WAITING.. I havo witted while primroses faded ; I have waited till violets aro dead. Till the thick'ning buds,on the chestnut boughs Grow leafy and full overhead. Timo's gray bas passed:Over my tresses, And line.; on my temples' are sown,; I have waited fill harvest is gathered, • And the white summer Aloyer-is moteti-;-- • I have waited long under ill° vim -trees, Till the green of the beeches grows brown ; I ha' e waited while leases of the li n , ions In . antunin conic fluttering dowel; 1. have waited tint,' light and (luck' darkness; I have waited in immbine and rain; I am waiting for ale {rho_ tuay neves • Caine back from the rough lica again. . How To PUT_ OtT FrnEs.--A " con sulting ChemiSt " writes to a scientific paper thajj-Iff , happened to be. presthit some tithe ago at the burning of an oil distillery. . Tiler place Was, as unial, drowned with water, which merely had the effect of - spreading , the II a nys _a nd increasing their intensity, for thcoil burned uutittlfere appeared to be noth ing left to support the flames.• I noticed the flaming oil floating On the surface of the water on the floors. The water running down the walls bore a flain •. ino• surface of oil likewise. This shows that the water had little or no pOWOI' over the burning oil. , There was lying.near the building in - Whichlthe fire broke out a large quan tity of sand, Now, if half a dozen men, provided with spades, had "dashed" a lot of this sand upon . the flames soon rafter the fire was discovered, it would have been put, out and but little damage done. Some•titne ago I put out a tiro, which might have destroyed ate immense amount of v4luable property, by simply dashing fifty ) or a hundred shovelfuls of slacked lime,. which happened to be. near at hand, upon the flames, which literally choked them out. The fire in this ease was caused by a ca \3k of oil bekng set on fire accidentally. \ This i , otil' one of the many fires whi4lll have seen put out by adopting the 811111 e alCalle. I consider it would lte,n good plan ()when of Mich places as oil works, etc. always had at hand a quantity of sand dry old limewaste, etc., which conk be used In the manner. I have stated MUSCLE All) ALCOHOL.—A corres pondent traveling with the members of the ," National Base 1-3 all Club" of 'Washington on their tour through the country, states that they abstain froth all kinds of alcoholic drinks—regarding indulgence in this direction as fatal fo their success as-, champion players at base ball. To whait extent this rule is in force among other clubs we are una ble to state ; liut it is certainly bakd upon sound principles of physiology, and is sustained by the uniform ex perience of all persons who, have had occasion to appreciate the Value of clear brain and %trong and steady ner vous system. A ti to this practics_of the__Washing ton base ball club, conies in the testi mony of the heroes of the prize ring. No one suspects them of being preju diced in. favor of the principle of total abstinance, for the influence or (licit lssaciations_and the thole tendency of their profession lies entirely in the\ op sosite direction ; yet, no ptwilist, am bitious for it " belt," especild.ry in train ing time, thinks of taking a drop of intoxicating liquor, any more than of arsenic or.. strychnine. • He knows too well the.efrect of the r on both brain and nerve, and in Co the ring with a clear . judgment. - - The question here s :s i tsel total abstinence from ; e of intox icating drinks is it •ensablq to the complete command exercise of the mental and physical faculties, that base ball players and prize lighters are compelled to rely on it for their great est achievements, why is it not equally valuable in all the various, useful and honorable employments of life ? Sure ly tho eourso observed by tiitme. :port men is worthy of some consideration, nd Is alike applicable to all mecbani al buSines's pursuits. For our own part we regard, the ready command of ental and, physical faculties of more importance than artifical pleasure, which only tends to destroy and degrade them. NASriY'S BIOGIIAPHY.—"Nasby written his "biography," in which‘he says, " Uv my childhood I know but little. My father wuz a leading man in -the humble epeer in which he moved, holding at different tithes the various offices in the town up to constable, the successive steps beln road supervisor and pound master.- He wuz elected constable, and mite probably hey gone higher but for an accident that Occurred - to him the first month. He collected a judgment for $lB, and the money wuz paid to him. The good man was a - talented collector, but wiz singerly careless payin over wat he collected.— Ez showin the pekoolier bent UV genius uv the old man, I repeat a conVersashen rwunet heerd. A man why had an accoAt to collect wuz consultin one whia_knowed my father well, ez to the 'safety uv puttin a claim into his hands. "Ishe a good collector?". askt the .man. • "Splendid," sed the naher. "Is he a man In , responsibility ?" the; man. • -- "Sirgsed the caber, "he bez the but;you'll find when yoo try to git your money out uv his hands that he lacks the response."_, .Cood ther hey bin a more teehin tri boot ? He wuz like all men uv genius, un balanced. His ability wuz all on -one side. The grovelin plaintiff, who didn't admire sich erratic Mips, raised a ruck shen about the Paltry sum, and my ja tiler emigrated. PUL P IT ECCENTRICITY.—Rev. Sam uel C wson, a Methodist preacher of ecce is manners, sometime S -called the "wit man, " was very popular in West ern • irgipia some twenty years ego.— He was csmeyed and wiry made, and very dark skinned for a white man. At times he was surprisingly eloquent, always excitable, and once in. a while extravagant. He once accompanied a brother minister, Rev. Mr. It—, a prominent pastor, in a visit to a colored church. M`r,X. gave the coloredpreach er the hint, and of course Clawson was invited to preach. lie did so, and dur ifig the sermon,set; the, impulsive Afri fowls to shouting all over the house.— This in .turn set Clawson to extravagant words and actions, and he leaped out of the pulpit like a deer, and began to take the hands of the colored brethren and mix in quite happily.: Ile wept for joy- Then pressing through the crowd, he found brother R., and setting.down be side him, he threw his arms around his peck, and with tears streaming dosVn his cheeks, he said : "Brother'R., I al most wish I had been born a nigger.— These folks have more rengion than we have. " " Well, well, " aaid brother R., "' you tome so near it you . ,needn't cry about it. " • • A colored preacher at 4o - i,..outti re cently said in prayer: 0 Lord, be pleased' to shake .vour,tablecloth over your hungry children dat dey may be fed wid de crumbs of your love." . AlPittsburg - burglar, in whose case a juky returning the verdict of" not guilty and that the prisoner j2a the costal? were sent back by the hurt, and afterwards "came in with a second verdict of " guilty," claims his release and has appealed, on that point,' to a higher Court. What is the difference between a barber and a mother? One has razors to shave,'and the other. has shavers to raise, Mil What an als are admitted' to the opera? Puppies and white :kids. SUAnIER. DRESS GOODS 1 IN order to eell out the balance of our Summer Stock, to make room fi , r NEW FALL GOODS,- Best Crown Grenadines from.. 624 to 50 cte. Figured White Alpacas from.. 69 to 50 '• •• " 94 to . 31f Best Buff Mimscilles fret .. 874 to 624 " Grenadine Shawls T-G 00 to $5 00 . 0i) to , 4 00 Best Pra,sols 375 to 300 250 to 2011 200 to 150 'And many other articles nt equally great reduc tions. Our Stock.ut Staple Goods we aro keep ing full 'ot bargains;,selling Prints, good fast colored, at 121 cents, • Bowe Shootings, good width,,l2.4 cents, . Bleached Missiles, " 1.9 i cents. Ticking, Denims, Stripse, Chocks, Cottonades, &c., equally cheap. Our entire Stock averages lower•prices than at any4inie (luring the last live years.: J. it. PARSONS & CO. Curning, N. Y., July 23, 1867. Stoves & Tin Ware Is now prepared ty furnish the public with nything in his line of business. in quantity as large, in quality as good, and as cheap in price as any dealers in Norther»Tennsylvania. STOVE AND TIN WARE BUSINESS, and intend to he'ep a full assortment. of everything in that line. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly, and warrantbd to give 6satisTaction. RE PA 'lit ENG - exeouted-in th' best manner antl,with diepatch ITTENTION, FAMIE RS. N o IV .ISU BEAP I norm Po WM; (JIVER .t REAPER; i undoubted)}- the 1 he i st Machine in the world, almitt TVA/NE THOUSAND dirt.° Machines being now in u.o. It always takes the tires premium at Fair? mill Exhibitions. I have the Foie Agehey for this region, 'and I eau till all orders promptly. lam tike agent rol the sato or tattled fur its light and evou draft, and tor doing fal-t and good work. This MaOlin° wifil spay for itself in the saving of wages paid to mowers by any largo former in one season.' D. Y. 'ROBERTS WolLboro, June 26, IS67—tf. • To the FaVners of Tioga Cooky. WOOllB PREZ I: MO WE!? if. CQ B INED MO WER - .(C• REA P E MANUFACTURED at lloosie Falls, N. V., for sale 'to all who may want.a good relia ble-machine. These machines 'enliven known throughout the county, as being the, beet hi use, and has taken the premium over all other competitors. We shall keep an ass( t itment of JOINM iBSR MACHINES, which have lately ' been put into use. Also of the stiff bar. A !001l assortment of the guards and other fixtures Constantly on hand. Price of jointed bar machines, $llO. Cheaper than they have ever before been offered to the piddle. I PURPLE A: EIMBALI., Agentc. Wellsboro, duly 1, 18117-tf. TER, lIRAVI 1 COUGHS, 111:3, TEMPER, FE. VERB, FOUNDER LOSS OF TITLA\D VITA. ENERGY, &c. use Improves flu wind inere2zo the appetite••give a smooill glossy . skin—:m tran.rOrm3 be miserable skeletm rm' To keeper4Tit - rofr.; thH pr; paratiort i; • t minove.; the quality of the milk. It has bc , :n proven by ac tual experiment to increat , e the quail ttly of milk and meant twenty per cent and make the butter firm and t,•eet. In fattonlng cattle it giver theta on ttlip.slte 100 , 0° thew h i de, unit 'tio in thrive .In all diactiec-.1 or s uch a* COUgII3, Ulcers - in the Lungs, Liver , 0 4 Clll9 article y acts as a t•pe - Vii:. • By putting f cr k t i t t • one-half p - • to a papnr • •IP 4t4 barrel ot 1% tl, • 1-;:" 5" rn - Ltz,„—_ aboves t 2 cradi,.l'.e t--77. 7 -1--- 7 4 7 , - or entirely pr , n-ent,l. ,If i —, in time, a certain preventive :trt en--; f- , : • l I , • Price 25 Cents per ~• ~pc—S for $l. I — `l, R. 17.1 3 C11'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT ERS,-' r ealo nt Roy's Drug Store. . • TOB-WO . with de AMER Case (e ! (503a l • at a great bargain at C.IB. KELLY'S. April 1, 1867. LADIES' 4ETS from $1.50 to $3O, at deolo FOLEY'S. J. A. FARSONS & CLOSING 0112' YALE OF , tbo subscribers have made (be fa lowing GREAT RECUCTIbN FOR THE MILLION D. R0.131;1?1'6' D OPPOSITE ROY'S BUILDING, Ile pays particular attention to the L AND SEEYME 11'oll36oraugb. March i. )6,15 TilE CAYUGA CHIEF, 11 7 0OLY S 31011 7 _Eli', FOUTZ'S EM33:33311 Rrx - rATzt'.: , S. A.. 5, - .117E173. wriousttr. nrtra A's.n ntur, No. 116 Franklin P.. -0. ror Sale by itru; out the United Sta =I DAVII) E. FbIITZ, Successor For: snlo by John A. Roy, Wollsboro.. IC,• IN ITIIE BEST STYLE. and patclt,at 'OE AGITATOR Office. .CAN •WATCHES in Hunting Silver ; from 527.50 up at FOLEY'S. . •, ~• ,L , • *. p...49s4 , .. asult, , •plauguin dani.lt •fl . ' • sealefl -anoS aoj o3ptif putt outtnuxo puu (Ica ottani •uolloed:ul /awl ups goalid putt spool) tap •soppoonb lowa ut oannpaull Supioott (num) pus stnutioappl spool) km .10/10 se!Sulattaint entatt pet 'ACIOAKOIDYO saantany oatteapauji oto a t ifulisoQ lc oan atm Coq 4 , *. au 'Gamow sttit tote% Sup -v ut uoiou 4 01 f woaj tauld nuo auto t i r .000 oeug pinuqv Jowaus aojilaent con go►q+a 'pliqoatuit . 0 •11 Sit popactiva popuqopo eto of glocrum • lo acquiello 04) UVO pinom•e26, 09 ....... 1-:1 I a fzt i4O 5.4 '1 11311101111 I AdIN ')3 "3 9 it lila-NU 1.311VM-SSVI D. P. ROBERTS usaulsna aAa uu OAI3. FRESH STOCK OF GOOD SPRING TRADE and are prepared to supply llt!e wants of th ' people in Powders. ,k preparation, and favorably vn, 1%111 thor• dy eh} v Igoruta :ea-down and .spirited lkonqm, stmngthening de:twang thu nach and lutes 1. 13 a sure pre ,tl v e of all dis- ~~,0., `IIaINVId NllO3 %WILMA' MINIM in loupt 45 . 19 .{.ID I! ((Jew (pimp! lgo , i) 'suria, • bx1)J111l 115LL111E1 "• 'ROIII UOll 'IIVN 0.111 [3OllB aSIIOII • gaol' Ituvqs vilos Fuptinti lad sinyil 0M17738 311 V Zit I Vd - tarighTSYYN 'iaaJis O i l uo .tooa imply d 0 6 SRAOLLS :Y1 dVMO St( ;'4:tittlti•lJrlii Olt I I: :).0:,. Inn NH IV SPRING GOODS I.IV 44(0 RIVING, AT THI PEOPLE'S STORE WE A - -tE NOW. RECEIVING =I Adapted ( to the NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA WITH DRY GOODS. OUR LONG EXPERIENCE has taught,us that GOOD GOODS give the best satisfaction, and, those .aCcustome to patrotriie us know that we • KEEP TIE BEST GOODS that aro to he found in this section: and thos who aro not our patrons are the losers quite as much as we are. Wu keep as usual a LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHS to soli by (bp yard or MADE UP TO ORDER AND WAR RANTED WO OUR STOCK. WILL BE KEPT FULL and all Goods sold by us ° Warranted to give • !Satisfaction, AND 1 [ Sold as Low as at any other Estaly lishment. Mind that. We invite an exiteination of our Steck art Prices, pledging ourselves to SHOW GOODS FREELY AND TAKE N OFFENCE when- no egla i 8 wade. SMITH & WAITE. °inning, N. Y., Apr. 10,1887. • 1 • , 1 0---;-- ' . . t ' UGS, MEDICINES, PATEN' MED ICINES, PAINTS, OILS - , WIN DOW GLASS, & PUTTY, „. Havc come down-to Old Priceefttlaat. W E lo !l rg on eb a t t i t e n b e i: c o o to r to Noy that wai ha ve the r< - URI!: I • i f. MEDICINES,' 4 FANCY ARTICLES, TOILET SO&P, CLOTII,' HAIR, TOOTH & NAIL BRUSHES, MIRRORS,, EVER BROM,' UT INTO THIS. MARKET. PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY Pure White Lead, Pure White Zinc, Linseed Oil. Coach Varnish, Furniture Varnish, Yel low 06hre, Venetian Red, Chrome Yel low,Chrome amen, Prussian Blue, atent Dryer, Laoker, Japan, Spanish Whiting, Paris White, Kalsomine,Aesin, Tar, Log Wood, Fustio, Brazil Wood, Cam wood, Rodwoo :• Potash, Putty, Aleo cohol, 13enz.olo. Spirits Turpentine, and Koros,eno Oil, Paint taut Varnish Brushes, Which we will sell 25 per con!,. cheaper than any otjier establishment in the county. In short, we have every thing ever kept in a first class ~ b and all we wile is tor you to call anti examine our stock uud prices before buying eleewbel. 'Re member we can't be undersold. All goods warranted or no sale. MR. WILLIAM ROBERTS Lego to IT-IL announce to tho citizens of Tioga County, that In addition to his excollent stook of 4tovos, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and lleet-Iron Ware, he has, at a groat outlay, stocked his storo on with a cbmplete assortment of Shelf Ilardwaror of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, • AUGERS, BITTS E • BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE- - TREES, ELLIP TIC - SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HA,NGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS ) PISTOL C4.RTRIDGES, POWDER AND • .CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a anew thing, and made for use. Those arojbut a few of the many articles composing our-stock of Hardware. Ea invite the public tvall and examine for theniselves. We nim to keep the best finality of goods in our lino ; and all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS' MUSIC ! MUSIC.—The Tiogl Cornet Band in now in good bloiwing ordet and prepare to furnish good Nyyttio on all occasions for a roa sonoble componsaron. All communications should •be addressed to tho Loader and Secretary at Tioga, Pa. F. 11. ADAMS, Leader. T. A. WIOKIIAM, Sec'y. April 3,1867-6 m. R. WILLIAMS' & . . . S - Ai IPER MEWL ' E., =I TENT MEDIEJNES, YANKEE NOTIONS, P.ERFUMERT, WINES &• LIQUORS, &C„[ We ban Ao the Largeof•Mtock of Such as DRUG STORY; P. It. WILLIAms, P. It WILLIAMS &Co 3. L. Witi.t.ims. f No. 3 Tinian Wellaborn, June 26, 1867 Stemves:: AND HARDWARE! MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, %Heber°. Sept. I, 1866-tf. NEW FIRM: TO BUY 4. SBA 13 OUR B USINESS ! WE will buy nt the highest market price, the following articles,. SHEEP PELT S, DEACON - SKINS; " .DEER SKINS, FORS, HIDES, AND VEAL SKINS, • for which we will pay cakt, We will manufacture tlipsler, French or house tanned CALF or KIP BOOTS, in the best man ner and at fair rat , * and pay °swirl] attantioil to REPAIRING. ALSO, We havo a first-rate stook of READY-MAHE WORK, on which we will not ho undersoldjuni from this time no shall make it a point to keep op the host stook of LADIES' _G.AITERS, to ho found iu the ceunty, which we will sell at a ,lewer profit than finch articles hayei over been offerud In this region. We shall likewise keep up• a good assortment of LADIES' BALMOIKLS, L E Air HE R BOOTEES, CI A DREN'S AND • MISSES W KOF VA RIOUS TYLES, and all styles of MEN'S WORK. LEATHER : FINDINGS - can be botight of us as cheap as any where this aide of New York, and we shall keep a full stock of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP PER, SOLE, LININGS, AND BINDING. . Our stook of PEGS, NAILS, THREAD, A 1178, RASPS, GLOVERS' NEEDLES, LASTS, TREES,. CRIMPS, with SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS and FINDINGS, will ho found the fan. gest in the county, and we sell for small profits. Wo talk business and we wean business. We have been in this region long enough to be well ktiown—let those who know us _try us. Corner of Main and Grafton streets, opposite Wukßob oda' Hardware Store, C. W. SHAHS, GEO. 0. DERBY. .!Moro, ApriL 24, 1.867—tf. ±--- NEW GOODS AND NEW PRICES T. A. WICKHATtPS, TIOGA, PA. ITAVING just returnedTro.. New York with New and carefully seleted STOCK OF GOVS, 4,ll , those in want of Goods wtll find it to their interest to call and. , a EXAMINE OUR STOCK and loarn Prlcoa bofore: buying elsewhiero Ropt 'constantly on hand, a choico lot of DRIED FRUIT, GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, &0., &C All the above Goods are bought at the !owes Cash Prices and will be sold ONLY rOR CASH OR READY PA. c - ~--: ~t.,~~_.~a _~hq ~fu$~.l6AME do WIOKHAM. - Tioga, Pa., Feb. 20, 1867-tf. WELLSBORO FOUNDRY - AND MACHINE SHOP. TIRE subscribers+ having procured additional • _i_ machinery aro now ready - to furnish to order all sorts or CASTINGS, SOO AS 0 °I 11 - PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, FIEL D ROLLERS, MILL GEARING, ; SLEIGH•SHOES, W 0 0 Lol c i 1 SAWING MACHINES, &c., &c., &c. ~, Wo have Woo a WUUBWURTB PLANER, , for eustorn and Job work, `Yo aro ales, prepared to do SLITTING & SCROLL 44WING to order Having a first-class screw-outting Lathe, we are prepared to melee CHEESE PRESS SCREWS, to order. Builders of Cheese Factories are re. quested to examine our work. We manufacture the Champion Plow, , p iio of the finoet implements in the market. ' Cash paid for OLD IRON. CHARLES' WILLIAMS, F. L. SEARS. Wellabor°, May 15, 1867—if. .. • 1867, WRIG/1T Sc BAILEY. 1867, NVE commence this yeai•with an exclusively (7.AS/I business, CASH ' PAID FOR WHEAT II I CASH , PAID FOR OATS 1 CASH PAID FOR CORN I CASH FOR EVERYTHING 11 A LARGE STOCK OF FLOUR FOR CASH I A LARGE STOCK op FEED FOR CASH A IeRQE STOCK OF PORK FOR _CASH 1 Call and saa us. WRIGHT 44 BAILEY "Wellsboro, Jan. 9, 1867-Iy. All persons indebted• to ns by note or book account must call and settle or pay costs. • Jan. 3, 1867. WRIGHT. & BAILEY. A FEW MORE PIECES of those substantial Shootings and Bhirtings;ll April 1, 1867. O. B. KELLY'S. Rica 8.. emian Glass 'Vases, at dee 9 . FOLEY'S.- You *lll find the latest arrival of New Goods a KELLY'S April 1, 1867. . PHOTOGRAPHIC; H. & H. T. ANTIIONY & CO.,' i Manufacturers of Photographic Naterials NVUOLETALE AND RETAIL, 501 BROADWAY, N. N. la addition to ourlaiD,bilsinosa of Photographic Materlale we are IreOquartere for the following, via: 'Stereoscope' & Stereoscopic Views Of Ainerican and Foreign Cities atid 'Landscapes, Groups, statuary, etc. Stereoscopic Views of tho War, From negatives made in the various campaigns•and forming a complete Photographic history of the great context. Stereoscopic. Views on Glass. Adapted for either Nagle Lanterns or the iltereoecope. Our Catologno will bo eont to any address on receipt of Stamp. Photographic Albuu►a. Wo nianufacturo tuoro largely than any ether house, about 200 varieties front 60 cents to $6O eaeh. Our ALBUMS have the roputation of tieing superior in beauty and durability to - ull others ° 1 . Card' Photographs of Generals, States- men, Actors. etc., otc. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, statues, etc. Cata logues sent en • receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods 0.0. D; will please remit 25 per cent, of the amount with their order. TUo prices and quality of ouK goods cannot fail to satisfy. ' Jan. 2,1867-Om. WAKE NOTIOE.—On receipt of We Dollar by mail I will send reelopes " for preparing ootnpounds which with rareful using will eiteetu ally restore gray hair to its original tutor, pre vent premature decay and falling off, and impart a smooth and glossy appearance to hair deadened by sickness. JNO. D: GALLAGHER, Aug. 21, 1867-3 m. Wilmington, Delaware.,' - 1866 s ' FOR BALE. - 1866. BY B. C. WICKIIAM, T HIS NURSERY CIF FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA :- 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 -Pear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES .t- SHRIUBBERY. The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them largo and in bearing. Any one wishing to gdt- o supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. irgr• Delivered at the depot free of charge. `Vega, Feb. 28, 1866-Iy* LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. BRADLEY' Celebrated PaMn - - • DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) s„, SKIRT. 1 .1 • /THEY REY will not bend or break like the single spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shepe w en three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as tiniest'. Tho,hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, end the bottom rods are not only 'dou ble springs, but twice (or 'double ) covered; preventing them from wearing out When dragging 'down stoops, stairs, &c. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex... Elliptic Skirt, will be experienced particularly: In all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad core, church pews, arm chairs; for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small pinto as easily and conveniently as s silk or muslin dress, an in. valuable quality In crhaollue, not found in any single eprir g skirt. ~.. A lady having enjoyed the- plearara, coMiort and great convenience of wearing the tiunle.x elliptin steel spring skirt fora single day. will never afterwards will ingly dispense with their use. For children, rdleSes and young ladles they are superior to all others. •. - . The Duplex Elliptic IBA great favorite with all ladies, and is universally recommended by the fashion , maga tines, as the standard skirt of the fashionable To enjor the following inestimable advantages in crinoline, vl4: superior, quality, perfect mahufacture, stylish shape azt finish. flexibility, durability, toinfort and economY, iMilre for .T. NY- Bradley's Duplex ERIN tic,or double spring skii-t, and be sure you get the gen uine article., CAUTION'!—To guard against imposition, be particu lar to notice flint 'eliirts offered as "duplex" have the rod ink stamp, viz: J. W. Bradley'at.lluplex EMptic Steel Springs," upou the waistband—none others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin being passe through the center, thps revealing the two (or double) springs braided togctho therein, which is the secret of•their flexibility and strength, end &com bination net to bo found in any otherkin.: Far sale in all stores where first ciao \. skirts nro sold throughout the United States and e otter(); Menu factuted by the sole owners of the pal' ut, \VESTS, MUDD Y & CARY, _ July3,3m. 97 Chambers &79 & 81it ado ste., N. Y. Popular Dry Goods Trade T HE Subscriber is• now receiving hie SPRING STOCK Among which will be found inimy of the mos popular Btylos of 33 NEti , 000300 SHAWLS, CLOAKINGS & SACKINGS, at prices that are worthy of attention. - PRINTS, 1, OINGHAMS. BROWN AND BLEACII'D I%IUSLINS, TICKINGS, DENIMS, STRIPE SHIRT INGS, TABLE LINENS, BROWN & BLEACHED, NAPKINS, TOWELING'S, LACE AND EMBROIDERED WINDOW CUR TAININGS, EMBOSSED AND' PAINTED TABLE AND • PIANO' SPREADS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, 4-c. Special attention is called to his CLOTHING & 'TAILORING( PARTMENT, Where a perfect fit is.guaranteed or no sale. • A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. T11.0151A8 HARDEN. Wellsboro, May 15,1867. • STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MANS FIELD, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. F. A. Allen, Principal, Professor of Natural and Mental Science. J. T. STREIT, A. M., Professor of Languages. CHARLES H. VERRILL, A. M., Professor. of 'Mathematics. Mss. L. M. PETERSELIA, Modern Languages 'and Drawing. Miss SUE E. CONARD, H. E., Eugb. Branches. Man. MARY J. BRIGGS, B. E.. Principal of the Model School. I. G. HOYT, Professor of Vocal and Instrumen tal Ifusio. Pjirsa ALICE B. SEELEY, Assistant Instructor of Music. ScllOOL YEAR 1862-8. First farm begins September 4, 1867, Second term begins Decemb'r 9 ". Third term begins March 28, 1868. . EXPENSES PER TERM OF 14 WEEKS. Fall and Spring Term, including board, room rent, tuition, book rent, fuel, oil, and washing, ... $OO 00 Winter Term, ' 64.00 Day students, tuition and book runt, 10 00 Total expenses for school year, $lB4 00 No extra - charges. Rooms furnished with stoveb, chairs, tables, stands, pails, bedsteads, mattresses, palms% and one comfortable. For further Information send for Catalogue. Aug. 7, 1887, Bw. Address, Principal. HO, FARMERS! • GET THE BEST. ?DBE ..BLODGET pREMIUM HARPOON HORSE PORK ahead of all otiviirs in market; when tested with other Forks it never fails to give a decided preference. Be sure and examine before,limying others. All orders shciuld be addressed to either. J. R. WEEKS, WM.-dHAMBERLAIN,-J. H. CAMP BELL, or C. Li PECK, Nelson, Tioga County, Pa. July, 3,1867-3 m.. Ncw Spring [Woods just receives at C. B. KELLEY'S. April 1, 1867. • Also, a full lino of PIS.OTSIIT - M". WHOLESALE DREG STORL •' 1 Y. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDSI INKS, cONCEN- 'PRATED MEDICINES, CIN- CINNATI WINES AND BRANDY; WHITE- WASH LIME, CEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDI CINES, PETROLEUM OIL, ROCIIESTER PER• : ( FUMERY AND FLAVORING EX`fIiACTS,- WALL • PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, AND DYE COLORS, Bold at Wholesale prices. Buyers aro requested to call and get quotations before goitTg further East W..D. TERBELL & CO Corning, N. Y., Jln. 1, 1867.-ly THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION IS A. LAWRENCEVILLE C. S. MATHS R & CO Would announce to the good people of Tioga County that they hare just returned from New York with their second full 'stock of FALL fic WINTER GOODS, ______ embracing all the n ovelties ns well no tho sub stantials required. ' DRESS GOODS in all vvieties, STAPLE & FANCY GOODS,HOOP SKIRTS,:- & BEST FREN.I. WOVE COR- - - SETS, GLOVES AND HO. • SIERY, YANKEE NO TIONS, &c., &c. FURS ! FURS ! I MINK, CONY, and Siberian Squirre Tho largest Stock of CLOTHS & CASSIMERES in the - county ,READY MADE CLOTHING, and currruNo made to order super intended by first class kmen. SHOP MADE BOOTS & SHOES in end less variety, HATS & CAPS to suit all tastes, GROCERIES, &C., &C. Our goods have been bought during the last panic in New York and will be sold at panic prices. Prices are down, monopoly broken up. No other 5 ttgo can or dare compote with us in qual ity and price. For further particulars call at the titere of C. S. MATlllill.'t CO. Lawrenceville, Dec. 19, LW. J. STICKLIN,, 4111- ‘ Chair Maker, r rnrnor, and / Furniture Dealer, SALE ROOM, opposito Dnttt's Wagon Shop Migan,Street. FACTORY in 'Scars ti Wit Rams Foundry, second story. Orders promptly 611 ed arm( satisfaction guaran toed. Farley Turning done to order. Wellsboro, Jnno 12, 1867. J. STICKL IN. Tioga - Marble Works. HE undersigned are now pre t pared to axe T cute all orders for Tomb shl," and Montt moats of either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE of the latest style and approved workmanship. and with dispatch. We keep constantly on hand; both kinds of Marble and will be able to suit all who way fa vor us with their orders ? on as reasonable' terms as can be obtained in tho country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned aind made to look as good as new. WILCOX & ItHITNEY I, Tina, May 22, 1807-tf. • To the Yarmers of TiOga County • AM now building at tnylnanufactoryiin Lawreneo villa, a superior FANNING- 1111 LI„ which possesses the following advantages over allother mills: • I. It separatos, oats, rat litter. and fond seeds, and chess and cockle, from wheat. a 2. It cleans flax seed, takes ont yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. 3, It cleans timothy flood. 4. It does all other separating required of a mill. , . This mill is built of tiro host and most durable tim b0r, , 10 good style, and is sold cheap for coal, or pro duce. I will fit a patent Move, for neparating Date Gyro wheat, to other mills, on reaeonable terms. J. II- MATHER, Lawrencovillo, October 10, Ist3e-t f WALKER & LATHROP, DEALERS IN - HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STQ VES, TLALWARE, WILTING, NAWS,4IIIIERY WATER LIM_E, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriago and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, Ittc‘. Corning. N. Y., Jan. 2, 1867-Iy. P NEWELL, DENTIST, MANSFIELD, Pa., ..1E - • grateful for the very liberal patronage herotofoost received, will continuo so as to per form all dental operations, as to merit the rapidly increasing professional demands now engaged. All operations in all departments of the profes sion executed in the best possible manner. All now, useful inventions and improvements adopt ed. The highest } good of his patrons the ultimo turn of his ambition. ~ Dec. 5, ROY'S CHOLERA DROPS CURES COLIC, CURES DYSENTERY, CURES C.FIOLER..4 MORBUS, , CURES CHRONIC DIARRHEA, CURES all Bowol „Complaints, but does not ,ouronytbing elm This medicine is no cure-all: It the confidence. of every body. for it is never known to fail : it should bo kept on band by every'family. Sold by dealers in medicine at fifty cents per bottlo. For Eflie in Wellsborough at Roy's 'Drug Store. mUSICAt INSTRUMENTS.—J. Shake pear, dealer in lii?oker & Brother and Haines & Brothers pianos,'Mason & llatnlin cab— met organs, 'front, Linsey & Co. melodeons. and the 13. Shoninger melodeons. Room over J.R.. Bowen's 'store. ' Sept. 12, 1866. FLOUR FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, buolturheat flour, corn meal and feed, always on hand. Call at the Charleston Mlllbefore buy ing your flour and feed. I can oinks it an object for you to buy. A. RUSSELL. May 16,1866—tf CHOIOE• LOT OP. GRAIN BAGS foi. eale cheap ! at WRIGHT & BAILEY'S. Wellaboro, June 5, 1867.' CIALENDER, French, Marine and Church 0100110, at s (decl9] FOLEY'S. LINES OF TiRAVEL. _ERIE RAILWAY,' Ou awl after )(Multi)", Augilit 211111; Itsre7, tr.in, Hilt !env° Corn ing at lihott r the_ WETIWM:II) BOUND t • • , . 12:25 n. m., Expir e s ;flail. Suitila) t, excepted 1„, it ,, t . , la Saliinimica, an ,1 Dtinklrk, CO), i,Petio,: will. ii.i . ,,: for the Wont. f.:34 a in Night Expreath 2unda) ,o t'xtel•tod, for Itufno, Salamanca, and Dunkirk, malt ing thi ccr Lai !e l t •,; with trainu ti the Atlantic A: °lent {Yeme n ,. j; k - ,. Shore,anilOreind Trunkititllwaye, ter n il „Aim qt,, 7:074. iii.,Niglit. Express, Daily, for Ihiffilla,Frilan it , , Dutilsir I. and the West;'connecting a s abet e, N ; • 7:15 t. tn., Night Exptenn, L. , timinys exc,. 1 , 4(1. (or r trtt r and Buffalo, via Avon. , 10:: a, in. Mail Train, SundaYa excepted , 1 - 0 jj,dj,:, aid . Du Oath, connecting at Eltnira fo-T-Camindata..,' 1:;1:1 p: in. Baltimore Exprrei, IF,uhday. excepted, , r 4 Itorhe9ter and . Buffalo, via'Avon. 7:03 p. tit.. bay Express, Sundays esxceple.l, for 1,,, t4 : :ntanylncit, Dunkirk anti the W,.,,i, 5 r-..'"et , tin, 4 Binghamton for Syracnne; at Otygo fur Itt.tri• . ' t }Amiga for Canamhtigtin: at liniamanca Mill the is, lantic and Urine .We.terii Bann ny ; at Illitlak Will, the Lake Slime. 111141 Grand !Brunk 11ai1w.)0,,,„,i 5 , 1 Dunkirk with thy 1411i13 Hhoro Railway, ki all 1,,,,,,,, WeH t and noun]. • :7;10 p la Bay Expraini, tin inlay. excepted, ter 1t0d,,,,, t 12 50 pto Way Freigh t. .9 iiiidnyn exreptid. 5:40 p. in.,. Emigrant train. Daily, for the West PAW/WARD 11013 ND. P:l6 at tn., Night Ex pro,a, $1111iitl) e'irephd, coDUIW ing at tiray,t;ourl lot .IVDtaick, mai at York with afternoon traits and steeituet,i-,o her and Now Englautl 4:18 a. tn., Cincinnati Exprets, Niolohly Vcepteil Heeling nt Elmira for Philo& the South; at Owego for Ithaca; at 11141,buitui fur Syraeline ; at fircat Bond for Scranton, 11,110 1. phis, and Trenton: tit Lackawaxen for Ilua ley, and it Gritycourt for Newburg and IVarwick„ 10.15 am Accommodation Train tinily, jconoeCticg it nt klinira for Canandaigua. ' 10:18 a. ur ,1)11 - Y - EXIICe!19;DIIIIIIY4 o.l4C4l l f4,il ; 4obu ect i r • at, Elmira for Cllllllll.la.ig 114/10. fet SltiY 0m,,0 at AI eat, Bond for ranton, at flaw:icy, and at .liii• - 86 It tali, 1 16ight Train of Now Jersey Rallrc,ail for PNlas,lplifs,twv. more and Washington. _ 3:12 p. DilltilflOrt EXpretO4,SIIII eXell/ted, 4:35 p. In., Now York nod Baltimore MaiVEciTalays copted, connecting at Elmira for-liat dolphla, iind South. 7.07 p in ,Lightuing Exprertl, S l / 1 1(111) 4 excepted , noct iUg at JorAuy City ait 11 meaning express tree, cf Now Jot soy Railroad tot Baltinula nod Wiwhingt,t• and at Now York with morning txpri.",•s traini ft, I.loBton 1111 a till, gutet. 112:30 p. nt. Way Froigl,t, Sundays excepted. 1 Wll. It. Bititir, - 11 Pass. Agent. ' 0 , 1011 , u ;", Northern Central R.. 11 TRAINS FOR THE Noian. Tinian tot Cana aclainialeare Elmira tt ft , 110 Z. M.:comm.lotion at I:7.4prese [l4.l3tout train on road] ..... ...... 11433 r. Vall r 4 Way Prelglit,fpaesoager coach attached]......... Ott and after Apra 2£417,18b7, /mine uiii 11 111 , , 1 , 1; depart from Troy, as follows; - morixa bontu. - MOVING 201111 Ekpress 636 pin Express ' 10 le 610,1 660 apt Elmira :Alan ......... 6,5 Vt Local Freight lO 69 ain Local Fieight..„.. 3 Through Freight 9 56 p m I Thrangh Freigh 2(.9, }:. N. !MOWN, Lir.t'up't _ _ . Illoosbukg & Corning, & Tioga R.. 11 Tanins will inn us fullowa mail further Loth,. Accommodation—Leaves Blossburg 'at 6,C0 a. m , )1 4 , field at 5,85. Tioga at 8,20 -Inure meviii e at riving e.t Corning at 10,20 a. In. Mall—Leaves Mosaburg at 2,33 Minatield "_'hogs -at 4,0 u, 1...11,1 cub:sill. at 4 di at . tip 111._ Nrifir-4.(11T1 . 9 Corning at 8 a. in , Laur, p .! 'Taiga at 10,02. llariallebl at lo.4o—aiiiviar at , burg tit /1,:i0 a. m. • Accounnoiliition—Leavea Coining at 4 , Li p ct, I renceyille at at 7.0 - 2, IL . a.uit hl at arriving at Illoa,burg at p. al. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Trains on re Philadelphia d Lric Rail t 5 /.0 1 11.A1 n . EzTIVAIt I) 31nil l't •• 11'11 t •• ~1 e . ;et Et , LI le E.\ 11,..,S v,LI es .1;1111.010101m • iill.Luippa arr. Elam it Mail •• •• -•• ‘Vilii,or,p,lt • • arr. at Luck !lain; 8111.01. E:(1 , 1 !envi 151111,11)1.w:ill I. •• arr.:At 1.01:1,•. !fax et) ..., EA :=,TIVAED. Mail Train leave: T:i ;a ...,, .. .. ...• - •‘ IVlll.4lnFpui I " arr. at Philaildplii I Erki %xure.in learra Lila . . :. - 1., i. Li . 4 k• " Williumepurt . . -1:26 A la " - arr. at I.ln.lachApllla ...... .... .. lir) I. a. Ettaira Mail leac.ls Lock 11art.n • . ;.1:. h a, .• ‘• ‘• V illlaninport S'l:, , I, " I t " arr. at PLll.l(kelplii.t 010 ,n Ltaic lave - u Acc in lent ci 1.4.(1: Ilavan . 1;.. • c • • kit“, Wllllani.part - ,- arr. at Plithidelphia tlantic and preat.Wcsiorn It W' l .!...1L,..1:%1 ANCA hTATION, 11 ETTIVARD BuLND. E.'O,ITWARDI;9I"‘/. man .5.3 u r Ilxprenr ' .. A ccounno.lation . 5,35 I 51;111 . Express 12 hi Atroinicalatll , ll. Expcess . . , 11.Un AdCory tl,lre inn junction with Erie, and CO'Creek Rail Roads. At Meadville with the Franklin nut) Oil i'Jthole At Leavittsbnrgo tho Malioniny Branch ninlor h rect route to Cleveland. At ii., enrl , Lunn , ct, nut Cleveland and Pittlaugh Railroad. The }toad pithseethrough Akron, A eidand, Marion, ittbnnn and Dayton, in tei vect cal iut.,t, roads, iitid terminates at eincilitk.itti•fi , 1,. U.. It UOK ER, (lan Real Estate Sale THE Subiseriber will sell or rout the folletting valuable property, to )vit : One tavern stand in Lawrenceville. • One, farm, on which he now re...idcs, one 11,311 mile from' thret; churches, two School llama:, two grogfshope, and one railroad, and shoot the same distance frilin the line of the Wellsburo aid Lawrenceville ltailr'ead. The farm contatn: ItS acres of - good land., 50 acres timbered, well wa tered, and very productive. It requires that the seed should be sowed and planted. however, to ensure a harvest. One farm in Julkson toivithhip, first-rate place fo- a cheese lamely: ' Also--lor niules,c7,p ,, sheep, and other stock, cheap en (Ascii:ado:oms. • *.i. S. BALDWIN. Lawrence, ftpr. 17, 1867-tf. - Pinning & Turning, B. T. VAN ROHN, AWNO got bis now Factory in operattec. is now prepared to till orders for Ca'lhr...; Ware promptly and in the beet style of %‘orktio , ship. Having procured a WOdDIi'ORTII PLANEE, ho is ready to dress boards or SCROLLWORK & .111-IACEEP,, furnished to order. Ills machine, are (d Ole no est rad most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl arui \Vain- WELLS 8080, PA., Oct. 31, 1366-tf. DEMORESI"S MONT 11 L MAGAZINE. universally achnonledged the Aledel Part ' Magazine of ,America; devoted to lOriginul So Poems, Sketches, Architecture and Moir! Cottages, household Matters, Gems' of 'llo Personal and Literary Gossip (including q-Noi departments on Eazhions), Instruction. , uu Gymnastic, Equestrian Exercises. Mii•ic, meats, etc. :- all by the best authors, and itrave iy and artistically illustrated with c0:413 via go I Nil • size), useful and reliable Pataini. Embroideries, ‘lewldry, and h :311)11 of artistic non hies, v. it II othir unttil entert•tining literatme. • No person .of refinement, econorni , at livuo• wife, or lady of taste can afford to do %%attest Ile Model :!onthly: Single copieit.:{o rent,; bar numbers, as :peciinens, 10 remit.: cutter tree. Yearly, with a - va/mible pt . copies, $5 50 ; three copies, $7 :•0; ti‘c ref:' and splendid premiums tor dui.: With the tir.,d preteutiM , to v.ul tUI liter W. .1 1•;:NNIN.!;. - 8. DEM Ogl;:st , De in o rust's MNenot.hll:3-all'ird'al:;::'L.;' '- ether $l, with the premiums • HAND POWER LOOM - . _ [Patented 1565.] AIA, per,,,nd Intel o:4teil in tho introductio n practical unit huiery tut° our F ountry.nr e requested to investigate the'tnerits of END I.;RSO HAND POWER' LOoN Thin loom will do all hind, of hand v.eoini! It will weave,'Wns,,hlatilcots; plain cloth. F 3U• net. horsey, flannel. re'atniet•s nark, don; lc blankets, 'or' any kind of eettonrwoel er .;loth.. It treads the treadles, throws the .11u:dr , lets ell' the woh, and takes up the eloth• It I " .lk '' •he tipper shorlis the batten epmq; vrpt• 0 " . beats up the tilOnir, iifter the crowi node, '.lug better cloth nod letter telvnge,tlian c•lr. rondo in any °thee* ay. , Looms made - to - Order and. warranted. •\ it the she on Wpter Street, eign Enetnry." - LEWIS W ETM OEI. ..Wollsbero, March . 20, 1867—a. LAMPS.—A now kind ' of lamp foiKerosgne— no breakage bkf..V.4iinneya—at FOLEY'S. L. 11. Sli ATII7CI:, Sup I 1. lA, t 44, 'I. e .4;) I) a • r• (41. N .11 A. I....Trt.r.rc, Vl•II! ill _,_____ . _plank with dil•Ntrh B. T. VAN 111,1:N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers