The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 15, 1868, Image 1

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    gi qg a -Orionnit Igitaid„,
tavarilly in !iclvat?cu, Ly. 5 t
ETIS - X44)01 . -It4IOX3SIEL,
' , limos? on Liss. Malix,oxs'SQUAßE -;
‘4 •
~, Slne.rus. 8100.10 Masi 1 •Viiii,
- if:a 8 2 , 00 8; 5 0 WO IMO Willi
, D o 3,00 '. '4,00 '.' 8,00 '..12,00 18,00
,j,OO, 15,0011'40 0 -22,00 ~, ,g oo 645 1 0
to o 2%00189,00 40,001 , ;60,00„00000;
._ ........ .. ,
Cards inserted lit the Clia'olQl=t
v r; but watitifiieldliteittaithanss,oo::•i
I f ee s, Pi fteon pbr
Twenty Cents per linoi
,„ • •
DltUObiridi:3 ! . SO,
gerosope 'NifitOow,
?flints and °Oils, Act., .±ke.
cr., Jan." 1,";1868:;17:
(may ana'Petoion A
O ticy,
taro; Pa., Jail. Naps.
~.. „ _. . B . Mmes."-,
SON 1 ,1 461 r. N IL, Si --- '"`. *,
. .
4- COl3 $ ~ A T - 1.,..4. 4 %,r,
•om Bigoney's, an the,Avinue)—
, business entrusted tq ,thair care
in the aouiaties of. Tioga and Pckiter..,. ~ .. ;
Wellaboro,:den.:l, MS.-- ~, ~- , , - ~.
D., =Allgiltaz.p..4. co;,
lASUFAOTURERS Of, and Wholesale and Be':
tail Dealer in Doors, Basil', and' Dlinde.t :Ala&
Planing arid-Turning donei to - oedbil
Knoxville; F . ittga - CO., Pa., Jan:lo. "1„81313-1y,
AILOR. Shopliret:dooi aoith of L. A. S'ears'a
Shoo Shop.' Fitting, .and Repair: ,
Jog done promptly ' arid well: • " •
IVollaboro, Pa:, Jan: 1868.—fy.
RAPER &IP TAILOR. :Sh'... "ovei
Borien'a Biota..' and
Repairing done promptly opdr a ` ; ol4
Vielleboro,'Pli.,Jim: 1, 1858— y
.tary k',ablin and Insurance I Agant,,,rdosa.,
rg, Pa., ovet
Wellabor°, Tioga Co., Pa.- -
Nita Agent, Notary Pnblio, and r s trißranoe ;
,nt. Ho will attend promptly to_collehtion.of
slope, Back "Pay and Bounty. As Notary
lie ho takes acknowledgements of doeds,- fkd
iefers orths, and wlll act as Coniinissfonor
e testimony.
_,M2P•Offloe over Roy's Drug Store,-
Agitator Office.,:--Oot. 30.1 67
. .
John W. lanornsoV, """ r
returnedßto this county with a view of
skit% it his permanent' residenee; 'solicits a
, are of publtts. , busines a en
listed to his' "Ore • lie' attehded 'To with
omptness and Office 2d door 'south'
(E. S. Parr's hotel: Tioga, Tioga Co.; Pd. •
upt. 26.;'66.-41. • ."
Gaines, Tioga tionnty . .
GRACE C. VERMILYEA ) , PtiOen. ThiS is
a new hotel located' within easy access bf, the
best fishing and, hunting gratin - Ile:1n Nank
een Pennsylvania, . No pains will be spared
for tho accommodation of pleasuto seekers and
the traveling public.. [Jan. 1,1868;1-
etor. A Joint lrotel contluoteti on tho principle
of 4e and lot fur the a c com m o d ation of
the publio.—Nov. 4,1860.—1 y,
0730.. W. RYON,
rencorillo, Tioga Co„ Pa.. Bounty, Pension,
Insurance Agent.' Collections promptly
attended to. Moo 2d door below Ford Mum);
Doc. 12, 1867-1 y
A PLATED WARE, Spectaelos, Violin Strings,
Pa; Watches
,and Jevr,
dry neatly.repaireth Engraving done id plaid
English aid German, -•-
'lO Ai T-1:0 A . c, q•fl';s:
Good tabling*dttaithea, mid pan rittedtivii hciv.'
ler alwaye in atinfictonoe.
E. S. FARI4 • . Proßtiftol:.= 7
Hairdressing & Shaving.
Saloon over IVilloox et-Barker's Store, Wells
ere, Pa.. Particular attoriti - " paid to " Ladies'
air.cutting, Shampooing, rty . iug,'ittp... Braids,
l'alfe, Coils, and evriohne on If 3 d an(fcnando to or:
. er. - : r..,,,,....:,,..;L:& 1 ''- ..1
11. W. DORSET. " - Ii J. JOMISOIL...;
I'BACON, M.D., late of thts ..0 P,..igieritTry - , - iferir
~. nearly four years of army 'Service; with a latim
genetic° In field and hoepltal practice, bee opened en
tiro fur the practice of inedicina and surgery, 'ln' all
&branches. Persons from a distance can .11nd good
- .:Uttlag at .the Penneylvanm hotel when tleired,—
'l2 vielt any part of. the State in consultath ri, or to
re;rou surgical oporati4ns. No 4, Linton Flock, np
taics. Welleboro, Pa.; fay 2, 10.—
the pleasure to in f orm the citizen's of Tioga
my that ho has completed his
.• •
dig on hand to take alt itilids`di'f Sun Pilittfres,
h as A mbrotypes,Forrotype,Vignettes, Cartes
Visite, the Surprise attottleiiii**P,ieturesi also
doular attention iiaid - to 'itoroyirtg`rtred enitirg—
. Pictures. Instrnotions given in the Art on
Amiable terms. Elmira,fit.;Aiansfield,, Qet.
VAL B. 811.01 1 .11A(noi71llo liiiigi COunty,
y Pd., (U. S. - licensed Agent, and Attorney
.isoldiera and their friends throughout all the
yal States, ) will prosecute and colleot with on
iralled success, •
k ~ i
f all kinds. Also, afiy 'oilier 'kind - of claim
gaiest the Government before any of the De
artments or in Congroaa. ,Terms mo:dorato,. 411
ommunicatlons sont,toilr aboye‘o"dartissi will in-,
live prompt attention. :- ,,45C5,'
. . .
• ' Pot the Collection of
• - • -
. __ .
Arniy and Navy Claims and Pensions.
- .
IIE NEW BOUNTY LlTTr,assed July 28,1660,gives
two and three years' s glen extra lwty. ' tient)
. o your discharges, -,. • . ' - , ,:. r; • ,
Three months' extra pay proper to volunteer °Meets
- •ho wore In service March 3,1865. •
To all who have lost a limy' and Who have been - venni.=
nantly and totally disabled. • •
All other Governmenthim proseruteil. -
110118OXIE B. NILES.
Wellsboro.October 10,1868-ti - ~• . ,
E. SMITH, 1.: D.
... __
-- '
OPERATES successfully for Cam - raft, Stral
Manaus, , (cross eye) Removal of rumbrs)
Tare Lip, Varicose Veins Club Feet, &o, ; ',I
,Particular attetition paid to diseases of the Rye
- od General Surgery. ; - , -.--;..;" ,
Carisultation at o ffi ce free. •
References given to operatimr:recCntly .per
formed; ,
Olifice lioutT from 12 Al: to 3 P. N.
Office athis residence, Maristield, 'Naga COarity,_
Pa. , " Maich 27, 1887-N.l l ,
-- -
,0.1-1/iT for the National Beiles of Stalidarj - EClinOf
'Books; published by B. Bat ues SCo. - 111 &113
corner of John- Street, N. Y., keeps (nstantly'
WI supply. MI ordain promptly -filled. ' Gdl on or
a Lireorbq mall, N. STRAIT. -.
° , ceola, Pa-, Jose 19,1867 7 1 c. .
0„ B. ItZ.L . L.Y;
' , Vollsboro Soptembor 25,,J407. •-
• -•
- -:-
_ .
J. G. PUTNAM, ,• - , •
.IVILL WRIGHT--Agent for ~ ail the 'bestl. TURBINE: WATER lynEgr,s, , Alen,
t 1 Eitewart's OsoWatlng'Moveraent f lor G ang en.
:Illay Saws.
iingu, Pa., Aug,7, 1887,:ly.
_. , .. --
Bounty and Pension Agency_
, • •
IrtVINO roceived delluito lootfucticiub in re id o'
, the extra bounty eilowsd by.._ the att., itp forol
4 ' 11 5 28, g
1 p B6B, and Inering on hand It lare s 1 1)4 of-;a11
etc, &miry Id atake, I aro - . repartd-tol prose:v.4N l - 0
oil- Twit._
,t•l'm and I,Quaty dittoswhirl, may po plAttl In Mr.
u‘Thld. Peuend Wring ni •ar distinciVan, tiProunLOtt'4,
' , JUL ma by letter, and , ti..olk cetiainntifili(felp • 1 ' 1, l'
- 1 "1
81,,Int.tly army/med. ' ir- sii ill!.
IS'as boro.October 24 1866 ,- ' ' - - - .
-'' ' - '
1 1 3 1 1 11 ,
I • • •4-",
T- •
. 1 ,
• sf . 1
~,- ;f . ; , ,_ I
- '
- ; - ,', t z71.1/Eill ‘ i [4 94 1 110 1 1#11: 01 1 INGHAM-It SONS, two' tulle
, ; c ,'„,eY iHnex.vile, 'Pieta County+, Pa,, iare
priced td` manufacture wool" , ky' , lttm,Yord
shares, as may be desired. They make
le.l.ltt I
- , i , t . 0 .:1
And can;promiso to ort , llPrs. 1 13 1t°r 3 n 3 :. 1 :,
particulaiatter!tiofi p;i':, :. , e . ii; e ., " e „ .'s
Tvrontyl s yoalo: icl r petidnfs iNitta Inuit 1
rants them - inlesVeotThe a( sheeting_; f
No shoddy clothe made. , 1
• -Deerfield June 2„, 4887 ,I —tf, •
..t 4 - SOng v51:3411.
WOkiLD announce to the citizens of W.
-ro and surrounding country, that.
opened 41 . 111M0w,310 e%f Watlifprf
ton streets, filfilld'Orpose maiirthttu
kinds of
ti t iVitg
to older . , g' ,i farnll.Jl
COFFINS of all indis
:tiboitnotico. All work done Promptly an,
rant Aid.; . r Millsboro, m 42,
; HOT:
'MINER WAR ItINS," t Pito'ritigf
ITT 4.7pth fitted tin a new hotel building on
, the oldllntcsa Itotets tatelyllestmat-
I sea' nosy ready to receive and,entertglu
Tinton Hotel was intended Tor li:Ttinifteraiala
and the Yropriotor bell es it can be sustained .
grog. An attentive bee ler in attendance. •
rielishorg, 20; 1
7., ~
£Ol 1 tlO.
ViNG leased for a term,o,f years tho pop
I.Allti well kno idanilleiteTy otettpipd ,
Ilazlbtt. I bin - prbttred to hit ) , ifih Imo 'travel
local publie.wlth the , . built .ILecomnstidatlonst,.t.
°tared In tbo country. A good hostlnn,olway
lenience. Teams furnished to fishing parties.
Wellsboro, Juno 26,1867.
i E. t. irfirltAL; -
4 , , Lfr.,...0 •
One door above the gent,...loclit „ 1 ,
wELLsBono, PENN A,
RESFECTFULLY announces •to the trading
" public dad he baara deidrable-ateek
ehri‘s, ccimiiriaThe Taas; Coffeii - B, Sple:es;
Molasses; - Sythpifoind itWthnt etinktilute difittr , ti'
`Otitis stock. ysters in griiiim'ityleiiit 11 Abta'-
'sonable Wit& ." ‘`e.
Wellsherein. 2, 1867—tt. . • ;• J:
ir the Lawrenceville Drug iStore, wife
will find every thing proper* beton
the Drug Trade ‘ •t
'arid of the host foriCas t hr, Also(
Oils,'"Varnishes,- Lamps, Fancy Notions.
-Strings, Fishing Tackle,. Window Glass,'
Cash, paid for Flux Seed,
• 1 ,, „ c.„r. LEON., Lawreneeville;May 8,1211T.'
Glen's , Falls. Insurance,: Qom
-G E "
: •,
Capital and and 5iirp1ui5373,637, 1
}1 11,M R14E.8. , -, only, taken,
Nn Prbinium Notes required.
his LIBERAL. It-pays damages by
ning, whether Eire ansiles-or l pqt r ,
Jima for tivq-steek 1411#(14b4Light:
barns or in the - field:
• Its rates are lower than other Comp,
1441 rsespeasibility. - I. C. ttICE,•AAvf
Farmington -Centre, Tiogu. 'C(
S`AGwlf 1 '
,C ariiago ane 'urn
iletitN SAALIP;6,
Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1867-Iy.
.g it
c t I. ' THE
3 -, 1
i , ' " A. - - - 5 tiZ,,...:,` " "' . - y.: - , . r• 0 . 47,,
O adliitlittienitVai4
o earned, justifies GARDNER in net
establishment a Savings Bank. Rem!
Wealth, said soma old chap whose natal
forgotten"; Lind It la economy to trade wIl
. .._,
.of bigh prices is baing'prostpeuteil with v
withottt reprieve._ .I can sell - Eugats,
lassos, Flab, Pork, Flour, Corn Neal
;Canned Fruits, Spices., en,, use, giving the buyorfthe'Ame
fall of the markets, an ..advAntago. caul
cinted by everibody,McCiipting
. •
who- reftii- - -PADJLTS.ING .TO PA '
drecf l per cent. profits to the seller, to
ttiiinty.five por cent. cash on deli tqir
goods. I shall offer my stock of good
Pr.ic9 B. '
F#lpAx •
• , . AND •
gnd 614 up as fast us I soli out,
Wollsboro L Junp 12,1867-1
FALL - B;77WINTEcit 41
- beg fo'eu I your milord:ion to our
foi-, lila Fall and Winter tra4o; isir
coruploto, ombraologf,u,ll,llll34a of
of all wielfliliaToid
STRAW, SILIt 110 i
_ _
of the latest nel,n2cBt.tipproved
90a X i l enii i; -61
' • ' 1, -
and all
which wnitaltejbur inspagtlys4, -4.
B.—Partinntar tti,Caotow
• ' -7!"•
4. Oct. 2, 18137,1(... "
..,‘ •-• 4.• ,
. ,
49' . .. - -
. ,
_ .
............................ .-........ ......t...."...,
, ..v .
, • „ ~,= - ~ ..,, , , , ,
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RI: BOO!,l,:,MANtivAerrouv,
5 tr i ait. .,,.,.... t.:,
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jitebt. A Ty4 , *-N.Vr+-G.**,4, 1
4 ,
LANK T'.liooKS'A tt , /,,,
Of tivo,:yidei(driptiolii, ,, lrt'bilfitylis , altinditi6
on it irg l'air, fb . . r 4 utatty , orgwarit ore , ai 3 c Inind e ryl
•,kfrartt Sinter: `,', -Vtilig tilde br . :evbxr-dbabrlpiibn-
Bound i'n'tiattl?biStltidriiieOstiditi wryity i ttVorlu
tiered,. 3- •,-...09 al ' l ; , ;7a'A-4.: ii . haq 'A.; t.-.4,'?‘ le
` . 44"1.0193§ ttp-'xilrit WORK" .'';' l- ;
.s-av .f.,: :,,
Exec t teAl4o ,l Mkeiol4llalifilt-,i19/4•FC.P„ 120 ~,
bcind zputivultgqbo 4 ...ftPOW.:,' ~. .r.l;iismi.,, : i; v,.ii.11:
d t t Varr.g3,4llllr l ll l ';. l .l:
• -; ~ - JOOlifitliit =Q . 001311.1 i'S. EI 4 S' ,t , i 1 ..1 .-,. ,-;1i.i...:.1:1
t ~,v , 444:1 - : ,'• J'' ~ *•• -, 0, C.
I !WI litteprqat tlf lurb . i . ili •,.1 irumbbtroil iii
, al ev!elvi bt:',ll.dillo.firpl 1i,613,*y411 14 .. "iti4tVilni,tb , T;
le`tatea Iraireitli.76ll,ti..til . yta ii-i.trort.r.,, , -. 0.,. -;
BLANK' ifotiltediao7, 4,03 *-14 ,
r ..,... if , _t
~...; ..t . t t . • .:; • -
,Pull k il l h4l-,91121 1 11 f, at M ibteli dililitit"
.4 .31 - 1-• 1i,v,. , .., 'Z'i ,, „AA:O - , i,s. ipaL.r. •.-L3
tlf•Tiiiiy htniiii:faireize-fbn bliiiii,k,unitb - ui,lutal*kly
ftie-iiiiii4tibit7Q l 4ltbtiailtiliigA gg gots anc-hga,
• 403 , :iiTtcrlormuitualati,sWiluphiblari54ntlaverilitAr,f
' •ItitY-Onrirsigbili igtl a . 1.1,0:, qt , .)7 . ..416-4 , Atti.a .r. 4
- ,l- . I ')Siltill'lONEßY:-4.14 311L8 illvtckla
I ,P. a l l i..qt..ccre,a;i 9 it,,P.PBl..4t.Ani‘ r tel l i l P.Fli i
~I$ ',es t i...; Tt•RVlkti;; l 3l4,s , lVe,.."(' ~ 1 , iv -1.-1.,ii.: is
f , . , 1 1 4# 14 u'itioW bgeiieferli i.:11..c. h-..-z.1::..1e., i:.
Prof. Slits .k - lijte.t.:l4'ol26:4tiost-V-to,s'imil; ,
t 1.7 - ' rEAt§ 4 '4',llWiltrit't ifk,..P, - 1 1 4f i tn,17- a l ‘ , l '''.'-
: .4 .;rivP i eir & ~i i ii ikir.- tt q:4 l; ,-.t t-';‘,14:1 1 1 4 r..1 4 ,", 1 ‘.
Which 1, 1‘ , 11,1TY511rt 4 71.;1 0 ,419444.91...1 h‘4' ,' .., 1 1. 3 1.1 , ..-.44'!:
beYt in;uki34 o ll6ol o .4o;i9t*t it t i•ai W ef ; ,- ii tidl in i,,
The abbvit ist.boli4 iiilbsdllatZt4bLoweataßbOL..
`iktk'siiiinibli 1 a rliglinciamiimactokost tfifew.Aorki t
'Vain •otlifiti , litlatifitibs:abluit.p.trrobaserseq.4ll
'-*Bl-1? it t,tost OW iiiiciiiiitod ea.. icpfkaantekh,t ~.,0,10
I 1
reepilil4ll3; 7 o,leNA ti'll6te"'u"r - liillper"p . iiiititi* -Lb
u ge. Oattsi gr pi4l4 4 l ,lkciultitiY,AttbiiiidtV.. , iiid,- '
-,- ° !c-61:,c4gotirsig101140 ., .
; --Th f•bl34 v • M ;"4it,Pe - T Aiiiitfindviio i t 4 a'r
sew': 21,1 e 8eitaie:". zi'' . 7- aglintriem: Yi1.11, - ,
4(1,, , 1 .,, ,, ,.7 1 ,,, A;; ...„ ~„,.. p i ~,,,..
ii -164 ,k .- - • -•- - -""'••-• --d• • - 7 - """
.: dma fl.zllm./,-,i'd
,- , , ,, , , !f a, it' J ,•••• LE .' la, .1 " ‘ L4q . ..'ti.: '
:'',,,,..1at 9 0 .92 r E 1i11471. “gt. 9 11 1 1 1 194 a tWARKS . s t '
1' -^"...
, t- 571 7*...4ii41446.4-; Z t 4;:y 7 1 . -ica' cpo.:, V.,lte,tl '
. v'sait"-A,.. ...-414.N5V.1 ;1*; 1 .4 ~I' '' -•.- '''' '''' ' 5 -
1?),;" 17 VT-; 4C4S; V.ii} M Zttr}4 6-5 4 - .,
• '.,.2 .1 4. q,•; Aal.t • ',-,:' ilf .ti::...,..'r; b 1.1 ;,I 1,. -I '; i ....Jr
. 1 C 2 L 31 -:„‘ , :ii «,.,' 447-:11,..j4 'n,'E-4 .'. et ":-,t ' , ;a :
......,!,, :::.: ••• • , • ,41 i ,
''`':' 7 C;1 1, r • ADO
i k } ,-..ligam i -± 4 - „,,
;..,.,,.,... ;,....,.......,, ...,..,-..,,,“ % A.,. v.m--,..,..-..r-, c t., , u . ,, ,
! 7 .,, z , „,..,.,..„,„
~,,,e., 1 -, -thi.,7, tor 11:i fr,, , ,,::41
:i‘„:,' I A:
wfiw - fkiat,k3 14,P 1 .1)fii'.e,.• a; At` .. t:
. inAkilii , i!Oi:lif .1 , ......1 ' - • 1 t..,..r..t. :-.. 4 7, ,1i,3 f,...i.
ii p-.' ?Int:a , ; 1::). 44 . i i -;. , ;.-1,,..-. : „t„ 1,.„ ~3 ai
i, : ,,, i ~ ...1 . 4??, L.'3,-; - 1 ....A.'. -.-.:1;...,.., q.:,.,.t:,41. ,31- 1 .,: - .U , ',
..1,14.at1a o 1'...r4::•,-Aly , A ~, ,. ,:.,.f ',.:.41-i.
,‘ 4
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• !Y. F•,• , , fl. - ; ;1,11 I )
AV iisios;' l l4l4llool . * Alitl'
".' .
„ v. l i g ni roc . ,
••• 11 - z
Aoi sl zi ot.t
FORE ION; .4, Aillli'S'rie„
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1A lei lalet w
itillboarGgbiitt it oniAiii
„ ef the beet Annlity alwayet,,,
1.11 P:1;04 --1 1 13 at tel;iigri. ; Paid t67-4/CA(kt
e I r /Oil' K:ltletil.!l,grti,i,ill - ,4441",..1t,,q? . ,Pi'ti:ii t
terest to>tiil.Aule`e tirl3to . ek lierdra Mp9, I P.A. f f .
ei)r i iletl l -T:A 7 .7; 4-,
, 3 ,4 4 a t v.. 4 ,wi.0
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(tin. 5, UN7ON BLUCK.Pni
4, 4
! ti :14
- A. 1
W•g•:•tialtid4 l l 6 blecolvibilair 41 , e'VrYbial yeti,
it t irk644 ( 410:f.t.,,1;
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WY- GO allsll 49.i'':l:.l
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ling his
only 38
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kI,OI`IIS, •. C A SSI MEIttI, 4 : PEST-.
u ADY • Al A:DE
2 : 1 0 5 PuTS'.•' AND .`;
" 1 - 4114-it.llN;
, 11 1 1 ) ! °-
' • •
s 4-elneted stock of
trati Elet
,NE,119-1 r
• SEN klgt ., E-.APATINIT&-& -t014,8;a L. 1 .1
no.. , hinr-
of 'the
at fair
We are able to offor our ctuiterners the beneflt
°ls 1116 ; P.Z. • ~g;:i.";ri,
" :
ri ,2* q 761.3 CA).. Xlifp3l4lP.'d
in the New York Alarket, our Stock 'limiting!been:
;Digo,' Moon the grout deolino in Goods.
' .‘a •:‘l, - - "• ,
dttiy 3, 18112,
P1311!...47.4 ,
Ti l 4filialtilff t FM
C• - ,
I. Oar Spen,
j- . l..ri>oni - kirel4 -, ,,c1ip0i..4` by Itruj. '1
, ,
tIDIOTS AND SHOES 41-4111,1t1Ods tuode to
_Ut eider owl in ttorbost „..
1-- it itr
t>l I'M' I
. UtAiS'iriktilekik§V;
-, ll,titoro h Jith, 2,1061 I y•'
f iv ~
t . 1 . 't,;41, 1 ' 1 ..
4 YDR.
uric of
S --
' .l . ittov-
; Alfa,
, sr,
~ -:
PAYSJCTA N k $ ttll.o 13tit'f.- 4 orniiiiato of the .
. ', 1 1 1 310 ' , 1n .( 1714 ': 01 8.9 4 VA. 6 l3i ,
T EffitslrigigrAt'ai I p Wgi(s,bara,,Litrais yloh
;1 1 0k.:Ap414 1 ty1v.44 , -.llaviPgA trd Pa Debi
.0412gfl.ri ticZm
!i, t ,,,apittis:ir44,ritkAvt,ta ;Rol *kill in a rtitiiifiulrlu P
ors ,mailit ----0411vo hia-reehienee an-Pearl -I
Arpat7:l4‘o., Una rs .13131430.)11a14iiidifillie>att
.kfAligr:Vprug,Sttire.;‘,-,7 *lt '801968i-314 4'l
1-1 ii„ - 1f74
Vde:isr. I: , 4 . .. m il
rggifi ' EV ; 4l;;T:
cti •
• '•--
i-. 14431 p
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dilfiiolOAV iV :4 itit:
.... ,
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such na
• • •
it4s* 4- A 9 xd,l
; : t) .i , , 4 .:11
;:r 90, • f
1 17.,
tl-..14 101114DAMIM.
Acaycp ;Is not reached by a stnglc,bwand •
BlittMett boild,thifitiddes by %Wel we rise
"1161itille lowly, earth ' -
7 0 i ; ir, ];,;i : 1 1
ikoontit:theselthiagsoto be;grandly
That olle;deed toWirtif God-L; ,--1
mini the 4°.llfift% air and a broader view.'
• a .11.-v 4.47 a 7.•
1 *At t
• tract:by ; the thittgs,l.hat,are Jtridt3r..em feeti
iwo ; bayo muleigred.of
By:All pride deposed and the passion .Slairiyioi=j7
- And the vanquished ill that,: we hopyiry,i - cdf:t
551 : ( 61lig O la,n l Y 0 4 -I = 4 , '
;BlStotii ttiOdEibli 1-a
dre-.trail;ing theAsotaididuat.i.-ei:;
,sVi ar t
A " 44..%•1=1‘,‘L " ;:.
o ,4rw'inay mop d,,yeSel r 00114 aspilre, ri_d *An
t rlitt''.4u4e4i=iattit ritte'64.`-irti fall again , . 4 '=j= l. ' l = l,
(Imams te:thisla4derthrottn. , •••
I , FrQtritt 4 ll'W •Vt r lYAFl l i b
11 91U 3 R6 V P•171 1- e l t tag.
1# tkreattikr dap audAlla 4eiottaihll;
t pltteeper alitkea;cehfs PilleaPdf isfchwih
tr•srti' , 4"
ac. •
Ikrttild tpoilatktterPylmict(rkrise..4:ll-:
oi •1 '1 tli lilted - '
;pm et ow c o ,
Etta- 7.•.• St • ••• • 4,•• • • •
.t,:' - - ' at notuart.4,-,
~, -C . ~..,, r
Ad t' '° . ltitit an et it 4 *' ''''
~2 % 1„: „ . F. ^_ 44 tF1F..... : FF4-4.,' •:' : 'r , -, t ',:,--- ' -
' c 1 ' ' e'T AtititittitiOlitOilit ‘ l'4
i ,.., 4 .:: i 53031itv- - ,7121A 1.) - 1,''' . 4.0../: .....''y 9 ,
How was it that 1 came to:bor , an. old
pli(410,11:- liOtbocretse of h Sling women i •
alb - bure,-fonllik'ethenrWerrs,znuch t
eituktlevef *.ciuldthaVel. spettem to :one
Augelyr , ov; , discetarteobsly altrY . niy.t:lifel
thgicrPPOO'i(sd.l, 'ict,thtt'lt , Va!i''':in'''t4i'
..i,„, :c .. : ....;. :;.,, .f.... , 4....1;,; - : ,. „: ::. .., -....': z, .
at h e i" o/o '` ).W l o44:oitrairl'4,fito4 ll `
dren,' , - wri , r9, ; , f4 1 4 - ,4 1 ,i, - ig;d44 ti9r,riind
"jillether„of wheln. 6 2)VnYse N442110e,
'tefearn, a ,dollar. tt
: e:..Oath never saved,
', ' anything , .;,: •
~.)—.3 ~,,,.:::-., .2. .., , ,,,t. t, ... k-,,. , ;.,11
'Ko 'after the .firdt ...great• grief,...when ,
.1.1 ~ :
,syebild calmed down and were able- , :to ,
„lec4 niritterwquie,flY in "the face,: -there
:was:a Wietelted' ticirt:of tireipetV'for , lidr,
iiavas 9PlS'Al„ . 49e4linlatit, - :aPd liad 'A
y o u n k:,c9 V t *Ms. , P?ltkit ;RT. .ts.Mitiirg.'utSi.
''''fnag .4.4_arY• iii." -..ft• tboueand - , different
;cci - 4,5.,. t hail ' been "PaYing‘attentimi,'„L
Tao; Po Bisie Bell, , whoi, young:, and.
eliiioislelaw she •:was, --had :a way ,r that
,slo.o',girls,.do havetof leading. , their.•ad-
All,F_erif :-111t0 extravagence. l l Of: all'• the ,
triaid *4.4'f'.' th at-• neve rate-be-forgotten
'lime; Ftbinit the-greategtrWal• aPPearl
-:ingniggartlly iV,, - .blue eyes'
Vd - hlt not/34111d ytathig ',Pain' binds
r'4ttitii; disArdingli4d.glqe,s, 4114, r'enOtm-
Mfg tW aliefa:..but, 1 14.. te`fie.irtibese
-130053u0ta1.: and„ bOOks,2 ova. Jeo. , creaths,l
• 1..41,4:datn ty bits :of jew,elryi :.and. multi
,:fluilLtionerinv,itations at,Elsle's feet,r , Vrast
iis t , very terriblef - , brdeab , -.1‘:.-passed it'
Ez6bouglyl thr . d. Weyer mail haltreaSelf - to
zbe,thankfdllhact . , .for lhe;acsitlyci
0, 6,4'W.littedipelii%*nlb/itrq;
, Tom r i k 2 4idetn - ;':Wlib , '#',.fis i 0 andltAlsb'
`bf 'k let,i.s *14 1 v.:, 11 V0:9141 1 1: 4 1 0 -;401 , :a.,f14,
a-marrfagept,cept‘e .4_9,
~ ,t`trift)4ora "-
e 'tt,'..worited,d4Y!. , .and: night ; and man,: ,
'aged to keep the:r pot - boiling, and: to
,drpie the wolf from the`door4 -thegaunt
wolt, l .l s OVertyi Who howled:4 good deal
about the' lint:lse at flrstoltid - seethed 9n=
=elided tetkinrinke althetil:bt dd.': -" -'' ' •
:. Boinetins`J'aseclid'tiiiiik - ,h'eYf : -,),ven
A e*tio tor . „ Elg!ittia.blie. had" 'One:ral:lY
lov e dc - i e ree,..fot) s . 'l3 could' Mayo had ,noth
ing but;a,dismal prospect of Wearing Out
_her • or dreary, hopeless , engage-,
un,ept to:one. too 'poor to %marry. 1 That
4 , ttit, 6 ntil. Tom Tan off'. I I Then I thought
#4l,iVotild have been even better `for "her
~.19 baver'dtflited iiiit:' , hUmble home (and
,pp4'y fare, and the love_ I, couldbave
igiveu h i ei., thiti :fo'.bp,deseited Se. -, 'And'
•Lpitied-liqi lif . iir . ,a - -rbatr:4 l 9 6- ..PrOed .
,hbraelLtieuroesth , But 'I -, ; never:went
' , near.(l.4,:d.tqoVtset;, l 4.4 l r-, /-.l4eYer..eve4
' 8 .1"-o)te 0f.,..uer4 top) art utottieri , , „.,„ . i 1' .
it kew no younger all this while; and
,:eieryi year eeeniedr;Aci: add: five to; my,
- ks. l,- Lthad -- trever'r_ beero yerhand
`ileac' eV yeyambrr r y; troll goo.* strablim +V_
risets.ll: , re - 2 - peconmr, ME die-aged .
.IPtgil r 4 4 l,o lP .kl . t 'Vj?,;l7 6 l? ' # .',. .,9i j §!'-.ONT. i A
VvVi e lP.rii• -4 0.• _•:; -... , Li ~-L - --',:lrr= - *r,
. I tblraPi9rar t 4 9.0400- 4 4 , 1 4 f.0% 43. ii4r: 7 .
:tile het' ,A4401A4E.1.2 IN,aies,
"la c * h o .lghbQX/1 ooit , 44e-bate:boil alluded-,
to "inytirwife . „l- I.7..fcund^; MU t : thiti) ;11161
:..result my mother, andinnfriiwondered ,
;that' itrtoesitelrluy-deaentdgribinto: , l—c
1- : -, :Sfietuallgt)Vy':'-' alidiattn'eti'fiiift ,
a y i d i thttilled; on a , t slit TlittifkßOVng?
f ir
'Mar bWfdro.iiroltier v,tiriteXtril - A-Afed i l
IVO ? ) ilf , iVPIA c.tciPolletßr7ro4l4*g
ancrill'iri . Oil - • . I- - --f; i / 41 , -1 - ; :: = 1• • 3; 41,1
4 1:11 I tkilAk VII liii' iii4l a ~i 1 a* ,
- - --1 .., 1 , ,:, . "
14fganeVitisii'S .11494',.:J1div'i•:..1.r0.- : ,,;terk'
tired)! t . .s" 1 - .. 0-,:.: .1- t. ~:,.. t 1 11.,-.). 'V %,.., - - t 1 :-1
''' -Then he kissed me, and said: _..1..
"Yiveveliee.n.if bay - 2.tar . iout•
grandpiAldivatd7. LNl:otillhavelliar fq
..ttito 0 -fy , ?,,-..7. ~.-,, 6 - z: ;?,,,.. - .: ~, c ,--.,., I, c....
,-..i,A-hit.Whiitiltieit ire:hiked .- it' her lit
4 * --- tiSid&ka r Ivitli. s ;qkek ''.e•liek ,-- *),(TY,he ,
. '- ‘!jand, likdAVeelaing_pb.ll4;„ I .'', ;.,:'
. I _ - ..
kW . tx,i'oo," - e,rfge#9, 140,eiviirketAlder,
than before 444 thenloaei , i Inv Ald±.
est sisterif Entailed at- lii it" teett,,...a.:. elergr:f
=an,: who carried her off to . Ilindostaw
' I ber n0n'eph00n.„).....1.. ~' . : .. f:-.4,1.---
~ An a 'wOcceidd ii on e Of:4i a' Mel the-vid ,
ding ahapipy-thltigp . ~ t -- -:-- - -.a , . ,l- r
But pOjperity ! ,2lltCcOM - 6 -- jat '1114': I.'
had AirolOdliard',feerAt, and,arrythinza •
man 016.10 kI ti40 : 0 40: t rf404 , 4 1r e ' lle„
i s . vorKiNite - psttol4L, 2,4. .1. -1 r.z ,:,? - ~..;..
? !Ng !.*.i'Pxe... .46:44 4 .04b1P7.4.(.345y.,i. '24%,ii,s
1.9.4,t;4.1.5.Verw,that is afte);:y . ears of strug t .,
g e,.. At last we were riehl‘,‘ But by,
.ithat tiMe-41was,five-and-fortygza large,.
dark ,;middle-aged mttr,"-with tviiioelhat
loolteo4,o46'giselfinliie grass' , ItO 'llice,egh:
,sit..xygre•=perpetifalkyv j]?telit '.":.(iii ' figures. - `Thu tglils-',qincref/Intirriedr. 'l))elrhair
fitkj l l *,,t9,: i 11ig,„*4, TkirAtBv, q ' - ,:ki,q*..%,1'i31“,
, que,9'a:SolC9:, 50,:.# 1 3d - A4litn:-. l r l / 2 7 4 att
hnillnlY.ktil 94:911ae.r 44 4 44 , Y 3 .01(4'.411e,en1y,..1
really bandsothe member 4otour ratnilyi•
and just, two,andttwentori :And lt r-was
rot), his birth-flay,dlTemember, that
reenTe:Memelrbireporn ,-, Illrntel=thlit'
letter' which began : :.' , .t.t. , '. ll ,' 'T
.".r , t 4 W_Hen Mitt , .11116Ctie)ieli ',3 4 _431i, f '• ed
1 Safi d fOril ' 1 - ^ isli ill 1 'l,:faire - fq ' '' six "feet
et&th-7rali`l ef,,er'esiiiek. er :ilio.uld '_ '..1 .
-bad- ll Mt' "'to ,botl,'.lnntdr . ed.,'','," ; ~,,,-, .'. - 1 , I
We ,94, en-3 tugethe,..thouglii
t hesasrre,allY Ater nun:. ,I i =and , we. had.,
p . olesltrfrOnds:onee t . but a roving lilt
(1 .
sened-.11.1ra and wp •ha/not:met ford
( yeard.,Arknew he bad - rtiarriecr a yonng'l
,o,uteliern ghl, and knew 60 tuore;' buV
~now be. lordlme tliat - sholWai dead'. and I
-that Itßitleath'Wolih • y lea'ye. it . daughter
an nrPtkitifj . ,.":''' ' 't -.---5 , ', „''',' -,. i ',-,
..--".Shtd , ile, l l( stilte* , `VenAliesi ii - : W o
061 te ;;E:t9ki4i _t wptrili:fiM a little r r
'...14 ) ,P1e; F.4 40 ...:P00r aS 1 .Avae, Xwas never
, brqe enough - to rowilliamith,a,nd It has
'descended:lo her. vtliute,k"haverbeett it
r-reillng stentygathering no moss allirlf
I.llfif, ' and 1 We 51 have!. never :'Stald ' lOng ;
` , enoughln-one plueet , l - ecin ke 'fileible. ,
'Will 3 1 Mithetergilarillith ? it fii ii. tlyiki'
I . iiiii) ,
•<- - slat re(l l 4-e., -- ,: ci 6 , , i . , . ,
4.nd l ttl?n-', l O -, 7 0 4t0t 'V ii , . , 6. rort'd4, - COni;
In - litt.fro4.;4o: liOatt r- 1 90* Via*
: u :el
4'.Y :' t ~~
, . ,
. . . ' , tt.. , . ,, ` .A , t 'Cann'; .. ~.11 even'
being, .1 -in ',l - Jr, -.-1.• ot gnote eve
kileiet-- .. Whetliiinksthatillesetveds
thetti A -! -_'4,"pa4:,,, , , =-,i- ~:.,- ~ o - ; ..k- , /;'4i 3* -- t ,
4 , j Atl - d the ;Viehltr 0r tli fit ,Aetterk,, and of
1111 1 0 r 4 FP 4 30 9 ,1 . 4Yerr W 3 ' 4 1 144uP1P,
'EN: tees - Ittire fortune in Chaile, ,Wat) :
that:one so spring day fo'und' ind'iiii
beard rot aitt r pat . 7steadibr ..' wh tell -14 r at
retitafteiWtoyage,' in . tha i proteetin g;
airittidfArtiih icv,W , YQKN, l 4lVitilMvp little
baaaslin n7,the and a. Elate. OfgreathroWn
eyes:lifted:oloy fack atid'it fiWe'et : VOldex
chalted*ltiksbbS sayinglsciniatliing!'of
'"pifibt, , papV and r olhow!much he had- .
gpOlien ,er - 440041 of, the leßelx:AVleg(f-t,
andAliefeen graves,; leftAlekind ,:and
I; who'll ' , 'o.4hb to'. meet" ti`'Cbild:,'anif
ifatilid , a4l :: .Ontitin i ' , lbokitiKl4ti -,,,he'r , " Mid%
-feeling it.4*iiid:her afft had tleyerlookedi
updn po eit _te l mly-other.i krm;i , , , i... , 1.44 • ,
,Notitcy. sie all,, k it va,s,net ti the
gi r
j bey malt l 0 , dteaw,come.,again.l -; .
', 4 'A alSitiiklhe eireal6tr, r 2 ftitind'ViilY
) 1
A. g
,gat I*th*. to N...prbtect Itaid:l;comfort
ter-4o,g.p,ard her froni,every paint, tind
11 1144 2 41 - Alditol , :lo3 l . B Sitt . thla ~.1§„t1.1, f,
.'T y ri 0 . Btko 41,, 9.4aughtgr i ; .1.0401 1,g ,, ,
'.'4 Menh ,- . _G.eorgeirlifnitces child la,
',V fy i titl ' 4 l`A.iitt 'no4:4'l'de likkhe L ib -
ithii 'ld& : 'se tind!t4 My i old huitheri ', I Ir.L
AblMglirty of Wesel 80Meb2W tue,v,ori I
Itiough . l'Afthqu. ,-,,, , i ., u ,,,,Li i .:,, 'I, l v . t
raf3hal, *Vpr OtgeehOW gc4o-.lirighte,n-
L t
ekt4,4 N. 'lire toomii? TIOW, 'as Itei-eatl-:
hessiweelitiiitYytilie:'satig-16 - 4ffs' , ins the'
• tiiiirghp know .strangely a,2 stazietbingt
i•whion„M :de the 'return houte_Ank-gle• !
_of-tiakzaeniws4j*Ekscanue4 '
bilgfitey- . an theY:114(1,019g4.9.-liPirkiie)
,itoq 1E46 my lif6etinti *Mit to
sleep jnAilaureb now ! I kept awake to
:t.,-.-15ir 14141?!,#rr,t0 Jispitioll4r
ii4kifeotk Jo i ti sAeloineAt 'O, , ti (
.§ometiM 'lea' ghther ekt ih - ire t
tuuNtlouirnable brown, fOr. .1 e, had a
habiteflookinKtititteßiWas; he witm
deringliew a face could be so tern and
Krim 7- 1
', used to ask - myself
MMO* tisetittoaooy,retr hey aletti . , : , Ile ;
liiiirlieen itiv - ay - iiiiien she firSt'eanie to
W'iltilk::*hen he returned,, she was a
*rA Ortirprise to him. ----- .
1 _ - ';',l .
...,eat Heavens !'how lovely she isl"
4:0,7. 'as t oitititt ) 1rit.;•;.ii..e.N.4.7.1 :1, t) e.:l 'if .t.,:..!-!'a':
D .
MtkillieliNery prettyr 1 repliedcfi- - " , ' 2,1 7-
, z f 141.slittfti' Ittughedi' ' !-'• - ;-). : ''''''" "f : ':•:'
f.,,-- , _ I 1 tAiltt never' be,nn - Cld.haelkeitir if '4.
.bi 4 , t ittitireM . lO•etillirig Stielf:',W., Mil' ' ; 'Verr
IS 14!-.* , he said ;I, ~ and' lielt ebifseions
t Attcly cheek flushed and I felt angry
3hilitkie 4 Should44o4,!spolteh,`ef #O, thus; thong lid n ever,:ctitettlietatY !? a 44: c i 't
''Ti)t . :t" liked each other veryjndch
1130set'02.37,0ting things. : They, were
,togAtki*litigat 1.14,114 t 'A'.pretty.Tpftittire.
theythade in the Venetian window in
the, 09: . 4et., ,Ele was a fair,baired„ blue
,ts . pkushAophiiik : - S7 . 4.ithl: she so
etiniSl ely dark'andilowing. .
, ) 1 1Wei7 one liked, ber.,l:Ev.en; - ,.iny ; old'
Oldykifstephen Hardly, used to say that
lierliyesenee lit Ahe,oflice more than L t
;deZen-lanipsithe Ihdtirest 4450 , 4:401i 1.0,1 at
Oetichispeech of which old Stephen
sylifi. - o)ier Flown to be guilty i and I
:AleVer line • how much'she was: to me
;until:One e ening, when, coming home
k l,
earn& than usual I saw in that Vene
tian :WiridttV where Ashton and' Olive
- -iiiid made some many pleasant pictures
- Mr Me, one that I never forget—that I
‘Shallliever forget as long as : .
"'.:Shje stood with her back to me... Ash
',coo-: 'Vas kneeling at her feet. The
frioni4nf the opening door dissolved the
ipletare, 'NAT had geeh it; and I stole
:awity-to hide the stab thet,it had-given
atiOhrd - own:tir pay own roarianintr: raw
ttittfrkltttif to: ntiltian3lOpttjeOld
'u lilted Olive Etunter; that,l loved her
aTiPitir•tild:-Igh-t-,\liose. A- child,
'151.4 as a young man might love the
, woman who ought to be his wife—het
ter-fban I-had ; loved. Elsie Hq11,.•, for it
Was Itot ;but bbilegt ;
heartfelt` love. • •
I in love! I arose, and looked- in the
Mirror, and my broad-shouldered reflec
tion blushed before my gaze.
The spring timepf my life had flown,
'atict, my summer thad and
and in the Autumn I had dreamt of
Love's bud and blossom.
- yes, I had dreamt of it; I knew it
now. And she might have loved m
had: I had Ashtoreitfloft.Pkininnd: blu
eyes,. and graceful figure, and his yout
'and light-heartedziess..' Oh,: the brig': •
Possibilities of that, might, have been!
1 1,•knpit;beside lily - lied,: atidAirayed'
that I 'ngght;not liate,Msr • lirother--that"
'I, inlght notroven - .enify hi M.' His , touch.
upon mysidopr i startledtn
-e:'' lie,capw
in with something in 'his manner not
,nnusual to. him,, 40044 doIY.D, ..gifit ,CP,P;
40C/site' tO'nio.lFor tvl fciwi Inlyi:ents:Nkvi
*.ere'silent: -I Tlie'n s ne ;44:114; sneaking
raprdly non' blushi . 9s W i n. gVi„:•-r -,,-.,,
' - i! , :iflced, old felloik, Yoti-7you 'ifcv - Ine
Mak in_ g
~ a ,fool p,f in y§elf jnst ; l;l 4 oW, I stap
'tios'A.l, -
- •
~`,,,'!1 saw you on your knees,"' I said.
":.!.‘And thought me a silly fellow, eh?
go yikdAitt"t ln u " Yqu''''' - vtitt i t
.nlidersta,'Y - li,been rid r e alhiand '
poi all' tlikd446‘nt' ; 's4fali - ; - life, ',thri?ntli';,
you. Itnew. ' She'S driViiir ran Mack
‘Nedj do, she likes,lnp,,kuts •oe.hP-:
. - vion't say yes. I'd give my right arm
'fili - her love: I must have- it, and I
'Think you can• help me, Ned. From
jt§ranthing she said, I lielleVii - She thinks
na t wouldt,di#approye :,:perhaps
,$,. that
-Y. o 4:ilro:s 4l „ni to .marry, ;tor, tok, meney; '• . Tell
her yontronot,,.-Ned-clear tfidifellov,-".*
~i ,
. fell-her you have no objection, and JAI
never forget it, indeed I won't!" ''
;41 ''.- 4 Tel 1 bet'li! 140 e) it o 3:kbj ention sr ', kg i
• - peated mpfyliVdtit,t4.i" Ili ,4',,1i. ) : , )7-.' , ,,,, -.i'
--- , j-wYou know you are master here, Jo:id
,Wmuch my father as if you really , ern
- prfe Intifead vit* a binther,"LSaid Ashton:
1 , 4 ‘1f - Idisiftnit kite* fie* kindly Sibiih ad
;ilWAys felt to ughoth,"lhheuldn't ' soil=
:fide in you for it's a serious thing to be
:iiiloire Neck; and you, mnrthan it -, /Jeay-,,, 1'at, you know nothing of it.
.:.:. linoW nothing of it! ah If hp could
have renctr.tuy lipartrjust then V-1•4,9.!.-,. .c:
•. •;! A q'll do- what,l, etkr.t•A.slitop ,'6,l,said:-
a t.
•Itf,ift ' "lill trii . .inYlbOt"" - ,-. • ~, -
' Ainl he fiung.liiVtifrfig'arouinFrikt in
'WS,: boyish fashion, and fie left me
-. tiloria—al ol ..1. e . .Iv i t
• 11 my.own thoughts,
.-.,- ? .. .11e' , had . said truly : Iha d been like a
fa t her to him, , I was old enough to be,
hers,' and :4iti - " , stin)b-shbuld'''• kno*''M y
=silly Idream. I would hide it while
-I 'We'd. As I had said once, "I've only
tiltfol.d folks and the children;" I said
•thnn, "1 will only think .pf mother and
-. Ashton. • Let.iny ownlife r he 'as noth
liosi:4 ]tape lived for thpml; if need be,
Wlll'dinfor thein," 4 . - -„"•,•-,-; •• ' .-'l'2j t:-
...'l3uVl‘Will'Ant'sed' or 'spew` to` Olive
; ilia( hikht,.ithiiintil tlie'rie:it •iiii* , Was
finite', done. Then, in the .twilight t A
Asat beside herAtill; ( l9kar.o,l/4 1 P0 'o‘..i .
:1,, “Olive,n - sard, i t k you - I,tnow
iliat Ashton loved you., I.
a m
e : he
Ms'too ynn:SO2°4titloptetnLca It ,
ientll - e him?"': - '''' y ''''''' - ')' n ''''
':ShOdieW her hand' trim '*lne, , 'Siid
, said not one word, ~.,:„,
~„21 should rejoice' in, ray brether's hap-,
,p,ipeSs, I shoulcitifink himhappler 'in
•having your love than anything else
.could make hint," I said: "I told him
!lowohld tell yob so."
''', .4, And then she spoke: -"• • : -•,.--:, • -
'l""Tiou wish me to marry Ashton ?"
',IR. MA?) 06 figt 41 the -Anil 6 - ?rPPr9ft: 11
'and orrow. , - .:
7,_, 4 ,1( you can love hintrOlive," I 'Said.
.1141 he are se. She ,seemed to shrink
IrOM Inn; thengh 'in ' the- dailt'' Ti ',.elJuld
1 ..qckt: s'ekhee l'iLeo.' -. i
-3 , -"•`/A0 1 ?:1 0 t , :bi.v,P' ifo l ; tr i 4 h4: 6 al4-.,; ;"; '", ',,:
'Alid,ive ' were still .as death. Then.,
snildinly, Olive Hunter began to sob.
-_,';'l',ou'liiiVaieeri ;46, ry 'kin d 'to"nid. I
lONR. You all," she said;. i',buk -..l„quinet.
it,Witeiloiv. MOO 1 lil, go ome-'
Ivehe'Ve; sto.i'Llinust-Lieahnoti vebereim
''''''' 4 Qvcrogi wfoOlive2 NikY.,: e ato 4io,
,tyrantal And nnge accur s ed. yo, do not ,
jove:hini,_Ablitiin Will--•= 1 ) -• ''''-
~.' Ittistriti she'litinted—="hue il Please
v i i
lotinegokway I; ,Pleaselet me oawa,yl''.
: 4, The.mi:!9llAtts rising. - ,llernew porn
light,fell Upon ()Wye's face. Perhapsits
,Wpite ittigs-tinitTe` her leek'o , ' Vale'. '
slolearitti,,, , rainst,tlie , Wall withi.her '
liftlethand,mpon,her,hetqL, her,unfntlio-
Initible-pypc ,full :of pain.; "low had '
hurt iliet'en `','' A: "neW tholfglit gird& hie:
,‘, l Perliapsi you Plvei iAomo . one - , elski,
, pilve ? I _,J)wild. z_ ! • I:, : , i, ~ i • ~L. ._ -, ~ -1 - .:t I .
*And at that she,turnettlier,f!lee, , from
lintiaint bidlf, 14 her hands. '
,il. l ,V.Ofilitnieli=:too Yritieh. , •''You. Might
iuiv"st gparedi. in elthat,',!,v cher :said._ _let
nie 0 1 ' IVIIY-, A •,wfrs.h=lYAL, l l P,44..,.‘ nie!..eX,
'Brought i e'lieie." t , ' . -•
'' -
' ''.itii f if ageiiiid'Went tti'inii: , *-1 Petit
overAhalwistnan 'loved...A Ltouehed her'
.wlthriny“ Aittott;•, bps
• poft,,-tiftjp; y brushed
Air cheek, :-- it ~. , ,
, i. a 'Al We' s ," 4 - ait d, "if - atOinfi' fieref his .
' 4roughinittititupon . youp,";: - wish • I , bad
'fibt!' 'Xy o 4l ll 4t4v_elilied;;to,:ilittice , i3 7 ,o.u.
ilapliY.',' ~, .j;'- .:' , " , . ~_ •
' - 4 ,Andlilr'iioleelienibled, and'inilititid
,a100.14, 1 1in . Chtaturlietrlier' - faee ttoward
, ine again; &looked: into finy. eyes:
i ul
1 Wfifaube wlrilnine lAOAct.ixneWl-r
-theitrutif think - . In. hers I 'read thia" . :,
„Itwasliiiit'ti dlo'her'r iibtfAYOseld -iii tie 't
,l o veo 4 -ortriff. c.:,,.! ;121-a 11.::.1g....:_-... ...
. 7r .,,L stoltinx farm: i ab out i ;lug ;4i' e• did
not it:: . j*,iittered ,her, ntune,
"Olive: l '"'hutifilly: - 'Aftertvtlkda; . I fetid'
her of :4 143tritggle i With .• myself, liot
NIP.' (1'0404:3111.1 . .t.::,11: , . {-...' 0
111 4 i0liv, Liove_yqu,, but it eaiirtof fie
"yon r
earefome. - linn'old eiiiiuglitci be
y ou r f E ethelkit !„, i---,10 ;23,3 a 3 , 1 :.''.. .I'..:'' :
Andiagaia,",,,sawliii,lier,eyes..,the hap ? .
pytruti, and, toolt w her, , , l to„My t beart,
And I'i'' hot old, lior even ,middle
aged,' lii, yourig agitifi'llOtlie` Plies'. 'of
that brighalionienti and•llhinic I•have
been growing younger ever since. -,j.,--,
' But we kept-our secret for. a - Veblie,,
for we , :blifir 'T,Wed. '-'AAitiin,'• 'lad t balk
iltulivi, ltifrNfound was , not I I too I . deep.: to
',illid ii, balm ; ; .and L williin.a:year, ;when
the bey:brought bolue aliricle, a .pretty,
I 'ereature'whoni 11 e ' loved; aud who loved'
iliiii,,,Fitlidined Olivef-z - --:, , -, 1 t- " -(, =f. "-
And chOiS,.II4IIO_,BOW,;' andl,the au-,
tumu blocsonis t of, nix „belirt , will ,only
fade On'eaftlilii - 4 1ilopm again throligh
all eternifY . . ,, " ". • t' - -:::- ~ -- - - '
The' "AbedPt oft the Boston Conviter
eial hae:been-Inovirig'.l.? Jut& heat Un - ;
"-Yestercl ay,, was " ipoviegl.day7 and
e - ,sceep r t those who were So"
iinforttinate'ag-toLdNid their
thereby .btltigliabhi'at any • - titie-, to' be
;debt to.§tp•te is, 3 r4en ; _for taxes-moved.
We temteil;
vas the 'rhevh i lgest sight -we
ever i3awt;•
Our yea.ders,nught to have, -seen the
scene. , - ; ; ;
;.OUr folks - vmtuenced'puilidg acid
tearing downf thetrapS a•Week‘ago. '
Most of the plunder was thrown into
heape,and lumped ; pif, into .loads, ; with
"a:total disregard of ordinary rules.,
The' paregoric and soothing syrup hot:.
ties wero-packed :our new hat--ono of
Mael(eple_ 7 siatest : and best. ;
The pastor'bottles were placed in our
other, boots; it being so Windy' to carry
thews by.4lie4oop9.- :The stopper •came
1 90 o'f ono 'ectiltailliPre :tomato: eatsup,
ft.t'ot the - top,of ,the nfue-taro„ tiling, was
b . to - "` " •
Thatiti the hstTsetiscined Pali' Of hoots ,
'we stet. grizw.-.•l' t- ' 4,6 I r` .• : r ' '; q .i, ' •.:
The othertfainilyilus44,o,,Con coTniiig
into lie t hotis'e bercii.e .re got Out.'
; iii.rid go the thing got mixed up-some.
1 'nut we got all.that belonged - to rus ,at
least 4 .. • - r , -
The eartmen g‘'vo r eheetkiige`the cool{ - stove nibs so heavy, aild*one said." if—A
if he'd have it .if -we'd give itl to .hitu."?'
Did not offer, it, to, -him, ,but Qffered
both 'of ithem a drinic out, of a quarter
f a barrel'or ale - ntith!ding iii' the, hitch
n. !.0 . ...-. ',- ,i'te , : '-{ ~• + •.1 "•.,,, -,• 3 : -
They, tpok„, I t .very kindly,. but ,itixi ade
em thirsty, all,i'prenoon. , .".•
.„ ,
Guess the s'Pfget t iiiiist have4ot - oilt ,f`
he hariel 1 01 . 14 h e .i.bad,'• ibrz , We • 'co tild ll' t
suueSze out half a!glasslast njght....
got:nciovel t , i - ~ ~;: ,„. •.
‘Thiniirlit ,verd' , iie - i ? i,ei Lf0.i. , 0 -
We taeliloc.i tite`h4dStead tuid' the'haeli=
itiom stove. v.' i , 1:: 1 ..).•:,d .I', ;-:A ',..; ; ...
„aukat,ch ;of soot on
herno e, soli supper, was.readir.. _
line =a§ mad be 'e ask:.
ed tatilng home alA=kegrof.seft, soap
we prOno,sed, , ,att tatnentiment, suhstitiiki
ing kbgof pe‘vdcr,e,ini.a,,slow i motvh.
We hate shit Fieog÷.. Haile 1/5 -2,ise sd
nabob iititz - eVerf day!' iiii*:pufting•'-•meii
Arid th;lngEr.,lll.-.lcs
Sat down at tile; table j and took. a, cup
of tea That *a,4liiiude'd to
6-Thbughtit i tiaSiecriiiiaNigely,iirldPfea”-
:pected the bottorrref the Clip. —
..matches A sir 4441 ;
• Coine, near : brooking sme, of, fogx-rteeth
on a cA•rpetNa.ek':'ln . :..:tho' Mittel.; and'
thoughtArd'.lla&had supper - eloughrl -
Common cod playingputup bedsteadsi.,
It's funtKlienyquiike l it..,. - ,
thaverrong . unnes into ,theawsong
posts, opd
• Markedtheta xVitlka penell before
.4•117 e toolt j tlieni-'doWn, and - Lthouglif
Nvould'.!knntv liow they r.wenCtegether:
again ;j,,ntizon*Wha(JY,wiPgd, the marks
,II mit.,
v.A.4,ll,here We Were" - ' '
;Be tfo itzli al Is- Siiggelited •th ritnene'• f :o`ur
ti me ioLlife - 1. - ; hove,inore paY
tience, and gasnitas , her, ophilon; that
we could net"Siveat e thelbpdsteadtogitli r
er. • .
- Found we:could not:Y . li k_ , ."
w,e,got them;up--, Jonrof them,
'ond commeneed potting the eakda
Corabibkei•iincl'ive . had to'tie 'them
together r_ •
I. Th CAn0144 3 wonki not slip, p,raund„ the
'pegs; and we could nop draw,. Ma: ropes
Mortit;teniarki."-'frtitti -1 the" children's
mother.:an_tba ;subject of!..profattityl
Did not pay any•attention,ta hey, and
thus succeeded in gettingAhrough With
the job.
Then went down amtliaineised the
stove. _ _
•: The legs. fell out wheii_wo,triedlO lift
- It'on!the•Mhc,lrqt gat it, poSitton at
'last :
TyVo_lq.pgths,. and: lon o elhatv-••• of, the.
missing Kt , s i „ 14
• Eituilly'fontiii the elbow 'ri" the' • bu-:
reau drawer; and lonztliti rolled
the .patior =carpet.% ; : .-f -
"Got 11 . t f Ateilet, and. stick of wood
and' commenced pßuntli Jig
, roth et iel t . ... . t
Kuo l chedwellinik out N -if taie of our
itnucklesottal got ther on wrong
end tip: -; • • •
H' ta take. apart'aiid change it.
Coinmeneol 'pounding "again but could
not ni &kV it'
Pou tided oreJ s•• ; T=.l , - •
fihmiarelve •,-paanded i the Juote ',it,
Th r
/0 - I t ) P t f t t.itt 450 ;‘ ,1 . 1 4`4P , P1 / .0t0Y9, 1 V9 11 /0
give itnp.
Expressed 00.7010 i i
it r'elatltin to
general;lfnettlifs- nnel.
particebuyandnnide soMeritilasiona to;
the i hygn tar ;af. ithia: kind, tot faro tore.
'• 'vfeo49 t he _q9rrr fsc9.qeq P' l) 4 .got
'Ada (cfger , - felt re - 44d, and , resutned
the attialic t on ; the pip P e'. - •- •
Found out that before
'lves illat,we ittott.pOunclecioenciugh:* -
4 4qving t,3017.
:11eme ie. this defeet,and-ifieJOYNkti
don& etove smoked beantifully. -
(lot wifelci tie rags" around? three ,ef
,onr.fingem and one thumb, atulthought.,
eve Would sit down and have a smoke.. •
• - Found ineershaum After A while; and
discovered amber mouth-piece "- broken, 1
Got the tobacco bats; buten ascertain
ing that, the salt-Cellar had' been, enap••
tied' intoit, made upeor ralud that N,y(!
Would!not smoke. ' '
-We eon - eluded' we had 'better 'go to
bed, and Started to pick our way through ;
the mass things pillect and_ seat:.
tend about... ;
Sturribled oVer the long rockers' 'Of a
chair, ;and broke 'One- shin. • Retithaed
n6' answer,to. au interrogatory as to why,
we did not break .our neck ; repeated
`Now I lay itie,wand'turned'irk
Havinka. strong,. constitutton, which
enables us to bear a good deal , of sleep,.
aiid'alWays paying, strict attention --te
our sleep, didn't knowi anything: till,
morning,' - - ). •
.Went doWn etaiis Arid - found.wifeget.7
ling breakfast; with' teard in her eyes. -
• 'Told tie she was deceivettin_the house.
s_he had., known. -yvbat it - was, she
Would have never , moved Into 'it, send'
that'she would nevert l e - , - able to'-settle'
hi IL • ' ' - "
This settled. us „and declining-to. par
take of the frugal morning meal which
had been • providedir.e—xemembered'
the -supper—we took.euE .departure,
premising to ,early part "of
the: ensuing- week, when= ; thlngs lad'
beeil rights. . - , . 4 .
- And 'We mean to go. -- ' • '
Thelf.orso—Rislgomory Ana gitgaolty' .
AB 'aged and venerable, friend - -read
ing•in one of the-cities on.our EastOrk
seaboard, a_gontlernan of:character aid
Worth, Once related to me the follciwipg,
anecdote of, the horse - illustrating - 71U i 41,1
jrernarkable mannerthe- eagticity
memory of, this aniniali '
' At the ' close Of , the • Revolutionary
war,when : everything ':was, -unsettled
and-in disorder, an acquaintance -*resit-:
lag on the Boston road`, some thirty, or
forty Miles 'farm - New York, hist a' val
uable young horse—stolenfrOin his- sta - -"
.ble in the night.l and ,in,
quiry w ere wade- for , him, but no tid,
iiigo of - Mtn - 'could_bP - heard, :and' . nil
trace of him could ever be (Mee - tete& -
Almost sixfull years badow elapsed,
. and - the.recollection• of the lost animal
had nearly,, faded from th mind: At
e ll
this period titetitlernan ' fro& the East
iu the course of bushieSs 'Was traveling
oh - horseback on •thiS road,. four or , five
miles froui a village on the road,-„ the
traveler was overtaken by a respectable
loOlting gentleman on borheback, -a resi
dent of the. ,village • returning' from ..P
short business ride..-- aiding along, side
by side, they scion - engaged in pleasant
des,ultory conversation. - The gentle
man was immediately Struck _with - the
appearance of the taveler's horse. And
every glance of the eye cast toward him
seemedlo excite an Anterest-and -curios;
ity to look at him ifgal.nrand to revive
a recollection of something he had seen
before, and soon established in his mind,
the impression that he looked like the
horse he had lost' some-six years .ago.—
This soon. became -so irresistibly Axed
in hiS mind, that. he remarked to the
traveler , : *ll
„ ,"You have a fine horse, sir?" - . •
"Yes,".l lie replied, l'ani exceedingly
valuiible and excellent animal." • -
"'What is hisage, sir?" ' : - -
"Well, 1 suppose him to be about ten
or Pleven . yearie old." . • .• . - ..'
- -L"You did not raise liiin E theu 'i". -
• - ,4 1 puichatiod - him of a* stranger;- - a
traveler, nearly six yearti since." - •
. "Do yp
u reside in this - part of 2. the.
1 Conntryr • • ' * - ..- ~• • - - ,
*."No'; I reside in the, 13..hiy - State;: and
am ,on - iny way to Philadelphia Cre bus
iness. How far is it to New York?" - :
"Well; sir; .I„really,regretto interrupt
I you, or put you, to inconvenience—but
in your' pokiessiOn is a horse that I mint
elaim." ,, - , , , ._.„ , .
. . . .. ..... -
'The traveler looked witheurprise.and •
aniazement, and replied: • „ .-
: : `lVliiit do*you- Mean sir?" - ' -' '
"I believe in -truth, - the horse ate
on belongs to pc... ive . years- ago, .I. 1fe...1
pat autumn, a valuable young horsed
- 'vas stolen • froth' iny "stable: 'o,reat'l
search was Made -for hint; 4 bid, "no -lid-.
iuga of him ever crime to.hand.-: .- In' col.;
- oroipnearance and .movements lie.. was
• the exact' ebun terPar Coe the, hersP*.yeti*
are - on: . It Would behardly licig.slble, - 4 - ,
-think r for two to*be - so -n ear, alike: .:. 331 it I
my horse,Avas an, uncommonly,intelll- i
gent,: and 'Sag:Adkins animal; Arid..l - Will
make Si iiropcisitiorr=td yed,,that-the rem
•stilt will he conclusiveand'Stitisfactory;-
`1 think, to pot 4 of f tu,OAre - e . -
_-- now
Withinia nitre oi!suiy„residen ~iir ee, :wlliCii - ..
is on tharoad to the centre - Pt-411P - 011- -
.lase before-us.: - Where wP,: - .rtrrivent My'
49usel -- .Y - 9tg 1.1 0
ti 9r B l.o l be ti9slJtCts• - :S4:
'east post ,In .fro. of. ni y, iloar,,the .borse,
latn on to 'the' Wett Past' After, btrindil!..g
• iishorttline the - bridle: of-*-;yinie•'hdrSe
hhall:ba taken, off, and if - be does tibt,gb:
to-apair of bars on-the west side ef.the
the'. east` side iirtli&barii,- and pullinif it'
. pin; *andlipen - the; middle stablv_ door:
aintenter,,l will net elaim u hini.- ,-If he.,
does,' I will - Kurnish 'you With. Conan ; site- evidence that -he was ' tired - by me;
•*init,"never sold—that he was Stolen from
. - .Me - just _at the*: eonclusien of the f war,*
about the very., time you say you parr
elitialied binf." - , * —' -
- The tritteller assented te'the trial:- . 4
:The harse:was -hitched to.: the post:r: as ,
,proposed ;stood a few minutes,-the Uri ; :
'die wasthen't4keli" off,,, he ' reified, IliS,
bend; picked tity his ears; looking up the
:street And - down the street several times,:
then deliherately, and slowly walked,
,past the lietise.and over•the I:qtr.?,anitte.
- 'the' stable"doorcuif.describedoo4 wilt
4firiteeth and lip drew out the pin, and'
open I ng. the:door...en tered ,bis old.- stall:'
Wehardly2,ll' 'ed. to add that_he was reel
-ogii-ized' by h iinbighbois, Wbti fiilly, 'ltt;'
tested to thei
lets stated by thellelaim-:
;ant; and that theAfaveler lost...bislitln.
;P:!i..4 l e-,49Fe•- -';.: - . . T...::: • . .: : ..;_ .:.::-
TILE titEo X.".l•TEWsri..4.Ptp. MAN:
the-lam'inittion ~ •of- those
nals Who foolishly imagine_tliat the life.
of a newspaper man is a paradise.-on,
earth,_and-fraught with
ures and ‘trivileges,•we git e'the'-'follovA
ing sk,etetCof the duties of =this unforttv
nate individual, s.oneerning whom such
a wrong •iinpressiOn exists.- It Is taken
from Mr:lin rkt's vein m e ott 'the Fouith
Estate in - • -•1'
Thenautuwll oric&beccirnes4 ._ , j ot a. nr 1. prOSPelity. Other i.iite , ' have, tiled the
,itperiment, with . satisfactory results,
allst Must almost bid farew.ell , Vomental
i- and - there - is no reason why Penrisylva
leisti re - . . ft - kefpinne - hiii:dtitict truth:
laggard in the grand
full Y; friiitttention niust• betver, am : 1 ,1 . . tie should boa
to whatisliaksing-im.the,world;andlhis::.l'l4arel':°e jiro - gresS find improYernent.
whole mind must be devoted to tho.. in 1)1'
, -
A:p! reference, to the- condition of
stint O amination and . disettisfen and ' ': l 4 : :Oieoulitry , . t ill. be proper, and ! will
recOrd'of'evetits. - He hae little thno for- , :floubtreSS'be'expeetell by all ..wito were
, on ... his , 15bould6r8 He; ~. arne'st in their desires . and co-opera
has ',no, daysjo spend on -eatalogues, or -4 6 ii.fof'the S'uPize6slon nf tlin rebellion,
Jr& ,dreatuy,. discursive researches in Pub: i' -nd.who trd - ee l ultlly in etirne6t . in 'their
lie libilitieS.‘ • I.l6 . litti nOttiontliS to' ile:,-,: ,, ,rlltilleilind endeavors to secure an ear- .
1„ vote ,to -Alio exhaustion of any' -- 'one•-1. 7 :!,Y:i. Anal and 'permanent„settletnent of
theme.: - - .Whatthe liasAO deal with must : '
:.,ur national dinieulties".• upon the basis
*4)6lo:en up at a, moment's notice,. be ..: - .,r loyalty anti patrietikii.. : „ ,- .-- -
1 extirnined, .tested,. - Kull: ' disniiii."6tl '-' at :
t'-j•'i - Chntrary - teitAitiAtope's of' the great
ponce 1 tiricillanii hie Mind is -- evii--
~ k- e - i i t 4,oasses or out;
IYeO f) :: liatt-portion.of the
occupie'd With the 'mental- xi eessity . :o f 1 :,,Q4utrY- winch was, lately in _re:ballior --:
the world's pitssingrhottr -- • , : : -'
1 iiiffpot y - ,'dt attained complete trail - ill:I - Ili-I
__ ,
~ - _ ...,
... .; ..;,./.:-.):.. 2;'L: L: ,LL i' , ',, And kl'- ' - - 1
... , ..,,, . L.I s seems tet day° been inev
i'"' •• ..
~,. ,•,, ; ~,,,,,,:.: .....• .; ,_ :,:„(t ~ ~..:_, :::.;,:ttible t:_ttSie all - bii...(66.'teaelle4 tis - -1.1, at I .
~....,3444Ti111i9g5:4430 tlrre . , are , bat few Li , .94)10::rv-110:€44 , ,age in-ti.ti re p,..i., , ,1ti.-i - •
p.ights In this :, life. mere ,:fitililiine "end 0.-f s higlyeritueS - can t:', it- entit..q,-1 , 01; 1:•1
'fiathefic' thin - te - Seci'it'pelir; but -V11411611S 1 , .I.4fdpii, t- . 6l::'Z,,ica i-6 theq• 6 0 ', 1 ;, t ,,:;,,,;-,, c „, _
t - : ,teuxig , intiri, lull - Or ..0 iitl;.l.lii Lis: for titahlb, tgzor.; ROiTiaps, - . f:ilt ,(..ii:il:i. Ifin.; .1.1i . t.•3
1 - atrogglittg to grow 41,tpoustastte.;li i lo c l,..tkijoaltr.'"' lieweVek - tbiS - MAY e.>, li iseer-
DEPAII,TNg47.V. , :„. -.
-.:Ttto P rcf prlaio eihai es tockaai . ir2l:- . itil ./3. -
a I arge ataartuioat at aioflert.iti,yea ‘" - : - .-- --"- 'fp'
JOB• AND:..CARD:‘.TYI 3 ‘„ ;.,,..,::-,:••
- , ,-- OA-.. • - ,.i , :, 'v` t , 'S
- 1 AND PAST PRESIABI3,),- - 2 ;-.. _fel ....
,1 1 ,---, --,..:- f. - ,---; ~,- '- ,-- • ' -.'-1.,;. - i'''-' - ' 3_ i. ••-
andare Itrf4itiv`vil ; : fa
r ii#l#.rf,l4 l ,ll*.T. i . iliall!,PP 2 fl' '7
` O O4Ei I 4,IIANDDILLI3;OIIic LAlter, ,DAll 144 Di it.
~ ;.it EADre:Litri'Xii !LEADS 5TAT24,E14,1'0. ! . -, ,
. - 1)e - otiii, jSfaitsgaiiaii; L teiaea wadi a tall asiOrtinoitit of
; • 90uotobiveittio Joittoio'bion . )iiic i notarivir o r i baud: ,--- 4 -
- i lit i'' . - O
cop e v riga a 1? DetCall, apex! atthavingt 07.
ivorlt do Die p ;43 to p.t) ir 0114 ;Iva tb aal, j a rotoro fait!:
~,,...., •g - m or:—r ,
.ito -. y )
"1 zijp _lbloci,c;Socoritillooi ..
_F,. _ i~ r
~ ~.l ..
-~0~ ~.
r . `• AS,
',;, 10 0B!P • G'•
A Fiur
35,- "Tit* 35 :4E4 61 :4c0
tt ' iiVoWervattott,has' Wiest men pit*. i t
v -
quit olgt . wlp a s tobacco :.,
,11 4ra t9 h keP,o f ni
Hurd to, drittic ai342:14 be" in-.
teLuVorate.., .
Hard to pay our d3.1at5.... -
. Hard to resist temptation. ••
„Hard to bo)iciyo a man you kUoiv to
Hird to Wl* other' cheek When,
we,are struck • ~
Hard, to borrow , mpuor, from frilado
'Whe,n we need - ,
Hard to love our enemies. , .
We are'obliged to GOv. Geary for, •
:copy of his Annual Message in advance
of, its delivery' to the Legislature. The
Message is'a plain, - practical, common
'genie - paper, • Showing-a larger measure
of fability than 'Usually - - characterizes
i'ensylvarria State 'papers. -' Its ' great
length precludes. itepiblieation in detail - -
in:these colninnis'
~ We present an. eh
stitiet'hereWitli': - - -•- . •••
The finances 'of the State are in a
healthy condition.. The receipts intiitlie
'treasury fp r the' year ending ' Nov.' 30, _
1867; were $30,205,395,34, of which $23,-
;000,009,Waslroin loans; -- The .disburs
merits were $ . 25,543,558,88, •of - - which
$20,918,829,89;Was in redemption of
public debt Oen - Vitt - 4i balance in' the
treasury' of $4;601-,836,46. - Of the public
detif585 . 5,620,94; 'was' redeemed during
the year ending Xov. 80, 1867—leasiing
.44 tzlaid 534,768,431,22. • „ •
- 'lhe Governor recommends that the -
'bonde of the State Treasuer, . now but
.$80,000; be' increased. Millions pass
_through his hands, and the present se= •
eurity i$ pronounced no security at all - i:
' 'At the close of the year the number -
efeehool-distriets in theStatewasl,BB9;
the ninnber of schools,
_-- '13,435; graded
schaisls, 2147; • sehoo,Vcilrectors, 11,534;
edinity, city and .bo rough superintends,
-- tit, ; ..-t:teacliere, 16,523; pupils, 789,389;
the cost - of tuition, $4,0Y.8,065,70 f build-
~ &lig, ,$1,202,798,6t3; - contingencies, 790,-
- 075', 33 ktuition, building and contin
`gel:toles,- $5,081,539,71; and the amount
.expended-for the purposes relating Ito
- schools, $5,100,759,12. -
The 'ex - penditures for Soldier's Or-,
filuin Schools for- the eleven months
~ . :nciltig.
Deg,-11 1867, were $394,420;02.
I .There-are in operation thirty-nine
Orprian„'selicels and' hemes, having in
charge .an avers e.' of
,two . thousand
,nine huntlreil'and; ' -one pupils, for
the - year ending Nev. , .1867, at an
average coat of one bun - ed and forts -
eight dollars and forty:t ree - cents per
'anriutn. : - ' ..
, These schools have doubtless, reached
ftheir 'Maximum numbers. Sixteen
years being - the age at which the or -
phans'eease .o be chargable:to the Statc,
and.they mi l t hen ceforwa ~-cl - decrease - in
the-followin ratio, Vii : 3 - 1-i will ream
that! age in I'6B, 329 in 1660, 548 in 18'4,
103 in 1871, 4 9 in 1872, 409 in 1673, 410
, 1
in 187-1; and 44 in 1875, 'after wille; ,
Lliere probab ly will not be more than
660 remaining in', the schools.. Should
the term be A-Cduced. to fifteen, years, as
::as-been proposed by some,fully - one... _
fifth of the number now in the schools
would -enter upon - trade or business
within the present year. • ', - •
'• The Governor administers the follow
ing sharp rebuke to the hasty legisla-
Lien ofazt-years'; - - .
"At t elast session 'certain bills Were
nasSed i which, large numbers of chi.'
-$ r
tens were deeply interested, the respon
sibility jet ''which, after the adjourn
ment, b4few members could be. found.
Willing to assume ? or even to admit any
knowledge of their passage. It is, "Ca-
Jp . epted ghat every legislator should be"
acquainted with all that is transpiring
•nathelegjelative halls. lie is not sim
ply--chos_en tngiVe his support to - certain
bills Which have been called to his in
dividual :Attention, but to be constantly
-. Dn the:alert - to frustrate' every - act th at -
' may iniVea, tendency tO jeopardize. Cie
public interests. ' To - plead ignorance
, kfter areal'-,Tdr Imaginary wrong hai-..
- been done-„, is to acknowledge a want of
- - ittebtidn t o the trust reposed - by, his .
- ; -,..:enatittzentsi, One bill, the authorship
ind knowldge . of' Which has been gt i,-
?Tally clisclatined, passed' both' branches.
-of -the Assembly,,and was sent 'in due
jo.r.ini With,,the si g natures of the proper
'dicers,', ter ' the I;xeciitive approval,
-and in- - seVerallUstances bill's werepass-,
6d - and sent,for . approval in duplicate.—
:41.1;iiiieh - •fiaSty' and Careless legialation
:oheuld be avoided, and thoinembeng 'of
s thetessfen•ii&W - abont-ici ,coinmence be
enabled - itt - Osolese to give an account
. - Lif - _-theif participation in every act; how
ever nuinitortant. - The Legislature;.
ebihint - f-aiolt dries, fresh from th'e'r,anks
ofthe pecinle, should set au example in
economy, ;retren - chnient - and leforin.-.-r.
-It is the custodian of - the - public 'inter-'
.§.ts t and any unnecessary s eXtravagance
oty tur
rodigality in -- t'exti'endithre of
pnblic money is - reprehensible.- It was
, a• - haatter l oQcOuttriert,. - notoriety 'at the
..lin# sesgion : that -a , number of subordi
nate °Mee - Ai, iii both" branches! of' the.
, Al -- iSeinblYV were - appOirited, - to • whom
liberal salaries were paid, and who were
never seen at their - designated - pests,
and rendered ho service to' the• State.—
Tblii lltnetiee - has, _been emphatically
coil denined` by; the.preea and the, People,
'arid wilrfitithercentinued by any, Leg
, lalature,)„vhieh nienai to acquire a repti
tatien l'cit - a faithful performance of ty: '7 , , Your 'attention. is. 'respectfully in--
' eked tithe la* ou this subject as. con
tainedlii Section's fifteen tO eighteen of
'thenat - APPrOved the 7th :dily of May,
•1855:" - `' - ';`.•--=--"
'The inhjectof' ageneral railroad law
-haalong_beenngitated, and although it
'tics found' oppOnentS, but - few objections
Have been Urged. against it, whilst' ar
-luments,acetinfultite . in -- its favOr. It
- seems inipossibliS 'that' - any: person „
receive:lnjury_ froni-itsadoption, whilst
' its - heneftt , tunayibele4-by all:slasses of
-Citlierig:' *„..EVeli` t lie ' - 'c harte fect..Ciainpan
„JesJiiive, Po reasonable grounds. for op
,p9sitiol-; "The intention of the .. Propos
ed Jaw'la:mtetO:':deptive, their of any
-1 -VeSted:righta a franchisee i• - .but tO se-
Tuna to Suers the Sadie privileges and
,oppoitunitica for competition. It NV - Ili
`opennew avenues to- distant. markets;
Ainpfov.C!,the - valne 'of rpreperty; give
. hew i i mpulse - to' lininigratibu ; put, ad •
clitinnallandS under cultivation ; -stini
nlate;tracle, ' agrictiltUre, ni....:..n ufacturei,
nridrneehanic arts to ine;'e.a . ...att Energy
furnigti - greater induceinents and facill
tieafortravel, and add -to our -general