sortq. Let us 'forget the protitise of tp-morrow, Which, oh, too well, we know iu gloom may - set Let us forget t d he hope th4t brings but sorrow; I:4 us torget—ut us forget—f4gei-, Let us forget the fetters that we bear; Let us forget the canker and the fret; Oh s ! let who,wittrtnember,---rernepth'er, Let ,us forget-;-let us forget I • r '>!.e' as forget the friends who hay ceeived ; Let us forgot the tones that Wirpayegret; And all thatbattled us nod all tliatgrieved u ; Let us forget 7 -fergit--forget: Let us forget to-day and yesterday li Let us forget titto caber dud the fret ;- - Oh !,let who wi i il,Teracpber--ronemirer, Let us forget--Jet to.forget! ' • The baste Campaign. Within one short week ,the judicial campaign hi Pennsylvania` bass grOWJI from ',State to- national proportions.— Andrew Johnson, the Diabolus of the nation, has • appeared upon the stage, and, in the twinkling of an eye, the scene and issues change. Our struggle is nolenger one to simplk preserve our Statejudiciary froth the Clangers which have more than once before almost in volved it. and us in ruin and shame. lit has non it national significance nqd im-; portance. ~We, the people of atis Com-I monwealth, must, in the exercisie of nor duty at the ballot-box, rebuke the,(faitli less and reckless .Ilxecutive. Oui• vote is the only weapon left until Congress meets again. Itegard for the safety of our country and for the dignity of the Presidential office demands that the late extraordinary and painful proceedings of our (Nye - blush to write the word) Chief Magistrate should be promptly,. sternly, and•meaningly cimdemned.— The censure of the nation must be pro nounced in unequivocal language. The The voice of the people, as of thunder, must be heard at the polls. Every vote cast for Sharswood now is -an endorsement Of the recent Presiden tial antics so Mortifying, and of to the pride and"putriotistu of all loyal and respectable men. There is a fresh Opulent in the election. It has a new meaning, a interest? amid new eon tieti CCM. Friendship for .ltuh.:te Wil ins or Sharswood, local Motives look-' ing to the advantage of having a friend or acquaintance on the Supreme Bench, even the purity and sankify of ousts!(' judiciary, all into comparative in significance before the new istie which is now involved in the verdict of our election. - _ •The return - of Judge Sharss‘ c ood will he accepted at Washingrton, aul !rightly, as an acgdieseenee in the rece it uncou stitutidnal usurpations of the President, .1 inlge- Blaeli, the power .behind the I,h a ro le, the mn ' 1 I l io pulls the wires at the Vhite Hoitse, presents :anticorm met ds Mr. Sharswomßto the'people of Pennsylvania. tiltalqw be endorsed? Shall we say to him, `-` We.approve the unprincipled and desperate use you, in behalf . ' of the Democratic party, are making of We - infirmity of the Presi dent?" Shall we eountenance LllO machinations that to-day are going ott in the hotels of Washington against the country ':All this we de if we elect Judge Black's candidate for Stlykreme. Judge. . -.. All-personal and local issues hive now 1.)6 the act of the Demoraey:ettictu ,4lvi,r3 been eliminatee from the contest, and we are glad of and thankful for it,. We tight is now squarely on the old is suesiof the war. No man eau -mistake • the sieuation:----t 11.. e lines are clearly drawn. No man can deceive iiinn,el as to•the meaning and consequence's o . his-votit. It is the One and gray again `Those who are not with us are itgains - I, We expect now, after the events of the past few days, to see 2), fil i livQte poll cd in Pennsylvania. / It is not easy,. in ?. a udicial election, t 'bring out tile vote lit j the State, but we predict that 1867 will show a ditrercn result. 'The, apa thy and- lethargy of . a. -local election, based on local is - sues and to decide loci , qUestions, are gone. The nation is in .„perit; the old flag has been assailed.— 'An enemy, more dancreyous and treach erous than that whielFbeleaguered Sum ter, hold_s:. Washi n A ton, and if \\Tc' mi -3.- take not; has fired the gun which will awaket from east, to west,' from north to sound", , the loyal people of thejand.— Slow o action, perhaps, and not easily excited, in time, of danger, the old Com monwealth has always stood by the flag, and we do not fimir for her now. As the critical hour of the conflict draws near - , we go into actioit bearing the colors:of the nation, carrying, with .us the sympathy and prayers of the whole country, and on an issue stripped of all adventitious and sectional incl. • dents. Could we ask for more': The candidates and the office sink out of sight when we remember-that we are fighting over again the question of G et -tysburg„And that with us move the ho ly armies of-our dead. It is Williams and Sharswood JO ck-143amer, but the na= tion. Did our tieltet bear the names of Sheridan and Tolinson, the issues be tweenius could not be mare antagonistic or xno e directly presented.—Press. - INSTINCT WITHOUT BRAINS.---Long ago :it was ascertained by naturalists that worms and insects are without a brain, and Set they pursue a course of activity which bears so much upon the domain of reason we are accustomed to say they act from instinct, which is no explanation at all of phenomena in the higher orders of organic life•which have their origin'in the brain. If that organ is severely injured, so that its normal functions are no longer performed, con-- seiousuess and orderly manifestations of its influence are interrupted or sus pended. But the insect world swarm's with be ings f the most delieatd, construction, without hearts and Without brains, Avhoso movements and habits, independ= ent QM thousands of contingencies to which & they are' exposed; prove in the most satisfactory manner that their acts are near iipproaeh to the elements; of a reasoning faculty, if they do not, nll; eate reason itself. When, by accident, a thread of spi der' web is broken, the little weavers .x -• amines the misfortune with/ extreme care, and, by taking different /positions, • surveys the damage, and then procecdt, artistically to repair it by splicing:or in serting an entire new cord. - Again, when a wandering fly becomes entangled in the net, the motions ale • proaelt - of the owner of the trap, lying patiently near by for game, indicates • calculation in regaryt to the character and strength of tilt/ victim. Does it - not strangely reseuble reason when all its movements, miller such an aspect of allairs,-shoW beyond a doubt the' spider considers( the Matter in all is relatio.ns before venturit iT to seize the prey ? And yet spiders" ar without a brain. A very nie question here very nat . urallY sugg .is itself, which learned ex / - pounders o physiological laws are re spectfully requested to explain. But, puzzling is this may be toanswer—how there ca be thoughts and even an ex ercise q the kind of judgment employi - ed by he spider in mending its web— there are other subjects for philosophi cal r.flection quite as difficult to solve / in le domain hf vitality. By what A ,pr eess do infusorial and microscopic il sects conduct their affairs, which gem also to be the result of something more than mere instinct, in their extra ordinary exhibitions of themselves? " Would you like tnlook at the moon'? asked a "professor," who had stationed his-spy-glass at the street corner, of an Emeraider. "To tho divii wfd ye ; would I he afther givin' ye a dime to look at the moon t v id ono eye, whin I kin sec It wid my two and not cos!, me a tint ?" A' ." PIIMADELPIIIA lawyer" gives the following definition of law and equi ty : "At common law you are done for at once : at equity you are not 8o easily (118po8ed of. One is prussic acid and the other is laudanum." EMUMN • A.- PARSONS & CO., eyr, 6,57N0 OUT L4LE DIAIER DRESS'- GOODS 1 order to sell out - the balttnpo of our Su - miner took, to make roorf li,r - ' ~. W FALL ( Cr ,001)8, the subsoribers have macie'tfie following GREAT RECUCTIONS Bes Crown Ortmadines from.. na to U 1 ete. Figured Whito Alpacas from. - 09 tto 50 "' " •• from.. 44 to :ill I• [lest Buff Marseilles from.. 873 . to 624 " :)renadino Shawls $6 Ott to f 5 00 •-• 500 to 4 _ 3 75 to 6 :I 00 250 to 200 2go to 150 And many other artielei id d i umity ea& roduc :ions. Our Stock of Staple (foods wu aru keep :ng full of bargains, selling f l _Prints, good fast colored, at 123; cents, Brawn Sheetingsc good width, 12/ cents, Bleached Muslins, " 18 cents. Best Parasols Tiekin - g, Denims ? Stripse, Cheeks, Cottinades, ke., equally cheap. Our entire Steh..letilf,agc.s lower prices than at any time during the last f!vo years. .1. A. PARSONS CO. Corning, N. Y., July 24, 1887. Stoves & Tin Ware FOR V I LE MILLION P. ROBERTS, V. _i_ oPPOSITE R01"5 DUILDING, Is now prepared to furnish /he public with onythin g in his lino of bitsines. iii 01Hantity "s lrgo, in quality Its good, nniNts cheap in prieo is any dealers in N.irtifprn Penntstrania. Ito pnys partiettlar al tentionde the STOVE AND Thy IVii -BUSINESS end intend to het.), as. , orthien I ofevorytiiing othat Tik. WARE MADE Sri ORDER, womptly,and warrinteil to givel,:ttiFraetion. REPAIIIINtI e:reelited in the. bt , FI mann : or and with 11i.-pal e) r • CALL AND•SFE ME I). P. ROBERTS Wolkhormigh', Mareit 7, 18641. A `1"1114',1\111()N, I/O if ERA It Y 110 EN I* o ll - till THE CAYIJ A FF, AlowEß k I:TAPER, is unsl4tittlly th`o hest Maehine iti the world, :Oak TWEN 'l.l . ONE 'IIIIOUSANI .11 thez , o Maatitice h u it,g new in u,e. It always taken the tirf:t y tirewium at Fairs and Exhibitions. I havo the solo Agency for this region, and can fill all orders promptly. I ate also agent for the sale of WOOD'S MOWER, famed for its /iglft and even draft, and fin doing fast and good work. This Mariano wia pay for iteelf in the eaving of waga paid to mowers by any largo fanner in one s oa s on. b. P. ROBERTS. ' Wellsborn, Tune 21',..1867--if. To the Farmers of Tioga Comity WOOD'S PIIIXE MOWER ,t; UOMBLVED "MO WER it REAPER, ME ANUFACTUR!) at floosie _Falls, N. Y., for bale to all who Tay want a g‘iorl retie.- ble machine. These machines are well known throughout the county, as being, the best in use, and has taken the premium oor all other competitors. W e shall keep an a. sortnient of JOINTED BAB, MACHINES, - which have lately been put into tIFC. Also of the stiff, bar. A good assortment of the guards and other fixtures constantly on hand. - Price of jointed bar machines, $.llO. Cheaper than they have ever before been offered to filo public. PIMPLE & SiITtII ALT., Agetlo.. WOlsbovi, July 3, 1867 -if. F-OU T Z'S MIMEO HMO and Cattle Powders. TER II EAVES, C 111 i G ti, DIS 'I'E A ER. FE VEIIB, FOUNDER OF A ITE TITE VITAL' ENF:RGY,..t..!. It, 11 , e itupimei tikk Nit 41, ItTerveg -gil 4 IL 11l t 1 . Aiu—att trai,:rorrns l It O Inkerable skeleton _ 'lto ri fin, In all diseast.-r-t.f•SwilAZ, Sllell :13 CCIVIOIS, 1 1 1(!ers in , r „ the LoinirLis'er, .' ~ ~„.4/r. ; :"..---- . r 4 ' - ,• , • 4,:: ~ ,...t .. ....A . ,', nets as a t.pteill .. "Ar ca , ,:0 . ; 4 4 Aki' s - !...'‘' ' By patting 1,4, a Er f ; - :•-,N , ,!;:1ij5,,,.... ,. , ( i t t1,.., , ,;* -..:::, „,.: barrel a r •wi II tb : .. ~1141-,..-: ,, ..4 ,. i . 71 - 7.;- •_ii'* , -- - - - : . - . - E 7. above eligenqi s " 4..;, -7, l will beerwlicate , l 1 4 0 . -.— - _,,,..L.. --.—,_r :.. - be entirely piTwzniNl , ri , gl-en In lira'''. a eertkin preventive and e,... - , r,.. 0... I 1, , .; .0.,1 , . , Price 2- Coat.; per I'. • ,. ~..; r tun , A i , ..1 - E ..:1. VOlT'ir:,'!", .'-‘,.. ..t.'l. •11 , 11i1: tfIiOLESA LE Dili fi .4. v:i ~ . irli, r ; %I; 1:E11/1. No. 116 Franl7l;il Sk•,„ ,7 l - -.. i`i . ....r:-"p, '7 'll, l roc 9a.1e.b.... lirwf.:i ~... ... t .: rthit the United 1 1 DAVID E:FOu'fz, 811ccessor, l '•For sato by JobniA. Roy, Weilsboro TAR. PITCH'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT ERS,.", for calo at Roy'q Drug Store. JOl3 -WORK, IN THE BEST STYLE, a - nd with despatch, a t THE AGITATOR Oflico. A =RICAN WATCHES in 'Hunting Silver Cases from $27.511 up at , ' FCLEXI3. • sALL 00039, at a groat bargain at U. 13: KELLY'S April A, 18137. T AWES' SETS from $1.50 to S3O; at decl U FOLEY'S ME 1 ,l APlitlllB. This preparation, itali anti favorably thor onzbly I einvigorate In ob. ott n and low-spirited lions C 9, by rtrenfr, 01(.1111)g anti cleansing the vi °mach and intes. tines It 1.3 a sure pre• if flu di ri il itol =MEM rat i ; itk% i.tpl ~ tv bl the mill:. It linty Let tt Nutt fl ln• ac tual ex petitnott, to inete:sse the 'tituitt tity of mitt anal vu , .tto ttt oily Per e. ut and ',take the bullet Tom 111111 rw vet, In f tttanfuq un du. it Rives them flu a prytite, burr Ititle, twit 114J1 , t 11,C111 MN% e; EOM Elsid Nii=g= ERRE sp,itiNp, Goons IV IN CORiVING, AT Til PEOPLE'S -STORE , ARE NOW ItECEIVINU A FRESH SPOOK OF GOODS - Adapted to the SPRING TRADE, and are prepared to supply the tvutt/d of the pooplo iti NORTIIEIIN' 'PENNSYLVANIA IT I 1 /1 DR GOO.D.S. OUR LONG EXPERIENCE has blight us that , GOOD si GOODS I give the Lon satiefeetion;and those accustomed / to putrolaivo us know that we. • KEEP THE BEST GOODS thnt nre to be found in this' section, and those 1 who are not our Krems ore the losers quite ns Ilitll4l fIY We 1110. I W arp as nsual LARGE S OCK 'OCK OF CLOTHS to sell by the yant.or MADE UP TO ORDER AND WARP RANTED 'l'o FIT , , 1 OUR STOCK WILL BE KEPT FULL rind all. Ouods sold by us - Warranted to give Satisfaction, A 14 11 Sold as Low as at .any other Estab lishment. Alin d that. . Wo invite an examination of our Stack and Prires,*plodging ourrolveß to cIoODS FITE:ELY ANT) 'TAKE NO , OFFENCE wilcu uo r,ilo is mude\ SMITI-1 WAITE.'c Corning, N. Y Apr. 0, 1867 NEW ARRANGEMENT ! i,lson & Van Valkenburg Have eetahliebea themselves at NO. q, UNION BLOCK, lately occupied by P. B. Bunnell They: are now receiving n lard E tock of SPRING DRY GOODS, If, part, such as ~ Clothe, Cassimeres, Vealugs, Cloths, and a large variety of 'Ladies' Dress Goods. ',tat OCERIES, MERCHANT TAILORING AND FURNISHING GOODS. DON'T FORGET THE 'LACE To buy cheap, and a choice lot of . • i SPRING GOODS. We are Agents•for Singer's Sewing Machines, the hest and cheapest Kachine• for family use, less liable to get out of repair. and ,more duralde than any other, adapted to fine or dears° Fewing. Call and see thorn. The Senior partner hes lied a /arts experience in Merchant Tailoring, and it is the intention of the n ew firm to;Pot this branch of their business beyond successful competition. Wend oro, Feb.2o, 1867-th 7 • g P. It. WILLIAMS & SEMPER I.OEM . . DRUGS, MEDICINES, PA PENT MED ICINES; PAINTS; OILS, WIN DOYV 'OtASS; t, PUTTY, ' ' =MI Have come down to Old Prices at last. = .' WE do iof hoitituto to buy tltal wo Ittivu Lin - gest Stock of U 1? _E EIVGLLS'II j. MEDICINES,' PATENT MEDreiNEss YANKEE' ' NOTIONS, PERFUMER Y, FANCY . ..ARTICLES, TOILET SOAP, CLOTH, HAIR, TOOTH & NAIL BRUSHES, MIRRORS, WINES A LIQUORS, &C.,. EVER BROUGHT INTO THIS MARKET. W(3 have also the Largebt Stock of PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, , Puro White lend, Pure White Zinc, Linseed Oil; Coach Varnish, Furniture Varnish, Vol low Ochre, Venetian Rod, Chrome Yel low, Chrome Green, Prussian Muo, Patent Dryer, Lacher, Japan, . , Spanish Whiting, Paris White, Ralsotnine, Rosin Tar, Log Wood, FUBtie, Brazil Wood, tam wood, Redwood, Potash, 'Patty, Moo , eohol, Bonzele. Spirits Turpentine, and Kerosene Oil, Paint anti • Varnish Brushes, Which we will sail 25 per cent. cheaper than any other establishment in the county. In Alert, we have every thing over kept in a first class DRUG STORE; i ' and all we ask is for you to call awl examine our stock and prices before buying elsewhere. Re. member we can't, be undersold. -All goods warranted Or no sale. P. IL P. R W ILLIAMS A Oo J. L. WILLIAMS. J Na. 3 Union Block. Welleboro, .lolio 26, 11367. IL. Stoves: Stoves :: A ND HARDWARE! MR. WILLIAM ROBERTS begs to .1-T. announce to 'the citizens of `Tioga County, that In addition to bis excellent stock of Staves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he has, at n grant outlay, stook'ed his store on MAIII STREET, WELLSBORO, with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articled: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X OUT, MILL, IIAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, IHTT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, • BENCH-SCRENOS, WOOD SCREWS, 'CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP ' . . TIC SPRINGS; . HORSE' SHOOS, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN • POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, • ,POWDER AND CAPS. ' PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. These are but a few of the many articles composing Our stock of Hardware. • • • We Invite the public to call and examine for thelmsolves. We aim to keep the beet quality of goods In our line; and all work to order done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS. WeMoro, Sept. , 1888—tf. MUSIC ! MUSIC.—The Tioga Cornet Band is now in good blowing order and prepared to furnish good Music, on all' occasions for a rea sonable compensation. All' communications should be addressed to the Leader and Secretary at Tioga, Pa. F. 11. ADAMS, Leader. T. A. WICKHAM, Soe'y. April 3,1887-6 m. MEI =WM= Such as AUGERS, RITTS, NEW: FIRM: ITO BUY SELL IS OUR 4,1 BUSINESS ! Mrk will buy at tbo, bigbont market price, Vic the following articiles. • SHEEP PELT S, DEACON SKINS, DEER SKINS, FURS, RIDES, AND VEAL SKINS, JO Which aro will pay cash. We will manufacture to order, French or home tanned CALF Or RIP BOOTS, in the beat man ner and t fair rates, and pay especial attention to REPA RING ALSO, liven a 4rat-rato aioak of 11 READYABE WORK, ,on ushieh we.will not be uudursolii, nod front this time wa.shall make it a point to keep up the beet stook of . , , • IiA.DIES' GAITERS, to be found in the county, which we ,will sell at a lower profit than such articles have ever bean offered in this region. We shalt likewise keep up a, good assortment of • LADIES' BALMORALS,' LEATH ER • BOOTEES, CHILDREN'S Arm MISSES WORK or VA RIOUS STYLES, , and all styles of ifENT, WORK. LEATHER ice FINDINGS oaa be bought of us as cheap as anywhere this side of New York, and we shall keep a full stdck of • FRENCH CALF, 'FRENCH KIP, UP PER," SOLE, LININGS, AND - BINDING. Our stock Of PEGS, NAILS, THREAD, AWLS, RASPS, GLOVERS' NEEDLES, LA S T'S,' TREES, CRIMPS,: add' SHOEMAKER'S' TOOLS and FINDINGS, will ho found the lar gest in the county, and 'we sell for small profits. We talk business and we mean business. We have been in this region long enough to be well known—let those who know us try us. Corner of Main and Oraften streets,'oppo ite Win. Rob erts' Hardware Store, - C. W. EARS, OEO, . DERBY. Wollsboro, April 24, 1881—tf. .. , NEW 61 OOD S AND N i W PRICES T. A. WICKHAM'S, TIOGA, PA. ITAVINfi just returned from Now York with NeW and earofutly selected STOCK . OF GOODS, Ail those irk want of Goods wtti find it to their interest to call and EXAMINE OUR STOCK and loath Prices befFre buying elsovehero. Kept constantly on hand, a ohoico lot of DRIED FRUIT, GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK; &C., &O All tbo above Goods are bought at the lowes Cash Prices and will be sold ONLY roa CASH on READY PAY • Don't forget all place, at the old stand of VAN NAME a WlOKliAllf. Tioga,, Pa., Fob. 20, 1867-tf. WELLSBORO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. THE subscribers having procured additional machinery aro now ready to furnish to order all sorts of CASTINGS, MEI PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, FIELD ROLLERS, MILL GEARING, SLEIGUISHOES, W 0 0 D - SAWING MACHINES, &c., &a. WO 111140 AlBO A WOODWORTH PLANER, for custom and job work, We are also prepared to do SLITTING & SCROLL S 4 WING Having a first-class screw-cutting Lathe, we aro prepared to make CHEESE PRESS SURE WS to order. Builders of Cheese Factories are re. quested to examine our work. We ruseufaoturo the Champion Plow, one of the tlneet implements in the market. Oath paid for OLD IRON. CHARLES Imm - ins, P. L. BEARS. Welleboro, May 15,1807—tf. 1867, WRIGHT & BAILEY, 1867, WV. °eminence this year with an exclusively CASH business.- CASH PAID FOR WHEAT I CASH PAID FOR OATS I CASH PAID FOR CRN I CASH FOR EVERYTHING I 1 A LARGE STOCK OF FLOUR FOR CASH 1 A LARGE STOOK OF FEED FOR GASH A LARGE STOOK OF PORE FOR CASH I Call and see us. WRIGHT & BAILEY WeDebar°, Jan. 9,1887-1 y: All persons indebted to us by note or book account met call and settle or pay costs. Jan. 3, 18874 WRIGHT & BAILEY. A FEW MORE PIECES 'of those substantial Sheetings and air/lags a • April 1, /8137: C. B. BELLrd. P lOU Bohemian Glaris Vases, at , deol9 FOLEY'S YOU will find the latest arrival of New Goods a • KELLY'S April 1, 1867. SUCEI 4413 to order. PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. & IL T. ANTIIONY & CO., Manufacturers of •Photographic Materials, ViOLVIALE AND EMIL Y - 501 BP.OADWAy, N. Y. in addition to our Main business of Photo , 4apliie Materials We aro' Headquarters for the fOlovvi fx, vi Stereoscopes & Stereoieopit Vie a, Of American and Poreiin Cities and Lanctki apes, Orono. Statuary, etc. Stereoscopic Virus of the War - From negatives made in the various s itinpaigns and forming a complete PhotographleAlstory of the great contest. ;Stereoscopic Vienis on Mass.. Adaptod roi either Magic Lanterns or tho Stereoscope, Our Oatslokuo bo sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. Photographic Album. \ We mauufacture more largely thou any other house, about 200 varieties from 60 cents to 00 eaeb. Our ALBUMS havo the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to apothem Card Photographs of Genera* States- MOO; Actors. etc., etc. Our Catalogno embraces over FITE TIIOITBAND different subjects, including reproductions of the most colebratod Engravings, Paint ings, Statztoa, etc. tsta. logues sent 4,11 receipt of stamp, Photographers and Ohms ordering goods C.O. D., will please romit 25 per cont. of the amount with their order. Tho pricbs and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. lan. 2,1867-om. WAKE NOTION,—On receipt of One Dollar by mall Lorin send reclaims for ptel tiring oomponnds which with careful using will efleclu. ally restore gray hair to its original color, pro 'vent premature decoy and falling off, and impart a smooth and glossy appearance to hair deadened by sickness. JNO, D. GALLAGHER, Aug. 21, 1867-3 mo Wilmington, Delaware. 1866.- FOR SALE. 1866. BY B. C. WICKHAM, A T lIIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND. NAMENTAL TREES; IN TIO(14 .6%000 Apple -Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A gcod supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and OR MENTAL TREES A SHRUBBERY. The Bruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. OS- Delivered at the depot free of charge. , Tioga, Fob. 28, 1888-Iy* ',LATIt3T FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. BRADLEY'S Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DODBLE. SPRINO) S K. I R T . TFay will not bond or break like the single spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful elope en three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, end the bottom rods aro not only don ble springs, but twice (or &Mille) covered; preventing them from wearing out when dragging down stoops, steins, de. The wonderfull flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt, will be experienced particularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, armchairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently ass silt: dr muslin dress, Qh in valuable quality in crinoline, not found in any single spring skirt. A lady having enjoyed -the pleasurb, comfort and great convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel spring skirt fora single day, will never aftefwards will. ingly dispense with their use. For children, Misses and young ladle. they are superior to all others. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies, and is nglversally recommended by the fashion maga sines, as the standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following inestimable advantages in crinoline, viz; superior quality, porihet manufacture, slylish shape and finish. flexibility, durability., comfort and economy, inquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex Ellipl tic ,or double spring skirt, and be sure you get the gen uine article. OAUTION.—To guard against imposition, he particu lar to notice that Aids offered as."doplex" havo the red i.nk stamp, viz: " J. W. Bradley'', Duplex hiliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband—none others are genuine. Also notice that every hoop will admit a pin balk passed through the center, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together thg}ein, Which is the secret of. their flexibility and strength, and a com bination not to be fould in any other skirt, In otoroi whore iirot ease AMOR are oald throughout tho tutted States and elsewhere. Manu factured by tho sole owners of the patent, WESTS, & CARY, JulyB,3co. 97 Chambers &79& 8i Reads Ma, N.Y. Popular Dry Goods Trade T HE Subscriber is now, receiving his SPRING STOCK Merchandise,_ Among which will ha found many of tho Moat popular Stylea of 5228113 000236 SHAWLS . , CLOAKINGS & SACKINGS, at prices that aro worthy of attention Alan. a fall line off PRINTS, GINGHAMS. BROWN AND BLEACH'D MUSLINS, PICKINGS, DENIMS, STRIPE ' SHIRT INGS, TABLE LINENS, BROWN & BLEACHED, NAPKINS, TOWELINGS, LACE 1p ND EMBROIDERED WINDOW CUI VAININGS, EMBOSSED AND PRINTED TABLE AND PIANO SPREADS, ' HOSIERY, GLOVES,kc. r Special attention is called to His CLOTHING & TAILORING vE PABTMENT, Where a perfeot fit is guaranteed or noleale A share of the public aitronage i# respectfully solicited. THOMAS HARDEN. Wellsboto, May 14, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MANS FIELD, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. .7 . .A.0t714T'Z., F. A. Allen, Prinolpal, Professor of Natural and Mental SOlenco. I. T. STREIT, A. M., Profossor of Languages. CHARLES H. VERRILL, A. Af., Professor of Mathematics. Mae. L. M. PETERSELIA, Modern Languages and Drawing. Mims SUE E. CONARD„ B. E., Engh. Branches. Mita. MARY 3. RUMS, 13. E.. Principal orthe Model School. 1.. G. HOYT, Professor of Vocal and Instrumen- tal Mnsio. - Miss ALICE B. SEELEY,. Assistant Instruotor of Music. SCHOOL YEAR 1887-8. First Term begins September 4, 1867, Second term begins Dpeemb'r 9 a Third term begins March 28, 1868: EXPENSES PER TERM OF•14 WEEKS. Fall and Spring Term, including board, room rent, tuition, book rent, fuel, is oil, and washing, $6O 00 Winter Term, 64 00 Day Students, tuition and book rent, 10 00 Total expellees for school year No extra charges. Booms furnished with stoves, chairs, tables, stands, pails, bedsteads, mattresses, pillows, and ono comforlablo. For further information send for Catalogue. Ang. 7, 1867, 6w. Address, Principal. HO, FARMERS! GET TEE BEST. TRE 111,0DOET PREMIUM HARPOON HORSE FORK ahead of nil others In market; when tested with other Forks it,nover fails-to give A deoided preference. Bo sure and examine ,before buying others. All orders should be addressed to either J. R. WEEKS, WM. CHAMBERLAIN, J. H. CAMP BELL',.or O. L. PECK,•• Nelson, Vega County, Pa. July, 3,1867-3 m.. New Spring t. Goods just received at April 1, 1867. WHOLBS # B STORE. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND •OILS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDI- AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL Bola at Wholesale Prices. Buyers are requested to call and get quotations before goin'g further 121/1 I $lB4 00 C. B. KELLEY'S COitNING,,:N Y. HADDEUS D'AVIDS 1 INKS, CIONOEN- TRATED MEDICINES, CIN- CINNATI WINES AND BRANDY, WHITE. WASH LIME, CINES; PETROLEUM OIL, ROCUESTER PER- FUMERY PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, AND. DYE t COLORS, W. D. TERBELL & .CO. Corning, IC Y., Jan. 1, 1887-lU` THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION .TS' AT LAWRENCEVILLE C. S. MATHER CO Would announce to the good people of Tioga County that they.have just returned from Now York with their second full stock of FALL Et WINTER GOODS, embracing all the novelties as well as the sub stantials required. DRESS GOODS in all varieties, STAPLE & FANCY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS,. & BEST 'FRENCH WOVE COR SETS, GLOVES AND 110 SIERY, YANKEE NO TIONS; &c., &c. FURS! FURS! I MINK, CONY; and Siberian AS'q . nitre The largest Stock of CLOTHS tt; CASSIMERES'in the count READY MADE CLOTHING, and CLOTHING made to order super intended by first class tow kmen. SHOP MADE BOOTS & SHOES in out , . Jess ivriely, HATS & CAPS to suit all GROCERIES, &C., &C. Our goods hare been bought• during the lost panic in New York and wilt ho sold at pilule prir., Prices nro down, monopoly' broken up. No other store can or dare compete with us 'in qual .ity and price. For further particulars call at the C. S. MATIIEIt A; CO store of Lnwroncoville, Dec. 19, 1888 J. STICKLIN, ---- ) _Shairmaker, Turner, and / Furniture Dealer. SALE ROOM, opposite Dartt's Wagon Shop Main Street. FACTORY in Sears & Wit llama Foundry, second story. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaran teed. Fancy Turning done to order. iVellaboro, Jnne 12, 1867. J. STICKLIN. Tioga Zarb e Works, THE undersigned are - now prepared to exe cute all orders for Tomb &emu and Montt moats of either •ITALIAN Olt RUTLAND A ARBLE, of the latest style and approved Ikulanahip. and with dispatch: iire'keep constantly on hand b th kinds of Marble and will be able to suit nil ho may fa vor us with thoiF orders, on as reasonable te'rms ai can be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look ne good as now. WILCOX dr WHITNEY, .Tioga, May 22, 1867—tf. To , the Farmers of Tioga, County AM notr.buildini at my manufactory, in Lawrence I vffle, a superior FANNING JWILL, which possesses tPe following advantages over al I o tiler 1. It separates oats, rat litter. and foul seeds, an chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flaxseed, takes out sellm seed, and a other seeds, perfectly. , It cleans timothy seed. 4. It dOcs all other separating required of a TlllB mill la built of the best and most durable tim bar, in good atyle,and is 804 cheap tor cash, or pro duce. Twill fa a patent i 3 Iwo, for sepaiating oats from wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms. J. II MATHER, Lacnormsvlllo,octant 10, 1808-ti . WELLS= & LATHHOP, PEALEII9 IN HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, ,STOVES, 'TIN-WARE, BELTING, SAWS, CUTLERY, WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL liIPLEMENTS, • Carriage and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, .4c.• Corning, L Y:, Jan. 2, 1887-Iy. PNEWELL, DENTIST, ItIANSFIELD, Pa., . grateful for the 'very liberal patronage heretofore received, will continuo so as to per form an dental operations, as to merit the rapi is , increasing professional demands now engag d. All operations in all departments of the prof s t., sion executed in the best possible manner. All now, useful inventions and improvements adopt ed. The highest good of ltis'patrons the ultima tum of his ambition. Dec. 5, 'O6-tf 1 • R AOY'S cnoLiF,R DROPS CURES COLIC, CURES DYSENTERY, CURES CHOLERAMOR.BUS, CURES CHRONIC DIARRHEA, CURES all Bowel Complaints, hot does not cure anything else. This medicine is no cure-all: it has the confidence of every body, for It is never known to : it should be kept on hand by every family. Sold by dealers in medicine at fifty cents per bottle. For side in Wellsborough nt Roy's Drug Store. • MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.—J. B. Shahs pear, dealer in 'Booker Brother and Haines it Brothers pianos, Mason & Hamlin cab-. loot organs, Trent, Linsey & Co. melodeons, and the B. Shoningor melodeons. Room over J. R. Boweri's store. Sept. 12, 1866. Fl.Ollll FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, buckwheat flour, corn meal and feed,,alwaYs on hand. Call at the Charleston Mill before buy ing your dour and feed. I can make it an•objeot for you to buy. May 16,1066—tf CHOICE LOT OF GRAIN BAGS for enla cheap ! at 'WRIGHT S: BAILEY'S. Wollaboro, Jane 5, 1867, ALENDER, French, Marine and Church C Olooka, at [doe.l9]' FOLEY'S. LINES OF TRAVEL. • ERIE RAILWAY .• Qn Itivi allot Monday, A ugint 2Ct 1861, tralnnlwiil eavoCorninglif nboot flio following boort: 11iMITIVAEM MUM!), 12:28 n. tu., k:xprenn St:iii.sllll.i4y4 excepted. for Butt:: to, Salamanca, laud Thaddeit, couroctihg with trains for Mu Weht. 6:41 hi Night Kxprebs,Surl4)6 exceptol, for llutltilo, tiAlitutatiett, and OonLirk, malting direct connection with t,'airi of the Atinutie & Oreut Western, Labe Shure,audorandTtuuk Itatiamy a, tor an pointy I'Ve4 7:07 a. to.,Night Expe;mB, Daily, for Bo inito,P t in i n ia) , (a. littuldrh'und the bolt:M . lk; 118 848v8. 7:15 a. in., Nip:lit Ex itru4;l4, Sun excepted, fm cuter and littindo, via Avon. 10:32 IL :11ai1Trairi,Sundayn oxeopte.), for ll u iLi o and Dual:itk,conuectingat Ebulnt for Canandaigua. 2:10 p. ut. Baltimore Express, Sundays excephid, ha ltocliester and Buffalo, via Avon, 7:03 p. m.. Day Exproan, Sundays excepted', far Tfutrah-, Salaam arn, HMO; a n d the West, connecting of Binghamton tar racese; at Owego for Hienert; nt Elmira tOr Calialainigna: at :+alaillahlai With the At• !untie:4w! eat 11 . c%tet !Hallway; a 4 Buffalo with the Lake Shore an 4 llr.tSStit Trunk liallwayn, and at k w ith the Liktx F.ltote Runway, fur' all petals weal and sou • 7;10 p Pay Ex pt a, :itusdaya excepted, for itoeheTh 12.0 p m Way Freight, Salltla)a excepted. 6:40 p. hi., Emigrant train, Daily, fur thc• Wet.t 12:18•, m., isfigrit Express. (tally, Sundays excepted, connecting at Grayrourt for Warwick, and at New York lett): afternoon train: mot istramera for lioatmt and Nhw Y. nglarol Cities. ,1:I8 a, in., t.:l ad ana ti Expropq, 'Mondays exceibted, con netting. at Elmira for Hart ishurg, Philadelphia i,hd the South; ,at °mpg& fur Ithaca; at Ainglunaili.s Syracnsu; al Great Bowl for Scranton, l'hllnd,l - and Treittun; atLaokan•axeu for flawlci, gad at Oraycourt for NOV burg *Hid Warwick. 1015 a to Accommodation Train doily, connecting .it ti; Elmira tor Canandaigua. 10:58 a, m, Day Expresi Sundays excepted, connect hi at Elmira for Canandaigua, at litioßlutratutt fur 4ta• 'elm, at °rent Bond for Ecrnntnn, at Leek:ram:con I. r ar. ley,and at .leracy City with midnight rain of Now Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, inure and Wablilligt on . :12 p. tn. Itaftimers Express, Sundays excppied, .4:35 p. m., New York and Baltimore Mail. Slttlatt3 8 ex cepted, connecting at Elmira fon litirrisloir g h pim a _ delphia, end Bimini. 7.07 p to tightultig Expreee, ,Snaday3 excepted, Cu,,. necting at Jersey City with nturneng exprees (Lain at New Jersey Itallrocul,for Ilaltlmere nail Waillagtou, andott New York with morning expruys trains (or Becton and the East. 12:30 0. la, Way k t eight, Sanda.ieTexceptol, GYM. 11. /1. Getil Vasg. Agent. Goal sup't TRAINS FOR THE NORTH. Trains for Canandagula leave Elmira as follows t, Accomotlation at 7 co a . Express t fastest train on road] • 11 45 aa, Mail ' , Glii pin Wny Freight, j'passenger coach Mint/mill : 7ja ~ 1 ,, On and atter April 241 th, ltiCT, train a NV ill] . life tin 4 depart front Tt oy, us follows; i i - SIOVIN4 saIUTII. '. I I.IOVINfI tapn ' Express G 46 pin Emehe 1050 atu Ehnita hail 550 ain Elmira Alai' 053 pm Local Freight. 1.0 po aln i Local Freight 335 pm Through Freight 9 Lb p In 1 Through Freight 2 00 a in E. S. BROWN,'t. • ___ , . Blossburg & Corning, & Tioga R. R 'Plains %till run as follow until further flatten: t Accommodation—Leaves Illobsburg at 0,60 n, in., Ham , field at 7,36, Titiga at 8,20, Lawrkta:acilla at 9,45_ arriving at Corning at 10,20 a. M. Inil—Leaves Dlossburg at 2,35 p. m., Mansfield ut 3,2 L, Tioga at 4,14 Lawirnceville, at 4,57- 2 firrfelas• at Coining at t p. in. Mail—Leaves Corning at S a. inLivivrenreripe Tioga at 10,02, Mansfield nt 10 ; 10.—arrh int! at 1310;i burg at 11,30 a. in, ' ACeollllllotiativll---LVIIVIS Cnt ring at 4,50 p. m, 1.3 w. renc4.‘,lllt. at.5,r,13, Tiogn at 7.02, Mantliell at 7P— artiVillg nt itios.tnirg at p. m., • L. U. SHATTUCK, Sup 't • i - Philaaolphia & Erie R. It oihs on IL(' I'Mladelphio Sr Erie linil Road mai rut, 1011.010 IS' EST IVA RI) Mail Train i , :treN Philikdylph . •• .• `• t.... Erio Express Ical es l'hilatlelpiirrt •• • • •• i I liamspor t. air, ut Etie ElmituJlntllcnvcs •• " Williamsport , " t • at Ltitt, t:4ress leaves italtimple Mail Train leaven Eric ''. . '• 11 il lianispoi t ‘• •• arr. at Philadelphi.z. lit i,• Expre,, 'Nivea Erie . 5 Inl I. Ili . .. 'Williamsport 4.3 . I. ."' 11 T. at Philadelphia I 10) V 111 Elmira Alai! eaves Lock Haven7.l4 a In ••• - Will latohpot t_ 6.a", a t,.. 1 . it T. at Philadelphia . f.. 40 pto Lock Mir l ii Acc - In lea% vet 1..4; 11aveti........ 1.00 p in ~ .- •• leartet IVilliatorpoi t :;,00 pni " f RI r. at Pliihiik/phia 12.50 ala A. L. Trim, arcrel Supt Atlantic and Great Western It W. SALAMANCA STATION. - ( EAWIWARD BOLINII, —0.30 Exptess " tlO —0,35 Mall 552 . Accommodation, 1145 .11.00 I Express t 10 At Cory theta is a junction V ith the l'h)lnililplil.l kr: Erie, and eil CI cek Rail Roads. • At Meadville N',it h Ow Fratikliii amid Oil CO and Pillatle lhatueli. . At L'ettvlttstairgo the Mahottiny L'ranch makes n di i sect route to Cleveland. At avenna contact: , 1k ith Cleveland and Pitishargh Rail orl. The lived leaees ihreegh kroh, Ashland, tialtan. Marlon, Urbana and Doyle. t, 1 tterrecting various rail roads, and termluateti in C toi l nazi. ' - ' , L.., D. KUCK lilt, it. Supt., elvillr,, , , PA. ETWWARD BOUND Mall Aceotutuudatiun EXpIEfS Express Real Esc. tut 11E Subscriber will sell or rout the velliabic-property, to wit: One tavern 'eland in Lawrenceville. One farm, on which lie now resides, .nielialf mile froze' three churches, two School llouies; two frog stop, and ono railroad, and about the Paine distance froze the lino of thd Wellsbaro sad Lawrenceville Railroad. The farm containsU iieres of good land, 50 acres timbered, well via- $ lured, and very productive. It requires that the eed should be sowed and' planted. howerts, to nsuro a harvest.. ' Onit farm in stitekebn township, 175 acres; a first-rate place for a choodo fadtory. Also—for sale-4 mules, 75 sheep, and other stock, cheap on reasonable terms.. , i M. S. t I3ALDWIN. Lawrence, Apr. 17, 1807—ff. Planing , 86 Turning. LTAVIZ,I49 got his now Factory in operation. 1 - 11 is now prepared to fill orders for Cabinet prornptly and in the best style e' wort:marg. ship. Having procured a WOODWORTII PLANER, Jie is ready to dross boards or plank With dispatch SCROLLAVORK & BRACKETS, furnishod, to order. flii machines are of the nea est-and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wahl Sts, WELLS, 11011.0, PA., Oct. 31, 18118—tr. TIF.MOREST'S MONTHLY MA G,V1,11 , ;1:. universally ackno,nledged the Model Par/or Magazine of America; devoted to Original ,;ae ries, Pacing, 1 - ;'ketches, Architecture aud Aledcl hottages, household Matters, Gems of 'Dwight, Veraenel and Literary , Gossip (including qt:r ol departments on Fashions), Instruct ions on health Gymnastic, V.ituestrion Exorcises, Music, Atutut- In en tsi etc.: all by She best /tuft! nrg, u d profte.e ,ly and artistically illustrated with cu.Al3 ETA wings (full size), m•oftd and reliable Pattcrnh Einhireideries, Jewelry, and a constant Fuca:, sion of artistic novelties, with ether 1,, , eful and entertaining No person of refinement, economical lieu's' wife, or lady of taste can afford to do irbout the Model Monthly. Single eppies, :40 cents; Laces numbers, as specimens, 10 cents; either ,sailed free. Yearly, Si, with ayaluablo premium: (11" copies, 55 ; three copies, S 7 50; ,five roP ,, s• 5(2, and splendid premiums for clubs at ;3 el" , with' the tirat premiums to each subsmiber. dress, t W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, f y No. 473 P row by, Near York. Donn» est's, Monthly. and Young A Nrw•iFt'' gether 51, with the premiums tar each March :10,'67-fin. HAND POWER LOOM. [Patonted 1865.] A 1.1. parsons interested in tho introduction machinery into our count!)' requested to inveetigato the merits of HEATI4RSON'S HAND POIVER LOOM, This 'ma i n will do all kinds of hand TVC2III3k!. if will weave jeans, blankets, plain cloth, sati net, kerscy, Ilannol, seaudoss sack, ilwahlo width blankets, or any kind of cote . * wool or 113% cloth. It trends tho treadles, throws the s huttle, lots off the web, ainbtakes up the cloth. It nudes the upper shed as tlie . -7,ltittowcomes forward, awl boats up the filling •after the cross is made, ma king beticr cloth and bettor.scivago than L• 315 be made ill any othoT way. Looms made to order and wittranted, AtiplY at the shop ,sm Water Street, sign "Local Factory." LEWIS WET,IIO/ 1) ;. Wollsbero, parch 20, 1887—tf. 12111111=1 T M APS.—A ag now kind,of I s ninp r lierosr.e -1.4 no broako of ohimnoy—ntfo FOLEV P. EASTWARD ROUND Northern Central IL R. ECEII=I •• t... at . at' Lock Haven I , ,ASTIV Alt IL ME !MEI E. T. VAN HORN, D. T. VAN BORN U .0t) .1 . 4.98 p 11 12 90 n,ai B.4Zi 1 . 9 4un LI . b tv a to 11:2As p nl .... 7.45 p fb p 1:4 . .... 16:;k1 a La I. i