• 01,41grogi null! a datpr- la PablisheYevoiy iVedneaday" Veitr, iqvarlably in tulysupei - ' COBB VAN . GELDER oins,) • • "I=O77.I23WA,T4SZ2sTCV, TwilaNss.pr M 1 (in !xis, 1410 fi:Ng No. of fliere,',4l Md.141136.1g, mOB.O 1109.1171:0r 1 Sqnstrn;..%:: $l,OO $2,00 $2,00 -$5,00 2 Squarev - 2,00 3,00 ' 4,00 8,00 11311 10,00, 11100 12,00 One Col"; .. .. . 18,00P20110 50,001 40.00 - gt,,Bnelness Carrie _inserted at tiniaat lar a line per year tint, none, for lotto inn, is ,Speelal ziotle4i,FifteetiOntitn'tn;r I, or Local Notleini,Tiventy Oentli'per line; - BUSINES:S DzitEoT . , • 'W.' O.TEROSLia 11) „ & '.CO. WHOLESALE 1)1111001.§TS; nnci:' 'dealers in Wall Paw, Kerosene Lamps, Window (*sit, Perfumery, Paints and'Oils, ' Corning, Um,)4- 18 0 1 L-1 1 Y. _ WILLIAM Ar. ATTORNEY ANE COUNSELOR AT LA.W Insuraucti o 'lloupty and renaion Agency, Alain Street WollOoro Pa Tan. 1, 1868. - • ' -S. F. Vhisoif.• • • J. B. isTILEB. WOSON & NILES, ATTOB,Ngts k COUNSELORS AT . LAW, (First doo - r from Bigonere; on tho Aventtej— Will attend to badness ontrustod to their 'dire in the counties of Tioga ana Potter. iVelleboro, Jan. 1, 1866. • , • D. 4NGELL & CO. - MANUFACTItERS of, and Wholesale and Re tail D ler in Debra, Baatt.and Blinds. • Alto Planing and:Tutning dono to tirder. -, Knoxyille - ga Co., Pa.,. Jan.lo. GEORGE, WAGNER, TAILOR. Shop first door n°11114114. Seara's Shoo Shop. Cutting, Fitting, and R.opair. ingdono promptly. and woll. .; Welliboro, Pa., Jan, 1,1860.—ly ! • JOllll 18. , SHAKSPEARE, : . DRAPER AND TAILOR.:, Shop oliar 'Jo4n - it: ‘Bovfon's Store. .„10Y , Cutting s Fittingy and Ropairing doio,promptly,and In boat otylo4 Wellsbaro, Pa. ? Jan. 1, .1886-1 y , • • 3011 N 1. MITCHELL A TTORNFZ .AND.COUNSELOR AT LAW, Virollaboro,,Tioga,Co, Pa.. , • Also,.'agent for tho collection of bounty, back pay and penaltina due soldiers from the. Govorn-, went. , (Ace overßoy'a Drug Store, adjoin ing Agitator, Of6ce:—Qct. 30. 1367 • , GARRETSON, ATTORNEY AND 001/NOELOit AT LAW, Notary Public) and Insurance Agent, Mose burg, Pa., over ,CaldwelVe• Store. 1Z AAR - WAILTON .IEIOIISE, Gainos, Tioga County, Pa. VERAILYEA. a•REXFORD, PROPieS. This is a now hotol loiaated within' liasy , nccoes of the best fishing' and hunting giounds in North ern Penpsylvania.• No pains' will bomarod for the accommodation of pleasure seekers and the traveling public,. - [jantl, MG.] • PETROLEUM .SOUSE; ' IVESTFIELD,'PA., .GEOROE CLOSE, Propti . (nor. A new Hotel conduated on the principle of livo and - -lot livo, for tho accommodation of tho public.—Nov,.llVsB6.-13,. GEO. W. RYON, ATTORNEY .t COUNSELOR AT LAM, Law renceville, Tioga Co., Pa.. Bonnty, Pension, 'and 'mutant° Agent. Collections promptly attended to. Office 2d door below Ford House. Woe. 12, 3.8134-1-y - ,„ _ • R. E. OLNEy,' DEALER in CLOCKS & JEWELRY, SILVER & PLATED WARE, SPecta.elos, Violin Strings, &e., &c., Diansfold, Pal Watches and Jaw, elry neatly repaired. Engraving done in plain English and Gorman. 11 septtl7- I y. FARR'S MOTEL, T [0(1A, TIOCIA COUNTY, PA., Good stabling, attached, and au attehtivu 11(4- Tor always in attendance. E. S: FARR, . . . . -Proprietor.l ' - ftairdressing g. Saloon over Willcox ,16 Barker's Store, Wells.: bore, Pa. Particular attention paid to Ladies' Mir-cat:lug, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. L'raidg, Puffs, coils, and 6wiellos on hand and made to or i der. - 11, W. DORSEY. • or j. JOHNSON. BACON, 31. D., late pf the 2d Pa. Cavalry, after D nearly fo.nr years of army service, with a large ~Iperience in lieliand hospital practice, has opened an dice for the' practice of medicine and surgery, in all in branches. Persona from a distance can find good at the Pannsylrnin Hotel %lieu desired,— Wfli visit any part of the State in consultation, or to rtrform - suOrocal oporatlo a. No. 4, Union Block, up Wellsboro, Pa., 3.1ay.2.,1866.—1y. VEIV PICTURE GALLERY.-• FR4IIIIK SPENCER - as tho pleasure to inform the citizens of Tioga uanty that he has completed his NEW PI OTOGRAP.II GALLERY, and is on handto. take all kinds of Sun Pictitros, meta Ambrotylpes, Ferrotypes, Vignettes, Cartes di Visite, the 'Sr rpriso and Eureka Pictures; also particular attention paid to copying and enlarg— ing Pictures. linstructions given in the Art on reaionablo fermi. Elmira St., Mansfield, 'Oct. 1, 18118. ATTENTION SOLDIERS. IVA. B. S3IITII, Ktioxyille; Tioga County, IT Pa., (11. S. licensed Agent, and 'Attorney f.,r soldiers and their friends throngheut all the loyal Stites,) will prosecute and collect with un malted success, SOLDIERS' CLAIMS AND DUES of all kinds. Also, any other land of claim :plot tho Governutertt before any of the De. partments or in Congress. Terms moderate, All communications sent to the above address will re ceive prompt attention. Jpn. 17,1866. U. S. CLAIM AGENCY, • For the Collection of I . • Army and Navy Claims and Pensions.. . • tpliE NEW d3OUNTt LAW, passed July 2;8,1806, gives 11, two and three ye re' soldiers extra bounty. Seed ;a lour discharges. OFFICERS' EXTRA PAY.• Three months' extra pay proper to volunteer officers .bo 'ere In service March 3, - 1865." PENSICNS INCREASED. To oh wbo bare lost a limb and who bare, been perma nently and totally disabled. - • - All other Goverment clatme prosecuted. • •„. • JEROME; B. NILES..z Wen bore, October 10, 1880-if • • • E. 1 1.1.. D. • SURGEOT. . • OPERATES successfully for . Cataract, Stra.: bismus, (cross eye) Removal of Tumors, Lr s Lip, Varicose Veins,•Club Feet, &o. Partici/lar attorition'paid to diseases of the Eye, tai General Surgery. • Consultation at office free. . • . „ . Referencesziven to operAttons rocently per formed. • . , Office hoirs from 12 M. to:3 P. 31. Office at his residougo, .31ansOeld, Tioga County, Pa. Marcia -27. 12677-IY‘g NORMAN STRAIT, A GENT for the National Stories of Standard fich6ol ti Books; pnblieben by A. S. Mimes k. Co. 111 & 118 r/Iliani, corner of John Strcot, N. Y. t . keeps constantly . im; iummy. oydo'S -promptly fillet}.. Call on or Olte” by mall.. N. STRAIT. _ Oicool2, Jnne 10, 1867-Iy. 0. „13,- gEL,LY- 1 1 '-, - f OENT ior • AIiVIN & di!)%9,- 1;11M AND a.BURGLA PROOF SAFES. - Wellsboro, SA tember 25;1867.. I.G. PUTNAM"; ATM WRIGHT-- , - , Agent for tho bust 11. TURBINE WATER WIIEELS. Also to Stewarl's Oscillating Movoracnt for Clang and 14 0ay s.awa. ' • ' • ' vo g a Pa Aug 7, 1887 1 3r • 13f unty and TellBioll . - envy. INO received dad nite inatruottous regard to , tto wain bounty allowed by the at approved : 0 Y 29, 1886, and having on baud a /urge supply or all tury blonks,ll am prepared to prosecuto all pen -1,••,t1 :ed bounty claims which may b placed in my uf ,l • Pemono living at a distance can contrantdmte tae by loiter, and tbeir communication, will bo ''''n 3 Ptly MIMS! ed. 11• N. ll ' s U l l+43ro.Octolipr 24,1860. • ' F ALL BROOK COAL.--Tll4 undersigned , haying make arrangements to furnish Coal -?7 the TON or CAR LOAD, coarse or fine solic its the'patronage of the ' , ALSO—has constantly on hand, a large stock °f CARRIAGE BOLTS, &o.; at' wholesale and BLACKSMITHING of all .kinds dune in the best manner. • - S. M. OBER, Dee. 1 ,1.866-tf. . • M=l=l , $7,00 "ire,g 12,00 18,90 80,2,0 r 00;00 0).001• nO.bo - of 11103 $5,00:, _ 6, .:11 v BE . CLOTIIEBs Tom , '" INGHAM SONS, two miles of Knexvile, Tioga County, - Pa,, are :pared to manufacture •wool by the yard o : s eares„na tuay,he depired,i. They) make, 'FLANNELS, FULL CLOTHS; pA • MERES, DOESKINS, ' and can cen promise to satiety. customers. They particular attention to - • ROLL-CARDING & pLOTR:DRESSI ; Twenty years experience in the business rants them in expecting% a• generate: ,Patrtiin'i No shoddy cloths made.-,•.- • t "'•-• •' t Deerfield, June 12; 1867—tf: • r air - ' JOHN SUITR, . . . .. wrouLp attnOn6.e:toAh . ?eitizen‘of r'ia . Vl` ro'and euriouhdine,country, ha ti) ' opened 4 Atop on tha corner of Water and ton etreats, for tha purpose of manufaaturin; kinds of REPAIRING AND TURNING De to order< COFFINS of all kinds I'm - Asko short notice. All work done promptly _ and ranted, . - ~ Wellaboro,Jattaan 18 . i ; U*G H y -_ • • - 0 • • •E Q 1.7 T B L 'pIFE ASSURANCE SOCIE OF T HE. .U.N.TTED,,.S . TATES. Insure your Life tiC:a 2 / l elnci l A ) ge6y l . Wollsb4oro,April 17, 1867—1 f. 13. DIERRICIL SEI:BGEOR , ,DENTISTo CHEIY FLATTS, TIOV. CO. P . (APE ATES w i th Chloraorng Ether; and 11.) celebrated Spray Producer. • June 10,1867-Bm. I[IIIIION HOTEL, MINER WXTKINS, *PROPRIETOR. H 41 AVING ew how 41 tip a e otel • on bird n of the old Union hotel, lately destroyed by I am now ready to receive and entertain. gWeste. Unkm Hotel wan' intended for a Temperance 110 and the Proprietor believes it cen'be sustained with grog. An attentive !metier in. titien,danee,i .4 Weilzharn, Juno 26, 1867. '." TOWNSEND HOUSE. WILLIAM TOWNSEND, - 'IIIOPItIETO - ur A WWI leased foea term of yeare tho - poptilai I.l_well Ittfown Hotel stand lately occupied by 'A Hazlett. T am prepared to furnish the traveling f local public,mith the best acconnhodatiOns to he cured in tha country. A good hostler always in tendanee. Teams furnished to fishing parties.' Wellsbare, Juno 26, 1867. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LA Raving returned to this county with a view tuakiog it his permanent l•ciiidenoo;-stipeit shore of public patronage.% All 'btiSinels trusted to his carer will •Le attended' to iv . promptness and fidelity. OfFice.2il door sot of E. S. Farr's hotel. Tioga, Tloga'CO.; Pa so 26."66.—tf. .• • • • E. It. kgri3lB. - LL,7 GROCERY -AND::RESI'AURAN NNT ELLSBOROCPtNN I A', Rr SPE CTF ULLY 11,11n:Dlitt ' ces 5 ' public that be bes a desirablo stockPf eories; comprising, Tees, Coffees, Spices, Suga Molasses, Syrups, and all that constitutes a•fir l class stOek. Oysters in every, style at all sonablo hours. - Wellsboro, Jan. 2, 18(17—tf. ' THE PLACE TC,Bitif,DRUGS: AT tlio Lawroneovillti Drug gtoro, whore y will find every thifig properly belonging the Drug Trade - ' CHEAP,' CHEAPER, CHEAPEST, and of tho best quality for Cash, ,:Also,.Pain Oils, Varnishes, Lamps, Fancy Notions; Strings, Fishing' Tackle, Window Glasei Cash paid,for Flax Seed, • • 0. P. LEONAI4). Lawrenceville, May 8,1867. - ' noAS just returnedirOm the, a Idr and desirable stock of goods consisting:6 ,DRUGS AND-MEDIOINES,7". Yankee Notions, or every description, Glossal! Plated. Ware; 'Wall Paper, Paints and Stuffs, School Deoki, Groceries, and finally ora l thing that is ever kept in a Drug and Notii,' Store. ; I would also call the Attention of tl; public to our• Stock of - GrET2VAIf LAMPS, en; wattled tho wide world, and also that In' Agent - for.the ft Morton" Gold Pen, and shall a Ways keep a large'assortmeat. , - Tinge, Moy.B, 1807—tf. , ',D. B. BORDEN.' . . . . Glenls Falls Insurance °sampanvi' , • GLEN'S : " ' FALLS, N. Y: . . • '..i . ' • --7—o--.— , -, , ,• ' , ~, -, CaPiial ant 'Surplus $373,637,66: r ' ` FARM RISk.E.; only, taken, , , ...(• -.71 a ti , lgo Yid ium Notes faiulfaiL' ~ 1 , ,-; a It is LI ERAL..,'lt'pays,damages by fight; ning, whether Fire e'nnunii °filet.. ~,,-. : -- t • It pays for live litobk killed by Light4i s ng, 1a barns or in the field. ,-, •„. s i .il.- "i;.i . ii:•.• Its rates arejivivesAb l an - other Companies of •eqttal reSpoilibiliiy. , • I, Ci ?urcp, Agept; ,-; cl Fariningtoni - Centre, Tioga' CO. Pa. Mci,y - 29., 1887-Iy9 .. , N , -: SURCAteAL AND : NECHANVICAL - - ' lillE.. r.ri[s_rie,,.. •• - . n EVI c E at i {hisfesidpnoo onlYeltsVora- Ere'iot, k.. - Tioga,whoro . he may bo found from 60,1 nt Until the ` l2th and from.tbe,ltith.,until the 25tit of each niont 1.. - Will be ;in •Itlossburg -at . 4the'. United , StaMs Intel, from;the 13th until the'lBtltl 7 and in Lawr noeville at Slosson's Hotel, from, the 6th until the last:daY'et - iitichitUeenthe.. ' 4 1., • All operations connected with the dental pro fession, whether surgical or tdoeha,nical,4llll- rt.-- calve especial,attention. .ito,ving: :mitt:Trove:A liquid aria,apparatneVir• borfumhing the gutue,, tit) is,propar,e,d ft% ,fist.ract, teeth witliput pain;'and in w manner harintio to the Pationt„xet., no stuptsflotiop dr.e,wsinqa .iir.: nausea, follows . the, operation. ither.or Chltwo,.. form will - be adMinistored it, advisable.. wh.v11 , 3d0.? sired.'. ' ' 1 •.= - Artificial Teelh'of all 'kinds inserted' in the. most substantial and-beautiful manner. ' Call-and see S p ocim ens of - ttt °oh aniCtl t AbtliiE , ri.y: !Clop; Va., May 4,4867, - 5 , • -'. , 1‘ I-• :;', vit 4‘. - • i• - - ontamts-tur • " • f; iI RpWAl*,' :fRQN; • 11FITING 1 Still WATER itilg.rd, ••,,,; AGRICOATIMAL. liIPLE"MENT:4I ' Carriage .hrti Harness Trimmiugw TIARNESES., SADDLES,•&e. • Corning4;N: Y., Jan. 2, ANTISiCAL INSTRUMBIsITS.-.-31 B. Slinks , ,f)car,!, dealer in Decker dc_ Brother And: Baines dc. Tiro there pianos, 151tisOu ,dr., Band n „cab-. inet organs; Trent; Linsey * Co. inelodeensi end the II; Shoninger melodeons,: , Roonr, over lkowen's store,' ' ' Sept. jg„ 1800: riA,LENDER, French; , _Mtrilie" and - Clistich A.) MON at [deol9] FOLEY'B. , .. . , ~ . . ' ~.;,•,...... •.,1"4.-•• , .:, -, ,,, - 1,2.__- - ••c , f , - f 5. 4 . 4 . 1 , 4 ..... ^7": - . 7, ;•- ---, • : 7 , : - , -- "'''' . 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''.' . - ,-1, , , ...,,;- -., ,; : •-.-' J,'.. • ... -.--- . -,, •••• -- • ~...- • DeoA l 3,AOrcgageFirACHll!!! l .l, c.,_ ~I art ~.,,,._ - ..,_. i , '' ,• ,i '• ' :." . :'• * ,-'''' -1 '1,..•• •,.' ~ ' , ''," . ; .."-' .‘-' -: • ' '.., -,....,,' r'i. ..:,'", .., -.; ~ i ,•, : ,,...'..,2 . -., . ., . ..- :-.4-. • , • .., ‘,.., ::. , i ~ ~:. ,‘,,,-,,--,, ~ ~, , r - ~,.- ~. , ~,-, , ;,, , ,- j - ,- ~" „' i: : .., . :.','. ~ ',: - . • . ~.- • ... ,:.,. ,r -- • ii , '.• - ::" - . : - COnetabi" a nal t Y ltiCer P la. q Nll l OPIZ 4I n! , -7 il pi .. _ , ,„, .!. 1 ' -c•-" '' .j,i ' ' ~k.ttCi fl ', li..r - t ij•liat ,, l. litri - 11a q „.,,,i-,-„,:4. r ,, , - - -4 - 4-„'',!'.. 4'- •-:::.•-•_•• "::.,, 4:, .6, •4,:.'4„ - •:, , 1 „, • ,:. ..,.,„ ~ 4 ,- , , „ ?..1.,„,..„..,! ,' ;,,-,,,,,.,,-- ..!.....:=,,,, -, . ~. 4- , 1 ~;,-;„ 1 .. ,. 1 ,, ,1 , ,. , c 4, ~,,,,„ , i , , 1 , ; .. ~-. , 7 ,- , ) . -,,,v ~..._ ,‘,.. ,;„ , .. , ,• ..,...,_, ~„ _ . , . , • , it • 1 - -1 - ;,.._ 4 v . , : :-., .. s; ~3Tfi r A t pulatimpt ~,, ~, ,p u . r‘,,,, ,, toititetttr i,. , ,. , . , ~ ;;,1 , 1., _ ..,..:...,, .:, ~, , ~,,, ~_. _ , , ..., .. „._..‘T., ja _ 2 , A , , 0., _, , . ~. ,T o r is k ° , , k p le n t 0 i v p , t r n n n, p l. t a i l, R I s, ke d n e c o e n c„ ; :, c ep ki e l ll4l - 0 0 t a ll 3 : r it....r i ''' ' ' i '' ` MELIai - 0110 11 1 4 - '- . - - .1.1k," 2 '' , '41. ' --. - . imn - „ ,• _ . 1 --- '... •:,,,-,= .-, .: - ~....- ', ~,--, -„-• , ~ , i -- 4 , ,,,. se, ~. - , .",,. ; . ~.„ ~--?. , :-.,, ...14:.--, -1.9,::-, ,, -.4-4.tak..4.+F 4.4 1 / 4 Lav d• - v.,- .- .I.VW i• L 14 . , '' : ''' ' l- , ''''' . - , ' - ' , ' . "-. • . ,„, .. ,--- . S. — ' 4 5P'OrneE";•1 11 0X i t.b/aCk/B •6 °° - - -o°l. ME CABINET FURNAiIitE, Agent for the John W• GuornsoV, Ono 4pr above B. B. EORDEIwT; ' - .IIANDALLi• Groceiy and - -Provision - Store, CORNiNG, Y oil SI LJr :.~ii/ris: X L' vITIEOLIMALE AND ETA DEALER. ' VVin nll kinds of • - ' - • - . . . , A 1 44?. - . 7.:4; )4._ .7 T . 4 vis4Y . o . 4 4:41. '1 -4.;..i.. , -. - 44; ! .-.....,1i-*-4..1. '!'pitactaltg i i.;fit.ottigtilAY . WhiA MI rat'. all Cigars, EORE lON &. DOMESTIC, GREEN U 100) V.I9JITSTI - • CA N .11r .t E DS. e AIV,I) 'V;EGETABLES, \yOol) & WILLOW WARE,'GLASS CROCKERY WARE, 's 111 - 0 - hßl2fAtiE§;" ''6ABS *PER kiIIBULATOR'SI.4ISI4g,t A full . 010 1 6oari)eto uq,,ohttunnt. tbivAbovei7 mentibill goods best ,quniity arwar on band , ii4, liitrtteular utleniton lutid to Pine. ilrocetleo. / I ° ab3rB 4 'n't I RA"? eit.P)// iinJ>3it toz,,ttaiik,in*.N torest to ozarnino_hie Stockbeforo buying. eorning,, N. Y. March 27, .18W/. , ==l SAVINGS,,_BA:\K, . 4 ., , . 1 i i it ) PM -WOW) 4 i . 7.41 A i 'A A 11 ,P ,N 13,1 ' S 0 , 110 * 1 Kr: +PIP. _P 11 9 I Q l,l STPRU ny O LD ear s n n e. ) :l l ng ju tl ,t l i i t; 1 , (I P A (' n i N s l.l l v t c d i u t s n „ a m i p „ e g n i i i i i ) s . ,establishtnept a' Savings Bank. Economy is Wealth, said /..ano old chap whose name I have .forgotten; and it.is country o trado Perbero4tho 5 . a "...! L of high prices ie being postuttedA . lth, vigor i anil without topic % : 15. sell'Spgitia;,'Teas,.llio hu'ses, el', tish,' 4 "l l6 llr," C fi — Me itY, Coffies, 1 ru it 3 , Bpioes, arid everything intended - Mr family use, giving the buyer the benefit elf '' '. ti f• it of the 'audios, It n advantage duly appro e rated by ever ybody,exeopting miry those verdant • INNOCENTS • ivhb prefer PROMISI SO TO PAY coo hun dred per cent profits to the t•ellur, to PAYING 'twenty_ fi ve per Bent. cosh on delivery of the goods.— I shall offer wy stock of goods fair lirfirris ‘•, SEVEAY TUESDAY, • EVERY WEDNESDAY, EVERY TAIURSDAY, --" ,`, 6161 cir EVERVSAT u~il, lilt up as nisi. OR I $Oll Will6bori), .lotto 12, 1561 NEW 4). la- iGOODS-BTOREJ MI ::Y;,I.IILE,S, & BARKER, (NO.• 5, lUSION. BLOCK.) "CAT E have just recall/01 our now and very V-11c- largo stock of '-" Dttla at/01)N f • .4,i —lt , • -; such ABJ " , grE,immas, SIIIRTINGS, ,_ PRINTS, 'C.L 4 t o rigelrif,oo SARI AV,SI A • N A .IS, EADY MADE CLO THING, furs & CAPS, ;•.11.09;r,s,L.,itot,sttoEs; L' k 0.4.. a. take av 4 tac t FN4 0t94 . 14.•, ) . -kitO - CitEltY; HARDWARE, :WOODEN ' :"W An FJ, • STONE WARE, KERO• `''SEPj.E OIL, PAINTS & OILS, :AUG ARS,. TEAS, COFFEES, gg ; SYR U PS, MOLASSES, S r ETC,. DTC., 'ETC, • • We Itt.to to otror out ettstonserk.th6 benefit, vr:th6" V F.4,1--T -tr, # LAST DECLINE OF-PRICES •it:lt 30 ,t11().V.) yptklAtarlcApla gtool,:.htyingjlenns p u rchased sti,ed 11;6 tiC - Airto in Goods. IWelliburo, July 3, 1867. +.• .~~- 1 ,, i . ‘ . -`-'▪ ~..' - A. B. EASTMAN, .▪ ~ -7.771.15: ~-.. 1 1 i _. nr . /.. 4, /19 VRGICAI. et- 314011AN7CAL l , 4 i) 1-4 . 41 -, 4nott,rukkgly iii r mittor . .. WatipladwA4llllAe 11..logistew.piiifieloe`40:91V6- pftrod to , , exteille' all work pertaining to his pro. Lfe4kti o , ll .llrilh promptness and in a superior man !or, :,iv: - ii.5t , i,f ,,, , -i.t 1 - ,! . !,1vai1-s - L , ,, ,,- . L 4" ..,-.41 - - , t 1- ,y,eetk.l)xtraeted without Fait hy , , , , the Luse.of -iately.,improvdd Spray Producer: • Chloroforms and Ether Administered when desireq: All ark 1 ; Oneenutell.! !AillistuiififriNnrcitidOidt a I'm char: ;:ga-ti i , t . .._.; , July 3, 1867. i. , "HARKNESS & -RILEY , %, 1 - t 1 . , k, `-ANDI3OO• SHOE MkKERS. .„..„,, Our -1V11,6,, & Vim . P:alkenturfle Sture,-in the room lcitely oetiipied by Benj. Seqey DDT 4 AND SIIOES 0; all Wails m ado to uraei no 4 ip3htubesttulanner. - n 4, 11:p . PATIIINO of all klitiltldape and go6d. :,iGlive'us a call . I JOAN HARKNESS, Wlll. RILEY. Vtolleb or?, Jskiz..2,4lBjl7:TY,lz. T H .17.1 L.. A. :GARDNER. TOLES it BARIUEIt , `B ea t- .....,.1'.-0 NVIIIV ABLisk,,,llooK.,; MANIFF#TOWf;', natisviiisiii‘oir' - - '610(0 ii te ' ' ." 1N ~ , :'n n , Ala • ,Boog, ,2p .PLOOR,)'` •tr. , 4mlrt i A', - ~N ,'! . 17" -- ' ',, ::-., -:!-,./..-:- . , ... I c.tf..*. ..6%-va.,:i . •-• '' ~ , , (3i(iii.'osi i i4s) 3 ESTi-cte - AG TIM en HAPtST, 7xt ...:t ;:tlii;A:iiik 800K5 ....' ' ,1' Ot:evory. , detiokiptioki; iti all 441eS, ofßiiiding;;' :nal as lout, fOr tjuality'of Stook; Alia) , Ilitadiry . in„ the State. '' Volumes of ' evetv..4oletiptlon ISOUratha the , be'strinatfiset'ati4 in any' i3tylo . - or-, -' t ie x o.• - ~,,,,,:. 1, , 1 . t . ,4::•-...5 , ) , , , : . ',",•• ~ ,„ • , '.'!. . ',.._ i ri :':':'!Atir li,loS: ; OP 'l Gitr ,: NiTORK , - 5 gm:touted --113 ,the betit'stacuTirr; ' ,Olii 13 Cetili rC btunckand-mactO gootlao ricw.• , '', :,"-,:- ~. ,•,. .. faigi (. ., C ' -' 4 s l2attaritaitiettpUD IBg . ' .....comf..P3TEArcrqu I,3ii v, I, 1 :; , =. r i!fil3tivar 4 tcquirniali:niiek;iitiintki r s'ettan' yferil or.lqugosslueq.Puellished';irt'ititi'Vnited Statelier Ofilat Britain; ut giouEipriee. :, '- , ' - 'l;' ; i iBLANKII#OOK' & OT)411.: P.APY:R • oei:4l):l;i§:ii#.l, 4slititil4;eV.httntlPruled or plain. .-4." t , J r'' 'if' ' BILL - 'REAM 'PAPER' Or h!iir l ieviiili`fii.,'piz' 0; Pllllauckanil cut up ready ror l prikitiO. A 150,,,, DILLPAPER; dud CARD ROARD'Of tilt 01crs, k gr,El quality, .111' boards cut,t - liati.i:Bitii: -' ' - • ,i ; ~• ,- ''' • —T §±l ; l'ioi4flßY l ' •' ' gap, Letteiy; Note - paper',n,velopes, t "' P enY,‘ P n.O/P,' 4%, • ane sole agent;for I' Prof; gIIEPARIVS NON.bORROSTVE , ,Pgas, or VAteiciotS sizes, on rir , ttta AND CIENTORIUNI 'ev'lri.drrant 04ttai io Ophi, the 14ettleneerandap tnietalt?% ilfo4,fivill,aell,at the, „tJowest Rates _a4 all ttiaftv . advanco ,on New York dna, la (ran titloa ,to *ult. pur;asork. All t Warrantod ga rtpree itippoottully solid!, a ehario of pu4lle patron. 'ale;.l„o . oors lap mall , proluptly attended to. z-" vt , Addrona, LOUTS ETES, ‘• , Advertiser Ehlair.ll, ahO Public of , Wolisboro SIFIiiIP;)I3N-IYIN(i: COUNTS'S! . I‘, EMI= !,, , t•' n e e: ti y . thopooplo ‘7; •• 'SPRING-tiOTHING' , Iz t 1-. is uhiniid, - and otters, ; it lutvor than bar ro. Th. tori.„it,.,.„ 5.,....,.,v..., the. most -fahtt ionni!A . . •,,„ ~, i... . _ - • , COATS ' PANTS' AND VESTS:. ; ;• . ak , a largoussortinent ilf ' 9.E.NT,' S A V.UAkitSIUNO kIOODS, , , t, 'l;f 7 • WniTE •AND , SOCKS;, . 1.- • Mil ;.! •• antilt•gotul 'largo lot'ile'floPt.iitia fnehionabio 2 ;.', 11 4k, TS' -":4. ever,brought.to,thin indricot -Also BAGS,I'AND:.!IJ.M.BREL,I,4B, which you.can buy low for caltb;ltt tle Cheip Clothing,,Stora of N. •AOIER; 'tst door east 'of van Valkonburg's Flour Store. • WOlabor°, Sept. • .11; 18(17. " , :.EFAII,AIERB I ,, 'EXCHiNGE.' MN Q 4 lO. VAN IrALKEBIBIfitG Bc BRO. EXO• for arp roduce and , Caaii,. on the:. prineißle at„ f,',even exchange •la no cc bbiary,'! . • PORK,. , HAMS;•• ..HOU,LDERS, WHITE F.ISCMACIIBREL, CODFISH, - 014E4 HALIBUT, FLO(111, - COR$ MEAL; BUCKWHEAT Won, - REED -&C Wo aokrirOftion to "get rich faster than our neiglo? . iifs'w Ku' aro"equally industrious; , nor aro wo difarbas of runiitig• all trOation.that,.noo • maylyAeilicrio to eat, drink;,year,, and • To Lay. By. ,for Rainy: Day., As an evictor's° that we dealfairly_med •ly with our customers, wo point,ro.'ll?c fact 'that our run of custein' - has steadily increased ' ; from the tirit;liitul 'protuises t'tJ'.4foroconsiderahlyylar i ":;;; • - " ILA '4l ME S' Oit NO At D TIIUES. t‘t t t ' • • • • Its ..t• 11. • • 11U:ft CASH - for - Pitfiptie, and, ,• up AvilE•77this Marliet'priceil ' ' ' , ~ R eitembet‘'the plp.co; fi st 'tCiNV ; ,NENIiS OLD STAND;. mArAr „ ivELlsnoßo, .PEIVIVA; ielf.i.ll, 67—t f : • t:; ,, ,• • ; =-•• • ' • StWINC4 -, ; - SIIACHINES, ,•! •., —s rtorAce tize, , . : , I ,r;, -, -- • OiroAtilittelOA ReifoPotc:ing A :idnon. tftlkb , infoll:itni an'ti,"iiit 'Setping lfo- •. i . . 1 ' ; ' 4 ;' Cigtf4ti ?ft:rti:Tr ‘ or(il4: • • 'ile' e lia4R o four : dtifirclit 'stitches, the - look,'kti6t, doable. ?oFk,cip:4tioubt.e. knot, on one and the same*icltino: Each stitch being elike - on-both side's of the f4rir ~.., , ~,,, r r . ;:' "it . •!:,i:, Every,'llachinottalribtr'i•everaibltiteitT m otion, which of bles the operator, by simply turning a,sv thumb so e, to,have thlllugivm ru.either to the right o r i f t; , ta'stey any part of the seam, or fasten t, 4 k -ends of seams, without turning the fabric. '- 9 - .,0 4ij' 4 i :: .I . ' :; 11 • Changing, the lifegth'ot Stitch; and from one kind of stitch to another, t ean readily be done while the, Machine t.s,irkgantieni, z .,,, -,. - ~,.. The needle is easil y adjusted, and does not skip •st itches. I o 1-, It is almost•noiseleas, and 0011 be used where itiet,Atiecoirtry. a Its inotions,"are all positive; there are no nringelto gct,out of ardor, nnifits simplicity en ables anroncAt) operate it. •' ' •'•, _, It does not require liner thread oil the under than for the upper sidiiiiind will sow 'across the heaviest seams;,:or fronvone talnore tbioknossiis of cloth,' without change or ~ needle;.t. t i•nstoi, breaking thredit,,, or skipping' d r titches,'- , -- • The Ileinmer.is casily•adja'stud and will turn: any whit* of hem desired. t•-. - .• , , No other illayhino will do so -great a range Of ‘4,.. ..,.. work as the Flovenco. It will hem, ell, bind, gathek`,,,raid, quilt, and -gather and sow on a ratio at the same Limo. It , impirepriegs le, got 914, eb, order, bud; wilt., last: itlifif.tiffie. . -' 6 ,'-• ° , , It is fully protected-, lied lideriied by Elias Howe, Jr.; and our own ,I.etters Patent. i „ ,Theltaking ups 4)e- ihe'slock thread is not pier- I forruod by the irregular conp•actionuf.a.wire it'll or uncertain operation of 7 rings. The precis on and acenritey with,which ti 9 Florence ,draws the, Chl -thrtitito the cloth , is "unaPproached s in .usly Sewing hlachine hitherto offered in the WQrlll4 We-furnish each Machine With:. '! Barnum's Self-Sewer,", which,gpides the ,workiits,eif, and is of incalculable Value, especially to inexperienced operators. , While Posses ing iti t „the, above, and twiny , other' advantages, the Florence is' sold 'at curs pend ing prices wit they Grin:class Machin , and a eardul' exonli atio. ll 7willJullY substitu to all that we have claimed for it, and justify the asser tion we now make, that it is the best sewing Ma- Chintrih the world. , .- We warrant -every hiaeltineito," be -all that 'We claire for it, and to give entire tatisfction, and will give a writteri.Wanatity; it 'required. • , A. roLgr, Agent.% . , i i lW,allehorp, Aug. 7,1887. WW=MIMMi i'Rfisli i ' kiitlNO. t.DI", TAM: tiPPII3II TIL/3111. ''';•,',J , ,"" •' , .. ,----, • „ ,I , , -:ll44iilboonta 'come, the surtheatnszo, • r ''''..!:llia 60iii0E1 droop - gently over; ''.' : \ ' - T.'4Sr s the breeies langling ItPW) . :' , AMo es ng the bloomiess clov'', , • ,'. I.4:o4iging to' and fro; , I pass , , . i ... ~ . - ,.. i, . .. 0. - :.Khzougit leaves • that Autumn dapples, i ,*. •Aii4: - .watph, upon the fading grass,_", ...:. -ttiofhll of rus.st apples. '.. " - •-4 • • .• ' •• . pyii4n for the' babbliiig Crech ' . : '—:Tliat. stirethir noonday quiet ; f)t.tuumorgone, its quavers speak, ' , ;:pt..,tlag flowers runniniriot '' ' ' - (iiiinielyereek,-your shallow rink,, Another. spring,wi ll grow t em, • . , ;?t,,ilorrers bloom full sweet, think, - ~. • ,, :l.Vhererer the:4nel, sow . th m ? 1 ~ Xii . ittr . morons the used:oW . , lots:: ~ i ..; ~" I , :rTluist i O ß '3alls sOftlYliriglo-- ; ;. ThO'Orelillte toader daisy plots, '... Allot 'frost:begiu to wringle,- _", t . I aniinot'see one litydid " • -• '. .o,f all:that Make this wrangle, '',ll:ir'nnder if they hadn't hid , ,•.41oig . the lovvin-tangle . ' 'A.",)rildeer cries above my head'; „.. ..,-;l4elbranohboneath'him quivers,; And downward through tho euuTiglii 'red, • ' , g9 l OT l a .Pl nu ,qoYP r ' ' Y Asia go6a . np,,,,my,frawig qomws3,.uown,.l zephy,ra,,hurry,Oerj..').-• and youth ) triaropilantl-Orown cluotiwitli7joy and laughilJrl.?=!'!.."., ~ '''':./, IS.CC 'RI 41154- ' t . ____..... t .. - ;„_....,„ L......_ SET rilißE - -A - ' Pill 3 -0 ~ INCIDENT. - i was sitting with au - old blend, the tOverifer• of a county', jail; and' we had - been talking over hisinanner of one tbitrhicht ho seemed perfectly recmi eilerl2:,::' • - • "• " t'" - • • "Wcß," he said; "it's a dull' life,Per apil• not that•l feel it, . according to'.tny:Aitay Of •thinking, it's' n ot"the;. oc- - .cupatinji brit thC..man's' heart; *.h.idi make - 1,4y him dull. Depend ' upon. hands-and a thoughtful mind werd:ljot giVert` , AS for nothing, and the inord,l -•thinkthe nearer I come tb 'the Coiichi= , sion that the' busy life lithe happy ; one. after' fill - ;Now;' here I am, with . .,vientY - to ttikOp rriy time in my' duties; ,and platitfof studies of character 'within ..reftch,'Out u p Toady , for mein the d forelit-Cells." , ' . - "CiltiOnay place, this, you , noy, barren andliblted•to keep friends from getting in unasked, but then you know what,eld Milton: said about the mind being:lts own place, and in itself' able to - make.' a" heaven of its abOde. .I'm :contented ensangh, and ton busy goner-. tiOnd fault." 1 Y.0,5, you may depend upon it, your linSy.inan is the happiest, for I've seen it again and again. - The greatest pun islunerit you can inflict - upon a man is - toilint - hlin up with -nothing to do,. ri .othingto .employ, his time, with, petit ing-,Whinderthecoriatant dr*, drag 'of hisllieughts pulling him towards the • - • • ";sot-always sorw and contrition, butlecoileotions ofidrinking bouts and sueceSiful robberies and their profits, debaucheries,: and then longings for libi-r4e-once more: ~ Of course, now and then, .we get a really repentant, fellow, not one of sour cringing fawning , ras cals, who.turn up their eyes and feel so. much better for • the. chaplain's • words, and so carefully learn all its texts, but comparatively battiest rOgues—men who have been sent here for :their term of iMprisimment, and wholecl the ,bitter-- ness and shaine of their position; Mew Who shudder as the barber ' s scissors crop their, hair, - and very soon show in • their appearance how their punishment is telling-upon them. They don't get. fat' and sleek, and jump up to make bows when you enter their cell, but hide their troubles in their hearts, -and go about their duties silently and dog-: gedly. • t • • "1 had such a man here notlong back —Amos Biding, in for poaching—and bow that poor fellow beat against his cage bars! Poor fellow ! I • believe he was not a bad one at heart, but he had got himself mixed up with. a poaching gang, and a . keeper having been :half killed, Amos was taken, and rightly or Wrongly sent here for six months. - "I can soon pick out what I call the' .canters,. and Act - accordingly; - while w4re I see a* poor fellow taking his celginement at heart, why,' knowing liow it tells oiiihis mind, I ,do all I can for' him to brighten hi'm' up:-:setting :him at odd jobs about the place, garden-• tug; 4i'utl so on, while if he' knoWs ti trade; one that cart,bi3 worked at it 'here I -Set him. to do•somethirig in that way, never, letting him ' stand still for tools or material. - ‘'', • , "But this prior renew wag ahie; work as hail as. I liked, and as long as I likeclrbut the. Moment he was by himself he was pining again, fretting for his wife and,, children, :and Wearing hiniaellnwayto skin and bone. .I.did . not know what to do with him,- and treW•quite troubled at last, for - I -began , to be afraidef having summons from one of - the warders, telling the that inn:fit'of that Weary desponding. rnadnesOrhicli,,comes,Upon men, poor 'Riding had' 'made Way with himself. • ~ 1111=1 The summens came at last, but in a Aifferenajorm.; for one morning I was' reused at five o'eleck 4o„be told that the bird ilia beaten down_ the wires, and .h ad. escaped:. • • "Why, how did ho rnanage it?"I ex • claimed, - eagerly; "Conaentid See, sir," said, the warder. Went' to the cell 'wherelhe prisoner had been-leeked - in the night before at 8 'o'clock, and (then apparently, he must have gone to work at once with an old nail at the .setting of one of the ikon bais 'litho winddw, till h© picked it slowly out4.andthen wrenched. Ontlirst one and their another, 'leaving a pa4Sage big enottgli to allow hikhody ,to pass, The blankets'and - rog_Were. gone, NY a piece of One of the' former yet hung to. ono of the bars,,evidently having been used to.let,the prisoner: down into the, yard below. • . ,„ •.: •,, nVe were hot . long in reaching - • the lesser yard, which' 3 was about , tWenty feetbetiedth4fs window,'and'Aiirrourid-: ed on all sides by high bidldingS. Ifere, it was evident that he - Mode S-,')Voy ,into the long pas Sage beneath the.Vfork-, Shops, a . plaee covered in for the whole length with : iron bars. ,But about :.half way down. 'We found . where he had leaped up and caught the bars, and, evi dently, by plus:3l6ons feet against them, and forcing, while he held on "With'' his , hands, : strained.till the iron gave way sufficiently for him to 'force "his qiody through„; when he was able to lewer himself into the'large yard, Where there is at highwall Whose top is coveredmith lease, heavy bricks, which are sure to fall if an attempt at escape is made. "Not a brick wasout of plice,ough,' ,ae,far as I could see, till one of my men pointed outvhero three ad fallen, and then feellnatistled that the prisoner had escaped I returned to my officeand sent out notice to the police. . '• All at once, One 'Of the men ran, In. ',Found him, 81W:1113'841d., ' "How,,where?' Said he in a !.;';•'•::•ii - A-' , -; za MEM i 'said. the warder, ‘,"11e;• is a•4ofi of the felsbn.” - ' ' • ' • d.l.ljunipOdiup, .and; burriedAilto. the yark•to find Allenat . watch, :for sonae peoplehad. caught sight of the poor, fellow's head from a neighboring house, and had,given notice' to the, gatekeeper. 'lt•Was now; fAtiin• enough that the pri*iCr had reached .:'the. top of the: high Wall; and then, probably from its, eltig'daylight; had been afraid to' de eeend; so bathed elitUhed• - frbm thence, ,by, means Of a, water' pip right •on to the top of theprison, and was now lying concealed' In one 'of the gutters. - too old end stout-to take tart in snot matoys, so I sent up three men to the op of the prlson,,ahei then went up ou bite.of the lotildings to see the cap tureanade:-('I did not wait 'long- before. 'Bret one h'ead and then atiether appear -11 above the , the. three - etr : were Upon theiroof ; which is rather, Oitenaive;' - cottaisting of 'high, slated ridges, separated by•wide - ' le'aci• ‘`l,llp,' noise, they, made r•rituet L• linve roused the prisoner, for.l saw him. start up all at ()nee - ag if froth , anti Stan faking his puratierti.' _••, • '- - - ii.Of.courseileis'llgive up, poor fellow, mntteredto myself ; but-I was mis-, taken'; fee the next inoptentl saw him seramble.tip- (nib . Side "elf 'a' ridge atid tad( ) down the ether,. in:: a' waY-,whldCli showed, that sUbmissien was far.. frinu , hiiiiiterition., • fclgeot tci' he' . ' three men ipparated. and ti,S . 'one followed' in' the .priaoner's,stepSi others tried- to cut him 'ciirrighttindleft. • • "'Bet for . dittY,' felt so niheit Sympa thrforthopoorLfelkivi,i..fhat Slitfuld h'ave,saiti f l`Let him go. ' ;But, all that' I eopid do was to gaze horrer-Strieke4 - at the scene - going On-we:bout thirty ,feet, froM where I 'stood. ' Once' they were near enough to touch thel`prisoner; but he einded their grasp,-and led his •pur, suers up to the top of the building, each -man' in - the eXtiternefit of 'the 't hese, ritnningon to the copingof the parapet, or darting on and down the edges in a Vayvthat chilled me with horror, as I thoughtof a fall , full fifty feet into' the court-yard beloWi • "'Thank., God h'• I ejaculated at .last, , for Uttlie'dond race around the build satV One'iff thOmeri drop behind - a projection in , hiding;-and then as the prisoner came round, the warden leaped up, caught him; by the throat, and thenghtall Was` over. But directly 'at! *ter I shuddered Us I saw a deadly strug gle going onovithin a foot of the para pet, and felt pair the next moment must see the pair falling headlong to . the 'ground ,• -while it was almogt a, re lieftosee them'go down :heavily 'into 'the glitter, and the prisoner leap up, continue his flight, pursued bye the other -two men, Who had lagged behind to cut oft'their quarry: , "But a new plan 'WAS now being adopt ed by , the pursuers, who crawled- on their ,hands - and knees, between the .ridgesone going one way, the other another way. while to, my astonishment I saw the pilsoner 'stop at the corner, where the briokburdened Wall - touched the builtlingould • let • down a rope of knotted blanket, hitherto hidden in the lead 'gutter, - to Which' it was. somehow secured. The next instant the peer fellow; was over the side, swinging back ward and forward, and turning round and around aVielowered himself quick iy, "staring upward at tire - men iVlid noW came up and looked over at him. •"1.4m . golernor of this jail, and know my - duty;: but in that moment of.peril I could do nbtliing but look on, for .1 felt, rin•ay sity,l that something was going to happen., My 1 , hands were wet, the big drop? stood upon - my brow, - when Riding swung round, and as 1.• saw his dilated eyes, I shuddered again, just as the fragile" rope parted, and he came down with his back striking the well, and dislodging some of the loose bricks, wheni turned away from ~ t he window to run down, but 'net quickly enough tep,void hearing the sickening crash of tlfe poor fellow's fall upon the hard flags in the yard. • ' • "The doctor wasstanding Over when I . went intO his cell, and answer ing my inquiring leek with a slight raising of the eyelids and ashithe or the head, he went out, and left me with the poor renew, who'smiled as I bent ever his Ifed. , • "a • ME IMINIMI "Are - yOu iu much pain ?' I said. "Only 1 u One place. sir," lie"whispci•ed touchipgohis 2 hreast;: and then .no more ,was said fora minute or two, when I *Job, feW:enconraging words. "Noi•no use," the murmured, "don't be cross_ with me. I• 'couldn't bear it any longer., I want to be with the wife and little ones once more. Tell 'em how it was:" • ' • ''"The next' morning the 'poor fellow -was free—free from prison bonds—earth ly, bonder-all; ; and.l; was AO upset with that affair that Iseut in rny resignation. It WaS "returned to me With . a notp would"recobsider - my de tetrinnation • and I did.' ' , But We have some most : heartrrending cases at times undProur carp." • , , - % 1:4 PitE I SEEVATIOI4 PlDAmixti. Itbo,Ts' . .-- , - , - Being fonskof •gdo ,cdah lifts; and grieved, at thelfrequent losses, that, come under ournOtice 'we beg to commend to, theta tentiOn'tif itik'wl - ib too Often have to -lament-OW loss l'of theif' favorites,the 'following effective, method ',of-preserv ing their. roots ; and- we -mention the subject thus l early, so that all our '.4:3 il 11- • • scrilfekmay get our hints in, time.' !The .topsbeing Icilied by Abe autumn. frosts, and thit"beOme unsightly, must'be cut .away; leaving•tlib•roots undisturbed-for several weeks,iworderto feed' the nas- 'cent'budS destined to break the .follow ' li:teal:wink. For t itlit the' tune, of re trieving the plants from the, ground these buds are immature, there is great probability:that the tubers' will perish before, the.. spring ;, or•should- their vt ..tality.remain;, tbere will be found a diffi culty; 'if 'Mit an imposSibility t of . getting them to " break:,"` - 'The 'nextbusiness is tolift the plants from" - the * grOund ; and 'till ,doing 'this - the'' greatest • care shoffid be ,taken- to preserve their fibrous rotSjoi nib plants , require . constant ~. __ nourishment. A iiii nfiber' of these root lets 'will however,..under the 'Most, care- ful handling; be brokena',itinithe sup- 'ply of sap interrupted Until new "mots ateina4a.;,ihut with those i plaufs that . baVei well-swollen buds their. reproduet-,' leti is 'soon effected. When the tubers are raised from the groufid t jlfeySbould, inipiediately be :traiitiferred Jo their. ,Winter• iparters,,: where_ their fibrous' 1.660 Must be carefully, sPread ' upon a tiiinlayerbt saristor earth, and at once covered ivith about an inch of the same,* leaving tlingreater - portion of the tidier bare.l. During: winter- they. should be kept slightly' moistened.. For, Whiter ling these tubers; there is, perhaps,' ttin., less it' spedial place is provided for then 1, ) ti 6 better Place tban under the, stage pf *4'601 green house, ; but whatever place 'may be_ . asSigiied.them, it is indispensa ble that it admitsa moderate amou n t-of Jightois kept eool,'but above the free.-- lug point r .and that-the", atmosphere 'is suc us suits growing plantezeneraliy ; alle free from' both saturation awl dry nes ,:which will witlt,f , equal 'certainty" eng rider .putrifaction. ' . •,, , ~_, ._ _ • A liostOn - witid e,d efining thifferenee 1, betWeen' tin 'accident and .a. misfortune,, says,' ~'''' If.Andl.e,W Johnson should fall into the.Potonlao river it would be an aeoldeut,. (A2ndy,T. don't likewater,) and If he, should ever , get out'. again!, that would be a misfortune. t I t, LETTER FROM COLORADO. ; ' - • . . . _ • - • v.ER ; ; -. 0.• T. 'SOpt.l,B; 1867: [(orrespoqoAeo of the Agitator.] • A letterpertaining .t,o! affairs in , , the far west will prove of, interest,,it, prop-2, arty, Written, and as we • haveAust re • turned from alive - hundred . mil - es Jour ney -- among. the Rocity- Mountains; 1 will'noto down some of the leading of:- jects of in rest' seen on theltip,-; and 'snub other ihformation,as May ,interest your readerif, The travelers Who enters the Moun tains by any of the several roads lead ing to themining-towns, will find little save masses rock,, or hills covered With Pine, to interest 'him, till, :he ap proaches.: the %mineral ' belt";' ad then the heavy blows of failing , stamps as sure him that the buried treasures, are being' unearthed' and' added.. to th , _ known-- - wealtli of- the natien. 'new ilhPetuw Jaa-4 lately been given to -the mining intorest.of our territory by --the discovery. and ''rapid development of rich 'veins of ' which, are not confined • sto`the eastern 'slope, of the mountains- alone,;- but ex tend far dOwn that of the ,Poific. . , ' Georgetown, - the principa l ' mining : 'point; two years ago contained less 'Char. twenty ,houses,,and those mostly of logs. Nol,v, thereare over three hundred sub .Stantial '' buildings, among Which are banks, starss,,--workahops,• • and eve'. - M •thing retjud to promote the . comfOrt of, its inhabitants. . Within „the Jhe pa4t, year emelting-ifurnaees have been erect ed, and are' note, Welding Several-hun dred hounds of silverper week. -' " .The ores from iihich the righeit yield, is Predueed are . fottnd inthe sides of a mountain three thousand feet above the town, and thus far babe: been' brOught to 'the stuelters on, packmules; but the inclined railroad soon to be built,-will overcome the present laborious mode of .transportation. . , '-. .•- - - Some idea can be feline& of the great wealth iff these mines when it is -known that' much" of •the ore tiSsays over ten' thoimand dollars to' the tun; arid . Some of the sulphuret ore yields 88 percent. of pure silver.i , A large-share of the mines yield the galena ore, in which, lead predominates, -but even thesp aver-. age several thousand dollars to the tun. One great advantage of silver mining is derived froth the simple, process . by which the - metal can be extracted ; for the ores have only to be reduced to . 'a - small size, and then subjected to an in tense heat, when the molten matter is drawn off in a slag, and then the 'sil ver is separated from the lead and, other foreign subtames by enpellation.- - - GeorgetoN n may be called the west ernibounds y of permanent civilization from the east; for though there are a few mining hamlets at the very fObt of the Snowy Range on eiChertlope they are always abandoned before the Aorms of early Winter bury them beneath its many feet of snow. , Around this town, save where the rapid stream on which' it is Situated finds an outlet; . mountains loom inp whose Rips areabove the tim ber ine, and -which are' generallY cover ed vitli snow; while in their rocky sides are :the • long hidden treasures whose wealth and extent we can hard ly realize,.;, . Prom Georgetown a trail; wide enough for one animal to pass along at g, time, winds up the steep mountain side, or - along the narrow .gorge up to and over the main range to the rich silver mines lately discovered on the Snake River, on the Pacific slope. % 'The trail is not difficult to follow till we reach the bleak bare, ridge, dividing the waters - of the two oceans ; And then codas climbing in earnest. Leading our animals among and over beds 01 snow we at last reach the summit; quite exhausted ; 'for - in this rarifled atmos phere, breathing for man I;4' beast is ii severe task ; and‘often persons from the lowlands of the Eastare rendered dizzy;'' a uda flow of blciodirom the mouth and • nostrils is not unusual. . Where the suminees sun had' melted the snow, flowers Of great beauty' were blooming amid the masses of scoriae and lava of old volcanoes. More ,than twen tyyarieties were gathered by our party from an altitude of 14000 feet above' the level of the sea. ' - To our right towers Gray's Peak, now known to be the highest, point'. in the rim4r, and while gazing on it a.large &q,ele sailed slowly around its snow crowned top as if 2keepinir watch and ward over the destinies of republic, of w hose. lofty aspirations it is a fit etn bletri • Down the abrupt, rock-Covered 'west ern slope we slowly wound' our pay; - and once More Were among the thick Ibrestii :pine and spruce. While 6p the mountain side we-passed long trains of pack mules loaded with orofrom the_ silver mines on the Snake, carrying it: to the smelting 'works - at Georgetown, twenty-live miles - distant - It is Su rpris lug to see with what almost hunman un derstanding these much abused anitnals,-,. 'carefully move along in the - ;narrow path, where 'often n single iris - ;'step would hurl them hundreds, of feet • into the rocky chasms below. Often valua ble inStruMents V/111 lie carried,on, backs over_ rugged niountainstlier ' sons, making ; r scientific, -, obinliViittons Well knowing that,they are, safer. thus , than- when own hands. the camel is called the " - Ain of the Desett'?, the mule - shouldrbe -called the "'halloonnf the • mountains,' - for uppai;ently nothing, not having;wlings, ore properties of a balloon, can reach . placies where they will readily ge. - Night found us at the millers' camp on Bear. creek,' a tributary of the. Shake, ‘ andNust as-the morning sun' was rising over the snow-capped mountains to ward the east, we left their ,rude 'but hospitable homes, and foll Owed trail down the- Illinakb' to Its' iiinictien with the Blue river. • • ' • And here : I may remark ,that,t as •a class, no inore generous andhonestmelt . can be found - than are these hardy Min-, era whose- cabins are in every valley where the precious metal con be: gath— ered. ;TOO ready,- perhaps, to. use, the knife of. revolvkir, ever in their. ell for offal - se:real or-fancied, they itirit equally -as ready to forget all animosities when Justice is renderial, and ever willing: to share their`' blanket and often scanty fare with those with are in Waytt;;ROugh add nucultured though onion they may be, they are the, men required.. to .clear the way. for the More ,enlighteed class who follow. then) Cite rich- . ly dressed adVenturer justofro the 'east ti t looks with contempt_ on, tit ihronzed miner with his 'soiled huckSkit.' suit, he looks on one very often his a perior hi all the qualities that eatist tute true manhootl. . - . I - . - . . . -•- •-• A:two days!- journey down the valley of. 'lite Blue • brought us, to the Grand River, here flowing westward through - the 'center of..flie .Middle Peak. The Itldiau trail .which we ;had 'followed down passes through a region of coun try thickly 'covered with spruce and pine, having long, harrow belts of prai rie on which grai;s and sage bush are. grow i ng. 'nit.; dense forest extends `back till it Meele bare hills at an Jr altitude too high timber to grow. If a, railroad ever aches it a , supply - of hi inher can he procured that Will last for generations. •- - , i. .. . - (l he eoneinued.) " " . i - ' - He that cannot forerive others breaks the bridge over Which he must pass himself; for every man has need to be ttirgiven. • Mr Mil EARNING A I MFR.= "And' so you Want to marry . roy— daughter, young . man," said :farmer Illifkins, removing his, , pipe, from, his mouth, and looking at the young fellow sharply frani head to tee, Despite: his, rather Andorent, efferal; nate air, which wits ,Mainly the result Of his education, Luke- jordan was a one-looking fellow, -and: not easily moved from his . self-poeseasion ; but he colored' and grew confased beneath that sharp,. scrutinizing - look. "Yes, sir. I Spoke to, Miss Mary - last evening and she referre & d' me to you." The old mates face stlftene "Moliy is a good girl. a very good girl," he said, stroking his chin with, it thoughtful air, "and she deserves agood husband. , Whativati you Aor - - The young man looked rather blank at his abrupt inquiry. L • • "If you refer to my ability to siippoit a Wife, j-can assure yon—" "I know that yow are a • rich .mari Luke Jordan, but I takait' for-granted that you ask my girt to marry you, not your property. What, guarantee can you give me t in ease it ehould_be- swept away—as it is in thousands of instances —that you could provide i for her a com fortable homo? You'have. hands and brains-:-ilo you know how to use them? Again ITaslF, what. can lyou do?" This 'was iik , style (4 catechism for which Luke was quite unprepared, and he stared blankly titthe'questiOne, out speaking. • I "I belleva M that you anaged to get through college—have you any profes sion'?" - "No, /No sir; I thought—" , • , "Have you any :trade?" • "No, sir; niy fother I , thought'--thought'--that with the wealth if should inherit, should not need any." 1 • "Your father thougltt like a fool, then. He'd much-better havegiven yoU , some honest occupation and cut you, off , with a shilling—itinighthave been the ' making of you. As it is, what are - you. fit for 2 Here you are, ie. strong, I able bodied young man, twenty-four years old, and never earned al dollar .in your life! You ought to be ashamed of your. , • self." i si "And you want to marry. my daufhe , Nrk?" resumed the old than, alter a evie , vigorous pufl's of his piPe. "Naw I've 1 given Molly es good ad vantages fur learn pig as any girl in town and she hesn't • thrown 'em away; brit it'- she didn't ,know how to work, she'd be no 411014 tel . ; of mine. If I chose I could keep more than one servant; but I•donIt, no more than I choose that my datighter, , should be a pale, spiritless creature, full ' of dyspepsia and all manner of fine-lady ailments, instead of the smiling, bright- - 'eyed, rosy-plieeked lasS she is. -I - did say that she should marry no lad that • had been cursed with a I .lch father; but she's taken a foolish lilting to ye, and • I'll tell you what I'll d` '; got 7 work, d an prove yourself to b a man; Terfect - yburself in some occu ation I - don't care what, so it be ho est, apd then s come to me, and if the girl is willing',, . she is yours." I - - - As the old man said, this„ he .deliber ately knocked the asqes out of his pipe against One of the pillar of the porch wlnlre lie was sitting, tucked it into his vest poeket, and went into •the house. Pretty Mary Blifkins 4was waiting to - see her lover down at 'the garden gate, their usual trysting place, . Thesmiling night faded from her eyes as she noticed ins sober discomfited took. "Father means well'," she said as • Luke told her i the result of his. appliea- - tion. i . "And I'm not sure but what he is about• right," she . 'reSumed, after a thOughtitil pause, "for i seems to me that every man, be he rich or poor ought to have some occupation." Shen, as she noticed er lover's grave\ look, dielidded softly : • "Nevermind ; I'llwai foryou, Luke.", Luke Jordan. suddeply disappeared from hiS accustomed haunts, much to the surprise of his gay associates.. But, wherever he went, he carried, with Muir, in his elle these words, and which ' were like a tower: of. strength to his soul, "I'll wait for you Luke!" . . , One pleasant, sunshiny morning, late : in October, as farmer BlifkiriaWas prop , .. • ping up the grape-vine in his front ,yard, that thieiitened to break ]down with the ~ weight of its luxurious bprdens, a neat' • looking cart drove up, frqm which Luke • • Jordan ,alighted with a •,itlick, elastic• spring, quite in contrast to his formerly easy, leisurely mavements. "Good morning, Mr. Blifkins, I une . . derstoocl that you wanfed to buy somO4 butter tubs and-cider barrels. I think I have some here that will Just suityous7' • "Whose make are they ?" inquired the old man, as, opening the gate, he paused . by the wagon. , - 1 . "Mine," replied Luke, with an air of -. pardonable pride, and I .lziallenge any cooper in the State to be t them." 1 • Mr. Blifkineekaminedthementically one by one.' . "They'll do," lie _said, coolly, as he set down .the last of the lot. "What will See 'take for them?'l - i: "What I asked you ,f er six months - ago to-day''the hend•ef your daughter, sir." - 1 - -`- -- •. . . The roguish twinkle in the old man's eyes. broadened into a smile. - - . • „ --, :- -- "You've gOt the .right Imetat in you - after all;" he : cried. "Ceine in,, lad— • 'com,a in.'-' I - ShoUldn't '.lwender• ,if• we -- .made a trade after all." 1, • . • • , . Nothing loth, Luke obeyed. "Molly!'? bawled Ir. •Blifkins. ' • thrusting his head into th kitchen door. Molly,„ tripped out in o the entry. The/ round; 'white arms were bared ~ above the elbows,'and•bore traces of the . flour she had been *Mpg. Her • dress .Wee, a neat ginghaM, over which - was tied a Glue checked apron; but she' . looked as winning and lovely as .She always did wherever she 'vas found:, ~ r She blushed , and sMiled as she saiv Luke, and then, turning her eyes upon her father, waited, dutifully, to hear what lie had to say. "I ' ' . The old man regarded his daughter for a moment with a quir4ical look. "Molly this young ' man—may hap - you've seep him before! has brought tie a lot of tubs and barrels, all of his . r, own make—a right- good article, too. .4 ' He asks a pretty , :steep price for 'erai H . • but if you aro willing to !give. It; well and good ; and hark ye, My girl, what- - ever bargain you make, your old father ' will ratify." . As Mr. Blifkins said th's, he consider - ately stepped out of the, rom ' and we Will follow his example. But the kind„, i) of bargain the young peo le ' made can be readily ceniectured b the' speedy wedding that f0110Pred..,.., i.,.i , CAN ANY ONE r i t:L. .—Can any one ' tell why men who 'eati4t pay small bins n► always find money to' buy llck i, i ors, and treat when happening' among ' lei r friends ? -- Can anyone k tell how young men who ' c odge theit washerwoman - and are al ways behind with their landlords can ''i *play' billiards night and day, and a - areal ways ready for a game of poker or spy tin:up ? 1 , , ~ - Can any one tell how Men live and support their families wile have no in .:xnne and do not- work,l while others xlio are industrious and'konstantly em ployed, half starve? ' . • Cam anyi . one tell' how it Is that a Man . - rho is too pbor 16 pay for a newspaper; 'a able t..ztpay a dollar or two a week for tobacco, whiskey or cigars ? Ed El with • 4 "K romo.l .8, . feat of tand. qthatr