IN B. .A.'l! I LE ATI:: I bate the toothache, when with i im nthlening jumps, Like.torieflt43 wild it zarits among the stumps; - I hate tlu - ; whole dire estillogne of aches, Distetu s pers:AN'ers hot, and ague-snlces. I bate mad . dogsmukes,,dantlies, ifeas and bugs, Ton-Partiesorild cats and whisky jugs, 1, Hard times, bad roads, spoiled fish and broken banks, Stale mows, cold soup, light purse and .lawyer's thanks. I hate lung stories, nd short earn of corn, A costly faiunbouse, a shabby barn, More curs than pigs, nolbooks, hut may gun 4, 'tiore - toCs;tight shoes; r old debts, and paper duns. I bate tight lacing and dull onversation, 'JP - sundank gab, andAittle information : 'the fo'cil that sings in bed, and snore. in menting; Who laughswhile talking, hint talks much while . jatihg. • PAYI'NG A PROMISSHY INJOTE.--Thele were two 'early settlers i a the western part 'ot r Pennsylvania - . • WhOlt.' were. Peter Sehmit and John Smartz•. Peter had increased the size of his farm by annexing tO it a small tract of land adjoihing, and he lacked about one hun dred dollars to pay for his new aquisi tion,, He called on his neighbor John to borrowthe amount. John eousented at oiled, mid going into another • room he iiibught out the desired }lumber of clollup3,,and then the, pair sat- down to .two large earthen mugs of eider and as many tobueeo. aster smoking over t he,matter awhile it ocutirred to Peter that in a similar transaction he- had seen or heard or something, like a note passing between the.borrower and lender, and he :U112,- gested ns much to, John. The lender assented to the propriety of such a cemrse', Paper, pen and ink were pro duced, and between the two a document was concocted, stating that Aolin had lent Peter $lOO, which Peter would re -pay to John in "tree Monts." 'This Peter signed, and thus far , the finan ciers made the thing "ail regular and - • Brit at this point a (Willy presen ted itself, They both kne that notes were drawn ili the.operation of borrow ing find lending, which they had wit nessed, chat neither of. them had oh- served what disposition was made of 'the document ; neither of them could tell whethedit was for the borrower or the lender td take charge of the paper. wjys it dilemma. At last a bright theught_Str4k John . . ; "A'ou litivb the money to pay, Peter; ,you take Paper, so you can r•C'e as you litOe - to 'Ray Thisl WAS the .oonclusion ; the com mon sense of_ the thing wag plain, and Peter pocketed his money and his note, "so b could 4e that lie had to pay it." Three months pte4sili over, and to the &ay appehred Peter, and paid over the o . olllk-ea punt to Joint.. This being done, the tongs :yid were again hrt,tight, ont. Illter puffing awhile, Peter produced Ow note and handed it In John with the, remark— "Now, .1:ohn, you mu-zt take the Hill _ st) as you can see that the money ha been paid." C PIOUS IST AK 11 . Months in Ilrazil," written try Mr. John Codlnali, arc the following On our first acquaintance, with the liwOnetr,s of eamving pas9ogers upon the coast, tiferit _was solue ludicrous mis take-I. I one(' ineprred the violent an r an old arity officer, who, with hia fandly. had been among ourpassen rzers, by hiquirinis slier the health of,his wife. Thus we learn that what is von :- idered ordinary politene:;9 in the Unit virStates, is excessive_rudene , 4-3 in Bra zil. alb A N - ILLINom LAW YE "DING ELL.' h elr Were fEW abler law yers in the State of Illinois (hiring the past quarter of :t century than Judge Purple, -of Peoria.' He. ;vas the au thor :several important la \ 1)001; 4. entire devotion to his profession,• Ile had attained - merited cold wity :K an advocate and jurist. years since, Judge P. when in the city of Washington, met with a gentleman front Boston, who upon Learning that the Judge was from Illi nois, made particulai.inviry as to Itie "access of *a young sprig di* law by the mime of B—, who had emigrated We:a sgtnL five years before. "Ile is doing very well," very"prompt ly riled the Judge. ~."'Ete is? Well, lam glad to hear it to hear it indeed." "Yen_ think lie has a good 'practice, do yoli - Judge?" "Do lit know anything rabout his practiee," replitsd Purple. "But, lie is doing well—suceeeding finely" " Making money, then, is he? persist ed Boston. "I tell you I don't know anything about his business," said Purple. "We 11, , ), said the Boston man. "You 7zeein to think he is doing well, and yet you know nothing about Ids practice ,ir tahthiess. What do you mean ?" - "1 mean this,"• said-Purple. "That auk• man who practices Jaw-in Illinois ;lye years, and who keeps out of the penitentiary, is,doing well, whether he tins practice or not !" FoLLoNW`EILE RIOLIT.—No niq I ter who you aro, what your lot or wliere you' live ; you cannot afford to do Ville!'" is wrong. The only way to obtulin ness for yourself, is 'to rici- the right thing; you may not always hit the murk ; but you should nevertheless, always aim for it, and with every trial svour alLlll will increase. AVhether. yOu are to lie/praised or blamed for it by oth ers ;Avlitther it wily seemingly make you richer or Poorer, or Whether no oth er person than yourself knows of your action ; still always, and in all cases, /to the right thing. Your first lessons, will grow easier and easier, until fin ally, doing the right thing will become a habit, and to do wrong will seem an impossibility. To - desire a change of sex is not com monly considered a manly aspiration ; to weep about it seems ludicrous. \:44 the thing has been done, and on the tented Held. In the very liereest of the battle at Malvern Hill, Gefferar Lee en wintered a tall Johny Ret, full re real, and ; blubbering feariliffly. He • clopped him and shamed him ; but the fellow openly avowed cowardice, and raid he knew he was a coWard when they' scripted • Well," said the patient but vexed General,,, " that: maY. be, but you need not bellow about it like a great baby .f " Baby !" .echoed the conscript, " wish I•ivas a baby, A and a gal baby at t !" r ; s.a Wprrior thp General regarded the party defective] and paused not for further colloquy. During a recent revival a very rever end clergyman accosted a yOtilig broth er with th \ soletn» question : -- "My youktg friend, have,you prayed to-night fo • the salvation of your im mortal soul." "No, \ answered the youth in a penitentialitone, and with a downcast look. • " - Do you i not'desire to off rup thanks for the many nier-clesyou have already received bY Divine aver ?",,1 "Ye:I; but I don't kriow how," hesi4 tatingly answered the youth.. "Belt," my , dear boy, you can repeat the publican's prayer, can't you adJ ,led the minister,-gravely. • "No, sir,h was the emphatic response ? " I'm a Democrat. A. radical change is about to be i effect-\ ted in the,mode of shoeing horses in 4 `France. The old fashioned shoe is to bo altogether discarded ; the hoof of the horse will be protected against ac -eidents and Wear and tear by being in -closed in a thin iron, which will preserve It -from danger -without compreF,Hing It, NEykr .3`1 1 .P.1i..E 1 • COMMIS - *T: OSGOOD TN addition to their old business in Dry Goods, Groceries, ‘l,:e., have established a r STOVE, TIN, AND GENERAL , WAR E' STORE, two doors below the old stand; where they man ufacture I TIN-WARE N9l`l IHE HUMANITY PItINCIPI.E, j that is. in thu most substantial manner.' In the matter 6f I I f t - • S r- •OV S ,wo enough to n do all the cooking anl ( warm iDg in% ion County— In Net, wo have Stoves cnonglt - to .3/A KR A SUMMER in WALK U 1.4 We /ITC the only evntz for tho sole of tho AMERICAN COOK, STOVE wellsborn ; and this Stove if'tho AUTOCRAT OF .ST6VES. Vi,e keep all kinds o f Hardware, Iron, Nails, Steel, llorso Shoeo, and a convict° variety_of. ;; UARDWARE If you don't heliov4 it DROP IN. cONVERS L OSUOUD. Wellsboro, Sept.. 4, 18G7, ly. Proofs of the Superior Quality ;P N .IIIII W A frCH EZEIIM I THAM, MASS. 1 OE The American Watch Company, of Waltham, Xllss., respectfully submit that their Matches are cheaper, more accurate, less complex, more dura ble, hotter athipted for general tu,o, - and more ea :4ly 1:90 in order and repaired than any other watches in the 'Market. The, ~are simpler in structure, and therefore stronger, and lees likely to be injured than the majority foreign watch es, which are composed of from 125 to 1;00 pie ces, while in an old English watch dere are more than 700 parts. : .11:ny they run unclo"i the; hardest trial watches can have, in nliot6t by the followin letter :1 PENN. RAILROAD COMPANI Orrtm-; UP TI11:7 GEN . 4. SPERINTENDENT,I P.t., 15 Dec., 18136. lIENTLEArI:N : The watches manufactured by you have been in use on this railroad for several , by our ungineinon, to whom wo furnish ivaiche4 an part of our equipment. /there aro jiii lY some three handred of them carried on our line. and we consider them good and roliahlo june-keepers, Indeed, I have great satisfaelion in saying your watches 'give us less trouble, and worn, and do woar much longer without re pairs than ally ruches wo have over had in use on this road. AsTh you are aware, we fortuo4 truited to those of English manufacturo, of de nowledged good reputation; but as a class they ne.:or keep time as correctly, nor have they done as good service, as yours. . In these statements I am sustained by my predecessor, Mr. Lewis, whose experience ex over a series of years. Respectfully, EDWARD 11. WILLIAMS, Ooneral Suporintondontl American Watch Co:, Waltham. We make now five different grades of watches, named re. 4 pectivoly as follows • Ipp Waltham Comim»y, Ith 0»i, Maus P. S. Bartlett, tValth a /II , Nave Irta. Elleify, ' Boston, Muer,. Hopp; ll' amp. 11 0 4 0 n, M,,, t , ,i :,-,,. All of tlese, wits the, exeePtion of the• Home Watch Cor pay, are warranted by the American W.ttch Cot tp:ny to be of the 'best material, on thc most a pr tre,l pt inciplo, and to possess every roqui•ite for rt reliable timekeeper. Every dealer. fq`lling these Watches is provided with the Com- Pany's printed card of guarantee, which should tecompany each Watch e old, so that buyers may ;eel-cure they'are purchasing the geuttitio article. There aro numerous counterfeits and imitationi, or our Watches sold throughout the country, and ire woeild caution purchasers to be on their guard 4 ) against itnpositio . . Any grades of 'altliam Watelie:i may he pur chased of 1 , 5': Dealers throughout the'Silountry ROBBINS & APPLETON, ept. 4, 1567 ' 41m. IS2 Broadway, N. Elmira Saw Manufactory. Cast and .E.rtra Past ,S' el Patcnt Tape) ti round Circular Sawa. MILL, MULEY, d4NU, CR6SS-CUT CLEARING, SOOTII AND OTHER SAW S. Mr. J. SCIIIEFFELIN, milliorised to JP , II at Factory Priec.i in 'Fioga. Orders for repairing, left witli Mr. Seidel felii3 will be anointed •as promptly as ,if left a thelManufactory, ANDREWS DURRAUE )ep . 18, 1807.—tf. W. J. Horton, 11A"E of the firm of Mather &IL rt n„h it 1, 4 h g just returned front the city of Now Yorl, is lIONY prepared to offer to the citizens of Law renceville, and vicinity, a general aseortment GROCERIES & PROVISIONS CROCKERY HARDWARE, WOOD Sz WILLOW-WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS. - LAIKREN6kVILLE, PENA"iI September, 17th, 18+17-4 t The - American Cooking Stow. \ A FTER twenty.yoars expeiionco in the man 41_, ufacture of stoves, we became convinced, some six years rine°, that a vast amount of money was being expended by the people of this country, in buying cheap and worthless stoves, a largo portion of which was wasted; and that true economy consisted in buying the best stoves that could be. made, notwithstanding thii price was higher. t'With this view we proceeded tv construct the American Cocking Sloye, and spared no pains or expense to make it the best and most perfect stove that could bo made. 'And we have experimented with it, and 4arefully watched its operation for the last six years, and when an improvement sug¢estod itself,.we have at once adopted it, and we have sereralof these improvements secured by letters patent, In this manner we do not hesitate to, say, we have , , ronght it to a higher state of perfection than , ots heretofore been attained in cookie stoves: 1. 1 he recent improvements in this st ve , has added largely to its Convenience and effective ness. In all the varieties of stoves wt: manu facture, we study !usefulness, durability conve niciice and econoMy in operation, rathi:r than cheapness in pricet, and in so doing we are satis fied we sludy thd interest of those purchasing our steia v. SIIEAR, PACKARD, ,t, CO., Albany, N. Y. ~ For sale by •CONVP.RSE & OSGOOD, Wells. bap), Pa. • I SseptB7-3m. THE QUEEN'S CEPHALIC PILLS.-{—These are the latest improvement among the pills: They are confidently believed to be the hest pills for family use dint have over been made. They are so mild and pleasant in their operation and I yet so effectuAl, that it would ho quite itripossi hle to supply the demand for them were they. more generally known. ~ The whole story is told in the directions which accompany each box. --Price 25 Cents. For sale at Roy's Drug Store. Q A CKING for hops, host quality 25 ctsimryard at . DE LANO & CO'S. 0ct.12. ._ (• NEW BUCK WHEAT FLOUR AT 'RIGHT & BAILEY'S. • • ' • ''' • • :- .11 - 4 t Sit ti 1 01 12613 7141" - •ou'a - Y aaim *a - .f.) 'swipe -enod tei, , eVper pun eultatma pue lima aeueid 'lloltoadial aucici.thet soalm pun spdooleo' •apimuunb Hume al eaumpaull Suldeeft °Butte pao muuqouili spoof) tea lam) seViPttruepu %meg eat 'Aleeisniovo melee(' eaaetp,tun citit at Vulirea 1! Gan due.koq Sue 'euiqoepi ETD iplet • Sup a' eaeou go 3 p moat' inuid UHD mum V `WM 0.1 nq Kemp aotnava tepea aloe .10.1 dew{ oal , tioplet 'pßqoalua.o peleerea • pbructoloo owl siemlua Jo uopuona ay. nua•pinoei °Ai `s~N IkTwl mt: J( •—• oo , t or 9S `112111,01111 'g „MN I '9 "3 9 1 1 311VM-Nll 111VM-SSVI9 1 `an - VAtCEHVH Waltham, Madx artoS flaVraci .Cq eSquao.ted oluci ss osma Tau 080UISTIO/L U 0 OAa UB OAUH N.EW SPRING GOODS AT THE PEOPLE'S STORE 1 WE ARE NOW; RECEIVING A FRESH STOCiC \OF GOODS SPRING TRADE, and are prepared to supply the wants of the • give the best satisfaction; and 'those accustomed that aro to be found in this section, and those .1 who pro not our patrons are the losers quito as much as we are. - MADE UP Tiy . 4 pRDER AND i'Ait- RANTEtr-TO FIT. OUR STOCK WILL BE KEPT `FULL Warranted-to give Satisfaction, Sold as Low as at aoy other Estab We invite an examination of our Stock and Pricos, pledgin'g oursolvel to SHOW GOODS FREELY AND TAKE NO Corning, N. Y., 1 `IFILNYId NllO9 El 3o x3o~fi ,e9 t lej tr,‘osty (puin leoq) • •••• ''''''' 'SNI}IIT,LI ualmaa .moni C[ol.l rIIVI4 'll . Olll 'd.01 . 19 asuon 'RU OH Nottqg t puoß -• 'paipunq Jed saivN ONi'l73S gIIV IAI trcr `CI7I,VIZRATrif 3aoxls 0101'111(1E1,4k U 0 .100(1- paittl, 30 6 saAoms 1 IN CORNING, Adapted to the people in NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA WITH DRY GOODS. OUR LONG EXPERIENCE ht_LONight U 8 that GOOD GOODS to patrossizO us know that wo KEEP THE BEST GOODS We keep as usual a LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHS to soli lip tbo yard or and cgli Goode sold by us. -. _ A N D lishment. Mind that. OFFEIWE when\ no . saqs is made. . SMITH & WAITE: r. 10, 1887. 11 W 11111 A • SEMPER IDEIVI, DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MED ICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WIN DOW ULASS,,& PUTTY, Have come down to Old Prices at. last. WE, do not hesitate to v.ty the t we have the Largest Stock or PURL ENG LP4.11 .Dll UG-S 0% MEDICINES, ' PATENT MEDICINES, ,YANKEE NOTIONS, , P:E1iFUJI1111 FANCY ARTICLES, TOILET. SOgII,' OLOTII, HAIR, TOOTH & NAIL BRUSHES, MIRRORS, lei WINES I LIQUORS, IC., EVER BROGGIIT INTO THIS MARKET. We have a&a the Largest Stock of PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUT Such as Pure White Load, Pure White Zinc, Linseed 'Oil. Coach Varnish, Furniture Varnish. , Yel low Ochre, Venetian Red, k 4 Chroine Yel low, Chrome Green, Prdissian Blue, Patent Drye'r, Lacker, Japau. Spanish Whiting, Paris White, Kalsoinino, Resin, Tnr, Leg Wood, Pusan, Brazil Wood, Cam wood. Rodwoo t, Potash, Putty, Alen - oohol, Renzolo, Spirits Turpentine, and Kerosene Oil, Paint and • Varnish Brushes, Which tve will sell 25 per ceut aper than an, aher'establi.shnient in the c.,iniUo In short, we have every thing over kept hi alirst class ' DRUG STORE, and ell we ask is fur you to cull and examine our stock and prices before buying elsewhere. Re member we can't be undersold. All goods warranted or no solo. P. It. WILLIAMS, 1 P. It WILLIAMS 4Co J. L. WILLIAMS. J No. 3 Union Block. Wellsburo, June 26, 18117. 04 Stoves: Stoves :: AND HATUDAVARE: MR. WILLIAM ROABEKTS begs to IT-M- announce to the citizens of Tiogu County, that in addition to his excellerit stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Sheet-Iron 'Ware, he haa, at a groat outlay, stocked, hie store on • • MAIN iSTREEI. 4 , WELLSBORO, with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the 611 lowing article-a: NAILS, SPIKES, CItOWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP, HINGES; CARPENTER'S TOOLS, , PUMPS,. AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, !Ed BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, fl BENOIT-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE • TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES ; HOOP, BAR & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE lIANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND . • CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR RANOINGS a new thing, and mado for nee. Those are but a few of tho many articles composing our stook of Hardware. We invite the 'public bt) call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the beet quality of goods in our line ; and all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS! VVellaboio,Sepe . 'l,lB66—ff. Boarding Housc, 1100ARDING by the week or day, and Lodg _UV ing„enn bo had, on rpasonnblo terms oppo site the old U. S. liot4 Stand, Main Street WeDatum°. _df. Af. SEARS, Proprietor. Aug. 7, 1887. tf. JOB -WORK,', IN — TIIE BEST STYLE, and with despatch, at THE AGITATOR Office. . I M • TO BUY 4 SELL IS OUR BUSINESS ! NUB will buy at tha highest' market , price, yy following aqWel. „ sEtturiAlE L T Ei;," DEAC(iisi SKINS, DEER SKINS, FURS, BIDES, AND VEAL •SKINS, for which we will pay cash. We will manufacture to order, French or home tanned CALF or KIP BOOTS, in the beat man ner and at fairratas, and pay especial attention to REPAIRING. ALSO, iVe havo a first•rato stock of N. ABY-MABE - WORK on which wo will not be underziold, And from this time wo &all make it a point to keep up the boat stock of LADIES' GAITERS, tcOus found in the county, which we will sell at a lower profit than such artfolos have over boon offered in this region. We shall likewise keep up a good ussorteent of LADIES' BA LMORALS,L EA ir E R BOOTEES, CHILDREN'S AND MISSES WORK OF VA RIOUS - STYLES, and all styles of MEN'S WORK. •..LEATHER. j. FINDINGS can be bought, of us ha cheap as auy whore this 'de of New York, avl we shall.keep a full stock FRENCH CALF, FRENCH RIF, UP ? , PER, , SOLE, LININGS, A.Ni) BINDING. Our stock of PEGS, .NA US, THREAD, AWLS, RASPS, GLOVERS' NEEDLES, LASTS, TREES, ORI - HPS,.- with SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS a FINDINGS; will, be found the lar gest in theMunty, arid we sell for small profits. We talk business and we mean business. We have been in this region long enough to be well known—let those who know us try us. Corner of Main and Cixaftwntroets; opposite Waf.,Rob orts' Hardware Store, • C. W. SEARS, GEO., 0. DERBY. Wellaboro, April 24, 1867—tf. ' NEW 0001:0S AND NEW PRICES T. A. WICKHAM'S, TIOGA, PA. RAVING juist returned from New York with New and carefully selected STOOK OF GOODS, All thoso in want of Goode 'all find it to their iatorest to call and EXAMINE OUR STOCK and learn Prices before buying elsewber Kept constantly on hand, a choice loll" DE,LIED FRUIT, GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, &C., &O tho above Goods are bought at the lowest Oh Prices and will bo sold C • \ MIX FOX CASH '. Olt READY PAY. ° • tt't forgot the Once 'at tho old stand of VSA NAME dc Tioga, Pa., y ob. 20, laol—tilw ,WELLSBORO FOUNDRY AND. ' AIACHINE SHOP. , MILE subscribers having procured udditio3 machinery are now randy to furnish to ord al sorts of CA ST 1 titr, SiTCII AS PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, FIELD ROLLERS, MILL GEARING, • SLEIGH-SHOES; W 0 0 D SAWING MACHINES, &c., &c., &c. We have also a 'WOODWORTH PLANER, Eon custom and job work, We aro also prepared to do SUITING & SCROLL SAWING to order. Liming a first-class screw-cutting Lathe, we are prepared to make \ • ' CHEESE PRESS SCREWS, todsrder, Builders of Cheese Factories arc re coVed to examine our work. We manufacture the Chanipion Plow, ono of the finest implements, in the,market. Cash paid for OLD IRON • CHARLES WILLIAMS, F. L. SEARS. ' Wellsboro, May 15, 1867—tf. 1867. WRIGHT 8r! BAILEY. 1867. WE commence this year with an exclusively CASH business. CASH PAID FOR WHEAT 1 CASH PAID FOR'.OATS I CASH PAID FOR 6ORN 1 CASH FOR EVERYTHING I I A LARGE STOCK OF FLOUR FOR CASH 1 A LARGE STOCK OF FEED FOR' CASH 1 A LARGE STOOK- ,OF . PORK,-,,FOR .CASH I Call rnd see us. WRIGHT-4 BAILEX. Wellsboro, Jan. 9;1997-Iy. ' All persolis indebted to us by note or ( book account roust call and Bottle or pay costs. Jan. 3, 1887. ' WRIGHT & BAILEY. Whitler° Wool Carding Machine. TTAVING covered our Machine with entire rl new Cards, we are now ready to Card all Wool without elay, and in the best possible manner. All Wool sent froui a distance by Stage will be returned by the same if required. • . S. A. lIILTBOLD, CAIN BLAIR. Wellsboro, Juno 12, 1867. DR. 'FITCH'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT ERB, for sale at Roy'a Drug Store. To To ' ablfc of W MEI AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY N. ASIIER, frAICtIS this method of notifying tho-pooplo that,the Stock of SPRING CLOTHING is on hand, and offers it lower than before. The Store is weOttoeked with the moat fash ionable COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, also, a largo assortment of GENT'S FURNISHINO GOODS, WHITE AND CASSIMEILE SHIRTS, I COLLARS, NECKTIES, SUS- arid a goad large lot of the most fashionahle OATS AND GAPS, ever brought to this market.' Also TRUNKS, BAGS, AND UMBRELLAS; which you can bny low for cash, ut the Cheap Clothing Store of N. ASIIER, Ist door east of Vau Valkenburg's Flour Store, Wellsboro, Sept. 11, 1867. . . 1866. FOR SALE. 1 8 66 . ,BY • B. C. WICKHAM, T RIB NURSERY OF FHUIT k AND A NAMENTAL TREES, Il±T TIOOA . 60,000 .Apples Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and OR:AMENTAL TREES dc SHRUBBERY. The rnit trees are composed of the chtesst varistieti, good, healthy, some of them largo and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do viejl to call and see my stook before pur chasing elsewhere: igtr- Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tinge, Feb. 28, lB6B—lya Horse and Cattle Po ti. YELLOW - IV. TER HEAVE coti a ifs, DI TEMPER, F VERB, FOONDE LOSS t QF APP' TITS AND VIT. Y,&c. use improves t wind, inerem tho appetite-•g iv a smooth al glossy skin—at transforms t. miserable_ stale horse,' To keepers of Cosv3 this preparation is invainable. It it ' improvellthe yiutllty of the milk. It has been proven by no- Ia all diSeases the Lungs, Liver, &c., this article nets as a specific. By putting from to a pape'r, in a barrel or swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and curl for Cl.oleta Price 25 Cents per (31 — r, Pa pex s for 81. • PREPARED FY Si. _A.. - Ficou'rz AT THEIR WROL BRIM AND MF.9II'INI: DEPOT. No. 116 Fran. Baltimore, ?Yid, For Sale by DragAhts I. L out the United Statci. DAVID E. FouTz, Successor. For sale by John A. Roy, Wellsboro. STATE NORMAL' SCHOOL, MANS FIELD, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. - EvaiztyrJr•-•2 - . • F. A. Allen, Prinpip al, Professor of Natural and Mental &donee. J. T. STREIT, A.• M., Professor of Languages. CHARLES H. VERRILL, A. M., Professor of Mathematics. Mits. L. M. PETERSELIAL, Modern Languages and Drawing. Mrss SUE E. COWARD, B. E., Engh. Branches. Mns. MARX J. BRIGGS, B. E.. Principal of the Model Siohool. ' I. G. HOYT, Professor of Vocal and Instrninen- • tat Music. Miss ALICE B. SEELEY, Assistant Instructor of Music. SCHOOL YEAR 18117-8. First Torm begins September 4, 1867 1 Second term begins Decomb'r 9 " Third term begins March 28, 1868. EXPENSES PER TERM OF 14 WEEKS Fall and Spring Term, including board, room rent, tuition, book rant, fuel, oil, and washing, $OO 00 Winter. Term, 04 00 Day students, tuition and book rent, 10 00 Total, expenses for school year $lB4 00 No extro. — etrarges. Rooms furnished with stoves, chairs, tables, stands, pails, bedsteads, mattresses, pillows, and one comfortable. For further information send for Catalogue. Aug, 7, 2887, Ow. Address, Principal. IF' you want a FIRST RATE ARTICLE of FLOUR, MEAL, PORK, HAMS, FISH, SALT OR GENERALrgROOERIES, in largo or small quantities, drop in at M. B. PRINCE'S FLOUR A. PROVISION STORE, examine prices, and you can be suited. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange. Heavy Packages delivered anywhere in town free of charge. Terms—Ready Pay. Next door to Conyers. W'ellsboro, Aug. 7, 1867. M. B. PRINCE. Mrs. A. J. Sofield, IS now receiving the Fall styles of .z • MILLINERY, direct from the city, land bo pleased to s t ile her old friends and cbstoihers, with as many n w ones as may choose to favor her with their pat ronage. I have engaged a first-olass Dressma ker, and am prepared to carry on DRESS -MAKING .p 3 a11.16 - brapches. in a satisfautory-manner. ilairllowelry. Good prices - 'paid fqr bliwan hair: I ,Store over VanValken- L borg i s Greceik,Nain..a• _YZellsboro, Sept- 25, 1867—tf EMI „R ARE ANCE FOR B ' SINESS ISIEN.--: M The fine location for a a ore between the building known as Roy's BI k, and Bullard's Saloon is pow offered for sal on peculiar and favorable terms ; inquire at_Roy's Drug Store. ' ' • • 3. A. ROY. • Butter and Cheese. lIIGUEST Market Prise paid for Butter and Cheese, or shipped for parties at 24ju1y67. TOLES t DARKER'S. Coal for Sale. COARSE BITUMINOUS COAL for Salo Cheap, by Sept. 28, 1867. D. P. ROBERTS. consisting of PENIARS, SOCKS, F OUT Z'S CELEIIP.AIV.D This preparation; long and favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigorate broken-down and hni-spirited horses, by' strengthenifi 7 and cleanfilng the stomach find Intes tines. It is a aura pre rentlvo of all dis eases incident to increase the iluan tity of milk , and cream twenty per cent. and make the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their Llde, and makes them thrive Usboro WAUSAU , DRUG STORE. ',CORNING, N. Y. g RUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS w AND OILS, THADDEUS 6AVIDS' INKS, CONCEN- PRATED AWDICINES, CIN- • BRANDY, wiliTE.- KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDI- CINES, PETROLEUM OIL, AND - FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPEIt,' WINDOW GLASS, Sold at Wholesale Pikes. Buyers are requested to call and got quotations before going further East Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1867-1 y CENTRE OF ATTRACT '`LAWRENCEVILLE. 1 1 S. MATHER & CO. Would announce to. the good people of Viaga County that they have just returned from New York with their second full stock of firs FALL & WINTER GOODS, embracing all the novelties as well as the sub stantieds required, DRESS GOODS in all varielim STAPLE & FANCY GOODS,HOOP SKIRTS, & BEST FRENCH WOVE COR SETS, GLOVES AND LIO- r • SIERY, YANIC ; EE NO TIONS, &c., &c. MlN.fs,', CONY, and Siberian Squirrel CLOTHS & CASSIMERES in ihelcounly READY MADE CLOTIIINA, and CLOTHING made to order '.fiti)eir, intended by first class wo?knCen SHOP MADE BOOTS' & SHOES 1n end . less variety, lIATS & CAPS to ste,il all Bastes, .c3-ROGERIES &C., &G. Out goods have been bought during the - last paniCi in New York and will he sold at panic Prices are down, monopoly broken up.rlslo other store can or dare compote with us in 4utili ity and price. For further , articulars call at the store of C. S. MATHER & CO. Lawrenceville, Dec. 19, 18 ). J. STICRIJN, 111" Ohairmaker, Turner, and r - unuture Deaier.- Q ALE ROOM, opposite Dartt's Wagon Snot 13 Main Strout. FACTORY in Soars S: Wil Hams Foundry, second story. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guars!' teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Wellsboro, Jnno 12,1867. J. STICK LIN. loga Marble Works, HE undersigned in now prepared to exu T cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Monu monts of either Fr the later style and •approved wo •tnanship. nd with dispatch. He keep constantly .on hand hot kinds of Marble and will be able ito suit all who may fa vor him with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as good as neiv. • 4 §ORTERAIWILCO X Tioga, Nor. 1, 1867—tf. To the Farmers of Tiogn Count) lAM now building at-my manufactory, in Lawriince vile. a superior FA.2.IT_EVIINtG- 311 LL, which possesaea the followipg advantages over lt 'other mills: 1. It separates oats, rat,litter. and foul 800 1 L, and the ssand cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow heed, and all other seeds, perfectly. • 3, It cleans timothy seed., ' 4. It does all other separating tequitod of a This mill Is built of the best and most durable tim ber, in good style, and is sold cheap for cash, or pro duce. I will lit a patent sieve,. for separating oats from wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms. J. 11 MATIIER. LaWronseacille,Octaber 10, 18013-tf • ROY'S CHOLERA DROPS CURES COLIC, CURES DYSENTERY, • CURES CIEOLERA MORBUS, CURES CHRONIC DIARRHEA, Ci TIRES Eon-el Complaints, does not cure anything! else. This medicine bi no cure-ali: It has tbo confidence of every body, for Ris never knowln to fail: it should be kept on hand by every family. Sold by dealers in medicine at fifty cents per bottle. 1• or sale in Wellsborough•at Roy's Drug Store. KNOXVILLE, TIOGA CO., PA FACULTY : • ELIAS HORTON, Principal. Mits. ADA W. HORTON, Freceptress. Miss MIRA HORTON, Assistfint. Miss AMANDA DRAKE, Teacher of Music CALENDAR FOR 1867-8. Fall Term commences Sept. 3d, 'Winter Term Nov 20th, Spring Term Feb. 18th, 1808. • EXPENSES PER TERN. Primary Department - V, 00 Comnat'au English 6 00 Higher English a 7 00 Languages and Higher Mathematics 8 00 instrumental-Music, extralo 00 Vocal Music, extra. 1 00 Drawing, extra - :...'3 00 Room Rent.-- ZOO Board per creek• ............ .......... s 50 Knoxville, August 14, ISll7—ti, PNEWELL; - DE'ATIST, - MAN - fiFIELD - , Pa., • grateful for ther very liberal patronage heretofore received, will continub so as to per form all dental operatione, as to-merit-the rapidly increasing professionaldemands now engaged. All operations - in all departtnents of the profes sion executed in the best possible manner. All new, useful inventions and improvennots adopt ed. The highest good of - his patrons the ultima. itg of his ambition. Dec. s', '6O-tf FLOUR FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, buckwheat flour, corn meal and feed, always on hand. Call at tho Charleston Mill beforebuy lug your flour and feed. I can matte it an *act for you to buy. A. RUSSELL. May 16,1866—tf ; , ‘1 CHOICE LOT 'OF GRAIN BAGS for s 1 cheap...! at WRIGHT lc. BAILEY'S Wellaboro, Juno 5, 1851. T HE largest assortment of Watches, Cloc 1 Jewelry and Plated Ware in 'Tioga cent at [l9deo66] FOLEY'S. CINNATV WINES AND WASH LIME, ROCHESTER PER FUMERY AND DYE COLORS, W. D. TERBELL & CO. THE GREAT FURS! FURS ! ! The; largest Stock of ""-- OR RUTLAND MARBLE, UNION ACADEAIY LI. ES Or TRA VEIL. ERIE rimLw.av On null nttvr Nloitahy, Nov. 2501, 181.17. Irahis will leave Col Molt . at nDuut lbc 1011‘) . .3,4g. bout. stn:. AFL 12 - .2S a. m.; F.xpresr. NI all, :Sundays e.sectittql. for Itun,•. la, Salantahva, 3114 I)3illullilkettls tiect in {.; With tt um, for th.• Wept. 0:433 to Vfglit Express, Sundays exerpted, for Butial... ' Salammucs, ud D Milt lc, mak 1111 Z U set cub ft( with traina ut tho Atlantic Sr Great 1:d ,• awn.), a tat Orsini Trunk Hallway e. lot all pottft t 7m:l a. tn.,Night Expres,4, Daily, for It ulTalo. E:.ulutua tic Dunkirk and rho West, eon nectiug as above. I 7:16 11. in., Night Express, Sundays t.xcepit d, tot evict and Buffalo, t in Avon. T rain, Sunday. exceptt,l. for Duli37o 1:45 p. m. Baltimulu Explcroi I . l:nt!d4o-t excepted, dd . Itochtditer lltifralo, via 7iC4l p. m.. D.,ty exprufos, Statidttyl excepted. for 1:o11ol Palatotanett. Duni:llk awl the IVe4t, coutcctll.g dt nt SilialMillett sill, lhn • '• , tie, and Oredt Railway ; ut Ituthclo lAtko 1.;110re and (}go u t Ts link Rid I n, mid Illtshva3, tor all Lsoits 7 ; 10 P I >ay E‘P , t "' , S 12 GO pm 11'a . ), Fl eight, 5:48 p. Erniv I tint t 12;11; a 111., Ni ; ;lit ENI i ei. , .. 1/11113, S1111,1:08 extel.R..l, connecting it 'O/113 l tuts fiii 111111Viek, and at N, s. foil: with altellioldi tiaiii:l . lllill sit. •14 for 11,.t,,,, and New England Oliva. 1 .1:11., a. ta., Cilleililiatl I xpr,ss, 3loinia3s except, d ...n fleeting tit Elmira fo Ilan iidiurit, Philadtlphid bidl the :. - ontlit, at Owego tor Ithaca; at 111 . 101/113)1. 0 for liyineinfo; at al cat Bend for SCraiiirni, l'hil„,ti I plan, ainl Prtinton: at La, kaWaNeli lin HAW') it ll.i at (it Ilyi•ourt fill NiliW liLirg and Warwick. 10.15 it ilk ft cconimodation Train I.lally, Cann iiCtili.: at at 1:11111ta far Canandaigua. 10:488.1., P.ty Expi efi.Simdays CXCVInr O.( Onjc( t I rg id Elfra for Canandaigua, la Bitighitintnti fo f. 331, itiillisli. at lii en t Ihool for Ecrun ton , at Lacks taxes I. r (