The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, October 02, 1867, Image 2
IZI Forney the, pituationi 1 . The editor of the Philadelphia Press writes the following letter to that paper : In all this thick and aviffil gloom there is but one star to light' the Way--- Gen. Grant is In the War Office! Our poor courstry;Moie than once 'depend .cut upon his sword, s now hanging up on his word._ IWhateterfnay have been at, first though • of his accepting the port folio of the War OM* no patriot now questions thel' vital ithportanee* of his presonceinthatDepartment, The Reb el enemy respects and . fears him. The men who hi filed ~millions of corrupt claimS With Stanton, 1)./ hid) that just and hOnest man refused to • consider, found Grant inflexible as the Minis ter whose g,reatAdents and victories, he , solrequentli i .an t - So „recently and sjg niileahtlY,i'etlignized. His favorite offi cers displace'd, against ffis WiSheS, if - not- his-Aciltitest, the attitMle' 'of 'Gen. GrantwaSinever more iMpatatit to his countrymen, ormore unpleasant to alai self. I have not seen him. I wi'ite rath er front the Views of, othiqs ' tit» from'' #ly own`' knowledge. Bit I have not met a Radical who doesnotspealt what have here set dciwn, and' 'I have met our tho:4t,thoughtful' and 'conscientious ' friend.S. The Aestlny of the country \ has never been more completely in the_ hands or - C4 mi. Grant that at the present motheriL • If there is any remedy for the 'new peril, it, is'in the hands of the peol4. 'They, and they Menne:tit apply it. The . surest way to precipitate' hostilities, to encourage Andrew Allinson to sere the Government, force the Rebels into Cott gress, and declarcethe acts hlemancina tion and fecon i stroetion iuncOnstftn tionak IS to vote Rio Copperhead tieket in the corning election. You trill ';'"• - told that this is a mere partizan appeul awaken-Y9ur fbars and control your votes. Itinneutber, Ihave never before deceiv4 - Sion' in. a grave public emer gency.' - My Countrymen, every honest heart -is -convulaed with ; ' a terrible anxiety,'and I only echo your own SOlicitude 'by these frank words of J. W iag,'Ewiat the . Copperheads, terror strieltetfia" this' had man's conduct, Iry to.,shaiie lam off, as if to try to. 'get. rid or a seem - 14 frightful :responsibility should their efforts ' in 'supporting his policy ripen into' another bloody har . vest. The steps of revolitTion are never so rapid as when a great, 'free people re fuse to be' admonished. - • The La Crosse Democrat, one of the most wildly-circulated and popular _of . the Copperhead journals of the West, comes out fairly in favor of ilmidi ating the National debt. tll OliS i t is only a few steps in ,Wyatt &t of IN'tt land . ighanv Sharswood, and most o' the other D,etnocratic leaders in Perinsylva&- nia.and Ohio.. The Dcmocr«t;itates the ease iu these words: • " - IN'e demand, in behalf ' the toiling millions, of America, ,11. e intik - atom of - the National debt, and will have . not h ing shbrt of it. There will be no pagnieu't of the lit, Confederate debt, for the ,work reds no/ donefor which pay wappronds:d. • " " And, mark. our words—hie less than two years the deed will be done—your fancied moneyed securities will be hut chaff—find the land will be free front all such - swindles forever! , - 'MIN. is true Democratic doetilinc— tho doctrine of right, and justice—the doctrine which' suits the neople —and you who do hot endorse it will be ground to powder under the , t - lieels of Itr:Pu- DA.1 4 . ,10N P,' . P'"‘.......,_ 21 he Idea of Resistance. ' 1 At al3 publican meeting in Cincin nati on Saturday, afterskeehes by Sen ators Sherman and Wade i of Ohio, sen ator Thayer of Nebraska. said : - "I. have recently been in Mdrylaud and the District of Columbia,--having left 'Washington only night before lic,t.. While the - re I took special pain„' to in form „thyself in- regard to the. present purposes of Mr. Johnson, and obtained what I am-about to state from reli3hic authority. ,2 declare-upon illy te.SpollSi bility as a SC,izator of the United States that to-day :Andrew Johlumit muditate.t; and designs forcible kwiNetaca to the au thority of Congre§s. 1 truthe this state ment deliberately, haying received it from unquestioned and unquestionable authority. I cannot point out the occas ion- on which he may attempt to use military force. It may be to prevent the assembling of Congress, or when as sembled, if the House of Representa tives passed articles of impeachment,, or it may be for the purpose of forcing the Southern Senators and Representa tivea-to seats in Congress. The ques tion May be asked. "How can he do such a thing ?" You recollect that six mouths ago Gov. Swann of Maryland was elected a United States •Senator, find that a few weeks afterward • he de clined, giving grave reasons of Mate as the cause. It was that Lient.-_Z. Cox pf that State could . not be trusted for JohiAon's purposes. There is to-day a standing army in Maryland, an organiz ed militia force, such as no other State in the Union has, officered mainly by returned Rebels. When the time comes which he looks for, under some pretense Johnson may declare Maryland and the District of Columbia under martial law, -and cad: upon' Gov. Swann to tiring forth his militia. There is nothing that • will deter Johnson from his purpose, ex cept when the issue comes that his co (r -age may fail. make this statement that the American people may know the danger that threatens theiN peace and safety. If Pennsylvania and New York give Democratic majorities in the coming elections it will embolden him -to carry out his purpose; and 1 hope that you, the .people of Ohio, will be warned in time, and so east your votes as to rebulip and prevent the mad de signs of this bad man who is now act ing President of the United States.- ---- lint, gentlemen, let me say to you that - ''whenever Johnson atteMpts force, and orders any soldiers he may have under his command to resist the authority of Congress, his doom is sealed. - Thelfate from which he has preserved the traitor Jefferson Davis will then be meted out to him ; aye, when that time comes, 500, 000 men from Pennsylvania, New-York, and Ohio will fly to arms and tramp the soil of Maryland to reach the beleaguer ed 'capital and rescue it from the \hands of rebels and traitors. In conclusion, let me say to you, who have borne the flag before the enemy, do your duty" in the coming elections—vote for those men who by their record have shown themselves to be - yonr friends, and the friends of the_Governnient. Rally as one man to standard of justice and liberty, and that flag will yet float over u united and happy land.' ' THE Cincinnati Advertiser lug Article, smelling very strongly 7of copper, said, 'l',very prediction made by our party :theta the war thas been verified." To which the Scioto Ou.zeitc, responds as fbollOws : "You predicted-that the South could secede without a it couldn't!, You said the North could not fight - but it did ! - You said one Fi,!butherner could whip • five NorthernerN*hut he couldn't You asserted that we had no power Co coerce them-7.-but - we had ! Yotr , Faid that *e never could .conquer them—but we did ! You predicted tllat'a bushel of green backs would not buy a dinner—but it will! You resolVed that the war NVas a fail ure—but we succeeded ! You asserted that the puiplo of Ohio oppoSed to the war, that they would elect the - peaeable Vallandighant —but.they didii t. You are now predicting that you will carry this State—bet you Won't." The lialisbUry, Md., New. Era says : —" The effect of the President's recrean 7 ey is being made apparent. Even in our streets the hurrahs for •Jeff. Davis again greet our ears, and those who have for some time smothered their antagon ism to Republicanism :Ire now gowing defiant." This is just as general Grant warned the President. ijlu a\,gitatox. WELLS ORO, PBNN'A. WEDNESDAY, 0CT.'1867 • itEPT3LI.C.A.N STA.*: NOMINATION, • LIME OF TIII: SUPREME, COURT. -- WEN Y W. WILLIAMS, tiv -ALLEuitr.xv REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICK ET. POR ASSEMBLY, B. B. STRANG, Westfield. a - NO. S. MANN; of. Coudersport FOR SHERIFF, J. 13. POTTER, of Middlebury FOR TREAsuiir,A, ill. C. BAILEY, of _Delmar. FOR COMMISSIONER, ' JOB REXFQDD, 4 filreqfioll," FOR AUDITOR, DAVID CAMERON, yr Tioja. Fait JURY colt, m iss LEROY TABOR, of Welbiboto. FQIt I'OROVA r E E.. J. 110SWoireit, of Illwß ELEcTioN, Orr. 8 tememher that , Prenrium flak, Re puldicans, intlfeeure it for nom". Conn? ty. Yon cnn do it. Stich atrophy •of V.i4tory would prove-al proud memorial of ;t le Campaign in which it was writ). .11a10 for the banner ! • ' • Probably our opponents', will play the brag game, as usual, just before election day. 'Phis ought not to alleet anybody, any more than an otter to bet on the result of the eleetidn. Bet with nobody, not, even upon any part of the ticket.— Every man who bets loses his vote. Watch the enemy closely and pre vtmt ilhgal .voting as well as any petty frauds that may he attempted. Cut out the Itepublh;an ticket at the head of this column and keep it to testacy tick ets that may bo peddled by our ene tides as Republican tickets. Voters will renieinbey that two, and hut two tickets are voted thp4 .i•ear. One labeled State-"J tuliciary," Awl the other 'labeled "County.." Folders of tickets should Observe, / care, that there are :;1s sets of " Judiciary" and ix sets , of •‘ County" tickets on each sheet. Isletip your tickets in the hands of re liable and active men. lie battle Set apart for next Tuesday is no ordinary s hattle. In its result are wrapped.l he peacii'and shrbility of the republic. The Pre;:iiilent,' if he may he judged- by the ordinary standards of motiv,Cand purp6se, isl meditating an usurpation of powkrs which, If accom plished, will estal,lis one-Man power in this republic I'4 the time t being, and to he' remedied only /by a ftngilinar . ‘,7, struggle. Inslead of obeying the plain ly declared will of the people in' Con gress as , -enabled, he resorts to the eiharp practice of a pitiful pettifogger to evade Isis eonstitntionat duty., Freemen, without liberiy life wonild 4 he tt burden. Usurpation, such as men aces us at Washington, must, result in one of two things :—Either in die over throw of civil liberty on thissontinent, and the establishment of an Autocracy, beaded by Andrei Johnson, or in civil commotion more sanguinary, and sharp and• hitter, than any that. Las shaken the throties of the old \- rld for a cen tury. Heaven has blesse the A meri- can people wall extraordinary oPPoriti nities for inokl, mental, and nationa growth, out oi' Which our free institu tions come. It these ex t raord i nary , ben elik do not operate to iluteken the pea ple, and s tn replier Chen) watchful aattic . . there teem s to be no prvsen .4:l.lvatiiin fralll the evils which darkei the horizon like an inipenetralple 510m1, say to the loyal men of 'floga, the responsibility is upon, you and such as you. j if the coining light lie_yrowned wilh itriumpli for the ]tight, glory will accrue to yon and such as ; but 'if Right , be temporarily overthrown, yours shall he the shame, all4l the recol lection of eery ileg,lect will prov the • rack- and ,the wheel in' the solem i in quisition of aWakenell conscienet. We deal iii plain fact. The over-, whelnling Republican majorit h‘s * last October saved the repullie , from the de signs of its arch enemies, heafied 1 1)5' the madman Who occupies thc Executive Mansion, and delegates his prcrogati ye to .t he political scullions wiho sx l varin up like the loensts of Egypt. and till the Capital. 'lad the people failed to ri spiitici to the (lang,er-warning last thll, CongreSS WOliblhaveibeen dispersed I)k i force, 4 11 ( 1 the (loverame - nt would 'law I passed into a pure despotism. The stur dy negative of the' loyal nurses averte the threatened calamity for the time Need we say that this danger• eanno be entirely averted while Andrew John son occupies the Presidential Chair `i Corrupt, wicked, wrongly advised, thi. reekless•ruler will not abandon his in tention to rule or ruin except the peopl I hold a constant c,lutch upon his throat Therefore, forward. Human fore sight failed to grasp the present e►ue►g eney c beeause, between - the collapse o the rebellibit mid this day there stun two gigantic crimes. Abraham Lincoli struck down by an assassin, when most • - ne6del, and Andrewjohnson, faithless • t and besotted, betrayer of public Col - Si- I / . dente. But the emergency is upOn ft is for us to avert the danger and ttiri aside the blow- aimed at the nation': life. Tbe° ballot is the true retued* We have but to see that every loyal vnir .f ter does bis whole duty nextiruehlay and,Pe»mtylvania will utter rebuke to usurpation in tones that' shall 1.4 heard and! heeded by Andrew Johnson - 77 - •.: -.. n, -- 7 -- - - .7;: - ..7 --,- .7, - ,, - .7. - - _..:: ---- 7 - _, -: Last 'WI - .tie question w ta,--"'tilt - tili . 'ongresii make the laws, or shall the l'resident make-them?"' That ,''queSt;.' ion' was i AllSPesed , of adversely , to Alit, tlifi T Yresident,on.the second Tuesday of litst'Oeigoilet't W 1140 lke people nobly ral lied Wt; the - Polls :ante; 4lii4eil Andrew .folinSen'as n'e\rer'-,Pre4ident i':lll4',rebult-: • ed before. ' But the battle for right is never fin ished. The same issues, in modified torms, present themselves again today. Though Congress mwle the laws the fail hless President refus s" .. to enforce them ; and the question to be decided next Tuesday is-,m,S'ltati he President enforec the laws of Contir ss 9 . ' =MCI EVe'ry" tit t w hit 's t v day will vote eith6i for tfi of the lays or against men t. Every man votin , ihiatt ticket voles for Elie p the twerogative of the peo ntahing Power. Every it Copperhead ticket, and e can "neglecting to go to. Tuesday, itlit!ourages An 4 to Bends of iolence anti u. betnlys (lie liberties of t Republicans, our friend. •t 1 mteti coun ties:wilerks, Lehigh, Tor:, ittulgehuyl kill send greeting to us t 14 they .will red nee the Clytner major4.Y• ofe last year very considerably. ,t,leaWs:majority in the State was 17,178. Ofithis majority ,Tioga furl] isfted 3,163. n'ero every Re publican to giito the poll : next Tuesday in Tioga Co. our majpriiy (or Willitinis would reach 8,200 at least. Let no Re publican' Onderrate the' importance of' getting out the yot . e. Itt.ttitember,,the Courts are the last, " last ditch ".. of the rebellion. • Every Republican is indii+idually re spOnsible for the result in the State. If, after the election, a single neglect to per form'all that the emergeney veto ties shall appear, the blame must rest in' n individuals, late whwshilcrs his duty in the present must•he charged with the disasters of the future, Every man who would prevent an .act,of usinpation by Andrew Johnson will go to the lajlis nes.t. Tuesday and - take his neighbor with hint. ' Every Republican who believes what. The preaches Will gi, k to the polls on that day, and record his vote against Andrew Johnson by voting tbr Henry W. Hams. Every Republican who stays 'at, home on that, day,. will, whether he intends it or not, say to..A.ndrew John-, ;son Go-ahead; make yourself dictator, land restore rebels to place and power if that snitsyou. . Every 'Republican whose patriotism is just ardent,enough to carry hitn to the polls when it is pleasant weather and keep hiin -at. home when it rains, will' assist in, putting rebels in high, places. ~ man can vote this fall who will' not vote to endorse or, condemn' the nets of Andrew Johnson. If a limn votes the Copperhead ticket he endorses Andrew Johnson. If he votoi the Re publican tP:ltet he will coildenin that teckless ;-46, let a4::11 rally to the polls and swell the majority AM. - Williams and the whole ticket. " :oinetioily'rl been alitl tr Atoio the old mare !" " Wen, boy," go right otY mid lock the stable door." A ii old story, says the reader. Yes ; an old Story, with a new appli cation. The Union men of the North k)nce saved the republic front the de struction meditated by the Southern chiefs of Democracy. ' The danger is as great, to-day as it was in Mu. The I Republican party must avert. these dan gers( and, save the republic ao- in this year if it is to be saved at all. But no, loeking of the Stable-dOoe O'er he horse is dole?). The door must be locked flex I Tuesday to prevent Ihe meditated treason of Andrew Johnson. 'That flag—promised the hanne„reoun ty—is heingeontended for sharply. We are of the opinion that Tioo - will win it. In case we should, IL must go to the township which, giving Williams at least 100 niajurits, shall give the ticket the largest percentage niajority as coin pared with the vote for Geary. Charles ton is after IL with a very sharp stick indeed. What say. filnion, Westfield, Oceola, Chatham, and a dozen others? Which. election district shall have the flag? The amended returns 6'6111 California show that Itaight, (Dem.) has a Major llTY crl 'only 5,11 . 55, and that, the . Repub helms have a majority of Iwo on joint ballot in the AStAellibly, This ensures another Republican United 'States Sen ator, and practically gives us the, vic tory. We have one Congressmen cer tainly and bly two; out ot three. Did you notice the mantled returns from California in any Copperhead pa per ? reekim not. They don't publish the correct return until after the deceit shall have had its circa upon tie Pennsylvania election. • The 1 'dent removed Gen. Sickles because I e issued an order staying the proceedings for debt in the local courts of South Carolina last spring. G6v. Orr, of SOuthCarolina, wkiles the Gen eral a letter, in which be says that 'the ()Filer complained of by Andrew John son saved the people of South Carolina from ruin ; and further, that, had not the Courts been enjoined not to proceed in enforcing payment,of,debts contrac ted to carry on-the rebellion, it would have required a much larger military force to preserve the records of the counties than the Government kept there. These proceedings in debt re lated to debts contracted in aid of the rebellion. To have permitted thi3 col lection last spring would have ruined Ithousands. For this net, of clemency, endorsed by the Governor of South Carolina, General Sickles was rethoved by the President. f Freemen, that bad matt must be sebtiked. Last year Dalin& bout Chat)e.4on on majority for Geary. It will ' require considerable work on the part of our Delmar friends to hold' good the' udvan rage. Charleston has some of the best workers that ever went into the field, and they have been resolving to take the banner, away froth Delmar ever since the vote's were counted last Octo= ber. Go in, boys, and win. They win who work hardest. Yf it'be tine, as nppears by 'the- siate-: Inca of Senator Thayer in a late speech' made in Cincinnati, that Andrew Johnson will fait to etnPloy force against Congress only' ,threingh• ,thuldity; ;we may consider the : usurpation sequent distOrbance things:talerahli certain. However:: tirnid maybe eche+, johnson drunk is as bold' as the boldest., and as brazen as the co lossus. Mr. Johnson is waiting for the verdict. If the faithful A11,1137'4). all the States holding elections on the Bth inst: next Tuesday, the. President ; will" 14e taught, 'and 'his hand stayed'. Other wise the worst may be expected. The. warning is sounded and the people hear. Egery lover "of free ,inStiintions must strike to avert the possibh.) worst. L to nest Toes - enforcement heir enforce- The President's organ in Washington advises hiin'to lint bithscif hi . hostility . to the Supreme Court. The,people will take care of the President and his worth ies stipendiaries of the press. , •Short, sharp, quick effective work, Mr. President, when the people .thor oughly understand what, you intend to do. And when that day centesi, as • we trust it may not, thousand if o rnee Gieeleys and Gerrit Smiths cannot bail -you. the 'Repot): vaervation of I le • as (he law- . v - 6 . ling the `q - t• BATOR , polls next . - tohngon urpation, and republic. The defeat of Gorham, in California, wltsr a punishment imposed by the Re publicanS upen , a corrupt i faction. The Copperheads do pot understand it. Of course not; there.are no much preced ents in their party history. The bigger the thief the more demeeratie votes he is likely to get,. Republicans, the patronage . of the General GoVernment is against n , ,4, and in the hands of men who have, ►evor scrupled at the Ilse of •money for the basest purposes. Tioga comity is not dependent upon the patronage of the General Government for her political standing. ' Welnuist rally and assist our friends in the. benighted counties. For ward !. - The Bepublicans l of New York have indeed proved wino in their day and generation. Their recent State Con ventiml ' liaS put 'in nomination the strongest ticket it) t State has put afield In years. It ought to be elected• by a majority of 20,000 1 and We gueSs it will. We are glad to see that Mr. Thurlow Weed is left out in the Quid. No man and no party can trust that political, mountebank. TUE LITTLE CORPOriAL for October presents a beautiful table of contents; always original, and always popular ) pure pent elevating. Now i 9 .the best time to subscribo for his attractive Juvenile, as' the publisher offersi to send . the Noeember and December numbers (41 1 1118 year free to all new sub scribers fur 1868 that . itre sent before the last day of October- Great inducements are offered to those who raise eitibs.! Price, one dollar a y ear. Sample copy ten ceritg. Address Alfred L: Publisher, Chicago. 1 \\ The Republican County and Canvassing Com mittees met on the 1:tli and appointed meetings to be held in SEPEMDER, at the .following mimed times and pla .es, to wit: BAITY SCHOOL OUSE, (Sullivan), Eh - day evening, Oct. 4, piles 4: Mitchell. CHERRY FLATTS, Saturday evening, Oct. j k, Niles-& Mitchell ii COVINGTON, Thuri , day evening, Oest`..73!Nies & Mitchell. ELKLAND, Thursday evening, Oct. 3, Striy i- h ' • & Nichols. rAILDITIPUTON 111i..3%, IV...llAUffthvy even 1,,,,, -out. 2, Smith Sr. Nicliiils. HOLIDAYTOWN, Friday evening, Oct. 4, Smith ' & Nichols. LAIWRENCEVILLE, Thursday evening, Oct. 3, Niles 6; Mitchell . NELSON, Friday veiling, October 4, Strang & Wood. OCEOLA, Satuilluy levelling, October 1., Strang & Wood. WELSH SCHOOL HOUSE, Charleston ' Satur day evening, Odt. h, Smith k Nichols. WELLSBOItO. Cont House, Monday ccning, Octoher 7. if Tho friends in thu se;icral districts aro:request ed to make all necessary arrangements for get ting out a full attendance. Jty order o? the Cominittem Tn District Court of th for the Western Dis In the matter of It. Taylor, Beattie Thiel 18 to give of Sept., A. D. tffi VMS issued against' Taylor of Blossburi. State of Parnell, w Bankrupts on the the payment of an, property belonging or to their use, and by them, are forbit the creditors of sa debt" and choose on estate, will be bold ho holden at Tioga 24th day of Octot P. M., at the office Registers in Bankr oct2 67-Iw. II .I'ltt District Court of tl for tho `Nesters Di iulie muter of Bankrupt. Western District o - This -is to give of September, A. ruptey NMI issued Campbell of Dolma Staeo of Ponnsylvai Bankrupt on his of of any debts, and longing to such and the transfer o bidden by law; tl of said Bankrupt ono or moro assig at a court of Ban office of F. E. Smil E. -Sirdth, Rogistet A. 11. 1867, at 10 Oct. 2,1867-43 v IN BANKRUPTCY.—This is lo give notice That on the OH) day of September, A.D. 1867, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the ~ estate of William B. Middaugh of Lawrenceville, in the county of ioga, and State of Pennsylva nia, with has bee adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition; tha the payment of any debts and delivery oQ any property belonging to such Bank rupt to hia or for his use and the transfer of any property by hiu are. forbidden by law; that a meeting of tho creditors of said Bankrupt , to prove their debts, end t choose one or more Assignees will belield at a ourt of Bankruptcy,t,o be hol den at 'Om office .E. Smith, in Tioga, county of Tioga, and Sire of Pennsylvania, before P. E. Smith, Register, on (ho 241.1 day of Oct. A. D.' 1867, at 10 o'cloc , A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, ' ' U.S. Afarshal iVostcrt Dist. Pa. Pr. D. CAMERON, Deputy. Oct. 2,1867-4 r. TN BANKRU TCY.,-This is to give` notice : That on the day of Sept. A, D. 1867. a warrant in Bank uptcy was issued against the estate of Do Pa' & Nichols, of Tioga, in the county of Tioga and,State of Pen n'a, who havo been adjudged 13 ultrupts on their own Petition; that the paymen of any debts and delivery of any property belt ngin. , to such Bankrupts to them or for their use nd the" transfer of nay property by them aro for idden bylaw ; that a pleating of the creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their debts, and to eh( ose one or more Assignees will bo hold ut u Cou t of Bankruptcy, to be holdall at the office of P. . Smith, in Tioga, oounty of Ti oga, and State of Pennsylvania, before F. E. Smith, Regime , on the 23d day of October, A. D. 1867, at I I o'clock A. M. REPUBLICAN: MEETINGS. =EMI ,'United-Slntvs riet of ~ D, and John PCllllttlliVilillil, Cli tieo : • That on thoOth day 7, a warrant in Bankruptoy the estate of L. D. t John It. , in the county of Tioga and to have been adjudged to ho betition of their creditors, and , debts and delivery of any to said Bankrupts, to thorn, the transfer of any property den by law. A meeting of id Bankrupts ea prove that o or inure Assignees of therm at a Court of Bankruptcy - to Pa., in said District on the l or A. D. 18(37. at 2 o'clock r of F. E. Smith, ono of the /Noy of said District. iritomits A. ROW LEY, Marshal for said District. ankruptoy. United Statea. strict ,f Ponti'n, mi. Campbell, Peinaulvania . , as : , notice: That on the 24th day . 1867, a warrant in Bank against the estate of James r, in the county of Tioga, and kola, who has been 'adjudged a ,wn petition; that the payment 'oliver,y' of any property, be'-' ankrupt, to him or for his use, any property by him, arelor at a meeting of tbo creditors o prove their debts and choose oes of his estate, will be hold ruptey, to he holden ,at the beat Tioga, Penn'a, before F. , on the 25th day of October A.M. - _ THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U.S. Marshal for said Dist. 'NIOMAS A.' ROWLEY, S. lifaishal Wesi'n Dist. Pa. AVID OAMEROp, Deputy. De LANG IMII tho 11 AVE stunk Clsi‘°rot VE °Pe 4 - 4 - % new 1( V - AgArlffiw 501 G- ..yo S nre . pinchased for 6, and our customers trill havo the adv4lltage of choosing from THE LATEST :STYLES, THE BEST ASSORTMENT THE ,LAR—„: GEST STOCK a IMIEIMI of Goods in Tioga County, and of buying at tbo best prices goods of, the best quality. %Vo enu ltierate the following special advantages:, - DRESS GOODS : , . Fane3) and black Silks, Empress Cloth, French Arraures, Poplins, Figured Reps; French Mo. rikoes, Alpaeons, Wool Delainos, warranted ALL wool, Tawas° Cloth. C La CZi 'l' XI Ell i a Fancy Casslmoros, Booshins, Broadcloths Bea vers ,Twoods, Jeans, Fanners! and lllol:anics' Cas;inlores. Boots &' Ahoes Mon's and 1i0y.4 Kip and Stoga Boots, Mon's Calf Boots, Ladies and Children's Shoos, a full and splendid assortment. All,Boots andl Shoes sold at this es tablishment warranted to be as represented, or money re funded. . • DILL , 2O 4alD l 0.4141 Mon's and Boy's FeiCifats, 'Franklin Mats, and a full assortment of Cloth Caps. Groceries : .Sugitra, Teas, 9otreei, Rine, qoap, Spices, etc We buy our Goods of First Class Houses in New York, and have arrange ments there by which we are to be ccn stantly. in receipt of the latest styles bf goods, bought during the easy stages of the market. We call attention to the fact that we can, and will, furnish car pets of all styles and. qualities at New York prices. We offer that portion of eke trading public which goes to Elmira, and elsewhere, to purchase fine qualities of goods, bargains , which they cannot better, at any point beyond New York. DE NANO & CO, Wellsboro, Oot. 2,1867.—1 y ADIES' Vesta and Drawers, at • De LANG to CO'S CARPETS'at . New York Prices, at Do LANO k CO'S. A LARGE Stock of Boots ankt a Shoes, at Do LANO A CO'S FRENCH CORSETS, at • 1 •Do LANO do CO'S. F ANCY ,CLOAKINGS, nt Do LANO 6c CO'S. D . o LANO & CO., Agents for the Susquelittri na Woolen Mills. 0 I TI OOP SKIRTS, at C OTTON YARN, at • MRS. M. MANNING, [laic of Coudersport,' HAVING purchased the Store and business lately conducted by Miss Pauline Smith, Main Street,Wellshore,is prepared to carry on the lIIILLINERTaBUSWESS in all its branches, and her goods are of the latest styles. She will keep constantly on hand all the latest novelties of BONNETS AND JOOKIES; French Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, ho. Also, DRESS - MAKING, being an experienced seamstress and fitter., Promising to give satisfaction, she respootfully solicits a fair share of patronage. Wellsboro, Sept. 25,'67. Mrs. M. MANNING.. Estray. AMB into the f enelesure of the subscriber on (I Orablitut the )sth of Sept.,lB67,thirteinisheep and five lambs., One of the lambs is a buck, the sheep are marked as follows: hole through one ear and the other oar split and ,half cut off on some of - them. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and damages, and take thorn away, or I shall proceed to dispose of them according to law. NEWTON BULKLEY. Deerfield, Sept. 18th, 1867. " Mrs. A..J. Salleld, I S now receiving the Fall styles of • MILLINERY, • direct from the city, and will be pleased to see her old friends-and euatomers, with as many new ones as may choose to favor her with their pat ronage. " I have engaged a first-class Dressma ker; and'am prepared to carry , on DRESS -MAKING in all its branches. in a's . atisfactory manner. 'Orders taken for Bair 'Jewelry. Good prices paid for human hair. Store' over VanValken burg's Grocery, Main-at. Wellsboro, Sept. 260867—tf N BANKRUPTCY.—This is to give notice: I - That on the flth day of Sept. A. D. 1867, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of North do Knowlton of Mansfield ' in the county of Tioga, and State of Penn'a, who have been adjudged Bankrupts on their own Petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to snehLßankrupts, to them or for their use and the transfer of any pro perty by them are , forbidden by law ; that a meet-, ing of the creditors 'of the said Bankrupts to prove their debts and to choose ono or more As signees of their estate, will bo held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of ' F. E. Smith, in Tioga, county- of Tioga and State of Penn'a, before F. E. Sinith, Register, on the 22d day of October, A. D: 1867, at 10 o'clock A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal West'n Diet. Pa. Per DAVID CAMERON, Deputy. FARM FOR SALE.—One of the best in Tie ga county, situated l miles from from Law renceville, Pa. This farm contains about 65 tiered. 45 acres of Flit land under good cultiva tion. it is a good grass and grain farm, well wa tered, has a good frame house, two frame barns, and out.buildidgs. Terms easy. Stock and crops to be sold. 'For further particulars apply to C. S. MATHER, Lawrenceville, or to the un dersigned on the premises. Oct, 2,1867-3 t. Coal for Sale. ciOARSt BiTIIMINOUS COAL for Sale Cheap, by Sept. 28, 1867. : J f I, f Do LANO A CO'S. Do LAXO & CO'S. A. H. EVENS. D. ROBERTS. ," - Liberty. Block Rouse, Monday Sept 30, 1 p m - 'Union, Ogdensburg, Tuesdar.Oct 1, 9 a 111 _ Suill ran, Dray Valley,AledneadayOot 2, 10 a in Rutland, Roseville, Thursday Oct, 8, : 9 m .Jackeon, Maple Ridge, Friday Oct 4, 0 41 / 1 Charleston, Young's, Bch ~ llousejMonday Oct 7. 9 ain Doluist,'Deanßeltool -ROW, Tuesday' Pet al 9 m Covington, Wednesday clot 9;1 p Mansfield, Thursday Ocelo, 11 ain • Wellshoto, Friday-Oct I'l 0 a la 'Atitidletttry4tolliday'S, Monday Oct ,4, 9 n m Ferinlngton,Tiutt'S School 'House, Tuesday Oet lb, 9 a in liega,llrednesday Oct 16, 9 a in 'Lawrenceville. Thursday Oct 17, 9 a in Nation, Beecher laland, Friday Oct 18, 9 a in obatham,Olosegichool Haase., Monday Oct 21,1 p m, Knoxville, Tuesday Oct 22, a m Brookfield, Begley Sch amiss, Wetintaday Oct 23, 9 a us Westfield, Thursday Oct 24, 0 a m elyrner; Sabinaville, Friday_ Oct 26, 9 a m airiee,,Vermilveaa, Saturday Oct 26, 9 a ni And-at Welleboro the three Fridays to/lowing. Tea hers will come with a sheet of foolscap paper, pen and ink, or a good pencil. School Directors am earnestly attend, , Walishoro, Sept. 28,1867.' - J. P. OALRIIO/B,'• ' - ' •. • , . Co. Supt. Orphaus' Court Stile. Dy virtue of an order, of Orphans' Const made on the 30th day of July 1867. The following described piece of real etnte will be sold at pub lic sale on Saturday the 20th day of Oct. next at 2 o'clock P. M. at the Court If ousdoin Wells h oro Pa., us the property of- Jan* E. Johnson late . of the township of Delmar deo'd . 'Said property being bounded and described as follows via : Be ginning at a post the north west corner hereof ad joining filo lands of Phelps & Dodge thence south 80 dogs. east 128 perches .to a small beech, thence south 2 dogs. west 162 perches to a post is the Round island road, thence along said road south 86 dogs. west five porches north 62 doge. west 38 perches north 69 degrees west 34 perches ,wa 4 , Jperehesoi south 0..,eK1 perch est sonthi 87 r.d a blest • 28 :PPFqbnP,_ north ono dog. cast 121 perches to the place of beginning—containing 118 and 0.10 acres more or lees, with one frame house frame barn, 20 acres impreved and a few fruit trees thereon, all situ ated in'thalnwnshiii of4Delataraiega Co. ,P,a; 4AWTON) Wellsboro Sept. 25 1867 - 4Vr ' ' Admr. Planing Machin©. AT 10EENEYVILLE, PA y lIAN'E put inn firet•elusa PLANER, anti int prepared to piano flooring, 'siding, ote. 'to order. KEENEY. Sept. 13,1867-1 y • Auditor's Notice. /PRE undersigned having been appointed an auditor to distribute tho proceeds arising from the silo of the estate of I;yucan Hart, late If Charleston, doe'd wiltattond to the duties of 'his appointment at the office of Nichols &Mitch ell, Wellaboro, Friday, Oct, 18, 1867, at 2 4'clock P. M. All persona interested aro requested to take notice. JOIIN I. MITCHEWA, Sept. 18, 1807, 4w. • Audltor. The American Cooking Stove. — A FTER twenty So,ars experience in the mon ufacture of stoves, we became Convinced; sumo six years since, that a vast amount of money was being expended by the people of this country, in buying cheap and worthless stoves, a large portion of which was wasted; and that true economy consisted in buying the best stoves that could be made, notwithstanding the price was higher. With this view we proceeded to construct. the American Cooking Stove, and spared no pains or expense to make it the best and most perfect stove that could be made. And we have experimented with it, and carefully watched its operation for the last six years, and when an improvement suggested itself, we have at 'once adopted it, anti we have several of those improvements secured by letters patent. In this manner we do not hesitate to say, we have ',brought it to a higher state of perfection than has heretofore been attained in cooking stoves. The recent improvements in this stove has added largely to its convenience and effective ness. In all the varieties of stoves we manu facture, wo study usofulnoss, durability, conve nience and economy in operation, rather than cheapness in price, and in so doing wo aro satis fied we study the interest of those purcha s i ng our stoves. SHEAR, PACKARD, dr. Albany,. N. Y. For sale by CONVERSE' ,tc. OSGOOD, Wells • boro, Pa. ISsetl7-3m. ENERATA ELECTION PROCLAAIATION. .1 Whereas, by an act of the General' Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, " AO Act to regulate the General Elections of this Commonwealth," enacted on the 2d day of July, 183 I:,. it is epjoined on me to give public notice what officers are to be elected —therefore I, LEROY TABOR, "Ugh Sheriff of Tioga County, do hereby make knOwn and give this public notice to the Electors of Tioga county, that a General Election will be hold throughout the comity on the 2d Tuesday of Octobor next, being tho Eighth day thereof, at the several districts within said conuty,namely : Blass, Union school house. Brookfield, Soutlfßoad school house. ' Charleston, Dartt Settlement school hook. Clymer, Sabinville school house. Chatham. at the Chatham Center school house. Covington, hotel of Samuel Ala'. Covington Borough, hotel of Samuel liiff. Delmar, at the Court House. Deerfield, Cowanesque House, Ira Wagner. Elkland Borough, Westlake Hotel. Elk, at the Smith School house. Fall Brook-Borough, Fallow school house. 5 Farmington, 'Muse of Peter Mowry, deceased. I Gaines, A. R. Vermilyea's. • Jackson, house of 0. Hamilton- - Knoxville BorougheEttgle House. . Lawrence. Slosson'sdlotol. Lawrence Borough, Slosson's Hotel. Liberty, Joel 11. Woodruff's Hotel. - . Mansfield Borough, Model school house. Mainsburg Borough, R. K. Brundage's Hotel. , Middlebury, Holidaytown school house. Morris, house of Geo. Crist. Nelson, house of 'Charles Goodrich. Oceola, Hotel. Richmond, Methodist Church. • Rutland, house.of Elmer Backer. . Sullivan, R...K. Brnndago's Hotel. Shippen, Big Meadow school hog ~ Tfoga, E. S. Farr ' s Hotel. • - Tioga Borough, E. S. Farr's Hotel, • WellShoro, at the Court House. Wcistilold,M. G. Bowman's Hotel. - Westfield Borough, M. G. Bowman's Hotel. Ward, house Of William L. Thomas. i Union, house of John Irvine. At which time and places the following named State and County officers are to bo elected : One person for Judge of the Sopron . ° Court of Penn• sylvania. Two persons to represent Tioga and Potter counties in the General Assembly. One person for Sheriff of Tioga county. Ono person for Treasurer of Tioga county. One person for Commissioner of Tioga county. ' One portion for Auditor of Tioga county. Two persons for Jury Commissioners of Tioga Co. One person for Coroner of Tioga county. It is further directed that the meeting of the. Return Judges at the Court House, Welleboro, to make out the general returns, shall be on the first Friday succeeding the said election, that being the 11th day of oober. lam by said act further directed to give notice that every person, except Justices of the Peace, who shall hold office or appointment of trust or profit under the government of the United States, or of this State, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commis sioned officer or othorwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is or who shall be employed under the legisla tive, executivo or Judiciary departments of this State, or of any incorporated dietrict; and itlser that every member of Congress, and of the select or common coun cil of any city, commissioners of any incorporated dis trict, is by law incapable of holding or exercising nt the same time the offico or appointment of judge, inspector., or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge, or any, other officer of any such election shall be eligible to any office then to ho voted for. .. In accordance with tho.prputisions or the Bth section of an act entitled " A further supplement to the elec tion laws of thisCommonwealth,' I publlsh the follow ing: WI . ' TERWI, By the Act of Congress of the United States, entitled "An Act to amend the several acts heretpfore passed to provide for the enrolling and call ing out the national forces, and forHier purposes," approved March 8, 18135, ail persons wk . o have deserted the military or naval service of the II Red States, and who have not boon, discharged or relieved from the pen alty or disability therein provided, are deemed and ta ken to have voluntarily relinquished and forfeited the rlghth of citizenship and their rights to become citizens and are deprived of exercising any rights of citizens thereof: AND WHEELEAB, Persons not citizens of the United States are not, under the laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this Commonwealth : • • 01. That in all elections hereafter to bo hold in this Commonwealth, it shall be unlawful for tho judge or inspectors of any such election to receive any ballot or ballots from any person or persons embraced in the pro visions and subject to the disability imposed by said act of Complus, approved March 3,1805, and it shall bo un lawful for any such person to offer to vote any ballot or ballots, p. That if any such judo and inspectors of election or any ono of them, shall receive or consent to receive tiny such unlawful ballot or ballots from any such dis qualified person, ho or they so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any court of Quarter Sessions of this Commonwealth, shall for each offence, ho sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $lOO and to undergo an imprisonment in the Jail of the proper county for not less than sixty days. That if any person deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid, shall at any election hereafter to be held In this Commonwealth vote, or tender to the officers thereof and offer to vote, a ballot or ballots, any person so offending shall be deemed guilty- of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof in any court of Quarter Sessions in this Commonwealth, shall for each offence be punished in like manner as provided In the preceding section of this act in the case of officers of election receiving Ruch unlawful ballot or ballots. 0. That If any person shall hereafter persuade or advise any person or persons, deprived of citizenship and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or bal lots to the officers of any election hereafter to be hew in this Commonwealth, such person so offending chall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and Amen conviction there. of in any court of Quarter Sessions of, this Common. wealth shall be punished in like manner as Is provided In the second section of this net in the case of officers of Such election receiving such unlawful ballot or bal lots. In accordance with the act of Assembly of March 1860, regulating the manlier of voting at all elections I further state •for the information of voters that all county officers will be voted for on a single slip Of pal per, labeled "County," and the candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court will ho voted for on a separate bal lot, labeled " fitate--.lndiciary," each class, to be depos ited In separate Ballot-bocce... For instructions in regard to the organization of boards of election, etc., see Act of,Asserably of 2d Ju ly, 1839, pamphleelaws, page 219 ; likewise contained in a practical digest of tho election laws of this Com monwealth, furnished at every place of holding general elections, pago 86, etc. /Given under my band a Wellebororough, this sth day of September, 1867. ,'ROY TABOR, ffheriff. PLATED WARE—Cake baskets, card bask— eta, castorti, sugar bowls, oto., at FOf,EY'S.. y ATtof the firm ~of Mather 16 Horton, toy. j LI log ust returned freiwthaeity of Now :1 ork, is now prepared io:offer to the citizens of Law. reneevitle, and_ vicinity, a toricral assortment of GROCBRIN . 6iIROVIgIONS I •• •-aRO tWER HAR DWARE, • WOOD & WILLOW—WARE , YANKEE NOTIONS. • _LA TVRENCET r ILLA September, 17th, \1867-ti. , , Wellsboro:„Cloth-pressing Works. . . . , I[AVlNG,,trtgaged Mr. JAMES SMITH to superintend our Clothing Works we tiro now ready to do all kind of coloring end dross ing in good style and on ebort notice, S. A. lIILTBOLD, Sept. 18, 1867—tf. , 0. BLAIRJ /- A l ydr 1, DEALI,It IN STOVES & HARDWARE, PIOGA, PENN.'A., TT a • AS on hand a large and elloien 'assortment lain. of Stores. among whiehlue: Cook -Stoves, ; - Monitor, 0iT9071, 1 Uncle Sam,' Dictator, (coal) Moo4o, (coal) , Gene,sseC„ , Niallam 4 , , Grecian Cottage., Parlor. , ' Salorkupt, &oak-Smoke Co4riner, Il Right, A Champion,, Superior, coal, ' and Air-Tight Stoves of all sizes. I Agent; Also,; for Elthira Saw Factory. 1 far tifsh Saws of allikinds at Factory prices. 1 sell also, P NDLE'S STEAM C V oI DRON for cooking feed for stock, heating water, etc The only place where you can buy DOUBLE STEEL AX,ES. A full assortment. of • MECHANICS"roqm, HOO4, TRIM MINOS, SHELF 44; FLOOR lIARD• WARE, TIN, COPPER, AND . SHEET•IRON IVAItE, • always on hand. P. S. Podlees- Tinvaro not,n)ade at any price. My ware is made' of standard' tin, nod I defy competition. .:• iJ. SCHIEFFSLIN, Tioga, Sept. 18; 1867-tf. FARMERS' EXCH ANGE. a. G. VAN VALKENBUR6 Er.BRO I - 9XCIIANGE for Farm produce and Cush, on the principle that "even exchange is no robbery." PORK, HAMS, SHOULDERS, WHITE FISH: ?MACKEREL, CODFISH, AIOKED HALIBUT, FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, FEED, &C., &C. ' o have no ambition to get rich faster than our neighbors who aro equally industrious ; nor are we desirous of running all creation that we may have more to eat, drink, wear, and To Lay By for - a Rainy Day. As an evidence that we deal fairly and square ly with our customers, we point to the fact that our run of custom has steadily increased from the first, and promises to grow considerably lar ger, HARD TIMES OR, NO lI I ARD TIMES. Wo pay CAStI for PRODUCE, arttl keep up with the market prices. Remember the place, TOWNSEND'S OLD STAND, MAIN STREET, WELLSTIOI2O, PEAVN'A Sept. 11, 1567-1 f To the Pub' r AND SURROUNDING - COUNTRY -• S IILE ,'" TAKES this• method of notifying the Poop], that the Stock of SPRING_ 'CLOTHING is on band, and otters it lowed than before Tho Store is wail stocked with the most rash ionable COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, also, a largo assortment of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS., consisting of WHITE AND •CA SSIME RE SHIRTS, COLLARS, NECKTIES, SU S -PENDERS, SOCKS, and a.good large lot of the most fashionable HATS .AND CAPS, over brought to this market. Also TRUNKS, BAGS, AND UMBRELLAS, which you can buy low for cash, nt the Cheap Clothing Store 'of N. ASHER, Ist door oast of Vau Valkenpurg's Plour Store; Wollebord, Sept. 11, 1867. ° NEW HARDWARE CONYERS .Sz. OSGOOD TN addition to their old business in Dry Goods Groceries, Ize., have established a STOVE, TIN, AND GENERAL lIARD WARE STORE, two doors below the old stand; whore they man nfacturo TIN-WARE ON 111 E HUMANITY PRINCIPLE, that is, in the most substantial manner. In the matter of ST'OVIES, we havo enough to do all the cooltiog and warm• ing in Tioga County. In fact, we have Stoves enough to MAKE A EumMEE in WALBUSSIA. We are tho only nge,nt3 for the sale of the AMERICAN COOK STOUR in NVellsboro; and this Stove is tho " I AUTOCRAT OF STOVES Wo keep all kinds of Hardware, Iran, Nails Steel, Horse Shoos, and a complete variety of SHELF HARDWARE If you don't believe it DROP IN. B CONVERS. OSGOOD. , Wellaboro, Sept. 4,1867, ly. c of Wellsboro STORE - AYEA'S Cherry;;Pectoral IS a. ittMthing expectorant: prepared to meet the i n• gent need of _a safe and retie hte verse fer diseases of the A trial of many years has et_ that it is more of in pulmonary affections, than ,any ether remedy, Eta efficacy has now become so generally known, that ft is justly regarded ill/ ninny countries a $ a medicine of Indispensable ticcesAlty. In Greet Britain, France, anal- Germany, where incdicTil scionea h as., reached its highest perfection, it preseribed in doineetic -practice, and cot ztaully' used in the armies, in hospitals and other pub. tic institutions, where it Fs "regarded by th e attending physicians' as the most speedy t it ,d agreeable retnedy'that ettn be employed. ' , Scarce. ,13r. any . neighborhood I Will be found where %sell known cases of diseased lutigs, which had babied the efforts of the wet • skillful and exierieneed( doctors, have been completely cured by it.. Tb ele results aro the most convincing proofs oct the Pt:- perior curative 'propertitti -of this - preTratiett ; and t o them the authors point with peta liar sat. isfaction. While it is ninst . powerful•rigainpt e r n. firmed diseasete, it is e.xtreinely gent/0 as l a. medi cine in infancy and y(Attlii being quite liartales to even the youngo4, wtnhi administered eiously. health•rektorer - aceitilishes even 1 110113 by prevention than cure. IC taken in season, i t h ea l s a ll irr i tations of the throat anal long.:, whether ari=ling from Colds or Coughs, or from ot l her causes, oath thus prevent that long train f painful and incurable tlb , easet., ich would nrie from Gin neglect - of them.‘ liet co no fall shouldbe without-it. Influenza, soup, Boss, no-s, Whooping Cough,, Pleurisy, ncipient Coo° ailliptiTa, and other affections of the breathing org an s , givi3 way before this pre-eminent ccmbi nation of medic , il virtues. Prep - red by Dr..). C. AYER & CO.,meg, Mass„ and Bold by all Druggists and dealers l 4 Inudieinus everynturo So ‘V 01 I 1101 : o 1 BOOK AGIOTTS WANTED A;bricit ,Order l• for a Neu !11l' baled Bibic ,Dictionary. (COUPLET': IN ONE VoLomp..) This Diurtor.r.t ICY embodies the retults art the mint recent study, research, and investigation, of • about sixty five of the most eminent and ad. catteed-Iliblical Scholars; new living. Clergy. men of all Actiontinatienwappriive it, and regard it as tho best work of i„Likiud in the English language, and one which ought to be in the hands of every Bible reader in the land, In circulating this Work, Agents will, tind a pleasant and Kofitalile employment. The nu. merous oljectionit which are usually encountered in.selling ordinary works will nut exist-with the. Itut, on the fteuiltrary, • encouragement and frier ly aid will * attend the Agent, making his laboeii agreeable, useful, and lucrative. • • Ladies, retired Clergymen, School Teachers, Farmers, Students, and all others who possess en ergy, are wautedi to assist in Canvassing every Town and Cutintj , in tho country, to whew the Ituost liberal inducements will be offered. For particulars, apply to, or address - 'PARMELEE BROTJIERS, 722 Sanotu Street, Philtulelplia, Pat Aug. 28, ISO7-6iy. T"EQUEEN'S: CEPHALIC PILLS.--These are the latest improvement a iong the pills. They are confident y believed to b the Leo pill. for family um) thut ir liavi , ever been made. Thy• aro so mild and pl nrsnot in their operation and yet so effectual, th i et it would be quite hapos,i- We to supply the Identand fur them were they more generally knlown. The whole story is told in the diteetions (which accompany each Price 25 Vent.. ger sale at Roy's Drug Store, Mill Property for Sale. • L SubseriLor-Zn account of failinw '' health i r i r otters fur sale his Ploperty at Crooked Creek, Tioga county, Pa., formerly known as the McClure Mill. Said MAI is , now in complete running order, having I, , f3en lately furnished with entire new Machinery of the most approved style, and will he said together with oho ,t 24 acres of -land, on which them is a thrifty young Apple Orchard and other fruit trees, Buildiug favorahlo..terms. C. J.' HUMPHREY, Crooked Creek, Tioga Co., Pa. I== Bankruptc) r IIE ItiNDERSIONED hereby gives notice that ho will be in IM=!=MM=MII LOCK 11AVEN, 2.1 Wed,nosday each month BE LIeEFONTE, 2tl Thu edgy each month. COUDERSPORT, 3d Tfilesdays in Feb.. May September, and December. --to hold Courts of Bankruutey, beinginerions. ly notified that there trill he business requiring his attendance at such times and places. At other tunes he will attend for such purposes at his office in Tinge, Pa. Gentlemen .lot the Bar prosecuting involTtary bankrupt frilges, will ~,. please have warrants returnable et st 1 611 .I. time . sil possible. Parties - tnakidg voluntary • Wm:mots will please prepare their petitions and schedules in duplicate, in conformity with the Bankrupt Act, General Orders and forms, and Special rates of the Wejtern - District of Pennsylvania on Bankruptcy, and submit them to ine - for examin ation ; and if found correct in form and sufficient in substance, will be certified and filell, and an order of reference will be issued. Fifty dollars required by the Act must at the same time be de posited with toe, and fifteen dollars for clerk and Marshal fe - es should be paid - at the same time. To save answering many letters I will say— I—That Rice's Manual is the hest work I hare seen on the sullied, and contait,4 the Act, lice eral orders, forms, etc. ' - 2—The Special Rulesl can be obtained yf C. W. Johnston.iS: Cu . :Pittshurg. • —The besr. 12ia - Qlis I have seen are t,ha I.l‘ W. S. Haven, Pittsburg. I—Letters coplbrminA to Spemial Itulo bo promptly utts,,vdred. V. E. SMITE, Register in ' • Bankruptcy 18th I)i•t. I'.' ,Tlogn, Pa., An 29, 1867. N' , DYKE is hereby given to Collectors that in the, Ist day of (Ist. 1867, the second isqle of Soldiers' Bonds falls due, and we tespeettelly ask you for the last d o llar on that day. TAX PAYERS-Tiega COUII ty has sixty tli.,e stinii' dollars to pay on that day. and unless yea pay .mur taxes the debt eaunut he paid; Wk' o that that the money has got to come by that the , or cost will ho made. 13.1 i order of the Commissioners. Sept. , 11, 1867. C. P. MILLER . , Treas'r. I,ISTRAY.—Came into the enclosure of the 1 1 subscriber in Guides, on the 13th of Augut.t, a yoke of Stags. The youngert is about t)x years old, color red; the oldest about twoho years old, of a dun color, some white on his hack and a white spot in his forehead. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. JOHN C. MILLER. Gaines, Sept; 11 ; 1867-4t.'l, Cleaning Sewing Machines undersigned hereby notices owner: Cl sewini ; m:1(411110:3 that: he-i's prepared to dealt and put such machines in goou ortiri• ~n. Ilv ilko is agent for t 41,3" patent to, I: •,, which can be used on any uniehin,e. JOHN B. SIiikRS , PLA Iti tVellAtro, Sept. 4, 1367, tf. Elmira Saw Manufactory, Cast 'and Extra Cast. Stccl Patent Topte Ground i,Chsaular Saws. MILL, MCILEy, '0 A NO, CROSS-CUT, CLESARING, smut AND °Tim; SAW S. M. J. :...'fir LEPFELLZ , Z, Jr.,, is nuthott.e.l t., :roll tilt 'Factory Price' in Tiogn. . 0 i dorn for repairing, 4:e., left with Mr •:ellitl reli).-nv ill be attended as promptly a, if !dun( the I l.inulnetory. ' , - • ANDREWS ,t BUDA() E Sept. IS. /867.- if. RARE i CFI Ada: FOR•IitiSINES; SIEN. The firm Inca ti on for a Moro Luta:eon iho 1 ) 1614111 g known a , Roy's Ith,ck, awl litillord'‘ Saloon is note tifferea 1.. r kale oo rvetiliar ..11.3 favorable tertw.; inquire at Itoy's Drug • . .i-: A. AO'. Butter and Cheese. llpairtzsT market Price paid for Hailer and Cheese, or elfiriped for parties 2ijulya7, TOLES A .. DM INTSTIL- 'lll-IX NOTICE —Letters of I tudminkstrati in having been granted to the undersigned) upon the estate of Samuel TAV. , " ( r. late of Cott ,-, on. detoased, notleo i' , hereby given to the o indebted to. nod Mop h'fiving dahlia againt said canto to call and Fdi tle %Oil MARY E. WOOD, A4o.'rs. Covington, Sept. 4, 1867-6w' ----- . , _ eadD I A (gM . On Hite hot cakes nt . April 1, 1867. THE' largest as . sortinent of 'Watches, Clod° Jewelry and Plated Ware in Tioga countY at [1.9d0c661 FOLVY'S. A.-lioy. • ropt4-21n. r. B. KELI.)"S