• . , ' ireii.s--; ..--"' ';' , T4a.'.; l4 =l..4lfi*: ''. ~,,,, 4 =4:;i- 4' . ---- ... .;' , .1,,",- ';(1 't ••• ' . , :;, , ".;,-";,- ~ 4. •• eio • - 41/0 •, 64:1,41t-dounig aotite • h Published ovary -Widneaday 0 t g . ., 7 . 5- A 011 i, a :If ' rL„, W 4 _11; . - i Year 10111 ,4 11 Y ina 4 v j uic/e, 'b y , .4', -- ''43';'......41 'COBS 8c• VAN Gr l feat .„...e00D.).. ~.,_, :., .: • , itr,oiva_s: pm._ ~ .... :.- --- 7 ' --- ------.;-, - -- :#- -- ' , ..' , .-41- -- ;, - -±:--iF : P - CTlXtr.T.l3ilsa Wi...pairß. -.. i„ T4N / IMI,EB- pi) 741,1f,10N, OR L11523,.*5/1:(4111 80114* Islo. of 871 7 1 In. sins . Clus. $ lita743 - 5108., 1 feitr - i SAnare, -..,.. $4OO $2,00 $2,50 WWI '57,00 $12,0 . 6 2 Sqnaras - - ZOO '4,00 , 4,00 :` - 8,00 -- 12:00 18,00 ffalfCola.. - . 10,00 15,00 17,00 22,00 :800 : 50,00 oaa ad.., _21.34,00 28045 20, _ 40.00, 60.00 80.00, irsainsineas dards - Wearied at thelists of , oho Dot; lar a , Rao per Isar ; . Inititonstor lesa Sum dna 15,00:: 05.8peCtal I„ , ;ltkcos, Flitoen Centsper 'lac; Edltorta) or Local Notices; Twenty Centaver ::)3uSilktus z‘':ppittloat:: :' & WitOLBSALE _DRUGGISTS and dealers in Wall Paper, kerosene 3Lanipsi Window Ohms, Perfumery, Paints and Oils, &0.,- cto. Ooriting,,N7l.l,Jan. 1; 11366.-Iy. • • • w. A. moms , JOHN I. MITCHELL. 'NICHOLS & ,AUTOIEIELTa; ATTORNItYS AND COUNSEDODS -. AT LAW •, Office forme4 ooappied by Jiui, ea Lowrey, Elfq u. A. I Niouot.s. I .TouP cittt t ,Wellsboro, ;Op. 1,1833-Iy'.'' • ' • wivt.tirat ATTORNBY AND COUNSEL I Inffuranco, Bounty and Pension Street Wellsboro, Jan'. 1,1 S. P. WiLsort. WILSON- & NILES, ATTORNEYS 4 00tINSELORS AT LAW, - (First 'door frein Eiginiefa,* on the , Airentte).;— Will attend to business entrusted to their mire in the ootnitEikof Tioga and Potter, Wollsboio, Bari. 1, 1860. • 4 :-.. a. ANGEW & CO., MANUFACTURERS or, and Wholesale and Re tail Dealer in Doors, Snell, and Blinds;'-' Ale° Planing and Turning done to order. 1:n01[5411010ga Co., Pa.; Jan. 18.-1887—ty.-is pEoitot - WAGNER; TAILOR. Shop tirst,door north of L. A. Senr;a's Shoe Shop, . 07 - et:Wing, Pitting, and Itdpair ing done piOtoptly and - • • Wellaboro, Pa., Jan. 1,1888.-Iy. , JOHN B. SHAHSPEARKi • DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over Jobn R. Rorren'a Store. Far Cutting, Pitting, : and Repairing done promptly and in beat style. Wellaboro, Pa., Jan. 1,1866-1 y aonri I. MITCHELL AGENT for the colleotion of bounty;,bach r pay and pensions due soldier - a from the Govern. moot. Office with Nichols and Mitchell; Wells boro, Pa. - • . ro130,!86 - WAR. GARRETSON, . ATTORNRIc AND, COONS :LOR' AT LAW, Notary Piblic.:and..lnadra. co Agent, Bloss barg,-.Pa,,•ci#,er..Caldriell's 6 ore. • lIZALAK WALTO 'MOUSE, . Gaines, Tipga,cgT ty, Pq. , , V ERMILYE A. & REX.Pbil:D;Pnou's. 'This is a now hotel located Within easy access of tho beet fishing and hunting grounds in North ern Pennsylvania: . No pains will kio spared 'for the ascommodation of pleasure spehers and the traveling public. [dan. 1, 1866.] PETROLEUM HOUSE, WF.STFIELD, PA., GEORGE OLOfiF, Propri., °tor. A new Hotel conducted on principle of live and let livo, for the neepmmodation of the public.—Nov. 14, 1866.—1 y. ~ 7 J. C. STRANG.. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Any businoss entrust ed.to his ear° wilt receive prompt attention. Knoxville, Pa., N0v.14, 1866.—tf --T -ORO. W. RYON. ATTORNEY b 001:1NBELOR AT LAW,,Law renceville, Tina Co., Pa. Bounty, Pension, end Insurance Agent. Collections promptly - attended to. Office 2d door below Ford House. D0c.12, 18,66L1y • - C.• SWAN, , AQENT for ihejLyeoinind County .Insurrive actmiosiny,„.atiTkoza,,_,Pa. , - - tte b, iB6*. 7 4rir , LP 7. FARR'S. TIOGA, COUNT ,`PA., Good stabling, attached, and an attentive hos dor always itlatteadanee. E. B.'P: RR, . . . . Proptielor.- Efairdressing iisloon over Willeos 3i Barker's' Stern; Wells. bore, Pa. Particular attention 'Paid to _Ladies' Hair-cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, ote. Druids, Puffs, Coils, and swiohes On 'hand and mode to or der. , W. DORSEY. " J. 'JOHNSON:" DBACON, late of th 6 2d Pa. Cavalry, after nearly four years of army, sertrice, with a large experience in Bela and hospital practice, has opened au office for the practice of medicine and surgery,. In all its branches. Persons from a distancel can:, find goad botrding at tho Pennsylvania hotel, When desired.— Will visit any part of tho State in. conoultittion, or to perform surgical operations. No 4, :Onion Block, up 'fake. Wencher°. Pa, MaY2, • - EW PICTURE. G:LLI4II.X.-,-, ' FRANK .S ENCER has the pleasure to inform tho citizens of Tioga county that he has completed his NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALTARY, and is on hand to take all kinds of Sp i ri Pictures, Each as Ambrotypes, Ferrotypes;Nignottos,Ca - rtos de Visite, the Surprise-and Eureka Pictures; alsh particalar.attention paid to obpylrig had enlarg ing Pictures. briztruotions given in the Aruqn reaaonable twine. 'Elmira St., Mansfield, Ont,q, IMO, • • • • - 4:IPT NITION.. SOLDIERS?? _ It.' Sti li:noxville, Vega County, TV Pa., (U. S. licensed Agent, anti 'Attorney Cut soldiers and their friends thrlinghout all the loyal States,fwiji prOsocute anti collect with un rivalled sueeess ! ' ' 1301,D.1111118'. CLAIMS AND DUES • of all kinds. Also, any other kind , of chitin against the Government before any of the De. partments or in Congress.; Terms moderato, All . communications sent to NM. abovonddre:s will re. calve pronipt attention. , Jan. 17,1866. - I)ENTISTRY. fa kir • • N DAR TT, MI WouLD say tothe public that he is porma neatly located to Wellshoro, (Office at his residence, near the 'Land Office and Episcopal Church) where he will continue to do all kinds of work confided to his care, guaranteeing comideto satisfaotion where the skill of the Dentist can avail in the management of cases peculiar to the calling. Ile will furnish ARTIFICIAL TEETII, ...set on any nuithrial desired. FILLING & EXTRACTING TjETII, attended to on shortest notice, and done in the boat and most apprbvhd TEETH EXTRACTED.WITHCUT PAIN by the the use of Anmstbeties :which ore per fectly harmless, and will adminis(eredn every eage when desired. _ - l. • Vellebore, Jan. 1, 1t365-ly • • - . smart, 7 .-_ „.. • _SURGEO.N. : OP .RATES eueeeesfully • for Cataraet,'Stra Wane, (eioss • eye) Removal of Tumors, Rare ip, V,arieoffe'Velns, Club Feet, 14 o . Particular atteittlen'pairl to dis.eases'of the Eye and General SurgerY.. .- Consultation - utak° free. References given to \ Operations recently per formed.' , OMee hours fromtol 3 • " Office at. his residence, Mansfield, Tioga County, Pa. March 27. 1.8(17-15.4' Noubtan STRAIT/ A GENT for tht;- NottiOnal • Series of St a in/ 3 0 SCIA "I It Books; linbashect by A. S. Barnes & Co. 111. & 113, corner of john'titreet• N.V.; keens constantly %fell rr— - ' y Call on ti . r - - ;N; STRAIT.' • • A TTOII,N, EX43._ 91:5 co Ph . M Oft, 11.. Street, next door to Elitrden'e' Store. e. G. WILLIAISIS, , ): C.., W. BEAOIII.' Wellsboro, June 5, 1867—tf, • ' • • DILL WRIGHT-fkgimt fer - qt . *, hest TA, TtirtlfllllV . WATßlt" WHEELS. • AIR) for Ste,arra' OtieMating ill. ,ovetnent for Gang rind Mnlay Salve. • - - Tioga, Pa.; Aug. 7, 1807, ly. :~*w}=;::Kc<'l=•)r[~'Hfii+A~.~9~;?~ ". ?L?"i✓'q :,;`i°~ry6 WWI , NEIIII ~ ~ i~: .. ~ -,-:,,..,:z I -::;; .';' , i , I VOL • _, , ~ _ . ,- .i ~ - , 4- 0 ,.:.t r: ,: t ~,"' ~!•,..,..1:11:,,,! , k 43E; LOTHED , i—o ,:irP• .11 . ' — riiiiIII{k 4 Aiiit'cl' - ' ' t" ' ,BP, . ~. . ~„ . c!‘'..,„nAlf , P...ePt. Ea gy or /01,0 10, Ttogn Ceentt,!,ro„ ere'. Pre pared to mann °taro ' Wool by 'the 'Ara or ,on . abares,:es may e.theilreil; : -- Thotinelio-v i+:4,.,' • .1. ; , ._.. , • ~ • c -,;;• .;.-1,; - . ; ;,- - , - - i• .;;,-;.-,;. '-; ':•;: FLANNELS ;.FULL , OLCiTHS, CASgl ' - "iia RES,•.; 1)0E*1115" ,' - "''''"'' and pirtienlar ftti -; grweilly rtr)lts tliem I No'shoddy'c Deerfield, R AT LAW - gency, Math •W Ott •ra.aa ()paned a ehl ton street?, f, kinds of - J. B. NILES I= ,REP4ARI to emit*. 00' • ahOrt notice. ranted. t 1 Et LiPri: A Insuro -you WolisborO, STIR CHERRY ? i OPR - AT _ colebrat: June 19, is MINER WATKINS; AVING fitted up,n now hotel building 'on ,tba situ. Hof the old Union Hotel, intelydeetroyed .by I am'now read3l to 'receive and entertain guests. 9:41 Union lintel Was intended for ttl'eropetance ifot se, and Ma Prolndotor believes itenn.be sustained without grog. tAn utterve hostler in t attendapee4, li, 'Welfsbora, Tgo 26" 1867. , • . TO t NSEND HOUSE: row.h...swivo, • PROPRIETOR. T AVING zed fora trzu'or ;yertre. the popular and. Mai well kno , an - Hotel eland, lately occupied, by A. Hazlett. I am Prepared. to farralslittlio Ararellniz -bud local pUbllc i wit the keetAccolumodatlone to bit pro- cured In the co utry.. ;A m good Hostler alwaks - Al , dt tentlanee. • Tei , furbished tollithine, parties. : Wellifboro, .1 ue 26, 1867: - ' •• • ',,"= ATTORNEY AND. COUNgEtOR - A Tsi A W.. retu bed to thiff ColiWiy th:a.yiew Of maki‘i ir It h pofifdit:r{ont;i6oi44rico, , Ahnro of ilitA Alt hinitiott- - trustod cure 'will - liiilatt . .orklod,' 4 'l9 with promptneslf i tnd ficipliti. - Office2d of E.S. Far 's hole!: ' meta.. • ,:11-1 L. KIMBALL, - - ~ i , .- ,t • GROCERY ; ,..-ANU, RESTAURANT, Olio ctutr . nboir.c j ib? Iktont Oar s , WELLSBORO' -PENN'A, IVESPECTPULLY nrin'ouiltiei 'totho riudiiti public that bo bassryriesirublb stsrik of (Ito li. 'curies, comprising; Tens; enfices; Side s, Sugars,. 'Molasses, Syrups, and 'all that constitu bn-st.'firstJ , class stuck'. Oysters In 'every ist,le 'a! all. sea: sonnblo (101:1TS.'+' , 1 • . `i• " •;• • ' I • '•, -.._ Welleburb, Jan, 2, 1387 — tr.;' —,- , L j" . , : THE - -P.1,4 0E TO - 1311 Y 'DRUGS. ' . T the Latvrapcovillo Drug 'StOe', tii;ltitro , . will find e%'tayithindproperly belonging ,t 4 the Drub Tfild't;:• .• CHEAP,' CHEAPE'R,"' CHEAPEST; '', ' and' of the heat quality for Cash. ' • 'Abio, Pilots, Oils;Vainishea, LAinps, Entity' Ntitions. 'Violin' Strings, Fishitt;' Taeltlo,• Cash paid fil a Elnx Seed.' ' • LEONARD. - Layrreneevil , hlaq 8;11167. ' - , r I • B: . B D OREN. 8.. • • • .7. rO • GA, P.A.,,• • 611 AS jukt 14t t urneff , from the: City 'with large. rind degi ble Steck of goodS consisting of DRUGS AND : •• Yankee Notiop4, of every dosVription, Olase_!find Plated IVare,Prell Piper" Paints ,and Staffs, Selma] Books, Groceries, lend filially every thing:that is ev J er kept in a Drug :lied •Notion 'Store. 1 would also Call the'itteatien''Or the ptiblie'te our Steek of iIkIItAIAN. LAMPS, tine= quoted iu the wide world and 'O4 -that' Vow Agent fur the 111orton". - ,tAld Pen; and shall nl ways keep a large assortment. " Tioga, May 8, 1867-tf.,, . B. B. BORDEN. Glen's Falls Insurance Cornpany , GLEN'S FALLS,' N. Y. . , Capital and Spt•plus $373,67,615 • ,-. • FARM. RISKS, on y, tulten. :33 • •,- 3!, 3 ~, No Premium .N•kites required. •, ; . :.---''''', It is LIIIER L. It pays damages. by 'Lied ning, vtliether ire ensues or uot. : •., ..- . ,It pays for I re stoelc - .killed 4. Lightning; in barns or hi the •lcf. • . , Its rates aro lower" than other Coniphniesiif equal responsibility. I. C. PRICE, Agent, ~ • . Parakington Centre, ,Tioga kecir Pa. Way 29, 184711y* • ' l ---- , SUMMER' - MRS. MITC IIELL would partioularly,:invite In. the attention of her friends and the public generally, to call and sea her new, collection of 'SU:.f . ER.,. 0:00DS, • , consisti gof the latest ricurelties of . --' BONNE 8 45:„ JO,OK:W. - ,S; .EREN PLOWERS;;..`:IIIB-,:f; 801. 5, , . LACES, &c., .l'i ''''; in spletett with great c o. ' 'tter,ytlillitlielong• .ing,to the Millinery Tr ide of the LATIPT‘ - IMPORTATIONS;"" ..- -• an i)e fuund at her Rocanq Street, , tO *Weil iitluld invite an arly - A firs.' -mrreuntt..- • N.,l3.—Particular attention paid' to '.Bleaeliing Acid CUVOUI Work..- -•-• - • • Tioia, Pa.. Juile• 5, 1847-tt - ' - 4 ; J. SUI?6IC,A DL tIPPICE at I Tioga, wh until the I2th, qf - eneh month] I.T .ulted:Statea II and in' I.dwre tho 26th unfit t All operation featdon, whethe ,ceivo eapatial - flaying an in benumhin. , b the, tee* withoutp Oho patient,. y° nausett,ifollowa forte he aired. "- Art.l66iir I:A(1st n b ;RI lit it 4/4' Cali and sea ej Tioga, Pa., DI 1 7,41,,‘„14,,,,,,,,„„,,,,,0. ~; 4 ~..„. ~,7:::::::::::,.:.:7,1::::::„..:::::),,.,4.;.:: ~,,,,,,,,:::::,:..,,,..,:.:1..,,,,:_..,:,,,,:„..,... ~,-;-::---:::2:-::-.;,-,:,'.:;;1''":777,..-:.,„:;::;:''''''', - .'4,..'....:_..-'l''srf.'•-'‘,''''' fiti„---.-i-,._ ~.. ~ . . __. i+ , t ,,,,,,, i ..., 44 „. 4 .„,i,„0 : ,i i i...1,,,,i,,..: 1 :_,„. ! ,,..,•,‘,..,.:,,0,.. :T r t ,.„,... ~,,,,,,,,,A,,,,„.c i. _.i i. „,,,,,,,,,) . „t t. „._,,,,i , i , ,,,,,„.,,,..,,i . 7 , 1 4 ~,„..p. ..,,y.„.,..i_.,,,_i.,,,,.. ..„„,, t ,,_,...,,,,..,,..„ ..t.„., ~„..:,,. ......„.. . . _• ; , . ~-------_., ~,. ~,. 2 1 - ' A '' s ' :.l l/I".V. - -h • , 7 -....., • , 7 , f -,,,,,.„.„. : •_ „.. 7 ............._ ~ ~... i, ~..10..„ -,•, !;: ,-, : t.,,,.. •tt r:.,,41,.,..,,,..1.,,..,,i ! -,,. cr , - , 5 , ',-... ~,, -4 , ., ~, , ' ~...., -• ; ~,,,,.,..,.. ,„,, - ------- s.. ,-.. f ~.., ~ .-I IAO O , -:- , 1 ,- -..1.- ~ . ' • - - ...1 ' ir,xi . -; -- '.. . : ‘,'' ...:' • *',.`-• , :,::' ,• - ,: , „ 4 , 4 , ~...: .- ; ,-' -v..: : ;„ - i.:.':' i I it.. - ,t;'' '- ',•=. — =' - 1.... I' •: 4' ' I 1 r: :: , 40111 ~., .. 1 : ! A 4,: \ . 'L( .. ~. , I ::-7' ! • ..,, 1:4 - 11,.., .'• , Z ..--. al ' i.i .1'- , ' - '-•l.' . i.- i't ;1 , -, 74 ;0 . 4,0-“.,: r •,,, , ; ...i' ~ ;:i . ,•. ; , --.- --.... ... ...'• ! • Ik\ \ + ' ..`'-.: i.. .,..: 1 ..,,. .; i i, ., ,. 5.,,, 1 .) : f pi, -).,- .1 . : : 4E. ' , .. , ,,11: 5, , , , _ 1 c:: . :. ':...j .. ;:r '' ' - N I ..,' ..- ,' ,l ) : i.. ) - t . - ....:„ l i s" . i f. ,.. - k i .t ,..1; ; , ,,.. . i ." .: ~..) _ ' ; ',r! ... .-- 1 ,...;V. t: i, ... ,, : ve - ) i .. • • l a m -- ) •\,. ~.. .„ ~. 1 ",--:- , p4s-- , 0.,•01 .il .0., , 1 :14.,_ .q' , • ;•,,A.;,,,• -,''..•-,,,,,f--.'' - i ~- ! I :, - :•;' Lk: : •g- _• .. ~ , .....44.0 ~.„1.„ • , . , .... i,• - . 4' 'i -c ' i• , - '' ,l-. •• -'', ' , Al;• ' '-----"‘:‘ ''• -t„ ... - 'l' L '' '-' —-.- :. ' /-------- ..• t 1 1 ,- ..„. ‘. ' . , , t .,,,,,, , ,, m , _i . ..,. :4 ,,4, ; 4, 1 —.'.., ,_., .- ', --..-,1,4,, A --,,,•:: .,-- 'i , ,'''': ':...,1 - \' , ''''," ll - . ' 3 4 '11 . ' 4 ` 4 4 1 01° .. :.,:"-f,,,,- -,- "-1 4 :I! 411- '' -1 :' -..' - [- I ' , ', -• ~-::, .....:-.i...d •c .•,'. ' , 1 ' '.,, i'f/ri,:i.7.,i , i'a ,':i 'ei ...z,ill. i'..l*liii.• 0 7,11-1 6: '; ' ''.. ' ~,1 i.,,..•ii: 1.. , • s t ..• , . - - k, , ,' .-,• -, - ~,,..1 - ... , er ' ffi.‘-jit: rtifj7,...T.5...H+11.1 J,ier.1 1 .5i4.,41' 7?.144 * ' 634'0 i -,.,, . !':., . . ' ' . ....---" • ... .. '-- 0" ..--- .7. ~ ,' - , 4.. '' .........:._ '. 1 ' ' '...z'2,,. ' .. '''' " ' -'.64 ' “.- . . .v ''.. - . - -....:; '' ' '.., ',., 4 1- 4t , i'-: 1 - .1 . 41 - 4 1 ' t ~ -;. 1 ;'--• :',„ 1 , .1' , .-:,;;;-, 'iejj,-i-..., AA, .i-':;10 if :g ',. 3A 1.3 - .1 ii:Aitrifi.,..„ . i.. - . ',.. 3A ' ' ' - ,...1.'_,A, - :1: .1 . ~ . l'i,li - .1;`,-: - . . _ .7...1- -,,i; . 7: ~c 4 ••,, , ..).:- (:.:_:,, . I. S , I 1 ' ' s I= ,r :t!, t1..:3::; if t • ;;• . XL „the:ylV,,kn oti tp”. • ' . &;01;0111=DRESStN(1. the gOiyoipg lAttopAge"; s made. - ' ":.'"" lIN . .t•SUIIR^:•-::- • • oouco,to,tbooikisens of ii'elisbo rouncljug. country, that he has thA isornlar . 1g Wo4ol' owl, Pray , opurßom ilatiucqcturjog t 4 ET PURNITUtE r . ,‘,.., AND tutu4igo 'FINS of all kinds forniatnuploil All - work done protttiitly and wnr • • - Wollaboro, Juno 27,4868.4 • HU H Q-U N Agent for the, :• ..1: i4l V , A-B • L E! ►SUR ANC `SOgiVrf P F; "A UNITED STATES. Lifo'i!f a Homts'Aieiroy: ptil 17,'1867-4. r, 13, , MERRICK. , • ,i . :.EON -DEN-TIST, , -'t ,- TATT%c-TIOCikIi:96. ' : iik,, , S 'ivitli : a . hiii+oforn, Eitici., -- itna alit d Spray Prodacor i—dm Anot ' COL,"2. 'i 4i.,i I• •. 2 .1 lEM/ hn LW. Guernsey, • RANDALL; ND: I IIkONA N. 10,4 V.T,,1. S 'T-`,:,' is -resplotwo„oti.lV,oiltl)o.ro„etroet, ISund.frout thella ml frail] tiiial9tb - until 'the, 25th ' Will be in Dloahluirt at' the eel; from the . 1;0 until.tho ovine, at Sic:teen's Ilotcl, from e lust day of each mouth.. Connected with. tho.:tiontal.prol. surgical%r= tudehttnical, will re tention:: 1 ' ' proved liquid 'and _aoparaitta for 4uni*, be is prepared" to extract in, and in. a wanner harelesa . to - I;tupotactitni; drowitinoss' or he eperotion. ..,13titer;nehloro 'infitered;if .aditiaitbitt • r . _ !tv`bP ull ; liiad p i*i6:4;i;`(nd in' the 'pecimena of in4ichan leaf d;antialry; ay 1, 1867, ,''"?,' • C 4 7, ri l kibLee ..daIait4ICLAPP;IAI 11 2*110U.Witti i r .• o3 ,' ,:,„‘ 7 , • '.; • -• - rider • tf • tti 13. - ••. 16 , ' • „ =Mr MBE . GrOderr - and ,4 1 3 rottlision - ; •, ; H.', 1.17 ,f , •; 1 . ,E 4 , 41'r h tvol' •r. ; 1.-I.i' t 4 A" . " 4 'l3 4.i. ‘h;j , SiXr• air 'it •• e“,.'t-4 . , t - .e • I HOLESALE AND,JI.IV,VAIL ' Dittat 'hi Dal kinds of . ~.,:;,... Jr , I ''..; tr 7 - .•• •1 ••1 i • ' ( , n i • , . . , • !.. ,- ' • .. ,4 - ..1 • • I'' C'. GROCERIES, PIOVISIONN •- I • ~,,.. ....! IDE Liqu orCOd -2. ' Cigar% '''" ■ „41 • DOMESTIQ; letEk*T'eo LIM OA LA LATI D i1 2 :1 Aki) ...1 ' „KFGEP.A..BILgS, WOOD & 1 4,41LL0W Oft_OCWERY•;WARE,- ECM =" EN . ; ,•:. , - ,; ,i; ciumpapplis CARRIAGE ) ,c4PS.,. & EOM 4 1 ERA.M.811145 .TORS TOYS; &c.; &c; 41 full and Complete • aiiortment'pt the 'nbove . montiuned 'goodamf the .beet quality always on . _ . Particelar,— q tet?tien• to..rine -Groottripe. gbdalers hndeotiatuncre will' rind it to their vtoicat to examine hie Stock beforo buying. ' • Oorning,'N.T., March 27, 1867. oliminmm it 1' . ,:t: 0 THER WISE :.:.% 1 ' G ,4,11. I) N E 11.:',.. - ..5:,, • , OROCERY AND •PROVISION STORE, v•_, ':,. • ,-. f., ',.1 vt ,. .11 . ,.... , lILD saying that a penny: 'stayed ; iit, f ,a; : ponny IL, earned, Jaati6.3B (3AItI)NEIt l'itmauung his .optabliehnaeot n Savings Bank. kloontmaY.: is - Wealth,,a . ttid..lotpe old ..chap., whose naukor,have fprzottoti r and 'it itcoonnotny to trade whoro.,itha iSAT23 - 0 141E11, izOligh prices is being p_roseented etith,viger and n,itifout reprieve. I can selt Sagfkra,l'eatb, lesiva, • Fish, Pork, Flour, Onrti., Meek Coffees. capped - Fruits , Spices, arul everythiog, ;intended J2d3:ll:lZ the buyer the benefit .'O -V: 11 • tlO''d fall of the, markets, an a van ,a tt r y zt g elated liYnieryhdtlY.;exceptindonly'eltohe'verdznat =I I &IsT ►• EN TS Pit) prefer ;F . ./tO/11/SING TQ e4iktcn hyin-- fired per cent ; profits to' 'tho,.fMier,,te „ 14itity-five ,per .eept„ettqll .(;/[ delivery : pf the gOds. I shallpffei my stock , Q,f goods at.. fair prices --' EVERY ,, 3IONDAY, EVERY TUESDAY,. AVERY WEDNESDAY, • EVERY THURSDAY; •.'"" EVERY FRIDAY,,, . r ' AND EVERY SATURDAY,':,, ; and fill up :IS fast as I sell out. ' L. 'A. GARDNta. 1 . 014 iii t ( : , i, j Ti 0 , ?, ' 186'T; ''NEW DRY GOODS STORE.. TOLE'S & DARKER, (NO. 5, UNION BLOCK".) " =ME 6i, , e)iiee . very largg efocif. of - ;DRY GOODS; =I SHiETINGS, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS; CLOTHS,: !CASSIMERES, ;VEST- INGS ,JIEAVY, *ADE OLO rtAps dAtis, BOOTS AND -SHOES; I= i also a largo and well selected sitacl . CROCKERY, HARDWARE, 'WOODEIs WARE, 'STONE WARE, ORO- , 7 iSENE; OIL; PAINTS & 'OILS, SOO SRS, ; TEAS, gOFFEES„ ,;., SYRUPS„ MOLASSES, • 1: - .? MTO. ' ' titite'tti offer 'o'er' COationirs tieneili' of t ItiAST 'DECLINE' OF 'PRICE'S' -in the New-York Market; our Stock- haring been purotineed oboe tbe greek*ekike in f Aqi . cds. *-- , I'OLEEV dr,IIARICER,` . W l /1 0. ;ii4 r, 444;1808', I •‘, IIE fitibtioritiee oir 'tont till) 'follotiint valuable 4 , • 9no tavern' Etnnil iu liiityhttninvilie: I- "114 e farm, on Which' hel s it'orw'• resides; 'One-1141f roils ;fro& two grietibbps;littd the' ttol'iirke br.'ilie , 'Welitbc;t 6 440 VaWren'iieville s ailiur d ; aeres et. geed . • !Mid, 511 iCe. Jiiebored;'Sveff 'tend; very productive. v - ,lVrtiiplireelliat the se,k4 Wait j)lnyted. hOwever, te harvest:,"H.•;.`U"', , :y firern . ire Jii'elitibit toWoiliip, 175 neros ; a tiri.E•rokif ptittiVfotiii , T 71; A(4O-46 0 1)411-4 itulles; . 75 eb,e4ii, "otil ' er stock: in Iters:' ' ' ";.! " 7 " 14 " - Alt; . f.4 - :l3ALif:sit'iN: . 1 17;1 811741;; ) ' " ' . „ . PLATEDbasltpts,.qq.rA bask-- etsometors kp„gar ..* . _ _ an!, . - .tYgre!o lopk. team:: `" i iPOLEY'S . .,. , • „k•ii ''T new kind of Itep 1.4 no breakage of oftiaineys at FOLEY'S. . PRIED FRUITS," EMI , ; ; 1 i 1 THE., 1 ',L.': :A.,.1.1•1 t. Ls =MEE 151MIII gm lIE MEMO =I such De : et• tr . ' ;17 . ?" ”. Oft; 1 I> ~ 4 ; , ‘,. .11: f , $ ' , 7 • ' '•-x . “1. - :*‘ ' ',... f tol erst . i s .i -,, 1 „, tt „,... ? ..!.,,..? , 4, ' i ...•••00.,- , • al•ii t• 4 , .._ ,4 l7, ./4.,,e,.. : ,11:,9: L l' • lit it 44Pr 1 44. 4NR -tC9T . 4014.: , . 0 I i:1 , .'• - ' , "'Hi ,iiI.S.V.2-7-47.14,, :;-•• e it}' .. ',',:i..ili • ti' ki t(l,' - Y i IX' e.c.f . .f f i l if .'• f'l , '; 0 1 : '.3 , 1f., ,1 A lOf 1.f•.. c) ' ocl.l ',ot ll i t , ,, 01 gvet4l9:* #le' Pcit& 4 i ;'i. •it ': :'. 1 ; :' 'Rip . unlnu.ol 3 4„k9POOPtd,,tutl, VI; threP;; ; 1 • . , f:i i 1 4nci in iki1,11.13 illy ram; '03 , 3 z. , -.7 , 3 /Licit a ndlegt,oly, with:. gloldezi. hair,. ;• -• • ',.- •, i ~ 7i i ,13yAlo•wilil mune' plaabingtwearily. • •• -, -•- „ s . -I iiti.) , 1 . 1 VC' , • I 4 1 1 t 10*, 0 1 18 .P.? rIPP bP. l 4);‘,o,§' ..,F -... ". f if: .1, -, i t, `, Gulliu4.a,nd young, rilith stain 'of:gold, .! • • ,t, 1 Sto&L.t idtithse ni:du oau orivve - .'"•' '..' ' • -':- -; To cheer his pattiistiYiB the giiivo,:' `'' • ' '`.'' '' ' i Ity,,t,ho wild wares pkniAllug wearily. ; " • , , 1' UNE ~• Tbd lady - bright is kind 'and ''g6tiod, The, paixon of : AvomiusiMiwd And:her wi;(1,10, - .1kid is leiti 'and Beloved alike ? of , 1 49 14 agll ) By the wild,ixaVes 'plashing wearily. 'Otero dwells a fisher 'greiteiltrill(h' `,llt t a little cot with nifood l pila4,,, /Lie iserusy•vife,.and girls and boys ?That climb to ble knob with a pleasant noise,' By he wild waves plashin k oheprily.. 1 ? 'v. ;And the lady ef, th&ettatlirsigro iWifen she Meets the uslie'rivife l si gladdening 4 9 ,7,, And wishes that Heaven to bless her life • Mad made hertriMt'mr'pl frail tip iviifo; , - By the - waves plashing 'Cheerily. I= ,'Phe,lord of the castle, riding home': • --- p•ei the hard sealsand Irhere tlici,hreakbr'S Oft qe - ifto fisher, his labor, done, i Sit with his wife, in theilint the sun, • By the wild waffiis'liisshing theefily. ••; with his Wife, `and 114.hoys andgins, handling the loungiagt with gulden, curls, ,- ,•::, And turns Ails envious Oyes aside; ; '." • ;Audjr,ell 2 nigti'wei t sior'tkiipt pride,' 1 :: By tio wild • VIII. !‘ '4l rank an (I' j:tate, y )yealtlk Abat,poor teen,eall ect great,.'--- "• Could' hare that tieboriikan'ijoys,- his happy itterte,.littld;lllB giro 13ittie ..Y.o4ll:VgayeS,,plaehljig',lo4C4ny. Itiii i illin'firits. gOW I FIRST MET,-MY-WIFE.‘ It is just five years thigininimerthatl , was granted exemptiOri for- One Month : from my desk and - Went dotni with my ' :chum, Horace Hyatt,- tohis father's in '.old .MOntriouth, the garden - of that - un-• Jtistly abused :'State,' • Nekv- deraey.'- - I .should-never have forgotten 'that visit; . ‘.even 'though Iliad not' there - met ,',With.' 'an adventtirelliiit hikid t its - Aiii,ittiOneci"- on the iiihOlp, futUtle'td,nriy. "life., I,,Shiiiilti, 'reineitiber it 'for theleal tyliehospitality. ,of the:.„llyatts, • for tho. Solid old-ti e cern fereof.the,farnb and tho. quiet- way in which. within, a couple of. days, after lrly.arrival - I:was;p - atinto'possessio - ii ' of 'll,l-Ind made tek feel that-it all - belonged tovie,qci - ilnjuSt-Whiiti - ',Ppleased:' with; .There Were' -pleiry___Cif liorse'9o. - -- - e't ` pieniiof - ympireoekfaiftrcive "Ira. • Ali_ this shall 1.1 d: spoken with ' A proviso. I. Say,we i lint let it,be undeystocci that I :06. not mean H omcd'i'tivosffiterli,-Carrie and Nettie, as having pa'fticipated In Atli these snorts. They rode, to besure, ''and charmingly they did it;, they fished, .and a tribbliged to confess Were iMuelk Juekler thim their guest; biit • they' did not shoot- , --though-I shall not exult over ,their lack of this' accomplishment; they .were,eharming„enough 'without .it. , I , am. lin eel' 'shall ' - eXcite lick jeakiiisy 'liy deelaring that Witii.'• one' - exception, Which I shall not Mention here, . Carrie and Nettle:Hyatt . Were ' the two most' charming girls I hird ever seen, and I was just hesitiititi as to whic.of them I should fall desperately in love with when' my calculations, were all disturbed bran accident; for'so 'I suppose-I 'Must 'call it, though really._ seeming, like a 'special providence. • What this'Waii '.I 'shall tell in the best way I know hold. - For some days after my arrival at the farin my curiosity - hadhee,ti mtieWeiMi ted by,the ocecisienalpapegyrielavished ' by .the young . ladies upon a once school fellow of their own, , May Stevens by nalPe; — .Aiihb was, ,!ace,cfdilig ri „to their highly-colored account,', .the most?: lier 7, feet thing in the shape of woman then Hiring. I tried ta,persuade,mYself that nothing in that line could surpass Carrie ',„and. Nettie,, but' still thet.repetition '. Of ~thiti May Stevens haunted me, and came like a shdow across,my new-hoq i ,pas .: - sloti- i': OtiYied 4 t , atklleast4 art ; Pti niiry, May Ste ens' iiiiirdci`what - P von ': the figure w still with me. At last I ,WaS worked into, an agony, of, curiosity, and trembled with some great purpos I which Should bring bisfore.MOthe object ' ofk my thought and-of the two sisters' .continual _conversation. '.ln what• this I' would haVe endedit , is , impossible for ''meat this time, o say, had not I heard Midmorning asl enterect,the'break'fast- Mein the startling- words from Nettie; -"Ami so she IS'eglllitlg at laSt.' I'm ' so lad l'. ,.; Whether - it was thetrain, _of , my, ',lh.onght was upon that point at the mo ment or what I cap noteay, but I knew 'directly the whole'inatter.- Isa*Carrie with an (wen letter; In :, , her'hand, and coupling,it with Nettie's, wordsT knew, that -the , hitherto only = heard-of may Steirens.was about to become -0, 'reality., I hadno need toaskqueetiono ;Jail -the ' - infertnatidix - was', proffered: 'May' Ste-: vens - ; !the' incomparable - 14 y; : was to spencla month, ..at ;Hyatt'S,,, and ' they were ,to,;expeCt !hors .at ' :any raiment, :thbegli t 'asThe, letter ; read; -she .xinglit I pot he down: ler • a meek, to : , corne. , .A. ,weekl _lt was an age a tentury,• and -I Was in ;a. 'flutter , o 1 -excitement. 'My long-standing !paSsion:: of - nearly -.•two • ,Weeksikdurtition for Nettie end 'Carrie , was fOrgotteri-in 'an' histatit,', inid' my whOlkiiiind - w ' absorbed'_ in'itittltitig the _best:figure' Ossibli3 liefere"..the'inew eueen,-'',With '51464113040 Atii* ~10. ks "kW mY . Wardro p'..;', I htid - I ppoine 'iloWn' With sufficient' clothe§ to answer all 4irdinary-purpOsesOneluding of course ,-Nettietarid.Carrie,,,lint‘thi3,new:..griddosi was. certainly 'worthy of .a new--rig .on my, part, and.e,ertainly should. have , It. This resolution ' - was, , madowithioilfteen Inittutes after hearing :the -.announce , Merit of herinteuded emningiandbefore two; hours hia'gone by . I ',wa,s whizzing 'enjoy 'Niirti„Y: : l6 ±,toWil. to_ arty , iclt- uty 'reselv,e, , MY,choleest, morsels of ':wards, ;robe shbillil be otferea-on ,the 'shrine .of May Stevens. :I I II bad absented myself on, the,• plea of a suddea, itiemoryofbusinessingleptedi -audlnid faithfpliy,promised-Nettleand, CartidthaCtho,6ext, ility'ehilitilti.Bo Ins Ao. t aiyi.iikiliii. itt.:..Myettia to, stay . -tint -the te§dththat May SteVens,- the - woe derw ;NJ, w as About piiSs'*itlithem. :' : • :,-,', . . The - racking of brain - t• attlity,,Lo ere-J. 'ate , a grand ensembie of etistnitie,: :seine- thing :146i1d all criticism-that should at the first glance strike,' the , beholder. *M - ee Vstrith " admiration;'.,WaS,:, ;Weed. terrible., ;The labor-of f.wilting" "Para .dlWLostP•wast.nothing to it. It was • &Ali , ' in thelditrwhen'l. arrived - at' my pity looms, apd f04a1it,..1un,40 T t ,..deo , 1 0 and ledressed;"coilipareit - rejected, and 'eeledted, and at the end of that Aline' 'I had laid out those portions of m wear- ME lIN EMI MIS , .. " '; • .nhle , h 2050, Steve tci tiu the wo ,thp 1: fit "ovei .01am ; end Eli !nib 'ilia' iniinteres - ting read w iiiiievo . oath+ of sleep; ho I flitind it' *lien i the shad of evening fill, for; tothe betel •iny r olleotion, ' , was hi thevery midst of a eam in which. ,l, t fay, ;Steyeri6 u . at , tired hi book=inuelin ,and pale blue. satin, at' oh a-blinds' eldnit, an d nadnai 4 . ringl iinquiredt,Who My , tailor wile. ;Just ,i. waaahent to inform her, there canl, crash, •and; tor a moment; I, Was note irelyte'rttild•Whether it was . the ciond ad exploded ormyeelf had „torn sPnici QrPiPk, Pf ;41.1 , .APParPl...thnt , ',,Waa oVers bed. It.:required , but a me- , merit t ~ l•Wakeh me'' to • the ''fact ,that bethi.. • euniPtions *ere t.Wrongv t•It; wee 0 train c the BSA, thakhad run, ,off, the tr: k,, smashing m things, generally,, , arid s'g lling thif contents of several brig- 1 gage re along the road, to ElaYncithing , of fri ~ tenths. hags hundied passengers: into : condition, bordering, ~,on„lunacY. But • oat terrible of ' all naishapS, it' spine! me, clothes Tindall, into a pool of mu' and) wateri i :from 'Which I. es:" Raped • ith life, but' utterly w.fecked in, the mr of goodelothes.' , •'Pis was' a pret ,' to Of-things ; Mid' WA-lake ''it still • e, I . was • exitetlyAlVik'miles' I f froirn g destination'.' I . ' was '' disposed' to tn. 'inyselfr 'Agreeable, , EindliwOuld' have illinglY renderectall 'the , 'assiiitP aura filmy power to , ' the'.uriprolected Tema"! of the Wrecked train",s,l VI: had been i • any condition to beset% f 'bilk' liart , i 4 , ashamed of-lny, appearance,' I' , rushe from the scene and' started for Hyat a, the determination strong' in 13137,b east Ito reach; that haven, before' 'day,li_ ht and get.into a decent It not ,a stun ng.. , -;of! , clothes.; .a,, beau ifnl moonlight night, and.verging‘ dot,* on.: toward- eleven, o.',clocki, - That did not:deter me.; • ‘.l was deterriAinod, to walk over to Hyatt's. I No , sooner ;said than ,done.„ I set forth, •- Five •Miles ia a fride,4articulatly. to' a man, in-- my eonditiou, and just as my watch marked• the quarter aftea ,midnight. I , marched, up the lane to the house. There was, a single 1101_0, he, seen in the house, and that in, my, nom: .hat pat 11, approaehed near i the.house,ip'4)pappeared,.nud ,the vvheig. liouse was, la, darkness. :- ,Nly, roompaate„lkirace, hadevldentlY just, gone to bed: . po, .p2koh , the better. , I. didliit.ivant even', him to Bei , the in, that I plight. c hly bedroom; windows locked. out ii on the rerlfgaftbeplazza., j,wonid not d, the heue,e hy, knocking-011, no, het .a bikof it,--a,,,Clinab would 13e,t-, tie the business. Tha thing, Was , l exe-: cuted as soon as thought, and in a few seconds I stood on, the piazza: ' What if Reface saw hie' In that plight;: - and,' I should be compelled taexPlain that thy vanity had ledmete Walk five miles n" the night, and seale a - piazza 'to escape beitigseen ?'',He would neyer get''(lend' jokinetue. NO, he should .not , see - , .in tht1.41,-(:•In a 'few . !,secende,;',Standing 'Oll, 'the AiliOri, Ij:diveated.) . Myself ,of - coat, veStVpatits,'bbobt, ( hat—ay,l . even.of My shirt„aild steed' Confessed ,Tt. ;blushing ....4 r . .i)ellqn,in,,nnder-shirt kind ' draivers ! tal.fli.ituailv...OUtt,tiati an,,. thonlez:. yielded, and - reprangintomy own room. By the moonlighti Which streamed. iii 'E. `saw, aligure in 'twhite, half , 'standing; half crouching by-the tedside;rivith .thd covers of the bed •drawn "10. 'front of it'; and I laughed .at P the • idea • of 'Horac'e being frightehed r ty'iny appearance: Immediately afterward!l -reflected ithat scaling the piazza :bf 4 a 'farni-house 'at' lilidnight, and fercingnu entrance by a window en • deshabille had' rather 'an Alarming; notid el biirglailous' aspect, and I therefore spo e , With the %inten tion of re-assuring him,--when a trem bling and unmistakably femininevoice, halfeergamed, , half faltered ; i • , , "Who are,youl!!: 1 {, 1 i ,:, if t • i ' ' There,are such surpriscs,as, , without a terror ' absolutely , deprive lus of the power ; of. speech .until ,the brain has time to act and reason, . Such. surprises :do;{ not , generate screams and faints. They are expressed by open mouth; and. silent wonder.. This was, the•case .with myself and my room-mate., Rightlby• My side, with, her face -within Ahree.feet bf my own, stood a young woman, not, more-than siiventeen, with great,- dark hazel and, such- great masses of brOwn culls tucked, away under, the neatest little night-cap that ever - was. Sho,had gathered the, bed-clothes, with a spasmodic jerk, up about her ,throat, and .with the rigid, astonished ,look, , as though doubting whether • she wee sleep; ing or waking; ; gazed, steadily . in ,my , eyes, and repeated her,question,‘: !, , , ~,, "Who are y0u?" . .,,, ~, • , • ~ 3 , I II E 3 t. 114 = ' T btuited out, with, "Row came you here?".; ; The figure stared still la• speechless astinaishment ;Ant in a .moment,..as. though awaking.frorn ,its •stnpefactlon, spoke- 77: . - • t t!,„ . ,:,...., - •, 'Are you •Ciharles 11,Oigan • • . • .1... 4 Yes,"- was mii , rather •subdu6(:U an swer...• - ,• ' )•1' • • ' S `Well, then Mr.k , 'said" the figure',. by this timeip:caking' ea calmly and quiet EIS dignifidd as' thoughthe ' drawing-root* tihr-May'Stevens,itnd' I waS;put into this '- 4 4!poiii evening' after an unexpdotdd:` flOrace' had gone' over - to ViteighbOr's''a ; few miles off before I get here, and' was' not to - return until morning.. • That is how was put in this rooms'; ' ',• r : I :S6 ,here was I, -\;i9414,-.VIEV 46 Miry, Ste-, Vens;-thaternythical lady,. , fot:the , firSt meeting with' wlion - v T intended to , liave got up suCh superlative toilet, , ; and , she' in hernight-ce.p, and I-ininydraWeit a nice:style of introduction; and a ' hiew style Urtoileti And sho by this time was as cool as the 31st of December - arid • stood looking ine'rightin'tbe eyes-a 4 made ,soine scrambling! - thtoattstioti Of 'toy being found in that most extrhordV Imiry situation and costume V '';lt; 4 ; Was ••fi lame explanatioW, wonderfully . tip, With irrelevant = matter; , rand; etate- 1 mcied-and stutteredthrougli in- a V i tB;3fi :that should have disgusted any sensible .persoli.ll She seemed , . to- be seriously, pon4ering ; ana; -thinking during, the recital, and'atits end, lookingrit Me: as though asking ;the Most simple question in the 'world, said •• I.'Whatii; to be done?" . - .• • "LetreejumpOut of the ' window,. as, I came in,"l said, in a sickish tone of voice: and the; reflecting thatit 'would ,neve - f do to put Ott these clothes' again, :-nor tti, stroll about The ; farm-,as' I -hastily:exclaimed; • ,; ; - 4 !i•T•SPliio! 'Won't 'must` haVe a iecent ' w 1 pent 'etn;," atiC beytth looltieg rolind for My t' • • While x was doing so beard*, lois° -behind acid turning. saw she had sprung -into bed `and - was drag,gin the clotheS up . to bet' neck: i• - •' 's'Yodi'must dress ` yourself inicl awa," she said:: 4 .l Will lib, atilt' lvitli' ray bead 65vereO'liut4;376:W . L0 4 4 0 04.!' Attd,exkslie..lll4, , ,l3urying her.. hendAki the bedel - otlies,4o SuPPress her ifkaghter. , I hastily peened ruy,trurikai4l,gpt,,ont an otlieT,,suit,:; ,and,; as i.;tiastilly r , arrayed, royself l itt 1- ,Then "was has4l3l.Ae - , tlixtell, 4014 ..:veritpre TtoAlayir.witiumt he slightest fear of dispute that iiiiman ever sneaked out of his own room more iitii ' ?: 3 3c 1 4;; 11 1 3: • 1411Th1t,,3.,4;'.. ,- 861 'which tX• b axti - deddear. to; r4P.P.StranC(-.l)erom *oi;- t ver i tted etArAaeir,r„ bourn atitYltiggetiWel it objetrolatlys vielt;'; thought, dr i Hp_ , bad, idea 'foranO to take: . Wal,ll, -Oita „tly;l,43l:l4pik "1 - oatel3;" instead 'math*, sooner ? sal <4le.: Peekeatv , • bebillioddo,n WPXitt. W.11444401140:-PME-5 ...ivit'aiVov,tso.4lo*-Sqrwo-AWAvvA - MOVEN ;Virilms.,Clo:2o;lo...fr't ~..;,;:,f;). I CI., ; ;-..•';: e ,;.!:i. t I,iil MEM =stealthily or triSreiignoininottsly than 'I ~ dlitliq.• ; ,Th 4 morning we 'milt,. May._ loileve9 B - sn'd 1"; tirthS l bretikfast4able. n . the :shartioterr the `-liewlyt'arriv de td,e4in were, t.thr intxodueed, „during the, coreinonyiof yhiqx we ,astotlndpd e7ery 'one - prellt es Mid Idantod. 1 . a - thorn" of won derlif t ie Eildiv, Of And , Car-; - .,rischy, bursting .simultaneously into. at ilipurty laug'whwl3,, littvo,noyer faiTed _t h,-,. o repeilfiviieneVer I,ho meuriory, our ' , first conies And.' .now,you' have the.'whole story uf,how .111 fin.t,n s . l 4 wifEN, , ,Vo,any , rnind then basnit been such anotbetmeeting Sine( the memorable occasion Of that first on( in Eden, - .71 - 1`; , ( -' i fl , , i'f.Prom-tlie Barthern Tierce ' ottel ''', • • ' ."*" 'Talking' Like Foo i •i' - r- . • ; }Every day Vt. t:ivo . vie ' heti '''some' One discussing' .the. subject of mperance. aid . d.epracating.,problbition "because ;dice is More - liquor 'drunk when it: is prohibited than vlienit is free:":' If ive -liatl.t:tot heardthis 'Argued so often; and with such, real sing.erity.by,peoplowho Otfght, to- knoii hetMi,.we should believe it iniiiiissible that anyremild' be 'iiii intbt hated. i 'The slightest acquaintance with the physiology, of .habit,.let alone.;th,e, tinysOlogy . of ~ drunkeness' would . be 'sufficient fo SlioNiellie abdurdikf of this idea; , ; ;It is a'factwhieli the most obtuse' haMe.-110tiCed'and are .constantly acting, upon„that.babits, strengthen ,tbe more 'they, are indhiged. 'Every tobacco' user can certify-him hard It istd be depriv 'ea vf his quid or 'cigar.'' After he has ,became accustomed tolts absence it was. ~tiO,deprivation.. "Where no coals' like ' l the'llre koetli Out" and' the habit 'that) has nothing to live upon is -doomed to 'die.speedily,.-„Prohibition strikes.at the Oot of ,a. gigantic evil, and seizes upon thOtbod . of 'il; 'vile habit'and hicks-(ltn i i beYOndreaeh - except at great trouble 'and,expense.. , There are a fewthatlwill. ,have liquor at almost any pricebutthey are 'of a clags Whom it is worth no effort to salre: They are already to'o fay done: 'Rum is- not to them a pleasant draught,' 'it iis..a. liquid demon that answers „to. the `Cry f agonized' nerves arid bewildered bratti that cry- " giVel - give!" 'and they ivi/thivire It. 'Eut'such cases are,the ex 'eeption,,aud, the: masses - Of; 'moderate 'drinkers, those who resort ,to 'it as 'a pleiteure'easy . of'atta'nment,'lvrill lie se= riously checked eve by so shaalPa met ier-as, doubling. Its nice. , Prohibition puts it out of the rea h of those whose,;taste is not yet for ed and those in - .Whielrit is only:' par hilly formed. and 'prevents.the tymun which, acquired taste exercises 'over its victims., But, says a.doubter, ," if you say to-men they nlialadrin 1 nly makes them 'the. -More anxious to do it." 1 .Now my good 'fellow did you ever think of the absurd ity of that statement. For 11., few days', .or.eVen' - Weeks'arid Months it :Might "be true 'with a certain class ,who . hive . s 0 much of the mule in them that they never know they are in their normal condition . , eiceept, when going in oppo sition to :nubile opinion,bUt the class is v.ery•liinited;and as soon as they cease te'atttact attention to. their efforts, the deiiirOjndrinic more than usual will be etiOiteti by a - Consideration of lxiiindS ofirniiigEi and pence.- -That Prohibition' will stop drinking we tio4ot '''AiT,'Wa' A t. - -t h i Llvj 11. »>}t- a., do _to 'attenilarit - mivry w&-lully• believe: It ts not : that prohibition will reform .but hatit will pre r vent intemperance that i we advocate, it.. The hey who 'level: learriS the 'taste - of liquor will rarely lie ,ppme afiranken4outh; the young-man Who is unaware of, the, spell' that •3urks in the wi,ne T eup is ittfittle danger of be ing a drunkard,: If men never taste they` Will 'never feel the craving hick 1 3 successive tasting creates if , they se.ne stimulants they will be , tree ifrou '` the temp t ation to eke out their streng h . of mindand body With the sparkling, owl. There is scarcely a person but ItliA•sten dy; use of liquor would so,comple y put Ili its power in the course :,of ode year as to leaire them cin the ' highWaY to drunkenness.- • 'There is safety this side 'of the first glass, there is danger beyond,- and,prohibition alone will, avert . it. 7-- Xectiiiiquor away froni,the boy and lie will not seek it, for he has no taste ac. , quired for it, and when Men prate about there being more liquor, drank :under the rule of prohibition that Without it, iiet,it, down that they 'are talking like fools;' z ~ . , , • • . , , , , . , LOST TREASURES: 7 .M ' a large hothi in Atlantic, : city,., one day, a lively conversation arose over the fish at dip - - ner, and 'Several 'of the :guests related .some extrabrdinary stories about 'find ing pearls. and , other , valuables -in the entrails of fish ; When an ,old man, who had -been quietly liStening to what was 'Thitssing,'broke 'forth withthe following : ' ,o ',When I was a young man I wasem-' ' ployed in a ~large importing house• in this city, and, as usual with , most per sons of my age then; I' fell hi loVe with - It; certain young lady, and in due course of lime • was engaged: About :two months.before-our marriage was te - take place, 'I was: suddenly sent to 'Europe 'on very important business, occasioned by the,death of one Of the firm in Eu rope.' '1 tikok a - hasty ' 'and affectionate leaveirf my intended•,:wittx-the proniise 'tiahear, from each 1 other often.. ,I:was I detained somewhat longer than ex pected; but jtiSthefore I sailed 'for battle ..itturchrised if handsome and very vain , ablediamond ringi intending it for, . the 'wedding ; ring,; and when coming ,up, ,New - I.',ork 33aylex"pectiag shortly to be ,with her Who w' soon' •to bentin'e,' i I ,was glancing oVe the morning, papers, Which r bad been l rought aboard,by,.tbe . .pilot boat When what shoUld I see but rtn,aCeoinit of her mairilitge with alioth e r,' 1 which.So,enraged me that e in my i pas aiOa,..l4brew. , the , ring,:overboarti: - A 1 few daya.a.fterl.was dining at this) very 1 hotel ; 116 h was, served up, and in eating .it c .l we on something hard, •and ' what - d0;..v0, suppose it was?" . : .':. ', i "Vile diamond ring I",exclaimed sev eral, :, • , , . T y , - . . wge:"' wild' eitr'frierid, 'Preset - win 1 then . ISTii s 'n'6•dravity; 4 ' if iv - its' a - fish bone.". • :,, , I i ' A.Mbittat krvEn - irr Rtrsathw A - km.bA. -.-The largest, most important, and the chief and queen of all the rivers west of • the Rocky mountains, and north of 49 ddgrees ' 'north latitude; ''is' - the' great •Knitchpek‘ r which enters into Bohn n gls iSea; - tietween : (l4 and , 65 -degrees 'north latithde, by:several months, and on the parallel of 165 'degrees west longitude: -Th.is'great river has an easterly conr:4e :for some , five degrees,. , then : bends, , ab-, , raptly tethenortb. some, lour ,degrees,, thence nearlY eiist tO a paint not far dis taut from the'BritlSh'fropeler, where' - it t eteltes -t 11 ct.•- Pordupino or , Rat : lii ver,- Irtini-tbe northeast, and the Yukon from, , the 'southeast ; the junction of thesetwo riVers . form theKnitchpok ;'.itisnaviga bleto the sea, distance - of - one thousand miles; by , stetwiklieabs;--frbis 4 river hpd t hover. been r, seen. , by- .wilite 1:11 11. :ill i,t`i i'l9lolP,p,ourse provionS,,to the ex lorstion for, ',the 'Construction"' Of 'IN) RaSSiii'n Amerlean Telegraph; in: fact en i inany ,maps the Yukon was-traced as,an- afthi ent, i Of „an Amaginary,,river, _,etnptyirig. In tlie,ArctiC_Ocean, lint 'explorations hayeddterni Med' the* reatteograph leaf , - fa4t',whick,placesthtiN.R.rfitchgelt, at 'the head Dt rdiyivers on AM northwest coast, arid •giVing - Atissian: America the largest 1 river north of 49 degrees. -,.. WHEMERM ~.: ::.~ :.~ ~ _ e iffl - ..., i 11111 POST OF Is , CONFEDBIT X ROADS, (wieh th . the Stait nv Kehtucky;) :„. August s l, 1867. ' Last rite ther wuz a convocashen. uv ,the saints connected with the Institoot (iiv with DeSkin Pogransi is the cheefest and loveliest • among ten" thousand) to take sweet counsel together onto several matters connected with ,the institution uv learrdn, the successuv 'Wieli ii. so deer to all uv us.'' . The conversasben liappenin te , turn. upon the conferrin _lry lionrary degrees, Peekin Pogram sal that he bed a suggestion to - make. , He bed notibt that a ithe lerulirreolleges uv the contry bed a prattle uv oonferrin tltles, , sich ez M. 1 - .). ~, ":.A.,,8.,?_' 4 ,' L. L. D., 1, and siehi onto distingUished , men, Om he-wuz,free,-o ‘ say that be didn't know wat I n thu derthey meant, or wat, they wuz good. r. Buthe het{, potter In a noospaper tbt no college bed } yet, conferred any sic onto Andrei:. 'Johnson. Consldrin it burnin shame, lie wood se jest that ez rebook to the hide-bound instoeshens uv the North? ,that this college do to-wunst confer all uv em, and ez many more . ez ther is, Onto Mr.. .Tobusori. Bascom rernarkt that lie didn'tknow whether the Presi dent would feel complimentid. "' Yoo know, Deekl n, ' ' sed be, ' ' that this ain't Much uv a college IP' . . • .. " '", T ” roo,- sed the ble.ssid old) peece uv innosence,.- " too troo to balance that, Johnson ain't much uv a President, yoo know !" lEEE ~, •Aitd so the honrary degrees. WilZ con ferred and 'notice' thereof wuz:sent Win . • From this the "tpiestion uv Alie next , 'nein inee, uv the party for President came up. Bascom, who isn't a far seein man, asserted that it• mould be necessary,to nominate Grant. Vhe Deekin remarkt that he tho't it -wood' be safe, but *- Feller tho't different. He didn'.tbleeve in the first place that it become a Peace party, or at least -a party, with, el it dipped its hands In gore at all , did it mostly in Northern gore, to take up a Northern General wiela- lied dun. his hest, towards sendin many.thousands uv Southerners to their long_ homes, and besides the General wouldn't take it'. . Bascom wanted to kileWrwat the con ference,:at 'Long. Branch -meant? 17f Oeneral Grant .wiaz in the control uv Weed, Raymond and the Noo. York Herald, Wicli ekal to the World, the Flesh and the Deyll,•he felt that be hed trooly found the broad, :14facadain, tzed road to Demoerisy. .11e begun to hey hopes my him. ,Various opinions wuz expressed by various persons, when, without coining to any conclusion, we separatid. I retired that nite, earlier. than' usual; and my * Mind dwellin oth, the - chances uv my continuhi in offlis in case ,uv Grant's accession, fell.in to a traubled . 4jeep and dreamed a dream. MethawA, gathered in front uv the White - ' Muse ivuz a gallant array ilv •'our • friends. ' There • Vui 'Franklin .P6erce, and Bookan non, and- Vallaw diglanni, and,Woods.and Magoftin, and Monroe, anir . Brite ' " and Breckenridge and the leaders uv the Dimoerisy, all a Standin their, lookin wishfully at • the White.llouse, and wonderin how and by. NVat means they coca git in. Sohn son,' blessins on his head, stood onto the portico - whvin to mu to - come,' but alass! '•guardin the passage stood a miafitirimaknyAllustidltaaVaLkslArit inakdthe'stormin uv it hopelis. • "How shall we get in ?" sighed Bel niont. , ' Ab, indeed , how?" answered .Hen ry Dean. , That's the great' moral question— how?" choked Bon Wood. "My friends!" sed Thuriow Weed, "it's easy snuff. When yoo can't sore like the eagle, crawl like the' snake.— Sokin is preferable; but crliwlin will do at a-pluch Is ther not' ;he Lion uv the Republic? Can't yod get him out anirmounehith ? The Ablishnists hey a:regard for that same Lion, and wlll never discharge their arrers at yoo when yoor on his back, for fear uykillin him. Besides yoor fidin him will in sonic 'de gree do away with' the prejodiss they hey agin yoo." , • • But how,kin we-mount him?" said they. . "Trust us fer that?" said Wood, and him "knd -Raymond trotted off to ;it him.... . , , `They gpf the Lion out, but ez , soon ez he east his eyes onto, the crowd he tit= tered a roar which struck terror into their soles, and lashed the ground with his.tail, and cast up dust with his claws in a manner fearful to behold. ". tfell never stand it!" sed Weed,' " onles he's blind-folded," and Thar loW wrapped Raymond like a wet dish rag over his , eyes, and, that done, him and Raridall'pared his nails and blunted his , teeth,. so that of the bandage . shood wiggle off and . ho show see. wher he NVIUZ ho .coodent hurt anybody, and shaved his mane, till he looked like a very innocent Lion indeed, 'so 'that his appearance' woodent startle. them not used to his fiercepis, and in that con d(lehti th - ey.led him very, quietly down the crowd and . give the word to mount. .." - i Lord! ss'at, a scrabble then They piled ; on . from the tip uv his ears to the end of his tail; and them wicli copdent git on for lack uv room, hung to, the feet uv; them wieli bed. got • on, Witt'. it w,nz,nothin less than a pyramid n Demecrats. , 'Many; when all wuz 'loaded, the W • ra Iwuz givin mid=the lion moved om Taey wuz dented. , .He had ,strength ei utr,to carry em t and he wuz a carryin em straight 'onto the White House, d at- a good; pace, too, ' Es they !ap-' nroached, the portals, the Ablish de fenders uv the place opened onto ebt... sell Weed, wood "yoo de stroy-the Lion uv the Republic?" • " :May yoor' 'hands !" = shreeked Ray- Mond, "rhe savior uv, the country is • under us."' " But they lift them to shorn. " Its • Brite 'and ~ Vallandigurn, the Woods,.e.t.settryoyere,nrin at, ,'.. shreekt they, singing ez !they fought; (" The Battle' Cry ' e d m 1" ,Sohn ',Brown's • body. 'lei a' mouldriri in the graVe c -other - sacriligious, odes. "Its thentiVe - see, and then we'll killi" '7— ;And they belted 'Away ti the `whole mass wuz stretched dead and dying on' the plain.- • • • - ' Then 1 hey came up atid.bekan to tturn over 'the corpses - ' cue by one;'until 'at last theyeame to the body uv theitioni wich,, pepreed thro and, thro, wuz dead ez any, ay - , . lkly'Godt":sed they "It is the Lion, "'Anti we've ;stayed dtim I!' sed 'OthOr., . !"- remarki , d , a third, - "We, coodent 114 - t. 'w se kivered up with ,thin ctirrionAliat 1 coodeoPt.. make of wat it .wuz. tli&y -wuz a Odin. Jtis give him adeaent burial, for the good' Ire liez - done,nMl forget, of We kin; the company he. died; in." • „, ~• thiapritikle j under I awoke., I hi!V an idea that 1' kin see a , sort u'v:i i~ , uriiin in this dream'. ' It occurs toque 6 • ef. we do. ride Gratit, we'll bey to.sliyest him uv this rnaue L te,eth Auld Claws, 'which /4: the identikie which makes hittiNnictouble ,to US. . ',phut with . , On.,hia•badii ",s” viii iirtiliabl:y 'succeed.' In kdtUu him; without pavin us. Grant might deod- UM LADMISI I • , =ME En " N AS B=r-, • • . • • s - .; Tbaßropttetorsb itiorSiititilabineit with sklpirgeassfsrtmentpfpipdlnastklep, JOB'AND 'CARD' TYPE': , _ ASO: 2; 4Of PRES@E% and era prqukreil to niaente- ids*, and rptonpily: votifEgkt,t.titipiimiii • ,'Orieti4ALl4ti 'co mg.., ii s .' • • - TO . 14 su xx. OitiYERO in 'an ' -''''''' • .• -% --- .- .- „ —,, * 3 — -..... , '-._.. 1 ..' needs, Maitg . eii,•Lasast o and a inlVaallortnaint Of • Constables' and natlcea l Alankaononstangyon band. , , , . . Peoptellving t adistancecandepindnnhaitngtlielt, workdonoproolptly,andokntbackfthrattninzmi:. - ,: - . AiirCrtn6i—liiti!thlock,sic4ii/drocir. - . .. prize -S, dozen or - two-iv : lns, but e whole 'party! - Fat* I 'lt- Wood a pint uv cologne to a- square carrion. • 3d: That ef Wur, wrePtall shit! him, the people woodent be able to see him anyhow,- and wat gocid wood he. - do Os? • - • - • Interpretin the dream thus, I she' oppose his - mirnim4ion. Besides, I doubt whether all the Weeds and Ray monds in the country:kin so manipu late him ez to bring him ainietly into our ranks. • - We mite possibly • go over tO him; and thus git the privilege uv WAIT), , for -him, but• wherefore? How about the ofilisls, then-? Ef the Ab lishniste .vote for 'him ; and we vote for him, the obligation is ekal, and between us is ther any doubt *Jell' he'd choose'? I: don't want to take sieh chances. -I'm 'opposed to the- movement., " j care not wat others may do, but ez for me, give. me straightout Dimoorisy or nothing. McClellan wuz a wencher ,wieh satin- fled me ez to the propriety uv underta kin to - set roarin lion -a eonvoyin a flook - • aiv peeceful lambs into green posters. PETROLEUM V. Nanny, P. M. (Wich is Postmaster), - and likewise Professor inf. Siblikle Politicks in the Southern Classikle ,t Alititery Institoot. . . . ' AN .Atinausaa, „Pnoci.,A.m.A.TioN.-7-Wil liain McMahon, Fish-Warden of Low- ell,Mass., has issued a proelatuation, in ~ Which he says: " It being a part • of my duty, as I understand it, to see that the • waters of, the Merlin= RiVer, and of 'the canals and basins of said city, are not suffered to become . unhealthy ; and • impure to „the inultande - Of shad, sal mon, aid alewiyes who.contemplate fa- , - turns gto thei rold quarters next Spring, inac eptance of the urgent invitation of ' v. Smyth , of New Hanipahlre; and, N I) erea-s, it is made to appear to me that divers persons, supposed. to be officials,,and calling themselves 'State Constables,' have , been for • some time past in the habit of casting, throvving„ and emptying into the water of one of the canals of the said city divers nox ious and confiscated compounds, com monly_ . known as intoiicating liquors, such as 'Rifle ,"Whisky,"Blue Ruin,' • 'Forty Iloti Gin,' Tangle Foot," Sour Beer, ) i iiiii various other spiritous, yin ous onebriating, exhilarating, and dis gusting fluids, whiph said compounds, 'fluids, and spirits' are known. to be . highly 'detrimental, not only to the health and, morals of men but of the aforesaid piseince life in said river, be side being a (dear violation of law ; now, . therefore, this ,is -- to notify them, the said State Constables, and any and all officials or persons, whether acting un der a warrant or without one, that any and all such acts will in the future re- • ceivesitch attention - from ma as will ef fectually prevent a repetition_ of the, atine--!• ielieving • that the. enforcement , Of one aw 14hould not bring about the violati ii of another—reference being had in this connection to the lawlpassed at the ast session of ; the Great and Gen eral C; urt." : , i • ON AULKING.-If you have baulky horse's, it is-your fault, and not the hor sear,fOr if they do not pull true there la sonic cause -for it, and If you will re move the cause the effect will cease.--' When your horse baulks be - is - eXcited,. alifl o does N .p.R4.npw' what .. you want him: stop him five or ten minutes; let him become calm; go to the baulky horse, pat him and speak gently.to him ;/Und as soon as he is over his excitement he' will, in oine - cases out of ten, pull at the word. Whipping and 'slashing and swearing only make the matter worse. After you have gentled him awhile, and hid excitement has cooled down, take him by the bits ; turn him each way a few times as , far. as you can; • pull out the tongue; gentle him a little ; and t hen step before the baulky horse andiet the other start first; _ then yon. -- tan take them anywhere you - A baulky horse is always high spirited and starts quick; half the pull is out before the other starts too. By . close application to this rule you can make any baulky horse pull. It a horse has been badly,spOiled, you should hitch him to an- empty wagon, and -let him pull it around awhile on level ground ; then put on a little load, and increase it - gradually, caressing-as before, and In a short time you can have a goodworking hoitse. Bill Ross'is a great temperance lec turer, and at Rushville, 111., was preach- , ing to, the young on his favorite theme. He said : ' NcrSv, boys, when I ask you a question yon mustn't be Afraid to speak right out; and answer me. When you look around and see' all these fine houses, farms and cattle, do you ever think who owns them now? Your fa thers own them, do they not?" • "Yea, sir," shouted a hundred voices. 'Well, . where will your. fathersbe in twenty years from now ?" ' " Dead!" sliouted the boys. •" That's right. '- Andi_Nyho will .own the property then?" ,1 " We Will." " Right. Now, tell mm--did you ever, in going along the, sitmet notice thectrunkards lounging about th ,sa loon doors, waiting for Isoniebod .' to 'treat them?" "Yes, sir; lots of th m."" Well, where will they be in I t nty ' years from now ?" " Dead 1" exclaim ed the, boys. '' And who . will be the drunkards then ?" '. "Us boyar' . Bill was thunderstruck. , - ' , • , . ' • A miner at Pike's Peek took his gun and' strayed a -she'd diStance from, the camp and shot a cub not obsernng at • the ;same time the old bear, who was near at band and ready to avenge the death of her offspring.. The hunteriap proeched- his game. with an, exulting air, 'glowing in his success, and antici pating-the astonishment of his compan ions to see him n3arch into their midst with an aniple supply of tender bear meat, when to his surprise he saw a large bear bounding toward him, very much determined to demolish him at one'meal. ~ O ur hero dropped"his gun and, started - nil' -like a 'frightened deer devin the hill. -His companions saw him coming, tearing through the bruSh, and 'sung out " What's the Mat ter?" Gi-gi-gi-git your guns—ready for a shot," .ho -stammered,.almoAt oat of 'breath; "-I'm bringin' her right into caMpt” . • , Dionysius, the tyrant, after he Was - dePosed and brought to Corinth, kppt a school. Atneng.those who visited him was one who/when he canaelniepened twig mantle and-shook his clothes, think ng to give Dlonysiugagentlescorn-fOr the tyrant, when in power; required that ceremonyof every one who Ctame in, his presence, that .•theyl - might not ' thereby 'carry concealed weaporik . ' to do himituury. But Dionysian said to him : "I pritliep do so,rather when,thou goest out, that We may see thou stealest noth ing." . , The Cu6alka, reuaarks : A good story ; is. told of old Deacon an early resident _of,the' town of Fartnersville, Cattar.angps 'county. „One day he was goingfroni home .trade horses.: In ,his,inrningprayer.he thus invoked iii vine blessing, Oh, I • Lord, We are go ing to tradellories., Don't; let us get eheated,,nor'letna,cheat anybody'; • but 'of .the two, let us have the, ratherest of .the ratherest.P • We are not told wheth .er he 'got the "ratherest Of the rather est" or not. 1 .r ,:i1,i,.: ‘ :: . , _;•,' ilj ~ ',s.-:,,;•••'.'t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers