ROME MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11, 1867 MASONIC. t.:SEA LODGE ; No. 317, A; Y. M., meets at their Hall, ~‘er Dr Roy's drug store, on Tuesday evening, on or before the Full Moon, at 6 o'clock P. M. TYO((A calArrElt, No. .1534, R. A. M. meets Ht the Mtll, on Thursday ercuiug,pn yr before the %AM, at 6 o'clock P. t Tl'oo A COUNCIL, No. 31,Abd: 8, MASTERS, meets at the Hall, on the, third' Friday or each calendir eloath, at ti o'clock I'. M. AOIiTON CONIMANDEBY, No. 2S, of KN Joins 11:31PLAIL, and the a Nondaitt ortlera, Mete at the on Om first Friday of em4l calonhir month, at G o'clock P. M. • Now A:clTertisempnta. 'Auditor's Noticei—J. I. Mitchell. Administrators Notice—E. I. Stevens. New Goods & Now Firm—Wickham & Parr Plaining Scroll Sawing—D. S. Irelan Jr. In Bankruptcy—Jacob Garrison. Assignee's Notice—C. 11. Seymour_ Eatray Sheep—E. B. Seamans. New Millinery Store—ltevaner"& Bullard. Now Grocery—Albert Tipple. GOods. at Auction—T. C. Cowan. r _ • RAlLiteADs. 4 _cereeted time tabibs of the Erie, and BlOssburg Railroads will be found in the last column of the 4th page. TEUPEIIsI;CCi: .EET IN G.—Rev.. Paine, will given public lecture on Temperance tlt. the Court House, this (Wednesday) evening, commencing at 7 o'clock. Vents free. The pub lic is earnestly invited to attend. HE BEATS rr!— Mr. Win Henry, of Charleston, Wednesday of last week, 'dressed a ' hog eight months and two days old, which weighed 310 pounds. That will do until .nonebody, does setter. Friend Bailey i beaten. FOUL PLAY.—Tho proprietors of the • AotrAron are under obligations to Mr.- H. C. Bailey, Treasurer elect, for rt,pair of ehickens.- This liberality will tillable us to treat our families to the luxury of a warm meal—supposed,to be a rarity among printers. May his henroost never ho robbed: Eititivi;A.-1* oversight a portion of 'tT,c local matter in last weete9 paper, was made up without being proved. in consequence, ? Aim 'cry mortifying mistake occurred therein. In the local i i relating to the Comwth. vs. "yes, Nilbourn, and Fisk, the name of the latter is prin ted "Fitch;" and other errors occurred which the intelligent reader will ho,ahlo to . correct goes along. These are some of. the mortiliceti us of the spirit of newspaper men. . • OLD TIMES COME AGAIN.—The T ft dies of the Presbyterian Church will give the pulaie - a taste of "Old : Times," in the shape of a 'l7.akee supper, Dee. 19th, evening, at the Court !Luse. Tlicr object i 9 se good, and the bill of Lae ,o attractive, 01E4 we do not see how rir;ybudy one tents° to patrol s kiz'o the &Tiler. Let the u. Lles be full by all Means. Orrs AND INS.— In our last reek's of outs and_ ins, we did not state that Slit L ill Tabor had rotated from the Sheriff's Office Attu the Poor 'House. Such is the fact, since brought to light. We.congratulatO tho Commis :lol/Vrt upon having :•ecured tho services of one pe,:uliarly qualified to organize successfully th,titation of the kind. And we cong,ratulatu the peer who may be domiciled there, on falling into the hands of it man who will do ail 0141 uu hail vtt humane man can do to' Hnooth the w i ateip of dependent PENMANSlllP.—ourfrienci, Mr. Chas 'V. Palmer, of Sullivan, .:ends us steno specimens 't try trnimphs with the pen which certainly do him with credit Both in plain and fancy pen 'minthip Mr. Palmer excels. If his object is to torka.ctusit,-, IN e can recommend him to the A: do. 1. amid nvo hope that) he may li/id ample eDecitii agernent in r lac iray of patron ge. We itulgtAhini to be a rapid writer. )lie tanvy i-;very beautiful. Boot;.—"Beyond the 31 '"'"'i . k -- -amidoe flout the information it cot, came, is an alt,nu , r n". m u ., Lllll.ll I JOIIiA itn page!, JOlllO oCtliwn near ly equal steel. As a history or the early K:111811.9 it is vetybiutere3ting. Dr. C. K. Thou:11 ' 0mo, is canvassing rordite" book, and we c. , iimiend hint to the patronit . ge all trho Want b , oh worth all it costs. . ALEI,EGED SLA.NDER. —Sotile Ileyflorl alio does not subscribe his name, or date from ftnywhere, sends us a letter branding the account of the assault upon Mr. Crofut by Mr. Gee, in e't week's Yloitotor,.m3 "an infamous ehCoder." One who does not date from anywhere, and , docs no regard hi p of Weight enough to sign it n ht, letter, is ot, strictly i lspeaking, entitled to credit. But our aim is to give all a fair hearing. This anonymous relator asserts that Crofut hired her,u of Gee to peat the stage on the Tiogh and kept the" horse -two days. That 'Gee irtAr the team on the occasion referred to last 'eck: that Gee only struck his own horse first, struck•Crefut's; and th 4 Crofut then tried pm Gee out of the wagon, ,when Gee "licked koundly." That Crofut hallooed hack to and Gee followed mid lieled him again."— And mildly, that nob Ody that knqWs Gee believes, r took a cent of Crofut's money. We arc refeevett to ex‘ . -Sheriff Tabor, and Sheriff Potter as E Ger.'s character. We need no reference's. Mr. 4 •. v :, character previous to this allair was-good fibagh as her as •Ave .. .know. But he should mit '.ere run away from the officers of the law. That : . , oks badly. Mr.Sice has now told his story, ex pt his defender claims that Mr. Crofut was Motor at the time. That somebody- Waz. in Ittaor 'Tents true enough. 1 3 ruNEER EICItZer of Deerfield, while un a s iSit to his Alt. E. S. Seeley, late CuinzuhEioner, gave to latter aolue ,intere3ting reeolleellot ,, ; e print with pleasure: Mr. Seeley removed, -with his parents, fi•oi Lualley, Steuben Cu, 2 . ;, Y., into the gowene. , ,que •410 y, in the year 1799 i, The family ponsisted of 'nine, and located in wh tis now Deei - field. The father erectel a cabin of hark cot against a lallge role log, and there lived tier a year, and a 110 then built a log house; and they lived in it first winter without a floor, there being neilr II • nor griq will nearer than Painted Pout. s niktituto for w gristmill used a stump, hollowed at 6y tire as a mortar, with a spring peztle. Tik they pounded their. gawp for bread on ,oiling timber for two years. After a 'while •tltral of the settlers clubbed toe:ether and per a pair of millstone:: • , Jut two feet in 2, nacter,. which we turned (by, hand. This was 4 , L.abkut five years. kin pt. this time , one Ailt up .a gist mill at 'Lleeeher's Island, ut twi t ive miles distant front I\l r. the kunntry being n dense forest for twenty tastWard, and no house between the Knox ,rat mad Linrreneeville. At first only corn was grown. This lasted seven or eight yearF,• when antl-..wheat began to be sowed. Mr. ' eley's neighhois were chiefly natives, such as' :—tans, panthers, beats, and wolves—the latter tug very plenty, as well cv deer. lli principal tram th e howlin g of wolves. pot fa:teil3- ~ ed tfi deer shins, chiefly; out thd venerable tylAt,rut these facts says that he %%II ten •.% our , . ! I V , efore he had: a pair of choes The first ' haul was opened in 180.%, and Miss ifett•eY 'rd well was the teacher. II We arc altra4e , plad to gitt thesoecreps of the 01 the of time. Uosstr:— Crime, I,otia its repulsive "c, 41 1 , 1 Violence, with i(s torn and strouniing "'r• crowded orit our (to us) pleasant dial ot,:gos ti with out realders Ja:. , .t week. It tteldoin that . - indulgce ite readers. uith En dark a ".t r•Ch! nt I'o-doing as it,did on the 4th of De that there was any especial out- Crinic and Violence (luring the week end (al thsti'lay ; that, would be heaping •too I.a.h upon, nay wC•el: of still lic43 in the woods. uss tla; record of crime accumulated during uano.he; and upon the rubg that "it never ril , Ls Let it outs," *. theso anpill-staid and quiet columns ovorflowed wilh;t:occedinggs ;Cpurt , We e.9erlenc(id no pleas'ure:in iferthigiup;auch grim chapter for public information ;, for we de. sire nothing so much as the steady decrease v business in the Criminal Courts.l And we nro la boring, according to our best light, to depopulat jails, flenitentiaries, Houses of Correction and of ns the years march on. It is not sayin//+ mucliN'to assert that Ire take no pleasure in findin mon lass inclined to maintain the supronacy law than they should be. Evei7respeeter of fa% can say the satue'; but if these abuses e.7ist perpetrators must be ferreted out and itTraigned if euirvictd the penalty must be enforced. It i the only safety for the well-intentioned portion o i society. Cour6 and juries are . intonded to stan between virtue and Yice, protecting the forme, and restraining the latter. It is with pride an pleasure that•we bear tritnoss'to the priatiPt disl charge of duty, in ibis respect, by the judge, lb! officers of Cool, and the jury. Tt..t amity be long time before the , I:ecortl, Ting County again troneh.upon the space :Watt! to [ova , congenial chat, is our sineprolnypo. Suphronia Sitabii, pomeetzed of ail ttr modern parlor arid dritiving-room aceomplisr merits, and speaking seven, dead languages, d sires a situation in a family whero thero is rci, sonable prospect of her being appreciated. This region has few families which can appreciate seven dead languages; not many which va boast of a, drawing,room. Miss Sophronia does not say whether among her classical tlttainineuls the art of shirt-making and stocking-knitting ar,: numbered. Nor does she inform us whether, i her opinion, bread is plucked from trees ready baked,Yr mixed in the kneading-trough. Should she prove clear as to the mocks operandi of sew ing on buttons, darning stockings, and making bread; and if her photograph shall be sent to usl, proving her to he passably. "looking," we thiid we know of a chanco for her to help establish family where she cannot fail to be appreciated!, As to the dead languages—she had bitter leave . ; the dead to bury their dead, and erinfine. her , efforts to vig,orous English. There area number of lonely men in Wellsboro who are looki»g fur a nice young lady to spend their surplus` income, an rock their babies, But these lonely chaps are very particular. Miter() ho ono terrot their imaiginatioris Moro abject than anot4r it is that of being taken in, and' dine iiir; by some clever pieces of calico. - • speaking of'haehelori, sto are' rem:ole , of a scheme to make tlhem useful, which is likely to earrs , in the next session of the Legislature It is proposed to put the entire school tax Wpor the wilful haehelors - of the' biininferiwe'aith. ,is on the ground that having no children of their' Own, they are morally bound to educate the clip 4r.en of,othem It x is iegarded sufficient on the 'kart of parents that they feed and clothe their , offspring. It is also proposed to tax each of irk a sum sufficient to purchase two bonnets, three two dclaine, and two calico dresses, pei' annum. This is preparatory to-a law reqiiiring every bachelor to pair off with sonic -waiting damsel within two years, in defanit of which Sic is to' be disfinnalsed. pc course we cannot aly that 'this mcessaty w`ork will he done next t. , ( hut thei e it. , a trong prebalnlity that it tu.t,, BUSINESS.—Mr. T. C. Cowen, of has opentd busine'ss in Hart's 6uatlin g ,w het he dors at venduu and privaeo _sale, a variet vearei, very cheap. ills Ulassware i& , t ,, 141 great. bargains, and the assortment i 6 in Welltro. • ETTEits remaining in the Wulialmr!. Fe:A 011ie°, Dee. 2, 1867. Al A Allen, Harlow Barnum, Char. 1;111.1,1y, I, Bailey, Bliss Bailey, J II Calk itit, Atitlr,:w tine, AV 0 Carter. Jana Dant, Nm N Ito Witt, Ella Dubois, Wat Fowler, liato Furman, Mrs C II Fishier, Edwin French, Mary Claim, J E Jen nings, R Jenkins, Rev 14 Rymer, M 11 Wad, Thos. Pathorick, F Plialen, Maggie, Frank itohion, Henry rl4(ler, tichenhlin, ll W Smith, Alarvin.Emitb, E S Tadd, 0 Al tiller. Persons calling for the above Letters, pletttN! •say "ads eri ism] ." AI. 11A1t P.M. A 1 4 .4:w-IiNGLANO SuPeErt.—ln times, our forefathers and their •folk:' may have, had some twinges of heartburn, or ~nnir :tom. nch" from having eaten 'too heittly;' but the nuglern disease 'of dyspepsia was then unic»,» , », and the makers of the thousand and ,'it • patent bitters lip- its ettio,wouldhave had a hitter strag gle with poverty, had they lived i i tlie 1111112 , z whefi people 'ate to instead tif •livvit to an opportunity to enjoy a good, '“itrase C in the old style, at good ohlifashioned Yatii ly have been induced to consent ewei min ilan public At the Qonrt House, THUIZSDAY 'EVE NING, Dec. pt, with a New England ;zapper, the proceeds of whieh are to ho r.. the hrti efit of the Presbyterian Sabbath rh,uL The Bill of Fare will consist in part i•I Pt.) I: A lei. linked; Chicken Pic; Baked crkes ; Cider,tpplosass, Punkin Pic; Ilya and Indian }:read, ,17c. The Eiderhiirdnent bill wind op wits a» old-fashioned Apple-rat, and the Family will dress 'for that aces-ton only, in the fashion prevalent in 1776. Tiehet to the room 10 cents : to tlfil Supper Table, conple.„ 2ro THE'INSTITTJTE OF INST.ltt_rt The annttal meeting of this As , -.oeiation i.. pv,k polled faun Dee. 12., to Thursday janitaty lath. Tho meeting will be held at the State Not.mal School, comtuoncing, at 2 p.m. o; that day dirt continuing until the next day cv . sning. large attendance of the members it I'XIRe , ILd, the proceedings will he vsry intereqing% A PICTURES Pict - WU U : FHA hav ing pieturealto he frmdeci hall lictr, r colh_ot the Book Store, had examine i zo moat of Frames in every oltuot.t ev ery price. Lithogra:bs, Cl,—lrErigra% inns. anti Photograph', nith and v.:thoot. Hawes, and Albums, and Anima Notate..., great variet:i ; also gtereoscopus and :3teli,,,copie pit:mica for the holidays. ...51:4Y - to e tor' then. -FP - Z' x dee'll lic c 3 el,l Tamarac and Mandrake Bitters, FOR DYSP E PSI A FROSTWORT grid Styllingia :1 c cure for Scrolnia, Oil of 0:slc, , :or tnrib, Deafness, Sore Fyi-?, Dnrns, IVilso'n's•Diuretic Compound. Tridjap C.ietpoutid of Honey, Boneset and for 4.1./q by 11 . W r ILLIAMS & CO., jThlljg{ , tli 11114' A twrilicoa rice, Wellsboro, , Fine French Merinee. 'cents tit • I:9LES ItAttKEICS Beq-Delaines i 5 ,t; 2,1 cents, at 11A All kinds of ensBintvr, tt ToI,ES A .IJA.P.REIrS Ladies Vectsind D;fl,sci, T 01.1: 4 PARE:Eiv, Hats tlnd ;illl7eS ;it liaringjost pun het% ilud w, 11 clnaud stock of all kind , at dm la: I. great Act - line in prirei , , tt, II! ;oiling you both in-quality aid Wo 4111 1,0 plc;,-rd 1.• who will (WI and e:catninu our I• 1 I ; t1:11].. bet :1411/g (-Len here, k 1• ail phy n for your time and howl,!, T(11,E.:. A, DA it Iviil;, No. 5 Union 11 I. 1Vav1)oro, Dee. 1: 00. 2:+tli. Istm .MO‘ , STA, SEIVAIt, PACK.kItli 4 , Gentlemen—Po rm.! L ol mo. of your ed American (2.001;ii.. in ll'e in my holi e . o for about eight mowl,, I eeniwt deter longer' lit give you niy opinion ;II jn et if... W e eut.u . tnenced using it ti 4 » 4 0.01 1 010,er, ar,tl ha vu von_ tinned to use weed the (trot of the prwent month. remc e time we hov e u se d coal. I tied that it well. have tied v,ii Wu , lt.ed., 01 „ with in the 11...1 to elve .r om very gotta ones, but to 11.0 :trio my Opuiss ion, belong- , ;tic tit! I in 11:0 " iufplieily Of , t 11•1 i• II • I.• remart;,.lfie fortuity in bakinr,:. - »- it , evotwiny iu lho us. of fee), 01/Illllwlrt It 1,1 Z1.0'41(10/111011 01 every hou•t,hcfp,:f. 0 1017 !Ile to a,ey that I COIP ;der the -At....rtr:t 11 I,oofring r,,re by (or the, he-1 iti wo, ' Very icest,ectfully yours. NI. ELY. Fors CAI I' r i CIINV I: T. 7 1! 4 . (1, 0001.. Wellsbarn Pa Deeeint,er 4, 31. 111APIZ r AC: EI-_;` S.A P N—B RE WF-'l' r. -:•; by Rev. C. it . .l"ne. nl Ili. 7.11.. 1 4)1,1) S;itilpioll and for. of , 1)EA'1;1 •. l'ealip; in ilio 7 , 7111 yt•3 r of hir M:ENDER, French, Marine end 'ChurchC Cloc t ii, at [tieel9] -FOLEY'S. SPEOiAL .IcericE4. _p_-- Paucier, , Sbrofula; ao.; Cured. 010.-Pereons afflicted with Cpncor, Scrofula, Tumors, Erupt ietul..te., arefiurttP map of 121r.R.OntINE'S Elticii(S-Altdibitte 4 d Blithe awl ludfau l''.getablo remedies tvbichtleanao tbo liked of an 1111111011, Mercury, Lead, Stn., ain't restore health to to iiiv.dida afflicted whit every variety of disease. A look desertfflug Srroft4a) I.lurakint, pd ptliry dise ll geS, %%161i - char. Mined fret at ilia Metrical Institute, -or by roan. Ad. dreas Dr. It. 0 ItEIiNE, 10 Temple place, Seaton. Maas. ~ Nov, 6, 1861—ff. SPECIAL NOTICE. t DDRESS TO ME NEEVOUS.A ND DEBILITATED ,/,‘ whesc sufferings have been protractedfrom hidden Causes, Mel whose cases reeptire prompt treatment to render existence desirable, ,Ifyott are sufTering or have suffered Ironi involuntary d thcharges, what effect does it produce ppon your general health? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily Died 1 Does a little extra esert Mc pi educe palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary etyma, ori your kidneys, .fte, .nasally getmit , of m•iler I ' Ls your urine "soMethies thi ,- k, milky, or floeky, or 'l4 it., ropy or seftlingr_ t Or does o thick scum ifsp to the top? Or . is a aftlintent at the hottout after tr . latt ' utood awhile?' Do' you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bow el cOnstipated? Doyou have spells of Ainting or rush es of blood to the head? Is-your memory impaired,? Is your mind constantly dwelling upon. his subject?— Do yen feel dull, A ibtyss, moping. tried of company, of lite t Do yen wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody? Does any little thing, maks you start or jump? is your sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre 01 your 00 pa brilliant? The bloom on your cheek ail ' blight . : Do you enjoy yourself In society as went— no you pursue your holiness with the saute energy?— ' D,J you feel lie Dn tch confidence in yourself? Aro your spit its dull anti nagging, given to tits of melancholy? If so, do not lay it to your lit t er or dyspepsia. I l lave you restless nights? • Your back weak; your I, yes Avealc, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to tlyspi , psia or liver complaint? f i N uw, reader,selfabuso, venereal diSellef 8 badly cured, anti seN.tial I.l.keka6ea, ale all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organd. The organs of gen eratien, whim in perfect health, nake Lho man.. Did you ever ` thiittt they those bold, defiant, energetic, per sevei hug, successfal bliSilleal 111011 are always thee. whose gum') alive organs aro In perfect health? You no er hear such men complain of being melancholy, of act ri111,11e1.9, of pa/pita tion.of tho beat% Viaare ney. rt . afraid !bey cannot succeed 1 . 1 business; they don't become sad and discouraged; they are -rdwils polite and pleasant in the.compatiy of ladies, and look you and them tight in the facc—uuno of your downcast looks or any trite - lilealltieSS about 1111 , 111. I do not mean dices 11111.1_ hcep the own mi ' entiamed by twining to es, - , , ce4s. Thesexvill not only Min the constitutions. hilt also those they ,do ljusinela with or for. , t . i -, ',;,,,,,. - How many Men fruit bitilly•ehred diseases, from flit," enects of self.abuso anti excesses, have brought abuut thal state of weakness In thoseorgans that hits reddest?;the general system tro much nsq to induce altnest . e;rory' other 4118es-4e—idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affect ions, suicide, and ithuost every other form of. disease. which himutnlty is heir - to, and the real Callaitpt tim• ' troulde l scarcely ever suspected. and hai'e doctored for sit hat Lliq right wit,. 2 Dl , e:lbeki or 'Hope organs require the tit.&of a diuretle. II ELM BO &IPS 1?/.(1111 E.:(!)tlic'T It UCH U is the great Iliiirelie, and is a certain cure for diseases of the Blad der, Kidneys, (travel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Pe• male Complaints, General Debility, " Mid all diseases of the Urinat,y_Urgaus, nhethur-oxisting in Male or Fs tattle, Troni n hatoer cause originating and no matter how longstanding. . : , ,-,,- lf•no tioatment is !Mimi Med to', CAtiumpfion or In sanity ma . ). ensue. „,fhir flesh" and biood ' aro supported from these h0111(19, Illid the health tied happiness, and that of posterity; ftipnal open pi otoPt meet n.reliablo . liEf.Mr.or.ivs y.VT n ACT menti, - ,OblitlAitiliett up- Will it ill IA year , ' Prepaii dby li. T.IIIMMBOLD, 59t Broadway, Is:ctr YEA', A1td;? . .... ~ ' lti4 South but St root. Thmidelphja;l 3- 4. , . Pmel.---$1.25 per bottle, or (; bottleil:Lir46,so * , . - (ItiIIT-_ vi td to any addrvss. Sold by MlDrugktbitv eTvryadiel7o.: . - _.- COLGATE a CO.t i'y•:\ ; ...t*.. GERMAN 9'&CO' r' l ERASIVE SOAP J „ . 77 ” .'"' • fa nvinuf4ctured from PURE (./"..,".. 4 k . : i MATERIALS, and may be con: • - t ...,47 : , - 11,,,V:;: - Adore(' 1148 TAN DATIU OP EX ' '.-- . . . ' CELLENCE. Per vale by alt •-• •••••• '— -.-- tln! . cOril, ~. *.!' 2litttkei7:ly. EBRORS OP ,YOUTIL - A (Jet. t letztati. tVhO suffered for yeais - front - Nervote3 n e tot v, I I,unntare 'Erectly. and all the , effects of youth tut itoliHe lotion. will, tot the Hake of suffering human ity, bend It re to all who need it, the recipe mut (Mee t tui for noticing the simple reined)* by which he was mu ed. :Mitor, , o, wishing to prat by the ulivettiser'a o‘pei 'mom, can do so by aoldresging, hi perfect than thmtes 301(N B. ODDEN. vl , -- I _r. Cedar Street. New York. SIIULIBUS CURANTUR. HUMPHREYS' lIMICOOPATMC smarms, ITATE PROVED, PROM THE MOST AMPLE EX fief nn entile HIICCOIN; SIMV/13-PrOl/113t-- I-ancient, and ltellablo. They aro tlio only Netliatinkit po it et ly adapted to popular uso—so Hintplo that tot& na:et, t^tamd bo made lit thing them ; Ho liortralle no to he tree o n Flnngt r. and HO efficient aft to bo alsNilLys hahto. They haws rti•ell the highent COtnatildation, (ion] :111, and will e render eatisfaction. No. Cents. 1, Cut ei Trevern. Congestion, Inflammation-- 25 2, no I Worms, WortniForer, Worut•Colie 25 3. do Crying-COM., or Teething of infants— 25 - tan liginitia Ey / unitary, unplug, mooss Colic 25 Cholera-Morbus, V0miting............ 25 7. tie Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis 25 8, -go Neuralgia, Tooth:tette, Eine.iche 25 0. dit Ileadaches, .sio,...nraduclie, Vertigo... 23 10, 40 Dyspepsia. cllioss „Stomach 25 11, I, suppr e ss e d painful Periods O. 'Winter?, too proloqo Poriotli 1 Croup. dillicult Breathing * l 5 11, .1 , Salt %Rheum, Eryflipt•lill, 'Eruptions.- : 25 nehecUr and A ln g Mati sit, Rheumatic u e 2 Pains is. 'S in v Chill Fever, Agliefi 50 7, do riles, blind or liloetling 56 ; .1 ,, Ophthaltny, and sore or weak Ilyokt.. 50 19. do Catarrh, acute or chronic Influenza-- 50 • du I .Vhooping - -Gough, Coughs... 50 In, kip jlSthmp. oppreAseil Illeathing I;( 1, *s' E ar Dis c h argo i, ;moiled ncp.iing... 50 2.1, .'do scrofula, enlarged °hunts, SWellings- 50 21. dev General Debility, Physical -Wviikriess. 50 • ,in Dr o psy, and outlay Secretions /50 25. do Sea-SiCknesB, sicknetis from riding.:.' Iridney-Disease, drarcd - '5O 2-i, 410 Nervous Eebility;' 80411114 involuntary Diechlirge, /.110 Hi. 10 Sore Vlouth , ,Can)zer • . 1 -; Urinary Weakness, welling 31. Jo Paininl.Eeriods• With Smpla .. ... 50 - W.:, II. ; Sitire.rilids nt ellituFe of life - 33, do" - Epilepsy, Spaitm, St. Vitus' Dance 1,00 .11, it,. Diphtheria. ulcerated tioro Throat. .... ; 50 1 0 A MM . )" OASES. Or 15 LAVOE MOllOreo CASE,' CoNTA/NIAlu A - •, CIFIC Fos EttRY bRLLyARY PBEAlir. A FAMILY • tirritrr 'Jo, AND A lluOlt DlltEclioNs ...... 00 entallvr I mil Cli,HuS, %Vial '2O to ' , • to .S,S peCilios for all D19E,A9E9,1 , 0111 1.01,,C0R (N0 unit for l'itii:vi:Nrivn trinitmenti and rb • r‘ • pocket cases $2 to $5 Thw3o Reniertle.; iuy the cane or single box, are 'ilt to any part of, the country, by. Neil or &PITO, free of charge, on receipt 51 the prier. Address Humphroyu Specific • 3iomeopatbia Medicine Company. &lift( II ha Depot, No. (16•2, BRoAbwae, Nero Yon) liII3ICIIIIEI'd is conSulted daily. at his °lrma, per; ~.ohally to. Oy,leffif . uy abor4 s for all forms of dlsotom. R SA. Lh' 3 - ALL DRUGGISTS. Atsglist NEuvous . DEBILITY. W !III ITS CLOOMT , ATTENI4#S'S x -7-- BPI RI TS, DEVIZEB.6ON, ..INVOLUNTARY EM lysioNS, LUbzi ..STM EN, SPERM AVORRIReAt i') oi?-szoisrEit, nizzY HEAO, LOSS OF mem' O,RI - AND THREATENED IMP&TENCE AND IM BECILITY, find a SOVEREIGN -CURE, in HIN PHREys, HOMEOPATHIC' SPECIFIC No. TV/ ENT Y.- EIG e k iwpo-v,l of Ilia Inaßt •Vtllultlito mild and potent 1.4 t 4% c t hey ”ti it vot uuco the root of the matter, tone up tin. ,1 0111 , est the dintiargea, unit impart Vigor . ovr;:), hiu tioo vitolitY to thu calico man, 'They rut, l thou-471,h of ewes, Price $5 per package of , N I + I, or per Single box. Sold by iltug -1•1.14..4 /pi •••`llt by mail on receipt of price. Athlresq EIt)Str.:OPATIIIO . eqty: Co . 21aug117-Iy. To dOiv:i4iLit-P-77irE;§ EI)WIi UI) A. WILSON. will cond (free of ..lairlq!) tp all wha desire it, the prescription with Ilia di- I k'ction . . for making awl ming olio nintpla remedy by wic i oi, he n:11 1111‘ 11 of affection and that great - I, tli4easfi Con.aiiiptim.. 1114 °illy iihjeet I:+'to !Anent tile afflicted awl he h"1, ~Very anilerer will try this pro. itif ion, al it will cost them nothing, find may prate blaming. Pleitie address BEV. EDWARO A. WILSON, William4burg,.lCipas co., N. 1. , 4 22Inii)G7-ly Aro You Afflicted with a Cough or a Cold ? ARE VIM I . IIr.M34'6SPAPIC , CO:i2IIMMION) - /..;,,s if rbar Children:in Jeopardy from Sud ti,-.7i and leep,akd Anaela of Croy , ? If • .; rairerand a Box of- .E; L ADES' Ii:UPIION4 s A I L , 1d1.7 EiRICA TO SI/ ME The pcopte'm Affmt Sure and Effeelurtliltinet& for I , lg. Group, Cater/Ih, divelimu, Dipherfei, an evil Pnlninnary Diacatice. rplIE LUBRICATOII: Is a Medicinal preparation In . 1 the for nof A Lrirenge, which, 01 1111 modes, is the most plc atnt convenient. 'llll6y contain no ,lele terious i dient i nod are warranted to bo always t.,Lre, oven for tilt' AKVIII:I.3t, tutu most, rensitive stomach. In Croup tliey give Ititomitl natilm. Foy Cmigtis and tsalds they 3 / 4 1t. a valualdw. For tlatarrlt; Asthma and have it, equal in tho unirlzet, (vide Certificates accompanying each Lox.) ; Dipthetia, thitt dreaded and gle‘:olgtting ille,eAqA. 113ce e6nthil - wonder 'tally and almost iralronllMol3. No iTealrer, Slinger or Teachtz, should be wit bout them. vs shoe,remotiu lionraenesq and strength en and cies rglie • Al war iv& t Itf•ni to tin.. add if Oa symptoms are fcq.ecre u.o, very freely. 11. 111. A DES k CO., Prop`re, •` Elmira, N. Y. IFr„POP. SALE.BY ALE. DRIJOOISTS. ' Pile() 25 Cents For Box. Dec. 111 60-Iy, : -' , 4 " •i 3 4' 1- ' ' 331*-1646115310r MFG AND, BOOK STORB! BRICK BLOCK, M AN D, if . V. ELLIOTT, M. 'D.; Has just roturneil from New York with a full riti oprttnont . of: ' DRUGS, PAINTS, PATENT MEDICINES; DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, to:. YANKEE NOTIONS, ROOKS, STATIONERY, WALL PAPER ~ i' U I CHINA & BOHEMIAN WARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, 70 FS, and all other atliclo found in a FIRST CLASS, DRUG AND •BOOK STORE 1 Which h 0 taCTB at prices DEFYING COMPETITION CALL AND SEE! Rernernbor, in the BRICK BLOCK, Milin Street, 2 doors below . Wellsboro Street, MANSFIELD, PA .Nov. 13, 1867.-3 m .I%%T4ew C:Nrc,c) J. H. BovVen IT: AV B just received from the city a largo and nEsortment of WINTER GOODS., , Bought sinetethe (iodine' in yiiic'es, itiditvilr be sold accordingly. We reepo'ctftilly invite-atten tion to our stock of ' 'll'. • ' CASSIMERES, BEAVER CLOTHS, .• • 'lly,F 4 gBS . .; FLANNELS,, also, a large lino of MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, AL ,ApACA.S, and other DRESS GOODS , and DRESS TRIMMINGS', ' , Also, a large and now assortment of •-•' It.EADY MADE CLOTHING, at greatly reduced prices LADIES' FURS--a nice assortment, new and cheap. 130 N—TON, a;i'd 'other hinds of HOOP SKIRTS, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, HARDWARE CROCKERY, GROCERIES, • " • -'• BAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, =I And many other things which we will lie pleased to show tb all Who will cali l andexamine our - Stock Got;ds • Boforo inirobasing olsonlicro, as Wo boliovo it wit] pay you for your time and troub)o. QUICK SALVS, READY PAY IS OUR MOTTO. • • Don't• fiirgat to will set the gniplie:;Store, -NO. I. Union Block. Wellaboro, Nov, 13, 1887 FOR THE'FAI,L Sc WINTER TRADE MIMI Wilson & Van Valkenburg, PENN'A. ' NO. 2, UNION BIASC-IC. We are now proparedto,ishoW, as good gpods'ajd at as low - tlgures as - at any other store in this vi- E I. •;-. - NEW' G,OOPS Just received by At the well known Store, \\, einity. Wo ask an inspection of our D R Go' 0 D S l's 4 10 - • • Iyhiob cont in part; of .4 Cloths, Catsimeres, Vestiugs, Ladies' • Cloths, and g. large variety of _ Ladies' Dress Goods. GROCERIES, Best kinds, and as cheap as the cheapest MERCIJANT TAILORING AND FURNISHING GOODS The Senior partner has Ipid a large experience in blerchrant Tailoring, 'and It Is the intention of the mw firm to put this branch of their business boyotid successful competition. 1) 'il are Agents lei Singer's Sowing Machines, .the eat and cheapest Machine, for family use, lees that to got out of repair, and . more durable that any other, adapted to fine or coarse sowing. Cal , and see them. "WILSON k e ITAN VALTCENBURG SNl3'labor°, 0ct.16, 1667—tf l i NEW ARRIV.4I., I MRS. E. E. KIMBALL now rocaiving a new and fashiquablo stook ,MILLINERY GOODS frest, from how York, whieh she will sei very chcal. Call and ozamino new stylekand rites. MAIN‘STIIEET, WELLSBORO, October 16i 1867. Planing Machine. • •AT I,CEENEYVILLE, PA. y HAVE put in a first-class PLANER, and am , ropared to, plane flooring, siding, etc. to ordei. I GEO. D. !CHENEY. Sept. 18,1867-Iy. Public Benefit, AMONG the useful improvements of the day, shore aro few that give moro promise of good,few so well adapted to relieve human suf fering, few s well upprovod by the public as that new tt4d'powerful remedy called Salutifor (or as the German eople call it Ilealthbringor). It gives ea o and comfort to the poor sufferer from Neuralgia and Rheumatism, and Wings specily relilf to that large class of diseases that are often cured and always benefited by an out- Wari, application. • Fsr sale by, 411 Druggists. "Wholesale Dipbt DAY, TIOAGisAND k STI- GiER, No 54 Conitlandt St. New York. FURNITURE: FURNITURE 1 T ARTHERTON • would, inform his friends tl and the publio generally, that he has open- ctt it ' 'Furniture Store, in Oceola, Tioga' County, whero he keeps bonstantly on . hand all hinds of l'urnittiio—all of which' ho offers as low for cash as eats bo bought •at• any other establiehment in the County. Nov. 27, 1667.—tf. J. ATHRTON. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST! HARVEST IS OVER! THE YIELD rs GREAT! WINTER IS COMING! • ft AND NOW ITY vE ME TYNE TO TAKE MOORE'S RURAL NEW-YORKER THE GREAT TOWN Jc COUNTRY WEEKLY THE RURAL is the Loading and Largest-Cir culating Newspaper of its class on the Continent, superior in Value and Variety of Contents and Beauty of appearance. It embraces more Agri cultural, Horticultural, Scientific Educational, Literary, and - News Matter, interspersed with Engravingi. than any other Journal,—for it corn prises Departments devoted to or including AarticevrunAL, CnOlcl LITERATURE, IfoancuLTune, SnExP HUSBANDRY, EDUCATION. GRAZING DAIRYING, . •YenITII'S READING, RURAL ARCHITECTURE, GENERAL NEWS, DOMESTIC ECONoIIy,, COMMERCF; MARKETS, With Illustrations, Tale*, Essays, dfusic, 'Poctry; Rebtiseo, Eniginas, Z•c., d.c. THE .RURAL NEW YORKER is a National Journal, circulating largely in the East and West, North and South, It EMPLOYS TEE BEST TALENT. in all Departments: Its corps of Editors, Con-, tributorty drx., Comprises many of the best Farm ers, Planters, Wdel Growers, Graziers, Horticul turists, .4c., and also Authors', Scholars, Sce.; of note and ability. In brief, the RURAL 18 Ably dited, Pratt:Bdg lquerated, Neatly Printed— • racticat, Scientific, Uecilit-ilforra, .Tnetructirc and .grttertaininy. Wherever located4in Country, Village or City, YOU WANT THE RURAL ! Your Family skid Friends Want it! For it is adapted to the wants of all. Note that it is not a monthly, but a Largo and Beautiful Weekly ! Bach No. contains Eight Double Quarto Pages, printed in extra stylo,=-Clear Type, Good Paper, and more and better ! ILLusrasmoas than any other Journal of its Class. A Title Pago, Index, &c., at eloso of Volume. TERMS—ONI* $3 A YEAR; to Clubs ton, $2,50 por copy. Vol. XIX bogins Jan 1888. Now fa the Time to Subscribe and Club Great Offers to Club Agents. Specimens, Show. Rills, PM!311101 Lists, Ac., RENT FREE; or le 13 numberi of this Quarter, ' (Oct. to .Jan.) cm rial, for ONLY FIFTVCENTS ! Address D. D. T. MOORE) Rocamsnu,Nirjr. Popidar Pry Goods Trade ! TirMu r crib e rjbas . just received a largo s o DRY' GOODS, Among which will bo>found -many of . the most popular Styles of Zang c CaMap SHAWLS, CLOAKINGS & SACKINGS, PRINTS,. GINGHAMS. BROWN AND BLE4I4P . P 111,IISLIN$, TICKINGS, NAPKINS, TOWELINGS, LACE AND 'EMBROIDERED WINDOW CUR TAININGS, EMBOSSED AND PRINTED TABLE AND • PIANO SPREADS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, 4.c. Where a perfect fir is guaranteed or no male. A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. i THOM4S HARDEN. Wollsbore, M (15(1V, 1867 .: i 1" , k.- S . PALL ' & WINTEI GOODS , FOR 1867_ , 111 SCIENCE AND ART, embracing ovety, variety. . CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, &C ‘ltlerebandige,•. nt ilriees that aro worthy of attention. Also, a full lino of riEtitts,` STRIPE SHIRT INGS, TABLE LINENS, BROWN & BLEACHED, pecial attention is called to his , d,. 2 4 '116 , 4.. T 0R1N6 .DE R We bog to call your attention to ourOtock of MILLINERY GOODS, - for the Fall and ,lirint l er tradL, which is now oomplete;embraoing full lines of PLAIN AND FANCY SILK AND VEL VET RIBBONS, of all widths and shades . - STRAW, SILK AND FELT HATS AND - BONNETS, of the latest and most approved shape. Velvets, Crapes, Blonds, Braids, Feathers, Flowers, Ruches, Frames, Ornaments, &e.. and all articles portaining to the Millinery trade, to which we invito your inspection. N. B.—Particular tittention paid to Custom Work. 1. Mrs. E. D. MITCHELL Oct. 2, 1867—tf. Broad Street, Tioga, l'a. HOLD 1:::10FC (io to KELLEY'S and see ttithatet Arrival g FALL GOODS! Conyisting of afgenoral veaortment:of ris.„ rn ~.,P4 A A ,`=.,' \,,.. r ,w4 rzi oPiz Qi , ... , w - C •Fes '-' Pt ~., 4l ‘-' ~. a , 5 ) t z Pei 0 g - E--i- ! 0 A- '6 at • g MRS. FRY'S CORSET AND SKIRT SU PPORTERS,a,AT s,xaTiax 1 11 suns Atou cut) 9°9 P UI3 II" 13111. NEW DRESS GOODS AT KELLEY'S. s,A.aTiam it SUAIVITS /aIMAI GENT FURS AT‘ :016r7 No ohargo for SHOWING GOODS at 44,2. Wellsboro, Oct. 80, 1867 B3IINGTONS' FIRE AR Army Itovolvoi, `t avy Revolver, Reit Revolver, Police Revolver, Now Pocket Revolver, 31-100 Calibre Pocket Revolver, (Rider's pt.) 31-100 int Calibre Repeating Pistol, (Elliott pts) No 22 ,4 32 Catt'go Vest Pocket Pistol, No 22, 30, 32 A; 41 Cartridge Gun Cane No 22 do 32 Qartridge Breech Loading Rille,(Beals9 No 32 &38 ‘ , .-;1 Revolving Rifle, 36 Sr, 44.100 in Calibro REMINGT6N..4 SONB'.` PRINCIPAL AGENTS. - - • - Mooro & Nichols. New York; IV'm Read &Son, Boston; Jos C . Ortibb cfc Co,' Philadelphia; 'Pool iney it Trimble, Baltimore; lleniy Folsom & Co; New Orleans;• Johnson, pencoi Sz Co, Chicago, L M R.umsey Sc. Co, St. Louiso.Albert E Crane, San Francisco. Cot 9,11387.-9 m. FARMERS' EXCHANGE. G. VAN VALICENRORG & BRO. XCHANGE for Farm produce and Cash, on tho principle, that "oven exchange is no robbery." ORK, HAMS, SHOULDERS, - WHITE FISH, MACKEREL, CODFISH, SMOKED HALIBUT, LOUR, CORN MEAL, .BUC,KWHEAT FLOUR, FEED, &C., C. Wo have no ambition to got rich faster than our neighbors who aro equally industrious'; nor• are we desirous of running all creation that we may have Moro to eat, drink, wear, and • • To, Lay By for a Rainy Day. As rail evidence that wo deal fairly and square with our customers, wo point to the fact that r run of custom has steadily inoroasod from e first, and promises to grow considerably lar ger, ARA TIMES Olt NO HARD TIMES Wo pay OAS4i for PIioDUCE, and keop up th tho market prices. Remember the place, TOWNSEND'S OLD STAND, AIN STREET, WELLSII,,MO,' PENN'A ISopt. 11, 1867—tf. Down it " Comes. WRIGHT_ BAILEY aro receiving a largo lotof CHOICE NEW WHEAT ILOUIt, th'e first in market.. To be sold at reduced fwd eei. . - . I.4augfi7. b ,L y, p, R ANKRUPTCY .BLANKS, fall sotts,, at YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE. KELLEY'S C. B, KELLEY'S, I'. 4- 44-100 In. Calibre —3O-100 in. Calibre Navy size Calibre C Navy sizciCalibre " BXeIIiNGE!" The harvest,has come, the promlaa To the man whose broad acres wore properly • tilled; Whetit is goad, corn bunkum, oats may b'o short crop;, 4 ' Ilut the average of all must ha marked 'as tip top. • • I. j MAKE no pretensions to prophetic fire, but my reiteration of Bible promisee to the in dustrious worker, was in good limo. lam there toro emboldened to prophesy that nobodywill ST I ARVE TO DEATH this fall and winter who has raised enough of grain and root crops to keep him and his family; and those who lack anything in the way of life's substantiaTe will escape starvation by applying t to me at the " BEE-HIVE EXCHANGE;" whore they will find my PORK, solid, and sweet, and chea'p,'lny ' F LOUR-X-XX-XXX I according to the marks upon tho barrels; my MA i KEREL & WHITEFISH. ogn 77irr. The latest catch And the greatest este , west of the "Silent, Bobbing, roaring, and plael' Sea." I furthermore prophesy that every man and wo man, without distinction of color, rabo, or sex, will,bo Cheered, but not inebriated, by using the . splendid 111 which I ti l ol cheaper than the GREAT AMERI t AN TEA COMPANY, (or any other ma*. Sarkaam,) and no express charges, except No express charge of so much a pound, which you always pay when ythi trade with ma. have had, and expect to continue to have a great "spell" of- i " Kaughphy MOCHA (frotrt—Dlicca) JAVA, BRAZIL, AND LAGUIRA (The latter of which rhymes with, but was not ground at " Elmira.") I am further able to any that people will eat much or little, in prbportion to their appetite, and will pay for much or lads, according to their money. I sell boa thwAliarter pound, of course, but proferowholosalo it in packages of not less than . ' pm EEN OUNCES, and, by personal n, can ha indueed to sell a chest of a dozeh .ounds to one customer, MATkI.ERS . will buy• and Ball FARM PRODUCE at boat prices, asking oily a good chance to pro vido Nomething to keep hie family OUT OF THE Peon HOUSE Wolb.boro, Aug. 14,'6?. M. T. MATIIERS -T. L. BALDWIN '&. CO., A RE ItE k CEIVING their stock of FALL an( WINTFR. Gr- 00 I) , o con3isting of a general assortment of r DRY 6-00 DIS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY GLOVES, SHAWLS, KNIT GOODS, HOOP svIRTS, BALMOREL SKIRTS, SILKS, DOMES yICS, FLANNELS, )* Ladies' Cloakings, Cloths and Cassi meres, Gloves and Mittens, sand *hoes:, 800 MADE CLOTHING, REA DY- Under Clothing, Hats and ) Caps, Yan kee Notio-ns, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Paper Hangings, Groceries, Flour, Feed, Pork, 1 t r Hams, Su ars, Teas, Molasses, •, Syrups, Coffees, isb, Oils, Paints Spices, Extr ets, 'Wooden Ware, - Broems, Pails, Tubs, [ Baskets, ' . .3rif Hard Ware, Crockefyie GliM Ware, Stationery, Salt, Nailsl Iron ' Stone Ware. • In fact, a general assortment and ati ,large you'Vill find to, ielect from outside of the city. AlOinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in nxehango for Goods. We buy good gbods and will sell as cheap as anybody. • r • Ground Masts p - 4 4 coustantTy on band: T. L. BALI WIN CO. Tioga, Pa., Oot. 9, 1867. le A • , AYER'S Ph - ' Cherry Pectoral , ~.•.‘ ;:L:2 TS a soothing expectorant, .1., prepared to meet the ‘ us- V .-4 11 h . "7 .1 , spi : gent need of a safe and relia-.) r j strO l i t" — •• hie cure for diseases of the throat and lunge. A trial of Many years - has es tablished the fact, that it 18 more efficacious in pulmonary affections, than any other remedy. Its efficacy has now become so generally known, that it is Justly regarded in many countries as a medicine of indispensable necessity. In Great Britain, Franco, anti Germany, where Medical science has reached its highest perfection, it le prescribed, in domestic practice, and constantly used in . tho armies, in hospitals anti other inb lie iustitO.ions, where it 'is regarded by th e , attendingi! physicians as the most speedy and , agreeableirentedy that can bo employed. Scarce ly any miighborhood can be found where well known cakes of diseased lungs, which had baffled - the efforts'of the most skillful and experienced doctors, liii - iii-lieen completely cured by it. Those results are„the most convincing proofs of tbo su perior eurative properties of this preparation ; and to them the authors point with peculiar sat isfaction. While it is most powerful againsteon firmed diseases, it is extremely gentle as a medi cine in infancy and youth, being - quite harmless to even the youngest, when 'administered. jud - eiouslY. This health.restorer accomplishes even mo 0 by-prevention than cure. " If taken' in season, lit heals all irritations of the throat audj lunge, whether arising from Colds or Coughs, or Prolix other causes, and thus prevent that long train 4,:!1f painful and incurable diseases, which would arise from the neglect of thorn. Hence no family' should be without it. Influenza, Croup, Hoarse ness, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Incipient Con sumption, and other affections of -the breathing organs, give way before this pre-eminent gombi nation of medical virtues. Protared by Dr. J. C. AYhR & CO., Lowell, 1 Mass. and sold by all Druggists and dealers HI medicines everywhere. .Sol in Wellsboro b, Wiro Cloth for Cellar Windows at the Tioga Hardware Store. Pistol Cartridges, all kinds at the Tioga Hard ware Store. Cabin Chain, all sizes at the Tiokas Hardware Store• • All kinds of Jnpanod and weoden , Niaft, at tbo Tioga Hardware Stora. Pancy Toilet Ware, Wire Goetia, Bronzed Braekeut and the best assortment of Cutlery in the County, at the Tiogo. Hardware store. 50 Different kinds of Pumps, at the Tioga gard ware Store. A. largo stook of Saws of all kinds at the Tioga Ilardwaro Store. All kinds of Douse Trimmings and Mechanics Tools, at the Tioga Hardwar - Store- 130 Tons of Stoves . at tho Tioga Hardware Store—to bo sold cheaper than over before in this County. A largo stock of Union Lanterns—tho only kind that never ;needs repairing, at the Tioga Hardware Store. Close buyers all buy their goods at the Tioga Hardware Store. FROM PITILAD' LPHIA I was afflicted.for years. with rhoumatisni in my hip, and have tried eve 'thing for it with no avail. But by the use of a ingle bottle of -lu tifor I was entirely cured. t has also cured my wife of Neuralgia. There is no remedy in my knowledge likodt for Ithcumatii.m•or Neuralgia. 11. L. No. 807 Perkiomon at. Oct 9—tf CITY BOOK BINDERY BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, 8 Baldwin Stieet, (SIGN ')1? THE BIG BOOK, 2D FLOOR,) ELMIRA, N. Y. OUR MOTTO GOOD AS THE BEST, CALIAP .19 TUC CHEAPEST BLANK BOOKS Of every description, in all styles of Binding; and as low, for quality of Stock, as any Bindery in the Stale. Volumes of every description Bound in the best manner and4n. any style or dered:. ALL KINDS'OF GILT WORK xeeuted ip the best manner. Old Boobs re• bound and made gobd as new. D4M41,10311ig 's COMPLETE TOUR SETS! I' ate prepared to furnish back numb4rs of all Reviews or Maga'zines published in th United States or great Britain, at a low price. BLANK BOOK & OTHER PA ER, Of all sizes and gualities, on hand, ruled r plain. BILL MAD' PAPER, .Of any quality or size, on hand and cut up ready for printing. Also, BILL PAPER, and o CARD BOARD of all colors and quality, in boards orli cut to any size. • .STATIONERY, Cap, Letter, Note Paper, Envelope's, Pens, Pencils, &e. I am sole agent for Prof. SHEPARD'S N0.14-CORR.OSIVE STEEL PENS, OF VARIOUS SIZES, FOR LADIES AND 0 lINTLEM EN, Which I-will warrant equal to ()old PElid. The Lest in use and 00 AIiSWIM The above stock I will sell at the Lowest Rates at all times, at a small' advance on New Yo'rk prices, and in quantities to suit purchasers. All work•and stock warranted as represented. I respectfully solicit a share of public patron age. Orders, by Wail promptly attended to.— Add,ress, LOUIS KIES, I Advertiser Building, Elmira, N. Y. Sept. 28, 1867.-1 y Notice. MO THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Tioia County Bank or claimants of any share Or shares thereof.. You aro hereby notified and re quired to pay up the balance duo onlaiti stock on or before do 10th day of December next, or the same will be resold at public, eele at their Banking House in Tioga, Tioga County, Penne, an the 11th day, of December next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, as authorized by law., , B. C. WICKII AM, i'res't D: L. AIKEN, Cuabier. Tiogn, Sept. 30, 1867. ADMINISTRATWS NOTICE.- - Letters of Administration having been ,granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Jerome Smith, late of Wellsboro, dec'd, all persons indebted to said estate, and all persons having claims against the same are requested to call and settle svirbaut delay. \ BREWSTER,_ Woll4oro. Nov. 13; 18Q7—em EVIDENCE ACCUMULATES THAT M. B. PRINCE is selling a few goods now and then. Ito does not profess to sell 50, 25, nor oven 10 per cent below New York prices, because ho has no faith that honor "any other man" can do soand support a family ; nei ther does he make any distinction among his pa trons in prices. I 4._ TERMS, PAY DOWN. People of Wellaboro and vicinity, please accept my thanks fee your past patronage, and let the solicit youriattention to my present stook of F'3C.ACYIC-T3E16 7 % (train Graham to tho finest,) FEED, CORN I4EAL, PORK, FISH, • AND GENERAL GROCERIES, Most kinds of Country Produce taken in ex change at market rates. store, Mozart Block, next door to the Hardware Store. • ' • October 21, ISO. M, B. PRINCE. INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless fate, also a ramp for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Brun , t loos. etc., on the akin. leaving tho same son, clear. and. beautiful, cif ho obtained without charge by address ing THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Canna; I Sault t 137 1 I! ur 823 Broadway, Now York. Well4oro Cloth-Dressing Works. HAVING engaged Mr. NAMES SMITE to superintend our Clothing Works wo aro now ready to do all kind:of coloring and dress ing in good style and on abort notice. • - Sept. IS 1867—tf. .A. Roy : Bept4-2m MEI Adui'r, S. A. 11/LTBOLD, 0. BtAIR