The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, February 05, 1868, Image 2

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    could be possibly allotted to me in . this
session of the House. • I
1 -
W,45r, sir, Democratic love—modern ,
--deiteerate Democratic love—in these'
days, Is as variable and us brief as the ,
.love hie!' the great poet describes, I .
belie e, in his Mid-Sonia - ter Night's
'-Dreg: ,; .
"-Ma Riga momentary as a sound,
'Swift as a shadow, - short as any dream,
Brief as the lightning, in the collied
night, - , '
That in a spleen, unfolds both heaven
and earth,
And ere a man hath power to say, be
' hold 1
The jaws of darkness do devour it uP."
If, perchance, a gallant captain of the
army has either the vanity, or the want
of will, to be seduced by the slimy era
-braces of this Democratic lore, Its effect
upon the recipient is wore than the
fable of the Gorgon Sisters; of whom
I believe it is said in mythology, that
serpents sprouted from the heads of all
upon whom they looked. The Demo
cratic love of these modern days eithc r
deserts or destroys its victims. I. beg
pardon, there is one Clas; of individuals
who i constitnte a notable and' ntire ex',.
eeption to the rule I have stated. They
are the vile traitor:;. If the gei l itleman
is correctly reported. in the debate of
yesterday, for the " gallant Lee" and
his comrades Democratic love endures
- 'forever ; it never fails. Mr. Speaker.
lookingat the ConstitutMn, about which
our friends on the other side of the
'House vaunt so much that they love, I
read simply that the President , " shall
nominate, and by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate, shall appoint
ambassadors and other public ministers
and consuls, judges oi' the .Supreme
Court, and ail other officers of the Unit
ed States whose appointments ttre - not
herein otherwise provided for." I in
fer, sir, that the power -vested in the
Senate of the United States to advise
and counsel in)relation to the appoint
-Ing of officers ; implies the right. to the
continuation and effective operation of
their advice and counsel. 1 t is nuga
tory, sir, to insert a provision in the or
ganicslaw of the land that the ;.on ite
shall exercise a controlling voice in he
appointment of officers of time Fetkral
Government, but that after the appo• it
merit is made and confirmed their Id
vice is to have no effect. I infer tbat
}he constitutional provision means: if it
means anything that the Senate of the
United States are to he. consulted and
advised with and to exercise as concur
rent control in relation to env ~libordi._
._ nate:position, and shall asi4k;t, In earry
, ing out the laws of the country.
Mr. JENKS. Will the rentleman
allow. himself to be interrogated .. Sup
pose the Secretary of War should be
come insane. Congress not being in sess
ion, would it not be the duty of the
President of the United St ateS toi. .re
move such officer and supply hi:3 place
for the time being ?
Mr. STRANG. I think the velnark
I was about to make wilt fully answer
- the gentleman. Turning again to the
' ConstiOtion I read, " (2910 , 1 CO shall
have the power to make all l'aw4 which
shall be necessary and proper nar carry
ing into execution the foregoing pOwers'
and all other powers vested by this Con
stitution in - the Government of the
United States or in any dep:rtineut or
officer thereof:" If, sir, lam correct in
the position that the pro ision relating
to the advice and consent of the Senate
in . the appointment,of officers, fairly,
implies that their jugment is to he
consulted in regard to ' i contintiance in
office, then I submit to the_ sober judg
ment of this House an of the country
. whether there can be aty doubt, under
the provision of the 80 1,1031 I have just
- read, of the power of Congress to make
laws and to regulate the continuance in
office of thoSe persons;. ,
In. pursuance of this plain ' provision
of the Constitution, Congiesz: - did pass
what is known as the tenut.e of office
bill, the substance of whien was simply
that although the President nii;sht have
power, during intervals in the sessions.
of Congress, to suspend for any cause
any Officer . in the exercise: or the func-
tions of 1116. office, yet lie suoiticl have
no power to rcrigive, except Tor reasons
which should b Submitted to the con
- sideratiou of the Situate. President
Johnson recognized the validity of that
law.; he suspended liecretary Stanton
from the exercise of the ditties. of his
- office, and in the full recognition -not
only of the constitutionsi provision to
which I.have referred, but of the Con
gressional provision to which I have re
Mr. JENKS, Will the gentleman al
low himself to be interrogated. Sup
pose the President fr of ,the United States
ohould remove a person from office for
sufficient reason, and afterwards, when
Congresii - assemble, They restore him, is
Rot that on the part of the Senate the
exercise of the appointing power, and
if so, is it not clearly unconstitutional ?
Mr. STRANG. My answer to:,the
gentleman is that where an officer is
once appointed by virtue of a constitu
tional provision, by and with the ad
vice and consent of the Senate, a refus
al to concrur in the reasons for his re
moval Is Simply au exercise of original
power, granted by the Constitution \
tI was going on to say that in the full
recognition of the validity, not only of
this constitutional provision, but or the
act of Congress: , President Johnson did
on the thirteenth day of •December, 1887,
send'toAhe Senate of the United States
the evidqfice and' the reasons upon
which he based his suspension of sec-
Tetary Stanton from his official , posi
tion. And in the process of time, in
obedience as I hold not only to the or
ganic law, but to the net of Congress,
the Senate upon ' the consitteration of
that evidence, and those reasons, sini
ply resolved that they did not concur in
• the suspension Of Secretary Stanton.—
That is all there is of it, and the loyal
Ueneral Grant, sir, concurred in the
position taken by the Senate, and very
racefully resigned the position which
' I have no doubt had been vcry onerous
to him during all this tithe;"-The gen
tleman from Bents [Ur. JozrEsl felic
itated himself very much upon the
proud pdsition which the Democratic
- party occupies here. If there is any
thing in the position, of the country to
day out of which the gentleman or his
colleagues can gather any good omen
for the future of the party ,-which they
so ably represent here, they are wet
. come to it all. For my mil part, with
a loyal Republican Congress, with a
Republican Legislature iu this State,
and with not the "gallant Lee," but
the loyal General-Grant, as the stand
ard bearer of the Republican party,:il.
'feel no fear whatever of-the future., 'r,
grant you, and I wish what I may say
upon this question might have its effect
upon the people of this State, very
- where—l grant you - that,-for certain
reasons, the confidence of thejoyal peo
ple of this country In the Republican
party has, to a certain extent, been fail-'
Jng—has, to a certain extent, been fritt
ered away by the action of Congress.—
I do not wonder at it, when a Congress
and Senate of the United States stand
Idly by and see the greatest captain,(-of
the age, the gallant Phil. Sheridan, re-
moved from the position which I under
, take to say ho was better qualified !to
till than any man • living, when they
can sit tamely by and see the various
acts ofi_usurpation which front:- time ;to
thrie--have been coinmitted by theAcCi
dentaßresident of the United States,
toward whom this new-born Democrat
fo love seems to be going'out. Ido not
wonder that the confidence of the peo
ple in their administration of the laws
begins to be shaken. I. hail this action
upon the part of the Senate of the Unit
ed States as an evidence that our loyal
representatives there mean ,to return
without fear of the conSequenees to the
position, that they wit;n: stand by the
men who stood by the country. If they
Willto that, sir, if they will put them
• selves squarelynpon , the record upon
that question, I havt no fears either of
the future of the party of which I hap
pen to be an humble rae:mber, or the fu
ture of the country of hielx . I happen
to bto an humble citizen.
Truth seldom gOes without is scratch;
ed face.
wELLattono, PENN'A
The first gun rif the; campaign has
done great execution. At an election
to fill the vacancy created 'by the, death
of Mr. Hamilton, memlber of C%gress
from the Bth District of Ohio, held on
the 27th ofranuary, Sohn Beatty,
the Republican Candidate, was elected
by over a thousand majority. The ma
jori4rfor Hayes, Republican candidate
for Governor, in 'the same ilistriet, was
246 only—showing a Republid'au gain
of 800 since October . last. Thd--;PTesi
dent and his Copperhead friendsfought
to the utmost to beat Gen. Eeatty, can
vassing the District with their best
speakers. The defeat to them is ,a severe
blow, and gives the sign which: is to
conquer during the campaign of 1868..
See if any Copperhead paper publishe
the news. Now let victory succeed viQO
tory bp to the culminating victory. for
Republican 'principles in NoVeraber.
_ ,
„, 4
The bravest men left- living by rebel
bullets and' commissary whisky are,
without doubt., members of Congress ?
or the Pennsylvania Legislature. - 'The
gieatest, and mosfintioeueus of priyate
citizens often becomes as " jealous of
ttonor arid sudden and quick in quay
as the caballeros of sunny Spann,
or the negro-wolfipers of the <levees
tated South. It exit many days since'
Mr. - Chanler, as mild a mannered man
as ever cut a throat or scuttled a ship,
apparently, flew; into a terrible passion
at.M.r. Julian, a' other scholarly gen
tleman, who nioke resembles a divinity
student than a duelist; and Mr. Chap
let., having envied a sentence, aimed at
Mr. Julian with " coward " proposed to
take an early opportunity to test, the
matter. We suppose that this meant
an invitation to a field where four fools
meet, two shoot, and more or less run
away. We hope it meant something
else, but guess that WllB the inspil•ation
of Mr. Chanter. ,
We have heard nothing further of the
" early opportunity."
But Congre • ss 13 not the only arena
for gladiatorial exhibitions. Not many
days ago, Mr. P. G. Meek, who seems
to have beeti\ fitted and characterized by
his name—that is, as far as looks go—be
ing a member of the Pennsylvania Leg
islatu6, and a man of honor by voca
tion—(being.a printer) made the occa
sion to give the lie to Mr. Mann, of
Potter. We see by the Record that Mr.
Mann subsequently arose to a qmstion
of privilege, affirming that Mr. Meek's
charge was interjected into his speech,
notwithstanding that Mr. Meek never
had the floor to make any remarks at
that time. It now turns out that Mr.
Meek meekly put the charge in his
seat, instead of rising and addressing
the Chair as orderly members are sup
posed to do; and Mr. Meek not so meek
ly got the reporters to. adont hiq mot
tering as a portion of the deblite. • So
the Speaker ordered the offending pas
sage expunged from the record. So the
pugAcious Mr. Meek will fail to have
it said of him by an admiring posterity,
that he insulted a Quaker and got off'
with a whole skin. We regret it ex
ceedingly. Mr. Meek was the firm
friend of skedaddlers all through the
war, and is noted for his adhevenca to,
andliractice upon, the old saw----" Dis
creticn's the betterpart of valor." It_
is to be 'regretted that his effort to get
kicked failed ignominiously. -If he
can't get along without a light we know
a dozen b'hovs, either one of whom
would tiecomodate him wits) a lovely
Mill, at any time and litany convenient
But—hvw shall we find words to de
scribe our a9tonishment as we read of a
little scene i u the Senate of Pennsylva
nia—a, little scene which came err the
other day. Ve knew a man—rather,
we know a man, as le stature and build
" pudgy," as to aspect decidedly cleri
cal and benign, as to ralinent, resplen
dent in ruffled shirt bosom, ample
waistbands, and White choker not less
ample, as to speech commonly deliber
ate and plain, but not saucy, over and
above; we know sup a man, though
we have not ecen him fora year or two;
and the last time we heard from him
he was pounding away at the sinful
ness of Sunday Cars in Philadelphia.
Beg pardon ; the last time we heard
from him he was "hurling an Insinu
ation into the teeth " of a Senator, as
" false inspirit, and falS"e, in matter."
Alas ! what a closeout ! From rapping
Sunday Cars overthe knuekles—if that
is allowable speeeli—lo hurling the lie
into the teethof a fellow Senator. Im
agination pencils the irate Senator in a
hostile attitude, frowning upon his et . .-
emy over a voluminous choker as spot
less as Dian ; with chubby forefinger
:panting ominously at the offender ;
with disheveled hair " like quills upon
the fretful porcupine;" we can fancy
the irate Senator as he poises himself
upon his heels, and hurls the fiery jalve
linstraight at the heart of the foe.
We shall not name the name, of this
1 Senator, for sufficient reasons. His in
timate friends will At recognize him
in the meager description given. But
our intention is to avoid and a.vertlibeh
scenes in legislative halls: Hasty words
And hasty legislation are twins in evil.
Antrthere is a manifest - tendency at
present, among all men, to be vindic
tive. 'lt does notpromise well for pub
,lie peace. It reveals a littleness not
ereditablep ^ thep.arties concerned im
mediately. It dis'graces pu Mope"' and
detracts from the decorum which should
characterize all public - assemblages,
save prize-fights. :No man need tell us
that a brave - gentleman will bandy the
lie in any deliberative .body. .Bullles
may, and brutes will do so. But a gen
tleman will be a gentleman while he
breathes, whether in or out of Congress,
or the Legislature. The reputations
made up of such iihrede and patches
Will not pass in decent society. The
notoriety so required will return to
plague the winner. Rest assured that
history Will not beiir the names of such
,men except as - hardens, nor ' will men
speak of them save in disgust,
the:press.lipeak. out , 'upoifg:this
evil 2 It cannot grant passes over thor
oughfares; ft cannot i crease any man's
gains; no mings preferment .:,(lepends
upon its ; and will the:veil:44st
• ~ .„
great sad .fearless,/,thet;upright,,anii un :
hiaSed •ex sniplar:,, of - pu hl le, niorals—
' speak. -
We see that certain .members of the
Legislature are, agitating. the - Subject
of contracting the publication 'of the
Legislative Record for . the` StSion: 'l' If
the old .ontraet -with Mr. Bergner' is to
be annulled, we hope the new one will
be give 4 to him by all means. It is al-
leged that Mr. Bergner makes a. atrial'
fortune ut of it every year. He , bas
publish d it for eight years we believe ] ;
and as iglit; " - small fortunes'? consti
tute ou;ge fortune,, Air. Bergner
must he pretty well- satisfied by this
time. Tow we comnieficl the , I .ftiblel i of
the l'o4
Mid the l i lies to the „Members
'of theLegislaturel , who desire to "let
in , Dnnglison; • IForney,& Co.', for a
1 " small• l forttine."i 'They ivill bleed; the
II Shite:te death if-yeti givelliem eel - lance.'
I•''~" 'hey lire famished ales, 'and cannot be'
satisfied with : "S'n'ail fortunes.".' 'Bet
ter keep - M,r, Bergner, who is iote'tarv l ed,
!into stealing for a living. If the ~3 26 E
ord, Is tolpe.putillikidd at all it is as ;Well
done by l ;Mr. 13erguer as by 'anybody..
Ile is tai honest as any .man who is
, ap-,
plying, !mid, us we' just stilt!, - he' is net
reduced to starvation point.
,McDowell & Co., of the Patri-,
Talon, bad'-tha Job, it was hid
one. Bergner has had sense
Ito \ print it so that one cau tell
roorostiet. •
ot 472(1
B from
mai Doughlace " sends us a de
of the ect produced upon him
ng a number of r i Ini La Crone
-?`. The description is graphic,
annot consent •to More : than
ntion of that vile sheet and Its
3r. We long • ago established
not to gii:e notoriety to great
's and licentiousness. There is
e facination in the details of
sonic ptiople, and the publics
hght which ministers to this
3. is au aggravation °Utile evil
hied. The subject of our cor-,
nt's note Is one which inspires
hd only disgust in the minds
httninded men. The journal
o'belongs to the ciass.of litera
kvkas obscene, • and its .large
n serves to show how degraded
.aders of the party it assumes
,nd does lead.
`t Dist
by rend
lint we
the rule
n liorrib
crime, t
to no nv
disgust t
of all ri:s
are the 1. ,
to lead, a
publican State Convention is
meet in Philadelphia, Wednes
-11, proiime. Candidates
for Gene6l and Surveyor Gen
an elee l toral ticket, are to be
d. We l that that the present
is of the -State officers will be
ted. . No better men than
and Ctinpbell can be found.
idibonorable men both. .
The R'
called to
day, Mat,
for Audi
oral, and
HoliCst n
casLAtunt.—Jati. 22. A res
king toward
__giving theCourM
m on wealth juri - adiction in
Tuns L
quition" lo
of the CO
all cases
cal intere= .
the proce
last ads le
I f divorce. was 'offered in the
t 1 agreed in. .tiottlitig,
'it to Tioga. County appearS in
i ldltige of either House 4; to
dish elsewhere the Annual
of the Commissioners and
f ,the County; showing a fair
of, the public debt and an eco
penditure for current
ntion directed to the item
i nwealth costs paid over by
Tabor. It exceeds the ag
such m neys for more than
ars. elmmient is umieees
• We pu
nomical e
ties. Att•
of Comm
gregate of
twenty y
:ton Do4oerat declares in fa
dletOn for the Vresideney.—
lisistent; at all events. Pen
sts that l i he never voted a man
to put O*ll the rebellion of
.rn ,win 4, of his party.• its
pon - thelsoldiers who fought
them "an lnfnri
drupken mob," will do
as an opening gnu.'
Tit e eli
vor of Pet
That is co',
or.n. delta'
the South',
remarks t'
for the Ila!
nted, bru
very wel
---- Ili Senate ; Senator Morton,
a, addressed the Senate upon
struetion bill.
San. 24
)f India).
he Rem
In the House ;; • The report of the
•ommittee of conference on the disa
greeing Votes of-hoth Houses on the
cotton tax bill was received and disa
greed to, A new was asked
for. The death of Mr. Hise of Ken
tucky, was 'announced, and after the
usual addresses the House adjourned.
Jan. 2.7.—1 n Senate ; A bill to relieve
Gov. Patton, of Alabama,' of Certain
political isabilitids was debated and
passed, ofer. which the supplemental
it econstri ction bll,l was discussed.
In the ouse ; 411 Is sere' introduced
as follow, : To tax national bonds ;
Constituting all United States officers
with Balm 'es oh $5OO, Executive ap
pointees, nd to vacate all present ap
pointmen s3O dayS after the • bill be-.
comes a 1 w ; to prohibit revenue as
sessors an I collectors from being inter
ested in fo feitures to establish a uni
form currency . by! canceling national
nd issuing treasury notes in
letitioft was received from
dead. A
Gen. }lnn
tion of .A
aa to comb)
eution of
asking for the removal of
for , the protec
nerican citizens aitroati was
Informs' was balled for
lnatious o obstruct the exe
Jan. 28.
trodueed a:
ulating •te
structiou b
also a melt
whisky :I
In the
as follows-;1
and enildt
teers who
service ;
in Nationa,
al asking f
as a State N"
In senate • Bills were in
: ifoll9wsl; 'To regulate pro
eases of i lmpeaehment ; reg-
tore of otliee; the Retort
"ll was debated at length, as
tire relating to -whisky and
e is were introduced
to give bounties to. widows
en •of three -months volun?
here killed or died in the
gill relative to taxing .shares
Banks i*ssed. A niemori
r thtj adMission of Colorado
- as presented.
In Senate IA bill to estab
au of I.lnst l urance in the Trees
,re the fulfilment of incur=
i ota was introduced.
muse ; The bill to protect the
nerican citizens abroad was
gotice of an amendment to
Jan. 29.
lish a Bare
urn•, to see
lutes coutr
In 'the - H
rights of A
the same ei
retaliate up'
ing rower, I
of America'
No other in'
powering the President to
a the subjects of an 91Tend
ad declaring illegal arrests
ft citizens a cause of war.—
portant business was trans-
THE Nu •
in its way ss
taco our littlo
monthly.,_ At
%S . PItY i 5 ns nearly perfection
Itything can Le. We eould - not
ants without it. $1.25 per year,
!dregs L. Shnrey, Bolton,
u --of::
OF ,111:DETIvrzt - AND ItXttIiNDIUDIt'ES (f the
Treasury of Tiugn ("away fur. ,the pear 181;7.
lbeo'd from Collectors county tax, 1804 '
, ' $119. 46 '
do do .Stato 59,43
do do pellet 64,58
do do linfintY 1806 141.45
do do County ' 117,09
• do do State _ 106,70
do do ~,-= Relief ~ ~, ..--.......„,;',.. .1.20,26,
do ' ;do; - . -„l ,, totintY i, :.--'lBOO s• "-
,i -0619 a,
do ,:do ', '." CoUnty ', ; ',.. ..... ' ' ; 1940,uz
do. -fdo i Bounty i'.. 1867",...44,698,a5 ,
do ,do ~ ' County ",? t, , ' 18,41848
do 'do ''''''' 'State '. '. , i ' " .. 530,05 .
do dd '.'„. , Poor - ' J - ' 5890,06
do on tented lands returned by collectors 187,09
do Commonsrealth , costs by Sheriff Tabof 2,115.81
do redemption of &netted and unseated lands 1,869,81
do bOefflaxes, tutiested Louis 308,67
do oierpaid by collectors, Timm &Covington 89,00
do by county infins. 1907. _ ~ , 42,916,19
dO of la:bras tottnshlp 133,81
do seated, ao4l . ,,otysented-10000, Comes Sale • -- 8934
do paytnant Oil Ote. A. Logy qti;So
do Counnontrealth costs by 11.-13.-Beeiry... - 4 26, 0 30
do '.;do • '.ldo , District Att'y,... , 440,00 '
-- do 'cas, P.T. P. W ingate . -' " 69
do do .1. Riberlle, sale bbied , , t 3,10
- do dan.,1867; balanco.doo upon settlement -149,74
Total attit
PO-) P.. 8. sot ley, CO',tir • 't342.86
do [fart, do , 441,96
do - P. V. VittitthßS 4 n 414,95
do Job Rexford -d U '06,00 $1,292,88
Paid W. 11. Sotithicbm'rs counsel ' . sso,tho'
do 3:11.14i1es • ,tlO •do , '50,00
do Thos.. Allen +41.4„• ‘ clerk ',100,00
do J. noterY toting Auditor 700
do D. L'...Alkin do , z do et td 164,63'
do L. Smith et at Travers Jurors 2,080,49
do 13 . "RI 91.9 1 ,Prand Jur0r5. , 754,01.‘.
do 7'. PAilugato, crier /0,00
do E. Klock et ttl, chnstablmi anti ' .
tlp , ataees 673,73 -
do Pltilline et ql, Jtwttcus ...... • 67,80
do C, Willlllllllo of ht, assessor() 1,070,25,
do ' & Van Oehler of al, Peg. , 274,75
do, 0. Young et al,'liiinetiOritY • 4,175.07
'Paid/if:11.'1911141m et il f r•hitiA.6l(ts l B.olB,29
, do. L. Tactoret , i
- do, J. V. Nilas,,Dtstriet Attorney 455,00
•do u 1,,. bounty on •
Wild Ca ts ft 18;00
do floury .Allen et nl, ?viewing •
bridges and bridge fielea , 214.,09.
de A. K. Domini et 'el, Bridge
Repairs...—, 2 983 67
do W. W. Bentley,.Tlogaßoro, •
New Bridge, 709.25
do Alonzo Guile et ish damage
improvements 1 6113,00
do , Ilenry Allen et al road views 509,40
do 11. Young, et al, stationery— 368,40
do .T. F. 'Donaldson, lcrlt Q. 8. 1,223,43
do , Plotley fees 24,Mi
Paid J. IL White et al.luguestnn
do E. B. Seeley et n),'lstribut
ing assessments,
(IQ Chas. 11'ithill118 et al, repair.
do T. P. Winetee of tt j, Court
House and groun d s. . 33,13
do L. 'rubor et al, , priseners 1.022,77
do C. P. Miller, - eastern State
Penitentiary r
Pala C. v. Miller, Lunatic
do L. Tabor, Summoning 30-
Hee. Siterilit fees 374,81
do O. W. Gibbet tet al, ntoneArk
do C. P. ,
Paid I) II Smith 1 ton coal
do T P Wingatetleinlint C Ilouso
do Audio Foly for lamps Id.
do C F Miller, stamps, ,111130aUllt
money, Notional Dank
do C P Miller, stamps. (Recount
note in batik 11,83
do D L Dean for studs Iteg.oillea . 25,22,
do R J itoss on freight Ac 5.56
kit. 0 Dullard on express ell'gs 2,25
do 1) L Dean do do 2,40
do Converse A: Osgood, bell rope 1.37
do D L Dean repairs prothoputa
ry office 3.13
do C P hillier, discount, stamp, 26,88
do Frank Wittgate for coal 9,20
do 11..1 Roes, express charges.....- 1.00
do Wlf i:lnitlipr et colrctg.ftlg't ao,oo
do C P Stiller, Moms!, discount,
notes at flank - - 01,33
do 0. Dullard fur tape
Paid Hastings .1. Co. rnerchandire,
Paid C. F. Stiller, Treas. Commis
sions, viz;
Soldiers' Bounty bonds paid,— $87217 60 l' pc 872 18
Sloth tax paid, 1212-44 do 12 52
County Orders paid 23.977 26 Spc 701 82
Pour Orders paid 12023 36 W A 1.80 86
$1766 87
$66 86
45 85
193 50
Paid C. F. Miller, Redomption,
do . Revenue Stamps,
Paid W. T.. Emery, copy Record,
Bounty loan Certikates :
Paid ptiuclpal, on ' , sue Aug. '62.. $137610
Interest On tho same 28.4 04 $1660 04
Paid C. F. Miller, standard W'ts
and Measures,
Paid Chas.l3lack et al wood fuel...
Paid ID: Heise et al twp. lines,
d o J 11' Bailey, ct al Jul* Cont're,
County IlodisV Farm:
Paid Boni, Auithi, int. on mort'gc, b 42000
Peter Green: horses 390 77
JUL Johnitob. Itimherwsgois, - 102 60
W C Sherman, oxen 210 00
1.1 W Envie, colt haruoss, 46 90
D. P. Catlin, for cow - 6500 6 0
----gMlimothmillattif li
. TP. Mitchell, 75 sheep, 160 00
S Prost, 4 cows' '2OO 00
Williams & Sams, repairing,- 13 26
Francis, for shotat, 4 00
51 Sutton, 1 shots ' , 800
P C VanGelder '
potatoes, . 000
E Fellows, Ruck Sheep, " 400
C 0 Guernsey, blacken:tithing, - ;52 38
J 0 Darn tor 1uty,...1. 3 Os
J Wortendyke, repairing tools ' 7OP
E J Purple, barrel, • 160
D C Holden, tuerchandize - " 750'
LIT Gillette, Pr0v.13101 3 ,• . 912 ,
C It Kelley, tzerchandlze, .. :,
... 26 89
f.I 51 Bonnet, prod Isions, 228 ' ,
- (Vanvalkenbtirg & Bro. prov'ns 225
NY:widish chop feed, do 125 57
P 11 Williams, morehandize ... 7 08
• W T Mothers do ' 1 88
E.E Jennings for bay 3 75
11 Hart, hay, feed and seed ... 64 41 •''''
P V Vannes, seed &pro Visions 11 33
Wright & Bailey, do 137 77
P "Melt:Mader, do 12 00 -
Mart King, feed 26 60
' C 11 Kelley, morehandizo 189 47
w Roberts, ' do 136 20
.1 It Bowen & Co, nuke ...... 1.. 6 85
F Borden. provisions 7 70
1? Lateen. recorder's fees 244
• Chas ()hemp, 47• cords w00d.,. 96 00
51 Wells & Co, lumber 12 00 •
Robin & Patridgo ,do ; /10 00
Chester Pafildge,• .do • 50 00
Moses Wingate, aiding l6 00
' Daniel Holliday, lumber 84 00
A L Bodine „do , , 16 133 ••.
01) Dengoli ' ' 'du _ 10131; , ,
. id 11 Keeney - ' do • 20783.
Vision di - Co, , , 110 - .; - -248 09 •
a W Foster, , do 507 00
it T Vauban do 0 20
Samuel Morgan, do - 300
Hobart Steele, do 18 64
R J Purple, do 2 26
. Win Markham, dr'wg lumber 18 60
E hart, work and plank, 15 00
Joseph Mende ' for hair , A 43 00 '
El S Seeley, trip to Elmira &c 12 06
Jobtl Hart for labor, 0 25
J Smith do 150 63
William Hart do 88 12
John Ludlow do i 16 00
1' V Varese, trip to Elmira' &c. 17 90
Hiram ba con, labor 62 90
Daniel olo' do 600
W B Reynolds do 340 00
Susan McConnell labor 25 00
11 Toiling, blacksmithlng... 2 25
Peter Smith, labor 87 83
JO.l Torpy ,do 800
Hiram Hart do 12 00
John Powell, ninkit
i i 4 brick, 267 60
Cid Burt, hauling ud &c. 23 00
A Sprague for labor : . 4 00
A Thompson. black elialth' g : 840
R Swope, for labor I 40 50
G Rellenger do ' 13 00
N Bellenger do. 6475 •
L idargraff. du ~ ' 64 00
Robert Richardson labor, .. 21 00
heidarnin Smith do ----- 1 50 • '
Goo II Burns, do 6 75 -- ;
Morris Smith do /9 09
John Bart, do 75
E M Hart, do ' 3 50
A M Closkoy do 4 50
C Austin, boarding, 5O 4Q
Win M Dart for labor, 7 40
Wm Christonat do 075 ,
John Bellenger do 21 00 .
Daniel Ballenger do 16 90
A Smith, do • 9 00
D B May, do grain 98 31 '
Lewis Culver do 5 06
/1 B Smith, do 4 00
ki T Bentloy, Com. , travel 54 66
C F Veil, do A; dfts, 49 87 /
JII Gulick, 11 days sorv'a 22 00
M 13rooltman, builder, 4550.00
For Purnituro:
Ii Ritter, chairs, bedstids,r 18 83
D P Roberts, stove 10 00
Wood. Marsh & Co, Phil. 110 70
' W Hyde & Co. Phil. 221 00
C B Williams &Co Phil. 173 60
Lewis tic Bro. bedst'ds 4c,e 223 00
P J Derrick, knives 14 corks 900
Vance & Landis, spoons etc 338
Murphy & co. Phil. books, 3100
/toward Esp. freight, 75 00
P V Vauliess, drayage 15 32
- expenses to Phil. 45 00 I
Bind Austin, furniture, 18 25
v II Smith, insurance, 214 73
Total Expoaditures for 1867 " 337,554
Paid E S Seeley county orders Dr $342 36
do by services and travel,— _ ,Cr 342 36
do E Hart, comity orders Dr 441 98
do by services and trave1.....;.. Cr. 441 96
do . DV Vannes, cnunty elders Dr 414 96
do by,serviceA end trace ...... Cr. 414 96
do Job Rexford county orders, Dr. 93 60
do ly services tiod travel Cr. 93 60
[L. We the Commissioners of said county,
do hereby certify, that the foregoing is a correct
statement of the receipts and expenditures there
in set forth. In testimony whereof we have hero-
unto set ear betide and seal of office, this 31st day
of January, A. D. 186 F.
P. V, VAINNESS, /cpmr!it
Atteit," .
Taos. Aux., Clerk.
C. F. - ittlLLEß;Treasurer of Tioga County, in
Account with County, from Jan. 22, 1887 to
January 180887.
Otitstanding entity tax, 1362 ' ' 13061/3 1 ,
,' •do Relief, tax do '
. - .•. 21•20
_,• , .
!.., do. Militia tax do ~- ~"..35 oo
'-' do ' _ State tax do . "31 41
do County tax 1863 110 24
do Relief tax do 52 00
.do _. , Militia. tax , do 18 - 09
do - State tax do •51 10
:- do :, ":13onnty. tai -' 1804- -'• ' '287 29
do _ County tax , _ do_ . • 230.19
- do - Relief tax do 214 74
do . , State ter, .
~ .do
.. .• , 122.81.
do ;. liourity tpi ' i 1 865 . r '_•• ‘, t '470 51
'dO County tax . do 284 35 .
~.:. do - State -tax -. " ''. do - . ,'1 !- 207 90
do Relief tax : do , • 269 33
do ' Dounty tax . 18061 '. -,, • 11,855 29
do ' County tax do 2,621 27
Reo'd on seated lands returned by col
'factors to Tan.Btb, 1863 ' - 187 09
Reo'd Cotavvitit coats frortrSheriir Tabor 2,115,06
do on redemption; seated and un
seated lands 1,159 81
do On, back taxes, seated and un- •
seated lands • 308 67
Am't Bountrtarasstissed, 1867 ' 7 0 '353 75
do County tax- -do "- do ' • .23,002 00
do State tax , ;do dot-. ' 1,660 65
do Poor tax . ,do, ,do ~; ~ 11,485 29
do Overpaitroolidetors Covington
39 00
do a l
loaned l' e
d i ° f y a" Ctl 7 ra .". 'in ''' to '''''''' 42,035 19
•do received, Liberty tsvp, ace't of
MFarrar -‘„ ..,.... ........... .
do seated and unseated - land . -
' sales by Corre-e Silos 1,867 . .., , . 393 00
do Noto paid by A; libig ' ' ' ' ', 20 30
I do by E S Seeley 'w\ ./ .',I • " • '
• 1 ' 25 00
do by District Attorney • 440 00
do T P Wingate 1 ' 50
do by cash on bides , 010
do balance due settiem't 1887..... fl 148 74
',../ $128,734,44
Outstanding county tax, 1862 $303 08
do Relief tax do . 21 20
do - Militia tax do 35 00
do State tax do St 61
.. do, County tax 1863 110 24
do Relief tax 4o . 52 00
do Militia tax do 18 09
i do State tax do 51 10
Bdunty, comm'sn and abatement 1884 287 29
County do do 1864 93 49
Commission do 18 24
Outstanding, county do 57 46
Abatement of State do 17 13
Commission do do 8 26
Outstanding do do 99 92
Abatements, Relief, do 128 37
Commission do do 4 32
Outstanding do . , ' do 82 05
Abate'ts, .do oommis'na bounty, 1865 202 72
Outstanding do do 126 34
Abatements, County • do 28 51
Commissions do .do 87 74
Outstanding do 4 do 101 01
Abatements, State • I do 854
Commissions do { do 12 40
Ontstanding do I do 01 29
Abatements, - Relief. • do 722
Commission de ' do 974
Outstanding do do 13211
Abatement, Bounty, 1860 4703 92
Commission do do' 398 93
Outstanding do - ,do 172 71
Abatement, county - do 307 01
Commission • do do 206 24
Outstanding do • do 184 00
Overcharge on duplicate • 18 00
Pd bounty certificates of Mar. 'll4 and int. 1309 00
Certificates of Oat, '64 red. and cano'ld, 56970 75
interest on do , 11421 02
Certificates of Aug. 'O2 red and oanc'd 1375 10
Interest on same 281 04
Certificates of Aug. '65 do 6307 00
Interest on sumo 489 48
Certificates of Aug. 'OO do 4907 00
Interest on same 388 65
Certificates of Aug. 'O6 do 3767 74
Refunded on seated and unseated lands, 103 38
Abatements on bounty tax of 1867, 11649 08
Commissions dp do . 670 36
Outstanding • do do 11435 48
Abatement oucounty tax do 684 02
Commissions do do 651 73
Outstanding do , do 3408 37
Abatement, Stat do 56 86 Commission do do 43 68
Outstanding d 7
do 924 56
Abatement, Poor do 285 47
Commission do do 283 66
Ontetanding.. ~ do do 5024 10
Printers, C.,1 V. & Reeler, '66 167 72 30
Bal. f3tato Trene.receipt Sept 9, 1867 925 1 077
do _ L ____da_...llorAft.._ov 15, do
vixen on ma to panty , irenaugcr - ,------ - auu
Poor Wore' red'atod 4t cancelled • 12023 86
County do do 23377 26
Commission on $87817 66' 1 Pr cent 872 18
do 1252 44,1 pr cent, pd state 12 52
do 23377 26, County 3pr of 701 32
do 12028 36, Poor 1i do 180 35
Paid IL. C. Bailey, from accountant 2882 59
A 4,69
$29 8
36 is
08 25
20 00
We, the undersigned Auditors of the County of
Tioga, having audited, settled and adjusted . the
above accounts of,C. F. Miller, Treasufer of Said
county, do certify that they are correct as above
stated. Witness our bands this 18th day of Jan.
1808: '
STATEMENT • of Connty Bounty; Liabilities.
Balance due by county on Bounty
Liabilities as per stapment pub.
tidied Jan. 1867,
Amount loaned by Covers in 1867
Amount of Bounty Cortificatei of Marob 1, 1864.
RedeemCd and cancelled
,$1,300 00
44unty oertifibates of Oct. 1, '64 red i nid 66,070'76,
.do • • 'do' • Aug. - .1;'62 do 1,87610
xlf> ' do - do I', '65 'ad • 6,307 00
•do do do 'l, '66 do
• ' and installments paid
filtered paid on above
Deduct interest paid as abovo . 10,35? 83
Total am't , paid on principal 186? 10,859 85
Bal.' due by County January 10, I .
1808, of indobtitess, , 89,475 94
{ ----
• l', . !
$.680,336 70
We, the undersigned Auditors of dui County of
Tioga, having audited And adjusted the above
accounts, do certify the same-to be a correct state
ment of the indebtedness of the'county. Witness
Our rands the 18th day of tannery, A. D. 1868.•
- D. L. AIREN, • .
CASBEER—PBERSTON.—In Fartnington,on
tho Bth ult., by Roy. 8. A. italirson, of NCiEIOII,
Mr. Benjamin Casbeor, and Miss Polio A. Poor
ston, both of Fanninghton.
SMITH—SPRINGER.--In Covington, Tioga
Co, Pa., Jan. 19, 1868, by itev. M. S. Kymor,Mr,
John R. Sniith/of Jackson, Lyeonking Co. Pa.,
and Miss Sarah Springer, of Liberty, Tioga, Co.
• ALEXANDER—GRAVES.—At the residenoo
of Isaac Berry, Jan. 24, by the same, Mr. J.. D.
Alexander, of Columbia, Bradford' Co. Pa., and
Mrs. I. A. Graves, of Covington, Tioga Co. Pa.
Rev. S. A. Rawson, of Nelson, gtatefully and
thankfully aeknowledges the reception of pres
ents in money etc., from his friends in Nelson,
amounting in value to ouo hundred and elevm
dollars and sixty cents.
NOTICE is hereby given that a certain note
dated at Deerfield, Tioga Co. Pa., Aug. 7,
1867, due in six months for one hundred dollars,
and payable to S. S. Charles or order was ob
tained by false representations, and without con
sideration, and (heti bold said Charles' contract
exonerating me from all obligation to pay said
note until be has fulfilled, all his part which he
has failed to do. I giro this notice that I shall
not pay said note unless compelled by law.
Deerfield, Feb. 6, 18684w.#
WESTFIELD Borough, Tioga Co. Pa.i E. G.
Hill, Proprietor. A new and commodious
building with all the modern improvements.
Within easy drives of Oche* bunting and ash
lug grounds in Northern Pentea. Conveyances
furnished. Terms moderate.
Feb. 5,1868-11.
$11,734 92
SEEDS, SEEDS 1-d-eh:lvor seed, Ti "(Ally tied,
Early Goodrich Potatoes for seed, t
Wellebdro, Feb. 1, 1868-tf. PR NOE'S.
I .41 ETTERS of Admietration • Eaving been
granted , to the undersigalia the estate' of
Jobn T. Ooorr, into of gialnee,' dee'd, all Persons
having claims against a/Idd estate, and all persons
indebted to, the same will settle with •
Oceola, Feb. 5, 1868-Bt. Admr.
■ 00P SKIRTS, , at
■ Do LANG Jr. COI.
D. L.
$217,400 60
42,936 19
$200,335 79
1, thttLawrenoeTillo,,this_On.
The trkipailyintimurpsisied in pilot of ideation
ter custom, and has ample capacity for storing
had manufacturing for home and foreign demand
—3 pair of Burt% with alLtha modern improve.
menta for merchant weirle.". 4 Rebuilt in 19431, and
now in complete order:
:P,Psouglion given at any
time aftei sixty, 401 from; detunf sale.
-, ofrAs. L. FORD.
,-'Lavirenctiviiii,'Jen. 20, 18C18-4w.
.; • ,- ' :', -.• 11. -;
•,-' ; ~, :
... • .IBankrup'te . y.
. . ,
Matins District of Pennsylvania, as: .
To whom it may concern : The undersigned
hereby .givos not!ce of : his appointment as
assignee ofJacoli'Larison of Jackson in the Co n
trof Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, who as
been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petit on
by the District Court a said District.
Tioga, Jan. 29, 1888.-8 t Assignee:.
should send fur. tbo
• „
1101 Estate. Record,
A largo sixteen page Jorirnal, issued. monthly
devoted to. all matters, laws, facts, and items of
interest pertaining to real estate; containing full
descriptions, with prices, &c., of several thou..
sand properties, including
133 81
For eal4 Pennaylvanitr, New Jersey, Dole
ware, Mafyland, Virginia, North Carolina, Geor
gia, Rierhla, Texas, and other Stairs.
TO*NSENt) & CO.,
237, -South Sixth Street, Phitadephia.
Jan, 29, 1868-2 w,
Orphan's Court pals.
Br virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court•of
TiOga County dated Sept. 11, 1667, the un
dersigned, Administratrix of the estate of Samuel
T: Wood, deceased, will expose to sale at public
vendue at the Court Rouse in Welisboro, on the
21st day of February, 1868, at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
the following described real estate, late the prop
erty of said decedent, situate In the township of
Covington, Tioga county, Pa., bounded on the
north by lands of Reuben Patterson and lands of
William Clemmous,on -tho oast by lands of Ron
ben" Patterson an land of Roxana Eames, on
the south by lands of James Clommona and on
the west by hinds of Floridan S. Covert, contain
ing one hundred acres of land, with aframe house
frame harn; and othei out buildings thereon.
Teams—MO at the day of sale, and the ha
aneo in 6 yeare. MARY B. WOOD,
Wilson &,,VanValkenburg's
In view of We contemplated Railroad soon o
to be built to Wellsboro, the proprietors have
oonol ded to give the people hereabouts, daily
elite inments through the year, commencing on
the 1 otJanuary. , The first piece, entitled,
t i
Let Live,, Tar PeortE
This great drama bas drawn crowded houses
both in this _and the old Countries, and is ad.
milted by all to be one, of the moat profitable, in.
teresting, and best pieces extant
Tickete to the Drees Oirele—FßEE.
We wish' it distinctly understood, that all
classes of oliticians and evon those who feel
a little Wo fact none are excluded
from the
11. 0?- FASHION.! •
' Vbere we can famish any styleAtind and
quality of Gentlemen's wearing appal° n short
notce, and at prices astonishing low.
Cloths, Caaairaere,a, Vagina.; dials'
Cloths; and a large varlet 9f
Ladies' Dress Goods. .
4,907 00
16,357 83
i Boat kinds, and le cheap as the cheapest.
it Tickets to the Parquette--, FitEE
In this great Tragedy for the benefit of the
public, we would not omit saying to the Ladios
that we also keop•everything to replenish ,their
Come one and all and witness the above en
tertainment. We do not claim to be Old Stars,
but. shall endeavor to do our best = to give all the
'worth of their money.
Reserved Se,ats for the Ladies.
N, B.—We shall giro our patrons the full hen-
Wit of the decline to prices,and , extending
them our thanks for the very iberal patronag
heretofore extended, we solicit a continuanc e
of the same.
We'labor°, Jan. 16, 16134tf
Flour and Feed.
LL kinds of Flour and Feed, and in any
quantity to F lour
customers,- at my Mill in
Mainsburg. N. E, CALKINS.
Me.insburg, Jan. 22, 1.1138-3uo
Tol:Inn Keepers.
NOTICE is hereby given, that no Beal:tees
will be issued to inn keepers until the fees
are paid into the treasury of the County.; in ac.
cordanee with - the law proVidirig, that* 'sit' Shall
not he lawful for the clerk of the Court to issue
amlloonse until the applicant shall have tiled
the Certificate of the County Treasurer that the
fee has been paid." H. C. BAILEY,
Wellsbero, Jan .22, 1868. Treasurer.
VEITRAY.—Came into the enclosure of the
subscriber, in Charleston, Juno 15, 1887,'a
,YBARLING ABER, Spotted, star in forehead.
Tho owner is requested4tb pay charges and take
him away, (Jan. 8, 1888-309 PROST.
7 -
4 STRAY.—Catne into the enolosure of the
subscriber k Delmar, about the 12th inst.,
light red STEER, star In forehead. The owner
is requested to pay charges and reclaim.
Jan. 29, 1869-3 t. • LURA LOCKE.
For Sale.
ANEW, Swell-body Cutter, of latest style.
Jaa 29,1888. TOLES & BARKER.
For iSak.
Rememi#3`r the plane,
, The! : 'l,4(l:el,epe - V,IP - he fathers;
The new stands' knocking at the gate
Qtev,ertinortal And MA TILERS
ILTrILI.KE ttie bee") twad the bears,
finds his lifo i r onoweil by She clear, cool, bracing
"EaosPheroof Winter, and his determination o
By thoway,4avo :you heard „anythiag of. the
etiaig,ho gTvh. LS pi* ()neck:Rises at the
Aud who gives as n reason, (and a good reason it
is, too) that If a fellow gotta caught at stealing a
• ttp,top article of
Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup;
and so forth, ho can't be accused of, TUYINO TO
oIiKAT nimiszLiP; but if a' iblloiv caught' at
stealing a poor article, and is C9N!VICTED AND
WIT or, his remorse must be terribl4•
f• I suppose that whei the old maidsitnnids con
sole themselves with the saying—
"There's as good fish in the sea as
wore ever caught out Of it,"
they don't allude to my Mica.Ennu. And whet
people complain of u bad cough; they don't ul
ludo to my 0011(311Y. But When MO tzpe:lit t.
I suppose they do menu my stook of eas • %Ala
are, as the Elder Weller said of adri •o "NV ERRY
lam farther able to say that poop o will eat
much or little, in proportion to their appetite,
and will tpay for much or littlg, according to
their mondy. I sell Tea by the ;quarter pound,
of course, but prefer to wholesale it in packages
of not less than
and, by persuasion, eau be induced to sell
chest of a dozen pounds to one customer.
'will buy and soil
At such rates 4s shall enable buyer and seller to
Sleep sound o' nights,
having FRasoiencos void of offence
Wellaboro, Jan. 8,'68.
He LINO & Co.,
T_T AVE added to their stock a complete a
,11 - 11 sortment of
Which they ffcr at 25 per cent lese than suet
Goods were over sold for in
Good suits for.
Ovi3reoitts, .
&c., &c.,
Wellaborci, Nov. 20, 1807:—Iy
L ADIES' Mesta and Drawers; at
LANO 00'6'
CARPETS at New York Prices, et
Do LAND A o'o'B
A L RCM tStook of • Boota,and Shoat. '
at t
4. Do LA NO ti CU'S
. - -4----- -
- "zE H CORSETS,-at •-----
i _
• Do LANG do CO'S
gents for tbo Susquebnn
I e jz n ICA(;4.
is now .solling
A CORDIAL Invitation to ail. Coma and
_mem- You will yo c and a fine assortment of
all articles pertaining the Millinery.
Jan. 22 1868.4 f. Broad Street, Tioga;Pa
. i
M Y rtiwicoi
being ebnPtchily reptcniched; which - I not eve r
recOy re exchange for
Greenbacks, Groin, Butte, „Ewa, Pi Miry
Deicd I inif, Lard. '1111!,614) . < 0 Pelts_
ur tirlythitig, (hill will bring the WiikIREWITR
I u p 4 3, ilettf , nod keep biWnesm going.
Times aro tight, hut wo kill mutt live. So cote,
cilong.. Thu place you'll Mind in Mozart Block,
next door to tourers S: Osgood.
Jcitirar.,.i.Tsihc.i. M. IL PRINCE
Y wife HARR r. left in %'cl aryl
board tVittiont -Iti..eor provocation.
pit„ , reloytbrbill •,11;oriti t ;nP iritsiiiit
ier uu illy ticenu.i.l p. t y It o thtbk, 1 1,,
'ontrricling arre.r t ,
. 00, . ( :it
Jim. 2. .181)3-:iw
Adkninislrittor's Notice.
L411",E11,r3 OF Air,II,IIESTRATION 11:ving
been granted ti. the undersigned et. the e.-
tato of tilot;es S. I.4tMisfit, late of Lawrettc:e,.ie.
cee6eil;aTl portraits indebiell tn, eittitos
against said Eptute:u ill call - and settle with
Jim. 8. 1888-60
,Planing Ma bine.
y ',AVE put hi n fir; rt la tap
prupared to piano &awing, siding, nte. to
Sept. 13,1867-Iy.
Weihiboro . ClOtlA)fesing: Works.
I I superintend our Clothing .Works we are
now ready to do all kind of coloring and dress
"ng in good style and on short notice.
Sept: 18, 1867—tf.
Dowii it Comes.
RIGHT BAILEY are receiving a large/
the first in market. To ho Fold at - roducett ri
Coe. ' Haut/.
in full setts, at YOUNG'S BOORSTOR .
Founa on tit ) ) Cointuonti,, in thre borough, Sun
day, 17th inst., u r ed Calf. Thu owner can have
the soma by applying to High OunAtable. Water
man and paying chargeit.
ICKB AAI . .1. t - FA RR, ha ring taken ad var, •
tage of the late decline in The market,
have calved their stock and aro prepared to,
Rivulet thoee in want of
At the lowest cash rams. The stock consists of a
general assortment of
BRY 6110115,-
Both staple and fancy
Hats t Caps Boots tt, Shoes,
Together with
And many other articles too numerous to =Ca
tion. We would say to Mercharl6, Farmers, and
tall others in want of PORK . or CIDER BAR
thoy can find thank in any quantity, wholesale or
retail at our store. This work is all new and ex
tra in quality, just' manufactured here at the
Tioga 4 Duo. 11, 1:36%.
persons indebted to us eitber by
note or book aneount, must' eall
and settle without delay or costs will be
made. \PRIG FIT tt BAILEY.
iVellsboro, Dee. 25, 1867—tf
permanently located at KNOXVILLE, Ti •
ogn county, Pa., for the purpose of doing all
kinds of Dentistry, in a style that will euit the
patient. Otherwise no charges made. Teeth ex
tracted without pain. Rooms at the Hotel.. All
operations voiranted. and charges light.
-ICuoxcillo, Dee. 25, 1567-3 m
New Harness Shop.
KIAIBALL desires to announce td his
o friends, and all thoso trantth .11arne: , s.
that they' can ho accommodated of his new ;hop,
over E. lt. Kimball's Grocoty, Atain•st.. Wells
horo, Pa. [dcc. 25, 1867.1
F -13 _it s -S
A new and varied assortment. for the Boll:
just received at D LANO A Co's.
Welbboru, Due. 2.5, 1867.
Thos. B. Dryden
his room, T01r119131311 Hotel, WeUsher°. tcill
u.ent With prompt attention.
Jan. 13. 15G7.—tr.
an expetienecd Auctioneer from California,
respoetfully notifies the people of WeUsher° end
vicinity, that he is prepared io respond t‘l orders
to officiate at Vendttes, protuptly. Ordei.s by
mail promptly attended te. liesidenee , over the
Meet Al ark et. (fan 8 1888—tf]
Executor' Notice.
WTTERS Tostatnentry haying la,on gran'
IA to tho undersigned non the last will ,
testament ()Uncoil Byrnes, late of Mich - Ilan
deed, all persons having claims against, or ow
ing said testator. are requeste'd to present, and
pay to _ ell it S, 11. SEYMOUR )
Tinge, Jan. 22, IStIS-6w Executor.
Executor's Notice.
L ETTERS 'fa:Alimentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the last will and
testament of Jonathan Seamnns late of IVest6old
dee'd,"all persons Indebted to. the estate, and nil
having claims against the same, will settle with
Westfield, J2lll. 22, 1667-60 •
Adininistrator•'s Notice,
rimiu subsoriber will make a final distrihution
j_ of the proceeds of tl,c estate of the late S.
B. NWrpity. The crAitors of said trittite are re.
gauged to call at his in Wellshoro. .
TFlE'sußsom . .;It having engaged in the
woolen Pomp utsiness respectfully solicits
a *hare of public patronage. All work warranted.
Ordets left with U. P. Roberta of Wellsboro, er
with B. Aldrich at tiro lower gate, will be prompt
ly attended to. J. A, STONE.
Tioga. Jun. 12, sag .—thoi
SITUATED about half a mile from Whitney's
Corners, Charleston, and five and a half miles
from Wollolion,; contain ifift: 1(32 ucrts and usual
allowamm ; 00 acres under ttnprov( meat; a com
fortable house, and good bat n, and apple °rebut'
thereon, This is a first els i ss dairy farm, half
tui - e - frorri a Caicos° lactsry. The stock and
farming, implements can bit bought with the
farm Irdesired.
I will also sell a three year old grey colt, good
and serviceable beast. •ELIAS TIPPLE.
East Charleston, Jan. 22, ?888-4wo
NOrrri E
11' I Cali AM a 'FARR