HOME MATTERS. WEDNESDAY , - JAN. 29,' 180 tA NASONIC, OSSEA LOD() r; , No, 317, A, V. M., meets at their. Ball, over Dr. Itoy's drug 2110re'..(111 PlieSdcly eVettfrig, on or lief ore the Vali l%loutt, at (; o'clock I', V. erYOOA CHAPT-E3t, 1 , 41. 134, A. A. if.. Inoetß nt the chill, ou Thnrrolny evening, on or briure tho Fto.l Moon, tit (1 o'clock TYOGA couNcir„ No . . 31, E.& S. MASTERS, ineet-i at the Hall, on 'the third Friday et each calendar 'month, lit 0 01 0`,dock P. M. • . TYAGAGLITON CONIMAN DEILY, No. 29, of KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, and the Appendant ordei . e, tneete at the Hall. on the first Friday of each calendar month, at yr Advertisements Itlifl for-Sale—C. L. Ford. Stray St r eer—Lura Locke. Business Cord—Wm. It. Smith. Assignee's-Notice—Toles Barker. Rent Estate Record—Townsend ,t; Co - . Orphans' Court Sale—Mrs.' Wood. COMIECTION,—.th our notice of Mrs. Weekes, of Deerfield, week before last, wo mis took the figures in the age of ono of the family. It should have been 46 instead of 76. TEMPERANCE METING.—Rev. L. Payne will address the citizens of Middlebury on Oa subject of .temperance Saturday evening Jan. 361 at the church at Holiday town. A full attend Deo, is requested. Ou '8 & INS.—Mr. Charles F. Miller last week retitcd from the Treasurer's 'Office with -honors. Ho has been a faithful and eifteient,olll oer. Mr. 11. C. Bailey, who succeeds Mr. Miller, sets out fairly and squarely on the line of duty. Ho brings first-rate qualifications to Om work. FIRE IN tunzi.:-11iontlay. week the H9teli)rrned by Maj. Irvin and occupied. by Mr. Myron Nichela, took fire from • a deflective flue, and was totally consumed, • together with a por tion of the furniture. There was an insurance of $760 on the hotel, but no insurance on the con tents._ Loss $lOOO. PERSONAL:—We take the following generous notice of an old friend and citizen of Tioga, from a Janesville, Wis. 4 paper: 14fassrs. J. B. Casaody antl Willard Merrill have formed a law copartnership, as we see by a Card elsewhere. It will make a strong team. Both are able men, good lawyers and untiring workers, and possess in an eminent degree the confidence of the community. Success is sure to attend them. FROSTED FEET.-111r. G. W. Eastman assuresius that raw spirits of turpentine is a cer tain remedy for frosted feet. It is a Einap reme dy, and. within the reach of everybody. 'T`$E TOWNSHIP ELECTIONS.—So far as heardform tho Republicans have swept the board in the towrnships, having mot Mr. Wallace a little more th4n half way. In two districts our opponents presented their worst men as candi dates for positions on the o!cotion boards, and) were badly defeated. We regret that the necessity for putting the minority oat of court arose, hut since it was forced upon our Wends they did well to meet it. - THE REVIVAL.—The series of meet ings in progress under the auspices Of the M. E. Church in this village has resulted in an eaten sive revival. The converts number upward of forty, as we are informed. Owing to the ,fitting of court, the meetings Ist]) be continued. ie the Episcopal church this week and test, or until fat. 'er n tic,,. • • ----- ":1: LE OTIiiR SIDE .—A cortePpdndent, whop locs.not sign his name, denies; the trnth of the i em published in this e..lunin :lately, l'uleti- Mg an outrage in Ward. U. , soya that there was no quarrel between the parties named ; that the brother and sister had a ft iendly scuffle; in which the sister had her gown turn ; 'tbat.slie took her clothes away without opposition ; alit] that she is subject to tits. But ho so for forgets him,ell as to hit out at the family of the bridegroom, and i , certain that we would nut blame the broth( r if we knew all ~lo ut them. We cry williNgo ex ? Cllal the brother without further knowledge of the party maned. But when people neglect to ranch their names to articles they must not exis t omeh credit to i, given to their say-so. COMPLAINT.—Mr. deo.. Rtutb, of, Chartc,-ton, writes us to s!i s y that there is sumo hitch in the wail and expre,ss EVrvice between Washoro and the outside world. Ho says thut a box of peaches was sent to him by express last fall by Mr. L. B. iionsel, of Picricliteown, N. J., which boa of lay in the exp_re.-t ;(Tii• here for six ivecks. Prohahly the 1,,.x was di rected to Mr. Raab 'at Wellsboro, and the agent ass unawarli of proper residence. He complains also, that lelters do not teach . him from Mr. House!, and that of tour letters, sent to that gen tleman none seem to have iviseht--1 their tion. We are fully satisfied that the trouble is not in Wellshoro. It is probably on the inter mediata lines of travel. We regard the Wel4boro office as one of the most carefully condiletta in this part of the country. ILLUSTRATED LECTCRES.—We are glad to learn that Drs. I. D. 6: L. C. Warner, ut New York, and of high repute as lectui•ers upon Physiology and Laws of Health, mu , iirout to favor Tioga county with a visit. They lec ture in all tho principal villages of the county. The Bradford Count papers are decided in their ,praisef the manner and matter of their lectiirwa Their illustrations are raid to be the finest ever exhibited in this country, coneiZting (.1 inanhi• Sans, Skeletons, natural preparations., liointings, Charts, Ac., Ac. Of courso they will not pass by Welleboro without atofiling form week at least. And when they come we bespeak for thesis, full houses. ' THE GREAT STORM.—SI)()%I' Coln en eed falling at a little before midnight of Monday, 20th inst, and continued fulling until about 3 o'clock. of Tuesday afternoon. The entire full Tpehea a depth' of about 20 inches. This appears to have been quite an exceptional and eccentrio stßni. The Pr.ttlford Reporter speaks of a like fall of snow on Friday, 17th inst.,. reaching a depth of 20 inches. As Towanda is. but fifty miles east of us, and as the storm was violent, we can hardly reconlile the difference in time by any knimn law of storm. Unless there is a very great blunder in dates, 'the orbit of the storm must have been very elliptical. We have about two and a half feet of Fnnw fin the woods. GOSSIP.—Did you ever remark the difference between men as regards length, breadth, and thicknesa? Not physically, for that 'is the least measure of man;.but mentally and morally, There is Mr. Grimes, whose - development from his youth up resembles a fan—starting from a point and widening out, and rounding off beau tifully. As the years rolled on and were parsed to the debit of his life account, his views grew broader, and likewise his charitable judgments; • he saw that men, with all their fAlos and'foibles, were growing wiser and better ; that in ciVilized communities the average of mankind were well intentioned and desirous of reaching at. IMtter state; and that the imputation of error to men of one genesation Was quite likely to be scorned by men of the succeeding generation, Anal Mr. Grimes grew and prospered amain in tiient:tl ~ttrpl moral sature, and at middle age. liktattiol.: , wttL his Milker - were such Sc' to con.stittate him an cxmpfar in the eminnunity where h e livca —Now, a.s a contrast, take ISIr. Pineltheek - .11105e deve/o - Rement from youth- up refembles three straight-mile:3 of railroad ar: you man(' on the track'. Frani four or .9ix feet in width whole ;Aru], the rails seem to approach each - other "'gradually, until at the vanishing voint they soon tr., run together and form a single rail. Ile set out at the ordinary Width, and under the influ- (nee of petty ambitions snubbed, little hatreds t , urs , A, and doubtf4l morality encouraged, his tut ll nlland inoral natured wore impoverished, until he was utterly untiblo to discriminate be- twc,en th e good and bad io the characters of the tnelt among whet° he)iye , .l,__ iiit.raugeLDL vision narrowed down to his own doorynrd, and• above tho gentralgood ho rated the fancied goa. of 4r. pitlbOesik,' 11.114 4o 148 114'101 bosirlp', fS by-word ii►hbng tdeni•nnfr} 11oi1 sbehttY beavod a sigh of relief. —We introduce Mr. Grimes and gr. Pinchbeck into this gossip for the beneflt'of young linen vilto may z'ead. it. We have noticed that some young men aro getting in, the habit of attaching them selves to mental nothingness and moral decay, perhaps without much reflection. Whenayonngt man touches uncleanness ho always carries a portion of it away with him. Islo young man can ally himself with men: of loosto habits,' an& narrow views of metii • and things, and el - peetlik die like Mr. Grirries. lie-will narrOw down like the railroad in perspective, and present the sad spectacle of an ill-spent life._ Men i>fthought and, men of right action value such 'young mon o at just• what they weigh in the, They are marked and valued, and classed with -their baser allies. So we say to young _men that life is not long enough to trifle with. Do right, cultivate broader views of life and its duties, and Sour success is assured ATTEMPT TO BREAK TAIL-ISINGULA It '?:OUr. r.N T.—Tuesday morning of lust week, :Sheriff Potter, and Deputy Sheriff Rockwell, en tered tho eep,occupted by Theodore) Hatfield land Thomas Green, awaiting trial for conspiracy to burn a dwelling; &c., &e., and on examination, found that the prisoners had cut off several bolts which confined the iron wainscotting of the cell and partially removed the iron plating from a surface sufficiently largo to per,mit egress whom the planks should be removed. rho Sheriff .lo mended the tools with which tho work was, dim . ; and after some delay the full settitonnapriainfi„n fine lot of drills and hilts, and iv - t-troleen =brace, was delivered up. „ l Yr. • • `I ` The history of this transaction, revealing ohe of the most skillfully managed undertakings for the detection of crime of which wo have know)- edge;we'are permitted to make public in chief part: )early a_month ago suspicion wasdirected toward Mr. D. G. Ritter as tin accomplice of Hatfield and Green in some secret transaction. He had considerable business, real tit- pretended, with the prisoners, and it was determined to know the nature of that business. )Accordingly, M. P. Elliott, Esq., counsel of the Wyoming In surance Co i mpany and one of the counsel for the Conitnon wealtb;•eonceii , ed a plan for worling'iip the ease. Detectives were pat upon Ritter's track, with directions to give him full swing: in, whatever business ho Might he engaged in: • Ra ter was indulged in often interviews with the prisoners, and it was not long before he opened his heart and revealed his plans to ,outside par ties. i Soon after this, ex-Sheriff'/Tabor gained another clue to Ritter's business, and the affair thenceforward proceeded under the joint super vision of ifessrs. Elliott and Tabor. 'About two weeks ago Ritter procured a sett of Mils for cutting iron, the fact of which became known' to the detectives, and the destination of which wee ferreted out without much trouble. It was found that Ritter was to the tools ante the jail, or to get them in in some way—a thing i not difficult to do, he having free access to the prisoners at i all proper hours. A correct draft of the tools was made by ex-Sheriff Tabor, and permission given for their delivery to Ritter. On Friday morning, 17th inst„ the intentionof Ritter and his confederates in jail.. being folly .worked up," Sheriff Potter was made acquainted with the entire programme, and at once enteied inta the matter with spirit. From this time the chase became- intensely interesting. Prompted , by Green, 'Ritter became suspicious of a break: somewhere, but the affair proceeded (Lei:Online - to programme. Tuesday night, 2lst inst 4 was act opal t for the escape. The progress of ill cell and • Hatfield in drilling was carefully noted by the Sheriff. Mienday afternoon it wils'obs,irved that Ritter was getting nervous and frightened and a warrant by Justice Young far hi up prehension, but net served that ay. Moodily night the prisantleArcra watched clinsely, lind it IL/la fOlind that , d lig ' wits s tidspended Wheth er the work was temporarily abandotied yr wheth er thr re was some other reason for the stispein4tow was unknoWn. But toward morninel the : 4 heriff. - accompanied by Deputy Rockwell aid Tabor, proceeded to Mr. Woodruff's;lwlietn was etayine., about two and IL 11/1)1 ntileac from Wellsboro, and arrested Mtn in bed. lir at. mine confessed hie eumplicity with the niteitiat to' brink jail, and gave himself up. He wit; iirought to tot% n, anti upon a hearing he 4iie Justice Young, his counsel, ..I‹.lin I. Mitchell blateincat of his ease; in which it Iles allogutt that hisieutineetion with the affair Ives iniliterd by the maker of the tools., No defe, temptetWitild io default of bail Ile ly Tile bail demanded rsas $3OOO. Net credit is due to Mr. Elliott s' nuto'r of the plan or "working up:' th sueocisful carrying out was sburod Tabor, who has for equals lanywitere hltbiness. Sheriff Potti‘e!and Dept performed their parts capitally. TI the, pH:midi - 3 at the ileneuetrient. 1.1 nod no .110114 the surprise of the con!' :41de who where signaling the lirisot the night was anything hut agrecabt These arc the particulars of the all as Are arc permitted to mention t particulars mill doubtless becothe km trill Of the partka Tit E EL ECTION.—Tho Boro Lion last Friday was decidedly at) atnns.ing. The following, are the of Burgess—R. C. Simpson. (No oppo! Justice of the Peace—A. S.-Brewstc Council—E..l. Purple, JO6. Riberel Constable—Wm. 13. Van Horn. School Directors—David Sturtock, liams. A.ssci':For—John N. Bache. , - Auditor—John I. Mitchell. ' .lodge of Elections—J. B. Niles. Inspectors of Election—Orrin Overseers of the Poor—C. G eorge Derby. This ticket tir•as nominated by favor of temperance and law and orde exception of,Mr. Riberolle, for Cotinci tanced Mr. Reilly, the tomperancc ono vote, and Mr. Wright, one of the who was, of course conceded. On tilt. ceding the election, the opposition calling for a caucus of nll pefsons license to meet at Bunnel's Hall and n ticket. ~The -- caucus met, and ti straight-out 14ns.e ticket, with tl4 e Burgess and Jdstice of the Peace. 1 fair challenge Ao debate the question ol no license at tfie polls; and it was a. the'laiv and order party as freely and was given. At the close of the canons a series of resolutions was adopted, "WnEnrAs, The Court of Quarter S., Tioga County have refused to grant Li t Remonstrances being eirettlated and to the Court, therefore the objeot of thi is to get the sense of the rotors of the], Irelisbore, IVhethefthey aro in furor o' therefore. "Resolved, That Ll4 , nses to keep Pn ses of Entertainment end Eatin;:r. Wellsboro should ho granted by the persons of good repute for honesty an AMC,. "Rdsolved, That the 'Courts should it extreme penalties of the law nponTar guilty of violations of the laws prohi illegal sale of-liquors. By order of - the Saying nothing, pro or eon,' of thel English in which the resolutions': ii% assure the adopters of the series tLut peraneeinen of Wellsboro will try to st, the fat plunk-in that platform from forward. We thank you, gentlemen, fo gospel according to whisky-.. '-- Well, the battle 'aged all day, and _ ties ivortted hard and faithfully. Bet votes tsefe equated the law and order ti it. elated victor, and silence and clarine.s reigned aitiimic - the, Runnel Hall party. lo loo:, the grand ' banquet which was to have bein. hail Ll.-. Crilw! won. lapgeti into funeral baked in tie, 013• ted with o.arit cold gravy. .-- - • We can say, to the, ereilit• of our n ilia( they presented none but good men ticket. Thu officers elect -are alllohg 441 of one citiV,etis, and thoroughly „ s with local interest,, * .171 c Little Pilgrim celebrated tl Year in it Spick-and-span now areas, and of form .%vbiell puts an entirely noW face i Huai - cr. Grace drepiwood.isiimpinnecr for little folks, and nobody knows better bow to pleaso the children. Single co cents a year. 5 oopievs3;bo, with .proni getters-nip of clubs, L. K. Lippincott, 3191 Strcet,Philadclphia. EMI;BM=I •,; THE CqO,KIACI )51VVE No article of furniture requires more. care in selecting thantiCtiolti4tV_,Si,cto.,-:'' Among', the great variety itf . the ;Market and the = strong rec ommendation of each, by interested partitiq those not familiar with the operation of Stoves are liable to make poor selections ; while each way ha v e e geed p oint utterly. 9.11 MYtf...89010 serious. don V3P1 1 5tAill 044 gi 44. Air Cook iNg SIISU, manufactured biShetti, atd ,t; Co., of Albany, N. Y., la the most complejo irtall its arrangements of any stove yU'prodneed.• The ratintifainurerslinve spared no [Mins or •ex-." pease to wake this stove perfection itself, and tlii;y • have moreeded admirably, meet? 4110 approbation ortlie' people through o u t' the coun try, for both coal and wood, and -IA universally spoken of in terms of the ikighest praise, and no one shoulthitirke - A'Npe . thni irithnutth e Improved American tt careful and thorough ex amination, and after doings so; they cannot fail being convinced of its superiority over all others. —Cortifity ,!,.bran(. • ' r ,Vor sale Ly s CoNVIIIISE b 04noon, , .Wellsboro'ht.; SatWl, 3w' The largest, hest, and cheapest assort- Ineot of frames ever brought into Tioga County,' with large pictures in every way to snit, and card photo gr aph s a t $l,OO per doz. all going thst., at Franc; Slimmer' , Art Cutlery, Afatisticd, Ph: - ' Dee. 75—tr. DAVIS—DAVIS.- 7 1 . 11 Covinl;4:on, H J'ah. by the Rev. G. P. Watrous, Mr, .Thomas "Da-, v~is, of CharNston, and IwitB Jane Davis; of uittgtan. SP- 7 4 0 . 1 'A E N. , QTICES. 0 s NM:NOUS AND DEBILITATED Lt . a hou ,afferimm ha% o beep protracted from hidden tango,.+uul n hequ asoa require prompt treatment to render e‘i•gence in,itablo. it you are antrering or have sullen - I t front uvplu t (linnet gl,B _NVh(lt.t:neOt does, it pro4itec upon general , .Do you feel weak; debillt:tted, ea-Cy nitwi t Does n little extrii exertinu produce palintatioti ~f the heart? Dues yourlircr.or urinary orectii.h. : dri.,your hid itotc , ,lfge:". queutly bat' of Wrdet fs your urine eometimes thick, Milky,,ordlocky, or is ft ropy oFeettfingl - Or doer a thick scum rl,a'to'tho top? Or i 4 a sediment nt the bottom atter it has .stood am bite? Do you have simile of short breathing or dyapepsia ? Ate 3 vur boa ell coubliptiledt Du you have 411414 ot faint log Or rtt.tt• ec of Wood to the head t la your mammy impaired is your mind constantly dwelling upon this subject/- 4)o yet feel dull, listless moping. tiled of company, of life t • Do 300 dish to he left alone, to get away front everyLedyi , boei any little ;thing make you start or • Jump? - Is Voir sleep broken or restfes's? 'la the luelre ofyoue eye ag bcillie t t The bloom on your ana: as btiglifi 1k you enjoy 30111..01 in society as. wollt- 1 Do you pursue your busimsJ with • the scum eitorgs•7--.. Do you feel as much confidence lu yourself? Are your spit its dull and (tagging; givento BUJ of melancholy t 'Use, do not lay it to yourqh, er or dyspeptic.. hues you resale-s hisl Your hack weak, your 'knees weak, and have tout little appeate, acid u you attributo tkii dyAnTsia or !her complaint Now. teAfi9v,:liflf4l,,buse, venereal Ali 4 leastif puffy eutetly, and s‘..xulir ,thfeities, pro ail chibible of ?,procineitt ry wealfuessidfltitA,N;De ra orgams.:. Thu organs orgoh.l erntion, when In pei feet health, make the man. Did you over think the, t those bold, dollant, energetic, per. Hovering', etrCceseful buiineB9 men• ere always - I.lfoto whose gonerative organs are in pviCeet .belltht '; You octet hear mufti men complain of being melanehrOict uervommets, of palpitation of the heart.' Theyart4tev:tc er at - Mid the;; ettluOt succeed i'l 1- 1 11411 . 63 - ,St they ylO% become cud mid discouraged; they are always polite. and in the company of ladies, kind look you and them right in the Lice—BMW of your' downcast looks or nay other meatine s s about them.' Ido not mean I these Ito ;veil the organs enflamed by. running fe ck• oegs, now will not only ruin tio., constitutions, but tulle t how they do business with or for. tlua maill.•.atett front 1)4(11y-cured dist ages, from Ibo effects ut hell abuse :1 II IL.S. , XCeSei VS, hate nought tibtatt. that :tat , or trealtne•ss itolionoorganii ti at has reduced the &metal eptent t...) much as-to Induele alnle overy othet ill .eaoe—nin...y, ittnacyif. p4l al3 at, ritinat attest. lowa, Ai• m,,le, .tad ~imaat ovary other P rut oP disbaso which humanity is heir to,-aulf the re; I co tie of tho ty 0 , 7 1,1,. ::.:at co), rbier quppecto; anti hay,. doctored for all Gut the Tiglft , 0nu, , ,, •••,-, •!'- - - • onettoes,oftitoSOorjotusleciriire the lie , if a diuretic. litil,,Nlttot.Triz fUSID' EXIT ACT.110:111 U to the rt...tt 4 Dine. t..., :Lk( to a tertain curs , fot,disealtis of Illy .111:1.1. dor. liidnu)s, tirarel. Druvsy, Organic Wt•alinegs, k'e. runic Complaints, (toilet al 'Debility, and all di-e.toeo nt the Uctoaty Organs. whether existing in Male or' Pe-' Nile. 6.111) 11 halPter l'illlne grlollatill.27 1111 , 1 1111 tallier 11.1k4 ~,,,,...1.11"),)/ .4. i 1 110 II ~ 1tIlli• II I I, , 131.11i1i RA to, I'l , lilll/1111thnli Ur In ',ln try [nay same. Ow- fle,dt and blood at a otipporied front 111.,.• ootire.•+, and the health tins i l happineoo, :mil that of ito•terity, ( iit•till'i iip..)) in onipt te,...., a tenable.. I etitedy. . II E1, , ,1 Pt i I.D .I•Pi Til ACT If Dell U., eqablishca up- v a 01 at lii ... e. a, in eiiat..l hy If. 'I!. IIIII41.1101;D t :: ; • Dt..ade•ay, :•., W York, nod' ~ • In i ir ~, 11:11 10(11 f-ttx 4 •ti• PittladeiNt is; l'n. Piiici . .—sl,2. per I.t 111., or I. hOttlei fir S.c.sf),;tioliv ",-,1 t „ a „ y. ,,,i ip 0 ,...,,, , soh' by all Di ligztsttlecree,fsrhere, -'-'''" ''',-, COLGATE •& -CO:!S -, ~ . .,•-t'fci":47..li, ' •, : e;, F ., -, ' :,... %ttil ; :..r " . ; ERASIVE SOAP' ...: 1 ....; ~..; lli hhinUiddnrol - fiffia 1' ti II r ..• /[/. Q : e „' `V - , 111erlifIlLIJ.,1•3,attil to iy he ror . . v . - ohlereil floi S'PA NDA in) UN EN. ........_ .-•':' ~... ..- 'OII.I.L.RNOE. 1 . . a ,ale hy -ali A (;‘ nt;,•timil tt hn rutrered t Coc ye: nod ail th, , Urectv or youth fit' I 1 , 11. 'll i',l, tor .•tl;. of rittioring, human ity. lie, to 411 who it, thA ivrijoh. nod by it hi. h lto tun's ;-',11r,•1(.1 wit, Wilt; to proirt by rho {tdeortlser•n v. Call Ity ad l4 .ll , :•!•ing• it. % l'erket JOHN t:. 10 . 41)EN. 221:11t)..7 -Iy. ,01. :New Volk, tee NVIln 111. c~~tuUiilled t I a tim e/tse. Its cx. l ri itiOutt. tnus t : it.ctmett SILL LIA SINILTBUS (~Urifl►lP f lilwrin of ilit'itrkeil; / 1 / 7 112P712R131 7 5 , - • IZOIVICCOPLIZIOC SPIICIVICS, ft v E 1:1:01 - nn, VIE 310;5T , A:2(II'LE nx..• and iN•li tide 'lltey tire (Ito--nckly -I la I clued vertectly aqapted to ripi)lll/• uh,•—ho clinple thnl wits tatlnut made iu utiatg them; su hat tnl,s_pmto be_ fri , e fEnni thtv4 , l . . itita n.t elllckilt m lt) bu 111way8 (roil fill land will iklwityc runlk , r vitt ' ' diyrl4. E Opt- Oiruilgh r in so far eni: Other to (.11 the .. . Tqb. , - • ' . Costa. - 1, Cores reVer!;, Congt-dioo. Inflmornation...... 25 "2, ,du Waring, Worto•Fo or, IVorm-COlic '25 S, • 1 Crying colic, or Tee t!,ing of infal;t H... - 2.1 4, il o Di ar rh coa of clilldi'en Gr aZlolle., • 2:'. 5, a, Eppecuterc-,.ol'ifail:z. nilimis roii'r . :25 0 > do Cholera-ViorbUil , Voroding ! 4 5 . 7, du Cou g h s . 0,1.1 q, niviiehitiA 1... .25, s; -!do Neuralgia, 7outt h ic:ll,.., Vacetwlto . '..!:, , rlt Mee:4 mftte.,l and •ccr3 elect: Ir. (No opp) a• . lil 11,1.1,1 cite. '25 10.1 .1.. ny,3popsizt, 11; 1 s u pp resse d or vqnrill 121 du Whites. t",) , profuse 13.! ( in cr o up. 25 14, 1 suit itheUmAriysipolui; lZhournatism, Alleutrultir 21. .1.) rover and Aglie, Chill Furey, Agiiei is.A/ 17. pile s , blind m• L~et•d'lftri u 0 E. E. ti aCrn s ey payty iss with the who (IN omineo• hat i,spcctor,; 10, do catv(yrlt• a(' 15, d o o ß htli o l m y, ato 4ore weld: :19 cliruide Ibiltieuza .... GO 20, do WhOoping-Cough, T..). i I rut Coughs.- SO 21, do Asthm a , oppree.e.i Illeatlin,g 22; du Ear .Th sc h argos , do ,Scrofula, ci d idiged 2 0 24. do Ge4prAl,Padlit,y.l2htdcal Weakoro. 20 25, do aropsV, apd oaray aond ..... 20 ,Sca-Sickness, sicknes.9diona rldlng.c. , 20 niany..Dimeago, 0.1 50 diLy pro , ki osto I n f avora of kriiinaln a inivatecl a I - • ' eeptloa of his was -a ' license or cerktotl by Lilly as it for lions() I follows: ;ssions of , enr,OF. by Isiorvorts pobilitv; Thitie• Aolts, I I)lrBlTAtim , 1 00 • Soro Month. Canhor co ;01, urinary weiormesq, bed., 50 31, do Vitali:a ropritpdp, ic111) tt , positis ...... 32, do j Sl.lfrOrinks lit amigo of fifo 100 Rte, du Epilep s y, tivrimg, st. Vittts , mtlice 100 31, dD niptititaria, nlceri'ted ° ulA rliipot ' 00 P., I .3/ • Y U 418 1 ,18- or at, mo-,:ucco.cAsE; CANTAINMO . A r ' pregented ,CIFIC Io I.Vi.liN UItLINAII? DM:ABE A rAmits Is. suns; CT To AND A LOOS . OE LIitECTIoNs 91000 Smaller FAMILY anti l'it.lvt.l.l:at co:iel with 20,t0 ~. 28 1 riali 1,3 to $S , :..It9eith's Ihr ;111 I.l:WAT;;•Dist.tiv.s, both 11.ir Curt 2 , INCt ttlk4--it.T ' etthViiteetVE trcittruent, unit Tl-" ails :roll pocket, civics : $2 to SZ) . .. . ~ . . Ak. - 1 - -Xliohr• it<•taidlei byi WI crisa or Bh),4l 3 !)tox;ttik; seta to any part of the country, by Mail or Express, tree of charge, on receipt of 11to pciciS: Addtewi Aumphreye,' Specific Homeopathic pgledicipe Company. Office tur.l Depot, 'O. .Se. 2 iti;AAillllt,ksir.47 Y;11111.'' ' DV. ILUMPIIItFV4 iS ConSUlted tlaily at 1,1-; alive, pFri eonally or by knell -a hbuie; fur nil birth pf ellseif!..o. ~ F(11: - 8:11,Le 11Y .4.1j.L lilit'ol'7l6'7W: .- Angn.t. 21, I.litYoy: , , ~ ~• :; i mooting ()rough off' License, Hott-' I louses in Courts to I temper.- pose the I persons Ming . - the Meeting." 'trend, - we thC Let/J -oni upon hist fa h)/ Lira It/ow fin i Ftif.l" I t ic Wl'l'l is- rr. 8,!1.; itiont T 13,1 ' ; 2R,—LOW SPI R DEP It EsSION, I VOLIT,NTAIIy 1.1311SS1 0 :0 4 , 1.(r83 OP SEMT.ti t SIT1111:1TORREI0.3A, f.0:04 nF PrrIVEIII , OIZZI . : 13 E.A.I), 01 , 11E11.. 00_ :i - N1) 'CIEItE.YITNI:I) NII'GTENCE • . A! , 111 IM 817.:CIUTY, find a Fc.vcnciuN CURE in HUM -1?11.1LE YB' I 1()1)110.PATII ICI •A'a. 14; N T E Li • • • Oh Vtir . Hi( It I t h e 1 - fiet Irrn4 the tim.t valltablo, wild wait potent Cu-. rilliveA, they Orli!! 111 , 1 Iv; matter, tom), srictil:arre,t,t ‘lgsoF „4nt,l vittilltX to th - I,:fri t Ire. tibine• Tlief eurtil theiwintls of citieS., st,x, boxes, and vf(tt; Cot 1 pa'r single bi , X• SOW ding gistB;aml ...mit by 11111i1 un tei..eapt-ot iiriee,---*thlress- IlliS11!/11kEYS' '81.1,(31111.1,„ )10‘11:0PATIlle cf r ,Nl•;,. co., 11(s4 aprauwAty, Taw IZE , n I ixeir SEE t•tttilic~l l eiN4 t w t (moco !pun fbo .iia te i rer. hi n She rliu 1:0'. EDWARD A. WILSON - , W-111 n , vul (free of Clint(? to !111 who i..:bire.it,.tiose . rem:ript ion with the di "iectllttug 161 . iii kitig; told tisiug the njegiln. n•Olfdy by whiA;h4te Wee of,,va Ding iiirttlfuti t h at droiiil Only object ie M bejtelA the t appet/410ml' Ityrllepeg , erVery'etitrerer'litii 'try , thifil , prc• nription, It will colt thou r nothing, and may prowl. tl hh2,Ajae: Plewie athltetht • ' ' It KV. Ebi4 Ala) A. WILSON', ics'.. Z., mug 'to Walnut I=l=Ml=MM=Ma , ~~::.~::..v NIA itRIAUES =CI= RPIIOIIH (11" YOUTII. Ta (.IO.*StIMPTIVA;B PHOTOGRAPH'CALLERf IN WELLSBORO, NOW ,01?nN To PILBLIC.I Air - ESSRS: VST'ItrAN 11 1 / 4 lbitri dielf pnbild gontirall} that they' have fitted - up a . new Pit'citOgratil:(l24l- , !cry in the best possible style. Having one of best SKY-LIGHTS in the tElf.3it4, yfo„iire propand to take all styles and Sizes of PHOTOGRAPHS;':' •' : , AMIiROTYPES':' & MELAEOTYPE§ in the best 'ankle nianne'r; for LealZeta or Oases large or small. Large 010T0(111.APTIAcpple. front small Cards or Oa ,ThigOeriootiPpes 0 ‘ f.,40 , ceased fribrictil." No tronblii to tiike „.. :pHiT4)lq - si - ,!,:.Y.1P',T14tg5, Bring thotnAlAngV , .., 5 Sampto proof: ttvrays gob who& ordered.- 2 - 'Como and try us. , , x.3s'attllory. :over Eastman's Denta):=Offide; Fifth Door below Roy's Drug Store. „r.c.trza EASTMAN Jan. 15, 1868-Iy. ' '; . iSlow IS YOUR. TIME tip for. •,tEti . • GROUND -;PLASTER at T. L.BALDWIN it. CO'S, • Tioga, ' , Jan. 15, 1868-2 w. . •. . • STRAY SHERP.—Caine into the enclosure Y 4 of the aubgeriber in Middlebury, on the 7th or Lac„ eight sheep,ipaint marks en the right Aide. The owner is requested to prove property t pay,eharges'ond takelhemnnway. .Middlebury, Jan. 16,1863. E. 11. BRIGGS. CASII PAID FOR ASH LOGS; at Bodine's Min, by C. S. lIIMBALL. - I WeDsboro, Dec. 25, 1866-tf a ; Applieat2ans .for ,Licert se. AI'OTICFI IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol lowing named persons have peiltiened the slionorable Court of Quarter Sessions for licences to keep' (mil maintain tavorna and eating houses for the- Vurreut year, and that said Coast will hear the petitioners on Moday the 27th day of January 1868, atiVbllaboro rAvE2 O IO . „ • B B Holiday, Wellebatio.c II Watkirts.„. do. john hillier, Lawrenceville. , William U. CZtosson, do., • ( Geo Crier: , Morris. ' David Weisel, Blos4, ichael Kelley, do' E Q Hill, Westfield Borough! , Geo Close, do. , do. , II II Potter, MiddlebUrs. J 0 Pine Covington Boro n S lP Itirlds, Jackson, , •• • H C Ver ilyea, Gaines.; • A J Martin, Osceola. Thornqp IfATII7O itotiyr v. M ' PiAter Middlebury. VA'lluren Holiday, do. San Westbrook, , do. " ' Simon 11'illeor, Westfield. Borough. M Bollard Sc.-Goldsmith, Wellsboro. - • John A 'Martin, Blocs. _.James Trahc', do It C Bailey, `! • .. • Stephen Bowen, do. P IVilliams, • do. • • • • :• - .Jamey , - JOHN F. DONALDSON. Wolloboro, Jon. 8. 0 1868. Pro h'y. no to 711:ELI,81"8 and soo,thci Latiibt Arrival of FALL. GOODS! ConAtiting, of a gonoralassortmeneof ,ctl c O 0 • ' ce4 4 -1 frq 4.• ' g • Ce ta 0 0 CORSET 5 : MRS. FRY'S CORSET AND SKIRT SUPPORTERS, AT `saa'rTam 9n sutra mom oqi eclg P" It" Wl' NEW DRESS-GOODS AT KELLEY'S. 9,A.a'lllv/i) .104u!At. GENTS' FURp,LAT M P-Ff" No charge for SHOWING GOODS at-art IVellsboro, Oct. 30, 1867 Stoves & Tin ware FOR THE MILLION Good, pooplo ail, kothigreatland you want to_ltetip t• • ' PLACE IN THE FAMILY 7 yon roust tiniC enough to eat, dry bood; a good . Iton-behaved children, and to Crown all, a TIP . TOP fOOKING NTOVB! This - Inst.a»d crowning good, I have at my Tin an d stov e astabilOinent, opposite Ray's ,flock, Irellßboro, and its - natne is the ' 'COMPANION • 034$11;1.1.-towittecto b 6 tbo .... _TIN *AitE MADE TO ORDER, -- 4itciii7ptf§, and waritintkid a give Batief9otion. •• • G 7 the beet - manner and 'with - dig iiii3ll P CALL AND SEP, ME: b.' P. IiCkBERTS. Welleborough, Nov. 21,1867. 0 ee, KBLLEY'S 1 C. B. KELLEY'S, 1121 =1 , , Gi*,at ' * • Dry Groods. Every ono in need of Dry Goode, who denims to mere the . ' MIL WORTH OF THEIR MONEY, rind to buY Goode cheaper on an average of pri ces than at any time during the past 6 years, can do so by, calling on tile subscriber's, • 3 O,M9ERT BLOOBI,OOI.IBING. /Our stock is nearly all now and all put in at tho . NP VT AL:E 'PO 1400: P 140 E S 4.4 Read the following list and compare it with the prices of the past,2 j 3 years 101 l 7doeido : for - yOnfseliees If • aro not cheap. i•lommon j Prints, 8 cts ood • " ..... ...., ................ ..ID " Varranted fast colored Prints ' 12/ " envy Shootings yard tvitlo 12/ ,"_ ino Brown Shootings '' • ' 1.:....' • 12/ " ino Bloaohed " 12/ " ed Flannels twilled or plain, 25, ;31}, 37k, 4iti 50 %coy Flannels twilled, 31i, 37/, 441, 50 i a reductiod of from 12/ to 20 cents yor yd. aney Shirtings, 311, 44, sd, very cheap fickings, Stripes, Donims, Ketuoky Jeans, Cot t : tonades, are reduced full as much. I STILL GREATER BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. 43in. wide handsome fine French llforinees„n :;$ ir ‘.• ( 4 I i it f ( MO 4) " " extra qualities " ~- 1,25 le' all colors in each lot.— They are full 30 per nt less than the prices of 30 days ago, and are t best bargains in the County. Empress Cloths, lliacas and Paramettas aro equally cheap.— y tine in need of Winter Dress Goods will do i ( . well to call on us. PIiAWLS, CLOAKS AND 'CLOAK CLOTHS ARE 'VERY CHEAP .10have tondo the following reductions from • the prices of 30 days ago. , I t ' • • I /16,00 Double Shawls, good colors, now $4,50 4,00 Double Shawls, good colors, now 5,50 ,50 Double Shawls, extra qualities, now 0,00 /1/,00 Double Shawls, extra qualities, now 7,00 $5,00 Beaver Cloth, 13 yards wide, now 2,50 0,00 Beaver 'Clod), 7ardi wide, n0w.....L.3,40 $4,50 Beaver Cloth, 14 'yde wide, Mick, now 3,50 $3 ,00 to $7OO Beaver White Back Chinchilla, best quality in market, now 5,00 These goods were all considered cheap at' our first prices ono month ago. PUBS are reduced full 30 per cent. • Our BOOT AND SHOE • STOCK full of bargains. We sell Womon's Morrocco Ba'morals, $1,50 We soil Women's Kip Shoes, 1,50 Also largo lots of Fine Work, such as Button Polish, Balmoral, and-Congress, in IZid, Morroce. awl Serge, for Ladies, ,this es and Children a the Lowest Prices The 111 rket will afford. "We buy Goods alinos daily, and sel everything Ch ap. • • s Corning, N. Y- Leo.. 4? 15 47 '7Ckk.(;s?, BE,was3r. Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles HUGH ;YOUNG ITAS just Tc,turinq from Now York where ho ; carefully adleeted a full assortment of everything in his line of business. BOK S . The latest publications of the best authors; Gift Books for yonn;•and old; The poems of all the standard authors; Novels without number; Biography and Travels rßibles (pocket and fam ily) in all styles of binding; Prayer Books, Bap tist,.l4fothodist, and ,Presbyterian Hymn Books, in all styles and at various prices. N. B. All books Gold at publishers' prices,— Law, Medical, and Music Books furnished to SCHOOL. BOOKS. • Every variety of Spellers, Rpaders, Arithme tics, Algebras, Ileoruotried, Geographies, Histo ries,&c., sold or used in any school or need etny in the county at the lowest pricds. BLANK BOOKS. Ledger's, Day Books, Journals, Memorandums, Pass Books, Time Books, Diaries for 1868, and all sizes and styles of Binding, for either . Mer chants, Farmers,- Mechanics, or Lumbermen.— T o largest stock ever brought into the county. STATIONERY .f Inks of all kinds, Mucilage; Pens of the best mitkors; Quills, Nair Pencils, Load Pencils of all colors. Ink Stands several varieties; Blotting Pa per, colors; Ladies, and French Note, Bill Paper, Billet, Letter; !Foolscap, Legal and Flat Cap ruled or plain; and every' Article over sold by a stationer. . . ' WALL PAPER. .1 have• now, as always, the very best assort ment, and the largest stock of Wall Papers in the County. Gilt, Stamped, Satin,•.Whito and Brown with' Borders'te i Mateh, Also'Side Light, Fire Boards, Cloth and Polite Window Shades, Patent Window Fixture‘ (three varieties) rind Cords, Tassels, Ice., and everything in this line. Pictures -and Picture Frames, We ictlep tho latter in all usual sizes and shapes, square,:-oval, and rustic, and allispeeial sizes will be mado.to Order.at short netido. Pitmans of , nil varieties (except oil phintings) constantly on band ; Card, Imperial, Cabinet, Medium end 4.4 Plipto4taishs, Engravings, I..ithograplie,Phromos, and Prints from 10 cents to thirty dollars each. iliqY ARTICLES.' Parlor Onillllents,:'sdoti, art ' , Marble lists of the Pilots; ornamental' Ink Stands, Writing Desks, Akita Safes, Vases, Mugs, Dolls, and other Toys for children old, and young, Yankee Notions. -- Including Pocket Books, Banker's CttoN, PeakcyCriitree, Seit!sors; and a hundred better' lrapso 'that' Kett:' • 111184 CAL INSTRUMENTS. Violins, and tholiiiitfjr thorn; Flutes, Banjos, Guitars, Claricinnts, Accordions, Concertinas, and all sorts of Musical goods. F.in.lly. -- . lf - yon - want-to-oeleet-tr- lioliday - l!resont'fora friend; brother, Bister . i . father, , mother or lover,' eall,ftt Bazaar beforti gOing'eleewhero, Nov. 13, .1897.—tf lIUGH YOUNG. 10.3r.c4e1,:islc•r; DRUG AND: BOOK STORE ! tog. , BRICK BLOCK, Ili . 1 - - 14 - * PENN'A FM C. V. ELLIOTT; M. D., =I Has just rotumoci tram Now York with a full as sortmoq!'of In. , DRUGS, PAINTS; OILS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS,. PERFUMERY, 1 YANKEE NOTIONS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, CHINA & ,BOHEMIAN WARE,. • , 32 - 13'SioAL INkTRITiLENTS, TOYS, and all other articles found in a Which ho offers'at Prices DEFYING COMPETITION. Remember, in the BRICK BLOCK, Main Street, • 2 doors below Washer° Street, . N0v.•13, 1867.73 w. IVEz5Nn:r 4ClVlc.coel.m ,t J. R. Bowen SD' Co., ; A .' • reoeilNd from theoity a,/arge and 111 varied assortment of WI.I - TER GOODS., Bought since the decline in prices, and will ho sold accordingly. We naspoctfully invito atten tion to our stock of CASSIMERES, BEAVER CLOTHS TWEEDS, FLANNELS, MERINOS EMPRESS CLOTHS, AL APACAS, and other DRESS GOODS and DRESS TRIMMINGS, READY MADE CLOTHING, LADIES' FURS--a nice assortment, new and cheap. BON—TON, and other kinds of HOOP YANKEE NOTIONS, "r HATS AN - 1) CAPS, HARDWARE CROCKERY, GROCERIES, . HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, And many othei things which we will he pleased to show to all who will call and examine our Stock of Goods ttofOre purchasing eisowhero, as wo bolievo it will Ray you_for your time and trotple. SMALL imotriB,QUICK SALES, & READY PAY IS OUR MOTTO. Empfle Store, No. 1 Union Block. Wollaborci, Nov, 13, 1867. E WALLITAPER. FIRST CLASS, DRUG AND BOOK STORE 1 CALL. AND BEE! MASPIELD, PA also, n largo line of Also, a largo and now assortment of • at groatly reduced prices. SKIRTS, I= ' Don't forget to call at the A.3MOL WILL SELt FOR CASs, AMERICAN AND SWISS , il Watchesl. • Cheaper anti they can bo ' bought elsewhere. AlsO. Silver & Silver Plated Ware of which ho has large assortment CLOCK,S, of all styles and prices JEWELRY all the latest styles, '-' RICH BOHEMIAN VASES AND TOILET SETTS TERRA ,COTTA AND LAVA German Students' Lamp. FLORENCE AND E. HOWE Vie SEWING `MACAINES..gati Nor. 13. 17(17 T. L BALDWIN & CD., ARE RECEIVING their stock ' of PALL and WINTER GIOODS, Consisting of a general ae.sorttnent of DRY' GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHAWLS, KNIT GODS, HOOP„ SKIRTS, BALMOREL SKIRTS, SILKS, DOMES . TICS, FLANNELS, Ladies' Cloakings, Cloths and Cassi - meres, Gloves and Mittens, Boots am! Shots, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Under Clothing, Hats and Caps, ;Yan kee Notioris, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Paper Hangings, Groceries, Flour, Feed, Pork, Hams, Sugars, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Fish; Oils, Paints, Spices, Extracts, Wooden Ware, Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Baskets, Hard Ware, Crockery, Glass Ware, Stationery, Salt, Nails,'lron Stone Ware. In fact, a goneral assortment and as largo a stock as you will find to select from outside of the oily. All kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in excbarike for . :Coods. We buy good goods and wili'son as obeap as anybody. Ground Plaster, - constantly on hand. T. L. BALDIVIN it CO Tioga, Pa., Oot. L, 1867. FARMERS' EXCHANGE. 0. G. VAN VALKENBURO & BRO. EXCJIANGE for Farm prodtree and Cash, on the principle that. "Avon exchange is no ichbory." PORK, HAMS,. SHOULDERS„ WHITE FISH, MACKEREL, CODFISH, SMOKED HALIBET, - • e• • FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BUCKWHEAT FLOOR, FEED, &C., &C. =MEI Wo have no ambition to got rich faster than our neighbors 'who aro equally industrious'; nor aro we desirous of running all creation that we may have more to eat, drink, wear, and To Lay By for a Rainy Day. As an evidence that wo deal fairly and square ly with our customers, wo point to the fact that our run of custom `has steadily, increased from the first, and promises to grow considerably lar ger, HARD TIMESIiOR NO HARD TIMES. ' I Wo pay CASIT."for -PRODUCE, and keep up with tho maikekprices. Remember the place, TOWNSEND'S OLD STAN V, h MAIN 4 MEET, WELLSIIO.ROi PW.Iii.2IPA sept. 40, 1867—tf. , Public Benefit._ A MONO the useful improvements-of.the.day, 1 - 1 there are few that give more,proinise of good, few so well adapted to relieve-- ; hurniin suf fering, few so well approved by the public as that now and powerful remedy chlled Stilutifer 6r as the German people-call it Ilealthbringerj. It gives. ease and cornfort n to the poor sufferer front Neuralgia and Bhcu atism, and brings epeedy relief to-that largo class of diseases that are often cured and always benefited by an out ward application., For sale by all Druggists. Wholesale Depot DAY, HOAGLAND ct SFI GEA, No 54 Courtlandt St. Now York. IM I:=J • Hotel, fdr Sale. THE TAVERN HOUSE in Knoxville, known as the Eagle Hotel, is offered for sale at a bargain, with iurniturm.nearly new. House and Barns are in good repair. Also, on the same lot, a Drug Store and Law Office. To be sold with the Hotel and appurten. antics. .-rttOMAS It. MAYIJEW, Prop'r. Knoxville, Pa., Dec. 4, 1847.—tf. Woodwoith Plaper ANI? A SCROLL SAWING MACHINE 111 his glop, south-eaFt Fido of Gerould's Saw Mill. he will keep oonktantly on hand • - and subscribes himself the publick's bumble ser vant at a fair cocupoasatiyn for labor. D. S. IRELAN, Jr. Covington, Dec. IS, ISG7.—ly w AND . 3.E I I FOLEY Planing , and Scroll Sawing, COITINGTO:s.", TIODA ' CO., P. • The undersigned. hns • put in 21' CLAPBOARDS AND 'FLOORINO, j_ N BANKRUPTCY.—This is to give nitice: That on the 24th day of December, A.D. 4867, awarrant 'in Bankruptcy was issued against the ostate of Venajah lrileux. of Cori ng t on, in the county of Tioga, and State of Pennsylva nia,'who has been adjudged it Bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of say debts and delivery of any property belonging tosuch Bank rupt to him or for his•uso and tike transfer of any property by him aro tot bidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose ono or more Assignees will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hol den at the office of F. E. Smith, in Tioga, unto ty of Tioga, and State of Pemo.yivania, before F. E. Smith, Register, on the Sth day of Feb., A: D. 18CS, at 10 q'clock, A. M. _ THOMAS A. ROWLEY( U. S. Marshal Western Dist. a. Pr. D. CAlititoN, Dep ty Jan. 8,1868-4 w IN BANKRUPTCY.—This is to give notice : That on thenth day of Dec. A. D. 1867. a "warrant in „Banlii-uptcy was issued against . the estate of Chas K . : Thompson, of Charlesttin, in the county of Tio ,, a; and state of Penn'a; who have I 'been adjudged on their own Petition; that tht payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to suchl.taidtrupts to them or for their use and the transfek. of any property by them )arePforbidden bylaw; that a .mating of the creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees will ' be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at `the office of F. E. Smith, in Tioga, county of Ti -oga, and State of Pennsylvania, before F.,E. Smith, Register, on the Sth day of Februt4y, A. I). 1868, at 10 o'clock A. M. :. _,. THOMAS A. ROWLEIri; ' • 15. S. Marshal West'n Dlft. Pa. Per DAVI I) CAMERON, Deputy. E. B. OASE, AGENT FOR HARDING'S EDITIONS - OF FAMILY, PULPIT, & PHOTO GRAPH BIBLES. Wholesal Dealers will And the list to embrace 1 the largest assortment of Bibles in the country. The publ Sher has no .hesitation in pronounc ing them un i ore saleable than any Bibles publish ed. Tho vArioub editions embrace all the vari ous styles; of binding and izos of typo, varying in price from $2 to $3O, fo - Family llitdo, large ! quarto size. ~ .I.IA_RDING'S ' - • PA'rENT FLEXIBLE CILA:IN-BACK PHOTO G I?,A Pit ALBUM, 'PIle superiority of "Ifarding's Patent Flexible Clibin-Baek Album," over all otherA heretofore manufactured, will, upon tho slightest exatninn don, be apparent to all. Purchasers aro assured that the above hooks aro all of the best Philadelphia manufacture. E. B. : CASE, Troy, Pa. Jan. S, Fart For Sale. AFARM of .I{lB acres, situated about 3 miles southwest:of Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa., in Delmar. Within of a mile of n large Cheese and Buttoi Factory, 102 acres imptoved and • !. ly free from‘stumps and under gobd ultiva lion. One of the best dairy farms in tho aunty. Well watcls 4 l 4, with never fazling springs; School • . /louse wO, ri few ho untnproved Portion is heavily tilibered, iv considerable pine. Upon this hirtn there are It largo frame house, 'MPH finished. a 411 op, n :i0 x 10 wagon house, a largo grain barn, co, Lain, :neep snep, tutu oth er necessary outbuildings, anti 1111 orchard of up ward of 3tio trees. 1 Tho property can' be had cheap, tertus'easy. Inquire of IL t. EASTMAN Wellsbnro, Pa., Jan. 15, JB6S—tfc, Dissolution. THE copartnership of Wilcox & Crandall at at Westfield, was dissolved by Mutual con sant, Dee. 18, 1867. The books and accounts of the late firm are in the hands of Simon Wilcox for adjustment. All Nrsou's owing the late firm will call and settle at his st , ,ro in Westfield, with out delay. WILCOX l CRANDALL. Westfield, 'lan. 22, 'Trustee's 1V oliCB. TO whom it may e nct;in : - The undersigned, Trustee of A. J. & It. Webster, insolvent debtors, hereby gives notice that he has appoint ed Thursday, the atlth day al' January, IStiS as the time, and his Ale at Wellsboro, Tioga , co. Pa. as the place, when and where ho will receive proofs of creditors in support of their respective claims against the fund belonging to the estate of said insolvents retnainingin his hands for dis tribution, according to law. JOUN J. MITCHELL, Wellshoro, Jun. 8, 1663-4e o Trustee, 41e. Pieß NEVU R - E FURNITURE, JARTHEItT-ON would iaform his •frionds •, andtho public generally, thnt be has open ed a -- Furniture otoro i n Oceola, 5 Tioga County, where ho keeps constantly on hand all kinds of Furniture—all of whioh ho otters as.low far oath as can ho bought 'at any other establiehment in th.o.Ceunty,. • - No .27, 1867.-tf. FLA.. ,I;ED—Cash paid for Flaxseed by P. R. WILLIAMS A. Co. N EIV BUCK WHEAT FLOUR AT WRIGHT ,t BAILEY'S J. ATIIERTON
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers