Zioga daunt agitatot ' , truing, at - COBB & VAN GELBER. St. 11. COI:10j (P. O. vats ostmEn. .A.3D42art , r2•13 1•3" Ci• RATES: TEN Liars OP MHZON, On 1.E138, MAKE ONE FARIARi. "5. 7 1 210 . 40, AM $2,001 $2,60 $6,00 Btma- l 4,00 11.......,0u'i / 16,00j 17,00 22, 0 1 ~.,,, J ........j 18,001 26,001 80,0 _0_40,0. I m,Dual noes Card inserted at the nat. hr a line per year; but none for loss sum gg~Spet cal notices, Fifteen Cents periTne, or Local Notices, Twenty Conte per line. marpolculleana• Arsocsossassk BUSINESS DIRECTORY. W. D. TERRELL Ac CO. ve.SALE DRUGGISTS, and d mbr, Kerosene; Lamps, W; 'y, Paints and Oils, Sic T . Y., Jan. 1, 1860 W. A. NICIIIOLT JOHN I. MITCHELL NICHOLS & MITCHELL, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LA V. - Offtee formerly occupied by James Lowrey; E:q. W. A. Nienots. Jottri I. MITCHELL. Wellsboro, Jan 1, 1866-Iy. • o WILLIAM 111. SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT• LAI V Insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency, M in Street Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1866. S. F. WthsoN. iv J. D. NILES WILSON &;.NILES, ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT Li r; . (First door from Bigoriey's, on the Avenue)— Will attend to business entrusted to their care in the counties of Tioo and Potter. . Welleboro, Jan. 1, 1866. t D. ANGELL & • MANITFACTURERS of, and Wholesale and Re tail Dealer in Doors, Sash, and Blinds. Also Planing at:WTl:truing dono to order. Knoxville, Tioga Co., Pa., Jan. 16. 1867-Iy, o GEQRGE WAGNER, TAILOR. Shop first door north of L. A. Sears's Shoo Shop, yOsCutting, Fitting, and Repair ing done promptly and well. ' Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1866.-Iy. JOHN B. SIIARSPEARE, - DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over John\ R. Botren's Store. "gt" Cutting, Fitting, _and Repairing dime promptly and in best style. Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1866-ly JOHN I. MITCHELL. A GENT for the collection of bounty & back pay ii,and pensions due soldiers from the Govern: went: Office with Nichols and Mitchell, Wells bars, Pa: ni3o, '66 - - Viz M, GAREETSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Notary Public and Insurance A ge4 Bless burg, Pa., over Caldwoll's Store. - - Z NAIL WALTON ROUSE, . Gaines, Tioga County, Pa. VERMILYEA A REXFORD, Pitortn's. This is a new hotel )(rated within easy access of the best fishing and hunting grounds in North ern Pennsylvimia. No pains will be spared for the accommodation of pleasure seekers and the traveling publics, [Jan. 1, 1800.] ----- PETROLEUM HOUSE, - WESTFIELD, PA., GEORGE CLOSE, Propri etor. A new Hotel conducted on the principle of live and let live, for the accommodation of the public.—Nov. 14, 1866.-ly. 3. C. STRANG. 'ATTORNEY AT LAW. Any business entrust ed to his care will receive prompt attention. Knoxville, Pa., N0v.44, 1866.-tf GEO. W. RYON, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, Law renceville, Tioga Co., Pa. Bounty, Pension, and Insuranco Agent. Collections promptly attended to. 001c.p 2d door below Ford House. Dae.l2, 1866-1 County insuram Pa. FARR'S I-I 0 T 1' I 0 (1 A,. (1` 1.0 I/ A C(1 II N T 1' A ~ (loud stabling, attached, and an a ttentit'o hos tler always-in attendance. , E - S. FARR, . . . , . Proptictor. ' 1 ittinifeltiSillg Shaving. ,-;aloon over Willcox A: Bat ker's Store, Wells ,ire, Pa. Particular attention paid to Ladies' Bait-rutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. lit aids. Ms, coils, and swishes on hand and made to or 10t. _ll. W., DORS'EY. J. JOHNSON. 11 BACON, N.D., Into of Om 211 Pa. Cavalry, titer 1./ 'tautly four yea)-s of army wrvico, ut ith a large • k vet I,..neelit field alld hospital inactive, hay open ed •nn 60.1 to thi , ,practice of medicine nod surgery, w all lo brow:WA.Nonni. from a distance con find good 1 ,- m hog at the Pennsylvania lintel triton %NI nay part of the Stain in consultation, or to I,torm surgical operations. No .1, Union Mock, up Well.horu, Pa., Mity 2, Vol.—ly. to Published every Wednesday Morning, at $2,00 a fear, invariably in advance, by No. of &eta. 11.1. u. 13 Ins.l4lnsl3 8105.16 Moor War $7,00 $1.2,66 AV. D. TERRELL et IV !lOU:SALE DRUGGISTS, and deal rs in Null Papbr, Kerosene; Lamps, Window Glass, Perfumery, Paints and Oils, Sm., &e. Ourning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1866.—1 y. C..F. SWAN, A gENT for the Lycoming County Inturance 11_ Company, at Tioga, Pa. Juno 5, 1865. 3m=" ti '' I‘l' FRANK SPENCER • . the pleasure to inforin tho citizens 'of Tioga snly that ho has completed hi NEW pIIOTOGRAPII (411.1.LEttY, is im baud to take all kinds of Sun Pictures. •uelt as 4 mbrotypos, Ferrotypes, Vitznet tss,Fa ries in Visite, the Surprise and Eureka Pictu t res • :11,0 Particular attention paid to copying and enlarg ing Pictures. Instructionif given in the' Art on re.sanable terinp. Elmira St., hinstiell, Oct. 1, ATTENTION SOLDITIIIS. - . WM. B. 5..?1T11, Knoxville, Tioga County, 11 Pa., (I S. licensed Agent, aid Attorney r soldiers all their friends throughout 'all the I.lal States,) will prosecute and collect with un 'Wailed SUCCI . OSS, . - SOLDIERS' CLAIMS AND.DUES all kinds. ' Also, any other kind of claim '4 l ,inkit the Goveintnent before any of the D_o_ { ',tumults or in Congress. Terms moderate, All ~,T ri'munioations sent to tho above address will rc ^eive prdmpt attention. , Jan. 17,1566. -, -. DENTIST.IIII,I". l( C. N. DAR TT, AVOULD say to the public that he is perma neutly located in llrellaboro, (Office at his 7 , ..sidence, near the Land Office . and Episcopal ;Thureli) where ho will continue to do all kinds of work confided to his care, guaranteeing complete , disfaation whore the skill of the Dentist can ,r,lll in the management of eases peculiar to the ;Ming. He will furnish ARTIFICIAL TEETH, • set on.nny material desired. FILLING & EXTRACTING TEETH, mended to on shortest notice, and done in the beat and moat approved style. . TEETH EXTRACTEp WITHOUT PAIN ps tho the use' of Anzestheties .-which are per r,ttly harmless, and will be administered in oVery ' l4 e When desired. wi , llAborb, Jan. 1,1865-Iy. `: • E.'SMITH, Ai. SURGEON. - ' 0 • • 'PER kTES successfully for Cataract, Stro, humus, (cross eye) Removal of Tomas, are Lip; Varicose Veins, Club Feet, .l:c Particular attention paid to diseases of tho Eye tali General Surgery. Consultation at °Lilco free. Referencia given to operations recently per. (Mica hours from 12 M. to 3 P. M. ORice at his residence, Mansfield, Tinga ('ounty, II Pa. Mare)) 27, 1867-1 .1' 3c. NORMAN STRAIT, t 0 P.NT for p l Om National Seriva of 9eandar.l School /' ' .l "°"; llblillhol by A. S. Ilarnea .4 Co. 111 .4 113 Wiliam. corner of John Strcvt. N. Y.. Icrum constantly nal supply. All ontera promptly tille.l. Call on or • ..ift.ss h• mail. N. STRAIT. Otceola: Pa , Juno 19, liiiii-ly. Et -IACH & EYS AT LAW. Office on Main --a_ Street next oor to Harden's Store: C. G. WI LIAI S. - C. W. BEACH . . ;Veiltili)r. June ", 1867-41'. J. G. PUTNAM, A TILL WRIGHT—Agent for all the best , TURBINE WATER wilEtzr,f4. Abu - , B tewert'n Ope)Hating Movement For Ong nod kultiy Saw e. Tjoge, Pa., Aug. 7, 1867, ly. * •;.,4 ouwg.m..www - m.q=...”...........................•111•M1M1N1M1N0W ''' :t : • i t —.- .....=.,.......,,,,,,............................. :„ . , ..7 -- ! , • • Q . . . "----- + . , iy..irc , i ' t. ', , i ' ' 1 \. :, c : t, : , .' : 1 . M l. . . %.. .-\' i , %,..... z ......._ -' ' 1 L ' I .:; • . •_ .: ! '". -N A ' . 1 . , . r . l k\ . 1 ... , pl - -: , -::,, • i-... ' .- :r-.- -.. '• - : , -1;,.! , ---\ ;- r ; -: , - , ,i i . , , , , !:-.! ';>. ‘, :, :,, ;1! . ti. t . i ., - ..4'' - ti, ii.; r • 1,..\_ .... -..... i , - 1 11 1 - ' ; - .'. ,'; ' ;:,'• ' i 1 VOL. X BE CLt i )THEDI, • JOSEP INGHAM .11 SONS, two - miles east of I Knosvile, Tiogn County, Pa., are pre pared to ',manufacture wool by the yard or ou shares, at may be desired. They make ' ' PL/INNP,LS, FULL CLOTHS, CASSI .IMERES, 1 0ESKINS, , and can prtindso to snip, particular attentio n to ROLL CiaiDING & 'twenty years expert rants thorn' in expeetin No shoddy' cloths made. Deerfield, Juno 12, 18 JOHN 'WOULD announce to the citizens of Wellsbo •Ur ro and surrourOirq country, that he has opened a shop-on the corner 'of .Voter and Crof ton streets, for the purposo of Manufacturing, all kinds Of ' ..C.AI3IINTET NITURE, REPAIRING AND TURNING DONE to order. COFFINS of all kinds furnished on short notice. All work - t ono promptly and war ranted. We labor°, June 27, 1886. HUGH 'i or Agent ' I lbe t . BLE LIFE ASSUIWYCE SOCIETY 4 1 ii THE UNIT D STATES. Insure your Life lit a ome Agency. IVellsboro, April 17, 1 67—tf. ' ' ' 3*. 8. 111 SURGEON CHERRY FLATTS OPERATES with Chl. celebrated Spray Pr Juuo 19, 1867—tim. \ . ,UNlOl i g MIN.E.II, WATKI HA VINO tilted up t wile of the old Union llote I 111.1110 W EVady t.. 1 , 1 . 610,i Union Hotel wits intended and tho Proprio or bell , Neil grog. An uttent ire ho t lot. Welblitiro, Juno 26,1 67. TOWNSEN WILLIAM TOW VREI HAVIN'G leased 14 teri well known Hotel tan Hazlett. I am preparedto t' local publieiwith the bolo cured in the country. A;fic tenolatice. Teams furnished Wellsboro, June 26, 1867, ' John W. ATTORNEY AND COIL Navin ) , returned to this making it his permanon share of public patron' trusted to - his care wi promptness and fidelity of E. S Farr's hotel eopt, 26.'88 —tf E. R. K GROCERY AND Ono d o ur a hovu ti WELLS - POI ( ' RESP ECT t. 1.1" public that ha has a eerieF, comprising, 'ronH, 11,1ot:trm's, Syrups, and ail clam Ftutdc. Oystore iii ( sunablo Jati. 2, IStl7 THE -PLACE T AT tilts Lawrencovillts will tin.l ov(ry thin 11w Drug Trade CITEAP, and of the bu..• 6 quality f Varnishes. String.% Fishing Tack 10, Cash paid for Flux Seel -Lawrenceville, May ' _I B. B. 13( TI 0 G AS just rolururd fr and desirable stile DRUGS AND You Notions, of ever} Plated Ware, Wall PaPc: Stuffs, Scheid 'Books, 0111 thing that is ever kept i Store. I.wouhl also ea public le our Stock of U (paled in the wide ivor Agent for the " Morton' ways keep a large assert Tinga, May 8, 1867—tf Glen's Palls Ins GLEN'S FA Capital and Sari?, -o FARM RISK-8, only N 6 Premium Notes re It is LIBERAL. ,It ning, whether Fire ensu It pays for lire stock barm4 or in the field. It , : rates are lower t equll responsibility. Farmington May 29, 1867-Iy, SUMMER. , ould partichlarly invite r friends and the public , o her new collection 04 GOODS, • latest T ellies of J_QCKEYS,- ERENCIIXEX)WERS -- , BONS LACES, All Eeleted with g reat °ato. Everythin g belong. ing to the Millinery Tralde of the LATEST IMPORTATIONS, can he found at her Remus on Broad St r ettt, to which would invite oh early call. Jiro{. E. D. MITCHELL. N. D.—Particular attention ', a id to Bleachin g and Clmiom Work. Tio g o. Pa.. June 5,,l To - RS. MITCHELL ‘ 1 Ili the attention of h generally, to Cllll end s SUMMER consisting of the BONNJLTS J. „. 11. RIINDALL, I SURGICAL A.N. AIRCHAiVCAL _ _ DENTIST. (r- FFICE at Isis reside ( Tioga, where he im until the 12th, and from of each month. Will United States Betel, fro I .and in Lawreueuville the 26th until the last d All operations conneet l, fessimi, whether surgien coive.especial attention. Having an improved 1 benumbing the gums, he teeth without pain, and the patient, yet no nausea,' follows the ope form will he administere! sired. Artificial Teeth of al most substantial and bc Call and BCD specimen Tioga, Pa., May 1,1 i lEM y customer& They pay CLOTI•DRESSINQ. nee iu tho business war n generous patronage. MI 'UHR,, UNG, RRICE. DENTIST, TIODA reform, Ether, and the dueer. I OTEL, ; = hotel building on the situ , lately dent roped by. tits, ul entertain guests. lot a Temperance 11oin4e; t ran Lai sti.tained itllGllt it attond:titee. D HOUSE, IVD, PROPRIETO4 in of years the popular and id lately occupied by A.'sl. furnish the traveling i nd commodatiotia to bo i ro od kostler alwir ,to flailing . nernsev, NSELOR AT LAW. county with a view of t residence, solicits a ge. All business on ! be attended to with Office 21 door south Tioga CO., Pa. 111:13A_LL, RESTAURANT, ,t 3 Meat, Market, ,* P Ai - y A 111/111leeS 111 tht) trading desirable stock of Gro- CidreeP, Spice.. Sugars, that eqlstitales a first very slyle at all sea- BUY DRUGS, /rug Storu, %chore you properly belonging to Or, CHEAPEST, Jr Cash. Aldo, Pallas, Palley Nations. Violin Windowlnss, Ate. C. P. LEONARD 567. MEM , PA . , ni the City with a large of goods consisting of MEDICINES, v de.eription, Glass and 'r, Paints and Oils, Dye eering, and finally every n a Drug and Notion I the attention of the ERMA N L A MPS, tln e lid, and also that I am 1 Gold Pen, and shall al 'lent. 2 , B. B. BORDEN. ranee Company, ILLS, N. Y , us $373,637,66 taken. ays tiatiinges by Light s ur lint. killed by Lightning, in lan other Companies of 0: PRICE, Agent, / icor° Tioga Co. Pa. lIIILINERY ! lICO OD, Welltibere Areal, 3 , be retied tram the 114 the 19th until the 25th e w lilossburg at the the Nth until the Iftth, It Sive:ma's Hutel, from y et each iumith. ~1 with Ilia: dental pro , or me - ehaiieal, will re- [binid and apparatukfor to prepared to exirnet n a manner flan Illit;SS to pauct,intt, drowt•lttesii nr I ntim'. Ether or Chinn id if advisable when tie- 'hinds inserted in tile utiful manner. of mechanical dentistry 7, ME Grocery ''and' Provision Store,'', COF N.~i•Y C. D. lEBIT-aLi, WHOLE'SALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all •kinds of pocoms_ , PROVISIONS; *lnes, Liquors' and Cigars; FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & DRIED FRUITS, CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES WOOD & WILLOW WARE, OLASb. CROCKERY WARE, ' CITIVDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &c &c A' full and complete assortment of The above mentioned goods of the Lost quality always on band. • particular—attention paid to Fine Groceries. Renters and Consumers trill rind it to their in tereSt to examino him Stock before buying„ . Corning, N'. Y., March 27, 1867. SAVINGS BAI\ K. OTHER WISE GARBN_ER'S GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE THE. OLD Baying,"that a penny enviedis a penny earned, justilics (.4 ARDNEIt in naming his establishment a Savings Bank. Economy is Wealth, said some old chap whose name I have forgotten; and it is economy to trade where the SLAUGHTER of high pt ices is being prosecuted with vigor and without reprieve. I can sell Sugars, Teas, Mo lasses, Fish, Pork, Flour, Corn Meal, Coffees, Canned Fruits; Spices, and everything intended fir family use, giving the buyer the benefit OF THE -- 0 duly appro cinted b e y Rows. ; those verdant INNOCENTS who prefer PROMISING TO PAY - tine hun dred per vent, profits to the seller, to PAYING twenty-live per cont, cash on .delivery of the goods. I -shall oiler my stork of goods at fair prices EVERY MONDAY, EVERY TUESDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, EVERY THURSDAY, EVERY FRIDAY, IT 13 EVERY SATURDAY, • Rnrl till up as fast I s I soli out. L. A. GARDNER. WeUnborn, Juno • . • , NEW DRS' GOODS STORE. Tun & BARKER, (NO. 5, UNION fILOCK.) WE have just received our nowand 'very large stock,or , , DRY GOODS, r= , v such as SUEETINGS, ' SITIRTINGS,• PRINTS, CLOTHS,'. CASSIMERES, VEST READY 111 ADE CLO- , THING, • frArs & CAPS, - BOOTS AND SHOES, also a large and well selected stock of CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, KEROk SENE OIL, PAINTS & OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,. DTC., ETC. • We are able to offer our customers the benefit of the „ LAST DECLINE OF PRICES in the New York Market, our Stock haviag•heen purchased alnae the great decline in Goode. TOLES dr BARKER WellsbUro, July 3)1867 Real...:state Sale. • Fri HE Subscriber Will sell or rent the following . 1 valuable property, to wit: One tavern stand in Lawrenceville One farm, on which be now resides, one•half mile from three churches, two School IteuEes, two grog shops, and ono railroail, and about the mama distance from the line of the Wellsboro and Lawrenceville Railroad. The farm contains HO acres of good land, GO neres timbered, well wa tered, and very productive. It requires that the seed should be sewed and plahted. however, to ensure a harvest. One farm in Jackson township, 175 acres; first-rate place fora chee:e factory. Also—fur mules, 75 sheep, and other stock r oheap.oti reasonable tehus. M. S. BALDIVIN. • Lawrence, Apr. 17, 1867—tf. • IDLATED WAAE—Caho baskets, card bask -1 ets, castors, sugar howls, etc., at • FOLEOS. THE largest aseortmont of Watclois,'Clocks ..lowelry anti Plated Ware in 'iloga. county At • [l9dociffi] • FOLEY'S: LA MPS.—A alp kind of lamp kr, Kerosonn:-L no broitkitebf ohinineys—at FOLEY'S. ..k. ), M .l ngi u kg r ao;Tattiall*Z*VA:vj 4lo t.v - -i , v‘r.r , -4 - 4:04-9 , Ao:lFilFik4lo4;o*"W•t - - . "-*' ALgitatiena. cif ', *b i ts s ~WELIASiORO ' S PA., SEPTEMBER,' 1.4.18 MIME =II = selekt ratti. LOST LIGET. p:fy heart is chilled and my pulse lint often and often will memory go, Like a I.Aind child lost in a waste of snow,' • ',-.l3nelt'to,the days when I loved you so,. , The beautiful long ago. • . I sit here, dreaming thetn'through and through, • 'Xlte blissful moments I shared with you— ! The sypet, sweet dlys when our love was new Whrti I was trustful and you wore true— ; 1- ' Beautiful dsys, but few. • ; • , •• _ Blest or wretolied,-fettered or free, - Why should I care how your life may be, " ' Or whether you wander lq• land or sea?, , I only linOW You aro dead id me, Ever and:hopelessly. • i Oh I how often at day's decline, • • I pushed from, my widow the. curtaining vine, • : To see fronlYour lattice rho lainplight ; Type of a mes Sage that, half divine,, ,. Tlashoil 'from your heart to; mine. - grice,move the ettirlight is Silvering The relies sleep by, the garden wall— The night-bird warbles his madrigal— ' And I hear again through the sweet air fall The evening btigle . • , Bat summers will vallish and years will wine, And bring no to your window pane— • Nor gracious snnahine,'nor patient rain— Can bring dead love back to life again— I call up the past inyain. My hear is' heavy, my heart is cold, And that proves dross'wilich I counted gold; I watch no longer your curtain's fold, The window is daflc and the night is cold, And the item , forever told! ntisctliatteans. FOR FATHER'S HONOR. "So much. gone ! 1 might have known how it would bet" said Mr. Ster ling, looking up from a morning paper, with a most unpleasant expression on his face. "What has gone?" asked the wife. "My money is gone," answered Mr. Sterling. ' ". That money I was foolish enough to lend Mr. Granger." "Why do you say that?" "He's dTd," replied Mr. Sterling, coldly.' " bead !" The wife's voice was full of surprise and pain. Sorrow overshad owed her face. " Yes, gs,me, and my money with him. Here's flake of his death. I was sure when I saw him go away that he'd nev er come back except in his coffin. Why will doctors send their patients away from home to die !" " Poor Mrs. Granger! Poor little or phans," sighed Mrs. Sterling. " What will they do?" " As well without hitik as with him," was the unfe6ling answer of her hus band, who was only thinking of the ti3ree hundred dollars he 4ad been per suaded to loan the sick clergyman, in_ order that he might go South during the " He's been mama of a burden 40-,,,a, 0 ---. .- - -- • - ' , smut' 0., use twe.,-,,,..e 0 .. • , owl i lig, writing for the Land IYe Lovc, explain:3 the mysterious process Isy Which a young lady prepares tie. to We rather like it. • Dismissitig Mary, her foster sister and insid, Miss l'restort performed the lc of disrobing for the night , , without any assistance than that of her own nimble • lingers. First, the little lace collar and ribbon wt removed' from the neck, and the brhht merino dress laid aside; newt the snowy'skirts were lifted over the head, they a' spring touched in front of the rounded waist, when, vtith a clicking tnetaltie sound, down mine the wide ex panse of crinoline, whih Miss"Charity stepped-Milt or its steel etrele, considers-. (Ay collapsed but all the mettier. A somewhat similar operation was repeat ed and numerous sPrit4s and curls were set-in lively motion, and with a ) stretch upward of the plump white arms, and a long drawn sigh of relieoolf came e the little French "railroad" corsets, and the dimpled shoulders of the wear er rose in unrestricted freedom. The snowy night-gown was now slipped over thel head, and ith delicate frills daintily adjusted to the throat and wrists. Next 'the mirror was visited, and the charming little moues made at the bright face, it reflected,' and then seizing the brush, the girl proceeded to apply it to her glossy curls until they shone like satin." • Thence to the washstand; where teeth white as cocoa-nut meat were rubbed until they.gleamed still whiter, and the rosylfhee dipped in the gilded basin of pure, cold water until it glowed with renewed crimson. And then drawing a low seat close to the fire, the young girl laid one pretty foot lightly on her knee, and began to unlace the tiny boot which encased it; in a few •moments both little feet were bare in the childish beauty, and pressed down on the hot bricks of the hearth, while a Careful measurement was made as to the rela tive lengths of the big toe and the next 'one to it, for in this" important differ ence depends the momentous question it. 9 to which of the two shall rule in the future married life of the measurer; it having, been decreed by mysterious and immutable signs that Should the great toe be ale longer, the forthcoming lord of the lady will be her master as well; while if the second has the pre-emi nence a similar fate is in store for her- ; self, and her only master Will be. her ()win sweet will. In the present instance;_both of the soft pink toes were of such sameness of length that the inference was sufficient ly clear that destiny decreed the mar ried life of Miss Charity Preston should bona scene of equal rights. • •- • The young lady sat still and amused herself by doing a little prospecting in the way, of gazing down into the coals glowin . g before her, and then taking her Bible from Its stand, she read the lesson appointed foK the eVening, then knelt and said her simple prayem A puff of fragrant breath from &pair of rosy lips, and out went 'the candle, leaving the room only by the rich firelight. Then, unbolting the door that Mandy, who slept in her young mistress' room, might gain access, when it should pleiise her to leave the delights of the kitchen, the young girl turned' back the sat blankets and snowy sheets of her bed, made the - impress of her rounded figure in its snowy depth, laid her innocent head upon the tastefully trimmed pil low, and went to her happy dreams. • " J nevinti shot a bird," said a fr' •nd to in Irishman, Nvho replied, " lever shot any.thlim in the shape of a, bird, hut a. squittel, which II killed with a stono, whi , iot fell into the - river and was ro w " ",7t