110 ME MATTER NViDNESDAY; OCT. 16, 1867 VIASONIC of...SEA 1.0141 E. No. 31i. A. v. M., inita.ts nt their Hall, o e noy'n drug store, an Tneetgly evening, on of before tliFull Mt.on... at 6 o'clock l'. TVORA CHAPTER, No. 1:1-1, R. A. 31. meets •nt the 11:01, on. Thursday evening, ( on or 1;e1ore . the Full Moun, at 6 'oclock M. • • 'll - 00A COUNCIL, No. 31, le. St 13. meets Ilk tl 11alL1 on the -third Friday of oacli calendar month, ),1 ti o'clock I'. Id. • TVA() AOIITON COM3IANIMILY. z , 70.-2 , 3, of IiNIfiIITS TKNITL. ,I It, and t i apvetAillt 01,1,T H , meaty nt tlk• Hall. 011 tile thbt Friday or enell calendar month,.al t ti Mock P. Id. Now Advertinetuentts. hop Saeking—DeLano k Co. Wilson Vaikenburg. New FTIO—A3OdiIIO at CO, A1*(14,01'8 Notices—Jerome 11 Niles, Notice—lsrael Stone, New Alillinery--Mrs Kimball, - Cash paid fur Butter—New Bitelculteit Flour Wright Jr, Bailey, Notice in Bankruptcy. Tioga Hardware store. . Te.A At eetint of the friends of Tempetunee held in tit Court House, Thursday after noon, Oeb:)lier 24th, at 2 o'clock. A County Tem perance Union, auxiliary to the Pennsylvania State Teuiverauce Union, will be organised. The Meeting will be addressed by Rev. U D Chenow eth, Cor Secy of the State Temperance and others. Ktc premium List of-the Agricultural Society-will be pubiklied next week. FTUIT.—We are obliged to -Mr. Johi Boatman, of Delmar, for a quantity of mammoth apples and quinces. Solue.of the former aro im mense. ~ Itta;:cois.—?ilessrs. Bodiri Sr. Co., 1 we puroba.9ed the leek lately owi 0,1 by Bullard ,& Truman, a nd propoco to ()peg a •igerous cam paign in the line oT trrde. ' . Tr Aracs.—Mr. James Steele, 4 Del nar, has our thanks for a Chinese Melons closely allied to the citron, and recommended 03 . , c;iiperior to th t fruit for preserves. We' shall try it and repel : resulte. DEDICATED.—The ‘Velsh Congrega tio,nal Church, South Charleston, on the 29th nil. We hear the series of meetings held there spoken us' with much enthusiasm.• I3n.novintENT:l3.--Hi‘tr. A. B. Eastman, the Dentist, is' about greeting a ,new office on his lot, ]fain :Stiet , t, which promises ti he an improve 'rlie.-,•econtl story will be fitted up as a Photograph Gallery, to be occupied by Mr. Arthur Kity, (Lll experienced nperator from the West: IZEvI:vAL,—AII - extensive revival of fora taken pliteo at Stony Fork , A ;thin the tnotit b. .1‘ nwetings extending thiough tc voioll of several tceeka, nder the eon daet of Res°. y 110)ck Sillith 1 l.FU)ledi iq al.aat, fifty iNatwerFione, 08 the aernin t reaeh i e.s u- 'Pe,enty-one candidates were: limner:;4l on. the s l;th roar., at) reeeive,l into the laptist chttleh of I)ehenc. ' TRW.' 1)18'111?„101" Mll 1:-_.1T1•11.18 Assia‘lA n,N.---Itev. Mr. Ilmic writes' us that 411. , In-. 4 naading ~I. I lie currenL qtatforian., year, will I,: livid at I,litistitirg, 'Tuesday 1111,1 IVI•i111;;:1).1 . y, o,t. 22 and 2:1. etatatitmeing at 2. P. M., 4,r Ttve>, , 1".. 'nit. "pelting, address by Res...lll .. .Minor, ol , 11 , TueQday i•%, ening, sermon by ItiW. 0. 11 IA i1,,,,t), .1 !V4dh.baro. Sunday Sehdol Conventual Wednv:: day n I 2. P. M. to b.. addlinaa.,l I,y lie‘. Mt -4r , , Ilowe, Volian and Tltimip , ..ls. Al is -I,,iin ) y 111(1 I- lag AVO,ln , •-dav I.V(.11illg, bl I', : I;hi te , ;( 64ll,y lie,. :‘[. -I- ‘ . 111•111 . ..iti, P. P., iiiynnl . !l .11111 111 11 ( M . ,. -- 1 tus 11„1,,1 SO.WaVIN C.0)%1 - iii I..ii ill' li' 101 )1"11- II 1 . I , I P. \I. 'l`,l) oophl us PilliPoddie' ( -:• (1' %.110. himr; 11,ve);Miee , 1 :11sIM del< - riman.q. liv 4linritt.o• ‘.l.ltco. liy .nr f), in. I .11f.nt have til mixime alatining lit , ougned to 01// - fimitt d that a . f 2 I 1...1t DI .1 ;be 1)00,1 cid • 1 the Lti,ric the ;ilk:, -iinei es iviiieli .: iiiee in to stiiii.l.i.y . ;:i- t 0 tins:llll4 elet he- I and' that it was eiiiiiletoto,l v. it li 0.0 b g newel , . to a FiX. (hip , itht,trcel'ail..ll It( AA Vit t los re, %:::t the light mi,.;ht f.tde it. :Aloft over . , 'flit - oplOtt-, IL inilifete,s Lltt At. a fact th.lt it ieli4toti :t good thing, and- w to tTgai d it. it i- • , n. of :liiii.e gill things'ot wlr), elt no :thfit ,4 .'"‘i oloall • An have toienfu:ll ; that, like cosh, it iii_prii% 0: by eir eabitlon end stows better lit use : - that if is the Loui lii healthy le.t•ineie: ,if oliat_bi a nili -once r. and that, deprived of iIF 0 , !- , al Beat on, politic del.! w., ttt . 111111 10!;:uery aitil seoundrelisin. SVit nest I:eliealtacy .1.- illustrated lit Andrew Johnson. t",tefli. Hughes, 1'... 0 utile NVinel. Ilorat in tze;% mein. i:i ;ii yi al i. ov».t. .11111 i. • 1. LII-lhii , S—tlat• but olirill It-Ira:lit, 1% hieli e'iiin `of ti 11:tious imptili. iitnl It liaarlis %. itibitlithle i es:Annul: of cheattiry. la a‘iiure 'l‘heophilus that, when ineit and women :hake out of their i-unday clothes the religion now therein. entangled, 'giving it to the world in to:- int,ns every day in the 'yrir, :the . tror'd will he :,•ysttral.'3; Lettered. Give ..%.01tr it lig,i in pliant;. : , eta, and air, and exere4c, 'a»t:i you'lnity hill, iii fiance 10 that 11.% rpersia iii svhe r'')ul A/11kb nor t: ii Ile - baud bottle of ilit giiiii, litters can core. —A , a long career of sucee: and many .) e ar , Ittio.)ant health are Oct all gam. sr, .teem•ional dkatter in buoinese, lever aml idague, aryl oeca. aural grief are not all Few r:.en can grat-e -fully h ncl until they have been forced to horlow. feaer, trill, can sytnyetthiae with mi9lortune until they 'paste felt its stings: The man or woman into tt the non of adversity has not entered. ft:o. cvl! yrt a pc otraLle expenenee 4 - 4 - life. Take Idnd tts ordlnanLep. a• .1 ,t.irtuig punt: ;Otto toile light ahd “.:I•;.liet.v %%hid' we vild,nig i tt .tnd 'them ;',.r.• :met calms, t.or•iutai and antt tuiti vae - 1 heat, even in mi.unie.. - .1 We have tour e:11.02 . .". 1 • 6 , 1 ~ .11 have oterna) Alow if you will go within the ar. te eir r : bat 4 . j ,at %%in not ekoopc to go there. 'You e:.n 1..1 eternal :prlng on curve of the 4,1.3 111 the hat you would the of that. Yhtt eafi have 0•rt,,,1 stuntner at the e q uator, but you will not -. that. a eolitinthil spring of hope • ! , ali upon the seltS . e, and perperthul joy in wottltoein create distaste r the joys of the other ttorl,l. happily, tll6 nutter tuiw of gild' hi; this ‘vorld b,,,followell by file Noll% time of hope, and hope, leading thoungli the delightful ill tilll freti n of its fruits 111 the 11111.4111:trIVC nl{llllllll. lt , ! I,l ltent. good 111_01I10 %%lib thu heauliful eorres lorlidullet`S 111 nattivae ant! human life. As: for nn ulirnclez, noruvensions of 1:114, )1:1t. a.4pt lie bitter With the sweet and l lure thanks. MA NPFIELD. , --"" writes 114 1"11 , ,w4 : vi .it the m y ( ftyl,- , I , y 41,..;.1,t. , t in Illy hititrt.‘ cutout.: th:tt T ettititi Hot but in it, an !sow .1 1111. :111.0 1.. r fL., gt ,p 1 lb. , pillions of -rip , ,kitit or." •• rho oolmoi of W(lkhoro Alain rend,o,d %.. - tir•on.t by Ow burning' of Lome-. Dri;' `toe and NViwelkn'.s 411 lot•V:TV:1A 11.11 V ovenpir:d 1n a ilouri , hing dry }roods: for rulersopervbion of J. W. IVillhohn, nho alway. on !bind r,i pr- t 111„ ,010011,,,e. • np r , r mow :tie 11011" ,1 1•1'11- 101 , 1 L 1 11. I :11:1?111, 1 . 11010g111,11 . 1 I. :111.1 111. 11-- :tor to hie 1i."1: 1 1 :111';111g01 ,11111111 1 , 111 1111.1 11 . 1111 ,, .1 a%)14, ill, :it di-1.111 - i• t . t ter p‘ttolktin n 140.4403 in. 111.1 t.. 14.1, 1.11.11,g r:11111.. • l'. A. Allen, of the t:- . tatt.molt l'••1. , i 0... , 1ittg tint] dwelling tlirj,t rt - !1111 ; ;t om nittry, t 11114•1.1 otl.l nitt,ll to he gettettt! '• rho 1101." The ti, tr 11,4 , 1, r n.-1 IV••11, ::n•1 11. tin stint t., i • I,tpi . •lly •ipprit 1 , 11 tit••,: ...impktitat. Ato 11 11.'4,1 : 1 11“0 ,:14.11 . 1 2 111,11'1:, v".•iy fttr ottetiputittit uu :tfttiti. „. 'flps.Yellott Store. Letrii•ii tit and fitted tip to it ceive t OA: f fits unite 1 by stipttrvi:itm of Prof. Allt•ti'file Iron W.,rl. 4. o idle, liii 7 now in :vtfoldior, onployno_nt for .t larg,‘, ltin -1,6 at voting Men trolit dilli:rytit part% Of Ihti cow) - tiy;• flu, of our citi7ens who know. think 111.0 Man , field and vicinity has nut suffered fro., the fact of the ' 'Speclal act of Prohibition." SOLDIERS ORPEANS. The undersigned committo of SoPeri - Orphans for 'huge, County, take pleasure in announcing that a School fur such orphans has been estah-1 lished at Mansfield, under tho charge of Prof. F. A. Allen, of the State Normal School. This School is also a Stitt° institution, and we earnest inVitethe Mothers and guardians of orphans' to bring the children f9rward that they may have, the benefit of this echo ' f l in 0111. midst. The °Wee Lion, which was madio the removal of children to distant schools is it v removed. The building is now ready for occupation and applications should be._made at once. We need not repeat what is so generally known, that Prof.. Allen is among the first 'educators in the ; State, and that no care for the welfare of the children in his clihrge will he omitted. Monts ALL LEN, Wel:hbOrti. MRS. JoHN DICKINSON, Wellshoro. Julf:7 %V. (actac.Nsev, Tiogn. Miss ELIZA. Itesoiii, %Vet:NO(l. P. Aliirticis, Mansfield TorLADY'S _EMEND for November is a tine number—the engravings being superioi and the Fashion plain superb. This is one of the most sendblc publications in the country. Dea con t Peterson, Philadelphia; $2.50 per annum. THE DIAMOND DICKENS.—LITTLE DORRIT.—The eighth volume of the dainty little "Diamond Edition" of ..4 Diatens is now out, com pleting 'nearly two-thirds of the whole series.— The same merits that we have admitted for the former volumes of this edition mark the present volume, natucly, compactness, beauty of typog raphy, substantial paper, cha acteriatie illustra tions., handiness of size, elega . co of appearance and remarkable chapness. 'I slips 'easily into an ordinary coatlioeket, taking up but little space, whilst it is hand: pine enough, 'nsitle and out, for the library shelf the parlor table.—Cleveland Herald. The probability , that Dicken will shortly come to this country tol give readiu t from his works makes it desirabl for all who hope to hear and thoroughly appreciate him, to be negnainted with his wonderful writings. he Diamond Edi tion renders this practicable fo • all. The cost of each volume of the beautifulustrated Diamond Dickens.is only $1.50; plain ledition, $125. It can he p roar ead of any boolmller, or will be sent postpaid by - tire - Publishers; Tailor and Fields, Boston. CLL•7S FOOT.—Little girl came to the Eyo nod Ear InAittito on Baturday with a loot boot bnekward' and inward from infaney—,nover being able to walk a % , tep.. Dr. Up De Grafi . 'snipped the contraetetLtendons in a twink ling, and the foot returned - Jo-its proper position. After wearing the elub.loot shor'T - for-a-while, to keep it straight, 'twill be ju.•t as good a foot 118 anybody ' s. a This operation, together with ono for eahtr l aet, and another foleross 03e, kept the Dr, busy on Saturday toormng.—Elmira Daily GUZelie.7 DON ATI .--Th 0 fr ion(' llov. A will give him a ilonalioo.ot tlio.roso_kneo of Mr. •Noblolq, on Baldwin Hill, Friday the 26111 inl4l tfternnoit and evening -21. - • Suact-cA L.-- Dr. E. Smith, ot 'Maastiohl, (met afed naiVarioopu Voina, in a very tier, ou Nrs.`.Char. Cw,lidgp .4 Charleston, last week. The. Dueler also straightened a erossoye for a daughter ot Amos. Coolidge, E. 4.1., with per fect saiecehs. Jnrors Drawn. for Nov. Torm• 1E367 • (ril AM) !Atm:S. . Ch: Evens, • 1.1r;r,,v 1,. (t.'Y.ru h, t=,unti Lov.o, oh'. 1V (3:-1; s • Clyint.r - J. 11. 1111,1»»or, . Dull I:rook—Lewis Clark, Pariiiiiigto»-• Lewis Itess v.. - i Law rettf•cv ilk: :1" ti Bonn. al ßonn. . s I,olooos-- C. 1. 00010:00. ;11:0?0,0 fluid - -110 0. Cril•peli AI itldlchtlry - E. 1 irigqs. 1.1t,t [mitt-- .1. .1. 1:em..,11, Sal i van - -A. 'lnylor, l, liotvp i , Peri i,.. 1,0,,,r. Tioga Deal,- A. We:41,7 , 0001, Tioga --J ollt - L1 /a iley. \Vw.tliol(l—.l..llti Harr. IVellshoro P. S. NV al Nina o, It, I,..itinshilry, B. 130.11)Th 1u t t Euqr. Itflo us —l , l t‘ - t• .101)1. 1:a , IYat li• .1 l' ileox (1) mer- r•kiriner. Cusitigton• -Samuel 11r . ) nn t, .1. 110 'Oil r01,.1.,1th Lewis Cut in~tou 110“-- I. .1 I). liwit--L. 1:1:eir, .N.lm IIP1.ry'11i111."Id, \V right 1Vc111,11 , /-0. Jack-•m — R'illinm Mißor. .1. W. 11,•gjautill tV,!11 , . I„6vr, Wi 31 . (•,•, P - 1(41.111, B. I. i 1 A. 1. I.,4”11-, G;vvior.), crk- •r •,11,1.U..1.:13. % 11. , 1‘.11.1. A. Ila.dji - r. 0ce,.1.1 - 1. Eli:0.011 1:tol.tool..1---`z 11. 1). 11 , 1tieti. Hull I 1 l— . tuft❑ IVILnn, t. , llllitta,, - Iteubori NA:6, C. Iteynoll., I:. t 4 initli. Tioga-11 11. A,!.)tru • 110 to---I rnion—Fralo.4 A1: ' 1 1. Ward ---T 0 11 ,, 111- 1 I .s'e_-.11•m1.1 .1 L • 11'011.11r.ro )hart, Hiram I)3tt. , ainl C sErosn i A't'tC it Ph ilk (A6„ l jest/.l,—A llillard- Chitthanl-1) IV Temple. • c ar iogron—C S Vident), 0 IV Taylor, IV Hoag land. Doro--3 . Hogeboon), Thema); James. 4 Clymer—.l IV Douglas. Delmar—Orrin liiair , Gen English. Deertietl—J oh n 111)Thol. Farmington--. 1 Goa, Clark tia W d•ao];- , u)—:tly )on Itooll ell. wriu)eil— lit ) Lam) eneorilie (40 if ) , 1.1 mon, Jaint:, t: Calvin , rady. Nel tv—larae z:punker, Tholuas Ames. I t4iga.—l) 1, Aiken, Mllilan Mil, 1) Dewey, --li A 1 , ),11. • Hniti—W illia in Net . yell. WeFtfield--Albin A tutrose Close, John lila Midair). • appal.zA, Ttie question iq will you Lap your T.0(1.4 0n credit, or pay the rash and ,avo tioniltott to fifty por,rent. It Son decide' in favor tho latter just) call nt V. , A. WiCisliani's., and t-eo for your. how /occyood (p.,41••• van tic ccc c7 l f or Stop at at I !ebliath and be shod for the winter ant 0t.., :lock of boot, and t•hoes which wa, honoltt the lowe,t oath rates and aro being ,old t -a• aut profit. Porsto.s engaged in loidding will find a good i1111:111 of nails at •1'..1, in quality :nod price oartnot fl o ~ .?Jelirated C. J. Hill Flour Ihi '• Howe -11;11Wr, Tinge, Ca. GET Till? purchasing n Conhing it will bp found economy to huy th o ti eh t, mat het. A few dollar: , :otvod in tho intr. ,•111!• I. or an inlet bit' :shirt, trill !min lin expended in the additional caitnnitaption ul fuel, saying nothltig ithout the topuira and the ineoneenienee:i of using a :dove that does not operate peirectly. The A tio , rieen lint Air, :•iioVe, manufactured by Shear, t'o. It.tn Leen tenirelY :111 , 1 I hul.mghly tet-tea throughout all the North ern : 4 1.00.4 for the la,l six.' year:, both for eon{ and the universal e‘piestdon nf:the people lire. , ',col in it, 1,11 or, ir., nu evanomiclil,, durable perfe.•l “pt.r.tling ,love in. all lc:peels; and lito,e in pursuit of a find-claH Cooking Stove, trill ennaillt their own internst,, and eoneenionce. , t i o i h e :=nro of Le,ellin:4 t thoi err thetr:money by inirelko-ite; I ho A op:rie l lo.---AV,,o w Ito!. v %LI; V. , tivenzo . IVollsborA tv. • I o, , 010 , 0ri1.,1= ,g”1 , 1 'mph, tsf good, Wit , ..»..1 ',toil , 41 f -t, by forwant 1,4• id' t•Nci•eklT in amount, 11 , 01 I'lighll , l, ill 11`110 I , •• s r , ettlirlf .J7l) , • 7, 'fi7 : ll .1. A. l'A Itc. , NS Cu 111 dm :1.1. in , l . ut lit I), W. W. %VOA. in 11,1 .1 ll.,orye 1, 11.1,11,r 1,; 11iis I. ~I.ll,llopte. El? -- Vri : W4 v -11) ) 0 • (,, "I (1// ' ;11 , 1 ~t 1,:1t oi Alnytin; 1,3* N. Strait 04crliq ILilli4on, bdli"l' 1... no\ HAMMOND. 11-,00l t, on the - 21 th intit., r illy .1. Ihtiono,ml;ig, t, ^0 ytnirr3. . T 4 TORE FOR SA 1,1::--1 1ar ,, 0 brown draught ~ / horse, Ilya:us ;:b1,11% 111 be Fuld elinnP• En ; qui e or { ! MRS. Mdtlitall 7 k-ORD. —t Dolruar t Out. 9, 1807—tf. MARRIAGES. 1)1 , 1A1:1-IS SPECIAL,' NOTICES. COLGATE & CO.'S . 47: ..q4 A ,_GERMAN .' C-) &CO: 1;11 . ERASIVE SOAP •%. _, -. • 14_ . is manyfac:tured from PURE < 6 1,.., - r l / 4 '47 MATERIALS, and mar bo con• .. Jr yv,...:. . sidoredtlio STANDARD OF 1c... - 01.11.1,LNCE. For sal by all - - •• - ' 0 roceq. . 22.mayf7-Iy.. ~ - - -- —.------__ 1 - lELIIIBOLD'S ' FLUID EX- TRACT BUM U n certain cure for diseases of the BLADDER, 1 KIDNEYS, tiBAVEL, DROPSY, FEMALE COM— PLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the DDINA.X ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cans° otiginating and no matter of HOW 1:0NO STANDING.. Diseasegof-thew organs require the use of a din retie. If no treattinmt is submitted to, Consumption or In sanity luny enmno. Onr Flesh and Illooti arc nukported from theses sofireott, and the HEALTH AND •lIAPPINESS and that of Posterity,. rlopsatts upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. • ,ITELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Bubnv, Established upwards of 113 years, prepared by ' HEILIYMOLD, DRUGGIST, 694 Broadway, Now York, and feb2T-Iy. 104 South 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to produce' n luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or boardess face, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Erni). tions, etc. ; on the shin, leaving the same soft, clearouid beautiful, can be obtained, without charge by address ing P. CHAPMAN . , CITEIKTST, KM Broadway, New York. ISstpt67-8m lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIII and Isitmonn ROSE WASII (lire, secret and delicate disorders in all their stages, at little expense. little or no changd in diet, no inconvenience and-no exposure., It is pleasant in tastd and odor,immedlato in its action', and free from all injurious properties. - feb27-ly ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONSTITUTIONS, of both vexes, use llEntriotb's EXTRACT EUCIIII. It wild give bEklc add energetic froling9, and emblo ynu to sleep w,11_,) NERVOUS DEBILITY . . WGI.OO2IY ATTENDANTS, —LOW ""/ 111.528 , liESSlbi`i: ; IN hi,UNTA RY - LoSs ,f 4 .1M EN, 3PERMATORRIICCA, I.otiS nP PoWER, laz',l" ran, 1,05 S OF MEM• DRY AND THREATENED _IMPOTENCE AND find a SCNEREIGIsi cunE in HUM PHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. T ENTY,-E I HT. Composed of the most I . :thimble mild anti potent On naives, they strike at once the toot of tho "natter, tone tip the system, arrest the ditieltargett, and impart vigor and energy, life and vitality' to the entire ohm, They hare eared thoimittill of elutes. Pi ice $5 por package of boxeq, and vial, ot l per 'tingle box. Sold by drug gists, and 00111. by mail twoild 011 pa ire, Addlrvs II UM NIB SPECIVIIII 110 M EOPATII10) , (UN r i Gll Mu mmynr, Near YON K. 211111W/7-Iy. ' TIIP, U LOB V 111 , MAN IS sTßEscl'Eit.-11,,,,40,., tho nci vow; Awl debilitated t,huuhl immodiatoly 11:4) I[t taticnt , t,'x ExtnicT Itucitu. 101,-271y. NI A N IRIOD AND V MTH V Rio regainoil 1•y Il~Lann EXTILA7Itucnu. fori27-I y. R ien ole 8 01 , ' you'll!' A Clout letnan who tin fiered for year. Loan Nervons Prematni l)oruy,aud ttll tho offocto it youth tl V.iII, for the saho if inilti , ring human ity, hem' It II! to all NVIIO 11111111 it, 1110 1 .11 11110 111111 Ilirecr 1 / 1 , 111. for Making tbo simplo 1 . 11111(11y by I.l'lllCll 111) M.ll .•11I'1 1 11. 1 - 'lllft - ruts Wir1111111! (0 Profit by the adrortker's e %not ionee, can ,10 ~” Ity :oldrefedng,lll purhiet Canli ui-n1.,,. .1011 N If. Otil)HN. ...:.mtay 1.7 -1,1.• * . 12 Cedar Straet. Now VIII Eli MItt,MPLi Ct Est CENint ATEI) ExT RA CT MICH II ls Tut: 0111:AT DIIFI , I - 1 , ;1, CoNcEsal , 111:1) TIN' li1:10.1' 111.60 r, Rot t• lot ot..tied at, ..i.tittg to nAcs of l'lts.rtow•:, .Ind Atilt ar.. tits tanst 114 [lvo that Lan 10.• ich27-Ir. ft E1.‘11101,1Y., 4 FLUID EXTIt i.CT lIUCIfU is plratiant in task , itud 0.411', 51v1.) itkitat ions fat °pert i sod ininwiliate p its irctittit. , fsh27-Iy. • • I VEIMEOLLIA EXTRACT MICR U Own health am! vigor to the ft Attie null bloom to the pallid chek. De. Mlity at:romp:llMA by-many. !darn' ing Ny1111)1.01)1 , 4, met IC 110 trotietnent "k entintittkl. to, consumption, in sanity, or epileptic Illy ensue. • „ --- S IA SIMILIBUS CURANTIFR, • • I UUDIPHREII S' /X On/CCOPATIIIC SPECIFICS, 11 AVE PROVED, Fito3l TILE MOST AMPLE 11X. ', l mmo, ml ,•ntire bucce,i3; Simple—Prompt I.:lndent, and Itcliablo. They ato the only llledielites ce., re, t ly adapted to flint ?MS. talli n, cannot lw made II) 11,ing them ; su harnileaH at, to lw nee efficient to he alwaye re -I,:vve r commendation Dom iii, and mill alwip., tender No. w erre . j , N. r, 3 ." ,I, C ry i ng Colic , ..1 Teething of in Emu. .1, 451 Diarrhcen ti of T.. do Dy s e n t er y, 111 ii,in g . Bilious Colic... I. d,. Cholera-Pllorbus. Vomiting 7 . do Couglth• Cold, Brotichiti , Neural ►ia, Toothache. Flu - cache -7,r0 Headaches, Sick•ltradaelie, Vertigo... 25 Iti, 110 Dyspep s i a . Ililuutt stoinno 11. .1.•-• Suppressed or painful Period-, do 'Whites, b., 25 F;, ffi; Croup, Cough, difficult Br,..atkiim.; 13. do Salt mouse, Erymiptdai, ET uptioni... Itheurnatism, Rheumatic Ilion•• 25 16 1 do Fever and Ague, chin Fere', Agtio4 17, do riles:blind or I.looding 50 Ophthalmy,amd tiore or weal: Eyes.... 50 10, do Catarrh, acute Or ihruule Influenza 50 20, .1) WhOOping.oollgh. violent Coughs... 50 21 • . 1 ) Asthma. opproh.ied Breathing 50 22, do Ear Discharges. impaired Hearing.. 50 25, •do Scrofula, vill.Lrged Ulands, SivellingH.. 50 , General Debility. Pity:Aral Wenlcnes4. 50 Dropsy. and scanty Secretlomi do Sea-Sickness, co fin, from riding... 50 2 7. do Kidney-Disease, ( I ) , ivel ' 50 • ' 1 " Nervous Debility, Seminal Lillis.' winos, involtintary Dieellargen 1 00 'ho Sore Mouth, coilitar ' " On Urinary Wealineso,'Nvottitig bed... 50 do Painful Periods. with Stmatnii 50 do Sufferings lit cliangp of life • 100 :t.;, do Epilepsy. Spasmo, St. Vito,' Dance 100 :31, do Diphtheria, ulcerated Sore Throat 50 Iffil or ti:t 1.111,nr. 91At.y. bIOTIOCCo CASE, CONTAINING A (Irv' ion f.ri no ORDINARY Dist:Aar. A FAMILY la hilitUrCT To, Alin A ROOT.-OF DIRECTIONS itin 00 Smaller Fkmitr and TRAVELING cases, with '2O to '24 vial , $5 to ‘7B Stwc Inca tot ,111 ['turnip, both for Curt tso for PRLUENTIWI. treatment, and vb 018 and poeltet ewes s`2 to $5 • )13,- Thu, Ileinedle3 by ilia eitaa or Anglo box, ate ~, n t to any part of the e,ountt y, by Mail or Express, Iran of Ow gs, on receiptof, tlio Alit f•nS "Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Company, tlitk, tb•pot, N0.:A.12 Eaoenscnr, NEw Toni. or, numpro?l•l4 is con4ulted daily at his °lnge, por: ~onally or by 'Myr) abova, for all tumid of disease. l'Ol? SALE ii Y . ALL DR UG'GIST;S'. - Alirust 21, 1,0,7-Iy, Arc You Afflict,ollioith a Cough or a Cold? ( du,: v o ti rittmippi is mb TO CONSUNIPTIONT .t Lirr in Jef,porrly front a n d h'epmtni Attarks of our? If Potrclw.:e n Bo n 11 . 1 L., A.1).1415' 1 , 11. J PIION lAL al5 U 1 LCA'r RS!I 7'he I'4:aide's Meted Su cc and Effectual Reined!' for (70)ignv, CobIR, Crimp, t'atae h, .A. 911000, Bents., et lull 011 Pubnoturry Disvnap)i. r rill I: i medicinal preparation in IL thr hart,) of a Loyong, , , whic4l, of all mode!,, 1 , 1 tit( Ino-tt iklertql»t contain no thle to, imp; 111. nod ii ‘?ni tattled to he alwripi vi (.11 fob and moat nottsitivo atomaoh. In Crony givo nt.lll.F. l'or Coughs and Colds they are utv,thnt6le, For Calk.j;hr ;Asthma and Ilvonrhiti-, 11,031 have u , i (011101 InWI mnrlcet, (vid e "Di!a it) inns bo••) I , l llditelda, !hat ,1,-,aded la lid de ,, Att int;