dh"PEIi 'Aftei tit° shower,' tho n tranqnil Sun ; Apt tho snow, th z e emerald lOatesi Bflvoti stript„ tthrin thi,day ie done; • ' • -41..fter the harvest,' golden, sheaves. ' • lafthC clouds, theivlolet sky ; , ;: fter thtenwest, 'the lull of witycs • ; _ ,J . 47iniet we pile, when the winds go - h 5 ; After qatibattlei, peaceful graves,' El ,After : -the knoll, tbe wedding bells ; \' After the bad, the radiant rose; ,Toyfnl . greetingsfron sad farewells ; After our weeping, sweet repose. After tilt:purlieu, the blissful weed ; '•'. 'After titellighi; l'he'downy rust ; 'ftertbe furrow - , the waking seed ; '..:After the shadowy river—rest . ;•:",•-' '. l Thelrotie Night. " -: - - . l3iitif ititi Arctic night can he endur ed iYith.little strain upon the physical, : it is rtOertheless, a severe trial to Moth • moral and the intellectual faculties. , ' the The • darkness •which ,ho long clothof nature :unfolds to' the selltiCS a 110 W vkiri i and=- the • senses' 11month - iodate them elves to that Ni , orld 'but poorly.-- 7 Thec Bering influences of the rising •ssetrir*.h ehinvito to labor ; the soothing infinen • Of,thn evening twilight which. '' lial froth te to , pose ; the , onange from day tO:ulght, a d fro night to • day, which t il ligatens the urden of the weary mind andcaohing ody; strengthenlng the Elope and 'sus ning the cori:t . , , :e in the • great life-battle of the dear '. - ,,mcLiand ate) vathdrawn nd 1111 th..- constant • .104ing for light; the mind and body, . wry with the 'eangeless .progress of AO, Tail to And rei)se Fin:re - Allis rest. The grandeur of nat re cease§ to give delight to the dull mpathies. . The . heart longs continual' for now associa •tiona,-new objects, and nw cotnifanion ' ships. Thekiark and tire r solitt de op \ presses the understanding • tnc 'tlesola ition Which every where re gns, haunts •„the Imagination ; the silenc , dark, and •, -. drear and profound; hecoine.4 kterror. And 'et there is.in the Amt.e night. In6oh:that is'attraotive to the; I yet of .'4latti re. There is in the flashing \nrora, i i :In the piny of the Moonlight upoi the hills. anti „Icebergs, in the wonderful ( ;clearness of tlii4tarllght, in the brop.di -- -r6xparise of the 46-fields, in the loft '?trandeur of the mountains and glacier.-' 'in!the naked fierceness of the storms, , much finals both sublime 'and heauti -1 Int.. ,But they speak a language of -their •._ .otri—a. language, rough," , rugged and fie vete— ',.- - i ..: , . . • Icatino 1S here exposed ;on , gigantic "scale. Out of the glassy sea the' cliffs rear the desolate waste of ice-chhi wa ---tcrs. The mountain peaks glittering in thef.cleari cold atmosphere pierce the • very heavenS, their. heads hoary with unnumberctrages.l Thq glaCiers pour •their cryStal torrents into the sea' in lloodi4 ': of immensurable, niflgnittide,L-: : The very air, disdaining the gentle soft ness'of their climes, bodies foyth a lofti- er'majeSty, and seems to till tilt; universe ; with a boundless transparency ; and the stars pierce it sharply. And the 1110011 _tills it with a cold refulgence. ,There is . - neither warmth nor colotinfT underneath this ethereal robe of nigliC. No broad 'windows open in the east; ; no gold and -.;riinson curtains fail in the roost, upon • a world clothed in blue and green; and . .urple, melting into one harmonious whole, a tinted cloak of .graceful loveli ness. - Under the shadow of the eternal, night, nature needs no drapery, nd re quires no adornment. The glassy sea, the lair elill, the lofty mountain, the majestic glacier, do not blend one with the other. Each stands forth alone, eiothed only with "Olitiie, : Sable • 1 - .):,estss of the arctic wi ed the world in a w Mling: sheet, ter, she has 1 wrapped and thrown her web and roof over the very face of nature. i . ' I have wandered away to some 'dis tant valley where all sounds were hush ed and the very air was still and solemn as thelomb. And it is here that the Arctic night is most impressive, where its true spirit is revealed, where its won ders are unloosed to sport and play with the mind's vague imaginings. The . heavens above and - the earth beneath . rev,eal only an endless fathomless qtiiet. Thre is nowhere around me evidence off fe or motion. I stand alone in the midst of mighty hills: Their tall crests I climb upward, and arelost in the grey vaults of - the skies. The dark cliffs standing alalust their slopes ;of white are steps Ot-a bast amphitheatre. The mind finding no rest on their Bold sum mits, wanders into space. , The moon} weary with her long vigil, sinks to her repose.. T,he Pleiades no longer breathe their sweet- influences. Cassiopea and Andromeda and Orion; and all the lir- finite host of unnumbered constellation, tails to infuse one spark of joy into thi3 dead atmosphere. They have lost all I heir tenderness, and are cold and pulse less. The eye leaves them and retu v rns to earth,'and the trembling ear awaits something that will break the oppress ive stillness. But no foot-fall of living thing reaches it ; .there is no ilcc of bird, no tree among whose branch , :.:ie wind may sigh and-moan. Thy p 1 - ..tions ox my own heart are al ne .her , 1 in the great void : and as the bloo I caurses through the sensitive org:th.zation 01 the,ear, I am oppressed, as wit.lidiscord - ant sounds. Silence has ceased to be a nlgative. It has become endowed with positive attributes. I seem to hear and see and feel it. It .stands forth as a frightful spectre, filling the mind with the overpowering consciousness .ccf uni versal death prpglaiming the end I of all things, and heralding the everlasting future. Its presence is unendurable. I spring from the rock on which I have been seated, I plant my feet heavily in the snow to banish its awful presen.ce, and sound rolls through the .iiight and drives away the. phantom. I have seen no expression on the face - of Nature so filled with terror as THE SILENCE OF THE ARCTIC NIGHT.—Dr Hayes , "Open Poker Sea." - TIIE UNDISCOVERED ARTS.—We have pretty 'thoroughly tamed one of the powers of nature—steam ; but there are several others, which science is be ginning to find out are equally, power ful and which arc still unsubjugated.— There is that subtlei,agency, known as electricity or magnetisni, which we haveasyet applied to but two purposes, and'which Is very likely henceforth 'to be taught-to delve and drive and tug and toil, hi behalf of man, td an extent far beyond the facilities of steam. There are the gases which, as motors, have only just begun to attract the attention of the inventor and Scientist.. And there is heat, which we have but. lately found out Is not only a motor, but is actually motion itself. The availa bility of these powers—to say npthing of the undiscovered elements which may still be concealed among the area , na 2f,nature—is immense. Their - de- Yelopmeat when it comes will produce &Teets of Which the most mid and tti!- vei _imagination ' cannot conceive.— ' ?hen - we shall bo able to communicate • ith the remote parts of the earth in I he space of a few seconds, but actually to visit them In that brief time; when el the labor of the - offiee, the factory •.,i the market place shall be done .-.; 'hout any physical toil ;,-when our 1 .u.-,es shall be heated as easily and °ilea ply As' they are now lighted; when •,;ine is able to repair an injured hu man bm as she now repairs an injured e i, ea& ne, a\ d' to guarantee to every be i:ig that is born an aVeragely long and averagely healthy existence; when we can interchange thoughts with the- in habitants of the other worlds that, like ours, dot the immensity of space—then we shall look back uPo'n this era as one of I a comparatively r unimportant ad \ vance in civilization. , The realization of these things may Seem to be impohi ble, but can we who have witnessed the birth of the railroad and-the tele., graph, place any bound to the !domain of sclera i fi. e discovery 9 —E Ifor d ' • a; , Courant. . promise, should be given with can tion and , kept with care. Better that the feet slip than the tongue. il'AitlAtrAßE sTaRE I 1 CONYERS & OSGOOD I N addition to their old business in Dry Goods, Groceries, ar.c., bare established a ' STOVE, TIN,-AND GENERAL .HARD _ 11 1. An STORE., two doors below the old stand; where they man ufacture . TI-N - -WARE • ' ' •0$ 'flit PRINCIPLE; • that ie, in the most eubetantial wanner— In the !imam' 0 - . '.. -- '.--' - -'•- • ;' ' ~ '--- Sr 10 111.. .. , . s we have enough to do all tho conking and warm ing in Tioga County. In fact, we have stovea. .nouOlo MAK?" A,WiIItHER iri ' 1 WALRUSSIA: We (aro the only agenta for the sale of the AMMAN - WOK STOVE iu Wellsbi;io; aliti this tot t; AUTOCRAT OF STOVES! R'o,keep' all kin'as of ilardware[friM", Nails, Steel, Horse Shoos, and a complete variety of SHELF HARDWARE; If sou don't:1)0114m) iy,DROP CONVERS & OSGOOD. Wellsboro, Sept. 4,186 . 7, ly, Proofs of the Superioi Qui'lit * OP THE AIIERIeN WATCH , MADE - AT WALTHAM, MASS. The Americ'an Watch w . Conarty, of Waltham, Nla4s., respectfully submit that their Watches are cheaper, more accurate, loss complex, more dura ble, better adapted for general use, and more ea sily }cunt in order and repaired Olen any other watches in the market. They aro simpler in 4ciure, - and therefore stronger, and less likely to go injured than the !majority of foreign watch es, w'hich aro composed of from 125 to 300 pie 4es, whe an au old , English watch there are /More than 700 parts. How they run under the ' inrilost trial watches' can have, is shown by the \ t owing letter: • \ - TENN\ RAILItOAD COMPANY. ' OrPTCE OF \THE GEN'L SPERINTENDENT, } ALTO \ ONA, PA., 15 De0.,1 1 466. GENTLEMEN : Tio watches man 4 notured by yen have been in ine on this railroad for several yeara by our eng,irlomon, to - whom we furnish watches as part of otir equipment. There are now. some three hundred of them carried on nur line, andj We consider them good and .reliable 'timo-keopers. Indecd,'l have great - satisfaction in :cuing your watches give -us less trouble, and have worn, and do wear much longer without re pairs than any watches wo haVo over had in use on this road. As you are aware, we -formerly trusted to those of Englih mhimfacturo, of ac knowledged good reputati i on.; but \ as a class they, never keep time as correc ly, nor h?ive they done ris good service, as yours. , \ ' In these statements I am sustained by my tirodecessor, Mr. Lewis, whose experience ex tended over a series of years. Respecilnlly, EDWARD 11. WiLLIAM§, Gonerel,Superintendent. American IVatch Co., Waltham. Wo make now five different grades, of watchet, named respectively as follows : • Appleton, Tracy & Co., - IValtham, - /forta , . il'a/t/nah Tratch Company, IVoltliam, Masa. P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, .3faag. Ellery, Holdou t :Moe. home Wat . eh Company, Boston, Mass. All of these, with the exception of the Nome Watch Company; are warranted by the American Watch Company to be of the hest material, cit 4 the most approved principl i e, and to potsess every requisite fora reliable timekeeper. Every deitler sellini these Watehels is ptos;iaed with' the dote pany's printed card of gUarantee, which should .ccompany cult' Watch sold, so that buyers may eel sure they aro purchasing the genuine article. There are numertius counterfeits and imitations of our Watches sold thtoughout the country, and ire would caution purcLasers to ho on their guard against imposition. • Any grades of Waltham Watches may be pur chased of Watch Dealer: , throughout the country. 80. BINS & APPLETON, Sept. 4,1887-3 rt - 162 Broadway, N. Y. TIOGA CO. COURT PROCLAMATION. 1 Whereas, the 800. Robert G.. White, Presi lent Judge for the 4 , 1. Judicial District of Penn-, ylvania, and e. 2? 1.' , -11 and Elisha T. Bentley,' Lsq.'s, Amstar() Judl,,os ll‘ Tioga county, have -3sued their precept, bearing, date the 24th day .1 tiept.TlBs7,-and to mo d:, ented, for the hold 'ng of Orphan's Court, Coin -. of Comu.on Pleas, General Quarter Sessions at t- Oyer and Termin al., at WellOore, for the County of Tioga, on thy 4th Monday of November (being the 25th day), 1557, and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coro ner,.l ustices of tho Peace, and Constables in and for the county of Tioga. to appear in their own properpersons,withtheirrecords,inquisitions,ex aminationsand remenitbrammi, to do those things which of their offices and in thpir bel!alf apper tain,to be 'atone, and all witnesses and other per sons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to be then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors arerequestad to be punctual in their atto dancb at the appointed time, agree ably to noti a. . Given unde my hand and seal at the Sheriff's Office, in Ili' ellabcro ' the 24th day •of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand sigh, hundred- and Sixty-seven.' . LEROY - `1 ABOR, Sh . riff. .ut Elmira Saw Ma I ufactory.. Cast and Extra Cast Steel Patent Tape) Ground circular Saws. MILL, MULEY, •GANG CROSS-CUT, CLEARING, SOOTII AND OTHER • SAWS. Mr.- SEILIEFFELIN, Jr., is authorised to sell at Factory Prices in Tioga. Orders for repairing, ite., left with Mr. Seidel felin will be attended as prffinptly as if left at the Manufactory. 'ANDREWS Si, BURBAGE Sept. IS, 3867.—tr. W. J. Horton, rATE of the firm of Mather 4t, 'Horton, hay j ingg just returned from the city of New York, is now prepared to ;offer to the citizens of Law renceville, and vicinity, a general assortment of. G 0 CUM & PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOOD & WILLOW-WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS. LA WRENCEVILLE, PENN' A. • September, 1700867—d ,130 DINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTIIERS.—Tho Graf to Mineral Paint Co. are now manufacturing the Best, Cit....post and most Durnbre Paint in use: coats well pia on, mixed with pure Linseed 011...,;: last 10 or .15 yearn; it IS of a light brown or beautiful chocolate .color, and can bo changed to green ? , drab, olive or cream to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for !louses; Barns, Fences, Carr's and Car. maker., Pails and Wooden-ware, Agricultu: al Implo ments. Canal Boats, Vessels and Ships' Bot , oms, Can vm, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire and Water proof). Flour Oil Cloths : (one Manufacturer, having used 5000 bids, the past yearjand as a paint for any purpose I. unsurpassed for body, durability, elastictty, and 'adhesiveness. Price $6 per bbl. of 300 lbs., Which alai supply a farmer for years to come. Send for a circular which gives full particulars. _None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. ,Addre.s DANIEL BIDWELL, Sept. 11. 1,5C.7-Gtn. 254 Pearl Street, New York. ,INT BUCK WHEAT ;'LOUR AT- I do BAILEY'S. jl - 491308 /NW 1 1 1 9 .0 11 uuN "OWE,' V ',lnn le -0 • z -arms toj oapnrpus oulature Lisa 'einem monoadaul auaq film soma,' pnu spoo9 ano •aormuunb Hama nt a.suatpaull Suploost ctooql puu upreqoaapi spoof) ,S.Rx • aaao so elution aiksq,e" f4Cloalantouo ssoupinq oattiapas I Ituipsoa -41 ova nu.) oq kat 'oamoupg alto imat Sup 13_ ui _Bain g o p umalpupl uuo ; now V ; ;)-7 4 u.f) I ' 3 Al/ 1 1 Orpto tick 4 .10.; deGlUoAl'qoptit'•viploYie,awq--paaaalua , owl ol mooroa Jo noptovau a 09 SI ck fto Of ME IldL011£( lye '3UVM-NII BVM-SSVI9 T}J anoS Suidnq dq oßinnizsoiod 091 el eAss putt ‘4, osouTsua =OA uo e& ul3' eABH FRESH rODS Adapted to the SPRING TRAI]: We invite an examination of our Stook and Prices, pledging ourselves to SITOW" ---4 11,EELY AND TAKE NO OF.PENCE i ~ t' F • *Unktirld I. • ' IME ME IEI `samorialti i . ° ~ }r,' jo ,(pupt uassns ",'`s 131111114:11a1,1,1111 ll' OHS a9IIOH IRO uvilg PlioS , gPLIPq 30,1 1,10. . , ,t, I=3 - , 01V177g.9 Ea Td -`Q'~llSiltl~ loo4is oaoqsllom ao a G I `SaAOtl. NEW\SPTING GOODS • - ' IN 0 RIVING, . AT THE WE ARE and are prepared to supply - the - I : tants of tho people in NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA WITH DRY GOODS. OUR LONG EXPERIENCE t has taught us that GOOD GOODS give the best satisfaction, and those accustomed to patroniza us know that we KEEP THE . BEST GOODS that are to be found in this section, and those who are not our patrons are the losers qnito as much as we are. ' We keep as usual a LAME STOCK OF 40TITS to soil by tho yard or MADE UP TO ORDER AND WAR RANTED TO FIT. OUR STOCK WILL BE KEPT FULL, and all Goode sold by us Warran - ted to givp Satisfaction, A N D 361 d as Low as at any other Estab- lishment. Mind that. when no eale is made. ------ SMITH. & WAITE. Comt! z, N. Y. -- ; --- Apr.,,10, 1867'. • R.IVILLIANIS & GO. •SEMP - E , R 'IDEM; 1103 DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT 31ED WINES, PAINTS, Olt,s, WJN DOW GLASS,* PUTTY., • r Have come down to Old Priceatla4t. Ivo nuoa O WE do not hesitate to ray that me have the Largest tit-td; of lIIM dna URE DRUG'S ME PiTE-NT MEDICINES, 13 'ocribl FANCY ARTICLES, TOILET SOAP, CLOTH, HAIR, TOOTH & NAIL B RUSHES; M I RRORS, , • • EVER BROUGHT INTO THIS MARKET. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, ooci Puro White Lead, Pure 'White Zinc, Linseed Oil. Coach Varnish, Furniture Varnish, Yd . loy Ochre, Venetian Red, Chronic Yet lori,'Ohroma Green, Prussian Dine, Patent Dryer, backer, Japar, AIN. 19 IM=l Spanish Whiting, Paris White, Kalsomine Resin, Tar, Log Wood, Fustie, Brazil Wood, Cain wood, Retiwoo, Potash, Putty, Aloe eobol, Benzole, Spirits Turpentine, and Kerosene ,Oil, Paint and. - Varnish 'Brushes', ; Which we will sell 25 per cent. cheaper thsi,n any other establishment in the , county. In short, we have every thing ever kept in a first class DRUG STORE, and all we ask is for you to cull and examine our stock and prices before buying elsewhere. Re- member we can't be undersold. 'All goods warranted or no sale. P. It. WILLIAMS, 1 P. It WILLIAMS Co. J. L. WILLIAMS. j No. 3 Union Block. Wullsboro, June 28, 1867. i REmi INN As. MR. WILLIAM. ROBERTS begs to , announce_to the claims of Tloga County, that to additiOn•te' his excellent 'stock of Steves,, Tin-Ware, Brittania,-and Eiheet-Iron Waro,' he has, at a great outlay, stocked his store on ' -with STREE T, -with a complete assortMent or:Shelf - IfaidWiri, o‘wliloll we onumerati3 the following articles: • NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X OUT, MILL, BAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS,. STRAP [NOES, 0 A R PENTE TOOLS, AXES. _ • AUGERS, BITTS, BITT-STOCKA, HATCHETS, CHISELS, ' SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS; BENCH-SCRE/S,, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXIIS, AXLE - TREES, ELLIP . TIC • SPRINGS, HORSESHOES, 1100 P, BAR, & BAND bIRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFPERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, - POWDER AND CAPS. • PATENT BARNDOOII. HANGNGS a new thing, and made fur use. .Those are but a fow of the many artiale's eominsing our stock of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine' for themselves. Wo aim to keep the best ['Utility of goods in our line ; and all work to order dote promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS. Welieboro, Sept. 1, 18116—tf. 11010ARDING by the week or end Lodg ing, can be bnd on reasonaire terms oppo. ette the old U. S. Hotel StatO, Main Street, Watcher°. M. M. SEARS, Proprietor. Aug. 7,1.867. tf. JOB -WORK, IN THE BEST STYLE; and with dempatch, at TILE AGITATOR Office. - t!i" j•. , j , MEDICINES, YANICLEB4, NOTIONS,:;- 'f t ff 1 , „x, PE1?1PUI1 L.PI? I', WINES' &1.10U6R.1;ic.., We have also the Largest Stock of bud) es : Stoves : : Sto A. Air A. xt Boai:ding. Houee. - f.,VE-1W r.' TO BUY f t SELL IS OUR VITE will buy ,tbe bigtiepi market, price, • SHEEP PELT S, DEACON SKINS, DEER SKINS, PUP, itain VEAL SKINS. for which we wilt pay cash. We gill tonoufeeture to order,•granch or.hoults., 3CIOBOOTBAitkfiIIi tosCUtut' no* &it'd TierTair Itrataej andiayliOtiolat ottentiob t to REPAIRING ALSO; We have a fret-rate stook of REABY-MADE IWORK, on which wo will not be undersold, and from this time we shall make it n point to keep up the best stook of _ LA:MEV GM2I -1 ' S, to he. fOund in the comity, which we will sell at a lower profit than such articles have ever been offered in this region, . We shall likewise keep up a good assortment of • • LAMES' BALMORALS, 4,k E TIt ER LAMES' ',OEIILDRENIS AND MISSES WORK of VA RIOUS STYLES, ancootoyies *EN:g 'W94 I CO Ir7+'A 3L S`ii ,C? Erkutiv - 6,§ ono bo bought of us as cheap as any whore this side of New York, end we Athol' keop,n foil stock of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP- LISINGS f rrto: t--:t R, S IN ING. a t 1. - Our stook of PEGS, NAILS', THREAD, AWLS, RASPS, GLOVERS', NEEDLES, LASTS, TREES, CRIMPS,' with SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS and FINDINGS, will be found the lar gest in the county, and tat soli for email profits. We talk business and we mean badness. We have been in this region long enough to be well kdown—lot those who know us try us. Corner of Main and Grafton streets, opposite Wm; Rgb arts' Hardware Store, ' ' C. W. SEARS; is GEO. 0. DERBY. Wolleboro, April 24, 1867—tf. NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES T. A. WICKHAM'S, ' 7 ' 'PA.` AVIN4 just returned from" New York with New and carefully selected_ , : • STOCK OF GOODS, Ail thoso in want of Goods will find it to their interest to call 'end EXAMINE OUR STOCK and learn Prices before buying elsosibere. I Kept constantly on hand, a oholco lot of DRIED FRUIT,,'G4OCERIES, "FLOUR, All the above Goode are bought f at the iowee • Cad" Priem; and will be sold ONLY ros CASH 'nit READY PAY. Don't forget the place, at the old stand of VAN NAME Sr WICKHAM. Tioga, Po., Fob. 20, 1867—tf. FOUNDRY, AND .-; MACHINE SJWP. ~, , , :... ,' -: ..:: ';,,, • . „ r. , ... .: • rIPHE - subs - bribers havrng piocured additioDal , A machinery are now ready to furnish to oriipr all aorta of . . ~.. - 1 C • I AIT . .I N ' IS, ' ' ' -- 1 , 1 ! LOWS, CULTIVATORS, FIELD i i ' ROLL'ERS, MILL GEARING, ' SLEIGH:SHOES, W 0 01)- 1 SAWING -MACHINES, - &c., &c., dke. _t - Wo havo also a tOOBWORTII. PLANER, fro? custom and job work, We aro also prepared tor do 417T11)719 4"• • SCROLL SA WIZQYJ Elating 'a first-elan serow-cutting Lathe, wo are prepared to make CHBESE' iPRESe.SCRE i IVS . t. to order. Blinders of Choose Faotories are re queeted to examine our work. We manufacture the i• "! . ChaMpion Plow, one of IttiPleMehts iu the market. Cash paid fdr OLD IRON. , CHARLES 'WILLIAMS, F.' L. — REAPS. Wellsboro May 15 ,1887 tf , • - 7- • 1-867: WRI eHT &BAILEY. 1867. WE commence this year with an exclusively CASH Imainoso. r , CASH PAID FOR .WIIEAT 1 CASH PAID FOR OATS 1 CASH PAID FOR CORN 1 CASH FOR EVERYTHINGtI A LARGE STOOK OF FLOUR FOR A DWIME STOCK OF,FEED FOR A LARGE. ,ErfOOK OF PORK _Tr OASII ! Call and ode us. WRIGHT .4 BAILEY. Wellab• o, Jan. 9, 1867-Iy. Welloboro W ol Carding Zaohine. • ' 11AVING cove d our Macbisio with entire new Cards, we are now readAto Card all Waol vrltbout -delay, and in the best vossible mariner. All Wool sent from a distance by Stage will bo returned by the sane 11 required. ' 8. A. IIILTBOL131:‘ pItIN; ;AL - AIR. June 12, 1807. • bone Ina& net colt e 1867. , AU pe account Jin. 3 ii=l!] tr. PITCH'S ABDOMINALSUPPORT ERS,Ar' 14419;04R9y's Drug Store. .BUSINESSI =II =I PORK, &C., &O E C=3 to order CASH' I CASH I ,ted to us by note or book d settle or pay costs. WRIGHT & BAILEY. PHOTO WL4d)iiiC. E. & It. T. ANTHONY & CO., Mantefa'cittrers Photo g raphic Materials, - • - wiionsau AND lows, ' 501,' BROADWAY. N. Y. 'an addition- to:our mein.bnelneen of Photographic Ifitterlale we ,are Iteadvartere for the following, v 17.: Stereoscope: /A - Stereo:topic Viows Of '.firtittleatv` and , Feitigu 'Mee' and Landitrayee, Groupe, AtittuarY,etC. ' ' " . Stereoscopic Views Of tha War, Brom negatives made iu the various campaigns and forming a complete Photographic history of the great contest.,, lElterooseopii Views' on Glass. " Adapigalor either Magic Lanterns or tLo Stereoscope. Ontgatqlogne will be none to any addrese on receipt of alamP...i • . ; « • 's . • • Photographic Albums. WO manufacture more largely than any other house, about 100; varieties from. 60 cents to S6O Onr ALBUMS hare the reputation of being •suporior in beanty and dirrability to ail Where. • Card ( photographs of Generals, States '-1 ),',!;•:,mon; Actoor. etc.; etc. - OtirCntahhrtie embraces over _FIVE' THOUSAND different ahtdecta, including lcuroductions of the most celebrated 'Engravings, Vaintings, Statue d, etc. • ' Oate loguea neuron teceipt of stamp; - ' • Ptiotograph era ' and; others ordering goods C.O. D.; wilt please remit 25 per cent. of the amount with their order. The prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satiacy. ; • • Jan. 2. 1136770 m TARE NOTICE.-=On receipt of Ono Dollar by mail I will sand rot:Acmes fitr preparing compounds which with careful usit4..will effectu ally restore gray hair to its - origlnal.eolor, pre vent premature decay and falling off, and impart a smooth pod glossy appearance to hair deadened by sickness. JNO. Dl GALLAGDER, ' Aug. 21,1867-310 Wilmington, Delaware. • 1866._ FOR SAE. .1866 * . B. O. WICKHAM, A T NURSERY .OF FRUIT AND OR AL NAMENTADAIREES, IN TIOGA 00,000 ,Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees.. A gnod-supply.of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, sindO)INAMENTAL TREES do SHRUBBERY. • " The Fruit trees are . composed Of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them latge and in bearing. Anyone wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stook before par: chiming elsiowhere. fiffir. Delivered at the depot fteo,of charge; - • • Tioga, Fob. 28,1888-Iy. -FOUTZ'S llorsoti Cattle Powion, Mr YELLOW W. TER, HEAVE COUGHS, Dl TEMPER, VERB, FOUNDE LOSS OP APP , TYPE AND V/T. ENERGY, &c. use improves wind, increase the appetite-giv , a smooth aT glossy skin—su transforms t miserable Skeet horse. To k( t C( . a Cough Ulcers in the Lunge, &c., this article nets as a specific!. - - By putting from onc-half a plper, . to a paper in a • ' barrel of swill tW 7 = obovo diseases , will, be eradicate) or entirely prevented. If hives. In time, n certain preventive and care f r the Ti..g Cl elia Price 25 Ceuta par, 'kora !:I'"retS for $l. purpAilLy S. 1 /E 1 0;iLT'TZ AT 7.Titll-1 1111)LERALE Drit.:(; AND "pir.)ir:fr, DEM. Nan 'Frant - lin 12:111'5.r.0rn, T d s o gni: by Dr:te;•l-t ••; out t lofted St'atos. DAVID E. Foxrrz; Successor. For solo by John A. Rojy,Wollsboro. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, M • S FIELD, TIOOA COUNTY, PA. F. A. Allen, Principal, 'Professor of Natural and Mont at Science. , J. T. STREIT, A. M., Professor of Languages. QUARLES H. VERRILL, A. M., Professor of Mathematics. Mits. L. M. rETERSELIA, Modern Languages and Drawing., • Mum HUE E. CONARD, B. E., EDO: Branches. Mae. MARY J. BRIGGS, B. E.. Principal of the Model School. I. 0: IIOYT, Professor of Vocal and Instrumen tal Miss ALICE B. SEELEY, Assistant Instructor of Music. • -"SO1100L YEA.II 1887-8. Pint Term bagful; September 4, 1887, Second term begins Deeemb'r 9 " Third term_ begins /larch 28, 1888. EXPEDTSBS PER TERM OP 14 WEEKS. Fall and Spring Term, including board, -room- rani, tuition, .book rent, fuel, oil, and washing, Winter Term, Day students, tuition and book rent, " "Total expenses for school year $lB4 00 No extra eharges. ' Rooms furnished with stoves, chairs, tables, stands, pails, bedsteads, mattresses, pillows. and ono comfortable. For further information send for Catalogue. Aug. 7,1867, 6w. Address, Principal. you want , a FIRST RATE ARTICLE of FLOUR, MEAL, PORK, HAMS, FISH, • SALT OR GENERALIGROCERIES, in largo or small quantities, drop in at M. B. PRINCE'S FLOUR & PROVISION STORE, examine prices, and you can be suited. — COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange. Heavy Packages delive7l- anywhere in town free of charge. Terms—Ready Pay. Next door to Conyers. Wellsboro, Aug. 1 7, 1867. M. R. PRINCE. • Mrs. A. J. Sofia / dr I S now receiving thoA'all styles of MILLINERY, direct - from the city, and will be pleased to see her old friends and customers, with as many new ones as may choose to favor her with their pat ronage. I have engaged a first-class Dressma ker, and am prepared to carry on DRESS -MAKING in ail its branchos. in - a satisfaetory manner. ' Orders taken for flair Jewelty. Good prices paid for human hall.. Store iorer VanValken burg's Grocery, Main.st. Wencher°, Sept. 25, 1867—tfiI RARE CITANOE_FOR B t MESS MEN.— The Lino location for a store between the building known as Roy's Block, and Bullard's Saloon is now offered for sale on peculiar and favorable terms ; inquire at Key's Drug Store. J. A. ROY. Butter and Cheese. fIdI,IEST Market Prise paid for Butter and Chem, or shipped for parties at 24ju1y67. TOLES & BARKER'S. Coal for Sale. COARSE BITUMINOUS COAL for Sale Cheap, by Sopt":28; 1867. CILSBISATZD This preparation, long ,\and favorably knoWn, wUt thor oughly reinvigorate f a trrok -down and low- rited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the sto Bch and intes tine . It is n..stive pre ventive of all dis e.sses incident to NlO7 trail= is invaluable. mproves the quality of the milk. It has been „proven by ac tual ftperlment to increase the quan tity of milk and e'en's' twenty per cent. arid make the butter firm Ind exert. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makcs them thrive *F.th.C%TX.T -4 2%. ... IWO 00 .... 64 00 ... 10 00 D. P I ROBERTS. EMOMM SUM IVINIMILE DUG STOIE. CORNING, N. Y. =NM D RUGS AND ItIEWINES, PAINTS _ AND OILS, TII - ADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, .CONCEN-: MANED MEDICiNES, CINNATI WINES AND BRANDY, WHITE- WAS!! LIME, KEROSENE LAMPS,' PATENT 'MEN- CINES,. PETI-LOLEUM OIL, ROCHESTER: PER- FUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL P.A;PEIt,,WINDOW GLASS, AND DYE COLORS, Sold at Wholesale Priem Buyers are requested to call and get quotations before going further EMI OW.. D. TERBE.Tf CO ennilig,-N ! Y., Jau t 1, laar—iy ' THE i GREAT CENTRE ,OF ATTRACTION IS AT LA.WP,ENCEy.ILLE. C. S. MAThER & CO. Would announce to the good people of Itoga County that they hare just 'returned from New York with th;elr second full stock of FALL 'Bc WINTER GOODS, embracing all the.novelties at 4 well 'au ttio sub stantialo required . DRESS GOODS in all varieties, STAPLE & FANCY GOODS HOOP SKIRTS, & BEST FRENOL WOVE 43011- . SETS, GLOVES AND HO. . SIERY,. YANKEE NO. &c., &c. • , . FURS ! FURS 1 ! • MINK, CONY, and Siberian .%piirrel Tho largest Stock of CLOTHS & CASSIMERES in the county, READY MADE CLOTHING, and CLOT NG made to order super . inter ed by first class toollquen. SHOP Ift ADE BOOTS & SHOES in end— 1, variety, HATS & CAPS to suit all tastes, • GROCERIES, &C., ' C.• Our.goods bavo been boUght during tbe last panic in New York and will bo sold panic IMIE Prices are down, monopoly broken .up. No other store can or dare compote with us' in qual ity and price. For further partieulamedll at tlio atoro of C. 8. MATHER & CO Litstroncovillo, Dec. 19, 1868.- J. • STICICLIN, - Okairmaker, Turner, and Furniture Dealer. • SALE R00)1, (*palate Dartt's Wagon Shop, Main Street. FINTORY in Sears 8; Wil liams Fonndry,, second story. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaran teed. Fancy Turning doue to order. v ellsboro, Jnne 12,1867. J. S“CKLIN. Tioga Marble. Works. THE undersigned is now prcpared to exe cute all orders for Tomb Stones • and Monu ments of either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND 'MARBLE, ai of the latest style and . approved workllimsbip, and with dispatch. Ile keep con 'Marble and wil be able to s vor him with their orders, on as as can be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt and made to.look as good as new. POUTEIVIIV IL Tioga, Nov. 1, 1867—tf. To the Farmers of Tioga County I AM now building at my manufactory, in Lawrence villa. a superior FANNIA which poieesses the following ad vantages over all oilier mills: 1. It separates oats, raclitter. - and foul seeds, and chess end cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow eaod, andt all other seeds, perfectly. 3, It cleans timothy-seed. , / 4. It does all other separating required of a mill. This niilris built of the beat 4nd most durable tim ber, in good style, and is sold, cheap for cash, or pro duce. I will •flt a patoot sieve, for separating oats from wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms. . II MATHER, Lawrencovillo, Oct ob or 10, 18004 f ROY'S CHOLERA DROPS CURES COLIC,. CURES DYSENTERY, . CURES CHOLERA HORBUS, • CURES CHRONIC DIARRHEA, CURES allßowel Complaints, but does not cure anything else, This medicine is no cure-all: it has the confidence of every body, for 't - is never known to - fail : it shoilld be kept on hand by every, family. Sold by dealers in pmdloine at fifty cents per 4-bottle. Fur sale Wellsborough at Roy's Drig,Store. • , . UNION ACADEMY. KNOXVILLE, TIOGA CO., PA FACULTY: , ELIAS HORTON, Principal. Mrs. ADA W. HORTON, Preceptress. Miss MIRA HORTON, Assistant. Mite AMANDA. DRAIb.E, Teacher of Music. • CALENDAR FOR 1867-8. Fall Term commences Sept. Ri, Winter Term Nov 20th, Bering Term Feb. 18th, 1868. EXPENSES PER TERM Primary Department Common English Higher English , ' Languages and Higher Mathematics. Instrumental Music, extra.... Vocal Music, extra. Drawing, extra Room Rent Board per ° Knoxville, August 14,1867-1.1 PNEWELL, DENTIST,'MANSFIELD,Pa., _ll - • grateful for tho very liberal patronage horltofore received, will continue so as to per foOrMll dental operations, as to merit the rapidly increasing professional demands now engaged. All operations in all departments of the prates sioit exptuted in the beet possible manner. All new, useful inventions and improvements a dopt- The highest good of his patrons the ultimo - - tem of his ambition. . Dec. 5, '1313--tl: FLOUR FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, buckwheat flour, corn meal tind fend, always nn band. Call at the Charleston Mill before buy ing your flour and feed. I enn make it an object for, you to buy. A. RUSSELL. May 16,1$68—tf OHOICIE LOT OF ( TRAIN BAGS f9r sale kj cheap ! at WRIGHT k BAILVT'S. Wolleboro. Saab 6, ISM TAE largest .assortmant of Watel*, Choke Jewelry and Plated Ware ia. Ticol , _Connty at [Medd] I FOLEY'S. ' LINES OF TRAVEL. • - 'ERIE RAIIAWAVew •On and after Monday, August 26th, 1867. trains H i tt leave Corningui about the following hour,: wasnesan 12:28 n. ut., Rxpress flit whip: excepted. tor Dug, 10, Salamanca, and Dunkirk. connecting With tr a i t for the West. IMU to Sight Exprans, nit:lll4a exCepted, for Buffalo, Mid Dunkirk. oinking direct co nnectirai , with truths of the Atlantic & , Great Western, Lf,t, Sliore,and 0 wild Trunk Railways. for ail point. {{ c , t 7 07- a. tn.,tilp,lit Express. Dally, for Buffalo, ttlibunsora. Du nk rlr..a II it t he W.., t. c. ,, nuactlng es abut., :15 n. m. light iTpress, hunt/aye exceptint,h, l qua, estau 11 - 04 liiiindo,vp Avon. 110i3 . 2 a . ail, Mail Train. fitinikire Dettm, nod tinnkit k, connecting at fo q,iatYtr , p. tn , thiltiMore Express, Slim - lays excepted, k a tat heater cunt buffalo, via Avou. ! ;;Oil p. to . - Day Exit t.licentbd, far kutrAl t .. j o tialatuanca, Dunkirk and- the- 'Wee , connecting at Binghamton for t vracuse; at Oweg for Ithaca; at Elmira for Canandaigua; at italataa ulth th. At dtuttic hallway; ui fiuthtio with the Latin Shane and (trawl Trunk itailnat., kw] a t Dunkirk with the Lake litiore Railway, ha- ull west and south. 7:10 p tit P. 1.1 Exuma, Sunday a excepted. tot 71‘,Iiest.r. 1 12.60 p m Way 'Froiot. Sundays excepted. 5:40 p. in Eta:giant inifti. Daily, for the Went. EASTWAZA 1.':18 a in., Night r pre,4.. ,Ftindaya excepted, connecting at Gra3a-ourt f• - •r WHireick, and at New York-with afternoon tt.uui and ntenmera for flown and tiew England Citica,.. 4:IS a. ut., Cincinnati Expreaa. Honda). excel:tech...a fleeting at Elmira for Vat tishurg-, Plitledeltdda and the Fool; nt Owogo Icor 'lthaca; at Bingham:cc n for Syracuse ;'nt Grunt Bend for Scranton. piano.. I. EWA, and Trenton; at Laeka waxen for Ilawle:i . anrt tsi tirittronrt ti.r. Newburg and Warwick .• 10.1.5 am AcTflmOtlation Train doily, connecting at at Elmira f r Canihilaigna. • • 10:48 a. tn., Dliy Expre-na, Sundays excepted ; conneccn g at Elmira ftir Canandaigua, at Blues...rum.. for s},q. cusp, at Greitt Bawl nor Scranton, at Lath ay. a xet. Hawley. and at 'Jersey City each midnight I.xpa. -a Train of pi eit• Jersey IPallroarl for Philadelphia. Pahl. more and IVatitington, • 8:1:2 p, m., Baltimore Express, Ftincinp. excepted. 4.05 p. m., New York and Baltimore Mail, Sundaes ex cepted, connecting(, :it Elmira for liarriaburflb. Ph ila cleltd.ha, and South. 7.07 p m Lightning Express, Sundays excepted, con necting it Jersey City with morning eltrefs it Ain of New Jorhey Railroad for Italtimore and Wahhington, and at New York with horning expro,s trains for liukton and the nun. 12:00 p. in. Way Freight - , Sundays excepted. WM. R. BARR, Goal:Pass. Agent Northern COntral R. R. TRAINS FOR THE NORTH.' Trains for Outland:4ola leave Elmira as follows : Accomodation at / 7pa a m Express [Mstest train on road . ] 11 46 a m Mail • 616 pm Way riight, I passenger coach attached] ...... „, 7.10 s s , On and after April 200.1,1657, ttnine will furls.: ked depart 'Loin 'hey, as lollows;, IhaVING noon. Express 945 p ut Elmira Mail / 51;0 am Local Freight 10 60a in 1 Through Freight 9 65 p to Blosabiarg & Corning, & Tioga R. V Milos will run as follows until furthar notice Accommottatwa—Leaves•Blossburs at 0,61.10 a. m., blam• Add at 7,86, Tioga at 8,20, Luwrvncovlll• at %OS-- an irlug at Col Mug at 10,2 Q m. Mail—Loareti Itiosabnrg at tn.s at 3,25, 'olo ut 4,06, Lawrenceville at 4,f,7—arriving at Corning at 0 p. tn. Corning nt 8 a. In. ' Lawienretille ut Tioan at 10,02, 3.lrinstield nt 10,4u—nrrisInf at tilos,- burg nt 11,30 0. m. Accommodation—Lewful Corning at 4,60 p. to , Ldtv. rencerillo nt 6,65, Tinga ntAlmialield at 7,40 art hing at 'lllonsburg at 8,26 p. tn. On and after MONDAY, October 14th, HQ, Train on the Philadelphia SEt ie Rail Road will ru no 1ORM!. hail Traiu leaves Philadelphia " ••, arr. at Erie Eria Expres. leaved •• arr. ,at E { ie Elmira Mail leavestradelphlit... •t r w lianisport / arr. iirtcick }Laren EASTWARD, Mail Train leaves Vie Iliavieport.... " arr. at 'hiladalphia..... Erie Express littaves Erie •• " ' arr. lit Philadelphia .. Elmira 11 nil leave. I.nrit Haven.% I. " arr. at PhHail 31811 a:id Express Con fleet ll it ii ell trains ou Wa, re:. di.kiranl‘lin Railway. Pasiengi rs leaving Philadelphia at 12.00 M. arrive at li'eariettwili at b4O u. re. and Oil City at 9 50 t.. ui. , Leaving Philadelphia at "e ro) P :1., wive at Oil City at 4.35 p iii. tlautic and Groat Western R. W. WETIWATID llunxn ou Aceommodatiou 6,25 Express 12.19 Acceranialtitinn, Express " 11.09 I Express 6 10 At Cory tbore i 3 n Junction Mail ibe Piliildelphin Erie, and Cil Creek Rail Reads. At Meadville with fix° Franklin and Oil City :IA itholu iii ouch. At Learltrsburgo tho :dahoniny Blanch arakes n rest 701110 to Clurelsod. At linvenha conhects 1‘ 3th Clevolau.l and Pittsburgh Railroad. Pl , sr , s through Ahroa, Ashland. tlahon. Marton. Urbana and Atyron, inlerstetirig rarioun'ratf ro.tds, and ter atinats,. ht Cluciunatt. , L. IL RUCKER. lien. Supt, 3leadrillc, l'a Subscriber will EOll or rout thoNein valuable property, to wit : Quo taveru stand-in Lawrenceville. both: pinda of who may la .able terms One latut, on which ho now resides, one•half mile' from three churches. ttru School Homes, two grog :hops, and one railroad, and about the 1:amo distance from the lino of the Wellsboru end Lawrenceville Railroad. ,The farm contains 160 acres of good land, 50 acres timbered, welll wa tered, and very productive. It requires that the seed should be sowed and planted. bowel. er, to ensure a harvest. cleaned SCE One farm in Jaelcson township, 175 nem ; a first-rate place for a cheese factory, Alsb—for bale J-4 mules, 75 sheep, and other stock, cheap on reasonable terms. M. S. BALDWIN . , Lirwronce, Apr. 17,1867—tf. Planfunig & Turning. ,LTAVING iot his now Factory in gptration. jja, is now prepared to fill orders for Cabinot Ware promptly and in tho best style of workman ship. Having procured a he is ready to dross boards or plank with dispatch SCROLL•WORK •& BRACKETS, • furnisllo td,order. His inaollines ore of Hie new est and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wain Sts, WELPS BORO, PA., Oct. 31, -1866-tf. ▪ F.MOILEST'S 111 0 NIT lIL Y MAGAZINE, • universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazina'of America; devoted to Original Std ries, Poems, Sketches, Architecturp and Model Cottages,Household Matters, Gems of Thought, Petsoul and Literary Gossip (including special departmentson Fashions), Instructions on health, Gymnastic, Equestrian Exet cises, Music, Amuse ments, etc. : all by the best authors, and Profuse ly and artistically illustrated with costly 'Engra vings (full size), useful and reliable PiPt(teros, Embroideries, Jewelry,' and a constant E.lllCee: Aon of artistic, novelties, with other useful and entertaining literature. No person of refinement, economical housi wife, or lady)ef taste can afford to do without the , Model Monthly.. Single copies, 30 cents; Lae; numbersf as specimens, 10 cents: either mai:el free. Yearly, L 3, with a valuable premium; two copies, F. 5 50; three copies, $7 54. flvo $l2, and splendid premiums for clubs at $3 each, with the first premiums to each subscriber. Ad dress, W. JENNINGS DEhiOREST, No. 473 Broadway, New York. Demorest's Monthly and Yount America, te• gather $4, with the premiums for each. March 20,'67—0ut. $5OO . 6 00 . 7 00 . 8 00 .10 60 .100 . 3 CO . 2 60 . 3 60 HAND POWER L00,)1. • [Patented 1565.) • ALL persona interested in tho introduction of practical machinery into our country, lir, . requested to investigalo the merit:, of - lIENDERSOYS 11,1Nli PO WER LOWL Thig loom will do all kind, of hand weaning. It will wcao , jeans, hi , n'iirits, plain cloth. sat net, kerecy. flannel.:f•• ,- : sack, double width blankets. or any • ' cotton, wool or Ens ol4h. it treads tho . ;wk.?, throws the shuftle„ lets off the web. and takes up the cloth. It makes the upper shed as the batten cotes forward, sod heats-up the .filling after the Cross is made, Mil king Letter cloth end better selvage than can ho made in any other way. at made to order and, warranted Apply at the shop on Water Street, sign " Loma 'Factory!' ' LEWIS WETMORE. Weptbero, March 241, 1867—1 f• --- • T AMT'S.—A_new kind of Ininp-for Keropene— no•Vioniigo of ohiumeys—;nt . ,. FOLEY'S?- 11. RIDDLE, - Gen'l Su 't NOTING NOr7ll EXl , lel.l 19 LO in Elmira Shill U 55 pmj Local Freiglit ...... 335 I , m Through Yreighl 2 00 a m E. S. DISOWN, Div Sup't. LOT. SUATTIJCK, S t iladelPhia & Eriolit. R. Es-r WA IL D ME --- SALJeSIANCA. STATION. E 4.41 WARD DorND, Expreab Real E4ate Sale. B. I`,. - VAN HORN, WOODWORTH PLANER, B. T. VAN HORN x. 11.13 p 1. 8 05 a in .. 8.45' p .12.00 1100 a ih.45 p to .. 9.45 a Lb B.bo al in .. 5.28 p 1 7.45 p m 10.40 a in 11.10 p 32 X 35 a r.. 4 2', p m ~,0 5 0 a m 1 I 7 1 1 ---. a 1 ill p :1