Yl®lilF•` litiATTEll$. WEDNESDAY, DEC; 4, 1807. ; MASON/C.. 0:ISE - A' LODGE, No. an, A,N. M., meets at their over Dr. Wire drug etorei on Tneeday evening, on or before the Fall Moon, at G o'clock Y.N. •• • , TTOOA CHAPTER, Na. 194, R. A. M., meets at the Hall, on Thurzolay evening, on or 13e.forb the 14t11 Moon, at 6 o'cloelbP. TYOO A COUNCIL, No. 31, R. Si S. MASTERS, tneete at the 'Mil, on the third ...Friday of each calendar month, at 6. o'clock P. M. • TYAO NORTON HOMMANIGIKY, No. 28 of KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, and the appintlant orders, mate at the Hall, on the Drat Friday of each -calendar month, at 6 o'clock P. St. New Advertisements. • Groat Bargains—J. A. Parsons & Co. ' Farm for Sale. lintel for Sale—T. R. tayliew. Fair & l'estival—Mr . D. Bush. New Goods— Toles Barker. Orphans' Court Notice—D. L. Deane. • Tamarac & Mandrake Bitters—P. R. Williams ,e Cu. PEW-RENTING. , ---We aro requested to Ale notice that the pews of Si. Paurs,Church Alti) be rented fer•the on,suing year on Saturday, h inst., at 10 o'clock forenoon. Pewholllers de irring to retain • their pews should- leave their tames with Dr. Webb, Seeptery of the Vestry: MANsFirn,n.-1 1 4. iron works arcs turning out about nine tuns of superior iron every t w enty-four hours. It is said that the quality is equal to any smelted in the State. We trust it may go on prospering and to prosper. RURAL NEW YORKER.—Those wish ing to join the club for '6B for this valhAble paper can do so, by billing on Joseph Williams . at tho Post office. Norn , i the time to subscribe. • • THE 1321.—" Mr. V. A. Elliott .was last week admitted to practice in the several courts of this county. May his success--in brief —ho ample, and may ho stand between unmitiga ted rascality and the law-abiding people. Un questionably there is' a large opening for lawyers in that portion of the domain of law. A FULL Popwr.—The attendance upon Court last veok was immense, The Com- , monwcalth cases attracted many spectators, who, added to the cloud of witnesses, filled the town to overflowing. The Agitator office registered a larger number of visitors during the week than ever before in the same period of time. l'o are • obliged for continued favors. • A WAGER. . 4 -- Justbefore the New York election, J . 3. 11 r 3 Conimissioner Bailoy and Sheriff Tabor laid a wager on the result. in this wise: If the Stato went Republican Mr. Bailoy .ailsr wear a steeple-orowneff,SWiSS hat, labeled in a cindanee with the fact, during one day of Court week; and if the State went the other way_ the Sheriff was fo wear the hat. Accordingly on Wednesday of last week, the Sheriff appeared ow the Strlets in a monstrous hat, labeled—" Now Votk has gone democratio l"—greatly to the am usement of the crowd. "The Sheriff enjoyed the joke as much as eit'ybody, not excepting the win- If men muso - riik en elections this is about the best way. It ulds digestion. ACCIDEZ , ZT.—As Alesarq. Alfred Shaw and John Dickinson were, proceeding homeward along the 11ima road Monday evening week the wliillietreeb ecame detached and dropped Alpon \ the heels of he team, which took flight, and Ile.x came unman gentile through the breaking of a Int. The wahon struck.the watering-trough tank MI, Henry Sherwood's, flinging the occupants haul the buclararil and injuring Mr. lifel , inson ,!•cvercly. Ho was taken up in an unconsciohs en,p,lition by Messrs. Walter Sherwood and Sam- lid Pierson, au conveyed home. Dr. Shearer was Lslied in, l and on examination found the hope of tho right kg broker, and Several Fevere bruises uplm his body. Ile is doing well. Mr. Shaw escapeci without tkriotis TIOOA Co. _ GR SOCIUTV . This Society bold i a nnnuel election for officers Wedoesday orenini„27o, nit.; at 014 Court House. The fononring.nttiud paranns were idected . officers ... - for the eoouiug year - President—Hon. ' T. Bentley. Vice Presidents -Enoch Blackwell, Nelson, John C. Bdnuett, Covington, 0. 11. Wood, Deerfiel 4 John Union, Lathy,. tte Gray, § Sullivan.;: Secretary-IV. Treasurer—J. L. Robinson. Executive Committee-110m.y Sliorwood,Leroy Tabor, Chits. Eberenz, John Diekinson, , L. 11. Potter, Wm Campbell, Alonzo Kimball, R. T. \\ * um!, F. F r Smith. I:orther,partieulars will be given nextri-eek. OUITUARY.—It is with -deep regret that we chronicle the sudden death of ALBERT: WILLIS, Esq., of Ridgway, Elk County, •whteh ,ccurred on the morning of Saturday, Nov. 23d. Mr. Willis was a native of Delawa r Ce county, N. V., studied law in the office ofAElarl Wheeler, llonesdale, Wayne County, in this State, sod was admitted to practice in the Ootirts of that county in 1853. In the fall of that' year he be came associated with lion. Henry Souther, of Ridgway, in the law business, and at the time of, his death the firm was one of the most prosperous' and reliable law firms in Northeru'ennsylvania. Mr. Willis was one Of the purest minded men it was our good fortune ever to know. It may he truly said of him that he possessed not only the virtue of strict intfigrity, but the bloom and fruitage thereof; for he was honorable as well as honest. There was little alloy In thcipure gold of his character. With'filin genoruelty 11 1 / 1 8 oven paced with prosperity. Ho was unselfish aunt true-hearted, intolerant of duplicity and monni c Dee 9 : a man whose loves were anchored in hiq It may truly be said of him t aitthe worldi ii - : ) s the better for tits living in it. ITHE CounTS.—A heavy business was prepared for the Oyer - - 4k, Turminer lust week, though but a; portion of it was finally disposed of. The Grand Jury (lids largo stroke of business however, and proved to be something higher and better than many of its predecessors The cases mhich-excited the greatest interest were_ hoso of Comtripnwealth vs. :Ives, Fitch, Jiilburn and othei:S; charged with arson and attempt at ,bur glary in Brookfield, a history of which we gave some weeks ago 7 and that of CIMINO-II vs. If4iield, 3reen, and Raszels for conspiracy, and arson. Tbo Grand Jury returned trm bills in 1?Oth esses. The utter case, which - became public on the 13th o November, created a groat excitement in iogio I, and Still maintains ite supremacy { thi:; among eri uinat revelations hereabout. We have r..fraiped front giving currency to the fatts dicitltl up to this time, not desiring either to incretiko the excitement or obstruct the proceed lugs. I Tile case is now in. the Courts, and nothing that we can say will defeat the ends of justice• or increase prejudice. On thoporning of the 12th of July / last, (ho house'of Mr. A. Russel, at the steamgrist mill, about' two miles cast of SVellsboro, was' destroyed by fire, as i alleged, with all its contents. Upon this buildin'g was an insurance of $5OO in the Wyoming Insurance Co., of Wilksbarrc, and upon the furniture was an insurance of $lOOO in the same Company. This insurance was effected hreugh Theodore Hatfield, an agent of the Coin and residing in Wel!shore. The fire was regarded as not au ''honest" fire, from the first, Ip• a great many people.. Tho house was Lot thought to•be worth, intrinsieully, i-,100, being cheaply built and dilapidated. The general agent of tho Company, Mr. W. T. Reed, came onk to inspect and adjust the- loss. ills, suspicions were aroused early in the work of inspection. A iargemunutity of orockery, alleged to have been destroyed, Was not ,to be i found in the ruin though Russel alleged that the children thereal4t had carried it off. Mr. Reed examined the par , les separately, but ‘ could get hold of nothin definito to carry his suspicions, to fact. lie therefore adjusted the loss, and after Lilting some steps to watch the affuir, returned to Willchabarre. It is proper to say here, that suspicion rested Equally upoii 114ttield in the mind of the agent. And ho infiltrated measures to bring the facts to but for u time all projeota seemed tb eiaine to naught. During the lust days of October, however, it was aseertainerthat the furniture alleged to have been destroyed wns still in existence, having been carefully boxed and stored in a loft attached. to the Mill. Information was al once lodged. with SheriQ Tabor, who, with the energy and tact w hich characterize him, proceeded to verify the fl 'ets• The goods were found as represented, and Slr.:lteed Caine on at once and took charge of the • •_:. • matter. tho Alit,l3;;Ql7, NlSycmper lAara:fi t warrant was issued by Justice Brewster, feud the Sheriff; with Mr. Reed and his attorney, M. F. Elliott, Esq„,proceedCd to" execute tho' warrant. Before setting out, however,Russel was arrested as ho came into town, and' placed in custody. The Sheriff and his party, having arrived at the mill arrested Mrs. Russel. • ,Overcome by the suddenness of the affair, she at once confessed to the hiding of the goods, and to other facts which led to the subsequent arrest of Hatfield and Thom as Green. The goods Were found in the loft in good order. The hearing was before Justioo Brewster, ft this village. Russel, overwhelmed with .shame, made a clean breast of the, whole matter. Hip testimony, which is described to nil" as bearing the impress of truth, implicates Hatfield' and Green as the originators of the conspiracy to defraud the CoMpany, he; Russel, 'binding him self to share the proceeds with them—a contract which be alleges that he performed., Hassel and bis wife were bailed, and Hattieldand Green were committed in default of bail. Hatfield's case has been continued to next term, in the absence of a material witness. t The thanks of all good citizens are duo to Air. Reed, Gen. Adent of the Wyoming Instirttuee Company and to Sheriff Tabor, for their prompt ness in bringing this iniquity to light. The guilt of some of phrties is yet to be preyed; of course; and far bo it from us to 'utakelit more difficult work for the defence than it is likely to prove. But if these parties be guilty the object of justice, and the repute'of Tioga County demands that they should he condignly punished. The reputation of Tioga County for enforcing the law for the punishment of crime is not good—we re gret to7say it—ebut it is not good. If houses and barns, and goods are to be sold to Insurance Companies, with impunity, how long will insu raneePompanies consent to insure the proptaty ofMeVivho do not contemplate such irregular sales?:lto can only hope that the demand fur v' jastic6 without reference to parties will- be com plied with. .Bat there must be—there can be no hushing up of this matter except!hy the °envie-. tion or discharge of the parties by a jury. The case of the Com'wth vs. Titus Ives, Solo mon Kilburn, and Daniel Fisk, came 2n Friday, and .attracted much attention.; The defendants were charged with burning the barn of Capt B. Seeley, of Brookfield, on the night of the 12th of August last, and afterward attempting 'to rob his boom We gave the details of this case at the time,. and may be excused from repeating it! in' full. Suffice it to say, that Capt. &cloy had his suspicions directed to Fisk - as a party,concern ed in the burning, and a few days after the event, charged him with having set the fire. Confronted with the Fisk eonfessed.to having set the flee at the instance of Ives and'Kilburn, and fur ther admitted that there was a plan to rob the 'Captain when he got the insurance. 'The Cap thin arranged with Fisk to carry ont the scl4me, And on a stated night Ives and Kilburn came' to, the window of a room where SeelOy_ and !Fisk wore concealed. A tin tfunk•was handedmit Fisk, who asked 'tho names of the outsiders.— "Ives and Kilburn," was responded, Capt. Seeley 'at once fired at the head of the nearest, soveryly wounding Kilburn in the face. ' The patties \keie pursued and arrested, and on A hearing before a Justice, were held to answer at the next (mit of the county Court. . J • It was pretty well known that a gang of crim inals infested that portion of` the county end rite neighborhood over the -State line, and it was de termined that the whoheatfair should be thou nugh ty in'vestigated. Sheriff Tither took the metier in hand, and engaged the services of (11r. A ..W• Chappelle, an exkrionticd detetive from 'Hoch: ester and a cenfederatA whose name we cannot give, who With Detective Molloy, of New yolk, proceeded to work up the ease l peteetive Chap pell() !ovate(' in the suspected nuighborhoe I.—• The others were also busy. Some singular facts relating to the trouble in Brookfield and vieinity were brought to light, but Must remain In rare custody for the present. Enough evidence of the vat of the parties charged with burning and roh bery was obtained. • When the case came n Fisk entered a plea of guilty and was retrinnt ed. Ives and Hilburn pleudaa "ma', guilty,'! and put th.un , rut ((aut. The evidence-was reasonably concHuive as to (h.( guilt of the parties from the admission of Kilburn; scarcely less so iu the testimony of Seeley and others. But when Detective Chapp e i t ee lc the stand the guilt of Ives became manifest to the 01,- server, even before the witness was :worn. II is te i stimony was clear, and satisfactory as to the guilt of the prisoners, he having been taken into es's confidence, as web as into the tentidenee Ives's friends. Thu evidence fat Abe deft-nee co l l uld hardly be said to hold mac', And lt hyll dr case went to the jury, District Attorney Niles Asked the Court to increase the hail of the ac,:i*e(l. T!lis was done, and no response being eepill the prisoners were remanded to the etisted3v of the Sheriff. The jury .reted a yerdict of guilty, and on Saturday Jude 4 Willialuesenteneed the piisoners as follows: es, three years shad Lit months, and KilbuTn tivo years and ten montht. iii Penitentiary, and Fisk jo leer yew in the t Botts° of Refuge: jGccat credit is duo the Detective:. Chuppel rind Altilloy, for the skill with which they iverlied up• tliis and other cases committed to their hands. Si , kl think that Jitstico has Crime by the throat in Tioga County just at present, nod it is 'riot proba— ble that the grip will be loosened until the snb jcot strangles. I OUSEKEEPJiRS, BEWKIt it E!-The Mont rose F 1 narns the public against a fellow 'W i lt° 1 the country sidling a preparation for eh pr ware. He is a s.tool.pigeon for a gang who' take this method to find out who I and whero it is kept. .Look vt or sut rogues. Don't buy his wash, and don't how iru your silver. . MJ C) C 5 eta 9E'retclic,..' .amarao and - Mandrake Bitters, FOR DYSPEPSIA. • , 11DROSTWORTand Stylliugia Syrup. a positiyo cure for Scrofula, Oil of Oak, Catarrh, WcafueFs Sore Tyne, .files, Durto, Scalthi, ilson's ' Diuretic Compound, 'lndian Compound o l f Honey; TlOneset and Squill::--for ealu It WILLIAMS & 00.. DI flll , l Apotheca ries, Wellsboro, Pa. Merchants, Farmers, affil all others in Irma of Pork, and Cider Barrels, Bill r Firkin::, and Tubs ? can find thew in any .quantity at . aud , retap at Wickham I , Parr':; Tioga, Par; Fino Frouch • Merit-Joe , for go could TOLES ER'S Rest Delnines 18 k In ,enls, nt TOLES DARNEP:.'S. All kinds of Uaddini. CS al ' DA BARKER'S. pa - idles Vostiand Di., wers at VILE:, Si BXRKER'S. lints and Capa, Iloat , and Shoos- - ; Tot,Es & •ItAßK . Ent'zi • Having just purcdtaEcd n new and well , selected ock of all kinds of Alerebandise at the lost great qlise in prices, wo t,• , d ,aafident 01 suiting yon i t 01 in quality and pnec. iWe will be pjea•ed io Amm.• to ail who will c ull & examine our stock .1 G. , als before pur6h elsewhere, mr, I , elit.ci• it %%ill pay yoa L tor ur time and trouble. TOLES f BARR Mt. No. 5 union Block, Wollshoro, Dec: 4, 18(17. r .11AR11 FA (.4 ES 'CROPP---ItEENEY—In Middlebury, On thu 27th ult., by Thomas-liciAmy, I 1 , Mr. Clayton Crupp, of Chatham, to 11i!,3 Carolina Keeney,' irf Middlebury. 'III9OIIE-13ENTLY.- —ln Tioga. NOV. ,2ti. Reef 1) - .R. MelSel won My. John T. Moore, - of Buriit Cabins, Fulton County, i'a.. tui.l ,Miss Fanny A., daughter of f.. T. Ilentl3, :Esq. , POTTS4--CLOSE--le Afield. by Rev. Francis Strang, 31r. Albert Pettey, .it Middlebar.e, and Matilda ulose; of on 21st Oct. 7 / 7 . LEAC.II--qalliN A I 1:11-111 t. e tlleld, by the same, Nov. 11. r. ales V. Leach, A t t;:v . at Law of Wkstileld4tore, and lliaa Ida E. 11.. a • of the aloe lilac,. • FAKELY--SEAcort WeAlield, by the same, Nov. 17, 18tilli Mr. W. n. W a kd w , of ‘t' vf t_ field Bora, an , t Mi9F. ;',Luoint 'of the saw(' • pin g. We,theid, by the same, Nbv. IU, isr4, Mr. Thema.) Cole, 1-aarrenee, and Miss Fraticce A. Intuit), of Westfield, Pa. DEA TI I S. STAPLES—In Middleboty,.October 27, 1867, i‘ arY P., wife of Silas Staples, aged 57. „a.~.;:i, ors.-y.:rY;. 7 sPEcTIA.:'I* - iiibt's. ---,b--- Causer, Sproft4,, fce„ Owed, kra-pel cone n tille ti with Cpnceq Scrofula, Tumors, Erupt lons, de., tire matt' try dm use of 1)r .It. 0 BENET, Illeetro-Medicated Baths nod Didian Vegetailikw remedies which plea:n:43MA tdoed of ell humors, Mercqy, bead, Lc., and rlestorehealth to fc. MI-Midi afflicted with every ,variety of disease. A Gook describing Cancer,i ScrofUla, Rumors; and other iseases, with their proper-it:lmes of cure, may ho oh iained free at the Medical 'net : ante.' or by Mail. Ad. Ims3 Dr, It. GREDNE,IO Temple piaci:Ok:ton. Mate. - Nov, 60867.-4 i. - SPECIAL NOTICE i DDBESS 'l'o THE N EIiVOUS'AND DEBILITATED ' /IL whose sufferings have been protracted from hidden emises, and %hose vase, require prompt treatment to render existence desirable.. If yon arosuffering or have Suffered Both involuntary discharges, what effect does It prmluce upon your general health?. Do you feel treat:, debilitated, easily tired? _Does a little extra exertion pr educe palpitation of the' heart? Does 'your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, fro: quently get out of order l is your urine sontetimes thick, utility, ortlocky, or is l ropy Or settling? Or does a thick setintrise to the tt7P 7 Or hi a sediment sit Ole button' atter it - has stood awhile? Do you have #pclis of stunt breathing or dyspepsia? Aro your bow , els constipated? ;Doyen have spells of faintingor rustl eof blood 'to the head? Is your memory impaired t 1.) s your mind constantly dwelling upon this subject ? o you feel dull, listless, Inopiq.. tried of company, of, ifs? Ito-ion wish to be left alone, to get away from Irerybody ? Does any little thing make you start or ump? is your sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre if your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek ... as wa g ht,t po you enjoy yourself in society as trell2.-.- o you pursue your business with the same euorgy ? a you feel its much confidence In yourself? Aro your , splits tint I and lingOop; given to fits of melancholy? 1f so, do not lay it to your liver Or dyspepsia.' - Have You restless nights? Your • back weak, your knees Weak, mid have but little eppelitc, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver complaint? j , Now, reader, self-Mateo, venereal diseascs badly cured, and sexual oxcessca, are all eapable 'of producing a ‘veaknese of the generative organs. The orguns of gen. Oration, when, in perfect, health, make the man. per. [you ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, per. severing, successful business men are always those whose generative ,organs aro in perfect health? You never 11!:aoonelt Men complain of being melancholy, of IterVolWmeas, of palpitation of the heart. They are nev er afraid they cannot succeed In business; they don't hecome sad and discouraged ; they are always polite od plewsaut lit the company of ladies, and look you and them right In the face—acmo of your_ downcast looks hr any other meanness - about them. I do not mean those who keep the organs enflamed by-running to ex resl. 'Theso,wlll pot onlyrnin the conetitutions,butr also thosi. they tie (meanest; with or for. flow many Men from badlyseursd diseases, from tho' effects /it self-abuse and excesses, havis brought about that state of weakness in those Organs that has reduced the general system so much 'ns to intincoalnlost every Other disease—idlocy, lunacy,' paralysis, spinal affect , ions, suicide, and almost every other form of disease 'which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely over suspecte& and have doctored for ptil but the right olio., , I •Diserinee of those organs'require the use of a dinratie. lIEDIBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUM : BIB the great Diuretic; and Is a certain cure for diseases of tho BM- W, Kidneys, Oravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Po. Ohomile Complaints, General Debility, and all diseases of o lit usury Organs, whethor existing in -Male or Pe. 'male from whatever cause origiaulting and no ratter tow long longstanding. . . i, if no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or In. au ity may euene. Our flesh - (1141)100t1 are supported min these sources, arid the health and happiness, and hat of posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable •entedy. ~, , • • -- , i . '-. .. . , 4 ll E r,Nrtiorars 'EXTRA& •BeCllU;'estaillitilied 'up. • vard of 18 years, prepared by lt. T. HELIIBOLD, i ' mg Broadway, liew,York, and - - ' 101 'South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. i 1 " , Penal— ~..0 par bottle, or 6 bottles for $6,150, de? tired to any addreba. ..Sold by all Druggists oVerywlT ----- - , COLGATE & CO.'S 1,:, -i ( G . 44:. -, '. GERMAN :-.t y -. "• . c . i , - ERASIVE SOAPr ' Y r, ... 'ERRORS OF: YOUTH. E llt A tiantlirnati whip, antlered to yenre-froth No rove Debility. PI ..rnattire Decltyond a the effects of youth 'fill indi9o)..tion; till, toi the sake Ustifforing human ity, send Ire() to all tylaz need it, t a recipe and direc pini for limiting the shrtple remedy by which be was pared. SuiTerera wishing to'prollt by the advertiser's experiilnee,c.at 41t , HO by addressing, in perfect conlb. 'dente 22A67 -Iy. _ 'SIIIIILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR. EIIIIVIPHREVS' ilOri/AOPATI-11C SPECIFICS, iirkvaltovim, FROM Tim MOST AMPLE L an entire meta ; Slinnie — Praffipl — Oictent, and' Reliable. They aro the only Medicines ffierlectly adapted to popular use—so ohnplo that mitt , 101,s cannot 13 , 0 made imusing them ; so harmless as to lie free from danger, and HO efficient as to be always re. 'liable. Tiny have raised the highest commendation from all, and 'a ill always render catiBfasetion, o...Cevitt • • i. 4 , •••—• In c -?px 7 ,3,:curri4c-1 , .....; -- nin tin at at ' 2, Worms, Irofm•Focer,, Worm• Colic do Crying-Col!c, or Teething; of infants... 25 4, do Diorrho3a of children or adults 45 41. DSMOIItetV, Griping, Bilious Colic '25 do Cholora-Morbns. VOibit log 25 7. d i coughs. Ck' 01;18, Bronchitis • ' r... 25 Neu ra lgi a , Tnotlineho, Faceaclie 26 9, 10 Headaches, 1..4.1,..k.11nitdad)e, Vertigo... 25 10, do D yap ep si a, ninon , ' Stomach 25 1, tho suppressed or painful .Periods 12, .lo tip bites, t, , t) profuse Periods 1:3, do Croup, Cou g h, difficult Breathing `25 I I, Salt Mourn, Iqysiliel.ts, Eruptions... 15, do Rheumatism, Rheumatic rains lii, do rover and Ague, Chill rover, Agues Li) 17.. do piles, blind or 1,1001113 g Q 611 Ophthaluky, and sore or weal: Eyes.— LO 41-, catarih; acute or chronic Influenza LU -211, tI" whp_oplag-cough, violent Couglia...• 50 21. .1., A s thm a , oppressed Breathing • 50 do mar Discharges, impaired Bearing.: 50 du Scrofula, enlarged Glands, Swellings.. LO do General:so-414y, Phyaical AVeakuess. 50 de Dropsy, and avanty Secretions Co Sea-Sickness, sickness front riding— .50 do itianey-Disease, Gravel 50 d" 'Nervous Debility, Suminal sloes, involtnitary Dischargea 1 so 23, 1., Sere Mouth, Canker..... : , GO do Urinary Weakness, wetting bed... 03 31, do Painful Periods, with Simms" " 60 3.2, do Sillicrings at change of life - 1 00 83, do - Epilepsy, Spasms, St. 9 ,ltus' Dance 100 31, de Diphtheria. ulcerated Sure Throat .50 FAMILY CAS L: S Or :33 LACCIE VIALS. 710RoCCo CASE, CoNTAINISO A CIFIC FOR EVF.P.Y ORDINARY DISEASE A FAMILY Is bUIIJLCV To, AND A LOOK OF DIRECTIONS $lO 00 Smaller FAMILY Mal Tailsgutio cases, with :NI to 2s vials $5 to $8 Fper)iies for MI PRIVATE DDIVAPES, both for CUM- Ina and for PatIFENTIVE trentrocnt, and vi• : al. fuel pockut Cooed—, $2 tols Gay TitcH3 Remedies by tiro caso or single box, nro sent to uny port of .the country, by Mail or Exiireso, free of charge, on receipt of the Nice. Addre.4 Humphreys' Specific lioniebpathio - Medicine Company Offirn and Depot, Nn. 56 BROADWAY, NEW YOuE Dr. HUMPHREY 3 lS 'consulted . daily at big Moo; par sonally or by letter, na above, tor alt toting of 'dtßeaoe. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Aufrrivt 21, 1567-Iy. ' • - - ' NERVOUS DEEILITV, AV ITS p_.o9.yr ATTENDANTS,—LOW T tiPIRILT§, DRPREBSION, INVOLUNTARY F.}IISFITONB,7 , OBS,OF p;}IEN, _Spr.III[ATOREWA, f,oss or POWER, D17;7. ( 1 - READ, LOSS OF AfEif• ORY AM) TIIREATITED IMPOTEN,CE AND vitt iiEdl i:ftv; f nit af,s6VEREIpN 'CURE in tat- PIIRE YS' 'HOIVIEOPATOIC SPECIFIC No. invtlN 'PY-,EIG HT. Compe.ed of the Muzit valtiable mild and potent.. C ut at ivc,, they strike nt once the root of the matter. tone up the esitent, a rii ,, t the discluirget, and impart vigor lied energy, life and vitality to the , entire man,. They have cured thousands of cases. Price $5 per packageof HLX Lo./{.. 15, and vial, or ia per single box.. field by.drug• gists, ml sent hy. mall on receipt of price. Address lIUM glit.El'B' dPECIPIC 110 M EOPATI:IIC MEDI CINE CO., 562 IlroAmr.vr, Nr.tr . War- ' 2thuggi-ly. TO CONSUMPTIVES The Rev, EDWARD A. WILSON, will send (freci of charge) to who desire it, the preaeriptiortwith the di• Tectiens for making and using the eipple remedy by which be was cured of n. lung atTegilop nnil,the t t drool di-ease Coninmptien.ls only object is to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try,this p}•e-, seription, as it will cost thcin nothing, and may prowl 4 Healing. please aildrems REV. 'EDWARD A. WILSON; Williamsburg, Kings Cp.; N. Y. T2rnay67-Iy. Aro You Afflicted with a Cough or a Cold? ARE YOU 'II.'BEDIPOS.RWTO CONSUMPTION? .11T the Lire: i f Your Children in ,Tcopardy front Sad dot an Repeated Attach: of Croup? - , n ritractse a Box of 13 LADE IS'. EIJPIIOIVIAL IJUI3RICATORSII 7'he Pcoph , ' , 3 Mold Sure «nil .I , .7ffectual Remedy for Coiignq, Guilts, Croup, (JUMP/ h. A stlon , f, Bron chilii, Dipihcria, and all Pulmonary Dieeage,s. _ . ri tilt: LUBRICATOR i:3 a medicinal preparation - 1n the of a Loz••lige, which, of all modes, is the iiiost picas:Ml and Con t, They contain no dole; tvrioul ily• warranted to 10 always star, even tor Om wealze-,Flind most sensltlva stomach. fir Cron). thay'giEe taint:NATE nELIEE, For Coughs and cold-I'l,oy are invaluable. For Catarrh, Asthma and Itronchitii they have no equal in the market,(vido Certificates ac , :ompauyilEg ("Itch hot.) Diptherlit, that. iirimiled and deF•olating (if3ea,ftt, they control wonder .. . fully and'Ainiost immediately. :No riin4er or Teacher, should he without Iheni.a, they remove hoarseness and strengtli. en and char the voicn. tlhr Al WAYd tne thnui lit time, and if rho symptoms nu c ,veCe 1140 very freely., • .1 li. BLADES 1 CO..llrop'rs, N.Y. • ,• I . CZ-FOR SALE' ItY* Aid, DRUGGISTS. Price 25. Cents Per fox. Dec. 16 manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, anti may bpi COll - tbit STANDARD OP EX CELLENCE. For ealo all Orocera. 22rnay07— y. JOHN B. 00 DEN. 42 Cedar Street. New 'cork - , - :iii:.:. .:'.1 ,, ,7. , ,? ~•._ - - ~:: ::-.; . ANOTHER NEW, .0 ASE STORE I "Facts are Stubborn Things, and Econonly, -is- Wealth !" " NEW FIRM & NEW GOODS! ; ::, i : " : 'l., BODINE & CO., Having purchased the, remnants of Ow late firm of Bullard 44, Trunlpp, , have •fltted up that Stor>d hare filled it.kith an ' ENTIRELY NEW STOCK Purchased this last week, whet' DRY GOODS TUMBLED! Just look at the figures! , Good Dark Prints at 8 cents a yard. ti Medium Prints at 10 cents a yard: Amo: 4 lZ%ag Prints warrau tea cot's 14 cts Best A 'fled can, & other standard Prints, f warranted colors, 15 ets a yard ; OTHER DOAIESTrt NODS In complete ateorttnent at ity—Lo w—D pviN-;-.PRACES DELA r INES Best Quality; 20 cents a yard; also a good - as sortnaent of Alapacas and Merinos,-. At— 7".(•,.....411-.• .1-era.r-casar... • LINEN ..) TABLE DAMASKS, TABLE CLOTHS DIAPER AND TOWELS, NAP KINS, CRASH, &C., As low,as over Were—Offered—lN—WELLSßOßO -5 • FLANNELS, CASSIMERES, WOOLEN GOODS EMI READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES At-Perfect&.j-Agtrorusm NO- PRICES ''wee Hex - 6s Ladiee' Cioth Gaiter i at $1,25 a pi Boys Napoleon Boots Nos. 1 to 3, $3 a pr m_ L - A now and splendid assortment to be sold eith er in odd pieces or in sets, at Figures— Which—DEFY -COMPTPN NoTtev.--Wa cannot and hill not ha .UNDERSOLD I - Oct. 30-4 w, EIMMEI MI El And all GOODS, Such as ' , i ..[ CLOTHS, BODINE & CO NEW- GOODS' 4 FOIi TIIE FALL & WINTER TRADE Just received by Wilson 6: Van Valkenburg, t tho Well known Store, NO. 1, NION BLOCK. Wo are now prepaied.to citiow {is good goods and at as low figures as'at any., othdr store in this vi , elnity. We ask aniinspootion of our DRY GOODS, Which consist in part, of 4 Ladies' Cloths, Cassimtires;Vestfug, Cloths, and , a large variety of Ladies' Dress Goods. . GROCERIES, Best kinds, and as cheap as the cheapest. MERCHANT TAILORING AND FURNISHING GOODS. The Senior partner has hall a largo experience in Merchant Tallorini,, apd it is of of the nee , firm to put this branch of their business beyond successful competition. :1, We are Agents for Singer's Sewing Machines, the hest and cheapest Machine for &mill, use, loss liable to got out of repair; and more dtrablo than any, other, adapted to fine or coarse sowing. Call and sea them. . WILSON A. VAN VALIiENiTJItO _ Wollsboro, Oot. 16, 11367—tf. NZi.~~..,.A..~►Za 2"ST LL Z MRS. E. R. KIMBALL p ow receiving a 'new and fashionable stook • MILLINERY GOODS fresh from New York, which ihe will sell very cheap. Call and examine new styles and prices. MAIN STNEET, WELLSBO/tO, PA. October 18, 1887. • - I . Planing Machine. AT KEENEYVILLE, PA. I ' LtAVE put in a first-class PLANER, and am prepared to plane flooring, aiding, etc. to order. - '- ' GEO. D. KEENEY.' . Sept. 18,1867-Iy, . .. In Bankruptcy. Western Dietrich of Pennsylvania, es. TE undersigned hereby gives notico of his appointment as assignee of Lucius Truman, in the county of Tioga, and State of Pennaylva s iai within said District, who has bean adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. JNO. L'MITCHELL, Oct. 23, 1867. Assignee, ho. iLI2IECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters Testament ary baying been granted to the undersigned upon the Estate of Cornelius Van Dyck, Into of Chatham, dee'd, all persona indebted to said Es. tate, and alt perms having claiins against the same will call and settle with • gnia ALLEN,I,Air. Chatham, Oct. 16, 1867.--Ow.lt , s, ~ . In Bankrnptey. In the matter of Lucius 1 Truman, Bankrupt. J Western District of Pemnegivan c, a, es : • Notice is hereby given: T at the undeisigned if assignee of said Bankrupt, In pursuance of an order of sale made by proper authority, will ex pose to public sole at his ofrmo, in Welleboro, Tioga County, Pa„ at 2 ieelock P. M„ or: Monday the 16th day of December, A. D. 1867, the follow ing property, to wit : 400 shares, stock in Congress Oil Company. - 1 promissory note,againet ono John. Parley, "- i 1 '"' , ~ --- ,' a ' Joseph . Bartlott. 1 " . f‘ ;i " - Michael ampbell. A judgment against J. D. Gillett in Bradford County Pa. JNO. I. MITCHELL, ' Assignel 4 L.Truman. Wellsbero, Pa., Nov. 21, 1867.-2 w. Public Benefit, AMONG,tho useful improvements of the day, there are few that-give more promise of good, few so well adopted tolreliovo h4man suf fering, few so well approved by, the public as'that now and powerful remedy ailed' Balptifer (or as the Gorman people call it Healthbridger). It givesAase and comfoit to the poor sufferer from Neuralgia and Rheumatism, and , brings speedy relief to that largo class of dismiss that are °Rout cared and always b t Snofito by an out ward application: k For solo bp' all Druggists. Wholesale • DepotHAY, HOAGLAND (4 STI GEIt, No 54 Courtlandt:St. New York.. FURNITURE , Is t FURNITURE 1 ARTHERTON would inform his friends PJ • andlhe public generally, that he has bpstt4 od a Furniture Store, in Oeeolit, Tioga County, where he keeps constantly on hand all kinds of Furniture-L-all of which ho offers sus low for cosh as can be bought at any other establiohment in tho County. Nov. 27, 1867.-tf, J. ATHERTON. Estiay. Found' on the Commons, in this borough, Sun day, 17th inst., a red calf. The owns.; can have th 9 same by applying to High Constable Water ,man and paying charges. ~Pellslio Cloth-Dressing Works. HAVING engaged Mr. JAMES SMITH •to superintend our Clothing Works ire are noir ready to do all kind of coloring and di.ess ing in good style and on abort notice. 0 9ept. 18, 1887-tf. ALENDER, French, Marine -and Church, Clocks, at [dean] FOLEY'S. Popular Pry Goods Trade ! > It, , 11=II S. A, .lIIIITBOLP, 0. BLAIR, Ell= T'irg lui o reriber; has just - rear,ived 4 large . . DIY ' , GOODS • °imbrue ng very variety. CARPETS,; OILCLOTHS, • Among which will be found many oil the most popular Styles of 000ZDigp • SHAWLS, OLOAKINCIS & SACKIN G S, at prices that aro worthy of attention. Also, a full lino of PRINTS, GINGIIAMS. BROWN AND BLB4OI - 13), IgUSLINS, TIMINGS, 'DENIMS,' STRIPE f' • 'NOS, TABLE LINENS, - BROWN & BLEACIIE, . NAPKINS, TOWELINGS, LACE AND EMBROIDERED WINDOW CUR ' TAININGS, EMBOSSED AND PRINTED TABLE AND . • PIANO ,SPREADS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, j.c. Spacial attention is called to hisd, CLOTHING, & TAILORING. DE •• • 1 PA.R2WENT, . Where a perfect,fitis k,lll 3 anteed or no sale. • A share of the p . 'utate:patronage is respectfully solicited. t - , LT.IIOMAS . lIARDEN. Wollsboio, May;111, 1867, DOT it Comes. 4t, i •WRIGHT ILEY arc receiving a largO lot of CHOICE NEW WHEAT FLOUR, tbei first in marketY.l - To be sold at reduced pri ces. 14aug67. Register's Notice. • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tho Ex -111 centers and Administrators named below, have filed their accounts in the Register's OtEco in and for the county oT'rioga, and that the same will be presented to the Judges of the Orphans' Court, for said county, at a session of said Court to bo b•O'd at Wellebero, on Monday, the second day onfieombbr next; at 2 o'clock in the-after noon, for confirmation and allowance. Final account 'of Robert Casbeer, Administra tor of the estate of Ernetus Butts, late of 'Law rence Township, deceased. Account of Enoch B. Campbell, Administra tor of the °slam of James Campbell. late of Tioga Co., deceased." Account of I. ht. Bodine, Administrator of the estate of Norman Franoie, late of Delmar Town ship, deceased. Account of James Tubbs, Administrator, do bonis non of the estate of -David Taylor, deed. Account of,. James Loirofy, Executor Or the tho lasttwill and testament of John t Phclan, latn :of Delmar township decnted. I _ \ „ N BANKRUPTCY .— This is to give notice: That on the 24th day of Octt. A. D. 1867, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Oeoyge Asher,-of WellObbrough, in tho county of Tioga, and State of lien'a, who has been adjUdged Banlcruptii on his own Petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any_ prooorty belonging to such Bankrupt, to them or for their use and }lto transfer of any pro perty by him aro forbidden by has ; that's. meet ing 'oft the creditors 'of the said Bankrupt to prove their debts and 'to - choose ono'or more As signees of the estate, will bo hold at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo holde at the office of F. E. Smith, in Tioga, county of : Tioga and State of Powell, before F. E. Sin th, Register, on the 30th day of November, A. D, 1867, at 2 o'clock P. M. /- THOMAS A. ROKLEY, ' U. S. Mir,shal Westli Dist. Pe. ' • Per DAVID CAMERON, Deputy. Out. 30, 1867.-4 w ,:- FALL' Sr, .WINTER -GOODS 0;n:7.867 We beg to .3911 your attentiow to our. stock of MILLINERY GOODS, for the Fall and Winter trade, which is now complete, embracing full lines of PLAIN AND FANCY SILK AND VtL ' . VET RIBBONS, • of all widths and Shades. STRAW, BILK AND FELT RATS AND BONNETS, of thoptest and most approved shape. Velvets, Crapes, Blonds, Braids, Feathers, Mowers, Ruches, . Frames, Ornaments, &c.. and all articles pertaining to the Millinery trade, to which wo'invito your inspection. N. B.—Particular attention paid to Custom Work. Mrs. E. D. MITCHELL B .ad Street, Tioga,, Pa Oct. 2, 1847—V. I mic>i. Gio to.KELLPX'S and clee the Latest Arrival u PALL GOODS! Consisting of a general essortment:of ~ ce Z A w 0 ' 6' ;I ) F 2, o dan °=, • Pal , Per g 0 ' 1 cz m z at g 0 X dEI .1.0 . c-. Pq go U 1 MRS. FRTS CORSIT AND SKIRT SyPPORTS, AT ..t ..." i KELLEY'S i:IItMYYiC~7 li:#l~N~3tli : l! iiltlrl : i.ii' Its~~ NEW DRESS GOODS AT ,KELLEY'S S,2iaqUaN P S'IMSII9 GENTS• FURS AT KEf,LEY'S Oar- No eliargO for SHOWW GOODS nt..lr ; C. B, KELLEY'S,' wens oro, Oct 30, 1867. BENING-TONS' FIRE ARMS. .vritTitENT. ) in. Calibre LLvy Revolver,..... JO in. Calibre Belt Revolver, ' Navy sizo Calibre Police Revolver, ; Navy size Calibre Now Pocket Revolver, 11 100 in. Calibrg Becket Revolver, ) (Rider's pt.) 31.100 in. Calibre Repeating Pistol, (Elliott pt.) No 22 ac r 32 Carew) Vest Pocket Piste , No 22, 30, 32 A; 41i Cartridge Gun Cane No 22 t t; 32 Cartridge Breech Loading ltille,(lteals') No 32 dc 38 " Revolving Rifle, 36444-100 in Calibre E. REMINGTON S: SONS. • - PRINCIPAL AGENTS Mooro & Nichols. New York; Win need & Son, Boston; Jos C Grubb & Co, Phibidelpbin; Pout they & Trimble, Baltiinbre; 'Henry Folsom & Co; New Orleans; johnson,, poncer ,l Co, Chicago, L M Rtunsoy & Co, St. Louis; Albert E Crane, San Francisco. Oct. 9,1867.-9 m. BEHIVB EXCHANGE!" Tho harvest hail:mute, the promise fulfilled, To the man whose broad acres vitro 'properly tilled; Wheat Is good, corn bunkum, oats may be a short crop, But the 'average of all must be marked 'as tip top. .• TMAKE no pretensions to propbotio Oro, but I, my reiteration of Bible promisos to the in, dustrious worker was in good time. I aol there. fore emboldened to prophesy that nobody w)11 . STARVE TO DEATH • this fall and winter who has raised enough of grain and root crops to keep him and hie faintly; and those who lack anything in the way of life's substanlials will escape starvation by applying to me at the " BEE-HIVE EXCHANGE," „ Fciouß-x-Ax-Axx - 1 according to tho marks upon tho barrels; y I MACKEREL & WHITEFISH west of the " Silent, sobbing, roaring, and placid Sea." I furthermore prophesy that every man and wo man, without distinction of color, race, or sex, will o GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, (or any other man. Sarkfism,) and no express charges, except the express charge of so much a pound, which you always pay when you trade with me. 4 have had, and oxrioot to continue to have a groat "spell" of MOCHA (from Mecca) JAVA, BRAZIL, I AND LAGUIRA. (The latter of which rhymes with, but was not ground at "Elmira.") I am further Able to say that people will eat much or little, in proportion to thoir appetite, and will pay for much or littk. aceording to their money. I sell Toa by the - porter pound, of course, but prefer to wholesale it in packages bf riot less than and, by persuasion, can bo induced to 601 ti chest of a doze pounds to ono customer. at best prices, as Keep his „ irk , ~„,„„a ij og to his family Wollsboro, Aug. 14, '67. W. T. MATHER:6' T. L. , BALDWIN & CO., A v r lgEn t ryt/G their Mock of FALL and EO S consisting of general assortment of CON .! LADIES' DRESS GOODS, -HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHAWL9KNIT GOODS, 1100 . P SKIRTS, BALMOREL SKIRTS, SILKS, DOMES . - TICS, FLANNELS, Ladies' Cloakings, Cloths and assi- READY-MADE CLOTHING, Under Clothing, Hats and Caps, Yan kee Notions, Caipets Oil Cloths, Groceries, Flour, Hangings, Flour, Feed, Pork, II RIUs, Sugars, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Fisk, Oils,- - Paints-; Spices, - Exraets, Wooden • Ware, Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Baskets, Hard Ware, Crockii,r,4ass.,,Ware, Stationery, Salt, `ails, Iron' Stone Ware. ' In fact, a general assortment and as large a stock ns.you i pvill find to t;eloct from outside of the city. x4ll kinds of GENERALLY • COUNTRY PRODUCE 0 DEALERS taken in exchange for a o ody, Wo buy good goode and will sell es cheap us anybody. Cro'und Plaster cOilsionntly on hand. where they will find my PORK, solid, and sweet, and chap, mq The latent catch And the greatest catch, Cheered; but not inebriated, by ming the eplendb!, El which I sell cheaper than the " Kaughphy " SIXTEEN OUNCES, AkATHEItS will buy and sell FARM PRODUCIE OUT OF THE POOR HOUSE DRY GOODS, mores, Gloves and Mittens, Boobs and Shoes, T. L. BALDWII & CO Tioga, Pa., Oct. 9, 1867. . TS a soothing expeetorant, prepared to meet the ur gent need of a safe and rolls ' ble care for; diseases of the A trial of many years has et , that it is more, etlidattions in pulmonary affections than any other remedy. Its efficacy has now become so generally• known, that it is Justly regarded in many countries as a medicine of indispensable necessity. In Great Britain, France, and Germany, where medical , science has reached its highest perfection, it is prescribed in domeitio practice, aniteonstantly used in the armies, its hospitals and other pub lic institutions, where it •is regarded by the attending physicians as the most speedy and agreeable remedy that can be employed. scarce ly any neighborhhod can be found Where well known cases of diseased lungs, which had baffled the efforts of the most skillful and. experienced doctors, halo boon completely cured by it. These results arc the most convincing proofs of the su perior curative properties of this preparation; and to them the authors point with peculiar sat isfaction. While it is must powerful against eon. firmed diseases, it is;extreinely gentle as a medi cine in infancy and youth, being, quite harmless to even tho youngest, when administered judi ciously. This health-restorer accomplishes evert more by prevention than cure. If taken in season, it heals all irritations of the throat and lungs, whether arising from Colds or Coughs, or from other causes, and thits prevent that long train of painful, and incurable diseases, which would arise from the neglect of -them. Hence no family should ho without it, Influenza, Croup, Hoarse ness, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Incipient Con : . sumption, and other a-ffections of the breathit.g orga4, give way bolero this pro.eminent combi natiorit of medical virtues. ' Prepared by Dr. J. C: AYER tt CO., 'Lowell, Mass., and sold by all Druggists and dealers or medicines everywhere. Sold in Wolisboro by J. A. Roy. kept4-2m. EMI wit° cloth for Collor Windows at the Tioga Hardwarla Store. . —II • Pistol-Cartridges, all kinds at the Tioga Hard ware Store. Cable Chain, all size; at the Tioga,Hardware Store. ' , , AU kind of Japaned and weoden warn, at the Tioga Hardware Storo. CI Fancy Toilet Ware, Wire (Node, Bronzed Brackets and the Vest assortment of Cutlery in tho Couhty, at tho Tioga Hardware Store.. 50 Different kinds of Pumps, at the Tioga Hard ware St9re. A largo stook- of Saws of all kinds at the Tioga hardware Store. All kinds of house Trimmings and Meobanids Tools, at the -Tiogn hardware Store• 430 Tons Of Stoves at the Tioga Hardware - Store—to be sold cheaper than ever before in this County. A largo stock of Union Lanterns—the only kind that never needs repairing, at tho Tioga Ifarkitsrare Store. beyers all bey their geode at the Tiego. Hardware Store. FROM PIIILA-DELPIIIA: i I was afflicted for years With rheumatism in wy hip,•aticl have tried everythingifor it with no avid". But by; the use of a single bottle of Sala fifer I was entirely cured. It has also cured my wife of Neuralgia,. There is no remedy-in my knowAvige like it for Rheumatism, or ponral g ia. H. Z. HOPP, No. 307 Porkiomen e. Oct o—if I • Farm for Sale. ' rpHE subscriber will sell the farm upon which .be now resides, known as the Wetmore Far.m,C located two miles east of Wellsboro, on the State Road, containing 95 acres, -with frame house. two barns, sheds and other outbuildings, a large apple orchardrof thrifty.trees, Aldo toventy-fivo acres. 'IL irvinroved land_ an raino rbaa, tieing nom' nun o.t too oia b. mart homestead. The south half is also for sale. Upon this farm are sufficient buildings for several years se, and two large apple orchards with other f• nit trees. For (se, partigulars and conditions of sale, inquire of N. llait,fat Wellaboao, Pa., or of the subscriber upon tiltl'prernises A. HART. Nov. I'3, 1867-4*. 't I N THE VI.I,LAGE OF iIOGA, Pa., the i I Farm formerly owned by John Prutstnan, Esq., 103 acres.' Also about 4 acres formerly owned by - iuo I?ePtti, Esq., n the township of Tioga, Ps. on the waters of ill Creek. A,Farm of 110 acres,. good qUad house, barn, and orehar 1. Also a farm of 140 sores with a cheap hon e. • . And a 1 rve quantity of timbered lands with one steam aw mill and one water mill. Personal property belonging with the above real estate will be sold with it if desired. The entire prop erty in one sale can be bought at agree bargain, or it will be sold in lota to suit purchasers at low figures. Inquire of A. S. TCRNER, • Nov. 13, 1377.-4 w. Tinge, Pa. T j ETTEES TESTAMENTAn . .having been _I granted upon the estate Of .: el Calkins, do. ceased, late of Westfield, this.is to notify all per. Sons indebted tu T to make i i rfiediate payment, and all having claims against the:so.id estate will present them for settlement t • ALVAH MINTONYE, • Westfield, Oct. 23, '67-6w4 Executer. Cleaning Sewing.,gachinee. PHE undersigned hereby, notifies owners of Sewing Machines that he prepared to alt;au and put, such machines in good order on calL He also is agent fur the "patent tucker," which can ho used on any machine. JOHN B. SHAKSPEARE. ,),Vellsburo, Sept. 4, 1867, tf. Administrator's .Notice LETTERS of Administration having boon granted to the undersigned upon the estate, of Philo Griffis; late of Chatham, doted, all per-' sons indebted to said estate, and all. persons hav ing claims against the same are requested to call and settiv with JANE - 011.1FFIN, ROSWELL ACKLEY' Adr * Middlebury, Oct, 9, 1866.-fda MO THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Tioga County Bank or claimants of any sha,re or shares thereof. You are hereby notified arta rO• quired to pay up the balance due on said stock •on or before the fOth tiny of December next, or the same will be - resuld_at, public sale at their `Banking House in 'Flop Tioga County, Penna, on the 11th day of DocOnler next, at 10 o'clock, A, M. % said day, as authorizecl.by law. , B. C. IV,ICKIIAM,,Pres't. Tioga, Sept. :10. 1867 A DAUNISTRATOS'S NOTlCE.—Letters' of Administration having 1)041 gratifta to, ttio undersigned upon the earrifo of Jerome Smith, late of Wellsboro, deo'd, All persons indebted to said estnto, and all persons havineolaims against the san,lo aro requested to call and settle wirhout delay. A. S. BREWSTER, Wollsboro. Nov. 6; 1867—0 w Adtp'r, EVIDENCE ACOMIULATES THAT M. B. PRINCE, is salting a few goods now and than. Ho does not profess to. sell 50, 25, nor oven 10 per centi below New York prices, because ho has no faithitbathe nor "any other man" can do an and supliort'a family; nei ther does ho make any distinct on among his pa tron's in prices. TERMS, PAY. DOWN.; Poop to of Welisboro and vicinity, please accept my thanks for your past patronage, and let we ljjcit yo6Tl s attention to uy present stock of 1 39 -11 .X.SCYtTI : t., • (from Graham to the finest,) FEED, CORN MEAL;, PORK, ' PIM, AND (IEII:TEAL GROCERIES,/ • • ' Most hinds or Country Produce takeri In ex ,oliatige at market rates. Storo, Mozart Blot*, next door to the liiirdivarelStore. October 21. 1,967. 1 M. B. PRINCE. ' Inf..rtowthin gmraht:Ztl ttl produce a invariant grmblll of hair upon a bald head or beardless face, also recipe for the removal of Phniilea, Blotches, Erup 'Sion'', etc., on thr s in, I.3.tring the eamo 64ft, clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by address. lag - THOS. P. CHAPMAN, Cactus; Nii=l Oheiisr Pecioral For e. Executor's Notice Notice. D. L. AIKEN, Cashier lATOR MAHON. 8,73 Broadway, Now lurk.