TOLERATION. Though in the, macro:of our faith Wo can not all agree, " Yet, in the bonds of friendly love, G We may - united bo; For weak indeed'innet be that creed, Datect not worth a feather, • Whose:advocates refuse. to kneel, ' In peace and love together. This world, indeed, would wiser be If all would cease contention; If none would strengthen by his acts The rank weeds or .dissension; If each - and every ono Nv9fild strive love's wild field to'S.borl",. Clio:oSe own creed—and also give The same right to his neighbor. British Royalty. Attempts have been inade in4illforms to induce her Majesty to come to Lon don to live. Her ministers have tried. Since Lord Palmerston's death no one can move her. It was said he used to badger the Queen till she was tired and compelled to do as be wished. ranch haa tried the , art of ridicule, but all "in vain. The Buckinghaat Palace with its attractions, gorgeous suites of rooms, splendid garden and plate s is elosed. One hundred horses , dying ter want of ' use, stamp' and bite the mangers in vain. The servants yawn and eat and mourn Tor the good days of Prince Albert, who made merry times for the palace. The -Qneen comes into London only on mat ters of state, or to see the Princess of - Wales. She usually comes in the afterhoon,.and goes back to Windsor the same night. It is said that she has slept but three-nights in London since the death of her husband. She holds the courts ; , she must do that to meet the demands of her position. The lev ees at which gentlemen only . attend, are turned aver to the Prince of Wales. This young Man has an opportunity such as is seldom granted to try his practice hands in kingeraft. He can . play.the king ; if he will now. Hecould, if he was disposed to do so, win the hearts of t e people, as did Absalom. But he is .gay young man. He had a t salary of 'OO,OOO to live on, and , - a house. He had about $500,00(t more that came in cash to him from the reve nue-that acctimulated when the posi tion was vacant. And besides this he has a fine fortune. He had state and common carriages by the score, one hundred men attend him, one hundred horses wait his will, and twice that number of fast young noblemen are ready to help him spend that' income and enjoy life. When he -goes to St. James to hold a levee, at the command df tlke Queen, lie rides in state; the fo ment( black horses and gold and black harness are brought out. He has four footmen, behind. Ho is attend by state carriages too gorgeous to be described with a pen. The Royal Blues, the most gorgeous troop of horse !out of France in the' world, make the escort. The , people turn out in thousands to see the 1 - -royal cortege leave the Marlboro' House. - Instead of an open carriage such as Napoleon rides in on such occasions, the Prince shuts himself up in a- close carriage, blinds downi and drive at a great speed, as if afraid to be see.• At i the levee to-day there was 11. ' g neral howl of disappointm the carriage went by. . . Not so, the "Roy Alfred," as he is called, the Sailor Nince. He is the -pet of the nation. A Yrank, manly fel low he is. , He has the talent of the family. - His ship that he corrimands was iri - a gale the other day. He was en deck and worked her himself, and did it splendidly. This fact has increased his popularity wonderfully. Ile is a great favorite witli. all who are about his person. - He treats all dependents with greatkind eS's t and in this imi tates his father. It is the common faith that he Will be ing, for it is said he ti, -has that faculty that marks a true king, .4liat ho never fo 'gets apace. If he was r'p the place of his brother he , would make all Londo rejoice with the sight or his face when they wanted to see him. The Queen li not rode through. the royal gate to th Palace since the death of Prince Albe t. 'She will not ride through the roy it entrance to the House ef,Lords. Nor Ir she, nor will she ride in the state c Lrriage. It costs Her 1114jesty someth ng to,come- from Wind s() - - She has a special train—a right t . ro •.a,l one it is. No train can'be on the road while she i • running out or in. A pilot ttain atten Is her, and _for this ser vice str,e; pays S 0 a round trip. When thotrrtin comes in for theatres.or amuse ments for the c, ildren and household the cost Is 4'9,0. The salary of the Queen is $1,911,000, or £380,000. All . matters that . h • long to state—palaces, and servants, are pro r4iut her personal ser i's for herself.:=London Boston Journril. :horses, carriage:. vided for -her: 4 :i vants she pays Cbrrespondence Night Scene in a Boarding7ifonse A lady, whose husband is in Califor nia, Calcutta, or Chicago, suddenly awakened from her. sleep the other morning, about 2 o'cloels, and springing from her bed, screaming at the top of, her voice, "Murder ! &c., c. Under the elp! Murder ! I Man in my room," eireulps nces this was quite natural, inasnaucl as more than one mistake of this kind had happened in the house recently. Now, it appparecl that no less than three husbands were absent when they should have been there, and con sequently there was more or, less wonder, mixed up with aspeciesof apprehension on the part of three wives, each one won dering whether it was her husband who had thus forgotten himself or the room. "Oh,. come up quickly," shouted the • terrified female, holding on to the out side doorknob. - "I've got him in." , "If it'Ermy Josey," said another dis-' consolate; "I'll learn him better. -Con found these alight suppers, now he's been at one otthem, and has Mistaken the room, and;here I've i been alone all night." "Has he got ; whiskers ?" anxiously asked the wife, upon reaching the land ing on the upper floor. ,- . '. "Yes, main, great biOushy whiskers, laying right along Suit of my cheek when I awoke. Dear--tne,if my Alex anderwas here, he'd learn him better, I'll warrant you." "JoMephl Joseph ! Josoy !" shouted the wife at the door. No answer came; not oven a grunt, incident to inebriation. "May be he has jumped opt ofthe window," suggested the four ofive females, all at once, who made a len did group of long white drapery. "Help—help! bring a light—bring a light," shouted several of the females. Presently a light was brought, and several of the male boarders appeared, all armed to give the chief or robber such treatment as he had justly earned for himself. 1 The door was opened, and in rushed the valiant squad, and sure enough the fellow was still in bed; with the top of his head just peeping above the sheet.. "Come out of here, you scoundrel !" said one of„the men, at the same time grasping him by the hair. The tableau waSstrikingiy interesting and gfaphre. The boarder almost fell from the impetus he had given himself, for, instead of jerking out a man, it was nothing more than'a "frizzed chignon," which-the lovely occupant 'of the bed had forgotten to take off when she re tired for the night. It had been detach ed in her sleep, and grazing her cheek, awakened' her. The alarm, of course, I was quite natural. The boarders had a hearty laugh, and all retired to happy dreams.—Philadelphia Press. "What brought you to prison; my. colored friend?" Two edestablessah." ," Yes hut I mean, tiad intemperance anything to do with. it?" " Yes, sah,, day was both Oen' drunk." The woman who undertook to scour the woods, bas abandoned the Job, ow ing to the high price of soap. 'rho. last that was heard of tier she was Skim ming the seas. WE - SBORO, FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. THE subscribers having procured additional machinery are now ready to furnish to ordir all sorts of. CASTINGS 9 SUCH•AS PLOWS, CUtTIVATORS, -FIELD ROLLERS, MILL GEARI NG, .SLEIGH-SHOES, W 0 0 - 'SAWING MACHINES, &c., &c.. • We have also a WOollysipllTH PLANER, for custom and job work, , We are also propared to do I • • SLITTI.A4 & SCROLL AS'ATVING 4 to order Having a first-elass Tierow-cutting Lathe, we are prepared to make . CHEESE PRESS SCR_EWS, to order. Builders of Cheese Factories are re quested to examine our work. We manufacture the Champion I Plowik one of the'finest implements in the market. Cash paid for OLD IRON. CHARLES WILLIAMS, F. L. SEAMS. . Wolloboro, May 16, 1887—tr. Stoves & Tin Ware FOR THE MILLION D. P. ROBEIVITS, OPPOSITE ROY'S BUILDING, Is now propared to furniph tho public with anything in his Line of husinevs. in quantity as large, in quality las good, and ap 'cheap in price ae any dealers in Northern Peqnsylvdnia. Ho pays particular attentio • to the „. STOVE AND TIN WARE BUSINESS and intend to keep a full assortment ofeverything in that line. -TILT :-W-443;E - -MADE TO ORDER; promptly, and warranted to give satisfaction. REPAIRING executed in the best manner and with dispatch CALL AND SEE ME D. P. ROBERTS Wellsborough, March I, 1866. ATTENTION, FARMERS. MOB' AND REAP II Y ,110/1 SP, POWER ! • THE CAYUGA CHIEF, MowEci, REAPER, is undoubtedly the beet4fachine in the world, about TWEN TY-ON) THOUSAND of these Machines being now in use. it always takes the first premium at Fairs and Exhibitions. I hare the sole Agency for this region, and can fill all orders promptly. lam also agent for tho sale of WOOD'S MO WER, fanied for its light andeven draft, and for doing fal and good work. This Machine will pay for its if in the saving of wages paid to mowers by any large farmer in ono season. D. P, ROBERTS. Wellsboro, Juno 28, 1-867-tf. • Tot Farmersof Tioga County WOOD'S PRIZE MO IVER & COMBINED 310 WER C REAPER, MANUFACTURED at Hoosio Falls, N. Y. for sale to all who may want a good rolia blo machine. These =whim are well known throughout the county, as being the best in use, and has taken the.premium over all other competitors. We shall keep an assortment of JOINTED BAR MACHINES, which have. lately been put into 'use. Also of the stiff bar. A good assortment of the guards and other fixtures constantly on hand. Price of jointed bar machines, $llO. Cheaper than they have over before been offered to the public. PURPLE Jr, KIMBALL, Agents. Wellsboro, July 3, 1867-tf. F OUT Z'S CELEBRATED Horn all.l Catt Powders. TER, II Ef E 00 LT , TEMPE Fl NrEna,FouxDF:' LOSS OF Al'!' TITE AND Yin ENERGY, &c. I use Improves tl wind, increas the appetite-0v a smooth to glossy. skin—al transforms t miserable skelei horse. the Lungs, Liver, Ete., this article acts as a specific. By putting from one•halt a paper to a paper in a barrel or swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time , a certain preventive and cure cu. the Ilog choler.. Price 25 Cants per? o. u Papers for sl'. . • PI EPAR n r 7 S. A.. TNOT7TV, AT Tiftlß i TfiIOLESALE nnro AN MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin S .., Baltimore, Md. For Sato by Itruggiits ti .f 1 f.:tosOcoopora tbloagii o'ut tha United Status. For sale by John A. Roy, Woßaboro. DR. FITCH'S ABDOMINAL SUPPOII,T ERB, for aato at Roy's. Drag Store. JOB -WORK, IN THE BEST STYLE, , t 1 with clespatqh,st THE AGITATOR Offi • =. A MERICAN WATCHES in Hunting Sil •or Casia from OLEO up at gouirs. AT, THE PEOPLE'S STORE 1 WE ARE NOW RECEIVING A Mare prepared to Imply the create of the ive the best satisfaction, and those accustomed to patronise us know that we • • • • • - I at are to bo found•in this section, and those who are,not our patrons aro the losers quite as much as we are. ADE UP TO ORDER AND WAR- OUR STOOK WILL BE KEPT FULL, Warranted to give Satisfaction, Sold as Low as at any other Estab- W? invite nn• examination of our Stock and Prices, pledging ourselves to SHOW GOODS FREELY AND TAKE NO Corning, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1887. -NEW ARRANGEMENT ! Wilson & Van Yalkenburg. NO. 2, UNION BLOCK,. DRY GOODS, This preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly reinvigorate brokrn•down and iow•epirited borsoa. by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and intes tines. Cloths Casiiimeres, Vestings, Ladies' Cloths, and a large variety of La' ies' Dress Goods. 11 - It. is n. sure pre ventive of all die. capes inc.istpat _to =MI MERCHANT TAILORING gyration in invaluable.r reproves the quality of the milk. It has been proven by ac•r tual experiment to increase the quan- 1 , tity of milk an cream twenty pe cent. and make th butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, looiens that hide, and makes them thrive as Congbe, Ultins in We aro_Agents for Binger'e Sewing Maohines, the hest and cheapest Machine for family nee, lees liable to get out of repair, and more durable than any other, adapted to tine or coarse sowing. Call and see them. 'The Senior partner has had a large experience In Merchant Tailoring, and it Is the intention of the now Arm to put this branch of their business beyond enooessful competition. Wellaboro, Feb. 20, 1807-tf. W , SPROG 000118 ZN .CQRATING,, ESH STOCK OF .GOODS Adapted to the PRING TRADE, people in NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA WITH DRY GOODS. l!M OUR LONG EXPERIENCE. has taught us that el- do r ii•'''6 b o b KEEP THE "BEST GOODS We keep-as usual a LARGE STOCK OF-CLOTHS to sell by the yard or _ RANTED TO FIT and all Goods sold by us 1' 1!',1 AND lishment. Mind that. OFFENCE when no sale le made. SMITH .Sc WAITE. Have established 'themselves at lately occupied by F. D. Bunnell They.are now receiving a lane stock ofl SPRING In part, suoh as • GROCERIES, AND \F'URNISHrNG GOODS. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE i To buy cheap, and a choice lot of SPRING GOODS. P, 'WILLIAMS & CO. SEMPER IDEM, I DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MED ICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WIN DOW GLASS, & PUTTY, Have come down to Old Aims at last WE do not hesitate to say that we have the Largest Stook of PUB E ENGLISH DRUGS 4 'MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, YANKEE NOTIONS, PERFUMER Y, FANCY ARTICLES,. TOILET SOAP, CLOTH, HAIR, TOOTH & NAIt, BRUSHES, MIRRORS, WINES & LIQUORS,; &C., e EVER BROUGHT INTO THIS NAB HIT: We have also the Largest Stock of '1 PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PIITA Such as Pare White Lead, Pure White Zino, Linsed Oil. Coach Varnieb, Furniture Vanish, Yel. low Ochre, Venetian Red, Chriffne Yel low, Chrome Green, Prussian Blue, Patent Dryer, Lacher, Japan, Spanish Whiting, Paris White, kalsomine, Resit Tar, Log Wood, Fustio, Brazil Wood, Cam wood, Redwood, Potash, Putty, Alco cohol; Benzoic, Spirits Turpentine, and kerosene Oil, Flint and Varnish Brushes, • Which re will sell 26 per cent. cheaper than and other establishment in the county. In short, w have everything ever kept in'alirst class 'DRUG STORE, and all; we ask is for you to call and examine or stock and prices before buying elsewhere. , member we can't be undersold. All goods warranted or no sale. P. R. WlLLrems, 1 P. R WILLIAMS J. L: WILLIAMS. J No. 3 Union Bloci Weliaboro, Jane 26, 1867 Stoves: Stoves AND MARDiVAR'n MR. WILLIAM ROBERTS Ns to announce to the °Miens of Tioga ounty, that in addition to his excellent stock °Roves, Tin-Ware, Brittania, and Shoot-Iron Wro, he has, at a great outlay, stocked his store a MAIN STREET, WELLSI3ORi, with a complete assortment of Shelf ilariware, of which we enumerate the following article NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X OUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAYS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SORBW S, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS; BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLiP-, SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUPPERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND OAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR RANGIDGS a new thing, and made for use. These are int a few of the many articles composing our stook of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the boat qualty of goods In our line ; and all work to order; done promptly and well. WILLIAM ROBERTS' Wandler°, Sept. 1,1866-tf. MUSIC! MUSIC.—The Tioga Cornet band is now in gOod blowing order and prepared to furnish good Music on all occasions for a rea sonable compensation. • Ali communications should bo addrosoad to the Lender and Secretary at Tioga, pa. T. A. WICKHAM, Se F. o'H. ADAMS, Leader. y.. April 3,1867-6 m. NEW F Po' B 4., SE BOSIN VE will buy at tho the following astiolo SHEEP PELTS, I DEER SKINS, F), AND VEAL ' for.which we will pay cash. • We will mannfaoture to o der, French or home tanned GALE or RIP 800 S, in the beat man ner and at fair rates, and ay especial attention to REPAIRING. ALSO, Wo have a fleet-r to stook of READY-MADE WORK, on which we will not be uni time wo shall make it a poi stook of LADIES' G to be found ins the oounty a lower profit than such art offered in this region. We shell likewise keep u of LADIES' BALMORA. BOOTEES, OEM MISSES WOI RIOUS S'l and all otylea of Ml LEATHER o• oaa be bought of us as chat side of New York, and we of FRENCH CALF, F • PER, SOLE, LI BINDI Our stock of PEGS, NAIL RASPS, GLOVERS' N TREES, OR! ORS, to TOOLS and FINDINGS, gest in the county, and WI We talk business and w have been in this region lo' known—let those who kn of Main and Grafton streo oriel Hardware Store, Wellaboro, April 24, 186 NEW GOODS AN T. Ad. WI TIOGA HAVING Just returno New and carefully : STOCK OF All those in want of Goo interest to call and EXAMINE 0 and learn Prices before b Kept constantly on h DRIED FRUIT, OR PORK, All the above Goode ar Cash Prises and,will be so ONLY rort CASH Don't forget the plea VAN NAME & WICK Tioga, Pa., Feb. 20, 1 grim CENTRE OF AT LAWREN EVILLE. C. S. MATHER & CO.. Would announce to this! good people of Tioga County that they have just roturhed from New York with their second fill} stock of -FALL & WINTER GOODS, &Embracing all the novel lea as well as tho attb atantiala requiredt DRESS GOODS in hi varieties, STAPLE & FANCY GOOD , HOOP SKIRTS, & BEST FREN uH WOVE COR- . SETS, GLOVES AND HO SIERT, YANKEE NO TIONS, t&c., &o. , FURS I FURS I I MINK, CONY, and Siberian Squirrel The lorgdot stock of CLOTHS .& CASSIMERES in the county, READY MAD l i CLOTHING, and CLOTHING de to order-super intended by fi t class workmen. SHOP MADE BO TS & SHOES in end less variety, ATS & CAPS to Ittli all tastes, GROCER Our goods have bee panio in New York a prices. Prices aro down, otlkor store cal or der, ity and price. For fn store of Lawrenceville, Dec 1867. WRIGH commence th CASH beans. °ASH PAID CASH PAID CASH PAID FOR CORN I CASH FOR E-ORYTHING I I A LARGE STOOK OF FLOUR FOR CASH I' A LARGE STOOK OF FEED FOR CASH 1 A LARGE STOOK OF PORK FOR CASH I• • Call and sea us. WRIGHT & BAILRW Wellaboro, Jan. 9, 1887-Iy, AU persons indebted to ue by note or book , aeoounhanet call and settle pay outs. Jan. 8, 1887. WRIGHT & BAILEY. J. STICKLIN, Ohairmaker, .Turner o and Furniture Dealer. SALE ROOM, opposite Dartt's Wagon Shop, Main Street. FAOTORY in Sears tic Wil liams Foundry, second story. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaran teed. Fanoy Turning done to order. Welleboro, Jnno 12, 1867. J. STIOHLIN. IRM: ~LLYOUR S 8 I• gheat market' prieep BACON SKINS, • 8, HIDES, - :KINS, orsold, and from this int to koep up the beat AITERS, which we will cell at des have over been a good assortment S, LEATHER 'IiREWS AND os. VA• IYLES, N't3 FINDINGS ap as any "(bore this OW keep a full stook W NOH KIP, UP 'NOS, AND 5, THREAD, AWLS, .JEDLES, LASTS, -a SHOEMAKER'S wilt be found the !ar eal for small profile. moan business. We g enough to be well .w us try us. , Corner e, opposite Wm. Rob e. W. SEARS, GEO. O. DERBY NEW PRICES KHAM'S, PA. from Now York with ,'eleotod • GOODS, wtll find it to their R STOCK l ying elsewhere. nd, a ololce lot of OEREUS, FLOUR, &C, bought at the lowest hi R READY PAY. t A , at the old eland o I AL . 187-tf. I 1 w,vg ' RACTION IS AT ES, &0., BcC. bought during the last d will be, sold at panic onopoly broken up. No compete with us in qual. 'their particulars call at the 10. S. MATHER le po. 19, 1866. & BAILEY. 1867. year with an exclusively FOR WHEAT I FOR OATS Mftther & Itortmiti =ALUM E3N ) GROCBRIES & . PROVISIONS, ' CROCKERY, HARDWARE, , W .0D Sr, WILLOW-WARE, YANKEE• NOTIONS. LAW.RENCET7LLE, PENN'A. Club Paid for Produco,' is; B. T o / . 1 :7( Nov: 2 , 1866. FOR SALE. 1866. BY . B. C. WICKHAM, • A T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOGIA :- 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES .15 SHRUBBERY. The Frtiit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Air Delivered at the depot free of charge.,' Tioga, fob. 28,1888-Iy* - ' LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. BRADLEY'S Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) SKIRT. firHEY, will not bend or break like the single spring, but will preserve thole perfect and graceful shape wen three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops &recovered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods' are not only dou ble springs, but twice (or double) covered; preventing them froursvearing out when dragging down stoops, stairs, &c. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic skirt, will be experienced particularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, railroad care, church pews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as s silk or muslin dress, an in valuable quality in crinolin% not found in any single spring skirt. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the duplex elliptic steel sp 13 1 g skirt fora single day. willmeNor a ft erwards will. in dispense with their use. For Children, Misses and you g ladle& they are superior to all others. a Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies, an is universally recommended by the fashion maga. zi s, as the standard skirt of the fashionable world. o enjoy the following inestimable advantages in on C line, viz: superior quality, perfbet manufacture, sty ish shape and finish. flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, inquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex Ellipl tie ,or double spring skirt, and be sure you gat the gen. nine article. OAUTION.—To guard against imposition, be particu lar to notice that • skirts offered as "duplex" have the red Ink stamp, via: "J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband—none others are genuine. Also notice that diary hoop will admit a pin being passed through the center, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a com bination not to be found in any other skirt. Nor sale in all stores where first class skirts are sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manu factured by the sole owners of the patent,' WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, JulyB,3m. 97 Chambers &79& 81 Reade eta., N. Y. Popular Dry Goods Trade ! T HE Subsoriber is now receiving his SPRING STOCK Merchandise, Among :which will bo found many of the most popular Styles of t% ©o3ob SHAWLS, CLOAKINGS & SACKINGS, at prices that are worthy of attention Also, a full lino of PRINTS, ' GINGHAMS. BROWN AND BLEACIP,D =SUNS, TICKINGS, • DENIMS, STRIPE 'SHIRT INGS, TABLE LINENS, BROWN & BLEACHED, NAPKINS, TOWELINOS, LACE AND EMBROIDERED WINDOW CUR TAININGS, EMBOSSED AND PRINTED TABLE AND PIANO SPREADS, HOSIERY, GLOVES; 4.c. Spacial attention is called to his CLOTHING & TAILORING DE PARTMENT, Whoro a perfect fit is guaranteed or no sale A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicited: THOMAS HARHHN. Wellsbbro, May 15,1887. • , HLARKNESS & RILEY, BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS, Ner 'rm.& Van Valke»bury's Store, in the room lately occupied by Benj. Seeley. BOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds made. to order and in the best manner. REPAIRING of all kinds done promptly and good. Give us a call. JOHN HARKNESS, WM. RILEY. Wollsboro, Jan. 2, 1867-Iy. A. B. EASTMAN, • SURGICAL d MECHANICAL D E N T' I S T . • S permanently looated at Wellsboro, Office over 3. R. Bowen's Store, wbore he is pre pared to execute all work pertaining to his pro fession with promptness and in a superior man ner. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of lately improved Spray Produeor. Chloroform and Ether administeted when dedred. All work warranted. Satisfaction guaranteed or no char ges. July 3,1867. • HAND POWER LOOK [Patented 1865.] ALL persons interested in the introduction of practical machinery into our country, are requested to investigate the merits of HENDERS'ON'S HAND POWER LOOM. Thia loom will do all kinds of hand weaving. It will weave jeans, blankets, plain cloth, sati net, kefsey, flannel. seamless sack, double width blankets, or any kind of cotton, wool or "flag cloth. It treads the treadles, throws the shuttle, lets off the web, and takes up the olotb. It makes the upper stied as the batten comes forward, and beats up the filling after the cross is made, ma king better cloth and better selvage than can be made in tiny other way. Looms made to order and warranted. Apply at the shop on Water Street, sign " Loom Factory." LEWIS WETMORE, Wellsbero, March 20, 1867-0. FALL BROOK COAL.--The. undersigned having make arrangements to furnish Coal by the TON or CAR, LOAD, coarse or tine, solic its the patronage of the public. ALSO—has constantly on hand, a large stock of CARRIAGE BOLTS, &0., at wholesale and retail. ,en-Ete- BLACKSMITKING of all .kinds done in the best manner. SI M. GEER. Tioga, Deo. 1,18611-tf. I=lo, FARMERS! GET THE ZEST. TRE BLODGET PREMIUM HARPOON HORSE PORK ahead of all others in market; when tested with other Forks it never fails to give a deolded preference. Be sure and examine before buying others. All orders should be addressed to either J. R. WEEKS, WM. CHAMBERLAIN, J. H. CAMP BELL, or 0. L. PECK, Nelson, Tioga County, Pa. July, 3, 1867-3m.* WHOLESO DRISTiRE. CORNING, N. Y. rIiRDGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS 1# AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, CONCEN- TRATED MEDICINES, CIN7 CINNATI WINES AND BRANDY, WHITE- WASH LIME, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDI. CINES, PETROLEUM OIL, ROCHESTER PER- FUIYLERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, AND' DYE COLORS, Bold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers are requested 'to call and get quotations before going further east W. D. TERBELL & CO Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1867-1 y PHOTOGRAPHI.G. E. & 11. T. ANTHONY & CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, WEICILESALE AND RETAIL, 501 BROADWY, N. Y In addition to oar main business of Photographic 'Materials wo aro Headquarters for the following, viz: Storcoscopcs err. Stercoscopi? Views. Gf American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, etc. Stereoscopic Views of tho War, From negatives rondo in the various campaigna and forming a complotu Photographic history of the great lontent. Stereoscopic Views on Glass, Adaptod for wittier Alagtc Lanterns or the Stereoscope - . Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. Photographic Albums Wo manufacturo more largely than any other house, about 200 varieties from 110 cents to. $6O eaeh. Our ALBUMS bavo the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to all others. Card Photographs of ,Generals, States men, Actors. etc., etc.. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintihgs, Statues, etc. Cata logues sent on receipt of stamp.. Photographers and Others/ ordering goods 0.0. D., Will please remit 25 per cent/of the amount with their order. The prices arid ,quality of oar goods cannot fall to satisfy. Jan. 2,1867-9 m. Tioga Marble Works. TUB undersigned are now prepared to oxo cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Menu meats of either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of the latest style and approved wCrktuanship.. and with dispatch. We keep constantly on band boll kinds of Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa vor us with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the country. Stones disoolored with • rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as good as now. WILCOX k WHITNEY, Tioga, May 22, 1867-11 To the Farmers of ' Tioga Ummty lAM now building at my manufactory, to 'Lawrence villa. a aukrfor FANNING' .1111iL, which possesses the following advantages ovllother mills: 1. It separates oats, rat litter, mid foul ode, and chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It donna flax seed, takes out yellow seed, awl a other seeds, perfectly. 3, It clean timothy seed. 4. It dons all other separating required of a mill. This built of the best and most durablo tim bor, In good atylo, and is bold cheap for canti, or pro duco. will flt a patent slovo, for separtiting oats from at, to other mills, on reasonable tbrrns. J. II AIATIf Eft. Lawrencovlllo,October 10, i866-tf WALKER & LATHROP, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON, ST EL, NAILS, STOVES,TIN-WARE, BELTING, SAWS, CUTLERY WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Harness Trimmings, HARNESSES, SADDLES, S:C, Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1867-Iy. .REMINGTONS" FIRE ARMS kti SOLD BY TEE TRADE GENERALLY LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS 200,000 , FURNISHED THE U. 8. GOVERNMENT. Army Revolver,. 44-100 in. Calibre Navy Revolver,.-... , , ! 16-100 in. Calibre Belt Revolver, • Navy size Calibre Police Revolver, ' Navy size Calibre New Pooket Revolver, • 31 100 in. Calibre Pocket Revolver, (Rider's pt.) 31-100 in. Calibre Repeating Pistol,_(Elliott pt.) No .22 & 32 Carege Vest Pooket Pistol, No 22, 30, 32 tt 41 Cartridge Gun Cane No 22 A 32 Cartridge Breech Lohding Rifle,(Beale) No 32 Jr 38 " ' Revolving Rifle, 30 Jc 44-100 in Calibre E. REMINGTON Jr., SONS. PRINCIPAL AGENTS ' Moore & Nichols. Now York; Wm Road & Sob, Boston; Jos C Grubb & Co, Philadelphia; Poul tnoy & Trimble, Baltimore; Henry Folsom t Co, Now Orleans; Johnson, Spencer & Co, Chicago; L M Ramsey & Co, Sti Louis; Albert E Crane, San Francisco. Feb 20, 1867.-sm. P'NEWELL, DENTIST; MANSFIELD, Pa., • grateful for the very liberal patronage .heretofore recei'Ved, will continue so as to per form all dental operations, as to merit the rapidly increasing professional demands now' 'engaged. All operations in all departments of the profes sion executed in'the best possible manner. Ail new, useful inventions and improvoinents adopt ed. The highest good of his patrons the nitimh tum of his ambition. Deo. 5, '66-tf ROY'S 'CHOLER CURES cozw, CURES DYSENTER CURES 'CHOLERA ' MORROW, 0 CURES CHRONIC DIARRHEA, CURES all Bowel Complei. ts, but does not cure anything the. This medicine is no cure-all: it has the confidence of every body, for it is never known to fail : it should be kept on hand by every family. Sold by deals s in medicine at fifty cents per bottle. For sle in Wellsborough nt Ro ,!, Drug Store. MUSICAL INSTR ENTS.—J. B. Shake .111. pear, dealer in )(Joker & Brother and Baines & Brothers plan Mason & Hamlin cab— inet organs, Trent, Line • & Co. melodeons, and the B. Shoninger melodeons. Room over J. R. Bowen's store. Sept. 12, 1866. FLOUR !FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, buokwheat flour, corn meal and feed, ahraya on hand. Call at the Char'eaten Mill before buy ing your flour and feed. I can make it an object for you to buy. A. RUSSELL. May 16,16101—tf CHOICE LOT OF GRAIN BAGS for rale. cheap lat . WRIGHT & BAILEY'S. Welleboro, Juno 5, 1867. LINES OF TRAVEL. ERIE' RAILWAY. On and after Mondny;Aug - ust 26th, 1661, trainb eavotlorntogat about tho following boom • intaTIVAIID BOUND, 12:28 a. 111., Express Mali, Sundays excepted ,fer Ilnffa• Salamanca,and Dunkirk, connecting with trains for the West. 6:44. m Night Express, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo. Salamanca, and Dunkirk, making direct cOnnectic n with trains of the Atlantic & Great Western, Lake Shore,andOrand Trunk Itallways,forall points West, 7:07 a. zn.,Night Express, Dally, for Buffalo,k+Mar n a nc , Dunkirk and the West, connecting as above. 7:16 a. m., Night Express, Sundays excepted, forirecti.i ester and Buffalo, via Avon. 10:32 a. m., Mail Train, Sundays excepted,,for Buffalo and Dunkirk, connecting at.Ein,ira for Cluandalgoa. 2:15 p. m. Baltimore Express,Suntla:rs excepted, for Rochester and Buffalo, via von. 7:03 p. m..; Day Express, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk and the West, connecting at • Binghamton for Syracuse; at Owego I,r Ithaca; Elmira for Canandaigua; at Salamanca with the At• mantle and Great Western Railway; at BnnaWwlth the Lake ishore and Grand Trunk. hallways, and at Dunkirk with the LaktiSture hallway, for all points - west and south. 7;10 p no Day Express, Sundays excepted, tor Rochester 12.60 p m Way Freight, Sundays excepted. 5:40 Emigrant train, Daily, for the West. E/LB2WARD BOUND. t 1218 a: m., Night Express, Daily, Sundays excepted, connecting at Graycourt for IVat wick, and at Nee York with afternoon trains and (Reamers for Boston and Now England Cities. 4:18 a. in., Cincinnati Express. Mondays excepted, co n fleeting at Elmira for Harrisburg, Philadelphia and tho South; at Owego for Ithaca; at Binghamton tar Syracuse; at Great Vend for Scranton, Philadel phia, and Trenton; at Lackawaxen for Worley, and at Ontycourt for Newburg and Warwick. 10.15 am Accommodation Train daily, connecting at at Elmira for Canandaigua: • I 10:48 a. m., Day Express, Sundays oxcepted,eounectlng at Elmira for Canandaigua, at Binghamton for Syn. cute, at Great Bend for Scranton, at Lackawaxen for Hawley, and at Jersey City with midnight Expels Trainor New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Bahl more and Washington. 3:12 p. In., Baltimore Express, Sundays' exceptod. 4:36 p. in„ Now York and Baltimore Mail, Sundas , B ex. copied, dominating at Elmira for IlarrisbinVi;Pnh e - . dolphin and South. LK p in Lightning Express, Sundays excepted,l;con neetin at Jorsoy City with morning express train of Now Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington, and atew York with morning express trains for Boston and the East. 14 12:30 p, in. Way Freight, Sundays excepted. WM. It. BARR, H. RIDDLE, • Gen'l Pass. Agent. • Gong Stp.:t. Northern Central R. R. • TRAINS FOR THE NORTH. Trains for Canandapria leave Elmira ne Accomodation at Express [fastest train on road] Mall Way Freight, [passenger coach attached] On and after April 20th, 1867, trains will arrive and depart from Troy, as follows; .4 - :,, , • MOVING Sours., lIOVING 7 I9O;XU ' Express 645 p m Express` ', - i...10511 a a, Ehrtira Mail 550 ain Elmira Mail 965 pm Local Freight 10 50 am l Local Freight 335 ptu in Through Freight 9 55 p Through 14010; 2 00 a m E. S. BROWN, Div Slip Illossburg & Corning, & Tioga R. R Tanina will inn as followa until further notice: - Actommodation—Leaven Blosaburg at 0.50 a. al.,,lans field at 7,36, Tioga at 8,:.0, LawrLuceville at 9,0: arriving at Corning at 10,20 a. in. Mail—Leaves lfiottaloirg at 2,35 p. m., Mansfield 14 3,:.',"., Tioga at 4,00, Lawrenceville at 4,s7—arriving ht Corning at 6 p. m. • Mail—Leavga Corning at S a. m., Lawrenceville at 9,05. Tiogn at 10,02, Mananiell at 10,40—arriving at Bles,;- burg at 1 ,30 a. m. I ~, Accommod tion=-Leaves Corning at 4,60 p. in., Lan,. zencovil at 5,58, Tioga at 7.02, Mansfield at 7,40--- • arriving t Illoasburg at 8,25 p. in. . ,L.II. SHATTUCK', Enp't • hiladelphia & Erie R. R. ' Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie hail Road will run as Collowe : WESTWARD Mail Train leitves '• " "1l illlamsport.. arr. at Erie. Ri r ie Express leaves Philadelphia Williamsport BAS p in , -' . arr. at Erie 9.46 a in Elmira Mail leavea PhiladelphiaB.oll a wI " "-' '. Willia _ msport i 6.28 pin arr. at Lock Haven...:. Buffalo Express leaves Baltimore., " " " Williamsport " " arr. at Lock Haven EASTWARD Mail Train leaves Erio " " " Williamsport.... " arr. at Philadelphia Erie Express leaves Erie " " " " arr. at Philadelphia, Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " Williamsport . . " arr. at Philadelphia 5.40 p Lock Haven Acc leaves Lock Ilaveu 150 p Icaves Wtiliautap art 3,20 p arr. at Philadelphia ......:............1 . 2.1,0 a la A.. L. Trian, Gang upt. atlantic. alai Orczet Weistc.r. ii W -- - - • SALAMANCA STATION.I VIVLSNY.kIi.O BOUND. ' EASSIV /LAU Boor 6, Malt 5.30 Express - (10 Accommodation 6,35 Mail 5.52 Express 12.19 Accommodation, ......11.45 Express 11.09 Express . 010 At Cory there is a junction a ith the Philadelphia & Erie, and Cil Creek Rail Roads. At 'Meadville tvitl the Franklin and Oil City and Pithole Branch. . At Leavittabargo the Mahoniny Branch makes It oi met route to Cleveland. At Ruvenua connects with CIO% eked !Mil Pittsburgh Railroad. The head 1.5551 , 8 through Akron, Ashland, Mahon, Mai 1011, 'Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rail roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. L. It UCliElt, Lien. Supt., Meadville, Pa. U.. S. CLAIM AGENCY, For the Collection of • Army and Nary Claims and Pensions. ; - mil E NEW BOUNTY LAW, passed July 2S,ISC6,E,tw. two and three years' soldiers extra bounty. :tend in your discharges. OFFICERS' EXTRA PAY. Three months' extra pay proper to volunteer ufficets who were In service March 3,1805. PENSIONS INCREASED- To all who have lost a limb and Oe have ilCtll neatly and totally disabled. All other °overtime? claims prosecuted. JEROME B. NILES... tWellsboro,Octoblr 10, 18T-tf Planing & Turning. B. T. VAN HORN, IETAVING got his now Factory in operation, .11 - 11 is now prepared to till orders for Cabinet ' Ware promptly and in tho host etylo of workman ship. Having pkoeured a WOODWORTII PLANER, be is ready to dross boards or:plank with dispatch SCROLLWORK - & 'BRACKETS, , , il furnished to order. His maLines are of the new- i est and most impro ed patterns. • I Shop odruer of ,earl and Waln Sts, wELLs 80110, PA., Oct. 31, 1866—tf. D EAIOREST'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE:, universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America; devoted to Original Sto ries, Poems, Sketches, Architecture and Model Cottages, Household Matters, Gems of Thought, — personal and Literary Goitsip (inhluding spoeial departments on Fashions), LI nstructions on Ile,alth, Gymnastic, Equestrian Eiereises, Music, Anime meuts, etc.: all by,the best authors, and profuse ly and artistically,illustrated with costly .Engra vings (full size), nseful and reliable Patterns, Embroideries, Jewelry, and a constant succes sion of artistic novelties, with other useful and entertaining literature. No person of refinement, economical house wife, or la:* of taste can afford to do without the Model Monthly. Single copies, 30 cents; ba:k numbers; as specimens,-10 cents; either mailed free. rYearly, $3, with a valuable fremiutu ; tiro , copies, $5 50; three copies, $7 60; five copies. $l2, and splendid premiums for clubs at $5 each, • with the first premiums to each subscriber. Ad dress, W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, No. 473 Broadway, New York. Demon:Ws Monthly and Young America, to gether $4, with the premiums for each. March 20, 'o7—Om, DROPS INSURANCE AGENCY. MESSRS. NICHOLS Jr. MITCHELL would respeetfnlly inform the people of this vi oinity,ithat they have , the agency of some of the best Life IL Fire Insurance Companies In the States; and arc 'now prepared to inkture at reasonable rates. • Mr. MITCHELL Laving been appointed - • NOTARY PUBLIC,- will attend promptly to any business relating to his office, which may be entrusted to him. Whey will bo found at the ofroie formerly occu pied by Lowrey and Wilson, on Main Street, Wellsboro, Pa. Morph 18, 1887-Iy. Bounty, and Pension Agency. I T AVINO received definite, inatructioue I u regard le the extra botintr allowed by the act aperoTo l July 28, 186 Q, and baring on hand a large suppl:, of all nereesary Wardle, I am prepared to prosecnie all pew slot) and bounty CIAITIIP which may La placed in iny h ands. Pereone and at a dietoncegail communicat e with ino by letter, and tbeki comuilinicatleue ba promptly MISIVIII11(1. WM. LI, WollBllo[o.oCtOber 24,1806. iili=l .. 00 e th • 11 45 a el 0 15 p m ... 7 10 a in 7.tai p ... 4.20 a ni, ... 4.0 S to in `, ...12.00 noon . 4.45 p w p .10.30 a ni .11.50 h —.10.25 a w ...10.10 p m .. 7.00 a m 5.00 p in .. 4 -5 it in .t 11 1,15 a ID 8.35 a n ° B. T. VAN ITORN