The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 28, 1867, Image 2
Enemies of tlxo - National Honor. In the'distre ithalsed-by "thel,3)eino eratic rebellion, the. Government -bor rowed money for the-'national - defense at a heavy sacrifice; kriliig bondS payable 41 gold ;for , currency ikt ". par, which, ear the average, with,' depre,biated ,to- about sixty-five • per cent. The loyal people expect it to keep this engage ment." While the Government". main- - tains the national •honor, it will keep this engagement. It would be as - dis honest to repudiate the obligation to pay the interest, and principal of these bonds in l kolk us to 'repudiate the payment al .together: know of none who would repudiate this paymentin gold except those who 'were for the national. tion in'the rebellion; who are dissatisfi ed with the naticnialpreservatien, and who yet are trying to devise its destruct ion, and who look to national dishonor as a means of national dissolution. The Government also bOrroWedlarge; - ly on notes of'variousi sorts whose prin-' cipal - ard IntereSt was payable :' in cur'. rency. 'JR exchanged these at par when the currency WasdepreCiated on th - 6 av erage to - about 65. TO pay the' interest' and ;priti 040 Of these notes in Curren cy of the same 'Value as was received for them winfulall the whoib :Obliga,- thin. ''Te; increase the -volume of this currencirso as to depreciate it - 'further would be repudiation.. TO contract the volume this currency so iislo appre ciate its - Value would increase the real amount of the dept, and would thus add" unnecessarily alverY large' gain •to the alarthingjaMount of the pUblid debt: They who hate suddenly become' ad . vocates of issuing legal tenders to' 'take up the bonds, and of compelling 'the, holders of the gold bonds to take legal tenders or nothing, are those who all though the war and till now were fOr repudiation ; m and theyean repudiation by it now ,*.• On 'the other.: , ,ll! ad, they who would add the large ante,: ~.our vast &bile 'debt that would ,b .., : i ed by t urnitigThneurrency debt in . : , ,gold bonds, and by contracting the cur . icy to thervalue of specie, show a reek b ss willingness to multiply the amount of the debt, which argues either indiffer ence to the Payment, or am incapacity to appreelati;%, the'Magnitude of the debt , or the ability of . the country to' bear it. Both of these,parties are trifling with and endangering the Public' credit.= One does it; with • the mariant and traitorous purpose of bringi ig, about na tional dishonor, repudiation and anarch y. During 'all the struggle for national life thatparty labored to cripple the pub - lie defense by dpstroyiug the ' public credit.' it proclaimed the debt illeal, declared it'nover would, be paid,' and it is now devoted to the...same, purpose.— The other places the publiO credit in, jeopardy, not with the intention of Ke cipitating repudiation, :hut ignorantly, recklessly, with ideas inflated by paper money until it imagines the national re sources boundless, and thilt the addition of one-third or one-half-to the real am ount of the debt is a matter of no eon seqbence. - They who have an earnest and au in , telligent regard for the public faith will .»ot, large its already enormous debt nor (ripple i i ts means of pa T yment.— he. will keep the currency at its pres ent volume until the. currency debt is 'paki - off. Fintincial genius, if applied to this policy instead of to that of enlarg ing the debt, can offer inducements in ye way of interest on short bonds, to be exchanged fortliese currency notes (it maturity, so that they can be kept Afloat till they can be redeemed and can celled. That is the policy of national honor and of payment. The other is mali&ous repudiation on one side, and on the - other a hazardous! expansion ' of the debt, and a wild exberinient upon the.enduranee and abili y of, the coun try. ~ .1' ' TILE DIAMOND DJICOENS,—Dombey and Son.--The diainonsredition of Dick ens—the happy idea'of Messrs. Ticknor & Fieldsli - tis excited at abundance L of - competition: Several ---t _Sher cheap edi iens-ot_the_greatest et living novelists, . been commenced by New York and Philadelphia houses. Bat the dia mond edition maintains its supremacy, • both because it was the first in the field, and because it best fulfils the purpose of • a cheap, neat and readale r agraap4---at .atql'i r iliiitrflitit they can be put into the p cket, taken into the cars, or car vied it to the country. They are of the right size to be - perusedon a summer day under a shady tree—to be read of an, afternoon on the•breezy perch of a coun: try-house. The illustrations; 'too, are fresh - and striking.,-; The type is small., but so wonderfully clear, and impressed upon paper of so soft a tone, that he whose eyes are injured thereby, must he already far on the road to blindness. It is no alight satisfaction, moreover, to know - that a portion of the proceeds of ithis edition goes to the author—giving the reader the Comfortable feeling that while he is enjoying the writer's mazy plot and charming style, he is not at the same time an 'accomplice in a theft.— " Dombey and Son" MOdelightful the sixth Vol of this edition, and every way equal to its predecessors.— HarObrt Courant. - I The cost of.-each volume of the beau tiful illustrated. Diamond Dickens is on ly $1.50 ; plain edition, .$1.2.-5. Every body ought to read Dickens, and eyery body can afford to own this cheap and elegant edition. It can be procured of any bookseller, or will be sent Postpaid by the Publishers, Ticknor & Fields, -Boston. THE TENDENCIES OF BUSINEM— r he grain crop, save corn, has been ,l arvested; and, North 'and South, it I tqls scarcely ever been equalled. The corn and potato crops are not likely to lie exceptions, while the grass crop, the importance of which, as a general thing we do not sufficiently apreciate, is very abundant. And the cotton crop, top, it is now pretty •certain, will be a good D. one. So that, all around, we are . about crowning a year of plenty. It will take dome mouths yet to realize the effects of such a thing. But when we Alo it twill be in the return of financial Pros , perity, 'the revival of,enterprise and the restoration of confidence. Then . will' contentment once more till the land, ter there will have been found the - sointion of more .than one problem of diffiehlty and doubt. We read that even neW in the great centres _of business the prospect-of good crops is exerting it-i benefiting •intluence and giving a healthy glow to finance and trade. During ,the past eight inonths .the country has • traded but little, and that'little in a safe way. , 3 will, as a consequence; enter cill th ew era 'without great debts having been contracted '•• and there are not wanting those who derive' front this' fact a vast amotint of consolation as'. a fair set off forldl the trials and peiils of the protracted season of dullness about . closing. It is fair to presum that the e lessons of recent experience ivill not be immediately forgotten, butt bn - tood degree of prudence-will rut for a con siderable period befor extravagance and the delirium of speculation again set in. _ D F.; At.ll OF JUDO ARMSTRONG. On . James Armstrong. , died at Williamsport, on• Tuesday, 13th inst., aged 75 years,— Judge Arthstrong was for a quarter of a century. one of the most prominent men of tlye-,Vest Branch Valley. At. the bar he hadl no superior in• this section of the State, and was deemed worthy to occu py a seat on the Supreme Beneh of.Pen priktire' airtei - irf r lith he vas ' appointed the rule to - resent Vro vacancy result- c 1t the judgr.pc cilvraftourt—Efed the dn ties of that exalted position with un questioned ability and impartiality. He was a _member of the Presbyterian church, and as 4 citizen WAS universdl/y respected.. His death will be lamented by an extended Circle of relatives resid ing 'allnlong this valley, and elsewhere throughout the State; - The immense standing ar which, aCcording to the pereocrati papers, overawed the large State of 1 nuessee on election day,,nuMbered, l st 1700 men. Tennessee is easily overawed. • .tlol,ijitAtlO'it'.: WELLEMORO., P.ENT*A7. WEDNESDAY, AUG!...23, 1‘867 RUPiJBLICAN STATE ..N6iT_l*A-T1(!). .31:113GE OF TIM SUPREIJM COURT' HENRY W. WILLIAMS, OF ALLF;GEt!SNV. REPUI3LICA.N COUNTY TICKET FOR ASSEMBLY; B. B. STRAIYG, of Weurria FOR SHERIFF, POTTER, of -.0-2411111 FOR 'TREASURER, C. ,, BAIfLEY; of .Detinth• i• • ;. - 1 . •. I . 7pR ,COALMISSIoNEit? JOB REXFORD, of -.Weßefield; . . FOIL AIID,ITR4, • DAVID CAMERON, of • POll, JURY LEROY VABOR, :011sporo; r'OE.conoNER, E. J.,I3OSWORTH ? of • Judge Shilyito(*cqt ;.eg , ,4 EXtract from. His Opihion of Boric vs. TVO On tho whole, thou, I am or dpi pr vision of the mita Congress of 1882; declaring the notes issued in that net in be' money, and Is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.• g! This renders it unnecessary, t •consider the other question which as to the effect of tho'sPecial ogre: in lawful silver money of the Un -I am in favor of entering judgmen tl6, but as majority of the court ar era opinion, judgment tor t tho 'C'opied from the Pliiladelphicenge j 1864, where the opinion full. • 1 it'lnay also be found in tint Leg of March 18, 1864, page 92. In tho samo copy of the Ago is t Spared eulogy of thejudgo and th which is the following : - Judgo Suartswoon reasons 4( tiro case as if he were some lofty above and out of the contentions the world." Will not the heldo'rs of greeloba , erntnent bonds consider the judge dro.tod'abil ciboria) for sorh port hi: scat oh the Supromq Bench 7 Mr. A. 'WALKER., or elm' prised and delighted Wis day, with upward of ;a pot! pears, pinel“.o from zt. sing bigger t h an yonr linger klm long. One spray bore over pears.. We are tittewiige obi for• a peel of sweet harvest : 1 1 large. May the shadow of .),ever grow less. WALLAOE ON TEE r RAM -7-- We kiiew a man who tool great cred it to himself 00. account c f a fancied, physical resemblance whit; 1 he bore to tjae First Napoleon. He vas fond of posturing in a long surtout, and so good a counterfeit of the Great Emperor of the French was he, that those who had never seen that famous ma i (and that elast3 included all . who pronounced judg ,ment upon it) were struck I ` l vlith the re seniblance. , But the likeness ended there. There was nothing Napoleonic about the inc itation, beyondy the form, the posture, and the traditidtial surtout, • Mr. 'William A. -Wallace, Chairman of the Copperhead State Committee, hag ipi. o r. Q o .--, - A-.-1--.-- --4 - h - - - - . ------- T - • racy ,or ..E. enns3 Jvania, n ic ~ in form and garb, reminds _ us of tl'.e American i counterfeit of Boimparte, a pve alluded to: But it more forcibly r minds us of the stilted pron ttn ciam n'tos of the breed of Mexican chiefs ; a l d with the usual " God and Liberty,'' which clo ses those Scarlet State papers, Mr. Wal lace's Address would pass muster in the Halls of the Montezumas as a first-class 1 Mexican doCument. He has but tivo rivals on this Continent—Henry Clapp, jr., and Mae Arone, of the Brooklyn Eagle. i The address is an indictment against the Republican party, containing fif teen counts, or allegations, 'which may be summed up thus: NIG°En, WITH VARIATIONS. The itepubliean party, says Mr. Wal lace, has perpetuated disunion, wrought hateand discord, broken the Constitu tion, denied the attribtitesof sovereign ty, the right of Pennsylvania to regu late suffrage, made the negro equal to the white man in all public places, put the destinies of ten million whites into the hands oe four million ,blacks, squan dered •the public funds, increased the burden of taxation, ruined trade, des troyed the independence off' the Presi dent, ribbed the 'people of sovereign, power, and loosed corruption in every department of the Government. We hope the reader has swallowed the above black draught withotit brea thing, and so imbibed its entire aroma. It is aneat arraignment of a patty hol ding the laboring oar, and evidently by a lawyer, who und(irstands that in ca ses where it is difficult to establish the guilt of an •accused, there should, be a 'multitude of allegations.. The subject .matter, too, seems familiar as we read; and, to disarm, or confirm, the growing suspicion, we .refer to the 'former ) ad dreSses issued by Mr. Wallace during his two years of leadership, and /find this fourth and latest-born*of his tians cendant genius constitutes the quartet, being in n i pmber four, and in substance one and indivisible. This fact, however, does not much matter. Mr. Wallace has the copyright of his utterances, knd may republish as often as it suits him. The quality, of his utterances is bad. He Ss a reckless accuser. Of the whole number of of fences charged, in his elaborate indict ment, upon the Republkatt party, Mr. Wallace cannot establish a single one without first impeaching the party wi th which he himself acts and for whose re turn to power he is now labeling. I B sides, his appeal comes too late; the people of Pennsylvania bavetwice con sidered these charges at the polls, an • twice havee - they rendered a verdict o NOT GUILTY., Where was Mr. Wallace that he di not hear the rendering, of that verdic in 1865 ?- Where, tit, he did hear tha of 1866? These chest es were preferrei by him, substantially, in both years and upon those issues were both can palgus made. -We call his at ention t the fact thp,t the freemen of Pen :Iva nia did, ip those years, exercise t soveteiguty without let or hiutlrau OE I t. fro I i COI ti gress or: loe ti era fialiieerS:'" Ite'j ho d the yeidiet, Atr. Wallace ! ' ow, whr is'it that thwarts'the will of the sovereign people , --Reptibileans,,': ork DenfocfAts?,-,:; -- ,Iif 18 6 0 the Republic ans- elected: Abraham .I,incoln ~Presi-. dent. i;- r i,y4ic: refup4jd io - twtiniescc in that. co'a istitutional.,:eleethin , !?!,, ;'l'.lle , .. - entire so thern..wingiff the i Detoocratic party, ai ed and abetted by such men'as Mr. illiam A. Wallace, present Chairman o the Copperhead State Committee, a d his•colleagUes. - These . aYe-tne men w: o, and that the party which, endea v red to nullify the will of the - people c nstitutionally . expressed. In purse a wont' this - vicious ;will that4arty ap p aled .to the sword. The }'exult, as , ell , as ' the priinal -impnik, and . the c millet of ,the northern . abettors of the' r hellion,. isi-written history. - . • • • We'do mitniidersttniftwhat Mr. Wal lace .means - hy,oharging that the 11,-e-; pOblicans Have destroyed the,independ , ence,, , of the President. Under the-Con .stitution the President is'sinaply an ex ecutive, charged ,Vvith ,the exectition• of the Acts of Congress.., We never heard Of himffs an offieerindependentint the . co-o'rd !nate - , 11mi - 101es, of .GOVerninent. We „infer. that Mr.-I-Vallee° believes in one-man rower,' and, lOgicrilly, - propo-' SO to abolish' Congress ,altogether. If this be his meaning,- we cheerfully take i r i as an issue between the parties, and ill do our utmost to get peoPle to ouounee upon it next October. . , Sensational and :Mexicanesclue Mr. - 1 allace luny be a dull man, - but 1. . - . • guess not. His attempt to shoulder the responsibility of the . debt incurred by the war to reduce his',party , to subject ion, upon , the RepUblicaps, gejen4ants, in this case, will fail. . He knows,. and every man qualified to vote 'knows; that but fOr the rebellion" of the leaders of the beinocrritic Party in 1860-61, no 23108 s Tenders in the Cure tt. ion . 1110 t.lie ebruats 25t1), pursonnce of legfil (eider, has-1 should has ficeu Aftnylit to pay Rea States.— for thu plain : of a differ dofontlant."- 23/1 of Feb • publiAed in Lualigencer carefully pre is opinion, in 'urden of public debt would rest upon tle people to-day, other than that of $ 00,000,000 bequeatbed ; to us by demo c ' 1.1 . atic Admin i strations in a time of pro-. I' and peace. If there be a higher rate o taxation this year than in 1860, Mr. Wallace and his party are to be thanked for it. Upon that the people will pro nounce in October. ' . . In and &aides drit :,itting far ---61.4;16 - of I rks and qatr :l (VIM 100 41- ! h)nors as, lestou, sur ee cru Mon lIISCIOUB e limb, not me feet sixty large ged to Lint very Us orchard In his close Mr. Wallace incites to la bor. He counsels less talking and more work. Never.was better advice tender ed. The orators of that party losevotes +ery time they open their lips. Their principles will pot bear discussion. It cannot be true, as he declares, that the rineiples of his, party are eternal aid 'ust prevail. We have believed that t le devil was - under isome sort of sub- Mg etion to the higher powers ; but if the rinciples of Wallace and his party are eternal qhrii3tianity must be a failure, and the doctrine of Ornnii)ot,ent Good a fallacy. No ; rather let God be true, , and William A. Wallace ani unscrupu foils politician. Gallant, Phil. Sheridan has been re moved from command of the Military {apartment of Louisiana and Texas, A.ndrew Johnson having determined, \ ppdrently, to render himself a stench a the nostrils of dh true love`k.s of law nd order. Gen. Sheridan's offence is bedience to the'laws of Congress. l iffe 's bated by twigsclmses of men,—Cop- wheads, i and rebels. Since he rode '°..9.1—a.V.-4,1110124.1"4';ie-P..,henandoah,'the illant trooper has had no friends in Copperhead or rebel circles. The most successful:field:officer in the world, the wisest military GOvernor in America, there is no stain' upon his shield no blot upon his fame.., His remuvall4 in tended as a blow at Radical Republic aniSm, bu t t itwiii fall upon the heads of the Presiden6nd his evil counselors. Mr.. John Son bad previously entitled himself to the scorn and contempt of mankind. This act confirms his title beyond dispute. If, as it is rumored, he is about to reorganize .his Cabinet, dismissing, Seward, Randall Co,, the ountry need not be 'surprised at any outrage which he may attempt. It is well that we have a Congress to defend the people against' the folly of. this sot. We invite the apologists "for Excess to look at this spectacle. Will the people Aver again commit the destinies of the republic into the. hands of a drunken , madman ? We notice in the Corning Journal - of ,Saturday that the Tioga tt. R. Co., and the Bbissburg and. Corning R. R. Cd., have locked horns again, , mid that both parties seem 'determined , to fight it mit. The Journal says that by - the contract 'each party is bound to,permit the tran sit of trains - over-the road of the'other, paying at the rate of m) cent per mile per ton of coal. 4110. entire distance is 41 miles, the Tioga rod haVing 26 miles, and the R. &C. 13 miles. lii 1865; Mr. Magee built a mile of track ; to connect with the N. Y.-& R., ; at Corning, the Morris Run:,ContCorepany . paying him 5 ceett4at- ten toll for passing their coal over mile of road. This amounted,- to,' about $4O daily, until, the Ist of January last, when the ',Morris Run Compri:4, , refused to run-over the " Corning, lodger, and used the main track of the Ant. R. Last week Mr. 'Magee refuSed to permit the Tioga trains to connect with the Erie track at the usual poin - Ond four or five loaded trains are now lying locked in at Corn ing, not being able to connect with ei ther road. The Journal says that ,the contract - seems to sustain the Tioga R. R. Co., but Mr. Magee contends that the Tioga Company are obliged by its terms to use the iiew mile NOM' he has built, and pay him his toll. The Whole matter is to go into courts. Those Copperhead papers in the South part of the State wpich are publishing charges of repudiritien of Alegany coun ty bonds upon J dge Williams, our candidate for Supr me Judge, are bound to sustain the 'char es by evidence, or to abandon them: We said " bound to sustain or to abanden-the , m," meaning "in honor round.", As that party dis cards hono---iR its campaigns it will not be expected either-4tAistain or to aban dan the charges. Arid'eftes all we are not sure that the charges would not at tract votes from that party to him. It is the party of repudiation; and intuit' favor the election,of any, man so charg ed. On due reflection we guess the lea ders will withdraw the charge, not be cause there is riot a word of truth init, but because it tnay lose votes for Share wood. • rfilaiideficivea' a shining, Mark. Its last and vilest- shot is at Chief, Juitice Chase, and the slieeteLls that essential oil of all villainy, Wped. Re, has started"-a . stort: . ;to , that Judge ChaSe,::#ll4o:Searetaiy of Ate, Treasury, posseased,,,,h/Maelf-Of ' ten riches to; the amount 470cl,00(I.1 1 - The World; democratic, brands the charge, as 4 malicious slander, and Mr. Chase publishes a letter In which he, says that he was worth.: about $lOO.OOO before the war, and would-- hame,takeni so much In greenbacks ,for his , e4rt)Ary' posseasiOnii ;at any, time, .since/Or will now., Thurlow. Weed is not the man to accusioany man living of stealing. We deubt,if he owns ffl . dollar' that ;was not Stolen from the treasury of ilie'fitatd Now 'York, or from the General Gov ernment, in the way of per centage on. contracts. A more dialionest old scamp never disgraced, shoe-leather. The storm of SUnday' week "seems to' have been ' . wide-spread _ urid .destructive.; The, Elmira 'Advertiser says that the hail did much damage at Horseheads, Owego, I,nd..Tiega Center,,a ; horSebeing' kitled in the field at, the latter s Some , of the hailstones measured two inches in diaineter.- Sayii 'that the' damage to grain and fruit was immense. More than 6000 lights of glass were bro ken in the work shops of the Erie Road at Susquehan na: Birds were . ,killed in great numbers. The-same paper states 'that a little danghter'ef - thonmslSloan, of :that City, Wes run over and fatally Injured by the Northern Central cars Saturday -week. Also that fourteen recruits for, tlie U.' S. Army were picked. up in •that. city on Friday. -• • . If, as the Share Wood papers seem . to hold, no man not tinatiVe of Pennsyl- . vania ought to hold office in this State, there will doubtlesS be a great slaugh ter of the O'Rotirltes, the O'Flahertys and,the Mc Finnegans at.tbe next mu-) nicipid• elections in the large cities of the State. If Ju'dge'Williani, bornin Connecticut some ;forty-six years, ago, is thereby disqualified for holding office •inTennsYlvania, what shall be said for Patrick ,'O'Flatierty, who turned . his back upon Ireland six years ago, and is pui3hed into the chair of alderman by the Coripeioeracy before the ink onhie papers is dried ? • Shall we have a dis quisition upon . Know - Nothingisin fiom " those Democracy?" The U. S. Mission at Rome Is abol ished., Good. Now abolish Rome tis-a separate government, and let pie world behold United Italy. The odor of an-, °lent Rome is less offensive than that of the Rome present. , The rope can live there just as well without dirtying his hands with civil asks, and Victor Emanuel can then disperse ti:l6rebbers which infest its suburbis. The telegraph so' times pits the ;vi, cart before t e horse; r s, for instance, when it says hat a citiken of Bingham tOn cut his th ton the 19th inst. , be cause of domestic trouble and ruin. It shonid have said—because of rum; which destroyed the peace of the . fam ily. 1 • , . bash, measqu A zamia cooiti tr oct i ... 10 (xi umph of - the Republican- party in Ten nessee sent 'the bonds of that State up five per cent. at once. Wall Street feels safer. BRADFORD COUNTY.—The Troy Ga zette says " One eighteenth of the residents 'of Alba Boro, were born during the six months ending Aug. 15th, 1867." " A rascal fri timed" Preterre, or Custrol, 'who posseskd '.himself of a watch at Williamsport a short time ago, Was pur sued by t 6 !Elmira police, but escaped them and came to Trey, where he cre ated considerable sympathy at the Troy House among the boarders by his ful 13tory, and by his feigned illness. He stayed several days arid left after aid had been extended to him. 'Last whi-' ter his villainies 'were' exposed in, the Scranton papers." - ' :" The lightning. on Sunday night lasi, - played 'sonde' curious freaks:— At (fillet's Station, between Troy and Elmira it struck the telegraph ,poles; and melting the wire into short 'pieces. It folloWed the wire .nerth 'a hundred, rods or more and entered the station setting fire tO,,,the papers hanging, near the telegraph implements. The fire had got well under way when some trackznen alarmed by the report, ran to the office and put out the fire. I o?urn ed up two coats, some books and' other things belonging to the —Char- . lie ,Riteb." The :Reporter says : • "'As Mr. Joseph T. Burbank, of this place, in company with a young lady, was approaching the eastern end of the bridge,' with a horse and- buggy; on Sunday evening last, the horse became frightened; and leaping sidewise, upset the carriage, which tumbled several feet down the bank into the river. • The oc cupants of the buggy escaped without serious injury, hut the horse was drown ed, and the carriage badly broken." '`"` A corre§pondent informs us that a large amount of thine* has been dope to bridges, crops, &0., along Sugarßun,, by the recent freshet. The water wins higher than it has been before in 'thifty years." , AN AFFECTING SCENE . IN COUILT..- Two women claimed one child before, ii i Judge Alexander, of . Baltimore, a' few days since. After - some eviden ,e had been heard and the ease postpone I, Mts." Perky asked to have the child ept in Court.'-- custody, so that she might not l' taken beyond the Jurisdiction of "the At this point Judge Alexanderireeted two chairs to be placed at, one end of the Court-room. He then requested Mrs. Perry to take one of the seats, and Mrs. Ferrell the other. The child, (lit - ring the "hearing, had been-standing upon the platform at the side of the Judge.. Judge Alexander then • turned to.tho child and told it to go to its .mother. The child started down, and then turned •, and asked( the Judge : "Can I go to The mother I want?" The Judge said, " Yes, child," when she sprang forward and threw herself into the arms .of Mrs. Ferrell, exclaiming t \ was``This is the mother I want." • She s received with passionate kisses.— During these• proceedings the eyes of the large number of women,as well as Men present, were directed to the, move, , ments of the child, and when.her choice was made, the women rose to their feet and gave-vent to their feelings in .ex clamations of delight. " The •darling child," says one. " She . knows her mother," says another. Seim and tearti ,accompanied the demonstration. The countenances of the men were not without emotion, and it was sometime before the quiet of the court-room was-, restored.--6'un.• . , •• The August statement of the public debt has been given to the public, and shows a decrgase of the total. amount since the Ist of. June, after deducting the cash balance in the Treasury, of $5, 309,510 98. . . ' -!- A 10014141101.1141 D - F o nut Elt V.:--1 1 ii 0 iittaburg Post of last Tuesday published a i article relative to Judge Williams, crediting:the-sail - le to the i i Salem (Mass.) ,Jou'im al, Radical," wherein the, people ofTenusylvinati were ridiculed In' - vile. NritifiOnd j charged with being' "dull, Duteb, ' WiTl) . lost.allelt usetts and Ver- . bio t a rit Icale,ilke Thad. •Steveo . - ant!,. Judge'W , thank ; The object of tlitsVUN,' tiele in question Was apparent, an?l' the editors of the Post were too shrod ;'to give the sourenfrom which they cut it, knowing it wuld have no, weight. with anyone' even in its own party, if itw ere known. The article proves to have Mi been a coinage of \ he Harri urg Patri ot and ; Union; that being th snoiner of the:vilest Copperhead , 'o ilk' in 'the' State..- The - Salem Mass." „ _Register,. a sound radical paper,Ouri ,disposes of the forgery: ! i , ; c';i . ,' -•-, , l'''' We have. received fro .' Harrisburg, :Penna., a slip cut from th Patriot and Union, a Democratic paper f that place, ,dated July 27;,containingwhat purports to be an "extract from a littufinl organ at Salem, Massachusetts—the JprTi'ai," - 1 --in which Pennsylvania is stigm 'tined • asa "poor, ignorant, stupid, old \ inch State, '•"now pretty thoroughly; an , keeized," 110 it is stated thatiiTh 'dde us Stevens, a native of Vermont,,and,• a Mau true to I)is faith, hoidathe political elements of the State in the hollow , of. his Thand," ,'&e., &c. The article is probably the conception of some Cop-, perhead brain for Political, effect. .Aft any rate,' there is no - paper called" the 'Journal published in this city, and the article was never printed in any" Radi- Ol organ at Salem; Massachusetts," ,so far as our knowledge extends.. ! t . r t, ' TROUEL* 6 4 I.SfoNct THE MoRM oNf3.— Advices from Utah indicate that an ir repressible discord has, broken out Among the paints and that the problem of Morrrionism will soon solve itself.— `L ar g e numbers of anti-polygamists 'have left Utah, bound 'fed. Nau voo, Ill.— Brigham Young is 'being boldly 'de nounced by , many of his followers, and the sect is becoming rapidly dernoraliz= 'ed. Two or. hree fiundays ago,. Young, inn sermon at Cottonwood, denounced William Howard,' a' distiller, 'who im mediately rose in • the• audience and branded Young's statement -as false.— YOung then ordered Howard put out of the house, whin, was'done, and subsci cpiently told his hearers 'to "tear down Howard's house and distillery, which, however, they failed to do. A day ,or two afterward, Howard sent Young a letter,,delimmling a retrfectipn of ,his personal statements, or ho would hold him personally responsible. It is said Young intends to remove to the newly ' discovered gold mines. A sad necident occurred an the oth instant, at .the Philadelphia Mills, abbut two miles north of LogansVille, in this county, resulting in the death Of Jas. B. Mickey, a lad of fifteen sum mers. From whatwe learn, it appears that he with an elder brother were Sap prbaching'd tree that was - being cut down; and seeing , it-quivering mid bend ing preparatory to falling, stepped aside to an apparently secure place. The tree in its fall brought with it a large limb 'from an adjoining tree, which de scended in the IpotE where ie lade was, striking him on the head, causing in stant death. The painful tidings was immediately conveyed to his mother— a heavy stroke, from which it was fear ed she would not recover. His remains were followed to their resting-place on the day after the occurrence, by a large number_ of friends and aquaintaiices, who mourn his untimely and premature death.—Clinton Republican. The editor of the Rochester Demo crat.has been to Auburn prison, and is publishing an account of what he saw there: He says:—" One of the convicts more practiced than any of his fellows, and who was, looked upon for some time after his incarceration as hardly compos mentia, has invented and made a supe rior sewing machine, entirely different from any, used in the outer world, upon which the prison clothes are Made.— ttctillfridetttlitirra' a rate which made the la dies stare with astonishment as they passed by it. ( fe has also made a gun worth $125, an is now a% work - making locks of his own Invention for the new cells." IN FAVOR. OF IMPEACHMENT.—IIitO Xew York Evening Post, always con servative and cautious, and once fa mous as the friend of Andrew .Thlfiison, is now in favor of impeaching him. It says: "He keeps the country in a turmoil; ho discourages and disheartens the hon est and patriotic men in the Southern States who seek to leaftublic npinion aright. He purposely and with obstin acy stands-between the country and peace: and if he persists in his efforts to defeat the laws, Congress, as soon as it meets, will save to impeach and re move him. By his own fault, that Will' be the only remedy." ' The editor of the Charleston `Q.) Christian Advocvle says: "We ac knowledge our indebtedness to the 'Meagre. Fordhams, for a dish of very excellent soup. ,W 'narked ,it as in hide matter, and gave it an early inser tion. Our contributors can always send such articles as those without any fear of their being crowded out, or laid over till next week. 4 Alderman 11°01, ofNew t Y k, of street-eleaning fame, is a hopelessluna tic at au asylum in that city.,Forl years 'he had strained his nervous syStem to its utmost tension ; he heeded not the advice of his physicians; andpoivreas on has gone forever. It is,due to him to state that he did not make a fortune from the public moneys which he dls 'persed.,, , The ':Cleaileld County papers . are .warnik everybody ,against a writing master calling, himself John W. Steele. Steelo'was to give a course of writing lessons, receiving about half the pay at the third lesson. Ile borrowed a watch and a tine coat from his landlord; got pay in advafiee for •teaching; forgot to pay. his board bill 'and decanq • The' recent 'election in 'Kentucky, one of the candidates was charged with hav ing 'been In the Union army during the war. As the chargerwai damaging his prospects-he-published a card ih which. he positively' denied haiiing had any thing tin do with the - Union-army. That is the State in which there - was a great Democratic victoryithe other day. A Chicago man, who bad been away from home for a few weeks, found, on his return, that during his absence he hid been:divorced, that hisex-wife was remarried, and that his property had been awarded to her, and that she had adopted A'her child the young man up on whose fabricated testimony the di vorce had been awarded. The. Louisville Journal says : "One of the graveyard firms of Memphis a few days,ago purloined Hooffland's thunder in the following style. The advertise ment may be seen on the fence on Main street; between Beal and Linden : ' Use d Order , Ifooffland's n your 13terman a Coffins Batters . , of Hoist & Co. • Every ational dollar bill is . a mute antagonist of Judge Sharswood for Judge of the Supreme Court. He 'declared our greenhacks td be unconstitutional. and thus—at a critical • time—did what he could to strike a blow for - the rebels! No wonder he Is the Copperhead candi date. • Chaplain at the Auburn (N. YO prison, the other daY,' that 'he had been Chaplain of the prison for' ten. •years, rand . that i he firmly believed that if the sale of intoxicating liquors Could be stopped; Auburn and Clinton prisons could be used in five years from now for agricultural purposes. Prom the Amazon. The following letter . froto 4^4'W, Sears, corres ""°" of the , Press, explains itself! : Pasta, Hearnltnafzu,, * - ,'laly 5, 1867. ',l2prOtnised to give your Salutifor and Dholeo;!.Drope ; ;U fair trial in I,biltUlimUto, arid reporttristilte, • I have: bad but .;onti. - .Chaneolo test.the Siiiiitifer t ithe'subjict being 'mYlandiady viho hid been suffering for years 'wittrvheumationt in the right arm and 'shoulder and had been treated by the Parasitise faculty with little relief, except to her _purse.. Three ap plications to the arm and shoulder with vigorous rubbing until the skirt started effected a cure— rathouto ray surprise, for the case was an obsti nate ono of long standing and the patient was sixty years of age. Dysentery and cholera tnorbna of a violent typo aro common on the Amazon River, and I used-up nearly threts betties of year cholera - drops in' gratuitous practice ,without one single fniiiirs, ' although some of the patients could not be kept in anything like quiet, and others acted like chit dren about taking the &ego on account of their pungency. Among the latter was the tragedienne of the Paraneso Theatre, who Iliad lodgings at the house where I was staying on the E,lrada do Sdn Juan, and who was taken in the night with as violent, ariattaek.of cholera morbus as Lover remember to bare Witnessed. As she , splendid Rachel looking senora it seemed a pity toles° her, and as abe kept constantly retching until stip was too weak to stand4u spite, of-ibar• physician's remedies , I' Ventured to guarantee a cure in an hour if she would follow directions implicitly, which she, agreed to do, but proved a very un-Rachel like human, spirting the med icine out and whimpering like a child. I sue. coded, in,,getting her to :mallow :a. ,epoanfut, ; but she utterlY:refatied thicerld dosi,Und• mentien ler card utoiteat langthYbecausethe'one dose \ cured her effectually, and because it was a ease of unusual suddenness and violence.— Another severe case was the first officer of the "Genii 34nkor", who had an attack ~eif dysen, tory which' , refilled to Yield to"thei medicine chest, and at the time Z prescribed for him, - was passing blood at the s ratal of twelve or more evacuations hourly. The, drops (in largo doses) checked the disease almost immediately, but he would insist on' piloting ship under a tropical sun, and a,dangorous relapse was the result. I gave him a left handed blessing and. half to bottle of the drops at ono dose. Y had no prooedont for such a stunner, but the man could not last long as ho was, and being a toughs old tar I thought he could stand it and ho did. -It was [Ceara of the hardest case of bloody flux that Fever saw. I have not a rod cent of interest lu these .medicines as you know but if those riots aro or use to you—use them. ° L Gso. W. Sean& Brick ! Brick ! 1 • Brick I 1 ! - 65,000 BRICK, just burned, and in order, for sale at our, Brick Yard, opposite tho Certiotery,Wellsboro, Fa. FRED. MAROR FF, .LOUIS MARGRAFF. Aug. 28, 'B7-tf. , . Cows for Sale 1 I'2 AiLoil COWS, on tl44ontse for i ; ii i A lr . Charleston, Aug. 18, 1887-2 w. _ _ _ Wanted 1 AGOOD YOUNG MAN of some o'xptirienco Stor,o. . TOLES It BARKER. Wollaboro, Aug. 2G, 1867-It., • DISSOLUTIO.—Tho copartnership liereto. foro oxistink between the subscribers in the moreantflo business is this day dissolved by mu tual consent, 0, BULLARD, .Wellsboro, Aug. 28,'a7-3t A. A. TRUMAN. CAUTION.-IVhcreas, my eon, ELI BALL, has loft my ' ; bouso. I caution the public against trusting br harboring him on my account, as I shall pay tq) debts of bis ,contracting after tho Ist day of Angust 1867. CIIAUNCEIc HALL. , Charloston,A4gulit 28,1867-3 t. DISSOLUTI4N OF PARTNERSHIP.—Tho Co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm of S. Staples_ lc' Son, at Keeneyvile, is dissolved. The !brtsiness will hereafter ho con ducted under the name of S. Staples, and the bu siness of the old firm be settled up by the sub acribor. S. STAPLES. Hooneyville, August 2k 1867-3 t. Farin for Sal©. AFARM of 1160 acres lying botwoon the old Delmar road and the Hollow Road, 65 acres Improved al about clear of stumps. An orchard of 125 fro x,lOB of thorn apple trees, a story arid a half house, in good order, a 32x44 foot barn, also in good order, and the .usual out buildings thereon. The timber land, 115 acres, is valuable, no timber has boon cut off, and the growth is heavy. The farm is well watered by numerous springs and there aro three wells; situ :les Rep:: tv,n4Mnre.-Pin!‘ one mile .Also—rnree good horses, 4 cows,, 1 lumber wagon, 1 Democrat wagon, 1 sett of !harness, a Wood Mower, plows, drags, fanning-mill, and other farming utensils. Farm implements, and stock will bo sold to gether if desired. Apply to HENRY GIFFORD. Wellsboro, Pit., Aug. 28, 1867-tf. The Borough of Wellsboro IN account with the Burgess and Town Council for the year ending January 26,4867: To balafico of indebtedneam from last, account as per Statement rendered last year. To abatement on Taxes, vit : ' • ' Engine tax, dup. of '6543 70 do ' do '66..5 76—59 46 Borough tax, dup of '65.. 3 07 do do '66..12 74-16 41 Bounty tax, dnp of '65 —32 75-sss 62 To commission to Col. of 'O5, 1 ' Engine tax, sprc on $390 30-19 In , Borough," do 396 30-10 Si 1 ' . Bounty tax, 4 pro on 1850 72-74 03-113 05 To credit allowed John A Roy for build- , .• hag side walk and furnishing glabs 4 for *ugh)." house 29 00 To Disbursera'As-Street & Bridge repairs, , 1 1 • ' ; Ain't expended during year. - .. 457 23 ~. Ain't paid for now sidewalks... 22 72-479 93 Boro Expensetd—Salarles, &c. 1 ' Clerk 2 yre. r $4O, ' Tire Wards Iyr 25.. 65 00 Constablo fees, $l7 98, sundry expenses,sB 50 •26 46 ' Rent for Poiand lot 6 00 • Del of cost iigging well No 0.. 10'00-100 46 ' • Town Clock, rep's daring year 38 88 Thomas Rarden—judgm't 010- j i tamped by Lim for =rotten dizo tuna' bed formerboards 8 63 Tire Engin & Eng Building current e penses 33 Po i' Int & cos 4 s on judgment for . Bond N o 1 , 77 74-110 83 Pines & LIC)I2IBeS. . 1 Police badges, costs & R,' flues ' 1p 42- 901 84 To total anibun of Debit items ' CONTRA. C.R. ' By Streets and fridge Repairs, ' .. Am't char :ed . to Mrs Z Wilson and • Br Packs for building sidewalk... 25 01 cv, By Fire. Engina and Engine Building, IWellsboro I iv'n of ions of Tempor al:WO for , ut of Engine ball I 0 DO fly Receipts, viz: . , Fines and moles ..''''t:' . ..:. 28'00 1 " Engine Tax 411 72 f Borough y x, 1033 50-1473 22 ' • 1628 83 Total indobtedn as of tho Borough Jan. 25, 1 nb por the following Amts .& Liabilitiel LIABILITIES. Balance) duo to 'citizens for building side walks 141 8111;800[4's to ngino howl° not yet ro funded'.... Banco duo o Balance due o Outstanding o Balance duo S sundry N agiuo b0ndq....1 70 id li em ouuty utt o 3$ ticir.inson, rank, Pound Ibt: ' ASSETS °yahoo's of tKe Poor 13 60 ' W Roberts, T as'r, balance in his liands224 84 W 11 Smith, C 1.'65, bal duo on Dor° dup '65 02 Jos Williams, 01. ball due on dup 1860...354 2.1 Co Treaa'r, ta. es returned to Ms of 1i 75 Sons of Temp ranee, rent for Lug ball-. 30 00 Mrs Zerviab 1 ilson for sidewalk. 23 73 Dr N Packer f r sidewalk 1 88— 850 08 Indebtedness f Borough Jan 25, 1867 - _ Wo herebyoetrilfy that Wo bavo compared tho forego ing Statement with, tho Borough acconnta nod find it forrect. ALONZO HOWLAND, A. L. ENSWORTH, }Auditors. Wellsborj, Aug. 2 j 0, N 171 . 1 14rreliELE'' 67: 1 . fq CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks b • a very simple remedy, after having ant . - feted for se oral years with a severe lung affection, and that dread • Ivens° Consumption—is anxious to make known to h a follow-aufferers the means of, cure. • To all wit. desire it, ho will send a copy, of the pre serlption us d (free of charge), with the directions for preparing a d using the same, which they will Radii aura cure fo Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis. Conga's, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections: The. only object of the advartiser,in sending the Prescription it to benefit the afflicted, and spread information whiet ho cancel , / s to be invaluable, and lid hones every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will coif 'them noth. ing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescriptio4, vase, by return mail, will Fleas° address BEV. EDWARD A. WIIAON, - 22may67—ly. Williamsburg, Kin3s Co., N. Y. #BRORS OF YoOPE: A GentleMtin . wbo auffered • for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youth ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering human ity, send kee to all who need it, the recipe, and direc tions for Making the simple remedy by which ho. was cured: Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing. in perfect confi-, dunce, JOHN B. OLDEN. 22mayOT—ly. 42 Cedar Street. Now York. RELMBOLD'S EXTRAOT and INPROPED /toss WASII cures secrht and delicate disorders in oil their angel, at little expense, little or no chain° In diet, no incrvenience and no exposure, ilt plcraaant in taste a d. odor, immediate in Its action, and freo from all inpirlous properties. feb27-ly BOOii AGENTS WANTED To Ro "Oi!ders fbi . Ci..Arcto Illustrated 1111046 Dic,tionarys euttii.are tiv:.onn - :, , ent.ti me.) / This B evettaair etehodies, the rei.olts of the most "recent study, reiettioh;,toid 1 .nyestigatien, id About' aiily-ilio 'of the most emiutnt and ad vanced Biblical Scholars 'now living. Clergy men of all denominations approve It, and regard it as the best work of its kind in the English language, and one which ought to be in the hands of every Bible reader in the land. . In circulating this Work, AgCnts will find a pleasant and profitable, employment. The 1:111. morons objections which are usually encountered in tolling ordinary works will not exist with this. But, on the contrary, encourag,ement - and friendly aid will attend ,the. Agent, making his labors'agreefible, useful, and lucrative. - Ladies,. retired Clergymen, Seheol Teachers, Farmers, Bludenta,arid all otbere who possess en ergy, era wanted to, assist in Canvassing every Town'and County in the country,'to whom the most liberal inducements' will be offered. ' Poi particulars o v apidy to, or address - - PARMELEE BROTHERS,' 722 Saneora Street, Philadelphia, Aug. 28, 18641431 v.: - - • 'l, DISSOLUTION.—The copartnoship hitherto existing between M.' Tuelitand'Hoboit B; 'Pochner, at Blossburg, was diesdllteil Juno 10,' 1867. , M. TUCH, 28, 186741 t " i "It. 11; PgCIINEII.: ' BAKE receipt of No Dodor . by mail I will 'avid reciepos for preparing compounds which with careful, using will effectu ally restore gray hair to its original color, pre vent premature decay and falling off, and impart a smell) and glossrappearanee to hair deadened by, sickness. JNO. D. GALLAGHER, , Aug'. 21, 18137-3tno Wilmington, Delaware. TIIE GREAT UNITED STATES TEA WAREHOUSE • T." Y. .KELLEY & CO.; meat Central Depot, No. 30 Vesey Steet, N.EW.I YORK, . Has appointed SMITH & WAITE, Agents, For the Sale of their TEAS and COFFERS, MARKET ST., CORNING, N. Y., AND have forwarded a stock [which will not fail to give entire satisfaction to this com munity both us regards • QUALITY AND PRICE Those Teas will bo sold at tbo same prices wo charge ut our Central bepot in New York. and those will bo our WHOLESALE. CARUO PRI. CBS. Families .by purchasing at the Agency will save from 50 Ms. to Si per pound on their Torts. besides Wing sure - to got them just aS itn• ported, pure and unadulterated. Our Coffees - are selected with great care, and no finer"grades have ever been introduced into this market. i All our goods are Warranted to give entire staisfitctieu. I,OOK AT OUR PRIORS: TEAS. ' OOLONG (Black) 70, 80, 90, $1 00 por lb., Best. MIXED (Green and Black) 70, 80, 90, $1 00, $llO, $1 25, per lb., Bost. , YOUNG IIYSON (Green) SO, 00, $1 00, $1 10, $1 25, Best. IMPERIAL (Green) 90, $1 00, $1;25. _ ENGLISH BREAKFAST (Black) SO, 90, $1 00, sli 10, $1 20, Best. JAPAN, 90, $1 00, $1 25 per pound. p UNPOWDE It, $1 25, 51 50Iper pound. Is COFFEES. OItOUN.D COFFEES.—We make a specialty of our Ground CotTei.,s, and they will be found of superior flavor and six ength. Wo grind none but such as will stand tlie severest tests in this re spect. 1: PRICES OF'PROUNIi COFFEES. 25 cte., 30 cts., 35 ots., Best 40 cents per pound We call especial attention to our ROYAL CLUE COFFEE, soldit 35 cts. per pound, as a reliable and ox canon Coffee, and guarantee it to give the best satisfaction. Also to our Shaitung-lloynne Young Hyson & Kiangsi Oolong Teas. These are the ttnest Tens of China, and take their name* from the districts in which thity are grown: They are used almost exclusively by the Imperial Court and High State Oihcers. - We sell the Young Ilyson at $1 60, and the Oolong at $1 30 per pound. 21aug07—tf. UNION ACADEMY. KrXVILLE, TIOGA cq. : $ PA. FACULTY: ELIAS HORTON, Principal. IVlns. ADA W. HORTON, Precoptress. Miss MIRA HORTON, Assistant. • , Miss AMANDA DRAKE, Teacher'of Music. CALENDAR FOR 1867-8. Fall Term commences Sept. 2(1, Winter Tern] Nov 20th, Spring Term Feb. 18th, 1868. EXPENSES PER TERM Primary Department Common English Higher English Languages and Higher Mathematics Instrumental Music, warn—. Vocal Music, extrti. 'Drawing, extra Room Rent. Board per week......... ............ tAngust 14,1867-0. MEM " BEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI :" A Cotnylete ffistory of the Nein Stcaee 4(1 Ter fitorice, from' the Great Ricer . (b (he Great Ocean. j 'BY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON Over 20,000 Copies sold in one Month. 1 .1 Life and adventure on Prairies, Mountains and tho Pacific Coast. With over 200 Descriptive and Photogrzpbio Views of tbo Scenery, Cities, 'Lands, Mines, People and Curiosities of the Now States and Territories. To prospective' emigrants and settlers in the "Far West," this History if that vast and fertile region will prove an invaluable assistance, sup plying as it does a wantliong felt of a Soli, au. thentic and reliable guide to climate, soil, pro ducts, means 'of travel; AGENTS WANTED.:--Send for Circulars and ego our terms, and a full desuiption of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING 00., July 31, 4w. 507 Minor St., Ptah', Pa. .1782 01 THE GREATEST PALVRELIEVER IN THE WORLD. '.867, * g °53 78 Warranted superior to any other, or no pay, for the cure of Chronic Rheumatism, Toothache, Sore Throat, Mumps, Burns, Cuts, Insect stings,-Pains tho Back, Chest, and Limbs, Sprains, Old Sores, Swellings; also, to take inter Wally for Diarrhea, Dye onterry, Colic, Spasms, Sea Sickness, Vomiting, and Croup.' It is perfectly innocent to take internally, if used according to the directions, and never faibion; thousands can attest. It was first introduced In 1847, and now millions of bottles aro annually sold. Every ono who has once used it, continues to do so, and lee, ommond it to their friends, an the most valuable medi cine extant. Certificates enough to fill a dozen news : papers have been received by Dr. Tobias. Ms medicine, the Venetian Linimens, will do all that is stated, and ,more. No ono will regret trying it. Those residing at a distance from a physician, will find it a reliable med icino to have,ou hand in case of accidents. Ask ter Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, And take no other: Price 50 cents and $l. Sold 14 all Druggists. Depot, 50 Cortlandt Street, N. Y. ' July 17, 1807-Im. II 00 00 65 06,1 1 103 86 I $253 78 Aro You Afflicted with a Cough ot a Cold? ARE YOU PREDISPOSED TO CONSUMPTION? Arc the Lima gf Four Children in Jeopardy front Sud den and Repeated Attacks of- croup? If so, Purchase a Box of BLADES' El.l.1 3 1IONIAL LUBRICATORS!! The People's Most Sure and Vectioal Remedylor Coughs, Colds, Croup, Catarrh, Asthma, liron. Dt:ptheria, acid 0/ Pahnonary-Diseases. THE LUBRICATOR is a medieinal preparation in the form of a Lozenge, which, of all modes, is the fliost pleasant and convenient, They contain no dele terious Ingredient, and are warranted to , be always e, even for the weakest and most sensitive Stomach. . 1 " Croup they give tunsni&vz EXLIEF. For Coughs and Colds they are invaluable. For Catarrh, Asthma and Etronchitis they have no equal in the market, (vide Certificates, accompanying each box.) Diptheria, that dreaded and desolating disease, they control wonder , hilly and almost limmullately. No Public Speaker, Singer or Teacher, should he without them,as they remove hoarseness atastrongth= en and clear the voice. aZ- Always use them in time, and if the symptoms are severe use very freely. J. 11. BLADES & CO., Prop'ra, , Elmira, N.Y. ' ZirFOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price 25 -Cents Per Box. Dec.12,1880-Iy. RARE CHANCE FOR BUSINESS MEN.— I.A; The fine lueatioq .fur a store between the building known as Rots }Book, and 13ullard's Saloon is now offered fur stile on, peculiar and favorable terms; inquire at RoriDrpg Store. J. A. ROY. • _1 i . • 4 t cAnn TIT -,' MIFIRId ' AN WATell COMPANY WALTAIAIg,; MAss. 'Chia Company bog leave to ijifurin the, public that thry commenced oporatiooo in 185 0, and i their faetory u , 01 4 , covers tour Toros of gr'eUnd, and has oust more than n•:sni lion dollar 4 and employe over 700 'oporativea: Thai prodm;n7s p . 001) Watebes a year, and make and Noll nab lets than one-half of all the'Nrateheei mold in the Uni ted Sham The diffetencti,totweim theii manufarturennd tho Europoan,ls bylost this s European Watches . aro made almost, ontireli by (rand, and the result is of necessity a lack dr that uniformity, whloh is indispensable to correct titan-keeping. Both the eye and the hand of the most skillful opera- Live must vary. But it is n fact that, except watches of thO higher grades, European watches are the product of tho cheapest labor of Switr. orient], and the result. is • Abe worthless Aneres, Bovines and so called Pa tent Le vors--whieh soon cost more in attempted repairs, than fheir- origi nal,prico. • Common, , w4liinen, hays anci'vromen, buy the rough separate ; Paris of ' theselratobos from various factories, polish end pot them to gether, and tako,thom to the nearmst.watOt mer chant, who stamps and engraves thorn with any name or brand that may he ordered-'. , how llinoilicao. Waichis aro" Made. The Atuorican Waltham Videls , - is inade by no such uncertain proceatt —and by no Snell' incchn potent workmen. All thisLC9ropiipy's oiloration;, froth the reception-of the raw mater' sto the completion of the Wateh, tko _parriod under ono roof, and under, one skillful :And' don stout BUt the groat distinguishing ature of theirrWatehes,le the fact .that their several parts aro all made by the finest; the, most perfect and delicate machinery ,. .evet - hrought -to the aid of huritan industry. Every ono of the more than a hundred parts of every watch is made by a machine—that infallibly reproduCes' every suc ceeding part with the most unvarying accuracy,. It. was only necessary to make ono perfect watch of any particular style and then to adjust the hundred madtittgs necessary to reproduce every part of that watch, and it follows that every sac - ()eliding watch Must be like it. • The Company respectfully submit their witteh es on their merits only They They cladm to make k Etotter iiirtYkie for the Money by their improved mechanical processes - than can ho tondo nutlet-the old fashioned handicraft sys. tem.. They ittantifttettire watches of every grade, from a good, IoW pried, and substantial article, itt solid silser hoisting eases, to the , finest chro. nometor ; and also ladies' watches in plaits gold or the finest enameled and Jeweled eases; but the indispensable requisite - of all their watches is that they shall be 4100 D TIMEKEEPERS. It should 110,mm:timbered that, except their siuglo lowest grade unwed " Home Watch Coati:any, 11 ostott - ,' - ' - it LI: 'WATCHES made by them ARB ~FULLY WARRANTED by a p ‘ pecial ce , ltiGeate, and this warrantee is goad at all times against tho l Company or ita natal. ' ROBBINS & APIMETON. July 17, 18 4 4-Itn. 182 itroailaray, N. I'. SEW We Ulf V+;-41e Florence the following adean 61,67 any and irn So:ing Ma. Aineg in the World: • 2 ' h ozoktdg foq (12:ifcrent stfichco, the lock, hoot, doubt.; toep, and double knot, on ono and tho same maeljinc fi rl • Each stitch being alike on Loth Rules of tip rave. EI veriltilach no has the r 11 cver6ible feed 16i(f)//, which enables the operator, by simply turning a thumb screw, , o have the weds run either to the right or left, t. 4 stay any part of the oct,• unss fasten the ens of seatos, without turning the . fabric. • )'', 'Changing It me longth•of stitch, and from one kind of stitch, ,to anothor,.can readily bd aunt while the Machine is in motion. 1 The needle ip easily adjusted, and does not skip stilehes. It is almost,uoiseless, and can ho used where quiet is necessary. Its motions are all positive; there are . no springs to get out or orau., its elmptletv dis ables any one to operate it. 'lt does nut require finer thread op the under than for the upper side, and will sew across the heaviest seains,,or from ono to more thicknesses of . cloth, 'witlihut ehingo or needle, tension, breaking thread, dr skipping stitches. - The Hemmer is easily adjusted and wily turn any width of hem desired. No other Machine will do so great a range of work as the Florence. It will hem, fell, bind, gatber,braid, quilt, and gather and sow on a ruffle at the same time. It has no springs to got out of ceder, and will last a life time. • It is fully ptotegted and licensed by Elias Howe, Jr.. and pur own Letters Patent. t The taking the of the slack thread is not per. formed by the i regular contraction of a wire coil or uncertain tip ration of springs, The precision and accuracy with which the Florence draws the thread into the cloth is unapproached in any Sewing Machine hitherto offered in the world. We furnish: each Machine with " Barnum'; SelfSewor," Which guides the Work itself, and is of incalculable value, especially to inexperienced opertitors!`• l - While possessing the above, and many other advantages, ilio Florence is sold at- correspond ing prices with other first-class Machines, and a careful examination will fully substantiate all that we have claimed for it, and justify tip asser tion we now make, that it is the best Sewing Ma chine in the world. . 00 ... 0 00 BM .... 8 00 ...10 GO ... 1 00 L.. a oo . 2 00 3 50 Wo warrant ovary Machine to bo all that wo claim for it, and to givo entire satisfaction, and •will'givo a written warranty, if required. A. FOLEY, Agent. Wellsboro, Aug. 7, 1867.° T" 'QUEEN'S CEPHALIC PILLS.-L-Thosu aro The latest improvement among tho.pillb. They are confidently believed to be, the best pills for family use that have over been made. ..,,They aro so mild and pleasant in their operation, and yet so effectual, that it woild (mite impossi ble to supply -the demand for them were they more generally known. - The wholo'sterY'Vs told in the directions which accompany each ; box, Price 25 Cents. For sale at illoy's Drug Store. Mill Property' for Sale. FIE Subscriber on account of failing health T offers Pot sale his Mill Properly at Crooked Creek; Tioga county, Phi., formerly known the McClure'lilill. 'Said Mill is now in coniplele running order, having been lately furnished; with entire new 113ehin6ry of the most approved — idyls, and will he schl together with about 24 acres (f land, on which thgre is a. thrifty young Apple Orchard and oth fruit trees, Huildiog de., on favorable terms: qr C. J. HUMPHREY, Crooked Creek, Tiog Liu., Ca. ' July 1367-3m'.' TN BANKRTJyTCY..---This is to give notieo: 1, That. on the 4h day of Aug. A. I). 18t 7. o warrant in Hankr4 , toy was issued against the estate of Libeous Phillips of Fall Brook, in the county of 'Toga, and State of Peutett, who' has been ,adjudge,d n Bankrupt on his, own Petiti? that the payment of any debts and delivt `on Not any property belonging to ouch Bankrupt, to him pr for his use'and the transfer of any pro perty by him of.° forbidden by law ; that a Wet ing ,of the creditors of the said Bankrupt to prove their debts and to choose one or more As signuos of astute, will be held at a Court of Ilaultraptoy, to be holdemat the office of F. Smith, in Taiga. county of Tioga and State of Poun'a, before F. E..Smith,Regtstet, on the 2Oth day of Septhmber, A. D. 1867, at 3 o'clock P. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, Marlitial Weser] Dist. Pa., as Messenger. / IPer DAVID CAMERON, Deputy. ' ZAug: 21, 1867 1- 4 w. • N BANK.IIUPTCY.—This is to give notioe I That on the 13th day of Aug. A. D. 1867. warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against tile estate of William,H, Baker, of Blossburg, in t" county of Tinge, and State of Penn'a, who lisp heA niljodSti e Bankrupt on his own 'Petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt to him nr for his use and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a Meeting, of the creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their debts. choose one or more Assignees will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hoiden at the office of P. B. Smith, in 'Negri, county of Tii oga, and State of PennsyWarria, before' F. F. Smith, Register, on the 20th day of September, A. D: 1367, at 10 o'clock A. M. THOMAS A, ItOWLEY, Marshal West'n Dist. PR., as Messenger. • Per DAVID CAMERON, Deputy. •. August 21, 1867-4 w. Butter Until Cheege. EST Maricot Prioe paid.for Butter ar.3 I 3 Cheese, or slapped for parties at 24ju1y67. : TOLES it EARKEIVS. goolm .4.a. azgßi_ like hot cakes at April 1; 1867. G 0. D. KELLY'S