"ONLY t ;WOMAN'S LIAIR." Italic of bygeae love, Priceles in days of yore, • ' Freely :31)u waved above, Beauty that vanvishod Dearer than virgin gold, ' Brighri. titan jewels rare, Treasur ti from days of " Only - a,weinan's hair :" Earnest of plighted troth, Broken, but precious stil, rragilo votnati's wrath, .Tlelples3 u 9 woman's 41. Cherished in secret long. Hidden with loving Carle, , Euhjeet of many a song-- "Only a woman's hal,. :" Relics of lovelit days, POUDI that ncvor Only tho 17armest, rays, Truly, thy tint recalls, • , radcd thy. glowing gold, , Vanquished it glitter rata, IDearl ' y•;ttiras,bi , ught and sell— ," Oaly a woman's hail I" rmagrffilmmgmrm:m%mgrisopr.rrrr.gminui Celestial ant Terreatial'Phelio' mona Vesuvius it, once . again pouting . its torre:::.... t,'; tiro throtti.,ll the vineyards or La ettryra Chrisiti„andtbreatemng to engutph cities as it did hit theaYe u , lien the won id win:lir:A tip.';'itled between the thought (tr.-ll:dins eta , ar and those of ..TC.snt, G11r.,,1.. 'l'lte.t'e is',terror lathe vat- le:y of XI e2;.teo, also, andthe people are. filled with alarm at the threatened au ftlyity to' volcanoes long eNtinet, whose bhtze was perhaps a beacon to the ad •eiPittirou- Cortez mol a portent to the falling empire of the .Nontezurnas. ".N(kve, from the Vest Indies hints the ''dev•c•t•ttion . of 1.1. n earthquakel in the [islands memorable , for its association tkvith the paint: of Columbus and a 3 the (fir:;, =et.' or Spanish power in this hem .l-Tlicre. Ft i tin stieli different polnts On ; V t..; e:irtli":)sturt'ace conic,; the - evidence ' that thei . o i•>lpor[ Libation within ; that ' tho co.]; .ion Cu' the pent Oft iurCoO 11t113 f)i.r the , titne cleLtroyed 1110 balance. Slniu.-, - ..Lneou,ly ‘ritit these internal dis to rhaliee-.—tiepc.e. tieni ttpori tfiein by un -1,1 it own relatioti—v.'e have al.,u wonder- Jul (lei d 1 itatic6 01 the suriaco—sLorms in the :ur 01 iL)Cal'eely it pill'illICJ:“1 pow er, horric.hies tiro:lli:ye blown the f,ea compietely over i-reat tract; 0. ovdti, ' I,;,_•%,c,itt our atmo.iphere, :it jipen, . ted,iee----i!eie ii:a i tovnis 11, ilic Eiz,n 4 . tOr J— , ::(;,ti'i (A' 11(A)01 (1 0:1 11:atter :I:tVC jat.... , ;y - bt.,J. .11 IVOJI :111,),-, the L'..lll,l: i g Or -1.1',4,., :t . :N/lllllillig front the elai-ticity 0 Mil' :1;.1^51111C11C itrif ( .n,L3 Or, (Jr llnes of thlit: lint . it••'s,:,llllllLici 1 , : 424) , 111)ti.,L lon 1041111- linz I:01111110 von1r): :'., oi.' fret , tile!heart• ;.4 - coe.ati_.l by the '.',let'vin of their (light. --- 111.iiirtie;:. , 1'e:it'd,s - Ision3 or visibit• na -10,.e. 1.1L2 , e .I:, pet 1111'1)2-Lion, de trtictlonot the Common or.ler, 10._1 . 1.111p3 derange ment, 01 pat 0r,.1 and plimetar..l..tws. Yet it .s ac Jung sir.et) ':vi-e:y hoil;/;_esteci " th.ll - . ( to* ;,o-t,lll,:et U. , ;*Ol 0 11 - 11.0'it, 1)c. ': haii)loity li n t I.l)lLletT-Lce.i," 111111 ,titifi tia 11 Sl6l_ta 1 61) inch i't in ii.)...11.:5 7 It:_i".3 to say 111:11 v.':l It ••k'L.':,l:3 10 11' 1 tit- , ct))„)eillelit 15 1)111 cafe:. 111 11 1..1ie - L'Ur - 0'.11:::,0 fiei eliCe linty stat, the r...iatis,n between Int:- e !i2v(...401 11 0nw...,%; of th, onivt,r2e— for it. _eLtinB ditlicislt, to uci.uve that they are not ietrttett oh: w‘tii anirilier:--it Is doirottul Nvli*thcr too i lir,: LLS. can do 111:110 than tilsglliSe ignuranco. When .:',loi.es raid of somewhat similar Won dt.rs that "the spirit of God tw,vedupoti tn ,, f.ty , .: of the waters" he oxpresaal the - tic:_[ c. 11130 tiltrte aq :-.)itifsltiet,ociiy 113 ECt ent:o c.in du er,•eil nut['. Row th. , 3 eLbic.', is Worked - I• rho ()thee chly v. tt:lef;raphf:r, who had loukc,l" 1010 tut., matter, told me 11',-a sew tt ortk, iiow the IV]:lntiQ cable , V 11... worked. - I had 1.::111 column after col um a 10 the pupet ~ in the v:uo . ellort, to -ouch oow IL Wa3_ d 011,2, :and \ mi., ast_iii,hed, 1 us,ufe you, to see hOw elluplo a using xv.tE,',ll;2lnEti•wnent tvhich tall, - ,ac -1 ,, ,-.- the :-en. ...101,win0 a very em ill 1, , 2, we—it wel•.;11, (July ' three- Be\ coih t o , a .J,rAin---t..e4 ro that either end poi Citst t,..t powerful fixed magnet. OVer tills needle 1 , , a boar I in- whijh is a z-w:11 holc„duive :tilt' ' Llii!lcl which is a -wall mack board. One end of this needp., or rattier magnet, is positive, and the other s negative one. The bat tery 1- taken iniot one side o'f.the ocean by the action of the mill : Nets themselves, when (i.e operator at the other side is mi . ..die •. ine hattery used at either CH d k!,,n tains only three cups; a won de, :uhy small number when you know th.lt it tikes a thousand or more to woilz the various wiles leading to 14 L'lb.oiway, the head offices here: The appiica 1 ion of a curren' from thebut te.: to. the positixe nr.gnet at Valentin, Curren' imity,:t.s an attractic .. of the needle by file ti.4.cattve ntagliet at Heart's Content, or vice - ve;sa. 'rite movement of the pei i leis t-o very -malt, however, that it c +old not be dstßited by the naked eVe. A powerint magnifier, however, eat:Ties:Thu reflection of the motion or the needle through the hole in the board above. add tratr , iets, i,t in an enlarged. and, w ith the aid of a light, an Rtlligh time:l.:coin the black "board. The al phabet is Gimilar to, though not exactly like, the,"Morse," and a Motion, of the Deet:llo one wii';',. implies a 'claill, or :the other wily a clot; of course as many 01 each c'' it' by tit•ed a:c 13 desirable; the ma; }lj g ein equally attractive, hold / Dig Ilie It f ;edle ..,I.zi.tioltzlry When DO other indti ucoe is applied. And now the re:(-on why a small battery worts best. It jE: not that a large battery, as has been 1 01.0;arly :zllppo:•ed , would eat tip the conducting ‘‘ ire, but that it, woo!d make the motion of the delicate net die so violent—to Linea vulgar phrase, it w wild be perpetually "wobbling about." Tile sukall current used has no silt h eireet.—.X. Y. Correi;pancknt Lou isui/1.i.3 Cu • rooi.sL ty kind of paper 11- 1;1,On n by the t,tattl'iner, by its mune— (1(1111 10 po`,l, SVO. 110 AT jool6Cap, etc. 1 'C tem loul,cap, to -t4?::ignate a certain h aof paper, lip tiOlo4. has WIZ - Zled.thally a young inquirer. "l'he ori gin is not only anth-ing, but historical. CirAtti-nS I. of .i.,:ngland granted name- Ton" mi,nopolics for the stipport. of the Government. Amontt• OthelSeCtli,the 11111.1 u taet 1e of paper ) The Of the limi-t sort WWS the Royal Arms of I:',.mtbm'd.. The conrkumption of this article Was great at this time, and large, fortunes wetc made Ity tho.:e who had purehaseti the exclusive right to vend . among otmir monopolies was set aside by the parliament :hat brow ;hl Charles I. to the seattlad ; anti by way of,„h o w.ing, their contempt ior the king, they oiderThe-coyal arms to be taken frotitj.he paper, anil a tool with his cap and hells mhe t-uhstituted. It is now over two hundred years since the fool's cap and belts were taken from ' 7 l:he pa yer, but still the paper Of the which the rump pal liament ortlereci their jOurnaln, bears'th6 mime ,of tl.ik water mark, then ordered aa to Charles., INFORMATION TO RAILROAD TPAV ELEas.—The following " rule - of the road" ate lased upon legal , ekions, and ought to be univei-s ty in ad e known. The courts ecidell - that appliCants ;or tickets c 1 A railroad can be ejected from the ca if they do not offer the emtet ainottn of their- fare.— Conductors are not bound to make change. All tickets -are good until, used, conditii,ns " good for this day on ly" or otherwtse mho i tied dine of genu ineness, are or no account. Passengers who lose their tickets can be ejected frgin _tile ear unle&s they purchase aced outs one. Passengers are bound to ob serve 'decorum in the :‘_firs, and are obliged to comply with all reit-01111bl° demands to show their ticket-. is,t an d. ing On the platform or otherwise violat ing the rules of the company, roiders a person liable to be put from the train.-- No per on has a right to monopolize .more seats than he ha 4 paid- for ; and any article lett in a seat while the own er is temporarily absent, entitles him to his sent on his return. • NEW lIARDAVAIiE - -; STORE I „ t ntdition to tligir old tipsiness in Diy Godue; Gruccries, &c., Intro osiabliActi it STOVE, TIN, AND OhNERAL HARD- two doors below tho old stand; .n hero ttioy moll utactuio lIIUMANky PRINCIPLE. •- ' ' thnt is. in 66 most substantial matter of" we have enough to do all the emiking and warm- Tiog,a County. In fact, %se have :Roves enough to MAKE • A SUMMER in 1.• : • , • • iVALkUSVAI. ' It [Avsal.:• Trroues We nro tho only agent3rer the enle of the - O.OOE f - STOVE in 11'01!shore; nod this E3tovu is the We keep all 'kinds 'of Ilaraware, Iron, Nail?, Steel, Hone ShoeF, and asoinplete variety of If you don't belici - e it DROP,IN. VoL 36. r T NU. 212 LIi_ARPER'S MAGAZINE The plan of the NAlgazine-exelitles and Poleiniee. It inrlr,dee everything pertain ng to Literature, 111.1, it du , tr V, Pupal tr science, nhd Is4a " The Wonni Ws King dom: a Love - tbny," by the a ati,ns of John Hal- Oetitlein,tri, to et,intneortl in the January Number. Fi•ut'• Doll,tr. ye:LI . v0L.12.) J WEEKLY A Ree arl .t the rite, `:.,thing- pertaining to eivii,z i- Iwy.ant its re,pe. The organ of no Iwt ty t.r ctiquo, it, I ittllS,-06 nil questions of 'dit', a mai auetat ecoroaa v. "A novei by Wilkie i2.,11 ! n5, nntli4;r "'rue Wopetn to ‘Vhite," will hi; f...,tnikuheol in I.li Etat January number. $1 1 .,r annum, wv.ehly. vottruE ,r_ro V) ,FOR I. f V lir. 1.11.1 Z 't R. 1888. This is to he a a Jeure.ll f the Home It e :Nat i.!l' everything pelta)ning to lionie Lite. It "ill furnish the hite:t t..:lie,ns in are:i3 ern imet,t; de , eiihe tile ainti3elnenti /Intl exereiees adapted tor in 3iel oar of Li 'con lain Etotio , , sketches. pt•lnc. Puhiished nt elan, Tvitit koin,e inn•iratio),.3, at S 4 per an one>. „riair• For !II • y of tl4l n'4,ro publientiong ad clrs:seoßtit the e:tt,h. EARPEII BROTHERS, FR SQUJILL', NEW Y,ORK.. Cast and Extra CaGI, ,S`lcci Patent Taper Ciwculav Samosa MULEY, GANG, CItOSS—CUT, CLEARING, E.OOTId AND OTHER SAWS. % i 5 r o as ing u o f, t t r L e e, it fi r t r i i t n d ?r r o 3 111 1 t ' t t o ( r n • Ftot V l o 2 r 1;:, how preparvd to ofTvi to the einzena of Law. .onZ!yville, and vicititty, gtnezal assortment of & PROVISIONg cyR 0 CEEB.); If D WARE, • WOOD & WILLOW-WARY YANKE NOTIONS. , , LATVI?EVCE VILLE, PENA" .A September, 17th, 1567-tf The American Cooking Stoye. -, AFTER twenty piers experience in the man ufacture of stoves, we became convinced, 301110 six years since, that a vast ' amount of money was being expended by the peoplo of this , ountay, in baying cheap and worthless stoveg, a largo pdrtion of Whieh was wasted; and that true ecohomy consisted in buying the best stoves 'that coird be ninth), notwithstanding the price was big wr. With this view wo proceeded to constrtutt is American Cooking Stove, and spared no ins or expense to mako it the best e l tad t Tr...C.l)4feet stove that could he made. And we ire experimeOcti with it,. and ,carefull3 wat "ed its operation for the last six years, and when ,an improvement Eng:NE:fed itself: we have at once adopted it, and we have several of these improvements secured by letters patent. In this manner we d - i not ite , itate .to say, We have brought it to a higher state of peria..tion then has heretofore been atta;ned in smoking Moven. 'rho recent improvements in this store has added largely to Hi convenience and effective ness. In all the rarietie3 of etot es wo ;naafi facture, we sandy tittelnlness, AufAility, convis bience and coonotny in operation, rather than cheapnes ; :. in rd ice, and in ~ : r f fitting as are satis fied we !.tucl . s theintete•t of those purchasing our/stove, SIIEAR, PACKALD, ,t, Cr)., Albany, N. V.' 1:44 sale by c4;vhasr: osooon, Wells boo, p.t. 4 IStivpt67-3111. CONYERS & OSGOOD WARE &roil"; T I'N -WARE ON aml srrov Ecds, AUTOCRAT OF STOY..IS. ° SITE - LP HARDIV.A.IIE. CONVEItS OSGOOD. ,Welleboro, Sept. •4, 1387, ly. • rAtT.+" three seilt to ono ad •irecs for $10: ;soy two 1 , f"...11:ein f Dec. 25, 1567-210. Elmira Saw Manufactory, Mr. J. SI:IIIEYYELTY..Jr., 1,1 ituthorie , ed to .011 at fieeti,)y l'i lee, in Tieg , .. Orders for left v,11.11 Mr. Selfief "eliii. will be attended 114 pi uteptly aa If loft at lic 31,inul:letery-_,. A&DREWS BIiIIEAGE., Bet.t. Cleaning Sewing Machineq. TIRE undersigned heraby Atifieg ownero of Sewing 11. chines that ho ie prepnrod to clean•and put rnaebin , ns in good order on call. He also is n.:ent for the " pAtont tucker," which oan ho used machino. - B. SIIAKSPEARE. Wellt.boro, Sept. 4, ISG7, tf. • UITCAT. INSTRUMENTS.—J. Slinks 111_ Pear, dealer in Deelcer R: Droller and (tames flr.ollerm pianos, Mason est Hamlin. aab— mot or gills, Trent. Linsey Si Co. melodoona, and the IL Shoninger melodeons:. Room ever J. R. - lowen's store. Sept. 12, 1866. FLOUR FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, hockwhoet flour, corn meal and feed, always On hand. Cnil at rhn•Chillie;ton llfll 4forebuY lug your flour anti recd.' I can make it an object t . or you to buy. A. RUSSELL. May 16, litlg2-t THE largett n•Fortment tf Watcheti, clocks Jewelry and Plated Ware in Tio2o county tt [UUdi•ef6] FOLEY'S. T 'QUEEN'S CEPIIALrC 'PILLS.-These arc toe latest itnprovemuni nmon, - 2 the pills. rtwy are confidentivAehr yid to he thel4lo , 3t pills for Enidly nst , that have evor peen made. They ire so mild and plet”-ant inr their operation and yet so effectual. th,,t it would be quite impossi ble to supply the demand for them 'were they more generally - known. The whols story in told in the directions ohich accompany each boa. price 25 C.•nti. For znle at Roy's Drug Store. Q ACRINO f.r hops, best quality 25 poryttr. itt. Or LAN° & CO'3. NENE FROM PHILADELPHIA. I wan nll3 etta for years rheumatism in my hip, nod have tried everything for it with no avail. But by the "use of tiritiglo bottle offialike tiler r 9 1 (18 ontirely cared. It has ulsn cured my wife of Neuralgia. There is no remedy in my knowledge like it for Ithenmathmt or Neuralgia. JJ H. L. HOPP, No. Sll7 Perkiemen CAsu PAI3FOR nurrEit AT. WRIGHT et. BAILEY'S. 11: - 49 'i 91 ti i 8 2 & 0 1%; . 1 _o9alu .. 1 tTir - '0 , , - _ . .804193 oupnoso puu woo comma met SO olad ono 9pooo ano / %apilli 2uploon oaoq; pun I aaao 9ollinnuatil3 °Aim ea • lompaou owe of Sunstoa tilt noß4o2¢4Vit 'ettip' o ,l9 441? 5tq1:C4 1 ,14,1 'lung Po .1110 lig .19111.111a..A.10Aa •01139 ottoapi .0 -Th ,Sq powinaa 'WILE It .13131 'a -snug Jloj °Spur pus •uollood:u} •soap noun o sictutiotomspoop LI I 141atlatti0Vo mottling tol.o ,Cpp, uuw y •goo otalq to; Elton oat qamei ' `ll~~~ 141 4 Id 10103 A , t . ? 4 , i J" palincoiso u01.1_1!., 04 11 flub PlloAk °At .11)&10 .- . Up olr . o2Lifl IMI ■ uinui 111 9NllllliVil Jul 4Cia,t a ‘ogiy JO 310013 e 'ui vow `sins waxialif SNIXIIIa IIaZIREI 'mow Qom 'IIIrg `NOM aOHS 7,911011 -- **** 'SHOH nuvtl9 Pubs TaJpunq Jod 9.11VN 09 1:I I Oat i'4o c Ote 9S s sztv Lit 014'177! vcr 'a 'IIOAI UO 100 a pay qop4s ()Jos. `II2IIJAIII 3O IV '3UtIV. LL (310M-SSVIe ',,.,_. _ 6 s AOLLS U V H 'a Hy trolopied 9 2 / 1 31 13 0.1138 pun anoS gal," Sq e soeuisnEu Ina RING. GOODS NEW SP 0 RIVI4Va, BEM OPLE AT THE P OW R WE ARE in FRESH ST OCK El apted to the TRADE,. SPRIN and are prepared o supply the wants of the people in 1 NORTHER WITH DRY G EXPERIENCE OUR LW ught us thnt GOO coon, and those accustomed se us know that we, give tho antiaf to patron E BEST GOODS KEEP T hat are to. l be fon who aro not o quit!) a d in tlqs section, and those r patrons are the losers :'much as we;are. wsp as usual a OCK. OF 'OLOrH&•"' LARGE- S by thelyard or QM ORDER BAND WAR. ED TO FIT. MADE UP Ti RAN OUR STOCK ILL BE KEPT PULL, Goods sold by us - and al o give Satisfaction,: W,Amil/ted, Sold as Low a! lishme at any other Estab t. Mind 'that. invlte'an eat Prices, pledging ou imination of our Stook and •selves to SHOW GOODS REELY AND TAKE .NO 1 FFENOE whoa o sale is made. SMITH & WAITE. pr. 10, 1867. Corning, N. Y., =ERE _ '_r . , r ,~ .r —,.--.' ;re 1- t ' 1 g=l alusm''EAT . 2 8 L4ADI II I'D - U0 - oilk U OAVH STORE I CEIVING A 'OF GOODS PENNSYLVANIA GOODS. GOODS AN D P. It.. wiIdSAAIS & / PEMO DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATEN 'l' MED ICINES, PAINTS,' OHS, DOW GLASS, Sr, PUTTY, Have comedown to Old Prices at last WE Jo not hesitutu to say that ne have the Largestck of . P URE DRUGS MEDICINES, PATIENT MEDICINES, YANTC NOTTONS, PF,RFUJJIhR Y, 6.4 FANCY. ARTICLES, TOILET SOAP, 'CLOTH, HAIR, TOOTH & NAIL BRUSHES, MIRRORS, WINES & LIQUORS, &C., ,EVER BROuagT INTO THIS AffAItKET. We hure,alto the Largest Stork of PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, Such as Pure WM° Load, Pure White Zinc, Linseed Oil. Coach Varnish, Furniture Varnish, Yel low Ochre, Venetian Red, Chromti Yel low, Chrome Green, Prussian Blue, Patent Drysi-, tacker, Japan, Spanish Whiting, Paris White, Knisumine, Resin, Tar, Log Wood, Fustic, Brazil Wood. Cam— wood, Rethroo Potash, Patty, Alen- cohol, Bonzole. Spirits Turpentine, and Kerosene Oil, Paint and Varnish Brusbeq, Which we will sell 25 per cent. cheaper, than any other establishment in the county. In abort, we have every thing ever kept in a first class DRUG STORE, and all we ask is for yon to call and examine our stock and prices before buying • elsewhere. Re member we can't be undersold. All goods warranted or no sale P. R. WILLIAMS, I P. It WILLIAM ti:Co was J. L. WrLs. No. 3 Union Block. Wellabor°, June 26, 1867 Stoves: Stoves :: AND HARDWARE! MR. WILLIAM ROBERTS begs to announce to the citizens of Tioga County, that in addition to his excellent stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Sheot-Iron Ware, ho hag, at a great outlay, stocked his store on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with a complotc acaortment,of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles: SPIKES, NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL,HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S.TOOI;S, PUMPS, AXES, • AUGERS, BITTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, ' BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGMOS, CORN POPPERS, • sAusAot CUTTERS AND' STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, . PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND . CAPS; • PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS eitosr thing, and made for nee. These aro but few of the many articles composing our stook of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the best quality of goode in our line ; and alUwork to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM . ROBERTS' Welleboro. Sept. 1,1866—ti Boarding lionse. BOARDING by the week:-nrday, and Lodz. ing, can be had on reasonable terms opPm site the old U. S. Hotel Stand, Main Street, Welleboro. M. M. SEARS, Proprietor. Aug. 7, 1867. tf. TOB-WORK, IN THE BEST STYLE, and 0 stith despatch,ot THE AGITATOR Office. NEW Fl , TO BUY: fill.# „ .L4.L 1 .1 - S:‘ OUR BUSINESS wg will buy at the high es t market prism, 'the following articles. SHEEP PELTS," DEACON SKINS, DEER SKINS, FURS, BIDES, AND VEAL SKINS, for which wo will pay cash. ' • We will manufacture to ordor, French or home tanned CALF or KIP BOOTS, in tho host man ner and at fair rates, and pay especial attention to REPAIRING. ALSO, We have a Grat r rato stook pf , . REABY-]BABE WORK, on which we will not be undersold, and from this timo wo shall mho it a point to keep up the best stook ofd LADIES' G-AITERS, to be found in the coffay, which we will Bell at a lower profit than such articles have over been offered in this region. We shall likowiee keep up 'n good assortment of BALMORALS, LEATHER BOOTEES, CHILDREN'S AND MISSES- WORK OF VA RIOUS STYLES, and all styles of MEN'S WORK. LEA TREE ft FINDINGS oaa be bought of us es cheap as any whore this side of New York, and vire shall keep a full stock of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP PER, SOLE, LININGS, AND BINDING. Our stock of PEGS, NAILS, THREAD, A WLS, RASPS, GLOVERS' NEEDLES, LASTS, TREES, CRIMPS, with SHOEMAKER' ' TOOLS and FINDINGS, will be found the lar gest in the epunty, and we settfor small profits. Wo talk business and WO Matti business. Wo have been in this region long enugb to be well known—lot those who know us try us. Corner of Main and Grafton streets, , opposite Wm. Rob erts' Hardware Store, C. W. SEARS, GEO. 0. DERBY Wellaboro, April 24, 1867—ff. • RENIIVGTONS FIRE ARMS. 200,000 rutin - maim TIIE U. S. GOVERNMENT. Army' Revolver, 44-100 in. Calibre Navy Revolver, 36.100 in. Calibre Belt Revolver, Navy size Calibre Police Revolver, Navy size Calibre New Pocket Revolver, 31 . 100 in. Calibre Pocket Revolver, (Rider's pt.) 31.100 in. Calibre Repeating Pistol, (Elliott pt.) No 22 h 32 Cart'ge Vest Pocket Pistol, No 22, 30, 32 ec. 41 Cartridge Gun Cane No 22 £ 32 Cartridge Breech Loading Rifte,(Beale') No 32 Ili 36 " Revolving Rifle, 36 & 44-100 In Calibre E. REMINGTON & SONS. PRINCIPAL AGENTS. Moore & Nichol New York; Wm Read & Son, Boston; Jos C Grua do Co, Philadelphia; Poul tney & Trimble, Baltimore; Henry Folsom & Co; New Orleans; Johnson, poncer & Co, Chicago, L M Rumsoy eV Co, St. Louis; AlberLE Crane, San Francisco. Cot. 9,1867.-9 m. NEW ARRIVAL 2 MRS. E. K • KIMBALL TS now receiving a new and fashionable stook A of MILLINERY GOODS fresh from New York, which she , will sell very cheap. Call and examine new styles and prices. MAIN STREET, WELLSIIOIIO, PA October 16, 1867. WELLSBORO FOUNDRY AND • ,• MACHINE SHOP. THE subscribers having procurod additional machinery are now ready to furnish to order all sorts of CASTINGS, 817C11 AS PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, FIELD R 0 ER S , MILL GEARItId, SLEIGH-SHOES, W 0 0 I) - SAWING MACHINES, &c., &C. 4 we have also a WOODWORTH PLANER, for custom and job work, Wo aro also prepared to do SLITTING &- SCROLL SAWING to order. Having a firet.class screw-cutting Lathe, we are prepared to make CHEESE PRESS SCREWS, to order. Builders of Cheese Factories are re guested to examine our work. We mau*facture the Champion Plow, one of the fineist iroptements In the market. Cash paid for OLD '• CHARLES WILLIAMS, F. L. SEARS. Wellsboro, May 15, 1867—tf. 1867. WRIGHT & BAILEY. WE commence this year with an exclusively CASH business. CASH PAID FOR WHEAT I CASH PAID FOR OATS I CASH PAID FOR CASH FOR EVERYTHING I 1 A LARGE STOCK OF FLOUR FOR CASH I A LARGE STOCK OF FEED FOR CASH ! A LARGE STOCK OP PORK FOR CASK 1 Call and sea as. WRIGHT. i BAILEY Wollaboro, Jan. 9, All persons indebted to us by note or book account roust call and settle or pay costs. Jan, 3, 1887. WRIGHT (4 BAILEY. Wellsboro Wool Carding Machine, TT AVING covered our Machine with entire new Cards, we aro now ready to Card all Wool without delay, and in the best possible' manner. All Wool sent from a distance by Stage will be returned by tho same if roquired. S. A. lIILTBOLD, ORIN BLAIR. Wellaboro, June 12, 1867. DR. FITCH'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT FRS, for sale at Roy'e Drug Store. CALENDER, 'French, Marine and Church Clocks, at [decl9) FOLEY'S. To the Public of Wollaboro AN.D 1011 I SIOROUNK O ING COUNTRY ! lc . . A 8 ILE R 9 MAKES tNu method of notifying. (be people thatOVStock of SPRING CLOTHING is on hand, and offers it lower than before. The Store is well stocked with the most fash ionable COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, also, a large assortment of GENT'S FURNISHING' GOODS, WHITE, AND CASSIMERE SHIRTS, COLLARS, NECKTIES, SUS PENDERS, SOCKS, and a good farge lot of tbo•most fashionable HATS AND CAPS, overbrbught to this market. Also TRUNKS, BAGS, AND kniBRELLAS, which you can buy low for cash, at the Cheap Clothing Store of N. ASHEat, Ist door east of Van Valkenburg's Flour Store. • Wellsboro, Sept. 11, 1867. 1866. FOR SALE. 1866. , aty, B. C. WICKIIAM, A ' ItIS NURSERY OP FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIBGA : 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A gcod supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES A SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees aro composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call arid- see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. ;Xiffi'. Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28, 18+6-lye Horn ad Cattle Pow(bits, LLY ,RS YELLOW w TER HEAVE COUGItS, DI TEMPER, F VERB, FOUND; LOSS OF All I'ITE ASO VIT. ENERGY, &c. usd • improves wind, increa the appetite-gl a smooth glossy skin—: transforms t miserablo shah horse. In all diseases of STPII/C, 8110/ as Coughs, Ulcers in a t i i tigft; A - nets RS a specific. By putting from • A one-half , pip..r r • to u paper Ina barrel or Elwin oil above diseases will be ertulicated - or entirely pr4vcnted. If given in time, a certain preventive and. cur: for Iln,r CI olua. Price 25 Cents pe: repo , o for $l. PREPARED . Vcr S. 1 7 101UVZ e. 56 131R0., WROLESALE DRUG AND MEDIME ntroT, No. 118 Franklin SF.. Pnitirnore. For Sale by Dritggiet , • • t• out the Untied States DAVID E. Fou'rz, Successor. For sale bylohn A. Roy, Wollaboro. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MANS FIELD, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. F. A. Allen ' Principal, Professor of Natural and Mental Science. J. T. STREIT, A. M., Professor of Languages. CHARLES H. VERRILL, A. M., Professor of Mathematics. Mns. L. M. PETERSELIA, Modern Languages and Drawing. Miss MARY E. 11110 HES, B. E., En. Branches. Miss. S. It. PRESTON, B. E.. Principal of the Model School. I. G. HOYT, Professor of Vocal and Instrnmen. tal,Mnsio. , Miss ALICE B. SEELEY, Assistant 16in:rotor of Music. SCHOOL YEAR 186 1 7-8. First Term begins September 4, 1867, \ Second term begins Decomb'r 9 " Third term begins March 23 1 1868. EXPENSES PER TERM OF 14 WEEKS. Fall and Spring Term, including board, room rent, tuition, book rent, fuel, oil, and washing, $6O 00 j Winter Tetm, 04 00 Day students, tuition and book rent, 10 00 Total expenses for school year $lB4 00 No extrb. charges. Rooms furnished with stoves, - chairs, tables, stands, pails, bedsteads, mattresses, pillows, and one comfortable. For further information send for Catalogue. . Aug. 7,1807, Ow. Address, Principal. 867, I F yon FLOUR; MEAL, PORK, HAMS, FISH, SALT OR GENERAL GROCERIES, in large or small quantities, drop in at M. B. PRINCE'S FLOUR it PROVISION STORE, examine prices, and you can be suited. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange. Heavy Packages delivered anywhere in town frect.of charge. Terms—Ready Pay. Next door to Colliers. Wolleboro, Aug. 7, 1867. M. B. PRINCE. Mrs. A. J. Soliteld, -18 now receiving the Fall styles of MILLINERY, • direct from the city, and will b o o pleased to see her slid friends and customers, wth as many now ones as may choose to favor her with their pat ronage. I have engaged a first-class Dressma ker, and am prepared to carry on DRESS-SMAKING in all its branches. in a satisfactory manner. Orders taken for Hair Jewelry. Good prices paid for human hair. Store over VnnValken. burg's Grocery, Main-et. Wellsboro, Sept. 2&, 1867—tf RARE CHANCE FOR BUSINESS MEN.— The fine location for a store between tho building known as Roy's Block, and Bullard's Saloon is now offered for sale on peculiar and favorable terms; inquire at Roy's Drug Store. Butter and Cheese t lIIGHEST Market Prieo paid for Butter anf Cheese, or shipped for parties at 24ju1y87 . . TOLES & BARKER'S. I 'N. Coal for Sale. COARSE BITUMINOUS CO AL ! for Sale e Cheap, by Sept. 28, 1867. consisting Of 40« F OUT Z'S CTLZDEATED This preparatiop, long .and tavorabiy known, will thor oughly reinvigorate brokim-down and low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and intest tines. It is o sure pre ventive of all dis eases iOc!dtot to wation is invaluable. mproves the quality of the milk. It has been proven by ac tual experiment to • increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent. and make the butter firm and / eweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens Melt hid e, and makes them thrive AT wnittn. FE%A.CIT-TY-.T Y.. ant a FIRST RATE ARTICLE of D. P.RODERTS. WHOLESALE DREG STORE. N; ) Y. r t RUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, CONCEN- TRATED MEDICINES, CI N CINNATI WINES AND KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDI- CINES, PETROLEUM OIL AND FLAVOR ING E4.TRACTS, tVALL PAPER, WINDOW OI T ASS, 1- AND DYE COLORS, Bold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers are requested' to call and got quotations before going further Bast Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1888-1 y Proofs of the Buperior Quality AMERIC'N WATCH The American Watoh Company, of Waltham, Mass., respectfully submit that their Watches are cheaper, more accurate, less complex, more dura ble, better adapted for general use, and more ea sily kept in order and repaired than any other watches in the market. They are in structure, and therefore stronger, and less likely to bo injureorthan the majority of foreign watch es, which aro composed of from 125 to 300 pie ces, while in an old English watch there are more than 700 parts. Bow they run under the hardest trial watches can have, is shown by the following letter: PENN. RAILROAD COMPANY. OPetce or THE GCN'L SPERINTENUMNT, 1 . ALTOONA, PA., 15 Dec., 1860. GENTLEMEN : 'the watches manufactured by you have been in use on this railroad lur .several c years by our euginomen, to whom we furnish rwatches ad part of our equipment. There nie I now some three hundred of them carried an uur ino, and we consider them good and reliable time-keepers. Indeed, I have great sati,T kk ition in saying your watches give us less trouble, and have wore, and do wear much ',lnger witli•iutre pairs than any watches we have ever had in use on this road. • As you aro aware, we formerly trusted to those of English manufaeturo, of ac knowledged good reputal.joi; but as a class they never keep time as correctly, nor have they done as good service, as yours. In these statements I am sustained by my predecessor, Mr. Lewis, whose experience ex tended over a series of years. Respectfully, EDWARD 11. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. 'American Watch Co., Waltham. We make now five different grades of watches, named respectively as fellows Appleton, Tracy & Co., Waltlaint, Mow,. Waltham Watch Company, Waltham, Maas. P. S. Bartlett, Waith net, Ma y 4, Ifitery, 1f091071, Home IVatch Company, Roston, Hamr. All of these, with the exeeptiNof the Houle. Watch Company, are warranted by he American Watch Company to be of the best material, on the most approved principle, and to possess every requisite for a reliable timekeeper. Every dealer selling these Watches is providedwith the Com pany's printed card of guarantee, whi h 'should accompany each Watch sold, so that bu, , ers tay fool sure they are purchasing the genui e arti le. There are numerous counterfeits andimitatiOns of our Watches sold throughout thit country, and wo would caution purchasers to be bn their guard against imposition. Any grades of Waltham Watches in.4Y be pur chased of Watch Dealers throughout the c•atutry. ROBBINS & APPLETON. Sept. 4, 1867-Brn. e 182 Broadway, N. Y. J. STICKLIN, Ohairmaker, Turner, and Furniture Dealer, SALE ROOM, opposite Dartt's Wagon Shop, Main Street. FACTORY in Sears tt Wil• lianas Foundrysecond story. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaran teed. Fancy Turning i done to order. Wellsboro, Jne 12, 1867. J. STICKLIN. Ti6ga Marble Works, THE undersigned is now prepared to exe cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Monu ments of 'either' ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, . of thoiatest style and approved workmanship. and with dispatch. He keep constantly on hand both kinds of Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa vor him with Aloir orders, on as reasonable terms us can bo obtained-in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as,gouil 68 new. PORTERMILCON. • Tioga, Nov. 1, 1867-tf. To the Farmers of TiogiCounty. T AM now building at my manufactory, in Lawrence ]. vlllo. a superior FANNING wbloh possesses the following gclrantagosovcr another mills: 1. It separates oats, rat lltit ' br. and fr seeds, and chess and cockle!from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow soad, and all other seeds, perfectly. . 3, It cleans timothy aced. • 4. It does all other soparatin required of a mill. This mill Is built of the bea and moat durable tim ber, in good style, and is sold cheap . lor cash, or pro duce. I will fit a -patent dere, for separating. oats from wheat, to other mills, on reneonablo terms. Piwroncor We, October 10, 1806—tf UNION • ACADET.• KNOXVILLE, T 10 6 14 O. PA /,'ACULTY : ELIAS MORTON, Principal. Mrs. ADA W. HORTON, Preccritren , ]ties MIRA MORTON, Assistant. t.< Mtn AIIASDA. DRAKE, Teacher rMusic. CALENDARi FOR 18G7-8. Fall 'form commences Sept. 31, Wlute'r Term :::or 20th, Spring Term Feb. 18th, 180. EXPENSES PER TETVM Primary Department Cdmmon English Higher English Languages and Higher Mathematics... Instrumental Music, extra Vocal Music, extra. Drawing, extra Room Rent Board per week ... Knoxville, August 14, 1567-ti. P NEWELL, DENTIST, MANSFIELD, Pa., grateful for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, will continue so as to per form all dental operatiOns, as to, merit the rapidly increasing professional demands now engaged. All operations in all departments of the profes sion executed in the best possible manner. All now, useful inventions and improvements adopt ed. The highest good of his patrons the Ultima tum of his ambition Dec. 5,68-tf ROY ran CHOICE LOT OF GRAIN BAGS fa; tale cheap! at WRIGHT A BAILEY'S. Wellsboro, June 5, 1867. 1!1 BRANDY, WHITE- WASH LIME, ROCHESTER PER- FUMERY W. D. TERBELL ec CO. CLEM MADE AT . WALTHAM, MASS, 3. II MATIIER LINES EM 'ruAtEL. ERIE RAILWAY . Ell On illid arm' )lun , l4y, t'611., I Nfii. trillbft V , lll eavy Uor n 1 Fig nbotit thii fulltrA bun' p: 12:23 a. tn., Express Mu,l : 1/(1114)c excepted for Beth, • 10, Salamanca, and Dunkirk connecting with trut hs for the West. e:43 a in Night Expressi, zuncl,i3si xcepteti, for linfraro, 6.ll:maw:et, awl I)ti siki Ik, sloth ing tlirtet comas:lion 4 with tridue of tlus Atlantis., b Guist Weatet ts, 1 bk. :Atom, and Grand Trunk Balla aye, foi all poi lan 11 eet 7:03 a. to.,Nlttlit, Express, Daily, for But fri lo.Sa lament, a . Dunkirk and the West ; co:polling as above. a. tn.,Night f:Xnles4. vxes•pls d, lut i. th cster and Buffalo. I is As to,. • 10:32 a.m., Mall train. Sundays excepted, for ßuffalo and Dunkirk. I:4F p. in. Baltimore Expres4, i•lindity • s.:sstislsi. tut Rochester and Buffalo, via Avon. ' • 7:n3 p. nt . Day Express, Sundays ex espied. for Bbflttio, Salaniumea,_ Dunkirk and the Wert , connecting at at Salamanca with tho Atlantic and Groat NVestorn Railway ; at euttalo with the Lake .horn and Grand Trunk Railways, and at Dunkirk tAltir tire_Lake Shore Runway, fur ail polatslwest and south . 7;10 p tri Day Expros*, Sundays excepfeci,t..l Roc heater 12.60 pin Way Freight, exceptect . 6:48 p. ni , F:inigi ant trai=ily, for thoi 12:16, m., Night- Expre,.s. Inial3, Sundays excepted, connecting at Urnyconrt r m It or wick : and at Neil Yori; with afternoon train,. and .reamers for Boston and New England Cities, 4-18 ii. in., Ci nci ll\ k n ndayr. u:kceptcd, con nectiug at Elmira forllhirrhdorg, Philadelphia and the at °wog,' tot: Ithaca; at Binghamton loriiyracnme; at (treat Bend for ‘ Scranton, Philadel phia, and Trenton; nt Lackawaxen Mr Hawley. and t inycourt NI Newburg arid Warwick. 10.15 a In ACCQlll7llodittitill Train daily, connecting y at at Elmira for Canandaigua. 10:48 a. ns., Day Express, Sundays exceptid,connecting at Elmira fur Canandaigua, at Binghamton fur Syra• case, at Great Bond for Scranton, at Larimtlaxen for Hawley, ' ey, and at Jersey City with midnight Expsess Train of Now Jersey Railroad fur Philadelphia, Balti• morvlnd Washington, 3:12 pt BaltiMors Express. Sunda. 5 excepted 4:35 p. in., New York and Baltimore Lail. Sundays ex cepted 7.07 p m Lightning Express, Sunda s excepted, con - , netting at Elmira for Harrisburg, Philadelphia and the South ;at Jersey City with °ruing eXpresa train of New Jersey Railroad fox Baltimore and Washington, and at New pork with morning ex• press trains for Boston and the East. . 12:30 p. in. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. It. BARR, Lten'l Pe9s. Agent ploosburg & Corning, & Tioga L. 8. .isms will run as follows until farther notice Anconuotlation—Leaves-Blossburett 7,05 a. in., Mans field ,at 7, 6 5. Tiogs. at 6,33 Lawn marine at o,lB— at Corning at 10,25 a. m. MO Stall—Loaves BloBsburg at 1,50 O. in., Mansfield2,Bo, Tioga at 3,03, Lawrenceville at 3,so = arriv ng st Corning at 5 p. m.° Mail—Leaves Corning at 3,15 a. in., Lawrence, ills at 9,18, Tioga at 10,00, Mansflold at 10,86—arriVing at Bloss-burg at 11,15 a. tn. Accommadatioa—Leayea •Corning at 3,41.5 p. m Lair• tencerlll'e at 442. Tioga at 6.511, Manittekt at (8.95 arrlvlme at Bloaiburg at 7.20 p. m. Northern Centr'al R. R TRAINS FOIL TILE NORTII. Traini!for Canuudagnia leave Elmira asIoIIOWS : Accomodatiou it 7 Vs a to Express [fastest matt ou midi /1 95 EL ID I 1 Mail 615 p ni Way Freight, [passenger coacliattachedj ...... ... 7 10 a m 04 and atter April Ll9tli, 1847. trains will at rhe and depart from Troy, as follows; ' i f stoV'txo Nor 711 i Exp ess 645 p m I sitivixo sunlit. press 1050 a m Elm rit Mail 550 a m Elmira Mitil 985 p in Local Freight 10 50 arn I Local Sleight 3:35 pm Thnough ireigrit 955 pin Vitouglu Freigh4 200 a rn E. 0. BROWN, Dir. Sup't. Philadelphia & Erie R. R Oa and after MONDAY, October 14t,b, 18G7, Trains en the l'hillteelphie .t tale kuad w)11 rue us 2.0 luts IV}.Bl'WARtt 311011 "'rain Icac Philadtapilla •• .rt. at Lue--- •--....._.... Erin t.xpt lettces l•ntindelphitt •• Wilhauipott. •• •• air. tit Life hitntra 31tu11envea Philadelphia, •• •• tVillia ii apat t •• ' • atr. at I,calz haven.., EASTWARD 31x11 ira:u iLacea Eu. 10,4 u a m " " `• 1‘ 11limn:Tort 11.40 pto " " at,. tit Philadelphia 865 u Erie Express leave 3 Lrie 426. p IL •• •• •• IVllltucuspt•rt .3 50 a to • . 1 Arr. at Philadelphia 1.00 p in Elmira leavaa Lock Hausa 7.10 a in •• •• •• N illiarusport la •• arr. at Philadelphia 0.10 p Mai and Express connect with all trulue on Warren A. I:rant:llu 11,illway. Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 12.00 31. arrive at Ireluetuwn at 640 a. cu. and till City nt 9 30 It. 111. Leaving Philadelphia at 8.00 I'. al., astir() nt Oil City at 4:35 p 4tlantic and Great es ern R• V. WETTWAHD BoUND Mall 5 al l lixprest. 6.10 Accommodation 64 - 4, Mail 1?- Expreiis ' 12.1 T Accommodation, 11.44 Express 11.0 t: I I pi ess 6.1 u At Cory there Is a inaction, a ith the Philadelphia & Erie, and Cil Creek Rail Roads. At Meadville with the erankliu uud Oil City and PUMA° Drauch. At Leavittsburgo the Mahoniuy Branch makes a th. rect route to Clevelaml. At Ravenna convects rilth Cleveland and Pittsbuigh Railroad. The Road passes through Akron, AshiaAtl, Marion, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting r triune rail roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. D. RUCKER, (ten. Supt , Meadville. ra. TSubscriber trill ;e)1 or root the following I_ valuable property, to wit: One tavern stand in Lawrenceville Onetime, orr efilch lte now resides, oue•half mile from mLreo diuretics, two School 'louses, two grog shops, - awl ;one railroad, and about the same distance from the line of the Wellibore and Lawrenceville Railroad. The term contains 160 aeros of good land, 50 aores timbered, well wa tered, and very productive. It requires that the seed theuld be sowed and planted. however, to ensure a harvest. One farm in Jackson towashiv, 175 acres : first-rate place fur a cheese factory. Also—for sale-L-4 mules, 75 sheep, and other stock, cheap on reasonable term.. Lawrence, Apr. 17, 1867-tf Planing & Turning. HAVIAN (I gut his new Factory in operation. iS non , prepared to tPII orders for Cabinet Ware promptly and in the best style of workman ship. Waving procured a WOODWoRTH PLANER, he is ready tudres/ boards Crplank pith dispatch „ SCROLLWORK BRACKETS, futnisbed to order. His machines are of the Dew eft and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wain Sts, NULLS BOW), PA., Oct. 31, 1886—tf. DEMORESI"S 51 0 N Tll L Y MAGAZINE. universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America; devoted to oygival Sto ries, Poems, Sketches, Architecture) ai,d Model Cottages, Household Matters, Gents of Thought, Personal and Literary - 005..2ip (including .I.peoial departments on Fashions). Instructions on Health, Uytunastic, • Equestrian Elvet cites, Music, Arouse men6, etc.: all by the best authors, and profuse ly and artistically illustrated ‘Nith costly Engra vings (full size),' usetul and reliable Patterns, Embroideries, Jewelry, and a constant Emcees.. sioarof artistic novelties, with other useful and entertaining literature. No person of refinement, economical house wife or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies, 30 cents; back numbers, us specimens, 10 evils; either mailed free. Yearly, $3, with a•valttable premium; two copies, $5 50 ; three copies, $7 50 •, fivd copies, and splendid premiums for club; at $3 each, with the first premiUms to each subscriber. Ad dress, W. JENNINGA DEMOREST, No. 473 Broadway, New Yolk. Domorest's Monthly and Young Anierico, to gether $4, wig] the premiums tor each. March 20,'"7—0m. "ID AIN'tS Fol rAnmEas AND OTFiEIIrI -.The Graf ton Minor 1 Paint Co. aro now manufacturing Moat Ilut able Paint in use:i c, , nts %tell put on, mixed aid, pure Liner, d OIL e, ill last 10 or 15 3 ear. 3; It Is of a light brown or bcautiful cline, elate color, and can _be, changed to green. +hitt), Ali er cream to suit the twin•of the con , unter. It I, vitlunblo for Ilowrs! Ihtrn., Fericeq. Carriage nod Car. innlirra. Pails nod Woodeter. are. Agricultural Imp) , , ments, Canal Boleti+, V,sacla and 81144' Bottoms. Can• vas, Metal and Shingle Boole, (it I.e!ng Fuo and Watrr proof). Flout Oil Cloths, (one Manufactorer Intrinj used 501)0 bbls. the ',net }'cat,) and 11.3 a paint f o r Ho) purpoee la unautpasreal for body. duzabgllty, elastiotv, and itill,caircur3l. Price &I per bbi. of 200 trldcl+ will supply a farmer 'or )eari to came. Seed far a treular which glees full particular:). Norio granite, unless branded fu a trado mark Grafton Mineral Print. Addre+4 DANIEL BIDWELL, Sept. 11, 107-Ccu. 254 Pearl Street, New York. . U 3 be 00 t t,o 0 .......10 10 . ..... U 0 2 'U ..... .. 3 00 Lath.! Lath ! Lath ! T AM ranking , and will keep constantly on 1/hand,Vt my Mill in Occoln, n good quality a pl ith. Orders promptly filled. Oceola, Sept. 4, '137-3m'" G. S. BONHAM. laT AMPS.—A nevi, kind of lamp for Kerosene— no breakage otichizianoys—at FOLEY'S. W,ESTWAIt I, BOU'D, ZASTWAAD BOITtfD 11. RIDDLE. Oen'l Sup 4 L. H. SHATTUCK, Sup't AL.A.AIA.NC.g. riTATION EASMAILL BOUND, Real Estate Sale M. S. BALDWIN T. VAN HORN, B. T. VAN HORN F 1 .11.15 p to . 8.05 It in 8.45 p ui 12.0 upon 845 p . 9.4.5 It to . 8.00 it zit t, p in . 7.43 p ni