• MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20, 1887. 2 _.. IYILISONIC. OFSEA LODGE, 1tif7,7917 1 , A, T. M., tonere - at their Mill, over Dr. Roy'e drhg store, on Tuesday evening, on or Worn the Pull MOou t at, 6 o'clock P. M. TYOGA CIIAPTER, IfBl 104, It. A. U., mcots ut the Will, on Thursday iening, on or before the Full Moon, at 8 o'clotk P. M. TFOOA COUNCIL, No. El, R. & 8: MASTERS, intida of tlia Hall, on the third Vridny of ea'cli"rnlondar month, at e, &clod P. M. • , TFAGAGLITON CO.WIANUEItY, ::0., 23, of IiNIGIITt , TEMPLAR, and the apptlidant orders, meet!) nt on the first Friday of tech, calendar mouth, at o'clock P. M. , Noce .A.Alvertltlemouto. Homo Companion—D. 't).ltrborte. • Boy Wanted- . -L. I. Nio 3013. Farmers Wantccb—ParMoVou ,Brothers... Eetray Calf—L,S.Watt,rrann, Iligh Covetable. Clothing! Ofotlaing :=Do 1.710 ct Co. 'Settle up—. A. Stnetka.. . INTA61"1" SOII . OOL. 'Mrs. Bush will open 1:t 3f.t1160 for, little child "ii in tlio , ,zooni next .4= F /6one'e office, Mondai-,-Dec. 21. Tormi 40 cent.: week. Hero la an 4pportunity to benefit a worthy woman, and the children, atone and the , tame time. ' • Bt EINESS.—We learn that Messrs. Clay Rios, an o xporionced Photographer,' from Rochester, N. 'Y., and Eugene Eastman will loon, open a Photograph Gallery in the second story' of Ecettnan's new Building, 'Main Street, „Mr. Kips is reputed a first class artist. • ; LECTURE AT BLOSSBURG.—Oar fel low-townsman,.Maj. Nichols, delivered an in teresting lecture on "the Poetry of Irish Song," at Blossburg, Oct. 213, ultimo. The lecture is highly spoken of by eapahl6 judges,• and hafing heard it we can well understand that the audi cuce was well entertained. The .3.(ajor is well posted in song and story. GLAD or IT.—Several of our excliang o aro cudgeling a "ring" of speculators who bought up all the , whishy in the country and then got - the government tux inor9sed,outhe manuf facture of the artlide. We 40 nothing out of-the way in that transaction.' t, is a gouge game from beginning to end, and whyl4 jotiet the"ring"mhlce :ionic+ money? FlRE.—Aboutlhalf-p4st nine, Sunday night, our citizens were aroused by au alarms of Are, and on reaching the streets the Methodist Church was discovered to - be in flames. The wind was blowing a suutrt 4 gale -from the north-west, and in ton minutes from the Ai - et discovery of the fire the building was' beyond human effort to save. A good portion of the furniture, lamps, organ, cad . carpet, were saved. - The engine was promptly on hand, but after a few strokes the throttle valves gave away. Luoki )y, there was nothing for it to do, the , church - be: ing detached, and burning down, in its tracks. The origin, of the fire is prate) , eertainlytr4ed to defect in the ohimney. It , seems that 'the until of burning pine, and the noiso of fire at tracted the attention of many of the congrega tioiLduring the servigins. One of the Trustees rode, as he supposed, a thorough examination of the building and heating apparatus after the con gregation left, but cotild diseeter 'no appearance of fire. The church was tho best furnished and ftnished of any in town, and the loss cannot fail below 3500 u, upon which there is an insurance of 32.500. The Society bed just lipid its debts and very mucb.improred the arty. The loss is a very great hardship, nd corn ands the sympa thy of the public. The engine was at once repacked and the anew, and by 1 o'clock was ready for :ser vice. It is supposed that the mode of heating to ',prevent freezing last winter destroyed the tenaci ty of the leather. It will always be difficult - to I:cep the engine in good order so long as the citi zen. left:el) to assist in all occasiapal teat trial, they did about two months ago. )11x6PIELD.—Our Alausfield corres pondent sends-us an interesting; account of tor era/ events in that village) during the pa:;t ten lays. "Yo Deniocracie," it sfeTs, cele!..:•a,tcl-the coppei'.l triumph in - .NOW Yor4, t itii Lu:tell QuiEb hilarity, firing—as our ,orrkspondent —tho go . s hioh they did dot fire in honor .of during the. star. James G. Clark, ocich:a.,c,l vocalist gave a "sociable'.' is Mans. 1:d the same evening, muoh to the disgust of tho .• ' / f).: coricsporNent, also relates a bump•ou.t . ... dt . 4to touching an auction ritich Came off t.-42 21 inst., at which two pints:7es wcre nn talc—ono or A'crabasn Lincoln, the • of Andrew Jo! nzaa. A coli . ..:ed man Lnr, azad a copr.er-:aced man bid SI, J,l - .;;Lon. I; . pon. tilts the geitlLLean 01 Al- descent cried out: "Let hint have it, it'a m:,:o than the original 'is worth!"-- 7 ainid the ,thoutsand laughter of the bystanders. I MISERABLE HUMBUG.—We see it Sta te!! that . tlic Washing-ton Monument Association is almotto renew its attack upon Me public purse. It sow proposes to memorialize Congress upon the subject, and ask an appropriation to Com-v . mete the qpgnificent swindlT. We object—hoc- , ing investal about forty_ dollars in the -concern tome years ago—to any further ,humbugging on that line. In the beginning it - -Fos got up to salary Peter Force, and other rultables, and to. keep a dozen others out of the poor-house. Pnt a keg. of powder under the concern and end it.— objecito northern contributions to support de cayed F. F. V's. ? ' T.nr; CELEBRATION.—TIie Democracy celebrated tbelavictory over Radical principles" Thursday evening in a very moderate style. 1 14 utUftl amount of gunpowder was exploded Lut we much doubt if the usual amount of "strong 7 water" was consumed. Certainly the Court • llouso was not lighted up, and of course there :rens no speeches, and thorefbro no enthusiastic , 'pplause to report. 'hero was no gatherini of 'pans, no bustle in . tbe,strects—nothing save the c•. , erlasti i ng "anvil-cho rm" which accompanies sill tlVsUsboro jollificttions, without distinction of • party. We regret tho failure, not because trtz 1 1 1 :e to be exulted over, but for grave reason dim. hie pretty certain that our opponents na bars another chance t,o crow for many years. rss their' - right to jollify this fall. In fact, the result in :caw ork justified "a, big thing"•_in the of g. But the fates ruled adversely to the easy of cure by counter irritation—the publib mind being swallowed up in another exeittmont, quite the reversoin' its nature. We teli%x o there was a banquet prepared, may-bo eaten, though - of that rro bare no report. We hope and pray, and will do our utmost to that end, that the oceas`ton for another celebration of the sort may never arisc. that party changes its principles for the (4:tcr. *DxsTitr.siiiNc; G.USUALTY..—On Friday, I.,th Met., a little buy of twenty-one or twenty i-xo months, 50) of Mr. William Clemens., of r harleston, drank a quAtitily of boiling water sit , T the spout of the—tetkottle i on — fliir .— liiiThe.n 1....1,:0. --1115 - eltilc.l lingered in gre,tt agony until fr,:, - I o'clock, Saturday morning, _when death came th it. , relief. Tho child had been playing"with 1 f...t a fen , minutes preiiously, and*muther had 1:;5.: taken the fire away, The little feliiirr; ano-b -,tried, seized upon the 'pout of the boiling tee \ t•-:de and swallowed a sxvill guar tiff ni 6, ; , (:.nteuts. The unfortunate child was `actions I 'sat and much given to imitating th actioms of C r people; and no doubt had seen some on- Galt from the spout of a tea.-pot. It 15 one 01 0- c.ie painful accidents which wound rrni warn t the same time. Chillrtn Fl-. , .aid nes:mi. he pc:- 1, r'ed to handle tiny utemil niitcl about a t , ...:,...-. 1 - re it can be done childri rhoa:d ho it•T;' • ' ; , Y from kitchen slaves entirelq % ... ALL ' )IT ' S .7 , IAGAzr.Nc.-"4 F Tbe pkibii::ll ; I - `this popular and cheap Monthly cf.ur I:I li , lae , ....aent s to subscribers for lails. ~n:• will be enlarged to.loo pagc4'nuti c r: ..,•a; stories by - the moot, iiiiiifiT etithotr, ..'ere of ibis :I,sazjnegitis :-',-. great. yalm• - ' 1 “hlication of completeltories in each ' r. .51,50 per annum to single - stilrerthers, ' L'.''.; •tu elubi , . Address Elliott, Thomestt T -- -- , .y“)stort, Mass. tx. Gessii..-IVe suppose that ev,erybody has iseirdi'itif : the , 4.)Aeileintitd' k Map . gridgelgitinst in physical and moral encounter, 'comforted hi' noble soul by making faces at his more powerful antagonists 'baby, Everybody:shee t the ltidierous4 side of the revenge so peculiar. But revenge is revenge, however weaklunl puerile, and all sel fish revenge islldioulous. We might amend, and say that it is somotimeS terrible. We recollect au instance, dating back twenty years or More, which furnished. gossip for a quiet New . England town during a period ,oc ,v,is t ars., .mr!...11, as she stipposod, occasion to speak:pf the belief vier of lira. E.-ciontinuod to spook some of those queer truths ipthols may not 'bo spoken at all times. Meroupon Airs. B. filled with wrath. tookrceo'a'siou to deliver to itirs. A. ". "al her mina," in a public, ; reianner, .orowping her score with the throat—"and I'll never .open tus mouth to speak to you again, even if Tau Shoul.l drop down dead in the" streets r" This' was ter rible, of course. ' , To refuse to - speak to a dead man, or woman, asn measure of revenge, struck the disinterested pulilie as n most ludicrous mode of revenge. This feud held good at latest ac counts, doing no harm, probably, but roflectiug somewhat upthal the ,'dumb" party, it being uni versally coticeded, that her ctumbsetiii; iVELB ali . 1 acknowledgement of defeat. The Italian ven detta; and the deathless lead' of this. American Indian, though more terribleNand harmful, Still have their absut'd'aipects. The Italian, having suffered mortal wrongfromanother not only hills that other, but kills everyliody ho can connect with his enemy. • In so doing he destroys us snarly -friends as onemies,.and cuts off his nose to spite his face. Anger is always blind, always the child of ignorance. There was'a man who pulled down his neighbor' fence end tiirned the cows into his corn to gratiiy his malice. `unfortunately, the cornfields of the 'neighbor's joined, and the fence was insufficient_to,stop cattle. SO the sin- nor awoke neat morninV to find his neighbor's cattle in his own corn. Here anger 'overreaelfed itself and kicked its author. • Another set a trap for his- neighbor's gut and caught his l opn . clog. • 4ttother, - haring endorsed a note jointly with so iMB one else, had a falling out with his co-indorser, ala.dreported'hini worse than bankrupt- note-fell due, went to protest, and the payee supposing ;the rampart endorser only to be Worth anything, prepared - to swoet him in an ,espsoial manner. , We' Might multiply eases of this sort, but these will suffice to [point the intended moral,' to 'wit: " Don't quar rel frith your neighbors; .or if yon do, don't cut s stick tblether your. even back. • , , • —Many people suppose that. it is a difficult thing to write for a v newspaper. Not at all. It is "as easy as falling off ti log." . In writing for a newspaper, it is only ifeccasaiy, to observe the fol lowing miles: lee sure to spell "very - badly, use no punctuation masks, and writeas illegibly as ;fop can. ' In this way the editor is enabled to reWrite your article before it can go in type., i )Jmilerscorv . every' other line that you day, be properly') cm i)hatio i the'compositor ipecieliihtel with c 'big lot of italie: ' Use, as : Man,y"Words:as , possible to express ,yetitliloas vtine,ides.Oan be spreitd over a column easily, thus ixcoming so thin that any i r i man s n see through it. ' In stating a common 'fact g rd your opinion in as elaborate a, mut it'ner as yo can; for fictS shoUld he skillfully diaguided in wor s which leave the readoi in the delicious maze df doubt. 1V are aware that to the major ity of writers this advice 'in sUrphisago. They know how to keep an ,ediptir busy. Besillfsfloing his own writing ho should be required! to ti poll. punctuate, gran:marl:cc:, and furnish: tvids...x • foi his correspondents., lio,is , a dictionary, gram mar, encyclopedia, and general factotum, toilet into one. His business is ar.rep'air the neglect; and clean - toms of t;thers, and ho Ino much time to s, re. . . Xacwoctil. • The Great - American Tea Company Iliiinbag all played:out sinco W. It. Son's hale Jounnoneed soiling Tana at tl. e eat reduction. Now is the tituo gooil • noire Crean. and Japan Teas, as nutnial We sell nothing but cow fragrant Teas—roil .11.'1/3 that have been rovampecl aitur being soaked vitt] sca.water and colored with poisonous - drugs, such we ltuow_tu be the ease with the above nnico4 Iluineug Tea Company, • :.•;ew Green Young Ilyson Tea 900, old pi ieeZ , l,2s. " " • " " I,lo' . ", 1,20 1,00 tiWeet Gunp0wder........,:..1,50 ' . • 2,00 " S eragrant Black Tea 1,11) " : Japan . i,'1,420 , dr -- -,., • 1,t,0 . Sugars loiter than f6r three years. Give us a ilia' and be c‘diviacetl. Tee - great ruzh just Lew i 4 for the t•billiug shpotiug, 8 cts, lu eL.r, ;tar: thillirg plin:s ei .W. It. S,ILITII'b LO.:‘,-',, • 11', E. Smith's Sons, Madison, N. ete thn crl;3 - aialiorized . Agents for tho Docre. , t I.ute• Lid Gloves to aus a .etion. Cl6l owl oee 1tI.M.;"1 If iIL Pmts.—Warm and e6in rot tablo Fur•trilunteilffouds, allot low prices, two, al , etiNe ut ‘V. „it. with'w Sons in moth Store, Add n: Fifty pair of runts ut SI, $3, and ;,-7.3, lit Over coats, 20 undercoats, and vests without nutnhcr are the daily average sales at biniith's Sung; N. Y. People will look at local notices. when. they read liko this Good now Calicoes at Borlo 0. Best Merrimac> calicoes at Is. 'Yard bide sheet ing at 18c. and le. Hong woolen Sha ws' Balmoral Shirts 12s. All wool handsome CaSFi mores 1O ~per yard. All of these bargains can be foundW. R. SMITH'S SON'S, N0v.13, 1861.-2 w. Adlliaon, IC: Further Decline in Dry Clouds. C. S. 11.1ATILER ,k, .CO., liavu again returned i ‘ t L-orn Now York ilith. a careful selected stock oi taplu and Fancy Dry Goods, bought at bott.tin prices, and we propose to giv thu people the benefit of tlio purchaeos. ~ '''' 1 . _ . Fine French Merinees at 1 $l,OO l Best Delainos 1 i to 200, Prints 8, 10.1: 123 u., tined heav y stlectitip,. -.".- - 12ie Fine • '' :,. ..A...0. 10 . , 12 a -, He." Shawls, tine Wool ouly', - S4,UO. Remember, that 'rpm will come tviLawrenee ville, we will give you bargains.• • • • C. 8. I%lATIllitl L CU Lawroucevple, Nov. 20,1867.-14. • Now Goods at Pat iit the lowest rates 6.4 5 years. Wo have more batgait,, imtv gAe inure Goods tor $lO than at an:‘ tnbt in 5 Stars. .7:en tho b4u)plo flit : , : , unauton Printa, 5c;......g00d 121eu, Jest DeMinus .1 0 et.e. Heavy yard wide &hcetings .Fl4O Lk:lulled muslins etc. Red twilled Hanna! 31 et:. Grey — 1 CO. heavy pant Ftuffs 371 , to aV ot-. Best lieutunky Jenne SU Ytkrd wide French Meritioesotile , dur ? , ;Sets: TIM beet bargains in dress good,. it, Winter Shawls at an equally gloat led i wt. - Beaver Cloths, Furs, Boots and :Slo•os„,dteap., We claim to give our ens.toinoi: :dl their tuna:, at the lowest rates the marbet will “11 , 1 d, and also a large stock to soluct ham. Corning, N. Y., N..ev. 13. .1. .A...1` t GET THE rd:ST.—ln p tirt.l 3 l,l-Ha V,' a ' Cooking tovo, it Lc found ecii.notoy Lost the market. A few dollar , - •aveil io 111 , 31 , air Auto of an infetior stove will ha expended in the additional consumpti•in lit saying nothing about tiro repairs 4111(1 the ineetiveniiinceA if using a stove that deo , not otiorit(e pet - N.lly. rho AmerieLin Hot Air Stove, manufactured by 71tc tr. Paolw-rd 8: - Co. Thus boon extensively ti , ied and thoroughly tu,ted tbe 'North -411). States fur O w last eix yi.nr:, both for o;iol and :vood, and tho nn vernal • poomt, aas I,m, in its la `6l", :1 ):)t aurat,4ln ind - porfret eper.iting. loq.ects timid 'hose in pursuit of a Cooking tt-:".tivc; 411,censult their tiwu eigninionce.,, .111,1 be bore of i,el.tiaf.r vAtto for their purclin•inq the A ill I . .at SAL:: Ll' , e.)Livc , rro :..•ilthoN MARRIAC E-2 DOP.DEN—L'I:ICLE.I4.—Iti I)?.lr:car, ill' 21 I.y D. Ilou-ILiap,M , t;., :`.:_r.01.1-airol Eor ,1:1 I) , Mi of Weimar. • r2,11111,S Er.. , .:. - AT-3_,..117 11.-1 I! eitv, ' 111 ' 1 • 1112 .1 00 ' /CF-11,-hy Trig .140 nor. I.3enjranin .:)7101 _ , , T -.7 P., 17:fe nf .1„11.• of 'her , Effli .IT;OGSWEI, ti , c,o:a, on rb.-1:;th n - 4.. by Mr. Si:lon Er:o and Mr z. 1 1 )15a Peo, of OTT.—In. Roc. N. L. itcynolds, Jatuopipaanain -00 to Miss Martha Scott. ME If,CFAL N 0.-TXOE •t()11.1 Cap.cer,,Sqr,ofill . p,, , ,&o:, • gra:ed!.i . cpy t ver, S crotnla, Tumor 1401 - dions,kte., cualso by nikot Dr.ll.l3lnkTNE* Ellec . 4ll:4iCodioated Bathe n WHIM yq-xta ,i4i yep.ii7tipl3 villieMb.giu#o th e blood of all h it u id c s ; , mei en rS , eLikid,'S.o.,iina tetit i miO health to to tuvalidt , exery Nariuty of . book describing Cancer."' e z erolnlty'lintritirs a ` nd other biesib• tniped Irco at ibe pledirctl nedittite. t ar bSt 11'3(4'. I[3r. h. t7ItEt3NC,IO Temple place,flioldoti. Nov, 9643_67.-4 • • tintmuoLLis EXTHAOT BtiCSITS (;ivies health n 0 4 .,,, vigor to the frame-and bloom to 'the pallid - cheek; .p e. is accompanied by !Fly alarming '.eynnitcime, uud if Uu ttenoutt%t S ls u b it t tat Au / colt Bemption, amity. or etiflEptie . feb27.ly. VIE. OLOILY OF MAN I' , fiTIi.ISNOTII.-4hereforo the nervtaut and ckbilltated gtioald linineilbately .m.i. Ily.cmitui,u'fi 1::7.1 . R. , ,ct Ducal!.,,, - ~.',6,1 . 114-4271 y. ':'''— COLGATE , &' C.D.'S ",•7- ,. ..4.41?. - -- ---, f \'•,• - , • • • ' - • Z i :..- il/4v --: . . ' GERMAN . .( C TRAgIVEISO2A2 Ili runnollielured froin PURE' iIiATERIA'B STANDARD be con sidered the OP EX. 'CELLI:NOE. • Tor int& aby all lOrocera. • ILELIJIBOLD'.B- 'FLUID • 7 :- TRACI"'BUCT-fu• A a c;atitia,„eure .for„tirseaser, ;of the. BLADDER, T KIDNEYS OjtAYEI,,,, LillO4V., FE3IAL,'N 00A10- PLAINTS:" n'NEIVA DEBI,LITX, 4111301150 of. the GRIN/ 0Y ORGANS, Ailiether exiitiite 1n MAUL' frOm'utliatever cunsa origiuhtliig and no mat ter ,ef ; t OW; LOG C STANDING. Pketoies of these•orglins require the use of a (din retie. tiTatinglit is stilon it toil to, Consumption or In-, sauitv Out Flesh and Aloud aro igtOckrced . „ l froaltegu tslitivco9, aud•the ' IIEALTII ANII4IAPPINESS awl that of Posterity, tiersouls upon prompt use of a jellaible ruined y. I _ l ' i ri lIE-LIIBOLI 'S. EXTRACT, su,outf„ fl T. - - ff 1 LMBOLDa Drtu9o l ?T4 • . • V..; "'" Inforniitirini . jifatittitcatio 'firoelneti a,;itixtitintit I oval tic hair--110n bditirlitiga-face; Mari' recipe for the removal' of Pimples, Slotclica, Erup• on a. rio t , oa tho ‘ rdriii, leaving tho.santo aoft,clearvand nullfai,can be obtained ,without , cbarg addrclia.. ; " F. eff. I !i:PIA,N, enr.via; 15, , 01,t 4 17-Sin- ' liroart%yay, Isiev tordr: B Zsi V EFIELEI) AND. DELICATE CONSTITUTIONS,. of Lath Fexce, 1150 If roinacti's EXTRACT fitICIICh.". I It Will• give baik ' add oneligviie feidinge, and •itabla Stu It , sleep well. .: feli27- 'y. .MANIIOOIi AND YOUrtIFUL VlGoll„nre regained Li , llttmenn4 EX'enAeT MICLITF.: ~..: k::-: : 6 bf! 7-1 y . 9.F , ‘ l'O.U s 2'H. - c.so. Fi• ; ;; 10k.. A Gttt lomat/ bo :safftTe r cli tor ,year . g, ,from ligrtOns ()chalk S.Preinittitietrec4iY, and the effects of yotith fel tedt. , crttion, Nvill 2 torthe - eake - of suffering human ity. Sena tree to; all 'Mitt used It; the _recipe • and, Jillrec• tiens,tor making the elm plo'inmedi . ', ll;itAttictilAttr-7as eu red.'/Sufferers wishing ,fo'nraffeppgtiteiiilyerfkstes ~ .xportence, can do so by atldrelliditatiFtio iketAtt* I e r 40/ItVA.,-00.4NN4,' "3moyGi=l y. - Cedaf.tt est. NewltOrk. - , . , , • TAKE NO MORE ITINIPLEASA T AND UNSAVE REM Ent F.:4 for unpleagitiat nett - (1 ageroto;diseaseß. Itpla k hohl'l Extract Ittielm tittt, Improved - 11600 ; • , ' feb2T-ly. H 1 , . li 111101. D'S CON CENT It ATER EXTRACT RUOIII3 11 Tilt (I HEAT PIMMTC/. If inment,D'S Cu NCENTWE? EXTRACT. SA ?ISAPAIII4,k „ A 13 TH '' 4-1"..,,,T1i ,QiITI PUIITFIEB: ,. i • Bulb ~,,. pt,p,tl ea aCiiardi i, tin mks, "tlf Plittratacy'i alai eltaal it try, AO Ilko :Hi most art lyn that Atm be 'f01g.,79y. SiiiiILIASIDTILIBUS OURAWAJR. 111719WEIREIIIS' raomeloriliTitic spmerrxpg, Ti TRH MOST ANIPLE EX. peri , t.co, an cntlro hut:cogs; Spoplo—Proinot— Liilcientood ttrliablc. They nro tlio only Mcitllcines I+ , l tertly adapted to popular USO•-•-fiO ainiple that Infs. r.1%0fl C tilnut bo uuttle In using. them ; o harinlovi litt to e G'vm danger, and no of an to be nlwaya Te nide: Tlioy newt raised tho Idgbunt. commendation emit I. and will +deals rendor satisfAction. No.• ' • • -'.' *• Conte: 1, Clllo,l Fevers, Congeetiou; Infbituniatlon a: —, --- 2, \do • Vcr o=lB, WornbFevcr,,lYorm.Colic 25 S. , j 4 Crying-Colic, or Teetlilleg of infante— 2 - i{. do Di ar rh cea of clilldien,m• adults ' 23 t., do Dyc, outcry. 01 long, islitoiT cOic ' 25' P• do ChelOra-MOTbIIE. I 'olll4log ... 25 , do Cough's. Cd 1.1 5• groin:Mils r... 25 .... d 5 'Neuralgia, Toothache, Pace:who .25 5,