Rava;;es of a Snake., They have a first class vnsatipti in Canaan, Conn., in the shape; of a big ' snake. -It has been seen every morning forthe last fifteen years, in nearly the same spot. It was seen but a short time ago by a gentleman of the highest re kipeetability, who is well • known, and no one would think of douliqng his statements. He wasi passing along 'the highway where the snake has been gen erally i seen, not thinking anything about it, when suddenly his eye eatic,rht something lying under a large 616 i -tree, which looked like the shadow of a arge limb. Its signing - brilliancy, am the real shadow 1.. f the tree i being opf,)site , from where the object:lay, the thought 'instantly entered his mind that it was nothing less than the big snake Ile had heard so much about, and so it proved , to be, for it immediately, started for the swamp, The animal having to cross a - road, he had a fair view of his snakes ship. ' - A thrill of, horror passed throug h his i veins as the monster erushed its - way .through the brush with almost the speed of lightning into the 'swamp, ami was immediately lost to eights He thinks I . - it would measure thirty inches around its body in the largest plac;e.; in fact, it ..,appeared nearly to ber oi'_ nm size, ex cept three feet, from the (Ind of the tail, which tapered consideruloly toward the end. Its length he shoidd judge to he not far from twenty-eight to thirty feet. Its skin was so blade and bright- that it fairly .dazzled. - The farneers in the vicin ity complain less of the depredations of . , the reptile than formerly. On the bor ---=ders-ot.--the,swamp where it lives graze herds of. cows, -and it bt among-these it gets Rai - lying. The owners of tiles( cows have for some time-wondered why - some of their best milkers had failed to give their usual quantity of milk ; as it is only in the morning the owners lulls itthey have come to .the conclusion ' that the snakesucks: them, .Ind rims gb -t y.i,j ts• living. it i: , well known dint, sinikes are fond of warns new in ilk; nod it i:t this ]and of fond no doubt flint etas tatised this one in grOW to such int :Alens:e pro-portions, _ - : - ... 1 i-- There is a reward of one hundred dol "tars offered by a private citi'i.en for its capture- aliVe, and fifty dollars if killed, There is a strong pressure hearing on the town authorities to 011')..r a niward large enough to secure its capture or de struedoniamithe subject wilt be hrouithl before the, anntql WWII meeting tne ' first ,Monday in' Oelober. llundrols . who attended the camp meetings lately held there cattle more for- the purpose 4)l' seeing where this monster snake - II V 4 , 1 thato seek for t he st might and tinprow w:Q ~ F e w eould he induced 0? -lay on ~1 " Atte nTotnot niellit , , no' fear thiatlif loif;tit Milks the!» n Vkil. ii tt:iv Ink one tiling inOre than any Olner I nai Inatle the meeting anno,t a lailltri% ( not nem has detornoined 14, sell his farm tool leave the pinee. Ilk wife lia , , already )erti no 4 1 says she ~ rill never live on the • thrice uttnin until Oa! -,l'ialso is [tilled.-- - There i:- a perlect ' , nide among 111, , Iwo pie, anti what will Ie the rt. -1111 dine alone e:ln .li•tvri,6llo. A L' (lii :'• 2 '1't)1:1 ikloll.oll!..;afit t- ay s : • .1 'ot very long :e.i.ii, the yolliig and beau i ifit I v, Ile of one of our citizens wie3 caIINI tollier final accounts, 'leaving her husband -disconsolate, sad, hi'rert, Sill' was buried in the adjacent cemetery, 411(t the hthiballd returned to his (lest.- fate hom•—but not to forglA the loVed one. Site is present , with- him by day in spirit and in his drOains at night.-- One peettliarity . of his - dreams, and one ithat haunted him, heir ated nigh: after night, was this I e spirit of his wife came to his , i and told him that, the undertake nit remov ed from her lace the i-iip .•ci• of mus lin or napkin which h , a 1.1731 At to cover hcr face after deal had screw ed down her cotlin-lid t upon her; that she coul' breathe in her - grave, but was unrest on account of the napkin.-- He tried to drive the dream away, hilt it abided with him by night and troub eled him by day. He sought t heconsolar , lions of relli.;,ion.;, his pastor prayed ,with him and assured him • that it was tricked to indulge suet morbid fancy.— it was the sub feet of fir., own petition before the Throne of Grace, but•still the spitit came and told anew the story of her suffocation. In despair he sought the undertaker, Mr. Dickney, who told him that the napkin had not been re moved, but urged him to forget the cir cumstance, as it Putdd not be any possi hie annoyaUce to inanimate clay.— While the gentleman frOikly acknowl edged this, he could not avoid the ap parition, and continual stress dlion Ith, mind began to tellupoU his health. •A t length he determined co have. the body 1 dis rffercd and visited i the undertaker for that purpose. Here he wasinet with the same advice, and persuasion, and ~. ,~ +l . ~. 0 11 convinced once more of his folly, the " ----- Ti - 111111tell 1111111 Wtlllll'eti his heMe.— That night, more' vlvid than ever, more terribly real Than before, she came to • his bedside, anti upbraided hint- for his want of alli:etion, to remove the ent,i,f ' of all her :••utreriti. The next with a friend, lie ri paired to tlic;liexton who was prevailed upon to pf:Tonipttny them, and thereby the light of the cold, - round moon, the body was li•lttd from its narrow bed ; the (robin _lid was un screwed, and the napkin removed from the face of the corpse. That night b .came to his bedside once more, but for • the last time. Thanking bin- 101' his kindness, she pressed her col•I lips to his t eheek, and came again no more.— RetitTer, this is a true story ; ran you ex _ plain the mysteries of Dreams 7 Two YOCNG LA Dm; TREE A NA . ilEll YOL - 111.—A young man of Liberty .c, in ty, Miss.; who a short time pre :ions won the heart and hand of :1 iieig i boy head girl, denuded himself of his fir leaves for the very pleasant ohjeet of taking a bath..in the creek. -Scarcely had he submerged his heated frame in the cooling waters crc lie heard the drachlii ... of twigs and the silvery rili .-' of girlish laughter, and looking up, he saw—boirendum monstruni ! —the ob ject of his affection and a female coin patiion approaching. Quicker than thought and unperceived, he made fur hank, and running nimbly up a tree, there waited the end of his predieament. The young ladies approach—our hero's heart thumps—they stop just, beneath the tree that holds him,.: nd very nal; orally start with surprise w‘lien they see a man's clothing on the gMund and no wearer about. Our friend above shuddered at their curiosity, and desir ing to make his retreat, more secure, naives cautiously higher up, but acei dentally puts hi, whole weight - on a de cayed limb. which breaks and drops him, with all his blushing ebarms;pp in the midst of the girls ! -Hoof Coti rse vpins off - at .ataut;eutiikea bursted shell in one direction, and iht y retreat equal ly as fast and horrified itt another. GETTING' Rim OuT lir:t.&r.--Jame-Jame, Thompson went frum Pennsylvania to Scott county, lowa, a dortin years ago, 1 r wortlra few hundr d dollars. lie now - owns forty-four:sa ms, averaging No acres each, or in all about 7,000 acres of land, at leaSt half of which is under ettivationli the whole will be next yet r. The land lies in Scott and Cedar • counties. The past , year lie has 'put under cultivation 2,200 ~acres of new land. lie is imv, having I twenty farm thtellings of six rooms each, framed -, and gotten ready in Davenport, so they can be hauled to his farms and set up for his tenants. The tenants get one third of the crop and $2 an acre Tor (farming new land, and the-same shine of the crop with 75 cents to $1 an acre for cultivated land. * ' j The story goes that Greeley was per plexed and astonished to receiVe no am.- wer to a note to Dirs. Yelverton which Lie signed in his cabalistic manner with G." After much tribu lation a personal interview was secured, and it then bCf.:11,1111e manifest that the, • lady bud lawn iMe to make out the a)g nuturu may ass , - . . , . Zit ligitatiox. r - ---- . . MoNnAN NooN.--The latest return* from the State eleelion give Sharswooil j 700 majority. The Leg t is lture is iind , zoniely Re publican. , Ohm el6 ( ets a Republican Governor and other 4t - a1 e officers by :lopo majority. rov,a, goes- Itepti l bitean, by upward of 20,000. i i , Indiana goes . strongly'ktepublican :' _I. lON. TIIE BITUI Pennsylvania has practically en,lors ed Andrew Johnson, and that bad man has-become the ward of the Copper head party by adoption. The election I Th e m orn i no p o , of the Sth has resulted adversely, IA the 1 o f „.biei, appeared cause to whigh the kiepublican party spr i g h tl i est da i ly is devoted. We make this announce- As man is said to b, meat with more of sorrow than the par- mind, so this pap tisan is capable of feeling,. i y4Ve . are no, the size' of the Agit soldier of fortune. in common - with the epitome or the thousands of ,pthers we have advocated i We thought to read we took meneed re-reading reading three titne ifi.salutation, " est form of Liberty. be the test of start should be made •tr should receive proti timents awl aohly 4 proprietors :achieve The paper is pH bliH the common cause of mankind from the beginning; and it regthres little ef fort of memory to Teeall the thie , when checks and reverses were the rule, and not as, now, the exception. Pennsylvania has practically endors ed Andrew Johnson. Why it has done s'o, what causes went beffire this result, or who is responsible for it ~I,le care not to inquire: It is no lime for recrimina tion. '1 lie American people i 61.) ;eon froute,d by'a great calainilY. Let uti look it calmly' in Ow face i. and a the level of the emergencyl it, to enthpe le-s than to ilit• j otir hint in his nte , litatetl tturpationst wer, lodged ob.:cm:here, tout ,Bove , prvrii,gati ye. lie 11:v; alt along- ilei.ittred that he rel,- re-enlctl the popular will ; and• inay Lu not, with fair :-how Arl reason, now in sist that his deelaration is faiStained ? The praetieal vireo( of_llie reFulli in this '-late 1,4 to s.tituulatti: A l it.. Johnson (I) new outrage:3 anti non'e daring tisurpa- ME Calmly \ lowing the ts.j,tualitni we coil fl!ss that the omens . are jtot favoi able to that qui(l and material(progress bmged for I , y the masses of al parties. IVe ,hope that :t. life-long increasing (.11 :: ;b e for Ihe betterment (4' Man has made 11-. over anxious, and that we are mistaken ; but thuwatirm appear, to be verging nit turbulent times. -For more than a year we have reared' that, the nation hull not sufficiently purged it-elf of its erinie,;, and that its sins of omission must he alone(' for not less than_ tjtose of com mission. Pun44hment is salUtary, as well to nations `its to individuals; and out of-heroic sneriflce and the breakimi of bon& eyery pernianent good to man has ((wine. f The Part Of Progress, _iii this Stide, :..taliff, , s where it stood in 1S(12, defeated, h, I , ut, lift, we presume, \distr*eif. The 't riff ici l l idis of the five inter4iiing years,, I the iirogres made mwatd Jet ter pubit ien4i‘state,--these are tend mwrily,"lnif, fl not irrecoverahly 10:-.t. ___L , e: ay if Ilie „labors of (Cll years hail I er.ii tendered titkll in a single day ; oririf it the Union at'init- , had bee)/ bCatell baCIC fronl I It, Gulf to the Lakes, anei had to fight all their battles over again. The result is astounding . to most, tin t . expected to many, but not altogether unlocked for to a few. Those.observant of the tremendous Power of patronage dispensed by the ExcerdiVe have feared more than they hoPed for the result. The Democracy went into the struggle with the zeal of freel eaters, stimulated by their unconscionable -love of plun der. The Republicans went in on prin ciple, slougl l mi»g ofr the s s oured and time : serving, who IlaN't" lost places, and vot ing reliable member only. only. , The con test was unequal awl he result not un precedented,,hut .the people are taught. Rightly viewed, the result of , the 0e- tuber electiMmsis a solemn call to labor. :-..21d0m pas , there been a closer contest ; - -o.elose, indeed, that as we write, three tayy after pie election, it is not iknolvn w - hi eh party has triumphed. Time sante is trite of Ohio, where we usually have from thirty to fifty timuusdnd majority. Both ptirties claim that State. Evbn if the official count should leave Pennsyl vania and Ohio in Republican hands by. such meager majorities, the mural effect of - victory mint be lost' ' AndreW John son is not to be re=trained by hare ma ( jorities. It is mnly •by over Whelming popular den mnstrationa against him that he is w: riled and deterred. Fur m this reasi v, 2 pymmounce time result in Pennsylvania *a practical emahnsement. of Andrew Johnson ; and whether 11. W. Williams be ideeted by a bare ma jority, or whether ticorge Shatswood be elected by a few thousands majority, the immoral /Area upon the President re mains the same. The work 111lInt begin anew tollay. II! 1662 our rever),es were more over- W 110 ming antiisastrous than now. S;.el n the Unio 1 rty gained tit rltil jil, 11 Oi by that defeat, rallied, and won a splen did scri,es of victories. in 18(33. We en fer up*On the Preside al contcst of ISC.B with entire confidence in a victory for Republican principles. The people cannot ignore this warning. 'We earn promise our opponents that they shall have enough to do, and if this tempo rary check do not stinnilate the active Republicans to increased vigilance and sleepless activity, then history will fail it) repeat itself. Our streets-were the scope of a some nusual spectacle during Wed nes day afternoon, when the news of the defection of Philadelphia from the Re publican ranks reached us. The Cop perheads who slunk to their': holes in April 1865, when the news of Lee's de feat and the collapse of the rebellion reached I,Vellsboro, appeared upon the street, somewhat - `rimy with accumu -lated dust, but juhilauL We were glade to see them ; it reminded us of the war period, when they met one on the treet and at the Postoffice with beam ing faces when news of Union defeat Oppressed Republicans, or with elonga ted faces and sidelong glances of hate when Republicans rejoiced over Union success. So, we cannotte cheated but of the study of human nature. ;co 'more can any man mistake the vendm WELLSBOEO, PENN'A WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16, ,1867 \Vbittil lints in the vein:: bur op ponenis. .tot that we grudge theta their brief _hour of rejoicing. By no tueuns. Into 'even serpent life one sunshine laps in the course of a life time.. Let them continue to make the most or the sunshine, combining the wisdom of. the serpent, with the harm lessness of the dove. Garibaldi is a prisoner in his .own House, but ills influence is stirring Italy. Pomo is threatened as she never was be fore threatened, and it now looks like a general European broil in which those nations not forced into active war, will Maintain an armed neutrality. Possi bly 1869 may be the most memorable year of the century. Abroad the spirit of Liberty is moving to the great dis gtlt of tyrants. At home the iitrug e iskigainst the express will of the peo e. News - mongers niay well keep eir eal'S open ME 6°mm - twit, of tl e remarks, sensib )`, --..ttite Central Com i conduct, campaigt might have =aid til is a humbug. To ne, :ts wits tiOne all fail to fultiil tl .rcuel immix C) wh,h. "Pile truth i. IllAnage a can State u, this. It, calopoigning, dazz drctonsiance, but matter of work. Tioga Spurn Moss, Itrouldield ..... Loro' Dee' ....... E11:1.01.1 "arming lt:u Fall Gnini •h- Jim \int L:wrcu.•l wiilr I.etwrctive Middkimr) :11:Insfil Id is el on .0... Ovt , oln. ..... 2:4; Itntlund 131 Slitippe • 331111iraii :tr; TlOga 121; Tioga horo . 1(35 Ward' 31 I SVest fi rid lwro'..r. 75 Wi:ll.=l)nro .... 11 j IHIE Putter, Sheriff, . - Bittfer, Treasurer,-- Ti(-~rol•lZ~C`yinln For .Jnry Colnmisri B the trien4.o merit have no rea :(teneral result in majority for \Vi 65 greater than .he Sttile Commi ority on the cow also enjouragil l ittle more On tll nn• opponents, th is foll(;ivs: Rel)Ublican cot it ti --Showing a la our opponetitt-Co hut it•lalivel'• m , rozrA, a A OH ahmit, equival lit a innjorit.y 11' I I , -have a in opponenlN gain ily in Ell:, U; I I I ; I .ilwrty E I (11el)tiry 7; i\lai every other ;If, Hies of 15466. last :a , ar crease lwy chant about , Ino crats Put ltuck did not Vote it the falling offl the . neglect of the several he illay qa.,111: future time. t fallen to Lib polled the tarn tal vote. The. duty can endu e fortitude ; hut country a day t! cotwience as b The foilowin Chairmen of cop m ttees of to the election gains made by strongholds : " DEAR 'SIR attention to d the first number Oct. 7, inst., is the aper in the land.— the universe epito , only one-fourth I tor, may be called ' , iewspaper universe. it through in five n hour, and corn , it. It will bear !. The Post says In believe in the high ! ' "Manhood should age." "Education iircrnal. " 'Labor .ctioo." Noble sen ‘xproised. M'ay the n great I,ueeess.— led daily at $3, per Bradford Reportcr that the-utility of a ntittee - tto plan •aud Is is doubtful. He lat such a machine promise speakers of n *Bradford county., le promise, is abou l t n• opponents could no State Committee paign in so large a lis a costly modo of ing by its pomp and a dead loss in the o rovic.t 'TIP/lEn E-1897., COURTtS:4I.:3Inr.I ":1 110 111 23 10 - so 74 8 •1 I 119 144 31 1425 1035 1(183 1417 MEM Total •:ket has thk•fullowing The balance of the t 9 661. 2674. 2671. 2679. "642. irierr, Leroy Tabor ha 4097 iley 1415 votes. Cameron, An iLor. = republican Govern 'on to complain q tho 'ioga County. The limns is 2,663, being we were assessed by tee. Our highest ma ty ticket is 2,682. It gto note that we loaPs e aggregate vote than e account of loss being hI&M, 1,,.+67, s.. I.f) amut on( " \Democratic" seventh. vote 1ii1;1;, 1,62.8 " 1,425 ME Lo-s one-uiga ling off in the ,vote of a trifle ha-is Per. cent., ich greater ; for the de -in inori vole of 1690, , nt to a decrease of 3-8 to of 4800. . I - jorit.y in every election Fall Brook--wlwre our O We gain on major neicson 26 ; - Knoxville , :VEN! Morris 3 ; Mid sburg I—in all (i 5. In we fall oft' on major- I e figures with those of f iul 'no evidence of de c. The simple fact is, hl i cans and 2.00 Demo wheat before duty, awl . all. fn some districts is directly traceable to eading Republicans in rhborhoods ; and of this core at length at some he battherseems to have lay, though Charleston Ist. propoftion 'of her to e who did 'their whole . e temporary defeat with hose who begrudged the lay by Ilare aceoun ii i w ith , est they shall be able. Comiaring 1 T IV.AS DONE. MEER ,- circular, issued to the he Democratic County Peonsyf vapid just prior accounts for the great he Copperheads in. their The necessity for close tails inn this contest, is most apparent. 1t co , ioiselesg, but 9,:k,botild bed activity. •,, " ' - i "The great end to be ace() 'dished Is: " To poll every Democrat! vote. " The first, thing to be dm . is to learn the names of all the Peugeots :and doubtful Men. For this I trpese the blanks were furnished ; you and so. fare as you have returned to me he:lists 1.1 to-day Bend you copies by 1 ail. Bend.' theremainderas rapidly as )cssible. "These lists are to be pi red in, the hands of active men in the I , tricts; I inclose in each list, a eirenlaieserihing ' their ditties, for their direct p ; I also inclose you a copy thereof. r. , " Make it your business ) employ, these men yourself ; do nott'sst to let ters; gonna see, to them; pay piein for their time ill warning the dllitory, and for 'election day ; and to pi'Ode the , means to haul the slow men tate polliti: It is better to spend money in'it \is way / than by meetings. if you . any doubt of the mcn you employ, I eth ers of our friends that you hay Aimed money in their hands. `.` Get your detailed'vote for,,lt for 1866. Compare the two, il will show you the districts likell the Traitors! .... 0 ... C t ri C C.. ,-S 119 63 85 IS 116 88 :.69 59 129 46 141 21 tiVi 14 3%0 77 6 , 5 42 13 $ •12 14 I'l7 41 27 72 17 1",1 sO 77 a 37 79 68 112 122 63 12 261 65 26 II 51 • 23 9 ;10 60 9 '252 2:41 66 $1 131 134 79 19 19 9 66 - 213 210 GA 122 ,122 23 9 (10 1,7 13 167 167 26 16 25 25 16 4,791 .4,090 2,03 4,, slow. Give them special 'Metal now. It is important to get trustwort ' men in each district. Do not dev your attention to making a specific n jority, but look to getting your whole ote.— When this is done the majority llows, " In very slow districts, I wo Id sug gest a specill contract with act e men, thus: in 1805 the district p led 1.00 Democratic votes ; in 1806, LI Demo 'critic votes. , Now, for everyD tocrat ic vote over 110 polled we will ' y you a fixed sum the day after the, t. etion. This is simply an incentive to bring men ,out, ihr the vote of ma rshows u fg they are there. See that youk eats have all Democrats assessed, nat lized, and their taxes paid. Let in know what I can do for you. Send wward the lists rapidly. "Ile very careful of this impel; keep it entirely private. ilespectfulyiyours, witail „,,, m. -A. WALLA:4%, "Chairman Democratic State . ventral •Committec." i ACK 17 for hope, beet quality 25atiporyard 0 at OE LAN° Alc CO'S. Oct. 12. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AT %MIGHT & N EW WHEAT FLOH It AT WRIGHT .L• RAMEY'S. Wire Cloth for Cellar Window* al the l'ioga Hardsvaro[6toro. Pistol Cartridg,ee, flit kilidn at the Tioga Hard ware Start Cable Chain, ,ixo,i at the Tioga. Ilaidwaro Store. • - All kinds of Jarancil and wPoden wzro, at the Tioga hardware btore. Fancy Toilei Ware, Wire Goods, Bronzed Brackets and the best ni4Sortinellt of Cutlery in the County, ut the Tiogu liarthvare Store. LO Diffororit lsin.N of rithips, at Om Tiogn liard ware) Store• A large Stock of Saws of all kinds tit tho Tioga hardware Store. All kinds of House) Trimmings and Mechanics Tools, at the Tiliga Hardware Store- liiii 60 Tons of Stoves at the Tioga Hardware Store—to lie sold cheaper than over before in this County. A largo moth Luttcro:—tho only kind dint never needs repairing, nt the Tioga tiari,tvltro Store. , Close buyers ull buy their goods at tho Tioga Hardware Store. "rIXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters Testament -4 1 1 ary having been granted to the undersigned upon'tho Estate of Cornelius Van Dyck, late of Chatham, deed, all persons indebted to said Es tate, and all persons having claims against the Sarno will cull and settle with EZItA ALLEN, Ear. Chatham, Oct. IG, 18117.—Gw. EARM FOR HALE.—In Middlebury, on the vitteAload, 3 miles 'north of IL 11. Potter's, well waterc.x7,""i ) 1 5 acres ituryov-A.. ing, with three ha faIr4NINTA: and three fine apple orchards thereon. Will be 501/1 low, in whole or in part, with or without the stock, and on time, with good security. JOS. O trILE. , Lawrenceville, Oct. 16, 18617.-tw. NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of thelStook holders. of the Tioga Railroad Co pony, for the election of President, Directors. Secreta ry and Treasurer, will be hold at the 01Bee ) of the Company in Corning, N. Y., on the 4th day of November, 1507, at 10 o'clock A.M., the.eleotion to close fit 12, M. Oct. 11, 1867-4W' Notice ALL persons indebted to the firm formerly known as Wilcox. & Barker, by note or ac count, are requested to make immediate pay rnent and save cost—zs all old accounts must be settled. Books at the store of Toles 11. Barker. Oct. 9, 1867. 'J. It. BARRER. AUDITORS NOTICE.—The undersigned bay ing been appointed an Auditor to distribute the munc3•s'arisiug from the sale of the Real Ra tak) of Rhoda Robby, deceased, will attoUd to the said appointment at the office of Wilson and Niles in Itifellshare, en Friday the 15th day of November next at Ten ()clock in the frirention when and where all parties interested will please attend dr else ho forever debarred from claiming any of said Rind. ,- Oct. 16th '67-it. J. B. NILES, Auditor. -Notice. ETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate Philo Griffia, late of Chatham, deed, all per; !I f s indebted to said estate, and alt persons ha's , - g claims against the same are requested to call _ettle with JANE GRIFFIN, }Adair's. ROSWELL ACKLEY hathaus, Oct, iftedi-titc.' Notice. .. 11 - .) THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Tiogn County Bank or elaitnauts of any share I)r rel, thereof. You are hereby notified and re -4 `red to pay up the halatfee due en said stock or before the 10th day of Bonen:her next, or Baum will Ito resold at public Bala at their nking House in Tioga, Tioga County, Penne, the 11th day of Peeetalior neat. at 10 o'clock, M. of said day,4ia outhuri;od by law. D. C. WICKHAM, Pres% , D. L . : AIKEN, Cuebior. Toga, Sept. 1567. _ Orphans' Court Notice. HE - undersigned, having bean appointed by the Orphans' Mort 2u. Auditor to review and state the account of Clarissa .Mead, Executrix Lho estate of Joseph Mead dee'd, will attend Cho duties of his appointtuent at his office in oga, Pa., Noventher 8, 1867, at 10,o'elock a. m. Tioga - , ()et. 0,1067-4 t. F. E. SMITH, Aud. PROM PHILADELPHIA. I was afflicted for years with rheumatism in my hip, and havo tried everything for it with no avail. But by the use of a single bottle of &du ffer I was entirely cured.. It has also cured my wife of Neuralgia. There is no remedy in my knowledge like it for Rheumatism or Neuralgia. 11. L. 110P1, No. 807 Perkiemon st. Oct 9—tf NEW ARRIVAL! MRS. - E. E. KIMBALL Ts HOW receiving a new and fashietiable stools of :MILLINERY GOODS fresh from New York, which sho will sell very eheriP. Call and examine new styles and prices. MAIN STREET, WELIABOIIO, PA October 10, 1867. A EDITORS NOTICE .— The undersigned hay- 1 - Xing been appointed no Auditor to distribute the balance of the Glade iu thu hands of P. 0. Hoig Guardian of Itleboa Hoig, et, ,a). will at total to the duties of bin appointment, at the oft° of Wilson & Niles, in Wellaboro on Thursday the 14th tin of November next at tun oclock in the forthadn, when and where all parties inter ested will please attend or l else be forever debar red nein claiming any of said fund. Oct 16th '67-4t. J. B. NILES, Auditor. ntle lull of 5, end d. this to Abe A. C. STEARNS, Sec. NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL k. WINTER TRADE Just n received by Wilson (Ci Van Valkenburg, At tbo wall known Storo, NO. 2, UNION BLOCK. We aro now prepared to show as good goods and at as low figures as nt any other store in this vi cinity. We ask an inspection of our DRY GOODS., Which conriet in part, of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Ladies' Cloths, and a large variety •of Ladies' Dress Goods. GROCERIES, Bost kinds, and as cheap as the cheapest ... MERCHANT TAILORING AND FURNISHING GOODS. Tho Sonior partnehms had a largo experience in Merchant Tailoring. and it is the intention of tho now firm to put this branch of their business boyond successful competition. Wo aro Agents for Singer's Sowing Machines, the hest and cheapest Machine for family use, less liable to got out of repair, and tnoro durable than any other, adapted to fine or coarse sowing. Call and see them. WILSON ,16 VAN/VALICENBURG. Wellaboro, Oct. IG, 1867—tf ARRIVAL - EXTRIORDINRY BODINE & CO., Raving purchased the stock lately owned by 'Bullard ez•Trumad, will Tor to the trading pub lic such BARGAINS IN \, , DRY GOODS of every description BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, READY MADE CLOTHING, and l a full stook of Kmacimvants as shall satisfy eustotuers and enable us to keop _the iarnfrsort of goods litai/lk.7' lig bZIC4I6-1 from the city constantly. Wo .otior great bar gains. Como and see us. ' Weilsboro, Oct. 16, 1867 MRS. M. MANNING, • (late of Couderspert,] HAYING purchased the Store and business lately conducted by Miss Pauline Smith, Main Street,Wellsboro,is prepared to carry on the ZILLINERY#BUSINESS . in all its branches, and her goods aro of the latest styles. She will keep constantly on hand all the latest novelties of BONNETS AND JOOKIES, , French Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, do. Also, • DRESS - MAKING, being an experience'd seamstress and fitter; Promising to give satisfaction, she respectfully solicits a fair share of patronage. Wolleboro, Sept. 25, '67, Mrs. M. MANNING, In Bankruptcy. District Court of the United States, for the Western District of 'Penn sylvanie. • In the matter of Nast h Auerbach, Bankrupts : TO whom It y 'concern : The undersigned hereby give notice of his appointment as assignee of Nast M Auerbach of Blossburg, in the county of Tfoga and Stato of Pennsylvania, with in said district., who have been adjudged Bank rupts on Creditor's Petition by the District Court of said District. C. 11. SEYMOUR. Oct. 3, A. D. 1867. Assignee. In Bankruptcy.' Wester)/ District of Pennsylvania, es. .. THE undersigned hereby vos notice of his appointment as assignee Libias Philips of Fall Brook, in the county of ,toga, Pa., within said district, who has boon adjudged a Bank ruyt upon his own petition bylthe District Court of said district. JOHN W. GUERNSEY, Oot. 1-3 w. Assignee. Andito 's Notice NOTICE is hereby, given, that I have been appointed AuditOr to distribute the funds in_ko bands of John l Mitchell, administrator of the estate of Iftram Saxton, deo'd, and that I will attend to the ddties of the appointment on the 36th day of October inst., at my office in Tioga, between the hours of 1 and 6 o'clock. P. M. of eaid day, when and where all persona hav ing claims against said estate, can attend if they think proper. JOHN W. GUERNSEY, Oct. 9,1867. Auditor. Examination or ihachers Liberty. Block house, AiOlittay Sept 30,1 p nt Union, Ogdeuelturg, Tuesday act 1, 9 a to , Sullivan, Gray Valley, Wednesday Qat 2,10 a in Rutland, Roseville, Thursday Oct 3, 9 ant Jackson, Maple Maple Ridge, FridaY Oct 4, 9 n m ° Charleston Young's Bch House, Monday Oct 7.9 a m ,Delmar, Dean School. House, Tuesday Oct 6, 9 a rn Covington, Wednesday Oct 9.1 p Mansfield, Thursday Oct 10, 9 a in Wellsboro, Friday Oct 119 a m Middlebury, holliday's, Mohday Oct 14, 0 a in Farmington, Butt's School house, Tuesday Oct 16, 9 a m Tioga, Wednesday Oct la, 9 a in Lawrenceville. Thursday Oct 17, 9 a in Nelson, Beecher Island, Priddy Oct le, 9 a in Chatham, Close School Rouse, Monday Oqt 21,1 p m Knoxville, Tuesday Oct 22, 9 a in Brookfield, Seeley Sch house, NV educaday Oct 23, 9,a 111 Westfield, Thursday Oct 24, 0 a m Clymer, Sabiosville, Friday Oct 26, 9 a m. Gaines, Vermilvcae, Saturday Oct 26, 0 a m And at Welleboro the three Fridays folloWing. , Teachers will come with a sheet of foolscap paper, pen and ink; or a good pencil. School Directors are earnestly invited to attend Wolleboro, Sept. 25,1867 J. D. OAEICINS, 4°. CO. Sup't. Orphans' Court Sale. By virtue of an order of Orphans' Court made ou the 30th day of July 1867. The following described piece of real estate will be sold at pub lic sale on Saturday 'the 20th day of Ott. next at 2 o'clock P. M. at the Court House in Wellsboro Pa., as the 'property of James E. Johnson late of the township of - Delmar dee'des Said. property il l being bounded and de cribed as follows viz : lie. ginning at a post the orth west corner 'hereof ad joining the lands of P (Ape A Dodge thence south Ed dogs. east 128 1 erehes to a small beech, thence south 2 dela west -162 perches to a post in the Round island road, thence along said road south 86 degs.lnroSt five ,porches north 62 dogs. west 38 porches north 69 degrees west 34 perches west 8 perches, south 69 deg. west 24 perches, south 97 deg. west 28 perches, thence north one deg. east 121,perebes to the place of beginning—containing 118 and 6.10 acres more or less, with one frame house frame barn, 20 acres improved end a few_fruit trees thereon, all situ. stud in the township of Delmar Tiog6 Co. Pa. . ItTISSELL LAWTON, iVelieboro Sept. 25 1887-4 w: Admr. Planing Machin4. AT KEENEYVILLE, PA y HAVE put in a nret•olass PLANER, and am I prepared to„plauo flooring, Biding, etc. to order. OEO. D. KEENEY. . 5ept..18,186771y, Auditori Notice. TEE underiigned laying been appointed an auditor to, distrihtto the • proceeds arising from the sale Oftlie swats of Lyman Hart, late of Charleston, doe'd wll attend to the duties of his appointment at the, trice of Nichols &Mitch- ' ell, Wellaboro, Fridayt ct, 18, 1887, at 2 o'clock P. M. All persons interested are. requested to take notice. ;JCHN I. MITCHELL, Sept.,lB, 1807, 44. . Auditor. Mrs. M A. J. Sofieldc' , : is now aeoiving the Fall styles of b : ~ • i • MILLINRY, . direct from the city, and willploasod to see her old friends and customers; vltlf as many now ones as may choose to favor her with their pat ronage. I have engaged a first-class Dressma ker, and' am prepared to carry on • DRESS-RAKING in all its branches. in a satisfactory manner. . Orders taken for Hair Jewelry. Good prices paid for human hair. Store over VauVulken burg's Grocery, Main-st. %Haber°, Sept. 25,11867—tf Eatray AllE into the enclosure of the subscriber on lj or about the }sth of Sept., 1867, thirteen sheep and five lambs. One of the lambs is a buck, the sheep are marked as follows: hole through one car and the other oar split and half cut off on some of them. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges,. and damages, and take them away, or I shall proceed to dispose of them according to law. NEWTON BULICLEY. • Deerfield, Sept. 18th, 1867. In Bankruptcy. District Court of the United States for the Western District of Ponn'a, In the matter of L. D. and John i R. Taylor, Bankrupts. iVceterit District of PenneNtrunia, as . This is to give notice : That on the 24th day of Sept., A. D. 1887, a, warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of b. D. & John It. Taylor of Blossburg, in the county of Tioga and State of Ponn'a, who have been adjudged to be Bankrupts on the petition of their creditors, and the payment of any debts and delivery of any by them, are forbidden by law. A meeting of the creditors of said Datiltvuptil to prove their debts And choose ono or more Assignees of their estate, will be bold at a Court of Bankruptcy to be holden at Tioga, Pa„ in said District on the 24th day of October A. D. 1867, at 2 o'clock P. M., tho taco of F. E. Smith, duo of the Registers in Bankruptcy of said District.' • THOMAS A. ROWLEY, ' oct2 67.4 w. • U. S. Marshal for said District. In Bankruptcy., District Court of the United States. for the Wasters District of Penri'a) in the master of 3ns. Campbell, a Bankrupt. . • • Western District of Penmsgteania, as : NThis is to give notice: That on the 24th day of September, A. D., 1807, a warrant in Bank ruptcy was issued against the estate of James Campbell of Delmar, in the county of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, who bas been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts, and delivery of •Itny property, be longiug to Buch Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are for bidden by law; that a, Mooting of the creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their debts and choose one or more assignees l of litrestate, will be held at a court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the' office of F. E. Smith, at Tioga, Ponn'a, before F. E. Smith, Register, on the 25th day of October A. D. 1867, at 10 A. M. THOMAS A. ROWL'EY, U. S. Marshal for said Dist. l Oct. 2,1887-4 w. TN- BANKRUPTCY.—Thid is to give notice: That on the oth day of Soritetnbor,:k. D. - 1867r a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued aoinst the estate of William B. Middaugh of Lawroncovillo, in the county of Tinge,olul State of Pennsylva nia, who has been adjudeWa Bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Bank rupt to him or for his•use and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their debts, and to ohooso ono or more Assignees will be held at a Court of Bankrliptey, to be hol den at the office of F. E. Smith, in Tioga, county of Tiqga, and State of Pennsylvania, before F. E. Smith, Register, on the 24th day of Oct. A. D. 1867, at 10 o'clock; A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal Western Dist. Pa. Pr. D. CAMEITON, Deputy. Oct. 2,1867-4 w i BANKRUPTCY.—This is to give notice : I That on the 9th day of Sept. A. D. 1367. a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Do Pui At Nichols, -of Tioga, in the county of Tioga, and State of Ponn'a, who have been adjudged ilankrupts on their own Petition; that the payment of any deb ta and delivery of any pioperty belonging to such Bankrupts to them or for their use and the transfer of any property by them aro forbidden bylaw; that a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their deli, and to choose one or more Assignees will be Told at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the (Ace of F. E. Smith, in Tioga, county of Ti. oga, and State of Pennsylvania, before F. B. Smith, Register, on the 23d day of October, A. D. 1867, at 10 o'clock A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY,. U. S. Marshal West'n Dist. Pa. Per DAVID CAMERON, Deputy._ IN BANKRUPTCY.-This is to give notice : That on the Mb day of Sept. A. D. /807, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of North Sc Knowlton of Mansfield, in the county of Tioga, and State of Penn'a, who have been adjudgkal Bankrupts on their own Petition that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupts, to them or for their use and the transfer of any pro. party by thorn ire forbidden by law ; that a meet ing of the creditors of the said Bankrupts to prove their debts and to chops', one or more As signees of their estate, will berheld at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of F. E. Smith, in 'liege, county of Tioga and State of Penn'a, beforo F. B. Smith, Register, on the 22d day of October, A. D. 1807, at 10 o'clock A. M. THOMAS A. "ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal \Yuen Dist. Pa. Per DAVID CAMERON, Deputy. WARM FOR SALE,—Ono of the best in Tio ga county, situated miles from from Law iTencoville, Pa. This farm contains about 65 acres, 45 acres of Flat land under good cultiva tion. it is a good grass and grain farm, well wa tered, has a good frame house, two frame barns, and out-buildidgs. Terms easy. _ Stock and crops to be sold. 'For ( curator particulars apply to C. S. MATHER, Latirenceville, or to the un dersigned on the premises. Oct. 2,11307-3 t. A. IL EVENS. tile LAM) & RAVE opened en entirely now steel( of Goods nt their new Store under the AMTATOR Ofaco. our 0-00DS aro purelmeli for cash, and our - custotners will - havo the advantage of,Clioosiug from • THE -LATEST STYLES, THE BEST, ASSORTMENT, TILE LA _ • GEST STOCK of Goods In Tioga Cotintty, and of buying at the best prices goods of 0101 bust quality. We emu tnerate the following advantages: DRESS GOODS Fancy and Rhick Silks, 'Empress Cloth, French Armures, Poplins, Figured Reps, French Me. rinoes, Alpacoas, Wool Delathes, warranted ALL wool, Tamiso Cloth. Ls CZ* ll° II SI Fancy Caesimeres, Doeskins, Broai cloths, Bea yeti;' Tweeds, Jeans, Farmers' an Mechanics Cassimeres. iktots i $ h:;;11 Men's and BOys Kip and Stoga Boots, Mon's Calf Booto l Ladies and Children's Shoes, a full and splon41(1. assortment. .Wots and Shoes sold at this es . tablishment warranted to be as represented, or 1110116' re funded. \ .LNIZ,) 0.0; ,cp • Men's and 134) Felt Hata, Franklin Hat and a full assortment of Cloth Caps.- Groceries i Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Scat), Spices, etc IVe buy our 6foods of• First Class, IRfuses in New York, and have arrange ments there by which we are to be con- ' staidly in receipt of the latest styles of goods, bought during t °llle.easy stages of the snorkel. IVe cap attention to_the fact that we can, and will, furnish cra•- pets of all styles and qualities at New York prices. IVe qtfcr (hat portion of the trading public whiph goes to' Elmira, and elsethhere, to purchase jaw qualities of floods, bargains' 4 which tired' cannot better, at any point beyond _Yew Yrrk•. nus' n DI: LANO L. BACHE. lVoltsboro, Oct. 2, 18 L ADIES' Vests and G ,.' 11l L'ACIW orit rrice.:l; itt De idiNO & A; LARUE Stock of FRENCH CORSETS, at ' Do LAO .L• FANCY CLOAKINOS, nt 1,.4K Tie LAND 6 : CO., Agents for the Susquehun A./ tio, IToolon Mills. H OOP SKIRTS, zj OTIION YARN, at J. Horton, LATE of the firm of — Mather lle - rton, bay ingijuat returned from the city of Now York, is now prepared to offer to the citizens of Law• roncoville, and vicinity, a general assortment of GROCERIES I PROVLSIOAS, , CE OCKERY, HARDWARE, WOOD & WILLOWWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS - LAWRENCEVILLE, PENA" 1. Septorabor, 17th, 180-tf • Wellsboro Cloth-Dres,im , orks. tiAvi.l , ;(i engaged fir. J A.NiES SMITH to superintend our Cletbin,,q . ll' , .r?sa 'ire are now Toady to do all kind of ;•ole'rAng and' i dre s- log in good style and on short TOice. S. A, lIILTBOLD, 0. lILAIR. 1, Sept. 18, 1887—If. .NEW HA DIVARL: I : STORE ! 1 CONYERS & - OSGOOD I'addition to tligly old buAnePs in Dry (locals, j: Groceries, &0., Save established a STOVE, TIN, AND GENERAL HARD WARE STORE, , • two doors below the - old stand; wboro they man ufacture T I.N -,\V A R.E HUMANITY PRINCIPLE, that is, in tho most subst ntial in:inner, In the matter of S r rO* VA S 9 we have/ enough to do all t? 10 (looking and marm lag in Tioga County. In litet; we •iwto Storer enough to MAKE. A SUMMER in IVA .1, I?, 1.186121 We aro the duly agents for the sate of the MRICAN COOli STOVE in Wollsboro; and this Stove is tith AUTOCRAT OF STOVES 'silo keep all kinds of hardwire, Iron, Nails, Steel, Horso Shoo?, nod a coyote o variety of • SHELF lIARDW4RE. If you don't believo it DROP LV. CONVERS .' OSGOOD IV°lisboro, Bopt. 4, 1887, ly. Erick 1 Brick 1 ! 13rick.1 6 5 00 ,-, BRICK, just burned, and in ‘-1, order, for sale at our Brick Yarli, opposite the Cemetery, Wellsboro, Pa. FRED. AtARQRAPP, LOUIS MARGRAFF. Aug. 28, 'B7:4f. LANO Dr? LANO S CO' ote and Shoot, at Do LANG k CO' Do LANO .t CO'S Do LAND & CO'S ON 711 E . .. _ . AYEPRe2raI ' i ... -‘g '• . -, q-- , -1. • /4.-,... 5 Cherry "0 4,,,, ir5pr:,,...::.,,,,d,iii1?:; ~,,•,.,‘.tpt,-..-:(1,,,,,„:: 5a.,...,, no . „ 1:1 , , i ; t .c ti n e r , o Nl t r i . i „. a i ; i t e t f ,i i , , ,, ii:1 4 0 11. ,, ,, it . throat and lungs. A trial of many Sliflni ha.,,_ tablished the fact, that it is more t flic:o.h,ag t, pulmonary affections, th a n any other .rein,i r. Its lt ffieley ilna nt.w..hccmae so t.t ( l o- ratly ka,, l i i , that it is' justly regarded in many i! ,, lllilrit• 4, ~,' IllediCille of ill 11181,018111,10 ticenio.ity. In treat . Britain, France, and tiertnany. white medirai science has reached its highest perteethie,n,, pre t thrilted in einettie practice, and co tH i„ no ; anent in the armies. in 1/08131i111,3 and other pat,. De ini.titutiort.+,. where it is regarded by th , a tt en ding physt("1:111S 11,3 tile must ri .,,, A , ; ,, i agrecaide remedy that can re employed. ;trance. ty any•ncighborhuod can be found a bore li e n known eiveti of disc:teed Inngs,whieh . ll.ld hot t ,„ l the efforts of the must skillful and experienc e d i doctors, liaVe been completely cured by it. , 11, 51 result:: are' he ItIOFt convincing, pronfs.of 'the le ., . porior eurttit ii properties of this piepar.itiiii, a nd t., them the authors point with petmliar ra . ; ' isfartiun. While it is toast powerful again,l e;,r.. -firmed disetipes,.it is extremely gentle as a inedi. tine in infancy and ymtlit, being quite halla h to even the youngest, who*, administered jail,. dowdy. , Thn , health remoter iieeoloplisdie4 even in,ri by prevention than cure. II taken in sntrinn, l i heals all irritations of the throat null lun g ., whether at king from Colds or Coughs, or fro m othereauses, and thus prevent that lung train r.f painful and ineuralde diseases, which wi aid ati, e from the neglect of trait.. nose no landlr should he withoutit. Influenza, Croup, ib,,,,..,„ rows. Whooping Cough, Pleurisy. incipient C,, r ,, sumptioni and Other affections - tit the Lredtbing . organs, give way before this pre-eminent (Alit. nation of medic ii virtues. ' Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER A: Co.. 1. ,, ze11, medicines and Mold by all Druggit-ts and dealt:its:it edicines everywhore. Sold in Wellshoro by J. A. Roy l . teptl-20). 1 REMINGTONS' FIRE .AJW ECZE ASP SOLD 13Y Tit A I{ENEIcII.II LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALELS 200,000 FURNISHED THE U.'S. UOVIRNMEs.T. Army Revolver, ..- t I- 160 i 6.• (;;,!,,t, ~ • Navy Itovolver, Belt Revolver Navy nine laid r.: Police Revolver, -1. Navy , ice Ca;:l.:: Now Pocket Revolver , "1 1 1 )0 Pocket Revolver, ( idor'e.r pt.) *.; 1 52ahl.ri Repeating Pistol, (Elliott pt.) No 221k.:32 Cart's Yost Pocket Pi,tol, No 22, 30, 32 k 11 C.lrtrpiz Gun Cane ..... .... 22 k 32 Cattsid' BreechLonding E. ItEMINUTON Revolving Rifle, PRINCIPAL AGENT?. 3lnore NiCholtq, Now York; Wm Bo:•tori; Jos COA) l'hiladelp)&,: tnoy SI Trimble, INltiint.re; Henry L, New Orlitait , ;T - 411n ;on, pa rico Co, , L M Ructuey „ Lociip.; All..!rt ( * . cm , Sari Fraiivkvi, t I ;117,Au, Notice. JevicE is hetehy given to Collevt,a, tL,i !, the Ist day of Oct. It.tft7, the of SoldierB' Bonds . falls due, and ask.you for tha last dollar I'm that diy, TAX PAYERS----Tiogargounty haq .ist~ thou sand dollars to pay cal that day, a cote ,± ).,1j pay your taxes (ho debt cannot te paid;. wire than that the money has got to were l y th 4 time, or co.st oils he made. Ity order of the ComieL , idotief:-. Sept. I I, 1'67. C. F. 11ILIJ,I.C, 'fret the ell(d. ,, Ure ESTRAY. — Catiw into bubseriber in llainps, on the ritli of Aug,-; a yoke of Stags, 'The )111111:41.; years OW ; color led : the• oliteht abut years 014, of a duo rolur, 501110 White MI hi, A aria a White. ;VA in his forehead. The requested to ii;ere property. pay dialize lahu them away. .StfliN I' N111,1,1.1'. Baines, Sept. 11, 14671-4,t,• C;leftiking Sc-Ning IT nedersigiied I. Sewing, that lir 1 , clean 1111(1 Wit such 111.1111ill , :t. in ,rth . r h .•all, lie al.no is agent. 114 the which c.in be lo,c(1 on any inachioc. - JOHN It. ; 4 11. rcpt. 4, Itit i, tr. iAbsigneC-1 ;4:110 Gnow: cfmAp AT Atc"rios UL -;;;". VATE LX.---,The inplor;igned, ot the estate of Nast nerb.o ill to,ll. at .o. tion, commencing Friday the 1:-dis day of ()Loy, ',Doi ? at 1. t., t .. to., al the :Awe 1,..,•• oecupied by them in Lim.. imp!, Tlo e n l'a. all their valtml,l• ,toutlt. tI :%loichatoloo, oom ing'Of foe l and Coatt., Vests, l't n t at. ot;.‘ lteatLV-mado in g; Boots, Shoe,, ;tit. , . Caps, Calicos-, 1.1- dieeDress (loud- i Trimmings, Howl-. Scarfs, Handkerchiefs awl Cloaks, CArpetti.? •Umbrellas„ Cotton Yarn (tad Thread, Vuutpt Teas, Coffees, '-'l.iees, and other (.3r , ..e( -Oil, Lamps, Mirrin% , . Tobacco of difilicnt Trunks and Store FUrniture, three' cwinnon one tailor's heating StureSkontl stove •r, tailor's cutting Tables, a large and a ,atall two rewing MaehineF, and two tailor', Go Gooses, and other thing' too numerous to , p, • 7 , Terms, on all purchases not exceeding :•. 4 10, before delie ,, ry of the articles purchased., or, purchases exceeding :310 and not exe , , , ling secured by good ttpproved exemption ,ludgm 5' Notes, payable wirfA.4fEterest, sixty days' sr, ig tall he siren: anti all purchases c:Xisdii}g •"• sceUred tiefore';‘rceilied;a c redit 01 h. it utot,.la . will ho given. C. 11. SEYIIOL I II, Oetoherl967. ; id tOTICE —The duet bm,i of Dolthar (mm will meet at (he Butler ?..•elioel -e, it. Fork on Saturday the 2nil tiny 0 f1..0,10t next, at 10 o'clock A. M. to r ej,ntra et r ithltcolt• era , ter the ensuing winter term tat eetutnor schools ; to thu brat Moodily in December next, ter thtee xuonths. Per order of the Board. Oct. Stil !Sea Ott s,' COURT SALF..--Puittt int t„ao ortiel- of the OrpliatiF* Court of Tiogx. I will ex.i.yee to public :ale on the pretnit,es, Farmington, Monday, Nor. 4, ISti7,. at t afternoon, all that real e, le bounded n' fol le Ir..' Beginning nt the highway 01, John Vatillitcl. decit, itittl George Sericy, , Thouos Ni7p4hwentl 1111 rtnit,' In curlier of John VatiDifsen lot, thenet! tit ;LH eastrry ilt„ to It along the line et tleor4e-Seeley 20 2-10 to corner pr.i, then a I,oUtllWatel a)ung the useti dee'il, and l'atten'f, lane: t 101 reds, thence, westerly, 2;:, 2-10 to place%ii begin Ling eontaininel6i ;oft. mote or ANDltri-W, VANDU , SIt!e. Oct. 0,1567-3 w. Guardian of Byron V.o,du .tzen pt al leiliankrupre:‘ rpuis nutieo: That tat tie. 1 0l October A. D. ltti7 a war; „JL ruptey was IN,tied against the estate,: Fr..T. 11, Wood, of Sullivan Tp., in the oultul:+ • I and State iiCePonn'a, whit has been tekt,.:- ,, Bankrupt on his own ptitition ; that the [etit of any debts and delivery td onv prop,rty heionging to suet 11:1111(rUnt 1,1 hint or f.t I ' l . l °' and the tranAbr o of any property I,y Lim :ne bidden by law; that a meeting of the creditor: , „t said Bankrupt to prove their debts and to eh, ono or more Assignees of his es•tato oilk be dun at flit' office of P. E. Smith, in 'Ylvallin, before F. h. Smith. Register. on Oft, il,Ly of Novetolier,.A. D. ISO. at 10 0'd 77, 1 A. M. ' Timm AS A. ROWLEY, 11. S. Mandril West'n lii t Oct. 18117, 4w. • Ili Baillouptcy. - • • ... . Ti. rs.,, to give !mike: That on the Ali do of lictob"r A. I ) . 15 6 7, a warrant in Min) roptey waii issued agaiost ,the ;'tote. it :`e lr ).- o• Baggmt leTioga, in the county oi Tie-ii,.ii.i State of Ire.onvleanite who has lii,:en ii.iiiiiigi , ! i Bankrupt on 1118 ..,..wn petition, that the p.ipri; ( Of any debts rind delivary of any propert3 ' longing to NllOl Bankrupt, to ' him it; for Ili: to'• nod the transfer of any property by liilii, an: 1 r hidden by low : that a,meeting a 0,, 0 , o ditor, ,' said BanKrorit'to prove their del,t, tutu m ilii- , i' low or more assignocs of his eAni, , , ,iii ti I'll at 0 court of nankruptry, .1.• be hol,loo nt '6 O gave , ot, F. E. Smith, in 'flora, l'eliti'iii 1 . 01 "" f ' E. Smith, itegii.ter, iiii the nth day ri \''" her A, 1). ISeii, at '2 o'clock, B. M. TIICII4AS A. Itilly LEV. - JNltitsh:ll IVr , l ri , 1.. 1 ' , ..... - 1314144er ti, vulii. (iiite_c§c. TT [oitEt4T n. 1,1 ]uric; plod fTi' , ' r "' d 1 - 1." CiiVe , e, or ,hipped for partio , 1 , 2 I j 0.0;7, . TOLES A. BA la: i:11 z. I —_ BE A ON ENISTE N6TICE —lenter, et atlininietratilm having Leo' gil,ontot to IL' uteler,igatutl upon the estate of Stto.uol I'. V , "';'• late of Covington,' tleeeasetl, notice e.Teen to those i l ot e loc4l anti thw-c 1,0 claims again :A Said trA3tu Ito 1”(1 wra I‘l.llll' E 1V0f1j), Atho'rt, Covington, Sept. -1, IStI7-Gtr e4101, 1 );;;-':', liko hot cal: es at I C. B. KEI;I,1 8, 'April 1, 1807. ISIZAEI, ,-;roNE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers