r , • - 3; ) Ilcautifut-fule , kiiektliAt• ""- %VI!! light 2 iiktt plensant - Bpirit, there rt.:lntittent Beautiful hanas, A'r6 ; tliCy Thio mirk of 'ow lloble;gOod;itad trite n any- Oro u'A „ Beptifol feet, ;o ttiey „f 161,iglItc1100;Or ' SiS400,.? ~!•( Tttro' inrintnortisailiat: Or theriviniblea :13e:reatifi r il , chitciftil, if poor, pa,tlogays 11 , oet avi.pure, t mansioli9,..9frong:au4•guto.- • ------------------ , q' •Storiei' Aboa -Norwegiaris. • 'A' traVeler - rellS ngdatl man ,wIA6 egieredia,,elinrcliii,tturing;- the lidrf(glininP Aviok, ; ing Up the aisle ot the,WhorcholteiMood aAnomentin front orl:tho:leointiittnion. table, - 4nd - then , tu soinergaitir, he' Sprang Over; thel•Cotnmunlozr rails =and alighted on the el t clerg yul ;;'lt•Wt'fiWasq•eitOw 01 fikr . : great Wen el lf; - Vio,od the petit: and inkil atnbix ihe people, Wh&e ~43,erientained for. ; some Atine:„lnsensit4lo,..'• not IN,eilv.,Pgrnll3:nre•NerY•fund . I Jewitnnng feats of!:- strength, ,and the , elergymen was "ever .afterwards much - esteetned: -,,S're.inatitable:feat waeperforined , tt soldier,-UHdlllngitta iti'tlic bar-' risen At eihriAtiiabal- brotlier'sOlditr the' i < ,7 01 5 . i s ng tt.saadri, lettil,',look:44 - ti c ap •out--- of th6hajd qm,lq his. right foot,. ; ~- .1-IMIUM EtAinligdai. - are, 't oßahl - have a ~4range and.-,barbarous -CuStoni when in drink. When well prime* with , thekk 'draw their shprt knivo; ran d ,, , r• t t ardS' each'other; they lee itiZun,atnicittile way; '`llptv far .will you g0 7 ;,A., Certain, Portion - Of each lap AY 010 , „tneasured, off on each Aide, and the remainder „of: the blatleis then carefully; hound round with cloth, so. that. the. knives ;cannot penetrate beyond; a:- certain-distance, All present:then set to work and 'stab and slash each other An -all directions.. tSometimes these encounters efid fatally, but ;blood-letting' doe* none of the parties any harm. It may be asked if these combats arise (rein a natural taste for shedding - blood.? lit is said not .• to be - so, but the custom has been hand ed down froth fattier fiun for -many generations;-atuf 4hat - any' Flailingdal man who refused to 'tight when .chal lenged 'Would be branded as a coward.- Here M another' anecdote; T.wo En= • travelers were making an - excur si,pu through Norwegian Lapland l ac companied bym .1 Lapp' guide;• it was summer titnßiatlthodaywasextretnly hot and oppressive,; so,. hav,lpg to make their way (Nei.' snme high •mountain, I they satiloWn6n gocti4ed >stone:to' (rest. The Lapp guide stood/4a respect- Iful distanCe; but being inquisitive, as his people •generally are,. he kept his eyes firmly, fixed on the Englishmen to otiservO,what they were doing. , . One Of the traveler happened to wear a wig; and wishing to cool his head he 1.e 7 moy4d,it, as - well - as his hat.- - : Oh seeing this,-to him, - extraordinary proceeding, the Lapp - stood 'for a 'moment 'spell bound—he had never seen such a thing as a wlk before. then beat his hands. on his breast gave a most unearthly howl, Lind subsided into silence. He mado,ndyemark,'and the travelers pro - ceeded on their way ,• but the Lapp could not be pervaded On any account to go near thp Englishman who 'Wore a wig. DROWNING AND SwrmitkiNG.-=--There 'is a common talk, says the Cincinnati Gazette, about the facility of swimming if persons only have the 'presence of mind, that seems to make them respon sible .for or At least to eharge them With itloks of presence of 'Mind, Which many assume it is easy to have. It. is commonly said that a person, in the'water - Will kijap• perfectly 'still,' lie will float high enough -to keep his jing trihi atn.,- iyatel . ,:arta thus lie may hold on till relief come. This i often sire peated by' those who , protean to have proved it, and it is often pu fished in the newspapers 'as an infallible re ceipt against drowning ; and yet we venture to say from considerable expe rience and ebservaliMi in swimming, that not one of these persons who. talk 5 0 swimmingly, .can float so as :_diet to drol, without bOnle paddlitilg - motion_ of the hands or feet. 4 • . • We will*eifture to say that if a purse of la thousand IdoAlars were. ! bared to an - one who sliallilloat with hisnostrils above water fifteen: minutes, fen' min utes, live mintite:!, or even three min utes, without any working of the hands or feet, it would remain safe against takers.' . , They who' are unskilled lif swimming, generally believe . this can be done, for they, have always heard it affirmed witheut challenge, but it is difficult to see why swimmers should af firm it, - except . td brag of skill they have not. . The fact is, the bunion 1 ody will sink without constant exertion to keep afloat. If the water is rough, ac tive exertion will he required to keep the nostrils from being submerged by the waves. ,Clothes and boots tOd to the sinking . tendency and greatly clog the Iwimining movements, so" that even gob( swimmers who fall overboard In rough water may very' soon suecuinb. Every one whip has triedit knows that man is not naturally a Thinning Ani mal, and that although a little suppdit• will'prevent his sinkin r, yet his limbs are ill adapted to water propulsion, and this little supportcosts considerable ex. , ' ertion. A small plank k or oar may save him from exertion "which will soon ex pend his strength. - f • - THE MAIMS OF THE BEAST.—TIIO nil eroscope is truly a no arvelousi nstrumen t. Ite powers'•seem alniost creative. No discovery ought, perhaps, to. astonish us, which is made 'by•its - assisfance ; yet that said to have been recently made by, ar, Osman chemist will surprise nnly i,_. pe 50111 A .- -, This &wan; withn ni ing several millions of diameters, iS glas's mag re orted to have found in the human blood every specimen of animal and:in sects, from the elephant down to the mosquito. - Of course, being a .German, and therefore *a • metaphysician, he straight:7' l v builds a fantastic theorY upon this animalcularbasis. , ,He thinks the. character and temperament, of ,the individual regulate's, Or is regulated by (he is not quito,shte which) the specieS of animal, predominant in., his , bloqd globules. ' In thd - Man 'of ferocity, 'for Instance, the, microscopic tiger and his congeners shot. predominate; in the man of gentler', .s, the lamb;' in the brave man ,, thti lion or eakle; in the coward,- the hare; id the philosopher, Atha owl; and so on. , . ... • . ~ Spurgeon is a. commen; looking little . chunk of a - rran, with' 'a rather large head, higher in frontthttnbehind, brown • hair, straight and not short, blue eyes, thick lips, large white teeth, coarse though of decided features and face, inOluding his upper lip, covered with a plosely trimmed beard of alight color. . Ilia neck is short and . thick, and he is ad round shouldered as to look somewhat hUnapbacked. • His arms are short, and .h s hands fat and ' chubby. The angle o his face is bad,. and its expreMon is 11 ither reined nor iritellectol. He cannot be more than five feet six inches high, and weighs at least a. hundred and sixty.pounds. 1 His style, of speak ing is conversational Mid perfectly. nat., ural; he makes few gestures, and those not graceful; - looks directly before him, for the most part, feaning upon the rail; - ing of the pulpit.- One of the saloons in Nashville eni ploys.a hack to carry off' Its customers as fast as they become drunk. -.No fare is -regnired,. -and , the happy; beings are insured against: the pollee and the poor house. When is a storin like a tisk after a hook? When it i going to abate. - MEI I= ie-TiAT% to." ly1) • T - t , I _ . CLOSING OUT SALE 1' SUltitE. ' - - •",'• • - - N orldor to tmil out thelmlauca of vut Sinualtr Stobk, to make room for NENST -- ‘ 'FAIL cirooDs.': ' - • GR.EAT sit.tiOUVl.l6-NS, ,• • , • ,7i C r0w0_mr0twu,tti04.1r04.1.....0.2 19 ,pu •f 3 ti v r , ; , ' 4 't ' " — " Tfolit.:"44! Bost 801 l 111/troelllea from.. S7l - 62‘/ •4 ` • Ortutaditle Shaw $0 on to $5 elo a. BoeklyttAgbit. ? 3.7 t t 6 t, " 2.50 to - 2 Of) " • —i.. 2 09 ;; to 0 1 50 Arid many tailor articles at equillly •g,ront rector, tiong. -Our Scud( of - Btanto tio s ollts wa tire keep ing rull*uf hargattieiolfint t r i +'; h.L. - Prints, good futd. colored, at 121 t•ente, Brown Shootings, gooll width, 1211. c•ctits, Bleachol NI Rights, • at: • " 1,54' amts: Ticking, Denims, Stripsn, Chucks, CiAtonailes, elicuff Olll7 cc tir,g7ifitirplc — invistag.et 4 lowctliriereitlitkit nt Yeatx. • .1; A. PARSONS St CO. 111= Stoves Tin3:Ware . FOR TIM ',MILLION) .D.• .1 . Z98.ER TS, ' OPPOSITE ROY'S BUILDING, Is' noiv propaod to - furnish the public. ith anything in his, line of business, in quantity ax large, hi quality as good s and as chettP in price Its any dealers Xottlierii.getkna,Yl`lo4la..*- , ye pays particular attontiou to the STAVE AND TIN .WARE -BUSINESS, and intend to keel, a lull ass.ortnient otever);lliiog in that line. , . „. . TI.W.,WARE MADE TO , ORDER, promptly; and ... iivai-railiedto give eatiefuetioii. 'eloeuted in the beet manner and with diepatel „CALLAND S '.ll ME. . . . P. ROBERTS. Welishorough,-Mareh 7: SAO: = :* ATTENTION, FARMERS. MOW A NAP REAP JIY , HORSE POPEU,./ THE CAYUGA CHIEV, , MOWER ,t; REAPER, is undoubtedly the best Machine ill the wer,ht, nhent TWEN. TY• ONE TIIOJUSAND of these - Machines being now in USO, • ft'lllWays taken 140 first -premium at Fiiirs and Exhibitions. ” I have the solo Agency for - this region, nnil •c4n till nit Orders proinrtly:. pti,„ oge,4 t,tic the bilic s Itp";Tl'Lr - ;„ 7 - ; — ".7 „,' • WO aIYB •MO IV ER lfrwe , , „ , • fur Its tignLand even ilriift, auil ior fast - and good work. 'lll Machine will pay fur itself inAho saving of ,Wrigea;Pitid: to inowrs by any largo humor in one b14:1S011, D. P. 110itERTS. 11'131101ov.), Juno 26, 1567-tf. • To the Farmers of Tioga oOuety I . l'o 0 I' It E MO WE I? .(7 - (:0 I? IN ED MO WEB if- It EA I' 12, 71,1 AN tIF U ACTREp N. Y., 111_, L ..iirtie to alitu thyijr,trant ti goini blO 7 ,, These machines are well known throughout the eounty,,,as Leing the befit in use, and has taken the premium over till other eniniintitore. We 'hall keep an aysinquitnit JOI,NTEU 4AII, tthirh have lately been put into are. Also of the stiff bar. A good asbortment of the guards and other fixtures mist:11)11y on hand. Prieo of jointed bar machines, $llO. Cheaper than Ihey have ever before been offered to the public. PURPLE I RIME:ALL, Agents. 8,186771 E," • c f- :, -Lr 0 U T, Z' MEM= HMO ad Calilo Powfirs. • TER, HEAVE,. CORGI'S, DI. TEMPER' Fl VERB, POIT/4DE' LOSS OP APPI .T/TE AND VITA ENERGY, Sc. use improves 1.1 wind, inerease the appetite—gilt, smooth' an glossy acin—rui transforms tll miserable slielet .horse. e.' T.• i InchCoughs,Ulcers In ail diseages of ..eTke, Inc as in , the Lungs, Liver, ,• , <2 . , - :3" , ,, j *: ••, ' kc., this nrtielo• '' . 1....r.:•zr-.' 1 - - .-- , ..1.1._ - - net, as a specific. ~,-'. :4-.,ll.tiA''4 --* By putting (,c r • •F" ~•rt,..yr -:......** ' r one-half ,n. pap-. i - ~:1 1 -. . ..5. : 42,..,:ie• •-••• •• '• , _ to a paper in a .• .f"' - '11!".„: • "- ik,:•.4„.. - barrel or swill tl t. . - , ---- -- - 1 :--,., h-_- -- --:- - above diseases = --•:.:_•:,----' -Sr. . x`••• 4 •— trill be eradicate,' " s - • , - --- : or entirely prrientc•l If given in time, a certain Pieventi‘ o alad cues f: et ile• Ci.ckra Price 25 Cohta pee r^ 10. , o ',- Popur, for SL 'f: znzedvi= 7, 71 Y I . . S. A-. TAP 04.7 r .r. " Z •&... - 3B 11.0. , AT TIT'EST. ' IVROLETiI.F. DIWO AND AIYIIIINr, BrIOT, No. no Franklin Et., i'attir3crn. rat chst Por Sale by Dm .11-ot 1."...1 - . .. -.. • . - out the Uoito St!‘ $ f •,... . ;, 4 , '1 • • DAVID {4.-4. ; , s ~. ; $ ' V,. 4 OUTZ, Successor. • For sale by John A. Roy, iVellabori. . TIE. Fl i fiCll'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT'. I j ERS, tor solo at Roy's Drug Store. . TORAVORK, iN THE HEST STYLE. and • with do.4pateli,ut THE AGITATOR Office. A MERMAN WAToIIES in' Ilutitrok‘Siive AL, t eases how $27;,50 up ht FOLLY'S.' , OCOME4 at a groat bargain at • • C. B. KELLY'S. April 1, 1867. ADIEB * SETS from $1.50 to $3O, at 04311) L FOLgY'S. MkTttiVg 11,-/,811.5, 4174 - , . I;oo . 4tivit. Off 11 Ji ,toof nr i n n ,P p:us' _Oa osseid , -.1 •aoria,edvshlgui 6 , 0 144 Vuu '4° 41 0 4 0 01 •rioimi t er t b ittiuttt It% wuexp4uil it.tv.19411 soot') pas 9° o 4? 4o lti;:ntto.t) '444 4 ,44‘ 40440 , Apti:Goti-em '4;ciamemottezioloq 04,4104r0t01uf stintea _ • - • sin. sea Log &us 'sum:ATl . ,epit dap ur-ss.ion sop p,tuois pinta nes Huai y 78uo snug wogs Jatolva krola rtoJ •daNt an : „ qoPot Ipipmpx,4, valuer& MIMI IMIM= tu n 0 1 gm Int 9killilfil c . i ,39 , .:4441:611.1 * !±1 4i341y. 09 „, cl.O of OS"' IffINIM L IVAILLOUU k11)1 °B S 3IIVM-Nli 4311VM-SSIIIB "A - VAtOH V H I inoS 2u!Ssq 6y saquozJetl egld(Q oats pus „ . SBOUpria 411.01 . 1.1.0 oita Ul3 GABH NEW =STRING GOODS 111,)'Ll PEOPLES STORE W Es _ARE RPRENING FRESH' STOCK . OF GOODS SPRING ;TRADI_I, and 'ar s e' proi , areil - to supply ale', svauis of the I • people in • , _. _ ' This preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly, reinvigorate broken•tl o is . n and low-e:pirited horns, by otrengtlicnink nod cleansing the .e etornach and lutes.-- ines. . , It is 'a sure in"C.- N ntiva of :all ills- , 2 1 , cs iticidgnt _to , s • , EP' R .6.0 0 D . GOOD GOODS sat a best i give it.loetton, andthose aceubtocaed I to patronise us know that wo -3 ( KEEP TliE BEST GOO DS - ESI that aro to be found in this notion, and those whh aro not our patrons are the losers I quite as much as we are. .` dirt] iA invaluable. woves, the quality if the milk. It has +een prinren by ac tual experiment to nereaw the (Inan ity of * milk and ;mom twenty per tent: end m&ko tha ?utter Ilan anti Sweet. Inlattening cat tic, it gives them :in appetite. loosens their hide, and mi:el them thrive MADE 43P TO , ORDER 4).ND WAR ' RANTED Yko FIT. • OUIV STOCK: vaLT, BE KEPT FULL; Sold as Low as at any other Estab- We Invite an examination of our Stook and, Prices, pledging oursolvee to , • 000DS P11.1311,Y , AND TAKE NO lavarld Nuoa _ k •1 '. 4 • , t • ‘c? popt.Retao • ido - Volluonv oqi two Rao& • '1 i (PUPIAS°4)• S B:IIIVIT33.I.IIII . 13mninia tia,u,na • .tmoiti mini , 'LINN ..r Noui-aott ,asnott - sa.oti /14 1 149 Pll9B Vo.spanq Jed -sryg i ,ifi-;::kelegfo -. qpi' 2 *# :',4l{3l"‘i TV rat ,11 'lrd 4 4E 101 )9 01090111°M. .loo(1 1. a ~ i. 1a `SHA - O►ZS IN CO .11N , , t , Adapted to, the' NM NORIIIERN ' •': WITH On 'LONG 'EXPERIENCE EMI nue titu . glit us that Wo /keep as usual a LAR(jE STOOK OF CLOTHS • ( Al to spll,by the yard or I and all dandy-491a by col • Warranted to give Satisfaction, I - ' t AND lishment. Mind that. oFF.qn whon'sno ease is made WAITE. Corning,.N. Y., Apr. 10, 1887. ' • - • ii'::,4§l4l,l:Likil 0 . , .1.-9:-.:: , %.,*;.:.,i- F,',~;~.i ~ . =II DRUGS; - mFanoipii, .p.viTt4 , ollo)-: • -, TOINts, PBl NntB,. *IA; VlN`'.:' , ,„ boNV,GIJA§S,,& I'UTTY, • - r : . .. Harpcotne'do7n to Old Prices itilait ( WE do trt heAtate lii' oey Oat vie. have tlia* 'Variest l3tuett tit 7 ; P. UR.I! .A'IIT&L.IB4 DRUGS •- - ..BLEDIOIINES : •-•• g INT II Pin le 611.41 S =ME • • YANIOOI PlMlP l o.7; l #itk; 1: 1 1 ,6,NOY , •AltTICLES, -Tonbut , S)AP; -.•01,0711;.:HAIR, .11)0111:. Si NAIL • 4 " BRUSHES, •MIRRORS,,^ "• • IME EVER . BROUGHT INTO. , TIHS H.4.IWET. fl PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND NAVY, • • , ' • Fine White Load, ?urp, Wliito Zino, Wooed O 11." CoachVarntih, Furniture Vernier:4lcl. -7 low Ochre, • Venetion Red, Chrome yl: lola, Chrome Growl, Prueelan Blue, , Patent Dryer, Lackey,: Japan, • • Spanieb Whiting, Paris White, Kalsoinine, Redo, Tar,. Log 'Wood; Fustio, Brazil Wood. Cani. wood; Redwoo;. Potash, Putty," Alob- Aso', :Bonzetfo, tipirits Turpentine, and Kerosene Oil, Paint and - . • , Varnish Brushes, . • 'Which Iva - will sell j per cent. e'heaper than city other establiohtnent n the county. In short, we have every thing eve• kept in a firet. clues . . ; ... • • 1 , 1 • , . , and all we ask is for you to call / and examine o* stock and prices before buying elsewhere.. Re member we can't bo undersold. ' IMI Mit: WILLIAM ROBERTS Leg: announee to tho citizens of 'Tioga t)o that In additiOn io his excellent stocic of St Tin-Waro, Brittania k 'and Sheet.-Tri,n Ware lnis o at a grout enAlay, stocked hie stoic. on ' with acorapleto asnortp►eut of. Shall' Hard. of ,whioh we enumerate the following articles MI NAILS; SPIKES; CROWBARS, *X MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAW BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, ...OAIIPENTI,R'BVOOLS; PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS,, , I BITTS, BITT•STOCKS, HATOIIETS,-CHISELS, ,SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, ' DENDH-SOREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC lIIMII SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSOE CUTTERS AND STIfEFERS ;COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND . OAPS. • PATENT . BARNDOOR HANGIN4S anew thing, and made for use. These nra but a few of the many artioliss composing our Wok of Hardware. MI Wu invite the publio to call 'and examine for •themselves.,. We aim to keeptbe beat quality of goods in our lino ; and all work to -ordei , done promptly and well. WlLLlfilld ROBERTS' Wellsboro,4Sept. 1, I.BB6—tf. ' AIRS. F Y'S , Corsets and Skirt Supporters,. all sizes, at C. B. KELLEY'S. pL e, A t TE ca D et i e V r A s r iu .E irr eo ,o k w o is int: t k e etß at .. card bask FOLEY'S. lIIM . SEMPE4I, MOM =EIS =MI =I ME BUM MEE whifts'&. fiduni;At:s` We buil) uleo the Largoot Stoat of ; Such us DRUG STORE,, Al.! goodg - witrranied ur nu Salo P. R. *i'LLlA.us, 1 P. Ii WILLIAMS &Co J. L. WILLIAMS. j No. 3 Union Block. Wellsboro, Juno 26, 1867 St ves: Stoves:: MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, IF: t isit' •4 . • • '" • ,Fll3, "•- 4i• ^ 'TO ' , B UK 4ELL ' .; BUSINESS,I- =I .1 = • • AT TE will bay Itt the' highest nimitint -the following articles. prKEP PELTS, DEACON'` SKINS, REEK SITS; A AD . t, SKINS . , I 4 =ME for which we will pay cash. I • We will osaisufactare to order, Prenettor Verne tanned °ALF or KIP BOOTS, In the best mart aim and at fair rates, and_pay especial attebtioti .to REPAIRING.: ' - • MEI ERIE . , on whieh we will notbe undersold, and froni this time we shall make It a point.io keep pp the beet steolcnt I . l, -,; I to he feiiii4t in The county, Miceli wO! 'Ol sell at a lower profititlian'imeti rirtiolos havO - osier boon offered in this region: r _ We We shall n'tleoil assortment of. LADIES' BALMORALS, LEATHER .. t 7BOOTEES, 'CHILDREN'S AND , 5 Aussg,sly,o4K A)t VA . MOUS STYLES, LEATIaIt , d , 4II.NDING.BI ono bo bought of us as ciaap as any where this aide of New York, and we shall keep a full stook of PRE.I4CiIt:'UAIP,`P PiiENCIt MP, :UP • PER, SOLE, LININGS, AND Vfx - BINDING. • GuraMak of PEGS; Netaß, THREAD; AWLS / RASPS, ~GLOVERS'.,,IFEEDLES, ,L A TS, TREES,' ER I df Isish,,SHOEHAKER'S TOOLS tind'illED,lNGS;wlll ba. ' found th e lar gest in the county , and iaa sett for malt profits, We talk business and we moan business. We have been in this region long enough to be well known—let those who , know us try us. Corner at Main and Grafton streets, opposite Win. Doh erfarMardware Store', ' 'O.'W. SEARS, • • - GEO: Co." DERBY.' Wollaboro, April 24,1667-tr. Jpi iJ to nty, YOB, ho MEI We hay° a flrot-rote otook of READY-lIAB E WO K A ,4 ~ ~ , LADIES! GA.1.7164115,1i,,1 and all - atyles of 14.1 1 1W . S WORK. NEW GOODS AND NEW P OES • -sue--- -- AT . . T. A A . WICIMA 9S, TIO GA, PA. TIFAVING 'just returned from NMY York with MUIL, New and carefully selected STOOK OF GOODS, i, 4 • All those in Want of Goods wt I ( 11 , 1 it to their interest to call and EXAMINE OUR STOCK and learn Prices before buying elsewhere Kept constantly on bond, a choice lot of DRIED FRUIT, GROCERIES, FLOUR PORK, &C., &C All the above ()pods aro bought at tho lowest Cash'Pricia;and will be`sold 7 : • . • ONLY sou CASH on READY PAY. Don't- forgot the place, at theoia stand of VAN. NAME' & WICKHAM, - - „ . Titga, Pa., Feb. 20, 1807:-tf. WELLSBORO FOUNDRY , AND MACHINE '41.01). THE aubacribera having procured additional machinery are now ready to farnleh to order all aorta of CASTINGS, SUCH AS PLOWS, CULTIVATORS. FIELD ROLLERS, MILL GEARING, • SLEIGH-SHOES, W 0 0 D SAWING MACHINES, . &a., &c., We have also al WIMIIyORTII PLANER, for custom and job work, lirct are also prepared, to do I • -. • SLITTING & SCROLL ,VA WING to order. Having a first-class screw-cutting Latin, we are prepared to make CHEESE PRESS' SCREWS, • to order. Builders of Cheese Factories are re quested to examine our work. We manufacture 'the Champion Plow; one of The finest intilements in the market. . Cash paid for OLD IRON. • CHARLES WILLIAM F. L. BEADS. Wallabor°, May 15, 1881—tf: 1867. WRIGHT Sc BAILEY. 1857. WlA'coramonoe this year with an ek9lnstsely CAMT,basittess. • • OASU PAID FOR WiIEATI CASH PAID FOR OATS 1 CASH PAID FOR , CORN CASH FOR EVERYTHING4,II A LARGE STOCK OF FLOUR FOR CASH I A LARGE STOOK OF FEED FOR QASH 1 A LARGE STOCK OF P9RiC CASH I Call and He, us., CIA KRIT, do B r AILBY. We'foliar°, Jan. 9, • All persons indebted to us by note .or book account rauot call and settle or ,pity costs. . • Jan. 8;1867. wnionT k ,BAILEY._ A FEW MORE,PIECES of those.subalantial ISbeetinga and- Sbirtinga, a April 18 8 7. ,C. B. KELLY'S. R lOU.Dohotnia4 Glass Vases, at dean • FOLEY'S. •\ You 111 find the lateOt arrival of New 0 oialg a KELLY'S. 'April 108 . q. - • , -B. 'lbli. T. = . A.NTIIONY & CO.; Mantifildurers of l'hoiogra,phic Naterials; OLDIAIX AND DAt44l4 UR . , SROOWAY; Y. j:itißiedortioiv of PhOtopay It& lifitterfals wo are Ileadikluultre for tbifolloNefog, tz; 11,f , 46011104,11,& Sto,6lo*ltieViOWS .-• Ot 1 0.4tericalt., 1 Attid....Ortdan 'Cities, and Landscapes,; Owls:7Am. ' EliaritekeopiC Vivaria *fibs War,- 'ooze negatives wade In the verioni oagapaigu~i and forinings.completo Photographic hiltorypt:the great neatest, - - , = z.-••,•_ • • • • Iliqaoscqpic • Itiowa'an. Glass, . Adapted foi:oltber atag,ip Lanternsorthe ittnreeSCope. Oni eatairigne Will be Oat to any, eddreea on ieleipt of lateral): • • •••,-, ", • • • rhotpk v iihic ' '" We tuanutaetbro radre target) , thau any other licinse, about 200 varieties frogs 60 ceuttil SGO eaeh. •Clut A 4111.1618 have the reputation dr being superior in beauty and durablittyl9 , all others. • Card; of a statint- Our Catalogue embraces- over FIVE TUOUSAND different qnbjects, including, reproductions of the most ctlehrated Ungrayings, Paintings, Statues., etc. Cata. Topics front rtlek,ipt or stamp., Photograididril and others ordering goods C.O. D., will please vomit per cent.. of the antotinVulth their order. Tho prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy.. - , ; Jon. 2.1807-9nt. • MAKE NOTWE:,-r-.04 receipt' of 01,0 , .1)017qr by pall I,will send reciopos wring Oompounds whit& with :careful using «ill .ideetu ally restore gray hair. to itti Original color, pro. vent_proliature decay iihd falling off, and import a smooth and glossy appearance to hair deadened by sickness. • JNO. D. GALLAGHER, Aug. 2i, 1867-3 mt Wilmington, Delasvaro., •.. 1866. FoR 1866• i• BY it. ; . A T BIS NURSERY OF, FRUIT AND OIt ,NAMENTALL TREES, IN TIOCIA :- 00,000fippleTrees. IQ,OOO Pear !frees. ) A good supply of PLUM, PEAOII, CHERRY, and ORNAMENT/a! TREES d. SHRUBBERY. ..The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest 'varieties, good, healthy, some of them large aud in bearing. Any Ono Ivishing to 'get a. supply twill do well to call and enwrap Stookbefdre par abasing elsowhere.. • /2/11-Dolivered at the depot tree of shames - Volga, Feb. 28,1866-1 y • LATEST FASHIONS DEI&AND J. W. BRADLEY'S Celebrated Paten DUPLEX ELLIPTICi (9R DOODLE SPRING) SKIRT. TREY. will not bend otbreaklike the single spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape en hree or Mur ordbuiry skirts wilt have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, end the bottom rode are `not only don ble springs, but twice (or double) ebvered; preventing them from wearing out when dragging down stoops, stairs, &m The. wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt, will be experienced particularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars,chnrch pews, arm chairs , for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in rise to occupy , a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress, an in. valuable quality In crinoline, not found in any single spring skirt, A lady. having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and Mat convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring akin fora single day.. will never afterwards will ingly dispense with their nee. For children, Misses and young ladles they are snperldr to all others, The Duplex Elliptic id a great favorite with all ladles, and is nuivereally recommended by the fashion maga. tines, as the standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following Inestimable advantages in crinoline, viz; superior quality, pert/3ot manufacture, stylish shape and finish, flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, tnquirefor J. W- Bradley's Duplex RHIN tie ,or double spring skirt; and be sure you get the gen uine article., OAXITION.—To guard against Imposition, be particu lar to notice that skirts offered as "duplex" have the rod ink stamp, viz: "J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband—none others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being passed through the center, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a com. binatlon not to b* found in any other skirt. Per sale In all stores where first elan shirts are /old throughout the Vl:kited States•and elsowbero 2 Mann facturefttv_ the loowAers of eho r t t i to c. t,, at vaTty; JulyB,Bm, 97obtanbets 41 79 & 811:tend() sta., N. Y. • Popular Dry Goods .Trade ! THE Subscriber is now receiving his 1 S - PRI.N& STOCK Merchandise, Among Ithlob will be found many, of the most mutat Sty/es of • SHAWLS, CLOAKINGS & SACKINGS; at priees that are worthy of attention PRINTS, GINGHAMS. BROWN AND BLEACIPD MERLINS, TIMINGS, DENIMS, 'STRIPE SHIRT INGS, TABLE, LINENS, BROWN & BLE4ORED, NAPKINS, TOWELINGS, LACE AND EMBROIDERED WINDOW CUR . TAININGS, EMBOSSED AND PRINTED TABLE AND • PIANO SPREADS, ' .41401E.RY, GLOVES, 6.e. Spacial attention is called to his CLOTHING 41: TAILORING PARTMENT, Where a perfeet fit is guaranteed or no sale. A share of the public patronage is reapeotfully B.olioited.' THOMAS HARDEN. Wolleb l oro, May 15, 067. QTATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MANS FIELD, TIOGA COUNTY; PA. ISE A. Allen, Principal, Professor of Natural • and Mental Science. ' J. T. STREIT, A. M., Profossor of Languages. CHARLES VERRILL, A.'M., Professor of Mathematics. • Mits. L, 111, PETERSELIA, M?dern Languages Drawing. - ,Mtas SUE R'. CONARD, B. E., Engh. Branches. Km MARTS. BRIGGS, B. E.. Principal of the Model Sehool: I. O. HOYT, Professor of Vocal and Instrumen tal Music. • Miss ALICE B. SEELEY, Assistant Instructor of. Music. SCHOOL YEAR 1867-8. First Term begins September 4, 1887, Second term begins Decemb'r 9 " ,Third term begins March zit, 1868, , EXPENSES PER TERM OF 14 WEEKS. Fall and Spring Term, including board, - . room rent, tuition, book rent,. Cie), oil; and washing, • $OO 00 Winter Term, 64.00 rhi rt Day students, tuition a d book rent, 10 00 'Total expenses for sehoof year $lB4 00 No ti#ra. 'charges. ; Rooms furnished with stoves, chairs, tablos, stands, pails, bedsteads, mattresses, pillows, and one comfortable. For further Information send for Catalogue. Aug. 7,1887, 6w. Address, Principal. Wellabor° Wool Cargos, Maine. 11TAWING covered our Machine with .entire JUL new Cards, we aro now ready to Card all Wool without delay, and in the bast possible manner. Ali Wool sank from a distance by Stage will bo returned by the amine if required. S. 'A. - 11ILTROLD, ORIN BLAIR, Wellsboro; June 12, 1802. BOARDING by the weed; or day, and Lodg-, ing, can be bad on reasonable terms oppo. Mimi the old U. S. Hotel- Stand, Main Street, Welistroro. M. M., SEARS, Proprietor. ag. 7,1867, tf. pnoToGßAPinc. moil, Ei*ra. inc., etc. Also,.a full line of 'V.". 0 . Boarding Honlae. WIIO3SMAt:', -. 0R110;:,STORVI -- ; -::cp.itN,lNe.;. -. :v: DRUGS AND DIEDIOINES,.PAANTS AND OILS . r THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, CONCEN- TRATED MEDICINES, CIN- 0114IATI :WINES AND.: BRANDY, WRITE- K AVASII"LIBIE; idIROSENE LAMPS,, - PATEN`I` . MEDI- CINES; yETROthIUM: OIL 1 ROCHESTER PER-. • FiliktEla AND f EiAIIORING EXTRACTS, WALL • PATER, WINDOW GLASS, AND DYE COLORS, Sofa at Wholesale Prices,, Buyers aro requested to call and , got quotations before going further, East. W. D. TERBEL4 CO. • Corning, :N. . 1,18677-1 y THE GREAT CENTRE, OF ATM .401 1 101 IS :A T LA.WRENCEVII.JLE. • • • C. S. MATHER Si UV Would announce to the good. people of cot ga County that they havo just returned from ew York with their second full stock of FALL Sc WINTER GOODS, embracing all the novelties as well as the sub 4tautiiils required. DRESS GOODS . in.all varieties, STAPLE FANCY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, & BEST FRENCH WOVE COR SETS, 'GLOVES ep s D HO SIERY, YANKEE NO TIONS, &c., ' &c. ' FURS! ruits MINK, CONY, an 4 SiberiOn Sauirre Tho largest Stock of, oLoTii i s & CASSIMERES in the county READY MADE CLOMING, and OLOTiIING tizade to order, .super, : , intended by Arst class teoqcmen.?.J.- . 5 SUOP MADE BOOTS & .SIIOES in end less variety, ',HATS & CAPS to suit! all tastes, . GROCERIES, &C., &C. Our goods have been bought during the last panto in New York and will be sold at panic prices. • Prices are down, monopoly broken up. No other store can or dare compote with us in qual ity and price. For further particulars calrat the store of C. 8. MATDER Sc CO. Lawrenceville, Dec. 19, 1866. J. STICKLIN, . • • • -.- -- Chairmaker, Turner, and % , - 7 , Purniturel Dealer. • k, SALE ROOM, opposite Dartt's Wagon-Shop, Main Eitroot. FACTORY iin Soars 4t, Wil liams Foundry, second story. 1 Orders promptly filled and , satisfaction guars n tOod. Fancy Turning dono to order. - Wellsboro; Jnue 12, 1867. 4. STICKLIN. Tioga Marble Works. undersigned are now prepared to exe ji cute all orders for Tomb Stones and 111ouu intuits or either , OTALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of thelat'est style and approved workmanship.and with dispatch. We keep constantly on band both kinds of Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa vor us with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the country. atones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as good as new. • • ' WILCOX & WHITNEY. Tioga, May 22, 1867-I,f. To the Farmers of Tioga County Inow building at ray manufactory, in Lawrence rile. a superior FANNING MILL, which possessealho following advantages over another mills: 1. It eeparatos oats, ratlittor, and foul coeds, and chess and cockle, from wheat. .2. It cleansilax seed, ttgres out yellow seed, cud a other seeds, perfectly. 3, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other separating required of a mill . This mill is built of tbo boat and most durable tim bar, in good style, and is sold cheap for cash, or pro dnco., I will fit a patent sieve, for separating oats from wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms, J. 11 'MATHER, Lawreacoville,October:,lo, 1806-t f RAY'S CHCiLERA DROPS CURES co • CURES DI7ENTER r; CURES .HOLERA ,NORBU.S, CURES CHRONIC DIARRHEA, CURES all BoWel Complaints, but does not oure anything else. This medicine is no - nure-31l: It has the confidence of. every. body, for it is never known to fail ; it should be kept on band by every family. Sold by' - dealers in medicine at fifty cents per bottle. For sale in Welleborough at Roy's Drug Store. UNION ACADEMY. KNOXVILLE, TIOGA CO:,' PA • FACULTY: ELIAS nonTorcp, Principal. Mae. ADA W. HORTON, Preceptrese. MISS bilßAt HOUTON, Aseletant. • Miss AISIANDA DRAKE, Teacher of Music. CALENDAR FOR 1.867-8. Fall Term commencegjot. 3d, Winter Term Nov 24th, Spring Tem Feb.l.Stb, 1868. _ _ EtE ENSES PR TERM • Primary Depa ment _ Common Eng! Higher Englielg Languages and _Higher Mathematics Instrumental Music, extra Nocal Mniito, extra. Drawing, extra , Room Rent Board per week Knoxville, August 14,1867-It NEWELL; DENTIST, MANSFIELD,Pa., • grateful for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, will continue- so as to per form all dental operations, as to merit the rapidly increasing professional demands now engaged. All operations in all departments of the profes sion executed in the best possible manner; All new, useful Inventions and improvements adopt ed. The htghost good of his patrons the Ultima tum of ,his ambition. Deo. 5, '66-tf"-- "LOUR FROM CHOICE \HUTU WHEAT, JU buckwheat flour, corn meal and feed, always on hand. Call at the Charleston Alllibeforebuy ing yourllour and feed. I eau mako it an object for yon,to buy. A. RUSSELL. May 16,18611—tf CllokE SLOT OP GRAIN BAGS for solo Oleap! at WRIG/IF k BAILEY'S. Wel!shot°, June 5,18137. New Sprini Goods just received at April 1, 1867. ip,s' OF rtnANEL, • , ,8.4%;LV/Elf.' Cu and after Monday,'August 2Cth,1807, titans will ieave Corning at. ab0ut,149 . -fotinritig Loam} •, - -.**EITWAD BoU,rt. - 1, • • S , 12:2S a. m., Exprena Mails Sundays excepted:for Buffs. 10, Salamanca, and Ei Wait; connectin g ith trains -for tiro Wont. - - ' , - 6:44a M Night. ExPreas, Sunday 4 - excepted, for fluifalo: Salamanca, and Dunkirk . , making dir,eer cannel:tic), with trains of tiek Atlantic -rent Western, homanddrandTrunk 11ailways,forall points Weal. 7:07 imiNlSll l EXPresii,Billii, for, Bu . Dunkirk Mid the Went, connecting 45 shove. 7:15 A. rn., Night txprens, Sundays excepted, for /t.'41,. • astvrand buffalo, via:Avow_ 10:32 a; lin, Mall Train, Ehinitkvis excepted, for ,Butrido - stnrl Dunkirk, connecting at F.lnrir d rorranandaigna. 2:16 tl. la. Baltimore Bx*Preins, Sundays excepieti, tor ' Itoelsontelr arid Buffalo( via Avon. 7:03 p. ra..illay'llxprese,Sundays'extepted; for Bi l fr a i no4 SalarnariCit, -bittrkiiiir and the Went, .totineeting at ' Binghamton for Syracuse; at Owego for )thud; et Elmira ter Canandaigua; at Salamanca with the At• Num and'Orear Western' Railway; - at Buffalo %%Mt the La; t Sliartf and Uraud 't'runklinikrnys,laid nr Dunkirk with thu Lrku Shore hallway, for all panty west am smith: 7;10 p m le-ty Exprons,Sur;ls excepted, tor Rochester j 12.u0 p m Way Freight, Sundays excepted. 6:40 p. ru.oThrtigrant l rain, Dolly, for t he West. .. . - gASIIVAAD noUND. . . at., N t a w Eipreiu, haiiy, 12mola3a e:t( connecting AL ltram.:?iirt for at Now York with afternoon itaincnitd ntrameiu for Keeton and IsIVW El/AV11) , I Gibe it,. in.,Ciiiritinati fixpreFB,lllonda3s except - 61;6,V- liertlitg at Bintira far Harrisburg, Philadelphia and the South; ixt, Owego for Ithaca; at thigh:11111. 0 fop Syratiwe; atOreat Rend for Scranton, - 1%000- Ohl, and Trenton; at bilekuwaken for nimbly, and ,1 tlutycotirt fur Newburg, and IVarwick. 10.10 ain Accommodation Train daily, connecting it at Rimini for Canandaigua. " ' 10:48 a. ni., B.ty Expream,SuinlaysuitreptrAl,rotinerif il at Elmira for Canandaigua:at Binghamton for rare, at relit Band for erranion, ut Lackuwax cutup Hawley, and at Jersey City with Midnight Expce-s Train of New Jet ary Railroad for Philadelphia, Ulu. nibre and Washington. 3:12 Baltimore Expreits, Sundays excepted. • 4730 p. in., -New roil; and ll:Milner° Mail, Sunday - replied, connecting at Elmira for Harrishurg,h, &Olt la, and Relith.' 7.0 p tu Lightning Express, Bundays - excepted, con. necting at Jersey City with morning express train a New idet dey Itailioad for Baltitnore and Wanliington, and at New York with ,inorning express trains for Boston tint! the ,Cast-, • 12:30 p, in, Way Freight, Sundays eAepted. • WM. it. BAILS, . 11. RIDDLE. Oetil Sup't.; - Gen') Pass. Agent: ' • Northern Central IL • TRAII 4 IB FOIL TUE NORTH. Trains for Cauandagnia leave Elmira as follows: Accomodat ion at 7 IA a :a Express [fa/stoat train on road]- 11 45 aln . Mail ° 015 pm Way Freight, [passenger coach attached] 7 10 a ru / 'On and after April 20th, 1807, trains will arrive and depart from Troy,. as follows; MUYINCi HOISTSI6 Express 045 p m Express:l 1050 am Elmira Mail 550 e m Elmira Mail 955 p'm Local Fl eight 19 60 am I Local Freight 335 p Through Freight 955 p in Though Fteighl 200 a in E. S. BROWN, .9.np't. Titins will run as follows until further apnea:- Ascommodation— # Leaves Blosslinrg . at 6,50 a. m., Mans. Held tit 7,35, Tioga at 8;20, Lawri.ncorille at 3,08 arriving at Corning at 10,20 a. m. !Shal l -Leaves Bloasburg at 2,35 p. m., pt 3,26, Tioga at 4,06,....hawr0ne0.ii11e 457:--arring at Corning at 0 p. Mail—Leaves Corbing at Bn. Lawrencerillu tit 0,0, Tioga at 10,02, ,Thusticid all o,4o—arriring pit Moss. burg at 11,30 a. in. Accommodation—Leaves Coraing, at 4.50 p. Law. rencevillo at 5,58, 'flop at 7.02, ilanallel,l t 7 ; 10 art 'tint; at Illosaburg at p. m. • L. 8114TTUCK,Sup't • Trains on the Pliiladelphiak Ede Rail Road will run 118 141110W:1 : - IVE.STWARO MailYr4i' - it: . trtZves Phthxdu . . , •• , " Williamsport. 4,30 aru " • ~." 'arm at Erie ) 4.05 p m., Elle Express leaves Philadelphia !' 4. 12.00 loon - - *. Williamepurt 1. 845 p at arr..at Elio. 9.45 a ra ,Elmira Mull leases Philadelphia-4.... . 8.00 a m 1-" “ Williamsport 6.28 pnu " A . arr. at Lock Haven 7.45 p m 'Buffalo Express leaves Baltimore 10.30 p ni " Williriurapurt 10.30 ain " arr. at Loch' !frivol 11.r.0 ani t . EASTWARD. I ~ Mail Train leave 4 Erie 10.25 a Li 11 illiamspm t '• arr. at I.liilielelpitia. Erie Ex rose leaves Erie " " arr. at Philadelphia Elmira Mnil leaves Lock Haven arr. at Philadelphia. 6.40 p CU' Lock Haven Arclnienveti Lock Haven 1.50 p to " •• lqaVC3 Wllliazetporr 3,20 prn arr. at Philagelptlia 12.50 a to I A.L. TYLEII, Gen . ( Supt. WETTWAICD BOUND, Mttil Acconititudatiol, ::xpren ai,..... . /14C1A..- 14xlitenti 11.01: I L'aptTsi ...b.lO At Covey thererii. n junction with Chu Pliihnhiphil d. ra le, and Cil Ci tell Rail Howls. • At Meath lilt, With Furnklin Oil Lit) mid Hawk, Burnell. At LtSll it tabut gu tbe , Nnbuuiny Branch 'naked a reef toutu to Cleveland. At ltaveuua •canted wit), Cleveland and riMblik . gli Haiti oath • The 12,J:id vasPi,m through Akron, Athlaud, tia/em, Marlon, I.lo.ana and D:tylon, into ecetiug ion!, hul• roads, and tertuinaten at Cincinnati. 1.. IY, RUCKER, (Ten. Supt., Sleadville, l'aeo Real Estate Sale. Subscriber will sell or.' oittl . be lellotyleg valuable property, to Wit One tavern stand in Lawrenceville. One form, on which lie no reAtleb, one. half mile from three churches, two Cchool Houses, two grog shops, and one railroad, and .abeet_thu: • same distance from the line of the_WOlsburo and Lawrebceville Railroad. The farm! contains 160 eves hi good 1and,..50 acres timbered, well n.t tered, and.very productive. * It requires that the seed should be sowed and planted, however, to ensure a harvest. One farm in Jackson township, 175 acres; a first•rhte place fora cheese factory. Also—tor sale-4 mules, 75 sheep - , and other stock, cheap on reasonable terms. • M. S. BALDWIN. Planing & Turninge • B. T. ITA_N HORN,' TTAVINO got his no Factory in operation. jut is now prepared to fill orders for Cabinet Ware promptly and in the best style of workman ship. Haying precluded a he is ready toss boards or plunk with aispatah furnished to order. Ills tortehiniSs aro of the new- OA and most Unproved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wain Sts, WELLS WHO, PA., ' • Oct. 31,-18136-tf. DEMOR EST'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE, universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America; devoted to Original Sto ries, Poems,Sketches, Architceturo and Model ' Cottages ousehold Matters.,'Getus of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (including Fpecial departments on Fashions), Instructions on Health, Gymnastic, Equestrian'Exercises, music, Anitife 2 talents etc.: all by thebesf authors, and profuse ly and artistically illustrated with costi,p Engra vings (full Size), useful and• reliable rPatterns, Embroiderios, Jowolr3i, and a constant succes sion of artistic novelties, with' other 'useful and entertaining literature. , L, . . . . NG porson of refinement, economical liCtu•s ,wife, or lady of taste can afford to do without the 51ode1 Monthly. Single copies, 30 cent's; back numbers, as specimens, 10 cents; either mailed free. Yearly, $3, with aNaluilble premium; two copies, $5 50; three copies, $7 50; live CopleEf $l2, and splendid premiums for clubs at $3 each, with the first premiums to each subscriber:, A.l - W. JENNINGS DES.IOREST, No. 473 Bre - Away, New Ytok. Demorest's Monthly and Yonng America, to. Wm. $4, with the premiums for each. March 20, '67-6m. i 00 0 00 . 7 00 8 00 10 00 .. 100 ~ 300 . 250 .. 3 10 - HAND POWER • LOOM.I • [Patented 1865.] ' ALL persons.interested in — tho introduction of practical machinery into our country, are requested to i.ti'vcstlgate the merits of. .17ENDERSON'S•IlAND PO WER L'o o. l f. .This loom Will do all kinds of band weaving. It will weave joaus, hlanlcets, plain cloth, sati net; korscy, flannel. seamless sack,'doublo width bionkots. or anY , kind of cotton, wool or fliky, cloth. It treads the treadles, throws the Phuttlop lets off the web, and takes up the oloth. It makes tho upper shed•as the batten comes forward, and boats up the filling after the cross is made, ma king bettor cltitliand bettor selvage than ran be made in any otlib'rway. • Looms made to order and warranted. APPLY at the shop - on Water Street", sign "Lo ofa Factory." LEWIS WETMORE , Wollsbero, March 20, 1867-tf. . LAMPS,—L new kind of Imp for Keroseno— nolliroakctgo otfrhiinneys—at ..FOLpY'S. C. B.'KET.LFY'S. Eloosburg & Corning, & Tioga R. R Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Williamsport )Villtaruspot t Atlantic and Great Westara R• W SALAMANCA STATION. . F.AI4TWARD Bouvb, -5.20 Exprer , ..b,35 !iad 1218 coniniotinti4,2l. Lawrence, Apr. 17, 1867—tf WOODWORTH PLANER, SCROLL-WORK R BRACKETS II 7.oopiu 10.10 v L.) 7 00 a ni 1, u 0 I) 111 4 2a a nt 1 tig 1 in 1 1,, w ul 6'65 n . 5.10 11.45 B. T. VAN :HORN , *V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers