The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 22, 1868, Image 3
11011E1 • MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, JAN.. 22, 1868, MASONIC. osstA LODGE, No. 317, A, Y. M., meets at their Hall, ON er Pr. Roy's drug store, on tuesday evening, On or Were the Full Moon, at 6 o'cleh P. M. No. ----'- 'MCA CHAPTER, 11!4,.. f1ip ..A.. M., meets at the Ball, on Thursday evening or beforb the Full nom at 6 o'clock P. M. , TIV)A COUNCIL. N 0.31, R. ii S. MAST tuts, meet; at the iiall, on the third Friday of each calendar mouth, at 6 o'clock .1.,..—1 II Ty. A.O AGHTO N conIIIANDERY,_ No. 23, of KNIGHTS TE3ll'LAR, fl ed the appendant orders, meets at the uo. on the drbt Friday of l each calendar month, at 6 v'clxk I'. 31. _ !low AdverApements. • Orpbo.'s Court Salo. 1 • Pissolution—Wileox & q w .401. f Executor's Notice—C. _ : icy/tour. " —J. A . Semaitiri;—, Mministril tor's Notice .....540,,../Xebe. --... 31illinery7-3.lrs. E. D - . liliteholl To Inkeepers—ll. C. Bailey, Treas. ramps —J. D. Stone., . _,-A-,, _ -. Farm for Sale—Elias Tipplo. Sale of Personal Property—F. D,Eunnel. flour and Feed—N. E. Calkins. DONATION PARTY.—A donation visit for the benefit of Rev. 11. Latakin will take I da • ee at the JI. E. Church, Mansfield Pa., on tlio evesing.of Friday Jan; 31st 1868. TEMPERANCE MEETING. The friends of Temperance Reform and the pnb- lie generally : arc; invited to attend a Meeting to be holden in the Court louse, Tuesday evening, :Jam 2S, inst. _ - . n'-i--AddreSses will be - made by A.B. Brelrgter, Esq., as, J. L. Calkins atiao. L. Gibson. Maj. Mer rick, and others. Let there be 'full attendance a• the occasion will be of unusual interest. tIEV IV A Ls.—The Methodists and Pre•byterinns of this village are holding , nightly meetings at their respective pieces of worship; vs.)) •necessfnl in awakening considerable inter_ e-t!kin their congregations. . GooD —Dr. Pratt, of the Corning knew,, announces that he is about to enlarge h.O 'paper to 8 columne; .are -glad to note tio- evidence of deserved propperity. The Jour , a/ is among our moat valued exchange:'. and the • local paper on our Btu LOAD.—VrOIII Mr. Peter Doug- Sealer at Phelps Atills, we learn that Mr.,J., E. English recently hauled a ]nail of logs meas uring 3; 01 feet withoneleam and bobsled. This wi. en William W. J. E. English's log job. tather hard to beat, we guess. RAILROAD MATTERS.—TIeury Sber 1\ lA, E•c.i., of this place, has been elected Presi acot the Welisboro and Lawrenceville Railroad t ampany, in the place of Humphries B4ewer, .I,ces.ed. Mr. Sherwood will bring to the Coln poly well-trained energies and a disposition to I ,, rwrn , l the construction of the toad not less tarorahle than those which characterized Mr. Brewer. TIME.—The McKean Miner, in a kte number says that it is not often that finds time to niitice the thousand and - ono medical pre parations on sale. Yet in its local column of the same number it has seven tintfs of seven slitterent medical humbugs. 10w much time does our cotemporary want to"nlitice poor whisliy prepa rations in its editorbli , • SELLING OUT.—By reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that our, Mr. F. D. Bunnel, is about to remove to Elkland, and take charge of the Hotel at that place, having purchased it. Elltland will gair? a citizen of Untiring energy,• and Wellsboro will wre one of its chdracters. if Mr. Bunnel had means proportioned to his zeal for progress and improvement, ho would build up any town in a !year. Success to him. STATE TEMIERANCE CONVE.NTION.— A Convention of the friends of Teinperance will be held in the Court House at liarrisburg, com mencing Tuesday, February IS, 1507 at 10 °Moe]: forenoon., Tlie railroads will carry delegates I .the Convention at half fare. itstor: , ... of Churches are requested to giro notice of this convention to their con„:qations. All temperance organiza tions an d hutches are requested to send as many dellgate4 us they may think proper. The Stato Temperance union will hold its minuet Session during the same week. Let it be a rouser. TOWNSHIP ELEcnoNs.—We again ask attention to the business of• township elections, a=sming our Republican friends that our oppo nent 4 are making great efforts to crentrol the elec tion boards wherever they can do it, and by nn v ' . ins within lair power. Their, leader. in t'he e has recommended the drawing of party lines r'tat lin•the elections to take place iii Friday. We tau=t Mcet the enemy on the ground chosen. If thiy ant to draw the lines let us accommodate them. Arad remember, whenever they proo by the magnanimity of Republicatib they nil claim It as' a Democratic Victory," and trumpet it all ever the State. keep theM in their places and hdlg them level, • WEIGHT GE GRAIN, are Lligcd to John I. MitelTU, for the follow• ihg table of standard weights of r t various gflll - 15, and produce. It is compilkdi from -the latest =tat utes of the Commonwealth: , • Wheat, `,t - 1 bushel I%uley • •••• 11mAir ' heut, '' --- . 'ltd., " "0 a Rye, '• ',ll .. Corm " - • - ,0 - Clover Seed, -'• l'ointoe` I 50 ••.; I artnefs. will save themselves tlouble les ruffling Oa- wit :Ind preserving it fur refereilei AN OLD SETTLElt.—We_ttre 1:111Cry for a copy of the Lgromiifil Go , dated December 1:1, So!r It t. al nilt One- I hi' size of nn Ayihrtow, anti chiefly devo f.d to unseated land Ellie'', County statemerit4; and hrevri news. First under the editorial head the Mnrriage nothe of ile»ry Barris and Nancy \ltatlonell. - following %%bleb is volomnions pe tc•n to the Legitdatnre for the location of the sent .1 Government at Bellefonte. Across the bottom the third page is the statemmit 4,rthe Conimiss ..meis of Tibga eotpity in neeonnt with Satanist W. Morris, Treptu4r, showing a credit of $52581 to his favor, apinst a debitofi , 132,69—10ar fug the e.ounty in 4 , lit to Mr. .Morris in the sum of .t 1 13, 1 .2.. The statement (is signed! by .Natban Nile* and Ira Kilburn, (I.drnissioners, nod at tested by John Norris, Clerk. comparison ol the Treasurer's business fok the year 1809 ith that, of 1.917 presents st contrast. The war. and the progress of the comely, during - a !MIMI of 62 years, are represented in rho last against this minty Lut a step re movedl:vom a state of nature. TlM'Gazetk,was in its third volume, and bents the name of IV. Brindle as Printer. - TILE KEENEYVILLEWAIL -ROBBERY.— A$ considerable curiosity is awakened-touching tho detection °Ca serious leak in the mail service from Putter's tothe,Cowanesque, by special Agent Humphrey, we herewith present the facts as givpn by a reliable informant: The public had long felt it to be dangerous to entrust valuable pack age,! to, the mails on that route, and Judge Hum phrey undertook the case long ago; -Ind the,thelt uai carried en so zhillfulfy as to Lafile his ef hnt. uutii recently. He persisted, I%irh lua welt known perseverance, and as we'stated .. , (aue weeks Liu, brought the offender to justice. On or about th e 3d of November last, two p.tokages of stumps p;iseni through the ofliee at Tioga, one for Farm lnton Hill, and the other for Farmington Center. The Judge took the stamps from the office in the presence of a reliable witness, and after marking them in a way as not to excite :tam ion from base not in thq secret, yet so as to be distinct to all in the secret, sent them along. The package for rarmington Hill, directed to Reuben T. Hall, was not ordered by hint, and not being expected by him might be stopped without causing inqui6. The Judge repaired to lienncyvilleit day or two afterwards and found some of the stamps he had marked, but concluded to try again. Meanwhile he e o numuniented - Uith trfo - TP: 0. Department Washington and got the order for the stamps directed to Postmas4' Ilan. , Itotherk Keeneyville ,naititheiWqt ~bf stamps with his mark upon it. TkO pat ( ~es were arrested and taken before F. E. Smith, Esq., CoMmissioner, and -Mrs. Keeney, appnaring, from the evidenee to be the'cbief actor in the istisinesi, warheld to answer in the sum of $lOOO, The ease was ono requiring the best detective ability to work up, and reflects much croak _upon the skill of Detective llumphrcy, Gossu..—"l had supflosed," writes a l friend, "that a golislper was 130010 sorts of a slan-' derer, and that gossip was some sort of slander But your "Gossip" seems not at all like slander, and I have thought that you could better call it; "Chat." - We assure our friend that. he ,is in error.' , Gossip, per se, is never -slanderous, though the', two articles are confounded often. : Gossip, as' wit, would define it, relates to that class of neighbor hood events which'does not usually geti into the" i public prints. For example: Aunt Sally, having slicked up the kitchen and dusted the furnittire of the inhabited portion of her house, puts on her bonnet and drops in upon Mrs. Jones. "Good morning Mrs. Jones," says she; "it was so bright out this morning I could not stay at home; so I thought I'd drop in and have a chat." "I'm glad to see you, 'l'm ' sure," says • Mrs. ,Pones; "how's Belinda Jane?" "Poorly," ,says Aunt Sally ; "the measles has been vjery hard , on lici:; and its!wonderful how much the4ine hail to suf fer, poor girl. First she bud the chicken pox, then the nettle rash, and now i thel Measles. I expect she will be down with the mumps soon." "Have yon heard from(Mary Smith tri-dity ?" asks Mrs. Jones. "Mtiry44::lnith 'that na.4, /i ' iiir pose you mean," says Aunt Say ; ,"tille,dhat In s, married Bill Simons. They any she's in a gal-f loping consumption. Poor , thing! And iganey' fluke has got another baby—which Gm sixth in, seven years, yea know. ller i other Mull iliiWkin children before she yips fp •ty." "Thi l ve, you tried Stebbins's young IlytMn yet 'l . iislitil,lrs.' Jones; "they'sity it's'the best in InWia." "I' gin: a drawing of it last night," says Aunt Sally, just stepped in to ask you to come over and tryl it this aftei noon." "Be si sionie,"•saj , s Mrs, Times. "Well, 11l go home now," says Aunt Sally, "Mr Belinda Jane will want her broth. Good nif i wr y ing." Now, that's what we call gossip, &Cella. impri;f4 nobody; anti seldoia 'gets ditto the 'Papers. 4 Slander, liowever, is very different. tlatier tinnunles,h.irexample, heating that Mr. 'tipple, hi neighbor, is noted for industry' .amt minding his own business. Conceives a great hatred for him and "determines to pull .oatfer to hipself----m'any man cam:Mind his own business if ho hi& , any business , to auindt• and Ripple is entitled to no credit for it. dlf I hint any business to mind leould'deit:as w i ell ashes So (laffer lipmuiles isays to neighbol• 'Snook , : "This Ilipplb is no better than he . lie's 4n't believe he'ever spent al a grocery orilmr-room in his life. Ile hi to mix with Wks who work for a li owns live or six farms und spends a gre money, mid where floes the money e Something wrong ai/ut Ripple I'll 11 nom) of my bugtpess," says,,,,finoo Mr, Ripple does with liis money. ‘t lie suppose, and it's fiis'n fo spent, .lie business and I mind fitine:" So Gaffer a hatred for Snuolys, Snap, and Unmet Of 1V 11 he conimunicates his suspicion plc, and none of them agree with Gaffe it falls out that Gaffer hates Ripple Itil his own business, and Snooks, Snap, mon hecause they will not hate Gaffer is unhappy, and on bail terms nezighlihrs. friend ettinnits tlni following "Detz). ilflitutor! Ts not this the s, year of the nineteenth eentay ? Some it is only the sixty-eighth, but of eour ninth year began on the thirty-first d i eember at midnight. Will some or gvol readers who believe this is the ..sixty-ei ,l of tliis century, toll us why they so beli Jan. 18.,18.65._ 4 • , ABBATII SCHOOL EXCUTISI) FESTIVAL:A season of social enjoy } proVided for the Sabbath School of tie. Church.of Tioga;on Wednesday, oth in Teachers and iriends of the Scholars. 't ota‘za,.//, whoa.* readincs, and about 10} o'clock a pros eight well tilled vehicles was formed, net by the Cornet Band of our Borough. the way, we find the Band an essential piece success, on like occasions of festivit. A bannerre . Npressed the design of th zation I . We...sentence "reed my lamh the' intimattiiiseociatiOn of religiouFprin political priiilege and dutiesovaa cshihi waving folds of our national emblem. The part} { proceeded to Lawrencevilbi turned to the It. 11. Depot: Music, general joy, and hearty wel spectators combined to entwine evergrci memories of all participating. • On this the company an ample dinner wai in w.l willing hands supplied Imlay appetites ;.cothing occurred lo mar the pleagui - the silver of 6 Kul. AlAsoNte l'Arru.—The New York ./.?, per published in the illasonie Asylum at Havana, N. Y., i 4 a large (piano tilled with eatetolly Selected matter. organ'of the In-dilution wherelt pit is devoted to its interests and thyeeof, nity generally. Every oily wantin: t• t rind should inke it. •AT LA.NTIC ONTITLY.--Tile 1 St alment of Dicken's new story—` Wori inon's Expinnation," written J~fluuwlr appear the January • also eyntain...: poona ortielA by l'aitot!,. Ifa i4' jggjo , i,li, Bil-'ll.l * (k '1 ay 101, Hawthorne, and Benson. We 11. - e tl Letter mitnher. 4; Field! pet year ME At the call of the ltaptitd Chtirol nt a routwil met in their hotwo of Ist;7, to -et apart J. W henry, Into ' the Theological department of Aititlittt ty and pa , tor eltet of PM.] oltnrch, fo I thoutinistty. Iti.V. N. L. Itt ynold- Moderator, and /fey. A. Stone, ( examination proving Fatisfaetory,• the Hirviees took place in the followingioth ing of the Scriptures by Iter. 11. Lam by Ito'. Watrotw, ordaining :;• b.-114.yttoftle, loutti t.f C. A., titotie, ,:itarqe to thi , candiihtte P. IVatrotti, address to the church Itnchwell, ltettotlit•tion by candidate. 3CJ 4=. oral. vrx• Lt. da , TUE AMERICAN COOKING - No article of furniture requires tn, selecting than a Cooking Stove. great variety in the market and the : commendation of each, by intertstc those nut fantili s ar with the operation are liable to -make poor selections : may have 'Fortmt) gem! points,"nearly nl serious defects, The :improved Am. Air Cooking StOve, roanubicturcid by and ci; Co., of Albany . , N. Y., is the mu in nil itg arrangements of 41Ity stove The manufacturers ha:ve ttptired no-p,. pease to make this 'stove perfection they have sip:a:ceded cultniraWY: it approbation of the peepliMiriingliutle try, for both coal and wood..anct ie , spolten of in tering of the highest phi one should tnal:c a selection withont • Improved A inerieno,n careful and the antination,.a tot atter doing so, they being convinced or iisisuperiority'ov, —Coco forriffil. For sate by CONVERSE ' • Well:bum Pa., Jai, Large Sale of Real ond fropertp. T 1 I F.: sob3criber, hayinti purrinpo , 4l tho property at Ellilaint, will soil at pub! tho prentig,4, TUESI)AI, Jan, 24, Itoss, prtlperty : . TileTiotting liorte Kern, 1 It 'mil Mare 2:3 - 2. a 2-year...1.1 bull, a yearling boll, an rid i biOult 7CVOII4,—It sow with pigs, a hi a limber N;ltitillt t a tiClll9Crat likToll, It SU; double itarnesi, :I single harness, 2 (Muhl l tivator drag. a double sleigh, n Fanning n with plows, scrapers, and till kinds of Far Also—Poultry of all kinds; 1000 11,134, har,ley, buckwheat, oats and •corn, with fodder; farm produce, 2 cook stovesoml hold furniture. ' , Also the following teal estate, at pull' sale: sundry town )tits 'on the Avenue at ( i &pled streetpond ad acre of land on Nll Alq, a lard,- uf a acresono mile fro knot, nas tt Iligondi Farm, about (moll Also , Ow building otkpoqito ilie Dank in 1 .1 - will also relic or lease for a term of y'el ilel' known as the fortis Fatut; . Wellsbi continue until close& t ' • • Fi Ei r Jun. 22,18118. I :. 1 peiilorckit oung ?)1 :ta is ,one o ttioifiswdr firventhe Itittglfzinds. .iar s tifterit'k mieros.cope, or a good tyro bladed knife, to every Lending the price of the Magazine 't. 1 , , ,1,5,tX Al% .T.,!Dentoreet,d73 • dkoOd;..../ way, New York. 'Tie largest, 1.) fie nd l ape i assort. , meet of fratuee ever brought into Tiogn,,conoty, with largb enrCS - every'waY to sdiciitad: Nita photographs at Xl,OO per dor., all going Tait 'at htanit Speneer'e Art Unitary, I%fansfied, Pa. _ De, 2514-tf. 1" 44 >l' G I i;g•—'-.M A CO M EAtii i ,Cheirfrelon, Jan. IS6B, by Rev. C. A. Stone," r. Rosel! Gib ! , of Riebinonth, Cliastirk Allem:of . ; beef of CliorieStun. FELT F.R—M Liherty, 7; Uy Rev. M. b. Drupti g 6 tbp brii.le!lirestdeneN Mr. Gurdou Feller, and .111iss M. Alice `ltfoore, 011 of Liberty, Pa. 111 ones vi Ile, „Wis,, - ,Jan. t 5013 ,1 or Consumption, Mr. Hiram R. Hill,'son of Maj. Wm. 11111, formerly of Ti'..fga. Co.,Pa. Mr. Hill waq horn in Wellsboili - Aug. Delmar, dan. to, 4 Mr. raiin'Atierly, aged 82 years, ami S months. Mr„Satterly Iva.; one of the oldest inhabitants of tholcouni y. He IVIIS thofather of 13LXICOM drew, grandfather to fifty-three grandchildren, and several great-grandahildren:• ;11e, removed from Chemiing county N.Y. ANDREWg.-04 Stpidgi, deneej Co. I. 3 A;,4ftet a,sbort,an4 painful ilhur e, Harvey Androws,:in tho'G7tlfSl'ar: of his age. ,•• i SPE€YIFAIJ NOTIO.F4S.. lilaltEzaa7 l 'Val THE N ELIVOUS whose ,orderings have been protalnkleatroul hidden etiiveaj, awl WIIO , O a ctpah l / 4 } inkattijaitroat'maitie to ,moiler exittenco desirable. 1 rpm are suffering or have tiorusllyortilllttir.3ll,4o4o4; kla4tTOViafgdoes itrq f inve Upon 111..1110/1 tyoy weak, (Winn ated, e114113i "tired? 'Doe4 7tltin exliW exei Doc pro d uce . tiltarai of hea l At7 your liver; .r ei!"Xfrafiecf,Mi l ey • (lucidly get oil l of:iara a:r i2,9r itrifitC.siinietiuM lb iel: , or ltorkJ,' [is It ropia aloes a I scum ? Or is a sediment at the actor lit bus stood awlui{oe Dy you have F,ie II; idololf or 113'81RP:dal Art your &dm'. , •D'o±ou 101ve spells of faint ii;gin. En3ll. • TalTalTiiil to the head? Is your memory impaited laa.) On 4 Mind enngtnlitiY dwelling upon this - subjeett it' feel doll. moping, tried tit company, of . life? Da/ ).‘4ll wish ily lap Jett aionei,An get, away , froin e c e a laoal3 ? nay , 1 hig make yajat. efarc or , jump? 3 3 our 31.3.031 - aakeri reailll 33 ;Is tfic In!tro of your eye iv( brilliari Of 'VIM bloom oft your cheek as • brig i Do you moy your,ell in Mil let) w ell?— Do you pursue your baishiaah3 atilt the faanie Merin' 1— bo you bad as much confidence in Jona-molt ? Are your epirit.4doll Mao, 110 set Joy it Di 3 our fiver or-dysl,wisia, Halm you rEstief.3 nights? roily lalnic Weall,tl t tid.itVi‘ Ida little appetite,-nnAyl.4l, ultribute rift to dyipep-iia or liver complaint?, ..„. Nuty;reiialt.ll)o 1101115 pri real dire: 1(i djyf i ttrid :and toll osNeis44,;dra l alK citod,b,'; 9 t, 4 2 a wolocl'iol , ,-+ tim4ll[l.ratiVALl V lnti.l j4 l (..ipt .erationa.uloall in perfect healthannlco the - marl. Did you ever think that thosebold, defialit,:energelic, per ovis foicaessfill liiisiness men ':tarasa" ntwayellioafa: whose go iterative organs aro lit perfece : ,healairrirOtt • never he: stielt Mead complain of 'being dielantaltolYicat m aryousiie,3,-of palpitation of the hem I. Micky. ttrOve4.,, er (braid they'catinot succeed Im don'ti become soil and disc-enraged ; they aro aliN'sys polite , nbd pleveaant in the Company of ladies, and look you and them tight in We f4ch—larmo of your dotedeagt looks , 01 any other 1114.111111 e, abort them. Ido .not mean thal-ao who laeclillieurgaiis enflamed by running to ex:. eelS. These will not only rain Iho constitutions, brit also alloy ,albiatisillefel with or for. . lion many (here Ri o n badly-tarsal diseases, front the effect; of abase and excesses, have brought about that „t a t, „1 a.,s in those organs that has reduced the ..4,14,•ra1,t- tern ,t) murk as to imitate almost every other-d, , a , ---IlhoiCy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affect tutu. Yoar tde, and aliore.t every ether form of disetif.e IA W a l l Ount,unty 1-/ „Pelf to, ,and•tho real canse-of the It' stis,peted. And liavo doctored for all hot the a i bf Onb. • ;'- Di-avau-3 ol those organs reptile the-use of a diin Mica. Fl.ll ID EXTRACT 1?UOIIU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cut o (or diseases of tile Hind del , s, Male], Dropsy, Organic Weaknesat, Fe. male Complaints, General Debility, andrill diraßc:9 of the Urinal y PI WindileV-eNriding, In Maio or Fe male. from Whnlever catuaii originating :nut 110 matter how long slantlima,-. RE Ilion Id he. 1 'Mill' :111 • too .110 gat den! • . oii froTivtv, "ii bar !arils it, Buds /Ns enii.2eivPs n, ~ I It 111(1 -0 tpleittind3 »t 1 1:110 itli lii• MEI= xtv-nint 1)"1,1 1,1)1 ICuotre.ttment is submitted to, Consumption or In• Itta t•u+ne. Our 11e,6 and blood ate supported 'tom the.,• -eurces. and the health and happiness, and that of p.strtttv,dcpeudanpunprompt use of a reliable rr•metly thesia h• ty of De 1114, \ I Ittll.lf:j I:XTRACT ItIICIIU, establislia up ward urIY Pair 4. prepared by lIELM,IIOLDi 6;04 ilioittlway 4 New rottc; and 14.14 :South Pith titreeti PlifladelOtitt, ' te It arm.. I ,lith stn liter. 1.26 per 1.01110, or (1 bottlbftDm 860, dellv t any fultllo,o. - Feld by nil Druggists overyirliere. - COLGATE &' •• • •1\, 64 4 G 2, ERAIAN . • C)f O t tly ZRASHWE SOAP • In' manufactured from ;PURE 'MATERIALS, and nifty- lm con. ,sider . ed tbe STANDARD OF EX ' - • •- V.:MEN - PE, For sale by all thocers. "" , 22may1;7-Iy. MIMI IN AND teHt. 1‘ trlpti-t t, :2.41001 q ,, ion of. .It)l,inied .; mt. by 0, (0111- ot •,;" ;shit? ERRORS OF rOUTH c,.cple with 0 in titt:t. ' A 'ffentienunt frito nutfermi for years from Nefe'ous °eighty. l'ietnaturo ilee.ty, anti all the s Tfffeete of youth itidideret ion, will, for the sake of suffering Minoan ity, •tool free to all who need it, tho recipe and direc• dons for I»:kizi»g Ike iimple remedy .by which Ito . 'cured. ,tillieletauthiting plat by - am ndverlisei's .•\j o erioiry. emi 'qn by :I , l4lreq , liirr. iu perfect minti fh`fief.. JOIIN B. OLIDEN.•' 22iniiyh7—ty. 42 Cellar :: , trioet. Now Yolk. 1111 1( low , by ns in the awn of itin4 and SIKEILIA OURANTUR lIII.JOWPC ( 0 \I. HUMPHREYS' YiOIV OPATHIC k SPECIFICS, F. 11 11,1. lAA vv. pio)vEil, tt:tom :rim 310 ST A.All'l4: EX .I .1 kil. 1.. 1411 viiIIIP ~ .11C, P 44: si met e—Prothik -1.0..iXt. ,01.1 1:,11.11,1,-, TIII-y aro tho only Medicinrs lad b•ctly solaided to popular its..-- - FO'situnln that min take,. cannot be nook in lidng• than ; so hainil! , ss IN to hell cc It ~iii drtiit(et ..snd qoAlinient as to ba :1.14 - aya h hahlr., 1'1n . 3 I,.ivn , 1.11 cd tlie 11441/ 4 , t yonntontlatloll_ frintt 411 I, 31111,1 NI 111 Athrity , ,,r4.lU!ol n/li.i.Ailetioll. y , ' 4 , Nj4 ''"- , -- •, . - t. , . Cot's. , revers', C,;ll . go , timt," hillanimation...... ?..7, . .•.:, :du W 9rms, )1" wlWFa'yll" . Wornbt;plie , '.'„s 3,* jo # Crying Colir. oi 'l'.•etlt4 on la in Cilli . 11,•• ;X. 2, ,to ', Diarrhea of - A - Whit en ,0r'adfi1t5.:....;..4:11 0, I ';' Dsrsentorv! , Miipiiig,l3llionfi.Culic . 2n !... 3 V. tl9- 1 C.p.olcra-Morlpoe. Y.olloio:-.. , , '25 7, a., con g -mi:e.'si.i4;itesweiftia........ ' : • V.I. 2Y • _ ~,,,___. d . o N eura l g i a . Toollnolly, Faceache _ ,• ;2ti C*. .1. ft end acheff.4 l ii•l< flindoi.lit.;l4ll2-61.. ,, -2 1 i , 10, 0 ' X)yspepsia. 111100.1 :41..mhich 'Si 11, t mox s u pp resse d' Or Vs ' itildl Aq i lotla '• 1). ' :: :, I:si 12, !ii VJ hites, to , . oulnie I. , ,urinds ~......- , 26 ,c, 4), flittintilt Breading.,... • 25 13 3J,:. 1 0 .010111 p m 11, •' 1 " Salt ELhOUM , raP-'lPe'll,4, Eruptions... 2f, '1;1; ',to rthnumatism, lt,ln•oloatic Paill3 . 27 lb, , do rcitOr and Ague. Chill Pt U. •t , i- - , A - A nt-i - no i ii. ', .10. ror iles,Adind Idardlng-...., -'' - 50 1' ;. , tld ophthahny, a nil solo or Rea Eyes,— '5O lq• IIW Patarrh, in'illo or chrome Inllttraza ~ ~. tat 2 0 - do WhbOping-cough, vi"leiit l'otiglivi..." 60 '.'.l, ,In ilg - tinnri , , 111,111t-4,1l ;loathing ' ' ` rOt TI . I, 4 ii.. ai r D isc h arges , impaii ...1 Hearing . c, 'do s cro f u l a , elii.llg.l 1.11:1nds, 5w4.11111- 50 31.,..1" Gerieruf Pol , flityi Phygleal IFeaime44. no 2n, ,L, Dtopgv, 111)%1§i:Inity. Pert - it:owe - - 50 1 ...',li. ,;,, . - ea..sichness,si t :!:,, ti.!;t t 'icbri:,:t4 t ui. : n§ . il a Ifidney-Diseaset“bAvo ' ' ' '-- , - 0' , , 1 , . Nr.x3V.411.5,_D-01114ir4-A19,.i.P.A.A0111: . 1 ,1011.4 1 - l i s ltqtat!tliu-DjvcilltigiT. : .• l .,:f..-....,109 '•"• ' .li' ,.. Sorb raou'tii, Co 11 1 ,.. ). no .1. urinary W,ealtness„ )i rilii)g JT d- ,...- 5" •;I. •d o rainrtil Priods, with4l.+isinB l .•:: , i•••' 50 ,1 do ' Snitnangijtt'ehAngv:ol.litit: • -', 1 00 ;13 0,, Epli e py,v,SplLlll.l4, gt.,•;1i9.ri . ,.111111(..4.f....,1510 11, do Diphtheria, oltyrotet,l.E.wo 'rliro4 - 61) P.,1,t/i./. 2' , 61415'L',,5`,... '4 „ - Or 35" lAri;k: VI U.',!. MIA« , C, I :O eAliti; CoNT? , INI:' , G:A -,."'• ' , . , 111 , 1.A:: tyrrx 'onird.rtAny torksr A . p l r i ty - • , • • 14 -11:.1101 . T:.1 A.,:"lt A• tiooK s or T1111N1TY614.e.;...V1Y00 , Stlil4lll. r F...•. 111,1 a ittl TI:111:1.1N , / ca,os, A‘ ith 20 to - '-, t I II hu Iraua- ire t in— I I'4. ttit..! ntlr . it! PCCI' : ~'C II ~, NI n,,fi,•1 , 1, 1,. Ilyd. I'l ISIESZIE triove -4 it , l'ltirit bi ,;to wen I,•rk. • 9`•hcl .rdiir:it r crinon' I ;uewq• i tv • I": . • (;-:: OM STOVE ea , rt; toong ILe parties, l of Slf: Ohti.: Illt . I i.•.. 1) llot mar, Paoli -1.31111 041 1-Klo4li - 043d, lit , - tit e.r= M.rlf, .tod mrvt's - 7rlw o ' l ' 6 nnirerd 1:-e, ;Intl mi. dicing tire ‘rouL;ll 0111C1:. . . ....'s yid. ' • ' •..4%.,..1.5 to $S I,..r3iii,r. fc,r al/ ;'tilr4oTr, I/tea:Avis 1 , 1d11,f111• Cuu; - ' 3A , / and f..f Pei %f:NTIII irl'ailliellt 1111t1 Vi ' • ' ni4t.i)tflirkVri'TiV,V-'r---'''-'''''''''A'''''"'—ftrta'ft;' 431.,111.8 ; 1ir'11iv ,, d40r oi.F . Andlti'box i ,arfs sent to or* (met 'bf 41in" -i , o`o ti ft' y, Atli RxPreet,' fc~rof drti ge, oil leceipt 01 4 he pi ice. . . . , A4:110- 4 'Humphreys' Specific ' Homeopathic Medicirie - ,CompanyA I l 11co air) liipia, 10.'4)2 .11110.11),I1 AY, ?:cy Y. 411.. ' '',D t . i ii,:d Patty V, I. ,•olatilit Ad- daily .atAtii ollitoi - 11441 v0i1.1113 - m- hs letter. a. ;bole, for all lotlnN of.,liPeabe• ,c,if,r; 11 I!, ,DII,UO(LdTS. Any:ll-4 '2.1„ - 1 ci)7-Iy, . FEE:VOUS s: WITU ,141'S ;..ATTP,NDANTjo--.1.07 - . 1.7.).1.4".1i.F.h . 10,a; Ar 1.11 - N 4 ; 1.1 , 88 O( SEMEN, sPERSIA'ioRRIICCA, I.."Srt; ~ f' 3'Ol'TR, 07.7.1 ° LOAS ity .‘ N,IA. -Tit I; RAT FY. KI) 111PGTENCE AND . ibid eI:NE[IEION Cling inIIUM VIIREYS' 110LEOPA'I'llIC SPECIFIC TkVEN T Y-1 7 .1(f111'. -- Ost,,ut., IJil4, / ( tiololl • a 1/4'11f.1), nab )•• !'otopo-cd, of the emit x.tiu.thlo mild and potent Cu-. emit they ,trillo.t at mire the root of dmmatter, tone up rile -.1P , '' n , .. 1111..4 the tthalmrge., met impart vigor 1111.1 cuss V. lira and vimlity to the et.tire: flout. 'They h.tti• I_7l!l'Liti,llimi,9atln of cases. Price $5 . per package of 911 I/030'4. :11111 5111, il per bingleboN.. gold lip drng• zind .h.,nt,kt• naml on revelpt•of price. Athiregs 110311'1 t 1.; ' P1•'01 Pie fIOM It MEDI. UISE 362 - 11not.DIV Iv, NM ' 21am2,67-Iy. 11;•tiiny; lims :u.; e 10,m. n • cl t.v,zA, ft etilJ . Le%) of A% hi `lt: lay 0111.1' 111611,1- ; 7' 0 O . Oliv;c; cf:111P 7 4. 1 r ILI S. 111 , Her. }..DWARD A. 11114 SON, will sooll (freo of "chat 4?) to all who delire it, the iiicsulptiiin - with the di for Awl 11-4lilg the shiijilg remedy. by ...eltteli he wao cured of :nun!: affertlon and that dread Iti•V/I,“1 Con,ntupttou. Ijie old) ,vbjec.t. iu to benefit the he hopes every sruteret• 1 - rk -thil pre ..scrilition, :14 it will cot thoui.nothlog,ouil, may.. [novo , •mblrei=3 • ' ,• • • . ' -yt. s •T• it EV. EDWARD A. WILSON, 22itia)47-Iy.z'f v. lc or pH 1 Etlfthrl , 11014 stMn. n, Welklkgro, If improv,l. 'e1141,01 - 4 s, W': [,tu'Ui• manic ti) BUNNEL.. MARRIAGES .ADEATHEL -0- lY ; s•,F CESI 'PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN WELLSBORO, i +' i NOW OPEN TO. ,THE, PUBLIC. .. ,'d 11111 : MRSSItS. KING ct, EASTMAN sv!ould, In f6ria their.frionds,Ancl the publio , genopally that tlidy have littcd,up .4 new Illotograph Gal lery in the host, possible. styto. Haying .ono,of - best SKY-LIGHTS in tho State, Ito are prepared to tako all - styles and sizes . PHOTOGRAPHS,' • it :4iii.f, o MiI,RIiOTY.PES ec„, MELA.NEOTYPES in—tko best artistic manner, for Lockets or Cases, large,or small. Large PROTQGRAPDS'eOpied from small Cards or old Daguerreotypes of do• ceased friends, No trouble to take CHILDRENS' ,PICTURES, Drrig then' alang. . • 1„ I 1 iSampTo:proofs always givp4 i wben ordareot— ,corge,and try us. lary tasintati?a bir below Ro7's Drug Store. ;•4 • . KING & EASTMAN. Jan. 15; LB6O -I V, I -' ••, 1,1-• t • '-'••• • -- IVOW•14 011111 „ I °K • - : '''' : 011.011.N11. :PLASTER at T; L. BALDIVIZt Tjt?g, Jan. 15, 1868-2 w. - , ' -- CISTAA.I I SITEEP.-Leinno into , o onetesuro ortho Middletniry, ou the 7tll we„ eight shod, point !narks on tho right "aldb. 'The owner is rerynesiett,to proilo property, pay ehaiges and Oki) them away. . . Jap. 15,1803 k; It% U,XiItItiCGS, CASH 'PAID-INIR ASH LOGS, at..Bodino's Mil I, h i p „ i3,;11.1M8A141., iVellsboro, Dcc. 25, l'Bos-tf •i • ef. t • Applications for _License. OTICE,ISIHEREBVOIVEK that•the'for •.ol lowing named persons li/we politiened the ildnOrablo Court of ,Q,ltarter' Sassions for liceneus and,maintain taverns and eating houses f4s the current -year, and that said Court will hearth° peationers-en Monday the MI, day of January 186?, tit, ; • ' " „ TAPRRNS..* ".. 811 Holiday, WellsbOro:. • M. Watkins: • • do. '• John hillier, Lawrenceville. William IP. , ,,Slossqn, do. Oco'Crist, Morris. David Wdesel,-Bloss.• Michael Kelley, do 11 0 11111, Westfield Borough. - Deo Close, do. do. H Potter, Middlebury.- J Pine, Covington tom. S W Reynolds, Jacktion. ti II 0 Vernailyea, Oainbs. - • .1 A J Martin,. Osceola. • I Wm. L. Thomas - ,.Ward. a $ "4 - EATING HOUSES. A IK S Potter, Middlebury.” Van Buren Holiday, do. John Westbrook ' do. Simon 119 lleox, Westfield.-Borough. M Bullard L . Ooldetnith, John A Martin, floss. James Trahoy, do • It C Bailey, do. Stephen Bowen, do. P , James S Mitchell, do. JOAN 'F. DONALDSON. Wellshoro, 'Jon, 8, 1888. ' Protb'y. -XX;4IC>MaiX:3O 41:::001•J: lo to. Kl:l:LF,i''S and seo the . I;aiost . Arrival of FALL GOOD'S! poDsiting of a &onerOl tpsortment:of pg 0 '4 CS 5 X - o • i za Ct I r"" 4 CORSET =AND, SKPRT PsuPPOWPTIns 'A,I; - - SAN'IrlaM slina mflu oin 039 pUV 11°319nr EMEI VIM PRESS GOODS AT I(ELLI4.IY'S: '5,N51T15131. 1 ,1 SgAiviis CENTS' FURS AT KELLEY'S 2==MMMI No charge; fdr SHOWING GOODB at ..,rpf • C. 11, • K LF. S, Well:tiboro, oet O, X 18( , '24c 4 P 7 We ;uqL N i Via 3 M 'FOR THE MILLION. • Good:peoplo all, bothigroni:lizia atria, f yo ' u want to keep • • PE•AtE 'IN" 'VIE FAMILY - '• you must have enough to eat, dry wood, a gobd wife, -well.hehuved•ehillyen;land to crown Tit.. TOP COOKING NIOVE! • . • , ..Thial.ast and crowning good, at my Tin Btoo establishment, opposite Roy's Block, WellsVero, and its namo is tho-- . 2 ' -HOME COMPANION • ;on 7.ll,lhands admitted to_he , any in the ‘"vorlif, TIN WARE , MADE TO ORDER, ." promptly, and warranted to give satisfaction REPAIRING ' • e - ("Kt:Anted in the beet wanner and tyitb diawiteb CALL ANA SEE ME. , 6illeboroqgh,'Nov, , 21, 186 i. :,. :~~.' Dry Goods. t i i buy Goods cheaper on an average of pri ,kos t.1:00 at any time during the past 6 years, can do so by calling on the subscribors, 111 KELLEY'S ~ r+ ~Lh R. ROBERTS,- Great Barga,inm I= Every ono in need of Dry , Goods, who dosirot to secure the FULL WORTH OF THFIR MONEY, 3 CONCERT BLOCK, CORNING. Our stook is nearly PI new and all put in at the NEW SCALE OF LOW PRICES Read the following list and coon:IOro it with tho prices of the past 2 or 3 years and decide rii-r . yoursolves if ' Cr ' ®o Ij are .not cheap. it • • i i ft .Comm9l4 ?rittis, •• • ' 8 eta, Gam' - - ;• i 11...;.......',' ......, . 10 " Warranted fast colored Prints' ' 12/ " libavy Shootings yard wide' 1 2i " Fine Brown Shootings 12/ " Fine Bleached ": , -- - ,-....i, • 121. " Red 'gunnels twillabr plain, 20,"311; 37.1;44,50 Grey Flannels twilled, 31/, 37/, 44, 50 •:, a reduction of from 12, to 20 cents yer yd. Fancy Shirtings, 311, 41, sd, very cheap lickings, Stripes, Denims, Ketuoky Jeans, Cot , , . tonades, are reduced full no much. I I ,-, STILL GREATER BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. • 3G in: tidfdo hands no fine French Merinees„7.s 38 if g , . u u • a di 1 , 00 40 " " extra qualities " ' " l ' 2s' in all colors in eachiot. They aro full 30 per Coat loss than the prices of 30 days ago, and aro .thi host bargain's in the County. Empress Cloths, Alpacas and Paramettas are equally cheap.—, 4nr,prio in need of Winter Dress Goods will do well to call on us. SHAWLS, CLOAKS AND , CLOAK CLOTHS ARE VERY CHEAP. No havo made the following reductions from the prices of 30 (lays ago. $O,OO Double Shawls, good colors, now. $4,50 $7,00 Double Shawls, good colors, now 5,50 _s7 - 40 Doublet Shawls, extra qualities , now 6,00 $2,00 Double Shawls, extra qualities, n0w.....7,00 $3,00 Beaver Cloth, 1 yards wide, now 2,50 $4,00 Beaver Cloth, 1k yards wide, now 3,50 $4,50 Beaver Cloth, yds wide, Black, now 3,50 $6,00 to $7OO Beaver White ilack boot markcit, now ; 5,00 Those goods wore all considered cheap nt our first prices ono month ago. FURS arc reduced full 30 per cent. On BOOT AND SHOE STOCK is full of bargains. We sell Women's Morrocco Belmorals, $1,50 * We sell Women's Kip" Shoes, 1,50 Also large lots of Fine Work, such as Button, Polish, Balmoral, and Congress, in Kid, Morroeco and Serge, for Ladies, Misses and Children at the Lowest Prices the Market will afford We buy Goods almost daily, and se everything ,Cheap • J. A.- PARSONS 16 9p1a45 Bazaar. Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles HUGH YOUNG TEAS just returned from Now York where ho carefully selected a full assortment of everything in his lino of business. BOOKS. 'Tho latest pnblicatimis of the best authors; Gift Books for young and old; The poems' of all the standard authors; Novels ty,ithout‘ number; Biography and Travels; Bibles (pocket and him ily)in.all styles of binding; Pter Books, Bap tist, Methodist, and Presbyteri n Hymn Books, in all styles and at various prices. N. 13. All books sold fit, publishers' prices.— Lari, Medical, quid Music Books furniFbed to order. SCIIOOII BOOKS. • Every variety of Spellers, Reader:: Arabi - no ties, Algebtas, Geometries, Obograpille's,%llieto ' . • _,13 keol,l or usedin,any sehooi 9r neld theemy in dewily at the lowestprices. BLANK BOOKS. Ledgers, Day Books, Journals, Memorandums, Pass Books, Timo Books, Diaries for 1868, and all sizes and styles of Binding. for either Mer chants, Farmers, Mechanics, or Lumbermen.— The largest steel: ever brought into the county. STATIONERY. 7 Inks of all kinds, ]Mucilage; Pens of the best makers; Quills, flair Pencils, Lead Pencils of all coloik'lnk Stands several varieties; Blotting Pa per, Commercial, Ladies, and French Note,Bill Paper, Billet, Letter,_, Foolscap, Legal an Flat Cap ruled or plain; and every article ever sold by a stationer. ', ' a , • WALL PAPER. '. 141- . . . 1111116 as always,' tho very best assert merit, and tho largest stock of Wall Papers in ,the County." (lilt, Stamped, Satin, White and Brown with Borders to'ruatch, Also Side Light, Fire Boards.) Cloth and_ Paper • Window Shades, _Patent Fixture?. (three ririetios)` rind Cords, Tassels, Ace.; and'elorythingin this lino. Pictures and Picture Frames, We keep the latter in all usual RiZOS and shapes square, oral, and rustic, and all special sizes wil ho made to order at short notice. PICTURES of variotioti (except oil paintings) constantly on hand; Card, Imperial, Cabinot,liedium and 4.4 Photographs, Engravings, Lithograpits;Chro'mos, and Prints from 10 cents to thirty.dollars each. FANCY ARTICLES. Parlor Ornaments, such as Marble Busts of the Poets; ornamental Ink Stands, Writing Desks, Match Safes, Vases, Mugs, rt.olhi, and other.Tiqs for children old and young. Yankee Notions. Including Pocket Books, Banker's Cases, Pocket Knives, Scissors, and a hundred other traps of that sort. MIJSICAL INSTRUMENTS Violins, and'tho best Italian Strings for them ; Flutes, Banjos, Guitars, Clarionets, Accordions, Concertinsisinrui all sorts of Musical Goods. Finally. Yl Oll Walt. to Sale& Iloliday Present for a friend', brother, sister, father, mother or lover, the Beanar_heforo going elsenthere,•- Na4'. 13, 1891.-0 HUGH YOUNG. % 4W .11 " 3 r DRUG AND BOOK STORE! BRICK BLOCK, f.-4' MANSFIELD, , - C. V. ELLIOTT, M. I)., Has just returned from , Now York with a full as sortment of - DRUp-S, PAINTS, OILS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS; PERFUMERY, YANKEE NOTIONS, MKS, STATIONERY, TVA LAIRAPER. CHINA & BOHEMIAN WARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, I= TOYS, and all ollqr articles found in a FIRST CLASS,- DRUG AND BOOK MIRE Vlach he atlas at prices DEFYING COMPETITION CALL AND SEE! Remember, in the BRICK BLOCK, fain Street, 2 doors below - Wollsboro Street, MANSFIELD, PA Nov. 13, 1867.-3 m N - Ow Goocits ! J. R. Bowen & Co., TT AVE just received from the city a large and varted assortment of WINTER GOODS., J 1 • Bought since the decline in prices, and will be sold accordingly. iVe respoctfully invite atten tion:to our stock of CASSIMER,ES; BEAS V E R .CLOTHS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, also, a largo line of MERINOS, EMPRESS_ CLOTHS, AL .APACAS, and other DRESS GOODS '4' and DRESS TRIMMINGS, Also, alai:go and new assortmentof READY MADE CLOTHING, at greatly reduced prices LADIES' FtaiS— T a nice assortment, new and cheap. BON-TON, and outer kinds bt HOOP SKIRTS, j. YANKEE . NOTIONS, HATS .A.Np CAPS, HARDWARE CROCKERY, GROCERIES, lIAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, Arid many other things which we will be pleased to show to all-whp,will call and.oxaßitio Stock of Goods Before purchasing olatmliere, as we believe it will pay you far your time and trouble. SMALL PROFITS, QUM( SALES, & READY . PAY IS OUR MOTTO. Don't forget to callat the Empire Store, No. 1 Union Block. ..,, . Wellabor°, Nov, 13, 1867. leacor PENN'A. .IPC3OI-allErsr WILL. SELL FOB- ; gASH, r i ;e -. . AMERICAN AND SWISS. Watch6s! Cheaper than they can be bought elsevebere. Also. Silver &, Silver of which he bas a In C . L 0 C K S, of all styles afid prices JEWELRY ali,tho latest styles # 4 RICH lOHEMIANj► VASgS AND TOILET SETTS ' TERRA COTTA AND LAVA German Students' Lamp. FLORENCE AND E. lIOWE MF' SEWING MACHINES.. : m _ i Nov. 13. 1767. ANDREW FOLEY TE L. BAIBWIN & GOE, ARE RECEIVING their stock of FALL and WINTER - GOODS, consisting of a g? oral assortment of DRY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY pLo - vEs; SHAWLS, KNIT GOODS, I HOOP SKIRTS, BALMOREL SKIRTS, SILKS, DOMES— TICS; paANNELS,- Ladies' Cloakings, Cloths and Cass tneres, Gloves andllittens, I t Boots and.S oes, , , READY-MADE CLOTHING, Under Clothing, Hfits and 'Caps, Ya kee Notions, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Paper Hangings, Groceries, Flour, Feed, Pork, Hams, Sugars, Teas, Molas4es, Syrups Coffees, Fish, Oils, Paints, Spices, Extracts, Wooden Ware, •Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Baskets, Hard Ware, Crockeiy, Glass' Ware Stationery, Salt, Nails, Iron Stone Ware. fn fact, a general assortment and as largo a stock as you w3 ll find to select from ontsido of tho city. All kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for Goods. We hay good goods and will sell as cheap as anybody. Ground Plaster, constantly on hand T. L. BALDWIN & CO Tioga, Pa., Oot. 9, 1367. O. G. VAN VALHENBURG 8t BRO. EXC"ANGE for Farm produce and Cash, on the principle that "even exchange is no robbery."_ PORK, lIAIIIS, SHOULDERS, WHITE . FISH, IkIACKEREL, CODFISH, SMOKED' HALIBUT, FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BUCKWHEAT__ FLOUR; FEED; &C., &C. Wo have no ambition to get rich faster than our neighbors who are equally industrious;; nor are we desirous of running - all creation that we may have more to eat, drink, wear, and To Lay By foi• a Rainy Day. As an evidence that we deal fair'? and square. ly with our eustomerq, we point to' the fact that our run of custom has steadily increased from the first, and promises to grow considerably lar gor, 1 ' lated Ware go aaaortment. OM FARMERS' EXCHANGE. ARD TIMES OR NO HARD TIMES. We pay CARL for PRODUCL and keep up with the_ market prices. Retnetnbor the place, TOWNSEND'S OLD STAND, MAIN S7'ItIi;ET, . \ - I WELLS#O.IIO, PENN'd Sept.. 11, 1867-tf. Publit; - Benefit, A MONG the uSef(il improvomenis of the day, there are few that give re - hie - promise of good, few so well adapted to relieve human suf fering, few so well approved by the publio as that new and powerful reinetty . called Salutifer (or as tho German people callt Ilealthbringer). It , gives ease anti co fort, to the poor sufferer from Neuralghiand I 'cue:intim, and bringi speedy relief to that lar e class of diseases that are often cured mid alw tys benefited by an out ward application. _ _ For sale by all Druggists. Wholesale Depot DAY, HOAGLAND 41: STI OER, No 54 Courtlandt St. New York. Hotel for Sille. TilE TAVERN HOUSE in Knoxville, known •as the Eagle Hbtel, is .offered for sale at a bargain, with furniture, nearly new. House and Barns aro in gdod.repa Also, on the Fa me lot, - a Drug Store and Law Office. To l i us sold with the I.iotel and appurten ances. 'THOMAS R. MAYHEW, Prop's-. Knoxville, Pa.., Dec.. 4, Planing and Scroll Sawing, - - col/iN:GTON, Tio(4lA. 'Co., PA. The , undersigned has put in a t 'Woodworth Planer AND A SCROLL SAWI I Na MACHINE at his shop, south-east side of Gorould'a Saw Mill. Ho will keep constantly on hand CLAPBOARDS AND FLOORING, and subscribes himself tho publick's bumble set.: %%Lilt at a fair compeasatiton for labor. TRELAN, Jr. 7 19;7.* Covington, Dee. IS, liegister's Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Ea ecutors and Administrators named below, have tiled their accounts in the Register's Office in and for the county of Tioga, and that the same wit he presented to the Judges of the Orphans' Cc rt, for F aid county,, at a session of said Court to , held at Wellgbore, ou Monday, the 27th day of January IS6S, at 2 o'clock in the after noon, for confirmation and allowance. Acct of W C Ripley and D W ,SLhaw,Adrainiatra tbrs of the estaCo of Vardis Shaw, late of Rich ' mond, deed. Final Rea of Thomas J Baadbury, Administrator of the estate of Rufus Daggett, late ofJackson, dee'd. Acct of Wm W Baines, aeministrator of the es• tato of Joseph Walker, kleed._ acct of W F Lamb; administrater of the estate of Daniel Lamb, late of Richmond, .deo'd. Aect of Amos C Stearns, administrator of -tho es , tato of John 0 Stearns, dee'd. Acct of James Kelley, administrator of the es tate of George C Marvin, late of Charleston, deed. . WellAioro, Dec. 23, ,S 6?. - D.. L. DEANE, Register • NEW T GROCERY At r aft t Settlonent. 1 111 . E SUBSCRIBER hats opened a nets, GROCERY '&; PROVISION STORE At the above named place, where he proposes to furnish Goods in his line cheap. Afaiket prices "paid foe Farm Prodlice, either iu cash or trade. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. ALBERT TIPPLE. CharThston, Dec. li, Ist37—tr. • ,3 1 Rea - novel" tsu„. -DR. A. B. EASTMAN has remoi-ed from the old stand to his TRIM oflieo, No, 2, Main-st Wolisboro, Pa., (two doors below .Block) where he will perform all operatiou,Wthnneeted with the profession of 1/13etal Surdenjin a supe rior manner—having lilted up suitatile rooms and prepared 'himself with all the improvements of the day. In ntiditiou tf, the NARCOTIC SPRAY, Ether and Chloroform, which he has still in use, he of fers to the public ; the NITROUS OXIDE GAS, which is perfectly safe even for the invalid, be ingt fre from all after effects, having no unpleas ant trts oor scent, and by far preferable to any thinghefore offered. , Please call and examine specimens of Mechanical Dentistry. 8.6 _ __ January 8, 18, . TN BANKRUPTQY.—Thi4 is to give. notice: i That on the 24th day of December, A.D. 1867, awarrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of t , Denajah Wilcox, of Covington, 1 in the county or Tioga, and State f Pennsylva nia, who has been adjudged a Ba kruPt on his own petition; that the payment of ny debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Bank rupt to him or for his use and the transfer of any property by .Lim are forbidden b4r law; that a meeting of the creditors ofsa id Bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one•or more Assignees will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hol den at the office of F. E. Smith, in Tioga, county of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, before F. E. Smith, Register, on the Sth day of Feb., A.,D. iSGS, at 10 o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal Western Dist. Pa. Pr, D. CAMERON, Deputy. Jan. 8,1868-4 w. TN BANKRUPTCY.—This is to give notice: That on the 26th day of Dec. A. D. 1867. a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against to ostato of Chas K. Thompson, of Charleston, in tile -- county of Tioga, and State of Penn's, who havi / been adjudged Bankrupts on their own Petition ; that the payment . of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such 'Bankrupts to them of for their ti , c nail Iho transfer of any property by them aro forbidden by law ; that a mooting of the creditors of :brit Bankrupt to prove theiK debts, and to choose one or morn Ass,ignoes. will ho held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at tho - oftico of F. B. Smith, in Tioga, county of Ti oga, and Stan), -of Pennsylvania, before F. E. Smith, Register, on the Sth day of February, A. D. 1868, at 10 o'clock A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. MarshalVesen Dist. Pa. • Per },)A VID CAMERON, Deputy. TIOGA CO. COURT PROCLAMATION.. 'Whereas, the Iron. Robert G. White, dent Judge for the 4th Judicial District of Penn sylvania, and C. P. Veil and Elisha T. 13 entloy, Esq.'s, Associate' Judges in Tioga county, have issued their precept, bearing date the 24th day of Dec., 1867, and to me directed, for the hold ing of Orphan's Court, Court or Common Pleas, General Quarter Ses:.4ions and Oyer and Termin er, at Weellsboro, for the County of Tioga,on the -Mt Monday of January (being the - 27th day); ISO, and to continue two week's. Notice is therefore hereby giyen, to the Coro ner,Justiees of the Peace, and Constables in and for the county of Tinge. to appear in their own properpersonsovith their records,inquisitions,ex- Htminationa end remembrances, to do those things which of their offices and in their behalf apper tain to be done, and all witnesses and other per sons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to be. then and there attending, and I not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to-be punctual in their attendance at the appointed time agree ably to notice. _Given under my hand and at the Sherira, Office, in Well'sboro, the 24th day of December, in the year of our Lard ono thousand :eight, hundred" and sixty-seven.xi JEROME B. POTTER, SheARL. FLAY-SEED—bash paid ?or Flaiseed by I.` P. R. WILLIAMS ct Co: • Mill