ES A iqOPF., TO * TOF.ATUSES RY STANTII.I.'3ItYDEII 0 tomattuse,,liorr good you prof , I hare loved you ever same I mutpitlor ihtzn Ism now. At a very early period of my life My mother used often to take me A Talking in the garden, And she wed tell mo stories • Uv, you, lay sweet and sour totuatuses , She said when mock-(;_rauges, little known ) Pulka ait :rgu on for ()moment, Along with t thein, and called you Jerusalem tipples! • U tot lattlietio ! What ciliates you t!o - gf 041111 Street and sour, with your r jl cheeks mhinin 111110ng tho gre ]t tunl lookin 11S 4e11114111 As 709 kin? F 0111044 you*. Smooth, Mtn n. apple, owl MEE OE lt-toinat Is:nyanel ha yon,lrauf,to tlotne folks that' }la . :4 used Indrtn , l To ranch be.fort. I d'uteni.,stckl that, Anal yon hin regninte thr bowel= tor. . -` it .lera , ,,t.laatit apply 2 amllo,. - ! Da.l :. - .aal evcr livo before,tial, (Intl. ,111(l v.hirti A(19111 ,tad Eve Avere , little 10,y , ' / I NJ yea( p.,.. , .. t.1?4, 1at,1,-, , ill Ili( hail... When alto au sterawt 11:e.1 l(at I. e arn (pat i.,...0r" . !: ' ( 4)..t -J, il,ill;l.(i(datata I i t ;_ 1, 1 ;:. lite water ! Hid he Wilt am tap IV i I it t, ltIti::101'1111.1 :110 , 4! I. nil go away > , ;(IN kayo 1i1...• the .1..( , ,!, tthwitilt,tlioal tiorg, dui At , ,tv-ti-da•ta? That wild lie herd to MI. IV liars the - reason 1101iitirril eat: _yeti I . ;•;ecjit 111 8 / 1 , a n d elliekomi, anti rich 7 i Afatiba it ' s the kalquiel. rho - nian who first kaiute4 vou Pc:t.Trt es to b_e Emperor o"i" hioxiro, ;t was ',aro! BASF: RA I.L—Tile: Tit llSVine iirPOill Guys: Base hall is raging Cearfully thrcuighont, the oil region; !paring nei t her age nor eond i Lion. . \V vat base ball, talk it, and net it. The other night one of the'cleaeonjiiil'aeli tf rei 1, i n Frank liii, 'winding 001 - petition to heThrone of Grace, said : "Oh,' Lord, a. w,. ,lart, for a home run to Glory, don t h.t us liy the devil he caught on the fly !" .. EVERY - Mk . ponutrix Weekly' pOsents its readers just those of:, European current literature which evety'intelligent American wish- es and needs . to see. Omitting the heavi , papersi b disekissions of iopies of local It- interest, it gathers from all sources the dr. readable and instructive articles' which ep:_press the telt current thought of I.4hig- Him(' and the . Continent, and with the most promptness places them. before A-moyican readers. Any good story, any popular sketchor essay, any interest dug semi-seientitie paper, any strikipg poen'', or literary intelligence appearipg in a European Teriodical, is stn.& to° re -appear speedily in. the pages of "leery .'aturday. It is published by Ticknor and Fields, Boston. Anybody who entertained a lingering doubt of the disloyalty of the Pent - ocratic party, might have had his doubts dispelled the other evening, When the Copperheads held a mass meeting, in Baltimore to ratify the, new I) Maryland Constitution. One l of the speakers, who began by deelat'imt;that the negro had " no rights except what the white ma* those -to give hina as pripleges," wound up with the appro priate boast that his t , ympathieg during therwar had alw,ari been with -" the Pebel army." Among the sentiments which appeared most 'grateful to the assemblage was thC.: ." Little Phil. to. indians,and Stanton to rule t hem." meeting Nroke tip with elieer-, for j ;11fr: Davis and Wilke:, Booth. ( I ' t . it is not [Alen that the Ttibinic lets pretthr hit than this: ••.1 DenloeraticSotiunal reinal i;-; that "tilf.,,Repuhlican~ attribute the h,--es to thi•ir party in Maine It) love of whiskey; ire rather_iieeni It an in reactl of Democratic In•ineiltles." ilistihetion without a iiiili•r- vnec ; or we all know tlon.l----as Ihe market reporter; r2ay---w nen WhiSkey ca.;y Democracy i, tirin, and whenel r un) i.: r ill ot e d free the v(if of the f a ith ar( ti g h t and iii eood demand." I - lon. Simon Canter(' has written letter Muting that lie - shas ~no intention 1 ,1" resigning his seat iittlivUniteil States Senate in 'der that.. - t-: , eeretary t-Aatito -hould_ -. appointed his slieee:•ior. 1-1 •=lly , • " - L% c s •`tallt.oll ilti-nct a citizen < :jtid lia9 not reHided iu i for more than ten yimr , . _11114.h:1;4 I I Lira, if there were no other re:e4on, could not ignore 1111 the 111 CD WllO 11:1V s•O I . :Wilfully sustained me, if I desite4 to leave dip Senate. But ido not desir to, and would, tinder eireuM _:-falicts, accept_ any; other place mule the goverlitinca." z•ionthern paper the oilier day :it oroth.,fpri. , (l ern:diing rchillie to ow—of the L;entleino, who in the Habit of inthtlging in the 1)1u:-ter about lighting again in ease of a defeat af`the polls.. It, 6aid : " Why didn't you light when fight ing could be of some th:el You who blustered while we fought aye ver3- ready to renew the battl6. We who_ fought while you swaggered 1 1 / I Ve quite enough of it." General ,Canby„ ivlto- wits sent Charleston - to: replacikieneral because the latter itlfci too loyal, turns out to be a man of the same kind. lle directed that all lb orders Issuid by Gen. Sickles shall: remain in full force, and declares" that the course he pursued was the vt;q 4 yrbest that could have been adoptcd.- - Aohnson will have to try his hand ?tit antither change in that Department.' - . i . 7ri I E Lynchburg, (Va.) .Arcwil of the lath ul ~ is openly for repudiating the , war de )t, of the nation ; and quotes with approval Vallandigham's speech and articles from the Cincinnati Enquir er and other Democratic papers. Let .the people wateli the .signs of a gathering storm. ,' " AnvEnTisEnl' BIND ITR Y .—Loci; ,Kies of this well known bindery, lists recently leased and fitted .up a room at the.head of the stairs, second story, op posite the Assess'or's office, for an office and the convenience of customers hav ing Work - to be done. Some one will always be in attendance to receive call ers and impart inThrmation. To -.those who have mount& up two flights, of. •stairs, to their s greaT discomfort this im provement feelingly apparent. Mr. Kies also informs us, that he - has now unusual facilities for doing work connected with the 'bindery Promptly, and in-any stylgtO Suit custo ers, and in finish to equal_Or compare favorably withthe finest NeW York vi ork. He is supplied costly and - elaborate ma chinery to very much facilitate all the purposes of blank hook making or gen eral book binding. Specimens of \rot* ,and style may be seen at any time by calling at his office. 'He intends to . make this the Bindery of the Touhei i Tier, and Mr. Kies is.not one Jot* those, who often fails in carrying out nen . tions. How well we • have told the truth let any'douhter call and examine fur himself.—Elmira Adv;rtiscr. . The Tribune bays that in the frenzy of their joy over the election in tah • fornia, the Derriocrat , i of New York tir ed-off in the City 11611 Park some of the guns they °dratted - to:fire at Fort Sumter. - Timiloilton Post is fote(A to admit that the result of the California ccleet ion no proof of the decline of Reimh bean strength in Mit State. . ;), y(.11 111•1 j .11 hriow r.•n Y.u ,v• -I H ei ROAN CLOSING OUT SALE SUADIER PREi . . i', - GOODS 1 I 7 lade( to cult mit the Ilt ••111 i:11111111e) SlO,l, uthlto ruour tut NEW. FALL ‘ (i(X) I )8, thc ; ..ehorrilivrr have ieride the re:lewitig • REAT RECUCT ONS I Clown firothiniiii,,- 1,11 Vlgurt.,l Whitm We how. •I from.. ' . 71 Lt 177 1 , 1 1 11 1 ttli t It till :\Li,- w - , i"al 1., rinaltt ( t,t ;'1 , 10 1 . , „ - uC 5tIT1 • I.S.(i0(“1 - fS %SO nCO 1,04.1.6 lo.iti; (tits, ,el/tcf: , 010r,41, Ili • lo sssss I IVidl htit rlva..llol lei 1 1 i it tt Tl, Ling; tit rix t ,!„ A .•.,•v.inally I /iii eitt II fq ,, t•k 11 . 11‘11 7 ,40a hoWt'l prim, 011111 at .rity tiiiio , hit ing; nut l.u , t live 1. A. PA ,L N , 21, IAII7, MEM Stovcs Is 4. W.are FOR THE MILLION D. P. ROBEPIN, orPOSE'rE' 11()V!"-1 1;11 I 1.1),1 1.• . Is now ilLowire,,l 1,,, liiiiii,li the public iril, knythiaig in 1.1.2 tint) id lui-iii,.,, , , iii quanti y a. large, iii quality ,t,g4,uti, a lid. Int Oieup 11, )li4 fib any .lealer: i.i, :"Z.rtlicru Poiiii'y'lrailia. Ile pitys particular. Atte! STOVE AN I) TIN NV IRE BUSINESS, and Keel, a lull ,iwt•t•t t.feta:)' thing in that line. TIN WARE NI(ADE 0111)Eli promptly. and warrantell to give ea tiAnetiol:. RE PA I NO executed in the hest manner and with dispatch CALL AND SEE ME._ 1). P. 11()11EP N TS1 Welkb.)r.ow.h, ',Starch 7. 18,16. AI"PENriIION, Flllllllll l ,Rs. Ilctll' .1 -VP 1; P rY . .f/ "I 0 I tr. - A C 111 El.', 11W llt t I.i. EA I. Eft ri undoubtedly the 111 . 1,1‘-t Marl) itie in Ow 601.1, EN Tr tINI, '11101,1:7iAi; I) of tlio,o iteltilie, betty; nor: in we. It IIIINap• tho pru.nniin 1 0 3ii•rina 1?~hiI tutu • the, !=nle anti Till ill ‘•nici , 1.1.4111.11 s . lam .1 , 9 ageia fir the .ale .11 1 00_1 .1 S J11011'11;11'; it: light_ and ext.ti lAIIIIIIII 1 uulhtt ork. This will pay t.,1 it. 1•11 in tho :‘.l\ing of ; jr id h, »,0141•T by anV large 111:1 in °tit . D P, WeN , horn, -Pun! Kt;7-11. To the Farmers et" Tioga County II 00/.'S MO WIWI 1 . 0.1//U,N't,./f 11011 - I: .1 I: l'E M:11 I rn ?:. } I . C I TI 7 I ry 1 : E 1:0nlin 1..1,-11,050,._,:,,: fi inedliDes ater,cll kim 1, tlitoligliout OR. ,a • 1 ,01 . "4 the tin We, 31A the pr,•(ti.ii,, aver ull ether I • olninetitl,l lutll eolp a. , ,i , nitniont ..; .I()INTEii 1.1(' iN I.lle Levu the :rift ha:. A go.,if a.rtilient ~r 11.. g uard., awl ~thor 1•01I:.1:1illh . nn 11:111,1 Pike Cite.iper Iltdu 'they hare 1,..t0re !welt IJIII•tet1 In die KjSIItALL.: Agoi l ts ‘1'011,1.4,1-0. jtily 18G7 n. POUT 7, ' S =EI Horn ad Midas T1:1:.IIf1VEs CONCH,, TEMPE I:, VER4, FoUNI)EI 1,4 iss TITE A!::1) VITA! ENEIUEO's', ke It ucq impror lA. w 1n d,• the a stoo u t It ....ant tritn4Ornri t It t zni wrable ekelt,rtul r pf e" iIJ \ hlr 10 pro%e, the quality 4 , f the will: It has 0 . ,,t ,n by fie c plitnent tt, in( tc a:c the quan tity milk and tweally per nir,ke utter num and n cci. In fattening caul, it givv, ti,r to :.11 loo.•(.11it M. it 6. d c to.d thrt+•c In all dbtras..-t Gf Swine, such .0 Coughs, Clcus the • • &C., i 4 art 1 4.:4 4 act 4 :fs a sprlzi Its patting i r.:a unr-11.41f a lrtp .• to a imp .1' u,•. , barrel of In • tlb ,- ,ce • a t cralicate,l, -• r or entirely pr -vent If niven in tinin. d tfatain iirrvcativci and car,: i ti • I Ir. • •.i. Price 2.5 Cellt3 pe P ,c : .o:.$1 . . (—)IF 1 r AT TrET: - . %MOLES 1i i DPI ‘i A' •,; i i;it I 11141;f:', No. 116 Franklin 8-, P: For or,l ..( DAVID E. FouTz, Sueeessoi No by John A. Roy, Wellsbom UM ir k rt _.:.., U FITCH'S .ABDOBEINAI. SPPORII- We are Agents for Singer's Sewing Machines, _j_, L'ltS, for eal oat lloy's Drug Storo. r the hest and cheapest Machine for family use, i less liable to get nut of repair, and' more durable thou any ether, ud.ll3ted to tne or oclarse sewing. Call and see them. 011-NV , IN TIVE ISEST'ISTYLE, with deFpatch, TIIE rrAT'ort office. • - AMI:ItICAN WATCHES in Ruffling Silver a , ozi flout 527.50 up at FOLEY'S. - 4.114 1 14 4 11 1(50:11P tt aigreat hargaiii at I C. B. 1: ELL 'S April I, ISO. LA 1-1 I ES' S ETS from IA . 5(1 to :;, , 311, at docit) FOLEY'S. NLI OOllS' =II A.1"1. 1 11E .I`l - AWL - O,S 6TORE-I\ -WE ARE NOW RECEIVING A. FRESit STOCK OF' GOODS SP 11 IN G 'l'li A DE, and aro prepai Ita e 411.1,1% :11k pCfoplu in et) fie 2 1111 1.. I !,II Ikv; eviit D 1? V 49 41010 S • give the best saiistavti. , h, uh.l thi..e iiveuatomed CM that aro to Ito this'l4littion, ntoi tLose "1 I MADE DV, TO ORDERA N D -WAR oLILSTS),(LK WILL BE KEPT PULL, Sold as Low as at any other• Estab au of St.•ck and Wedging our-cues to - slIuW GOODS FREELY AND TAKE NO OFFENCE ~3III'I'H & IV ATTE Con•niug, N. Y., A N 10, NEW kalt EM ENT Wil Valkenbitr b o . * N t ) DRY GOO D S Tins rparatien, loin• nod favorably know:), v, ill ther (lllo'2, igorate 'wok, n-fikiwti and low spirited horsei, ,ixtugtheolog and el CO ming the •btonfaeli and intt•s- 1:1 a sure pre \ • o of all diw Cassinieres Vestiugs, Ladies' Cloths, and a large variety ofi Lndies'i:llyeps Goods. -; ;i 4 . :4 MERCIEANT TAILORING 1. - t3-'gC). -SPRING Gc,4OO.DS. lEll The Senior partner has had a largo oxperienoo in Merchant Tailoring. and it is the intention of the new firm to put this hraneli of their husinosa beyond rticeessfut competition. Wellabor°, Feb. 20, 1867—tf 1V" CO RWIsV(~', Adapted to 1 the i Nt)ltTif ERN N L.l A NIA WI 111 011 It ' I,ONO EX PEll'iENtlle, had taught, us that OOU DS Q a 0 1-3 tiatronifu tla kfe"w IJiii WU K E El' :HIE .lIEST 0001)S %IL,' urc n,,t nlts titts 1112 —quite Slit Ito 1,13_111C ke keep as•usunl ;a LAIUTh STOOK . OF OLOTIIS to sell 63;'tEre ling! .rr N'l'El.► TO .FIT Itb d all ti oukls tull 10 Warranted t( give Sal:A:action, !MEI that Is.) ..,,tlO te-I.ll,li:heil them:v-Iv,, ;it UNTON • 101-l)' by P I) 11 I Ilioy u„t. tec . ci‘altg a taro 6tut•Q of IN(1 1❑ part, stwivai GROCERIES, ' ti't y ANIVIQINTSAINU GOODS: DON'T FORGET THE PLACE To buy cheap, and a choice lot of 'li.',"wiLho.msA to, DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MED ICINES, PAINTS,'OILS, DOW GLASS, & Have comedown to OM Prices'at laat WE do not heeitatu to nay that 'vu have the Largest St...A of .Illy if Ow P u ; Di? v ( m EI)1(11 ARS, PATENT 161EDICINES, I FANCY ARTICLES, TOILET SOAP, 'CLOTH, HAIR, TOOTH & NAIL' BRUSHES, MIRRORS, V , WINES & LIQUORS &C . EVER BIWUGHT INTO THIS HARKET. I= PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, Pure White Lead, Pure White Zinc, Linseed Mil. Coach Varnish, Furniture Varnish, Yel low Ochre, Von'etian Red, Chrome YeL Spanish Whiting, Paris White, Ku'domino, Rosin, Tar, Log Wood, rustic, Brazil Wood,' Cam ' wood, Redwoo I, Potash, Putty, Alco- • cohol, Benzoic, Spirits Turpentine, - and Keresenc Oil, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Which we will sell 25 per cent. cheaper than any other establishment in the county. In short, we have every thing ever kiipt in a first class 111 It. WILLIAM 808 s begs to announeu to the citizens of Tioga County, that in a‘blition t., his excellent. stock orStovev, Tin-Warn, 111 ittania, awl Shoot-Iron Ware, ho nt a groat, outlay, sioeltea Lia atoro ou with a cotuploto ailsortuteut of iiholf of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MLLL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, r 'SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. 'Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, • POWDER AND CAPS. 1113 r•T ORM SEMPEII. VAN KEE I\l - YrlONb', .PEI?FU111.11111 I', We hnvo elm° the Lergert Steek of Such us law, Chrome Green, Prueaian Blue, Patent Dryer, Locker, Japan, DRUG STORE, and all wo abk is for you to call and examine our stock and prices before buying elsewhere. Re member we can't be undersold. All goods warranted or no sale, k P. R. Wiza..wis, 1 P. It WILLIAMS Co J. L. WILLIAM'S.' J No. 3 Union Block. Wellsboro, June 26, 1667. s: Stoves :: Stov, A N D II AR 0 WARE! MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, AUGERS, BITTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, . BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD .b SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS,' WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, PATENT BARNDOOR. HANGINGS a new thing, and matte for use. These are but a few• of the many articles composing our stock' of Hardware. We invite the public to call and exalt' themselves. We aim to keep the best qu goods in our lino ; and all work to ord promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBE Wellsboro; Sept. 1. 1464—tf. MUSIC! MUSIC.—The Tiogn Corne Is now in good blowing order and p to furnish good Music on all occasions fo, sonoble compenution. All communicationH Hlmuld be addressed to the Leader and Seerelary at Tioga, Pn. P. li. AIJAhla, Leadoi. T. A. WICKHAM, See'i l . April 3, Igs7-Gin. _4-4,- NEiir 2:0,' B uy . c f. SELL 'IS OUR - BTISINESS W.E will buy at the highest ,inatket price, .the following articles, SLIEEP' PELT S i . , DEACON SKINS, DEER SKINS, FURS, MILTS, AND VEAL SKINS, for which we will pay cash. - We will manufacture to order, French or home. tanned CALF or KIP BOOTS, iu the beet Man ner and ttt fair• rates, and pay .especial attention tO REPAIRING. ALSO; We have a ffrst-rato stock of READY-MA[IE WORK, on which we w.ll not ho undersold, and from this time we shall wake it a point to keep np the best stock of .1: - .A.DIES' GAITERS, to ho found .in the county, which we will Bell at a lower profit than aueli articles have ever boon offered in this region. We shall likewise keep up a good assortinent of LADIES' BALMORALS, L E A'l' II F R BOOTEES, CHILDREN'S AND MISSES WORK of VA , / MOUS STYLES, ndblt styles of MEN'S WORIC. P 1 . • LEATHER o'. PI NDI.NGS. ° eau bo bought nf ue as cheap as any 'where this side of New York, and we shall keep, a full stook of • FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP PER, SOLE, LININGS, AND • BINDING. Our stock of PEGS, NAILS, THREAD, AWLS, RASPS, GLOVERS' NEEDLE'S, EAST S, TREES, CRlif P S, lath SHOHDIAAtEII'S TOOLS and FINDINGS, will be found the lar gest in the county, and los sell for small profile, We talk business and we mean btfeiness: We have boon in this region long enough to be, well known—let those who know us try us. Corner ',of Main and Grafton streets, opposite Wm. Rob erts' Hardware Store, C. W. SEARS, GEO. 0. DERBY, We'labor°, April 24, IB67—tf. NEW GOODS AND NEW P T. A. WICKHAM'S, TIOGA, PA. HAVING just returned from New York with New and carefully selected STOCK OF 'GOODS,' MI those in want of Goods vitt' Ond it to their interest to call and EXAMINE - OUR STOCK and learit Prices before buying elsewhere • r Kept constantly on sand, a choice lot of DRIED FRUIT, GROCEELIk PORK, &P., &C All the above Goods are bought at the lower Cash Prices and will be sold ONLY FOR CASH OR READY 'PAY Don't forgot the place, at filo old stand of VAN NAME 4k. WICKHAM. Tioga, Pa., Feb. 20, 18_677tf. WELL SBORO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. THE subscribers having iirocured additional machinery aro now reltdy to furnish to order all sorts of CASTINGS, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, FIELD ROLLERS, MILL GEARING, SLEIGH-SHOES, W 0 0 D - SAWING MACHINES, &c., &e!, &c. WOODWORTH PLANER for custom and job work, We are also prepared to do SLITTING & SCROLL SAWING Having a first-class serew-cutting Lathe, we are prepared to make CHEESE PRESS SCREWS, to order. Buildors of Chaos° Factories tiro re quested to examine our work. We manufaaturo the . - `Champion Plow; ono of the finest implements,in the market. Cash paid for OLD IRON. CHARLEWWILLIAMS, P. L. BEMIS. Viollaboro, May 16, 1867—tf 1867.. WRIGHT Sc BAILEY. 1867 WU commence this year with an selusively CASH businags. , CASH PAID FOR WIEAT 1 CASH PAID TOIL OATS 1' CASH PAID FOR pORN 1 CASH FOR EVERYTHING 11 A LARGE STOCK OF FLOUR FOR A LARGE STOCK OF FEED FOR A LARGE STOCK OF PORK FOR Call and see us• WRIGHT A BAILEY Welleboro, Jan. 9, 1887-Iy. • All persons indebted to . us by note or book account Toast call and settle or pay costs. Jan. 3, 1867. WRIGHT & BAILEY. no for lity of done TS. A FEW MORE PIECES of those substantial Shootings and Shirtings, a April 1, 1867. C. B. KELLY'S. Band -pared a roa- R ICH Bohemian Glass Vases, at deel9 FOLEY'S. _ You will Mid tho latest arrival of New Gootio a KELLY'S. April 1, 1867. =NM Ye Lave also a to order CASH I CASH 1 CASH 1 PUOTOGRAPHIO. E. & 11. T. ANTHONY & Co., Xanufaciurera of "holographic Valeria', • *swims ern ItZTAIL, 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of Photographic Materials we are Headquarters for the following., viz: Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Views Of Americin and roielgn Citiee- arid Landscapes, Oroupe, Statuary, etc. • Stereoscopic Views of the War, From negatives made in the various campaigns and forming a complete Fhotographio history of tho groat contest. . ' Storooscopic Viows on Glass, Adapted for either Magio Lanterns or the Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will ho sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. Photographic Albums. We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 200 varieties frotu 60 route to $5O each. Our ALUUhlrf have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to all ethers. Card Photographs of Goners's, States men, Actors. etc., otc. Our elltalOgUO 0111brileed over FIVE THOUSAND difforent subjects, Including feproiluctioun of the most colobrutod Eugraviugs, Paintings, Statue:3olc. Cata logues mouton recolpt of stump. Photographers and others orilto lug goods 0 0. D., will please remit 26 per coot. of tito nmoutit, with their order. ‘ Thu paces mut quality of our cannot lull to satisfy. Jon. 2.11367-9 m. rr AICE NOTICE .- On receipt or (1,“ .Dortor by mail I will Fond reciepos i.. to', ',ring compounds which with careful 'aim: a ill oleou ally rostoro gray hair to its original coloi., pre vent premature decay and fulling off, illlll impart a smooth and glossy appearapee to hair deadened by sickness. JNO. D. ,tlALLAtiliglt, Aug. 21, 180?-:Iiii* Wilmington, - Delaware, 1 66' • B. C. WICKHAM, 14 - FOR SALE 1866. BY AT T k VElluilgD OR NAMENTAL iTo -60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A gcod supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES h SHRUBBERY; The Fruit trees aro composod of the choicest vtiriotios, gooil, healthy, some of them large arid in bearing. Any ono wishing to got U [supply will do welt to call and see my stock bef ro. pur chasing elsewhere. p7- - noliverod at t depot freo of charge. I Vs Tioga, Fob. 28, 1888-Iy. LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. BRAIILEPS Celebrated Paten DUPLEX /ELLIPTIC (Olt DOUBLE SPRING) SKIRT. Mina will not bend or break like the single spring, _l_ but will preserve their perfect and graceful shepo when three or four ordinary aldrin will have boon thrown 'aside as useless. The hoops am:brined yith double and twisted thread, and the bottom rode are not only dou ble tiPtinge, but twice (or doubled covered; preventing them from wearing out when dragging down stoops, stairs, & 4 , The wnderful flexibility and great comfort anti pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt, wi Ibe experienced particularly in all crowded assem II , operas, carriages, railroad care, charch pews, arm a airs, for promenade dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place us .i l -easily ndconvenlontly It/3 s silk or muslin dress, an in. valnablo quality in crinoline, not found in any single spring skirt. A lady having enjoyed tho pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearingi the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt fora single day. rill never afterwards will ingly dispense with their use. For children, Misses and young ladies they aro nnperlqr to all others. The Duplex Elliptip in a great favorite with all ladles, and leunivorsally.recommended by the fashion maga zines, as the standard ekirtlof the fashionable world. To enjoy the following +inestimable advantages in crinoline, viz: superior quality, perfect manufacture,' stylish shape and finish. flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, inquire for J. W- Bradley's Duplex Ellipt ttc,or double spring skirt, anti be sure you get the gen uine article. CAUTION.—To guard against imposition, he particu lar to notice that skirts offered as "duplex" have the red Ink stamp, viz: "J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband—none others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop 'will admit a pin being passed through the center, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which 'is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and acorn bination not to be fonml In any other skirt. or sale iu all stores where Bret class skirts are cold Xhimaghout the Patted States and Meow) aoro. Elatm_ cactuled by rim solo pett.t, WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, July3,3m. 97 Chambers &79& 81 Reads Ms., N.Y. Popular Dry Goods Trade T HE Subscriber ia now "receiving his BPRI 1 V G 8 T OsCK linerchandise, Among which will ho found many of tho moot popular Styles of 11/I'3oo MCDOMg o SHAWLS, CLOAKINGS & SACKINGS, at prices than are worthy of attention Also, a full lino of PRINTS, GINGHAMS. BROWN AND BLEACII'D MIISLINS, TICKINGS, DENIMS, STRIPE SHIRT 'INGS, TABLE LINENS, BROWN SC , BLEACIIED, NAPKINS, TOWELINGS, LACE AN EMBROIDERED WINDOW CURL TAININGS, EMBOSSED AND PRINTED TABLE AND PIANO SPREADS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, j•c Spacial attontion is called to his 010.7711NG & TAILORING DE PARTMENT, Where a perfeet flt is guaranteed or no male A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. THOMAS HARDEN. Wolisboro, May 15,1887. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MANS- FIELD, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. FACULTY_ P. A. Allen ' Principal, Professor Natural and Mental Science. • J. T. STREIT, A. M., PrOfeqsor of Lang gos. CHARLES IL VERRILL A, . M., Professo of Mathematics. bins. L. M, PETERSELI/1, Modern Lan ages and Drawing. Miss SUE E. CONARD, B E., Engh. Br Man. MARY J. BRIGGS, B. E.. Principa; Model School. I. G. ROYT, Professor of Vocal and Inst tal Music. Miss ALICE 13. SEELEY, Aisistant In of Music SCHOOL YEAH 1867-8. FirstoTerm begins September 4, 1887, ~, Second term begins Decemb'r Third term begins March 23, 1868. o g. EXPENSES PER. TERM OF 14 WEEKS. . Pall and Spring Term, including board, room •rent, tuition, book rent, fuel, 'oil, and washinn.. $6O 00 Winter Term,........ ' 64 00 Day students, tuition a d book rent, 10.01 Tbtal expenses for school year 4184 06 No extra charges. Rooms 'funaisheid with stores, chairs, tables, stands, pails, balsteads, mattresses, pillows, and one comfortable. For further information send for Catalogue.. -- Aug. 7, 1887, Ow. Address, Principal. HO, FARMERS! GET THE BEST. TEE BLODOET PREMIUM HARPOON HORSE FORK ahead of all others in market; when tested with other Forks it never fails to give a decided preference. Be sure'and examine before buying others. All orders should be addressed to either J. R. WEEKS, WM. CHAMBERLAIN, J. H. CAMP BELL, or C. L. PECK, Nelson, Tioga County, Pa. July, 3, 1867-3m.* New Spring Goods just received at C. B. KELLEY'. April 1, 1867. SALE pRIJG STORE. WHO CORNING, N. Y. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PA AND OILS, THADDEUS DAV IDS' TRAT ED MEDI CINNATI WI BRANDY, 1 WASH L IHMEEME!=EI;IIIIII3IEZZEI CINES, I'I , IITOLEUhI ULL, ROCHESTER PEll- lb, AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, AND DYE COLORS, Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers are requested to eall and get 'quotations before going further ECM Corning, N. Y., Jan. , l, 1367-1 y THE GREAT CENTRE: OF ATTRACTION 18 AT 'LAWRENCEVILLE C„, S. MATHER & Cll. Would anraiunce to the good people of Tioga County that they hare just returned from Nciv York with their second full stock , of FALL gr. WINTER ' GOODS, eutbraeini; all the novelties as well as the sub stantials required-. DRESS GOODS in all varieties, STAPLE & FANCY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, & BEST FRENCH WOVE COR• SETS, GLOVES AND IIO• SIERY, YANKEE r NO TIONS, &c., &d. FURS I FURSI 1 MINK, CONY, and Siberia), Squirrel'. The largest Stock of CLOTHS & CASSIMERES in 112 e county, READY MADE CLOTHING, and CLOTHINMmade to order super intended bAyirst class work-men. SHOP MADE BOOTS & SHOES in end.° • less variety, HATS & CAPS ' C , to suit at/ tastes, - 1 • ' ~ GROCE I.ES, &CA &C. Our goods have pen bought during the last panic in New York: and will be sold at panic prices. i , Prices are dowh, monopoly broken' up. No other store can or dare compete with us ili qual ityr and price. For further particulars call at the store of ' C. S. MATHER A: 'CO. Lawrenceville, Doc. 19, 181.11. .1 0 Ohairinalter, Turner, and / -/ y Furniture Dealer. SALE ROOM, opposite Dartt's Wagon Sh o p, Main Street. FACTORY in Soars .t Wit liatns Foundry, second story. Ordorg promptly filled and sittisfaction guaran teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Wefisboro, Jnno 12, 1867. - STICKLIN. Tioga Marble Works, THE undersigned are now prepared to exe-, elite all orders for Tomb Stones- and Monu ments of either ITALIAN OR RVLAND MARBLE, of the latest style an I Ipprovtd 'xioikuuum.hip. and with dispatch. We keep constant' on hand both kinds ut Marble and will be II oto suit who may fa vor us with their orde s, on as reasonable toren, as can ho obtained in the country; • Stones disoulored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as good as ntiw. WILCOX & WHITNEY. Tioga, May 22, 1867-tf. To the Farmers of Tioga Count.) All now building at in v nuinufactory, in 'Lawrence a superior FANNING. 11111.1,, which 1 ,0.3e5m, tho movin g navantageo nllothr•r I. It:separates oats, rat litter. and c 0..! chose andcockle, front Irheat. 2. It cleans tlas seed, takes out yellow seed, mid all other seeds, perfectly. 3, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other sepnrating required of n turn. , This mill is built of the host and most durable tim ber, in good style, and is sold cheap der cash, or pro-, duce. I will fit a patent siovo, for separating "oats from wheat, to othor mills, on reasonable terms. J. It MATHER, Lawrvicoville, October 10, 18664 f WALSER & LATHROP, ) DEALERS [N lIARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TIN- WARE, BELTING, SAWS,' CUTLERY; WA'IR LIME, . AGRICULTI L IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, Jer. r Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1867-iy - no NEWELL, DENTIST, MANSFIELD, Pa., . grateful for the very liberal patronage heretofore received., will continue so as to per form all dental operations, as to merit the rapidly increasing professional demands now engaged. All operatthrts in all departments of the profes sion executed in the best possible manner. Ail new, useful inventions and. Improvements adopt ed. The highest good of his patrons tho ultima- Dim of his ambition. . ;66-tf aches 'ots the men ru et or ROY'S CHOLERA Dii.OPS CURES COLIC, CURES DYSENTERY. CURES CHOLERA MO.RBUS, CURES CHRONIC. DIARRHEA, CMS all Bowel Nomplaints, but does not cure anything else. This medicine is no carman: it has tho confidence of: every body. for it is never known fe fail : it sbould bo kept on band by every family. Sold by dealers in medicine at fifty cents per bottle. ror -salo in Wollshorough at Roy's Drug Store. MUSICAL nISTRUMENTS.—J. B. Shake pear, dealer in Docker A: Brother and Haines 44., Brothers pianos, Mason d- liamlin cab— inet organs, Trent, Linsey A:. Co. melndoonw, and the B. Shoninger melodeons. Room over J. R. Bowen's store. Sept. 12, 18fiti. F LOUR FROM CI'IOICE WHITE WHEAT, buckwheat flour, corn meal and feed, always on hand. Call at the Charleafon Millbefore buy ing your flour and feed. I can make it an object for you to buy. A. RUSSELL. May 16,15136-tf CHOICE LOT OF GItAIW BAGS for rale cheap ! at . WHIGII Ar BAILEY'S. Wellsbora, JO° 5,.1867. CALENDER, FroCicb, Marino and Church Cloclia, at [depl9] FOLEY'S. FUMEILY W. D. TP,RBELL & CO MDMMI wigs OF' TRAVEL. ERIE RAILWAY. ---,- • Oit and attge Monday, Auguit 26t1,, )56 - , trai t ,. leavueorninkat nliout the tollowlugllurb: .1 WLSTWARD HOUND, 12:2S a.m., Expreen 11. ti I. -tintia . ) excepted. for Lem, 10, Salamanca : and Denkirk. connecting With ,tr a i n , for the Went. 8:44a in Night Express, Suckdu3s i•xc<•pted. for Betkibi. Salamanca, and Dunkirk, making direct connertme • with tram: of the Atlantic 4,..Great Wentern, Shore,und Grand2runk Ilail-Waye, feral! point. V. e.t 7:07 a. m.,Night Mxprems, Daily, fur Buffnio.Sakun'a L re. Dunkirk and the Went, connecting nn above. 1:15 11. m., Night fixpreFs, Sunder; exec pled tot Rt , .1.- eater and Buffalo, viii Avon. 1.0::32 Mail 'Maya excepted, for liallak and Dunkirk - , connecting at Elmira far Canandasgua. 2:15 p. in. Baltimore Express, Sundas a excepted, fel Rochester and Buffalu, via Avon. , i r:o3 p. tn., DaytExpret•n, SundtLyn excepted, for Eahunanca,littnkitk and the 1% . ‘,t, ronnect ig , g at Binghamton for Myt,teust.; at Oirvgo fur IthtA; at Elmira for C111111111.1,11g114; at : J alaniiinca with the At• land! . anti Cheat Wt.,ttern , Itallnay; ur }With, with I.:11:0 Ti 1111 k Jtallwat and at 11un1.,11, a ills tit. , Lot, :Atm° Railway, for ill visit owl ivotith. 7:10 1 1 1,1 Da) f: t - 1 , 1..K., • 1110 I 01) 1.•:\ 1(01;111ytti m eV, eirt,tl. 5:41)11 m , Llni loin ll,lih, naii) 101 t h e r I 1.2:11; N Ott prt•-B.t-,atal.t3 ,01(.1, .11 11111. 1.1111 I[ol ‘l ' 111A1'1111 k .1111.1 .11 .N(11 IV oak tA attt...a..01 flaw nte.tatoir tut it , p , loa mat N,‘‘' 1•:11g6m.1 Ull WS. 1:111 u. la., (71114:IMMO liapir nn, M , PII , IIIY. aertiiii.; at Elwir.i Lir Il uliaLul g, thy I , aatll ; at Oweko Ithaca; lit 831 al aka; ut 111 vat Benit -- for tivrttutem, pith', stud TieHimi; at hl4lllNell 101 HMV fry. 11 1 / 1 1 33 ,,, 111t 1101 NvlS1 , 1111; alld IP.II - 11 irk. 10,15 1110 Ar,oltll,l4.l3lutu uuhl,tli g .0, at it hit CtifillitilV4o3ll. 10 . IS ft. lu., Day ..F.N.l•l" , ,sa,Stilol,,y3 t x, for at ItitiKlokintot, tut :l t, ca/w, at U r,nt - flout lot licrithlmi, V:// ae n f' I Itlt.Alvy, awl ..It.r6ey City v,ttll Totill of N.., Rnilioad lot Philarb,ll,l,;77, , none. ;it'd Wikullingtim, 3.1'2 p. o, . It llitaut r Exprees, Viindays p. in., New Veil: and Baltimote Mail. Slim t•A cgttrd,r„uucrlttult at Elinirn far IlnrrinnnrlL, Pl ill. dolphin, and Sunni. T. 07 p in Lightning Express, .F11;10,114 r y rnp t e•d, (.1 j. hei•ting at Jeieuy City with morning expretts Rain of New Jeidey Railroad for Baltimore uml Washington, and at Neu York Veldt Inca ning express trains for Boaton and the Eliot. 1” •9O p, ui. Way Freight, SuTlays ex. cid IV .51 it BARB, H. RIDDLE, Gehl Shh't Northern Central R. R. • 'rltAINB FOR THE Nol%`ll. - Tt aim, for fstnatitlagnia Elmira an halm,, Aceoniodalltlll Exprenn 1(1000 , 4 train on road J. . 11 45 a )1.11 C lb l 3n Way Freight, [passenger coach attached] -% 10 a On and alter Apt il 29th, 1567, liainnm ill mti,e ,m4`.! depart ft om Troy, aN fol lowa mortNn bourn. Exprens 145 pm I Elmit a Mail ft 5v nut Local Froight 10 bolt 111 Through ,* . reii4ltt 0 sr, it to Blossburg & Corning, & Tioga R. It T.l.titl6 Will I WI until fut ti u 60tic A ecommuchition—Ltqtve:l 111,.sdAkt g 6.r,0 nm , 51un, field at 7.35, Tioga ut 8,20, .ut at Cot 111110", to 10,20 a. Mail —Lc e llk , Lwg at 2,35 p. w., Ilaubaol.lut ;;;,„ Tiaio at .4 ,OC, Li&V./encksfik at 4 7 — ail - 1;10g at Col Lang at it) it. Lit. Mati—Lt•art y lung at S. a. m , 1.1111 I , L,CNIIIt Tiuga ut ut Itl 10—at I it ing .tt but g at 11,:10 a in. Acounitualat lid, —l4.a( Corm ••• at .1,5 t.) p. tu , rettosa Ina at 5,55. Tin*. at 7.01. :Nlabst i k•ltt act him"; llt Litl,l,l , lllg t1t. , 5.2Z0 p. 1. , L. H. SHATiruci:. sup I • Philadolphia & Erie R. R. Y'l'rn~ns nu th.' 14 , 0.1 \sot ~Lt u+Ldloe~ w E$T wA N2lll TIIIIII led\ . •• •• • t " clat 1:1t... Ei tiliatn: o 4,ll. Ai ,at •. . ItuVeB '• " •• Nvilliztuleirort '• to r. ut Dick IDst.:ll tutlul•. Lxl.l •• •• 1S 1111.1111SIKA't . •• arr. at Look Ilurt•a Ei " N illmnmpat t. arr. at Philadelphia. .rie Fxriresa loar,a Erie. Williamsport. •' t t itr.t,t Philadelphia haira }lltH ha; e 4 Luck Ildicu • •• •• NV t •• :trr. at Philadelphia. .0, k 11,,‘,•0 Ace'm . •• H tS • 111111111,11111ii1..... =Di Atlantic and Great Western. IR- W 2A M ANC.% STATION • NV k 11A\ IED )1111i ••• Acc0min6,1,0,1,.1, . Expi . . ....... . • .1 . 2-14. A. 11 U( I Exprt.,- At Co. r 11.e.0 is a intictinn Ivitl. thitl'lllll.44l.l 4 ,rio, and C.I At \]uad%lllo tln. ni anli I 'II 11010 lit 11(11. - I At Lea% itt,loitgo :htaloliny Mandl ma rrtt I onto to C10..1,0111. At I:Rventta comic tt. Ciet elatol awl Pit kiwi gli Itoml tht otigh nL nai,. 0.1; %It iota, Ct Lams and bay tytt, [mg cat 1.1. I• I..ark, terlitlntitt It 1. U. lilfCl.l , : k . S • Stipt I',l Itenl EBt:lte B:at 1111 E Subtelibev will - -ell or lota the v,1,2 valuable riroverty, to wit' One tavern land in Lae ieneeeilie. Ono Farm, on which lie Ane tev,hl., unto Timm throe elotrelieq, two two gtog and one railroad, and iiillllll ;de sante dt,ta nee loon the line "I the %V&A Law haitn.ll,l% The faun vOllllOl,- 1 , 41 mete et good land, 51.1 .teret timbered, St -II ut tered, and very proditeltvo. it: requitoi 11,a1 U.) seed ahottld bt :owed 110,1 phtnted, hoi \ evtq. enoiro a harve3t. - Ono Cann iu .11101;z:on town hip, 175i:1pH , , .1 place for a etice:•o lardta y • , AL o—Ga t,ak mutos, 75 lzheup, and otittj StOrir, cheap on rehsonanlo term, M. Si' BA LION IN. 7—tf, Lt. m renve, A 1,r:1_1 Planhig B. T.' NAN HORN", Tr ANTINo gut hi , 1 now Factory in operati Ul is now prepared to till orders for Cabinet Ware promptly and in tho best style of wo'rkman sbip..plaviug procured a r. WOO DW,ORTII PLAN Ejt, 1 10 i 6 Toady tottross tloartl" or plauft with dispalob SCROLLWORK & BRACKETS, furnished to order. 11 is in aell neb are of tlic new es,t mi , ' most improved patterns. • •Shop corner of:Poarl and \Vain Sts, \V ELLS RORO, Oct. 31,1 181i6—t1 DEMOREST'S MONTH I. V. MAQAZINE , universally ackni3nledged the Model Parlor, Magazine of America ; devoted to Ortginal Stu .ries, P(013111.4, Sketches ' Architecture add Model Cottages, Household Matters, Gems of Thomd, Personal and Literary flosßip (including •rejlol department:, on Fashions), I n s tru cii6ns Gymnastic, Equestrian Exm rises, Made, An,a•e ments, etc. t. all by the best authors, and profm.c ly' f rind artistically illustrated with costs Eligt vings (full size), uselal aud •PatictnE , Embroideries, Jewelry, and a constant sat re— sion of artistic roaelties, with other risit'al 'anti entertaining literatuic. No person of refinement, economical 11011,e or lady of taste can afford to Aso witlotut the Model Monthly. Single copies, ."3(.1 cents. I•a• numbers, ns bitccitneue, 10 cents; either' ninitt , l free. Yearly. $3, with a valuable pi-endue , ; copies, $5 ; three copies, $7 frit; lice copie., $l2, and splendid premiums for clubs at $3 each, with the first prctnittits to itath subscriber. A‘i tlres, W.;`,JENISINUS DEMOREST: No. 473 Broadway, New Yolk. - Demure:tea Monthlyi and Young America, to gether $4, with Ito premiums for each. • March 20, '07141m, dAYD po-1,71-TEI [Patented 1565.] ALI. persons interested in'the intrldttption et' practical innehinery into, our country. are requested to inVestigatc the merits of . HENDEBSON,'S 11.10 VD F . 'OWER LOOir This loom will do :ill kinds of hand nearing. It will weave jeans, blankiits, plain cloth. sati net, horsey, flannel. seamless sack, double width LlankelQ, r any kind of cotton, wool or ilas cloth. It treads the treadles, throws the shuttle , lets off the web, and takes up the cloth. It wake:. tho upper shed as the batten conies forward , and boats up the 'filling after the cross is made, ma king better cloth and better :.elvago than can be made in any other way. Looms wade to order and warranted. .4E14 at the shop on Water Street, sit,:n Lo , " Poe t y." LE IV 18 WETMORE. Wellsberor, 'March 20, I80;-tf. LAM PS.—A now kind of Inanefor:Kerozone— no.broakage, of chiumoys-at ; .kOLEVS. 1:=1 EN In gen 10(A) . in , Elmira Mail if 0. p•re Local Freight . 3 3f, p Through Freig h 1 00 a E. N. IlltoWN, bar. Sup't. ..,, i (.) p vta p rr. a. 45 4 m M . I^_+ rt . 7151,w 'lO rn 11. LI . .1 LI. , R. 0. . l';‘, • 1:• a a, m 6 40 p Nt 15Jpm= p M 8 Tl"' 1. t.. Tritn. Solt I , .4STV..Ck r.,,6z1. Tiling INCSI B. T. VAN BOWS