The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, September 21, 1867, Image 2

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    history of Towusbip
Churches and school-]tenses were, for
many years unknown. - Finnt ly how
everothere was a house ereeted n "the
State road" :which served ? both . for ''a
meeting," afi, well as:I:school house.
They had ' . no,,regnlarbi. established
minister, and the people ; depended on,
now and then, an occasional sermon
from any Uiluister, who happened to lie
travelling through the country.
IloSpitality Men was considered a
duty,, The weary traveler found a
3varak weleenne at the fireside of the
pioneer.. .e.e.-tleoui aii- they learned they
were entertaining a minister, :he would
be invited tp preach, and when cunsen-
Sing, sonic one would dart out mid
notify the:heighliors of the fact. now
eagerly wOuld,eueli and all avail thtAn
selves of the Orivilege or • listening to
the. word of - God. No foolish pride
kept thein froln the "house or worshili"
AltliptigK many times, a ytike of oxen
:old a sled wereAlicji only conveyance.
1-Tow great ha:; cu the change in
Sullivan, fillit'e Ihtfn. Now •there are
six. ehurelies, - and Sixteen sehool-hOuses.
To look back aiid'sce what it was, even
thirty: years ago, and What it is to-day,
the change seems alniest iniritenloits.
Yet pc - 481)Veral Ce :ind industry, can ac
complish alm iiit anything. It would
he a digit - mitt. `ls to find ''a "more eller-
Votie and industrious class of farmers
in any community than Sullivan af
fords. - 4-,
1u conclusion, I would remark .that,
Sullivan is.very often called the "Mown
of roads.?' 1131f1 justly too, for it isliardly
possible in travel a wile in any direct
ion, lvitlimit coming to a "lnur corners."
To the lover'of wild:and rugged scene
ry it has many attractions. Its billsand
valleys, dotted here and there by farms
:ma farmhouses, present, indeed, a scene
4)eautv and loveliness.
ftt a'r,J TJs BAct: out?. DEA D. --The tlis
consulate Copperheads keep mull-ala
i/1g "tire us the Union as it ,
Let'the answers of patriots be, "Wye
us back our dead!" Into the-glassy eye
of Lyon put the electric light that shone
\viten he led the heroic charge. Re
store to Ellsworth his young life and
manly. -bpauty. - give vigor to 1.?1e Was
limb of Kearney. Bring back
. t he
\S-:u' veteran Sumner. Revive the
'AteCooks i twin brothers of valor. Ilea]
the savage wounds of Dahlgren. Rean
imate the commanding ,form
Sedgwiek front his grave, and
Nail t) nrth front the silent, rePublie of
the tilath Breathe the• breath of lif e
into the nomtrils or the gentlef binder.
netunrilow strength to the sinewy arm
of hack its musical cadence
to - the tongue of Baker, and eleatce his
bair frOm the goi 7 ,e \ 3'olll* fellow
Demour:lts shed upon it. • Itc:',tort• the
enlivoning•sinile of lint/lily to the
careworn faee of Li tuldi now pant
under the Woody hand (babe Dt.anocrat
ic assassin, d g o ing Lack daylight to
.the glassy t eyth-, t hnt were s'o• Slrepless
the ITh ion - 'freedom. Takedown
the bereaVemenef tot hangs in the sor
rowful dwelling 4 of" the people ' and
bring hack to and home thoits
;mils or devoted titim v - ho dyed the land
of treason red with i lood
.to make it
puty. Uo (Ilk, 4, thou Halo: damned
:.pirit of rebellion and thou mayest:tgain
have the I 110'011 as I, was..---CLomor<vriTh;
T DI -‘)l4iNi) 7'/,e (J!:1
The 'beauty, cealci:A. fortn, :11111 all tlie
other altt:itetions of•t his exquisite edit
ion add new delights tonne of Dicy.r.r:s'
EVTINOE's portraits of la
votito charaelers give fresh interest to'
Idt tleN ell, Alrs.,larley' IA 01: "Ittivellor,
lira4The Alarehior
nedL, etc., and Will tend' to increase lite
putilber of their admirers, Tltc " Re
printed Pieces" are some of Rio choic
-I'4 paper; ever cordrilitited to English
periodicals, many of them - lig :tl
- icon wide favor in Ibis con it ry.—
The convenience and clear I . vpj, of flits
" Diamond Diel:ens.," we are glad to
now, arc duly - appreciaLed.:—Chieago.
This is the Seventh number of this
i!-snit. The remid»ing six or seven
times will be pultlished in rapid suc
cession. The set, consisting of li.; or 'l4
elegant little volume's, be a I choice
library in itself. Resides being so very
attractive, it is really Ow cheapest edi
tion of Dickens's Complete Works is:-
sued in this country. The illustrated
edition is only 1:-1,50 a. volume ; plain,
MI the booksellers haveit, or it
will he'sent postpaid by the Publishers,
l'ielvitor and Fields, Boston.
now living in Athens township, Brad
ford county - , Pa., a venerable lady if'
the person of Mrs. Rebecca Porter.—
Mrs. Porter was born in the province of
Nova Scotia, from whence she removed
nm e twenty-six years ago with her son
to this county, and she is now in her
ninety-ninth year. Mrs. Porter is one
of .the few living links connecting the
long past with the present. The old
lady retains the faculties of her mind
:111(1_ body quite remarkably, for' one ot:
her extreme age. She talks .of occur
iences connected. with her early age,
with a vivid recollection, while her
comprehension of present circumstan
ces seems but little obstructed by the
many years she has passed.
She survives all her children. She
itILS number of grand children, and
numerous great! grand children. Last
week the old lady walked one and a
half miles, obtained a pair of hand
cards and from the fleece carded, spun,
and twisted eight 'ran' of woolen, yarn
within a space of time which many, a
younger damsel might be proud of. We
believe ?drs. Porter is the oldest person
in our county,--.E,e..
day, the 23\1 lust:,- D. T. Wise, Esq.,
of Trout Run, while in seacli of a flock
of sheep, on the mountain, about' one
mile from the village, was stn: fled by
the rattling of a monster snake, and
seeing, to his surprise, that he was •sur
younded by the poisonous reptiles, lie
•commenced the Massacre by shooting.
He fired four times, )vhieli started the)))
- toward their den ;- then seizing a stdtzt
cudgel he finished the escaping snakes.
Upon gathering together and counting
them. • they amounted to fifty two
killed. He then left on his journey,
and marked the spot to visit on his re
turn), or at some future day. Two days
afterw, rds he returned, accompanied
by his wother, S. L.:Wise, and T. A.
kl.irees. Arriving at the den they dis
coverer. a . nitinter copperhead snake
lying at his content over the entrance
Of tbe den. Killing him caused a bur l
zing noise among. the rocks, an d t h e
party commenced removing the stones,
tinting and killing six more copper
heads, eight rattle, and three black
snakes; killing in all sixty rattle, seven
copper and three black snakes—sum
total seventll snakes.—lhd/clin..
Su DDIEN DEATII.---34 r : G eorge Fred
erick Ii aged about 65 years, and a
vory respectable citizen of .4un - town-
Bhip, this county, webt out on
on 13anday
evening a week, to look at lila corn
tield, 'and not returning, his family sup-
Posed that he had gone to visit d bis son
la -law about 'a • mite distant. Not m
illnnin next morning search ,was insti
tuted with he was found dead, having
e' - vililepy just left the corn field, when
he was stricken down. Justice Pain
tei,of this pine was senLfer mid held
aninquest on the laidy, which resulted .
in a verdict, that he deceased died hy
th 6 visitation of liloil, there
,being no
marks ?f violence on his person, Mr.
1-IrTiE was universally respected by leis
neighbors and.bore the reputation of an
hotiPit man.—ilfitacy Luminary.
Gov. Helm of I(entneisy, died on
Saturday bust. A now— eleelion will
be ordered. .1-1 e ail - A wit week of
Ids election.
Corn sells in Oslcalooshn, lowu, At
eight cents u bushel..
(-4 1
lki> ( 141 Tit ;at To
R. R. STR, N WcB/7/0/(1.-
, .1 . 1 s) (). 4 ".1!1 AN N 4 (')m Jot!
Fon' '11:17.A.c. , ,11RE8,
4' 11 . . C...I3.AILEY:oY Dchth
Eux•TioN; TuFIADAy, OCT. t
(Judge Sharawood on Legal Tender
21 7 .171 trl et
.1)'07)) 11;:: Opill On. •ix thC, Cut
Onihe whole, then; Ima of opinion that
provisintt or the act ot . ' Coocrt•i • ot Fchro.try 2.
do•tflarirw .ti }air:Wilted
that act ti, he lawfttl 1110Isey, hy,t/ ff
"Phis render:l it tiiiiieci>ziii)
cialsii!er tho other quostion whioh Leo
an to tlie olrect thci •pooial agreenro l ut to toy
in lanlol nionoy of Ihu United
... I rim in ft, or of cniol ino• judgment for the timid n
till', hut us nnijnyily ,on, l tire of !I
111 , liell , 111111111. "- -
Vopl/ the 1'1,41.01, !le 231/ 1 . 4
0111,T, ISO I. it here !lilt i•I pll l .li•iled in
'lt In IP :1140 he f 4,11111.1 the heyfil latr
ur A1:11 , h liaYut
II If, a the tt r.trefull3 +to
p:nu.) eul,,Ly 1,1 tho ippiliit.n, in
ultitb j:t Ilit• f.Jlow
" Judge Su t I::•truffi , leasos. , 'Tuft :ma tkeideu
the c:l , e If he were •zotut. lolly • l ,nit ;-itting (Ay
abore and 1.111 of the v“lituillom,
the wfirt(l "
net the I.IOV
erilltivtit loon& ton i.icl tiWiticigtta, quite lo.t ,)
(Afit:rial liar etivii ,:tithh*
rent on the 5111,11,1110 itrurh :'
tl i „t!;difornia eleetiof
tit';l Nveek . that it had gone (21p
nerhead :II the way throne.h., It :_cent,
that Nt'u Were 1 11 0 It her:th; pr()hattlY the
Ite1111111 . 1e:111:: 110.1..1 Wit Or the three ( L a
i n-
t - I,Tessitten, and a majorit.N• in the
Benate. At Isl*U4ell have one
more . IZeptildienn (:91igre-:siiitiii in the
i ti l'ongi•ss 111811 we had in the :;901.
We are Still:A.101.
1 1 , 11:,e‘vhere. will lie found theantionee
vaunt of it Reptibliean 71\101.-
ings, to he hpia iu thc_.,everal distrietH of
Ibis eottnty, commencing Monday,
aml continuing Iwo ‘veelis.
rrieink in the several dist rielt4 arc l'e
cittet-ted to make all necessary at r,ange
inent!i to F-Teure a full atlemlam,! at Ilie
(4' the Tate elcr•timet alteady held
the t;epiddivanq have carriod Nett•
Ishknd, and 're . uncN,ce, Nvith
gzild• lo:kiroqty
CopperWert& have carried, in part, COll
- lent, Ken tne l ky ail►l Cali rorn with
aggregate majority of 56,010. Of
thi- aggregate, Kentucky nive uv(r
Anil we gues§ that - alter Oft; -tli of
Oetolfer our majorities . hi the e i l i i6re
country - will b 6 still about two to t
'one, ac at present
A valued friend sends US the follow
ing definition of a Radical :
"Father, I think neighbor :\l.
turned Radical."
"Why so, satiny?"
Why, be used to chop his trees_ off
about three feet from the ground and
I . 6ave the stumps standing in the way
of the plough, just as -they do on our
place; and they would sprout afresh,
and muse him trouble, only he has got
a stump machine and pulls thein up by
the roots. He say's that that ends the
mischief and injures nothing but weeds.
Is he not a _Radical ?" -
—We agree . ' with friend .Palishva
mand that. his neighbor is a genuine
Attempts Will he made in localities
‘vhere the Copperheads are in 'a minor
ity to trade votes on the local ticket for
votes on theiSta.te Judicial ticket. The
Copperhead local ticket in this county
is intended Otrade upon,ln catmint ion.
It would lit cheap enough could they
4et tt vote ft r Sharswood by voting for
one, or all of the candidates on our
county ticket. - The hope of that party
centers in the election of ::-11arswood.
The leaders do not expect totflect a man
on their local ticket, of codilse. lloiv
ever misled they may he as regard's
the political issue of the day they are
not green -enongh to expect that. No
man on our ticket needs Copperhead
votes, ii»d we hope no candidate will
receive such a vote. Trade •with
man on election day.
MAINE, ever true to Rehr lican pri
eipleg, has again ranged herself upor
the side of Freedom and .Iti'stiee agains
Andrew Johnson, Rum and Ilbtll*,
At her annual clectlion on the 911
The entire Republican State tick
elected by about 120p0 majority,
as 'a Republican legislature. ' '
sues in the election were som
complicated, tlivroldliltory law?
the chief and most Hotly core
The victory is rather for temp
than political, and ought to be CI
ted by the friends of temperance,
where. Our opponents, true tc
instincts, sought to, array Excess il
the Republican and temperance
and theit , defeat is bitter indeed.
cheers for the gallant reforin
Maine l Pennsylvania always
greeting to them on the 2ili 'rues
• 1
Republicans, if there \ ere 9
to be decided by the. Oet fiber d
save the 'election of the Rep]
County ticket,l' we should feel l'
terest in a full vole. The elec..
the County ticket is conceded. I n any
event our eaoulidates would have a large
majority without doubt. But much
more depends upon The action of Ti
o,gaPouniy on the Bth day of October
thalt the :election of Messrs. 'Strang,
SEPT: Is, isw;
Jtinar: Of` 1131: ,111.1:1:741: COMIT,
:11.1.1A:11 EN V.
Coustry TicKET
TioTTER, of AlitbUtbar
you rowittifiroN •
TOP, REXFORD, uI li r cialie tit
'DA VT D (J:1 ERON , ( v . Tioga
ron JUICY ctilot,isstorqrit,
LE ROY TAI3OII, Watsboro
.roft c(atora,:lt, ,!
V. J. 110ti'WoRTIT, qi Btok
of Boric. l:s. Te6ll
yi n D Lot cer,
it I:If f filf) ifY 1 )0 1 111(1
i to give Of Gist I 1 4 4)A Gill
(0 (II h ot . 1, 5 . ; t a v o red 4'enn"
syl v:tii - v. - n , tt he 'Re
publican liebet by in the
(16 , !-tranig Republic:to rot/oil/
1 . 11111 . 1-; fl2f her prtTortion
of ; iu iaet, her Republicans are
lan - ions all over the ;Abuo for their vigi
la ore . - They have'n repubition
Let to l noti..o lite skit.-
111 allfi ( . /tii 13 . 11/ . 06 rft For
vt• ard It the ‘v ord. tut, lib IBC vigilttnt.
llapiiity the row_
liaVO nu (IMMO:. :MIMI!, ° them
eiVui as in i%ll“ut Jiatplillyll'l%.!
is but MU!• tolestimn . to f•hallungi! utter,
ttit , l ;Antll Pi2llllL:yivankt
(lor:51. 1/ . ‘ a
;-;tate-1ti;41,1.:, titan to. ttt opoo the Su
(lotr , e, I.y ( .lucitok; lictity
,1 tidoc of flu.. :tzulirilmt Conti,?
It is'a plain Tic•Atiou. None 11l to vote
eau mi s uuder.dairil tt. itii, man who
4th-t.rv,vs to vote at. all
_call rcl'itse Ito cast
his ballot Nffilrew
Jolike-on, on the iithtraY . ol'oeq,bL .. .f-a'
NegrO suffrage has nothing to do with
this election. It in to &Tide tot fifteen
years the policy of the donrt
of this State relative to national ques
tions which may arise in any case to be
adjudic;ited. Iteptildican - i wont no de
cisions touching State-160ns which
shall bring Pennsylvania in eontijet
with the General Government.
peatev,• pecliiilliellt. peoce
the eternal principles of
Right, and Justice to.evei y niair in the
Republic. Let, not broil: the raet
that. (lie ('ourt.l are the last ditch of the
rebellion. I)efeatioi in the ticlil and at
the polls, the Coppeilicail leiiihr,•.; now
ilia lie an effort to put ;.tate- rig 11 to Judg
es. upon I lie Supreme Bench. We must
rllly In their diseuntliture once more,
erientk, rally as one matt. True Free
dom i> to hogaineil 'by continued effort
:• , tid sleepless vißilanee.
1 - tepublieniis, hi tle'venteen years of
conlint t lOtis Juliw in the livid of ‘reform,
we have iit-ver yet Ituoivn of au y gain
!wale tla• calusu of 111111/all
Chitil . llll . lli hy hard work. The
Corfulhai, much depended
upon by people to ;;;Ive the race
from rt:trocre,•:-Aoli have ilevt.r appeared
iu our ex :ertence.
NVe ash nothing of any ltept!bliettn
that cve do not cheerfully Perform on
(Mr oo V n pat t. To the fret' inAitutions
of . eouniry we aeknowledge our
holehtedni, , . for all we have, and all
Ave expect in the way of ittstruinc!ntall
ties. The Almighty has furnished to
the Ann . .riean ,pcople uvely appliance
of greatnesr4 and prot,perity. It is for
the people to accept the 'good gilt and
put it out at tit,urious interest. Upon
the Republkan ,trow;holds lie--; the
rer,potv,ilnlity. If h e
carried this fall it W. ill he by the same
meant- which gave it to Cleary lazd
a noble rallyhig to the tiolls in the
t-tiong, Republican (caulies. 1 Taal I teary
been defeated the hlaine inn* have
re , ted 1,11 the Uepol,heans thenv,elves.
We have vote-,enough to tieCal.lodge
jority. Now if he be elec•tedl \vim can
he blamed?
For this wc!! urge every Republican in
Piog,a county to go to the poll; on the
Nth day of October, at any sacrifiee of
tim e , a t a ny toss or buckwheat that
may possibly accrue. Alen who set
such a high value upon the light to
vote cannot negleet to s•how it by their
acti OH. We have a cow) t ry yet. Shall
we I ,. .eep it ? It cannot be preserved un
less we are vigilant. It \ill not SUS-
Lan it elf. It must be sustained by
the united ettbrts of the loyal men of
the eonntry. Does any man dispute
this? If any man disputes so plain
proposition 110 must he :in Andrew
Johnson man at heart. 'See to it that
every Republican is at the pills early.
Slate-Rights has been the stone of
stun►bling and the quicksand slough of
this nation. Born under the old Con
federacy, nursed by the enemies of
Washington and his administration,
adopted-by John C. Calhoun, and de
veloped into armed rebellion by Jeffer
son DaVis and his Democratic co-work
eN in 18111, it still threatens to rend the
nation into fragments. Not With the
pretence of prophecy, but as enjoining
vigilance upon every friend of Liberty
on this - continent, we repeat what we
have so often declared, that unless the
people destroy the State-Right3 party,
that party will destroy the Republic.
This is the enen►y isvhich menaces the
country to-day. Its ranks are tilled up
by all tho',..e melt who can see liberty
only in the garb of license ; by men
who stimulate local pride and loyal in
terests as against national sentiments.
De►nagogues are always zealous for the
rights ofa State, Without reference to the
peace ofa.► community of States. Such
men often put the freedom of a single,
citizen above the security of a million
of citizens,
Sift do vti the issues which divide
parties to- -tY, and the disturbing resid
num will he, fo KI., to bet his *lnset]
doctrine of State- 4ig li ts. It is the cock
le, clies.-, and cheat, which adulterate
Anlerican politics. Either it must be
utterly destroyed or it will dissolve the
Union in less than ten years.
Judge Sharswood, the Copperhead
candidate for supreme Judge, has been
a disciple of Calhoun . for more than
thirty years. This accounts for hi s
being made the candidate of tbe copper
heads of Pennsylvania ; for in the State
Courts are constantly arising these
cases whichinvolve State-Rights. Bad
as his decision against the Currency of
'the republic in 1864, was, it iS of little
consequence compared with his known
State-Rights proclivities. Slavery was
a great evil, but that is done. , In its
blopoCit never menaced the liberties of
the nation as State-Ritz:ids does this
day. The people must take this mon
ster by the throat and strangle its life
out. Wherever an advocate of this
dangerous doctrine presents himself
for_oilice down with him. Strike down'
the allies oh' the dectrine,on every hand. The Sunday question is exo ting some
The election of Judge Shmswood would controversy at Cincinnati. clergy
man of that City Rev. N. Surat bell,
give it new cd:ergy dq'erywhere. The has preached and ' published a sermon
elect ion of Judg,e Williams would he a to show that the Divine appointmentof
rebuke to itspl'etensions. Rally for the t he seventh day of the week, to be ob
served as the Sabbath, has never been
true unity of the Republic, for that
changed, and that there is no authority
means peace. Rally fOr the•swift coin- for the substitution of the first day of
his w el
'lie is
era n ce
) their
• send-,
day of
ess in-
ion of
-ing oft he day when '
c' tact $llOl
- be obliterated ; H. ‘1 b 1 contine:nt, atn:y
men shall sink
. lacal intbrestS in gni
fnterons of the These
ary lines have grown to be Chinese
walls, cutting up the Republic Into
jealous Com cutinit ics; 'Let us all work
for the flay when this shall he a 'wino.,
geneotts nation, irresWible its , pro
gresAve march as the earth hi its orbit ,q
-and as i destruetive of -demagoguery 58
an avalanche.
we have hithefto'aVoided givingcur- r
rency to 11w , rumor that the President
contemplates dispersing . Congress hy,
foree e ,Ond arms. 'Pilem riier has pre
vail'iti for two weeks, and' the paperS
have kept it moving. 'ltis not our flab
it to deal inirch in rumors- of this alarm
log antraetei';, but We make no enliveld
meet Of the fact that Andrew :Johnsen
would not hesitate to employ form) to
get rid of e,'otigress if lie thought it
safe. The signs of the t Mies are pro."
tevteus.---more threatening. of turbu
lence than those of 1860 ; und but for
the.lessen of the ,war, z So fresh in the ,
minds of tilt s the, days of Civil. Com mo
-tion-'W-00-14,136 -We ; do ,het
regard the 'premise of continued 'peacte
as flattering. If the country eseapes
outbreak until the first ofJanuary t 1868,
it now seems' as'if lime greatest danger
would he passed. It fill depends upon
the 'action of the people in the „October
elections. If the masses rally , ' against
Copperheadisui at the polls there can
be no doubt of the issue of the
paign. But let the loyal voters stay at
home and give the field to our oppo
nents, and Andrew Johnson will get
just the sort of encouragement to •pro
claim himself dictator that he- needs
and wants. .Our only hope of Peace is
in fearrying every remaining. NOrtbern
The long expected amnesty proclama
tion by the President has made its ap
pearance. As a work of art, under the
prdssure of cheap stimulus, it 6 worth
.printing; buy as by the law of last De
cember, the power to issue a proclama
tion of amnesty was taken away from
the President, Mr. Johnson is about to
be laughed at by the American people.
He evidently forgot that this law of
Congress W 219 in existence. Unless Mr.
Johnson withdraws this proclamation
he will be Impeached and set aside, as
sure as he is alive, before December.
It is a little remarkable that the procla
mation admits to all rights tho iuen
who have perjured themselves by vio
lating their former amnesty oaths. So
true it is that crime has a sympathy in
'Montana Territory has always given
a Copperhead majority. It is a mining
region, and like all gold and silver dig;
giugs, is peopled by aset of adventurers,
in the main. jSuen-111C11 usually vote
the Copperhead ticket. Whenever you
get into a territory peopled by farmers
and mechanics you will find a Ropubli
can Territory. We shall expect tic) help
front Utah or Montana until Mormon
ism is dead in the one and gold digging
played out in the other. Happily, the
Republicans do not need either at pres
caxi ,
The fearfuin - ohie - fiiade by the Dem
ocracy crier the election returns from
California remind us of an Old saw
which reads thusly :* " Men are like
hugles; the more brass they contain the
more noise they make, and the further
you can hear them." That tells the
story in few words.
The Republican Co inly and Canvassing Com
mittees net on lhe 13th :ind appointed meetings
to ho held in SEPTEMBER, at the following
named times and Oleos, to wit:
BLOSSBURG, Monday evening, Sept, 23, W,
SMith, V: A. Elliott.
BROGEFIELD, HOLLOW,Thursday evening,
Sept. 20, Niles Nichos.
BLOCK HOUSE, Tuesday evening, Sept. 24,
Wilson A Strang.
cHATIIA M, Close School House, Saturday eve.
ning. Sept. 28, Niles
.COVINGTON, Saturday evening, September 28,
Strang & Wilson.
DEJAMAI 13rougriton School Reuse, Thursday
evening, Sept. 20, Smith & Cobb.
DELMAR, Bartle's School House, Saturday eve
ning, Sept. 28, t3mith & Webb.
DAGGETT'S MILLS, Thursday evening, Sept.
20, Merrick ,1 Elliott. ,
GAINES, Monday evening, September 21i,„Niles
and Nichols.
GRAY'S VALLEY,' Friday evening, Sept. 27,
Strang Wilson.
KEEN EY V I LLE, Friday evening, September 27,
Smith /e, Merrick.
KNOXVILLE, Fritiay evening, September 27,
Nichols 5:
LAWRENCEVILLE, Friday evening, Sept. 27,
Merrick & Elliott.
MAINSBURG, Alontipy evening, September 30,
• Smith & Nichols.
MANSFIELD, Tuesday evening, September 24,
Smith & Merrick.
MORRIS, Monday evening, Sept. 23, Strang
it Wilson.
ROSEVILLE,. Wednesday evening, September
25, Elliott 3: Merrick.
SABINSVILLE, 'Tuesday evening, September
24, Nichols & Niles.
STONY FORK, Osburn School House, Monday
evening, Sept. 30, Niles & Cobb.
TIOGA, Monday evening, September 30, Strang
& Wilson.
UNION, Swawp Church, Wednesday evening,
Sept, 25, Wilson & Strang.
WARD, Hollis School House, Thursday evening,
Sept, 25, Wilson & Strang.
WESTFIELD, Wednesday et cuing, September
25, Niles Nichols.
WHITNEYVILTIE. Wednesday evening, Sept.
25, Smith S.: Cobb.
HAITI SCHOOL HOUSE, (Sulliv an ), F r id a y
evening, Oct. 4, Niles .1 Mitchell.
CHERRY FLATTS, Saturday _evening, Oct. 6,
Niles A.
COVINGTON, Thursday evening. Oct. 3, Niles
16 Mitchell. '
ELkLAN - D, Thursday ev,uinz, Out. Sinith
FARMINGTON HILL, Wednesday evening, Oct.
2, Smith cts. Nichols.
HOLIDAYTIN, Friday evening, Oct. 4, Smith
LAMB'S 01111 ;K, Tnerdify evening, October 1,
Smith & Nichols.
LAWRENCEVILLE, Thursday evening, Oct. 3,
MILLERTOWN, Wednesday Jetting, October 2.
Strang <4 WU:Ion.
MORRIS RUN, Wednesday evening, October 2,
Niles A . Mitchell.
NAUVQQ, Tuesday evening; October 1, Niles
NELSON, Friday erculg, Ouleheq 4, Strang
,S; Wood,
OCEOLA, Saturday evening, October 5, Strang
ROSEVILLE, Tuesday evening, Oct. 1, Strung
& Wilson.
day evening, Oct. 5, Smith & Nict
WELLSBOIIO. Court House, Monda
October 7.
The friends in the several districts
ed to make all necessary arrangemi
ting ont ti full attendance.
By order of the 4
,'N‘retilt (Sufi M
, except custokni en
:ced by 'a Uninah decree hi the fo_nrth
i tutpry. , Ho holds that it is impO s tble'
i • custom, - even *hen enforced by ltio'
ilct of a Roman Emperor, to set aside
Divine ordinance. He makes the
.ad assertion that "those ministers
io testify ligainst the Sabbath (the
'entlr daY of the liiek) - edntradict
iiiir uniform. pulpit teaching." That
, early christians did not regard the
: renth day he pronotinCqs-,rholly ir
-1 • vast as:against the plain www dr& of the
I alogue. - •• . . ..
• - •
kDlDßEW.Giikoitti an nOneSt: indus-
Nis, and worthy man—weanown
he citizens of:, this place, While at
•rk for Mr. S. W. Paine, OIL "Alonday
) the bill above the, Railroad; was
jured so that his life, is despaired of.
o was driving Ili team attached to
I•avy iron rollers. when one of the
ice's struck a stone, throwing him in
ant of the rollers, which immediately
ssed over him—one of the, sections
tehint and7draggi»g him some dis
lice. The great weightof , the rollers—
mething/over 1,100 pounds—crushed
s body severely, and caused injuries
hich lie probably cannot recover
ont.—Troy Gazelle.
,Planing Machine. , .
, .
11AVE put in a first-class PLANER, tind am
. prepared to plane flooring, siding, etc. to
idol% GEO. D. KEENEY.
Sept. 18,1867-Iy.
Auditor's Notice.
HE undersigned having been appointed an
auditor to distribute the proceeds arising
Worn the sale of the estate of Lyman Hart, late
6f Charleston, clout(' will attend to the duties of
‘lis appointment at the office of Nichols &Mitch
\ll, Welisboro, Friday, Oct, 18, 1887, at 2 o'clock
'. M. All persons interested are re/feasted to
like notice.. JOHN I. MITCHELL,
Sept. 18,1867, 4w. Auditor.
i . Life of . Christ.
, Sold only by Subscription.
Vo have recently purchased front the London
1 blishers. tlie stereotype plates of the most sli
prb edition of this wonderful work. it isimau
-tinily illustrated, printed on superior tinted
Oper, and elegantly' bound in cloth, and full
lt. Price SIU. Experienced and reliable can-
Tsers can receive a specimen copy, and sub
stription book free, on application.
18sept67-4. 37 and 3U Nassau St., N. Y.
The American Cooking Stove.
XFTER twenty years experien6 in the man
ufacture of stoves, wo became convinced,
itu° six years since, that a vast amount of
Honey was being expended by the peoplo of this
c?untry, in buying cheap and worthless stoves, a
Urge portion of which was wasted; and that
thus economy consisted in buying the best stoves
Oat could bo made,
notwithstanding the .pricy
vas higher.
,With this view,- we Proceeded to
onistruct the American Cqbking Stove, and
Oared no pains or expense t 4 make fit the best
sad most perfect stove that could be made. And
efe have experimented with it, and carefully
;fetched its operation for.the last six years,
iihen an improvement sugeoated itself, we have
a enCii - iideptedliAnd we have several of these
iseproveneents speared , by loiters. patent. In
this manner we do not hesitate to say, wo have
bought it to a higher state of perfection than
hes heretofore been attained in cooking stoves.
Do recent improvements in this stove has•
added largely to its convenience and effective
ness. In all the-varieties of stoves we manu
facture, we study usefulness, durability, conve
nience and, economy in operation, rather than
cheapness in price,- and in so doing wo aro satis
fied we study the interest of those purchasing
our stoves. SHEAR, PACKARD, & CO.,
Albany, N. Y.
For sale by CONVERSE ‘4, - OSGtOOD, Wells.
bore, Pa. lBsept67-310,
i - Vheseas, by an act of the General Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, - " An Act to
regulato tho General Elections of this Commonwealth,"
enacted on tho 2d. day'nf July, 1839, it is enjoined on
mo to give public notice what officers are to ho elected
—:thereforo T, LEROY TAI3OII, flight Sheriff of •TMErt
County, do hereby snake known and give this public
notice to the Electors of Tioga county, that a General
Marilap 3ylll be held throughout the county on thug
at the severaiZiefiTelsi within saidrininerys-
Blose, Union school houso.
Brookfield, South Road school house
Charleston, Darn Settlement school Lowe.
Clymer, Sabinvillo school house.
Chatham; at the Chatham Center school house.
Covington, hotel of Samuel KM.
Covingtorr Borough, hotel of Samuel Riff.
Delmar, at tho Court Rouse.
, Doerfteld,,Cowauesguo House, Ira Wagner. ti ,f
Elkland Borough, Westlake Hotel.
Elk, at the Smith school house.
Ell! Brook Borough, Fallow school house.
"--r)irmington, house of Peter Mowry, deceased.
nines, A.R. 'Vern)!!yea's.
Jackson, house of 0. Hamilton.
Knoxville Borough, Eagle House.
Lawrence. Blosson's Hotel,
'Lawrence - Borough, Slosson's Hotel.
Liberty, Joel 11. Woodruff's Hotel. .
Mansfield Borough, Model school house. •
Malnsburg Borough, A. K. Brundage's Hotel.
Middlebury, Holidaytown school house.
Morris, house of Geo. Orin.
Nelson, house of Charles Goodrich.
°cools, Hotel.
Richmond Methodist Clinrch.
Rutland, douse of Elmer Backer.
Sullivan, It. K. Brundage's :Hotel.
Stilppen Big Meadow school house.
Tiogu, 1.1,' S. Parr's Hotel.
Tioga Borough, IL S. Farr's:Hotel. ,
Mllsboro, at the Court House, •
Wostflold, M. O. Bowman's Hotel.
Westfield Borough, M. 0. Bowman's Hotel.
Ward, house of William L. Thomas.
Onion, house of John Irvine.
At which time and plaess the following named State
and County officers are to be elected :
One person for Judge of the Snpremo Court of penis
sylvanite. 1
Twd persons to represent Tioga and. Potter counties
tbo tionorni Assembly.
Ono person for Sheriff of Tioga county.
ono person for Treasurer of Tioga county.
One person for Commissioner of Tioga county.
Ono parson for Auditor of Tioga county.
Two persons for Jury Commissioners of Tioga Co.
ono person for Coroner of Tioga count*,
It,is further directed that the meeting of tho Return
Judges at tho Court Rouse, Wellsboro, to make out the
general returns, shall be on the first Friday succeeding
the said election, that being the 11th day of October.
I am by said act further directed to give notico that
ovary person, except Justices of the Peace, who shall
bold offiee or appointment of trust or profit under the
government of the United States, or of this State, or of
any city or incorporated district, whether a commis
stoned officer or otherwise, a enbordirusto officer or
agent, *ho is or who shall beemployed under the legisla
tive, cutecutive or judiciary departments of this State,
or of dny incorporated 'district; and also that every
member of Congress, and of the select or common coun.
cil of any city, commissioners of nny incorporated dis
trict, is by law incapable of polding or exercising at the
same time the ofllcdor appointment of judge, inspector,
or clerk of , any election ,of this Commonwealth, and
that no inspector, judge or any other officer of any
such election shall be eligible to any office then to be
voted tor.
In accordance with the provisions of the Bth section
of an act, entitled '•A further supplement to the elec
tion laws of thisCoMmonwealth, , I publish tho,follow
Wnsaces, By the Act of Congress of the Visited
States, entitled An Act to amend the several nets
heretofore passed to provide for the enrolling and call
ing out the national forces, mind for other purposes,"
approved March It, 1805, all persons who have deserted
the military or naval service of the United States, and
who have not been discharged or relieved from the pen
alty or disability therein provided, are deemed and ta
ken to have voluntarily relinquished and forfeited tho
rights of citizenship and their rights to become citizens
and are deprived of exercisingry rights of citizens
thereof: AND WORUSAis, Pere us not citizens of the
United States are not, under the laws of Pennsylvania,
qualified electors of this CommOntrealtb :
p. That in all elections hereafter to be hold in this
Commonwealth, it shall bo unlawful for the Judge or
inspectors of any such eloctio s i , to receive any ballot or
ballots from any person or
per ns embraced in the pro
visions end subject to the Meal ility imposed by said act
of Congtess, approved March 3,1868, and it shall bo un
lawful for any such person to offer to vote any ballot or
0. That if any such Judge and inspectors of election
or any one of them, shall receive or consent to receive
any inch unlawful ballot or ballots from any such dis
qualified person, ho or they so offending shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any
court of Quarter Sessions of this Commonwealth, shall
for each offence, be sentenced to pay d fine of not less
than $lOO and to undergo an imprisonment In the Jail
of the proper county for not less than sixty days.
e 3. That if any person deprived of citizenship, and
disqualified as aforesaid, shall at any election hereafter
to be hold in this Commonwealth vote, or tender to the
officers' thereof and offer to vote, a ballot or ballots,
any person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, andvon conviction thereof in any court
of Quarter Sessions in this Commonwealth, shall for
each offence be punished in like manner as provided in
the preceding section of this act In the case of officers
of election receiving such unlawfol ballot or ballots.
That if any person shall hereafter persuade or
advise any person or persons, deprived of citizenship
and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or bal
lots to the officers of any election hereafter to be held
in this Commonwealth, such person so offending dial]
be guilty Dip misdemeanor, and upon conviction there
of In any dourt of Quarter Sesaions of this Common
wealth shall be punishld in like manner as Is provided
in the ascend section of this act in the case of officers
of such election receiving such unlawful ballot or bal
r, Satur
re request
is for get
In accoidance with the act of Assembly Of "March
1860, regulating tho manner of voting at- l all elections
farther state for the information of v4tera that all
county 0111C011 will be voted for on a single slip of pal
per, labeled .Wounty," and the candidate for, Judge of
the Supreme Clfiurt will ho voted for on' a separate bal
lot, labeled "flints—Judicial," each class to be depos
ited in separate ballot-boxes.
For inetructions in regard to the organization of
boards of oluction, etc., see Act of Assembly of 2d Ju
ly, 1839, pamphlet laws, page 219; likewise contained
iu a practical digest of the election lawn of this Com.
monwealth, furnished at every place of bolding general*
elections, page 86, etc.
Given under my hand at Welinhororough, this sth
day of September, 1867.
.11:110Y TABOR, Sheriff.
[. I - „. f •
Mather' Horton, bay
,- • ink knit, returnoct from (be city of Now Yotk,
s'now : prepared to offer to the citizens of Law
rence/111S, and vicinity, a general arsortutimt of
September, 17th, 1887-tf
Wellsboro Cloth-Dressing Works.
DrAVM°. 'engaged Mr. 'JAMBS SMITH na,
superintend our Clothing Works we are
now ready to du all kind of coloring and dress good atylo and on abort notice.
Sept. 18, 1867-tf. 0. BLAIR.
/, it r
, •
HAS on hand a large and choice assortmen
of Stoves. among which arc : ,0
Monitor, Oregon,
Uncle Sam, Dictator, (coal)
Mohawk, (coal) Genessee,
Niagara d• Grecian Cottage.
Salortype, coal, Smoke Consumer,
All Right, Atalanta, •
Champion, Superior, coal,
and Air-Tight §toves of all sizes.
Agent, also, fOr Elmira Saw Factory. I fur
nish Saws of all kinds at Factory prices. I sell,
for cooking feed for stook, heating wale etc.
The only place where you can buy
A. full assortment of ?
. always on hand.
P. S. Pedlar's Tinware not made at any price.
My ware is made tif standard tin, and I defy,
competition. . J. SCHIEFFELIN, At.
Tioga, Sept. 18, 1887—tf.
EXCHANGE for Farm produce and Cash, on
tho principle that "oven exchange is no
We have no ambition to got rich faster than
our neighbors who aro equally industrious.; nor
aro wo desirous of running all creation that we
may hive more to cat, drink, wear, and
To ray By for a Rainy Day.
As an evnience that we deal fairly and square
ly with our customers, wo point to the fact that
our run of custom has steadily increased from
the flist, and promises to grow considerably lar
We pay CASH for PRODUCE, and keel) up
with the market prices.
Remember the place,
1 Sept. 11, 1567-tf. °
To the Public of Welisboro
N. AS n E
AtesthtehiSgtomerOod of notifying
the peopic
is on band, and offers it lower than befo're
Tho Store is well stocked with the most fifth
. also, a largo assortment of
and a good large lot of the most fashionable
over hrought to this market. Also.
which you can buy low for. cash, at the Cheap
Clothing Store of N. ASHER, Ist door cast of
Vau Valkenburg's Flour Storo.
Wallah. o, Sept. 11, 1887.
IN addition to their old business in Dry Goods,
Groceries, &0., bavo established a
two doors below d stand; where they man
that is, in the most substantial manner. In the
matter of
S'T9V S,
we have enough to do all the cooking and warm
ing in Tioga County. In fact, we have Stoves
enough to MAKE A SUMMER in
We are the only agent 3 for the 8410 of the
in Wollaboro; and this Stove is the
Wo keep all kinds of Hardware, Iron, Naps,
Steel, loran Shoes, and a complete variety 'tot' :
If you don't believe it DROP IN.
We'labor°, Sept. 4, 1867, ly.
consisting of
, • o—nie
Tloggf :Ca. Agricultural Socielt
WELLSBORO, Wednesday (1? Thurs
dag, October• '2d and 3d, 1867.
moist of .I=lre.xaa.l,l3.3a3:Jso.
let, 2d.
Best Stallion 4 years old and over, $5 00 $3 00
do . 4 years old 1,. 3OO ,2 00
Best pair muteheilllorSes , - 4OO - 200
do Mares 400 .2 00
do 3 year old Geldings 300 200
do do Mures • 300 200
Seat single horse 2OO 100
Rust single 'mare 2 (II) 100
,I. Anton,- A, lliwt, it. T.
est brood u uu •o nod colt
Best pair 2-year old colts 2 iio I DI;
I (10 1-year old colts 200 100
.131.1.4 t I.year old wino or goldlog 2 110 100
Best 2 yeiir old . do 2 (10 100
Best 1-your old do 1 00 -
Best suckling colt • 1 1 00
Centmittee.--:.l"clin Pearhm, Richard Vitlean,
N. P. We t. . '
Best Jack, any ago
do pair mules
do Alderney bull
durliaui bull
do damn bull
do durham cow '
do dbvon cow
do Alderney cow 200 lOf
do 2 year, old heifer 1 00
do 1 year old heifer 1 00
do bull calf 1 00 ,
do boiler calf 1 00
Committee—Win. Francis, Geo. W. Avery, La
fayette Gray.
CLASS 4th.. i
Best fat working oxen r '3 00 2
do 3 year old steers ' 200 1
do 2 do 200
do 1 do 100
do beef cattle 200 100
do •Ow 100
Best yard cattle not less 0 bead 3 00
Committee—Newton Buckley, Moses Lee, Job
Best merino buck 200 100
do Saxony buck 200 100
do Leicester buck 200 •1 00
do mutton sheep 100
do lot lambs not less 5 - head 100
do yard sheep 10 head or over 300
ommittee—J. W.,Bailey, A. W: Wilson, S. I
133 ASS Gth
Best boar hog . . 2 0(, 100
do . sow - 200 100
do so* and 0 pig - 200 100
do cock and hen • , 100
do pair turkeys 100
do pair geese 100 ---, •
do pair ducks 100
do variety of fowls not loss 10 200 4 7.,..,,
Committee—Jos. P. •Morris, Lyman Potter,
Jos. A. Darling.
CLASS 7tl —AGRIOULI"L IlllFimirs.
Dust plow $2 00
do tide hill plow :' . 200
do sub soil plow
do cultivator
do good drill (field)
do roller
do reaper and tower :1 go
do mower . 210
do thresher and cleaner 300
do straw cutter
do fanning mill
do horse rake 1 nn
do horse fork " I 00
Committee—Chas. Eborentz, D. G. Stevens
0. 11. Blanchard.
Best firkin butter 2 (la 100
do 10 pounds roll butter 1 00
do factory mode cheese 200
do handmade cheese
do variety of cheese- 200
do 10 pounds maple sugar 1 00
do gallon maple syrup 100
do box honey 1 00
Committee—Geo. D. 'Keeney, J. D. Boughton
Rufus Farr. - . .
Best 10 yards flannel $1 00'
du 10 yards full cloth I Oil
do 10 yards rag carpet 1 00
do 10 yards tow cloth 1.00
do 5 yards linen (domestic) 100
(10 loar bread 100
(JO SpeCiusou apple but tu. 100
Committee—Mrs. Hiram Brooke, Mrs. S. X.
Billings, Mrs. Philander Nilos. ,
est parlor bouquets
$1 00 50
do hand bouquets 1 00 50
do dozen dahlias 100
dO display of flowers 200
do specimen embroidery 100
do spee'd oil paint'g, work of exh'r 200
do do ) penciling do 1 00
do •do 1 crayon • ' do 100
Committeti—Mrs. Jos. P.' Morris, Airs. F. E
Smith, Mrs. 11, W.... Williams."
Best farm ( wagon \ $2 00
do single buggy i 200
do family carriage' • 200
do sett doublcharness (heavy) 200 100
do sett carriage harness'., 200 100
do single harness • 100
do sett horse shoes 100
do sett chairs' . 1 00
The above tirades must be entered by the ma
kers or owners whom they have been with
ono year.
Committee-000. P. Card, IL S. Johnston, A.
M. Alba.
lst. 2d. :id.
Beet acre:wheat $3 00 $2 00 $1 00
de corn :3 00 1 00:
do oats 00
do barley 200 100
Best acro.potatoes 100
Beet acre buckwheat 2 00
do timothy hay 200
All contestants for the abovo premiums must
submit the proofs of, moasurmont of ground qual
ity Ace., prior to Ist Dee. to tho Executive Com.
Best 0 heads cabbage $1 00
Best peek hoots o ' 100
do potatoes 100
(10 tomatoes 100
Best 4 winter squashes . 100 ,
Bost 6 water melons 1 00
Bost pock onions
Best / bushel rutabagas 1 Oil
Best display garden vegetables 2 00
Best bushel winter Wheat 1 00
do rye 1 00
do barley . 1 00
Committee—A. M. Spencer, H. 11. Card, C. J
Humphrey. _
Bost variety apples SI 00
do pears 1 00
do peaches 1 00 "
do pluinS • 1 00
du grapes 1 00
do fruit , 2 90
Coriunittee—lliraui Freeborn, C. F. Veil, 0
F. Taylor.
Ist. 2d. 3d.
Best acre plowed by horses $5 00 $3 00 $1 00
Time and depth of plowing to be taken into
considoratiq s l4-
Oomtnittee—Wm. P. Shuniway, E. T. Bent
ley, Jas. Tubbs.
All articles that are worthy of premiums nna
not mentioned in the above Fat will go before
the Executive Comulittec.
All stalls or articles for exhibition inf,t 'be
entered up n the Secretary's book before 2 o'-
clock of the first day, or they will ho exchided
from the exhibition, unless by permission of the
Board of Managers. Persons from a distance de
siring to enter stook can do so at any time pro
vioui to the Exhibition by signifying their in
tention to the Secretary.
Committee of Arrangements:
Mrs. Henry Sherwood, el. Foley,
Mrs. L . . Baldwin, 0. B. Lowell,
Mrs. L. P. Williston, lt. L. Van Horn,
Mrs. Jas. 11. Gulick, W. A. Nichols,
Mrs. Chas. Toles, Darretson,
Mrs. Juliette Sherwood, L. Bache,
Miss Julia Nichols, - C. E. Brewster,
Miss Ruth Donaldson, Walter Sherwood.
MiSTRAY.—Catue into the enclosure of the
J 1 subscriber in Gaines, on the 13th of August,
a yoke of Stags. The youngert is about six
years old, color red; the oldest about with.°
years old, of a dun color, sotto white on his back
and a white spot in his forehead. Thu owner is
requested •to prove property, pay
. chargos and
take them away. JOHN C.
Gaines, Sept. 11,1867-41t.i,
Cleaning Sewing Machines.
TE undersignedhereby notifies owners of
Sewing Machines that ho. is prepared to
clean and put snob 'machines in god order oh
call. HO also is agent for the " patent tucker,"
which can be used on any machine.
Wellsbere, Sept. 4, 18117, tf.
I 00 , I 09
5 00
:3 00 2 00
3 00
2 00 1 00
2 00 1 00
2 00 1
2 00 1
2 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
300 2 . 00
Cherry Pectoral
siwthing v \
Iprqoa red Niilivet• the lir-
gent. aeu,l 4,1 a batq awl ran.,
bl e curd for ili,ehrl.s.l 6f the
A trial of many year ,, has c ; -
.........___ that' it is more effieacknit in
pultir,nary affec t ion:, 11/a3.1 . ilny other remedy.
lis efficacy II 0 $ now become so generally htiotr o ,
that it i4.justir d regarded io tunny enuott im , 10 :t
medicine of indispensable necesFity. in (Jre,tt
Ilritnin, . prance, and (lemony, where 'medical
science hits reached its Itighe;t perfection, it is
prescribed in domestic praotiee, and constantly
used in the armies, in hospitals and other put,.
lie insditutiouo, where it is 1 ilt,ga rile& by the
attending pbysieiatis as -the uio..t ',quietly and
agree:dile reincily-that can be employed. Scarce.
ly a ny neighborhood eau be l' l ittliti tVl{4.l(• NI ell
Actium) of di:easeil lungs, wttielt had baffled
the effotts of the most, skillful and ospetietteed
iloctio., have been eoibplefely eared by it. thee
results are the 'blob eon% ineibg profits of the se.
[writ, .etir.itivt , propeqics ~i. lii: pieparatioq
mid I I o
!hem the authors point -with peculiar sal.
isfatAion. While if is.ttiost powerful against con
firmdi diseases, it is extremely gentle as a well.
eine in infancy and youtdt, being quite hat inle ts
tb II 'en the youngest, tt heti ailininistoteil judi
eiou ly.
This health.restoter areompljshesi even 111 , /re
by PreVe111100411:11.1 (MM. It ta15.011 in newton, it
heals all IRifatiniss of the thrciat and lungs,
whether a ing from Colds or Coughs, or front
other causer , . awl Om., prevent tluit long trait' it
painful and incurable d arouse., a Mob would kri:e
'from the negiert of them,. Hence no fain
should be 'l% itllolll it. Influenzo, Croup, Iloarse
nose, tr,heoping Qougiti rfouris4y, Ineipient (2,,r,.
,sumption, and oilier alfeelions or the brealhh.g
- organs, give i way before this pro em stint.
-1 nation il intoned virtues.
Prepared by Dr..). 0. AYER t, Cu., 1, 0 411 ,
1 Muss., dnil SlAil by all DruggisW Dila dots), r i in
medicines everywhere. , . .
Sold in
Sold by J.-A. Roy. rept f-Ita.
Tu ,Solicit f )rdt rs for a • I N q
tto Pliirofed
ble DietOnary
lillB DICTIoNARY cuihoUies 1116 il:11ItS of the
inm=t recent study, re,4e.treh, and investigation, of
about sixty-five of the most mninent and ad
vanced Biblical Scholars now . living. Clergy.
men of all denominations approve it, and regard
it as the best murk of its kind in the English
language, and one_ whichought to be in the
hands of overy Bible reader in the hind.
In circulating this Work, Agents will tied a
pleasant and IproQtable employment. Th e eu .
merous objectionii which are usually encountered
in selling ordinary works will not exist with tib.
But, on the contrary, encouragement end
friendly aid will attend the Agent, malting his
labors agreeable, - solid, and lucrative.
Ladies, retired Clergytneh, Sehonl Teacheri,
Farmers, Students, and all others who en.
orgy, aro wanted to assist in Canva:iing cvrq•
Town and County in the country, to whoM t h e
most liberal inducements will be offered.
Ful pa rtienlaro, lipTy tu, athire.s
722 Sansom Streot ) , phia, Pa
Aug. 267 16137-6 w.
TE oIEEN,'S eh:P II /9,10 PILLS.--Them
are the latest improvement among the pill:.
They are confidently believed P be the be , t
for faintly use that have ever been Ills de. 'they
are so mild and pleasant in their Gperatioa act
yet so effectual, that it would he q uit,,
We to supply the deMand .for thou wee they
more generally known. The whole story is told
in the directions which accompany each hex.
Price 25 Cent:. For : 1 ,1.1e al Roy's Drug Store.
AIM - Property for Sale
1p111:1 Subscriber on account of failing hcaith
I offers for halo hie ilill Property at Crookol
Creek, Titiga county. Pa., tot nu.rly known as the
McClure Mal. said Mill i.. now in t•outplete
running order, haring been lately furni 3 Oted oith
entire new Machinery of the M0M..1 pprot•Ld tlyk.
and will be sold together with a 1,04 21 ark: ( , f
land, on which theta is a tittilfy young Apple
Orchard awl other trait trees, fluilatog uo
favorable !emits. • C. .1. 111.1M-P111:12,Y,
Crooked Creek, Tioga Cu ,
Jttly 31, it 1.3117-3tw'
. _
In Ilankrulitc• ~
ITIMS is to give notice That ou the 24th day
_L tar August A. D. 431;7 . , a Wart wit in Bald,
ruptey s e es : iss u ed against tho estate of
Walker at belutar, in the eounty'ot and
State of PennFylvania oho itn> been adjudged a
Bankrupt on his own petition, that the pay meta
of any debts and delivery of any propeity lie
longing to such Bp,krupt, to him or for his use,
and the transfer o any property by him, are for.
hidden by law : that a meeting of the creditors of
=nail Rank rupt Co prove their debts and to chea:c
one or more :assignees of his estate, will be held
at a court of Rankruptoy, 1u he holden at the
o(lice of F. E. Smith, in 'firma, Vt nn'a, before I'.
E. Smith, Register, on the 0 28th day of Ssptem
her A, 1). at-10 o'clock, A,
Marshal Western Dist, Pa., as Ales:eDger,
Pr. D. Camr.HuN, Delany
Sept. 4,1867-4 w
lii liankruptcV. •
rriiirs is to give notice: Thaef on the 19th day
01 August A. I). NWT a warrant in Bank
ruptek was ksurd against, tiro estate of Lurie!
Truman, of Well:data°, in the county of Tioga,
and State of Penu'a, who Chas horn adjudged a
Bankrupt on Ilk own petilbtn ; that the pay
inent of any debts and delivery 01 any property ,
tholonging to such Ilalibruot to hip or Ittr 42
an I tho transfer of tiny property by hint arc lur
hidden by law; that a meeting of the creditor:3,f
said Bankrupt to prat 0 their debts and to ohotHe
one or more Assignees of his Qatar„ will ho
den at the office of F. E. , ,Sintth, to 'fioga, Penn
sylvania, Iterore F. F. Smith, Register, on tte
28th day 18eptcluber v i1. P. ISB7, at 2 o'olt elt•
Ni'est'n, Dist. I'n., a' hieF:q,nger.
l'er TB. PAAT ETON, Deputy
Sept... 1367, .1w
UNI)P.11:31UN11,0 „„flea
that ho will In 3 in .
'WILMA NIS PORT, 2,1110 , day cavl, loonth.
LOCK HAVEN, 2,1 Wednesday ea,•ll month.
BELLEFONTE, 2a Thtm , thwy each mouth,
COITDEI,SPORT, 2,1 Tuesdays in Feb., Mny.
September, Antllecomber.
—to-hobl Courts of Bankroll Icy,
ly notified that theta will be business requitiog
his attendance at such t,i,roes
.0 0d place , . At
other tinrVs be will attend for sue]) purF,Fx,
his office in Tioga, Pa. Gentletatin of the Ear
prosecuting l itwoluntary bankrupt eases, trill
please have Warrants return:ll,lc nt sueh thnr , tf
possible. Parties waking
will please prepare their p,
in duplicate, in conformity
Act, General Orders and fo
(d the Western District —lt.
Bankruptcy, and submit them to me for eAatain
alien ; and if found correct in form and :•uilicieut
in substance, will be cortifed and filed„and an
order of reference will be i sired. , ['thy hellos
required ht the Act must a the saint. time be ac
posited. wit me, and tiftee dollar 4 for (link and
Marshal fees should he aid at 1110 :111ill . woo.
To 'sa ve answering many )otters .I . Ylitt -..wy
-I—That Itice's Manual is tho best 1t,,r1. I lute
seen On .010 subject, and contains the Act. Oen
eral orders, forms, Ile. . .. ~.
3--The. : 4 peeial Rules eau be libtaitnid of r
W. Johnston & Cu, Pittsburg,
—The best Wanks I bal,'e seen sic z..... 1 11,1
W. S. llaveti. Pittsthirg.
.I—Lotto's eonf(Oning Spevial Rule
b. 3 promptly . austrcketl.
. E. SMITH, /ifyir. ,
Minkraptc•J 18th /44e.
Tioga, Pit., Aug
. 2'J, 18(37.
• Notice.'
NOTICE is:hereby given to Ctllleet l ers.that
the Ist duty of Oct. !Sill, the ,- t...teond
of Soldiers' Bonds falls due, and we T.:Teeth&
ask you for the last dolltir tru that day.
TAX PAYERS—Tioga County rt.
sand dollars to pay on that day, alod ),•,1
pay your taxes the debt Cull) nut wore
than . Unit tho money hat, gut t • e,,00 dl,t
time, or eht,t will be math , .
By order of the Comm - Ist:toners,
Sept: ]l, Istl7. C. 1. MILE Elt,
- ,
l'he fine Woollen for a tdore teioectl
building lakoon as Ito) '8 and •
Saloon is now offered fur bale on peculiar
favorable terms; inquire ut Drug Sure
• J. A. IZOY..
Butter and Cheese.
HiclimsT Alarhot Prico pail for Bumr and
Cheese, or shipped It fir
2ijuly67. TOLES SAIIKEW3.
administration having boon granted to tt.
unaersignod upon fho o3fatto of S:kiainvi T.
lato of Covington, deveased; native Ikel:t1
gtVOtt to tho o O tlldetftelt to. anti ths. , e basing
claims aga,;
nq said o.,!tatt , Ur oatt tind 51d
\IARV.UL WOOD, Attul'o , ..
Covington, Sept. .1, ISI7-titv
• ... ,
(t1. 11 40_ 6 1 ln- 00.1L-6A'$N
1 •
like hot cult u, at C. 13. liEl.l.\
April 1, 1867.
1 0 11`