The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, February 12, 1868, Image 2
CONGRESS. S=ATE, Jan e 30.—A bill was offered granting aid for a railway and telegraph from Idaho to Oregon . . A: hill for protecLuln of witnesses was introduced. „ • .•:f - '• The .4.d.aitlinial Tenure-of-Ofnce bill came up. "The - discussion was very spirited, and some charges were .ukacte against the action of many classes\ of GoVernmem employes. -_The-SapplymenAttlßeconstructiott bill wa4-tliehuiscussed,, until the cid , r,e of the session. • llowe secured thelloor, but, gave way to allow the of the re, „ port of thei....;olllllllaCCrof Conferenceun the Cotton 'fax hill. The Committed. recommend receding from ,the Senatr ainendinent, and substitute a provisio exempti sig. cotton impoi-ted front abroad' after - November:MS. - ,1 ; HousE, Jan. tlO.-3.1 . r. Scokeld ()tiered a resolution to I nvefAlg - ate charges made in the newspapers that J mltice Field of the Supreme t.:ourt had publicly and in rut improper \ray f 7 ,lven opinion up on questions pending,- and proplicied what-the decision of the Court would be. (Time matter.referred to 13 the . Tic-- construction acts.) Time resolution vas adopted, only one Democrat in favor to 1G Republicans to 43 Democritt r o p poq ed, , DiiellsrAoll wits then rrumed Upon the bill to protect citizens ;ibroad. No vote tray taken. Tim amendments to.tbeAVll6l;3 . Me ters 'bill were concurred Thd f3enato dmendment::: to the bill !of the sale of thc., iron-viLuk 'NV oro con curred In. A bill was - reported extending. the grant Of _three months extra,pav to all volunteer ollieers below the grade of Brigadier-General who were Mustered into the service of the United i..:tate.s be fore A - pril 20, and honorably taus teredr t. SE *ATE, .Tau: 31.—The Joint renin tion of the me of Ohio, re.4cind ing the agreement of that State to the Constitutional Amendment, NVIli Pre sel: ILA, and, after a long debate, it was referred to the Judiciary Committee, with'ilistruction.l to repoLt upon its, le gality. T 1: e Tenure-of-Office amenqhnents went' di: , ,e,uo:,ed, during lite ink:ming hour. 11.ecowits uction bill swat:, taken up, and Mr. Bowe of 'Winer:l:sin made an elalairate speech. Adjourned -Mon day. . Jan. 31.—A joint\ resolution 'wtv3oll'ered for otlici 1 informa tion fit regard to the recent action of the Ohio Legislattive in attempting to re.ieind that States rutilicalaml bt the CynAivational (X.l.Vtii) Amendment.— lt was ni9aitit , ii so :t7l to insuuct the Judiciary Committee to I epoi iN nether a State has a riOit to wiiiidraw such assent, and in tirit forilaiiopted. 1 hill to Mite Freedmen's. Bureau V:113 re; Or ed. 'Cho report o. .110 (.343111CretIvo Coln rnlttee on the It:peal of the Cotton Tax agreed to:Lit to . .16. The )10W goes to the Pee,:ident. Tile Naval Apbropriation Mil :w:nunt, '.,513,093,04N Wrni repoi•ted, and mii , le the :,,pecial order for Feb: 2E:TATE, Feb. was presented from Pciiii, , y)k dcinand ing the removal of C11:I/ ICJ Fi'/1'1i•;i..1... 5 1.(1- tllll3 /19 Minit:ter to 1. l 11t Lijtitill, ill COllGUqUellt.e. 01 . iIIJ LileSed iUlll'io 111 tCfC•rt..lte.C. to the i;eninn I.h izoneul. ..bill providing for the tai;tition. of National Bank slit - Ire: waJ adopted. bill for the gradual reduction of th - e, army vt.lo retericti. Wili-on introduced a bill'-for the g radual reduction of the tniii;ary force: ii0L7217. Feb. Ilubilwoll pro po,Fed a bill equivalent to theabolishing or all State Saturalization lAws, and placing-the the General Government. Ile propoi-ed that any alien way become a eitizen Go applica tion to any evi, of r.euud in the Union. "N\'illiaruii offered a bill to author ize an is st e of :Sl.10,000,01)9 of Legal Tender notch to sUpplv the chlicioney in the eurretn , y catiatit by 11w eanecht lion of I,egal Tendei: and Compound .Interestrnotes. Another b:11 wa9 offered • to regulate the payment of the debt and interest thereon. A bill was offered to (NA:11)HO' a Du partment ofJustice. It provides for ti1i..4.„- . l egretary to tie the head of the Law Department ; for an Attorney-General, n "Solicitor-General, and itn assistant for each.; abolishes the olllces on Solicitors to the Departments ; and fdrbids the employment of special counsel by heads of Departments, except when the whole force of the Law Deportment is inefil cientl The iiolieitor ot: the . Court of Claims is also placed within the Depart ment. • Discussion on the Fen inns in Ireland, and the protection of naturalized citi zens, occupied tin} remainder of the session. SENATE, Feb. 4.—After petitions and resolu f lions, the 10 for the protection of witne§ses was pa w& The remainder- of the e.ession was spent in a desultory debate upon the Tenure-of-Orrice bill. Housn, Feb. \ 4.—There was some de bate upon the matter of the protection of citizens abroild, but no vote. There was also &bac upon the bill to return to the Govefinnent the lands granted before the war to aid in the construction of railways in the Southern Btt - ttes. - The most interesting business of the se•,..sion was the reading . of the corres pondence between the President" and Gen. Grant in reference to the surren derim: of the War Office to Mr. Stan ton. The Southern Land bill was again taken up, and discussed until the hour for adjournment. SENATE. Feb. s.—Mr. Morton' intro ) di:cad a bill-to remove the disabilities of Thomas J. Mr. Howard introduced a bill author izing the Eearetary of War to employ counsel in,certain !bases to defend Gene. Meade and Ruger, or any other officer proceeded against because of the Re construction nets. After some discuss ion the resolution was adopted. Mr. Patterson reported a substitute for the proposed amended Tenure of- Office bill, Hot ' T•Feb. u:—The now member from theT; L i ttit District of Ohio was sworn '`• A bill was reported autlibrizing a rail road from Washington, td unite with the Northern Central near the line be tween Pennsylvania and Maryland. The bill forfeiting to the United States certain public lands in the Southern States heretofore granted for railroad construction was adopted, BE3 to 73. itrmixacaNcr—ltp.. CAM:MON.- One of the incidents at the :-zherman preientatiou h; noteworthy, a:trecalling what many are prone to forget. After the ceremony of presentation was over, the company called out for 31.. r. S. S. CoS:, who 'remarked, that at the begin ning of the war its magnitude was nip : derrated by the great body of :;tatellmea, politieiaos, and peop!e. But there were three men who teemed to appreciate its immensity, said qtr. Cox. ,J udge Doug las had (old him, utt hi:; w:.y to Illinois, bet Ore his decceee, that the ‘• war %you'd be trelllendoue-, and the preparations should be Stupendous;" that C2l. :-Ater man had been accounted crazy .beeause he had said that 200,000 men were re quired in the West ; that Senator Cam eron (who wimnever accounted crazy, however, but who i:,.not a mei - 103er of the Committee on Foreign Relations) had thought 1,000,000 would be requir ed ! He proposed to toic-t, the " War 'Minister, whose prescience Wai,..ecittal to the groat eincitency," The toast was receiv(lo with applauFv, and the General cametforward to acknowledge the compliment, amid applause hod eongratulatidhs.—Nationa: There is an old 'Raying that' " t Osttw will break a camel's bitek," lint w kee nothing, wonderful in Linti at; c-it, r o omy knows "a little ierth. will at: to harg6 ship." g -I,Se 13 '0 10 1 ' 4 wiaLLssono, rEmn 'A WED.NESDAY, FEB. 12, 3.8613 Bradford lins imtructed n,r l Grow 'or Vice-President, and teeni; , i to ti 110 dOtlb,t , Or CnlTY:iii!; . the httc..---= With Grant and .1,;„0„rd. bearers of the :411y w-,,111,1 be Invincible. The r - %.",;11: Hat.- TZ e publican Cornmiit Leld :2yrar:t:•::_. last week untintmowdy in:,tineted , for Grant and Fenton. We thi al:, howev er, that if the Vice-Pa•.-hlt-ncy ,c,oe) to the Mid(ille States it helotiy, to Peliwyl - And or all the 11,1<qi mulled in connection with the 1,1:,ce from I'emt sylvrati4o:llr. Grow i, iho 1);o4 worthy 11E; he Is the most. reliahle. cour:42 the old, Distr;(2t will rueopiini?nti (.; The semi-Eli:W.:jai roptirt that G•eneral Grant had violatad his prianie to An drew Johnson in the matter of deliver ing up the - War Office . to :- - ! ;eereti" Stanton-without eon:-ulting the Presi\ dent,•has given t4§ a eorrei:pondenee between the pantie.,, in which General Grant denies, plumply, the alicc..ation that he gifve such a prom ke. The Pres ident deqares flint that Was his under standing of the matter. However, it mattets litile what An drew Johnson may alle•;;c.' There can -be no open gilestion cat verity between Gen.'Grant a)1 1 11 the Pr..3idenT, !Ince the latter stands' impeached as an un ern On ions liar and betray( ro r con CO. An drew Joh nson'a word ta not, worth a rush 1.18 against the lvorti tit Fuelt - a man as Grant, whose fidelity anti honor are as well established as ViaF.,hingto'F. , . Mr. Johnson has net hi': superior again. The question at i ne «ill 110 W go to the people, and their verdiet is not dillieult to predict. • DIGIT Ain:lAD. The work to I , e done by the masses NV 110 COlntitutt; the 1t. , ..pub1ic...n rtrty is plainly defined. it i:i to !u , :l? the Wins of power,in the Imtn.s ot'inen Who haw bul true to the m:tionh tlt , :uLth thick auSl th'n, thron : .o4 : to in , or war an d s sunslih mO oof cetrat:vc pc-ftee. ii ii., i negatii, ely, 4 1 3 ply'vellt , a f :i I. at a ealion ity as the hip.Ue on t (,:oti el into the hands of the party e.!i11in , ..: itst•lf Demo cratic, but which Ishpl f ,l to emlialas the nation in in; eon i. , . t: v..:th. the rao. , jt ahEolute ariatoeratty of modern times. The .object and 32:1 1 .11: eof the Copper head party I; NVC:II tit:II:IC(1'i'; the prop: o.sition—"lVe? ilu;e, ci rt.L:n:" vosi : Is it neceszal%yit:o r.etKtkee our htep. through the evil - Xi - ill lii:-,tory of the le public . for the last twenty-Ike or years, and chow by him logic of Inch and events that that pfirty, which now bids for the anfiTaLes of tl,c people, hat always measured its patriotism by it:- freedom with the ? af ter nearly thirty unqueztioned control of pubiie vacated the chief places of p ~,,,, , the na tion in a condit;onof 1111:.11,•;n1 ond bankruptcy hy..e ;:re of history, open to ~ , , •1 111(.,Ition I.y I 11'110 . (.nll .ro:til • 'he 1:.)11.!1i, , 11 gunge. Wlicu Janie: 1;110h:1111ln IE the Executive Chair withc• ~nut ern Stateeliatl form:Wy piuctici repudiated the Crin;l;tutirm in their adherenee t , } the . ...`,lont.oiner3 - Instrunient. rcitc i. nu Davi.; `rani vice ted and inau[ioratedi l'reOlent of the Southern Confederacy; andt he rupture was its Wide, and as P,o chanaloceupied,the E;:er•litive as it was during the \k - ffi . . if the Union was ever brolzeu up it v, - ;..; lyrokutt up Wfore the ltepulliicatt party ast , umed the control of National aiiitii,. ifithe ever restored to 11`i Itt, (:.d:lte we Mlb- mit that the party which fought to de stroy it is not the hest tit;ent for res toration, Since we must ret race our btcps and produce history to vindicate the claim of the kepubncan party to continued rule, we shall aim to fortify the posi tion beyond the power of opposition to overthrow. We have history as a wit ness that the first :zun of the war was fired upon an Milled States Steam er in Charleston harlot in January, 11861, two months before Mr.' Lincoln took his seat. The Government under took to carry supplies to its own troops in its own fort in Chirleston harbor. The unarmed vessel was attacked by a detatehment of the Southern wing of the Democratic party, and forced to re tire. The meanest war vessel in the Navy could have passed and silenced any battery then erected by the rebel democracy in any harbor of the South. But a Democratic Administration, hav ing the military, naval, and financial power of the nation in its hands, failed to batter down a mud battery of two guns in Charleston harbor. Woikse than -this—when the people demanded the prompt' suppression of the rebellion, a emocratic President u•eakly replied that ho could find " iic> constitutional authority to coerce a I:tate." And a:: if this was pot a :41"C - t eiiot:gh display of weakness, .3.1 r. ,Llochanon handed the popular appeal o-fr to his clever and adroit Attorney Cenei:ll, Jeremiah Black, who responded that the Consti tution nowhere gave t ao Pre,ident pow er to;coerce a borerefgn State that the State was unfinestionably wrong in kicking up a mu: 2, but there was no remedy for it tinder the, otganiC Go buck of that fv_teful hour twenty eight years, to the tilLm whi:nti Andrew Jaekson read and conbtinen _the dele gated powers of the Constitution so differently, and in re:,:i-cet to like action by the Efune.pcoplc ; tell us, if you have enough of ln,rdihooil, that the Democracy of Ifi6o--,2. could Claim' any elpse relationship with the Democracy 0f'1832 I Then, the p.trty- had brains and hers; but twcnty-live years of abject servitude under cat tlie u mas ters had eliminated every 61ement of honor, manhood and pa triotibty from its Composition. It:; leaders hail, 'with oue or two7exceptions, ticlenerated into camp-fafows, intent ettly upon plun der. TI e Southern wint; of the party was officered by men of ability and vast ambitions—awn wilo h a d t w i s t e d their Northern coadjutors around their fingers for ye:it's, givng them the erumbs ag reward for tilieir endurance of the raelc. Thew t_ourliern lead- Ora Werfli in dead eartiat, midi' their 711E2 1 *es w eve not. That cons . i 1 ~ . . tercnce between the* . s—it islthe same emascu -whieh ' 1 ,eouhl not, batter mt.tery- With all the 'min t. force Of the - coUntry hi , ,Whih is to be: tnet 'On 1 he cajnpaignsof 1808. That (1(111101d3i that__ the. _party the country fromuin by tumli u isacrlice, shall be in power, that: it May re j,ll 11114111 c. Give that par power to-day, and in less entontit the ' country will if bound hand and foot, at its hitter, sworn ' enemies, with the 41ternative of n—W,VIL 'Wisdom judges e. lt istory Cannot lie coy hidden out of siGht, in .flit e into which 'the , ' the , people utter ; ,and we greatly miS perof (he people if they are ..y. hazardous experiments Northel n SLR titutAA the di /ate& down n niud ltkvy and nav January, ISC, tj it• Ile-ids liwo• hiCh <:1-Ved 11)c.i clitzydai?.ccl Trtil -tlllle i 1 la% ginomm than a tweh :will find it.o' tht lotTc• of U. that cutuin by oxpei ion up and I= aro ;thout to MIME' (.Ih-i)th:4.4l to t ill this late t is ilisti,a6tl awl as We EAviog (1 hresei►ted the issue upon . • belkye, which the; pkrties' will join ti) make the .1 1 1.-bidental cainPaiLif f we may now I e P.,• 6pefik of .ill false, issues ; certain to be raised by th l _!'unscrUptilous • and -emits culated pal y oPpPsed, to uo. 'Thes'o : will" he legion, Ltd chief 'among them will ip be, that of r :udiation, "In . . fact; of the national Mri , ehtednes. The proposition will not he'll - ide direct, but in form similar to that of, Messrs.. Pendleton and Deitlort, l -40 redeeni - the fueled debt with groent itelcs.' It is enough to Say that no party has the hardihood to car ry out a proposition so fatal to climmer cial valuers. Men may, 'talk about It and urge it,ias the demagogue urges his plea ; but it, is only for political effect. - i Whatever the Government May do in other respects, it mutt pay its debts ac \ •ording to promise, Or it can never bor r w another dollar, at home or abroad. T eery Air equal. , taxation, , raised by the Pendletop bernopracy, had its , viv id illust i ration in that gentleman's, ac tion poll aw 4 etc ago. Being presented with a I'4ll o' taxes on his stool. in a .I\Zatiomil - Bat khe refused to pay. We see that the Matter is to be litigated, and the people will then know just how mach honesty and.honof there is in the class of politicians which dethands the repudiation of a part of the, contract of the Governthent with its creditors. . Probably , the issue a Negro Suffrage will he raised, 'it'4 Usual, and the Preju dices of the ignorant will be appealed to very vehemently. ' This question'was disposed of in Ohio last fall, as well as in Kansas and one or two other West ern States. .It cannot arise in Pennsyl vania this Year, at least. But though , it could not prissibly I come before the people of Pennsylvania for their action in half a century, the bugbear_ would lie brought forward - now, and used to frighten the timid 'and unreasoning. The raising of these false issues% will impart a bitterness to the campaign. Human Passion and prejudice will be u.,,ed by our opponents without stint.— But we have only to go' " right ahead " fillip,; the incitsUre ofiduty as It presents itself each day, holding unreasoning pasion in cheek and 1 avoiding 'heated ,(rife. Never before was"the question wisdom or folly, of right, or .yang, moro clearly lint. We finish this week the relation of a fugitive Slave case which excited much attention in this county years ago. The Who dou l btless have been r,?eognized by many Headers, writes' of what ho SaW unit I:nT, being an actor iu the atlidr. We think our readers will agree with us that the story reads like a romance of the' dark ages. This account is the only connected twcotuit, cl,Trumblished touching the affair, and ea» not fail to interest hundreds of our eitiv.ens. THE LEGISLATURE.—Jan. Mann read in place a bill to enable the trustees of the State Normal School at MaM4l'mid to borrow money. ; Also, a bill to provide for a- Convention to re vise the Constitution of the State. The bill repealing t C-lettysburg, Asylum the Senate. IL forfei concern to the use of The Free Railroad I House and gone to shall see how it fares Jan. 31.—A petition of citizens of part of Union township, Tioga County 1 asking to be annexed to Mclntyre township, Lyconiing County, was pre sented in the Senate, and a bill to ac complish this was read in place the same day. The bill ni l enable the Trus tees of the Mansfield Normal School to borrow money passed the 4ouse. Derail Cony,ention. , . . 1 The Susquehanna Dental Association met in send-annual session at Milton, Pa., on Wednesday, JtM, 16,j808. The object of this Association is, fey lectures, discussions, essays, criticisms and clinic sessions, to elevate the; standardof den tal sdience,• promote the 'efficiency of dental prtictice, and' thus consistently secure pecuniary interests. • , At this session the topic of greatst intereA was " The Rubber question." The. di , scussions.upon that subject re sulted in the adoption by the Associa tion of 'the. following resolution, to which wq will - rigidlyl adhere : Resolved, That the members of this Associa tion consider the action of the so-called Good ., car Dental Vulcanite Company irregular, un iittt and an rhsolutc imposition i and that, as a body, we Itii I discard and discourage the use of Lard rubber for dental purposes, and' adopt such Jubzt totes as Ise may severally prefer. 13y corder . o ,' tl,O Association. M. D. S. DQDSON. Secretary. That the public has been educated highly to approve the use for dental phiposes, a compound of caoutcbouc ulphur and mereury,ls well known. That this compound has excellent qual ities none can deny. Thatit is deletrie taus, and sonictinie fatally injurious to health is_equally certain, That there are other substances possessing the de -Arable, without the objectionable coali tie6 of rubber, is now proved beyond a doubt. It is &so well known that the popular demand requires artificial • dentures which can he furnished with great, fa cili►y, rind at IoW pricey, Vuleaui7ed Rubber no longer eoLuefy under that head. A wealthy monopoly, probably toe trifle, purchased the chance to obtain a reissue of the Goodyear rubber patent and having succeeded, they purpose, through the Dental profession, arrogant ly assuming to stipulate our prices as well as thcir taxes, to draw from • the ‘rockets ()I' "The people" from one to two tilillions of dollars l anMartilfir ; To " The peop:::" W OM / P4 13 ‘Y nl 3.91-1 sub, h►it to such extortioli,- .4 1 111 . 11 , YOll resist it by adopting such that' •114 " I'ge7 ommend to be fur superior to tkilther, while no more exptAsive. Let' . hear from you. , P. NEWELL. Manstil i d Jnsi. 27th 1868. I I . . LETPER : PROM ".PAl'." Mt nits Bus, 25, 1668. pEAII Aerrasoit.- 7 "We Mire 'lila the enemy, and they ca were words I heard sequaint,thee 0,40 ill filos , :hlirg this morning, and on inquirioig . what he meant, he said : We h a d no - e l e ttli en tor {null i,diecr. here yesterday, and ch e f ed I atiaight.hairtht Itepuldieune,-gal_ ha ha' ""Wel!. Ito friehill""Saili I. b e li ev e its a very cenaiiinii - t !dog r.lO mai to fill the offi ces 11.1 , Alamo kl, Pad foe . thy lice of me ealf,t see where, talc laugh AI cams "Alt!" relci t he, that's'lli; NI, which You ate aware that Wm., A. Wallace. chairman uf_the Demi:el-16. Star:: Committee I' this State, sent circalls 0 al Outol to' the local lea ad the miter rifled to calomel:co at the bottom and get all the' township irflicers . -and we Iteloadiellne f o ll owe d his aal v Mr out cs.- ! ha! la! Erin-go unmil-E-plurilius-bragli I:11' liver." Seeing.that • , , . my ceptatateoce in !lie intensity of Iris joy at t h e result—was getting info a foreign language, as the latter part ot remarks. /,) jell toil, I loft' him :afflict ui Ilio : tclory,"thinking to myself that if other townships fullotttd our example,--in view of the important, Pr..sidential election this year, the Republic:in tarty would °We a-atibt‘ of giath: tad° to Mr. Wallace for his timely suggestion. which could only be. discharged hr presenting , him with a leather medal, or Ow "Inctri an ra h_ sien" or sonic such` little thing, after w.• have: elected our map, in ISIIB. . I n env , it should be ijceiQrd that a medal shall in' given :Am, I suggest the following inscription: In your orders we, can trace, • I Hatred rgainst 'a 91yet log race; Ycit you're the than th 4 signed by fate, • • • To help the right in Silty, Eight! If that, don't do, la;t hue know, and I'll write to Geo. Franchi Train' (whom the parental o c ; era .. !mind of England has - introiloced to her' L'astilos) for something bettOr.- • • • • OA 401 instant, there wits n public meting - of 1 1 Indirs adapted citizens held at the Union School House, lllosshurg, for this purpose'ot" giving:ex pression to. their views regarding, the rights'of eirwens abroad. Henry Ifollend. 'Was ..elected chairman, and, llyde,,i , cretairy. Speeches were made on the rights and:ladies of naturalized citizens, and the necessity that:et:la's for Misgov ernment in' at once define their Antos anti protect, them in their rights at American citizen by Mr. Holland:, Dr, P, Cohn - Inc, .1. Fitv.,gertild, Jr:, PAW tev. Mr. Kern.- ltesolut ions were then adop ted express:vo of the feelings of the. meetiog, and else petitions signed which watt; ordered to be sent to S.. F. Wilson, 'M. C., and the U.B. Sena-- tors from this State. The large laudieuce present mhnifested n vety deep interest in the proceed, ings. 'A largo number 9f letters were received tenor distinguished. gentiainicu who 'could not be present. Ono of the Iron.' Munition Ward's constituents who resides in Ilornellsville, N. went to Ire land some months mince to soh 'his' mother who whowas flying, ,Re was arrested by the British government four miles from his mother's louse; thrown into jail because ho was an Irish Ameri can, (the habeas Corpus act, as yourtro aware, has been suspended im Ireland since Nov. 1868, and is now suspended), as :they , had no charge whatever against him., lfe slMired the British Magistrate a letter from Congressman Ward to Mr. Adams. Magistrate treated the'letter with lofty contempt, and told the .gentkahan that - ho could only get ont of jail by agreeing to go under' arrest to the- 'nearest seaport town—embarking for AMOViCa, rind pi °raising come beak I I Tho American citizen was obliged• to agree to it' though he did under protest. .•Of course he did not see his flyiug mother. This is stsample of the numerous indignitiei .enffered by American !ens in great Britain. - Square-toed boots and goatees of the American pattern, aro feared and hated over the waters by the, powers that be. as intensely as the F. F.'s of Virginia hated and feared the liberty-loving.Ah olitionists. No wonder, liberty and slavery eau no more lie down peaceably together than can the wolf and the lamb. - JainesAferon, Esq., of Fall Brook, villa has ably tilled the position of Cashier of the Full, Brook Ccal Co. for over ton years, has been appointed to the responaildo'and difficult position, of manager, of that Co. in' fall Brook, in plate of the late Mr. Brewer. Charles L. - Paulson, Esq., formerly of .Lawrenceville, who has been in the employ of the company for about 6 years as book-keeper, 'has also been promoted, and is now Cashier of the Co. at Fall Brook. "Charlie" is deservedly popular, and the general opinion entertained by all classes in this vicinity is, that both arc worthy of their positions, and that the Hon. John Magee, who is 1-'resident: of the Fall Brook Coal Co., has shown his. 'usual appreciation of merit and faithfulness in the matter. • Yours Smoothly, PAT. THELITTLECORPORAL, for February, is 'a vet y fine number. The 'Publisher offers . most beautiful premiums, and unasnul imineetrtents to rake clubs. Terms,. One Dollar a year. A sample copy will he sera flee to any ono who ap plies for it during February. Address Alfred. 1,. Puldisher, Chieaga, 111., . Valuable Farm for ,SYak: Afarm yf three hundred acres, With two hun dred and twenty.tive acres improved. Sit uated ten Miles north of 'pogo, Villrige, on the Tiega ltirt. and Itailroed. Well wfmtered, un der a good -tato of cultivation, and rood build ings. • A ko i four houses and lots for sale in Tioga village. ' T. L. ZiALDWIN. Tito , a, Fib, 12, 1808-tf. i Caution. - N0T10F.,113 hereby given that my-wifo Han- IN nab, ban left my borne and board without just cause or provocation and.l hereby forbid all persons Crow keeping or harboring her on my no. count for I.will not pay any chargos or debts of her contracting. ' lIIItAM SWIAILAR. Feb. 12, 1811S-2w. THE Millibars of Delmar township, will meet in Wellyhoro ° on the last Monday of Feb ruary, inst., fur, the settlement or the accounts of the Treasurer and Supervisors . of the past year. ISRAEL STONE. Clerk. Fob. 12, 1868-IW. lie charter of the ottery, has passed s the assets of the the State! Alch persons nro hereby cautioned against purchasing a auto drawn by iiio in favor of A. S. Charles for $lOO, and dated Aug. 7; IEI7. Said note was obtained by fraud and rnisropro c sentation, and [ shall not pay the same unlesel forced to do so by the Courts. • JOHN SIMMONS. 1161, Feb, 12, 1868-30 ,Scales ! Scales ! Scales ! in has passed the he Senate. - We DM MBE Buffalo Platform Scales, all ordinary sizes, for heavy, and counter ,use, way be Sound at tho•]lardwaro Store of Wm. Roberts, Wellebero. These Scales are the Fairbanks pat ent and have'no snperfor anywhere. They • are made in the bnet•style and have taken the premi um at ell the great exhibitions. I have the sole agency:for these Scales in this WILLIAM ROBERTS. Ivo THE DENTAL PROFESSION in Tioga _JIL Co. Pa., and vicinity : You are invited to meet at the office of the undersigned in Mans. field, Pa., on Thursday, Feb. 20, 1868, at 10 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of taking into con sideration the propriety of - adopting a schedttle of just and uniform prices; together with other subjects relating to the' interests and efficiency of the prefetsion. P. NEWELL, Dentist. Mansfield, Pa . Feb. 5-4 t. IN the District Court of U. S. Western Dist of .Pcuna, in the • Twitter of Lucius Truman, Bankrupt. To whom it may Concern : The undersigned assignee, of Lucius Truman who hes been declared a 13ankrupt upon his own petition, hereby gives notice that a general meet.. ing of the creditors of said Bankrupt will -be hold n t the office of F. E. Smith, Esq., Register p iu Bankruptcy, at Tiogd, Pa., on' Tuesday, sth day of Fob. I$OS, at 10 o'clock A. M„ for the r poses mentioned in the 27th section of the a of Bankruptcy passed March, 2, 1367, and also bat the assignee will thou and there file his acco nt, and npply for a settlement of the same, and a discharge from all liability as assignee. JOII I. MITCHELL, Assignee. Feb. 12, 1363-2t.0 Orphans' Cowl &tr. BVIRTUr of ro ordor of the Orphans' Court of 'fioga County, lsOttml Febrile(ll 3 , 1668, end to us dit-teted, Ite will OXI•OtiO to ppb lic sale at Parr's hotel, 'flogs, Thursday, March 26, 1668, at 2 P. tJ. the following real estute, late of Royal Rose, of - Nitutland, dee'd, to n it : A lot of land In Rutland, lioing lot 1-16 of the allotment of Bingham- lands in said township, bounded north by l;t 143, contracted' to Royal and pin F•tus itosp, eort by for )29 in the name of Rose le Dile, routh by lot 109 in tho nano of R. Smith, find west by Hingham lailds--containing 65.7 acres more or less, contracted to Win. Rose, C r ,O4III99IOXERS ACCOUNT, jr.; t Also— anoth‘r lot of lend in s aid tow raid p Seeley county ordprS Dr nship and do , y services and traver ~„. Pr tiro lIIIIIG cabroyua by the trustees of the Bing- `-.ta cel6lo by 41 - 44 ;MO "A'ov- 7, 1849, doserib. do B hart, county orders Dr ... , ,; _„ , .13,) , ii,nirev at the spwitlyesteorner 4 0 by services and travel ..... ... Cr. (l as 10110). • r.,.• • r•• • , • ou the herd' line y• :"' A IDetWP 61 0 Pg /Pt for,. flo P V Vappess, county ordikrs Dr , . , of , - s%to4ut'P j rTrth 024 iig bI eBTfriaPs gl i ci tr4 v° loony in posz:es.ien I..eura,, v C r , perches, thence north 25° o ert 39.5 perehti.7, -4 "t do JO )I . I PxIPF4 PoI!WrIV4PfP? Pr. 162.5 percher, %Ilene(' tfalill US porches, thenee 4 -• itall'iM FRPI travel, - Pt west 55.8 perches to place of beginning---contei- do (1. - , 1 (lining 51.8 acres wore or less, with usual allow- TLOOA COUNTY, tis. an .'4 .1 ce,for roads.*- • [L. B.] Wo the Commissioners of 'sd.. - - colon ".I • C. H. SEY3IOIJR t do hereby certify, that the foreoin i a corret... I:',. I. STEVEIO, .1 - Adat'rs. statement of the receipts and expenditures e there- I Fa, /2, 18-0 ct.i. . in sot forth. In testimony whereof welhave here. • erut..., Notice. (141ttion. Brook WOW - Fero, Feb. 12, 1968. In Bankruptcy. ISMEILICIZIONICNIINTW P TUN ItEDIPTS AND EXPENDITURM of the Treeettry of Tlogo.,oounty for the year 180. • • ItEOEII6.. Reed froin ColleCtortic.onctty tax,1644 . $118,48 do ' do - ' ' State - 69,43 do ' do - • Bad 54,68 do . do Bounty 1885 141,46 do ''' do County 117,09 . do do 1 State 105,70 do , do Relief 120,26 do do . Bounty. 1860 6579,73 do do County • 1946,02 do do Bounty • - 1807 46,698,83 do - ' do ' .' County 18,418,48" do diy • State , 536,05 do &I Poor , 6896,06 do on seated lands returned by collectors , 187,09 do Cominopwcalth coats - by, Sheriff Tabor . 2;116.81 do redemption of seated and animated laude 1,169,81 do back taxes,' unseated lands 308,67 do overpaid by collectors, Tloga &Corington ' 89,00 ' do by county loans; 1867 42,936,19 do of Liberty town Ship.. ..... . 133,81 do seated and untleated lands, Corer's Sale - 893,00 do payment on note, A. Lugg 20,50 do Commonwealth costs by E. S. Seeley... 25,00 do do, do District Att'y... 4 3 0,00 do cash, P. T. P'.'lVingoto ' . ' 50 do do J. Riberolle, sale hides 0,10 do Jan. 1857, bidet duo Upon settlement. 148,74 , Total ain't $128,734,40 EXPENDITURES Paid E. 8. Seeley, com'r, • ' $342,36 do E. Bart, do 441,90 do P. V. Vastness do 414,00 do Job Rexford do 03,00 Paid W. IL Smith, comers counsel $50,00 do .1. 11, Niles do do 50,00 do Thos, Allen do clerk 700,00 do J. -Emery county Auditor 72,00 do D. L. Atkin do do et al 164,02 do L. Smith et al Travers Jurors 2,080,40 do_ R. 8. Lugg et al, Grand Jurors 764,01 do T. P. Wiugtito, crier 162,00 • do E. Klock of al, constables and tip-staves 673,73 do C. Phillips et al, Justices ' 37,30 do C. Williams et al, assessors 1,070,25. do Cobb .4.,lt'an Gelder et al, Peg 274,75- do 11. Young et al, Blectiolle..- 1 .4 1 7 8 - 0 7t' Paid M. D. Willielni et al,com. costs 3.018,29 do 'L. Tabor of al, do do 38,22 do J. B. Niles, District Attorney 455,00 _tin M. Kelley et al, bounty ou Wild Cats ' , O Henry Allen of al, viewing bridges and bridge views ... 214,08 do A. K. Bogard et al, Bridge Repairs.-- • 2,083,07 do 'W. W. Bentley, Tioga Eoro, New Bridge, 709.25 do Alonzo Otillo et al, damage Improvements 316,06 do henry Allen et al, road views 000,40 do 11. Young et al, stationary... 308,46 do J. F. Donaldson,' cl'k Q. S. 1,223,43 do do Protb'y fees 24,60 Paid J. E. White et al. Inquest on bodies do E. S. &cloy of al, distribut ing assessments, &c do Chas. Williams et al, repair. tug Jail - do T. I'. Wingseo cb al 7 Court blouse cud grounds 38,13 do L. Tabor et al, prisoners 1.022,77 do C. F. Miller, eastern State - Penitentiary Paid O. P. Miller, Lunatic llosp'l... do Tabor, Summoning Ju- - ries. Sheriffs fees do 0. W. Gilbert et al, money re funded:- do C. P. Miller, postagir 'Paid I) II Smith 1 ton coal do T P Wingate cleaning 0 House do Audio Foly for lamps do C F Miller, stamps. discount money, National Bank 11,00 do C F Miller, stamps, discount note in Bank 11,83 L Dean for - seals Reg. office 26,32 do R J Ross on freight &c • 6,56 do M Bullard on express chts 2,28 do D L Dean do do 2,40 do Converse & Osgood, boll rope 1-87 Jo D L Dean repaireprothbitata. ry °Mee- • - 9.13 do Cl' 31111er, d iscount, stamp, 20,88 do Frank tViugate for coal 9,20 do' R.l Bose, empress charges..... 1,00 do Wll Smithpr ct coll'ctg Jdg't 30,00 do C FAtiller, stamps, discount, notes ht Bank 01,83 •do 0. Bullard for tape • 60 Paid Hastings & Co. merchandise, Paid 0. P. Miller, Treas. Commis - Cons, viz Soldiers' Bounty bonds paid,... $87217 60 Ipo 872 18 State tax phid, 1252 44 do 12 52 County Orders paid 23377 26 Bpc 701 82 Poor Orders paid • 12023 88 1M 180 85 Paid 0. F. Miller, Redemption,.._ do Revenue Stamps, Paid W. T. Emery, copy Record, Bounty loan Certificates : Paid principal, oi:i issue Aug. '02.. Interest on the same Paid C. F. 31111er, standard Wrte and Measures, Paid Chas. Black of al weed fuel... Pald D. Hello of 'al twp. Bowl, do 3 W Bailey, et al Jury Cotters, County house Farm: Paid Beni, Austin, int. on mort'ge, $420 00 Peter Green, horses, ' 890 77 Ira Johnston. lumberwagou, 102 60 NV C Sherman, oxen, 210 00 0 W Haile, sett harness, 38 90 D. P. Catlin, for cow, . 55 00 „_lyilliams SL sear apayr t e .. lt tk, T i:Tilitctell, 75 sheep, 150 00 8 Frost,4 cows 200 00 . Williams A; Sears, repairing,— 13 25 Francis, for abotes, 5 00 , 111 Sutton, 1 shote,,, 8 00 P C Ve.nOolder, pdtatoes, 0 00 E Fellows, Buck Bhoop, 4 00 0 0 Guernsey, blacksmithing, 52 3.3 J 0 Dart! tor hay, • • 3 03 J Wortondylco, repairing tools 7 00 E J Purple, barrel, 1 60 D 0 Holden, merchendizo 7 50 h U Gillette, provisions, 0 12 IC B Kelley, morchandizo, 26 89 J II Bunnel, provisions 228 Vanvalken burg & Bro. prov'ue 2 25 A Russel, chop feed, do 120 57 P R Williams, merchandlze.... 708 W T Mothers do , 1 88 E F Jennings for hay 3 75 B Hart, bay, feed and seed ... 64 41 P V Vannes, seed & provisions 11 33 Wright & Bailey, do, 137 77 P Dockstaddr, do 12 00 Mart King,eed . 1 11 26 60 C B Holley, ercbandizo 189 47 IV Roberts, dr 130 26 v , Inowen ' itoberte,l Jo a R. 13owen 4 Co, indze 085 11 Borden. provisions 7 70 D L Dean. reCorder'e fees 2 46 Chas Champ, 47 cords w00d... 06 00 11 Wells 4 Co, lumber ' 7200 , ,IColilu st Patridgo do 110 00 , Chester Patridgo,do 60 00 Moses Wingate, Wing, 10 00 Daniel Holliday, lumber 84 00 A L Bodino do 15 63 0 D Denison do 151 88 0 D Keeney do 295 83 Thaler & 00, , do 248 00 0 W Potter, "dO 607 90 ..‘ . li T Vanhorn' ' do 9 26 Samuel Morgan, do 300 Robert Steele, do 13 64 • E J Putplo, do 2 25 Wm Markham, dr , wg lumber 13 60 - E Hart, work and plank, 16 00 - I Joseph Riberole, for hair 0 60 P. 8 Seeley, trip to Elmira &c 12 00 John Hurt for labor, 1.... 625 E Smith do 165 63 William Hart do 88 12 John Ludlow do 10 00 P V VanNesa, trip to Elmira &c. 17 90 Hiram Bacon, labor , 62 90 Daniel Cole do ...............• 600• W B Boynolde do 840 00, i Susan McConnell labor 26 00 11. Young, blacksmithing... 226 ' Peter Smith, labor 8? 83 Jos Torpy • do ' BOO Hiram Hart do 12 00 John Powell, making brick, 207 60 0 51 Hart, hauling sand &c. 28 00 . A Sprague for labor, 5 00 A Thompaon. blackirmitteg 8 40 E Swope, for labor 40 60 0 Ballenger do " .18 60 ' N Bellegger do 84 Q 0 , ' D Margret!: do • 64 00 • Robert Richardson labor, 21 00 • • Benjamin Smith d 0,.... 1 60 " Cleo 11 Burns, do 67b I e Morris Smith do :-, .19 00 .Y.obn Hart, do - • ~' * 75 E•M Hart . * do' - 350 A M Cloakey do 4 50 -* 0 Austin. boarding, - 50 40 Wm M Hirt for labor, 7 50 Wm Christonat do 675 • John Ballenger do 21 00 • Daniel Bellenger do 18 00 A Smith, do. • 900 TI B May, 0 grain 98 iii. • Lewis Culver do 6 00 Tt` B Smith, do ' `, 4 00 E T Bentley, Com. hp travel 54 60 'C F Veil, .dcl & dfts, 49 S JH Gulick, 11 days serv's 22 00 di M Brookman, builder, 4550 00 For Furniture: D Ritter, chairs, bedst'ds, 18 88 D P Roberts, stove 10 00 Wood. Marsh & Co, Phil. 119 70 W Hyde & Co. Phil. 221 00 , C B Williams &Co Phil.-. 173 00 Lewis & Bro. bedst'ds &o 223 00 • F J-Berriek, knives & forks .9 00 Vance & Landis, spoons etc , 3 28 MUrphi & co. ?hit. books, 31 Op Howard Exp. freight, 75 pa P V VanNass, drayage • l 6 32 " expenses to Phi. 45 00 Beni Austin, furniture, lii 25 Wfi Smith, insurance, 21 4 73' N Austin 'el 110 Total Exponditures for 18G7 887,554 70 unto sot our . handsnil seal of office , this 3lat day of January, A. D. 868. ` • • E. IM ET, , • .P. V. VANNESS, Com?' Aitirt,`? 308 REXFORD. Att l Es,"Clerk. - • ,`-1. 4 ____.— f M. F. MILLIRR, Treasurer ofTioga County , in Am:incl. with said County, from Jan. 22, 1867 to January 18,1887. Outstanding county tax. .1862 8300 08 tib ' Relief tax - do 21 20 do Militia tax do - 35.00 do State tax . do • -31 61 do County tax 1863 110 24 do Relief tax du 52 00 do Militia tar do ' , , 5 18 1 0 1 9 0 doss "'State tax ' - ,_. do do . ' Bounty tax. 1804 287 2D 10 '' County tax . ' da. . 230 19 do Relief tax do 214 74 do State tax ,do . , 122 31 do . Bounty tax ' 1805 , - 470 61 do , County - tax - do , • 284 35 do • State tax do 207 99 do Relief tax du 269 33 do Bounty tax ,1866 11,855 29 do - County tax do 2,621 27 Reed on seated lands returned by col lectors to Jan Bth, 1868 , . ' 187 09 Ree'd Coma'th costs from Sheriff Tabor 2,116,06 do on redemption, seated and un seated tangle:, ...". .. ',.... .. .... :. ' 1,159 81 do On book loxes, seated and un- $ 1 ) 29 ' 2 , 88 . seated lands , 398 67 Ain't Bounty tax amen7o' d ; 186' 853 75 do County tax do , do 23,962 60 do State tax do do 1,660 65 do Pour tax, do do • 11,489 29 do Overpaid collectors Covington , ond i Tlogn - 89 OD wdo loaned by Cotters to Jtio. '6B 42;035 19, do rccelvedi I.4orty twp, aec't of , M Farrar - ' " ' " ' 133 51 do seated and unseated land ' .. $,7274,02 - males by Colu'rs sales 1667... 'do Noto paid by A. Lugg do by E S Sealoy do by District, Attorpoy • do T P IVingato' do by easb oa hides do Wane° duo sottieuet,lB67.,.. 38,60 CR: Outstanding county tax, 1862 , $303 08 do Relief tax di ~ 21 20 do Militia tux d • . 35 00 do State tax dc 31 51 do County tax 1863 • 110 24 do Relief tax lo 52 00 do Militia tax do . i, 18 09 do State tax do ' 51 10 Bounty, comm'an and abatement 1864 287 29 County do do 1804 93 49 Commission, do - 18 24 Outstanding, county do , 57 46 Abatement of State do . l7 13 Commission ,do do 8 26 Outstanding 'do do 99 92 Abatements, Relief, ......... ...... do 128 37 Commission ' 6 do 482 Outstanding do do , 1 82 05 Abate'ts, & oommis'ns bounty, 1865. ! 202 72 Outstanding . do do ' 126 34 Abatements, County do i 28 51 Commissions do do , 87 74 Outstanding do do 101 01 Abatements, State , do 854 Commissions do do -12 46 Outstanding do do 91 29 Abatements, Relief. • do 7 22 Commission de do . 974 Outstanding do do 132 11 •Aba,tement, Bounty, 1866 4703 92 Commission do • do 898 93 Outstanding do do 172 71 Abatement, county $6,340,01 MEI 94,C9 246,91 1,959,77 370.84 427,213 EMM 263,43 4,t6 8,00 2,75 3.4,00 446,85 Oommiseion do Outstanding do do 184 00 Overcharge on duplicatelB 00 - . Pd bounty certificates of Mar. '64 and int. 3309 00 Certificates of Oot, '64 red. and cano'ld, 66970 75 Interest on do - 11421 02 Certificates of Aug. '62 red and cano'd 1376 10 Interest on same . 281 94 Certificates of Aug. '65 • ' do • 6307 00 Interest on same", 489 48 Certificates of Aug. '66 . do - 4907 00 Interest on same 888 65 Certificates of Aug. '66 do 3767 74 Refunded on seated and unseated lands, IpB 36 Abatement, on bounty tax of 1887, 111149 08 Conanisslons do do ql7O 86 Outstanding do do 11435 48 Abatement on county tax do 584 02 Commissions -do do 651 73 Outstanding , do do 3408 37 Abatement, State do 56 36 Commission do do 43 68 Outstandirig do 'do - 924 56 Abatement, Poor do 285 47 Commission do do . 283 86 Outstanding 'do do • 5024 10 Printers, C. & V. & Keeler, '66 & '67 '72 30 Bal. State Treas. receipt Sept 9, 1867 925 07 do do Draft Nov 15, do . 250 00 ............. =taw, -Twoungs. • 5 00 Poor orders red'mod &. cancelled 12023 36 County do do 23377 26 Commission on $87317 66' 1 pr cent 872 18 do 1252 44,1 pr cent, pd state 12 52 do 23377 26, County 3pr et 701 32 do 12023 36, Poor 1a do 180 35 Paid IL C. Bailey, from accountant 2882 59 s $218,82 $2918 $l7BB 37 $B5 88 45 85 198 60 $137610 284 94 $1660 04, 260 76 8516 98 25 20 00 We, tho undersigned Auditors of the County - of Tiogataving audited, settled and adjusted the above accounts of C. F. Miller, Treasurer of said county, do certify that they aro correct as above stated. Witness our hands this 18th day of Tan. 1888. STATEMENT of County Bounty, Liabilities ; lialanee duo by .county on Bounty Liabilities as per statement pub lished Jan. 18117, Amount loaned by Com'ra in 1867 Amount of Bounty Certificates of March 1, 1864. Redeemed and cancelled $1,300 00 bounty certificates of Oct. 1; '64' red'md 50 4 970 75 do do Aug. 1, '62 do 1,375 10 do do do 1, '65 do 6,307 00 do do - do 1,130 do and installments paid Interest paid on above Deduct interest paid as alukve Total am% paid on prinaipal 1807 70,869 Bal. due by County January 18, . -1868, of indobtnesB,- 189 , 476 9.4 4- 8260,335 79 . , We, the undersigaed Auditors of the'County of Tioga, having audited and adjusted the above i l , accounts, do certify . the ameto be a correct state ment of the indebtedness f the county. Witness our hands the 18th day o &math A. D. 1868. D. L. AI EN, ISRAEL TONE, } Auditors.' DAVID - •.MERON. a E g thution. NOTICE i hereby given thnt a certain note dated at Deerfield, Tioga Co. Pa., Aug. 7, 1867, - due in six months for one hundred dollars, and payable to B. S. Chalets or order was ob tained by false representations, and without con aid tion, and that! hold said Charles' contract axone me from all obligation to pay said note tint has fulfilled all his part which he has failed to do. I give this notice that I shall not pay said note unless compelled by law. ABEL • HOYT. Deerfield, Feb. 5, 186578vr.. HILL'S HOTEL, WESTFIELD liorotigh, Tioga Co. Pa., E. G. Hill, Proprietor. A new and sommodions building with all the modern 'improvements. Within easy drives of thebest bunting and fish. ing pounds In Northern Penn's. Conveyances furnished. Terme moderato. Feb. 5,1868-Iy. DEEDS, SEEDS !—Clover gepd, Timothy geed, Early Goodrich Potatoes for geed, at Wellsboro, Feb. 1, 18138 7 tf. PRINCE'S. $11,234 92 Afimbistratoff3 -Notice. LETTERS of Admlstration hiying been granted to the ututersigaed on , the estate of John T. Ocorr, Into of Gaines, deo'd, all persons having claims against said estate, and all persons indebted to the same trill settle witb , SHELDON 00 0 RR. Ocoola, Feb. b, IW—et. Admr. $342 80 4 . 42 36 44196 44t 98 414 96 41496 93 66 P 3 PP . - "MEW BETH WHEAT EWE. 4.1. WRIGHT & BAILEY'S (`SASH V4I1) FOR ASH LOGS, at Ilodines I,elPh 14. IaIIII4LL. P) )1 V , Pg-tr CI AOg IN(3. rqr flops;i3ro ogq!ity EgUid fin 4P PE , F at Pr*. 0ct.12. DB D. L. AIKEN, ISRAEL STONE, }. Auditors DAVID CAMERON. HE .LAST C4Lt. . 1.21 LL persons indebted to us ei th er by ' note or bo o k. account; must call • an ettle witbonfdolay or costs will be ' m e. WRIGHT & BAILEY. lsboro, nec. 2b1130Y.,tf ' or. 'Sale. • 111111 t ORIST-4 Fl.OllllOll • known L: as,the POrd 141111, In Lawcepocville, this Co. Tbe , proporty is witsurpassed in' 'point, of lueutiot, for oustorn.',and Las ample, capacity far e torinF and manufacturing for home and foreign demand —3 pair silLthe modern improvd meats for uierobant work.. Rebuilt 111 1 1901, anti now in complete order. Possession given at any time after sixty days from date of sale. „ • •. . CHAS. L. FORD. Lawrenceville, Jon. 29, 1813,3-11 w. ISE .lix Bankruptcy. Western District of Peratioylconio, es: rflo w,hour it may CulleCill Thu undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assigneeofJacoli ',arisen of Jackson lathe Coun ty of 'ring% and State - of Pennsylvania, who .has bees adjudged 'd binkruptlifion his own petition by the District Court of said District. C. H. gi.:YMOUR, Tiuga, Jan. 20,' A s , signeec, ALL WISHING TO BUY OW SELF, REAL ESTATE should send fur the Real Estate Recoid, . • A largo stxteon page Journal, issued monthly devoted to, nit matters, laws, facts, mid Stouts ul Interest !Veining to real estate; containing Dill descriptions, with prices, &c., so vorat thou sand properties, including I FRUIT, TRUCK,' & GRAZING FARMS COTTAGES & COUNTRY SEATS, MILL 'PROPERTIES, PLANT ATIONS, TIMBER TRACTS A ti ND MINERAL LANDS Q , For sale in Pennsylvania, Now dorscy, Dela ware, Maryland, Virginia, North Caralina,Teor gin, Florida, Texue, and other §tates, • • SEND FOR A COPY—FREE. TOWNSEND & CO.; 237, South • Sixth'Street , Philadelphia. Tan. 29, 1868-2 w. F '394.00 "20 20 25 00 940 00 dO 6 16 148 174 $171701 10 Orphan's Court Sale. Y virtue of an order of the Orphons Court of Tioga County dated Sept. 107, the un dersigned, Administratrix of the estate'of Samuel T. Wood, deceased, will expose to sale at public vonduo at the Court lloi\se iu Wellsboru, on the 21st day of February, 1858, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described real estate, lat 4 the prop• arty of said decedent, situate in the township pf Covington, Tiogrt county, Pa.. bounded on the north by lands of Reuben Patterson and lands of William Cletunons, on the east by lands of Reu ben Patterson and land of Roxana.liumes, on the south by lands of 'James Clemmohs and on the west by lands of Floridan S. Covert, contain ing one hundred acres of land, with a frame house frame barn, and other out buildings thereon. TERus—s4oo at the day of sale, and the bal ance in 5, years. MARY E. WOOD, Administratrix. TIM GREAT DRAMA '6B t 307 01 206 24 Wilson VanValkenburg's In viow of the contemplated Rnilro to be built to IVollsboro, the propri ooncludod to givo the peoplo bereabo. entertainments through the year, comm the 14th of January. The fast piece, "LIVE AND LET LI Live,..... Let Live, This great drama has drawn erowde, both in this and the old Countries, ' mittod by all to be ono of the most profi tereating, and bet pieces extant Tickets to the Dress Cirele—F, 171701 10, We wish it distinotly understood, classes lof politicians, and oven those .a little Wolfish—and in fact none aro from the Min OF FISIII Whore wo can furnish any style, quality of Gentlemen's wearing apparel notice, and at prices astonishing low. $217,400 80 42,935 19 $260,335 79 Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Ladies' Cloths, and a large variet) . of Ladies' Dross Goods. ' 4,907 00 16,367 83 Beet kinds, and as chimp ai 1116 °he. Ackete to the,Parguette--4i'it $87217 68 16,367 89 PART 14111 RD. In the great Tragedy for the tuned path°, we would not out saying to th, that we also keep averyth ng to repleni: NATEtrcircolo Come one and all and witness the oh tertainment. We do not claim to be 01 , but shall endeavor to do our best to give worth of their money; • NO. 2, UNION BL l' • N. B.—We shall give our patrons tho eft of the !decline in prices, and e thew our th i nks for the very liberal v , heretofore e tended, we solicit a con of the samo. otf Wellsboro, - Jarr.-15, Flour and Feed. ALL kinds of Flour and Food, - and quantity to suit customers, at my filainsbut. N. E. CAL Mainsburg, Jan. 22, Inti-3m To Inn Keepers. NOTICE h hereby given, that no will bp leaned to iun.keepera untit are paid into the treasury of the County cord 1 ace with the law providing that • not o' lawful for the clerk of the Wirt any I dense until the applicant ahalf ha the c rtificate - of tine a e County Treaser fee as been paid. IL C. BAIL W llabero, Sqn. 2 2, Isfis. Tree ESTRAY.—CattIe into the enclosure stibseriber, in Charleston, Juno 15, YEARLING STEER, spotted, star iu fu The owner ;,I,,sequestell -- to pny charges a I him away. Pan. 8,1868-3tl S. FRI ESTRAY.—Canie ipto the enclosure subscriber in Deluittr, about tho iqt a' light red STEER, star in foreheit'd. 'Vh is requested to pay charges and 'reelaint. Jan. 29, 186S-3t. LIRA 1,0 -FT:or gq/P ; A NE IV, SFoli-bogy Quttor, of Into Poet PAs! Tog s f!, PUBLIC BENEFIT i PROGRAJNIAIE PART : FIRST. IN Two CHARACTFRS YA,'N VAL. PART SL'.COND CUTTING DONE ADMIRADL Reserved Seats for (he Ladie Remember the plaoe, WILSON $ VAN VALIigN "10INIEVE -EXCIIAAIc!" I= Old sixty-seven---new sixty-eight— The old sleeps with its fathers; The new _stands knocking. at the tr,ate Of every inortal ; And • ' MATHERS . , ~ (.__;) nL, ICE the . be'es a,htl the heap:, rirld:i his Mit rebewell Ily-thu elia4r, e4n.,1. brEteir . :. litmovheie Li Pinter, and hi: tliAteturtigAth,r. tt MAKE EVEIOI3OpY RICH BROTHERLY LOVE CONTINUES RN. the WRY hove y+ a hoard anyttghg of tho chop who STEAI.i 111- 010,CE.IIIFItI .- !II Fla` BEE-HIVE Ii:XCIIANGE? And olio gives ns n rennin', (and a good reason it .I,,ii - roo) that if n fellow gets caught at fttouling a • tip top ankle ot• - FLOUR, POR-4, MACKERF,t, & PISH, Sugar, Coffee,-Molaßses, Syrup, antlAu ((salt, hu can't Ln uceu►ul ut Itt'CMG ,TU C1114,1T t.iit it at fellow naught at. stealing in purr uriieler and is cvsvic - reo Atm sENT 1)11 ruint.rse must hu I suppose that whin the Lid maids maids Con sole thetnselves;svith the saying §'There's as good fish in Ape- sea as u re ever caught out of it," they don't allude to my MACKEREL.. And when people complain of a bad cough, they don't al lude to my CocanY. But when they P. peilk of the I GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, I suppose they do mean my stock of Teas; NvLick are, as the Elder Weller eaid of advice "WEARY. GOOD AND WERRY CHEAP." lam further able to say that people will eat much or little, in proportion to- their appetite, and pay for much or littN, according to their money. I sell Tea by the quarter pound, of course, but prefer to wholesale it in packages of not less than SIXTEEN OUNCES, and, !by persuasion, eau be inVueed to sell a eheat,of a dnzon pounds to vlie eustomer: -MA THERS FARM PRODUCE Id soon to tors have ts,, daily lencing on intitled, At such rates As shall en3lle buNer and seller t 9 - :Sleep sound o' having. consciences void of offence 4 - Effli Well.iboro, Jan. 8. 'OB. W. T, MATHERS CLOTHING! END UEG PEOPLE houses d is ad able, in- CLOTHING : : that all •ho feel xeluderl CLOTHING!. 3 Itind and On short De LANG 84 Co., HAVE added to their steel,. a Cr(lixiklet, Vie. sortment of ' pest I ,, Lcamiael.w"—Maidr.vicle) L'IIOTHING, n't of the Ladies h thoir Which they offer at 25 per cent leis then sues Goods were ever gold for in ‘e en- Stars, nil the EMEI • WELLSBORO BEFORE Ci-ood suit,' for. OliereOftba, t. 'l l >," &c., ..< 1 , CR. run ben teudiug tronag, linuune 9 BUSH Ds LANG 1 L. BACIA.E. Wellsboro, 20, ISIF.-1y URG L ADIES' Vests and Drawers. at • De LAN() & CO'S CARPETS at Now York Prices, at LANO & CO'S In nny ?dill in INS. C OTTON YARN, qt A tARGE . Stock of Boots and Shoes, at Do LAND CO'S licenses the fees F RENCTI coßsgTs, at • Do LANO & CO': • in :le it ttholl to ieF•uc cc filed hot the FANCY CLP.i'k4NCS, at. LkNO do CQ'S De LANG & CO. Agents for the Susquebon nn Woolen Mills. urn of the 186,7,'a eltead ' d take I ST. MRS. E. .D..-MIT-61.*11, MILLINERY. GO $, of the inst., owner AT COS'?. .A CORDIAL invitation to alt; Cote and see. You will 3et tied a file assort inent of all art ivies pertaining to the Millinery. 147. l';• p• Jan. 22, Streat, 'Ni 10, a. Et* P.' Still, like R ill buy ' and sell EZEI . IMI LANO & CO, De LANG & CO'S fort selling 7,00