0010 - -MATTERS; WEDNESDAY; Npy: - 6; -1867. • . .. _ raiipONlo.- '.' -'-• .- ' , osne LODGE, No. 317, A, 7.11. meets at'theli Mall,over. Dr. liore drug store, on Tneedaj, evening, on or before the Full Noon; ett) o'clock P.lll. • TYOGIA CHAPTER,..No. , I94, H. Ai lit.,'ineets at tho Ilalb on Thursday evening, on or boforo tho Fail Moon, at 8 o'clock P. M. _ - - - . /TOGA I)017NdIL, 'No. 31, R. & S. HASTSRS, moots at the Hall, on the third Friday of., each calendar mouth, at . 6 o'clock P. kL' • ' TTAOAGIITON COMMANDERY, N 0.28, of KNIGUTS TEMPLAR, and the appendant orders, meete at the flail on the first friday of each calendar month, at ld o'clock P. IC • • - New Advertisemolits. Sheriff Sales--;-L. Tabor. ' . , ' Administrator's Notico.:—A, S. Brewster In Divorce—Macomber. In Divorce—Abby. Application for phorth Charters. Notice to proprietors of Bennet's Drako Dry floods—J. A. Parsons• 4S: Co. • Scrofula Cured:= 7 Dr. Greene. NOTICE.—We Are requested by the ladies of the St. Paul's Church Sowing Society, to annomace that the Society is now ready to fill orders for plain andlancy sewing,' and 'knitting, at the usual prices, and promptly. • • BAPTISM. — The rite of baptism was a dministered to eight persons, at St. Pnul's Church, by the Rector, Sunday morning, 3d Youna has r fine stook of all Piper, books, pictures, Musical instruinenti; l ' and "fancy articles, just received from thp city. Go. an • sec them. • • ' FoLuy has just got in the finest lot' Watches, 3ewelry, Silver and _Plated ware, desplayed in this village. You can depail u l Foley's goods being as he represents them. BEAT ITrllie. L. H. Shumway, of Charleston has left at this office a Rhoda Island Greening rneasnring# inches in circumference. It is of a bushel anda half from tho eamo graft. A GOOD 'EHING.---PkieSst,: t . I .l V i ebb -& Hastings are'agents'for the sale of a new Kero sene Burner which only neecia to be tried to - ho universally used. If there is any, humbudabout it we cannot see it; We have invested in them and don't want to sell out. SOME 'PUMPKINS—yes, and a good big some—were loft at this office last Saturday by Mr. L. Shumway.' They are the biggest we kayo seen this year, though some person 'ant known to us, some weeks ago, loft some big _ ones at tire door. Much obliged. • TirE ACADEMY. This institution opened Mt Monday with a fair atterndo.nce. Mr. Ilodgson comes to us well' commended,. and we doubt not that he is an earnest and successful educator. Tho Academy ought to be liberally patronized as a home institution. If patrons do not require too much of one man the School can succeed. Let us all rally to its support and thus give the Principal that generous encouragement which is vital to his , success. POTATOES return thanks for a bushel and a half ,of fine potatoes from S. P. M., of Charleston. lie says that the :`devil" was too much for him last year, and hopes that he may succeed in putting, in this donation unobserved. You can't do it, friend., We recognize tho potatoes. Mr. T. D. Marsh, of Marshfield, has our thanks for a peck of russet-pink-eyes, for seed. , ADDITIONAL BOUNTY.—At the sug gestion of a friend, we make an abS.traet of a por tion of a Washington dispatch f 6 the Tribune, relating to - additional bounties. The Second Auditor has received 294.833 inquiries touching clitims for additional bounty. These inq - rijries are being answered at tho rat i o of from 400 to 500 nor day, employing 43 clerks in that department - done. The Second Auditor states- kid. but 43 clerks can be employed without gettitig in each other's way. Of course, then, 'unless Congresa cants some measure of relief, it will require two ears to settle and pay off the application . s - on.file at pre.ient. When is isitn . own that those claims are no mulating day ' by day, claimants will kaderkaid that they must wait unty their-letters aro reached in the_gegulay,,_ : :ennrse of business. None can be preferred before any other. • QuAciis.—A friend, himse f 114-y -!.4ian, writes to enclose an article on "Charlita.n -irm,"l with a request to publish. We wilb.-:•r..;lie ha place at an early day. It is true, as Our friend alleges, that the country is overrp with lutrFks who advertise to-cure every. 11l t i which icth is heir. But it makes little difference with •lie victims whether warned or not. • Mankind hasj s weakness for humbug, and the more daring the humbug the more certain it it- to pay. However, th e 'littest arrival" of which he fipeaks, with the battery, .toes - not trouble us- much. I'4 . :It the- quacks would content themEelveF wftil - italing out galvanhun at g.o niueb. , roald h e ati,improvenient. Unfortunately the vorU r,rci crom their patients with dccoctiont, powder 4 and other stuff, of the nature arid properties of which they know nothing. It is alr,sys bet_Vr to_employ a._ regular physician with 'whom ono is acquainted,-Wdio has a reputation to !vain. WA Rll ITEMS.—A VALUABLE NI B. We'aro obliged to Lieut. ileitis, of Ward, for SW., nil items of interest, among which aro the follow ing; "A. fine mine of .Marigastese has been foihul in this town l iddp on the farm of Mr. B. Gustin, near the Seger Scliool House, on We Canton road.— The ore crops out do the hill-side for .some 25 and is of very great value. Mr. Gustin has leased his farm to a ckpany which is preparing to open and operate tl mine." Our correspondent . further says,' that Capt. S. Newman, of. Canton}; feeling indisposed a few days ago, went into Colwelht Whitcomb's store is get some wine, helping himself to the same.— 'IV mistake ho swallowed lauclantim. Medical 111 was called in, and after ninth exertion hiS life watt saved. Several new dwellings havtz been erected in Anton since last spring, and several are yet in to unfinished state. The Methodist Church is nearly comElototi, and is an ornament to the place. Colwell's Block is finishd and occupied, one Part as a Dry Goods Store, and tIM other as a [ 'tug Store. • Ilan our friends were as thoughtful ns Lieut. 'Nits in sendiniusiDems of news, wo ecodd rnake tat paper very attractive. „_,. Gossip,—How (much money,. think it; most eirnomical (( reader, is spent • foolishly W otherwiels sensible and eireutnspect people? Ppstabiy you, like the rest of mankind, have not t hought usuch about it, and we are nut prepared t 5 answer. The bought takes on a "east stupcn 14s.ness" as w revolve it' slowly in mind. Possibly not ono in st hundred'is aware that such n har e generous incomes, as a rule, expend five 144, as much for purely selfish purposes, as they i) for the necessary and comfortable. ,Not that se intend ,to declare ' war against too ample tiirts, laces, feathers, surplus shawls and jewels, 1 4 of which the ladies delight in, or againstextra rsiatleloth and beaver, ewes, rings, chains, ei- MI, oyster suppers, and the hundred- and one ':ter matters which delight the sterner sex. Taste would bo no discharge in that sort of war! 15 s would such a war eventuate in permanent j'aiso, on the basis of retrenchment. We know, I 's that. every man who has the means claims t • ''' right to expend so much as pleases him for. '' . . o wo gratification; and he says, pluckily, that nobody's business. We kuow, as well, that "' - ''Y woman will hare what she deenis proper, t•sorided she'can find the means to get it; and ; L ' , too, will say that it's none of our business. ' , II, it isn't, and-it is, our .- business. It is not l Asinez. , s to single eat any man, or woman, '" o sp osars to be doing the extravagant,- and ~ t iiiiS, or her, a, lecture. It is our business to ' .I'nf. 3. r o r and folly in the mai., even If we 1 ' -41. -)h displeasure of forty thousand. If the MEM women of Tioga - county ' will .tfavti. the money which they every year expend: to satisfy pride and vanity, and band it to adovetivilti see to it . that there - shall he no 111fed'aad ill4fothed ebil- i dren in Tioga county for that yeiii,tht4- every Peter woman shall have a: sewing `machine; and' that every childinow unable to go to 'wheel, shall . be sent to school until _they iii have a fait cam-, mon school education. And ii the nsepwill• save the money they expend-fOr eigars,,oystari:sisPrU, liquors, extra clothes, and "%stitch. itif sense, in any one year, we will and aka to bu4l a neat Welt &web in every village tid pay.. the , ,ministers $.1(101) esteb per , antlnat ;, e . tlischarm ene-half of the balancea rthe war debt' ;of 14 county and present (hetzt . each with ft Sour-bladed knife. Not that we expect to handle so• much money so obtained; for we alk men and women, appropriate only "the surplus, v tifter Satisfying our Inceds, pride and Tanly, to charitable uses. 'We . nre commanded to give .of . •our "abundance ;" whereas, most, if ' till; lieitetle onr abundance j upon ourselves, and. drop the balance, if any there be, into-the contribution box. Hall gave of their abundance what a world this would be! No snore starving or freezing' during' lthe — 9Ol - d; winter; no more children growing up Withounin education ; : no more;seedy-cleigymeri ' or • thread bare teachers; no more, ~ o r „teeny less, women going to the ;very bad:' `And'aci on, and so forth. So that if, by any ehaece, ; antingel 'should stray from the supernal clime into thip,''the astray would be puzzled to know where -h - eaven loft off and earth began: ,Ts it riot delightful to thirtli of such,an unearthly state of affairs? TVliot . matters it if it be fanatiCal, idilit Initribug, or * Wheit not; is a man ever to i be tied upto,the,dttll bnsiness of matter of fact? We cut the string and - declare our independence. We set out, several yeatango, to find tho millennial day. We were not much surprised to find plenty-of company: And now, "although tve:don't expect tktiridSit in this preterit' world, we shall make just as many pictures - of it to hahg up in our picture gallery as we eons That day will,dawnt exactly . ztwo' thousand mil lions of years after the hand which writes shall be impalpable dust,• And we' 'shall be there 'to see. ,- That is sonic comfort though a - long waY off; not quite equal to the odor i ef - beef-steak-to a starving man, but pretty good notwithstanding.. Therefore, let us all ' work to biing abOut llie millennium, and thus earn a millennium for our individual selves. It is only to "be jug. and fear not," do right, and take the. consequences. So ends our gossip for the ''cieela , , ' ', , , v 011,PHAN ScHOOLS.—Without intend ing to disparage Mansfield, the energy of whom citizens is proverbial, ,wo; sometimes wi ph that the schotil for Soldier's 'Orphans had been located at Wellsboro.- Our Academy, would suit•the busi ness admirably. However, :dace the' leention is made we do not purpose to grumble about-jt. Thei rays f tery to us is, what some of the good people of Mansfield aro thinhingjthout when they regard the school as , detrimental to the interests of their town. It is a mititery which' calls f l j'ir .explanit tiOn. We are told that some whd ought to be best pleased with the location of the School do nJt regard it favorably. How, and - Why is it? RFSULT OF FRIG lady writing us from Brookfield, in this county, relates the following shiguTar circumstance : "On the third of .July . last, Martha P--,' bright, active child f ten years,. was playing ut school, with her mates, and wits abonito go °vera fence, when she suddenly dis Covered ,a snake, which Was in the act of swallowing a toad. - She screamed, and sprang on the fence, where she, rentained, rigid and paralyzed,- With fear:, She was removed, to the nearest house, and partially restored ; but it was soon found that she had lost her speech, which however she regained in a few weeks, but, alas! ,became unable to walk. \t hen I last, saw her, her right limb was badly drawn up. Hare since beard, that her. eyes and• afros are becoming affected, and it is feared that her whole nervous system will, eventually, become - disorganized. She had previously enjoyed good health. "I once heard of a young woman, who became hopelessly insane, in consequenso of a doctor sending her to make a bed, where ho had CND- , coaled a'skoleton. Such things ought to prove - a caution to those who delight in devising means to frighten others! It eau scarcely be doubted, that it exerts a baneful influence, though the effects, .are not always so apparent." - • 'WO assure our correspondent that her contribu tions are very welcome at all times. . 'or desires to . - Trial List—November Term, 1867 DP3ockwith, , vs B C Wielthatn. D C Bolden ' • vs Silas Allis. It Warren Adin'r vs Phttison & Miditopif William Cobb vs 'John Pierce , - A Hazlett • vs T Richardson Ex'r - Noble for Coihurn vs W Y'Catispbell- M D Field vs L Gleason hovel Short ' vs Sarah Short. (narks Dyer et al vs S W Everett- •- • U W Byrnes vs I A Newhall I A - Newliall B C Byrnes et al William Harrison , ws C L Wilcox Jackson township vs Wm B Updike ~ Henry Crofut. va S Vanhousen of al I B Clark jr vs F F Fairman • P L Clark vs Richard Videanl‘ George Simmons vs C II Maxwell David Dunbar I vs Milton Bowman Beard &Cummings • vs 11 M 4evoultl adin!l•, John Fonlkrod „/ vs John Sheffer LS Carling -vs II Freeborn . Bennett, for Nichols vs Lyman Spencer et al J. 4,1 Nichols vs Stephen Babcock , E R Burley -.Ts Norman Ashton ' DR. BROWN of Ithaca N• x • will give a course of public lectures on - the Science of-/!not - (my, Physiology and .hygiene i n the Methodist Episcopal Church 'Mansfield commen'eing, on Montlay Evening Noqulber. 1L :The first teettire, free tO everybody. Beautiful anatomical apiciratn4 will be displayed situ pleasing arni . irtruet ive 4hemical experiments perforated and. eN.hibited. Do nclt fall to hear the introductory of the course, which will cost you nothing. I arpcios 3.fagazino for Novenfisor is quite interesiing. AnOther instalment of Porto Crayon's Recollections of the war, finely Blue:: trated, lends greater interest to theMumber from the fact that the entire history of the seeDrid Bull Runltight is given by a disinterested eyewitness. The shorter stories are unusually good : aI be Witt Young's Book store, or , of , Mrs. ,at Tioga.. Price s ,hy mail 84 per year. , I rfier Brothers, New York. .NfINV MUSIC.-111f.ssrs. 0. pits° 1 & Co., 277. Washington St., Bestoi; send us "the following obeico.shoet music: ' , "There's an empty-scatat the table,"s ballad, by Turner;, "The Birds await the day," song; "All ,Right," Polka, and "Mozart's March of triumph." The music is very beautifully printed. The most economies!, beautiful l and eonifortal ble Dress just now is made from l .ddies'nil wool. Saekinss. Several new shades are now on sale at W. R. Smith's Sons, at.lod. per•yard, ioable fold, • The largest and tlneSt assortment of 1'1.41)1n el/or brought tato Tioga County, ,and - Photo graphs in even way to suit, all•ebeap, and go ing fast, at Spencers Art Gallpry, Alanstield, Parma'. NOT ALL GONE BY ANY mneus.-2-.Turt received 100 pr. of tEfoso $1 Pants worth $3 ; hll over 150 pr. of those $1 Ladies' Walking Shoes woo ii 'l4s.; all over tho County 200 pr. of thosolos. Morocco Patent Loather Tipped Balmoral 11,1m1 ‘ v ayih las. tho world over; this means linsine. AN of these barains can bo wand at W. SMITII'6 SONN. The subscribers will send sarivlee 0%, goods when applied - for, byActter, and mill Ibrwarti t) . :tekage.?. free of charge when the otaer,e: , ieee(LA .11.1 in amount, to pff rwitoinerA enunty Thu cnir fie readied Zy expre.a. Corning,- Aug. 7, '67.ff NS ! Tc Co. . . , _ ,OET TIM , - 13r.ST.—rn pwrehasiii— a Cooking Iztove, it will be found econetny to bud- the Bert in the market. A few.dollars saved in the put-. chase of, an inferior stove will soon: be ' , -vp,:nded is the additional consumption of fad,' saying nothing about thu re airs and thobie,avenienees of .using a stove tha does not operate yr r fectly. The American Hot it Stove, inane( 1 r tirrod by Shear, Packard d C . has beon extetitit 013- wed and thoroughly test thtoughont,all the North era States for the las six years,. both fur.,,, ; ,] of t :l wood; and the unive 1 exprwsion ~I the People has been in its Savo , as. , an COOTIOLIaIO'iI, durable rtsa. and perfect operating stove in all re peels; und i those in 'pursuit' of a , first-class. Cooking Stove, will consult their otyzt, interests nod convenience. and be sure of getting valuh for their: ui 2 ?ney by . porehasingthe Anierican.—Albany - Everit'ng Jour nal. Fon SALE Br Converse t Osgood, Wellsboro. \ ..... 3 vr, EMINIMIEMOVI X_scsa.eal TweiclLe. ~i1,,.(.,•5,tv,4.-f;.-7.0w•;P:,, 7 4V" - -1 r's'4, ; ;Y,; .-4 ,sx4a. ~,z , : ;., ;„ ; g4;,U1044.:::.1•-'‘ . ;;'1: . ! :,4,f.i;;:. _•-:,- _,, f. S. EOM 't -- $ I • i r itif fac `ifusls aPtioliitel agents Tyr tiro sale 9.flhe I P Slliant_V4ilieY:Orapes; )X 4 4 1 .1 hail!now varlolies far .9le at very low rates by tho 411ii-'bdltiiitia'lii tosv - ineelouct. •A. very eirerl l ,suOVA,l,tirgglyuc.l atria arid see. - - non:, hu:veitheit =Olcialin Otfe4 •ftnitmeiatrinadb jfISCI/0 ErOllC Zioi ak DePV4Ptnt,f l ,trYorY)otiiii%tis,..7:-:To4r: CAI m n - ral Skirt kat -recmited , by • NV, #. SM/T1113.-§APTS. • ; • ~DEATIIS., - SMIT://k4n4-..:ltenqhnie, 11. Smith, agoilk.6 . ) yes p. .. - , the N. 'O,, Anilway, Oct. Vr, • Mrp. Siirnh Jan 9 Crorlovirepl Mr. An drew firowl,'efiVellatierciged'gs feats. . Frio wiL LIAM if.. AB,BY,: c lektA , ,P9t,tachtilttt ISlSlCOrierid, James Genoa, hns - nhtlied . ", 4-4 triii 'Oe'utt,A,,,c l opitepa 1116 as of C O' ,-O. :( I Kv9S4A ; fro.% • tha bei„ntht - , Matrlatottyi, OW; .Ithige.fof ~ have:kappointell NOY. 25, 1807, fort heartog of slid titstiti4iarft: the promisett, at Wellsbdrd, h 411" Olitre yen oan attendif - yetrthintc'firolier,, Nor. 6, 1667:.!' TARE YOtreP.,. - --,, ,A 1) POrtortie_xtre hereby fq _l_ bidden to t,OP'f,citid from ray,:preroiaes.with.. odt cash,daarn. • Oliarloeten;-Odi ~ .SOtiCe. t• ' tio at the Baaltiak:heuse of,the Tioga.GO.TIVYt on, the 19th ,of Nov6taibikOt elear'Dfrbeterta. "fioga,, :10 0ct„11507. 7 .1t. Pres't. _ . . .i:stcar rtAME into the- enclospro ,of , tho subscriber kA 0 e t.'lll, 1867, on o'• yearlingljoifpt•, 4 :Vhrl4 with= hroattliiiins, gehiel * whito on the 'belt and end of th,o, tail. The owner is FcgoeoteCte pr: - .l , egtrpoffy‘ipay - olkarry?mtit h • - _ !sl.;_irKt, C6arlitatiOet.-'3O, /.81P/:-13wi: SPECIAL, ' , INIOTICES.: -0- Soioffila, , lezt).,-Curedg • iirrPorsona afflicted with Cpriccr, Scrofula, Turrn?rti, Ernption4;&e.;nre CURED hrtlie use of Dr.lt,Olt*ENE'S •i- ' illectro.:Medicated Baths and Italian Vegetable remedlea which elentiliOthe 144104 of all !minors, alert:orb Lend, 4c,and rcelorehealth to to invillia2 tittlicteil with every variety of disease. A book desertbing Clittiecr. 'Scrofula, Humors and other diseases, proper ap - akeir?f care,_pay ba'ab• taitaal tree at Ilia Medical Institute, or by ivall.. Ad• tiVedd Dr. It. GRISFNE,IO remit& piece, liestoii. Nov, 0,1807.---4 t. „ • . ..... • C,OLGATEA (Q.'S .-' - .' - c-04 . • s'''' dE11.14 . .AN ' • *".,,... - . P.&Ce 0 : : ERASIVE Sag ( 7::1.7. r y L',.,... , ' ,(„ 1 : e5 i,4161 7 11 0,n;t:;; A rt 1:1 51: Dr f A ro liiat li T O ' b i li : yr, Ri li hr . ' . ".V .. MATERIALS, and may Lo con - ._ . Grocerti.22ntny67-Iy. , . , . i»fori»ntion guaranteed P to" pineltico a luxuritfu' growth of r upon A bald head. hoarillisis face, 'also, a recipe for the removal. of Pimples, Blotches, Erup: tionl, - etc.,'hit inn skin, leaving ttko sama soft, clear:, 'and brunt WO, can be obtained, witlinut Charge' by nilltrus• P. ell APNIAN, Curyta , r, ISseptc7-tim• " B'2l Bruin - Tway, New Tirk. , • E r nii ORS {),P •c`U UTI A Gentleman ulio mirrored for yeart' front - Wei - oos Debility. Premature Decoy, und 011 thti offiets'of Indoseretiou. OE tlio Mike of suffering human ity, send free to Olt olio need it, the reelpe and direc• tins for maiiing the shank) remedy by which 1;0 wan voted. Sufferers .0 - ishing . to profit,•by tlm advertiser's experieitoo, c r ude, do' by ttiltirepeing.. in * perfect: COTlll ,tioneo, • JOHN • 11.AMERN _ _ 2111467-Iy. - 4'2 Coilttr Stnict. 'Now fort, SIMILIA SJIGLIBIJS• ttIRA 1 - 117111PMIEVS!"" - ziotamoraTuza . SPECIFICS, TIAVN: PROVED, kIit)3I,TIIE psi knee, no entire enecess; They' are only Medicines porfictiy gol.trited to pelinlat ' 'simple that tai3 • cammi tic niade'in uyirig them; no liiirmiess as to bo Ir'ee from dang,cr:nnil sr, ellicioat , us te Le Nays re lialde. They lime rained' the biglieel commendation from hi), awl A% ill always render hatiethettnn. Cw•v„ ri evra , inn.mmution...-.7:', 2, 110 'T,47,0r1115, NVoini-Vever, to Crying-Colic, or Wetiling of infails.i. '25 4; Diarrhma of child) ru or . adults 25 5, do Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic 23 •G, do Cholera-M(oms, Vomiting 25 7, do Coughs. Cohly, prolichiti9 r... '2; 8 , lk.Tonralgia. TOO I Ivldie, Fureaclto, 1,5 "9,' , do rieaAnciAc q ; yektltflie, l'erfirAif lot rira'peiska.#/.lhious Stumm:it 1,„1, do Suppressga or pult,fol eeriodd 124 ' do Whites, r6O proruge reriods 13 ii do Croup,Cuttgh i dittidnlt rtrOtitihni . :..':,{. 26 If, do Salt rilioitm, 1:0 - cipelas, Eruptions... :2, 15 410 RheUnit#L3llo; (l T4. l o, , 24 16, 61 , reef:avail:a Agile, Chill Teicr, Aguos • 50 17. tit, Piles; blind or bleeding • - st) 18, 66 Ophthalmy, and sore or wc . ab: Eyes.— 50 10, .11,, Catarrh. acid° or chronic 1 ollnenza 50 20, do Whooping-Lough, 21, do „as-thrn a , fiped,e;ed lle . eathing 50 '22, (10 ' „Elar Discharges, linphittBl co' 211, •do Scrofula, Glands, Swallow- SO 24. 'li Gen e ral Debility, Physical il'eakness. 50 25, do D re p,sv. Sperttlor 50 2,1, do sea.sieh n eas, Ficitoo,fi woo! riding... 50 27, .do Ilidney-Disease, Gravel 50 .8, do Nervous . Debility, Seminal nuts- - 1 00 20. kb') s6 rQ lYt an th, ......... ........... 50 .10 Urinary 'Weakness ; ,Y , !t,ting!)e9•7•. • 5 ° 31, do Painful l&elieds, with spoFilia do Sufferings 'tit change of lift.'" 100 do Epilepsy, 3 1 4 . ,1 4 ,, ,, St. Vitus: Amine 100 31.,1t0 Dilththerii , oat.. .50 (11 ;.;:1 1,A1:(111 VlAleh ?DANA:to - CAI,II,,Cu:VTAINING .1‘; - Ftiß. F.v.ttitY 'plA c vnt Vott.t.x, • , Is st.u.nCT To, ASV A 11011 K 13000 FAMILT and TRAVELINti Ea *.f,, with 20,0', 28 viols V; to $8 Specities for all PRIVATE DIREAPER. IJpttl for CUR- - INII and for - I'lll-WZN!lVElfeatruent, nintib nix and pocket CaSeS 42 to $.5 ,yam neve item-dies by !Ito case, or single box, aro sontto nny taut of the, country, by Mail or Exprosa, free, of .clairgt:, on receipt- of tho pike. Address Iluiriphreys' am:obit:id • • Homeopathic 'Medicine Combany, Office. and Depot, NO. fdl2,llnoAms'ex Ige,W • lir. II mirrintirs l 9 Consulted daily at life ()molt, per Ponally ur by letter, aqnbovo„ for,all forme of disease. • I'oll' A Ll,f .49.1tUGGISTS. - August 721, 1867-I.Y. • - vmrartiti6 _WET-. mairy, wT II 'ITS' Giodur , 4 9TENp4-NyB;—Loiv 'SI'IRIY.S; DEPREssiON, INVOLUNTARY RuIRsIoNS, LOSS OP SRAIEN,T'EPERUATORRUCCA, LOSS ov POWER, ori,EY HEAD, LOSS OF - . gEI: ORV AND TIIREATENED IUPOTENCE AND BF.CILITY. find a SOVEREIGN . CURE igIIUM. MIRE'S'S' HOMEOPATHIC 'SPECIFIC TIN EN TY-EIOIIT. . , Campo .al or-lIIP molt 11111136i° .mild and potent Op-. ratives, they Btrilir at pakco, the root of thlditiatter,lofte , up the syilent:nrrestlie discharges, and JinPitrt and energy, life :111(1'11ra - iffy 16 tbit extire man. .They have cur.•d 016114;111de of cities.. 'Price $6 per pacliageof six boxes. itud vial, or.ssl par hingle box. Sold Lidrag.. end sent by mail on receipt of price. , Address tft.ISIPII.II.EYS'. SPECIFIC, ,1106E0SATIne ' I.ll.lAfj CINI Co.,264l . 2.'llitoAtiwity, litnr YORK. 2,laugG7-Iy. . The Rev, -EDWARD A. VIT.SON,, , WiII kind. (free of charge) to all who desire it, the proscription with tffa reet lons for making acing l the eimple' remedy 'by' which be was carrel of a hing`affection, cud ,that dread diseaSe - Commmiltffill.‘ Ills Ofillpobject Is to •laMeflt afflicted and ho hopes ivory sufferer will try. Oita ,I.te!, fir it will emit 'Orem' !Milling, and may Oruro' A hiC94ll7g: Please address • y. EDWARD A. WILSONi; 't l .2may67-Iy.. N . . , Arc Yon liliticte d with aCough or a Cold? Ait 4. Y l Jll P.ItEIOSPOSED TO CONSUMPTiON4 rs,tiis Lives at ii,ar,..varant: • itc'a and Wepartql Attacks of .o'aup.l •' • Purchase a Box „ Alt: AI) E EIJI' HON IA • - •ta A'`-L t 0 SI-I ..tatcpuihßenterkeid, tiattri It, itlethm«,firolg ' eh lie, Pil./ler:si, mut. 'at •Ptity k iimiiry Dieeds c ß, ' Lon i 4 n InC,licinal 'preparation In the roim ur n11'4111403, fB the pleasant 1110YebnY1.9114311 3 41103* CC/lit:110 no dole* tel ions Er, 1(1141 .1144• .'wearran tea to' (hi nrii l ity ! i 2-1114,111 •en for„,tlo. Nyvtikealtol mast sensitive stomach. In Crony, they give IkELIMPi 0.111018 and (' Q hh, rimy art 111 Wilitat/It'. For Catarrh , Asthma and Broth:hit thoy Imre no equal in. tho matket,fride Certificates accompanying each box.) Dtptlieriii, that an& arsoiating disea_se, they, control.. wonder itimoit , ,• • • - Z , Z,I Public Izp.ilor, Finger or Teacher, should he - without them,ZlA ihey reniove Itbarsonse a n trougth: en find thoSlZOicy. , - ' ' •" an - Always wig:thorn me,and If thtl.imptonatii artn..s•prc. 11.0 ecr.tfoinlY% , = J. IIfiILADES 'A . ' CO., prop s rs, , Elmira, N: Y: 42 - FOll. SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, Priee l 25 Cents Per Box. D --,;',..: 0:, ,, ,t' , L:::i4"' : :-.,:.:•- , ::-; '..,, ii:• ;,: i'''': i _: lAqa ;4:..i1r•• INWORMITION: `" toe 0.11..06,' , AVE,opened an itititel thou.Atter Store • ,1 0 I - • LIC. are purobasectfctr6sh; a.. havoU - Odvantago o - • -1.- ••" Wit ktf - V 41 1 1 1- i, L THE ST!' STYI.:ES, ..TILE .BEST. • gofooqs.in j Tioga_County,-e l.' n 11O;b:1/:g 4 2I ttli& hggt,priaps goods etithe , belt lottlit: ein 1 / 2 - . morata the following special' adthntoge - e • ''"" .".',l‘;''.l -- 1 , :. ,r, • Vikllll) . S'i 01 Fancy and black Bilka,,.Fasprese_cloth, French Artuureey 'Fotdins, • Fikilrcd rinoce, Alpaceas,, Wool Dol4nes., yffirranted ALL wool,`Tatnlee - • •••• • - I ';' '- ' I' CI Ina C> fliS a - --; T, "" k "...;::; , ',' e. 'I 7 1 1-r 'Ai * , "- - ' - 'i . t•) ' —,:i • . .- f i L , _4. --, __.r: f=---, =l9 Fancy Cassinieres, poeskOr vers, Tweeds, Jeans, Faime, Crush:acres. . 80 . 47b3 , & ME 111/10Y_ And 139 y ,Kip , And, Calf Boots; ,Liiillekr:anii Obi! and spl,9nahkaa,Boriraerit. Boottii and Shoes tablishment warrai .represented, or funded E„.• '. ;'i'. LUS ,LNEII Men's and Buy's Pelt II and u full assortment of Clot Gr;c4or Sugars, Teivz•y-Co We buy 'our Goods ''Of First Class Houses in New Fork ; and hane.anrange ,, . .., T nientB there by which w are, to be eon et tly in receipt of the latest styles of go' 8, bought during • the easy stages of the market. We call . attention to the fac that we can, and ~ .i .vi, furnish orzr-: Pets Of 'ttll :Wilcs `chic' q'ualities at New York prices. We, offer that of o the trading ,üblic which goes to I'lmira, and elsewh d !e, to purchase fine qualities' of goods, to ?gains which they 'cannot better, at an point beyond New . York. , I DE TAN° & _CO, BUSH DE LANO L. 13ACHE. Wellsboro, Oot. 2,11107,4 Y-1 ILADIP.S' \testa and Drawok at '• • " )Do LAN° d DO'S CARPETS at 144 York Pi Do A. LARGE Stook of Bootsf and Shoos, at , Do LANG CO'S.'i • . • TREN'CiI CORSETS, at Do LANO dr. CO'S ANCY OLOAWT9B, , tit t Cz! otvg.' JEJe k CO, Agenta for the Susquehan na Woolen OOP • RICIRTS ' 11 7'- • DO NANO & CO'S OTTON YARN, at Mrs. A. J. Sofield, , L , , I s ,now receivin g th 9 Tall st 10 of ,': _ . • t -. , . 4 1 -, NI,ELLINFIRY, " ..." direct from the city, and willibe pleased to . spe her old frienkand custemers,iwith as many new opeti as inalf aooso to favor Iler with their pat -mange. I hare ongt, a fitst.elais Dressma -I;er, and aiii yropared , carryi on , . • i DRESS ri'M./..1.C.1NG in all its branches. in a satisfactory manner. l i , Orders token for liairowe ry. Good prices paid fqr hurnkn:hair. : Store. over VanValken burg's Gredery, Main-st. Wellsboro, Scpt.,2Ey /8,67—t A,uditoes:No TTIE undersigned baying Auditor to distribute tli frous,the sale of the Write Of ' of, Charleston, doo'd will attin, his,:ap,pointment at the office o ell, Weilaboro, Friday, Oat, 18' P. Allporao&ninterootod tokO n'oricov • , JOHN Sept. 18, 1867, 4w. -r lii Bankrup District Court of the United St for the Wesicin , District of Sylvania. • , In the matteilof Nast & Auerbach, Bankrupts: T O. whom It may concern : 'The undersigned T hereby gives , nOIiCP pf his appointment tie. aesigneo of Nast 4i:Aticirbabh ót Illossburg, in the county of Tioga and State of Pennsylvania, with in, said "district., wholtavo been Ojudgod rupts on Creditor's Petition by 'the District - Court of saW,Dirtrict. C. 11. SEYMOUR. ,„Oct. 3, A. D. litt37 f . ; • Assignee. • 1 Brick I Brick„ .. l 1 ! Brick 11 1 i .p 5,000 iaii: Pet burned, and in Ij o i r l der, for sale at our Brick Y ard- - o dbito the Cemetery,' Nasbore,'Pa. • • "' ' ' PIEBDi. MAIXO,RAFF, ' tAni.:2B, '67-tf. LOUIS MAR'ORAFR, DARE PHANOR FOR BUSINESS. AA, The fitio lOcation 'for a 'store between tho buildlug'•known as Roy's BlockYana Dullard's Saloon,is now offered for peculiar and fairorable term" inejuire' at Roy's tirug'iltore. , 1:JIA: ROY. . Sutter and , Cheese, ry Iti i S T Prteo paid for Pntterrind ja: Cheese, or shipped for parties at 2.11n1,87. TOLES '6; BARKER'S. A 11pIT 0 It! S i NOTICE. = T'ho' 2 . 1 f: ! ; jading been appointed an alMitta to State and settre,the account in the ease - of 'Daniel An gell .t'EdiSeott z ,assign#es offienry, Seeley, dec'd will attOnd to the,datin424 464appc,libpaent. nt the Eicetiange BOO; 'KnOxyille, on Monday the 18th da.k of Nisymnbor,:, at no- PAL when and where-ail parties ibte este% will tease attend." .. _J. B. 11.11...ys Auditor. Vet. 23, 180-4 w, .., .1., ' f • t fir Barthilpt ITrestent ,histrict of IfeltArti , inl' rip rto unslersigneidltilaby gi P . * tme n t as insigne° in - th's County of Tiogi and St• nin ' within said, District, who 11 Bankrupta upon his own petit', Court of said, District— 0. Blossburg, Oct. 2; 1881,4* T. 11. BALDWIN & AGO., ndgr ttfo Akolill4ol,t BE RECEIVINGAbetr atooit of FALL and - • 0 '11) =I MIII , •:i ME our , ettatome . choosing fro Elia LADIES' DREES • GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHAWLS, KNIT GOODS, HOOP - SKIRTS, BALAIGREL SKIRTS, SILT Sj ,DipxEs t • FLANNEL g, '1 Ladies' Cloakings, Cloths‘ and Cassi • - mere; Gloves and Mittens, ENE .Mroadcloths, Boa s' and Mechanics' READY-MADE ; q,An.',Elpo, hoes Under Clothing, Hats and Caps Yan . kee Notions, Carpets, OIT CIIVIS, Paper Hangings;Grocerhis; I Flour, Feed, Pork,, •togo Book, Men's iireplinShoes, -a bill Hams, Sugars, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Fish, Oils, Paints, Spices, Extracts, _Wooden Ware, Broonni, , Pails, 'Tubs; ° , • _Baskets, i sold 'atljthis' es ted to - be as , oney re- Hard Ware, Crockery, Glass Ware, : Stationery, Salt, Nails,' Iron • Stone:Ware. ' (0,045 z le, Franklin Hate, Cape. -In fact, a general assortment and as lige a stook as you will find to seloct from outside of the city. All kinds of "es.: Boni', Spices, etc taken in . e*elta:uge" Goods. Wo buy good goods and will 801 l as cheap as anybody. FALL . & WINTER GOODS Fc)R 1867: RAILLINERTAGOODS for the; ,Vail anajWipier tritoe,;•;MACh is. now complelo;obraorgfoil - , , , ken', -a- ILANO S 00'8 PLAIN AND ,I'ANDY'SILK AND"'ITEL— , rat RIBBONS, •,. ' widths and ehndes. STRAW,' SILK AND FELT_ FIATS AND BONNETS, of tho,latost and most approved sbapo. Velvets, Crapes, Blonds, Braids, Feathers, 'Flowers, Ruches; ' • • Franies, Ornaments; &c.. and all articles pertaining to tho Millinery trade, , to which we[invite your inspection. ' N. B.—Particular attention paid to Dust= Work. • Mrs. E. D. MITCHELL. Oct. 2, 1867—tf. Broad Stroot, Tipp, 'Pa. - „: De' LIMO I • TN addition to their old business in Dry Goods, Grocerio4, &0., have established a STOVE, TIN, AND GENERAL two dooi.e below tho old et'antl; . Whieit; they man. ufneturo 1111 ~~ that is, in the most substantial. manner. In the matter of f' eon- appointed an proceeds arising 4inan hart, late to the duties of Nichols &Mitch ' 1867, at 2 o'clock aro requeeted• to '1111T011ELT,; 4 Auditor. r . we have enough to do all the.eooking and warn ing in Tioga County. ' •In fact, we have Stoics enough to MAKE A SUMMER in • • cy. aces, 1 en n- We aro tho only agent 3 for the sale of the iIIIERICAN - COOK' STOVII in 'Wellsboro; and Ns Btovo is the Wo keep, all kinds of hardware, Iron; Nails, Stool, Horse Shoes, and a complete variety of `; SHELF HARDWARE. If you don't believe it DROP IN. MILE ,QUE N'S CEPHALIC PILLS.—Theso 'l,,' are the I toWimprovement hmong thgpills. They aro con only believed 'to be the bolt pills for family use that have over boon made. They are so Lima arid Tlpasant, in• their operation-and yet so effectual, that it would bo quite impossi ble to supply the demand ifor thorn were they more generally known. The whole story is told in the directidni .which 'accompany "'each *box. Price 25 Cents. -, For sale at Itoy's Drug Store. "Subscriber on account of failing , health eifers for 'sale his Mill Property at Crooked Creek, Tinge county, Pa., fornterly known as the McClure Mill. Said Mill is now 'in complete running order, having bean lately furnished with entire new Machinery of the mdstapprovcd style, 'and will be sold together with about 24 acres of laud, on which there is a thrifty young Apple Orchard and other fruit trees; Building .kt)[.; on fateribl ‘ o terms. ~..„ C r , J. HUMPUREY- Cioaked Creek; Toga Co., 'n. July 31,11367-3tutt - ~ ee: _ WOleboro' 010th-DieSSlElcr IarAVING engrigtid Mi. JAMES SMITH to J I superintend our Clothing Works we ore now ready to do all kind of coloring and 'dress ing in good style and on short notice. 'S. A. HILTBOLD, 0. BLALR. ' . .:, ,; es 'not ice' of bis .f Wm. H. Baker; ite of Pennsylva. , : been adjudged n by the District TAYLOR # Assignee. =WEIMI r t,~k ~_~ 3 :- ri =1 • •. , eoneieting of a genera,' aesoitment of DRY GOODS„ii .Root, and,Shoes; COUNTRY PRODUCE GroUnd Plaster, .constantly on hand T. CO. tioga, Pa., Oct. 9, 1497. We bag to call yfrur ottontiOn to our stook of NIIW HARDWARE STORE ! :CONVyiltS & OSOIIOII WARE ,STOR4 TL I N-WARE ON ME HUMANITY PRINCIPLE; STOVES, WALBUSSIA. AUTOCRAT OE STOVES. CONFERS & OSGOOD. • ' Wepsboro, ept. 4, 1867, ly. - ' • • Mill Property for Sale. Sept. 18, 1867—tf. ME ~Ai~~JI7I~ ,~,k_~;f. ME 1 " ). TA 00i1PANY: STOiiE , .r--Ns.BLrHS'SIVUEG, PA. • h /Vt "UTE kayo jtrst received a now and well se loafid stock of Goods adapted to the stwiriA tracto r and ore propared,to offer a EETTU R assOrtuteneand '- • ~ ' 4 ~ ] 'tt T., • ' ' ' , tha'r anf3F - ;othe titore in 4 1`Voga" (it" `Eitbeining counties. Our expttrieneo has taught us to buy and no others, theroby gain and - hold the cond. denco of ortrienstomers.• They am sure of get tikig 409 D, GOOD,, 'and for LESS MONEY thinieheveaniget them. eleenlore, and this is , why . ea . /VP:ANY eTORE)I - 1 . :r • . • • is Constantly tbr' Morebants ory li We keep eons! } r ~ ~~ ~l GROCERIES,, CROCKERY, HARD WARE, WOODEN WARE, IRON, NAILS, NAIL - RODS,'HORSE'" • . ~. SHOES,' . • ; and almost everything for Farmers or Mechanics use. We also keep a fine assortment of FURNITURE; CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOE , HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR both coarse and fine, by the barrel, eaekand bog, constantly on hand. In shorttalmost everything usually kept in a country Store, may be found at the. .1 Our stock.is now and comploto, just what the people want.• We Invite an oxamination of our before buying elsewhere. We take pleasure in showing Goods,:and still more in giving our pri ces. For, with the lino Stock we aro enabled to skow, find price 's so , , - . i . . Anyegoods that we sell that aro not, as repro seated can ho returned and the money rill be ro funded. We make no unnecessary display of Goods upon the sidewalks; our Goods are in tbo house, neat, clean and s tidy, and a plenty of help wait upon all who wish to see . them: I - COMPA - NY STORE, • ba t itTco, Supt Blonstatre, Mly 22, 1887. • i 1 YOUR IiONEY'S, , WORTH. H 1 , a E subscriher has epened shop over the TMeat Market, Main Street, Wellsboro, for the manufacturp of 1 . t , 1 , FIN E BOOTS,, work and will guaranty his to be without a super ior in'Ticga County. 1 'As to prices—l only aim to convert my labor into cash, and therefore shall endeavor to let,others lire - as well as myself. Call and see me. - H. S. WA(E. Welleboro, Sept. 4, 1867, tf. ti ',A2 7 , E S TiAWKRUTTPY BLANKS, in full setts, at 1 YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE. . . Down # Comes. W I VI T C 0 i in i i , MV ar l e N' 1. 121T n falli ° , .0 ,the first in market. To be . 00ld,at roducipd in-' cos. I • Lath 41th . Lath I AM making; nod will Iteep constantly on hand, at m 3711111104 Pcoola, a good : , quality of Lath. OrderS promptly fiticd.. Oceola, Sept. 4, '617-3tio, G. S. BONHAM. ill AIN 'I 8 FOR FA I RUMS AND'OTNEB.S.—The Graf ...IL ton Mineral Paint Co.: are now manufacturing the liest,Cheapost and most bumble Paint In, use; two coats well put en, mixed with pure ; Linseed Oil, will last 10 or 16 years IC, is of *light bown or heautiful chocolate color, and pan, lie/changed 'to green, drab, olive or cream to Emit the" taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Burns, Fences, Carriage and Car makers, Pails and Woodon•ware, Agricultural Imple merits, Canal Beata, yestude and Ships' Bottoms, Can-. vas, Metal awl Shingle RooftrAit being Firo and Water proof), Floor Oil Cloths, 1 (one Manufacturer having need 6000 bbis. th l past year,) and as a paint for any purpose Is unsurp sed for body, durability, elastietty, and adhesiveness. -Price $0 per bbl. of SOO lbs., which Will supply a farm r for years to come. Send for a circular which giv a full Particulars. None genuine unless branded iu trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint Address I r DANIEL BIDWELL, Sept. 11,1807-60 251. Pearl Street, New, York. Elmira- dist and Extra emit Steel Paterit l'aper Ciratilar Saws. MILL, MULE,Y, GANG, CROSS-CUT, pOvs. Mr. J. SOHIEFFELIN, Jr., is authorised to soli at Factory Sim iq Tioga. Orders for rtiairing, AO., left with Mr. Schiet. fella atteaded its promptly as if loft at the Manufarotory. l ANDREWSBURBAOP.. I - Sept. IS, 167.1tf. j , I F you want a iIRST RATE ART XCLE of . - FLOUR, MEAL, PORK, HAM S , FISH . , SALT oR !GEXERAL GROCVRIES, . . i to largo or small qu ntitiee, dilop in at M. B. io PRINCE'S 'FLOUR '44. ! , PROVISION ST RE, examino price's, and y u can be snitod. COUNTRY PROD CE taken in oxcha go. Heavy Paoka a et del vered anywhere in town free of charge. 1 • . Terme—Ready I'4. Next door to Convere. Iltellabolo, Aug'. 7, 1867. M. D. PRINCE. W. 'J. 'Morton, 'T ATE . of: •the; hint- Mather do yar• AI mg Just returned from . the city of Now I, ork, is now prepared , to ler to the citizens of Law renceville, and vicinity, a general assortment of CROgRIgS PROVISIONS / . ~CROCARRY, , 11A.R.D.IYARA • WOOD' ,& WILLOW-WARE YANKEE NOTIONS. . • LATTRENFATILLE, ,PRISTIOA. Septemhor, 17th, 1887-ir _ _ Coal fOr Salo. C°CAhReaSpEtyBiTUMOTOUS COAL for Salo Sept. 28, 1867. , D. P. ROBERTS. . •, , . „ . . NS P4I,N , C GOODS BETAR BARGAINS, (100 D, O . OODS, . URI 'paged vrittt customers and times. aatly cla band a large DR GOOD ilfil FEED, CORN MEAL PORK AND FISII Jr. ALT. KINDS. SALT, COMPANY STORE. GOODS .PRICES hXTREMELt LOW, wo feel sure, of success aw I Mandactory. Ground CLEARING, SOOTH AND OTHER MAKE no pretensions to prophetic) fire, but 1- my reiteration of vilible promises ,to the in dustrious worker was in good time. lam there fore emboldened to prophesy that nobody will . Ibis fall and winter who has raised enough of graikand root. crops to keep Min and his family; and those who look anything in the way of life's substantials will escape starvation by applying to me at the , ' I y" " BEE-HIVE EXCHANGE , . where they will nd my hit° other according' to • the, marks upon tho barrels; my • took of west of the I furthermore prophesy that every man and wo man, without distinotion of color, race, or sex, will e- • • 'GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, (or anyi other man. Saileasm,) and no express charges, except the express charge of so much a pound; which you, always pay when You trade with !no, • • I have had, and expect to continue to have a great " spell" of MOCHA (front lifOca) JAVA, BRAZIL, AND LAGUIRA. (The latter of which rhymes witty, but .wns not ground at " Elmira.") am further able.to - say that people will . oat mhch or in proportion to their Appetite, and will payl for much or lit according to their money. I sell Tea by the Athrter pound, of mum, but prefor to - wholesale it in packages , of not less than and, by persuasion, can be induce& to Sel),l,a cheat of a dozen pounds to-one customer:, FARM PRODUCE fgt best prices, asking only a good chance to pro vide something to keep his family 1 I FT AVE just returned from New York with a largo assortment of SPII* & SINNER GOODS, Bought at Panic Prices, and be sold accor dingly. We respectfully invite attention to our stock or LAMES' DRESS GOODS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, SUMMER CLOTHS, LADIES' CLOTHS, & READY MADE CLOTHING, BON-TON, SILVER SPRING, and other . kinds, of HOOP SKIRTS, YANKEE NOTIONS, 'HATS t%' CAPS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, . GROCERIES, " B1111•111V11 EXCHANGE !" ON The harvest has come, the promise fulfilled, To he man whose broil& acres gore : ' properly titled; wheat is. good, corn Y4unkum, oats may be a • short crop, , • • _ _ But the nriragesof all must bo,mai4tl as tip . top. s TAR yE TO . DEATH ,PORT, solid, and meat, end cheap;my FLovu=x-lx-m MACICEREL &, WHITEFISH The latest catch _ And, the greatest catchy ".Silent;sobbing t roaring, and placid Sea." , Cheeyed, but not inebriated, by using the splendid E II which I soil choapor than tho 66 Kaughphy " SIXTEEN OUNCES, MA:THERS will bay and salt OUT OF THE POOR ROUSE Wollshor . o, Aug. 14, '67, W. T. hIATHtRS NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! Jo R. Bowen & .iy_tcE AND CHEAP, also, a largo line of LADIES' SACKINGS, i Also, a largo andnow assortment of I at greatly reduced prices 1 HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, A n d many other things which we will bo ploased to shoyi to all who will call and examine our STOCK OF MOM'S Befnici purchasing eisorbore, as we believe it will pay yoU for your time and trouble. SMALL\PROIiTS; QII.161( SALES,. & • READY PO IS OUR MOTTO. j a Don't forgot to oall at the EMPIRE STORE, NO. ,1 UNIOWBLOOK.. Wellaboio, May 15, -1807. . :-, - - 1- The American Cooking Stove. . ETErt twenty years experience - in .the 2.1„ nflieture of storm, wo' became convinced,, , some six years since , that a. vast amount of money was being exiiended by_the people of this country, in buying cheap tuid,worthleasjitoves, a large portion of which Witi wasted; and that r. true economy consisted hi. bnying.the.best stoves , that could bo made, notiltbstandiag the price , - . 4 was higher. With this ,viSir we proceeded to construct the, - American. Cooking Stove, and 'Biked no pains or, oxpenise cto 'make .it the best and most perfect stoirblhat tiould be made. And we have exporinientell ' wth R;a7fid carefully watched - its operation for;th last Mk, years, and l a when an improvement sug csted itself, we have at once adopted it, and no ve several of these imprpvements scoured by i lettcrs -patent. In this manner we do not hesitate to say, we have brought itle a higher stilt& of perfection than has heretofore, been attallie in cooking stoves. , ' The ,recent improvements in 'this .stove has' added largely to its conven enclelitid - effective ness. Akan the varieties of stoves we . mann factare, we study *loofah:toss, durability, conve nience and economy inj opieration, rather than, - cheapness in price, and ins p doing wo are satis.l - fled wo study the interest lof those purchasing our stoves. SHEAR, PAcKARD, .1c CO., 1 Albany, N. Y. For tale by CONVERSE (lc OSGOOD, Wells. Moro, PA. • 113sePts37-3m, • _ , 1 : Proofs of the Superior Quality =I The American Watch Company, of Waltham, Mass., respectfully submit that their Watches are cheaper, more accurate, less l oomplex, more dura ble, better adapted for general use, and more ea sily kept in order and repaitied than any other watches in the market. Toy i t are simpler in structure, and therefore stro ger, and lees likely to be injured than the majo4 of foreign watch ea, which are composed of from 125 to 300 pie ces, while in an old English watch there are more than 700 parts. How they run under the hardest trial watches can have, is shown by the - S MIOGA CV. COURT ROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Hon. Robert G. White, Pres 4: dent Judge for' the 4th Judicial District of Penn sylvania, and O. F. Veil and lElisha T. Bentley, Esq.'s, Associate Judges in Tioga county, have issued their precept, bertbing data the 24th day of) Sept., 1867, and to me: directed, for the hold ing of Orphan's Court, Court lof Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions `andOyor and Termin ei, at Wellsboro, for the County of Tioga, on the 4th Monday of 'November (being the 25th day), 1567, and to continve two'weeks. • ' Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coro:: ner,Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and. for the county of Tioga. to appear in their ow - n roperpersons, with theirreCords minations and retnembrarices i , to d do those things which of their offices and in their behalf apper tain to he done, and all witne'sbes and other per sons prosecuting in behalf of o.e Commonwealth against any person or persons, are required to ho then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be - punctual in their attendance at the appiiinted time, scree tbly to notice. 'liven under my hand and selil, " al the Shbriff's Office, in Wellsboro ' the 24thMiA r Y of October, iu the year of our Lord ode thousand sigh, hundred and sixty-seven. . LEROY 'TABOR, Sheriff. Or TUE AMERICPN MADI .WALTII4I, following letter: k I I t VENN. RAILROAD ,COMPANY. ' OFFICE OF VIE GEII'L GPM:MEN/18El ALTOONA, P 4., 15 .Dec., 18t38. • . , GENTLEMEN : —The watches manufacturedby you have bye in use on this railroad for several years by our onginemois, tc whom we furnish - watches as part of our i nqiupment. Thorn are ' now some threo,hnndrod: of them carried on our . line, and we consider thcml good and reliable time-keepers, Indeed, I!bave great satisfaction in saying your watches give us leis trouble, and have worn, and do wear much longer without re pairs than any watches Wie have ever had in use on this road. As you are aware, we formerly trusted to those of English lManufaeturo, of ac knowledged good reputation ;I but a 3 a class they never keep time as correctly, her have they done as good service, lie yours' 1- _. ...In these' statements il amt sustained by my . predecossor,l Mr. Lewis, , vhbao experience - ex tended over a series of years i i Respoptfully, ' - ___ _ EDWARD 1 , ;- ,-- wrurd - Aosis, i - •General Superintendent. . . . American Watch Co., Waltham. , Wo wake now lave differontl grades of watches, Lamed respectively as folliwsl: . :Applohni, • Tracy & C 0.,;, • lila/Mae: l Ham . 4 4. Minh. Watch. ....7ompi?aty, Waith am, Mass. P. S. finial, i • Waltham, Mass, Win. !cry, ~ il Iloaton, Muss. Hunts ':atch Compryiy, 111 I.l3oaton, Mass. • All of those, with the exception of the Home Watch Company, are warranted by the American Watch Company to be of - thi---best material, on the most approved principle,a i nd to possess every requisite for a reliable timekeeper. Every dealer soiling those Watebeels provide& with the Com pany's printed card of guarantee, which should accompany each Watch sold,lalb lo at tytirsi may feel sure they arts purchasing ho genuine article. There are numerous *counterfeits and imitation s of our Watches sold through* thtcountry, and we would 'caution pnrcbasers to be - dn their guard against imposition. . ~. Any grades 'of Waltham WiLeheal-may-ba-pur=" 'chased of Watch Dealers thrl . gboutl lZli the country. . nommp A. s & P ZET, 1 , Sept. 4,18f41-4-to. 182 Droadway, N.Y. BANKRUPTCY.—This is to give notice: I That on the 24th day of Oett. A.D. 1867, a earrant in Bankruptcy was iSsued against the estate of George Ash or, of Weilsbo"rough, in the county of Tioga, and State of Penn'a, who has been adjudged Bankrupts on his own Petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to them or for their uso and the transfer of any Jiro petty by him are forbidden by Italy ; that a meet ing of the creditors of the paid Bankrupt to prove their debts and to choose one or more As signees of the estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of. F. E. Smith, in:Tioga, county of Tioga and State of Penn'a, before F. E. Smith, Register, on the 30th day of November, A. D. 1867, at 2 o'clock P. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, B. S. Marshal West'n Diet. Pa. . , er DAVID OAMERpN, Deputy. Oct. 311:67.-4w ' I i Register's Notie.. NOTICE ISIIEREBY GIVEN, that the Ex ecutors and Administrators named below, haveffiled their aecounta in th 4 Register's Office in and for the county of Tioga andthat the smile will be presented " to the Judged of the Orphans' Court, for said county, at a sesSion of said Coast to be hold at Wellaboro, on Moday,p the second day of December next, at 2 o' look in the after- noon, for confirmation and allowance. Final account of 'Robert Casbeer, Administra tor ottho estate of Erastus Butts, tato of Law.: rence : Township, deceased. Account of Enoch B. Campbell, Administra tor of the estate of Jathes Campbell, late of TI ga Co., deceased. Account of I. M. Bodino, Administrator of he estate of Norman Francis,. late ofDelmar Town. ship, deceased. - Account of James Tubbs, Administrator, de bonis Pon of the estate of David Taylor, deo'd., Acconnt of James Lowery,Executor,: f oc the-- the hist' will and testament John Phelanilate— of Delmar township deceased. In Bankrupt l e, y. jIMS is to give notice : That On the sth daY of October A. D. 18137, a *arrant in Bank ruptcy was issued against. the estate of Seth 0. Daggett of Tiogn, inlthe county of Tioga, and state of Pennsylvania who liaa boon adjudged u Bankrupt on his own petition, that the payment of any debts and delivery oftiny property be longing to such Bankrupt, to im or for his use, and tho transfer of any propetty by him, are for bidden by law: that meeting 'of tho creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their di?bta and to choose ono or Inure assignees of his e‘ tato, will bo hold at a court of Bankruptcy, to o holden at the „ aka of P. E. Smith, in Tiogn, min'it, before F. B. Smith, Rogisttrr, op tho iltii day of Novem ber A, D. 1.5111, at 2 o'clock, P. M . THOMAS A. ROWLEY, 11. S, Marshal West. Dist., Pa. In Bankrupt li riprils is to give notice : Th On flip let day I of October A. D. 1867 a rrant In' Bank ruptcy was issued against the °State of Francits IL Wood,lof Sullivan Tp., in tb county of . -.: . sad Stato;i)f Ponn'a, who has keen adjudged * a Dant' rupf on his own Totitio ; that the pay ola') o any dobts and delivory of any property bolo ging to such Bankruot to him or fortis use and ho transfer of any prope7 by hint are for, bidd n bylaw; that a meeting f the creditors of said BaNrupt to prove their debts and t 6 choose one or moo Assignees of his estate will be - sleol- '--.. dun at the office of F. E. Smith; in Tioga, rentiW ~, Sylvania, beforo F. B. Smith, Register, „on,--'4lin 6th day of Novombor,A. D. 1907, at 10 teolsOit ' A. M. THMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S: Marshal est'n Dist,l s a. .\ pot. 9, 1887, 4w. WATCII MASS