RIORIE MAlrrEla S. WEDNESD4.Y, FEB. 12, 1868 IVIASONIC. OSSEA LODGE, No. 317, A, Y. 31., meets at their ilia', over Dr. Roy's drug store, on Tuesday evening, on or before the Full Moon, at G.o'cloctr. P. M. 11700. k OIIAPTE.It, ii o. 101, R. A. M., moat% at tha ITEM, on Thursday evening, on or before tho Full Moon, at 0 o'clock P. Xs • MC/A COUNCIL, No. 31. R. & S. MASTERS, meets at tho Rail, on tho third Friday of each calendar month s at 6 o'clock P. 31. TY.AGACIIITON COMMAIs.iDERY, O. 23, of 'KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, and tho appendaut orders, meets at the hall on the first Friday of each calendar month, at G o'clock P. M.. New Advertisements. Orphans' Court Salo-11060 Estate. Caution—John Siturohnl , . Caution—Throw Swiuiler. Notiee—lt3raol Stone, Cloth. 'co dm Dental Proretqiion—P. Newell Asjgnee'it Notice—J. 1. ,11 itebell. Farm for Sale—T. L. - An adieu ned teinperaneepeeting will be held in the Chur4h, IlulidaYtoirri, Saturday evening, Feb. 15. A full" attendance is requested. DoNAnoiv.—There Will be a donation party for the benefit of Rev. Mr. Packer at: Cole's Hall, stony Fork, Friday evening, Feb 14. An oyster Pupper 'will be provided. LlAPTis3s."7—TWerl ty-fou r persons were received into the Methodist Chute,/ in this vil lage, last Sunday.- Seventeen persons were received into the Pres byterian Church on the same day. The revival is still in progress and-the interest is scarcely abated. CORRECTION.—By an error In compo-' Atom the statement of the debt of the county` as it appeared last woillc was made to represent the sum at apoo,ooo 'less than it is. It is a small matter—a there trifle—but we have corrected it to eorrapond with the statement as it went from the hands ogtho clerk. THE'BIGOEST LOAD YET.—Mr. Chas. 11. Tremain, of Lawrence, writes us that on the sth day of February ho drew at one load with a tingle team down Mitchell's Creek, three miles, to the Tioga river, eis green white pine loge, measuring 41S1 foot ! Friend English will have to try again; but we doubt if anybody will beat Mr. Tremain. • D. B, Deane, Esq., Register, requests us to inform Justice of al Peace, Elected at the recent Township and Borough Elections, that the law requires them to file a written acceptance of their election, if they dcsire - to be Comtnisaiooci s cith tho.Prothonotary, within thirty days next succeeding their election. ELGIN WATCHES. —F OLEY has re ceived a fine _lot of watches manufactured at Elgin, Ill's. They resemble the Boston and Waltham watohes, add are said to be their equal for timc and dirahility. Any one wanting a watch must bo hard to please if Foley cannot snit them: ART JOURNAL.—Some weeks ago we noticed Praiufa Journal of Popular Art, sup posing that it was to be subscribed ,to and paid for. Wu aro informed that it h 'mailed free to any address b' L. Prang S Co., Boston Mass. It is an interesting little paper, giving a history. of that :greatest of modern arts, Chiomo-litho— graphy, as perfected by Mr. - Prang. E-very . lover of art should send for the Art Journal, and learn how cheaply, comparatively, the works of the old masters may be reproduced. A GOCID JOKE.—Apropos of the dodges resorted to by the thirsty to get liquor in Wells—tt friend gives us the following, good joke which came off in a drug store the other night. A bibulous customer had made his order before our informant appeared upon the scene,' and the parties—one of them was in aquandary. At last the proprietor palsied over the bottle to the cus tomer, saying as ho did so—"hero it is: the'aloo lad is so much, and the camphor gum so much." The eu.torrier stioitened himsulf up Juuly, and with vehement indignation repelled Ole insinfia non uali—"No, by .! you can't conic any of your calol,bor-gum guinea on we! None of yourcamphoi-gum in my whisky!" The effect may be imagined, though we cannot dr , ocribe .it. TEEPERANCE LECTURES. I.eV. T. R(..lierts, of Delawate, will adiln is the trot Tioga County at the following tisneQ and pfao - s Elkland, Friday evening, Felnualy Ocer,la, Saturday evening " Knoxville, Monday evereg " 17. Farmington Hill. Church Wedne , ,ilny in o Feb. 14 Middlebury Centre, Thursday evening Wellsboro, Friday evening Februniy '.'!_‘• 21 Whitneyville, Monday evening Febrilargr• 9 1 Mansfield, Tuesday \ ening February I. rovingtnn, Wednesday evening February" 213 Roseville, Friday evening February =I Mr. Roberts is doing a grand nork in brganiz n,g (load Templar Lodges in all places where there are no similar organizatiiina to do the worlc, AO eloquent advocate, and are -.bespeak- lriM to 1 houses and unlimited StIeCCS.S. Friends in e i the several localitie will oblige by extending thee notices so that all may Lave an opportunity to attend the weetin ts. I THE LICENSE QUEFITIO'N.—TIit:, Coll nderation and - disposal of petitions for license ; Laving been put over from day to day, was closed uil Monday of last week. In -Wellaborh .the re-• weastrants were considerably the 'majority, though a feiv were iuduoed to w i ithdraw their op ponition to license upon various representations 'lnd misrepresentations:. Judge. White held, LovoTer, as did Judge Williams the previous week, that the remonstrance clearly showed that public sentiment in Wellsboro wag 'Avon° to the licensing of drinking saloons.; and from the Bench delivered one of the Most effective argu ments against the doctrine of necessity, as it re lates to licensed houses, often listened to. Its cfriC t '_as marked, and quite decisive. We were eat present but aro informed that the Judge de :lased his determination nerd . to grant a license any where whore the weighl of character was against it. Every father of boys in this neieh borhood owes the Judge a debt of gratitude for his Erna resistance to the pressure broughtto bear in I \ favor of liquor-selling. Wo take this occasion ta say that the opPAitton . to license, so far as we know, was not based upon personal considerations at all, and 'in our-opinion,-if-licenle-was - to - ht granted, the people would as soon award it to the chief applicant as any man in W ellsboro. The remonstrance against licence was nponthe general principle tha drinking saloons are a curse' to any oemtnunity. GOSSIP.--We Aro about to write in "a Pickwickian sense," and must not be regarded as remarking:literally upon anything herein men tioned. Tho other day we got' a letter with u large gob of sealing-waxtand a splendorons crest and initial impressed therein. We opened 'with a•nt. find read: "Dear sir : I desire the honor of pour iompany on a visit to i the Ilon. Bumptious Gumption, to-morrow at 12, meridian: I will 10 myself the honor to call for you at that hour, 111 a' coach and four. Assuring you of the eon tinnsnce of my distinguished consideration, 1 am, sir. your most, obedient servant; 3fontngne Varniol:' As we Wok a double hitch on our throlbtng heart, Ile "Peril" approached flout the ituthwest corner of his donfinions, and laid Slither note before us. This was 'A tinted cn retop, duly waxed, crested, n»4 scaled; niol , Solt -d quite regal. We opened and read "Dear : I shall do myself the honor. to call for you In my new earriagt(cost $2.500) to-morrow at otos; hee g most sincerely rind from the depths of my:4, rt, thatyou will then consent to :meow ',any Mc, to the iesidi nee of my dear friend Mon tague Varnish, Esq., With assurances of my pro found consideration, .T. have the unalloyed pleas• kt , rt: to he, gratefully yours, Rosewood Veneer.:- ; , e:ozif e that these swiftly recurring honor's l'Adt our breath away for a moment. What could Mr. Varnish want of Mr. Gumption; and. what andd Mr. Veneer- -want of Mr.lltruisli; and at , orts all, what could Messrs. Varn,ish, VeneLr.'- and Gumption want of tits ? TbesC Were the qtits-vi which nitturally enough cecurted to ua. e dept little that day night; itrOse unrofreibed and feverish, and saw the hour of noon ep preach with fear and trembling. Punctually Ito the minute the carrittgeof Messrs; Vacnlsh itnd Veneer rolled up, and we hastened to explaii : Varnish assured I T'eneerthat the coincidence ti l os remarkable; Veneer assured Varnish that f i ho joke was magnificent; and the matter was com promised by Veneer, who sent his new earri4ge home and took passage in Varnish's coach. Ar rived at the residence of the Hon: 'Gumption, -Iwe l entered, and found that gentleman sitting before a table covered with legal papers. He arose and gave us a gushing welcome. After a formidable exchange of compliments the object of the 1:v.04g was stated by Mr. Gumption. His old friends, Varnish and : Veneer, : anahiraself, bad) long con templated a partnership, under tho name and style of Varnish, Veneer, et', Co.,•ata(Ahad, Solicited our presence as a disinterested witness of the transaction. We shiv the papert, salw 'the parties affix their names, and duly, witnessed the same! and then the Hon. Gumption suggested that ro distinguished a firm night expect notice in the Avitater Gossip. lie said that their three fathers hail condu'eled a prosperous business before them, and should' there be a Male heir ;in eaoh somebody would witness a similar copartnership in the time to. come. .We assured the parEners that public notice of the transaction should appear, and here it is. ; •;i• l• • , . —A Correspondent who evidently c tins tec i th sends us the following: ' • • MR. GossirEß: —The followino• )'e markablo passage which is bolioved to be fe6i» the the herno#al Stmlislicare, hasirecontlyk been discovered: License or 'no lieense,:thatiiii,the (ideation!"( Vheiher 'tis better for the publio to suffer I The slings and sor,rows'of ontrageoUitraffc,! - Or to Xemonstratc against a son of whisky, I ' Anil thus coiiiine4t_With other drugs ct poisons: - All right: if by the court we end the contest, And all the thousand bitter shacks r I That rum Is father to • 4 'tis it ConsuminatiO . n i Devoutly .to be wished.i - .•,:•••' ','• ' , v.: i •r• n' This suggestive text in connection with ilecent events in this village, provokes certaiff\coorieb of which the following aro a specimen. Will you. lend your aid to entiblci tho good peci'ple to come to a knowledge of the truth respecting them? . 0131*B-1.1 whisky is a good thing as a Lever age, why not let everybody - sell it; if a,nuistiniie,, why let anybody ? -- I low do you account for theopiniou sofr,equotc, ly expressed, that open, legalized, and fa - sinonable I tippling so tempting to • generous-hearted yottng men, is leis ding .rout' to 'community, than gar ; t zling beir and hisky .on the sly in sone_Rnnlc 'room or cellar where none but the real suek..r who loves the criiature will consent to ~,..-o ?I Is this good doctrine; or is it 'put forth brtliosa who have a self interest in erecting a false public sentiment, and who desire to give. to badhad ruinous practices an„hoziorable,Appearunool by throwing around them the garb of legality ? ,[ -• WhY should'men be stigmatized as "hypueri(es" and "sticklers fur temperance;" beCause ,they ten? deavor to stop the' sale of liquors peaceably, by. 'remonstrance, but are reluctant to engage in tii',i in inal prosecutions against their neighbors? Sho'd evil doers despise mercy? Why should temper ance men be accused of •"winkin,gat" the unli censed rumselling in this village, while those who are ever ready to complain of the ,violation of the law, aro either unable or unwilling to furnish ev idence ! If temperance men 'should attempt to procure such -evidence, would they not also be stigmatised as "detectives," and "spies"? - And if prosecution should be made, would notthm , e same stigmatizers be ready todefend them" tooth and nail?" [ 1 Who ever beard of a defeated candidate Lehig allowed time to "test public sentiment," Stter• the polls were closed and 'the votes counted? Why did not the friends of license take time to circu late their petition before court—the law' provides for it, why pleads ignorance, and accuzes the re- - pionstrators of secresy ? Who believes that every applicant for license in town did not know of the remon)tranao within twenty-four 'hours after it chmmenced eircnl. ting 1 Ali! Were the anti-, cants waiting to ge a sight of the 'temperance' hand, so that by msrepresentation . and surprise 1 they might steal calls enough from their unwary I opponents to enable ( them to win the game? .1 !a Township Officers Elect---1860. Dloss—Supervisors, Stephen Bowen, A Hutch inson ; School Directors, Peter Cameron, D P Hurley, It Bailey; Constable, Ai ttti Houton; Assessor, J P Taylor; Clork, J If Attnitut; Trea surer, John A Martin; Jthige of Elcetiol,.., 11 Landrus; Inspectors, It Hutchinson, F. J 1id111; Auditors, J L 13elden,(C Ruthbone. Brookfield—Supervisors, Adam Sopt.r, Wm G.„ Seeley ; Constable, Win r George ; Judge ot. Elections, IX Plank; Inspectors, D W J 11 Fish; Ass •tsor, 0 A Caipenter; School.pi eecrors, Orren S erwood, John 0 Georg-0f Cluck L D Seeley : 'Fre surer, J .11 Fish; Auditor, tiev W Davis. Cliarteston—upervisurs 11. 11 va l I to It A r it t ii Brooks; School Directors, .5 M I.+ll Lewis ; Constable, .Tames 'Wilkinson :• Nelson Claus; Treasurer, LII Shunin : Aud itor, John 11 Smith ; -Judge of 'Election , l, It (lib', Inspectors, Harvey Young, Jere Mork; Darwin Thompson., Chathatti—Justico of the Peace, A .1 ; Constable, Newberry Clow ) ; ::;tti•eti VanDusen, Alexander Wass; Auditor-, Toles. Lyman Ilurlburt • Assei , sor, Stdnoy La. et. Judge of Elections, John Owlott,, I ti,peetotri IL Bailey, IC L Merrick; Clerk, 11 F linnicl , ; School 1/irectorP, LP 11 Curtis, A II R.1....1 „ 14, 01 ange Conley Clyincr—Jostice ul Dip Pallet!, V , It - : 6011= • , . hcable, S llowlit.yd; Judio.l ut Eleq.coott .kt.v.loll.tu Straight--In,pectors, a L 114 b.. cock; SiiptAVihOrB, NVetheiliee,4 Bat hbi - ;' - .A' . .4 7. sensor, C B Cole; CLtrh, j; 11 ; 'Auditor, J 11' Borm•ide, °corgi - ) I{o4lts ; J Rut.linkore, .1 AV I.luruFido,,'l `lio l,ol, ,, vei'. Covington Borough- 2 -Fturgosi., - .\ Buittaitt ; Council, S S man, Jos Ilitrinate:lTALOugunkti , li, , School Board, U )1( Koirt;Al z P E D Roberta; ConSiltillii;":- . 1.0.t 4:C 11t.t Judge of Elcetiond, 0 ti Cieruuld, 11 Uray, T B Putuuln. -- ugton—ConAabl o; Edwin. E.Ayek ov ington- „a, i4lveSi , 414‘b,A,T, or, 1' A Aoliinz4on; Auditor, Jos E. urts Directors, 11 Zimmer, 1:11. Walker Mudge; Judge of Eloeilens,:folli, ,i1ofun;i1111, all fiVectqlre, II Rold.rina, C Clonally t Tce,Czurer, 11 It \ranter; Supervisrirs, 11 Clef)) iniTu Fl Deerfield „Htf s iV it E Howland; Supervisors, Angell; Amoop.or, Emirteri Itbsvei) , S Ilonhain, 1) 11 Hunt, gee IV 1.; ; 101,) 1 0i . r 9 \V Gilbert ;- Clerk, Judge of Elo.tioril M V Pur- Inspectora, Ira \Vaguer, T'r,a surer, Elias Horton. Delinar,--Conatable, John Kerr ; :14 IRA 1)46a: - fors, Calvin 'Royce, Charles Cope,tiek ; says, Orrin Blair, Job ymonds ;.J age ,11 Rive [ions, George Ilildreth',lnspnetors, Sanme) -Dick inson, Dwvid Heise; .Auditor, Jolm Diokiti +u', Clark and Treasurer, John II Ituekley•i • Agtessor ii W,Wethorbee. (Concluded next ► T IST OF UNCLAIMED LETTEIN, in Welle _LA boro Poetoiliee, Feb 10, 1863: Charlotte. Adams, Royal Bordattlia, !kit. Bili• Icy, Ira Beinent; Thos Binnacle, B. W. Buchanan, Mary Clark, Anna D,arling, Anna Lturyea„Edgar Dodge,Gco. A. EastoU, traMC3 Prat:l:tut, Fun. stin, Chas. Fuller, Elmira Gorden„ I. 14auttat, H. W. Herington, Lucretia Hucl ; flottgittou, Eunice Hunter, Mary Johnston, Kate Jolinsti , i), Mary Johnston, Amanda D. A. Itnr.on, Bari iot Kelley, Garison C. Walker, D. fiat:icy, Sarah Knapp, S. Locke, Ada Mitchell, .foceph Mott, Chas. A. Moore, 2 A. Mitchell, A. Osgood, - 'Mary J. Porter Edward Prince, Peter Rice, L Rock ir-OWS.I. Russel, R. Reed ? Kato E:tarkWeathei, Geo. W. Smith, Mary J. SeloY, Jane Stgyenecla, John:Sampson, Catharin9 Staffs, D. B. tevel l ,•a, Geo. Wilson, Mary Webster, S. B. White, C. Wilbur. ' • Persons ealling for tlio dbovo Used. A Dtconmrry—more unsightly, ,ti» , e ino. ' , and a cause of greater antipathy, v;:a stttr,,e lybe imagined, than that of We met with it daily in the streets and ns_,o to victims; but since witnessing the eutire mani l l a( of a yery'ugly one the other day, at the Eye and liar Institute, by Dr. tip De Graff, r.e. now 4..110 wonder ivlly any ono can carry Acitit birniso hideous a lace, when so certain act re is hand ... 4—.Ernfirri Daily A clecrthirr. Tn ATLANTM.—The February n standard magazine opens With au a James Parton, entitled : "Does it p followed by George Silverman': Part 11, by Charles Dickens, Cha Geniu=, by Rev, F. A. Hedge. Oti, Week in Sybalis, by Rev. E. E. H a "Tim Man without a Country." Tb Alfred Tennyson. Beaumont Nla.-singer and Ford, by Edwin nui:,:kin and Jetsam, Part 11. Friende, by Dr. I. I. Hayes. The certain old Clothes, by Henry Jai meeting, a poem, by John G. W Months on the Stage. The 'Dostr eracy. The Encyclopedist, by JO garten. • Reviews and Literary nor & Fields, Publishers, Boston. MARTI TAGES CASBEERLPRESTON.—IM the sth ult., by Rev. S. A. Itawu Mr. Benjamin clmbeer, anti ;ilia tun, bulk of Fitrminghton DEATI-IS: • A101:1: idalebutry, Jun. 1 villa z;. wif' of Irn 11, Alourie, agL: 'numbs and 1G days; / rxi , v2!).a cf.( THE AltilEN,OANAo p ,Riti STSIVE „ - - No.article of furniture,r9quir9.l more, ear, .iu - seledirrig than a' Cooking Stove, Among tke great variety in the market and the strong roe. ouitnendation, of each, by„ interpsted. P 4.014!., those notjainisliar,',wijb. Vitt - epertitl4o; 66841011$ aro liable:to- initial petit.' tiehietioitif its4l4% IRA may have some good points, nearly all have some icriotp defecls, ;; Tho..! ipiproveck Atavricanwilot it Cpohing Sto ve,,mauulaqturea by Shear; Paoko• and A; Co., of Albany, N. Y., is the most complete; in all its arran,geluentsof anutoyo yet produeetl. The manufakurbis have- spared-db }rains ' plug° to make this gteye ..perfection , a n d they have sactanilfeal admirably. It meets the approbation af, the Retitle ilirlinglibitt try, for both coal and wood, and is universally spoken of iu teimos of the highest praise, and no ono should make a selection without giving the Popruyed Ala erieatyylareful and tltorough ami t A d !lade thilakg' tiley . Canbot ' frill being con vinded of its stine'rliirity over all iltberfl. sly Joao co/:,- For 'ode by Cosys.ust; C 0:4000n, Wellsboro Pa., don Ipth, , - The,largest, best and cheapest assort locnt of frames' qer brought. hub Titigti County, with large pictures in every way to suit, and card photogiaphs at $l,OO per doz., all going. fa* (I,t Fran Speneer's Art Gallery, gansted, Va. • : ~,, SPEOI.AE . -1440'1'10ES. - ' — 97 . 77 , •,,r f t •t t t:;••: t: , '" .'4ID D it SISS TO Till: N LIU:VOUS : AN D DEDILITAIIiD, „. v. limo *mitering% have been Trret'rCadvilfrous Waal' eiiiisea r• eAses-require --prompt treattnent-t . I render viciojellet, ilpil'alde. If you tiro huliering orals 0. i suflortubfroni In4o)un tory discharges what elTeet;4•: , i it proatitsi - Kinn' your generar liertleli I Do you feel weal:, debilitated, easily Med? Does a little extra exei him lutetium, palpitation of-. the heart? Does your liver. or urinary organs, or your kidneys, fee gel out of order? ',, in yfitir uldue gehmetimes ' thick, milky, or Hooky, or . 1 it ropy or settling? Or does a thick oelint rise to the top ?- ,Or is a 4 10 11 •111)1 al the bottom niter it has- . stoodttrbilet; Do,,,l'en, liayd spoils of short lire:ailing. or trysptiribt / a Asii . yottt"litAt. ' l l * el, clinstipatedr Do you have spells of faint It ',' or 114- es of blimil„ttlAkEr Will? g -107:vepr :I pilim o r t f 6 - 1 fr 15,,,) outaiiitilak,atitaliilv dtvalfluietitAir tlti e 46 - .„ fib yen feel 40 2 iio lj #1434710 1 4 1 PliKe tli, 4 2f 4 ra , it. le Mitt Q t life Do pin' %risk in Ina lelehltie; toqtet 11 %ay rem eveiyhody? Does any little thing make you start or ' jump?'" 16 SOW bleep broken or restless? lathe Ittstre of your oye as brilliant? The bluOM Olt your cheek its 1 liriglif 1 Do3oti eiijOy yourself In society as ivell 1— Du yen inmate yting liiisiness with the, came 4 . 1 1/0r13Y7 ---, Do %iirkfttiti As ninth eonflaellCO - In . Y011rO,e11? . .Ara your. 61)iritd dull antitilaggiug; 'Oren, to lits'ot melancholy? if ho, do pgt lay it• to 3 mu:liver tar tIS/spepsia. ' Ilavo" you restlers- nights? Your: back 'weak, your • knees' West:, nud iduf9 114 141: 1 !• , appetite; and youlattrlbutai _this to ii,VsPetijuit or I ver complaint t " ,-• it f' , I Now, ii :Mar, seltahma, venereal diseast s lanlfy,tpred, and sexual exeesies, Iwo all callable of 'producing a wank imes oithetgeneratt.voorgitint.-The organs of - gen.' eration. when in perfect health ) make the num. Did you ever think that those lielk_ defiant, energetic, per severing-, sneces.ful 111.19410!19 turn - are aleitylf those whites• gonerative urgent aro -in - perfect health? You never heav vii , vis,men co playa of D6i)4l /I,lelall"4"'Cif nervoriiiiii,'of ptilpinition of the Wail. ly.'hey aro tibv.. l - or tavola , 044 g antirnit', buslnepi,• they don't' become :!Ad %tut 'ilhceureged Lthey ittre_i t hais !Milt ° arid p1...15,:titt ill the company of ladiesZarattook you and theni ritlit fit the thee — nouu of yOur, limy-Mu:jet:alas or any other meanness nbotft them. - I de' anti:wail those who keep the organs euilainSd by running. to_fix:: seas. 'filvi , :c will not only ruin' tbeC conetitutionstlitit obis tlio;e' they do business with or for. --- • cs `• : •• ,. 1/OW, 1)11111Y men from badly-cured ghettoes, froth - the , ' effects of self-abuse and excesses, haSe brought about that elate of weakness in those organs that has reduced the general system !.. , 0 111110/ es to induce almost every other W., , eit.,c i -idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, °Anal affect ions. suividp, and, illintist every other form ot diseaee which illleisnitY is , heir to, and the real cause of tke• trouble scarcely peer suspected. and have dectored tor all bit the rittlit one. Discuses 01 111040 organs require the use of a diureda. il R 1.31 no I.rYs FLUID EXTRACT BUClfilis the gitatt Dioiva lc, wad is a certain cure for diseases of the Blatt.. der, I{ ikllll'.% s. Urtvel, Dropsy. ' Organic Well:net% F'• male Complaints, General.. Debility, and all diseases f the ill ioal y Orgalle, wbettter existing In Male, or r • limit!, trout whatecereause originating and no-matt r how-lullgstainaing. , ~- -. If no trbatint;nt Is supm itted to, Consumption or' Ile; s:Witity may ensita:,'Our flesh and blood are supported froni these sources,'ltud the health and happiness, and that'of posterity, depends upon prompt -use ofa tellable; lamed). 1.114.)1/lOLD'S EXTRACT established up 'ward 14 IS years, prepared be 11. T. lIELMBULD, Broadelay, - New York, nod . PRICE—SI.2S per bottle, or 0 bottles fir $6,50, (telly erect to luny address. sold by all Drugglsts everywhere COLGATE ti CO„'S f. RERMAN 1 o t:tiCo4l ERASIVE SOAP : 7e manufactured frotti PT,144 •V: . MATERIALS. nod may be coin ,„,'•'!"41/ 7 "y aitlered the STANDARD OF EX ''"CELUENCE. For sale by al) 22ton yEiTly. I;l4O.R e S' OS? YOUTH. A i:,uth inaffn'bo,Stifferedtior years from Nervous 1%•A61 ,, - sP7 A .3 I IO/ ok rofitill , -eletion,=',"ll4 for the Ooko of oederleg human f:e I free to alt Arbo need it, tho recipn fled dire*. ti-11. fur making the simple remedy by ho woo curet) !- , tofferere wishing to Kent by the advertNer'o emyjeoce, can dn on by reldreo.-,ing, in p”rfvet JOHN It. AG DEN, - .. -12 Cedar F)tt Pet. Sew Tent: SIMILIBUS CURANTUR. ritYlV/PIIPMVS' xiorea-a.orivninc SPECIFICS, A I.: I , l:ik PE0.31 THE MOST A MPLE i.ti :to , t•ltto o 64 7 141ntitt., :111riet.'t. 'Tlwy tin fla.7; only .71Intlicpies 11.1 filid ph /I t., iltivnt.titttgo—m, • t 1111 r ulv I ' l ' Und2±_i ; lattnloss all to Wet. It out .I.tort•r. awl itt 4,1 t, 1 1 , 1 1,1.•. 'I hey have Intiot the lii ltr xt bonintiqttlitthili utpl s t•Pultilr autdnlarlb,ll No. . C" , "^' reVOrs, Ipllmpnitqfcm...... 25 2, .. , 110 Worpig 4 _,lVol lii-Fever, IV.' pieoltt .., IA •O, ''l'' CryiltEr.l;dllO, Or TO(.111illp,'"61 -. lilfACitA.f. :4 lli ' •1 1.1.0 • Diarrho3a of ,i,",110, cu ilqslr.i:' '' ' ' '..n't ' .:{;' - ‘ , 1 , , Dii , petirteiV, 111.1phig,,r4littu,4.:(iitic:..... ' ... 9,r, . 1 - 10 '4,, ChOlVia - -IYlobuig, Nomitist-', • d. , Cpma*s. c.. 1 ,0,., pv0116,010 - prii ," .l. 25' 1 8 , ! . . , .. - 4 0 Y.Vrour'silgia,V , 4luiurlie:Viicenciu ' e --- . : - w • 51, 1 -. A. 14 . 944..A.c.1,11m i 4 1F.k.11 cad artoi, I',ixt i g 0.. ., ,g 5., lo,'''6 Dyspepsia, Ilptoua Sturniteli.,li..l%,‘ ...'2s' 1 11 ,, d , / Suppressed or painful l'eriodd ..... ~ :.)..........tfO 1 .2 . ' 06 whites, tto Notose Periods..., ' ria i 13 . I. croup , ( ' , ugh, +liiikuit "loathing :25• 1 (11; .1 , Salt lii.himui. - Ery ,, fia . a.i.4;' , iti , i;fieloilit...*.ioj, I 1.•.., do Rheumatism, ia,eurnatic l'ai 04 : o s ' i Iy, r i,.; ; Z -l ever and , Ague, 9.likiliF,Ovor, li.gitair to 17: 'v., piles_biprty,r l byntiu„,i.._..,„..; . , ,'. T 64- 16, 'di , Oplltharm3H94, , wie orweallt,n,y,va....; -60 19 , d. , .Catarrh, acute or Orotile influenza • ,50 :20. : , 1, , I,VhOopirig.CoUgh, Ittojent C00151te..., 4i0,1 21, , I.), AStin . z, oppres,.ed Breathing ! -t - '5O 22 , *,, Ear Dzschartfes; Itortireil Ile - arlits.. - ,'io 1.23 , d' , Scrofula; enifirgect,"olnnda, .stt - elfin(e... , 61) I 21,- do General Debility, Mph:al neakii694: -. bk. 125, ,i,i Dropsy, and tu , :iiiity keretieiis - ...," ''" 1C(1,. . - .:0, , 00 Sea-Sicknoile;stekn'emi-troni ittifili;..:'l,d' 27, --,1,, Kidney-Disease, Gravel , , C,Q . 2 i; , f'i N61'1701151 DObilitir, Schill‘i .F.l ' ilis- ' Aiorus. lev'etttratiry Ittsettvirpn ' ' . ' 100 29 , do Sol.;olViDllth.:Qiniter j`;l.), ,t,,,_ trrlnary Weittenotts, wettingl,,id... r . 56" 2.1, ,iiii painful periods; ,isrth Spasms .. t 1)" ,I. SW/bill:lgs' at 'ettAttkc of life _ ' ' il d 1 oif it,, l, Eptilifiy,"FiCiaTt7Fl:l Y rilis c 13aiice —l 00 21, ‘.1.1 El iptrakerio;li lcerot etl Sim; l'llroiii . 60' VA'M i,' 'CA - SES - ' - - fOr :' n 1..,;t0). (I ti.). lionUCCo C.ISE, RONTAINIA,Li. A. ~. I cirly rout Ll. - 1 - 111C or.ITSAIIT . TP.. , E.201E A - rAseLi` i Li SIB-11 Ei' TO, AM) A IIoOK OF DIRECTIONti $lOOO ;rractlll:l` - FAutt.Y and TRAviatxo Cuset, %with 20 to I '2O . vial:, I.': . : ... .... : .. .:::.1.....,...i50 (0V 1 : 4 recttics tbr all l'EtvAti DtsiAses I.l . ol.lfliir dim. . In aim tor Pncvrnalvi,.. trentmerlt,,und vf•A.l. ,al4 aniqnrket Cased' ' , - i. 42 1.0 Sts .. tD - 7 1.1,,,,, e PE:wo k:0 by tho „citso or Biagio boxq,aio wont t? any Iliili of the country, liy 'Mail 'or v ExOeiss, fr,,er]ou., elltirge. on ECCtipt, of tll6 1/11C4. '; ' e -. r • Address Flumphreyty Specific -, ' Hon.looptabiG Medicine Ppmptinyt 4". _ ~.._.4' . r Office anti 9eput, :to. 5C2 Bito4ulsi,,Nzifjcoatk. ~i, ..-- Dr. flumFailLls is coii9 - ated daily at his offit4 4 lper b obalty-or by IPtivy, as above, for allilormt . , of Als 0,4 FOR ,SALE,fi Y Al,l, D41190:1S - TS.r , --: .‘,,,,,,,t 2t, 1,56f-ty„ ~ - , , . ~ '"." Vr+Ryous DEEILITY) . ,r - . 1 W Frit 1-TS 01.0014v—AviTN-DA-Nv44-41:019 . .. El EMITSI . DEgTiGglrei, .IN.VOLUNTATIY P. 1 EltlB:3l( , :q3,l.i , sii'4r simr,N, syEßMATeillilio6, ....., r.,,. f Lt.S4 or, PIAVEtt, DIZZY' 11EAD, 1.0. S O' pipt-.. ORV AND TlT,,ioAtiNtfi 11IPCTENCE.ANO • Ign BECIEITY, find a SOVEREIGN CURE 171 1 7 1 UM. ' Pit ItEYS *- 1.1031E0P - .A'rIVO — SPEMFIC - A'o. T‘vilsl TY- 1 . 1(i ill'. - ' - -' ' I •-" • fr - ,' - CoMpo.INI of tin' most sailmailo mild and p0t,61.-cu,,' retires, they vtriloi at once the refit of tl."tuattify, tone, i pP the r 3 kohl, timPt'llic dlffehargeyt, and 'impart visor Iwo elicivv. life .in il vitality to 'the entire manc They i h kVe , cm. d tlinutainds of rases. l'rice $5 per paeltrigeof . 11 c 110 X , s, etel l ‘ tot, or 1:1.1 per .144;10 hex. Sold li r y slt mg gri,ts, and At's* I`, 11 wail 4111, igveipt 01 I,Tice. Address it GAI PII It EYS'"„ 0 , 111011 , 10. I(t)NI4OPAT,4IO, " 31 .EDU Ci.Nl , , CO , MI2 flanalM'Ai", NE,ls Year.. _ : ..1'"1'41,4-13.' Inarber of 1 lis lo article by 'ty to qauvq" 'Explanation. ,actQristio9 of poein. A ie. stullwr of • vlc•titri, 11),3- 11.1 I'. D. .211(4r:"2 ltuniaßee els:, Jr.. 'lie Far , ive DC1!1,)- 111 1t0.46n: • I • . -• 7'o. caNgILYPTIO'S - •-The 11 r. 1:11A all-A. -WlLSO:irwill -*wrt/ (free of charge) to nil n in, .le,ire it, the IttaNrilitiext vjth , the reeliotert fur tang lor dial 'Bing the bithor tfilnedy lv wn , 4 of n lung affectinu ntOslintA (head (li-ehzi , 'J'vloquitpti ,, a. Ille only at ic'e't Pi to Leneflt the n(111041 n»4l he hopes ororY " ,111- "rer V ll try (till Mc ofiptinnt Hi it %I ill clPsh them nethibg, az til iney prove, I.lo: v amr. Plen-.• add) I - NV 1 LSON .21niaaf4-Iyo • ' King.) Co., N.l:•' drisiill.:ll,lr; '6ll , or 'Ilk: A. -r N r NtiIIUVITCY': IV es tern I)iarriorbr •VIL , rr : wt om-it-inny everycotir — llll3 - 1111irr." - I Sign}t Pct y untie f 4g. 111 , ,,,tAtiyo lifp1)0 lir Tiogn Co. Pe'nn'n, who has moon ntijmigod n finn l krupt upon ion . thu Di4iriet Curt of 6a1,1 District. M. V. I:i.trili • 22 ' , ye/m, 2 3 . ?:eimar, Fob. 5, 181387t1 101 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa wiaNxr THOTOGRIPII GALLERY IT WELLSBORO,' , NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. „,i, • _ - 1/rESSRS. KING- d; EASTMAN' , would 11j form their friends and the public generally that they have fitted nil.' a • now'Photograph Gal lery in the best Ressible style, slaving ono of best SKY-LIGITTS idthatato, wo are prepared to take all styles TA Li sire of FiC itt - ” • PHOTOGRAPHS, • AMBROTYPES INItLANECSTYPES in thLbest artistic manner, for LOcktits or Cisep, Inrgo or small. largo PIIOTOGRAPITS'6iiiad from Atuall,Cards or old Daguerreotypes of do ceased friends. No trouble to take .f.c.lllLDßENsP ., cpiervitgaq Bring them along, • • IStimplo proofs' ways gtven whorl entered.— C.1"1"5, and ;,. • ;,; AO Gallery ovor Eaotantinla Dental Office, Fifth poor llol l ow Ro7'p Drug.Storo. i. • • ; Ii..IIIASTMAN. .on. 15, 1508-Iy. , , • =MIMMEEM GROUND PLASTER , . at 'T BALDWIN & CO'S - Pu. Jan. 15, .1868-2 w. . _ 3E35;)3C4.1JP T Go to Apr t x,Ers and tho LcitostArrival of WALL ix GODS'! Corsi ing!of n gchtiiitl esdortmont ot cn Z • Ct 2 : PA MI ..., : ' r-1 ri.:2 . c) •co ci : NV E9 4 04 , ~..i w - tf) ~ z P 4 ,o - 'P4 *a -. 0 • pq Z.: , o . , '14115..711,Y's CORSET AND. SKIRT S, PPCM.TERS, AT s. .. , B!EMiI scar ax ro slum mnu eq) 009 pun uno mar NEW ,DRESS GOODS A`l KELLEY'S. 9aa%1411 S'IMV,II9 40 111(Xl . ! GENTS? , FE7,lt_s - AT . KELLEY'S it4r- No charge for SHOWING GOODS at C. ID, CELL - fa - 1S • %3 • . nirt ; - 7 , Stoves & Tilt - Ware FOR, THE • MILLION. tiothfgHrLaiand strinll,—if you 1) hoop • - PhAtt 14111 2 ftit+l I LY iynii ninst have enough to ont;ar.twootl, a good yvoll-poliarod 4:o4tdren, and t crown all, o . r" I ) stOLEDlJMNfilfolltiri This last_an&grosirniirg 'tided, 1' have attny..Tin, and Stove establishment, opiScisito - Roy's lyeilsboro, and its name is the HOME COMPANIO:Ii 'inl . - oti"%11 hands utltoltted tole' equal tit'aitiln'ttie 1 TIN WARTI -WAS to' 'ORDER, 'promptly, and warranted to give - eatiefeetion , REP:Ai/USG ; 1 , a:tatted tti' the bast manner and with dispatch ; CALL AND SEE ME Wellisborough, Nov. 21, 18617 NEW FJItMJ NEW GOODS • '-.2. AT TIOGA, PA. :WICKHAM J PARR, having taken advanL tage r ol-thor late- clociitig by the ' market, have' receidod ihdtr stook and aro prepared ta :furnish those in want of . r GOO ' ' ' r. • . A'alle lowest cash rates. The stook consists of a oneral nasortment of . • -- AN, p, VANKBE NOTIONS, i s fr i. :11 ' Llotb ttaple and• i'amei -04 it,,f,''Otigl3)(4 d Shoes, a PAK, PLO,OI,:SUGAR, T:EAS, 041 4 0 r ,Artiojos too , n,tl4\ll/2Ufi tt? rnen dtion: shty:',o ,Iserotittnts, F.ormors, and all nthera in want of P P..l‘. or CIDER BAA- D,R1.8 ) -11D 4 141)-14—Ft R td7.lWiilsTD — Th Ts; ihnt ttoy ann firld-them inrany retu s(orii. — .2lirs work i 4 nll . tra itg quality, Auto, tn . ttnticqqty . rA 11 . cw ;1;0 i (pry , . I r tV.lelillAll .4 PARR. , Doo, 11, 1867. ~.,.. ie~iSi!~~n~ OE . .. D. P. ROBERTS AND NtWIdES, ME T6getlief with Great Bar airs Dry Goods. , Every one in nee'd• of Dry "Gooch!, ivho desires • to ieohro tho • FULL WORTH OF THEIR MONEY, and to buy Goods cheaper on an avorago of Pri-, cos than at any time during the past 6 years, can do so byokallineon tho subscribers, 3 CONCERT BLOCK', CORNING, Our tt took is 73early aßner and all,put , in at tAo • t • MOM NEW SCALE OP LOW PRICES. Read the following list and compare it with the prices of the past 2 or 3 years apd decide for • ,• : r j ; Cvnuton Prints, „„ ..,.,.. ..... .... ~...,B,ets Gookl ~: ',.._ ... ,'" '• i" ..... ...... ,10'."" Wltrrantod ftesteolored . Filtile . 1.2. " lleavy Shootings yard wide ' 121 a 4 , Dino Brown Shootings 12.1 " Fine Blea.ohed it 12i. xtod Flannole twilled or plain, 25, 311, 37/04,50 (troy Flannels twilled, ' " ' 311, 3M 44, 60 I'' a reduction of front 121} to 20 cents yor yd. '4 Fancy phirtings, ,' 311, 44, sd, vary cheap Tieltings; Stripes, Doninui, ICottioky Jeans, Cot. tonados, are reduced full as much. STILL GREATER BARGAINS IN , DRESS_ GOODS. , • „,.. , „ . • • 80 in. wide handsomo tine Fronch Mcrinoes„7s 38 " .: .$ " If 4( 1,00 40 " " extra qualities " .. 1,25 in all colors in each lot. They aro full 30 per coat loss than tho prices of 80 days ago, and aro the beat bargains in the County. empress Cloths, -Alpacas anti Paramettas aro equally cheap.— Any ono in need of -Winter Dress Goods will do . ~. well to call on us. SHAWLS, CLOAKS AND CLOAK CLOTHS ARE VERY CHEAP. . , `We belie made tho following roduotions from • the prices of 30 days ago. .0 $O,OO oublo Shawls, good colors, now $4,60 $7,00. oubio Shawls, good colors, now 5,50 $7,50 Double Shawls, extra Twilit lee, pow: COO, $9,00 Eloutdo,Shatvls, extra Aualities, now' 7,00 $3,00 Beaver Cloth, li Yards wide, now 2,60 $4,00 Beavbr Cloth, li yards wide, now 3,50 $4,50 Beaver Cloth, 1* yds wide, Black, now 3,60 $5,00 to $7OO Beaver White Back Chinchilla, , best quality in market, now 5,00 These goods, worn all considered cheap at our first prices one tnonth ago. • KELLEY'S FURS are reduced full 30 per cent. Our BOOT AND SHOE . STOCK is full of bargains. - We sell Women's Morrocco Balnierals, $1,50_ _ Wo soil Women's Kip Shoes, 1,50 Also large lots of Fine Work, such as taitan; Polish, Balmoral, and Congress, in Bid, Morrocco and Serge, for Ladies, Misses and _Children at the Lowest Prices the Market will afford. We buy Goods almost daffy, and se everything Cheap Deo. 4;,1867. ' Corning, N. Y. The 3123amemas. Books, Stationery & Fancy Artieles HUGH YOT_TN6 , 11/43 just returned from New York whore be carofully selected a full assortment of eserything iu his line of Mildness. . BOOKS. The latest publications of the best authors; Gift Books for young and old; The poems of all the standard authors; Novels without number; Biography and Travois; •Bibles (pocket and thin= ily) in all styles of binding; Prayer Books, Bap tist, Methodist, hna Presbyterian Hymn Books, In dl] styles and at various prices., N. 8.. All books sold at publishers' prices:— Law, Medical, and Music ,Boolts• furnished — to order. • - '11011it'" , Every ariety of Spoilers, 4teatlefe, Arillute. 'tics, Alge ras, Goomotrles, Geographies, Histo ries, &c. .. 0., sold or used in any soluiol or acad emy in A: county at ill° lowoitprices. BLANK BOOKS. Ledgers Day Books , Journals, Memorandums, Pass Book s, ' MAD Books, Diaries for 1868, and all sizes and styles of Binding, for either Mer ; chants, Farmers, Mechanics, or Lumbermen..— The largest stock over brought into the County. STATIONERY. Inks 9t all 41n4s, Mucilage, ,Fens of•the beat makers; Quills, - Bair Pencils, Lead ;Pencils of all colors. Ink Btanils several vprietiesplotting Fa. per, dommercial, Ladles; and French' tote ,' Bill Paper; Billet, Letter, Foolscap, Legal and Flat Cap' Ailed or plain; and every article ever sold by a stationer. - I have ndiv :as always, the very best assort ment, and- the i Aurgetitialock of . Wall Papers in the County. Gilt, StaMpid, Satin, 'White .and 'Brown with Borders to match.. Alsotlido Light, Fire Boards, Cloth and Paper Window Shades, Patent Window Fixtures. (three varieties) and 'Cords, Tassels, le., and everything in this lino. Pictures and Picture Frames. We keep the latter in all usual sites andshopes, square, oval, and rustle, and alkspecial 11413 e will he, made to order at short notice. Picrunns of ali'vatioties (qxcopt oil paintings) tonitattly on hand; Card, Imperial, Cabinet, Medium and 4 4 Photographs, Engravings, Lithographs, Chromos, 'and Prints from 10 cents to thirty.dellars ?itch. FANCY BTKLES, Parlor Ornaments, such as Mitlalc. Busts of the Poets; ornamental Ink Stands, Writing Desks, Match Safes, Vases, Mugs, Dulls, and other Toys fur ohildron.old and young. Yankee Notions. r , frictinding Pocket Books, Banker's Cases, BockbV.Rnives, Scissors, and a hundred other trap - ea that sort. • MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. • Violins, r4cl the hest Itnlian Strings for thorn; Flutek , , -13aAins,- GiAtars, Clarionets, Accordions, F goncQrtinas, awl all sorts of MusiCol floods. •i ; i._ i: • --- Fitatti .. . . . :-•-• ,' 4 i' -, ,tepu ... r . •-'' no.— kot to soled a Holiday Ilresent fur a ...lie, brother, sister, father, mother or lover, call at the Bazaar Leforo going elsewhere. Nov. 1$ 1897.-tf AU4a4dOVNGA t 1 IN ypuisolvea it 'II ant. not :cheap, WALE PAPER. lailmcoeltaliorry DRUG AND BOOK STORE ' BRICK BLOCK, A.NSFIF,T 4 D, . fi C. V. ELLIOTT, M. D., f„ - ; 1 ' ... 11409*-pstarnea &m•Npw York with a full as, aortment of • DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS;- PERFUMERY, 1 7 AIMEE NOTIONS, BOOKS, , STATIONEBY, CHINA 8b BOHEMIAN WARE, 'i •~ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, _TOYS, and all other articlesfoutul - in a FIRST CLASS, DRUG .AND BOOK STORE 1 Whioh he offers at prices DEETINQ COMPETITION. Rometitber, in the BRICK BLOCK, Main Street,- 2 doors below Welisboro Street, Nov. 13; 1867.-3 m Tiaeci• R. Bowed & Co., • IT AVE just received from tho city a large and varied assortment of , • G : 01:3°S. Bought since the decline in prices, and will be sold accordingly; We respoctfully' invitO atten e tion to our 'stock . _ • ..,.. CASSIMERES,' BE A "gin CLOTHS, , TWEEDS, FL NELS, MERINOS, I EMPRESS -,OLOTIIS; AL APAOAS) and: othei' DRESS GOODS f and RESS TRIMMINGS ; • . .. _ . . • Also, a largo and now aasortmont of READY MADE CLOTHING, LADIES FIIRS—ii nice assortment, nt* and cheap. BON-TON, and other kinds of HOOP YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND i CAPS; HAR DWARE CROCKERY, GROCERIES, HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, And many other things which we will be pleased to shoW to all who will call and exaraino our I, Stosek of Goods A - Before p anteing eleowbore, as we believo it will pay you for your time and trouble. SMALL PROFITS, QUIOK SALES, & READY PAY IS OUR MOTTO. • Don'tforkot to call nt 0314 ' 'l. • EIMP# 4 O, More l No. 1 Union Block. Wolleboro i Nov. 18, 18137. b _i !,.' ~ , - w 1 : it PENN'A. M WALLPAPER CALL AND BEE MANSFIELD, PA OE ,1 also, a largo lino oe at groatly reduced prloos SKIRTS, . .IPCOX.JiMr'Sr ILL SELL FOR CASH, ERICAN ANp atches Cheaper than they can bo bought elsewhere. Also. tt Silver Plated Ware Silvo which babas a lario assortment. -• LOCKS, of all styles and prices. i EWELRY all the latest styles ', i~ .~~~ ;BOHEMIAN VASES AND TOILET SETTS ERRA COTTA ANDJJAVA erman Students' Lamp. LORENCE ANDi• E. HOWE IN ,EWDTG -11ACHINEE-: - M" 13.1767. • ANDREW '14:417. 'ls: ov . BAUM & DI AR,' RECEIVING their stock of FA INTER 001), nsiating of a general assortnnt of RY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, .SHAWLS, KNIT GOODS, ! HOOP SKIRTS, BALtIOREL SKIRTS, SILKS, DOMES TICS, FLANNELS, Ladies' • Cloakings, Cloths and Cassi mores, Gloves and Mittens, ots and Shoes, DY-MADE CLOTHING, I 1 REA Under kee Clothing, Hats and Caps, Yan- Notions, Carpets 011 011 Clotha, 'ape i r_ Hang, ing - s, r_o_corles, Etams Sugars, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Fish, Oils, Paints, Spices, Extracts, Wooden Ware, Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Baskets, Ware, Crockely, alais Ware, tationery, Salt, Nails, Iron Stone Ware. I Hard In fact, a general assortment and as large a stock as you will find to select from outside of the city. All kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken In exchange for Goode. We buy good goods and will]soll as cheap as anybody. tround Plaster% onstantly on bond. T. L. BALDWIN & CO et. 9, 1867. Tiogn, Pa., 0 FARMERS', ''..CIJA:Net.]:: • C. G. \TAIT Ii,iILKENBURG Sc BRO. EXCH R ANO for Farmoo(l4o'4nd Ciirb,'On the prhiciple that. "even exehange fat no PORK, TIMIS, SHOULDERS,. WHITE FISII, litteKERPL,' 'co.Dpisn, SIOKED "IIILItUT; • FLOUR, CORN NEitlo,, DUCIEWIIEAT FLOUR, FEED, LeC.i- &C.- -- ;"'' liro have no arnbitirp fol. get rich foster• than 'Air neighbors who ara.cqually industrious'; nor are we desirous .of running nil creation that we may have isfordto cat; drink, treat., and To Lay By. for 'a Rainy. Day. As an evidence that we de et fairly and square. ly with our customers; ro print to the fact that our run of custom has steadily -inereased from - the first, and promises to grow considerably tar • ger, . HARD TIMES OR. NO HARD TIMES We pay CASTi fur PROVUCE, and keep up With the market prices. '' • TOWNSEND'S OLD STAND, MAIN ) STREET,,.IVELLSBORO, PENN'A Sept. 11, Iso7-11. Public Benefit A . MONG the useful improvements of the day, there aro few that give 'mere promise of good, few .so well adapted to relieve humansuf fering, few so well oppEored by the public as that new and powerful remedy called Salutifer, (or as tko German peoplticall it licalthhanger). It gives case and comfort to the poor sufferer from Neuralgia and Rheumatism, cud brings speedy relief to that large class of f.istascs that aro often cured arid always benefited Ey an out wai-d appliontion. For sale by all Druggists. Wbolosalo Depot DAY, HOAGLAND it, STI: GER, 7Co 54 Courtlad& St. Now York. DE,SITISTRY.--DR, D. D. W lIIPPLE IS. permanently located at K.NOXVILLE, ugn county; Pa., - for the purpo.,c Of doing all kinds orDentistry, in a style that suit the liatient!. Otherwise no obeli - fel - Made.' Teeth ex tracted-without pain. Booms-at thi 'Hotel. All operations warranted, and charges light. Knoxville, Dee. 2,5, 1807-3 m New 1-Karriess Shop. L. KIMBALL desires to announe to his those scanting I friends, and all the anting lurness, that they can be accommodated at his new 'hop, over E. li. Kimball's Grocery, Main-'t„ Wells boro, Ya. [.ec. 25, 18571 . SURVEYOR A; DRAFTSMAN.—OrdOT loft at hia room, Townsend: Hotel, Wellshoro, 1.1.60 t with prompt atichtion. - Jan. P. IS67.—it. LICENSED AUCTIONED-R.—H. 0. WAGE, an experienced Auctioneer trotnjCaliterilia, respectfully notifies the people of Welhboro and vicinity, that he is prf.p.tre:il to rez , nund to orders to officiate at 1 7 ;endlies, promptly. Orders by _— mail promptly altopticci ltesidence ever the Moat .Mat Din 8 ISGS—tfl LETTEIIS bavito , "been granted to the undeild;:ned ulo.n till - lan' will and teetatnent of ;Taco:, II: n, , Lite of ,Middlebury, deed, all pen-on , havin.; daitas agtlinst, or ow ing said tes4atcr. are tuluected t' present, and pay to • SEYMOUR, IS6B-6w TETTERS Testamentary haring Leon granted jto the undersigned upon the lmit will and testament of'Jonathen• Seamans lap) of Westfield deed, all persnns Indebted to the'estate, and all having claims the same, will settle with J. M. SEAMANS, Ex'r. Westfiield, Jan. 22, 1867—GC, Administrator's Notice, sulieribor will rnal:c a fin:ll disfributipn of tho proceeds of tho (u•tato',of tho Into .T. B. Murphy, The creditors of saia estrito aro to ikuoated to nalt t t hitt alien in -V.rallsboro. ' Jnn. 1663.—it PUMPS PUMPS I PUMPS/I IiBSCRIBER br.rir,g engngs...l in the wooden Pomp tal!-in('Es shard of public patroiiz.e. All work warranted. Ordets lett with D. P. Itobcrts Welleborn, or with Abijich nt the loyp:r gate,villbe prompt ly itttondcd j. D STONE. Tioga, Jan. 22, ISCS.-lin3 1 3 i y !L and FAR2I FOR SALE. S.l] UATED about half a mils from Whitney's Cortienz, Charluton, and Eve ar.d a half miles Irma Well,boro ;• containing 162 acre and usual allowance; ttLperi.s nr,der improvt ment; a coin fortable hou.-. , e. and good ha rm and apple orchard thoroon. This is tt lirsi.!pla , 's dairy farm, half mile from a Clicesu factory. ~'l2lo3:lFtork and farming • implements can bot:4;itt: with the farm if de,lired.' I ail] also sell n three year old g (e - y colt, good and serf 'could° boast EL IA 'TIPPLE. Bast Charleston, .1:In. 22, 1813S-4n,' Administrator's Notice, TETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION baying J been•granted to the undersilined on the es tato of Moses S. Balde in, late Lawrence. de ceased, all persons indebted to, orbavinf.rolaitns again,lit said estate, v.lll call and settle with :NI E JAC lINT 11. BA LD WIN) Lawrenoe, - or Tilos. L. BALDWIN, Ti 0,41. Jan. S. I SCS-Gtil I A HAPPY NEW ALL. Flock of N FLOIIR„FEED, MEAL, PORK, SALT, is being constantly replenikhed, svbieh I tun ever ready to exchange for Greenbacks, Grain, Butter, Eggs, Pon_Uri; Dried Fruit, Lard, lallouk& 'Sheep Pelts, or anything that *ill bring the WHEREWITH to pay debts and keep business going. - Times are tight, but ire all must live. So Come flung. 'The place you'll fiud in Mozartalloolt, next door to Conyers a Osgeutl. January 1, 1.4138. M. R. PRINCE. Far t = for Sale. A PA p.M \ : f 10 Here:,.4ivated about 3 miles Xi southwe t of, Tiowa County, Pa., in Delmar. 'Within ..7, of a Olio °IA large Cliecea and Butter . Paetnr.i., .102 acres improved and nearly free from stumps anduni. ) er good cultiva tion. One,of the best dairy farms in the county. Well watered with never tailing bpring-F.; School llottie\ithin a tew r.-5,1. The unimproved portion is heavily timbered, 4; with er.m,ideralde pine . Upon thi:: farm there ~e a large frame house, well finklied, a,x , bou . ::0 x .10 wagon bc4o a large grain ha rt:C ., ' " ~.,din. 044 - Idled, atiacoll er necessary ripnifill'E - rs, and an iiichlird ef'#. ward t"f :itd) tve.:l , a,,-':!. ~ 'Le vorerty ' ,•:L'ti, be had chew e. 3 terms:eril - -"?. -- "Impiire or , . In 11. I). EAS I TMAN.A Well.,:Joro Pa. J:1,11 ' 1.5 ISGS—tf. FURNITURE ! .\ CrTHERToN would ittfertn his friends r • awl the public generally, that ho has open ed Furniture Store, in Oepp Tloga County, where La keeps eonsiantly on hand all kinds of Franitin e—all of which ho afliite au low fore.t:h as eau be bought at any other ootabitehumit in the Connty Nov. 21r, 1867.-11. •1 Down it •c 4 :. ief. i n' IYLE;.klrerreii in large akNyt,eiLNl",-lViE.llt the lirA in marl.;ct. To be t sold at reduced. pri ce% :.. - 14aug,67. FLAX-SLED—Oer , II pa kl C r Fla x sood iiy P. R WIL LIAR'S•st Co. T ° LAWYERyS— .IIANKRtI3P'iOY ir) L A NA'S, in fall setts. at , VOLTKG'S BOOKSTORE.. lgoor sqwys ? at PAlteryi" Remember tho place, Thos. Li. 337iien Executor's lotice Bxecutor. 7 :3 Notice:. AY9I. B C 1111, Ad . _ AND PROVISIONB, De LANO & CO'S. Executor .TlER'rox