D CO isT Git'S 8 . . , Jan. 10.—In Senate :\ Ai resolution to consolidate' the National bonds , into bonds heart 3 per cent, interest, and payable at long date. both pitincipal and interest in gold ; to be secured against State taxation, was introduced. The same resolution suggested the expedi ency of repealing the law limiting - the amount of national currency to $3OO, 000,000, so as 1 ) o allow . perstms kicywAt ing the new buds 'to receive 73 per emit, value in circulating notes. 'The bill tatting Whisky out of bond went to the President, who has signeddit.. In the House : The subject• of me ters for Measuring- the houtly product - of distilleries was under Consideration the entire - session. Jan, 13.—1 n Senate : Bills and reSO - were Introduced as follows ; To provide for itnpeachMent of officers, and for their suspensioh 'during trial •, to reduce the navy tle army ; and audi t a bill to prevent the l'e. nstatement of officers cashierd by coOlr martial with out consent of the Seri. tei The :.'etuite then went into Executive. session, and after a protracted debate upon the i-us pension of Secretary Stanton by the President, the Secretary was rei ii stated by a vote of 33 to 0. The President wit-, notified of the Senate action. In the House An am iiiipplltihntlar to alp Vh.econstruction act was repori ed. The bilkdeelares that all lie rebel State go‘ertiments are invalid,land wit be recognized by ally blaiteit .of theGovernirient. Govermnent. A bill requiring e•..ery member of the Supreme Court to e‘ln cur in a Judgment impanin;4 tip net lit , Congress, was debated' at leneth, all.l after being nmendet.l 5,0 as ni require two-thirds of,the Court in esinenr, was passed by a vote ¢f111; to :;1). t, en. Garfield introduce rei,olution to dis miss Gen. Haneciel - l A f tom the i:eivit.e.— Laid over one .weeh. Jan. -Senate : The &bait! • related to contraction of the bn,t no final vote win' reached. 11. was variously proposed to ye:intoe email-ki tten in .1 uly or November, ur xt hen he price of gold should touch 1-1.1y2 In the I - lous:e A re,,Aotion tiet hig the committee of :Ways, and Me , tos To inquire into the expedicoty of :e.ll - the exclusive right to inanuiacture spirits In the United States to 'the high est bidder, was, adopted, [what (t ext, !J Thal minority report Recon , Lruetion wds read. Jan, 15.—Iti Senate ; The 1-ol,icct of the currency was resumed, and the , bill suspending further cent rfo:t iOll by a vote of 33 to 4. - In the House ; Mr. Ferna:ntio Wood essayed n speech in which he charac terized the Reconstruction a, the "most infamous of the infamou-; acts of an itirtnnow. Cougre,is." I.:Le was called to order for breach deem um, and a resolution of censure was rowed upon him by a strictly party vote.— Mr. Beek also aired billineseate little, but, was prettt V iteeent. Mr. Farnsworth took occasion i i the Democratic toemlJers "Roble :ureth rein" and was called to 01(:er and re quired to withdraw the offen-i% e words. Each of these gentlemen evn Flo we z u in improving their manners, and in re memtairing that what is permi-itile on the stump becomes improper in a iegis tative body. - The New York: Tributic mentions the private circular of Mr. Win. A. Wal lace, (Published in Chi; paper week) exhorting the " - Democracl, " 01 Penn sYlvania to _draw 'the - lino; of partY close in the township elections, and adds the following sharp coni men tS ; The Chairman of - the e .o+ , lloK:ratio • State Committee lor l'ennc,ylvania has issued a circular which lie2itis tiie work of organizing the Denioei:iiie at the bottom, and we hop.: our Repi r lican friends will do thhig, and do it better. Ile wain, ( fothe im portance of securing 10 vi e: . y locality a just I,litre (that means ;;.11 they can get) of the election officer, judges, in spectors, asbessors, nuci confitables—ftWil to see that all theme klffic.-c-r, best men—i. e., best Democrats—are se lected. The nurslings of the flock, those Republicans, or intants w h o took' the Dendocratie breast for the first time In 1867, are to have the first run of the milk, and a full udder. The ancient and,touglinosed ornaments of the party are expected to root or the.— Kirin the children of this generation be found• wiser than the children of light? Hos. G. A. Gnow.—Mr. Grow is de cidedly the favorite of the people for the Vice Presidency. His long record of pure Republicanism, dating from the tanidst of the democratic party when that party shifted—it never stood—in the true democraticrepublican platform anxious to do right but forced to do wrong by the lash of Southern task masters, and hisgallantbearing through out the great rebellion,.entitled him to our entire confidence. (Jowl 'Republi cans are named for the office in abet quarters., We have not a %void to say against any of*, them, But the claims of pennsylvihda, with the high charae teriand experience of Mr. Gro , ,v., should make the question easy of •olution.— The nomination of Gen.. Grant, seems to Its certain. With him we %rant oGa ,lusha A. Grow. Then it matters not whether the enemies of our flag unite • on a candidate or not. \Vt , tpt ead our flag to the brefze this Wilks ' bcirre Record. THE TRIBUNE 4LINIANAc.— We have received from the publiollei a that indis pensable political cempend, the Tribune Almanac, for 1868, It c6ntains besides the usual astronomical depart went. A Synopsis of Acts, Public Resolutions, and Proclamations of the Thirty Ninth Congress ; Progress of Reconstructip , In 1867 ; The', Reconstruction Acts ; Progress of Iritartlal Suflrirge ; The . Vote on Impeaehment ; United Stitte. Government, Mlnisters &c.; Senators and Representatives in the Fortieth Congress ; EleetiOn Returns for 1811;7 in nll little States and Teritories with es pecial full_ with for er election:, ; SU - dements of Registration t n and Voting,in the Southern States corn pared_ States of the Union--zA ' i ea, Population, Capitals., Governors, Terms, Meeting of tile Leg islature, and day of State Election, Poreigin Countries AYea, Population, Rulers, Titles, Date of Accef,f,ion; Na ture of Government, &e., I,4llllished by the Tribune Association,' New York Price, 20'eents. DEMO RAMC MISCEOE'SATION.--(4 ree ley, noticing the Copp'erhead slang about the intermarriage 'of Africans witli persons of the \V h ito Europetth race, gives this hard hit. "All know that themareseveral hun dred thousand mulattoes , in this coun t ; and we presume no one has any sbrious doubt that the fathers of aeleast nine-tenths 'of rthem arc White •Demo crats. And we hold that-those Demo crats. if they will have yellow children, might better than otherwise trent • the mothers respectively tis wive:s, after the laudiible pattern of•that eminent Dem ocrat, Vice President Richard M. John son. Everybody knew what were the colors of his wife and children, yet they didn't cost him the support of a single white'Detnocrat—New York and Con- Micticut giving him their whole elector al vOte. Hence' we conclude that the Deniooratfe aversion to color in wed lock is neither general nor sincere:" LooK OUT l---The F(19'711 & riPCCICIE Journal warns farmers and others agl;ilE.t. II set of swindlera who go about the country • demand ing $2 or $3 of every user of n ClotllC3 Wringer, claiining that the various rubber roller wringers in nee are infringements of a patent i,sucl to ono Hagar. Farmers and others La.. ing Wrin gers with rubbor rollers are informed Eliot such Wringers aro not infringements of any patent whatever. Should the swindlers oomo into Tioga Countrget out a warrant for theti at once,- and put them into 'pod. Look out for all sorts of traveling hnimbngs. Most of the articles hawked about aro spurious, liko the Gift, Enterprises. Reap your money in your pockets. Zbt ag WELLS.BO33O, PENN'A. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22, 1868 • EQ -- A travelizigDoctor, calling hitt Sei.f A. C. Jachion, having hi - ' head- . quarters at AngeliO, -- N: r., lies taken, ti unwarrantable liberty with this - pit; per by causing tO . 'belitinted and circa 'fated what purports to be a ".?upple rnent to The Agitator," containing situ dry puffs'of himself and his medicines. The proprietors of THE AGITATOR here-, by disavow all knowledge of' the Sup-, lenient alluded to, and declare it to be a fraud, pule and simple. 'When 'Pm AGITATOR issues supplements it doeS so in its own type. And when_ it lends itself to the uses of traveling Physi cians it will do it in these columns un der the appropriate heads. No man is permitted to trade upon the circulation and popularity of this paper. , . Wc. ire indebted to lion. J. F. hart mufti Auditor General, for a copy