The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 15, 1868, Image 2

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    - -
tarn that e - tee re ose eatiltoth e -n e,
cured until the: ineurreetionriry Stater ,
slut 1 res'n nie their origlual - rpraetleal re..
lotion to,the Getreral Gtitterrinient.'
• - How,- when.; and through whom this
• can . bebestfione, is the - .great' Attention,
of the 'present. - .- ~_::: :,: -; -. : . .
That theitiewaland • ceneeptions ,ot 8 .
single indiViduati luiweverhigh he may,
be aeolden tally and temporarily exalted,
should be allewed to, control: 'or - deter , .
mine tlaisequestion, cannot .for-' It- mo
_ ment be conWetl.. The Constitution__
provides that: lie::,United' States shall_
guarantee to ,every State in -016..rnton
- a republican forth of govern ent ; and;
-where the will of - the - peopiel rp is the at
knowledged law of the land,'lt requires
ian extraordinary amount of political
effronterythlSSltritirttfat tr f ehlef - Exe -.
c utive df. the Miaow,' to'ney 2- degree or
Under any eircumstanceis the-United
'States. -
And yet in effector teubstaitee, If not
lii plain terms, this.was assumed shear
' ly after - the surrender of Lee- laud :'his
armed forces, by, the President ; and he
has continued to act on this aiStitoption,
even in his . late annual message, in
which, while -claiming, In words tin
known to durl'orefathers and our itteti
• tutions,-toite the -"elected tiefktder", ol
the people, he arrogantly calla on - Cline
grew to "immedie.tely strike from the
statute books" its reconstruction laWs.
That Congress " will surrender its
- plan of -reconetrtiction",' to - this - inapt
festly desphtiedenaand, cannot - be even
• imagined or conjectured.. That plan,
— carefully matured us It' was, "sail 'fully
approved When it was a direct *sae be-.
fore the people; is eminently- jtist, wise
and patriotic. .It insists that limo - who
were loyal in act, during the rettelliqn.
or loyal in their i feelltige, dhpuld alone
' participatdin tlote Immediate - govein
men t of the 44 insiArreetionart districts."
Going beyond the mere Suriac.e, it tests
_ultimately it the' important dootritie,
that the destinies of the nation can on
. ly be safe ." ih the hands'of its friends;"
of those whoSe political end' moral nit=
tures remain sufficiently ' pure to- feel
the impulses of patriotism and the ob
ligations of Oaths. '
Thet . policy which "antagonizei the
Congre.ssintial plan, - which hasobstrnet
ed, and . persistently endeavored to ' de
feat it, -first ignores all these Important
considerations. - Having done this, is
consistently ivaiutains',that those who
devised the most infamoes measures of
war, and ate years relentlessly pernet rat,
ed, in aid of their purposes, theft; plun
der, murder., starvation, and assussina ,
tion—the,Very leaders of the rebellion
--shooldhe allotVed, after their . luvol
en taryfedi) re,, to possess all the rights
and privilege's of good citizens. ' That's
scheme so absurd and dangerous . ehould
be sternly opposed by every true patriot,
ought to admit of no. doubt. The fact
that it has some advocates renders it
Mere imp° rtatit to sustain the. contrary
propoaitimil. i
In - my inaugural address,Vl said,
"that while Pennsylviutia Will confide
in a loyal CongreSs, she will not heal
, tate to sustain it byher ibiluenee and
poWer." - This - -I repeat, Nor can Ibe
induced to chapge.this purpose; nor do
I believe the people of the iStateCtin be,
by appeali to the humanitarianism of
the age and the invocation: of mercy for
those whose atrocious deeds Lave dark
ened the pages of our history. It has
been well:sail], "the pity of the magis
trate which suffers a criminal danger
• dos to society to escape :front deserved
punishment, is not mercy, but weak
ness." True mercy inclines us to pity
mid relieve the unfortunate and guilty;
but only in accordance with Justice.—
And it may well be added, that it is at
least a weakness, if not a crime, to per
mit 'unrepentant, and Only outwardly
t - uilued traitors, to exercise the oleo
til % e franchise, hold offices, or take part
• in the deliberations and - legislation of
the i nation. Its stability and prosper
ity; the ivelfare of the people now , and
hereafter,j cannot permit these things to
be done.,
lienvidual interests, as well as' the
' general financial condition of our na
tional affairs would be greatly benefitt
ed I.w the simplification of internal rev
enue taxation, reducing the number of
articles Voted and insuring honesty
and faithfulness in collection. The re
duction-of taxes on the necessaries of
life and on manufaetureti that are 1 in
competition with the protiticts of for
eign labor should be encouraged, while
( the tax on luxuries rind importsshould
it he retitle sufficient to sustain the ex
penses of the government. •
, The people of; Pennsylvania, ever
true to the Union,end unswerving in
their determination to preserve its hon
or, integrity and perpetuity, are proud
. and free to assert the sacredness of the
national -debt, and that it ultimate pay
ment in full meat be secured. . i
As regards the tariff', the protection of
home labor-and resources, I need only
, refer to the views expressed In my In
augural. 'Timend continued reflect
ion have strengt4iened the views thee
' ' in expressed. But this subject is co -
mated to the wateicifaleare of our re -
resentetives in Congress, and it is hop.
ed their labors will beorowned with the
happiest consequences: Surely the
Untied States should protect and de=
fen .her own industry and skill—her
own toiling millions i
I earnestly invoke the blessing of Al
mighty God upon your , deliberations.
and that He will prosper your exertionn
to promote the happiness of the people
and the welfare of our beloved Com
nco. W. GEARY.
Sarriatura, January 7,1868. f • •
Coppoihoad Tactics
The following private circular has
been issued 'by WiWahl A. Wallace,
Chairman iif the copperhead State
Committee ; ' .
[Circler I.lB6B—Prtentoj •
Dr3iofas c Sun 'Conan= Rooms,
CL.t.oirmic, Pa., December 10.11:07.
DDAD B/D : The spring elections are
approaching, and it Is of vital Impor
tance to us, in the great contest now
pending, that we should secure in every
bocatity our just sbarc of the election
cillicers—judges, inspectors, assessors,
. and constables! I write to call your DS
pedal attention to this subject. I need
not attempt to detpoustrate ,its Impor
tance, all .appreciate It.- Let me beg
that you land your committee will give
this subject prompt and earnest atteu
, tion. Regard it as a business matter,
and act accordingly. IL ROUISZ 017/t
then) how powerful this weapon is when
effectually used. ÜBE THE NECESSANY
"JEANS to carry every sure and DOUBT
..2It7L district for us. Where we are in a
minority 'place aan of high character,
t :
well informed, a d courageous on the
board as our insp ctor ; - IN snot DIST-
ABE SELECTED. 1 It is a great error .to
4 4 .4d11 such places Fith weak men. • --
It; Lists of doubtful men, and these Who
voted with Us iti 1867, for the gnat time;
'with their townships and post .oillccs,
Can be made very useful: Furnish me
all of these that you can obtain.
There are a great many aliens ready
for naturalization throughout the State;
all must be .naturalized. Your labors
and mine Will be lessened, if you will
obtain their-names and residences at an
+early day, and give me the total num
ber in your county, with 'the probahle
'cost of naturalizing them.
- Iu arranging for your spring elect
ions yop can obtain this information
with cOmparative ease.
If yOu have not already furniShed me
with the names and pest-office address
of two active Democrats in ea ell elect
ion district in your county, I will b I
obliged if you will do so:
Very respectfully,
_WILL/A24 A. WALtAtri; ,
Tan BxszE.—Mr. "B - . B. Case, of Troy,
is agent for tho sale of .flarding's Bibles, on 01.
Cons. The.large quarto edition is a moat -mug.
n liken t rpcoimen of typography, illustrations, and
binding, and cannot fail of an ortenrivo patron.
eze. It contains a family photograph album and
*word. All the editions are_ very beautiful. Vt .
Commend Mr. Cue Unite li beral patronage of the
ffiha agitator.
•WEX4L15330310, EANN•44",." , -11
' t 34 '; -
Every Republican paper iThrthern
Pennsylvania. is-otit for.-. 4341 9'
Grow, for the Vice Presidency. The
Pittsburg. Clazette„
_1144 other influen
tialjouritals in the 'central and western
counties also regartlliin - favorably. If.
tbe Candidate is to be taken from Penn
sYlvania' best man
named, or to ,be.' ern e:4 ou r
judgment.: can, be _trusted under
all circumstances; and publio ser
vices entitle bite todhiti' guished eon-,
sktleratiOn at the hands f t epeOple.
. • . • , , •
The most notable. In , v ovenaent in
newgpaperdom during the month per
tains to the enlargement or the .Tames=
town (Chats:m:o,e Co. N. •• Y.)' joarnal.
It is publishea in quartoforrn size of-the
Preis, Philadelphia, and beautifully
printed. - It is one of , tho .very best pa=
pers on our list. • We bespeak for it,
patronage commensurate to its merit.
The new penny paper of Philadel-'
phia, The Morning Post, has been 'en
larged a column to the 'Page, and con
tinuesto be one of thirliveat papers
any city. Mr. liitdc'ktcin,. the Aditor is
able to make as good a paper as most
awn in newspaperdom; and is deserv
lug ofsuccesse, With sOmeofhis crochets
we, cannot agree; but as this is a land
of free speech he is entitled to his own
We have received a letter from Mr.
Mann saying that Mr. Elisha W. Davis,
fortherly of Venango county, but for
reveral years owriedaud .ocoupied
the Pennsylvania Railroad- 4 Couipany,
Will be the Spealtir of the House. We
received this news with , a, regret too pro . -
found for words. In vain have we
searched memory and the dictionary for
words to characterize the' calamity.--
Both fail to respond. ,Reproachea, at
this stage of the game, can effect noth
ing. Regret that - the golden. opportu
nity for preventive measures, was lost
can avoid nothing. Tha . bad job is ac
complish ed, and a bad legislator has
been ea-sited to the third highest posi
tion in the State.
We now propose to call attention to
the pet that We uttered the first, lost;
and only protest against this act Several
weeks ago; As soon as the name of Mr.
Davis was mentioned in• connection
with the place In the pu bile prints.' For
this seasonable protest we claim no
praeticular credit. It was in •discharge
cof a duty which we recognize as bind
ing upon us as a journalist;.and per
formed with a faint hope that some
where in the Commonwealth it would
find endorsers. Not much given to
whitewashing men who forfeit reputa
tion to attain either wealth or the ob
jects of ambition, we could not remain
silent in view of the proposition to
bleach Mr. Davis in the Speaker's
Chair. With him, personally, we have
no quarrel, and no intimate acquaint
ance. We knew him in his first term
in the Legislature, and by reputation
ever since. He walked 'lto the trap
set for unwary countrymen by the Har
risburg Ring, and his subsequent career,
and the re t velations made by the Corn
mittee on rrauds, were matters of course
in his public history. We have noth
ing to retract, nothing to add to our for.:
raw' accusation.
But we.will have a settlement with'
the Rephblican press of- Penngylvania.
Mai* the fact that we lost no time in
denouncing the act in contemplation
and of which we complain. • Was it be.
cause we were the sole depositary of
the unfitness acrd unworthiness of this
man Davis? To admit that would be
to impeach our colleagues of lows and
inexcusable ignorance.. Was it because
we alone, of a hundred •or more, dis
approve of moral and political corrup
tion ? To admit that would be to im..
peach ninety-nine men of total unfit
ness for the legitimate duties of Jour
nalism. Or was it because' we alone
had courage epough to do whit every
good citizens is bound' to do? To admit
that would be to impeach our colleagues
of abject and criminal cowardice. How,
then, are we accotint for the fact that,
of all threpubllean papers in Penn.
sylvania Tho Agitator alone' sounded
the warning and denounced the pro.
posed outrage,? Just what the true it/17
ewer to thahttestion - inay be is beyond
our ken ; but We can give tiWriStison's
why it was PHA incumbent onus to, be
Silent: • • •
1. We have not, and never had, and
never intend to have, any axe for the
Pennsylvania Central Railroad to grind.
2. We never rode „ and • never • expect
to ride i mile on th Pennsylvania
Railroad, without FLA g full fare.
8. We never applied for, and never
received, a pass over th i s Pennsylvania
Railroad. Icor wo4d '•we accept one if
4. We have no friends asking for a
place at the hands of the Speaker of the
House, who hes, asked us to . be silent
lest his chances might be damaged.
6. We have no candidate for State
Treasurer who has requested us Ostend
by, consenting t4a gross outrage 'upon
the people of Pennsylvania, Jest bits
chances might suffer. ' • ~'
We have never - stolen anything
,whatever—not even a cheap -pencil.--
;nor have we shared in the profits and
plunder of the "Ring;" ' nor do we in
tend to steal, or` countenance stealing,
or reward mezi of doubtful reputation,
or associate with thieves; nor have we
ever, knowingly, connived at the prefer
ment ofscoundrels °thigh degree to any
'Ace whatever.
Under these 'cir umstances we found
the inducement , speak out with plain
ness of speech aR; 'last the elevation of
Elisha W. Da, t the Speakership.—
We thought then, and.we still think,
.at his election should have been
Made impossible. We knew — j - tbeu as
we know now, that the press of Penn
eylvarita, speaking out against it, would
render auk* such outrage-impossible.
But in less than six days after ! our
warning , and appeal was sent out, live
received orders for that particular imbi
ber of i , TUE AGITATOR froze various
qUarters of the State. Prom one man
arty eopies, Crown another.
Inother,of ten, and fOn*: , .
- er i. nuin hers. 'Ana_ Mkt'
ii*h&, 140 r could 4be
01* 1 40,i)4A t i , iiiti,444,
Li.elli.kb:*.:4l .4r A is - 44
1 tiOutie.#l:4o ',..4 61.
F e perliii*yor,the piiiii-;
knew filit-tig ' iktteMpt , -
lepnblican. - party • from
grace; so houestly,,aml
e, :was a dead :failure.- We
re down among others
Writing NV hle h , disfigure
k t _ But were Kai) ta z he
defeat in Pi ) good agause
Ay, and night,. we,aheuki
(I agairWand again.' -Nor
A sal 'aver' the, shame at
All order for tll
ofjen, , fFoin
otheri ofle
.)? r 4495 41 4!
: tofiVetiOttt, ,
lis'hect near.t
cal wheel; :we
to save': the
shame and dt
- earnestly. ma
Jetted the fall
not Jess disap
gene oyer,.eu
do it agniti,
.on any.reariect Igor
, •
, the certain assatiit of the.
0 . 0 th&''p,elinbliCtin
this transact
shall we i mps
enemy, not
party, but of
tharoa, - andl.
and let it Lye
'enough to ca
naderiar dar
perfectly. T
from eighiee
repair the da
itteirins patlat
reedoso l upon r the pres=
e. it laminations bed of
tit bleed. it has Chosen
liatigen of the Situation
?ale. , DTo party is' 'strong
y such a burden without
age. BVO. Understand it
e poOr - deVils who tabor
to twenty hours a day to
,• ages made by venial pol
rack their backs atiewin
of 1808. Some of them
the catripafg
e fuirow, doubtless ; and
, f w of •public ludlfrerenee
g and cover them up like
Sung upon the flizrld. 'Bat,
will fall lu th
the great pi.'
will corije.aln,
so much offall
ere Is a day of reckoning
future tithe; for. Wen,
d the spectacle of, the
thank God, t
flied at some
for parties,
out with the Dehmeratta
crimes and corruPtiatut
-ated with the Repub
public settle a
piirty for its
must be re
nless this evil policy 'be
' 6:4 sys;tettator this may
attek of philosophical in-
_Heart party,
appear as a
1: 1 ut to us—indentifled with
u in our bumble way for
as an actor,—we Confetti
by fails to soothe and heal
gaping hurt. We can
Ilth Sisyphus, and fully .
he myths of the Hydra
I ; us.
dittiirenee. _
pOittat refor
fifteen year;
that pktiloscip
tiro' uew an
and - of Briar .1
in nowise discouraged
repair damages and res-
And whi
from labor
cue the impe sled liberties of the coup
try, or abeti g hope of success in some
body's day, edo confesS to a, wean
tress which -itutilates the forth of de
spair of the, bower human ability to re
pair the awf I waste made by dishon
est . men.
We print i • .another place the private
circular of William A. Wallace, Chair
man of the Copperhead State Commit
tee, urging Ils forces to draw the line..
r l
of party clos in the wnship elections.
We ask eve - Rep Bean to read that
circular and vepa e to meet Mr. Wal
lace on the fl ld he has chosen. The
game of the Copperheads is to bring
out the tradi tonal rooster to crow over
every Coppe head elected constable, Su-'
pervisor, or ` I i specter of electiorf in Re
.publican dis tricts. ' - • :;
'-We exhort (iiir friends to meet the
emergency A uarely , but in no ' case t o
balk the in ntion of the law. The
election law ontemplates . the represen
tation of the minority on the election
Board, by gi ing it one 'of the inspec
tors. The m jority party is entitled to
the Judge an one of the inepectorS.:--
Our friends ill have to look sharp that
the Copperli ads do not take advantage
of suck fakir ss to elect the Judge as
well as one I spector—thus giving the
minority a majority of the board. The
same may be;
said of school Directors.—
The ralnerlt party is entitled to a
nority repre entation on the Board of
Directors wh re they have a competent
man. In all cases we urge Republicans
to put none ut men of known sobriety
and integrit into office. Look , at .the
sot who misr les at Washington, and
be warned. rganize at once, and be
prepared to try the township elect
ions for Republican.
_principles. Lay
aside all trifill3ilocaldisseailons, itany
there be, and agree beforehand to go to
the polls in olld column. Wherever
you fail to carry Republican districts,
by reason of dissensions or of negle.ct,
the failure w II be heralded all over :the
State as a. Co i perhead 'gain: Be vigi
lant and ac ye. ~ ; Mr. Virallace. degree
to open the , • residential campaign on
the last Frid; y In January, and we have
no choice bu ,to acconunodate him. '
The legisla ire is at a deadlock, belt :
unable to ele it a Speaker of the House.
Mr. E. 'W.'
. 1
..; ais Ole Reliubllcatt bau
ens nomin -V :and it.: L. Jones' the
" Demobmtiet ' caucus •nominee. • Our
abets give th = result of, the 17th ballot
en- '.l. ich Da•li bad 45 votes and 'Series
the • •• or t i f• ber, and Seattelingourre
votes: The a =yen bolters are tree 'rail
road Men kii• refuX4i to ;iiiiterfe't"Daii
or Jones. • tcomluend their staid
resistance to be Pennsylvania Centre
'Railroad Intl ence, and trust they wil .
hold the thing leveller . the next' ball
century.: T. i e State willnot aunt even
if no maul:: tito be bid thisyear. - As
between Day a and :Ones there is no
choice, as far as Railroad: Influence Is
concerned, b i'vre • prefet:to • give the
Copperheads the bad eminence 'of or.
ganizing the t: ouse in that corrupt in
terest, if it •• ust prevail. So we exhort
the bolters • temain thin.
The , §erta,
Zatetee,L. G
or, Rapers!
Q , . organized by electing
: to, Republican, Speak
; Clerk.
Congress'' • assembled at 110012 of the
6th. The at endanCe Was very light.',
In &gnat : A bill regulating the
weight anti atm) of , coitus' was intro
duced. Thbill reduces the Weight of
Atnerlean — c ins to the French Siand
ard, and di ntinues the coinage of $l,
and 3 and 6b ent pieces. In mew *it
altrcoiiforni to the standard, all colas
Will bear th same value in Europe and
America,• and be receivable for ail, pur
poses. Theet to , take effect Jan. 1,
1869. The ' o of, i3enator. Thomas,
who preSen himself as a Sena* from
l as
darylaud, was taken up and• debated
at t coneiderable length. It is efimged
that he was an alder and abettor •of ro.,
hellion. No vote was reached. '
In the tteese : A resolution 0, nipl.l-
Menting ( fie , ..Hancock was laiden the
table. A ~ solution condeinning the
President l's i removing - Sheridan, `and
,conimetnia .ry of Gen Giant was,
passed by a -trictly party ' pots, ,
J.' den. 7:--4 . Senate v The-bill - to repeal'
. •
.the- cotton. tax: , was the , tiabit,siv ife a
, opititett tliseitiq.4loa,.: 4110 ttftyi' - '• - fieltig,
lkinanded >ru- to - et.yuivt ali!";eotton
grown at honk! in I§oB.-4030
and adinittingirteir.,liiiportitifi44ll*i
ing the same okst4giviOedalttthe, fit
..Auftbluntlelb lo'Wtpeti*l
Trn the HouseiTl , V,obill /I.oo:yeet'
fcgiuds in, the colkttien of talteti on
,Whisky passed ittlei - full debate: , ;:, The
bill abolishes the'lthaded ware - I - MSS
Brltitiu and-releases ab0atr , 20,000,0001.(
lone of whiskey. front bond,
,where. it
waited on the warket,und -void tit tux
,IThis, is
a atef, in the light lireetion ; liut'Piesi-
Aetlt.-4ohnsOf) ,l.B C, oll e,euiris. eontiiitti
to steal at least $30,000,000 of the.: pro-
Peeds, fear.] . '-Tint ',llalitneeof..• the
session was - taken uti,in tiletissilei-• the'
...Public Debt. , •
:thu-cuee:of- :un 7 .
officers W£ll:l'6tniaied into; • and various
Aietttiolis read .
House trunsucieti imporbiut
business. , ,
Jah. 9:—Tif Senate : A.• resolution in
strueting ' the 404.11,1ary, poirimittee",to
report ii bill to, abrogate the, , &Outing
State Governments In the. South , and
provide j'rovisionul GOvernmetts -in.-
stead, was discussed. • The' bill to pre
vent a. further reduction' of the cum's-,
oy was taken up and debated, but no
vett, was had.
In the Souse :•A amending the
bankrupt law; was 'reported. A joint
resolution appointing a - commissioner
to munine Linters for distilled spirits
was reported ; and • the bill abolishing
the'bonded* warehouse for whisky was'
glassed fluidly, The distantden of the
*solution to. appoint a ennunittee to
•examlnei meters was lengthy, and 120
vote...Was' reacbed.' • • - •
11/rEBBRS. HINtI & EASTMAN tropid
jUL. form their friends and the publlo generally,
that they' have fitted up a new Photograph Gai l ,
lery la the best possible style. /laving one 61
best SKY-LIGHTS in the State, are'ore prepared
to take ail styleS and sizes of '
in,the best nrtistio manner, for Lockets or Cases,
large or small. Largo PHOTOGRAPHS cople.
from small Cards or old Daguerreotypes of de
ceased friends. No trouble-to take -
lirihg tbetn along
Sample proofs 'always given whoa unkind.
Come and tr - 4( u#.
`Gallery over Eoattnau'e Dental , floe
Firth Door below Roy's Drug •
Jan. 15,, 1808—ly
Wilson 4c, VanValkenburg's
In view or the contemplated Railroad goon to
to be bulit to Wolishoro, the proprietors have
concluded to give the peeple hereabouts, daily
- entertainments through the year, cotnmencing oti
the 14th at January. The first piece, entitled,
. _
- .4 l NtititiT Lin r
Tw 9 c.Acirgr.
• Witsox & Ves.inizi sew
Tag P sots&
Live ?
Let Ltve,
• „ ,
Thli groat drown hoe'diairn crowded houses
both in, ale and dm old ,qountries,, and Is ad
mitted hy alI tolke one of the Most prOilMble 4 ,
teresting; and Doss pieces 'extant
Bokets iolhv Drees ardc—Fitte-
Szcosr ,
We wish' it 'distinctly ntideritood; that all
classes of politicians, • and elan thole who feel
a little Wolfish—and in , fact acne are excluded
Irian the • • • • • •
lizin'-'6O iiiiilliNi:
• ,
,•„ , . ,
Whore we on fttruleh any
_style, Ida Ana
, tralitg of Goatlene
n 'a wearing apparel on abort
notice, and at prices astonishing
,low. • ' '
Cassitatire‘ Vestingeliike
Clothe, awl, a large-variety-:of.
Lg :04'.1)rolitolooda.
Blurt kinds; an ati•cheaii 95 the cheapest.
. ,
Tickets , to theAzrquette—FAiE.:
.P . 4.ttz . Tartu)
In this great Tragedy for the benefit of the
public, we would not omit saying to the Ladies
that we also keep everything to 'replenish their,
. •
, ~ ..
Come one and all and, ,Vritneas „the above en
tertainment. We do not claim to be old Stare;
but Anil endeavor to do our tit* to give all the
north of their money. - • . ,
Reserved Seats for the Letedie4
Remember the piece, .
N. B. ' --No _ shall give our patrons thafallban 7
eat- of the (lodine In price , . and extending
thfun our thanks for the very Moro; pitrianqo
lspretofore extended, we solicit. it Continence
of the same.
J •
VVII,SON et VA,N vdj,RENiatnto.
Wellabtiro, Jan. lb,- iste—er. , • •
LASTEIt -A- : 1
- -
dit T. latiArlie* öPI3;.;. ......
v' f,v;'
Van/45;11168-2w. •
Farm for Sale.
A - FARM of 108 acres, situated about 3 wiles
. ; 111,,,, southwest of Wellsborp, Ttoga Critanty r Pa.,
Fin Manna.' Within* Orn - wild et a largeoohees4
and Butler •• Factory, .103 acme improved and
pearly free front stumps and under good cultiva
tion,- One of the best dairy fartagja the,county.
Well watered With - .never failleeveritgi;+Sehoni
-House within a fpv reds.
ThewnimpiOved portion is 'timbered,
with cOnsiderable pine, , •
Open this fartzt_there;ife!i largo frittaribonse,,
well finished, a shop, aSO a- 40 wagon house, a
large grain barn, 'cow barns sheep abed, end oth
er necessary,,outbullaings, and an orchard of up.
Irak' of 300 trees. The property can be had
'cheap, terms easy. - Inquire of • • •
. .
• • r . 11. D. EASTMAN.
We!labor°, Pa., Jan. I 5 18884 f. •
"Et STRAY SHEEP.•—Camc'into the , enclosure
,E 4 of the subscriber in Middlebury, on the 7th
of Deo,, eight abeep, paint tnarke vu the right
side.: - The owner is requested tp. prove property,
pay ahargos and take them away.„ 7° —
, Middlebury, Jan. 15,1808. "E. 11 • BRIGGS. '
Thai. H. Dryden.
811/IVRYOR"tt DRAFTSMAN . —Osdettillol) at
his room, Townsend. Wellsboro, will
Luse with prompt attention;
13,1887%-4. „
F LA* 7, I3F,ED-Ctr f t !' d w ia naAwrikb3 Co.
• ... 4 . \ , ,
By virtue of sundry writs Of Fieri Facia*, Ls.
aari Feria*, and Vssaitioni - Exposes, fa
sued 'out, of the Conrk of Common Pleas of v.
,eganOttnty, Pa., to rat directed, will he espoie4
- piblio sale in the: Court Home, In 'lrell f bneo,
onIIONDAY, the 27th of Jae, 1868, •at .one
o'clock in the afternoon, the, following doseribed
ptoverty,.to .
Vi lot of land ln fralmar,.beglaning at the N.
V. corner of land formerly of James Nall now
Fredorlok Moyer, thence- south 85 perches to a
post.-thence west 198 perches to a black birth,
thence north , 181 perches to a post In life of
land of Wat'lloffoian, thence east Olh perches to
,1.... c
a,cornat in line of land of Job Cole, thence south
76 perches to a post corner, once east 781 per.,
chests, the place of beglania ontaining 1011
acres, being lot contracted to be sold by William
Bache to_llirern 8 Haetiage b articles of agree
ment boating date February !18,'A.D.'1882, and
part of Nsarrant No. 4222, about 15 acres impro
ved:-: To be sold as the property of John Clark,
at the salt of Thomas Clark. ! .
41,80—a. lot of landin ,Ttagaa two, boanded
north by Frederiok Shook; east .by highway. and
south and west by EFayer.—containing 14 aarei
more or less, all .improved, thine house,- frame
barn, ontbnildhsgs and fruit treat thereon. To
be sold acthe property of lamp Gillette at the
salt of Rachel Gillette.. • ; •• ••
ALSO—a lot of land •id WelMoro bounded
north northeast by lands of Sarah, Ervin, south
east by, southwest by lands of A P Oone
sad northwest by;containing *of an
acre, a two. z story frame 'housei frame barn, ice
boas*, and a few. fruit trees theieon. ! sold
as the property of P M Hills, at the atilt of Na
vie for Wright .3 Bailey, now for J Harrison. '
.ALSO—a lot of laud in Bliddiebu4, bounded
north by highway, east by Selah A Emily Red
.fington south by John Bedtngton , and west by
Daniel' Holiday and John Redingtou—contain..
acre, frame bones, frame barn, and fruit
'trees - thereon ;
•r .ALso—anOther lot in .Middlebury, bounded
north by highway, east, south and west by Selah
dc Emily Redington ; said lot being about 24 feet
front and 34 feet deep—frame blacksmith shop
thereon. To be sold as the property of Charles
W Hyde, Palmer Eldridge, and Norman Hyde,
suit of B 0 Westbrook.
ALSO—a lot in Chatham, bounded north by
Allen Strewn, east by -lands of Glee Wheeler,
south by 'nude of D Pose and R Mosher, west
by lands of Joseph Whitney---containing 50 acres
with usual allowanco of -6 per cent. &0., about
-45 acres improved. frame house and apple (nob.
aid thereon. To be sold as the property of Phi
lander 31 Miller, snit of 'Humphrey-Roberts.
ALSO—ti lot in Bliddlebery,bounded north by
lands of D A Clark, east by lands of N S Yield,
south by lands of Ed rd Briggs, west by lands
of 8.11 Brsg s--co coins about 64 acres, about
35 acres improve , log house, frame barn and ap.
pie orchard thereon. To be sold as the•property
of John C Room, snit of James L Robb.
ALSO—a lot of land InDloes, described as lot
No. 9 block' No;,l;in the village of Bloseborg, on
- the;west aide of 60 feet front and
- about 100 feet deep. To be sold as the preperty,
-of Alfred T Jaties, Jas S Gail* and Evart .T
Evans, Trnitees Ist Pres'. Church of Blossbarg,
snit of Jas II Gulick for use of Wit Gulick.
ALSO—a; lot in Bloss, known as lot No. 3ln
block Be. of the village of Bloesburg, a frame
house thereon. To be sold as the property of
Thomas Sample, suit of J V Dowling.
• ALSO—a:lot of land:bonnded north by lot 116
of the allotment of Bingham lauds in Clymer,
contracted to be 'sold to Francis Briggs, east by
lot 137 conveyed to Squire Briggs, south by' lots
contracted 'to be sold to Levi Scott and Oharlei
Scott, welt by lot 114, conveyed to o Tr Atwell—
it being the 'north- part of lot 140 of the allot.'
ment of Bingham lands -in Clymer township
aforesaid, and part of warrant numbered 1225—'
containing 66,1 acres, with usual- allowance of 6
per cent. for.roads, &0., bo the same more or less;
about 40 acres improved and some, fruit trees
thereon. To bo.sold as the property of Charles
Scott. •
ALSO—a piece of land is Middlebury bog:id
ea north' by lands Alf Waldo White, east by lands
of Daniel White, South by highway, and west by
WE Mitchell--containing 3 acre, more or less,
frame tavern house, 2 frame barns and fruit trees
thereon. To besold as the property of E C West
brook, suit of J-J t C F '
ALSO—a piece, of laud la Rutland Tioga coun
ty, and Columbia twp Bradford county, bounded
acres thereof lying in Rutland) ; north, by
Boyer; east by Tioga and am&
find ooUnty Apo, South by John Beason, west by
publio'.road_leading to Austinville4-about tweak*
sine; lying in Columbia , Bradford eoulty.bound
tid' north' by Soper, east by'Sohn Benson tenth
by same. and wait by Tiossand Bredfotil Oannty
Bee and being ene farm - .about 20 'acres
wed. ' -To :bei sold as the property of 13 D
hard, gait of John ir Guernsey.. . 4
ALSO—a lot of, land in Lawrence twp,bound
ed as foliolts; beginning, at -a White *spit, the
northwesteorner of Atbisbai ,Bakeea 1 0 4 thaw*
West along :01S Vennsylrmila and New Volk line
I.o4rods tq a pqat, lhatidts 'south 844 ioda to it
white Pie, thane° east 100 rods to a bleak oak
stump In the west line of said Baker's lot, thence
Mona theltest linhof said Baker's lot to plats'
o - beginning—containing 68.7 sores. To'be sold
is the properey of Valorus D Starr, snit of R. '
W. Stewart. 1 •
41.7.00 , , ,, a lot of land bounded. north by land.
;conveyed to John, L Snow and John C Robb,
east by' land conveyed to John Eddy, south by
lands conveyed to John Eddy, 4 A Briggs, and
Ste en Smith,. west by land conveyed to 'laid
Smith it'd 'Thos. Li Baldwin-containing ,109.7
'acres, with usual allowance of 6"per cont. for
remit ' , &C.,' be the same sitoraor leis; it being lot
jlBl' of i thaallottnent of Bingham lands in Paoli.
iugton tap, and part of warrants 1037 - and 1069
-abott 7 acres improved; , • -
Aria-another lot bounded north by land con :
yard to Charles Blanchard and B 0 Mulford,
east by land conveyed to James Dunham, south
by land conveyed to George W , Dickerson and tO
Minor 8, Field, and - west by lard conveyed to
lohn Eddy-oontaining4B.saores with usual al
owance of 8 per cent. for roada,, more , or
less; it being lot 214 of the allotment of Bing
ham lindsin Etsrmington, and part of warrant
1039. -about 40 acres chopped. To be sold as the
property of D - A Clark., ...
ALSO ! , .-a lot of land in Delmar, bounded north
by Vine 11 Ealdlvin ;and..Joseph. Enflame, east
by Gee. *. Basta:am, Ira Wstherbee, ,Willitha
Stratton and Win Eborens, south by, Total Chafe.
qnd Lewis Dextir, end west by Miler Swope and
lands of John Dickinson--containing aliont 580
aorea. about 376 sores Idtproved, 2 frame bonito,
hone barn, frame barn and sheds attached, co
house and other-outbulldlngs aid 2 'apple oreT'
tads and villa fruit trees thereon;' ' "
atso-another lot In Delmar and Elk tarp
containhig about 623 acres, about 2 aarea imp -
rad, frame sawmill and dwelling house thereo ,
being part of warrant 4429; , , i.•
auto-another lot In Delmar, beginning at a
post in the western boundary lltie, of, Warrant NO,
1977, Stanton lc . Gallagher, warrantees, thence
south 46 ° east 48 perches to•
&post, thence south
44°, Noel 33 perches to ahemiook corner, , ` herme
north 46°west 48 perches to a -poet for a corner
in the warrant line of the large tract of ' which
thrill is a .part, thence north 44° east: along the
warrant lino last named 138 porches to place of
boginning-nOontsdning.37.l acres and allowance,
and'part, or warrant 1977; _
-' . auto-Another lot in Delmar, beginning at a
•post in the Gallagher lina,.corner of lot survey?,
ed for Robert Will, thence by ;and surveyed fog
said Willand William Eannott, north op wild Al
perches 63.4 Ost;thenct'i by land surveyed for'
Robert 'Varner, south 44°'' west 62Perches to the
warraot - line, thentio by the,warrantlinetouth
100 perches to a • post i thence south 46° east by
lan il
of.E RilloCarter SOf perches to a' beech' In
th 4111 , , laither.lice, thence by said Gallagher line
a .l otner,htPus Pl . -CbaUncey, Austin "deed, north
44°east 133 perch* to place of beginningl-ofin
tattling 46 acres andallowanne,„
. part; or , warrant.
1952 James Wilson warrantee ;
0.30-another lot , in Delmar, ttogranlog at a
haul"; thh sOnthwiter corner 'of' Warrant 19;4,
thence by'the warrant line north '96 perches to
a post, "
!hence by land rurecyed lor e ' StoWeli and
Dickinson westBs yacht% to a beeohtree, thence
south 96 perches to a bezaloolt,--liiiterfant line,
!hone° by the warrant line eas(Bs;7 l perobes to
place or beginning—centataing faUsereti, and
Partnritarran l -4 23 4 4 a1ei1s wilion - *mantas.
Monolog tagethier the ,fattrif letelyo-004 sea cc
;copied ityVhaiipeeMustlitt;dael.. - -.40,6000 acres
topSrectiratotk dwelling - bottle, F.' barns,
'Stied 'AlVer: Ontbuildliktv smile odberd and
ott" fru t tree,' thereon ; , ...-...
at4o-111tother , lot in Delmor, beginning at a
post the atiutliwest corner of, a lot of laud of 190
acres surveyed foaStowell a Co., out of the same
warrant standing in the western boundary of we,.
' rant 11153; thence south 2° West: along the west.
ern boundory,of said wareant 4o . Pe- to & hemlock
the southwest corner hereof, thence !oath 88° E.
160ps to a post on the road loading from the east
and west State road to Chauncey Austin's,shence
north 22° west alongessid road 46ps to a post, the
nottheasttortier liertiefAtanding in-the southern
boundary of -Stowell 4 Oes. 194 i aeralot, thence
north 88 0 West 127pe Slag:last whitened line to.
the past the piece of beginning—containing 84
acres and 100ps,'more oc less, !bowl° acres im
proved; _ . ;;. -- . i . >,4 - ' ",- "i •;';' •
stso—another lot in . Nata t ir, beginning at a
post the.lll2 corner , of GasitgaDeity's hind and
the siorthwest corner bereofithe ce south along
landsoff EM 'Bodine and'bdire f. Jonah-Brow.
pier, doted, 123.Sps to a post; th co welt along
the road leading by E 111 Bodi e's 611.4ps to a
post, thence along lands in posse Rion of George
Derby 130,2p0 to place of beglani g---containing
55* acres, frame house and barn; few-fruit trees
thereon, and ab't 36 acres tuip'dr , .). , ' , ) '
•its6---another. - lot in •Deiroar, beginning at a
'post n the road leadingfrom Wellaboro to B 21
Bo'd e's, the..northwest corner Of lot deeded by -
Lev _Nichols to George Wagner„ thence , north 75
dogs west 12ps to !"post, thence , north 22i° north,
23.7 perches to a post, thew". north 137,d0g oast
18.3ps to a post, thence south tidal; west 20:41),
to &post, thence smith 6811 deg west 10.8ps to place
of beginning--o.ontainiag 2.66 aerei, trams tau
eery, and dwelling thereon;
[ ateo—another' lot, in Sbippen, 1101gittaiDg at
the northwest corner .of 11 A Gueruseyetbence
south 10Ups to a post in the line of Wit Shorans
theca west leaps to a post in the warrant line,
thence north 100ps to a beech tree,thenoe east
I92ps to place of beglaaing--containing 120 sore
obelus part Of warrant 1960; - •
• z lot of land, to Welieboro, boon
, dad northwest by, the extension of Main-et. north
east by street and land'of F" Borwart,'ester by ; 5 '
&mart and David Sturrock, southwest by Wm
Earrlson...ooutaining 14 :sorest • all improved,
frame house, frame , barn, other ontbuildinp and
fruit trees thereon. To be !tad as the taroperty
of D A Stowell and IMO mispaio.; suit ..t Fr.
Id Stowell., .
- AL50...410t of land in Farmington, beet
sing at scorner of a let heretofore -conveyed to
Ursa M Haines and the NE corner of lot 123 of
Blngbauilaitds lands in -Iformington, contracted
to Alonzo Lee and now in, possession of A 3
Wright ' tbenottelong the east line Of lot 200 con
veyed to Mrs Haines aforesaid , north'2ok dogs
west4t2.Bps to a corner then'ett easterly 186ps, to
a corner in the line ()Plot 123 contracted to Dr
, id Stevens, thence along the line of said lot sea-
therly 68.4 perches to the southeast corner of lot
82, being alio a corner of lot 128 aforesaid,
thence along the line of said lot 123, 170.6ps to
place of beginning—containing 49.6 acres, more,
or less.-being south part • of lot 82 of the allot
ment of Bingham lands in Farmington and part
Of warrant 1868, on which is about 86 acres im-
Tproved, log house, trains barn and fruit trees.
Obe sold as the property of Philo Stevens.
ALSO—a lot of land in Delmar, bounded north
by It 2 Simmons and F Batter, east by /2 A Al:
lan, south by A P Cane and west by Jas Cole—
containing 60 acres more or less, about 25 acres
improved l og house log barn and fruit trees titer
on. To be sold at the property of Smiley Sim
mons, suit of M M Conyers.
- ALSO,--a lot of land beginning at the -- ii - mth.
east cower of lot 262 of the allotment of Bing
laza lands is Obethatn,: conveyed-to Josfah -
Weissitaillor, thence along lloo.of unsold land of
the Bingham Estate east 258ps thence along
lines of land conveyed to Daniel Sillnorth 128
I perches aud mud 62.5p5, thence alongline of land
conveyed to George Hawley north 90.8p5,, thence
along line of lands conveyed to Bathoeba Bates
west 100.Sps, thence south 89deg west: 55.6p5.
thence along lines.of land conveyed tojCdward
A Hntopbroye south deg west 137.6pe and N
88deg west 169,7p5, thence along line of said lot
conveyed to Josiah Weilittoiller south. 86.7ps to
place of beginning—tiontalaing 236.2 stores and
allowance of 6 per cent for roads do., more or
less—being lot 368 of tho allotment of Bingham
lands in Chatham ; and part of warrant 1219,
1220 & 1221, about 20 norm' improved.- To be
sold as the props of Amelia Clark jr. _.
ALSO -- a lot in Jackson, bounded . worth by
Bradley and Waste Hazen, east by J B Sweet,
south by Edward udson, and west by W Frank
—containing 68 acres, about 20 improved, frame
house, frame barn and apple orchard' thereon.
To be sold as the property of Baronet Clary, suit
'of George Smith.
• Mao—a lot of land in Rutland bounded north
by lands of A s, Turner, east by Orrin sills and
Dennis Eppley, south Truman Comfort and
west by John Benson—containing 50 acres, 8
aCROO improved, frame house frame barn end ap
ple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property
of Rufus Clemens. _ _ _ _ _ _—a lot In- Blom, bounded north by J C
Evans, east by James Everett, south by J P.Mo.
neil, west by vtilitamson road—being lot 8 in
block 9 on the plot of the village of ElOssbnrg,
and being 30 feet front and '7O feat deep—con
taining more, or less, with 2 story frame store.
house and fiatpe barn, and other .ontbuildings
thereon,To be sold as the property of Philip
Mast d Louis Ai Auerbach, emit of Myrick,
Haight & Co. -.
Wellaboro. Jan. 8. 1888. J. B. POTTER,
. Removed 116 114•01
!ii 1,,r• •
DR. A. B. RAtilliAN has removed from the
old stand to his new office, No.l2,
Wellsboro, Pa., (two doors below' Roy's Block)
where be will perform all operations oonneoted
with the profession of Dental Surgery in a sups:
rior manner—having fitted up suitable rooms and
prepared himielf with all 'the improvements of
the day.
In addition to the NARCOTIC SPRAY, Ether
and Chloroform, which ?e has still in use, he of.
faro to:the publio the TROD& OXIDE GAS,
which is 'perfectly J Safe, even for the invalid, he;
tug Brae from 01 after Owns, ;ming no napless.
taste or scent; sad 'l4 tar preferable to imp
thing before offered. Please call and estunbre.
speftene of Mechanical Dentistry.
Jimmy 8, 186: .
ntwits condition on the mon:dna thofirat
o i t i lanisary,lBoe: -
itiesonaca4. N. •
'll.ll.l3coga &posited, to swam circulation, $1.00,000 90
U. R.lionds on brad..... 09,400 00
Votes a Brit darrousta‘. 7 WOO SO
Dna from National Banat 3.7,63 T 47
amens lamps. 812.00
Notes of Ibis Sank 1,959 00
Cosh on hana s iNoto of other , Bunk* 4,200 00
Logal Unarm 20,20 00
Cash Immo.. ... I,ook 70
• -......
• • • . $242.574 47
'COILS! Stock 000,000 00
OlrcnLtlas Notes, ...... " , 90,000 00
Surplus Sand2l,olo
'Duo Depositor , r ' 70,00
DlstO9nr, Interest and Rsolummo, 101 66
Duo Banks b Bankers 6119 70
8242,878 47
. .
J. L. ROBINSON, Cubic'.
Sworn and aubsaibod before me this Bth day of Jan
1868.• R. O.I3IIIPSON. Notary Pular.
stock of
• 1
F:t l f;lß, FEED, MEAL, POitli, SALT,
is being conitantO replenishea, which I as ever
ready to errehazge for •
Greenbacks, Grain, Butter, Eggs, Poultry
Dried Fruit, Lard, Tallow de Sheep Pelts,
of anything that will bring the WHEREWITH
to pay debts and keep business going.
• . Times are tight, but weal! must live, So come
along. The place 'Wit' find in Mont
next door to Cot:more& Osgood.
January 1,1868. M. B. PROVE.
'.llrwifo HARRIET. baring loft [DP bed and
board without just cause or provocation,
thereby forbid all persona harboring or trusting
her on my account as I will pay no debt's of her
contracting after ibis date.._
Jan. 2, 1868-Bw* MOURET.
Fo r sale. `
Borough of Willaboro, and a TIMBER
TRACT of 400 acres ittlielmar, three miles from
this eity—beaolly timbered. Terms easy'.
• Am. 8,1888. WRIGHT it BAILEY.
an experienced Auctioneer from California,'
rospectfully . notilles tho . peopla of Welleboro sod
vicinity, that be Le prepared to respond to ordere
Lo officiate at Venduee, prom_ptly. .Orders by
pug promptly attended to. Residence over the
Meat Market,. • - • • [Jan 8 1868.4f]
guellivit: oxenANGE
", _
Old eiXl.4evlit4iew idxty s igitit-7
The 0 d ileepwwith Ite - fathere;
The new stands kmielting at the gate
Of every mortal; And MATHERS
I the bees and the bears,
T-Jn. l 4 -
float his life, renewed by the eleiir, cool. brach);
atmosphere of Winter, and. his • detertitinetion to
4r ," Still, like.,
By tho you'bearci nithing of...the
chap who &aims ale GI antes at the
4ud who given as a reason, (an 0 .S - "kood reason it
is, too) th at if a felloi got eanitlit of stooling a
Sugar; Cara, Manses, Syrup,
and Ho forth, lie can't be •accused of TRYING To
Olga? 1111111111.1 . ; bat If a . follow le caught at
goalies a poor article, 'and. is enavtotan Atm
Bark ur, hie remo rse must be terrible:;
. (
, . "
suppose that when the old maidalmaide con
sole themselves with the saying—
. -
"There's . as good fish in ti m e sea as
were ever naught out of It,"
they don't 'allude to Say ?d4cKanat,. and wbob
people complain of a bad cough, they don't al l ,
ludo to my CouaaY. Bat.when they epee's of
tbs '
• .
I suppose they do tbeib my stock Of Tear; wLich
are, as the Elder Willer said of advice "WaRRY
lam farther able to say that people will eat,
much or little, in proportion to their appetite;
and will pay for, much or lift according to
their, money. I fell Tea by Abe lbarter pound,
of aourse, - but prefer t wbolesale it in packages
of not lest than' -
and, by persuasion, can - be induced to soli a
°best of 4 dozen pounds to one customer.
arid_ bay and sell
At such rate% as shall en'able nyer and seller to
Sim) sound o' nights;
• p •
having oneciences void of offence.
Welleboro, J n. B,'BB.
De LANG & Co.,
, .
ii.AVE added to tbetr stook - o ootnplete us
iortment of
• .1
Which they offor at 2&, per cent less than such
Goods were ever sold for in •
Goo suits for • 0
Overcoats, .
L. BACHE. s, .
:Wellsboyo, Nov. 20,
LADIES'. Pads and Drawers,"at
CARPETS at Nair York Priced, at .
A LARGE 'Stook of tootti and Shoos, at
De LANG do do 'S
To LANO tt, CO., Asgents for the Sum olltte
nn Woolen Mille. • '
IN BANKRUPTCY— Western District of Pa,
ea: To whomli may concern; The nudes..
signed hereby gives notice of his appointment as
assignee of Oeo. Asher, of Wellsburg?, Tinge Cu.
Peon'a, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon
his own petition by the District Conn of said
District. JNO. MITCHELL,
Wellsboro, Deo. 26, 1867—t Assignee.
. . $lO,OO
Do LANO 4, ccrs
1Y t,urer,rsug?l[un. ,
Ite4rt.ti. Whito,Pteot
dent E Jintge for . the 4th Switch)! Di,triet of Peen
syivania,Aitvi . F; Veil nod Kliaha T. Bentley,
Esq.'s, At/volute Judger it; Tiiign county, have
issued their precept, Lohring iiate.tbe,24tb‘day
of , Dee., 1887, and to 'hie directed, lot the held.
ing of th'PholVe.COurt. Court of Common - Pleat,
Getieral Quarter Session, and Oyer and Terruin.,
er, at ‘Vellsbore; for the County of-Tioga,on"the
hioaday , of 'January (being the 27th days,
1888, and - 14 on(ftkile, two weeks.
, Notice ie therefore hereby:o4n 'i s () the Coro_
norguatieep of the Peace ; and COns t tables in and
for the county of'ffi)i. to appear in their 'own
proper pertina,ivith their reeertle,inquiSitions, ex.
aminations and .r emitabrancee, to do thOse things
which of their
,ofilee,,and iu their' helialf tipper
min to be done, end p)lwituerses and other per
sons proreciiting -in behalf oft-lie,Conitnomwealih
altaittPt any person or persons. are required to he
then an& there - uttending", - and" not to- depart nt
their peril. Jureriake requeeted.,to be punctual
In their attendance et the appointed time. agree.
ably to notice. - - .. -•. 7,
Given under my_ hand ystid Seel et the Sheriff',
Office. in Irellyboio: this 24th day of December,
in the year •et our I..;irs.V .- oce thonrand eigh,
hundred and en. " • • •
JEROME 11." POTTER, Sheriff.
, . .
TN lit
K HAW (4; --1-1,4 14 to give ,notice :
Tlint on the 28th sky 1 ,,.1 Dec. A. D. 1845.7,
warrant irsibinkitiptcy. wart ione,ti egnitot the
equate of Chas K. Thompson, of Cltprieatun, in the
county et_ Tioga, nail Elate of.,Pra tea, who have
beau adjudged ,flithkrtipts on their' own Petition;
that the pnyteent of any debts Auld- delivery - pt
any,property i i kingto rueli Bankinpts fo"theni
or fur their el.e 111141 the tror;iter of nhy property
by theni aro forbidden by law"; that meeting of
the creditors of said Bailicrupt "to prove their
debts, and to choose one or more Assignee, wilt_
he hold at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be bOlden at
the office of F; E. Swish, in Tioga, county of Ti.,
'oga, 'and, State of Pennsylvaniti, before
"Regltner, un the Bth slay of February,
A.l). 1888, at 10 o'clock A. M.
,11- S. Marshal Wesen. Dit•t. Pa.
tiler DAVID' CAMERON" Deputy.
_Trustee's _Notice.
1 o whom it may concern : The undersigned.
Trustee of A. J., JD E. R. Wehster, insolvent'
debtors, hereby gives notice that he hes appoint..
acf Thursday, the 80th day -of January; 1868 as
the titne, and his'oTte at Wel'shore, Tioga co. Pu.,
.as the Place, when awl whore ,he - will . receive
'proofs of, 'ereditor4in support,Of their respective/
.claims against thbf fund helOngtngto the estate
of said Insolvents remaining baitids for dis
tribution. according to law:
• •. Jouwx. MITCHELL -
Wollsboro ,fan. 8;1888-4w* Trustee, Ac.
T . ARTEIERTON would Worth 'bis frivids
eJ • and the publiegenerally,•that he has open
ed a
Furniture Store, in Segola',
Tioga County, nbere he keeps cpuetnntly on
hand all kinds of Furniture—all of % , ';hich be•
offers as low for•as can be bought at any
other establiehment in the County.
Noi. 27, 1867.—tf. - J. ATIIERTON.
Planing Machine.
IIIAVE put in a first,cittaa PLANER, and am
"prepared to pia,no itooring. siding, otc. to
order. GEO. D. K 1 :'):Y.
Sept. 18,1867-Iy.
Information. guaranteed to produce a luxuri
growth of hair upown bald head or beldiees face,
a recipe for the removal of Pimples, lorches, Er - •
Vona, etc., on the skin', Icaying the saw soft, clear,
beautiful, can be obtained without charge by address
ing • THOS. F. CLIAPILIN, Gums; •
18sept87-Bm* 823 Broadway, New York,
Wellabor° Cloth-Dressing Works.
AVING engaged Mr. JAMES SMITH to
superintend our Clothing iirorks we are
now ready to do all kind of coloring and 'dress
log in good style and on short notice.
Sept. 18, 1867—U'
Aomori it Comes.
WRIGHT IL BAILEY are receiving a large
tho first in market. To be sold at ratlike(' pri
ces. 14aug87.
in full Bette, nt YOtTNG'S BOOKSTORE.
round on the Commons, in this borough. Sun
day, 17th inst., a red ealf. The octuer can have
the same by applying to High Constable Water.
man and paying charges.
WICKHANI .& FARR, having taken advan ,
toga of the late decline in the "ninrket,
hove received their ettmk end era pepared to
furnish those in want of
Gi - oods
At the lowest caah rate& The stook oolialtts of a
gOneral a . s.aortmeot of
Both staple 'and fano
Hats Caps Boots ft Shoes,
Together With
And twiny other' articles too numerous to men
tion. We-woold'stiy to Merchants,. Firmer, and
all others in want of 'FORK q. . C IDER BAR
they can find them in any qbantit3Y - wholesale or
retail at our store.' This work is all new and ex
tra in quality, just manufactured heto at the
Factory. '
Tioga. Doc. 11, 1867. 4
Administrator's Notice:
LETTERS of Administration ihaving been
granted to' the undersigned on the estate of
Bianyette A. Rose, Into of Rutland, deceased, no
tice is hereby given to all persons having,claims
against tbo estate, that I will Mt, at the office O.
H. Seymour, Esq., in Tioga, on 'Saturday, Jan.
18, 1868, where all claimants are requested to
present the same. EZRA L STEVENS,
Dec. 11, 1867.-6 w. Adea'r.
, .
: .
. • P.. _
. , 'il
ALL persons indebted to us eitbeii by
note or book account, must cell
and settle without delny or costs will be
made. WRICtIIT 4 BATLEY. '
Wellsboro, Die. 25, 1867—tf
Mill, by C. S. ICI:UDALL.
Welleboro, Deo. 25, IS6s—tf
j ENTISTRY.—IYR. D. B. WHIPPCE IS portnanentiy. Mewed nt KNOXVILLE.
oga county, Pa., for the purpo.o of doi n g all
kinds pf Dentistry, in ;I. style that will suit the
patient. Otherwhe pa charges pods. . Tenth e;-
trnoted without pain. Rooms at the liotei, Ali
oporations warranted, and charges light.
• Knoxville, Dec. 25. 1807-3 in
_ .
New Harness Shop.
(1 L. KIMBALL desires, to , announce to his
kj a friends, and all thesti Veanting
that they can be acepparnodated nt his new goo,
over R. ICitrittall'a . Grocery, Mein-et— wow
borof Pa. [deo. 25, 1867.)
F - u - R -8
A noir and varied assorimont. tor the Hai
days,4urt reoeivo4 at ' Pr, LAN() h cy'q,
Wellobnio, Den. 25, zwiy.!
ESTRAY.—Carno into tbo tynelosme of the
subscriber, In Charleston, Jane 15, 1861, a
YEARLING STEER, spotted, star lu forebead.
The owner Is revosted to pay otiargcs and take
him away, Van; 8, 1888-51 0 1 9, FROST.