-WaPP 14, /n tho shadows orcpriiai,c,o'er . , Narrow pane and :alio ":2'tAnds a wbee/:will) niould'r Turnedo•inOre..hyfoot or hand Dust upon it deeply Tiny . .silitcka iluit cloud the eyes; Over it Thu spiders spin • Daylight outend evening in. As .1 sit beside it now, WearY heatt and aching brow, Years go backward as the tide t. giont the silver seasons glide. Lit'o again is passing lair, SilitBlino glints my T?f? )1.9)r, And asimple child I kneel Happy,by this little wheel, , . Onee9;itgain I heqr its hum,.- • While the moments go ;Intl come; So thil tireless Angers hold Fities(tlirads se shining gold • Busy till the sunset-red, • . Till the last pale liham is fled! ? • Spintiing all the live-tung day: llonrit:of :joy away. • • .p . - • Faitlifuthands tat toil so lung, • Lips 11u13: sting cradle song, Come yid 111'8111U) - Sighs once "more, Lighten burdens as before! Sofill•thiougli the silent room • Floats a brightness throp.gli the gloom, While her.preseneo seems to steal Back Wino beside the wheal. . Search for romans in Ireland. The 'Dublinv correspondent 'Of the New York Sto, in his last letter, relates the following ineident of the late Fen ian outbreak. It is Irish through and through : Two.._ dung men, fugitive Fenians, were hiding in tie mountains, whew the metlieti of oil: of them was takit sick unto death. She wanted to see her boy once more„-and a faithful mes senger summoned hint from the hills. His companion went with him, and he had the melancholy satisfaution of see ing his mother nitre. As soon as the vital spark had'iled, the 'fugitives made for the friendly fastnec , s, of the moun tains. They 'started after (lush, au old woman going a short distance before them to - look out for police' nu llhiry. They had traveled about three mile, when the preconeerted screech of the old Woman wanted them of danger.— hying column had come upon the old woman, and pretending to be fright ened, she screamed. The Btipendiary Mi '' ristrate began to examine her, when the following dialogue, as detailed to me by a government official, who made notes of thp conversation,' took place_. Her Object:was to delay and outwit the pursuers....enhe Magistrate's object was to hind oilt if she was a native ,of the locality antLknew all the inhabitants; " What is.your name 2." " I forgot to bring it WO me; it's at hoMe.". " Come, tell your name.", Musha, begorra, an' me -name is - Mary." ' - " .fary what ?'•' " No, inclade L but Mary INlalowne." "Where were yob bon?" • " In bed, to be sure—where eke ? - 7 That's a party question td aAL" " \Vhen were you brit?" . • "Faith an' I don't.remember, but I belay° it 'twas in the niteltime.". i " How man y years ago '.'" it' "Just tWo - il'eeks before Jim Casey's lather took the . rheumatics, an' that was three. weeks :if ter the Drutnane Cas tle got. on lire; an'.it was distinguished a 2»onth afore Donnelly bate Cooper. Reckin Chat up, an' ye have i my :AgC an , that's what ye'ere afther." "Where do yotr live, and how do you , get there ?" 1 " Troth an' I live at home, there on my feet." 1 '"What road do you go hitne?" "Down beyant tile bridge there, you .can see a house on the thumb handside of a haystack comin' up ; about three miles further at this side; there's a pio an' a barn slain , Jolvn ; Ont.'s a my from Liskeo. churchyard. Whin ye g L there ye'll hear a bull roario' an' I live widin the bawl 'of an ass av that." " YOu arc a satisfactory individual." " Yout.re a lyin' thafe, I'm :01 honest woman, so I am, an' you're not." "Co t IC, now, 'what do you kno w . about ie Fenians ?" "Oe 1, not much for nothiri." ' " 11l give you two pounds if you will tell me where two of them, nared McCabe and Maher, are hid," " Arrall, they'd kill me if, they. and me out, an' besides I'd be ioformin, on me own, godson, Ned McCabe. But aV ye don't pli Illm told ye, I'll send ye on their track for five pounds, and pay Me money down." "The Money is ail right; you'll_ be paid when they are caught." - " Ye'd better be afther eatchin"em thin. The top av the event& to ye t i" " Come back ; here's the money.' . " For God's sake don't ye tell who tuk tlio blood money, and go to Maber's mother, God be merciful to her, she is on her dyin' bed. AV ye gd there (pick, yell find Maher gettin' his Mother's blessin' t God help him." ._ . _ The pa.rty hurried up, but of course the fugitives gaibed their retreat in safety, and 'the old'wonaan_pocketed the flve:TOunds. ESCAPING 'A FlNE.—Judson of South Carolina, was judge d a dis trict court in Northern Texas, fond of a joke, but'ery decided in his cliseharge of duty. ' Thomas Fannin Smith was a practic ing lawyer at the bar, and having shamefully misstated the law in his ad dress to the jury, turned 16 the court thud asked the judge to charge the jury accordingly. The judge was indignant and replied: "Does the counsel take the Court to be a fool ?" Smithwas not abashed by reproof but instantly responded : " .1 trust your honor will not insist on an answer to that question, as I might in answering it truly be considered guilty of contempt of court." "Fine the counsel ten dollars, Mr. Clerk" said the judge. - Smith immediately paid the money-, and remarked it was ten dollars more ,than the !court puld show. " Fine the counsel fifty dollars," said the - judge:" The tine was entered by the 'clerk, and Smith, not being ready to respond in that sum, sat down. - The next morn ing, on the opening of the court, Smith arose, and.withmuch deference of man ner began : " May it please your honor,the clerk took that little joke of yours yesterday about the fifty dollars as serious, as I preceive from the reading of the, min utes. Will your honor be pleased to in form him of his error, and have the fine erased ?" The coolness of the request, and the implied apology, pleased the judge, and he reridtted the tine. An Irish counselor having Zest his cause, which bad been •tried by three judges, one of whom was esteemed a 'eery able laWyer though the other two were indifferent, some of the other bar risters were merry , on the occasion. e " Well now," said he, " who could help it, when there are a hundred judg es on th t e bench ?" "A. hundred !" said a bystander; "there were but three." " By St. Patrick !" replied he, " there were one and two ciphers." • • Pat, said Judge Snifrto his neighbor, in a sleeping car,' you- would have re mained along time in the old country before you could have slept with a judge. Yes, yer-honor, and ye would have been a long time in the mild coun try Were ye'd been a judge. • A dying liirr:it, Inlifi piantkr, groan In out to 10'4 fayoriti; nelgyo P.ervant 1 "Ab;P:arnl;o, I (do k , [fig a fung i is ;- irfurn Fry i" 'Say , * r iriel , ra , Aqa," mild -the negro, tiingolato 'Ay, "hi.ro ali do'con hill." • 1 .- rtiZtiNr - rttr . • / • osr.A;- OUT SALE SUMMER 'DRESS GOODS 1 IN order to fell out , four baidtice Summer, Stock, to make room for NEW TALL GOODS, the s4seribers have made the . fothming (l i lt EAT itlie UCTION ) S. 4 l i •:-'-' 4 -"'• g U 4 1,., e ti .. 4est tkorr 7 OrCll:niin4 from.. . 423 61 liti , Figured 1 hito alpacas from.. 119 to sii " crow.. 44 to 311 Best 11tifylarteriller , front.. S to 12 ; 1- ; " . Grenadls4ll - ilt.tarl4 'S:4I fill to .'l5 tin . gg _ -- 500 'to 4 Ott 375 tt, 3 1.10 „ • 2 511' to 2 1311 : 2 . .011 to ,1 lilt And ln.nty oilier artieles nt equally great rodue tioos. Our Slue', of Staple'lloods no are keep ing full t)l tirgaiint, selling , _ PrintF, good fin I. colored,.at . l2l cent!, Best Parasols ro tv,n, Slpetitkgs, with, 113, e c a l ts, gq-e4ct,;. Ticking, Deniing, Stripse, Cheri“. Cottonades, &c., rgnnlly ebeap. our entire t:toch averages lower pricey than at any limo flaring the last tivc years. A.,PARSONS CO. Corning, N. T. , July 24. ISM% • Stoves .& Tin Ware D. 1).• `1e0.1.; E 111.7 N OPP 0;4117T I: 01!':F. 11 I) II I) I N 0 ,' • 1.4 nun• iiia;paiett to titrti'h-th titalttiltlia with anything in Ili: tint, 1,11 Inc,. in tinantity large, in tittality .1, want; tihtt 9s itittatit u, I,rice as. any tlualo, in I s ;orthertt l'ennsylvanin. lie pays particular attention • 11.1. STOVE AND TIN WARE BUSINESS atol tallow! to hoop 41 inn 0 - 14•VVrythlllg itt that line. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly, and warranted to gtVO ,atisfaeaun, . , — VITAMIN° eruted in the best maener allit With dilatt , pALL AND NEE ME I. P, 1 UfIEI!TZS NV ellOwrough, March 7, I S,l+;• ATTENTION, . FARIIIE RS. aio ►r A sy.) P Y JlO RSE PO ►rri an' I get, THE CAYUGA, CI lIEF, • _MOWER. & REAPER, is undnuidedly Nfachinet in the world, at ,, ,tit Tlt s thq• Ty -cSNE TIME:7 7 ,A N of the a Machines boi l i ng now in ,It always takes (ho tint preilik!in at Taira end Exhibitions. Imavo Lilo c,4, r”. ht, ati.d can fill all orders promptly: lam ;Ilse agent fer the sale of 11 7 0 OD' M 11 2 E famed for its light and even draft, hut( for doireb fast and good work. This Machine will pay for itself in the .r,rivingpf wages paid to motversiby any large farmer in one season.. I'Veltri?oro, Jittas i, ISe.7--t1 To the Farmer,s of Tioga Coun IFOO/i8 'PELI - ?F, WEit t tO.llll MOIVE PER. MANUFACTURED ID floosie Falls. N„ for sale to all who play Want a good re UM machine. These raaehinda arwvell known throughout oonnty, a.9.being the hest in use ; and chas to the premium over all ether eetupeti ors. Ehan kelp an aFsorti nen t nt 10INTE1 - BAR lIACIIii`iI S, which have lately been put into use. Also' the stiff bar. A ~ ;(- u ut assortment of the gu ' and otber fixtures _cow:tautly 'on hand. Pritl joitp..4 es, p),`to . ,. hado ocrc Kiitheo been efforatl PURPLE .1-.OKIAIIIALL, Agcn Wellsboro, July 3, 18117-tf. llotso ad Can Poclor BRIE COLTG II St 1:IS• TEMPER, FE- Elt , S, FOUNDER I.otii .119.4:- TFIT AVD VIT 1L ENEIta cm ! Imp ovet the it in d , inerea, q the appetitc- : g ire.; oinou t 1I :1:01 Skin—mnl transforms t 11 C 1111.3Crabill skeleton To keep..,rs of rovi.; prqs.tra Con it invaluable. improves the quality. of the milk. It haw heen proven bt• ac tual experiment to iner9se the quail. f tiv of find 1 truing .tAci-ritylpor cent. and make the butter firm and weet. in fattening Calllo. it gh, en them an app:tite,loo , ..ms id c , and taal:rc thein thrive In all 1.1;:eas;:J 1.11 the Lung, , Liver, &e.. (ht al zievi Icy pvitt;ti:.; frvia one-half a • 41,0 paps' fu ;11 barrel at whet Itzi above 0i ca , ,t•s rmlic 4+,1 prosentive an.l Prico 25 Conti • S. X. 1 WROLF.SALE DM AND MEDICINE I/En, No. 116 Franklin St,, ilslt.inwre, EEL l'orSzak Lev prrtg , ;i-t , ::" l': L'' , i , ' . t .--, •-': out the unite:! State_:. : For salo by4.,_ John A. Roy, iVellsb?ro. . . • , -- Ist R . . VETO LOS i' A. iD . O id I lIA I . A L. , I A ERS, for Falo at Roy'.l Drug Store. 1 1 tr , TikiI)VOILE; IN TIM BEST STYLE and rJ nith despatch, a THE AGITATOR 0 Co. - - •;" A2IIERICAN WATCHES in Hunting Caeca cioni $27.50 op at FOI4H AIM am/ma Fab a. great bargain nt April I, 2867. A DIPW . „ 81:113 from CM to VA, don SOLE' VOli MILLION D. I'. ROBERT FOUTZ'S CELEBEATZD lldi preprtrat long :mil favor: known, will t oktillay (ctn. ilgo Lroken•rloun low•^niri fed lint lry f.lre»,crtlit) and cleansing stomach and i It ie 'tL sure ti oaf ve of all eaqcg Incident C. B. BELL lir lit*AititH.-141-441W i,. ioi q A u I RCS : IN COINING, •• .1 . 1 Ti `:STORE WE ARE NOW RECEIV:INO A F KEST!. ,STWX.,_ pF.,009p4 EIII 'pRoIor'TRADE and are prepared to supply the e.ints of the NORTIIERN< PENNSYLVANIA DRY GtOODS. OUR LONG EXPERIENPE GOOD GOODS t " give the best entiefaction, atnl these ..ectistorned to patroniy.e lib that-we KFICP. ..11T; 00014$ .0 A H O I'l [l- - „Ii• 1, , '; , • that fut.) to La fouul itL OVA? ect7tkri,.. , uttil Ouse who aro not „fir p.strmlis tarp, thp losers (vile n.Y )n,,1t:1),!/.?;inot) MEI LAnov sToex OF I.;L-0:1'1I3 MADE' U' TO 'ORDER. AND WAI OUR STOCK WILL BE KEPT FULL, Wurranied to' give Satisfaction, N Sold as - Losk , as at any other• Estab li6hment. Mind that. Wu invite an examinatiou_or our Static and pledging Lain-elves to SNOW' 000DS FREELY AND/AKE NO OFFENCE N. A7er. 10;-1867 N EW BUM Wilson & Yap V. 41.kell)urg Have established themselves at NO, 2, UN \ lON BLOCK '4 • ' lately clecupied by P. L. Bunnell ;II s /o of rliey They arc note receiving a /ari' kook of E. :. , ' DRY GOODS, CNAlia; Cassinieres, Vestings i 'Ladies' Cloths," and a.larke variety of • Ladies' Dress GoocL. i! ' 'iviiiiii6iiii-tr'' , iiklLoßlNG AND FURNISHING GOODS DON'T 1 OR6 ET, THE PLACE To buy cheap, and d choice lot of SPRING GOODS. 1",! Wu aro Agents fur Singer'd 'Sewing Machines; the host and cheapest Machine for fatuity use, lees liable to got out of repair, and wore durable than ariy:i?ther; , adapted to Ono or toarte sewing. Call_and bee thech, flyer The•Seilior,pattuer has hadia largo oxperlonoo in itleretiont Tailoring, audrit:ie. tha intention of the naw Min to put thin branch of their business Wyoud successful competition. Wellsboro, Feb. 20, 1807-tf. Adopted to the people.in WITH has taught us that Wo keep as 11-teal a to sell by the yu rd c'r RANTEb TO PIT awl ill Uoutts sold by u 4 when no snlo is made SMITH & WAITE A K ur t.:r-+=ks ME 4 ft SPRING ,1 To part, ouch au .; GROCERIES, MEI ~s~ . iktok . 164441E144-4,1&44-4zik.4 ifclitwo'r,4, 4:1,04-itt, ~,„:*' .i„,„.1 %A ti.; , l. .! . tt .. ,',(A .., ‘r.! vi SEMPER IDEM, • k. INEMO 4RtiiIB;I4.OI)IqINES, PATENT 31ED-* ICINES„PAINTS:OILS,' . WIN:. ,DOWidtB,S, 2 • • Have come dOwn fo Old Pile& at Et at. ME WE do not hebitato to any. that We .114 V the ~ Largest Stook, of , PU.LE . ENGLISH. DRUGS iimpiohvps; PAT NT MEDICINES, / YANKEE NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, PANCY"ABT/CLES, TOILET SOAP CLOTH, HAIR, .TOOT/I & NAIL BRUSHES, MIRRORS, " MINES I LIQUORS, &C., EVER RROUGLIT INTO THIS MARKET,. • Wc have also the Largebt Sto c k of PAINTS. OILS, GLASS ANI) ,PUTTY, Pure White Lead,. Pure Whitu Zino, Linseed Oil. Coaids Varnish, Furniture Varnish, Yel ioiv Oihro, Venetian Red, Chrn i ao y e ). lair; Mame Groan, Prussitull3lue, Patent Dryer, Decker, Japan, Spanish 'Whiting, Paris White, Kaism:lino, Rosin, Tar, Log iVood, rustic, Brazit Wood, Cam wood, Rosily:no, Potash, Putty, Bonzoln, Spirit:: Turpontino, ' and lioroseno Oil, Paint and brushoe; Which we will 501125 per cent. cheaper than any other establishment in the county. In short, we have every thing- ever kept in a first class DRUG STORE, and all we ask is for you to Mill and examine our stock and prices before buying elsewhere. Re- member we can't be undersold. All goods warranted or no sale. P. R. WII,LTANis, 1 P. R WILLIAMS &Co J No. 3 Union Mock. Welh=boro, June 26, ISei Stoves: Stoves :: B=g AND HARDWARM: MR. WILLIAM , ROBERTS begs to announce to the citizens of Tioga County, that In addition to his excellent stock of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittnnia, and Sheet-Iron Ware, he has, at a groat outlay, stocked his store on • MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, with a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following edibles: ME NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X C S T MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAW BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS;, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, .B.urrs, • BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCII-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE- - TREES, ELLIP4 -- -7 Tie • I ~~ SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, SG BAND IRON ; GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN , : ~-POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COAIBINED. Also, PISTOLS, • PISTOL CARTRIDGES, ' • POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thini, and made for - use. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardwo6. We invito the public to lt and ,exnmine foi tbomaelves, We aim to keep the best quality of good s in our Repo; and all work to order, _1 promptly add well. WILLIAM ROBERTS' Welloboro, Sept. 1,1806-tf. ivirrsic? • AIUSIC.-The Tioga Cornot Band is, now• in good blowing ordor and proplired to furnish good Alusic on all occasions for a real sortablo compensation. ' All communication* should inS addressed to tbe Leader and'Secretary at Tioga, Pa. F. H. ADAMS, Leader. T. A. WIC HAM, B.3r,`T, April 3,1867-6 m. Such us ALMANL,,; TO EYEL , IS ,•OUR BUSINESS ! W E will buy at the highest marketprice, the following tulle/es. ' ' ' r SHEEP P E S, IDEACON SKINS, 'DEER SKINS, FURS,; :HIDES,. _ "''' HANIV VEAL SKINS, for S7ll{ol }ro,w)ll pay cub. Wo.will mannfactaro order, Ft : anal:Or home-) tanned OALP'qr KIP noels, hi the' best mare nor and /Altair rats, ank pay eopoolal attontio to u RE.PAIRING.' • 4. 1, , P',V.' „We, have a first-rate ,stolik of IWADY-11AIMWIIII on which wo will not be : undarsold, and from this' time we shalUrnakele a point to keep-up theAtat 'etdok of, , . • • , -.4.40314 1 4' - • GAITERS, to be 040 in the county; which we - will a hl at a lower:profit Rhau anc'h srittilos, have ever een offerod re g ion. ' ' , Welabaqikitivise keep up a good user ent , LADES' ,BALMORUS, -L E T E OOTEES, 'CHILDREN'S - xN MISSES WORK oil VA- • • • RIOUS STYLES, - ind 141 styles of IiIKN'S 'WORK.- ' LE.4I.7WER FINDIN , can be bought Of - us as cheap es any wh re this side of Netyrltprk' Wire shalt keep a f it stook of FRENCH CALF; 'FRENCH - KI , UP PER, SOLE, LININGS, A D BINDING. . Our stook of PEGS, NAILS, THREAD' AWLS', RASPS, 'GLOVERS' NEEDLES, .A.B TS, TREES; RIMP S, with SHOE 4 AKE.R'S TOOLS and FINDINGS, will be faun; the tar= gut in the county, and we sell' for ma profits. We talk business and re mean bud .ess. We have been in this reilonflong enough to be well known—let those who know us try us Corner of Main and Grafton streets, opposite Ytu. Bob ette Hardware Store, C. W BE us, - 0E0: 0. § ERBY. Wellaboro, April 24086 r—tr. • NEW GOODS AND NEW , . T. A. NITICKH •, .i t , ,,- • lf-G-A, PA. -,, 1.,, HAVING} justreturned from Now York with New and carefully selected STOCK OF GOODS, Ali those in want of Goods vitt' find it to their interest to'call and EXAMINE OUR STOCK and learn Prices bnforo buying elsewhere. Kopt constantly on hand, a choice lot of DRIED FRUIT, GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, &G., &C All the above Goods aro bought at the lowest Cash Prices and will be sold ONLY ron CASH on READY P 4. bon't forgot tho ylaco at Oho old stand of Tioga, Pa., Feb. 20, 1867-tf WELLSBORO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. , THE subscribers having procured additional machinery are now ready to furnish to order all sorts of CASTINGC, B&B AS I 3 LOWS, CULTIVATORS, FIELD ROLLERS, MILL GEARING, SLEIGH-SHOES r - W 0 0 D SAWING MACHINES, . &c., &c., &c. We have alio a WOODWORTH PLANER, for custom and job work, Wo are also prepared to do SLIPPING & SCROLL SAVNG to order. Haidng a first-claas Borew-entting Lathe, we aro prepared to make CHEESE PRESS SCREWS, to order. Builders of Cheese Factories are re quested to examine our work. bite manufacture the Champion Plow, one'of the finest implements in the market. Caola paid for OLD IRON. CHARLES WILLIAMS, • F. L. SEARS. Welliboro, May 16,1887—if. 1867. WRIGHT Ix BAILEY. 1867. WEI commence this, year with an exclusively CASH business. • CASH PAID FOR WHEAT 1 DASH PAID ,FOR OATS 1 CASH . PAID FOR CORN 1 DASH FOR EVEItYTHINGII ' • IAttRoE - siom OF FLOUR TOR CAMI. (' A LARGE STOCK OF FEED FOR CASH 1 A LARGE STOCK OP PORK FOR CASH Call and son us. WRIGHT ,r, BAILEY WeHaboro, lan. 9, 1867-Iy. All persons Indebtod to us by noto or book account must call and settle or pay costs. Jan. 3, 1867. %, • WRIGHT &,, BAILEY. A FEW MORE PIECES of those subetatitial Shadings and Shirting' ' a April 1, 1867. C. B. "KELLY'S. Boheraiar; GlasiVanae, at deol9 FOLBY'S. You will laud thelattai arrirai of New ile,ods a KELLY'S. April 1,180. Mather, & Horton, ~:_IIMA9 I .II4IN ROCHRIES:, & PROVISIONS ! CROWEEyEY, HARDWARE; •z: • • • >wool) kUrititow4lVAßA YANKEE NOTION . O. LAWRE.NCEVILLE, PENN'A. Cash Paid ler Produce,',{; : , 3 i . B . l . M R A L B T r z ; ' Nov. 21, 1866-Iy. . , 1.866• FOR SALE. 1866 13Y , B. C. WICItIiAM, AT RIB NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR , NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOGIA :_- 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A good supply of I"Lilif, PEACH, CHERRY, lied ORNAMENTAL TREES St SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees aro composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. ' Any one wishing to got a supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. AV- Delivered at the depot free of dn% Tioge,ireb. 28, 1888-Iy* LATEST ,FASHIONS DEMAND BRADLEY'S, Celebrated Paten , DUPLEX ELLIPTIC Twill not bond or break like the single spring, I but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape whenthreeor four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double rind twisted thread, and the bettoni rods are not only dou ble springs, but twice (or double) Covered; preventing 'them from wearing out when dragging down stoops, stairs, ho. ' The wonderful flexibility and 'great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex • Elliptic Skirt, will be experienced particularly In all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, es the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silit,or muslin dross, an in. valuable quality in crinoline, not found in any single spring skirt. A lady having enjoyed th - eager°, comfort and great convenience of wearing duplex elliptic steel spring skirt fora single day. w i never afterwards will. lugly dispense with theleuse. For children, Misses and young ladies they are superior lo all Whets. The Duplex Elliptic fa a great favorite with all ladies, and is universally recommended by the fashion maga. Muds, as the standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following inestimable advantages in crinoline, viz: superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape and finish. flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, inquire for J. Wt- Uradley_'s Duplex tic ,or double springultirt,and,-,be sure you got the gen uine article. CAUTION.—To guard against imposition, be particu lar to notice that skirts offered as "duplex" have the red tak stamp, viz; ".1. W. Bradley's Duplex' Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband—noue Others are genuine: Also notice that every hoop, will adinit a pin being passed through the center; thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and oom. bination not to be forked in any other skirt. For sale in all stores where tint elase skirts aro sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manu factured by the sole ovreers of the patent, WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, July3,3m. 97 Chambers &TO& 81 Read° eta., N.Y. 11' RILES ws, Popular Dry Goods Trade r E Subscriber is now receiving his Merchandise, Among which will bo found Kenny of the mos popular Stylea of . 84020 0 oier!..faraislGs & SACKINGS, • I at prim that are worthy of attention Alsq, a full • PRINTS, GINGHAMS. BROWN ni z iß 'BLEACH'D MIISLINS, TICKINGS, DENIMS, STRIPE SHIRT ' INGS, TABLE LINENS, BROWN & BLEACIIED, NAPKINS, TOWELINGS,. LACE AND EMBROIDERED WINDOW CUR TAININGS, EMBOSSED AND PRINTED TABLE AND ) PIANO SPREADS, HOSIERY, GLOVES,j-cri Special attention is called to his CLOTHIN' & TAILORfISJO DE PARTMENT, ' Where a perfect fit is guaranteed or no sale, A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. THOMAS HARDEN. Washout, May 15,1867. HARKNESS '45 RILEY, _ BOOT AND SHOE , MAKERS, Over Wilson if Von Pit/kat/burg s Store, in the room lately occupied by Benj. Seeley. B 1 OOTS AND SHOES Wal k i nds made to order and in the best manner, REPAIRING of all kinds done promptly and good. Give uti a call. JOHN RARENESS, WM. RILEY. Wellsboro, Jan. 2, 1367--ly. - A. B. EASTMAN, /s , SURGICAL & ifPCIFANICAL DENT'S rig. Is permanently ideated at Wellsboro, Office over J. R. Bowen's Store, where ho is pre pared to execute all work pertaining to his pro fession with promptness and in a superiornten nor. Teeth extracted without Mi pain by Mo l ise of lately improved Spray Produeor. lo form and Ether administered when desired. All work warranted. Satisfaction guaranteed or no char ges. • July 3, 1867. HAND POVE • LOOM. • -) [Patented 865.) ALL persons interested in the introduction of practical Machinerylnto our country, are requested to investigate the merits of RENDERSOIV'S' HAND POWER LOOJL = This loom will do all kinds of hand weaving. . It will wedge jeans, blankets, plain cloth, sati net, kersey,• flannel. seamless sack, double width blankets, or any kind of cotton, wool or flax cloth. It treads the treadle; throws the shuttle, lets off the webs and takes up the cloth. It makes the upper shed as the batten comes forward, and beats up the filling after the cross is made, ma king better Sloth and better salvage than can ho made in any otb,or way. Looms made to order and warranted. Apply at the shop on Water Street, sign "Loom. Factory." LEWIS W.ETMORE. ,Wellsbero, March ?Si, 1861—tf. FALL BROOK COAL.—The undereigned having make arangements to fiirnish Coal by the TON or CAR LOAD, coarse or fine, solic its the patronage of the public. ' ALSO—has constantly on hand, a large stock of CARRIAGE BOLTS, Am., nt wholesale and retail. Oa- BLACKSMITBING of all kinds done in the best manner. B. M. GEER. Tinge, Dee. I, 1866-tf. _ HO,• FARMERS! • GET - THE BEST, THE BLODOEJT PREMIUM HARPOON HORSE FORK ahead of all others in market; when tested with other Forks it never fails to' give a decided preference. Be sure and examine before buying others.' All orders should be addressed to either J. R. WEEKS, WM: CHAMBERLAIN,, J. H. CAMP BELL, or C. L. PECK, Nelson, Tihga County, Pa. July, 3, 1867-3m.0 (OR DOUBLE 8PEINO) SKIRT. SPRING STOOK 11 1 111)LBAILE DIN WORE. CORIIINCI, N. Y. TIMMS AND MEDICINES, - PAINTS „LAY AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, CONCEN- TRATED MEDICINES, CIN- CINNATI WINES AND BRANDY, WHITE- ' WASII.LIME, P" KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDI CINES, PETROLEUM OIL, ROCHESTER PER- FUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, AND DYE COLORS, Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers are requested to call and get quotations before going further East. - W : D. TSIBELL & CO Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1667-1 y THE GREAT CENTRE' OF ATTRACTION IS AT LA.WRENCEVILLE. C. S. MATHER t CO. Would announce to the good people of Tioga County that tboy have just, returned from New York with 'their second full stock of ' PALL & WINTER GOODS, embracing all' the novelties as well as the sub slantials required. DRESS GOODS in all varieties, STAPLE & FANCY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS; & BEST FRENCH WOVE COR. SETS, GLOVES AND HO- • _SEERY, YANKEE NO. • 'PIONS, &c., &c. FURS FURS ! ! MINK, CONY, and Siberian Squirrel IThe largest Stock of CLOTHS_ CASSIMERES in the county REAP MADE CLOTHING, and CLOTHING made to order super intended by first class workmen. SHOP MADE BOOTS . & SHOES in end less variety, HATS & CAPS to suit all tastes, • GROCERIES, &C.., &C. Our goods havo been bought during the lalzt parno•in New York end will bo sold at panic pricos Prices aro down, monopoly broken tip, No other store can or dare compete with us in qual ity and price. For furtheryarticulars call ut the store of C. S 2 MATHER r t •CO. Lawrenceville, ;lee. 19, WM. J. STICKLIN Oliairmaker, Turner, and TUrnture Dealer. _ , SALE ROOM; opposite Pant's{ Wagon Shop, Main Street. FACTORY in ::3 - Care it Wil liams Foundry, second story. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction gnara u toed. Fancy Turning done to order.% WelMoro, Tune,l2, 1867. .1. STICKLIN. Tioga Marble Works. THE undersigned aro now prepared to exe cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Mona [nerds of either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of the latest style and approved workmanship. and with dispatch. • We keep constantly on hand' both kinds of Marble and will be able to suit all who may fn• vor us with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the ' country." Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as good as new. WILCOX it WItITNEY. Tioga, May 22, IB67—tf. To the Farmers of Tioga County. lAM now building nt my manufactory , in Lawrence vlllo. a superior TANNING_ _HILL, which poiseeses the following advantageeover another 1. It separates oats, rat litter. and foul seeds, and chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out Yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. 3, It cleans timothy seed. \ 4. It does all•othor separating reqUired of a mill . This mill ia built of the best and most durable tim ber, In good style, and is sold cheap \tor cash, or Pro• duce. I will tit a patent sieve; for aepaiating oats from wheat, to other mills, on reasonable terms. 3. 11\ MATHER. Lawrea ovine, October 10, 19664 f WALRE,R & LATHROP, DEALEiIS IN HARDWARE, HirON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TIN- TVAI?.k BEAT 'NG * 9 . CETLERY, WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL" IMPLEMENTS, Carriage• and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLE', .te. Corning, N. Y,, Jnn. 2,1867—1 y. JPNEWELL, DENTIST, MANSFIELD, Pa., • grateful for the very liberal patronage eretofore received, trill'eontinue so as to per. form all dental operation's, este merit the rapidly increasing professional , demands now engaged." All operations in all depdrtments of the profes... slot executed in the best possible manner. All 1 1 now, useful inventions and improvvraonts adopt. ed. Tho highest good of his patrpns thu ultimo. turn yf his ambition. Dec. 5, 'G6-tf R.OY'S CHOLERA DROPS CURES COLIC, CURES DYSTArYEEY, CURES CHOLERA MORBUS, CURES CHRONIC DIARRHEA, CURES all Bowel Complaints, but loos- not cure anything else. This• medicine is no curo.all: it has the confidence of every 11ody, for It is never known to fail : it should be kept on band by every family. Sold by dealers in medicine at fifty cents per bottle. For salo in Wellsborough at Roy's Drug Store. MIL ICAL . INSTRIIMENTS.-3. B. Sbaks pear, dealer in Derncer .t Brother and Baines .L- Brothers pianos, Mason (t; limnlin cab— inet organs, Trent, Linsey lc Co. melodeons, and the B. Shouinger melodeons. Room over J. It. Bowens store. Sept. 12, 18136.1 FLOITIL FROM 011010E'WHITI1 WHEAT, buckwheat flour, corn meal and food, always bu baud. Call at the Charleston Millbefore buy ing yourflour and feed. 'I can make it an object for you to buy. A. RUSSELL. I May 10,1$136—tf • COTOE LOT OP OIAAIN BAGS for Falo cheap ! ut WltiO/IT & BAILEY'S. Wallaby°, Juba 5, 1867. CCI/MENDER, Frond', Marino and Church Clocks, at [doolq FOLEY'S. LINES OV -.IIOItAVV,L. • .21111133,•- •*, On awl after Monday, itrtaarat 2tltli, 1807, !ratan will leave Corning lit about the foilowifig houra: WEBTWAIIP POUND, 1.2:2S a. in, Exprean Mali. StindaYa excepted. for Ruth • to, Salatriltne3otilti Dunkirk,cotitiecting with teams for the West. 6:44a in Night Bxpreas, Sandaysexeepted, for Bulfah. Salamanca, and Dunhill, milking du act eminecti, with trains of the Atlantis S lat('at. ICrateru, Lain, Shore,arid Grand Trunk Ballways,forall point!, iVf 7:07 a. tn.,Night Expre4s, Daily, for !Infra 10, Salamanca D i tnhirk.and tho West, connecting as filo 0. '1:15 Exptess, Sundays excepted, for flock. ester and • Buffalo, via Avon. • 10:32 a. in., Mail Train.Snntlays excepted. fur Buffalo and Dunklik, connecting at Elmira for Cantintlatgtei. 2:14 p. fa, Ttaitimoro Expreao, Sundapi excepted, ft r Itocheiter and ltntialo, via Avon. 7.03 p, m.. D.ry Exproas, Sundays excepted, forßnihdo, Salamanca, Dunkirk and rho Went, connecting at , Binghamton for Syracuse; at Owego fur Ithaca; et Mama for Cuiewidafgna; itt.:3,1174 1 / 3 :111rn with the At lantic and (treat Weatern BAUM*. at Buffalo ail). the 1.31t0 Shore and (Inuit Trunk Railway!, and at Dunkirk with the Lake shore Railway, for all paints west and south. 7;10 p to Day Express, SinliblyB e.xcepted,lur Itoelw,hr 12.60 p m Way. Freight, Sundays excepted. 6:40 p. m , Emigrant train, Daily, for the West. EASTWARD BOUND 12:16 a. iii., Night Expio , s, Daily, Sundays excepted, eannoctlng at flrayrotirt for Warwick, and at New York Midi afternoon trains and lateatueu for Boston and Now England Cities. VS a. m., Cincinnati Express, Miintlays oxcepteitt coo needing ut Elmira for Harrisburg, Philadelphia and I . the 1. 4 °1/ 111 : at Owogo for TO tea; atkilinglinuiton for Spacious; at Orem Wild fei • Scrantult, l'idlait.l. 11104 - and Trenton; at Lacklisrax ii fur Ilatrloy, and at fliaykourt for Newburg and IVaririck. r- ; 10.16 a rn Accommodation 'Train daily, connecting at at El nit a for Canandaigua. .;• :',.. 10:48 a. m., Pay Expresn,Stuaday,i4lccepted,'ionacchrg at Elmira far Canandaigua, at Dinglawataa-.liir cure, lit tireat Bond for Bcrauton, at Larktt:itaxt.o 'llawivy, anti at Jersey City with nikinigh4 Expel,re Train of New Jersey Itaiiroad (,r !NW. more and Washington. 3:12 pt, tn., lialtimore Expretm, Sundays excepted 4:35 p. to., New york and Baltimore Mull. Sunda) s copied, corto').etim , .; at Minim for ilarriebur;,...ll, Phila delphia, and South. 7.07 p zaLightuitts Express, Euntia)s exLejitc,i, €01)• nee et; at Jentey City With morning expret,s tram of Net .}creep Railroad for Baltimore and and at New York with tnorning express trains ter potion anti the East. 12:30 p. in. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. BARR, IL PUMA, Gen'l Pass. Agent. Gen'l Sufi t N° T r it t it h i c r FO C R e T il l tr u a N i Traius fur Canandaguia leave Elmira as follows Acconiodation at Express [fa i e'test train on rJa(l}. Mail ' Way Freight, [passenger coaehattaeliedi i 1U a in e. On and alter .ApiA '29th, 180, E ai»s will aline and depart from Troy, follows; AVI/11% BUUTD. MOVING NOLTD • Exprt , ss 045 p w I Express' 1 , 70 ii Elmira Mail 550 ain Elmira Mail 955 p . m Local 'Freight 10 50 ain Local 'Freight :rt::s pia Through Freight 955 p m Through Froghi 21.0 Hi E. S. BROWN, Dir. Nil. inos' sbnig & Corning, & Tioga R. R. T will run as folluwa until filrther malice:. Accousingdat ion—Leaves Illoaaburg at 6,Su a. 111.. Nall, had at 7,35. Tlogl at 8,20, Lawn nceville at 9.V. urfivitil; at Canning at 104...) a. nt. Bluaebut gat 2,35 p. tn., Mansfield :'. Tioga' at 4,06, w rowel ilk at 4.0 --as nig at Curving at G p. in. Mail—Leaven Corning at 8 a.to ' LalVlVlLletq ilk at 9 ia Tioga at 17,02, Stanati.ld at 10,10—ariltaug at like, burg at 1180 a. 111. - I Aerl/1111110(ill:0311-1XliTC - 5 Ca.mittg at 4,141 11. la • uk, rencevilin'ait 5,58. Tiogrt. nt i. 0 2, Mat afield nt arriving at ISl.,azbut g at 3.25 p. L.ll, SllA'rfucti. t 4 up• I • • Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Trthis militia Philade h. Ei ie Eltyl Road adl i tsi:sTrliexu JI. it Ti VS PI!Ho/1.1(1101in . , • i.; Erie El it. F.N.Fit,s " " " Wallimnsvot L. " arr. at grit. Elruna3.q.ll,..ave4 IVitliamsport •norm»pot ~.:.• p rn " •• arr. II t Lock 11:u•cn 7.45 I. L, Banal° irxia-ce.., lc: v..• 8 Palau! (a c.... . .... I ...... .10::(+ I. In •• •• •• ll'illIal».port ' llt.::o .1 ril " •• nrr. at Lock Ilavet, 11.:%o r• N I....tsTWARP. :Vail Train leave, Et te •• Itiil ttunrpurf `• " arr. 13 PI A.taciittli.t. Erie Ex itt\sgs 11,:tves •• " •• r. at 11111.1.101.41 M Elmira Mail leaxas Luck Duvet' " '• •• %Villlktitspot t , L". .l to -'ji... arr. at I'lliht.l.2lpitia 5.4.1 ti In Lock 11. cn ...kccli) lean, Lod: III:IA . 0H 1.;:01 P 111 ". - itqlVt , NV tlliaturpot t 3;2 ... 1. I. t `• arr. at i'1ti14t1v11 , 111.1.:... ... .... ....1:!.50 ato 4 A. L. 'lfll Kit, Geit'l Z'ilpt. AtlanLc and Great Western R. W SALAMANCA. STATION Wt./ I WAIL!, Bol:N A1i.,1 r,..3t1 EN pre:, :,11, Aecotantodatiwt 1;,%5 M.tit :..:;:. Expreo 1219 Accommodation. .... 11 .1t EXprei4 ll.OO I txrresn ......... ......... t.ii , At Cory there is t, junction with the l'hiltal.lphil 1 Et te, and 01 Creek:Rail Braids. 7 - At MCIIIiN ilk WMI the Fruihoin and Oil City abd Pithole Branch. At Leavittsbut go the Maboniny Branch mahr , A di. rect Conte to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects .‘‘itll Cleveland anil — Pithibutgh Itailroad. 'Phu Road paoses. through Akron, Addsrol, When, Marion, tri liana and Dayton, intersecting ration- hal- I °ads, amt terminates at CiaNtinati. L. I), BUCKER, Gen. Supt.. 'WAN l'a. U. S. OLLAIM AGENCY, rot. Lice (, ? Dilution of Army and Navy shims and Pensions tom NEW BOUNTY LAW pat.sul Jul) :!.:• , ,IS.ikg.a.s two and tlim. yeats' extta honut:.. uLd in yo rdich,ugen. OFFICERS' EXTRA PAY. e l yhreo mouths' extra Tay proper to 'Volunteer who mere in service March 3,1t,05. e PENSIONS .I.NORL'ASED ifall.who have lost a limb and n ho haco been peltla aptly and totally disabled. All other Government claims prosecuted. JEROME B. RULES. NVtliaboro, October' 10,1806-tt Planing . & Turning, , B. T. VAN HORN, TT AVM° got his now Factory in operation. JFI is now prepared to fill order(; for Cabinet Ware promptly and in the best style of workman. ship. Blueing procured a WOODWORTII PLANER, ho is rowdy to ur'oss Boards or plank with dispatch SCROLL-WORK Si B4ACkETS, furnitihet to order. Ilia infielailiesnr - C-4Yh . c-nb . est and most improved patterns. Shop corner of qari and Wain Sts, DO RC?, P.A. Oct;-31:; IDEKORESY'S Itl 0 N 'l' 11 L Y itl AI i AZJNE, universally aknowledgcd the Mode) l'arh.r Magazine of A tue r ea ; devoted to origowl Su. - . .. ries, Poems, Ski etet es ' - a litl Architecture 11 d Cottages, Heusi hOld Matters, Gems of 'I bought, Personal and l i terary llossip (including !Tectil departments on 'dsliiorts), Instructions en It e.:111), Gymnastic; Eq estrian Exercises, l'iluAc, Amuse• ments, etc.: all by Alta )test a uthors, anti profwe• ly and artistically' illustrated s ith esstl3 Eql vings (full size), useful and reliable Psltet le.. Embroideries, Jewelry,(oud a coustaat i.eoc.• sion of artistic novelties, with other tmial Ad. entertaining literaturs. ~ No person of telinenient, ccounialual iw.a , 4- wife,- or lady of taste can iillord to do without de Model Monthly. Single copies, 30 rents; MO. nu mliers, as specimens, it) cents; either inni,l free. Yearly, $3, with a valuable premium, Ist copies, $5 50 ; throb copies, $7 511: 14e c"f'',': .$l2, and splendid premium 4 for clubs at $ 3 t' l " , with the first premiums to each subscriber. A , ' dress, .W. JENNINGS DEMOIi EST, , -I ' No. 473 ltroadssy, Xes ' Vsik , i bentorest's Monthly nod Young .4 incrib,Pl'• gather $4, with the'pretniums for e ß cli, ',.' t March 20, '67-6m. '' INSURANCE AGENCY , mEssits.\siTcittt , t. woulj respectfully frtfertn ' the ' people of einity, that they have the agency of spiny of the best Life Sr. Fire Insurance Onmpanio In the Statkii, and are now prepared to insura reasonablarrales., Mr. MITCIIELL havit 'been appointed ,1 Ulllli ' PUBLIC , Will attend promptly to a y b a ,siaos, relating 10 his office, which may he entrusted to him. They will be found at the office foraudli ° cc°. itied by Lowrey and Wilson, i») Maio Street, Wellsbare, Pa. March I:3; 15.67-IY , . - - Bounty and Pension Aenev. Tiritili Net TOCeiVeti definite imtruct ions Ili iksglad l a , - LE 'the extra bounty allowed by the net apyfoN„ July 2S, 1868,atid having on hand a Jar e n- F 61 41 13 of " necessary 'blanks, I am prepared to firm:watt all Po'' don and bounty elaitua which may be placed in . ail' bandit. Persona hiring at a distance can co With ma by letter, and tbrir comumnications cullnnatintrato tr promptly attswei,it, • I W3l. 41. 831111 1 iVellsboro.October 24,18613.. , i t o I .7 (10 a La 11. 45 rn 915 p 7.10,1 4.0 au. . 4.41 g j 4 12.00 I,.~•~ . 8.15 t, S la) a la - I/ til Int .1 :HO I tt. A I) i t 1 iii 7.1 Z, 11 EASIW.IIIb B. T. VAN EMMEN