The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 29, 1868, Image 2

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Thii Internal, ideVolino Burcan
The repott Of conithiseiOner ,Rollins,,
of the internal •Revenuo 11u-reau, for
.this fiscal year„ is a most - interesting
'and valuable tlecument, somewhat, lot f-g
er than the rep at of last year. A large
partition of it is Elveti up to theeonsider
ation of ate v. orltinge of the present
reventi4 law, as compared with former
laws, and the receipts from various
sources of revenue are given tor this and
the preceding two years. The aggre
gate receipts , or this ti•zet4Tiear arc :-.z.:!ti3 - ,
3 0 10,474, fiVn which , F,;2,
a 71.212 lot; drn‘vbacli . and iefundiug,
making totatgrot,s receipts ..-bout `*.'47,
000,000 f less than'iwilt 'year. - TI,l - t redac
tion is owing partially to the tiecrcao
in taxation made last winter and to the
addition at that Aime of many :_rticli..6
to the flee - ILI. COmparative it.l.);es
show•that the receipts from I%tarop9 :11 Is
upward of 51,000,000 greater th:ih toy
:were last year ; incomes ;'3,5 0 .009 lei';
cotton, .... 7 5,400,000 inGri. , *; lieeni:c:=.,-1(30,
CaO more ; eigali.;, e;it. , riiritg, &...., F.,5:1'7,:),009
move i chewing and snit - king' tobacco,
nearlx 534110,000 nic re: . ‹liStilleclihinc“,-5..,
5009.Z16 1ci 4 5.. -'f'ne re: enue from di :till
, ed, } a}il., , ,.. Vti . V.. 4 5'2i3.211G,20, and the 11:) - n:-..
N nth-sioner sti) fi tint 3:?t'lln i C: ; !,;;; ;1, ,1,,-
were reported to tevenu-e- (ifileers f,rid
ealt ly, .....e.e(ltitltt-t1 for 1 .: : .• l'ileru i1it...11 . 1 ! .::
the year. A, . consit-k , raTile:, vr:rti:,n at
tliii, o;' couli-I^, i, yi,i. in 1,1 - v.:o;r.mi -,'....-,!-
c,),,, iw.<3 !:‘.:1; ),,,,;,., a!, : : .:!s. Thv ( , ::pen..7.-
i, , , 0! . the .11ev.finte 1-;ur:.;:tt ih:•
, - , - Law :.t; . e
;;;7;712,0G0. ~ '..ivich 1!..i.1.0nt -:22,11i..(,) in ex
ck.. - .- 0: la-t Vicar. Thy Con.niil-ziolit:7l
e':t h.-it ~ ..;7. t ly.ll. the I.l•fire!:it r. , rc:( eirt' , of
Ulf . ..Z.:l:eau :,,r the , .1! :r'at' f.v.,111!;;.
i.,-':t ,Tni:e wkll be, • ;.I..n , ir ,::,- • 2:7.2,„"i't ',2* ~j,
atla for 'S l a ' :v:=:,i ending Stint:, 1S':::::),
;;;,,,at 52 , 1 0 ,000.000.
1 T!.e comink , ,ioner devotes t . cvczal
1.:1-...1.•1 of hit, report to 4 , 11 , :-. --!;• 1.1 ,- .^ the
j•!e,en r n.:.-:thd of uppolnting ~',..::ccirs
a:;,i Colleijor.; and 1..;:i --, - : iv. or!z..: .I , nci
in rhi , -. err.l.tectio.:l 1.1..e:k scln - ,e -, ' ! vrun. , . - -'le. lie , ;I:: •, '
c:.-.N ;;ue • ill all:r.;:ti , :, ;:::.
:::'.li I.h.c - .c. 1 pt , l:-:(ii,--, I
the -::)r.e 1!..
mi ~-Acp... ? 9 :: . • ' hi: ni.-1_ :•,., ,
..‘Ol. ;he "ond of the eoto:iry :A lid ill ::r... :.".i! - -
(11 . the Trc:pury, i:. Clit of:
1 Iv,. l'even tie !-ert-lee '',oll thc
1:11 1 3i , l• which . it fm: %!! -.?.. ''',:":.(3
to c'rki^r', the pr.:
uci 1.11(• Ito; e!r..,,z
rmlre to f.f.,
)`:1( . 0'1!;, Mtd
On 0:
: , •ct 1113- _-_ _
11p'`,1',141 . (0 , 1 to ?:"••
• n
\*(). AI tile 1:1,;
. .•
the DI:AUlt!i ;it
tt (Ale
j :Jr..111 •:." 3
AL.: ( ( (411('7 ii
us re:
;i ni
•, 0:1 I')i'-
' I . t
; ,‘"; :r u
tv,•(} ,;nilar tax
f:00. _1: 0:
nil P.:: ",.:• tax
1. even
t:o• •;(:(r a•.) (,1 i ; :11)::oved
" a iiil“) But
t t tic
'l'\:et: h. , ft.!:
aval :,11 , ;...11(;. the cs-
;.;;,•. ltitiyht in - i;o:ovc.:1 civil ser
v,,,i; ikiiprpcticable, the
C , •,:)::(;;*icnier reme
ily exi3tin'x evils excel* in a large
e.lrly reduction of tlittax, and soy . -
t'r;;l niatan t modifications of the law.
'l lti Commizinner ino'it of his
recommendations to be communicated
at the proper time to Co ngre,3.sional com
irritt-cs. lie suggests in his report no
clialiee in rate:3 Cl Li:int - ion nor any ad
dition to the free list. He recommends
chahve in the . law 59 that spirits
hoinlicnii not he withillawn for rectifi
cation of witf:out payment
01' the tax. lie ref4-:r; to the emitroversy
on lio (ptclit ion \\Mettler ander the pre!--
t I.lw !.,plyin, can hi. fol.r,ited while in
Bond, and reitera P- V..(•11-klIOVal
acrd tGlci tti'iL prov)s
ion -law on that knot, dc';irable.—
T111: - ; Ina a brief t I.l,ltraCt of come of
the chief points of this nio.t able report.
The. Dubuque T,:171C3 gives A graphic
og, the recent ditoveries of Mr.
Iluun Kelly, miner, Ileac that city,
V. in work ih ga device lu alea,d mine
bloke through , the eymt., and entered o
e cave, the sidet:, bottnin and top of
I.vt,•.(eit Were with lead. neyoll , .]
WitS , COond'CllVO, ac - oi Ize3ond thiG
a other, ana'another, until to far five
e- !laveten Alisevered, theja - 3: one
vnte.ed bei ! nearly.4tmo hundred feet
You :1 , .(1 t‘ietit:.•-two trt:t: 1):01. It it; be
lieved that the inin(Nill thus d'.. - uovere s l
amounts to over 3130,003 worth.,
Con. C-nint, in hi 3 report, cr.timate
tho (•,: , ,,cnsei4 of the "*C'ar Department
tor the next fiscal year a: r . .t , enty mill
and ~hows that there has hoE : n
tetrenchment.2. He f:tnte4 that
Genoral i=lernion is of the opinion that
pea« , wiz!' the incihms 111 ft: cstab
-4.-helL, Grant is silent rt% - ffir()lii , .r thr ,
el.: :h , ortnee the Freed Lureau
r it'.roa I y !ay: .;mane;,
hnt (: , .(lorses all toe n - ..lit.try ecn:nmnci
ge:,: ho are enforcing th,2
fe roilki Lieu:omill+. of irehtrtl
I . lw.:3[Tous (icil3oll
--7 41,i0IiS lit in% 01' of tr:u.
IX vi• I, y a ilorchinrittiOa. cii•clare6
P.cli Iconsliatioli;:. to
1/0•-ide the .1-.:ng.11 , ,11 Torien Le
} in the efficacy O 1
.MO: I '0 in a:4I(C Will) the olinin)11 of our
eo::o-Lonclont, -1;•.• o.'
irt.t.tuz oljt .1 the renian ronl;,ilcr.tion,
E ! • 12 is only ju , ,t seititi ; T :all Iy, in
-1($ it.-- Tr;bulicc..
Europtlnnmptetiroittnt:st:3 aro
!lig al, early and hard wiuti: , r this year,
tl.t freason that the i,ircis of pas
t. t'!(2 Ll;;;:ratiocis 'iota it
a, at icazt a tzioil,ll ea:•l:erti,sa ta,u-
k• 11,1 titiel - . 4 Alai 01 1 / 4 ,•
t.`.' ted to lie L-ott tival ils
1: :LI ittlL;o ziuni-
z. 4.,
',TA, for Li ,
r:, ..;:i I' , i :, , ' ; •
at thy c:111-
thcy to ,bRd
. •
, all• :0 4 IJ:7 t
1 that
11P- +if in
t( .ir him
:&;; y ! ri6,F , nr.l, It. 1)11 , / ht (.1r
it .::void be ro very ci4rl:. ,,
rteerilky r,r
s , tre!
if *Jr
€,;;; cif 1,!•2
-' .-i,-. rr,r:,
4 1 . re.
8 I • ' t • • %":f
. ' -
1f;•=c4 4 :4)19 •-e;
:‘ .• - 9. 7•'l'Y •/ 9 `.- •••••1
k,t : /j.t
~nl~t~t'^:':?t r
I ;a
f 1
• . on
- vii
i nt.,
1 `.ikC
2 G.
01 II-
-1 'ol'l
:, p rae-
1 oo1(1
II a 1
ira 1.211
" •
• - r • I••
Zbie aigitatox.
WEDNESDAY, JAN.: , 2b, 1868
We are obliged toson. B. B. String
fora copy of tbe Complooter memorial.
We shall publish Mr. Strang's speech
nison the Stanton rcc,clution next week,
and Mr. Mann's as soon after nsynny-be
.Tust at this present time two parties.
are enduring a wholesome. fear of the
consequences of evil-doing. Britain
has been giing exhibilka's
illustrative of her feani, and of her folly
in misruling one of
finest portiens,
of her Empire. For a year the shadow'
of a shillalah has been enough to call
out her horse, foot, and dragoons, and
send them by yall - a,od stcaMi. , to the
spot where the shadoW fell. Her latest
and most ridiculous blunder wa.4 in ar
resting GeOrge Francis Train, a harin-,
less, - highfalutin, ' felloW, with a great
(lerti of energy and inexaustiblequanti,"
ties of gas. He lately finished the'tbur
of-Kansas and the city of New York,
makitib ' abstii'd *r4eeches, of - whfch
George Francis Train constituted the
the subject matter. For batch cool
bkoded egotism he Las no equal in
either hemisphere. To call him clan
aelona anywhere i to do him gross in
justice. If AVC4f:S i wore,-, words, could
overturn the C.Nit.ftl; o:der of things
we know of no af:cut pOwcyful as
Mr. train. But v. - orc cannel -- --destroy
Great Britain ; onzririts speech--
et-, would hardly Let the. most infiaunt
ble eoul on fire.
Mr. Train depa - . - 1?d 'for Ireland as the
f.oriespondent o!' the ii oiVd. epr
:-epondents commonl:•,' contrive to fret
iuto:;ail, or t.s,rdne e.iler limbo before
their first letAer ttri..Vi.'.3 in :Sew York.
This is one mode of r-eytingones , llf in
to public notice. n_s IVer,V'e, Charles
ton correponclent in the - lull of IE6O
scarcely touched thf• wharf there before
he For, under El: I , 'e!on, and received
notice to quit. ri v. - tly adopted to re'.
him out of quod t.ttg,e,t the so
iear.e of 7.!,hr. Tr to Mat " An
Editor of the hers wily to write
Mr. Train that rot o;'ily is ho not a
_Fenian, but that not one of the editor=
of the Worki dl . -.7:11an, or in favor o of
Ireland for the "::5:.." 1 'if this . doesnet
relea,:e Georger,lancis n,othint - :can. It
eau do no harm to try the ez:periment.
nowex&r, badim,: r e t.,ido, the deten
tion of Mr. Train ct:nm,t I,e paii-ed over
f-ilence. with -11 his AA
an American citlan, entitled to
Nvurid-wide' respect fs.o long us ho be
haves himelf. no evidence
that he miAeht‘,ve,l flf oh ) - 2.:ritisli
wate"s —for Le v.:? r el , : l I.ll3Uard
nteamer, before lie
The telaraph ding
information thad r,n tfi:ll newspaper
wlt'kfound in Mr. Tll.l-.l'fi trunk—:, fact
which speaks vollanci. for :Mr.
taf,te`.. - I - lad he. I,t"ied !,tich at iieavy
weight as the LOlith',ll irate, i iii;,,bng
gage, Ve, should have little Lympatli3-
,for Apart Lom .I , his, there ap
y-cars to be no rethim why the consta
bulary of Coll: should have escorted
him ashore, or that ho should he now
lodged and fed at the expense of the
BritAh Government.
The allegation that Mr. Train did, at
sonic tirno during his grand round of
speech-malting in thk country, affil
iate with the Fenian Brotherhood,
ought not,to have led ttl ii is - arrest and
detention. The Briti,h authciritiescan
not assume to puni-h an American cit
izen for aught lie may do on American
soil. If abuse of Enz!and by Ameri
can orators' constit!lito a crime iu the
eyes of English rulers, it would hardly
be sale for any A Inc ie:oi politician to
visit that country ; f r few of them can
plead not guilty to the charge of abus
ing England. Con,idering that the
secession correFFondents of the British
pp,peis were permitted to ply their out
rageous calling in 111:5 country during
the late civil war, unmolested, it would
be no More than eor.n.mon Courtesy for
the Irritish officials to permit well-be
haved correspondent of paipers devot
ed to British Intel to land on 33rit
ish soil without an cicf)rt of constables,
and to select their own boarding-houses.
Bull Run Russel, thunder
for the British Thnr.dcnA. in the City of
Waf-hington dining the dark days 01
1861, might be par:.l:Med it,;‘,. George
Francis Train, writir,;; harmlv.:a twad
dle to the • World, s.r.d both nations
niight agree to cit;ic:u:t . s.
I:Chis nat:on mint rrc•lect its citizens
in the pursuit of I,3zititnate Ina - 4ne:s in
ail countries. not expected to
champion every breaker of the' peace
who may claim 1 - :o:rgicticri ha:at/tie he
Americtin eic,zn. All men are
required to obey the laves of the realm
in which they Lojourn, and with rea
son; for no man forced to, reside in
any country so, lour; 1.:3 he ltdeps out of
prit,on. There Is so far no `` evidence
that Mr. Train has broken ahy law of
Britain. 4 is theic;oieJ entitled to
protection, and the United Sto tes
should, through the propdr agents, de
mand his release.
This Fenian Scar©' is I tlre greatest
scare of the century. Britain is show
ing a weakness which should, andprob
ably will, encourage thd Fenian leaders
to now insurrections. Just now the
excesses, of 'the unbalanced leaders
have called down public disapprobation
on Loth or the w,:ter. But ii 4 the
British atithoritie. do I.ot, proceed with
more wiscitnn theiC :,.nit Le a reaction
in favor of Fenianit>in.
The other, and ,h.:•.icr scare, * is the
fright experienced 1 .);, - Andrew Johnson
at the reinstatetne)it of l!ecietary Stan
ton. The President eN.hiLits signs of
.panie anti the :-.. - ereainf: of that old news
paper granny, the .2%"ationalintelligenec,
thole of itannia.
Mr. P. G. l'ilcel P .; cAlin)r of the
font , : 11)Utchliectn, Vrril ICI! l'elier and
eke a nuAnt.ieri,,f' the legintature from
Centel . eounty (hist and crowning
+.lft , graeej hith been billings
gate in that 44t11114;0 .A. rotolution
oldnmlng tho vAin=itatement - .of Sucre-
tar' fitatittift ),(!ifti ox.hamtlVely flu
, t34tA ; tl ifs the 11.0 UP, f/Pll, JO 14 einaiimita
fiVbaCt3l, but1.4.4141.atJ gen.ticulttli
indulged in vigorous : langinigfe
press their differing ricks. Mr. Mann,
from Potter, having alluded toa por
tion of the Democracy which emigrated
to Comb' to escape thedraft, Mr. Meek
arose in a NVllitn lie it and •=insisleft upon
taking , the allusion as personal to him
'Self and,witb Pataltible:,intention• of
proving hip c l a i m 'to ;southern' bully
ism, characterized the charge as false
and co ardl y . fortunately, Mr.
?a l ma madc na charges, and no ,allu
sion to any which displays
.Dlr. P. (Pea ( reen, is it?) Meek in
the role of the Irishman who besought
somebody to "tread on his coat-tail.''
It is so - ei4 to bandy naughty words in
this: - naughty world that Mr. P. G.
i\lcek ought not to indulge in such
Editors are privileged 'to
stiy " yogi lie, :yOu lie, you lie"—it,be
ing thcehief weaponuf very matiy. 7 -- .
But legislator should rim; abov o ,such
'ivierao - o. I ;specially should the valor
ous O. P. M. errai frOni giving thelle
h.) a Quaker. That is a safe business,
however, and Mr. (. P. M; was noted
for doing a :a re lai.ziness during the ware
Mr. Meek - may l,i truthful and brave,
but we dor i i't believa it. It e ,is rather a
bfilly and l a blab.
i "
..flier g ii>pe. ars to he considerable vol
.canici i k ei ?n: iii pilitical circles as well ,
as in thi physical world. Now and
then we rOitil of a \vonl-quake in Con
gress, or inAhe State Legislature, which
serves to keep 0111: sluggish' pulses in
tune. - NyJ had supposed that most of
the blood uni thunder Hohool of politi
cians had i passed from the civil stage to
t _, bloodAv graves of the rebellion. But
nothing in this world is eertain except
the faet of leaving it sometime. So, the
other day, when Mr. Julian, oundiana,
oljeeted to paying a bonus of lands to
Southern ailroad Companies, on the
ground that thirteen-fourteenths of the
people . of he South were landless, and
most of t h • Rail - road Companies disloyal,
Mr. Chan , er, i,ifNew York, took furious
issue. Mi. 3 - L i lian exhorted Mr. Chan
ler to pose ss his soul in patience while
the rebelli aus mature of his Southern
friends NV exposed. Upon this Mr.
Chanler t mlil l tire, and characterized
the asserti n as the assertion of a cow
ard. The' heeler called Mr. Chauler
to order, alleging that the term " cow
ard" was kuniarliamentary. Mr. Jul-
Mr. Chanler that if he be
he asserted he could test
whenever he chose. Mr.
11(.d that he would do so at
inn assure
lieved wha
that belief
Chnnler re
an early dt
So, shah
two, or pi:
one? Or s
eons? Or
'Jr. 3uliau
the South
sounding a
and made
affray ,00n
know it i n
it 1)e coffee and pistols for
ois for two and coffee for
all we have a chop with
es ? Or a skurry with bludg
vill Mr. Chanler employ the
John Morrissey to flagellate
? Blinn the next gale froni
kring to us the clash of re
'mil? Or shall we hear that
innl anti (Nder have kissed
p '.l Let in.: hear from the
Y l l' blood is to flow let us
hOe to prepares the lint and
m7Tliu.—l rum 4utig,e Bent
, j mv , the Jollowilig".Meteurolvg
ii f“r enr P 67, I'ah;onin. iCF
'L'xin AVE
thrt', tittle? n
tt. , ,wperat ore for the year is 47°Alt.
Ivy in the :.-ear was December 12th.
lny foll”%t jog the heavy fall of
faith. 'Hie cer:i2.,e of the day
Trl•‘. r,l
snow of that
bettri,' "0 I 7.,
Ttd rulut
point t, achy,' tar,-; 11 ° I , elow 7CIO,
1,17,r on the IGat of
gala oar th, 1 I of Doeeinlow.
th, vol.lost month, tho n%erage
hog 17 ° S.
da t v in I Ito roar wit , the 2SCII of
iarar ra ;
a(rist a caviar 11 1.11 the tirade wars
the 7th 1 . 4 Jaw!, at 12, noon.
J.l n trus: w
teniperLturo 111
1 e Juiv atilt August
wiatule ail c•nelk hriiig 71° 5.
Tlu• ~:111114t
Ow it% ~!.laq, toll
ILr pm, , (Ally t hit t y-!..kven
Ton• n~~•~r,
clam Iv vicar d
point ti 3 inches ut . snow. and
,ed1:.n0w,...",7.98 inches, neatly vile
',41 iu ?h.. inonth of M ay.
Thot: ft.ll at
of lain and me
thu 1 171,3P1i
"Vox Porai , i,' yo)s Dei"---bas been said
of any over: helming public sentiment
since—well, many years befiret any
inan living Vas born. The r
e v e r, i i n o i
ab..olute. A gentleman
who values public opinion at its , true,
rather than its appmet value, has sent
us the following quite\tpposite thoughts:
" The people of England, who be
headed Charles I. an quarrelled with
Cromwell, fer his tyranny, took back,
with joy, Charles 11, without any stip
ulation for freedom, and allowed him to
reign with greater power than his fa
ther had ustirped.
"it cannot: be said that it was Monk
and hib army that produced the Revo
union. It Was the nation ; and what
changed the temper anti disposition of
the artily?
"Tinder James 11. the same people
chanp,cd the, succession of, the crown,
..trictiy limiting 'its prerogatives, and
brought in William and Mary.
'file example made of Charles I. had
no warning for his sons, both of whom
violated the liberties of the people of
tener than he did ; but it was of service
to his ow i n memory. He displayed, in
adversity,, the qualities of friendship
anti of piety .1
"To cretite, s.7,7,mpathy for the fallen,
where tiff general conduct has been
blamable, is dangerous, even in fiction ;
but, much mores() in real life.• We see
how it has been with Davis; .and if our
political changes surpise us, we see, also
now it has been in other times.
"History repeats itself. Man is a
'creature of aoknowledged mutability—
bhouting "hOsanna" at one time, and
"'crucify hiiti" at another."
Jan. 10.—In Senate ; The Civil appro
priation Defi'ciency Bill was taken up
and amended; variously, and passed.
In the House ; The Reconstruction
Bill was debated at great length, and
no vote reached. •
, J an . 17.—The Senate was not in sess
ion. The Huse had set apart Saturday
as a day for yiisellaneous talking, and
no other business was done.
Jan. 20.—1 n Senate ; Bills prohibit
ing the,payttient of bounties to deser
ters, to facilitate the administration of
Justice, and for regulating the coasting
trade, were introduced and referred.
In - the Tionse ;1 The Reconstruction
Bill came up tod was debated for hours.
The main qu stion was ordered and the
House adjourned. t
Jan. 21.—Iii Senate ;
.A Bill to fund
the public deht, and to amend the bank- Since the lst'of January, 1668, 1,765,-
lug laws of the United States was in- 846 gallons of petroleum have been ex,
troduced. It provides for the funding ported from New. York, and 755,115 gal
of all eviden4f: of debt payable in law from other American ports, •• making a
lattioney. in Lamds:bearing interest. , at total Of 2.551,661 gallons, which is near-'
3?,. per centum! payable in gold 50 years ly a million gallons more Ilia » was ex
front date midi redeentable in 10 years, ported (luring the same time last year,
at the pleasure 61 - the dovernment. It and nearly Ira If a million more than
Int-thin provide that the limit of $3OO,- has been exported during the saute time
onu el lenlation of National Banks shall ally year since petroleum heettme an ar
he mmced, , und such banks be privi- tide of export. Fifteen vessels, with a
Jeged to is,mue iw r per cent, of all new' capacity for caryimr, 43,000 barrels are
bonds depo s ited to secure their cireula- now loading with this product at New
don. • 1 York r and fifteen vessels with the ea- j
- •Di llielfouse reg'idac order was
Reconstructioo. 31 r. Butler moved to
reconsider the vole ordering the main
question, which motion carried, and he
offered to amend the bill so as to give
the constitutional conventions - the al,fr ;
v , ointinent. of '. , '•zitite officers in the' 'rebel
btates. The 4endiol meta, Tay lost, by it
vote of 53 to 112. The bill - was adopted
by a vote of 1 1;3 to -0,
Jan, 22.—1 n Senate ;
ico - haportant
business• was transacted. The
_t 'um
miltee eenferebce on the bill repeal
ing the cotton tax reported in favor of
receding from
_the Senate amendment,
and to adinit`cotton duty free. •
In the House ; A personal ward en
counter toot: place between Mr. 'Julian
of Indiana, and Mr. Chimler„ of New
York. Mi•. Julian had denounceda
measure giving grants of land go rail
road companies in the South, affirming
that thirteen-fourteenths of the people
of the rebel States were landless, and
that the ralload companies were dis
loyabd tiring the rebellion. Mr. Chatt
ier denied the allegation of Mr. Julian.
asked Mr. Chanter to possess his soul in
patience white, the rebel character of
his Southern friends was being exposed.
Mr. Chanier arose and said that the as
sertion was the assertion of a coward.
The Speaker called Mr. Chanter to or
der for using unparliamentary language.
' Mr. Julian said if Mr. Chanler believed
him to be a coward he coidd tlbst his be
lief at any time, Mr. Chanter replied
that be,would do so at an early day. So
'elided the matter.
Jan. 24. 7 -.Tii Senate ; The :Recon
latrueliwi 11111 was taken up, and in the
discussion Dlr. Doolittle moved to .nn
end by making military service, ability
to read and 'Write, and ownership
. of a
freehold estate of the value of $250, the
condition,of negro suMage in the South.
The House transacted no business,
the annomicement of the death of Mr.
Hamilton, 4,f Oliky. being made, and ad=
journment being carried.
A Dentociatic Appeal
A. J. Bruner wishes to be Clerk of
Clark county, Ky, Ile makes a touch
ing appeal to the Democrats to vote for
bio l . Mr. Bruner thinks he has earned
a good office at toehands of the De
umeracy, and alis claims are such as
are generally recognized by his ',arty,
nn doubt he %rill get it. lie says :
"What little money and property I
had I gave it all 'to the Confederate
cause, and if I had had ten times-, as
much more I would have given it cheer
fully. At the commencement of the
Rebellion my sympathies were for the
.South ; in 1801 1 joined the rebel home
guard company that was raised at-\ rip
cheater- I open,d my store-room at
Winchester as a c pot for the reception
of clothing and . ther articles for the
rebel prisoners th t were captured at
Fort Donelson and other places. I also
wrote to the editoit of the Clark County
Democrat, who w4s a prisoner at that
time at Camp .I‘lrton, to know if he
and his fellow ,soldiers of Clark county
wanted anything. l He wrote me Word
that they wanted vi ' suit of Oodles. I
immediately'dispaphed a box'• contain
ing a snit for litOsoit, Childs, Watts,
Webster anti Paais, out of, my own
goods. For this t was arrested and
made to take the Oath, by paying for it.
And for which after 1 was captured in
Ohio, I was put in close confinement
and chained for two months waiting to
be tried by a court-martial. A few
winds to the Confederate soldier : For
the cause -that you espoused, 1 was
wounded at the battle of Creasy Creek,
and foi• which lam a cripple for life.—
No one kno‘t -, my ,ttil'ering. I laid
nine days and nights without 'sleeping
one moment, expeeting to lose my foot
by amputation. In siN. Weeks, I Mount
.ll my Lobe and made Ille!tald through
Indiana and Ohio, riding sideways and
packing lily crut< lie: , ,, to lie 'with my
co mp a ny. I was eaptured anal put in
the Ohio penitentiary, wtr-('::ltaved, and
sotrered every mortilicatift that Yan
kee tyranny could think ot.
"any wont to old company C: You
elected inc your CaPiain, without my
asking one Mall in thecom e'
itany to vot
for tine.. You have responded to the call
both night anti day ; we have suffered
both privation and t.tarvation together.
Will you rally around me again at 'the
polls at the next Auguateleetion? May
God bless you. As for my politics, I
will just say that I never have voted for
1 anY person against a Democratic candi
date, regardless ()I' friends, neighbors
mid relations. r have, though, voted'
for a good many Whigs in this county;
but my past polities has nothing to do
'with the present eris's. My present
- politics i for the future s, that, I will
riot vote for any man t tat is ant Aboli
lionist, or that has been in tire Yankee
afiny-for the purpose of subjugating the
Sontli,'aini-tOr_negro equality. I am
also in favor of fat s rlig off tlle bonds in
greenbacks, and if thlit - wilLttot do, pay,
them the same tray that they p: 'd us
fun' our negtoes.
A barn belonging to Philip 'Pitman,'
near Auburn Four Corners, wits de
stroyed by lire' on Tuesday morning,
January 7th, with its contents, abOut
sixteen tons of hay, oats, harness, wag
on, &c. When Mr. 'Pitman
„got up in
the Morning, shout sire o'clock, he di B L
covered the tire, and the roof was then
just ready to 11111 in. One of his horses,
that wa:l tied in ti..- stable at night, was
now io 1
l i i ik i
runnifig loose lir trie-road,
havin, er slipped his halter or been
let out. he building and its contents
were insured—perhaps enough to cover
the loss.—Mostrose Rept/diem-I.
A leading Democratic paper has tak
en to con u d ruin isi n g polities. Its latest
effusion is : " fu what respect is the Re
publican party similar to an iceberg?"
The fiIISWET we give entire : "We are
preparing for the great contest of 1868,
and we shall win ! We must win ! We
will win ! if not by ballots then by
blood ! The iceberg floats out", from the
polar seas, it. sinks not at once, but
wears away by warmth and abrasion
till at last it mingles with the waves
and is washed to oblivion. So with Re
publicanism. It is wearing away."--
The poor old Democratic party has tried
that " blood " dodge once, and Just
once too often. If the thing were at
tempted again, the war would not be so
long as the late one, but there would bea
good deal more Copperhead blood let
out, and the axe and the rope would
make shorter work than 'the sabre and
eoluzubiad. One little wont, it is the
name of Longfellow's poems; is all the
advice necessary to these ." blood"
ihowlers ; it is " beware."—Pittsburg
Tho rebels of Alabama have changed
their whole plan'of campaign, and now
resolve not to appear at the State elec
tion on the 4thiand fith of February,
, and to resort to every means to prevent
the freedmen from' voting, thinking
thereby to defeat the constitution for
want of a majority of those who have
registered. Whatever may l be the fate
of the reconstruction bill mrhich passed
the House on Tuesday, nothingshould
Congress Congrs from despoilit g these
rebels of the great advantage of, 'defeat
ing republican restoration, sin ply by
registering their names so as tt make
their absence from the polls con t more
than i f they had squarely deposited their
ballots against the Constitution. That it
was never the intention of Congress to
clothe these desperate men with this
double power requires no argument to
prove. The House bill now before the
, Senate, will correct thislnew rebel Illfill
ceuver, -anti nver, otikht to Lays at the earliebt
momen t.— The Press. 1
paeity for 49,000 barrels are loading at
Philadelphia. TheSe vessels are bound
for nearly every port in Europe, but
mostly for Antwerp.
Merry's Museum 6eginv . 'tlu NewVear
with a great improvement inn 1I appearance and
form. This is one of the pionee publications for
yoting people, and is worth thrice its cost in a
family; $2 per annum. Boston Mass. .-, :,
Magazine has always been nearer perfection than
any other. There is oneadmirablo feature in it—
"an unwearied effort as improvement." Moat of
the Fashion Magazines remain in otatit quo, with
one number, much like another; about Demoreet's
there is a freshness, a refinement and Outhfulness
of tone, which fits it for its place—a.P rlor Mag
azine for the Homes of' Atheriea. , A ow cover
and large typo are two of the attracti ne 9f the
new volume. Published by W. - Jonnitigi Demor
est, 473 Broadway, N. Y., $3.00 yearly.! Semi for
a circular.
On. the morning after the Senate refused
to concur in. Secy Stanton's removal,
General Grant appeared at the War De
partment, and ranging his papers,
locked the door f 'the - Secretary's of
fice, and taking t e key With him,_pro
ceeded to the building opposite the War
Department, used as the headquarters
of the army.
At half past ten o'clock' Secretary
-Stanton, accompanied by his son, ap
peared at the War Department, and
proceeded immediately to the office of
the Secretary, but finding the door
locked, took a seat in the ante room,
where he was recipient of considefation
.from many Senators and members' of
Congress, who had assembled to see
what would take place., Mr. Stanton
appeared In unusually fine spirits, and
conversed freely with those about WM.
Upon the arrival of Mr. Stanton,
General Dent proceeded to the head
quarters of the army to inform General
Grant of the fact, and to obtain the key
to the Secretary's office. In a few Min
utes he returned and placed the key In
the hands of Adjutant General Towns
end, who with military "presentarms"
fashion, placed it in the hands of Secre
tary Stanton. ~'
As soon as the(latter was safely en
sconsed in his WM°, the Radical' mem
bers of Congress from the Tennessee
delegation, waited upon him in a body
to present their congratulations at his
restoration, and to ask him to use his
influence to 'continue the operations of
the Freedmen's Bureau in the States of
Kentucky and Tennessee after the 16th
of next' February at which time, by or
der of the President it ceases in those
Mr. Stanton replied that so long as
he had any power he shduld use It to
protect the weak, and would do his best
to have the suggestions made carried
j r
O added that it would probably
be afe days before matterswould com
mence to run right in his office. As the
Tenne see delegation were withdrawing
they et General Grant in the Hall, in
citize is' dress.
Geneial Dent, belonging to the staff
of the General-in-Chief, then transfer
red the office which he had occupied as
aid tp the Secretary adinterim, to Gen
eral relpouse who, before the suspen
sion pf Mr. Stanton, had acted in that
capacity ; and GeneralHardie, who had
been Fin charge of the bureau or offiee of
the department. having suspension of
claims presented before it, transferred
the records and documents of that
branch to General Schriver.
Subsequently General Grant went to
the Executive Mansion, where he had
an interview with Mr. Johnson in his
don correspondent of the Chicago Tri
bune describes the mode ill which the"
English income tax is levied. Every
employer of labor, whether in a factory,
warehouse, office or shop, or on an es
tate, receives a form on which ho has,
under threat of large penalties, to write
the names of the individuals in his em
ploy, or who - are in the receipt of wages
or salary amounting to one hundred
pounds sterling a year. He doe's not
state - himself the exact amount each in
dividual receives, but merely supplies
his name and addreis. The person thus
vn 13he list speedily he . ars from the tax
collector of his district, and. is called
upon in turn to give the amount bf his
income, signing a solemn asservation
of the truth of his report.
.In this way
thousands upon thousands who are just
within the iron circle of two pounds a
week and nothing more, and are barely
able to support their families, are com
pelled to pay five pence in every pound
of their earnings. There is no chance
of escaping with the shadow of a six
pence. But men of larger means, who
are employers, merchants, traders; bro
kers, or professional men, are bound by
nothing but honor; and it is said ' there
is evidence enough to show that a pro
fuse am ount of - lying is compatible with
their sense of honor.. Hence the, tax
re' •
withti unequal hardship upon the
class o s all comes.
" The Blue-Coats, and ho: hey Lived,
Fought and Died for the Union ; It
Scenes and Incidents in the Great Re
bellion," is the title of a handsome vei
nal°, Just issued by Jones Brother & Co.,
Philad'a, Pa. a certain portion of the War
that will never go into the regular his
tories, nor be embodied In romance or
poetry which is a very real part of it,
and will if preserved, convey to suc
ceeding generations a better idea of the
spirit of the conflict than many dry re
ports or careful narratives of events,
and this part may be called the gossip,
the fun, the pathos of the War. This
,illustrates the character of the leaders,
the humor of the soldiers, the devotion
of women, the. bravery of men, the
'pluck of our heroes, the romance and
hardships of the service. From the be
ginning of the war, the author has been
engaged in collecting all the anecdotes
connected with orillustrative of it, and
has grouped and classified them under
appropriate heads, and in a-very, attrac
tive form.
The volume is profusely illustrated
with over 100 fine engravings, by the
first artists, and its contents include
reminiscences of camp, picket, spy,
scout, bivouac, 'siege, and battle-field,
with thrilling feats of bravery, wit,
drollery, comical and ludicrous adven
tures, etc., etc.,
Amusement as well as instruction
may be found in every page, as graphic
details, brilliant wit, and authentic his
tory, are skilfully interwoven in this
work of literary art.
It is just such a volume as will find
numerous purchasers, and just such a
one as persons seeking to act as book
agents should add to their list.
ESTRAY.—Came into the 'enclosure of the
subscriber iwDelmar, abotit the 12th inst.,
a light rod STEER, star in forehead. Tho owner
is requested to pay charges and reclaim.
Jan. 29, 1808-3 t. LUSA LOCKE.
Win. B. smith,
KNOXVILLE, Pa. Pension, Bounty, and In
surance Agent. Communications sent to the
above address will receive prompt attention.
Terms moderate: Oen 8, 1868-Iy]
For Sale.
ANE IV, Swell-body Cuttor, of latest style
jun 29, 1808. TOLES lk. BARKER.
Fine French Morinoes for 90 cents at
Best I)elaines 18 t 20 cents, at
All kinds of Cassinieres at
Ladies Vesta and Drawers at
Hats and Caps, Boots, and Shoes at
'laving just pitrchased a now and well selected
stock of all kinds of Merchandise at the Jastgreat
decline in prices, we feel confident of suiting you
both in quality and price.
We will be pleased to shots , to all who will call
and examine our stock of Goods before pitch
asing'elsewhere, as we believe it will pay you for
your time and trouble. TOLES 14 DARKER. -
No. 5 Union Block,- • 1
• Wellsboro, Dec. 4, 1867. f
AMPS.—A now kind of lamp for Kerosena
jj 'no breakage of ebimneya—at FOLBrO.
For Sale.
its the Ford Lawrencevillo, this Co.
Tbo property is unsurpassed in point of location
for custom, and has ample capacity for storing
tUld manufacturing for honk+ and foreign demand
pair of Bum, with' all the modern improve
Ments for merchadt Work. Itisbuilt in 1361, and
now in coiripletirorder. ' Possession given at any
time.after sixty days from date of sale.
Lawrenceville, Jan. 29,1868-6 w.
In Bankruptcy.
Western Des
istrict of Pennsylvania, :
rwhom it may concern: The undersigned
hereby gives notice of his appointment as
assigneo of Jacob Larison of Jackson in the Coun
ty of Tinge, and State of Pennsylvania, who has
been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition
by the Distriet'Court of said District.
1 Tioga Wan. 29, 1868:-3t Assignoee.
should send fur the
Real Estate Record ,
A largo sixteen page Journal, issued monthly
devoted to all matters, laws, facts, and items of
interest pertaining to real dstate; containing full
descriptions, with prices, &c., of several thou
sand properties, including
For sale in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Dela
ware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Geor
gia, Florida, Texas, and other States.
237. South Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
Jan. 29, 1868-2 w.
Orphan's Court Salo.
.lllolY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Tioga County dated Sept. 11, 1867-, the un
dersigned, Administratrix of the estate of Samuel
T. Wood, deceased, will expose to sale at public
vendue at the Court House in Wellsboro, on the
21st day of 'February, 1868, at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
the following described real estate, late the prop.
(mkt of said decedent, situate In the township of
Covington, Tioga county, Pa., bounded on the
north by lands of Reuben Pattersßn and lands of
William Clemmons,'on the east by lands of Reu
ben Patterson and land of Roxana Homes, on
the south by lands of James Clemmons and on
the west by lands of Floridan S. Covert, contain
ing one hundred sores of land, with aframe house
frame barn, and other out buildings thereon.
TERMS-$4OO at the day of sale, and the bal
ance in 5 years. MARY E. WOOD,
Wilson ct, Van-Valke
In view of the contemplated Railr
to be built to We'labor°, the prop
Concluded to give the peoplo,herea
entertainments through the year, corn
the 14th of January. Tho first piece!
This4eat drama has drawn crow;
both in this and the old Countries,
witted by all to be ono of the moat pr
teresting, and boat pieces extant
Tickets to the Dress Circle
We wish it distinctly tinderstoo , l
classes of politicians, and oven thos:
a little Wolfish—and in fact none ar
from tbo
Where we can furnish any s le
quality of Gentlemen's wearing a par
notice, and at prices astonishin low.
.Cassimeres, Vestingsi dize
Cloths ; and a large variety of
Ladies' Dress GoodS.
Bost kinds, and as cheap as the a
Tickets to the Parquette—
r ln this groat Tragedy for the be.
publio, we , would not omit saiing to
thit we also Iciep everything to rep!.
Como one and all and witness the
tertaimnent. We do not claim to b.
but shall endeavor to do oar best to
worth of their money.
Beeerved Seats for the La
Remember the place,
N. shall give, our patrons tho full ben.
efit of the , decline in prices, and extendieg
them our, thanks for the vory liberal patronage
heretofore extended, we solicit a continuanc e
of the same.
.Welleboro, Jan. 16, 868—tf
Flour and Feed.
ALL kinds of Flour and Feod, and in any
quantity to suit customers, at my Mill in
Mainsburg. N. E, OALKINS.
Mainsburg, Jan. 22, 1368-3 m.
To inn Keepers.
NOTICE is hereby given, that no licenses
will be issued to inn-keepers untit the foes
are paid it& the treasury of the County ; in ac
cordance with. the :law providing that "it shall
not be lawful for the clerk of thb Court to issue
any license until the applicant shall have filed
the certificate of the County Treasurer that the
fee has been paid." 11. C. BAILEY,
Wellaboro, Jan. 22, 1868. Treasurer:
For Sale
Borough of Welisboro, and a TIMBER
.TRACT of 400 semi)) Delmar, three wiles from
this city—heavily timbered. Terms easy.
Jan. 8,1868. WRIGHT & BAILEY.
MISTRAL—Came into the enclosure of the
I_ l 4 subscriber, in Charleston ) June 15, 1867, a
YEARLING STEER, spotted, star iu,forchead.
The owner is requested to pay charges and take
him away, Van. 8, 1888-31 4 9 8. FROST.
Old sixty-sevpn—new sixty-eight—
The clef sleeps with its fathers;
The new stands knocking at the gatle
Of every mortal ; And MAULERS '
T_InLIRE the bees and the bears,
finds his life renewed by the clear, cool, bracing
atmosphere of Winter, end hi± determinntion-te
Anti tilt) gives as a reason, (and a good reason it
is, too) that if a follow, gets caught at stealing a
• tip top article of
and so forth, be can't be accused' of THYINO To
CHEAT HIMSELF; but if a fellow la caught at
stealing a, poor article, and is covvicirtn A3D
SENT UP, his remorse must be terrible.
I suppose that when the old maids maids con°
sole themselves with the saying—
"There's as good fish n the sea as
were ever caught out of i
they don't !allude to my MACKEREL. And when
people complain of a bad cough, they don't al
lude to my Cougar. But when they apealt of
I syypoie they do mean any stock of Teas; wLich
'are, as the Elder Weller said of advice "Wr.p.ny
I am further able to say that people will eat
much or little, in proportion to their appetite,
and will pay for much or littl amordio_g to
their money. I sell Tea by the ifuarier pound,
of course, but prefer to wholesale it in packages
of not less than
and, by persuasion, can be induced to tell
chest of a dozen pounds to one customer.
';ad soon to
ietors have
outs, daily
heneing on
entitled, ,
.ed houses
and is ad.
iltablo, in-
, that all
who feel
kind and
1 on abort
ANO & Co.,
etit of the
the Ladies
nieh their
above en
old Stare,
ire all the
in now rolling
A CORDIAL invitation to all. •Como and
AL. see. You will yet find a fine assortment of
all articles pertaining to the Millinery.
Jan. 22,1808—tf. ' Broad Street, Tioga, Pa.
De LANO 4t CO'S.
Still, like
Ity the way have you beard anything of the
chap who STEALS Ills RUCEELES at the
Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Syrup,
will buy and Pell
At ouch rates as shall enable buyer end ~ e ller to
Sleep sound o' nights,
having consciences void vi offence
Weßeboro, Jan. 8, 'BB. W. T. MAT HERS
T_T AVE added to their etoek a complete ae r
11 aortmont,
Which they offer at 25 per cent less than such
Goode wore over sold fo in
GOQCI suite for
&c., &c.,
Wellaboro, Nov. 28, 1867,—1y
L ADIES' Vesta and Draweril, at
CARPETS at Now York Prices, nt
bo LANO .k. CO'S
A LARGE Stock of Boots and Shoes ty
Do Bilk() .t; CO'S!
Te LANO Sc CO„ Agents for the Busquebon
`J na 'Woolen Mills.
M Y stook a
is be
I hereby fl.rbia 1,..11.,,ring 'Jr tru - tinq
her on ItlySttee,,nt.t I a iil-pny no 1111
contracting after till • .+: lk
AND PligliitHONii,
rig e,inet,:inily whie), I :Lill tVCr
to C fbr
obacks, Ifoflee, .Eyttr. Poultry
"ed Fruit, Lord, ltalott• Map Pill>,
G re,
ythiogthat will bring tho WHERE lY
debts and keep bu.ineiss going.
nes are tight, but we all tnuPt live. `o
The place you'll find in :11ort
door to Center' OFgood
wary 1., IW3
. •
OS UtiOn.
MY will II A. II il t i.; r 11 ,t• in:: left my tie.l:,,,d ,
boarjl Wil boll( yl.l' • W.' or• tti,.n.,
Administrator's Notice
LETTIms nh A1)11u , ,I; 4 114.11'1,PN tineir.g
bean kr.,,,f 4 ;11 ti, tie ontiOrtigned nti tilt CA
tate, of Moses 8. 1f.,1,1‘b in, late. of Law renee,
Cllthed, :ill pert. tit , it/4kb Itl,l to, or h
Ugainttt said e:1:1(0, sill rail and 8 , , , tt10 with
or THOS: L. I:A LI) W Tiogii.
Jim. 8. 1888-60
Planing Machine.
y 11AV I E--upjl in fir:4 clu.. PL NF:11, and am
tw,tor. • • OF,(17711-:--4,:44ENF.Y.
Wellsboro Cloth-Dressing-Worki.
HAVINI; tvgaged 11r. JAMES SAET.II to
superintend oar Clothing Work:. xrei are
tun, ready to do nil hind , •oloting and drebs
log in good .syl-e. and on po rt notice. '
s: A. 11,14,'XBOLD, 1
Sept. 19, 1967—ti
Down it Comes.
BAILEY are receiving a larye
the first in marker. To be-sold at reduced pri
c'ee. • Uttuge'r.
in full setts, at YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE.
Estray. 0 .
I F.,uuct on the Commons, in this borough, sun
day, 17th inst., a red calf. The "cfner can have
the name by applying tt: High Constable Water
wan and paying clihrgni.
WICKHAM. & FAR R, L:.ving taken adtiii.
tags tiectiue in the market,
have received their 'stock and are prepared t;
furnish those in want of
At. the 1 , me...4 va,h rate,
genetill asForttnent
BRY coops,
AND YA.tiliEf:
Loth iLfll,lll ;11111
Hats & Caps Boots-, Shoes;
Together with
And many ut er articica tjo ?Iwamoto , : to men
tion. We mo dd say to Merchttuts, Eirthers, and
all other+ in want of PORN:or CIDER BA It•
they can find them in any quantity, nh , de , rde or
retail at our store. This work is all Wen' and ex.
trn in quality. just ni.inufactured here at the
Factory. ,
Tioga. floc•, 11, 1107
ALL pe dui,‘ inacWted to us either
noto rr 1.,(a.k account, wont call
and e.ottle itbetut delay or cosh; will he
labor,;, Deo V), 1567,-if
permanently located at KNOXVILLE,
oga county, Pa, for the purpos e of •doing a ll
kinds of Dentir.,try. id a style, that will suit the
patient. Otherwi=e no charge: , iamb.. Teeth et•
tracted without pain. Roorrr , at the It itel All
operations warranted. :tad charge. , light
Knoxville, Dee. 2i, 1867—:1111
Alarness Shttp.
L. [CIA' 11.4 — .111 -
ti - ienda, and alt thole
that they can be accommodated
over E. R 'Kiwi...till's Grocery, Main-:t..
bore, (thc. 25, 1867.2
. .
A ziew and varied z.s:ortitient for tLu Doh
jued received ut ItF LANG & Co's
Wellsboro, Dec. 25, 1567
Thoa. 13.13rvdetf.
his roum, Toivng.end Hotel. INVelliburo,
tLeet with prompt attention.
Jab. 1:141867.—ff.
La an experienced Auctiohcer from California.
respectfully flotiaes the people of We1!,! , .•:.-nnd
vicinity. that he is prepared to'respoud tyr., orders
to (Mei:Al . :it Vendues; promptly. --Order, by
mail prong, ly attended to. Residence over the
Meat Market.. ' [jan 8 1868—tf]
Executor's Notice.
T 4 PTTERS. Testatnentry having been gran
ji to the undersigned .upon the lant will
te.ltainent of Jacob IlymeF, late of Middlebu
doc'd, all persons having clams against, or ow•
1-ink said testator. aro requestea to prlisont. and
Tiegrt,, Jan. 22, 18118-ttur Eieeutor.
, Executor's Notice.
JAETTERS ';estamentary baying been granted,
to 0 -undersigned upon the lai4 %%DI Ind
testament f Jonathan Seamana late of Wc f tfteld
deed, all. ersuns Itillehted to thee.,tate, and al:
having el; hos ngninA the same, will Fettle wit!,
WeettliJ d„lan. 22, 1867—G0 1 '
Administrator's Notice,
Pr TIE suhnilher will make n final distribution
of the prucecds of the estate of the Irate J.
B. Murphy. 'MO Preditorq of Raid estate .are re,
quested to call at hie aloe in
Jan. 22, , .
ripltu strBSCRIBER haring Ungagol to 1:.••
wooden Palau I,l,.,inetss retTeettully
a ~hart) of public patrunage. All work warrii.t.. ,l
~Orders left with 1). I. Roberta r
. with It. Aldrich at the luwer gate, wilt he prwul.'
1 y attended t)). STONE.
Tioga, Jan. 22, I SthS.- I tn.
omUATBI) about half a mile from NV liltne.+ . s
0 - M :inters, Charlegton, and five and a half hart
from ; containing 112 ner a.tuda
ItliolVallee; 90 acres unikr Improv, t. eut; rain
lortablu huin.e, anti guml balm and a t ,I,M
thereon. This is (.111.s lArtn, I'
u min from a Chee:-o tatet"o. •tt ; I; : I nd
farming implements. can be buught %%jib th.
farm if desired.
I will also sell a throe year old grey, g ood
and Serviceable beast. ELIAS TIPPLE.
East Charleston; Jan. 22, 1863-4wo
NI, I;. PI IN ;P,
11. J
ebil.ti/a.l 1,1 d