Farley ; Justice Peace—Loren
Burgess—T. S Coate; Council—E. S. Culver, S.
R. Scullin, \V. J. Lewis, L. 13. Brown,• Wing
Tabor; School Directors—C. Beagle, John Ham
mond; Assessor—R. E. Stull; Auditor—B. B.
Benedict; Inspectors—E. B. Bart, W. C. Trim;
Judge—Joseph Culver; Poor Master—tleo. Dor
vance, Jocl - Parkhurst; Constable—Fred Culver.
Burgess—l.. C. Shepard; Council—Jas Iler
ron, Lewis Clark, Pat Dowire, C, E. W i lsey,
Alm. Pollock, Sr.; Judge—John L. Sexton
Inspectors—Mart Stratton, John McCann; Con
stable—John G. ItOgers; Auditor—John liagor
ty ; Assessor— 0. Pattison ; Juatico Peace— .
John 'Hinman; School Directors — Jae Heron,
Anson Wells ; Poor - Masters—W in Griffiths, Mar
tin Stratton.
Supervisors—Anson Martin, A. Colegrove;
Justice Pehee—James Beebe°, James Peters;
Assessor—W. W. Welch; Judge —John At, Whoa.
ton; Inspectors—David C, Kemp, W. H. Baxter;
Clerk do Treasurer—John A. Kemp; Auditor—
Constable—Wm 11. McCollum ; Scheel Directors
.—Wm Hoyt, 0. IL Blanchard, Robert Casbeer.
Justice Peace—Quo. Barker; Constable—L
Furman; Supervisors—B. O. Verruilyea, P. Per
shall; Treasurer—L, Marsh ; Assessor—J. L
Barnes; Judge—J. Ruggles; Inspectors— A. K
Furman, J. L. Phoenix ; Auditors—O. A. Smith
W. E, Marsh ; Clerk—J. Champney ; School DI
rectors—A. Sawyer, A. K. Furman.
Supervisors—Jesso Curren, L. B. Shelves;
Constable—Edgar Kilmer ; Anditots—L.-L. Re.
tan, Goo. Dewitt; Assessor—Wm. Woodford;
Treaturer—M. K. Ratan ; Clerk—S. A. Mille;
Judge-Jacob Corsett ; Inspectors—Ed. Seeley,
Mel Updike, School Directors—Chas. Voorhees,
Albert Mitohell, S years each, D. M. Khmer 2 yrs,
Henry Trowbridge, 1 year.
Burgess, Win. Markram ; Council, Wm. B.
Smith, J. E. White, Chas. Morse; ()worms Poor,
J. P. filler, J. Sunderlin ' • °Quotable, M. D. Will
School Directors,
Wm. Tinkner, A. Alba,
J. E. Cady, jr.; Judge, W. W. Dunham; Inspeo
tors, Wm. Morse, S. P. White; Auditor, A Alba;
Assessor, Giles Roberts.
Constable, J C Morton; Supervisors, Win Pike
Henry Colegrovo ; Assessor, John C Knapp; 'ln.
spectors, Charles Baker, Peter Beep, judge, Dyer
limbo ; School Directors, II B Cologrovei Wm.
Pike; Auditor, T I Mitchell; Justice of the
Peace, David Strange; Treasurer, Wm Thomas.
Burgess, P Damon; Counoil, Locke Granger,
Samuel Chapman, J C Beeman, George McLean,
Calvin Kilbourn ; School Directors, Lewis Kalb,
Lock Granger; Judge, Philander Hurd; Consta
ble, Nelson Wales; Assessor, Clark Slosson; In
spector, W. J. Horton, Asa A. White; Overseers
Poor, J. O. Beeman, Daniel Millepaugh.
Judge, John Sheffert, Supervisors, \Vtu. Mer
rell. Wm. L. Ken's ; Ipspectors, Wm Foulktod,
John Lienhardt; School Directors, IL F. Werlino,
William Kimble; Constable, John E Anil; Au
ditor, John Foulkrod ; Assessor, Joseph Sheffer;
Clerk, F M Sheffer; 'Treasurer, Gao Levegood.
11urge - rucTrir STRldaug i; un o _ Clark, Enoch
Blackwell, A d 'Webster, B C Mann, A Kelley;
Constable, Unrchin Fuller; Judge, Almon Allen,
Inspectors, D U Pitts, Alvin Gaylord • Auditor,
A J Ross; Assessor, P M Clark: Overseers of
'Poor, P M Clark, Henry Allen; Sohool Board,
H II Lawrence, Wm Hollands.
Burgess, J B Cudworth; Council, CI D Maine,
L M Bond, L R Austin, E R Maine, E A Fish ,
School Board, T M Clark, D It [loud ; Judge, E
R Maine, Inspectors, S Dewey, J W Austin ; As
sessor, P W bond ; Auditor, J M Clark ; Treas
urer, RII Doud; Justice, A Redfield ; Constable,
Pelog bond
Constable, W White • Supervisors,Sem Spald
ing, Jared Davis; Auditor , Wm C tevens; As
sessor' E H Briggs; School Board, W A Mitch
ell. MC Potter, It J Towner; judge of Elections
Calvin Hammond, 'lnspectors, Wm A Mitchell,
Morris Kelsey.
Supervisors, John Plank, Jere Campbell; Au.
ditor, E Blackwell; School Board, Job Doane,
E Webster; Assessor, A(I Seaman; Constable,
Vir Best ; Judge, John IVilson, Inspectors, A
S Hussolton, Jll Childs; Clerk, J E Webster;
Treasurer, Job Donne.
Constable, John Rathbone; Supervisors, Q II
Baxter, Enoch Blackwell; Assessor, Wm Hey
sham; Clerk, WII Dolt; School Board t S G
Crandall, Samuel Hazlett; Aunitor, G W Phelps.
Treasurer;yath'l Eaton; Judge, John Hazlett,
Inspectors, A B Cook, E C Webb.
Constable, A 0' Preston; Supervisors, R Ham.
mond, ja111133 Atherton ; Judge, Russel Crandall,
Insßeetors, W T Fitzgerald, John Tubbs; School
Board, Norman Strait, George Dueller, R Ham
mond; Assessor, A IC Bozard ; Town Clerk, A"
Reggie; Auditor, Henry Seeley; Treasurer, H.
C Bosworth.
Supeirlsora, W E Clark, V Allen; Scheel Di
rectors, P Iti Shaw, D C Jerald ; Constable, L
Brewster; Assessor, R B Bailey; Auditor, 0 M
Patchen ; Treasurer, D J Butts; Clerk, E L Sper
ry; Inspeotor of Election, P R Dasett, P S
ley; Judge of Elections, Seth Whitaker,
Justice Peace, Henry Oldroyd ; Supervisors,
Jefferson Prutstnan, Selah Frost; Constable,
Aaron Wood; Judge of Elections, John Benson
Jr.; Inspectors of Election, Warren Rose, A J
Watkins; Town Cleik, S R Bevan; Treas., J
Barden; Auditor, 0 W Van AJlen ; 'Assessor, A
Mansfield; School Directors, II Updike, E Benson
ConstaLle, John Sohoonovor; Supervisors, E
W Grinnell, Deroy Harrington; Treasurer, N
Swope; Clerk, N Swope; School Directors, S
Wheeler, Gi Ditnruick; Judge of Election, John
Schoonover; Inspectors of Election, 11 Brough•
ton, Deroy }Torrington; Assessor, N Swope; Au
ditor, S Wheeler; Justice Peace, E Phillips.
Constable, Waugh W Smith; Supervisors, B
Monroe, Reuben Nash; Treasurer, A:Smith ; Au
ditor, L L Smith ; Assessor, Justus Watkins;
Judge of Elections, L Dodge;
School Directors,
Justus Watkins, E R Orvis ; Inspectors, B Row,
L Doud ; Clerk, It F Baker.
Supervisors, C F Miller, D Dewey : Auditors,
B C Wickham, D L Aiken, II 6 Johnston ; Jus
tice, CII Seymour; Assessor, 0 W Loveless;
Inspectors, James Bagley, Oeo E Prutstnan,—
Judge, J W Tobey ; Constable, Win M Insobo;
Soh 001 Board t ,O Reyiisids, John Vanwey; Cl'k,
Carlton Smith; Treasurer; Jobn
TIOGA. Boca.
Burgess, John 31' Guernsey ; Council, ieL
Baldwin, B B Borden, John Van Osten, E A
Smead, } M Smith; Constable, A II Westbrook;
School Directors, II II Borden, 0 B Lowell, U W
Hazlett, John Stevens; Inspectors of Election, .1
✓ Cady, P S Tuttle; Judge of Elem ion, S M Geer;
Auditor, David Cameron ; Poor Moster, It P
Supervisors, Justin Bothwell, A J Austin ;
sessor, Wm Newell; Auditor, John Irvine; In
spectors of Election, C W Wheeler. C 8 Nowell;
Constable, A A Griswold ; Judge of Elections,
G Collin 4; Treasurer, S Landon ; Town Clerk,
N JSpencer; School Directors, C W Wheeler,
Jacob A'climeltzly.
Supervisors, M I) Comfort, irallaeo Chaso ;
ditorq / A Foreman,/ W ; Constable, S
- E9on ; Assessor, T 0 Hollis; judge of Elections,
P C 21.forti.osh, Inspectors, W Howe, P C Brooks
Treasurer, G N Beardsley ; Clerk, James Lyon ;
School Board, T 0 Hollis, James Gafford. E W
Burgess, Robert C Simpson ; Council, E J Par
plop/mph Riberolle; Justiee, A S Brewster
School Board, David Stiirrock, DharleiWilliams;
Judge Of Elections .TB Niles, Inspectors, Drrin
Williams, F K Wright; Assessor, J N' Boobs:
Auditor, Jain I Mitchell; Overseers of the ;Poor,
0 G Guernsey, Goo 0 Derby : Constable, W B
Van Horn. _
Justice Peace,. T C Thompson, Win Ilitriburt ;
Constable, JL Calkins; Supervisors, E Rexford,
Jas King; Assessor, Il S Knapp; Auditor, Zona
Adkins, T R Leonard; Treasurer, A N Aldrich
'Ain Clerk, H N Aldrich; Judge of Elootici,
7boa Dryden' jr.; Inspectors of Election, C
Bancroft, Lomual goose ; School Direotors, no
Ackley, Jno Treniain, Chas Scott.
WESTFIELD 13011.0. _
i Burgess. A Close; Council, E 0 Dill, II Baker,
J Kelts, N P Close, N J Krusen; Constable 'A
g si
A A Aumbry ; Assessor, Chas Bliss; Jut) /of
Election, A Baker; . Auditors, Nelson Bur ' Ir,
N'J Krusen; School Directors, J C Strang,
Doty; Inspectors of Election, N Burdick, 0 C
Eastman; Overseers Poor, Alvah Mintonye, A
MORRIS RUN.—The Advertia
er Las the following notes of affalr9 at Mortis
"For the'past year there has been a very large
business done nt this place by the, Morris Run
Coal Co. They have mined and shipped to mar
ket nearly 286,000 tons of coal. From January
1, 1864, to Jan. 1, 1868, there has boon mined and
shipped from here ono million tons of the best
semi-bituminous coal in this State. James P.
Hoskin, Esq., is President of this extensive Mor
ris Run Coal Co. W. T. Hamlinion is the Secre
titry,'and John T. Dunn the Treasurer. W. S.
Nearing is the General Agent at Morris Run, a
position that requires both talent and tact. Jno.
Fitzgerald is Paymaster—a gentleman overyway
qualified to fill the very responsible position he
holds. Tho Company is , now working three
mines. The fartherest distance into these moun
tains of wealth id :seven-eights of a mile. The
Company have erected over 300 dwelling houses
in their village,' three churches, good' school
houses, &o. They have saw mills worth nearly
tea thousand dollars that =muffle/tura 7•50,000
feet of lumber per year, mostly for their own use.
Five hundred acres more of land araoleared now
than when the Morrie Run Company commenced
in 1863. They have a store to accommodate the
employees, the annual sales of which aro $120,-
000 per year. The•Market . House, kept by Maj.
R. C. Bally & Co., does a business that will
amount to about to about $30,006 per year. A
Post office was established in 1866, with tele
graph in the office of the Company In connection
with all lines. It was established for the Com
pan s business, principally. The lands on the
ic t
m Lain are fertile. The majority of the em
p yees raise good potatoes every year. The
ve ref coal worked are the same geological for
ma on with those worked at Fall Brook and
Arnot, and in view of meeting all the wants of
the growing town, Major R. C. Bally has estab
lished himself in tho Hamilton House." •
Last Thursd , y night, a telegraph Op
erator or S
ti. n Agent from up the
Tiogeroad e. tto bed at the Dickin
son House in Doming, and "blevt out"
the gas, ndi ng that it was escaping
he put his boot over the burner, but
that did not stop it. It escaped into
the hall, so that it was discovered and
search made, thus probably saving the
life of the smart young man who had
never travelled.—Corning Journal.
Assignee's Notice.
All persons interested trill please take notioe,
that the second meeting of the creditors of Nast
& Auerbaoh bankrupts will be held at the office of
F. E. Smith Esq., Register in tho Boro, of Tioga,
County of Tioga Pa.,' on the fifth day of March
next, 1868 at ten o'clock A.M.
February 19 1868-3 w. Assignee.
33404atis SEM.cafep
Great Excitement! Johnson impeached, and Em.
bree's Booote and Shoes triumphant! The subscriber
would say to the people of Wein&id and vicinity that
he is ruanufaCturing a Patent Boot which he believes to
possess the following advantage over all others; let.
there Is no crimping; 2d, no Wrinkling, save es they break
to the feet; td, no ripping. In short, they aro Just
the thing for everybody. Samples on hand and orders
solicited. sole right of Westfield township and Born'
secured. Ile has also Just received a splendid sot of
balmoral patterns, latest styles. Come one, come all!
Wo are bound to eell cheap for cashor ready pay. Shop
one door south Of Sanders k Colegrove.
Weattield Bore', Feb. in MM. '3. IL MISTIME.
Trustee's Notice.
WE the undersigned, Trustees appointed by
the court of Common Pleas of Tioga coon
ty in Domestic attachment in the case of Aaron
Cole, and Thomas Cole vs. A. E. Farnam defend
ant hereby give notice that we require all persons
indebted to the defendant A. E. Farnum, and all
persona holding property belonging to him to
pay and deliver all such sums o money and
PlXE c igu l :2l. ° 4 2l Arra t liti n arii t h r iniavfn4Thrtlinle
against.said Farnumi to present their respective
accounts or demands, as required by Law. That
our residence is Lawrenceville, Tioga Co. Pa.,
where any business pertaining to said estate
will be attended to.
O. S. MATHER, } Trustees
Lawrenceville, Feb. 19, 1868-6 w.
BANKRUPTCY.--This is to give notice:
That on the 24th day of December, A.D. 1887,
awarrant in Bankruptcy-was issued against the
estate of Si 1a s A. lli s, of Richmond tp . .
in the county'of Tioga; and State of Pennsylva
nia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his
own petition; that the payment of any debts and
delivery of any property belonging to such Bank..
rupt to him or for his use and tko transfer of any
proper) , by him are forbiddelE by law; that a
meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt to prove
their debts, and to Choose ono or more Assignees
will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hol
den at the office of F. B. Smith, in Tioga, county
of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, before F. E.
Smith, Register, on the 20th day of March A. D.
1888, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
11. S. Marshal Weitern Dist. Pa.
Pr. D. CAILERON. Deputy.
Fob. 19, Is6B-4w.
Wellsboro Meat Market
BEEP! POB/C IlltrrroN
TRE subscriber opened a Meat Market in the
building lately occupied by Dr. Webb, on
Crafton-street, Monday morning, Feb. 17, where
he will keep a full assortment of
Hams and Shoulders. If the people will giro me
encouragement I will keep up a good Market.
Feb.l9, 18684 m, A. J. TIPPLE.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against
purchasing a note drawn by me in favor of
A, S. Charleslor $lOO, and dated Aug. 7, 1867.
Said note war obtained by fraud and. misrepre
sentation, and I shall not pay the same unless
forced to do so by the Courts.
Brookfield, Feb, 12, 188840
Scales ! Scales ! Scales !
THE Buffalo Platform Scales, all, ordinary
sizes, for heavy, and counter use, may be
found at the Hardware Store of Wm. Roberts,',
Welleboro. These Scales are the Fairbanks pat
ent and have no superior anywhere. They are
made in the hest style and have taken the premi
um at all the great exhibitions.
I have the solo agency for these Scales in this
Welisboro, Feb. 12, 19813.
Co. Pa., and vicinity : You are invited to
meet at the office of the undersigned in Mans
field, Pa., on Thursday, Feb. 20, 1868, at 10
o'clock P: M., for the purpose of taking into con
sideration the propriety of adopting a schedule
of just and uniform prices; together with other
subjects relating to the interests and efficiency of
the profession. P. NEWELL, Dentist.
Mansfield, Pa., Fob. 5-2 t.
Orphans' Court Sale.
RY VIRTUE of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Tioga County, issued February 3,
1868, and to us directed, we will expose to Nib
lie sale at Farr's hotel, Tioga, Thursday, March
26, 1808, at 2 P. u. the following real estate, late
of Royal Rose, of Rutland, dee'd, to wit
A lot of land in Rutland, being lot 1.16 of the
allotment of Bingham lands in said township,
bounded north by lot 143, contracted to Royal
and Erastus Rose, east by lot 129 in the name of
Rose & Gile, south by lot 100 in the name of IL
Smith, and west by Bingham lands—containing
65.7 acres morn or less, contracted to Wm. Rose,
jr, ;
Also—another lot of land in said township and
the same conveyed by the trustees of the Bing
limp estate by deed dated Nov. 7, 1849, describ
ed as follows ; Beginning at the southwesteorner
on the north line of lot 32, thence along lot for
merlyin possession of Leman Barnes, north 62.2
perches, thence north 25° west 39.5 perches, east
102.5 perches, thence south 98 perches, thence
west 85.8 perches to place of beginning—contai
fining 51.8 acres more or less, with usual allow
ance for roads.
E. I. STEVENS, Adm'rs
Fob. 12, 1868-5 w
cheap ! at WRIGHT A BAILEY'S.
Wollaboro, Juno 5, 1867.
- 11? TUE ItECE - IPTI4. AND i:XPIINDITURH6 of the
Treasury of Tiogneount.y . !for the year 1667.
Itcc'd from Collectors county kilt; 1864 $118,40
do do ' Stato r , 89,43
do - do 8e1ief64,68
do do Bounty 1805 141,45
. .do do County
,' 117,09
do do State . ...... ... 105,70
do do . , llallof 120,20
do - do Bounty 1866 6519,73
do , do County 1946.02
do do Bounty 18b7 46,698,83
do ao County 18,416,46
• do . ' - do State 566,05
do do Pour 5896,09
- do on PPlltill 1111111% returned by collectors 187,09
do Commonwealth costs by Sheriff Tabor 2,115.91'
do redemption of Hootod and uncoated lands, 1,169.81
do back taxes, unseated Ponds 308,67
do overpaid by collectors. Tiogo &Covington 39,00
do by county tonna. 1867 42,035,10
do of Liberty township 133,61
do-sealed and DlMllittill lands, Conn's - Sala 393 : 00
. do paymont on note, A. Lngg 20.30
do Commonwealth costs by B. S. Sualoy.... 211,00
- do .• do do District Att . ).— 440,00
do each, P.T. P. IVlngato • 59
do do J. 'Merolla, sato hides 6,10
do Jan, 1867, balance dun upon sottletuent 148,74
Total am t.
Paid E. B. Seeley, coni'r, $342.313
do E. Hart, do 441,96
do P. V. Vanness do 414,96
do, Job Rexford do 93,60 $1.292,88
Paid W. 11. Smith, cutters counsel $50,00
do J. B. Niles •do dv 50,00
tic Thos, Allen do clerk 700,00
do J. Emery county Auditor 72,00
do D. L. Atkin do do et al 164,52
do L. Smith et al Travers Jurors 2,080,49
do R. 8. Logg et al, Oraud Jurors 754,91 •
do T. P. Wingate, crier 152,00
do E. K lock et al, constables and .
tip•etaves' 678,78
do C. Phillips et al, Justices 37,30
do C. Williams et al, assessors 1,079,25
do Cobb & Van fielder of al, Pr'g 274,76
do H. Young et at, Elections 1,170.07 $,7274,02
Paid 41. D. Wilhelm et al,com. costa 8.0180
do L. Tabor of al, do do , 85,22
do J. B. Niles, District Attorney 456,00
do Id. Kelley et al. bounty on
Wild Cats - 88,60
do Henry Allen et al, viewing
bridges and bridge views ... 214,68
do A. E. Bosard et 'ul, Bridge ' -
Repairs. 2.983,07
do W. W. Bentley, Tioga Bora, '
New Bridge„ 709.25
do Alonzo Guile efal, damage
imprevetuents 315,0
do Henry Allen et al, road views 150%46
do W. Young et al, stationery.— 308.16
do J. F. Donaldson, alt Q. B. 1,223,43
do do Protley fens 24,00
Paid J. E. White et al. inquest on
do E. B. Feeley et al, dist:Writ
inguesessmontt, &C
do Chas. Williams et al, repair
lug Jatl 248,01
do T. P. Wingn'e et al, Court
Muse alai grounds.. 38,18
do L. Tabor et al, prisoners 1.022,77
do C. P. Miller, eastern State
Penitentiary 376.84
Paid C. F. Miller, Lunatic Ilosp'l... 427,28
do L. Tabor, Summoning Ju.
ries. Sheriffs fees
do G. W. Gilbert et al, money re
funded. ?
do C. F. Mlles, postage
Paid b II Smith 1 ton coal
do T P WingatecleaningC noose
do Andie Foly for lamps
do C F Miller, stamps. discount
• money, utlonal Bank
F stamps, discount
note in Bank 11,83
do D L Dean for seats Reg. orate 25,32
do H J Ross on freight &c 6.58
do 5I Bullard on express th'gs , 2,25
do D L Dean do du 2,10
du Converse & Osgood, bell rope 1.97
do D L Dean repairs protlionata.
ry office sil3
do *0 F Miller, discount, stamp, 2808
do Frank Wingate for coal 9i20
do It J Ross, express charges-- 1,00
do W H Smithprct coll'ctg Jdg't 30,00
do C F Miller, stamps, discount,
notes at Bank 01,33
do 0. Bullard for tape 60
Paid Hastings & Co. ruerchandile,
Paid C. F. Miller, Ti eas. Comm Is
pions, viz;
&lidless' Bounty bonds paid,... 187217 GO lye 872 18
State tax paid 1252 44 do 12 52
County orders paid 23377 20 81.0 701 32
Poor Orders paid 12023 36 1% 180 06
Paid C. P. Miller, Redemption..
f i.
do Revenue Stumps,
Paid W. T. 'mery, copy Record,
Bounty le n Certificates :
Paid prl.tici I, on Issue Aug. '02..
Interest on he same
Paid 0. F. illor, standard W'ts
and Me sures ,
Paid Chas. lack et al wood fuel...
Paid D. lleise et al twp. lines
do J W Bailey, et al Jury Com'rs,
County house Farm:
Paid Banj o Austin, int. on most'ge, $420 00
:Petal' Groan, bonies t 390 77
(Ira Johnston, lumborwagon, -102 50
1 W C klberninn, oxen, 210 00
;(.1 W NATI°, sett Barnes, 48 90
th l i far Tß I g'lnlcteariOW, &c.... T
Smith & Shaw, insurance 0 00
1! E Mitchell, 76 sheep, 160 00
S Frost, 4 cows 200 00
Williams & Sears, repairing,.. 13 2tr
Francis, for eludes, 5 00
If Sutton, 1 ehoto 8 00
P C VanGelder, potatoes, 0 OU
R Fellows, Buck Sheep, 4 00
0(1 Guernsey, blacksmithing, 62 33
J 0 Dartt tor hay, -' 3 08
J Wostendyko, repairing tools 7 00
E. J Purple, barrel, ' 1 50
D C Holden. merchandise 7 60
L Ii Gillette, provisions, 9 12
0.11 Kelley, merchandise, 20 89
J 51 Runnel, provisions, 2'28
Vanvalkcnburg & Bro:p Was 225
A Russel, chop feed, o ; 120 57
Plt Williams, merchund ze ... ' 708
W T Mothers ' do ' 188
.1: F Jennings for hay . 376
, E Hart, bay, feed and s d ... 04 41
I. V Vannes, seed & provisions . 11 33
Wright &Bailey, dol 187 77
1' Docketader, do 12 MI
Mart Ring, food 20 60
O B ley, merchandizo
I 189 47
W Ro erts, do 130 20
' J It B wen & Co, maga 085
I" Dor on. provisions . 1 770
DL D n. recorder's fees ~ 240
Chas hemp, 47 cords w00d... 185 99
Id le & Co, lumber 7200.
lI oldn & Patrldge do 110 00
Choate Patridgo, do , 60 00
Moses Wingate, siding, IN 00
Daniel Holliday, lumber , 84 00
A L Bodine do ' ! 15 63
O D Denison do ied ss •
9 D Roomy • do 295 83
Vieber & Co, do 24300
9 W Foster, do 567 00
13 T Vanhorn do - 0 26
Samuel Morgan, do 8 00
Robert Steele, do 13 64
E J Purple, do 225
Wm Markham, detvg lumber 13 60
E Hart,work and plank, /5 00 \
Joseph Riberole,
for hair 1 6 60
E., S Seeley, trip to Elmira &c 12 00
John Hart for labor, 15'26
E Smith do 165 03 1
William Hart do 88 1.2 I
John Ludlow do 10 00
P V VanNess, trip to Elmira &a. 17 90
Hiram Bacon, labor 02 90
Daniel Colo do 600
W B Reynolds do. 340 00
Susan McConnell labor 26 00
11 Young, blackemithing... 226
Peter Smith, labor 87 83
Jos Torpy do 8 00 .
Hiram Hart do 7290
John Powell, making brick, 267 60 •
C M Hart, hauling sand &c. 28 00
A Sprague for labor, ...... ... 5 00
A Thompson. blacksmith'g 8,40
E Swope, for labor 40 60 •
0 Ballenger do 13 50
N Ballenger do 63 00
L Margrait dci 04 00 -
Robert Richardson labor, 21 00
Benjamin Smith do 1 6
' 0
Geo H Burns, do 875 •
Morris Smith do 19 00
John Hart, do• - ' 75
EAI Hirt - do 350
A M Closkey do 4 50
C Austin. boarding, 50 40
. 'Wu% Al Hart for labor, 7 50
Wm Christonat do 876
John Ballenger do 21 00
Daniel Ballenger du 18 00
A Smith, do 9 00
.•?' D B May, do grain 98,81
Lewis Culver do 5' 1 06
~. B 11,Smith, do
' - E T Bentley, Com. Jr. travel 54 00
C F Veil, do & Ms, 4987
• ill Gulick, 11 days serv's 22 00
E. M Brookman, builder, 4550 00
• For 'Furniture: I
• D Ritter, chairs, bedstlds, 18 83'
D P Roberts, stove 10 00
Wood. Marsh & Co, Phil. ' 119 70
W Hyde & Co. Phil: 221 00 •
C B Williams &Co Phil. 173 60
Lewis & Bro. bedst'ds dre '223 "00' _
P ..1 Derriok, knives & forks 900 '
Vauco & Landis, spoons eta 338
Murphy & co. Phil, books, 31 00
Howard Exp. freight, 75 00
P V VanNees, .drayagis 15 32
" expenses to Phil. 45 Ou
Benj Austin, furniture, 113 *5 • •
WII Smith, insurance, 214 73
N Austin , 'ol 00 • •
Total Expenditures for 1867 $37,554 76
Puid E S Seeley county orders Dr $342 36
do by services and travol,... Or 342 36
do E Bart, oounty orders Dr 441 96
do by services and travel Cr. 441 96
do P V Vannet , s, county orders Dr 414 96
du by et:twit:o4 and travo ... ..... t: , Cr. 414 96
du Job Rexford county orders, Dr. 93 60
do ly services and trave1........ Cr. 93 60
[L. S We the Commissioners of told county,
Jo hereby certify, that the foregoing is a correct
statement of the receipts and expenditures there=
in sat forth. In testimony whereof we have here-
unto vet our hands and real of office, this 31st day
.il „hamar), A IL ISCA
N. HART, .
:P. VVA NIVESS, Comr's
Attert, dolt REXFORD.
TIM:T. ALLEN, Clerk,
, .
t.hllLLl:~t,Trta,urer f liogn l'"utat), in
AelitiolJai With Wail C.tuikty, Ir •tli Jaik '22, 1:4117 to
Jatiwity 18, 1507.
°Weltlll,iing eotii,ty tax; 11',. '2 :::::00 IN
do Relief tax do 21 20
du . Militia tax do 35 00
do State t ix do 31 51
d o County tax 1803 ' - 110 24
Jo Itoliel taX flo 4.12 I ti
do Militia tax do 18 09
do State tax ' du 51 10
do'. Bounty tax lel/4 287 29
• do. , • Courity iax _ do -- - 220 19
dit .. Relief tux do 214 74
do • State tax do 122 31
do Boutdv lax 1'865 4711 51
do County fox do . 2; , 4 35
do State tax do 207 99
do ttiliof tax do 2119 33
do Bounty nix • IAIIO 11,865 29
do County tax do 2,021 27
Reed' on t-eated lands returned by col
lectors to Jan eth, 1868 . 187 1111
Rec'd Conin'tli eiii.t:, from Sill' !Nil Tabor 2,115,06
du on redemption, seated and uo.
seated lands. 1,15981
do On back toxeF, sealed and uri)" .
• soated laude • 308 67
Atn't Bounty tax ii,e,emaped. 1807 70'353 75
do County tax do - do 23.062 60
do . State tax do do 1,660 65
do Poor tax do do 11,389 29
do Overpaid colleotora Covington
and Tioga 3!1 GO
do loaned , by Couera to Jun. 'OB 42.935.19
do received, Liberty twp, fleet of
M Farrar
do' 9'o atea and unseated land
sales by Com'rs sales 1807
do Notu paid byj A. Lug ~
do by EEr Si:albl
d.) by District A torney: ..... ...
do T P Wingate
do by ash on hies
do , balance duc sottionV; 1807
Outstanding county tax, 1862 . •5302 co
do ' Relief tax ' do 21 28
do Militia nix . do 35 00
do - Strati tax do 31 51
do County tax 1803 1 le 24
do„ Relief tax do 52 00
''. , Militia tax do 18 09
du . State tax do 5l 10
Bounty, eotam'en mid abatement 1884 282 29
County do do 1864 93 49
Commission . , do, - , • 18 24
, .
Outatanding,"coutifj, ,
Abatement of State
CommiBFion 401-
. ata.l.
....t.oiBFion do
Outstanding do do 911 02
Abatements, finite , do 128 37
Commission do T do 4 32
Outstanding do ' do 82 06
Abatets, A ootinnis'us bounty, 1865 202 72
Outstanding I do do r 126 34
Abatements, County do ' ' 25 51
Commissions do do ' 37 74
Outstanding do, do /O 1 VI
Abatements, State
ConitntFelons, do
Abatemonte, Relief. ' do
Commission tie
Outstanding dud., 132 11
Abatement, Bounty, 1800 4703 92
Commission do do 393 93
Ontatnnaing do Jo 172 71
Abatement, county do 307 01
Commission 'do •do 206 24
Outstanding do - . du 184 06
Overcharge nn 'duplicate IS 00
Pd bounty certificates of Mar. '64 and int. 1309 00
Certificates of Oct, '64 red. and caue'ld, 56970 75
Interest ..n do • 11421 02
Certificates of Aug. '62 red and caned 1375 10
Interest Un same 2SI 94
Certificates of Aug '65 do 0;.4,117 00
Interest on same 450 48
Certificates of Aug. '66 do 4907 00
Interc-d on same 388 65
Certificates of Aug. '6O do 3767 74
Refunded on seated and unseated laude, 10.1 2 -
Abatements on bounty tax of 1867, 11549 08
COIIIOIII3BIODS do do 170 :311
Outstanding do do . 11435 48
Abatement on county tax do 584 02
Commissions do do 651 73
Outstanding do du 3408 37
Abatement, State du 56 36
Commission ' lit/ du 43 08
Outstanding do.. du 924 56
Abatement, Poor do - 285 47
Commission du do 283 66
Outstanding du do 5024 10
Printers, C. & V. & Keeler, '46 &'67 72 30
Rai. State Treas. receipt Sepe9;lB67 025 07
do 1 'do vrart - Nov 15, (I 0 250 00
Cash on State bank, Veining° 5 00
Poor orders red'mod & caneolled 12023 36
County do I du 23377 26
Commission on 38.317 66' 1 pr cent ' 372 18
do 1252 44, 1 pr cent, pd stutu 12 52
$ll9 18
$l7BB 87
$B5 88
45 85
193 59
$1876 10
284 94
$1660 u 4
250 76
35 18
98 25
20 00
do 23377 20, County 3pr of 701 32
do 12023 3t, Poor la do ISO 35
Paid IL C. Bailey, from accountant 2882 5Y
We, the undersigned Auditors of the County of
Tive, having audited, settled and adjusted the
abbve accounts of C. F. Aliller, Treasurer of said
county, do certify that they are correct above
stated. Witness our hands this 18th day of Jau.
STATENENT of County Bounty, Liabilities,
Balance dtie by county on Bounty •
Liabilities as per statement pub
lished Jan. 1887, 100 69
Amount loaned by Com'rs in 1867 185 19
135 79
Amount of Bounty Certificates of 1864.
Redeomed and cancelled —.AO 00
Bounty certificates of Oct. 1,'64 red' 56,970 75
do do Aug. 1, '62 do 1-!i75 . 111
do do do 1,'65 d. .07 00
do do do 1, '66 do
and installments paid 4,907 00
Interest paid on above It 18,357 83
Deduct interest paid its abovo
Total am't paid on principal 1867
Bal. due by County January .16,
1868, of indebtnoas, .
$260,355 79
We, the undersigned Auditors of the County of
ioga, having audited anti, adjusted the above
ccounts, do certify the same to boa correct state
, ant of the indebtedness of the county. -'Witness
ur hands the 18th day of January, A. D. 1868.
OTICE is hereby given thrda certain note
dated at Deerfield, Volta Co. Pa., Aug. 7,
1867, due in six months fur une' hundred dollars,
and payable to SI S. Charles or order wad ob
tained by false representations, and rvithouti!on
sidepttion, and tbatt hold said Charles' contract
exonerating me from all obligation to pay said
note until be has fulfilled all his part iblaieb he
has:failed to do I give this notice that I shall
nut pay said note unless compelled by law.
D l eenield, Feb. 5,1888-3 w.,,
Welleboro, Dec. 25, 1867—tf
A farm of three hundred acrea, with two hun
dred and twenty fire acree improved. Sit
uated two miles north of Tioga Village, aa the
Tiuga River and Ruilrued. Weil watttered, wi
der a good state of cultivation, and ;pod build
inge. Abo four bonzes and lota for sate ut Tioga
Tiom'a, Feb. 12,,15G5-tf.
SEE DS, SEEDS !—Clokr qecti, Timothy seed,
Early Goodrich Potatow for seed. at
Wellaboro, Feb. 1, IsB4-t f. PRINCE'S.
$11,734 92
LETTERS of Admistration having been
granted to tho undersigned on the estate of
John T . Ocorr, latti 1.1 (James, tica'd, all persona
having elattns ligaititl raid estate, and alt per-suns
indebted' to the enure will eetiler with
licoola, F 6, 5, I SITS-Ilt
Mill, by C. S. KIMBALL.
Wellsboro, Dec. 2', lB6s—tf
- 1 1,3 LANG ac CO. Agents for the Suaquoban
jj nn Woolen Mill . -
dv S 7 46
do Li 18
do 8 26
do 8 54
do 12 40
do 91 29
ABEL 1101-1
ALL persons indobted to as either by
note or book account, toust cull
and settle without delay or coots will be
Valuable Farm for Sale
T. la. LA ',LAVIN.
Administrator's Notice.
For Sale,
rill! , I' 414 t• it
Irord ib
P"P" 41(1,111(14,4.11 . 1 n, (milt( of
f.o r etp , torrr. ha, ;moat: -eigmeery r
,",1 ibliinctor;iiir for ttidde •ifi.l t"rei,:! o, 4l , ll". th :i -
low oil but, •, Oh nil Otte- 1...11‘1 , d1
ittetrt- for otoro4.:4111 14.14 ltubuill it, ht.l
lI , PW fu i',/111.0011. I){ , ibt g iv un ,
time riAtl , l IS (I.slll ti,i/u •ulu
2‘l, 19f04-G.a.
In Bankruptcy. .
4 t /if if 010 . 4(11W/I t
rr, aflnw it limy i• , ,aeorrr • Thu
r • , .
rtiloy gi 4 ri,,l tri-•4 1 1,110.1“ ,
ItetigneaCof ••ri fn the
01 ).»i1 Mitt` ht..
t,„ O „ditiap i at x 1i;,0,14vt upon pi-(111(. 6
thu 1:••iii a Dios 1.-I
C. if. SEYMOUIt,
Jan 2tl, 1868.-3 t Aregm yr. •
BY t tittle ot an order ot the
'finite County doted /, 1867, th e lib .
del si}ltcJ, A4tiiirti, , r9ti 1. "1 'be sums..• S nmur i
Wiaot, (levett,ett, it it' ex titou to stile,nt petit,
:endue at. the (Lauri liiiiise fu FV‘ellt•l,rit, en - the
.2lst .iny of Ft:btu:its, t Str. at 1 n'elnek, P. NI
the tollowille described r.•al estate. Into the prop
erty of said doitedent, ttlie toernsiiiii u f
Covington, Titign count:, Pa.• bounded ati Ilie
:101 11 , by hunk- el Reuben Tin thir,uil and lnlol• el
Wit.intli (Tutu tit's, on the ear.t by hinds of Itiu
hen Patterson noel loot of itoxana Faeces,
the eolith by lands of JitLIMP Cluintinititt and on
the Wen by lands of Phi c id e m 5. C•wcrt• cnn(atn•
itiK one hundred ,m u 9 "t loud, with n fr:lniebOUt4
franc burr. and other out buildings thereon.
TEnll9—Sithi at tbt• day of sale. and t h e h z ,,i
alien in 5 years. MARY B. WOOD.
133 81
393 00
'2O 30
2,,, 00
940 00
00 16
148 74
Wilson & Van Valkon burg's
$171701 10
n view of the cot temp:it/tea Railroad V<V4LI to
to be built to Well.boro, the - proprietors h.r e
ounc iud e a to g ive t 10 people , hereabouts, {ldly
entertainments 'tam gh the year, couttuem•ing on
the 14th of Jauuaryi The first piece, entitled,
Let Live,
9 74
This great drama,as drawn crowded helms
both in chi.; and th- old Countries, and is ad
mitted by all to he (Ae et the most profitable. in
teresting, uud bus.t pi:et:9 extant
Tickets to the Dress Crcle—lqczE
We With : It pit,titwtly vinlcrno nd , that di
elJt.,tn• of I.••litwiu,,,, n•I cvci, v, h.. 'eel
a ludo; 1% fiet tiro ex du fa t
‘Vt.,cle xe tattt.',li, 410 klud ult.!
quality o ertlittg . 0 1.ty, t i :z
u•,tiee, arid titt• r,iahu,g 1-4 V
Cloths, Cassinieres, Vestiugs, Ladle
Cloths, and a huge variety of
_Ladies' Dress Goods.
lice[ Linde , and na etitidp at the qhettpd:t
flie?ketc , to the PaPriuGtte—FßEE
171701 10
In 'g tent Troge,t the benefit tios
public,; woel.l e• , t melt t•ornig t the
that we ullo Itoep e•erytilitiy: to replAiiinh their
Gun° Due uti(l vi,-
Cortaintuont IVe do not eiatn, t" ll' ~Id' 5.,,,;,
but Alan endeavor t.. di/ our he,t gis e all the
worth of their money.
Bei:terve9' Seats for the _Ladies
N B —We v.hall give our patrenWritlf ben
chi ul the decline to prices, and extending
them our thaukr for the very IB:frill patronage
heretofore extended, we solieit n criloibunne
of the ca toe.
$87217 68
16,357 83
Wellabbro,Jan. 15. IStiS—tf.
70,559 85
189,47:5 94
IV.OTICE is hereby giviin that uay . wilo Ban
-1.1 ttuk, has left my b tam and board Witt , et
just cause or prouocntiun !raid I hereby tori•iii all
persons fro keeping or h. rhoring: her on my ou
count lor I will not pay ant charges or dei.t.,
her contracting. 11 IRA B%VI 51 LAR •
Fub. 12, 1368-2 w."
11 - 111 E Autittors of Delmar to - sen*Lip, is-1;1 meet
1 in Weii , bolo, on the I.trit Ali•htLy .•t Feb.
rottry, inst , f..r the t,tilethent of the of
the Tre“,tirt-r nod Supereu.orit of the pnet jeer.
Ful , 12, PAS- 1w
TN the Lii,.ttlet e
1 . Pr. Wilt, tt, the
tluuktttpt TG eL
I.d, tlgked tirSi_ben
bet bnw, d....1tai55.1 n 14,0. upl ttu u hts ~ t st
pvutl u, hertd#) g•r‘ Li, geburA meet
ing of , the ererlinirs (it n.,td liankrutit rain be
held ar the office of F Smith, 1,54 , Regtrter
in Bankruptcy, at, on urt , cht.), 25:11
day of Feb. 1868, it 111 o'clriek A M., for tho pet
pores mentioned in the 27ili lien id the Jet of
Binklupiey passed March, 2, 'SWF; And alrm that
thelaaei..„. , nee will then rend titre finl her ncuuuut,
and apply for a eeitleromit or the came, and i
itizehar t r,c trotn.ull lluhiluy it4 l aitsiguee.
Feb 12, IS6S-2t..A
_Flour <Mit Feet!.
. .
ALL ki„,,, ,„. 11..15r a Iced, nini in at i
killttAilN 1.1 "Mt ”1 , 114(1)131'en., lit wy Mill .111
Altouibilrp. N. E. C.%. 1.1. - IN*
Ntain)hurg, Jan, 22, 1:InS-3nt
To Inn Keepers. •
- NT UT I. E httrchy ;:iven, that no lie4ses
«ill I,t• 1,, int, keepers untit the fees
urvpu,l ilii ,, t :r,snmit.; of the County; in ae
,•.,l,l.inec hrv - rroviding that "it shall
1,1.1 1,- 1;,%.11,1 h., the e)vrii ot the Court to issue
,toy the ni.plieant =hall have tiled
th 4,1 y tin th,. 4:, 7 l.ubty• 'irensurer that the
i•ter, point " •11. t'. DAILEY,
11-1 nt 22. 1 Rh ' S .o Treasurer
• E ;.1"
tlit. enclosure of the
• in
Pharto-1,.n, June 15, 1567. a
Y PAULI N 1.1 `3' PEER. spAtod, star iu fl.rehead.
, •alicr rr r , quis4te , l 1., pay ahargos and take
him away; [Jan. 8, 1868-301 S. FROST.
For Sate.
AN E Swoll-t.ody Cutter, of kitest style
jin 2t, lAns. • , TOT.EB t BARKER.
. ,
SACK 'Nil for hops, beet quality 25 eta peryard
at r 'Pe LANG 4 CO'S„
Orphan's Court Sale
IN Two CHARACTE/1.5. - •
.....'Lee PzuPLg
PART 'I Diva,
Itemcmbor the place,
In Banl:pupie,,-.
„tin t,t U 6 )it -t t.. 17
mutter t.t T,nnhin.
u. II ur,y et fiets/h :